A i 1 LOCAL 1TEWS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUEE OF MAILS. ROVTR. O. B. ft. Jo- R. R. South C. H. .V St. Joe K. II. North. B. ft M. K. R. Rs--t, . B. & M. K. R. West. OmahabyKr.il Weeping Water, Kehraska Ctv. hv !Ae. CL09C3. AKktTCS 10 p m. 10.30 pe 10 p. m. 10.30 p in I'Jpm. 10.30pm yam. 4pm 10 pm 10 an 12 a in. 12 km. 9pm.. 8 p m Departs iodVs, Wednesdays and Fridays. . , I-T 1 -i T ukicb B3an, irom e ui is i p ui. fandays, 12 to 1 p tnr '-" ' J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. The Herald six months for $1 !' uon. dona 1. liedicS, ot Umaha, is lying seriously ill in New York. " Job work done" on short notice. at the nr.RALl office Gen, Vifquain . ''goes through" Dr. Converse in a letter to tha Omaha Bee. The Nebraska City Chronicle has been changed from a Mcrning to an Evening paper. Tha Cincinnati Enquirer considers the Labor Reform ticket, Davis and Parker, a good one to onite all the eleincn's of opposition to Grant." Tha Irish Republic advises the Irifh Republicans to stand by Grant, as the fairest and kindest man to all races that ever sit ia the President chair. . During, the absence of Capt. II. E. Palmer, Tboa. W. Evaas, will attend to bis Insurance business. Mr. Evans will be found at First National Bank. wl LAST CALL. As I intend to start east by the 12th of this month, I again call on those in debted to me to come forward and settle their accounts, as by so doing they will save cost. Wm. Stadxlman. mar7w2 FOR BEST. . A dwelling- bouse, with four rooms, cellar, stabla and garden Just east of tho residence of J. W. Barnes. In quire of J. V. Wcckbach, at Empire B eery. marTwtf . The machinery is being removed from CfT the Fteamer Gallatin, and will be used on tho new transfer boat now buildiDg for this place. Every train that comes in from the east brings dozens of families for Ne braska. Several have arrived in the last few days and have purchased land here and ruoro will follow soon. ITarper's Bazaar say.-? there is a woman in Nelraska tLat edits a paper, keens a law office and rocks the cradle, all at the same time. - - The mechanics and Iuloring men ef Nebraska City propose to nominate a city ticket, to ba supported by them at the April election. s The Nebraska Stato Teachers' Insti tute will meet at Lincoln on Tuesday, July 15th, and the S;ate Teachers' As sociation on Tuesday August Cth. Kicbarti Edward-, L. L. D., President of the IL'ino: State Normal University, will take charge of the ezercies. Nebraska City will not lack for candi dates for the various cQees which are to be filled at tho city election in April next. , She has some four or five candi dates for Superintendent of Schools, and an eual number for City Marshal. It must pay to held office down tliere. Persons goin? south on the K. C, St. Jce. & C. B. Ii. B. will leave here at .12 M., and connect v.ith the train that 'leaves tha Junction at 2 p. m. See- notice ia another column. - ' r. . rr . .... ' uajaaa is taiKing ot Euomitting a proposition ' to give $50,000 for estab lishing an Agricultural Implement Fac tory. Wc understand that Wm. GK Wood ruff has been appointed local agent for that popular Nursery of Furnas. & Sons, Brownviile, and is now. ready to take or ders. It is not necessary to commend Mr. Woodruff to th people of Cass county where he is so well known, and it ia only necessary to mention that he will canvass for the Furnas' Nurseries, for the people te know that they will get just what they order. Mr. Wood ruff will probably be engaged perma nently a3 the agent of the above nurse ries. S . A Stito Bank has been organized at i Crete, Neberaska, and will commence .business about the 1st of -April next. The incorporators are John Fitzgerald, .I!. C. Cushing, O. II. Parinele, John It. Clark, " Thomas DoanV and F. W. D. Holbrook. - - - ; Several families from the vicinity of Pekin 111., have arrived here within the past week and will settle about six miles west of this place". These parties pur . chased lands here last summer and have them now in a good state of improvement. ' They are a class of settlers " that . are a valuable acquisition to any country. ' No .county in the State offers better induce ' ments to settlers with some means than this, and we are glad to see men of this character coming among us. Iiemembcrthat the State Ag'l Society have offered a special premium of $100, to the county that properly plants the most trees on Arbor Day, viz Li. A pi i 10th, 1S72, also a premium of a $25.00 farm library to the person who plants the greatest number of trees on that : ' - . ; r " ti ,' The B. & 21. R. R. Co. intend rip ' rapping the Missouri river en. the Iowa sids opposite this city,' and thus make a permanent landing for their, transfer boat. They are cow crossing about tixty freight cars a day, and still the number on the opposite Bide soems scarcely ti juntnUh. As soon as their new boat arrives they will transfer pas senger coache3, making' an unbroken flae frcra bora tq Chicago. J ... . MEED WHEAT.