Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 06, 1872, Image 2

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.. ..-..Editor.
Oflicial Directory.
T. W. Tipton. Brownrille,
P. W. Hitchcock, Omaha,
Jln Taffe. Omaha.
U. S. Senator.
U. b senator.
William II- Jame, Lincoln, Act. Governor.
William II. Janies, Lincoln, See. t I Stat.
John irillespie. Lincoln. Auditor.
II. A. Koenig, Columbus, Treasurer.
u. 11. uoberts, Umaba, Attorney (ieneral.
J. M. McKenzie. Lino In. Sap , Pub. Instruc'n
L. Croons.
Chief Jottice.
Maon. Nebraska Citv.
re B. Lak. Omaha, i . . -..v., .,!- I in-atifyine a fool
tinoun J - , - ,
II. F. Elli on.
Daa'l McKinnon,
W.L. Hobbe.
J. W. Johnson.
u. w . Wis.
Jacob Vail -j,"
xienj. ill Din,
Jain eg.
J.W. Tbomas,
Probata Judge.
County Clerk.
A r assurer.
Sapt. Pab. Instruction,
County Com mission en.
For President.
Foa Vice President.
The agony is oyer f the nominations
are made, and we fling to the breeze the
names, U. S. GRANT, and IIexry
Wilson, of Massachusetts. No strong
er ticket could be put before the people,
and wo wish it Qod speed !
We now stand on our own feet, and
aided by your kind wishes, readers, and
fair support, we shall keep there.
We are not responsible for those that
Lave gone before us. If they have
managed wisely and done well, pass it
to their credit ; if otherwise, ive them
the benefit of your disapproval, and not
It is pleasant to look a man square in
the face when you talk to him, and to
meet an open, hone3t look in return
again ; even bo we propose to look the
readers of the Herald square in the
face when talking to them through these
columns, and we ask the same return.
Judge U3 by our own deeds and perform
We prefer, however, to have a little
family talk with our readers instead.
It is not a wise plan, saying nothing o
its being ungentlemanly to drag indi
viduals, citizens, before the public in
advance, as probable candidates for this
or that office. It does not help the
cause: if done in ca-nettit juts your
man up as a target to be shot at before
the battle, and he is hopelessly wounded
by the time he is needed at the
front. If done in jest, it is crnel and
cowardly, and drags an innocent man
before the bar of public opinion to an
swer for faults that it is time enough to
look at and criticise, when by norsina
tion in the regular way, he really be
comes a eandidate. Here and there
does turn np an ms, who likes to have
his name in. print in this manner, or in
fact in any way ; but they are scarce
and ought to be scarce, ouch men you
only gratify, and there is no sense in
The practice had bet
ter be dropped. "We must select some
man, and we want to know who it is to
be ' Elect good, sound, honest
men at your primaries ; such men as
you know and would trust to transact
important business affairs if you had to
select an agent to transact them. Let
these men o to the convention and
there use their judgment after consult
ing with their neighbor delegations.
"We want to stop fraud and corrup
tion. ' Turn out to a man at your pri
maries, and do your own business.
Never trust it to two or three idle men
in the country, professed politicians,
who run the thing, and pack your dele
gations. 1 ou can t pack 5,000 men,
nor 1,000, nor even 500 very welL
You can a baker's dozen
It s no use to "cuss" politicians, and
men in offices, and denounce them as
corrupt. You put them there. All
power comes from the people, and re
turns to the people. Turn out in force,
and send the men you want. It will not
do to acknowledge that we are all cor
rupt. We must have some honest men I
let us fin them I
Of late years it has become the cus
tom to overlook all the faults, the vices,
the crimes almost, of the drunkard, and
lay the whole blame on the rumseller.
The man that drinks it to the ruin of
his health, his home, his moral and his
manners is not to blame but only the
man that sells him rum and pockets the
It is just the same in politics ; we
have taken a notion to relieve ourselves
of all odium ; let the rascals run the
State, furnish them the money to fit up
the saloon, buy the whiskey, and pay
the license ; and after we have drank
our fill and become drunken with their
foul deeds, and nauseated with their
corrupt practices, we up and curse them
for selling or giving us the dose we or
dered prepared for ourselves months be
fore. We are of the Deoole. we believe
"Perseverance Con-iuers is the motto
we flinir rr inn
o - - hu una issue, i 4t i
and by following it we hope to make this Z ll T ?U PPer fF the
the best and most useful n,n ; .. bene?t of P.c0Ple but we want th
State. . J to arise and help themselves. Distill no
poisoned chalice this fall that can be
r i j .. . ,
BI'siesi I "4tcu uuwu your tnroats Dy tne men
It has been the custom htrpinflmi yu nave Pufc in power, and all will be
Jet advertising accounts and the general I welL
eollections of the newspaper run an in-1 God Alm,gnty helpa only those who
definite time. We do not think tfci i 1 e,p themseIs. It will do no good for
good plan. "Short accounts mat 1 J Prcachers to pray for reform. Idle
friends," is as true in thU Knein. . Payers and idle curses fall alike unheed
in any other ; besides beinir the onlv c Kesame y power, oh people 1
true and systematic war r,f rlm Aietu your masters to their stations as
ness, and the only one worthy the notice servants and we shall have peace,
of thn lice business men of a ltvk wew. I -
ER TOWN. Thinkill thru, arwl I,K SKELETON'S AND THIXGS
rng that all realTy interested in the wel- 7 last week a feUow rusaed
fare of the town and paper will support into our office and says he, "Hev you
tia in flila i.: rr ... been ud to see the Dnr.f.nrs?" "Vn "
At the meeting of free traders, at
Steinway Hall, New York, about 2,000
were present. William Cullen Bryant
presided and opened the meeting with a
brief address. Mahlon Sands read a se
ries of resolutions expressing deep dis
appointment at the platform and candi
dates of the Cincinnati Convention.
