Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 22, 1872, Image 1

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    THE NLtftiASXA t'EftALU
is rclsaza t. ...
. 0. HATHAW4T.
jol Jtid Jdl Jj -U1 o
. V
rrs i
Office coixfr If am and Second etrc. so--ta
i rtory.
TTRM3 : v7-!j-. fi.00 rr annaia If ihU in
fZiO if rot raid fa urtrnnce.
'11:3 following letter IVora the Presi
dent to Ool. Forney will probably explain
.y t!i3 eilisfaciion ef interested parties
iha relation- czir.p: between tLe Fxcc
nJa aal tka C .-.lector i.f tbo Port cf
rrA.-msoTov, i). c, i t. f
Tn Col. .7. 17. Forney. C'y'ector e.f the,
iv Ly.yrt Vu..Si.:Yr:r letter f
th I -va t:'ii 1 ) i,-:- ji;r r--'gr,a
tie a of li.j oI.'t-o of Co:!ccor of the
Port id' Pliibdol, hit to tako diVst on
the. 1st day cf Marc!), waiduiy received.
1 regret that you have found this couise
uacc-sary". becausa your appointment to
the place gtive general, ah.uo.t '.lrnvf r.-al
f.stl.-'i'Cti'in, when it ws made, ami since
your ervi-?e- hare Lcen appreciated and
8-tji-.n-..-! q:i to a, teneraiiy. 1 appie-tiii--.
hv.vever, th5 reasons yen a-ii.-n
fir lii- course yon have taken, and hope
f..r yi-i.T eit.iurued bs si journal st
rrl c.i'ucu. I wi.l be highly gratified,
if sr-ve'slul, M proey,rifi as your suc
r;s;nr on : rrj.jyins theranie C"!ifi.encc
i-r' lit-' and tke. Aui;ji.,i.-t atiori,
i wjiu wi.l acitoini.'.tcr the as wc'l
c r'1 i hive.
Vi;!i high regard., yenr chcdlrnt ser
raf, U. S. Gsast.
The O.u.iha .;,. and Licsoln
Sm?tim'iii ara cnd-'avcwrii! to fin the
Neb;a-ka he.irt on the propositi.!": tr
crjite tin; rJi;ti-v.vjrn:ptinri tltfiaeiii.s oi'the
fro -.iliri'-d parties into one crsintz i
f ; ia. We have no faith in the eHicat-y
of any nie! :irrait.rmenr. I'.irty naiii':
:c nvthiii lf poiiticil adveiituror.- and
r -i!i!j?is ot t'te pubii.' trpa-urr, ar.'l th.-y
c.'ia t bo ruled oat of pownr by clothing
p-ir:it with mw tides. Il'tl.o new for
c itio-5 Willed hs iik'!y f array all tin
pjrc nu'ii oa orie nno ti;o c-'Tinpt
aien on tho other, it would nfco;;: pli.-ii
? ;r.-.t.'Jinj. tut now is itr it n in v
j!ry stood a chance of hiwomin!? domi-ni.-r,
the had Uien vd.o now dirae
' vh partn.-x, would transfer their a!igi
t :-3 to it n: nat'iraliv a hick.-t trke to
i!r. Irt the Sate Jii.-5aiiire, l'euio
cr; :nd People's men were in the ni-i-
. i i.i n t f
t;:." ia af:eupt;ng to p i tr.e n-?;ai-
k i:
? t n d
in tr.e ruujovry
mnd th
? rot".;es. bu. their
t . ::j o
r.s j.kciv
Iv to ha Democrat R5 ii is
1 1 ; -i.)s 1 i a r. . iir p IC'.j rtti.
fci. v o!:-ii it has occure 1 to you. when
fou warmed up in prayer, threw off your j
f ral an "tsuent, so l had.ii ea-y, happy
"";.t-i'l3 prayor. If your heart an i life
i t jo :; m-t f-t-iromenng u
'j hliad ::rcvai! with G 1. If
h-i-t a-il life are wron in find's f
k ? tor ue i f eie -pjen.e wid be
c. Mi ; a:, i r.:ockery i.i th? earn of
.'-a;jl:tv NevT, then, C"nr.t
.-. !
