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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1872)
THE HERALD THE HERALD. EBR1 HA H ADVERTISING BATES. . Published every Thursday at PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. J One square, (10 lines or less) one insertion 11.00 Each subscuaont insertion ....... 6b Professional ctrds, not exceeding si linos 10 63 column per annum .. ...20.00 OfBc -Corner Main nod Second Street Second Story. i column, per annum ....40.00 column do ....00.00 One column do 100.0Q OFFICIAL PAPER OF TUB CITY AND COUNTY. J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. it PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS; $2.00 a Year. All advertising bills due quarterly,. Transient advertieemonts must be paid ia advance. SKA Terms, in Advance. One copy, one year - l2'-00. One copy, fix months 1:00. One eoy, three months. ...... SO. ATTORNEYS. MAXWELL A CHAPMANV-Attorrera a Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Hatt moath. Nebraska. Office in Fiugerald'aDlock. MAP.QUET T. SMITH"" STARBIRD At torneys at LaT. Practice in all the courts of the Mate. Special attention given to collec tions and mat'ersot'r'rotae Office over the Post Office Plattsmouth, eb I70X k WII EELER Attorney at Law. S?e cial mleiitioi. given to probate business and land title cases. OfEce in the Masonic Block. Main Street. Plattamouth. Nebraska. REESE A DRAPER Attorneys at Law Office on Main tticet. Opposite Brooks House. .. Special attention Kivcn to collection of claims PHYSICIANS. RR.LIVI.NOSrON. J'hysioian ana isur- I! eon. tender? his professional services to the citiieus of "-fcounty. Residence south east corner"' andt-'iiii trets; oSice on Main l, one dor west of Lyman'n Lumber Yard PUaUmoath. Neb. T AV. RAWLINS. Suron and Physician ti Late a Surgeon-in-Ohief of the Army of the Potomac, l'latt.inouth, Nebraska. Office at 0. F. Johnson's Dre? t'tore Main street, opposite Clark A Pluicincra. INSURANCE. "II HEELER. BEN N ETT Real Estate and Tax Paying Agents. ..tune PublicFire, and Lite Iniurance.Agcats, PlMttainouth. Neb raaka. UiMU' 1HELPS PAINE General Insurance Ascnt Represents some of the moa reliable Coin pa i ies in ihe United States. Office with Barnes & Pollock in Fitzgeralds Block . rio7d&wti' HOTELS. BROOKS HOUSE. JOHN FITZGERALD Proprietor Main Street, Between 5th and Cth.St NATIONAL HOTEL- CORNER MAIN AND'THIRD STS BREED & FALL AN - - Proprietors. Just opened to the public, fur both day and week boarders. Tables set with the best the market affords. Accomodations sei-ond to none in the city. decltklawtf MISCELLASEOUS. SSTABLISHED 15 1861. DKAI.EK IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SILVER A XI) PLATED WARE, GOLD PENS SPOTACLKS. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. Watcher. Clocksand Jewelry repaired neatly and with dispatch. -Removed to opposite Platte alley House Main Street. nnv.lUwtt Hi. B. lURPKY, Manucturcr of AND DEALER IN gjarntss, ?Mlts, griMrs, COLLAltS. Will PS. Blankets, Brushes, &c xi ac a-: hl" jc bbl. ixx? cu Promptly Executed. All work Warranted ra-FINE HARNESS A SPECIALITY. Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb U. J. STKEIGHT, BOOKSELLER. Stationery, Jl'ews AND PAPER DEA-LER. lost Oiliec ISuiltliiig. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Serta't. d Jslmeand wtf. Plattsmouth Mills ! ! PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA.' CONRAD HEISEL ----- Proprietor. Flour, Corn Menl. Feel. 4c. Always on hand and for Sale at lowest Cash Prices. 3The Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. 57-Particu!ar attention given to cus tom wort. mr21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. SUCCESSOR tO Tootle, Hanna & Clark. John Fitzgkralo. Jobs R. Clark. C. II. Parmflk. . Vice 'resident T. W. Eva us, Af't Cashier. This Bank is now open for business at theii new room, corner Main a?.d Sixth strccti. aiiJ aro prepared -to transact a general Banking Business. Stock. Bond. Gold, Government and Local Securities Bought and Sold. Deposits Received and Interest allowed On time CertiS cafes. Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United State." and iu all the principal towns and Cities of turope. FOR T II -K CELEBRATED lEIlYIAIU LIKE, AND ALLEK LIKE OF S T E A 31 E R S. Persons wishing to bring out fr ends from Europe can purchase tickets from Jus. through o Platumauth. aplSwtt Volume 8. M ISCELLANEOUS. CEDAR CREEK MILLS Is in running order now. Wanted 50000 bo.hels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given to customers in grinding and wicg. Flour. Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold Cheap for Cash. Come one. Come all, and give the Ceda Creek Mill a trial. CHRISTIAN SCllLUSTZ Proprietor Oct. 12th wl y CITY MkAT MARKET, BY Gcoi Ficlilcr, MAIN STREET, Plattscioath; - Nebraska The best of Fresh Meats always on hand ir- their season. Highest Price Paid for Fat Cattle As-ll ighest Cash Price paid for green Hides. dAwtf MACHlft E fcHQP! Way man 4$ Curtis, .Plattsmoutii, IVeb., Repairers of Steam Engines. Boilers. Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and rt earn r ittmirs, Wrougtit Iron ripe, Force and Tift Pumps, steam Gauges, alaar Valve Governors, andall kinds of Brass Engine Fittin? s, furnished on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY rtep&Ua ! on short notice. aug5 BT Buying Your Green-house and Beaming Plants. AT THE Sicnic Crarel&ns DOX'T send East f"r Plants when you can get just as good l r lc.-s idoik-v nearer home. To my nuit.erou ; l'rieuils and matrons I would fill" that I hav the liirntft and best stork of plants ever olTered fur s:ile in the wc3t and proporo to sell them ut reasonable prices. lie sure ina send tor my New Descriptive Catalogue w iiiuu in uw 9cuL irej iu ait wu Piiy ior it Then give cje your orders. and.I feel contident T n .... Ir-f., . CI. :ti a a .11 i i r Adlress. UT. J. IIESSER. Feb. 13 dJfcwtf PlatUmouth. Neb- PLATTSMOUTH SPRING TERM FOR 1872. Commences April 1 1872.- Chicago Avenue, Cass county Nebraska. Prof- Adolphe d'AlIemand, Proprietor and Principal, Assisted by able Tutors. 'PHIS Academy is now in successful oppera J. tiun.and otlers at moderate terms the usua advantages of a First-Class School. 'Phe'course of study embraces every branch JL of a thorough English education, together with the modern languages, music, and drawing icrius aim reicrcuce auuress me I nncipai TOhi-t LYON'S KATHAfRON, For Preterving'jnd Beautifying the HumanH air To Prevent its Falling Out and Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement, elo gance, health and peanty. It may truly be called Woman's Crowning Glory, while men are not insensible to its advantages and char cist Few things are more disgusting than thin. frizzly, harsh, untamed Hair, with head and coat cevercd with Dandruff. Visit a barber and yen feel and look like a new man. This is what LYOX'S KATHAIRON wilL do all the time. The charm which lies in well placed Hair, Glossy Curls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, is noticeable an J irresistible. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Jan. 2d. diw lw every Sw . ROCK! STONE! J" will 'furnish parties with stone for building purposes at a reasoaable price, at my quarries i r delivered on the cars at Louis ville station The following kind of stone can be had on short notice: sills, caps, perch rock ne or rod sand stone such ."- was used by the B. k M. R, R. in the construction of their ctone work. AAI responsible orders, promptly filled J. T. A. HOOVER. - . , , Louisville Station, 2feb. 9 JU AN IIOUU OF AGONY Has the reader ever had a tussle with a Bengal tier in f ull vigor and appetite? lia-i it cLauced him to be in a balloon when perforated by Prussian bullets? Has it oc urroJ to him to have been indulging a couimenda'jltj curioit in the remoter re cesses ol a coal-mine, when an explosion suddenly severed the counecion between himself and tht world without ? " These are forms of uneueinea not to be lightly treated of. They shrink iuto nothing be ai:!e that supreme comm'nsrlinjf of grief, ast'onishascnt, and horror it wai my lot to experience on a certain never to-he-forgotten evening of January, 'i'orty-nine. Timo s so .thir.g iuiluenco hi wrought Its accustomed o lect. All bitterness, all eelf-reproacb, Lave died gradually away. In place cf that mental tumult wh ch, for a long period, attended the renieuiLrn e of the incident in c:uestion' I now find my self able to narrate wl.h indifference, nay, even with a entile, the circum.itance to which, but ricrntly, my most intimate friends dur.-t b.a:d!y ha ard an allusion. The Guild of Lurnpttora reprotents one of the most ancient and honored of Lon d n's civic inetitutl ms. What they are, vlty they are, I have not the remotest idea, They have a La 1, solely, it would seem, for purposes of hospitiiity. They give dinners of inconceivable aucculency and toothsomeneBS. They invite mayors, nay, kings, who don't always come, and princes, who generally do, and they also invito :nc. I go, for I like them. Pretexts were never wanting for a Lum peter feed. The ro:overy of the chief city magistrate from a bilious attack, the break ing up of the front", the birth of a son and he r to the Ban of Croatia, the arrival of a piebald elephant at the gardens of the Zoological Society, such were among the events I could recall as Laving suggest d feastful rejoicings. Hut that to which I have now to refer was to b ! regarded as a private and peculiar gathering, almost, in point of fact, a corporate, com prising no mora than ninety-five guests, selected with discrimination, for the pur pose of testing the merits of a new head cook. There wcro to be no speeches, no music, The usual loyal toaits, no more. Above all, no ladies. The Lumpeters were particular and a thought conservative iu matters of attire. They themselves, to a man, adhered to the fashion, moribund, but not defunct, of ankle-buttoned pantaloons, figured silk Btockiugs, buckle.l shoes, expansive white waistcoats, and tho mighty cravat patro. nized by his lute majesty, tho fourth O'eorge. It wbwc11 understood that the adoption of a similar costume on the part of their guests would be interpreted by Lumpeters as the most delicate return that could bo oiler ed lor thoir hospitality. I, myself, invariably s;:ortcrd tho fancy dress in question. ' - On the eventful day I have mentioned, it happened, that I had been detained at chambers later than usual, and on reach ing home had barely time to dress. While doing so, I received an anxious message from a friend who was to have accompa nied me to the ban ,u-'t, but w1k, being late, and h insell a Mrauger to the guild begged mo to secure for him a seat next my own. With in Trased espeJitiou I finished my toilet, and the tli.iing-hall being but five minutes' walk from my residetice, I quickly buttoned on a pir of rough overalls, threw ' on my cloak, una hurried to the s;;ot. To my astonishment, acrovd, dense and still augmentiiiT. was gathered alout the door. It was only through tLo aid of a friendly policeman th-.t I was enabled to make my way. " What was the matter?'