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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1872)
I f THE NEBRASKA KEHALD ruu DAILY rLATTSmOUTH HfiALt 13 t-t'lfiiAERO ET tlATIIAWAY & SEYBOLT. U -A k - 1 - 0 7 J- h 8f I At ''Ti! l PUBLISHED WECKLT BT HATHAWAY & SEYBOLT. . D. HAIB1TAT. oeo. t BBTBo adlrtSSr" WrnCr Min 3eC0D,1 8tre'0-,ec" TErSMS ? Weekly. tiOO per annua if pcid in advance. S2.50 if not paid in advance. FAUEWF.I.U Vt itli tfiis week our connection with tha Heiiald ccascn. It ia now seven years since we issued the first number of the IIlrald, in which we assured the then few readers of tho paper that wa would endeavor faithfully to advc ata the interests of the town, county and State, and make a paper that would contain a full history of passing events. How well we have fuIGiled that promise wc leave our friends and the readers of the paper during the seven years to say. We have had something to say upon all subjectii of interest, and have endeavored to advocate the right, regardless cf per sonal likes or dislikes. It is with feel ings of saine;s that we leave the Her ald, and part company, for the time, with its many readers. The paper seems almost liko cur o?rn flesh aud blood, while ita readers are as the friends of our youth ; cad it id only that we may laeor ia a broader fit-Id that ire are at all willing to part company with them. We have purchased a half interest in the State Journal at Lincoln, and will coaimeaoa operations there on the first cf March. . The Eew proprietors cf the IIruald, "essrs. Soybolt & Rrownleo, are good , jd true men, and will, we doubt not, improve the paper in many respects. 'Ve ask for thm that hearty support which we havo always received from the pc-opls cf this ciy and county, fully be lieving tlJL they will merit it. It is hard for us to say the last fare well to tho many "Virm fiends of the Hesalp, and yot, it inu.t be done. But of one thing they can all rest a3 Kisred ; wc shall never forget the friend ships wo have formed here, ncr the Baany kind words which fiave cheered us oa in our labor ; neither do we wish any one to think fur a moment that W8 leave Plattsmouth because we have lest faith i.i its future, or that wa retract a single sentence uttered in its favor through ihce coIitums. As we sail before, we -.V I-sve thj Herald that wo may hihor in alioader field, where we hope to meet v, of cur preu'nt friends and ttrcn?. An J cow, farewell; and may Heaven's choic-j-t blessings rst njou and abide" with the n.a;y friends and I ralrons of tha HERALD who h.are as.--t ! J us by words of tdiser during the prist j pcv-a year-;, is th? wi-h of H. P. Hatiiatvat. iKfr. Eto?.c'!V. ! Tlie country is at present fl-iodt-d wi.h j c;iear nnl inrei:i:T troo-js 01 every ue- liuin nr. 1 n V. :t:f ir,rt:ij of ffrr fir?. ' .ription, whie-h are hcra.d.'J to the puh- lie in iliTuin? advert:3?rrierjts at:d wnich , fi::d a rr.nrkut a; these who have ret to Lara "tiue ccmctuy" on-.'i'-ts in buying a firbt clase tvtie-le from an estubli'd.e I and first class hou-'C. For examp a, piancs of various i::aLcrd are offered at about cno half tho pvicj cf of those really first class manufacture. A mo a: srv:i c;ac the latter none are more de of the encomium "really first than those manufactured by )Vni. Kcaba k Co., of Dulti- cuore, a firm which dates over a third of j a century, an wnose 1 lanos lor excel- i jency et wot kuiansntp, rturaidty ana fTTCcfr.css cf ;"ne, stand sh riveled end . :.. 1 Tha so celled 'cheap" piano njay ! prifctit a fair eterwial app?aranc?, tut u , , . 1 uiide cf inferior and often entirely un-tcas-ined rjatcrisl, and foon becomes a wr?ck vfhicb defies the art cf the tuner. We make special mention of the piano, a. the mo.-t forcibh illustrations of our remarks, which can bs applied to alaiost t-vety article wa ua in our families. Tho following article from the- p:n of Hon. C. II. Van Wye!:, in the Jli Idle town (N. V.) Press, is wcrt'ay of peras al by our readers. Its has large interests in Otoe County, nnJ in a letter from thera eajs: "It oj ansupon ODe oT the most beau tiful and rieh agricultural communities tfaa eya anywhere beholds. Gently swel ilag prairies rod bcauiifully away to the north, the sonth, and the west, in green and luxurious succession, so tha: the eye "tiros not in looking and is only limited ty tha far o'.Y horizon. A soil rich in i'triility, c-cjitsd to the richest of the Nile, with but htde labor from man rewards generously ths hualandman. No matter how often sou may roam over theso boundless prairies the wonder wili fc'ill grow at the grand and bound-U.-.x iiiuuificenco of the Creator in un rolling this vast region, almo-c as jh'iit-lo-.s in extent as iuoxhaustibio in fertili ty; and the miud is always bewildered ia the contemplation of the great wealth hidden in the soil not hidden, but more open to the eya and ban 1 of man thau the --angles of go'd that enrich the gul ch '.'or sparkle''- y lha foamy water courses of Cj-J .0. Why should men anywhere hunger when thee broad Sa vannahs could furnish bread not omy for our cwn but all the nations cf tna earth? The sky with ail its system tf planets, the ocean without depth and bounds, do not impress tho beholder more with the power and cooducss of the Creator, than. the life-sustaining capacity ef tha western prairies. The Prince of Wales contemplates a sea voyage as aoon as pleasant weather sets in. The royal yacht, Victoria and Albert is now preparing fcr the Prince s convenience, and during the month of April His ltoyal -Highness will embark -r a cruise in the M-.'diterran?sn and to .L Maderii fcispds. patented Jir-rrovemem., to u ioaau m , Jo ,;kcw;sc Afcas ;3 ever ready to no other instrument, made by very j tfce (?ras) wid3 ia their afliic fcest workmen and cf strictly rt c.ass an(I tfl his coat sleeve to dry VOL. 7, FILLMORE COUNTY COR RESPONDENCE. A PORTRAIT. Pen Picture of "AhM.1 Fillmore Po?t Ojtick, Neb., 1 FeLruary 5, 1872. j Editors Uep.ald :"V.To have often been mmtioned in regard to Ahaz, of Hesperia," that "write.? in the Her ald." As I have "saw" that distin guished character, with your permissions I will give the inquisitive a pen-picture Of the eld chan ; Aria ! a n!rnljr lin- ! back Yankee from the oi l Bay Stats ; can gay ccow with a beautiful nasal twan. He first opened hit self-czpand-ingjwsfor 002 leni', loud yell, on the 2utu of January, 1S22. That voiee of ton awoke tho echoes that repose amidst the picturesque hills of Hampshire coun ty, the first fourteen year of it3 pro; longed existence, sounding ia the ear3 of those eedate, Calvanislic believers in the Salem witches, liko the musical notes of a cracked fiddle in a thunder storm. Since our earliest recollection Ahaz has been our constant companion, through all our labyrinthian wanderings, whether crossing the glaciers of the uorth, the bounding billows of old ocean, or fol lowing the Scminoles through the ever glades cf Florida, night and day; there, liko a faithful sentinel, stood Ahaz, ever ready to protect ani shield us from harm, or lead us into mischief. While writing, we can almost see the deep set, snuff colored eyes, which fnap and sparkle like rcud balls in a frosty morn ing that c'ssiia, "American" nose and and turn up chin that wide, extended mouth, which Ealure ccald have made no larger without setting hi- ears back thjse beautiful enameled tseh, v.Lic-h look like a parcel of black and blue beans in a rat hole- that intel lectual brow, which slopes to the rear on an angle of -15 degrees tapering fingers, which always froza to every val uable object they came in contact with. Ahaz is very patriots. During tue "Great Re'ucllion" he urged ail his neighbors and his wife's relation into the army in search of glory and liberty. Ahaz is an illustrious decen of a noble, defunct house ; he can follow his lineage from the cra'lle to the grave, and we expect his name will go down to pos terity surrounded with a halo-cf glory, like the setting sun in a rainy uay. There in but fe;v men in the State that enn stov.- away more "olJ rye," hard tack and bacon than otit friend Ahaz can. Xeii!;2r the poor, siek, weary, bomless or frlendle s have been turnsd away fnm his door, empty handei. I'm "lt.:h string" is always oat ta the ' s:eeJy. lie has cvar coubidtfred every i a gciJleman ur.tii his acta prove i him to be an: a-. a"r.d honest until he proves hiin-cif a knave and Fcoundreh Ili fricadr-C?) rave annexed! to his cog r-.rt r! m.lfia 1 tll'- f4 "l: K Timber Agi-nt." Ti,ee fncadf, wi.di- 0 bestow u?on sul agent, distin- giiiohed honors at midnight brought lo his "dug-out" the "order cf a commit tee cf twcnty-scvcti members, to leave Nebraska m f.veuty-four hour?, aaJ not rcturu on penalty o; ueatn. Aiiaz was a perfect traisger to death and "dila't scare worth a d n. lie is a resident homesteader of over three year?, and intends to aliia by the law in such cases mada and provided, aa the laws cf the State of Nebraska, the efforts cf said committee to the contrary notwithstanding. He Las always gained an Louest livelihood by minding his own d ab.-c!ute:y un- j Lusiaess, and m-akes no chargos for ad ; many alaaole v:sinif h ilesperian fnends to "go thou i T-.rir fiii.' orr.lijir.a tfjars. , ' y,,,. s J Sig. Blitz Dcnder Scuwape, Fsq., The great renowned aud illustrious'e cf Fii'ciore Tost office, "who see other. hearts when hs locks at his owa." Righteous Judgment! As tha 1:3) train from New York reached Stamford the ther day, aa an tique looking damo thrust her head out cf the window opposite the refre.hment room door and briefly shouted "Sonny!" A bright looking boy came up to the window. "Little boy,' said Ehe, 'have 30a mother?' 'Yes, ma'aro.' Io you love her?' 'Yes ma'am." 'Do you go to school ?' 'Yes, ma'am. 'Are yon faithful to your studies ?' 'Yes, ma'aiu.' 'Do vou say your prayers every night?' . - - 1 es, re 1 am. 'Can I trust you to go an errand for me?' 'Yes. ma'am.' 'I think I can too,' said the lady, looking steadily down on his face. "Here is five cents to get me an apple. Remember, God seesyoa.' The folio notice of Mr. Hesser's Spring Catalogue, we clip from the Sa line County Post. Our people may well feel proud of the green-houses of our neighbor, as they are tho only houses in the State and are considered the finest ia the Nortli-wett. " Wc have received 'Via. J. Hesser's Illustrated Spring Catalogue of select, new, rare and beautiful plants, roses, ornamental vines, flowering shrubs, veg etable plants, etc., for 172. Garden and greenhouse?, five miles south-west of Piattsinoutb, Nebraska. Flowers and flowering shrubs add greatly to the beauty cf a residence, and are essential to Ihe higher education of the people. livery family should have a? many as their means wi!l justify. In stitutions like that cf 'dr. Ilesscr should be well patronized." A schoolmaster ia Ohio advertises that he will keep a Sunday-school twice a week. Tuesdays and Saturdays. The foliowing bill to- enconrage the growth of timber has been, introduced by Senator Hitchcock : In I lie Senate or tun United Statr. ' February 20.1S72. Mr. Hitchcock asked and, by unanimous consent, obtained leave to bring in ths following bill ; which was read twice, referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed : A BILL TO ENCOURAGE THE GROWJn OF TIMBER OX WESTERN TRAlRIES. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rrpretcntatlccs cf the United S'ates of America in Congress asstr.ibtcJ, That any person who shall plant, protect, and keep in a healthy growing condition for five years, cne hundred and twenty acres of timber, the trees thereon not being more than eight feet apart each way, on any quarter-section of any of the public lands of the United States, Bhall be an titled to a patent fur the whole of said quarter-section at the .expiration of said five years, on making proof of such fact by not less than two credible witnesses : Provided, That only one quarter in any section shall be thus grant. 'd. Ssc.' 2 That the person applying for the benefit of this act shall, upon ap plication to the register of the land office in which ho or she is about to make such entry, make affidavit before said register cr receiver that said entry is made for the cultivation of timber, and upon Sling said affidavit with said regis ter and receiver, and on payment of ten dollars, he or she shall thereupon be per mitted to enter the quantity cf land specified : Provided however, That no tertiScate shall be given or patent issue therefor until the ezpiratk-n of at least five ycar3 from the date cf raah entry ; and if at the expiration of such time, or ct anytime within three years tlic-iaf:cr, the person making such entry, cr if he or she be dead, his or her heirs or legal repre.-CDtativcs, shall prove by two credi ble witnesses that he, she, or they have planted and for not less than five years have cultivated and protected such quan tity and character of timber as aforesaid, thfy ehall receive the patent fcr each quaric-r section of land. Sec. 3. That if any time after the Sling of aid affidavit, and pricr to the issuing of the patent for said land, it shs'I be proven, after due notice to the party making such entry and claimina to cultivate such timber, to the satisfaction of the rcgi.-.ter oftT'.e land-cffice that such person h3 abandoned cr failed to cultivate, protect, cad k.'p in good con dition such t'i!ubcr, then, and hi that event, Faid!a;.d ha!I revert to the United States. Sec. 4 Thai each and every person wLo, under the provisions of en titled "'An r.:t to secure homesteads to f ' r rs on tht pub'.ij domain," approved May twe-ntieth, eighteen hun-dn-d an! sixty-two. or ssy amendxect thereto, having a homestead o: raid publla domain, who, at the c:id cf tho third ycr of his or her residence thereon, shall have had under cultiva tion, for two yrars, onj ac-r; of timber, the trees thereon not being more than eight feet apart each way, and ia a good, thiifty condition, for each and every sixteen acres of said hsmc-jtcad, shall, upon ctua proof of said fact by two credible witnesses, rcoeive his or her patent for said homestead. Sec. 5. That no land acquired under the provisions of this act shall, in any event, become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or debts contracted prior to the issuing of patent therefor. Sec. 6. That the Commissioner of the General Land Office is hereby re quind to prepare and issue such rules and regulations, consistent with this act, as rhall be necessary and proper to carry it3 provisions iiito effect ; and that the registers asd receivers of the several Iand-c!ae3 shall be entitled to receive the same compensation for any lands en tered under the provisions cf thi3 ast that they are now entitled to receive when the same quantity of laud is en tered with money. Sec. 7. That the fifth section of the act entitled "An act in addition to an ae to puoith crimes againt the United States, and for other nr.rnosos" ap proved March' third, riviu-n-n hundred and firty-seveu, suail extend to aii ou;hs affirmations, and affidavit rcouired bv ,i- The New York Herald ays: "Every moraing at nine o'clock there may be wit nessed at the St. Stephen's Chuich, Ea1 1 Twenty-ninth street, one ofthe most interesting services ofthe Catholic church almost unknown in the churches of this coisfifry a mass by a Syrian Pricr-t ac cording to tho Syrian rite. Commonly the mass is performed in the Catholic churches according to the Latin rice and in the Latin language, but there are even more ancient rites than those of Borne, celebrated in the language in which the first mass was offered, and with ceremo nies and praycre almost identical it may be supposed, with those cf the first works of Christianity. This Syriaa rite is th? most ancient in the church and is hand td down frora the disciples of St. Thadc us, who was to sent Syria ia consequence of a promise made to King Abaggaro by Christ. Orignal.'y the Syriac Lnguasc was used, but since the time of the Ca liph Omar, who commanded the Syrians to use the Arabic, tha less solemn parts ef the mass arc said to be Arabic, but tha words cf consecration always and nea.Iy all the secret prayers are in Syro Aramaifj exactly as they were pronunc ed by our Lord Jesus Christ in the last supper, according to the text of St. thew, the Evangelist, who wrote bis gos pel in the Syro Aramic," This is the way they describe a sr.ow storm iu tao Couyers (Ga. ) Examiner : "Last Friday morning, on arousang from our slumbers, wo found the who! face of creation covered with snow. Pretty soon the sun smiled down upon the scene. It was one of the most beautiful sichts our eyes have ever yet lit upon. W want a comparison thv own fair i bofXm: daaret C!r." PL'ATTSMOUTII NEBRASKA, Kmall Pox The Pittsburg Gazette, from