'- i v-lf tip'-n iii erty in ray
, !
c '.".virion, i that pry
t .'j ;.-?;rt ho:i?.e,
;;n 1 rfhol'.T
:j up i- Lin ai i .nrfu
firal is or in
p .rL-nf. wra-ng
i ih : r.i,3 c
.s: id.o triio
-if onn t !i'-i:l' r
. -;
tae:rie :
i t
irk or go
haul dis
t iiuarters
the tiuln
i;3i.i. luj wire" were t i;
:!:- .sent to three fliii'.-o
i- i and s'r'.vc! " Wt..l
n rn:ing t
i irt'i- s palbere 1 fto".
sid : f.-r sh-'l:er. If
d he Ci'gh: fiom hi
th'-ri oi""l" v.ail 'oi
ivo 'M n t move the v
i- is to t tie .
th J C p:
r t
1 i, : ; . e!:iv, n uway by t'o ttisai"
:1 cr human voice, but crowded
i" l.-ag'ry sides close up to th? ears,
th-:, .-1 rnd with, bowed heads tbr
: t .rm to t i'3 Maov wero seen o
r.- 1
, li
ft.: ' a i
wn in their tracks dead fnon col I, j
... .- ,..,. -tr.l.. i hv ront i .rwi t i. I n . 1... t ! I I k I r' . I
v.-y fme y m your petitions, and that God I ade t r its deed of p-itnoti-i.i and lib contrary to this dcei-ioi,, but their h....i- nrrl i1(l hnvvv but he b vrid ! Ibr prop.dlin? boats on the canal. The i .,',,,"l,,,lu' M"'M'4 " ""
vtfciv.n.rsp.-cntiandieu.r; to your tin- erty, and by hopes of the ;ervice it may ig..are now reversed, and titles involv- inn IJp tht 1,1 .h.iwjshe wore when ! power i-lM t attached to th" boat, but j wn,i. lu-g many l;;' -oo--.
framed utu-.anc,?. ow . ju.-t take a s,e - ! yet reader to the country. j unr that important ouestio., are no L ,ia le!v llonae. G more check shawls 1 he entire body of wan-r in the camd is 1 ' 'Z ! m oi 'so "io ' C' tt -
f-.ii tho'itrht, tn 1 t emember that ilj mm t? j longer in d jitbt. Onvh i ! fyr i,iu, I moved and Mi current thus created is aV,?" !'"" t!) ,lJ " 'l , ' ,
evy. h:-i py flow of I.ui u.-unl y i.i- ! We vuU:U to.,,,v tllft ,.pnort OI " -.i Twm I used a the prevailing power The p!n i ;!':" '. !":i' Jj4, :,nv"
ri .-rsi.s Lut-iittlo. and that, in it-elf it is U e .utl'sh to-.,.,, the .eport 01 tue Ia IUeS.U!m,if U, r He. Stale.. ----- 1 embrace a wail laid 'in iheconnvof ,he r ' ,nfo1"':'1 Yh,', h- 1' iril v
siI'uginthebeaiim-cfGod. lUmem- roon Inspectors to toe Governor. j As Artemus Ward wa .,,cc traveling j ca.,?d its entire lengd,. diridi. ir it m nm, ntre;-e,velL the A-nei ir.n
t.rthat i iuh Lont heart, the ujMvht Uy t hat u port we see that the appro- . Iv.ruj.j l, n thecars, dieadu.g to be bored and : , o r qua! clmrmrls At the head of each I A!" ''"l-',,"1C i,,J U W"!l!J ,,! "'T
I. , Ri;-: v, iisi, at ia
.J( A an i ,, ,.'Y.
t the li'.on w.i
the tra-.ik wa-
i.i out j
red with i
ro a
y, Iro'-n caicasses. j
luxurv in winter so j
H is Imagine tne severity or weatnt-r
v"h.n th? riniii'nl who fuinislies th robe I
fre-iie-i to death un ler his natural pro-!
t.'wiion. L r.ti.t Review.
Thi: CaroiT System. Few nifn
: r.vt in business reaii7- the meaning
vfthe heading of this article, because, if
c-- r .ntesested in the subi.ct at all, it
I.m Irt'O f one credited, arid not one!
pei . i, credit, hence they cannot realiz;
ti e j .'rnlciou-ness of the system. This j
i ne cr at obi-ction urjs-t a-.i:;-t the
Vct by pcr-on- from the Ka-t who de
set le lo re. Why this sytm I
si oald prevail to such au extent s inmc j
.' 1 . . I Tl. ... .. I
X we cfMt'M. uu. xu... ...
