THE HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 20 isi Railroad Time Table. B. 4 M. R- R IN NEBRASKA. A113 TU. I DBPART. Mail and Ex. 1:50 p. m.lMail and Ex. 10:00 a m Freight A Ac 9:00!F'reihi A Ac, 3:30 p-m B. St M. R. R. IN IOWA. ARBIVS9 I MPARTS Mail A Ex. 5;3." p. m. Mail A Ex. 6:6a.m. Ac'tion k Fr cat 1 p in. Ac uon ic tr' 12:iop ra Pacitlo Expres V-.'-Hi a ml Atlantic Ex. 4:U0 p in, The Transfer leaf willleave the Depot tcnn with Kiuitern bound trains 4o minutes earli t ihan th time liven abote. Ibe Boat is run by Chicago time which is 33 minutes faster than Piattsinouih time, OMAHA St SOUTHWESTERN. In connection with Burlington A Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. lepot at loot of Jones Sweet. i.tivn. AEBIV. Omaha H.'f) a. m. Lincoln 1-:'!0 p. m do 3;(0 p. m, I do V:'M p. iu Lincoln 5:Wa. in. Omaha. 11:10, m do ItS) p. m. do ......... t:10 p. m K C. ST. JOE. Sc C B. R. R. lit PACII IC JUNCTION ICWA,! tail Bid Express 4: iS p. m. ' 8:00 a. in. :hso jroRTH. .' OOISO SOUTH. Xiirht Express ,...K:IHJ a. m- 3:L p, m. '1 his gives passengers from Plittsmoutli close connection going soutn or rorv uy leaniii ucro n the l-.iAJ ui. train. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. HQt-Z. C. B. A tst. Joe R. R. South C. li. A- St Joe R. R. North. 15. A M. I. K. Fast. B. A M.R. It. West, Omaha hr Kail Wee pin? Water, NebrJ-ka City, by Stage. CLOSES. ARRIVC3 10 p in. 10.30 pe 10 p. m. JO.:) p m 10 p m, 10.0 p m Ham. 4 pm. 104 m 10 a m 12 m. IZ in. 9 p in. 8 pm. Departs Jondayg, Wednesdays and Fridays, Ohio noun, trom 8 a m to 7 p ui. Sandas. VI to 1 p fur J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. City Official. PLATTSMOUTH. M.L.White. Mayor. Boss VaniHta. - City;ie,k. Jomtah Muores, 1 olioe J uuge. Allies Morenn. .Marshal. rV alter J. White. Street Coiomunioner. ALDERMEN. First Ward. John Fitzgeralr' Elbert Duke. f tcoiiD Ward Jas. Buttery, J. Wcyman. I'm no Waho. R. CuhiDg. H. Vivian. Churches. 1abtiht On thecorner of Main and iSinth X Rev. T. J. Arnulil, pastor, UeriiUenee n Main between 10th and 11th, Service every t-abath lit 11 a. ui., and at li p. iu. Sabbath school at 94 a. in. Prayer meeting every V ed-ce.-'diy eveuiog. ""IK RTTTJf Service in Clark A Plunimers Hall Vy Klder Alton preacher. Elders, IsaiC ilea and T.J. Todd. "Tpiscopal Corner Viro and ThirJ streeti A-J llov. 11. C. Snaw Services every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. nnd 7 p. m. huniay fechool t 'A p. ni., I'rof. d AUciu.m i. bupt. Ct.iNORROATinvAL Corner Locust and Sth sts I Kev. B. F Manwell, re.-idenee Locust st be- treen 4th an I oth sis services every ftaobath it 11 a. iu: and frlo p. m. ftabbath tvhool at l: 3J p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday e renin 2. CIatholic North si leof PublicStjuare Bey Father llaye. Fir.t Mus every Sabbath at fi:J0 a. iu.. Second Mass and Sermon at l'h.iO - 1 1 1 1 : . . : ) ; ... at & a. m. every week day. t ficcra au'i Di'uruit:Liiu at (i. iu. mass Iikst Prksbyterian North sidcofMain st. A we?tot"i)tii Rpy. 1. W. Cameron ; Services erery riabbaih at 11 a.m. and fisJ'l p. in. .Sab bath School atlKiOa- iu.. Thos Pollock t-uperin tjndent. Prayer mcetiiig every Wednesday eveiiiua at G:3o o'clock. Mrthodist Episcopal West tide of Sixth trcct. south of .Main Kev. J. 11. Pressou Services every Sabbath at 10:. a. tii. e nd 7 . in. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveniufr. Clans nee tings every .Monday evening and imiuediate ly alter close of Sabbath morning scrvices. abbath School at 2:30 Ootag den 21 September but die Dcntselie O Ev. Luth. tlemeinds in ihrem Scholliaus vormittMK um 11 Uhr Ootteodienst. Utberhaupt f.nJet derselbe von jctt an re(elmae.-ie alio 11 Taire state Minister Kev. L'llannawald. Sabbath school as $ a in.. Pi of. d'Aliamand, Supt. Lodges." 10. O. F. Regular meetine of Platte Lodge, No. 7, I. O. . F. every Satitrda evening at Odd Fellows Hail. Transient Brothers are cor dially invited ro visit. j. w. joiinson n. a. A.d'ALLRMAN;, See 10. O. F. Plattsmouth Encampment No. 3. Kepular Convocations the 'Jand 4 Friday's of each month at Odd Fellows Hail cor. oil nnd Main cts. Transient Patriarchs cordially invitej vi.-it. WM. L. WELLS, C. P. A- d'ALLBii as Scribe MASOSIO Pi.attsmouth LonoE No. 6 A. F X A. M. Resr.ilar meetings at their hall on the fir.'t and third Monday evenings of each month Transient hrpfhTn invited to vi:iit. JACOB VALLEltY. W. M. A. d ALLSUAKD, Sec. f icot Lodor No. 22 A. F. A A. M. Retail; 11 meetings at Macoy Jla!!. first and third I n lay. J. N. WISE. W. M. J. xM. Ekardslzt. See. XJ'KBaASSA Chavtkr No. 3 R. A. M. Regular A i invocations second, and fourrh Tuesday evenings of cie month at "'2 o'clock p. m. R. R. LIVINGSTON H. P. H. Newman, Sec. - IO. O-T. Olivk Brasch. N0.2-W D Ferree . W. C. T.: E. Bradley. W. S. ; T. W. Shry ock I.o.lire Deputy. Meets at Clark Plumtner's fa.