Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 13, 1872, Image 3

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Railroad Time Table.
M.vl and Fx. 1:;V p. m.'Mail and Ex. 10:00 .a m
I refill it Ac. U.OJ a. ui. Freight Jc Ac, $:J0 l- in
tt.-A M. U. K. IX IOWA.
M ill Ex. 5:X) p. m.lMail i Ex. 5 a. ir.
A-'ii'-n Fr'nlit 2 p in I An'tion A- Fr 12: -'P m.
i'.iciao K.xprej 'JO a iu! Atlantic Ex. -1:J J p m.
'f lie Transfer boat will leave the lcpot to con
nect with Eastern bunt trains 4-" minutes e irii
cr than the liuie siveu above. '1 he Eoat is run
liv Chieaifo time which is :JJ minutes fa,stertban
L latiMuouiu tuao.
I n connection with Burlington i Missouri
Fiver Railroad in Nebraska,
llcpot Ht toot of Junes Street.
Omaha "i:(K) a. in I Lincoln -1 2.:V p. m
J.) M:M p. m. I d .- :: p. in
Lincoln 5:00 a. ra. Omaha 11:1') . iu
do 1;0 p. m. I do 0:10 p m
K C. ST. JOE. 3c C B. R. R.
Mail and Express. 4:47 p. in. 8.U) a. la,
Niht Express S;"U x.m- 3:lo p. m.
1 his gives passenger from l'liittsmouth close
connection troins south or North by leaving here
jn the 1--(HJ m. train.
r. B. 3c St. Joe R. R. South 10 p m. 10. SO p e
C U. .v Sr. Joe R. R. North. 1') p. in. lo.f pui
J - M. R. R. East.. 10 p in. 10-Siliu
1?. M. R. R. Wot. Vain. 4 p in.
iin:ibliy IU'1 l!pm lti ntn
- ' :m ;-' ? Wafer, 1- m. liia.
N'cl.ra.-kn City, by Stajse. 9 P tn. . Spin.
j).-iiHr:.s .Mondays, Wednes lavs and I ridays.
Urtice hours, from 4 a m to 7 p ra.
Sundays. U to 1 pynrv jjARSnALL. P. M.
Citv Oilic-iai.
M. L. White,
lions V a nulla,
j -.siuh Mo. ires,
Mil' M'Tpan.
Vaittr J. While.
City rick.
Pli- e Judge.
Sucet CoiLmisMoiicr.
FiR-iT Ward. John Fitzgerald. Ell.ert Duke, Wabk J as. JJuMcry, J. Wcyuian.
T.iiku vVakd. K. Ciishiuir. K. Vivian.
HiwnsT On tliecorncr of Main and Ninth
Rov.'f. J. Arnold, pastor. Residence, on
Main bciwi'n l'Hh -n 1 lltli. Services fve:y
ubath at 11 iu., and at 0 p. m. Sabbath
n-bool at '.''2 a.ia. Frayer meeting every Wed
nesday evening.
Christian Sorvi'ii. in Clark Sc I'ldnirars Hall
' F.-.l-r Alt. mi Elders. Wiles
an I T. J. To ld.
I.risniPAf. Cirner Viro and Third streets
i Rev. H. C. Snaw Servica every Snnday
at lLO-J a. ra. nrrl T P. iu. Sunday School
c 3 p. in.. Prof. d'Alle'uand. Supt.
CI NOHKOAT!nvM. Corner Lcu?t and S(h fts
' Rer. 1J. F Manwell. residence Lncus.t st be
tren 4iii and r.hsu Services e3gr Sabbath at
! 1 a. in: a.i 1 0;. f) p. m. SabbafrTi-h.ol ut l
Ui p. in. Prayer ia''elini cury Wednesday
CATHOLir; North idcof PabliuS innre Rev
J Father Hayes. First Mass every Sabbath at
8: fl a. in.. Second Mass and Sermon ut 10:91
Vespers and Liencdk-t ion at 3: 0 p. in. Mass
ftt S a. m. every week rtay.
iRsr PitKSitYTKHtiX North y'uloofMain st.
we.-t ot'tith Kev. D. W. C iiiicron ; Service
cverv .:abbth at 11 a. m. nnd p. m. Sab
bafi School at l':0a- in.. Tho. Pollock Superin
t :n b nt. . Prayer incetini? every Wednesday
nveiiiiot at 6:.ia o'clock.
MKitii)iisT Ei'isroPAt. Wet side of Si.tth
jtreet. south of Main Rev, J. II. Presson
S--TV ices every Sabbath at 10:: i') a. ui. and 7 p. in.
Pr:i;. i r inci tin.r every Thursday cvenitijr. t'lnss
aieet inss every Monday evening and immediate
ly a'li-r idose of Sabbath morning services "
Sabbath School at 2:0
Son ta; den 21 September hat die Deutsche
i.v. I.uJh. (lomeials in ihrini S'
vonaittass tun 11 L'hr Gotteodienst. Utberhaupt
timiet defel''j von jitt an licolinuessic alle 1 1
Ttie statt. Minister Rev. L'li .i':iia wabl.
subtalh school as 1' a ui., Proi. U'Ailaniand,
IO. O. F. Regular meetings of Platte I.odtre,
N'. 7. I.". ". F. every S.iturd:i evening at
Odd Fellows Hall. Transient brother urc cor
iially iuvited 'o visit.