. uj-v''
i.iec expire tie must pay up; u r.e iijj
n it ' h ; u. one v.
he louit borrow it, lor
tf? bid must be rai.l, or hi credit will
'liar. To do this ho o.u-t deper: 1 on
ti. -ales-, and if half of thcc-3 are on time,
.id ir.d--Gn:te at that, he must neees-"s-'.'y
ba cramped. An oc;:a-ional credit
is an a"cmmod ition to some, but, vhen
tr.e d'eae becomes chronic, it is a
' to btah debtor and creoitor.
T? the tiv .ouatit b''.v...'e ho cannot get
V We think a
'I money when du". to the buyer be-n-e
lm keeps running deeper in debt.
kcvn:ii worse cramped with no dcS
"-.' i.lca'ef how he will get extri-atci.
Tli- uhoror aid ptechanio teecivc their
"i'. evtry we.di if desired, tho farmer
i: for cash all he prolvtce, and the
V crrliiint should receive his when the
"'1 go out of the store. Hi sales
' cihtnot amount to, but his
r-"' its would be more on what he sold,
9 ''id In't have thousands standing out
ti t dra wing interest, wooldn t hive hi
I "h-cr encumbered with enough bad
tints to cit up the profits, and all
' ".'d feel easier, bocau'e not. driven by
d-'::r creditors. O-dcnlosi He.ralJ.
nelslit of Waifs.
" I the fi. st volume of the U. S. Fx
Tl ririr IXDedition. from Ir-SS to 1S42.
"Uimodore v uses nan an f xcciicn,
'rnortunitr, with two vessols, of test in.
I th tin? height and VplociTy of waves in
strong wind and high sea off Cape Horn,
inFi ronry, lS.Ti. On r,a-e 135 h
?i Lhi height of tho waves at 32
f -it. and their velocity at 26$ iu'des an
5--me cf (ho rcligiou papers think
that Rev. Dr. Peabody's recent sel
c:inn of the command, "Thou sha'.t not
"VJk."'!," as the text for a sermon preach
' S before a Stato leei.-hture, wa partic
ilirly apt and timely, one of them sug
F?;t the applicat'ten of the "itinerant"
I'titieipla to the reiinon, the several Stat
"r-'tsli enti:i:tir the 'otixsaik"
V.' tit I 9
Ve published a few day.- bince a letter
from Schuyler Colfax revoking his de
cision in regard to tho Vice-Pre.ddency.
To day wa give one from Henry Wilson,
from Massachusetts, in which he an
nounces himself a a candidate, subject
to the dechdon of the National llepuh
lioiin CVn vf n.'iun. There teem to Le
no hiek of candidates.
He saya:
vTAsniscTos. D. C. I'eb.13. ISTi
"Dear Snt You ask me how the
withdrawal by Mr. Colfax of his irrevo
cable decision not to be a candidate
itUecis your position, i have to say
that, in reply, that when the Vice Pro-
i.: r.r . i . . i. . i ...i i ... i
"l"L, u;iuuu(,i;ii jr.- ffiiouia nos oe a
o.:niiiJjie lor ic-eleetion, au.J that the
p o.-itiou iijignt be cluiiued by tho innd
vf aoum K;i-teru or South ru man, tn:ir:y
gentlemen, onie of whom ti nl kin.lly
supj oitid ma in ISS, and others wl.o
had .-uppoite l 31 r. UoLux, Mr. K-ntou
oi Mr. aJe, siid or wrote to me thai
t.iey i:iten-jed to give me th'jir iniluctiee
lor the Vice I'vrddency I had ja.t
been elected for the fourth time to the
Senate, had eaiercd upjinhe i'ud term,
anj liad every rca.-on to be giaaiied and
fhti.-iied with my po.-itiou 'i'hi.s raJi
ancj of the personal regard and fi iend
siiip fd'miiny of tho ncbJe.,' men of the
s-everal States could not oat gratify that
feeling which prize :eeouitioii by the
whole countiy, a feeling entertained .by
" fi men v. liu llilu loot? KCC!I ill lite
.service of their States. After a c-rtain-iiii.'
that the 'ice President's decision
was final, I absented to the icquot of
lii-nds he foit: leaving for hJuropc early
in June last. After my return, and be
lore the meeting ot Congress, .everal
leading ni ,, in more than a d-s-.-n Siate",
mnny of whom L h:.d served with in
t'oi-gress, assured me that they, and the
Kcprahhcans of their States, were for my
nomination. I have left lhi matter to
others, and up to this the ICt i
of February, I h ive not written a wo d
to any one, nor repiieU to the uuny let
tirs 1 havf received mi the subject..