. It was presently announced that the renowned 1 reiich linn-slayer, tho Earon Bobadil de Pete-Fauve, Lad. at the last moment, accepted an invitation to dine at Lumpeters' Hall. Tho character of the assembly had un dergone a c'.tang. Cot only bad a little reinforcement of a hun Ired and twenty puests been hastily invited, buta dense mass of p; ect ttora lined the hall, the pas sageo, and th antechamber, and even frothed over into the banqueting-room it self, the epa-ious gallery of which was already filled with ladies whom the chiv. alrous guild had found it impossible to dream of excluding. I was late ; but clrnner had been.deferred Lalf an hour. There would be just time to rush into the to m, secure my lriend'a seat, aud then depo.- it my cloak and over alls in the room devoted to such purposes. The former matter was quickly arrang ed, and 1 was darling back, when I was met by a rush and pressure that almost Ion ed me behind an adjacent screen. The lsrou de Kete 1 auvc had arrived, and was being triumphantly marched into the hall. The Baron Bobadil de Bete Fauve, when visible, proved to be a remarkably small gentleman, with intensely black eyes and . . .. 1 . almost into the former ; but my own Bitua- , . 11 tion demanaed all my attention. With- draw I could not. To sit down in that highly-attired society ia light blue over alls, such as might be worn by a stable man, was not to be thought of. Ah ! an idea. Just within the door, near the wall, but with space to get behind it, stood, the large screen against which I had been prersed. Capturing a waiter, I drew him with me into that Iriendly shelter. Here, help, wf man. Can"t get back. Just let me slip oif these confounded hurry now ." I gasped, and tore the buttons loose with, lightening speed. "All right, sir." The waiter was as quck as I, and scarce ly gave me time to disengage the last button, before he caught away the gar- ment, and bundlig it up, vanished in the crowd. - Eh ! hillo ! etop, you 1 Good Bea no it's impossible ! And yet mercy on us what hhall I do?" A horrible fact bad revealed itself. In making my hurried toilet, I Lad actually buttoned on my overalls omitting mj black dress-pantaloons! A chill shot through me as L realized the full extent of the misadventure. I staggered back faintly against the walL, and endeavored to collect myself. Ci lan cing round tho corner of the screen, I ob eerved, with a shudder, that the company wore taking their places, while the ladies in the gallery had risen, en masse, and were directing so concenetrated a fire of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Thursday, June 20.1872. eyes upon tne entrance, where the valiant lioa-queller had paused to return the sal ute that greeted him, that to escape had become impossible. I must remain where I waa, till able to concert with some com passionate attendant a plan of escape. There was the settling murmur and buzz, the " (Jentlemen pray eilence. For grace!" and the " Stand still, waiters !M in a voice of authority. Grace followed, and the noise of feasting: but th neit inloil. gible words froze my very souL " Eemove that screen 1" Instinctively I clutched and held it back. There came a violent tug; but there ws too much at etnke for a feeble deiVn -e, and I held on with desperate tenacity. "Qiick, now, vith that screen.'" said tli voice of authority. What's the mat ter?" "There's agent, bo'ind, a Vding of it back," said some odictous booby. " Here you 1" I gasped. Five shil lings! Ten! Twenty! Five pounds! Fetch brown overalls 1 Forgot trou s. Let the screen alone, can't ye f "iTess my 'eart. sir! 'Ere is a go!" sail a waiter, grinning, but coiutasi n ate, for he had recognized me, even thus. "Tnke that th'n out cf the way!" roared the voire of authority. Must do it, sir," explained the waiter "The heataUes can't come by. vp There's a vacant seat. 