which paper we copy tho following, seems to Lave considerable faith iri its efficiency. We give it place that soma of our read ers may be profited by it: SMALL POX AN INVALLIBLS CURE. We received yesterday the .following loiter from a lady, now, ;as wo learn from her letter, residing in Tcnnc,eeH who some twenty five years aro resided i'i this city, belonged to one of its best fiimilies, and was herself greatly esteem ed for her more than ordinary intelli gence and fine social qualities. We-ara thankful for the timtly service her recipe is intended to render to those who may bo afdicted with the most loathsome and infectious cf ail diseases. We hope our physicians and others will lose no time ia testing the remedy and it found e!n eacious certifying the tame to the public without delay. Par vy's Place, Clarksville, Tens , 1871. I saw in a late paper the small pox was prevaiiinz to an alarming extent in and around Pittsburg. For the sake of suffering humanity I send you a rec-ips. It is as unfailing as fate and conquers in every instance. It will also cure the scarlet fever. THE RECIPE. Sulphato of Zinc, ons grain. " Fox glove (digitalis) on graia. Mix with two tabluspooufuls of waTer. When thoroughly mixed, add four (4) ounces of water. Take a teaspoonful every hour. The disease will disappear in twelve (12) hours. For children small doses. If you value advice and experience, use this for that terrible disease. You need riot mention my name, but I will give it to yon that you may know who sands this recipe. "John," said a master to his eppren tice, a-i he was about starting on a jour ney, "you must occupy my place while I m ab:-eit." "Thank you. Sir," replied John, "I'd rather sleep with the boys." No sooner do we hear of tho recovery of tho Prineo of WnK's, than we am in formed that the Mordaunt case in which the Prince figured not very honorably, is aorain to go into the courts, and that his brother, the Duke of Edinburgh, is to figure, too, eon-picuoa.dy, in a di force suit just instituted by another outraged hu-band. The roval family of Kmriand seem to be anything but a strictly vir tuous set. The Cincinnati Eitnuirer says : "The Indianapolis Kveuiim Journal publishes A voica from a Mule.' He is a half brother to the editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal. ' This bit of intelli gence comes from that tow-headed em bodiment assinine stupidity which insist ed some time ago that the suspension bridge ever tho Ohio should be torn down because he couldn't pass under it without lowering hte cars. LvuUvlile Courier Journal. The Hin Chas Francis Adams, the arbiter on the part of the United States at tho Qo-.i vu conference, arrived in New York 0:1 Wedner-'fiy. In ao inter view with a representative of ihe World, he said that he attributed the Alabama ercitcuicr.t h. Mngland entirely to tha newspapers and to the jscpe-r classes who te; tho i.h:a in motion. Yv'hilo passing through lhvj-nd on his way homo, he hi? 1 several commercial people who secured pi-i-fcofly willing to have our gover:i;r:;-!it state bow much it want ed, and to draw a cheek for the amount. Tho World man further asked Mr. Adams whether our cl.iiui for indirect damages wouia oe witr.irawn, en wnien, of course, he wouH give no opinion. When basiae-:3 i3 dull, go to work aud make bu.-iness. It is no way to sit down aud rouip!.:in of hard times. Keep stirring. If everybody sat down and waited for better times thev never would come till dooai-cay. If a million of people make a little extra effort to real ize their de-ires in business, hard times give away fur their efforts, like nn ico dam lefure a fhud and currents of bu-i-nss set in fieh cues more. It the same in a small xvay with each single in dividual. Don't help to block the wheel of basine.s by keeping stili. Hard times is but another name for stagnation of baduess, and there i? no w.iy to make a stagnant pool fresh, except to stir it. If you try to infuse !if into your business, your neighbor will follow your examph1, and you wiil be eurprised to see how much you can do to ke?p bu.-iness going. Activity is life, stagnation is death. Ax. Ficdcrick Douglass has written to his son thatho could have saved himself the in.-ult offered him at St. Louis if he bad shrunk from asserting his rights as au American traveler, butiio goes on tos.iy : "I preferred to make the issue, for this is the only way to bring the disease to the surface and affect a cure. The cry of shame raised by the Missouri Dnmi- ; en will be taken un and continued bv XZ'f'Ti'i.l'Y .. Lurntr D 01 n? M.VV. - I. . - .. . 1 I I f 1 1 i.iiuers noiei win oe properly Dramlcd on- ici.'iuu,iii.u uy au i:m ueccni aau ci vilized people of the country." Tte Omaha Tribune of Snaday morn ing, the 23th, publi-hes the following: Washington, D C, Feb. 24, '72. To W. B. Webster, Observer, Omaha : Fort Benton reports as follows : "The river broke at 8:f0 p. ta., on the 23d inst. The water is rising rapidly.' Balietia and furnish the pres.? immedi ately with the nev II. W. HOWGATE, A. S. O. and Asst. We received a dispaich last evening stating that the ice in the river at Ne braska City broke yesterday, and the ferry boat, made threo trips. The ico also broke "up at L?av n worth. At St. Joseph thoica had weakened so that it was unsafe for persons to cross the river, and a general break-up was hourly expected. The ice broke cp opposite this city, one year ago, on the 24th of February. Yesterday the river couitucDced to rise, and the ice la-t evening was nearly level with the tics on the temporary winter bridge. This d:d not interfere wkh tho running of the transfer trains. Senator Douglas a.cused Abe Lin coln of having been iu the grocery busi ness, when Lincoln answered, "Yes, and while I officiated oa one side of the counter, he was a constant attendant upon the other side." B. F. Ah'ca of Des Moines, known as the wealthiest man west ofthe Mississip pi, was left an orphan in infancy, and was taken into the family of his uncle. Judge Finch cf Indianapolis, where he he remained till ho engaged in ths Mex ican war. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 IST2 TELEGRAPHIC Tlie Sote of F.xrl Ornnvltlo Koforo - ike Cnbisiet. " Washington, Febraary 23. Tho ucta of Earl " Granville sent to Secretary Fish through General Schenck, eral convert was read ia tne cabinet to-cny. frrn- ue-d several hours, in which the merits of the question were presented concern ing ta interpretation of the treaty cf Washirgton were dscussed. There may be a further conference on the subject when the reply of the. secretary of stale to the friendly note shall have been pre pared. Whila this government does not seem dispo-ed to modify the statement of the case, it will doubtless respond to the British objections in such a spirit as wi l show its earnest desire for a settle ment of the question at issue in a man ner altogether honorable to both nations, through the tiibunal of arbitrators pro vided by the treaty. This is known to be the desire of the president and mem-" bers cf the cabinet. Application was made to-day for a copy of the British note for publication, but without success, the refusal being bisod on tha ground that to furnish it would not only be acain.n precedent but disrespectful to the British irovernment at this stage of the nroeeedimr, and it was further said to-mgnt by a f.ign executive ocer tna, not even the substance oi th Brui.a note cou.d now be communicated tUIUULI ULU';idl ffUUILv,, IJlJt II J-l 11. Ufi:il repeated to any private parties. At the same time it was remarked that as the note was cf a friendly character and couched in delicate language, and as the reply would be in a like temper, there was therefore no cause whatever for ap prehensions a? to the of peace between the two countries. Hon. Charles Francis Adams remained at tho excecutivo mansion but a short time afier the cabinet, assembled, huvhii: spent a few minutes in conversation with the president. New York, Februay 2f. A London dispatch says the Germans are again arming. "-Two corps are order ed to bo in readiness. The cause for the.-e preparations is tlie great activity of pol'tha! parties at Yc-r.-aiiks, cod t'oc possibility of a change of the govern raent of France. Getuir.ny i.e-serves the riaht to decide as to any new government there. Should she deem such a goverti tu; nt unlikeiy, t-ither b' inclination or inc tpabihty, to execute the treaty of peac, there will be another invasion. A Wasidngtou dh-patch to ihe Herald says there wiil be a delay of several days iii disp itching an answer to Lrd Granvtl'e's note. The re: u!t of tho in terview had by Thornton, the Ensdish Minister, with Secretary Fidi yesterday, wasfent by last night's steamer so that it might reach Ei?glin4 earlier than tho American answer, and thus anticipate the torio of Fish's dispatch. Tiia committee of twenty two, a point ed by th9 grand sachem r f the Tamma-r-.y society to reorganize the demeciaey of this city, whieh meets next, are compose i of such prominent and in Uuential citizvr.s as Ciiarles O' Conor, August Brdmonf, Georg-o Law. Oswald Ottendoifer. Jchn J. Ci. co, S. L. Bar low, and Msnton Marble. Tho German demo'jratie ginerai co.n mitiee lat night, pasted resolutions en-do-ing Carl Schni-s. D is stated that Attrrn?v General Barlow has withdrawn frta the perieea- t:en o iU ncr 11 Paris Febni Tha counstl for the United j : tares be- fore the Gei.eva arbitration are prepar ing their reply to the case submitted by Great Britain They think thnt Eng land wili finally consent to the aibitra l:rin. but that the Gladstone mlui-tiT wi'! be out of pov.'cr before she reaches that determination again. Thiers is understood to be opposed to ti e c ntmaed residence of Count de Chamlourd at Antwerp. . Florence, February 25. Gen. Sherman, Admiral Alden, Lieut. Grant, and a party of Aimrican resid ents and visitors went to Pompei yester day, and had n picnic among the ruins. Special excavations, were made to give the visitors an opportunity of witnessing the process ami making discoveries Tho party returned to Naples at a bite hour, much pleased with the excursion. New York, February 2(5 . A spaeial from Mata moras, February 23, says Gomez Portvgal, the revohnio naiy governor cd' Agvis Calitnfas, occu pied the city of that name on the 15ih instant. Telegrams from before San 1-iou-is I'otosi, say that Trevina's army is in creasing rapidly. The state of Chiltua hua is sending troops to the revolution ists. A specif from Brownville, Texas dated the 23d, reports that cattle steal-, ing on tho Kio (irande. ha vigorously recommenced, (ireat indianation pre vails among stock raisers. The collector of customs at Matamoras, who is al-o a Spanish civil representative of the Jua rezist government, announces his inten tion of sinking an American river steam er if it clears hence for Camargo, which is now in possession of tlie revolutionists. Au international tiiffi.ully is likely to arise on this question. The command er at Matamoras would oppose this, but General Cartina, who is irresponsible. and who hates Americans, would readily a-?ent to the sugge-i:on of the collector general. Barney, American collector he e, refuses to give clearance papers until he receives instructions from Wah jngton. If the vessel eventually clears, a difficulty is certain. Many merchants here from the interior are anxious to send their bonded goods into Mexico, and are urging a clearance of the vessel to Camargo as the only practical way. Matamoras, Februaiy 25. The reported death of General PonS rio Diaz, from dysentery, on the 12th in Etant is confirmed. The followers of Di az have proclaimed for Lorde Tejado or Guzman for president. 