-i! every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templais .niwtnilly invited. LOCAL ITEWS. Bnttcry, the drug man, keeps the best soda water in town. New goods ! neat goods, and cheap at the Plattsinouth Shoe Store, next door to post-office. apr4tf Two enthusiastic individuals, long part el probably, under took a kissing match in the street the other day. Oar devil rushed in and told us a man and woman were fighting each other. rushed out to get an item andlaughed athim "Well" says he, "they were pecking at ea h other any way." Selling off all the time and whenever we can get the chance, choice spring wheat flour. Best quality St. Louis wheat flour Clark & Plummer's. A 5Ir. Knee in tho north west part of this town, suddently found a pair of new knees in his house one night last week. Go to Buttery's for a good cool drink c f soda. raruiersi vt nun yuu want -lioo.s mad? to order. Repairii f -r anything in the way of lea Farmers ! when you want Boots or irinu done, :athcr and lp. lings call on O'Brien Si 3J 3Ierges, at thr Piattsmouth Shoe Store, next door to post-office. apr4tf A Dolly Varden side walk is being built ( n Vim between sixth and seventh. ,T" -a Webster through, and finally j a foot note thus : D Uy Varden si 'tie-walks wide enough for t .70 Chignons and a pair of "Grecians to pass under full sail, without damage. v.-: . 1 v :, -11 . .'.tntia nauicu l J l lull al an V -io county. St. Louis Fall Wheat Flour at Clark 1 & Pluaimer'e. 'l'ye niKht Front." Ke-nulou. The adjourned meeting of citizens in regard to this matter, met at the court Louse on Saturday evening, June 15th. On motion, it was decided that a pub lie dinner be given, a he ward Committees were continued with instructions to provide accomoda tions for soldiers, A Committee on Finance was appointed: Gen. Cunningham, Cap't. Marshal, and 51. B. Mumhv. whose duty it shall be to pravide funds to defray the expenses of the re-union Com. of Reception. Doctor Livingston, D. H. Wheeler. John i itzgerald. Col. Van Arman. Can't Kuhl, Satnual Chapman, A. J. Chapin. Said Com. to meet the soldiers at the Depot, inform them of the accomoda tions prepared, place of dinner, Ac. Also, an address of welcome. Com. of Arrangements. Jas. J. Johnson, V. G. Woodruff, W. L. Tucker, W. Wlls, L. G. Kendall. To have general supervision of the re union, select ground see that tableware prepared, secure a hall for the orations and obtain music. (This is the most important Com. and it is to be hoped every member will fulfill his obligations,) Table Committee. 1st ward, A. Cuningham, Cap't. Pain, 2nd ward ; Alex. Schlagel, Cap't. . Ben nett. 3d ward ; P. P. Gaes, 51. B. Mur phy. This Com. will provide dinner and" jnvite'the ladies of their respective wards to wait on the tables &c. The Ball Committee. . i. itioruan. o. s. u linen, Herman Newman, F. E. White, Wm. Stadleman. David Fitzgerald Will make arrange meats for a ball in the evening. Marshals. Will be appointed from Com. ofar- rangments and be j designated by a red sasi. Dinner at 12 51. Adjourned until 5Ionday, June 24th Nominated ?iot at Philadelphia, but at Plattsinouth ; Clark & Plum- mer's, as the best bouse to deal with in town : Call and see us. Fourth of July. The German Turners, cf this city, propose to hold a grand fourth of July, Celebration in honor of themselves, "the day we celebrate," and the fact that the Americans eeeni to have forgotton the fourth of July an 1 taken to "St. Patricks day in the morning." In iew of all the?e facts, they will meet at Turner Hall at 10 A. M. ia procession, and march to some sequestered nook, where under the shady loughs, by the rippling brooks surrounded with the eloquence of a favor ite orator, and invigorated by the influ ences of good Layer they propose to tell us what they know about Bunker Hill and Saratoga. All are invited to attend. Fall in line boy?i, on Thursday morning, and go along with tha Turners. At Duke's. New Stove, "Emporia." It took the red ribbon at Cincinnati (be fore Greeley was noniiuntcd) for the be.-rt wood cook stove there shown. Call and see it. We have the evidence of our senses that the tongue can make as curious ap- pirent ru istakes, as the types, now and then. Every proof reader knows what an odd apDearance the misplacement ct a letter gives a word, even where there is sense made of it just so in sound Our good Bishop, (Clarkson) in his last Sunday's sermon made use of the express ion : "Tiros write3 nVer a wrinkle," and it certainly sounded to cur ears like Time writes nary wriukle." It woke ui up ; ,'nary' from a bishop, on Sunday in a sermon. It can't be,Jso we analyzed the sentence and left. the "nary" out. TO Let. Three rooms, either furnished or unfur. nished. these rooms are in the most clig- b!e part of the'eity, and easy of access from all the business points. Vvr particulars enquire at my houe cn LVarl btrect. 