'Taint thrca atets otfl" "That mlue," I groaned. "Ow lucky 1 Now just you slip iuto it as I shifts tho screen, so's to purtect jnu Tuck tho table-ki er well into your wes kit, and nobody il be the wiser. One, two. three. Hot!" you g !" OtF it was necessrry to go, for he raugli. away my defences, but extended the fotd ing arms of the scrt-en, so as nearly to touch the vacant peat. In that insta. t. liow 1 hardly knew, I found myself fairly seated at tho b ard, the friend who should have atcomp niod me at mr Hide. ' " You take it coolly, old fellow," re mark d the latter. " I fan ied that at these dinners punctuality " " I take it coolly, rertj coolly," I replied. " And it is for your sake 1 am doing sa May I ask you to spare me as much adja cent table-cloth as is compatible with your personal convenience?" " Table cloth ! Assuredly. Bat why ? " " There are reasons, hidden reasons. But of that hereafter. A glass of wi 9 1 " " My friend is agitated. liia manly fingers quiver. Something is amiss with Chatteris, ' remarked my companion, in the sepulchral tone he is given to use when chaffing those he lpves. Dicky Skelton, who never, so far as it is ascertained, had a relative in the world dre-sed always in the deepest mourning. He never laughs, outwardly. lie is mirth itself, within. He has wri ten burlesq ues by the score. To Skelton is due the evis ceration of words that have baflled the skill of the most accomplished tormentors of the English language. " My friend, confide in me," continued Pick, smacking his lips, for the Lumpeter Burgundy is not to be tasted every day. ' You are ill at case." "At the knees. . A triSe." "To remember ono's troubles in suh a scene is weak." To forget one's trousers is madn .-ss," I whispered, with clenched testh, in his ear. "One's 1 "ejaculated Skelton. faint ly, sis he turned upon me a countenance naturally wau aud lengthy, but nosv whitened and elongated with real aiarra "You don't mean Do I dis.'nttiy understand ': " " You understand my reason for re inir. ing as largo a portion of the table-ciotii as you can conveniently spare." My friend ga cd at me sorrowfully. "So fair above !" he murmured. "So well, so singular be'ow ! Who now, in this brilliant assembly graced, as I perceive with tbe presence of many beautiful (tnd giggling) women would imagine that yoj, sitting here so well g t up, radiant with artificial mirth, ire a typj of . Mil ton's S n ?" "Awfully lucky for you. mr boy, there's to be no speecu ma.viug." continued .-kei-ton. "We would i;ave h..d you on your defencehsi legs in n time." "Have you teen tiio ioat lis1-, gent'e mcn V ak-d a portly me:a .Tif ;uu gi d. on my left, as !jf poi.tely o.lVred a caru. At the same m .incut a u.-to wu ji.iicj 1 in my haud. It was .rom th tii.uruia'i. Oblige us V e know yojr read.. en. quence. laron strucii with your fa e a U manner. Wishea to hear you t-peai. Toca up the lions." Snatching out niy 1 encil-case, 1 wrotJ "Throat hupraciicaoie. Uvu.a cut o.i u.ii morning. Should create more ust ment than interest i:' forced upon my leo." I breathed. That peril aas averted. My ! spirits rose as the merry leat p.o.e uea. and I begau to s.e more d-.-tiiiciiy tuo humorous s de of mr l.ttle misad . e.iiu . : 1 he aimoenhere was wurui a. id, u.r. , . . . . 4 1 Why. lhad bevu preseutat mauy a umuot . ' , , , ; IU lilO UW( VU i uv 1 w uvu uitv w, iiviu jn w Jference, 'witho..t their t.-at is, in .i.s. I True, 1 bad not exactly a kilt; but, etea ! were 1 coiup lied t stand iro.u my I present re liremeut, the exideitiou of knte I the publication of caif, would be no great er than is legally sauciioued wituiu tivo hcnuied mi es of this spot. Ua! a sensation. "Pray sileuce," Lc. Grace. "Xon nobis." Then the usual loyal toasts, aud we drank, prosperity to several collateial brandies of the reiguiu nouse (the Lumpeters were nothing if not loyal;, before we arrived at the great toast ot the evening the lilroa de Bete-i'auve. This was given by the chairman himself; and, with the baiou's reply m l-rench), and counter-proposition of the health of the ladies, was receive! w.ta tho greatest en thusiasm. The excitement was just settling down, when - Hallo 1" exclaimed Skelton, "what's up now? la any one expected, I wonder They are putting a big velvet chair 10 Bete-Fauvo. It must ho a swell. Can the Princo of " So long as it 1b not intended for my humble person," I replied with an easy bin.Ie, 'T am periacily " "I beg your pardon, Mr. Charteris," said the voice of the Lead-ate vrt, who, fol lowed by two ai.enJant waiters, had ap proached us unosaned. "Tho chair. sir, presents his compliments, and begs you 1 will do him and the Baron de Bote-Fauve U.o honor to otcuiv the scat that has been piaced for you between them. My heart stood etui, mj hair rose. A chill of horror shot through ine. "The Laron, air, speaks no English, and though him and the chair had been bard at it ad dinner, neither of them has under stood a word," flaid the steward, confiden tially. "The chair, sir, and the company, generally, would 'ail with pleasure the spectacle of your introduction to the ba ron." "The baron be ' I know not what I tv as about to say My voice laltered. 1 had caug-.t a glimpse of the fair occupants of ' the ng over the balustrade in tueir eagerness to exiu.ue the favored iudiviiuai lor whom the chair of state hadfeen o ostentatiously prepared, aud & Viiiou ot myaeif marching u,i the hall, themaik of every eye, aim isl mala me reel iu my chair. , I shuddered, strove to speak, conceived a wild tho ight of diviug under the table, when, whish! with a lurid, fitful swirl, out went the enormous lustre, all tho minor lights following suit. We were in total darkness. I will not describe the confusion that eucceded, ths scream J of laughter from the gallery, ths scramble an t the crash below. Torches gleame 1 in the doorways almost before we knew what had hap pened, and the accident that had occa sioned tiie sudden extinction of our light Was remedied