The Bee comes out square against the
Greeley movement, as at present con
ducted, and says :
"An independent movement in Ne
braska, with broken down leaders and
without an organization, can result in
nothing but disaster."
"In looking at the situation we desire
to deal with facts, and much as we re
gret it, we are forced to the conclusion
that the movement is losing ground, by
the inaction and bad management of the
men who inaugurated it We desire to
lead no forlorn hope, nor would we en
courage Republicans to place themselves
in an attitude of hostility to their party,
unless there is & least a fair show of
concerted action. Bee, May 30 A.
Postmaster Griffin, of Omaha, plead
guilty to the charge of having mail sacks
in his possession, contrary to law ; but
urges that tbe actual worth of the sack
not returned was only 25 cents, and that
the whole thing was the result of a mis
understanding of orders by his hired
They are more than going for Senator
Tipton, down at Brownville. They ac
cuse him of taking an oath and he a
minister once that he would never vote
for Greeley to fill any office whatsoever.
This was two years ago, in explaining
his own vote in the Senate. The reason
he gave at that time was because G ree
ky bailed "Old Jeff.' r
Our Weeping Water Letter.
WKriNQ Water June 3d, 1872.
Editor Herald : The principal ob
ject of interest, since we sent our liquor
dealer to dwell with Mr. Johnson for a
time, is the starting of the Weeping
Water Mills. They have been lying idle
for over four months, for repairs.
Messrs. Clinton and Co., have shown
their faith in the future by putting en
tirely new machinery, with one of James
Leffell's celebrated Turbine Wheels.
Their apparatus for cleaning wheat is
superior to anything we have seen in the
State. These rains gives them an abun
dance of power, and they are able to
grind all that comes.
We noticed that they were pay in $1,60
for wheat. The stopping of this mill for
so long a time, compelling farmers to
go elsewhere for milling has had an in
fluence to send much trade from our
town, which otherwise naturally comes
here. A. L. Potter opens his drug store
this week, and having bought for cash,
will supply his customers with Ihe best
goods at tl e lowest prices.
Wheat looks splendid corn is rather
yellow and weedy. Farmers say they
can do nothing with weeds, for plowing
when there is so much rain only culti
vates them. " Buttons.
Chattel Mortgage Sale; -
Whereaj default baa been made tn the pay
ment of a certain ChatUo Mortgage, dated April
17th. 1871, tni executed and delirered by Wm.
F. Morrison to J. D, Stoddard to secure the
payment of the sum of tiro hundred and seven
ty-fire dollars' according to the terms of a cer
tain promissory not of eren date with said
Mortgage, calling for the sum of $275 00 and
due and payable on the 30 day of October 1871
with 10 per cent intirest per annum. That there
is now due and payable on said note and mort
gage the sum of 12 75,00. That said mortgage
was duly recorded, on the 1st day of May A. D.
1871. at page 189 in Book D. of Chattel Mortga
ges in th records of Cass county. Nebraska.
Now therefore by virtue of a powofsale con
tained in said Chattle Mortgage, I will on the
first day of June A, D. 1372. at the front door
of the Court Ilouse'n Plattamouth City, Casj
ceunty, Nebraska, offer for sale, at Publio Auc
tion the following property described in said
mortgage, being a frame building known as W.
F. Morrisons slaughter house 16x14 feet one
story high, and the one story srame house about
16x14 feet, built by Geo. Fickler and now owaed
by W. F. Morrison, together Iwith all the out
houses and appurtinances thereunto belonging,
aid buildings being situated on the of the
n i cf sec 19 town 12, Range 14 in Cass County
Nebraska, J. D. STODDARD.
Scad. Head, Xtca1.
0 "
Perfumerys. Toilot articles, finishes. Paints.
Oil. Varnish. Putty, Window
Clara. Lamps, chimney's,
. extrarefined coal oil. ncn-explo-
... ui uiu( num. ko. occ, ao, Ac.