- ' 'vl Nebraska spring wheat fur ai?ed, ii advertised for sale at St. Joe." -price,-$1.50 per bushel. ; : L -s h PBFSSOB Or MILITARY 8CI- !.,:; JEXCE. , ' ' ; i By direction of President Grant, First Lieutenant .Junius' W. ' MacMurray cf the First artillery has been detailed as professor of military ecience and tactics at the university of Missouri, Columbia. TESTIMO.HT. . Thousands of mothers are constantly f peaking in exalted terms of commend tiea of tfte magical efTccts of Mrs. Whit- comb's Syrup for soothing infants teeth ing. ' , , " '''. wl ' There seems to be a considerable de mand for seed wheat: Many of the farm era are fearful that their winter wheat is all killed out, and are preparing to 60v spring wheat in its place. We hope tho winter wheat is not as badly hurt as the farmers suppose. We saw a man to day who looked upon a Corn Planter for the first time. Igror ance like this seems strange to the peo ple of the west, but - here was a man of good intelligence, thoroughly posted in his business (drumming for a New York house) enquiring what "that machine is cs:d fir," which csn I e found on almost every farm of the wesL We propose that missionaries be sent east to enlight en the people and explain to them the use ef corn planters, to. THE CITY ELECTION. On the first Tuesday of April the citi zeus of Plattfrnouth wi'l be called upon to select the city officers for jhe ensuing year. v The officers to be elected are, a Mayor, one Councilman for each ward, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Police J udge and Marshal. 7 , ; j It is all important that in filling these positions, honest, conscientious and pub lio pprited men b selected, for the fu ture of our city depends in a great meas ure upon the manner in which it is gov erned and the means taken to secure needed and important improvements. The Trunk Rrailroad, Avenues, and many other important matters will need looking after, the importance of whiah can hardly be estimated, and we siocerly hope that ' in the selection of men for the different positions, that tre things will not be lost Eight of. i TnCSK BilLBOAO. , . On the 26th of this month Otde county will vote on the proposition to give $5,000 per mile to different rail roads that may be built in that county. One of them the Trunk road the people living ia the Rivor precincts have a deep interest ia seeing built at an early day, and they should be prepared to co operate with the counties below, that W9 may secure an unbroken line to this plaoe. j- For this purpose we would sug gest that at least one person be selected from each precinct along the line of the proposed route, and the persons thus se lected confer with the citizens of Otoe, Neaiaha and Richardson,, aad a com- lined cSbrt be made to secure the build- ing of this road the present scaBon. There is scarcely a doubt that Otoa will now vote aid for this road. Nemaha, Richardson and Caas have once dona eo and can aain. If we expect this road soon, we have got to- work for it. and work in harmony with the counties be low us. Lot us not forrret that wa haPB something to do if we would ensure work on it this Eeason. JtUJIIFICEXT raEXITJKS. -Tha publishers cf "Oar Fireside Friend," tha new eight page, illustrated, literary and fireside weekly journal, pub lished in Chicago, evidently mean to ea cure for it, speedily, a very large circula tion. : The premiums they offer are, in deed, munificent, and the list is large and varied. The first grand premium is $20,000 ia United States Currency. rive thousand premiums are to be given to the Bubscribers for 1872; and the lowest offered is worth in retail tbe'eub script ion price of the paper. Thus whilb iba paper is worth the subscription price, an opportunity is presented of se curing a valuable premium, possibly one of the most'inagnifieont in tho list Every eubseriber participates in the dis tribution. The publishers are Waters, Eberts & Co., 783 State Street Chicago. Specimen oopies and Premium Lists sent free on application. wl We clip the fllewiBg from tho Lin coln Journal relative to tho Pottery soon to be established at Louisville, ia this county: - : "Capt. J. T. A. Hoover, of Louis ville, was ia oar city to-day, and he in forms us that he haa entered into a con trast with capitalists from tho east for opening an extensive pottery manufacto ry on