The vevo ati. n by tho Vice Pre-ident of
his declaration was to me a surpri-e.
It placed me in an u;i.!ca-a:;L position,
...... i .... . . i i . . i
mi i my impi!i-e was t j witr. draw I
frtai the contest: In: ,hf ji.K-i.m cf '
:iie (f the tei nei.iibd; aos f the
land. Fist, We.-t and South, I leave
tha quesiion to personal and p:!iiicd
j friends. Whatever mav ". the result
! 1 f liad be ccntrof, and .-ha!! do v.U;:i I
for the tHiitv and success of the
liepubiiean party, whoever may be it
caodidatcs. i'or I am bound io ii alike
CXi: l
i-,r?d, and lieu
j tJid-: for tho year LsTJ. The In-peeio:
tbitt somethi.ig be do:u to r
I'ej.or, tV I'i-ito.i Iiis-isrM-.
Pr.i.S'.N Ixrr:'Ti'i'.s ( )FKicn, 1
L;.ie...: i cbi :i;;ry lo'Tl!. j
i o
illia:j id. Jam".s G' er.i )r f
iixivlleocy v c d -.-ire to
J." al eV.i to t!;0 wants .-'id re
: liicia! c. n litiou cf thj Nct-:aka
th rvolir";o:fh:i r.f r'.e I.caisla-
turo l
i liSTI
the bi-
j ; a i e
ori.i.i'ory wiih liw. Li t!ieirri ih
t, :
the Iiisi-e
. made tne reqnjr-u esu
mite of feeding, tlothinjr ml gu-trduir
: : ire c
oiiV.cIS 1'.
iiu year of i 1
a,. 1 17J.
Under tl: rsur.; o-ii:ou tl;.: a new c vi--tif
uti-o ' ! . opted Lj" t no peo
p!o, r: ! that a i;':ii;iui:?, convcii:tig
l're-h from the p .,,'e, v.-oild mike the
ue'js,a:y ap..ri.q.ri.tion for tf.e core and
cu-tody of State ovio s, h.di' of
cur estimate w sil'-cvt !.
Ry pis "fi.-mg sf rttt economy, th.3 of
fice is of the Pc i:!c i'ia;v ir.adu the Ho
ptoprlatioti hit till the day
of Jan
rST2 Ar
i;e. Pie a ia o ooi i-
ation was exhaust""!, Stud ad pur.-ba-cs
are now hninst undo upon the eertiilates
of the Iiipe tor and Wur l n. tluy and
their bond-men becoming inriivi lu..i!y re
sponsible for the payno iit of t!.-j .-amc.
Your Kxcclieney will perceive that
the In j ectors ar" under the m c-'ssi'y f
provi.ii'i.-r fir the sunpmt cf t lie con
victs, and jvn.ciit of the guard -, ec.,
or turniiir the prisoners out to prey
upon t be community.
V( lcspeetfiiliy but earnestly nk
your Htfelleney to provide some mean
by whi.-ii the institution cm be relieved
iem the present ras mint.
'I he Inspccr.-'r fed that to ask them i
to become personally liable for ihelarue j
.j j-l
rerr.irr.'d to carrv on the in.-tiiu-
iiiio.'ier year, is moio tloin a
i L'e.ncroiis public will do- And in order
th;lt VV(, t:i)y rei,0Ve o
tin: re
g-.oMsihiiitv for ti
ie verv serious
...i.:. t r.o..... . , , :.: .
v. i:i:iiiiiivi v,t 1 1 ... :iiii I. - imiii-i
?.' . .. i .1. r !
V"" . J -a y ' I
"ii.ii . me ni i" 'liiiou wo rau ii" to j
ac-0!di;ir to lj'.7.
I am sir. yours very truly,
CnA.-. II. Gould,
fsce'y Hoard Pcuiteutiary Inspectors.
Yv. W. Aruf.y.
President of the Board.