A.d'ALLKM an Sec.
JO. O. F. Plattsiaouth Encampment No. 3.
Regular Convocations th "J and 4 F'riday's
f ech m-HithatOJd Fellows Hall cor. 3d and
Main sts. Transient Patriarchs cordially invite!
,j visit. WM. L. WELLS. C. P.
A. d'ALLKMAse, Scribe
MASOvtr; Pl.ATTSMlTTH Lodgk No. 6 A. P
X A. M. Rtliialar meetings at their hail
on the first and third Monday evenings of e.ich
month. Transient hrbrn invited to visit.
J ACuii VALLERi'. W. M.
A. d'Al.LEM and. Sec.
Macot LinK No. 22 A. F. Jfc A. M. Rejnil
anietiuiTJ at Maeoy Hall, first an.l third
Fn I i.vs. J. N. W IsL, W .
J. M. B?:Rsi.aT. Soc.
VosaskaChaI'TE?. No. 3 R. A. M. Regular
1 oonvocations secon-i and fourfii Tuesday
eveaiafe" of eac month at 7U o'clock r. m.
II. Niwka::. Sec.
IO. (J-T. tr ivf. P.raxph.No.2--W D Fcrreo
. W. C. T.: E. 1' a.i Icy. W. S. ; T. W. Shry
nck Lodc Deputy. Meets at ('lark -i Pliimmer s
h ill avery Tuesday evcuiriij. Traveling lemt lars
"espeetfully iuvited.
A FrovUenee lady lecturer concJudes
it won't pay. Only two tickets were
soIJ. We can -liscoutit that in I'latts
luouth. Ask DoWolfe.
Subscribers wanted for this papar all
over the County.
St. Louis Fall Wheat Flour at Clark
& Plummer's.
The editor of the Pilot, Burt Co-, says
he was "treated to a ttoim the other
night." We'll take ice cream in ours.
Or was it a home thunder shower.
Choice spring wheat (lour, at Clark &
The irrcpresible Hesserhai laid us un
der everlasting obligations for peas, beans
and other things too numerous to men
tion, but without which we should have
made a poor fist at housekeeping.
Get Readt for Haying. E. T.
Duke & Co. has just received a large
lot of scythes and snaths, forks, whet
ftones, and all farming and harvesting
tools. Selling low call and sec their
They have a Grand Ratification meet
ing i Lincoln on the "0th. A Grant
Club has been formed, and Hon. W. F.
Chapin is President, and A. J. Cropsey,
V. H. Sessions, and Otto Funk are the
Vice Presidents.
Go to the "Philadelphia Store" for
. our cheap goods. Quick sales and a
.nail profit.
It Solomon Sc Nathan. .
Nominated Not at Philadelphia,
out at Flattsmouth; Clark & Piuui
tner's, as the best house to deal with in
town ; Call and see us.
Republican Rally.
The un'leryignctl respcctrul'y rcq'i(?Pt
the IkepuLiicansof Ilattmoath to as
semble at the Court Hou?c Hall, at S
o'clock p. rj., on I riJtsy the 14th Jut:e
187-, fortlie purpose of organizing for
the approaching PresMcntial campaigo.
ML White FDFuter
M U Murphy M K Heunet
C Dovey L l Hennett
John A MaeMurphyL (J Stiles
ACMcMaken J F Ilobbs
Shqj M Chapman J W Barnes ,
Frank J StrciSht W II Uoker
J II I'rc50!i L Gol'ling
M 1! Ilce-e II A Waterman
W II Chafer II Boeck
AlcxamJpr SchKgel It II Vanatta
John Suhr (i W Colviu
W T Uanlo. " Samuel Maxwell
W A Waterman K H Cunninhau
Stephen Wiles
J (; Hays
Win StaJelmann
G II Black
A Smith
John S Duke
J F Johnson
M II Hathawiy
J W M.u?ha!l
D II Wheeler
Thus J Arnold
Joseph MiHor
Jason Streiht
M McElwain
J W Johnson
II C Shaw
V F To l l
J II Battery
11 II Bed well
F M Horrinjton
F F (J ass
J J Kuell
Eli Flummer
Fetcr Johnson
II C Smith
F Peterson
Robert Smith
Edwin Bradley
John Leach
Iv Hanson
John Christiansen L II ('halt'ant
John Chapin, jr I) L Morrow
Robert Ballance A RuJcbeck
J II Dick
An l taany others, whose names cannot
be inserted for want of hpace and time.
Business is improving. Inquires after
real estate are boing made of the Agents
in that line. Crops look favorable, the
farmers are picking up heart, and every
thing looks favorable for a good fall
trade. Wc are more, and better pleas
ed with the locality every time wc take
a walk, or a ri le through the superb
country surrounding the place.
See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis
pensary, headed Book for the Million
Marriage tiide in another column. It
should be read by all. decldiwly
Doctor MarvinV pardon is calling forth
some severe comments from nearly all
our State exchanges.
Platte Valley House for rent. In
quire of Maxwell & Chapman.
Sale ol Ileal i:'nt.
C. II. Farmalee Esp made a large
ea'e of Real Estate last week, in the
south hid a of towr. Plattsuiouth is
moving and the first thing we know they
will want to make this the headquarters
of the U. S. Government, and change its
name to Gtoeley or Grant, which?
you tell.