4, WO govern ment troops are inside of San Louis Po tosi. 5.300 men, and 24 pieces of artil lery are outside. 11,000 revolutionists are confronting the governuient forces. Severe fighting has occurred without decisive result. Both parties .are main taining their ground. , Abstract of (tie Rritisb less. New York, February 27. Tho Tribune this morning contains a long abstract ofthe Briti.-h case submit ted to the arbitrators of Geneva. The British coverment comnlains that it has : had to reidy to arguments not vet nre sented and to claims yet undefined, and claims the right, when the Uro'red State? shall precisely define its claim to the tribunal, to present such additional facts as the cage may exact, until a compari son or t he cases presented hy Loth part j ie? shall determine the point really in ' S.U I i II M TTTgUIULI . ljuv HJJI".. trt'i.T1" dispute. It wi 1 at present refrain a!i discussion intended tn sustain its own position, and limit itself in sabmitting to the judgment cf the tribunal cur- tain considerations with regard to the trocurement of ships in British ports for war purposes, and used as belliger ent cruisers against the United 'States. These events caused displeau:c and re- : . . .- 1 j .. kovc: mu.-t. be conceded as important in cin "iderirg the qacKtion. These fact re, the clandestine and cunning maunor in which the vessels were procured, bafdlng the vigilar.cj cf government officers ; the small number cf these vessels ; and finally, that the persons who obtained and controlled them and employed them fur belligerent purposes, wer? Am?ricm citizens." The claims of the United Stater, for pecuniary inirmcity for tho results of watlike opciaiioas earned on with theso ships by the pen-otiS who had them in pos.-:e.-i.ic;i. tho British govern ment c:unot consant- to admit, believin:? that it is not l'jundd on j;:stiee. 'i "iie LJiiiish government claims that it de volves on the United States to establish the propositions i: has advar?ed, and to sta'e closely the internaticual law Oil v.h cb the' are ba;cd, aril dcmontru: the violations of which it com plain -. A nation ought not to bo he! 1 rtspon-ible for delay or omi-siou which m;:y be duo to accident and not want of fore-eight or . reason.lbjc caie anci it (!oes r.ot sulneo j ; lUnjonstral0 t;!at the act has boon coajmitteil wh;ch th.. goverr.uirnt should have foreseen !ut it mu.-t b nioved that it failed to exercise its usual care in such matters. The measure r.tid extent of the responsibility of the P.yiti-h govern ment, should the tribnea! deeiic it ha incurred any, is : ci'if sii u ; :-.t,rv-. d tvr a lucre advanced period oi' dis-tu-'-ioij. Attention is called to the i or ih United States in hU :!; nn; to t-pture or ii.teieept cruiser.- w':.-. - :: -t- :re r.Minea oi. and it is v.-iiuu e ttiAt i:a.i ordinnrv activity v :.;.; - J --sj "i'utty-eyed m.m-tijr" is what ap from their operation woo d i eci. i i j j,ea-. ed in th. pa!crof a Ter.acssce editor great part averted. The case eonedudes who wrfe, with respect, "pretty rg'd with the declaration that Great Britain i minister. " is ready to vield to the dt-erce of ih: tribunal wliethor favorable to her or not. on'y desiring it may bo just a;id founded on the faithful and equitable interpreta tion of the rights of man and on the ! principles wiiicn herself and ah oilier powers will iiot repent of recognizing and ob erviog, either as neutrals or bel ligerents, in time to come. The committee of twenty-two. appoint ed hy the grand sachem of Tmumaoy, to provide a plan fcr the re-organization of the society was held yctes'day eveni ng. Ottendorfer was elected chairman of the committee. Invitations for a cm fcretice of prcmluect detuacr ats were is sued. The judiciary committee adjourned the examination of charges against Jud ges Barnard and Cardoza lac night till Monday next. In the Stokes trial to day the counsel of the prisoner addressed the court and jury severally, animadverting upon the errand jur3" which indicted Stokes. Ev idence for the prisoner will commence to morrow. Tha district attorney says their side of the caie will occupy only a few .bonis. The case of Mayor Hall was adjourned up.tii to morrow. No jury yet. iilc." Produce MnrSiet. Chicago February 27. Flour In good shipping demand, but desirable grades se;ree; prices firm and uncharged. wi, n, -.ii ,..i t..,. . v o-.v: at. 1 25(3 1 231 for regular, 1 23 for fresh, ea-h, tle.-ing with 1241 bid; sclirr March same as cash ; seller April sold at 1 2f4(f I 271, closing at the in side ; other grades nnmii::d. Corn 'O.uiet f r p: at. Z?c. ' Oats Dall and unchanged ; No. 2 Bye Dull and nominally unchanged ; no s-.!e-'. Barley Dull. Pork Lower fer cash; nominally 12 211:12 25; seller March sold at 12 23012 30, closing at medium figure.; April sold at 12 4X;12 32 ; .May 12 750; 12 80 L'ird Active at S 750'S BO cash or March ; 8 C2jCs8 95 for April ; y 10 f.r May. Meats Green and drv salt sfeady fnd unchansied ; prices 5 00(35 05 for good to (d.oie.;. Wliisky Quiet and steady it S3. St. Loui-. I-Vbni iry 27. Flour Quiet and .:j:.dtaige.l. Wheat Firm inac-iiw: N. 2 Chicago spring 1 ZC, ,'.,. -J. , , 7s. Corn Dai! ;.i.d d'ocpV.