The fallowing from ibe Council BIuITs
Xor.p ii fil'u to the point exactly:
A capit: I i"oinf. is made upon the Con
necticut Democracy by the Rochester
Democrat It appear- among the reso
lution they stole tVom the Grafz Rrown
Republicans of .Missouri, was one ucclar I
ing tha. the v ivganl emancipation,
quality of civil rtgl.ts. an I enfranchise i
.t- I J 1 1?:
. v .-.-y...-.v-. .v... , .. w
lei m tne ijonsritution. 1 nts was
tken aim sf word for word, a far a it
went, from the Mi-snuri platfoim. Rut
there wras a striking omission. The
Missouri " I'esnlmJ. That we, the
Liberal Republican of Missouri, faithful
civil' war. to the vita! prin. iples of true j
as we were hi the dark tiavs ot
Iti.iil, .-:inuti. r.n aef or venr.i -iIt I
en.hmgcr the rightful sovcrtigntv of the
Union, emancipation," etc That was
too mu h for theConneetiout centlenien.
They could not. for obvious reason-,
refer their record in the "dark days
of the civil war." They would draw a
veil over the pat, but the people are
not disposed to consent.
,1.1 .-.--oi
Lf.CTUt:. Mr. Jfliues Clayton, a ve
teran soi.iicr of Company A. cf the Fir.-t
Nebravka roluntcers, will lecture at the
tlhristi t'i Church on Harney street be
tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Ad
mittance 23 cent. A geneial invitation
is given. Proceeds to be used in a good
causa. Subjet, "Babylon." Omaha
Tho G"rtnan lepublican Central Com
mittee of the State of New York have
adopted the following:
"lirsoheil, That the German Repub
licans of tho city an! coun'.v of New
York pledge their unrjnaiilled support
to the cin lidate for the lVe:denev who
will get the notninntion by the next lle
publiiM?) Nationa! (.lnnven! ion. "
Ile.nhed, 'J'hat we endor-e the pres
ent adfuini-tr.itton, and xvre couS
3ence iu its inteirrity an.i aiuiity."
The following resolution adopted at a
convention at Des Moines, of the Super
visors of Iowa, is to the point, end is
worthy of consideration.
AYWfW, 1 hat this convention here-
i .
; in' iue:iniral.z J
the Jj-ci-ijtuio of the
State ol' I.iw
i. That thev redii.-e the
panel of petit juror to Feren, an I that
tive oo'y be neee-sary to lind u v rdiet;
th it inoranei: ."-hall not be a. iiecesisry
qU'i!i:ie:ition tv") enable a man to n.-t as a
juror; and th t ;:i the trial of civil causes
tue party ealhm; a jurv shau he reion- !
Hide tor ti c payment ol ad cots ol the
jury during ti.e trial, saiu costs to he rc -
Having previously passed
the Si.'ii ate, it now only remains for t'u
j (; ,v, ri,or to make it a law. The charae.
terizing feature of the hill is that it
make- tiie liquor s-'ler liable for damag
es to the family of the drunkard. Vari
ous amendments were idle red and rejtet
ed. inclm i i one that malt ii juors,
win.? or cider should not be deemed in
toxicating lirpiors.
Isiportant Decision l ttie lT. S. Sti
jtreijic 4nrt.
Henry II. Myers vs. John T. Croft.
Th's ca-e invented the question of the
'validity of the sales of pre cmpted land
before the issuing of tho pa't nt. Judge
hove of the United Slates Circuit Cour"
lor .Nebraska, dee del in lav or oi Lr.ut
about f.uir years a. o, Im'.iu.g that sales
belore the oatent was i.tse.l were van
l it to the Supreme Lourt oi
the U::i"...l
Si nil's on it v.-.-it id' fiti or.
iJ.i.-c for C.- oi'r. .
Mis.souri. for Tdvers
as, (.;
uprcunr Court, on tier G'.h inst., :d-
uilile.l t!
i:u nt oi th;
court below.
It wi.l i.'O remi.-u.!.':red that si nee
Jud.'e Love's decisiun iu t'no iiboi e :ao,
It h IS l . CO to hi III Oilier flSO, l."!VIIV- 1
toe sriMKr .piest.iu, ry .Judge .Milicr
or to- t unci
Sur-reme Court,
n-eut, clituined L-.tvc to brim: in the
fihowiii bill; which was real twice,
referred to tho Committee on Public
L in Is and oid.-red to be printed.