E. T. Duke & C'o's great hardware
emporium have just received a full line
of everything ; nails, iron, hardware,,
table-cut kjy, shelf hardware and tin
ware. Now is the time to buy.
Owing to a sudlen call from town,
Co!. May's Lecture is postponed until
further notice.
Some letters stand over for next time,
Horn Eimwood and other places.
Cnsi ouuty Agricultural SucietjV -
There will Le a meeting of the Society
on Saturday July Cth; to approve and
order published, the Premeum list and
attend to other business of the Society.
A full attendance of all the members is
C. II. King, Secy. 10 2t.
Clark & Plummcr have ordered us to
testify that their Spring and Fall wheat
flour does make good bread, and no one
that bus once ever regrets it or fails to
purchase eg tin.
Scm.mkr Gardns. These popular
Gardens, south of Flattsmouth, will be
opened to the public on Sunday, May
19th, 12, with music and dance.
1'. Goose Sc Co., Proprietors.
'ew Invention
Mr. George W. Kinser, of this town
has lodged advent in the patent ofiiceat
Washington, and is now going on with
his patent which irfi improved fire arm.
"The triple combined magazine" Mr
Kinser thinks it will introduce a new era
in gunnery, and that it is the best long
range gun ever put in'use either for sports
men or for service. JIc expects to have
his model prepared soon and when pat
ented we may look for a gun manufactory
If you want good bread, buy your
flour at Clark Sz Piuturaer's. It.
Delays are dangcrons Mothers, as you
love your offspring, don't fail to use Mrs.
WLitcomb's Syrup for soothing children.
Read the advertisement iu another col
umn. . 10w2.
We have received the American Steele
Journal for June. It contains many
articles of interest to farmers and stock
Remember Hester's Picnic, on Satur
day Juao 15th. Hot house, Green
house, and all out doors left open for
visitors on that day.
Some good friends of iudustry and
the Herald propose to make us a pat
ron next week, if we can stand the
press . ' Wc are of the Press."
Mr. Martiudale, cf the Third Ward
school showed us a map of the United
States, drawn by Master Willie Gibson,
that displays a very creditable amount
of skill and perseverance in a boy of thir
teen. A brother Editor, who happened
to be present, suggested, that maybe it
was as well as we could do, and we guess
it was. Keep at it, boys, by and by you
will see the use of all you can learn.
All the Wool ia Cass county, at Clark
& Plurumer's. Bring it along. lOtf.
Like an old familiar face, the Blair
Times comes to us, bringing up a vision
of the office on Washington St. of the
broad prairies up tTjtfard Burt ; of Lan
try's gonial face, and many a friend Le
bid?. Good paper tco! ," .
Superintendent Firth, of the A. Sc
N. It. R. wa.3 thriwn from an engine on
that road and injured so ba lly that am
putation of the arm was necessitated."
Choice Sugar Cured Hams at Clark Sc
Pluriimer'e. .It.
Great praise is due to the girls of the
M, E. Sunday School, for the practical
manner iu which they managed their
lite festival, and it has been the greatest
iccess of the season, both financially
and otherwise. ; ; : . ;i . .v ;
Harpers, Bazaar, Harpers Widely,
and Harpers Monthly, come regularly
to hand could not be spared from our
table. The wife wauls the Bazaar; the
boys and girls take to the Magazine, and
theanti-Greeley men are all ''hanJcerin' "
to know what "Nast" has to say about
Greeley "this week." The three pe
riodicals for $10.00. Address Harper
Brothers, New York City, N. Y.
The sessions of the different Masonic
bodies will be held in Lincoln, commenc
ing oa Monday, the 17th, and continuing
through th3 week. The headquarters
will be at the Douglas House. On
Thursday evening, they will sit down to
cne of mine host Douglas' magnificent
banquets. .
Club" rates for this paper," and prices
for kpecial lists during the campaign will
be announced in our next week's issue.
Gaods not-sold at less than cost." No
goods given away, Lut good goods at the
lowest prices for cash, at "
lltf. Clark Sc Plummers.
Flattsmouth, Neb.
I have Pasturage for 40 head of horses
near 8 mile Grove, terms 1,00 per month.
9 13 Locis Cackixs.
Soldiers' Re-union. 1872.
I. Transportation will be furnished to
"Federal Soldiers and Sailors of the
late war, now residents, of Nebras
ka," to the re-union at Pluttsmoutb,
Neb. by the various Railroads, at re
duced rates. All persons entitled to this
favor are requested to comply with the
requirements of Railway Agents and
avoid confusion.
II. Committees will wait upon f arties
arriving at Flattsmouth and furnish them
with information.
III. Committeemen will be designated
by blue sashes.
IV. Oration will be delivered at 2 o'
clock, p. m.
V. Marshals will be designated by red
Sashes. By Order.
Chairman State; Executive Com.
State Papers pleac'copy.J
Here you are, new store. Solomon Sc
Nathan have just opened a new and
handsome stock of goods in M. L.
White's building, on Main Street. It
The Pittsburgh (Pa) Leader rays:
"The firm of Geo. P. Rowell Sc Co. i
the largest and best Bdverlising Agency
in the United States, aud we can cheer
fully recommend it ta the attention of
those who desire to advertise their busi
ness scientifically and systematically in
.such a way. that is, to secure the largest
amount of publicity for the least expen
diture of money."