-; ; l i jt, ;i.;.-d on track 3SC '-'.0. elosjf:.-.- : N. 2 in elevator 40(e4i. Oats Quiet iu.i x-., : N., 2 111 track 36 ; do. in eieviiv 1 . .j 7 tu.iT . Barley Quiet at 75 for prime low. Bve Firm : No. 2, S3. Whisky Unchanged at S7. Poik Mre dning; 13 00 ca-h and buyer Match. liuL moats duil and h thado lower ; -diouiders 4 ; tier rib G.'.cii 61; clear 7J. Bacon steady ; loose clear rib 73 buyer April ; packed lots Qf&liQii 7. . - - Lard Eaderat 8;(aSv. Hogs Dull at 4 00V;4 50. Cattle Quiet at 2 6o(5 50. Chicago nll!a Jlnrktt. Chicasro. Februari' 2G. Cattle Receipts 1.936; this market dull and shippers holding off, two r three lots of fair to pood 1.230 to 1,275 lb steers sold 5 0('5 50, with a lot averaging 1,SG1 at 5 70; stcckcrsin eood demand; Bales of fair to.jr od 3 55(Vr. 4 50 ; butchers cows and steers soli at 4 00(4 25. Hops Kcceipts 10,120; cctivc de mand mainly from shippirs; prices 5 10 higher; ran?e 4 25(4 80; Yorkers seding 4 254 40; heavy lots 4 oOGH 4 80. Sheep Beceipta 1,119; market firm at yesterday's full price. A San Joaquin farmer scattered some wheat, soaked with whi.-ky, ever a field frequented by wild peese. The sil.'y fowls gorged themselves with the seduc tive banquet, and pot so jolly tight that they could not fly, and the farmer step ped i. and dispatched COO of them with a club. Alexander Hsmil-nn nnn c.;M ., Inftmn-rt f -? '..' ';:'. I for genius. the genius I have just I hesin this, when I have a snbiect in . au....v . .-itu Kite ijjts ereiiiL 1 hand I study it crofmindly. I explore it all its bearings. My mind becomes pervaded with it. Ti en the effort which I make the people are released to call the . rt . . w end thoncht." jiujbvi nma. it is tne irutt ot iabor NO- 48 Ths Boston Post; which is never so happy as when the envenomed shafts of j its sarcasm are deep in the fiesh of 1W ! ace Greeley, now reports an alliance be i tween that great and good taau aud Boss lwccu ana oiuers, navmg tno tuanuiae ture of tobacco and cigars for its object. And it informs thi r.ubiio that Dr. Uico- ley has made this combination for tlie purpose .of dipoi:!g of his superabund ant civp of Cnapp3ua cabbagt?, r.s the raw t5i.iic;ia! wiieivwith to luaiiu'-aeturo "th'i best itupt-rtcd brands " Now, it is vciy wc'l kne-wn that wc do not ajree wi'h ths philosopher ef thi Tiibnnt in i-.n; vi espee; .:y er.- done his recent maiieiocs as.taul'3 upon the adi istratieii ; but it does not f':-l- low, tlicrc-fore, that we enjoin ia the cir culation cl su'.m unfounded rumors a that to which the Pott in thb iastanc givc-s curr. Wo hr.pnn to have in formation direct from Chappaejaa on this verysuMect. It is true that tc.e co- J partncrsMp Hiluacu to wa m ep -ea clr. Greeley; but I.e tco-n;u! y rejec m-.i it; he would cot fur i-iiiiiou-s, he said, have tho -iu of tolduce.o rii.sins? u:on his soul. However, if the partnership wasfoim-d, the wic-licd men wer.j found to rai-e the peroiei. us wuod and p.;n.-oii the lii-mg genciatiou with no.ous fume, he supposed t!ieyiuu.-f lavcb.)Xrfs to jmt the cig";;rs ia. lie said ho had a Sno article of bos wood which would produce ten boxe. to the hili, and he thought, that by cartful top dressing and pruning he couid praf't the government stamp oa them. Alilsounh tin? staniped variety would be later than t he plain, it would still be ro much more profitable that he thought it would pay to wait for it. lid intended to plant ten ae.o in stamped, and tw. in unstamped ' o e thisyear, and would be ready ti Si 11 contract.- ! cither by tha Orst of Septem rer. We l"pe tit Bosttsn J'ost will do M--. Gn-eley ii'.a simple justice to make this coritfctioM. jt. Louis Denucrat. ! this or;eet;o:. bi. ---r?c!'--wi? It is .-r.ld chat "(wo of Darwin's F.-ns have been n a vi-it to th.; land of the ruonkev". 'i he munkeys were half tick led to d'nlh a: seeing '.l-om, and asked kindly after their father." An Onlinanrp erep.lir-g Ch;c:i0, AVabbicaton and LiiiOuio Airtnut.'. Beit Ordained hy hc Mayor andCcuri r.ilmea of the City of Phtttsmouth. Sv:c. lat. Tiir.t rn Arenus to l.e known aa CUk-iTgo Aveiiue shall be aa i ii hereby created S liil avenue sbuli ba eijvity feet in wi-Jti Mid Hu.iil cummeQi'c iit taa center (if Teari ,ctr ct aad the wist sid? ofSev6nih ftrect or.l I r-: ::i I imtc nt a point eifilit hun.i-e 1 nr.d twenty-two f el we.-t wf the suth ca-t to !e.r o!'.-o;-!n No. thirteen iia.i n to-n-a.-sb i; No. twelve it) north of r-ingtj o. iKJ oititf.foth p ia. in a?cor with the rl'it on :e ia ;ho elU-.-c el'the Cierk cf said eily. sr.c. il l. Th.'t cn Avenue to be known aa WiiFiii ',rton Avcruo ?b:il! bt tii the auie 13 hrrby cr-.-Ateil. Avenno tunll bo eiglity ie-t in width and shall efiamenoe at tan center ct Vine mid Svcnili itrucfi and s!ia!l tcruii n ite :it t'ac r.o th west ceraer l.lock no. elo v n (11) in V niiiis A' iiay';; Au'l-iion to tie City of!s in vitn tho idat on tip in theoiiirs of the Cirrk ofssidcity Skc. '61. T.iat. an Avcnae to bu knr.wn aa Lincoln Avcnae shall be and is hereby created, fcnul avcnae nha-.l be Ee. cnty feot i.i width and Fhu 1 commence a tbn cencr of Third ftrect and tlie north line of Jidr! end runntnx with a south -xe:lan!,'ic of thirty degrees tweiity minutes ncro idoc-kst'l. lTt and 1'; 1 ..-nil thence 'n the .same course uc;os3 tho ?c or of ti o sr,- qr of sec eighteen Us) tewnfhip ruuKo fourteen t I ; to a point due sou h of tho center lino of Finn sneer, Uioneo south on a tliri-Jt line with Fifth street to the south lino of eco 14 X )2 K H in accordance with the pat ot t-ui 1 avcuiie now on tie ia the oiuec of t ie'CIcrk of salacity. Kko. 4. Wbers tha rig'i: of way over t'o lot3 acu'iainii over or through wui.h the s;:id av enues or cither of tacm is located nliall have been ol't:i;.