Great National "Sangerfest!"
A contract has been made with the
Mis'wuri Pacific Railroad Company, at
greatly reduced rates, to carry the mem
bers of the Pioneer Sanererbund and oth
er Singing Societies, and their friends to
the Great National Sangerfest to be
held in St Louis in June.
Ample accommodations will be fur
nished for all by a special train of Pull
man Palace Cars which will run through
from all points given below to St. Louis,
without change. Rates for the round
trip to St Louis and return will be as
Omaha $24; Council Bluffs $23 ; Pa-
cifio Junction $22.50; Nebraska City
$21.50 ; Phelps $19 ; St. Joseph $15 40
Atchison 16 60: Leavenworth $16 :
Kansas City $15.40; Lawrence $18.10;
and all other points in proportion.
These rates include a one dollar ad mis-
Mr. L. W. Love, of the firm of Colvin
& Love, of Arrapahoe, James county,
Nebraska, started for Lincoln on the 27th
of May, for the purpose of purchaseing
a large Flock of dry go ids and groceries
boots, shoes, &c They buy cheap for
cash, and sell cheaper than any firm that
we. know of along the U. P. R. R.
Love & Colvin are thorough going bus
iness men, and are doing well. Mr. Col
vin is also surveying and locating claims
for the settlers. He has located over 50
families since his arrival from Platts
mouih, which ha3 been only three
weeks. Arrapahoe Reporter.
Since our last is-sue Geo. L. Seybolt
has sold his interest in the above named
paper to J. A. MacMurphy "Tip-Top.".
Mr. Brownlee has also sold his interest
to MacMurphy & Co., whitih leaves
"Tip-Top" sole editor and manager of
the paper. We are sorry to part with
Seybolt & Brownlee as newspaper men,
yet the best of friends must part We
cordially welcome Bro. MacMurphy
among us, and predict that he will be
come immensely popular, and make the
Herald second to no paper in the west.
Success attend you, "Tip-Top." Land
Preocriptl c
LlSCOLN, Nebrasba, May ltlb72.
Complaint having been entered at this Office
by Benjamin F. Stiskwell, against Eugene L.
Reed, for abandoning his Homestead entry.
No. 8o24 dated July 7ih 1871. upon the n w K of
n e 4 section 32. township 11 north, range 11
east, in Cass county Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of said parties are hereby sum
toaoued to appear at this office on the 11th day
of June. 182, at TO o clock a. m., to respond and
furnUh testimony concerning the alleged aban-
N H. W. SOMMERLAD. Register.
GEO. P. TUCKER. Receiver.
Ordered to be published in the VKttsmouth
Next door west of the Post Office, in tho same
room with O'Brien, boot and shoe dealer.
. S-Strictly pare wines and liquors (for medi
cinal purposes), a speciality.
He manufactures flavoring extracts, a fine
preparation of chocolate ready for use. an un
equaled baking powder and variouf other arti
cles, lo those addicted to the use of Opium,
Uat poisonous and destroying drug, come or ad
dress me ard be eured as thousands of others
have been and are being, by a painless, porma
pant antidote. When once cured, which takes
tut a short time, you have no desire for drug
or the antidote
C3Cotuniunication3 for the Opium Antidote
may be addressed to Dr. O. B. Chapman Platts
n"th, Aeb. or K. J. Chapman. M. D., Mo.
Valley. Iowa. jaul7diwtf
The Cheapest.
3S J. rflETTEER,
Will be found t his old stand on Main St.
where he will be pleased to see his for
mer customers ana irienas.
He has a large and good assortment of farm
machinery such as th
The Marsh harvester, a reaper that two men
eao out and bind ten acres per day with
on man to drive, and th binders can work in
the t hade.
"Yandiver, and Moline Corn Planters.
Stubble and breaking plows, iron and wooden
'J'h Eagle and Orohard City Cultivators.
rJhe Marsh Riding Cultivator,
lyfilburn Wagons, Champion Reaper 3t Mower
ix. Aiassiuon inrasher, &c
Main Street, Plattsmouth. Neb.
L. S. Bi-AIB, Traveling Aent.
Feb. 29 wtf.
r reparation nns been tid
Mothers, Mothers,
Don't fail to procure STrt XTitutow't Soothing
Syrup fur Childrtn Tttthing.
Thin VHlnable
with NEVKK VKl
It not only relieves tne child from pain, but
invigorates the stoimtch and bowels, orrects
acidity, and givrs ton and euerrr to th whole
ryiteui. Itwillalsoi atantly rvliev
Oripma in th Bpeli and Wind Co lee.
We believe it the beat an I surest remedy in
th world, inall oases of Dysentery and Dinr
rbara in ohildron, whether arriaiog from teeth
ing or any oiber cause.
Depend upon it mothers, it will giv rest to
yourselves, and
7 ;'' and Health to Tour JnanU.