Lis farm. He has the finest white kaolin in the United States, from which can be manufactured ' the very finest of ware. The centlsmen with whom Mr. Hoover has contracted wiil commence operations in the course of a coople of weeks, . and will be prepared to manufac ture ware during the coming season. They will erect works costing abont $30,- 000, and they expect to consume about 2,000 oords of wood each year. Mr. Hoover is now procuring a stock cf wood for use the present season. ; The manufactory will bo immediately on the line of tha B. & M. Railroad. ; so - that their products can be readily transfered to any parVof the world.' " SI0L'S PiATfORa - Under ; the leadership of i General Siegcl, the German Republicans of New York have recently promulgated tto fol lowing platform : ----- "Resolved. That the German Rennbli- cana of the city . and countv of New York pledge their unqualified to the candidate for the Presidency who " i" set, me Domination Dy tna next lie publican National Convention. "Resohcd. That we eiidorea th rro. ent administration, and exprew coull- aence in its integrity and ability." ' - I ' A widower was recently rejected by a damsel who dida't want "warmed over' IE an. Xtbruha Arbtr Day. 1 ' If the Directors of tho .Krowoville schools will et apart "Nebraska.Arbor day" the 10th of April as a' Tree -Memorial Day, and allow the teachers and scfco'ars each to plant a tree in the school ' block; to bear the name of the individual planting it a3 a memorial tree and retcried ia a book for that purpose, we bereby;'agree to donate to each teach- er and scholar oi the fchocl, a toreet or fmit tree of auitable size and appropriate to be planted on the grounds on that day. Ftrn'as & Sons. We clip the above from the Brown ville Advertiser, and -would suggest that the different schools throughout the eounty make an effort to secure the planting of trees on the ground belonging to the different school districts. We pre euma some of our nurserymen would fur' nish trees for this purpose at reduced rates, at least, and if an effort is made, thousands of trees can be planted on "Arbor day," r that j will be a source of pride to us in the future. Fresh Oranges and Lemons at the Post-ofEoe. Oranges only G5 cents per dozen.. In. MeCM'SHET Will be in PJattsmouth on the 20th inst, aad can be found for two days at Dr. Livingston's office. All who need good dental work on their teeth should call on the Dr. without fail. Senator Uascall was again Governor last Tuesdav. while Governor J.mea was .... j ... , . visiting soma friends at the Bluffs. . The new Governor having lost his grip on bis first proclamation did not issue another, so revoke is not in order A HAPPY MAX. The happest man in towa is our friend E. T. Duke, and all because he is the "dad" of a bran new cirl. "You know how it yourelf." Tha Galesburgh (III.) " Free Pnss hoists the namo of lion. David Davis for President. Farmers have commenced plowing in Adams, Saline, and other coantics west Of U9. This morning, about one hundred men came over on tee transier. At least seventy-five of them wore Chicago Court LTouse Bells. The other twenty-five im mediately -went to. the post office where they were fit out by Hank Streight, and when they went west there was one hun dred C. C. II. B.p, jingling on the train. llank: has enough Teft to outfit another crowd. marl-tit BAPTIST tllERCJT." ine-iapsist 5ciety ot this place, at . . . . the dedicati6n of their churoh, on Sun- dav laat. raiied the sum of ;i7.1 on in mnnw. nl tlA n-iffe'. P ra.ao j j 4 j 7 J "iiu I'ijuiuuai. t Ihe amount received in money more than pays ofF the indebtedness of the church, and tho value of the land do nated cannot be less than $500, which plac-s the society in good cendition, fi nancially. The lanl was given by Prof. Wise, our euicieat County Superintendent of Schools. Chcica lot of confactionry at tb Post-oSce. ntriionisr cosferejtce sr.Jii- KlttY. Prepositions-will ba received by (be Methodist Conference, which meets in a few days, for tbo Iocatien of the Confer ence Seminary.- We desire to call atten tion to the fact that an effort to secure tha location cf this institution will be made by many town3 of the Gtata, and that the city authorities and tha citizens here if they desire to do anything for Plattsmoutb. must act proisptly in the matter. . We bclievo if prompt action. is had that tha location can be secured for this county." Shall we have it ? ' The B. & M. are crossing an immense amount of railroad iron at this point to complete its line to the U. P. Junction. If tho season is favorable tlie road will be completed and through trains run ning by the first of June.