10 tf. A. J'Allemand. Choice spriug wheat flour, at Clark & Plum mer &. tiood Town to Eire In. " Thej' are good to us down here, any way. The other day a man sawed our wood and we have never seen him since. The man that helped our goods aud things to their new home has not put in an appearance for his pay, and we guess well, the new Editor will feel at home soon. Good will and good behavior wins friends all the time. At Buttery's store the fountain plays Go get a drink in these hot days. You can buy ladies' Gaiters, very neat for $1 50 at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store. apr4tf The Brooks House is the only first class house in Plattsmouth. It TO OCUGEKJIAS I'RICXDS IS THE (Ol'STl. A call has been issued for a state Ger man convention to meet at Plattsmouth, on July 1st, 1872. Wuh one exception, every Republican applied to, signed the call for a Grant & Wilson Club. The Two Mac's ! A Sninmera Inys Joke Dap. McKinnon, our County Clerk, j. uffed us up with along story about going to Philadelphia to the convention &c. . We took it all in, wished him luck, talked wise about the state of thecountryi the prcbble doings of the Convention ; and all that : So ! behold, back comes 5Ir. Din. one day last week, and has'nt seen Philadelphia, dnt know any thing about the Convention and it is reported, he went home to get married. That's the way he served his Countrv, his party and himself, to say nothing of fooling the Herald, which is an unpardonable si n. The wag now . says this is not so, but acknowledges he was Grant ed a very a Gree !y a bio trip, and has come back with tho most Liberal sentiments toward al! his fellow creatures especially though, -to Editor?. GRAND RALLY. The Grant and "Yilson Club. Speeches Great Enthusi asm, &C, &C. 'Agreeably to the call, a fair share of our voting populace gathered at the Court House, on Friday evening last. The meeting was opened by electing Dr. G. II. Black, as chairman,' and J no, A. 5IacMurpby as Secretary, On motion, a committee of five F. 51. Dorrington, Sam. Chapman, Wash. Smith, E. G. Dovey and 51, B. Murphy was appointed, on permanent organiza tion. Pending this report the audience was ' addressed by 5Ir. Chapin, of this town. " - 5Ir. C. made a happy and telling Bpeech, of which the text was "we'll fight it out on this line." lie thought the Greeley line was so crooked that no one could fight on it long. The committee presented the follow ing names as permanent officers of the Grant and Wilson Ciub of Plattsuiouth : Geo. II. Black, President; Henry Smitli, Secretary ; Jno. A. 5Iac5Iurphy, CorresEvJ-jiing Secretary; James Dick, Treasurer. VICE PRSIDENTS. . Adolphc- d'Allemand, E. G. Dovey, Isaac Wiles. The report was received and adopted. Col. Davin, of Missouri, wa called to the floor and said: lie loved not Hor ace lesV but the principles of the Re publican party more ; said there was no Liberal Republican party ; nine-tenths of those who composed the Liberal party in 1870 would now vote for Grant. Greeley meant Democracy and Democ racy meant ureerey it it could wm by that means. There was no question about results. Grant was sure to be elected in November next. On motion, a Committee of Enroll ment was appointed, consisting of Gen. E. E. Cunningham, Wash. Smith, J. W. Johnson, This- committee were also instructed to prepare by-laws, &c, to be submitted at the next meeting of the Club. A committee of five was then ap pointed on Ratification, viz: J. W. Johnson, M. B. 5Iurphy, Wm. Stadel mann, W. Woodruff and E. E. Cun ningham. On motion, the evening of the 26th of June, was set a3 the time of ratifica tion. The names of fifty-four of our best citizens were then enrolled as members of the Club, and the meeting adjourned until Saturday June 22d, same time and place. THE PICXIC 0" SATURDAY AT liEKSEK'S UiiOVll. . . Our streets presented a bright and lively scene last Saturday forenoon. Ex press wagons, big wagons and carriages, tied past before the eye, packed with children, gay in attire, and happy with anticipation. The elder ones looked re lieved, expectant and eareful. All hands and the cook, were on the way to the Picuic Grounds of our friend llesser, the irrepressible. As we understand it, Prof. d'Ahe- muud, 5Ir. Bedwell and others interest- ea in scnoois proposed to give tneir scholars a holiday time, and 51 r. llesser kiudiy. offered his magnificent grounds free of charge. All being men of brains, they took good care that the Herald ishou'd advertise it properly, and the re mit was one of the pleasantest and most sgreeable picnic parties that we ever re member to have attended. Every one seemed .pleased, and tho numbers that were present, proved the fact that in spite of absorption in business, the stern realities of life, and the hardening influ ences of our daily surroundings, we all have a love for the beautiful stowed away in some nook of our hearts, and take a real pleasure in flowers and beau tiful scenery A good dinner was served in the grove, and for once, in a way, not a speech was made. After dinner 51r. II. showed