Farmers ! when you want Boots or
Shoes made to order. Repairing done,
or anything in the way of leather and
finding?, call on O'Brien &' Merges, at
the Flattsmouth Shoe Storp,, next door
to post-officj. apr4tf
Our Medical Society was a perfect sue-,
cess and the number of old time, well
known faces in our streets, and the
friendly greeting; we received, was very
pleasant to "ye Editor."
New goods 1 neat good-?, and cheap at
the Flattsmouth Shoe Store, next door
to post-office. apr4tf
At the Brocks house you can a!waj-s
find a clean, wholesome room and plenty
good provender. It
Temperance meeting at the Presby
terian church of this city, on Monday
evening, June 17th, at S o'clock. Bev.
J.' G. Miller will address the meeting.
All lovers of truth, virtue, humanity,
temperance end good order are cordially
invited. Done by order of Pastoral
.Union. Taos. J. Arnold.
. Secretary.
The Brooks House is the only first
elans house in Flattsmouth. ' It
I sec they have just received another
lot of those Prize Collars, at the P. O.
Book Store. They are selling large
quantities of them, and are really the
best and cheapest thing in the way of a
paper collar in I'lattsmouth. 1 1.
For Sale at a Bargain Se i of
tej. 3, town 12, range 10 east, 100 acres
broken, Louse, and stabling for sii hor
ses ; good let, fenced, water haudy, 2
miles from railioad station. Price, $2,
100. Eleven hundred down, balance oa
long time at ten per cent, interest. In
quire of Barnes & Pollock. marlltf
At Duke's. 2ew Stove, "Emporia."
It took the red ribbon at Cincinnati (be
fore Greeley was nominated) for the
best wood cook stove there shown. Call
and see it.
Three rooms, either furnished or unfur
ni&hed. these rooms ara ia the most elig.
ble part of the'eity, and easy of access from
all the business points. For particulars
enquire at my house on Pearl Street.
10 tf. A. d'ALLEMAND,
You can buy ladies' Gaiters, very neat
for $1 50 at the Flattsmouth Shoe
Store. apr4tf
All the girls that is all the pretty
ones we mean, all we have seen iu this
city are pretty rushed into our sanc
tum yesterd ty and overwhelmed us with
such a cake. " Wc never shall be able to
surround the cake half as nicely as the
girls surrounded us.'that's sure.
A call has been issued for a state Ger
man convention to mee't at Flattsmouth,
on July l.-t, 1S72.
We hereby desire to notify all precincts
in this county, to send delegates t? the
County Convention, which will meet on
Tuesday, July 1st, at 2 P. M. in order
to nominate delegates to attend the State
By request of many German Citizens
The sale of Burlington and Missouri
River Railroad Lands in Nebraska dur
ing the month of May, 1S72, were 8,322
and 23 100 acres, at an average price of
$7,75 3 10 per acre; amounting to $04,
521, G-100.
The total sales to June 1st, 1S72, are
21G.299, 30-100 acres, at an average
price of SS.4S, 7-10 per acre, amounting
to $1,835.75, 43-100.
The Company has yet about 1400,000
acre choice farm lands for sale at low
prices on ten years credit, with six per
cent interest twenty per cent less for
cash or bonds of the Company, or one
third down with balance payable in one
and two years, with interest at 10 per
cent. '
The following from the Tribune and
Republican, may be of iqtercst to our
farmers : '
Washington, D. C', June 10.
Hon. Geo. IVost, Editor Tribune and
Republican :
My forest culture bill passed the Sen
ate. Only one amendment.
P. W. Hitchcock
Pursuant to a call, metting"of the citi
zens of this place was held on Saturday,
at the Court House. Gen. Livingston
was elected Chairman, and Capt. II. E.
Palmer Secretary.
The object of the meeting, as explain
ed by the Chairman, was to request the
citizens to provide for the entertainment
of the Soldiers of the late war, now resi
dents of Nebraska, at the approachinv
Reunion. The Chairman stated that
the reunion should have taken place on
the first Wednesday in June, at Flatts
mouth, but that owing to want of proper
notification, it was deemed advisable to
hold the Reunion on the 2Cth cf June.
After some plea ant discussion as to the
means to be adopted to secure the re
union, tho meeting adjourned to Satur
day evening next, at the same place.
It is to be hoped that our citizens will
turn out and and take such action ia this
matter as the occasion demands.
II. E. Palmer, Chairman.
Hesser, he of the flowers you know)
shipped a lot of flowering plants to Vir
ginia City, Montana, on Friday last. So
she goes from the flower' plains of Neb.
to the snow clad hills of Montana. Flow
ers for Silver.
N. B.
-Tho Congregational
Festival intended for Friday evening is
Everpbody and every thing seems to be
going off on a picnic. Troops of merry
faced Children flanked by their graver
teachers and sires, meet one at every
step. Nebraska is beautiful in June and
the country peculiarl lovely just now.
Enjoy yourselves while you. may little
The Rt. Rev. Robert II. Clarkson, the
Bishop of Nebraska, will administer the
L'ivine Rite of Confirmation in St. Luke's
Church, Flattsmouth, next Sunday,
June, IGth. Service to begin at 10 o'
clock a. id.