- ------ St. Patrick's day will bo calebrated in Plattsmoutb on the evening of tbo 18th inst., by a grand locial party at Fitzger ald s Hall. Tickets for the Danoo $1.00, and lor tha bupper $1.00. ? ,-, -Sohool Books at tbo Post-ofSca! Rt. Rev'd. Bishop Ckrkson will ota- eiate at St. Luke's Church next Sunday, . . . J I i m wq6d ine rite oi conurmation will be administered. t" VV e hear complaints from all sections of our county about the bad condition of oar bridges, aad as they are general, we tike it far granted that there is tioed grounds for making them. " Our County Commissioners should assist as far as possible in erecting bridges wherever needed. -11." A Sociable and Io-ation will bo iven by the Methodists, at their church. on I nday, March 15th, for the purpose of raiaing funds to pay tha salary .of the Pastor. ' A committee will t in attend-"! ance at the church during the afternoon j to receive such donations as the friends who eaniot .ba present ia the evening. desire to make, and it is hoped that a 1 liberal spirit -will, be manifested toward i.iiisu uuu -Ittaua UP theharch of Christ in this vicinity. A javnaiion is extenaed to au to to present, as a good, sociable time is an ticipated. Notice. or, Sals at a Bauoai! a. I nf aeo. oo, town iz, range 10 east, 100 acres Drok-en, Houa, aad stalling for six her- S;C0Od lot. tvjnced. watar handw. 91 miles from railioad station. - Price." $2.- 100.--". Eleven hundred down, balance oa long time at ten per cent, interest. In quire oc Uarnes ii Pollock. raarHif : A Removed. Richard Vivian has"re moved his stock of Groceries to the south aide of Main street.- Ho will oc cupy the room horetofore knows j 'L : i r t i l r mi a . . v .mua aasu. ua W!U Keep a lull stock in Ills line. Which he 13 nrenar- tn ll to bis customers at II See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Di? nensary, headed Book fur the Million Marriage Guide in another column. , It should be read by all. x deoldiwly : Suicide Committed. As the result nf an mnoflvA stiita nf lirarAn l stomach. nrodaein? hnarfao.ho. obtuse intellect. dul!ne?s, despondency, dementia, and finally insanity, iano common occurrence. All these j disagreeable svmptoms and bad feelings are most certainly dispelled by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi- cal Discovery. ' It revitalizes and builds up the whole system. A litt.e tioot on Chronic Diseases sent free. Address It. V. Pierce, M D., Buffalo, N. Y. Gold en Medical Discovery sold by all drug gists. . rl Craw fohd ville, Ga., March 31, 1870. ) lifestsrs, J. IT. Zeilin, A Co. GxXTS : I am directed by my uncle, Hon. Alor. 11. btsphens, to say to yon that be is nclined to believe that he has derived some banefit from the use of 6 iruraous' Liver Iietrulator, and that ho wishes te give it a further triaL You will, there fore, please send to his address two mere bott.es by expres, (J. U. D. Durin? fourteen years' experience with advertisers . and advertisiug agen cies, we have never had dealings with a crra whose straight forward, . upright policy so larrely secured our confidence and respect as that of Geo. P. Rowel & Co., Advertising Afrents, New York. Their contracts are always plain, intelli- giule, specific and liberal, ibey focure tha most advantageous rates from pub- Iisbers, for the reason that the latter fel a9surea that tnoy are c-scured D-ypnfl J chance or technicality, in gc whatever thfl amount of their j trant calls for, providing always that pab- liahers have ' done as they agreed to. j bioux. City (Iowa) Junes. READ THIS FARMERS, As it is somethinxr that will interest vcu. I have on hand this sprinc:, the largest stock of Harness ever manufactured in this City, and will sell low for Cash. Call and examine my stock before you purchase, as I warrant all roy work. I use nothing but the" best Pennsylvania Uak lanned Leather- m7w3. M. B. Mcrpht. $50,000!! Money to Loan ! ! Three years time given ! Real Estate Security ! Improved farms preferred I No terms more favorably than tha 'Union Mutual Life Insurance Company of Maine." If you want Life Insurance only, patronize a company that leaves its mbuey in the country. It you want botli I n:nrin rt onti n F. nn nnntr nf mto A I in-..