everybody through his green houses and hot houses, where none could help being delighted with the beautiful aud rare flowers and plants, . blooming in such abundance about them. In bhort, no healthier nor more wholesome day's amusement could have been planned. The chi'dren. played themselves tired through the woods," and put out of sight huge slices of the best of cakes. The elders talked crops, played croquet, ad mired the spring ami the farm, and through all, and ab ut all, flitted lesser with a small piece of the cigar left ever cheerful, enthusiastic and obliging. hat. element could be lacking in order to make a picnic successful ? None, and it was. The Professor desires to extend his thanks to 5Ir. Jos. Hobbs, for great help in arranging the details of their picnic; also to Gen. Cunuinaham and others. who aided them pecuniarily and other wise. Uur ever-present enemy the copy boy is at our shoulder, and pre vents any further remarks. PASTE K AO E I have Pasturage for 40 head of horses near 8 mile Grove, terms 1,00 per mouth. 9 13 Louis Caukins. READ THIS. Gjods n?t sold at less than cost. No goods given away, tut good goods at the lowest prices for cash, at lltf. Clark & Plummers. Plattsmouth, Neb. Summer Gardes. These popular Gardens, south of Plattsmouth, will be opened to tne public on bunday, 5Iay 19th, 1872, with muio and dance. P. Goose & Co., Proprietors. -O'Brien & 5Ierge3, at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced prices,- the very best class of French Calf Boots, Shoes, &o.-, all styles of ladies' Bronze, Glove and White Kid Shoes and Slippers, made to order. apr4tf There will be a sociable at the house of Prof. d'Allemand, on Thursday evening June 27th. The Prof, says we may "shake our foot," if we like, i We dol - . . -' Mr. John Leasley, who was laying brick on Boccks building, was aun struck on Tuesday afternoon. ! Prof. d'Allemand gives private in struction in French and Geiman. Classes being formed all the time. 2t For Sale at a Bargain Se of te3 36, town 12, range 10 east, 100 acres broken, house, and stabling for six hor ses ; good lot, fenced, water handy, 21 miles from railioad station. Price, $2, 100. Eleven hundred down, balance on long time at ten per cent, interest. In quire of Barnes & Pollock. marl4tf The thermometer rose to 99 shade on Tuesday. in the Chks Con nfy Agricultural Society-.' I There will be a meeting of the Society on Saturday July 6th. to approve and order published, the Premium list a nd attend to other business of the Society. A full attendance of all the members is requested. D. H. WHEELER. President. C. II. King, Secy. 10 2t. E. T. Duke & Co's great hardware emporium have just received a full line of everything ; nails, iron, hardware, table-cutlery, shelf hardware and tin ware. Now is the time to bu3 See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis pensary, headed Book for the 5Iillion Marriage Guide in another column. It should be read by ail. decld.twly Platte Valley House for rent In quire of 5Iaxwell & Chapman. march2Swtf WANTED! WASTED All the Wool iu Cass county, at Clark & Plummcr's. Bring it along. lOtf. The Summer term at Prof. dfAlle mand's well known Academy in Platts- mouth, will continence 5Ionday, July 1st. Personal. Bishop Clarkson delivered a most ex cellent sermon, at St. Luke's, last Sab bath, and confirmed five persons. Four were baptized. The pleasant face, and kindly pnrsua sive voice, of Bishop Clarkson among us last Sunday, made us feel quite at home once more. Living to long in the upper counties, and where hardly ever a day passed but that half a dozen old friends would drop in ; or, where, if we stepped to the depot at train time, a dozen fa miliar faces from all parts of the State greated us, our little sanctum by the murmuring banks of Old 5Iuddy has appeared lonesome sometimes. Thus it is that when a friend appears, the mind goes back with lingering fondness to other days and different scenes, some of. joy and some of sorrow perhaps,, but all following in the wake of that one head light a familiar face or voice. On 5Ionday last, we were favored with a call from W. F. Noxon, deputy Grange Master of this State. He tells us that four Lodges have been opened in this county within a week past and that Cass is the banner county in the State. The objects and aims of "The Patrons of Husbandry," will Jbe. more particularly explained in some communi cations that 5Ir. Noxon has promised to forward us from time to time. E. L. Child, of Glendale called on tho Herald, and had a pleasant chat. Everton Doom, Esq. sou of 'Democrat ic Doom," of Platt&inouth, called on the Herald for a friendly chat. The young man is almost as pleasant a com panion as his father, and both like a joke. ...... . Hon. Dan. Wheeler, Doctor Living ston, and other high 51asonic dignitaries, left for Lincoln on 5Iouday, to attend Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter,. and grand good times generally. So mote 'em be. Waldo M. Potter, formerly Editor of the Trib.Sc bepuh., Omaha, and now of the Davenport Gazette, was among the Iowa Editors that vi.