We learn from E. II. Noxon that a
State Grange of this order will be organ
ized at Grand Island on July 23J, by
Wra. Duane Wilson, of the Iowa Home
stead. There is already one Grange in this
County, and others arc to be organized
about the middle of June. Information
relative to the organization, can be ob
tained by calling upon us. We think all
who are interested in agricultural pur
suits had better attend, and if any bene
fit to farmers is to be obtained from these
organizations, our county may as well go
O'Brien Sc Merges, at the Flattsmouth
Shoe Store, make to order, at reduced
prices, the very best class" of French
Calf Boots, Shoes, Sec, all styles of
adies' Bronze, Glove and White Kid
Shoes and Slippers, made to order.
Selling off all the time and whenever
we can get. the chance, choice spring
wheat flour. Best quality St. Louis
wheat flour Clark Sc Plummer's.
I'HIANTOUE. In the new building of M. L. White
on Main St. Flattsmouth.
To the ladies of this city anl surround
ing couu try. We desire to call your at
tention to our opening with a new and
fashionable stock of Dry Goods, Fancy
Goods, and Notions. Also ladies furn
ishing goods. We respectfully atk your
patronage and inform you that we shall
sell cheap for small porfits.
Soloman Sc Nathan.
10 tf
Clark Plummer have just received
a new lot of sugars, coffees, dried fruits.
Sec, Sec, Sec, which must be sold.-
You can buy men's shoes ( good) for
$2 00 at the Flattsmouth Shoe Store.
It rained all night last night, and
looks as if it was not dane yet. Is the
second flood coming.
J. II. Buck, cf Mt. Pleasant, called
on' the Herald. Many thanks, Mr.
E. Puckett, Esq., lately arrived in
Nebraska, called and left "a ncto for the
Herald. Any more, call in.
Azro Smith, of Rock Bluffs, made the
acquaintance of the Herald, au J we
were mutually pleased-
G. W. Bliss, Superintendent of the
Great Western Telegraph Company,
was in town Tuesday.
Rev. Geo. S. Alexander, of Lincoln,
visits Flattsmouth on business connected
with a campmecting, the which we are
to have soon.
Mr. Martingale, of the Third Ward
School, gave us a call. Glad to see you,
brother teacher. Both our scholars
get unruly, sometimes. Yours are the
easiest pacified, though, we believe.
The pleasant face of friend Brown, of
the U. S. Surveyor's office, showed for
a moment, in our office, lately. Come
Chas. Walker, the Agricultural Land
Register of" the Republican Valley re
turned to Ashland, on Tuesday.
Hon. James Patterson, of Rock,
Bluff-?, called at our office, anl almost
persuaded iis to be a Republican.
Hon. S. M. Kirknatrick called on us
several times during our absence. We
are very sorry not to have met Mr. K ,
but editors must eat, come to our lunch
house, next time, friend K.
Ccl B. K. Davis, of MaryviHe, Mo ,
District Attorney, for that District, is
visiting Flattsmouth, stopping at the
houo of Mrs. Spurlock. The Col. is
one. of our old settlers, aud wc welcome
his face back on our streets again.
S. P. Hardy, of Weeping Water,
cilled at our office on Saturday, and
gives us a favorable report of crops, &c,
in Lis neighborhood. Mr. Hardy thinks
a man cannot, raise very good crops in
Cass couuty unless he patronizes tho
Herald, and proposes to furnish us
some items on agricultural matter, from
time to time. That's the way to assist
your home paper, friends.
XrbrnskaLniid ORicr Appointments.
Washington, June 1.
The President to-day nominated
Charles IT. Walker, Register of the Re
publican Valley Land District in Ne
braska: Evan Wrorthin2, receiver of
public moneys, same place ; Geo. W.
Cory, receiver Wyoming Land District,
Nebraska; F. II. Longlcy, receiver,
Western District of Nebraska ; A. A.
Thomas, Register for tho Northwestern
District of Nebraska, nnl Thomas P
Lournan, receiver at .same place.
" LU.I. I?J ! FALL IN !'
Soldiers Reunion SIcetin;;.
At the adlourned meeting of the Com
mittee, held June Sih, 1S7-2, on motion
a commute ot 2 to each Ward was ap-
appointed, to wit :
1st Ward, Gen. E. E. Cunningham,
and Capt. Paine. 2d Ward, Alex. Shle
gcl and Capt. L. D. Bennett. 31 Ward
P.P. Gass, and W. L. Wells; whose
duty it shall be to ascertain and report
upon accommolations for the persons
attending the Re-union on the2Gth inst.
On motion, a 'committee of 3, to wit:
Gen. E. E. Cunningham, Capt. Marshall
and M. B. Murphy, to wait upon the
City Council and ascertain what they
will do in the way of donations for fire
works. On motion tho meeting adjourn
ed to meet next Saturday, at 8 o'clock,
p. m.
,We desire especially to call attention
to this matter of a Soldiers' Re-union. -
The Place was fixed at Flattsmouth last
year; the time has been decided upon
by a committee at Lincoln, as Ju:ie2uth
It must come off then as the call has
buen largely circulated throughout, the
State. It behooves the people of this
town to take some action in the mattter.
it must not be a failure. State pride,
town pride, and the love of country all
combined, ought to spur us up to make
this meeting a Re-union indeed. For
two Sattrdav evenings a meeting has
been called ; at which a corporal's guard
attended. On next Saturday an .ther,
and the last meeting will be held in this
matter. It is in iho Court House, and
every citizen sho'ili turn out. Commit
tees on grounds, oa accommodations,
supplying water, and various things must
be appointed, and we need their accjpt
ance and presence to know that the busi
ness wili be positively and surely attend
ed to. "Eyes right; shoulder to shoul
der boys, fall into line."