Be sure and call for -
"Mr; Winmlov'i Sootning Svrup."
Having the fiO-iimile of "CURTIS A PER
KINS" en the outside wrapper.
Sold by Druggists throughout the world. 10
ij-ii i i at. iiH
- -
To the East North and Southeast.
sion ticket to the Sancerfest to be civen
with Railroad ticket at the time of pui- Pursuant to a call, meetinof the citW
chase. It is narticnlarlv rpmiostprl that I zens of this place was held on Saturdav.
all members of societies and their friends a the Court House. Gen. Livingston Deral J for hro "nscutive weeks.
attending from this district, arrange tn wa3 elected Chairman, and Capt H. E. 1 may0w3
go by way of the Missouri Pacific Rail I aimer Secretary.
Road, so that we may all unite before The object of the meeting, as explain-
Leave Plattsmouth, 3 Mp. m. 6.15 a. la.
Arrive Bu ling ton 5.50 a-m. 9,15 p.m.
liendota . 1U0 a- m. 35 a. m.
" Chicago(C.B.JtQ.) 3.15 p. m. 7.45 a. m
" Peoria- " 10,00 a.m. 1.30 a.m.
" Ind'plisd.B.dt W. 6:15 p.m. 10.30 a. in.
" Cincinnati " 90 p. m, 4.00 p. in.
" Logansp'UT.PA W 5J55 p. m. 9.20 a. tu.
"Columbus " 2.45 a.m. G.20 p. m.
lThrough Cars from Missouri River to Chi
cago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logansport and
Connections at those points with lines lcad
mir to the East. North and South.
This is the Jimt, Hhortert, Quietest and Cheap,
ttf lioute.
Do not bo deceived, but obtain Tickets via
the Burlington and Missouli River Rai!
Ocn 1 licket Agent. (icn'ISupl
Burlington & Mo. River R. R. Co.
On Ten Years'.Credit at Cpcrct. Interest
No nai t of nrinrinnl 1 n for torn vnn ,.!
thf,'?'.??,l3fn;,n9"?,.,.nta "' 1 ill puid in fu'l.
X I'Jiliia Will D.'LV fur inn un1
menu within tho limit or this
i in pro ve-
gonerons credit.
W. W Sommkblad. Register,
Legal Notice.
roo;nn.Sf T,,:. . v ftdhvthfi nhnirman uroc tn . Stanley ij. , isoDie, nonresident deten-
. luo KuiUBc i ; Hou dant w,u take notice that on the 27th
transacting any Dusmcss ana arranging tlu"3 pruviue ior tne entertainment day of May 1872, Lydia Noble filed her
hotel accommodations. &c. Those com-1 ot tQe ooldiers ot the late war. now resi- petition in the District Court of the 2.1.
ing from Omaha, Council Bluffs, Nebras- I dents of Nebraska, at the approaching 'i?105111 District n and for Cass county
ka City, Brownville, St Joseph, Atchi- Reunion. The Chairman stated that 'he?ct and ,?rayer of. sa,id
t t -r m , I i : un , ipu iuuMwuuwiu a uivorce or me
sou, ueavenwonn, .Lawrence, lopeka, .cuu.uu suuulu uav uud piace on bonds of matrimony existing between
Fort Scott, Ottawa and other points in tne first Wednesday in June, at Platts- yourself and said plaintiff.
the district will meet in Kansas City and mouth, but that owing to want of proper . 'ou are required to answer said peti- was deemed advisable to i0"oe y y
All Paper Trimmed free of
Also Dealer "in
Magazines, and
Latest Publications.
The Halladay Mill hns etood the test for six
teen year?, both in the United States and Eu
rope and is the only ono
Generally adopted y all Principal Rail- Eighlh sTrectVsLLot.ufMo'
roaus anu rarmers.
.3-lioUer terms were novi'r offered, are not
now. and probably nevT will be.
CIKCULARS giving f-jll articiiliirs are sup.
1'iicu ktiiu!: iiny w i.-iiini to hi Iiwa ,.ti,,.r. n .....
ljfratc with thm. or to tonn a colony, aro invit
ed to axk for all they want to distribute.
Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS, Land Comm'r.
For Iowa Lands, at Durlinpton, Iowa,
Anl for Ncbrask Landtf, ut Lincoln Neb.
ARook Tor the iTIillion !