-... v. ' "1 " I 1" J vwv.,. Life Policy will crottct the farm taortffas- ed as security, in case of 'death of the Insured, by discharging tue loan, and . large surplus ijr ine lami y. Thiswise arraugemeut is for-the security i eft Ik; be i borrower. No Prudent' man wiil aiortsrase the home of his family without providing for the payment of the mortgage in case oi his death. A Life Policy in the Company loaning him the money, perfectly provides for this con tin gecey. In case tho borrower lives' he can probably meet his loan; and in case he dies with a Jv.fe Pohoy, it m paij off by the money due .the. family from the rolicv. J. r. t SON. General Atrents fjr Nebraska. Ui.ic?, loi.uain fct., orer U'.oe county national isanlc, ieDraska Uity. ni7 1 m. Sheriff's Sale. E. Q. Dovey, vs. Caleb Phiiiirs. N OTICE is hereby siven that theuhdersipned Sberift of the eounty oi Ca."s, will by virtue of an oraer or sale issued ny the .Probate Judge of said Cas? county, in favor of E. G. Dover and f guiust t also l'Qilhps An;l to iuia directed at 10 o clock a. m. on the tst.'i day of In-lt A. I 1Si2 at tne front door of tho Cou:t llousn in i'liittsmouth in Ca.'S countv. offer fnr it fuulio auction toe toliowiug gotd and chatties to-wit: 'Jia two horse waaon. one corn rciti- vator Wear l'low. the undivided one hall' in terest in corn planter. Oce bar haraa -with blaze bio. All heretofore taken on an order of attacument in favor ot the said is, O. Dovy and : . . t. - : i f t i. lii .i tt.iuMtuo emu v,uit!o r uiiiiDH. . Uiven uuder my hand this 6th day of March. A.D. 1Z. J. W. JOHNSON, SheriiT. On Pollntv AriV. ' iliiTKH i. Chapmau, Attys for Viff. Sheriff's Sale.' r- Joseuh Shera va Mulhnllan.-l X- Thntrr .execution. VTOTICE is hereby given that the undersign i.1 ed Sheriff of Caps eountv. N'phrmta i'l Dy virtue ot an execution issued by the District Court tf the d Judicial District of JS'ebra;ka wttoin anu ior ;as county in tavor of Joseph Ehi-ra and against Wulholland & Thatcher aud to hi n dire-:t"d at one o clock p. m. on the 14 day of Alarch, A, D. 1S72. at the old Chase & Thomas Grain V;ire-hc'isa on t. 'hi en it r. Avmn. in thw City of ilatUmouth, in snid Cass county. Offer for sale at public auction the following goous anu cnactcis to-wir:' aooui two Hund red bushels of corn in the ear and about forty- live bufbels of shcl'ed corn. AUo at 2 o'clock p. ni. of the tamo day, at the front door of the JS?!""" iheif of Wattamonth and said county of tai. Aeb., the grain ware-houao known as the Aiulhoiland and Thnteh-r Grain Ware-house, situated on the Ji. At 1U K.R. De pot Orounds near the south end ot the track in the City of Plat turnout h. I'm, pnimtw N.krDi. ka. takrn on said execution as the Dmnortv nf I ..;.! :,,it,ii..,1 i, Tk.i.i Gtrenunder my hand this 6th day of March A. u.ioi-. w. JUllSirrVX. Sheriff'" Ca?s county, Nebraska. Maxwklu i Chapman, Atty's ior PIS. mar. wz Notice. To the tion-re.utlnfc-ftOTn r f Inf. mA l n .1 in me cuv oi fiattamouth. .Str thmn.h over which Chicago Avenue haa been located to-wiu ; 5. Tuckols, lot 2 in block 42, ui mro uiiaiDs, 101 i in oiocm. iz. Heirs of M. W. Green, lot 4 in hlof-k 47. T. Ji. Tootle, lot 7 in hi .ink A ' J. C. Gibbs. lot 1 in block 55. ' j Abijah llarri.. lot 2 in block 55. T. K. Tootle, lots 8. 10 and 11 in block 55. 1 H. P.CoolHlge, lot 10 in block 57. " rv . ouuur. ioi rr in n nrv x - ----- v tepnes V. Davis, lot 6 in block ;3. ! j ii. irnaings. lot 12 in block 1G3. ' A L: V. II : l"?r. t . ... n uijiu iirns. ioi in oiock 10. W. S. Graff and D. Kemick lot 5 in block 104. Wm. Street, lot fi in hlni-k lri. '.You and eah of you are hereby notified that he council ol l'iatLsmouth haveordercd an an- propriation ot your said lots and 'land, or so ntiich of the sAme as may be necesary for the M)enin t Ph;.. i..n a'.u'Z i , : felu?'.uer ?e?.: - ?'yoit. G. iv. Coivin. c ofore elected Jto aisrss the damages accruing to youly reason of aid appropriation, witt on the 28th day Tof March. 1872. proceed to view tht-lsaid premises and make their a.-sess-mfnts. at wttich" time you may attend if you think proper. HBy order of the council . .r . ' JU WHITE. Mayor. ' Attest. T.. n. Ta--atta. City Clerk. V A 114 AUHJ .. .. TO THE WORKING rL.lss.v . prepared to l'urniiih all cl.i.sp with fnat.., employment at home, the wboie of the time or for the sparo moment. Business new, light and profitable. PenroH of t-ithcr sex oan easily earn from fifty cents to five dollars per evening ana s porpoLional sum b ilni ,hoiki. time to the busiue!". Boys and wirls earn nenrl samncli as men. Tha all who sec this notio may send their addrew I we mase thiunparallelol offer. To such as are not well satisfied, we wi send one dollar to pay for the trouble of wntinj;. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a eopy of Tk PcmV Compmnia ou9 "f.ta? lrgest, and bert fatrily r!"WKpapers Pi""u ail sent tree y mail. Reader, it .... i . w. a.i ia mi ""i'"i. proutaoie wera, BgVTW jaiuau Sheriff's Said Cnrad Heieel va. Annul W heeli. L OfLr fIBr.,-' .. r: . ,s ... "VJ OTIC& Is hereby ivun (list th mdwiv- XI ea alieria oiCnbs eoanty. frebraa a will ty virtue o' n Or ler of i-c(id by l is booo fieo. r. Lake Judge of the District Court cf I tae 2d Ju Jirial JJistrict of ehraba aud to him iirecteu, oner tor ai at public au'ti- at o9 i o clock jj. u. on the 2.)th day of Ainrca A.