A toll to extend the provision of ay net
entitled "An
to t nal
:l.ite of
'Arl:ana and
the s.a opl.ii.
to the Stat - ol
KT .-;.'aie to rcc'.ait.i
i I. oi tin lr !. mil.-.
) it e i.-ctt-AD Ihr. Sf n-'fr .in.! Ilouxr
(if ojjr.-sfH ttt !re.i i ,f the Unite.! Sttitdt
Anifric-i in ( ''tii'jri xx n.-t-rni',!. ., '1 il:t
he pievi-ieiis i t the ti"t ot . tioure.-si-n-
d "All l.ft to
a:i a- and o! her
iatc Oi
ii::i th:
i .ir.
Slates 'en re
s v. i bin their limits,
i ti r tweiiL.v ei-hth,
ill " l
t.-'-n hun-sr :d and .;l:y, ifn the same
are herehv e"o n ! I to fie ..ate ol e-hri-S'i.i:
i'nvi.l.ut, i ll it tho gnuit ii 'ie
hy m a le shall i.jt lo. '.u 1 any 1 m is
wh eh '.he Gov: aim nt i f tli: Uoivd
.-t.i'e tr-iiy liave re-erved, sold, or ui
f'tiscd of (m i iii-si! io -c i,f ;inv iiw h :e
ioiiie in ie:.!;; pn r to ine cciurtu it'ou
of the. tide to be mad? uuJerthe author
ity oi be i act.
Skc. - 'I l;r the selection to bo ma do
from ion l- i Iv surveve i in the S'ta'e
the au'hmt:
be made wi
f tl
:c !
n live
years fiom the .d j ui nuient of the Ieg
il iture of sa d State nt it next rezular
sesi..,. Miter the date of thi act, and a
to all binds hi".v:d'icr to be surveyed
wirin yo years from such a !jouriiu."ut
nt the ir xt reg-ilar ses-:o'i after n ti "0
by t lie Secret try of the Interior to the
governor of the State that the siirves
have been completed and confirtiiC 1.
Without Anitirnl A STect J.-ll.
Tho. watit of true hind afiecti on is one
of the cliar: cteiistics of heathenism.
From time immemorial H'udoos have
ttKen their aged parents from their
hou,e to the banks ot the rivers wht-ti j
they were aoont to die, and have hdti
tr.em to peiisii vriniout care, a case o: i
! L-iti.l , .r, .- ,. Ir, ..i.i i.-.i.r.i-l . ...i.ti .-...II
ii.i.- M.-.M-a,... v . , v,,.
I in the eifv ot .luzapore n-cntiv. A
nitive woman, upwards ur tiahtv yea.
of age. had been wry ill, and believing
that she was about t die, ave over a I
! hi r m oiey and jowi ls to her son,
.. . .
erept to tho river side, intenditm to
Lreatho her la-t
1 ii s
of G unga .
had been at
sjicred waters.
the riverside for some tim, to hcrgreat
surprise she rocuvered. and at once re
turned to her son's abode; her son ro
fiied to . dmit her. and declared that bv
th. Ii
jid'joo law si, . was to ail mien,.-
anl purpo e-, dead, that he should con- I
sid-er her as such till a icinehayct had I
restored her to he right and privile-es I
of , he living. AJaddcm d at thi m-rat j
i.t..t. fill . I ....I. I..f r... Ih.-. ...... .11
her son, the poor oil womin tore her
hnr, bea-t her bren t, anl, crying out
' E, R im! Uii Rim!" jumped down a
we I which stood oear iler a:.'eetmna!e i
relatives do not ajp?ar to have made j
ip.e spfrhtcst eihirt to extricate her. nnd .
u W!ljJ 10t un..;j t;n , tha ru!()W i
..... ,.,,..,;- -.i,., !;... in.
ji t . -..-.-iv
f .rmed ot the citcum -tanee. that the
dead bodv ol the antortunate woman
r, u i',tr(',.,,,:!
was tished out oi to" weii. i
i . ,,,, ,,.
. ."" , I " '
The Spirit Iike lien can is now very
anxiou-ly arguuni the question "('an a i
Christian consistently practice Iiw?" It i
? si-udy nd-cn'ous , ask such n , qne--
"'ii, .in.ii it i
known the world wide I
that the legal fraternity is as a body the :
niosf honorable and straight of alt the j
professions, perhaps excepting the miu
istrv, wirh whi-li luofe ion that of ,he
law stands "cheek by jowl," You
might as well ask the question Cana
mareeatoats? ,pi. Full Sentinel.