wkhin a few minute.. But. when order was restored, one chair stood vacant at that hospitable board. Whether its occupant had been trampled under feet in the disorder, or had vanished with the light, was never known. My pri vate opinion is that, while anxious inqui ries were being mad a in the Lumpeters Hall, the missing gentleman was warming his legs at his domestic hearth, and smiling at the peril he had so narrowly escaped. PHTTFOIIM OF TIIE REFl'B! ICAN PAitrr. Philadelphia, June, 6th 1872. "The Republican party of the United States assembled in National Conven tion in the City of Philadelphia, on the fifth and fcixth day of June, 1872, again declares its faith appeals to its his tory, and announces its position upon the questions before the country. First, during eleven years of supremacy, it has accepted with grand courage the solemn duties of the time; it has suppressed a igantic rebellion, emancipated four millions of slaves, decreed equal citizen ship of all and established universal suf frage. Exhibiting unparalleled magnani mity, it criminally punished no man for political offences and it warmly welcomed all who proved their loyalty by obeying the laws and dealing justly with their neighbors: it has steadily decreased with firm hand the resultant disorders of the great war, and initiated a wise policy to wards the Indian-. The Pacific K. It. and similar vast enterprises have been gen erously aided and successful' conducted the public lands frecley given to actual settlers, immigration protected and en couraged, and a full acknowledgement of naturalized citizens lights secured from European powers, uniform national cur rency has been provided for; repudiation frowned down, national credit sustained under most extraordinary burdens, and new bonis negotiated at lower rate. Revenues have been carefully collected and honestly applie 1. Despite the an nual large reductions from rates of1 tax ation, the public debt has been reduced, during General Grant's Presidency, at the rate of one hundred million dollars a year, a great financial crisis has been avoided, and peace and plecty prevail throughout the land. Menacing foreign difficulties have been peacefully and hon ccably compromised, and the honor and power of the nation kept in high respect throughout the world. This glorious recrrdf the past is tho parties be.-t pledge for the future. We believe the people will not entrust the government to any party or combina'nn of men com posed of those who chiefly have resisted every step of this beneficial progress. Second. C mplete liberty and exact equality in the enjoyment of all c'v:l, politic-land public rights should be esta blished and effectually maintained throu?hout the union by efficient appro priate State and Federal legislation, nei ther law or its administration, should admit of any discrimination in respect to citizens by reason of race, creeds, color, or previous condition of servitude. Third The recent amendments to the national constitution should be cordia'.ly sustained, because they are right not mearly tolerated, because they are law and should be carried out according to their spirit, by appropriate legislation, the enforcement of which can only be safely entrusted to the party that se cured the amendments. Fourth The national government should seek to maintain an honerable peace with all nations, protecting it ci tizens everywhere, and sympathizing wilh all people who strive for greater liberty. Fifth Any system of the civil service under which subordinate positions of the government are considered rewards for mere party zeal, is fatally demoralizing, and we therefore favor a reform of the system by law which shall abolish the evils of patronage, and make houesty, efficiency and fidelity qualifications for public position, without practically creat ing a life tenure of office. Sixth We are opposed to further grants to corporations and monopolies, and demand that the national dominion be set apart for free homes for the people. Seventh The annual revenues, after paying current debts, should furnish a moderate balance for the reduction of principal and revenue, so much as may ba derived from a tax on tobacco and liquors, or be raisedhy duties on importa tions, the duties of which should be so adjusted as to aid in securing remunera tive wages to the labor jt, cnJ promoting the industries, growth and prosperity of the entire country. Eighth We hold in undying honor the soldiers and sailor3 whose valor saved the union, their pensions are a sacred debt of the nation, end the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are entitled to the care of a gen erous and grateful people. We favor such additional legislation as will extend the bounty of the government to all of our soldiers and sailors who were honorably discharged, and who, in time of duty, became disabled, without regard to the length of service or cause of such dis charge. Ninth The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers concerning allegiance 'Once a subject, always a sub ject-sharing at 'ast, through the efforts of the Republican party, been abandon ed, and the AmeiL-an idea of the indi viduals right to transfer his allegiance, having been accepted by the European nations; it