MARRJAGcll A private counnelor lo tlie
uUIDt. (iMarricd or thuKe ulxiut to inar-
ies and rcvelat
latest dicsoveriea in crud nr-i nir n ml nnii.niin.
oflKnring, how to preccrve the i oiiii,l'r ion Ac
J his is an interesting work f two hunlre l
and tweLty-four pages, w'th nunierouH engrav
ings, and v cnntaias valuafoto inlorinatiou lor
xiiosewno are marriod, or conteioplate mar
riage. Still, it in a book that ought to be kept
miner iock
and knv
au"ui me nouse.
not laid carolexnly
go through from there in the same train
In behalf of the Turner Sangerbund
S, C. HAPNER, Prest
A. Muir, Sec.
us in this view, our business nfr;.;ra ,;n
be conducted after this fashinn I sa5"s I "not teiD 6ick 1 hav'nt rushed
Standing advertisement- f. Un after a doctor 3'et- you'd bet
time (6 moa. tr a vear irill L tj ter- say3 ne, "They're all down here,
quaitsrly, at the end of the three aD(1 holdin2 a Convention, and are going
months. Advertisements for shorter t0 amP'tate everybody, and expend the
time, all local advertising and ioh work anDymation ot' th whole community
10 regular customers, should La SenUA I"" uu' """weugo
every thirtt dats. Then the items &t 0DCe' AmvinS at tJie Court House
are all fresh in the minds of each party WG climbed the 6tai" in fear and trepi-
the bills do not seem so large, by half dation Nothing less than grinning
and we are both better pleased and feel 6keIeton'' and fierce' keen-edged, scimitar
happier that we have settled. Is it nnt bladed knives, hung up in pompous
so ? Single notices in local columns and R 17 U room' did we expect to
transient work will be cash Wm . I see Tremillously we peeped in The
pecttopay our own debts in ,. .T" ,M:" Vl L'oc- virrgston.
manner. Business men nf lia.i. on a hxZh fcto1 a laughin' " all the fel
will you help us out in this matter.
lows looking jolly inside the railing, and
JNewt Hays aad Dm. Wheeler a gr
no, smiling, outside, reassured us, and
we ventured in. Shaw. Doctors ain't
It shall be our aim to give all the
news we can through the week, and on no such great shakes for dignity, on a
lue aa7 w go to press, the very latest Convention, after all
leiegrapnic news and market reports
wm be given on the last column of th I A number of Wtpro in hm
a , ,mw I -.www W a U VA4m. UVCJk
local page. We also inaugurate a now I that have been anfiiimnlatJno- rlnrJn th
w - I Miaiiug uw
leature, viz. "Home Markets." and I changes in this
$hall try to make them correct and relia
ble. In short, this paper must contain
all the best and most important informa
tion that the farmer and business man
needs, fresh and hot, so that on the day
lacna n - Iaa.i a i
. rcasi, vrery rcaaer will have
cannot publish them all at once, and
moreover, some of them have been de
layed until they are past date now. Af
ter this we hope to pay prompt atten
tion to every communication, and we
want all that we can get All articles
the synopsis ofa daily paper of that intended for publication must be short,
uate Deiore mm, and can see all the la- to the point, written on one side of the
test items. A weekly paper need not I paper, in plain English, and have a re-
De a week behind with the news. We I sponsible name signed thereto. Re
shall try to keep up. with the times, and I member this.
yet not let our imagination lead us ahead
of the game.
This issue, as a newspaper, would be
incomplete in many person's eyes, un
less we said a few words under this cap
tion. Just before the storm there is a mo
ment of "hush." "Wait and see where
she strikes, boys," says one. "Hang out
your banners on the outer walls," cries
another "and make it hot"
We may have to hold this pap-cr over
a day in order to learn who is to be our
man in the great contest of this fall.
Pending this development a few words
about the candidates for our State ofn
ces, and those who are to conduct our
home government, may not be oat of
We might go on and give some very
shrewd guesses as to who would like
this berth and what man would fit that
one, and by throwing in a sneer here,
There will be a mass meeting of the
German citizens of Plattsmouth eity,
and Plattsmout precint, on Saturday.
June 15th, in the afternoon. All are
invited to attend.
Annual Report of the State Board of
We should have been pleased to have
published, this most excellent and able
report of our active and energetio Su
perintendent of Immigration, Col. J.
II. Noteware. We think no better ad
vertisement of the State can be pub
lished, than it and h
State papers will giro it to their readers.
r or want of space we have been
able to publish it this week.
The Societies along the line of the K.
C. St, Joe & C. B. Railroad will start
for the Sangerfest on Monday, June 10.
The through train which will carry them
will leave Pacific J unction at 8 o'clock a.
Tickets will be on sale from Sunday,
June 9th, until Thursday, June 13th.
Good to return until June 19. Tickets
for sale at Capt. L. P. Bennet's office on
Main street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
. A. C. DOURS, Gen. Pass. Agt
K. C. St Joe & C. 13. R. It.
hold the Reunion on the 26th tf Jun?.
After some plea-ant discussion as to the
means to be adopted to secure the re
union, the meeting adjourned to Satur
day evening next, at the same place.
It is to be hoped that our citizens will
turn out and and take such action in this
matter as the occasion demands.
H. E. Palmer, Chairman.
Secretary. r
T.. ir. . o , . . i rveraemoer me place, inreeaoors w
By MAXWELL & ClIAPMAN, her Attys Herald office; Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by anex
perienced Druggist.