U. s.
Land Office, Lincoln, Neb )
- June 5. 1S72. j
Complaint having been entered at t' is
office by A. S. Smith, against Francis A
Jackson for abandoning his Homestead
Entry, No 32SG dated May 19th 16G9
upon the n e of s w I Section 22, town
ship 11 n, range 12e, in said Cass county
Nebraska, with, a view to the cancella
tion of said entry: the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office
on the 8 day of July, 1S72, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to respond and furnish testimony
concerning the said alleged abandon
ment. II. W. Sommerlad, Register.
Geo. P. Tucker, Receiver.
11 4t
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Co.
Eostos. Mass., May 21, 1872.
The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of
the Bur'icgton Jt Missouri River Railroad Co.,
in Nebraska, will be held at the office of the
Company in the city of Plattsiaouth, Nebras
ka. Friday tneSlhtdav efJune, proximo
for the election of. Directors and any other
business which may legally eonie bef.iro the
Kv order of the Eoard
maj'23wo ' Secretary.
Latest By Telegraph
The London Times on the
Boat Pace.
No Settlement of the Treaty
Question Yet.
General Grant Leaves for
Long- Branch.
Funeral of James Gordon
The President Formally Xo
tilied of His Xoinination.
Bonds for the Southern Da
kota K. K.
Colored Citizens of St. Louis
Iiatifv Grant & "Wilson.
Washington, June 10th. Congress
has at last adjourned at & P. Ji. The last
hours cf the second session of the Forty
ibeond Congress were, anything but ami
cable. '
London, June 11.- The Times, this
morning, commenting on the boat race,
says Americans have not yet acquired
the true style of rowing, but hopes they
will learn it and then put English oars
men to a severer test than that yester
day. Washington, June 11. The President
and family left here this morning for
Long Branch.
Secretary Fish left for New Ycrk last
nigh.t. Ho return Monday.
James Gordon Bennett, Jr., arrived
to day from Europe.
- The f uneral of the late James Gordon
Bennett will take place from his residence
No. 425 Fifth Avenue, Thursday morn
ing at 10.30 o'clock.
Tho President wrote his letter of ac
ceptance of the Philadelphia nomination
while in tl3 Ojpitol ycsterlay afternoon,
after his return from tho executive man
Nothing new in relation to strikes thi
afternoon. Singers sewing machine
works expect to open Monday next on
the ten hour system. J he movement
seems to be collapsing.
A Washington spfeial says the Presi
dent before leaving town told a promin
ent senator, a member of the Committee
on Fore-'gn relations, that no settlement
had been made with Great Britain in re
gard to the question of indirect claims.
Yankton, Dakota, June 11. The com
missioncrs of Yankton county to day
turned over bonds to the amount of $100,
000 to the Dakota Railroad Company.
St. Louis, June 11. A large meeting
of colored citizens to ratify the nomina
tion of Grant and Wilson was held last
night. Speeches by several persons, al
heartily endorsing the nominees, an'j
urging the colored people to stand firmly
by the Republican party, were loudly ap
New York, June 12
Money Easy at 5.
Gold active and firm at 14
Governments Dull
Chicago, June 12.
Wheat Quiet, No. 2. 154. .
Corn Active, 45.
WcqI Unwashed 40(347.
Home 'larkels
Corn, Shelled
In ear 20.
Whe;it, 150bu.
Potatoe-, 2530.
Oats, 27(.8.
Wool, unwashed, 40.
Xr&rnsk.t city Market.
Wheat 14nf?150.
Com 200,23
Oats 22(a-23
Spring Flour 400(5.450
Strawberries per gallon 80(3 100
Gooseberries " " 35
To the Friend of Independence nr. d
The unndrsigned cordially endorsing
the platform and candidates of the Na
tional Liberal Republican Convention,
held in Cincinnati, May 1st, 1S72, appeal
to all friends of political inlepen Jence
and governmental reform throughout
the State, to unite with them in proinot
ing the success of thosj principles and
the election of those candidates.
A national crisis demands the earnest
attention of every patriotic citizen. TLe
corruption consequent upon the war has
crept iatojan 1 obtaiutd control of our gov
ernment. The very life of our free in
stitutions is threatcud.
The partisans ot the Administration
have throttled the voice of the people by
packing contentions made up of and by
the office holders of such Administration.
Influential and lucrative offices have
been given those who haa obtained the
President's favor by means of valuable
Presents, and to those notoriously corrupt
and unworthy.
Whca illustrious Senators have dared
to raise a voice of criticism and to ask
for investigation, the zealous partisans
of the Administration have ridiculed
the charges and stood in the way of such
investigations, that the guilt of the Ad
ministration might not be uncovered.
The dignity of the Executive Chair
has been prostituted by most shameless
and wholesale favoritism and nepotism.