is the duty of our govern ment to guard with jealous care the rights of adopted citizens against the as sumption of unauthorized claims by their former governments, and we urge oon tinual and careful encouragement and protection to voluntary immigration. Tenth The franking privilege ought to be abolished, and a way proposed for a speedy reduction in rates of postage. Eleventh Among questions which prss for attention, is that which concerns the relation of capital and labor, and the Republican party recognize the duty of so shaping legislation, as to secure a full protection and the amplest field for capi tal and for labor the creatorof capital the largest opportunities, and a just thare of the mutual profits of those two great servants of civilization. Twelfth We hold that Congress and the President have only fulfilled an im portant duty in their measures for the suppression of violent and treasonable organizations, in certain lately rebellious regions, and for the protection of the ballot box, and therefore they are enti tled to the thanks of the Nation. Thirteenth We censure the repudia tion of the public debt in any form or disguise, as a national crime, and we witness with pride the reduction of the principal on the national de' t, an 3 of rates of interest upon the balance, and confidently expect that our National cur rency will be perfected by speedy rcsump tion of specie payment. Fourteenth The Republican party is mindful of its obligations to the loyal women of America for their devotion to the cause of freedom. Their admission to wider fields of usefulness is received with satisfaction, and the honest demand of any class of citizens for additional rights should be treated with respectful consideration. Fifteenth We heartily approve of the action of Congress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion, and rejoice in the growth of peace and fraternal feeling throughout the land. Sixteenth The Republican party pro poses to respect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the powers delegated by them to the State and Territorial government. It disapproves of the resort to unconstitu tional laws for the purpose of removing the evils by the interference with the rights not surrendered by the people to 'ither State or National government. Seventeenth It is the duty of the general government to adopt such meas ures as will tend to encourage American commerce and ship building. . E ghteenth We-believe the modest patriotism, .the earnest purpose, sound judgment, practical wisdom, incorrupti ble integrity and illustrious services of Ulysses S. Grant, have commended him to the hearts of the American people, and with him at our head we start today on a new mareh'to victory. To Crawl Into a Pint Bottle. State to the company that it was proved some years ago that to crawl into a pint bottle was an impossibility, but the rap id progress made by the march of intel lect in these enlightened times has proved that any person may crawl into a pint bottle as easily as into his bed. Having thus prefaced your intentions, vou get a pint bottle and place it in tho middle of the room ; then go outside cl the door, and creeping into the room upon all four, say: "Ladies and gen tlemen, this is crawling in to a pint bot tle." Among the recollections revived at the Wiiliams College reunion at New York city, was that of the suspension of llliam Cullen Bryant lor a flagrant violation of the rules of the College. His offense consisted -in reciting a poem entitled "Thanatopsis," before it had teen corrected by tbe President. The result was that Bryant graduated at Yale, and the poem went forth to the world in the unfinished condition in which it is at present tounn. A negro patriarch in Pennsylvania died, and there was a great turnout to the funeral. As they filed past the coffin the master of the ceremonies be came impatient at their slowness and strutting along the street in frort of the house, called out in auctionecr-hke tones ''If any mo' of you ladies and eemmen want to take a look at Uncle Ben, now's yer la-t chance ; jes walk right up, quick, for we's jes gwiue to screw him up." Why is 6wearing like an old coat? Because it is a bad habit Number 12. Political. Oreeley'M Opluioaof Druiurrnu. Tho World of this morning entertains its Democratic readers with a few ex tracts from the Tribune when it wai an organ. how ing tho complimentary way in which it ued to speak of the Demo crats, many of whe m are uow its allies. It is not savory reading, but it is history. The first extract is this : Point wherever you please to an election district which you will pronounce morally rotten- given up in great part to debauchery and vice whose voters sub hist mainly by keeping policy-offices. g imbling-houscs, grog-s ops, and darker Oens of infamy aud that district will bo foind giving a large majority for that waich styles itself the Democratic part y. . What is the instinct. t'ie sympathetic chord which attaches them so unuormly to that paity f It might now be asked what is the ''sympathetic" chord which attaches the characters thus described to the Cuiciq cinnati candidate ? From tho Tribune. October 11, 1307. If there were not a newspaper nor a common school in the country, the