-D. at Conrad l' mill !n the city . f JKiatUmoutb. Tie followlcggOKds una chattel 4 to-wit: Twenty bead of Uos and Tim acd one Biar-; neretotore attaca-d ia tne abure action as ;u property of said defenuant Acirust beelti&il Urven nnier my hand this ISth duy of March A r -i ta O T III Ti .11 V,"AT C- ' i - . ass county, iscd. Maxwjli. ii Cha-max, rrUe Attoriifr. - . - aichl4w2. . Plantation Bitters. : y S. T, 1860X. ; A .-. ...... . ' ' . This wonderful vegetable restorative is t he sheet-anchor of the feeble and Co- bilitated.' As a tonic aLd cordial fur the aged and languid it has no e'quil anjor.j stomachics. As a remedy for the ner vous weakness to which women, are es pecially subject, it is superseding every ether stimulant. ' In all climates, tropi cal, " temperate or fri?id. it acts aa a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the onima! spirits. Dae. 2i5. diw lyr. . :i Beautiful -Women I- HAGAN't MAGNOOIA BALM s!v.to tb Ci- plaxioa tha Frathaaii af Yauth."'. IIasav's ' Ktoxoui'Btu eraroomoa the flushed ippearanoe caused by heat, fatigue and excitement. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and ro natural and rerfeet that no per.'on can detect it application. . tiy its vie the roughest kin is made to riral the pure radiant texture of youthful beauty. It remove redness, blotches, and piinnlcs. 'It contains ncthins thai will injure the skia tbo least. Haonquia Balm is used by . all fashionable ladies in New York. Loudon and Paris. .'.It costs only T5 cents per Bottle, and is told by all Druggist and Perfumers. " ' Doe, 26. d&wljTcSdw. DOCTOR WI15TTEER. j . 617 St. Charles Street , . 1 1" ccg-'er located in St. Louis than any Cbron-i lj iz Phyriiciar.. fo succersfuliy treats SiuipleJ tiiid Crmpiieated enreal Dissa? as to tmngl ijiaticntj from every brate. HU hospital op-J ! jDrtunitics. a life tic! experience, with rur-1 est drugs prepared in the establishment, cures; cases cven up by otoer?, no matter who Kill ed ; tell yoi.r private troubles, ('on.suitation free. Send two stamps for medical essays. Manhood. Womanhood, sent bj mail. 15 cents each, both for 25 cts, 1C0 pages. All that the curious, duubtlul. or inquisit t wish to know ail aNjut Self-pollution Preve tiou. Marriage. Kvery young man and w man ought to read it as a warning . The n vous debilitated or partially impotent scientifically advigci. deo'-dt HENRY BOECK DEALER IN . PUR NI T URB, LOUNGES, SAFES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS T . f ALL DKSCKIFTZOVS 1KO AT ALL rtMCm. tMetalic Burial Cases. . . r , , , j WOODEN COFFINS . VA AA.AJAJ Ijtuju Ecady Made, and Sold Cheap for Cash. T7ith many thanks for past patronage,! 11a Ate all to call and examine my large stock o citure and Coffins isn28i LTJMBEE! 100,000 FEE'T ! Iherucdcrsigned has ba hand a large qantity o COTTONWOOD LUMBER wa "ras at bsasoxablxfigubbs. : ----- -. y 'i .' ORDERS FILLED on short notice, and for any size or umbir. , . enctf Rafters, Studdings, Joists can be had oa short nottea. a II EI S EL Mustang .Liniment, FOii MtIV AD BEAST - Probably few articles have ever bad eo extensive a Sale, while none have been more universally beneficial than tha cele brated MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. Children, Adults, Hordes, aad Domestic. Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that -no family can pass a single season ; without some kind of an etnoliient being neces sary. It becomes a matter of impor tance then to secure the best. ! . , - Over three hundred livery stable in the otty of New York alone are using the Mexican Moa tanp Liniment, in all of whioh it givsa unusual satisfaction. -- - , CAl'TIOJf. The genuine t wrapped tn a fine Steel Mate engraving with "O.- W. Wttt brnok. Chtmutt." and "Trait Af .rk, MEXICAN MUSTA2XG -LllimiuSTr engrWd aero, the face of each wrapper. The whole bears tha proprietor' private Un-ted State Kerenu btamp. and not a common stamp as used by druggists, . Lyos MAjrcvACTraio Co .' Jao.Sth. diw lw every Srdw ; P. H O DAPP ...... nente and gin Paiater. Graining, fape hanglac and ornamental Pairtirg. friet prpmpUy AUe4.. 1 fchop nwrtit ot" Price's Elac' mlXa Sooga , , -. - meHiai. ! BLOOMS In.