Kemember the place, threedoors west of the
' Ordinance No. 23.
Sheriffs Sale.
Electa G. Hasty vs Emerson II. Eaton. Order
of sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
District Court for Cass county N ebraska, and to
me directed. I will, on the 13th day of July. A.
D. 1872, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the (south) front door of the Cour
Ilouse in the city of Plattsmouth in said coun
ty, sell at publio auction the following real
estate, to-wit: Lots 7. 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12, in
b'ock No. six (6) in the eity of Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, and the sontheast quarter C) section
No, twenty-four (24) in township No. twelve (12)
m tt -r n . .-
I a ii r, symptoms o liver com-
pain is in the shoulder, aod
r . : " ...v. vwui-
S:mm "plaintare uneasiness and pain
IlllinUllo tin the side. Sometimes the
mistaken for rheumatism.
The Ftomach is affected with Iom nf snnniin
and sicknos. bowels ia general eo?tive. .mn.
times alternating with lax. The head is trou-
Diea witn pain
Tsiderable Iops of memory, ac-
7Scnd for catalogue and price list,-
aplSwtf Lincoln Nebraska.
Is Money Earned
ent to any one (freo ofnoitiiire) for. 10 i
Addrens Dr. LutU' Diopcneary, No,
iiruiu sireci, ci. iiouu, alo.
Notice to the AfHicted and Unfortunate.
Before aDDlvine to the notorious nunnVa m Kn
advertise in public papers, or ufing any quack
remedies, peruse Dr. Hutu' work no uiattor
what your deseaoe is or how dpulnmlila von.
Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by
mail, on the diseases mentioned in hi wnrUx.
Office. No. 12 N. Eighth etreet, between Market
nd Chesuut. St, Loui. Wo. dec2dwlr
i 1 r r-
lm I V Cm flltion of having left undone
something which ought to have
MHKJbeen done. Often cnmnlainin.
of weakness, debility and low spirits. Some
times many of the above symptoms attend the
disease, ana ac otner times very few of them
fifth and seventh of an ordinance entitled.
An Ordinance providing for the Con
struction of certain sidewalks. Approv
ed May 1 6th 1872.
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Conn"
cilmenothe Cit$ of Plattsmouth:
Sec. .1st. That section third, fifth and seventh
of an Ordinance entitle,! "An rMln..
ding for the construction of certain sidewalks;"
approved May 16th. 1872. Be so amended as CO
lead as follows :
Soc. 3d. That the owners of lots bordering
and abutting the east side of Third street be
tween Main and Vine streets be and are hereby
required to construct a sidewalk along and
against the west line of their said lots or parts of
lots on the east side of said Third street.
cec. oin. A no saia si lewalks, required to b
built by the 1st. 2d, 3d, and 4th section of this
ordinance, shall be four feet wide and shall be
constructed of good pine lumber of not less than
one and one half inches in thickness, or
or Cottonwood lumber, not lees than one and
one half inches in thickness nor more than six
incnes in width laid crosswise and firmly nai'ed
UPOn tWO Continuous Rleener. nr tlririffarfl a
leapt two by four inches in size.
Sx j. 7th. 'ihe said sidewalk required by the
6th section of this Ordinance, shall be six feet
wide and shall be constructed of good pine
lumber, of not less than one and one hall in
ches in thickness, or of good Cottonwood lum
ber not less than cne and one half inches in
thickness and not more than s:x inches in width
laid crosswise and firmly nailed and fastened
upon three continuous sleepers or stringers,
not less than two by four inches in sue and
well placed and fastened.
kic. 2. This Ordinanee to take eJTeet from
and after its pub ieation as required by law.
Passed and approved. June 1st. 1872
AI. L. WUIT , Mayor.
Attest. R. II. Vanatta. City Clerk.
10 2t
Sheriff's Sale.
By vigtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the
District Court for Cans Clint 'WeKraalr .nr)
A number of cases Were examined by J to n-e directed, I will on the 3rd day of June
a.- v, I8i2at one o'clock P. M. of said day at
tne front door of the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth in said County Sell at auction
the following real estate, towit.
Lota eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block No.
twenty one (21) in the city of Plattsmouth Cass
County Nebraska, as designated upon the pub i
lUhed and recorded plat of said City. To satisfy
a judgment recovered at fhe April term A. D.
1S71 of said Court by L. D. Bennett against J.
F. Stall.
J. "W. JOHNSON Sheriff.
Cass County, Nebraska.
ioxi Whkxlkb Att'ys forPl'ff. may2wCw
An Ordinance amending section third. I nertn nse No. twelve (12) east of the 6th P.
This Soc'ety met in Plattsmouth on
Tuesday the 4th inst. There was a full
attendance from every part of the State,
as the following list of delegates will
Nebraska City. M. M. Line ; A,
Bawen ; D. W. Hershey , W. n. ness.