Democratic party would be far stronger than it is. Neither elementary instruc tion nor knowledge of transpiring events is necessary to teach the essential arti ces of the Democratic creed: "Love rum and hate niggers." The less one L-aruS and knows, the more certain he is to "vote the reg'lar ticket from A to lzzard." Washington, June 12. The National Rcpulican Ex. Commit tee met at the Capitol to-day. There was a very large attendance, including Secretary Robeson and General Cowan, Assistant Secretaiy of the Interior. The proceedings were very interesting. Several letters from prominent llepubli cans of different States were read, those from West Virginia and North Carolina taking a very favorable view of the pros pects of the party in those States in the coming August election. Senator Wilson- in a brief speech, tendered bis resig nation as Vice President to the Com mittee which he said was not a question of choice, but consistency and duty, and pained him because of his long asso ciation with the Committee. Several gentlemen followed in brief remarks, and it was suggested that the nomination of the successor of Wilson be left to that gentleman. Senator Harlan, Assistant Secretary Cowan, Governor Cooke, Judge Ed munds, and Frederick Douglas were elected resident Coinmitte. It is thought that Col. Alvah H. Cracker, of Fitch burg. .Massachusetts, will succeed Sena tor Wilson as Vice President of National Committee. Our delegates have returned from Philadelphia. They say such enthusi asm, as was shown for Grant was never seen in the country. The second nomi nation of Lincoln was nothing compared to the universal satisfaction that was manifested at Gen. Grant's re-nomination. Tribune mid Republican. John G. Whit tier, the Quaker poet, regrets the course of Sumner, but stiil he does not propose to do as he thinks the Massachusetts Republicans will de sert him. But he thinks he will be left severely alone at the ballot box in the coming elcct'on in that State. He says, "I am no blind advocate of Senator Sumner, or any other man. I expect to see faults and frailties, and to grieve over the mistakes of those I love and re spect. I regret the late speech, as it exposes the author to the charge of per B -rial resentment, and because it seems io me unduly severe in its tone and tem per." Tribune and Republican. Clean Fun. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the dector who gives people fits of laughing, sent a letter to the postoffice of a ladies' fair at Pittsfield. On the first page he wrote: 'Fair lady whosoe'er thoi art. Turn this poor leaf with tendereet care And hueh, O hush thy briathing heaiV- 1 he one thou lovest will be there" On turning the "poor leaf'' there was found a one-dollar bill, with some verses begining : .J'-Fair lady, lift thine erer and tell If this is not a truthful Utter; This ia the one(l) thou lotest well. And nought(0)can make thee love it better." Old lady "Can you tell me, my got.d man, where I pan find Mr. Jones?" Pat " 'Sure, ma'am I expect it would be at his house you would find him." Lady "does he live anywhere in this street?' Pat "Sure, noindade; it's not for the likes of him to be vin' in the street at all." Lady "You stupid fellow, I mean what number does his family stop at?" Now, ma'am, you have me; he has six boys and four girls, but whether he means to stop at that number I' can't tay." Lady "Oh, yu blockhead 1" Exit old lady in a tremor of indignation. Col. I hU'i Railroad Pass. From the Bangor Wig. Conductor Pratt of the E. and N. A. passenger tra;n, running between this city and Mattawamkeag, asked a fat, comfortable looking old fellow for his tick et the other night, when the old chap waved his hand. benevolently, answered "Pass, '''and spiead himself over two seats again. He was quite indig nant when the genial conductor asked to see the pass, and with much grumbling pulled out of a greasy wallet a freight re ceipt rf the Sanford line of steamers, en dorsed : "Pleas Pass this Man if he Pays his fair if he donot PaY it Put him of. Not good unlesi countersigned by J. Fisk, Jr." On being further questioned, the gen tleman with a pass said he could not read writing very well, but did not doubt that his pass was good for an unlimited time over all the railroads in the United Stales, as Jim f isk gave it to him in Boston last summer, and he "had tra velled considerable on it." He paid his fare with not a very good grace, and get off the cars swearinz ventreance on the J individual who "sold" him the pa?s. Estra Cvpifcfth IInsALDfor sale by V.J. Streitrht. at the Poit t'flioB. and O. F. Joha luo, North aidq Main Street, betwoan Second and Third. .... Our "Wives' Column. This Column it open for tbe Ladies. Let hear from them. We have not received any epecial com munications for this column, yet, but wo hope to before long. In thcho beautiful days, with tho flowers all around us, and so many picnics to go to, we do not feci able to do justice to any subject at aj! ourselves, this week. THE COXt KKT. Su' h a coco' rt. dear, aa I've had to-night, I. Full of tweet luund and d.