A countryman strolling through New
London, recently, hand in-h-jt: 1 with his
Pliyh. impatient to vi-it the circus, ex
cl iimi d, on feeing a hunch of bananas
suspen 'ed in f ont o; one of the stores;
"1 11 b moved if then ain't the biggest
beans I ever seen, Sophrony."
Tho best Indian in th world A deod
covered IruuJ, tho cause, j to uin, married e.ain-and he f or Z
The Iloue of Kepr-sentative. of TIT,- j Ce 7Z?W Vhe'S'hwVS ! rfor lu, the fini-hin, .piai-ca-
know,. tho Ohio law for checking the come on 1 ,e Vir, L d t h e "ndat npon trus complete system
vie of drunkenness, th.. v.te standi,.- ! Jl . . T. 'L ; " i ,"1 "f pr-icricd cducatior, are so small as to
Oft'tiinir II li. i tv tier.
Fr.m the Gold Hill (XovotlM News.
A little incident occurreJ in front
(he international hotel, V ngiM i Lsfv, a 'pj1? p,,;r;is My that Henry J. Rny
feW davsago which is wottli the rMoinof' ,l0)rl j eJiiing a paper in the better
a loeas to reia-e. tucii! re.-iii- ia won
Hill a married man a tail, pond-natured
Scotchman whoe wife went ,ri a vi-it
to the Vjt some eight mo .tits ago.
Nisiht becoming rather co!d Istriy, the
ushand iinplorme v wrote to hi wifi to
i .i t i i .
return home that h had enouh d the
lite ol'a Washoe 1 aehel ir, and he want
ed no more of it. A couple of week?
ago i-he wrote him a letter that si"
woull leave for homo, nn 1 that he might
expect her to arrive iu Virginia City on
a certain day. At the appointed tima
our warm-bioojod (Jold Hil! r (who had
"carceiy talked to any living woman
s.ncelns wi e left for the lv.-t. ) ansi-
ou-ly waned rm the a..lj wa k in front of
the stave oih'.i to cmnrHce ins ion
anient wile; and several o.f his friends,
to!ioina his impatience, imprred the
the can-e, when he eot';iia-tie.i!;y in
jormcd them that he expected his dv-nr
wil'e, who had been al-ent fir eicbt
Jon4r months, an 1 he would be so haptn
i w'heii she arrived that it w!d h !
! drevr up in front of the IntemationnS
hotel, where our friend had already en- I
paired a comfortable chamber, as he
knew his wife must be tired and sleepy
after such a long journey, etc. The pas
senger.; d! got out of tho coach except
one lady on the back sear, who was
deeply veiled and had on a thick, check
ed shawl. Our Gold Hill friend made a
rush in'o the flage to embrace and ki-.s
his wile he knew it was her by the
check shawl she had on, as it was th
one she left honi" in and jut as he was
about throwir.i his prms about her neck,
and pu-liiiivr I he heavy brown veil a-ide
to get u good fmaek at her lips, a ihep,
sonorous voice from under th'' veil es-
euiineii: Aever mini, cin e, i km gu
, oia ,yelf, I kin!"' Sforror tf lmiT.ii!
; C:,;1id M,el a thimr bo that it was not tiie
1 iii exi-ci.-d v. ife? 'liic would
i band withdrew fioin the .-t:iLre, and out
! i ,o:mee I :i !.i- ,.;f. .., ii lit
1 l-i, t I'.vn ht'n.t :!! t; t' v n.,iii'ii in
weieht. and. throwing a-i'le h v veil.
shr r.i-.-t a terilli!,' r. iir of hlai'k eves a?
. I
i the lotru jf-r, witn ir.ts re-mark
" i on
e-in't fool dis chio afoio
lis CIOW'.I.
1 asked the
ih? disappointed hii.-ban
.v l into C. apt. e-cy
s saloon ,o take
; n'rink. provided ih
whoi ttiinj was
j k(.pt a Clc.tJ,e which has Ii9e,i strictly
him, sat down and said :
' Did you hear the Ust thing on Hor
a?e Grreeiey ?''