The President has held his- official
patronage as a merchantable commodity
for sale to the highest bidder,
Postoffiees, land cilices and revenue
offices, throughout the nation, but in
our own State mod con? pieiou-!y, have
been the guilty purchase-price of the elec
tion of United State. Senaiors, known to
be the especial partisans of the President.
( titer policies thau these are detniu-
ded in the conduct of national affairs.
fhtf war was on led seven years ago.
Now, broadest measures of amnesty to
the end that the acrimonies of tho war
may be obliterated and p'tieo and jfood
will established in all tho States and be
tween ull the Slates, are demanded.
A thorough and radical rcfirm m the
Civil Service that the unbh'slrlng abuses
of fraud and nepotism which have ob
tained urrder the present Administration
may be done away, is demanded.
An end to the laws which iicrmit and
to Executives wha sanction the buying
of votes with lucrative offices, in Sena
torial elections; an end to vesting the
public domain in soulless corporations
but a sacred dedication thereof to actual
settlers and toj.urposcs of education ; an
end to dec'sions from the Land Depart
ment of our Government in favor of Bail
road Monop )lies and against the Home
steaders of our State especially the de
frnlers of the national life; an end to
tlu selfish rule of ' Administration" cau-
esses ; an en l to a suosi iizea pun e
pres.;'' legislation for the wholj peo
ple not a special class; our clbctr to
n servants of the people nrtthe peco
pie the sycophant slaC3 ot tho orhce-
holders; a government under which the
people shall rule, and the ruler ruled ;
a government which shall regard dis
honesty as treason anl a political rini in
its deadly enemy; a government in
which tho military shall be strictly sub
ordinate to tho civil power ; a govern
ment of the people, by the people and
for the people, is demanded by every
honest man in a'.l the States.
W therefore invite and call upon ""all
patriotic citizens without regard to for
mer political affiliations" who desire,
with us, the success ot nut-h principle
and of the candidates for Presidency and
ice Presidency placed before the coun
try by the Liberal Republican Conven
tion at Cincinnati, to organize at once in
their several counties and voting pre
cincts throughout the State and to ac
tively prepare for the fall campaign.
L'.'t there be an Executive Committee
chosen in every county and have the
name and address of its chairman for
warded to W. P. Roberts, Nebraska City,
Nebraska, at once. Let campaign clubs
be formed in every precinct. Organ
ized activity will be the price of success.
Act at once.
P Rodmhau-,
M L Hayward,
A S Cole.
C Schumacher,
W Vermillion,
A Bowen, M. D.
F Ronner,
J II Masters,
J D Carmichael,
John McCartney,
J J riochstetlcr,
Lawson Cook,
W P Roberts,
F W Rottmarm,
Paul Sch mine,
Fred. BeyschJag.
Jarvis S Church, O B Hewett,
AH. W Morgan, " A P Cogswell,
J M Graham, John C Deuscr,
C W Wheeler, ' Geo. B Moore,
A W Morgan, Sen .W T Ro-ers,
T A Crci-h, Theo. II ill,
J C M'N'aughtcn, Nelson G Baker,
It J Whitney, Geo. W Berkley,
A D Marsh, B S. Wall.
II R Livingston,
L F Johnson,
O F Johnson,
Levi Golding,
Wm B Porter,
James G Taylor,
J W Shannon,
Phelps Paine,
II E Fllison,
J D Jimpson",
J L G Charlton,
G W Mcik,
Henry Rohwedcr,
Mo-es Dodge,
F W Ilohmann,
S B Ilohmann,
A W Kellogg,
R W Taylor,
Geo. E Church,
Jas Gorton,
Jas. E Philpott,
John Houston,
NYLon C Brock,
F E Atwood,
W J Lamb,
Benj. F Fisher,
() W Webster,
J W Ilartlev,
L W Billingley,
J M Young,
J K Honeywell,
S B Galev,
W P Phillips,
S J Clark,
Lists from Omaha, and othtr Coun
ties uot received in time.
Note by Ed. Ws publMi the above
"Aeldrcss" as a matter of business, and
by particular request that wc should do
so. We do not in any way endorse its
sentiments, or become responsible for its
assertions. On the contrary, we reserve
the right to go through it, and refute its
policy and aims whenever and wherever
we please, iu these colums.
Probate Notice.
I hereby give notieo to all concerned tha
Calvin LVueil filed in theoGse of the Probate
Court of the county of Cars and State of Ne bras
ka an application to be appointed Administra
tor of the estate of Mansfield Osborne deceased
Said application to be heard op the loth day
of June A. D. 1S72 at 10 o'tloc'i A, M.
May 22, A, D. 1S72.
May 23- w3. Probato J uuse.
Vi I L
Has on hand, one of the largest stocks of
invite every body in want of anything in my lim to call at my store,
Hautli Hide 3Hai, Ketwccii 2il & J5;l !irees
And convince thetaselvcs of the fi"t- I have a a sp:i ility in lay Util Pcpartaipnt a st.cct
. stock of Fine clothing for Men and lioys; to whirh wo invite those who wu-nt C ods.
-f s1o k"PD or! band a la'treand well seleted
v J
fftvSpRcpairing neatly
Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
XOpposite the Platte Valley House, in Sehlater's Jewelry Store,53
5niu-'lrcct9 ILMnKsmoutli, Nebraska
xh r Jfirst-thss
Wholesale aud KeUil. Dealer in Strings; Sheet
, JN"ew Advertisements.