-op delight ; And yeftheh -uio" waa toor; Poor, if you c.'unt by crowded eat Bat, judging only by glad heart beats, 'Twct a aplendid Uouse, l'ia ture. ' Fint. Bay tang aa well aa the eould Some aweet Htle notea that I uadoritood , And wee Kate't chirp of laugh broke ouf' m Aa Willy ran in with a merry shout ; The pusxy purred on the rug in atate. And the good clock ticked. 'It's late t it'alate Wbil.) over the fire the kettle tang It cheery eocg with the least little twang That waa Tart Firpt, you must know tny dear. When only we five were there to hoar. The fire gracked applause. The baby'a awect little pat-a-"&ko Made rccktea encore for the uiutic't take. And pusiy flourished tcr paws: ' Well, the Second Part? Ah. that was tvtr? Fine to the huarl'a core, lover w.lne ! For over the kettle's winaome plaint. ' And the baby'a breathing, aweet and faint. And over Ihe prattle of Will and ivute ' And tho clock' impatient 'Late I it's late I heard the bles edcat found of all A click of the latch, a atep in the hall t And 'Home, Sweet Home,' pulaed all the air Aa you came calling up tbe atair. 1 Counsel lor l'arenta. Nervous children suffer untold agonici from fear when put to bed alone. No tongue can tell the horrors of a lonesome room to such children. A little delicate boy whom parents were drilling to' sleep alone, used to cry violently everjr i. iit .i- ii : i nisuc, aua ins lamer wouiu come in anu whip him. He mistook his pertinacity for obstinacy, anu ne thought it his diicy to conquer the child's will. One night he said : "Why do you always scream so, when you know you will be purt ished?" "Oh, father, father!" said the little fellow; "I don't mind yon whipping me, if you oluy stay with me.',' The father's eyes opened from that mo ment. He saw that a human bciog can not be governed by dead rules, like ft plant or an animal. Flavorluff Willi Ltuvef, D. Bury, in the Garden, eaya.- Leaves are more or less popular for gar nishing, but it has often fcurprised nne that they are so very little used for fla voring. With the exception of twtct and bitter herbs grown chiefly for the purpose, and parsley, which is neitbfr bitter nor weet, but the most popular ef all flavoring plants, comparatively few other leaves are used. Perhaps I ought also to except tho sweet bay, which i popular in lice and other puddings aad certainly imparts one of the most pleas ant and exquisite flavors. But, on the other hand, what a waste there is of tho flavoring properties of peach, almond, and laurel leaves, t-o richly charged with the essence of bitter almonds, so much used in most kitchens ! Of course such leaves must be used with caution, butm must the spirit as well. An infusion of these could readily be made, cither green or dry, and a tea or table spoonful of tbe flavoring liquid used to taste. One of the most useful and harmless of all leaves fir flavoring is that of the common syringp. In most gardens thcro is a prodigious waste of o'ery flavor in the sacrifice of ti e external leave and. their partially blancLcd foot-stalks. Scores of sticks cf celery are cut up into soup, when the outsides would flavor it equally well or better. 'J he young leaves of gooseberries ad ded to bottled fruit give a fresher flavor and a greener color to pies and tarts. -The leaves of the flowering currant givo a sort of intermediate flavor between that of blaek currants and red. Orsnire, citron and lemon leave impart a flavor ing equal to that of the fruit and rind combined, and somewhat differen frohi both A few leaves added to vies or boiled in the milk used to bake with rice or formed into crusts or paste, impart an admirable and almost inimitable bouquet. In short, leaves, are not half-eo much used for seasoniDj purposes asHhey might be. j vcr Teaeh JKalae Merallty- How exquisitely absurd to teach a girl that beauty is of no value. Beauty fis of value her whole prospects and hap piness in life may often depend upon a new gown or a becoming bonnet ; if the has five grains of common sense, she will find this out. The great thing is to teaeh their just value, and that there must be something better under the bonnet than a pretty face, for real happiness. But nev.r fcacrifice truth. SUney Smith Great 9Iuleal I'ebllml. Boston, June 12 The first day of the great musical fes tival wi'l be dedicated to America, the second to England, the third to Germa ny, the fourth to France, the fifth to Austria, the sixth to Russia. On the following Sunday evening, will be a grand sacred concrt. The following is the programme for Tuesday, the 18th; "Britith'National Anthem," "God Save the Queen," hung by a full chorus of 20,000 voices, with a solo by the eminent artiste, Madame Ermini Rudersdorff, accompanied by the band of Grenadier Guards, and a grand orchestra of one thousand performer, military bands, one thousand 'full corps drums, all the bells of Boston in chime, and several batteries of artillery fired by electricity, The Omaha Herald says : Am'cg other good things done by tho Stada Medical Society at its' late meeting at Plattsmouth, was thi adoption of a reso lution condemning the crime of abor tions, and those who abet pardoning the criminals engaged in it. - ."Well, there is something in that," as the man said when berried to put on his boot with a kitten in it. . . Why is the letter O like death ? It makes ghosts of hosts, and is always is tbe midst of slaughter. . . . . . . a