-. K,iA - i svr HOYS AMD CHILD liEJV'S CLOTlll.Yti tfata and Caps, Boots and Shoesf GLAFiKETS, RUBBER 600D$,.TRUNKS, VALISES.. ETC. ain Street. Second DoorEnit of the Court Hou: EaANCn HOUSE Broadway. Coucncil Blaffs Iowa. PUfi I S MOUTH BOOT AND SHOi CUSTOW MADE BOOTS AND SHOES AT ; JR 121 1Z. Repairing neatly done by P. Hi AX WELL, Felafn Street, Plattsmoutb, Nob. lwiwtf PLATTSMOUTH ACADEMY, FALL TERhl FOR 1871. Commences October 1 1S71. Chisago Avenue, Cast county ZTebnuka. Prof. Adolphe d'Allemand, Proprietor and Principal, Assisted by able . . . Tutors. rpIITS Academy is tow in uuceessfal oppera X tion, and offers at moderate terms the nsual advantages of a - First-Class School. f Ihc'ccurse of study embraces every branch JL of a thorough English education, togctiier oroir this modern laLguarcs. music, and drawing iFtpal.cular and reference address the Frin'u- rn mh'tl rpiTT; Tenth Volume of Wood's Household JI Magazine begins with January ?2. It is edited by Gail II umilton, S. S. Wood, and H. V. Osborne, red includes amonir its regular oontributors Horace Oreclcy, Gail Hamilton. Thos.K. Uoecher; Dr. Dio Lewis, Dr. W. W. Hall, James Parton. etc. Harriet Bceoher Stowe, Brick Pomeroy, John G baxe. Msj. Genl Kilpatriek, Petrolcuia V. Kstby. etc., write for it ooco.-ionally. Term?, One Dollar a year. In clubbinf, three first-clat? pcriodic-Als are given for the price of one of tiiem. The mort liberal Premium List ever published Ko rerioiiical is more frequently or far erably men tioned by the press ''Wood's Household Magazine is one cf the monuments of bus-in'-s enterprise wbih mark the age." Motliodnt Home Journal, Philadel phia. Pa. "It has been improved ever since we knew it a good criterion for the future." Courier, ew Market, Canada. "It is a marvel of cheapness and f.rst-c!oss quality combined." jYeto York Timet, Bpeciman copy sent free to miy nddrens. - S.S. WOOD i CO. dirl IS'ewburgh, Y. THE UN01N INSURANCE COMPNY. Northwest Corner Third and Centra '"' Avenues, Cincinnati, Ohio, . Amount Insured, $6,000,000 John M. Phillips, President. Jno. P. P. Peck, Yicc-RresidmL K. W. Harris, Secretary , . P. Marshall, AuUrt-xnt Secretary. Jokn Davis. M. D., Wai.B. Daria. M- D, Zlcdieal Examiner: Ji. S. Rut. D D, Cor. See. Freedmen's Aid So ciety, Cincinnati. Jot '. Larkin, Larkin, Wright & Co Bankers, ' Cincinnati. if. Tr, JJarrit, Sec -etary Union Central Life insurance i;omran. ; John Cuchnowr, Larkin, Wright A Co, Ban kers, Cincinnati. Uarvey JJeitmp. Larkin. Wright A Co-, " Baa ken, Cincinnati. John Davit. 3d D. No 323 Elm street Cin. Wm D. Dnti. Af Z. No 310 Kim treet, Ctn. John P. P. Peek, Vioe-Preident of Unio Central Life Insurance Co. JO Phillip Hughet, Hamilton. Ohio Israel Williamt, Attorney at Law, Hamilton 0. Peter .VnrpAy, Hamilton, Ohio Jitv JL tnatfant, Cincinnati, Ohio John M Philttpt, President of Central Lift In suraoc C rap any Lee P Gillette. Gen Agent For Kebraskvo .; J II Prkssox. Local Agent RiR Livikcstok. Medical Exauiiaoc Sopt,20d&wtf - IRKER?S SHOTCUl Lr BESt IN THE WORLD, ti? I JTow York OfSce, 27 EEEKiLiN ST. Fruit. TVpqqI Garden, Plq-nfci' Flower. Shade. Hctibi Hedge. A loll IS. Garden - Soedsl -; Apple and Crab, Itootgrvflt, bett sorts AO.IKJU, $30.00 Pear, Std. Extra, 1 yr., Bartlett, Ac. 3 to i it., aos.. 2.50 Seed. Peach, bu.. 52: Atnle. Osaffe.new.hu.. 12 M1 Pclu'o, White Peach Blow.Early Kos e.bn. 2.00 Stedtiat.fitnMa.nl: l.OOD.Sl: Ah. Elm. 2 00 lUustrated Catalogue, 10(1 page, it.ev I rice List. 10o, P. K. PHOSXIi. Eiooaaiofton, Ulixioi. jan 18. w8w . NOTICE. " rATILL furnish parties with stone for building purposes at reasonable rates, at my quarry or delivered on the cars at Louisville etation- Tho fohoTvi g kinds can ba had on frhort notice, silis, caps, pcfrt h rock, line or rod nand rtooe snoh as wa used by tha B. ic M. B. H.in tha construe f net ali their stone work. All repociibl orders promptly fliled' Address. ; , - 4. T. A. HOOVER bosJal0b. co, )TJ BLOOM & CO.; iKALXK8 texts' . W-. f.'- o. 4c. - Wi;.-::;i:, . - rUUfi'ioutb. Nebraska GEOGEEmS "A Penny Saved is a Penny anaV And if you dejlre to Save . Tliat JPenttp As veil as Poun4 te to JB S 'ST IISTT To Buy Tow an O C 12 HI MB W e have bought out 11. D. Fox. and now oo eupy 'the new sore rooin four doors north of the Platte V alley House, where wehavejaxt received on additional supply of Groeerioa (. , ruyisions. wuich we will sell very low for cast Al kinds of country produoe taken in ex-nanra for goods. . SIS2JE1T BROS. DEALTB Lf DRUSS, EIEBIGIHES, AND AliPaper Trimmed free of Charg 3. Also Dealer In Boo&v . Stationary. Clagazlnss, and Latest Publicaticns- Prescription carefully eomneanled br mmmm penencei Remen d Drunist. Remember- the place, three doors west ef Lh Uerold cfBce; PiatUuouth, Nobrasko. 1L ... A 7iil be fonnd at hi old Und on Main St. ir wnere tie will be pleased to sea hi for mer customer and friend. He ho a large and good assortment of farm machinery such as tha . "y andiver, and Moliae Corn Planter. Stubble and breaking plows, iron and wooden beam. j fTh Eagle and Orchard City Cultivators. Jlie Marsh Riding Cultivator. 