-ited Nebraska in the excursion. We should like to see brother Potter once more. Nebraska lost a good citizen, and an able editor when he left, the State. The Rev. Anson Graves, uew Rector of St. Luke's Church, Plattsmouth, ar rived last 5Ionday, and will hold service in the Episcopal Church on Sunday next. Col. Van Arman left for Lincoln 5Ion- day. Greeley Co. Op era tea with every body At Train's last speech at Chicago a person in the audience asked him a ques tion as he often allows tKem to do. The answer contained Greeley's political re cord in a nutshell. A Workingman iu the gallery 5Iister Graley is for co-operative strikes. 51 r. Train That's so. He is the great co operative bummer of this model farm age : Laughter. He will be known in history as the Great American co-operator. He co-operated with the South to dissolve the Union, with the rebels to win Bull Run, with Lincoln to take Richmond, with Chase to beat Lin coln, with Jeff. Davis to escape punish ment, with Tammany to save Oakey Hall, with American manufacturers' to secure protection, with the Free Traders to ruin American manufacturers, with the Republicans again-t Trumbull, with Trumbull aga nst the Republicans. He is now co-operating with the Democrats to beat Grant, and by July will probably be co-operating with Grant to beat tho DemocratsLoud applause. If you do not co-operate with him he will 6ay, You lie I you villian, you lie I Loud Laugh ter. a.ub vuil-uo ravening lost nas in creased since the Cincinnati fizzle, while the Tribune has fallen off 4,000, and the cry is etill they go. Latest By Telegraph i Latest from the German Arbitrators. Strikes in Europe. A rrn-rh rm fho Wnc ItVi A x Republican Executive Com mittee in Session. Cabinet Meeting-. Crop Prospects. MARKET REPORTS, Ac New York, 18 A special from Gen eva says the English are resolute for eight months adjournment and indica tions are that if it is net granted they will withdraw trom trie arbitration, l nis American will not concede, although a shorter adjournment might be accepted. Berlin, June 18 A dispatch from Dirtmound, a town on the Cologne and 5Iinden railway, says 12 000 men employ ed in the mines there have struck. St. Loui?, June 18 Information comes that a body of Indians variously estsmat- ed at three to ten thousand, made an ex cursion into Texas, and were overrunn ing loung. Jack, Denton and Parker counties, and the settlers were filled with consternation and alarm. The National Republican Executive Committee ex Governor Morgan, (. hair man ,are in secret session here this after noon. Washington, June 18.- The cabinet meeting was of short duration. Secre tary Fish read several brief dispatches. the latest received from Geneva, giving the present condition of alfairs before the tribunal, but contained no inform ation indicating the final result. The White 5Iountain Apaches are again on the war path, notwithstanding the late peace palaver. It is reported that Gen. Sickles is on his way home aud will be elected Presi dent of the Erie railroad. St. Louis, June 17. The Democrat this morning pubises crop dispatches from over one hundred points in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois, which say winter wheat is very poor. A larjre amount has been plowed up ; the remainder will yield only oue-third to one-half a crop. . v cry lttie old wheat on hand. New Yosk, June 19 5!oncy Easy at 5. Gold active and firm atl314 Governments Quiet Ciiicaoo, June 19. Wheat Unsettled and panicky 4243 Lorn Active, 41.. Wcol Unwashed dull, no price. Home 3nrkts Corn, Shelled 22ct, In car ' 20. Wheat, l.oObu. Potatoes, . 25(: 30. Oats, 27(28. Wool, unwashed, 40. Nebraska t'ify Slarket. Wheat 140150. Corn 20(23 Oats 22(;23 Spring Flour 400450 Tlie SanKerfaitt. St. Louis, June 13 The sangerfast hall was densely pack ed to-night. It was the most brilliant audience ever assemble! in St. Louis. Fifteen thousand people crowded into the building. This totally unexpected turnout indicates the great interest in the singerfast, and insure success beyon d question The conceit was rendered by fifteen hundred male singers, and an or CJuetra of one hundred and sixty-three mnsicians. Concord, N. II. June 15 The Repub lican caucus last night nominated Bajn bridge Wadlcigh for U. S. Senator. Progress of tbe Stnlkes. New York June 14 About seven-eighths of Steinway's workmen resume! work, leaving only 6ixty ringleaders of that factory still on a strike. . J EST OPENED AT THE PJilEADEL- ' IIIIA MTOKE. In the new building of 51. L. White on 5Iain St. Plattsmouth. To the ladies of this city and surround ing country. We .desire to call your at tention to our openinc with a new and fashionable stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notions. Also ladies furn ishing goods. We respectfully ak your patronage and inform you that, we shall sell cheap for small profit. Soloman & Nathan. 