Omaha. C. H. Pinneyf Geo. Tilden,
V. II. Coffman, Wm. NcClelland, S. D.
Mercer, J. H. Teabody.
Fremont. L. J. Abbott
Grand Islxnd. B. B. Kelley.
Lincoln. G. W. French, J. W.
Strickland, A. C. Gibson, J. O. Carter,
S. G. Fuller, L. IL Bobbins.
Factoryville. S. C. Mackey.
Rock Bluffs. B. F. Reed.
Plattsmouth.- R. R. Livingston, Jno
Black, W. E. Donelan, J. W. Rawlins.
We intended to give the proceedings
in full, but we are behind time in issu
ing our paper, and they are so volumin
ous that it will be impossible.
The discussions npon the iest meth
ods of practice, were very interesting and
PH I I.A It ELPn I A .
The Convention has done it3 work.
At thi3 writing we cannot give the rlat-
and a sarcasm there, we could no doubt I orm nor any particulars more than the
make a lively paper, raise a laugh and "ct ot tbe nominations as found in the
piaj be get a "sub." or two. I telegraphic column.
the Society and one operation for hare
lip was performed.
Doctor Livingston delivered a very
able and eloquent address on Wednesday
afternoon, and Dr. John Black, of this
place, entertained his brother Saw-bones
in the happiest style in the evening.
A strong resolution in regard to Abor
tion was passed,' reprobating the custom
pardoning criminals guilty of this offense
and thus turning them loose again
upon society to practice their vile abom
A vote of thanks to the different rail
roads was presented. Tho next meet
ing is fixed at Nebraska City, and then,
and then they said good bye, God bless
you, andjwent home.
M.. and part of the northeast quarter G) of
section No. twenty-five (25) township No.
twelve (12) north range No. twelve (12) east of j
the 6th P. M.. containing about one hundred
acres ; the southwest quarter 04) of section
fourteen (14) township twelve (12) north rnge
No. twelve (12) east of the 6th P.M.: the west
half 04) of the south-east quarter (X) and the
southeast quarter Gi) of the southeast quarter
OA) of section No, nineteen (19) township No.
twelve 02) north range No. thirteen (13) east 6th
P. M. ; the southwest quarter Q?i) of the south
west quarter OA) of section No. twenty (20)
township No. twelve (12) north range No. thir
teen (13) east of the 6th P. M.; and the south
west quarter (1-4) of section No. thirteen '13' in
township No. twelve (12) north range No.
welve (12) eat of the 6th P. M-, to satisfy a
judgment ie:overed at the April term, A. D.
1872, of the said District Court by Electa G
Hasty, Administratrix of Charles Hasty, de-
eaed, against Emerson H. Eaton.
Sheriff Cass County Nebraska.
Fox k Wheclxr, Pl'ffs Atty's. 8 9 5t
Public Sale of School Lands.
.notice is nereoy given that pursuant to an
act of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska
entitled an act "To provide for the Registry of
School Lands for th oontrol and disposition
thereof and for the safe keeping of the funds de
rived f om the Stele and lease of said lands"
which said act was approved lune 24th A. D.
1SG7. And also in accordance with a subsequent
amendment to said act approved February 15tn
A, D. 1S09, I will on Tuesday the 25th day of
June next at th hour of tea o'clock, A:M,at
th front door of th Court House in Platts
mouth City Cass County Nebraska, offer for
sal at publio auction to the highest bidder all
the remaining School Lands in said county con.
tinuing said sale from day to day until all said
lands shall have been offered.
In witness whereof I have here
Ii C 1 unto set my hand and affixed the
LJLiO'J seal ofsaid county at Plattsmouth,
this 8th day of May A. D. 1372:
May 9th wi. County Clerk
NEW GOODS 1 New Styles!!
Below will be found a partial list of the goods
onerea Dy us at une .Dollar each:
Twelve yards Brown or Bleached Shirting,
Three yards, double width. Table Damavk.
Ladies Fine Chemise with fancy bosom,
(ruffled or trimmed,) wtth a six tucked skirt to
Ladies' fine white eighteen Tucked Skirt,
Fine Germ n Violin, with ivory tip bow.
One dozen all Linen Uankercbiefs,
One ten-quarter Honey Comb Quilt.
A good M aterbury Clock. Warranted'
Eight pair ladies' fine white Cotton Hose,
Two eight-bladed pearl handle Knives.
Eight yards Black Alpaca.
. One hundred picture Velvet Photograph Al
Two fine white six-tucked Skirts.
Ottr Premium Lift cannot be excelled to club
oplcndid Twenty-key German Concertina.
Twelve vards of Calico: a sood article.
Onedozen Tumblers, with six goblets to match.
ne dozen linen lowela, medium size.
EighCyards Lancaster Gingham.
fret oi siiver-piaed Tablespoons, with six
xeaspoons to match. Plated on white metal.