1 . Milburn Wagons. Champion Reaper A Mowor MassUloa IhrQr. Ao . F. J. METTEES. Main StreAt, ?latUmouth. Neb. L. S. Blaib. Traveling Azeut. - Feb.29.wtf. Ld.k to Your Children. ; . The Great Soothing Remedy. . Cores colic and griping inl Pria Whifcomb's the bowels, and f.iciliutcs 2 yr"P- the princes of ti-cthing. I Cent. .,..""'., I Subdues convulsions audi Price Whiteomb s overcomes ail diaeues inci- 2 Syrp. jdent to infants and chiidrn.jCeafs. - MRS.- j , Cores Diarrbte. Dynonta-j Pnea Tnjteomlr ry and sunitasrcom plaint i Syrup. IchUu.-cnol all ages. (Cent. . It wthe irrcat IiifanfVan l Child'renVnSooth mg Remely, in aii disorders brought on by loathing or any ethfr ca'-e. Prepared by the Grailon Madiciae Co.. EL Louiit Mo. bold by ormaui aid 4mim in Mo . . S ( PATENTED OCTOCEB 17. 1S71. It fa n Compioro Ruftreaa t Kutm Tlimf Vtmo Bad Irid-rT, iptl lite -aAlua 1 f Waabins! bay. 7 liuy thin Wander aud yon lnmr a SiuIUng Wife. U la tba beat Mcchlne ever invetitrd. Ia aa perfrct for a Wailier aa wrlrr-r for m wrlneer. 'Ibennireraal teatimony it "luii l-liln !b pfrffct In ronoeptkin, and tan -nrM tbr C KEAT EST IVSI B liK A MOIJn T of WAHU1NU HrUACaT in tha LKAsr Po.-vSIBLE JM PASS, and la Cumparju Light. Kaslly Hao)!t.J, and toa it ia to koow that it trill do tho work with Kue, Ecouomy and .nclorr., Tbo vhoonceaee this Jlncliluo work, throw alda tha lambering, ouwlrlilr. onxless micli'nea whlclj hare signally failed toacconipllnli th olrjact rrosaiawt lnpronilnrat and loiid aoiiadiog advertiMWiirnta. . Tba pric another Inducement to purchaser ha Dexn placed no lew that It ia within th reacb of ry tiouaekeepar. and there ia no article of Ocineslic Ma emr which will repay ibe small iaTeetiDent o roeo. S7.-tO is all that ia asked for tUli great labor-aavar. Agtota wanted vrerywhera. A liberal dlaconbt iar Agrnta aad the trada. For terms ad lrvi the Mann' lecturers ' OA I.KINH II II OH. At CO., C- 39 H. Usui Hi., Chlca lUtaIV mm ts AC -Th Old Rliab! and I'puTar TkruagV I'.xp-fjtt Kant aintiouis AND ALL f0lJTc EASTI NORTH I S0UT It Ko Change of Car From Saint Louis to New Yor U ano OTRia ramciPAL iAviiai cirjaa. i THE 13S0URI PACIFIC TJAtPAM. . ' IS EQUIPPED WITn ' ." . ' Elccant Day Coaches! Pullman's Palace Slecpsrsf Kilter's Safety Platform! Patent Steam Crake I An Ennipaicnt unenualed by r.y othvr' Lice in the VVmt. TRY IT ! TRYST t J H BUTTEKY VaC4-taAta A5 0 A-A DTlTJGr Q-TST ..-.,!' la reviving and bnHen bund (at Cta old itand of WLite A iJutteos) , Booth ride Main Street. Plattsinoath. Tj LARGEST. AND, Most Complete of Draw, Medicine-. Paints. rmcVy Lead. Varnwh. Coal Oil. I ish oil. Muchine" . Oil. Oarg'ingOi'. r-for Oil. Neatsfcflf uu, wnaiw Oil. i,ind oil . ,- Oil. Lssential Oil. Cod Livr' 11. and a 'ar'ti variety . ' m tios. Perfumery Vaecy and 'toilet r."'.-i Karenee. Fla- n aJV PATENT MEDICINES r ,l -" r. . Wh af -. Jayrie' Coe'f Ayer , eovllifl' II all's Chriane t A- Lain'. Morte'a, iiakir't Wisur's. Wright's. WKe field, Gnysott't. Ptrry Dvi Roback's. Petitt's, Mr. Winsiow't Dr. Wincnell' Hoftetter's, Drake' Wallmi.'. Wmt'm m,,i . r.mt r. a .... I . . Patent Medicines in use st the present day. Brandies Wines and Whiskie Of the B&t flrAHea aad nu.l'tl.i .triil. 1t T - A - . - - mwtm-mmmtg W DOMESTIC DYES. lUd or Rose, Oreen. Bine, Black. AnaJin. lay aigo. aiadder, j.xtract Dogwoo.1, Iry Woods. Ac. Ia fa t-t everything that is ned in'hotlrug or Me-Aical line. PhisiciansV Perscripticna Carefully e. n. pounded and But op at aM boor All Drags w. rented fresh and pare. Call b4 for buying, and see what I hav to sslL Platts muth. Feb. 26 th JiwLf. National Business Index. The alOV)l is the titla nf a na i.mill.1. devoted to butfinee iirteietts of a rational or enerat ctiam-rter. fcor the education and cnli' of intblli.-ent nporti nt T1 kI ,,m it ,-. . dirtasesto vie and review ps-;tag ertnu fn.m a botincs- standpoiat. facta of a hri ne nature relatii:; to e- pilal. labnr. aricul tufe. ronlmArr. r. i n-ta f. ..... .. A ., . ; n . i . gion. literature, politicf. every subject rom manuing general auoatioa, are brougat togeta ft d arranged in a terre, pt inted, bavines. I'ke manner. Stri-;t aecurraoy iseineir(itios ly sought after. Candid. inDartia I. rin n ui e mineiit and criticism br Able writers i'.l t. an import feature. A iiatinen etrTep .tideni i uetired in every county it cue Lnited Iimm wnere oof. uready eugagrd. Q'itiocs of a bi:in"?s character from re.-.der rneeive rfoil attention. Terms :l 00 a year; lOeenU a ory. The Indexj Co, PabUAtr qWJMteKt it, IF I C ToS i ? I I I 4