10 tf Truth The powers of 5Irs. Whit comb's Syrup for children are as posi tive as the sunlight from heaven, and gentle and soothing as an angel's whis per. june20w2 Every person thinking of advertising fchould send 25 cents to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., No. 41 Park Row, for one of their 128-page pamphlets. They have reduced advertising to a science. They are the leading advertising Agents in New York City ; responsible and per fectly reliable. Journal, Fort Wayne, Ind. This firm stands "firm" among all business men. The Surf, Long Branch, N. J. Clark & Plummer have just received a new lot of sugars, coffees, dried fruits, &c, S:c, &c., which must be sold. You can buy men's shoes ( good) for $2 00 at the Plattsmouth Shoe Store, aprltf " CUNARD LINE' ' ESTABLISNED Paeeogera booked to and frcm all parts of Europe at loweai rates, Apply to D. P. DU VERNET. Genl Western A'gt. r75 Stalest. Cbicmo, or o ED. WILSON. 12 6m. ADDRESS OF THE LIBMUL BEPmi-KiSS OF NEB To ! Friend of Indepeidrnre ar.d uriurui m The unndrsigned cordially endowing the platforui ana canaidutes ct the IVo tional Liberal Ite publican Convention, held in Cincinnati, May 1st, 1872, appeal to all friends of political independence and governmental reform throughout the btate, to unite with them in nromot- insr the success of those nrincioles and the election ot those candidates. i . ' . . i A national crisis demands the earnest attention of every patriotic' citizen. The corruption consequent upon the war has crept into.and obtained control of our gov ernment. - J he very Jile cr our free in; stitutions is threatend. The partisans ot the Administration have throttled the voice of the people by packing contentions made up of and by the orhce holders ot such Administration, Influential and lucrative offices have been given those who had obtained the President s favor by means of valuable presents, and to those notoriously corrupt anu uawortny. Y hen illustrious Senators have dared to raise a voice of criticism and to ask for investigation, the zealous partisans of the Administration have ridiculed the charges and stood in the way of such investigation?, that the gu;It ot the Ad ministration might not bo uncovered. lhedicnity ot the Executive Chair has been prostituted by most" shameless and wholesale lavontisru and nepotism. lhe l'resident has held his otiicial patronage as a merchantable commodity for ale to the highest bidder, Postoffices, land oiLces and revenue offices, throughout the nation, but in our own State mo.-t consp'ciously, have been the guilty purchase price of the elec tion of United State. Senators, known to be the especial partisans of the President Other policies than these are deman ded in the conduct ot national affairs. The war was ended seven years ago Now, broadest measures of amnesty to the end that the acrimonies of the war may be obliterated and peace and good will.established in all the States and be tween all the States, are demanded. A thorough and radical refnrm in the Civil Service that the unblushing abuses of fraud and nepotism which have ob tained under the present Administration may be done away, is demanded. An end to the laws which permit and to Executives who sanction the buyinz ot votes with lucrative oniccs, in bona- tonal elections; an. end to vesting the public domain in soulless corporations- but a sacred dedication thereof to actual settlers and to purposes of education : an end to decisions trom the Land Depart ment of our Government in favor of Rail road Monopolies and against the Home steaders of our State especially the de fenders of the national life ; an end to th j selfish rule of Administration cau cuses ; an end to a subsidized pubic 'press;' legislation for the wholj peo ple not a special class; our oihctri to be servants of the people not the pceo pie the sycophant slaves of tho office holders; a government under which the .people shall rule, and the ruler be ruled ; a government wnicli snail regard dis honesty as treason and a political ring as its deadly enemy ; a government in which the military shall be strictly sub ordinate to the civil power; a govern ment ot the people, by the people and for the people, is demanded by every honest man in all the States. W therefore invite and call upon "all patriotic citizens without regard to for mer political affiliations", who desire, with us, the success of such principles and ot the candidates lor 1 residency and Vice 1'resideiicy placed beiore the coun try by the Liberal Republican Conven tion at Cincinnati, to organize at once in their several counties and voting pre cincts throughout the State and to ac tively prepare for the fall campaign. Let there be an Executive Committee chosen in every county and have the name and address of its chairman for warded to W. P. Roberts, Nebraska City. Nebraska, at