-ic-,i in con:crrni;y willi idinnroe no. 26 entitled "An Ur-iinsnce in re!:itioi to the opening of S:reet- Avnu-.-s A.." ci-j.-: nve.J Juu-i 1ST2. u shal be ths duty of the :;trei:l (';:i:uiiii i ' of .-a:-l city, v. !i(.n c.rjercd by il-.c Ci y C'.inc-il. 10 proce. d to 01-tii th-i said Avon-net- or avenue nn 1 in the dijjhargo of his s-id diit f!:,-".:!c3rjii' fro 11 t!te Si-in ail ob? rue t'ta er.d 1 rovid-j tuitab'e ei-oi-inss and oel v erts, -ec. ".th. Tali Act Ij take cfTe -t f :o r. arJ af t'r i; ci:.-- tec. b. S.j Pttcsed a:i.i crrrovc-J Fe'a. Cl .M. Ii. Wll UK-. M..;..r. Attest. B. II. Vjsaita, City Cit-rU. dlwl slftTcTF L Y MEAT MARKET The ini!ftrsifine-l baviiig rcnlc-1 the Sh;n Flj Jxicat srkvt. i re.'f'y to serve aii cnstoioers w'10 n;ny tavtir him a Coll, wilh t!.c 3'i J9 SMOKED SAUSAGE etc. at tho LOWEST PRICE POSSI BLE. 3Coi:trct will nlso be made for furairiiiin tr eat in :irRc qu:ir.titicE, aud delivering u in any tart of tho city. aifi'rtSTClT PRirP railforFat Ca t!o (uak.v civ (ir.-cn Hide? Ac B. D. A U.N OLD. FebCSwtf. "Tiil bo found at his oil e'and on Main St. II where he wiil be pie -sed to see his for mer customers and iriends. He haa a lar?o and good fsortmcct cf farm machinery .-uoh ad the "Tandiver, and MuKae Corn Tlaatera. CtuoMo aid break ice plow;, iron and wooden O beams. ho Faclo and Orchard City Culiivn'ior. 'J'b.s Marsh Riding Cultivator, MiFourn AVagcns.eihampica Reaper 1 Mower Massdloa Xhrasher, So F. J. HETTEER, Main S;ret. Flatt.'month. Neb. L. S. Bi.aib, Traveliiijc Aect. Fib. C9 wtf. - p . . , Jh)T?&c"eJrut? irui.iiov. uiivio nuu n uur v.- I -i rtf ' y nip. I in. n"ua rertoreu. nervous Uebility fi'ied. Ira peuiiaenTS to Marriage remove 1. iv uicth $ of treatment. Xit and rcmarklv reiuedi ,-a. Books and Circular sect free, in Seaied envel opes. . Addres... aOTTARD AcOCI TI027. N. outii intli St.. hillc-lphi. Pa. tict.sntv, 1 j- i"Ot5ftc oomsr Slain I i-i 00 i.i ntJtH.t cd tory TE.KM3 : Dily10 par linnaai, r JbX Jcn 2 ale ok 1 Th pro'iertv hlor, dn to D. Maranett wilt bS fold or rented on r- ouable terms, ihe honte contains b roo.'iiH. 'J ira is nlso a larico ciatwrti with ilitt'T. r cellar, - stable, and otiiereonrt." iecce?. Aiply to T. il. AIAKUL tli". cepitf. rsfrssicr.d (Earijs. mYSICIAN AND SUP. ".F0N-to)wrs 1.' 1 rct-.pioi:uJ sei-vitf-j :o thoci 'in of C upsjeou' ty. Xlccidcacesouthc -it conn t Oak ajd sin . slrxctii; oliic-j on 2d:x:n street. t, jie do- r w vi L-yunn'r Lumbor Yard I'latuuuuLb, ."ct. rtlTSiriAN AND FUKGFON'.-Iiuo : BCon-in-Cuief cf tno Arisy ofthe Potm I'liitcunoui !i. Ncbn d-i.-i. Oii!ro at (. F. 1 ou's Drust'toro J.iaia troct. oro.-ii.e Clari .( PluoimciU. Frivata residence coiner of liok hv ' Marquett. Smith & Starbirdi Attorkrts Ar Latt, fe-Picot!ce in ell thetourtfl of tho SttoOJ Spuria! nttontl'in friven to co'.Icotiont rnd irr tersof i'rubatu CiEco over the Tost OElee PlatUmouth. -1 . n. wrfEKLKK. h. P. BSS -.; u. E3 wrBEir.r. ft, e v., RVil E..t-it.i and Tx Pa; in? Aprrit. jNnLiir F11 Id ie, r ire and Liio ina:iranuo AgexU, I mouth, Neoi&jli.i. - : ' Ji -;. MASWt!.!., BA'4. M. rHil"J, " ATTOTtNFVS AT LAW nd Slir;tr.n Coaccery. l'!i;ltiioulht IVcbraiks. Ct'i.-w j.c.rsx. D. U. KBlILlr .' ATTO-.tSEVS AT L A V.'. fipwda! , tentir.. jrivou to irah:ilt buiiiess and lai.d title co.i", Otliiia in the .SiLbonio Uiok, Maim S'U'h. N o 'or h. P. U O BAPP Ilntrc c:i i fi'-n Tainlor, rr:iininf , .n"r- har.ii:iK n:id raintintc, 'ii ; HH"'M-'!r liitcd. t-hoD Ufrr'h ot i'tie'N liln:.1 CAVT F.NTEItS & .lOtSEI'.S. Aro .repv: to do work in good stjle, on short nono . rr' as eaeRji as the thoaru-it. Cjr"bop, comer u l;U: u.. 1 ti U'-l eU'Jft:'. USJldlf BROOKS IIO USE. JOniT FITZOSKALt) I roprietor Main Street, Between 5th and M. B. EEFSK. UK K. DXA rtr Al TO RN EYS AT LAW PLiTTSMOUTII XEfi Ci-0(Ticjon Main ttrcet. Op pot He Eroo'Ki Hou.-e. Speoial n'fcntioo siren to tellestuw erfcTntT; juu'dw FheSs Paine GENLRAL iMSUriNCE ACT PL ATT S MOUTH. N K R R AS K A . Represents Rome cf tho tno:-t reliablo Coitjr.n ic in iho Ur.'led Stateji. . , OiTice with Earned k. I'olloch in iItkt''." Eiock . fjan7fc , NATIONAL HOTEL CORNER MAIN AND THIRD ST3 . IJREhiD & FALLAN - - Propria ',- Jurt on:rc t to he nnh'.ic, for both ('ay 2 ' week bonr-ieri. 'i i-.bles set with the !:: ! nta.ket ntVord.-.'. Accjiuodiitiolis no on i i--in the city, dotl At'" PLTTE VAUSV KO U ; 7 E. Ii. tCi'LTT. Proni ictor, Grr.-r Mi.i.i Tnurtc t:tre:a, l'lcthtiu'.-'i C. ii RIS 'L P.-j; i t i . Wavi'ii; rm; i'.' y ! r-'n -o t ii.:.l iiiv.-.fl :"i tnnsli ritototit ' 00, i 1 'i !:c..t wi. im'rt- i--o cSLsd2 dkalfj: in JEWELS Y SILVKit AND PLATED WT.; HOLD PEA'S t'l'CTACI,E.:. violin .-rhiNi-s a;1 FANCY i('OD.S. W.Ttshp"!, C!oe!iMani Jewelry roraired Ju a:'. ir.d wiia aifpatch. 69-K.e-inoved u opjibsito Platta Valley I'-.c. v U-stSrr .. nnv.lOi-" M. B. MURPHY., Mnnucturer cf ffjAND DJlALEPw IS harness, Snublts, iribks, COM. U'S. WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, ke. Promptly Executsd. All work ; Warroat--. S-FINE HARNESS A SPEC! ALIT V.T.' Nov. SO. wtf Plattsmouth, tf'-'t IT. J.STKEIGHT E 0 OK-SELL EJi, Stat ion eri9 Jcc. AMD PAPER DEALER. PJATTSMOUTH, NEB. f-3cpts"t, 2 isrfmkanfl x & IEi: P. GILLETTL Ne bra tic a Citv Geneial Agent Dep't Northwwu Union Central Liio Of Ciacinnati Ohio, J. II. PRE3S0K. JulylWAwtf K . A LOTS FOK SALK LOTS FOit SALK LOTS FOU SALE ISQUIR2 OP h. HILLiNi' v i I