Sheriff's Sale-.
Notice is hereby given tint Ihe ninli;
signed Sheriff of the County of Ca-s
will, fy virtue of an execution, LsKUcd by
the Clerk of the District court of ti.o
2d Judicial District of Nebn-kd, wtihiu
and for Cass county, in favor of llm Cu
yuga Chief Manufacturing Co. and
against Jamos CVabtree and fo iiim di
rected, at one o'clock p. in., on Monday
June the2lfh A. D. 1872. Atthalroi.',
door of the Court House in said CV
county, oifir for sale at pub'lio auction
the following good and chattels, to-wit :
One pair of mules, medidr.i size, taker:
on said execution, as tho property of sai l
James Crabtree.
Given under niv lurid this 12th Jr
of June A. D. 1872.
J. W. JOHNSON, Sheriff,
Cass Co, N b
Maxwell Sc Chapman, Pl'fls Att'ys.
Estray Notice.
Waken up by the undersigned at hi
residence in Liberty Precinct, on
or about the first of April 1872, one red
Cow and calf, the few is supposed to L.
about three year- old, and has a crop off
the right car and an undercut out of the
left ear. The owner can have the abo;c
by proving property anJ paying charges
John CiiiLcoTT.
10 5i -
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all concern
td that Calcsta J. 'Miner, George A.'
Lattaand William E. Latta, filed in tho
c.ffico of the Probate Court, Court, Cars
County, N biaska, an application fui
the appointment of an administrator for
the estate of Robert M. Latta, deceased.
Said application to bo heard on tho
22 day of June, A. D. 1872, at my office
in Flattsmouth.
June 5th It72.
Probate Judge.
10 3t
Ordinance No. 23.
An Ordinance amending section third,
fifth and seventh of an ordinance entitled.
An Ordinance providing for the Con
struction of certain sidewslka. Approv
ed May 16th 1372.
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and duil
cllmcn of the City of Piattsmouthr
RFC. l.'t. Thut cection third, fifth and cevenih
of an Ordinaneo entitled "An Ordinance provi
ding for the conftruet ion of certfriif eidewiilks;"
a I -proved May luth, 1S7. Bo to utaendtid u
le.i I as fid.. as :
tec. -xl. ' tho owners of lota borderir.n
and abutting the eiti eido of Third street Pe
t tcn M uin und V ine streets bo an 1 are hrrel.y
rffriuired to ciutraet a fide walk along am!
ncaint tht wct line of their hi id lots or pnrtsof
lot-i on th oil? t Mde of etiiil Third Ktret
Sec. . 1th. The pit i J fi iwnlkn. require! tola
bnilt t7 the 1st. L'd. 3d. .t-nd 4th re.tiir oi thw
ordinance, shall l-o lour feet wide un.l k fi u 1 1 be
e.-r.s:ruc:ed of good pine lumber ol not leiw than
one iu;'t one bull inch en in thick-no.-:!, or
of Cottonwood luinher. not icn than one-and
one hull iu. hen in thickne nor moro than tux
inches in nidih laid cioKi-wisn aud iirinly nal'cl
upon two continuous sleepers or stringers, at
least two by Jour inches in Vue.
Sk . 7th. 'J he said pidcwalk required by tho
fith section of this C'rdin.ince. fhall be six feet
wide and ."hall lie constructed cf frond prrto
lumber, of not less than one aud oho hall in
ches in thickness, or of'Kood Cottonwood lum
ber not less than cne ami one half inches itf
thichtfess and not more than six inches in width
laid crosswise and ffniily nailed and faitened
upon three continuous sleepers or ftriugers,
not le? than two l.y four in. -lies iu s.i ands
well placed and fii1enetl.
.vkc, 1 his Ordinance to taRe euect-lrornf
and alter its pub ication fts required bylaw.
1'assed and approved. June 11. ISfi
i. L. WHIT . Mayor,
Attest. R. II. Vasatta, City Clerk.
10 2t
Lincoln, Neb.
This IIouso has just been refitted and refer
niched st.w throughout. Everything is nei
and clean, and comfortable necotnadatinn war'
ranted to Riicfd. M r. (!. M. Koberts, former
clerk ol tt. is House, is still with it. Sjtnga of'
lice fo r all parts of the 8'ato. Free Buss.
lOtf C. Ji. SOUTHWELL, Proprietor.
Plattsmoulh, Nebraska.
I I am prepared to accommodate the public witl
m i Horses, Carriages, liuKtfies and a No. 1 Hearsw
I .1 t ... . .. A u i
on short notice ai;d reasonable terms. A Hack
will run to;th-rteiiiubuitt landing, and to all pari
of tho e.iy when desired.
January 1, 1-71 d wtf.
Tire linn of B.ownlcc Sc MacMurphy
is this day dissolved, by mutual consent,
Mr. Browulee going out, Sc MacMurphy
continuing the buisness.
Flattsmouth, May 2'Jth, 1S72.
H.S. MacMurphy.
J. Q. Brownlee.
stock of Hats nnd Cups.
S lOtf
done by P. MAXWELL,
Jan lliwtf
OTiG A.1'3,
aub (Drpns.
ilusij, and all kindi ot Musical Mfrchaadii.
mi Rrpiirrd Satisfaction Guratcd.-U1