once. Let campaign clubs be formed in . every precinct. Organ ized activity will be the price of success. Act at once. OTOE COUNT?. O P MASON, I Rodrnhaus, M L Hay ward, A S Cole. C Schumacher, W Vermillion, F Renner, J H Masters, J D Carmichael, John 5IcCartney, J J Hoehstetler, Lawson Cook, W P Roberts, A Bowen, 51. D. F W Rottmann, Paul Schmine, Fred. Beyschlag. NEMAHA COUNTY. Jarvis S Church, O B Ilewett, Alf. W 5Iorcan, A P Cogswell, J 51 Graham, John C Deuser, C W Wheeler, Geo. li 5Ioore, A W Morgan, Sen.,W T Ropers, T A Creigh, Theo. II ill. J C M'Naughton, Nelson G Baker, R J Whitney, Geo. W Beikley, A D 5Iarsh, . B S. Wall. CASS COUNTY. R R Livingston, Phelps Paine, H E Ellison, J D Jimpson, J L G Charlton, G W 51erk, Henry Rohweder, Moses Dodge, L F Johnson, O F Johnson, Levi Guiding, Wm li Porter, James G Taylor, J W Shannon, LANCASTER COUNTY. F W Hohmann. W J Lamb, Benj. F Fisher, O W Webster, J W Hartlev, L W Billingley, J M Young, J K Honeywell, S B Galev, W P Phiilips, S J Clark, S B Hohmann, A W Kellogg, R W Taylor, Geo. E Church, Jas Gorton, Jas. E Philpott, John Houston, Nelson C Brock, F E Atwood, DOUGLAS COUNTY. John McCormiek Tbeo Baumer G W Ambr se Henry Durnall O A V house Wm F Swesey Ired Kruar John II Maack J C Wiemers Arnold Peycke A Droi"te Theo Stubbcndorff Julius Meyor Theo Decker H C Held A J Peck Albert Abel Ceo Hoiinrod August Donnann H Humeeke William Aast 11 Blumuiberg Loui Knapke GJ Wolff Augustus Doll C Sch ir idler FJ I rian John B Mantel Fred Ywcinl Cbas Flick J C Mandly John Schults E Estabrook Archie McNeil Thos P Carter A D Jones D L Thomas Wm J Kennedy CC H ousel A G McAusland John Fiatcic Joseph Lies lustia Kepler Stebhen Gcies L FrioldnJer Geo Fricker " H Schwobo Flwrrd Fischer 9 Wm Doll J Frank John Dalrcun' . O Owtns Fred Kubu Fred Brick ru an eoree Smith' Fred Met J A Allen Adolnhus Boehme Chas lJupworth Aug -ust M schroeder G Poiny . A Meyer ilenrv Holler Geo li tlaamann Julius Thiele hn Eauiner AUred Aruemann 11 G Blair Louis Schrader Otto Kice B Filler hr Schmid ienry liver William Seeelke Jnlious RoUowsky w iu jriau John Albert John Hittinger Henry tioceuiann F G Walker Ferd Brodfucher M Muller Peer Hugos G M O'Brien F A Be.ils Jas B Brnner C A Purdee R II 11 enry R Alien A R Deinerest John Has James Stephenson John Welker J P Gunther v ill lain Krull Daniel Franx CaDMiller Chr Grafliner Edward Wirth It Brandt v nas i John J Jul;u Cbas Bsniorff Boss Motx WILLIAM STADELMAMrJ, lias on Laud, om of the largest utocks of CL0THINC AMD GEKTS' i SPRING AND SUMMER, invite every body In want of anything Iu tny lint to call at my tor Soutli iclc Slain, ISctwccti 2tl & llil fitrccfw And convinoe themselves of the fact- Ihav.?a srock ofrmo Clothing for Men and Boys; to which we invite those who want Goods. tftT aUo koop An hand a li-ge and well celeotod ftoek of ITatu and Cap. BOOTS AND SHOES. Repairing neatly Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. j,n 15Jlwtr L. IF1. JOHITSOjNr,. I"Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater'a JeWelry StorcVeJ , Main Street. IPlattsiiaoiitla, lYelirankn ST. LOUIS, DECKER BROS., G. A. MILLER & CO S PIANOS. nb (Dljjtr Jfirsi-dass Wholesale and Retail. Dealer in Strings, Sheet 3MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned i pa:.-' tatniw (Ewaiw of Mm L Jr ConthtodBl Saiibiiig, Bos. JUSTUS LAWRENCE, President. J. P. ROGERS, Secretary. Enterprising Economical, JLibcral? and Number Policies irf.-ue.l to Jan. "1. 1S72.. Number Policies isud and revived in ASSETTS. Jan. 1, 1S72 This Coidmot is Pure'v Mutual ip its operations, divi linir it e:itiro nridna Hmnnir if Pnlf cy holders, annuailv, oa the "Contribution Plan," and has a larger htixincsa and a lower ratio of expense to income, than have ever heen cttained by any other Company at a Corresponding period in its history. Its total Aa.-ots are sufficient to di.chan?a aM liabilities, in-dudinz re-insuranoo. rav back alf. its stock capi'al, and leave as a balance more than Tliis Goi2i.po.iiTF Issued IVZoz-e Policies IN 1871 Axijt Of iic2 Company in tlie Worl S. A. TAYLOR & CO., jauiodiwtf General Agents, for Iebraslia Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Co. IN, NEBRASKA. Boston', Mass., May 21, 1S72. The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Co.. ia Nebraska, will be held ut the office of the Company in the city of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, Esidny t lie 21 day of June, proximo for the election of Directors and any other business which may legally come before the meeting. By order of the Board J. N. DENISON. may23w5 Secretary. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLE. 51 A I N STREET, . Plattsinouth , Nebraska. I am prepared to accommodate the public with llorsea, Carri.iges. Buggies and a No. 1 Hearse on short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to thei-teaiu boat landing, and to all part ofthecity when desired. January 1. 