Two pair ladies' German Cor.-eU; sold every
where atSl per pair. Send si. e.
thehea.1 f-ver and airup- dmnsv tniii in auo auove articles are irom oo to i o percent.
baSkSftlimft cheaper than can be purchued of therctaillcrade
'aolinni on, I h4lin,,a Aiawaaa trnn.,,11. I HjOW.
Prepared only by J. II. ZEILIN k CO.
Druggists, Macon. Ga.
Send for a'Cireular t and 329 Arch street..
Price SI; by mail Uof Philadelphia Pa,
For Sale by J L, BUTTERY,
but the liver is generally the organ most invol
ved, cure tne liver wun
ed to be strictly vegetable, and can do na In.
jury to any one.
it nas been used by hundreds, and known for
the last thirty-five years as one of the meet re
liable, efficacious and harmless prepaiations
ever onerea to tne sunering. It taken reguarly
and persistently, it is sure to cure Do.-npnsm
(headache, jaundice, comivp-
'DrtrwnlnCJn?8S,.8'c'1 headache, chronie
XVCg UiabUAfiiarrnoea attection o the blad
der, catnp dysentery, affection
oi the kidnevs. fever, nervnns
ness, chills diseases of the skin, impurity of the
oiooa. meiancnoiy, or depression ot spirits,
heartburn, colic, or pain in the bowels, pain in
job mm
ICome and fiee Us.
riattsmonth, Neb.
Give u a trialorder. Cat out one
or any number of the above items and return to
us with the money, and convince yourselves that
we do better tuan any Dollar House .in this
For further information seed fnr circulars and
terms to agents,
Agents Wanted Everywhere
47-Uaving taken this paper in charge we
propose to refit and renew the entire office as
fast as possible, so that no better office can be
found in the State. Send in your work.
Just Published, in a mealed envelope. Price Cc.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, nnd
Radical care of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
We&kneftB- Tn volnntarv Kmi.sionfl- Sexunl lia
bility, and Impediments to Marriage generally;
Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits,
Mental and PhUical Incapacity, resulting from
self-abuse, Ac By Robert J. Culverwell, M
ut, autaor of the (ireen Jiook. Ac.
IDi vor d.minnnM Atit.hnr in th i, n . f m , .
ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper
ience that the awful coneouenra of plf-n hnA
may be effectually removed without medicines,
and without dangerous surgical operations, bou
gies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing
out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual
by which every sufferer, no matter what his con
dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radically. 1 his lecture will prove a
boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, to any address, in a nlain
scaled envelope. o the receipt of six cents, or
two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverwe l's
'marriage guide, price 23 cents. Address the
127 Bowery New York. P. O- Box 45S5.
Deo 22 wl
To Advkrttskrb. All persons who contem
plate making contracts with newspapers for the
insertion of Advertisements should s end to
CAUSE Address.
no. on i-ine atreet. bt. Louis, mo.
We call especial attention to tbe no
tice of the PlOItER"SANOERFJEST, to be I meeting,
holden in St. Loub next weel-. Full
traveling directions are given elsewhere.
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Co.
Bostoji . Mass., May 21. 1S72.
The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of
the Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Co.,
in Nebraska, will be held at the office ef the
Company in the city f Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, Frldjr tlie21etdav of June, proximo
for the election of Directors and any other
business which may legally com before th j
IT. ELSTEK, Qeo. oweU ' 0o.
or a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One
hundred Page Pamphlet, containing Lists of
! 3,000 Newspapers and estimates, showing the
oost of advertising, also many useful bints toad -Tertuen.
and torn account of the experiences
of men who are known as successful advertis
ers. This firm are proprietors ot the American
Newspaper Advertising Agency.
For Your Groceries Go To
Center Third and Main Streets, Plattsmouth.
XtS5He keeps on hand a choice and
well selected Stock of
Faney Groceries,
Coffees, Teas,
Sugar, Syrup.
A.. Ac. Ae.
S"AISb a good assortment of Boots A SboeeVSa
Enpecial attention given to
Job Y ork.
Work done in Colors.
Justice's Blanks, Probate and Court
Blanks always on hand.
fiQrBlank work carefully attended to.
Blanks of all kinds on hand, for talc.
By order of the Board
Is in receipt of tbe fines, snd best aaonrtmnnt
ot las&imeres, (Jlotbs.u Vcstings fo., over
qrought to th eity whic' I will make up- in
latest Styles, Please eal and examine.
PlatUmouth, April JS 1S72, wCm
In Connection with the Grocery is a
41 lark iow V Bakery & Confectionery !
and aro I'OfPCRsed of unequaled facilities for
securing the insertion of advertisements in all
Nw:rpero and Periodicals at lewest rates.
47AI1 kinds of Country Produce bought and
Take noticeof th sivn "EMPIRE RAKER V
AND GROChXY. niaIOwtf.
Call at the. NEW
Herald Office