1371 dJcwtf. SIXTY FIVE 1st PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT riBaltirrio c Piano tor ACTORV. WfYL im ABE &CO. 5Ianufictifrers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Baltimore MarvlaiaJi These Inst'nraents have been befo he Inb lic tor nearly thirty years, and opon their ex cellence alone attained an unpurchased Pre eminence, which pronounces them uneinaled in Tune, Tourh, ' Workmanship and Durability : JA11 our Square Pianoshave our Nw Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Tre ble. 5-We would call special attention to oor late Patented Improvement in Grand Piano and Square Grands found in no other Piano, which bring the piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Evtru PIANO Fully Warranted for Five'ytnr Illnstrated Cat doguen and price lists prompt ly furnii-hedon application to WM. KN ABE Si CO.. Baltimore. Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. LEC P. GILLETTE Nebratka City, General Agent Dcp't Nortuweft, Union Central. Life xkHURAttlCE CO Of Cincinnati Ohio, J.U. PRE3SOX, jnlylhtf Awtf Local Agea a H -i-n FURNISHING GOODS. FOR - a speciality in my Retail Department a felerf 8 intf INSURANCE. &c. &c PLATiSMGUTH BOOT AND SHOE jVlA-rXJF-A.CTOHY. CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES AT done by P. MAXWELL, BURDETT. SMITH'S AM'N, 4 '-i AND BO tJ? ORG A STON, 0 & Q AjKrS. pianos aub (Drgnns. Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchan Ji and Jit-paired Satisfaction GuarantecdrWI UectkUwtl 24, 26 28 Hassan Bt. $ g SttfCm I.T.OIMV l'j.S37 ..S7,Ao:,:a.),50 1871- i MILLION of earned surplus. TI-I A. 1ST National LTusiness Index. The above is the title of a new monthly paper devoted to business interests of a national of general character. For the edification and benefit of intelligent people otall elates, it un' dcrtaxes to view and review pfits'Hg event a business standpoint. Facts of a Lusi nefs naturv relating to capital, agricul ture, commerce, manufacture1", education, reli gion, literature, politic". every subject, com manding general uitention, arc brought togeth er aud arranged in a terse, pointed, business l'ke manner. Strict ueeurrney is ronscientious-' ly sought after Candid, impartial, vig'.rour cimuient and criticism by able writers ill bw an import feature. A busincps correspondent iir desired in every eouaty in the United Slate where not already engaged. Questions ot n busins character from readers receive cspeciur attention. Terms : f 1.00 a year; 10 cents a copy. '1 ho muex Co. Publishers, i'S.i W, Jackson tt Chicago, 111. , djfcw 1. MONEY SAVED Is fwloney Earned GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMER Below will be found a partial list of the good o3'red by us at One Dollar each: Twelve yards Brown or Bleached SWrtinr. Three yards. double width. Table Damask. Ladies' Fine Chemise with fancy bosom, (ruffled or trimmed.) wtth a six ttrcked skirt to ninvcli. - .... Ldic' fine white eighteen Tucked Skirt, Fine Germ n Violin, with ivory tip bow, One dor.en all Linen Han kerchiefs. One ten-ouar'er Honey Comb yuilt. ! A good Waterbury Clock. Warranted' Eight pair ladies' fine white Cot'jn Ilosn.' - . Two cight-bladed poarl handle Knives. ' . Eight yards Black Alpaca. OuehundredpictureVelvctPhotoKfi.Il Al bum. Two fine white ix tucked Skirts. Our t'rtmium LiitcmmA be excelled to club orpanizere. .splendid Twenty-key German Concertina. Twelve yards of Calii-o: a good article. - ' Onedozen Tumblers. wi-h six goblets to match, "ne dozen Linen Towrls, medium size. Eifrhr"yrds Lancaster Gingham. Set of silver-pla et-Tblespoons. with six Teaspoons to match. Plated on white metal. Two pnir ladies' German Corsets; sold every where atil per pair. Send size. The above article are from i5 to 75 per cent, cheaper than can be purehued of theretailltrado anywhere, t Jive a trial ordt-ri Out out one or any number of the above items and return to us with the money, and convince yourselves that we do better tuan any Dollar II ouse .iu tL.ii country. or lunherinrerraatioa soxdfnr circular and term to agents, gent3 Wanted Everywhere Address. IIORT.IN. EP.UXDA7E A Co., No. Cll Pine Street. St. Louis, Mo. To ADVgRTISKRS. All persons who contem plate making contracts with newspapers (or the insertion of Advertisements should send to or a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One hundred Page Pamphlet, containing Lists of 3,0iiu Newspapers and estimates, showing the eoxt of advertising, also many useful hints toad vertisers, and some account of the experiences ot men who are known as successful advertis ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. J & U- Y- and are possessed of uneqnaled facilities for securing the insertion of advertisement in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. F. IIODAPP House and Sign Painter, Graining, paper hanging and ornamental Painting, Order prpmptly tiled, tbop north of 1'ricVs Black' mitb SUiT- ovTiouK mxh