"Gn.eiev ! Gre.-h v?" said Artemu,
'lliiriic Greeley ! Wh o is he? '
Tin: mii was( about five minutes
Pit try soon be said :
-'George i-Vime s Train is up
a good deal .A' a row over in Kiigiand ;
4o you think they will put him in a . as-
tilj ? '
i ram! irain! tjranreo P ranei
s un Ai teieus t j.euin.y ; l
iK-ver nearu ot mm !
This i; :i:iiill,-i kept tiie
teen minutes, tio-n he s?iid
man quiet Sf-
"What d-i vou think about General
; Grant's' chance for the Piesidency '.'
, Lo von ih tii lhev urun him !
"Giani !
Grunt! hang it, mai.
swid Artitnu-,
you iijiosrar
I KJ t.
strangei.s than any man i ever
I saw
The i:i:in wa furioit ; he walked up
the car, but at last ciiuo back and said .
"You c.ndVioded i it m -ram us, liii you
I r.".r Imar i F A
, v
j Ar'emu- lof.Ked up and asked
j "What wa his other name?"
A Texas editor complains that at
tempts i" shout him have become o nu
merous lately that the thin,- is getting
A Youns l itryer in Fort Wayne, In h,
recently chaiged o:ie dollar per minute
lor "consultation with a client.
A person in Detroit found a La' yon his
door-step one night l ist week. lie look
it in, cared for it tenderly, and next dicy
hwapped it oil f )r a terrier puj.
Whimsical Matilda Fletcher take
for the theme of her lecture, "Men and
ttieir Yv'iiims. " Docs the gentli Mati'da
think that our polities would be less!
whimsically inauaged if women h 1 1 the
!;ilnt? IVihins -o: hut it should be re- I
i i . . . i
nieuincrca mat itie ia
d e theui.s 'ives. !
! wi. h ad tlieir peife.:tio:i-, are after. all but ,
i icliim-tiien.
Leinh Ric'iinon l.says: "Keep in mind
the exellent rule: Never "reach a single
sermon lVom whi'-h an uocniie'ntcnea
hearer might not learn the plan d' aiva
iou, evi-n tiioush be never abler. va: d
heard auotiier''
Dreihern, we are nil saiiinjr hoinp; and
by and by when we too not tfiiukifgof if.
some shadowy th ug (meucitU if death),
-i I T.iuhr ,...!! I... uiil t.r
r.;U;lt), a!l J vvi! . have a m -s-age
f",,r you hmnc; Cod w,mts vou:
,paVe,i waits for you." It is but a hand
breadth. ( Reecher. t-
The London Telegraph must know a i
auoui men an l tiiinvr mi tins siiie ot I he
.1. . I J . , .. .
a... I l . I I . . I '
water, else it woul l not hare been a lo
Fisk, Jr. wjs, the mo-t disiiriitiiie 1 rep-
n ten us, as u uiu recently, unit james :
resentative of Amev.c.m c iihzatioii
We had theught otherwise, but L n Ion
I,,.,. ,. ,f L-......
I' - r -w ' aiionmt vuiivun
inmgs about American attaira.
,,., .- .i .
At a letrp year party in Atlanta, on tne
fi.i, : . . . . , , , ,
9th lnr , ?li young ladies showed their
m in iness by having the f ihowin-; timt-
f.rr iu'i place-: "We mean
business," "N-.w is Our chinco,"
Va.tii." i tediou ." '
An Illinois Ppf-r, edited
by Mr.
Ste - I, say-: "A printer last we k pro-
posed to go into partencr-hrp with us.
Ui nam - wa Doolittle. The firm-name
would sourid very ! a.l, either way you put i Bloeg eiys he thinks he would make
it Steei tc Hoolittic, Doolittb; tt Steel. a coo.l Consrresstnaii. He received two
We can't j tin One of us would be in the ! bill the ot her day, "With r-quests forim
poor house aul the other iu tho peni- j mediate payment. One bili he ordered
toidiary." j la; 1 on the table, and the other to bo
. , , , i road that day.six months. -
A e!rgrnin on f rrhange fv.nd a note
.... ... . t- - k
in the liio.etotliethe. tthar RttnerA
reqncsien tn prayers nt tne that
him, eef. Tiie preacher prayed most Wl
fervently. To Id amazement and inor- s,i'
tiUcstion he found that the note had lain
in the pulpit a year, -while the bereaved
genileujan was oa thia Sabbath Fitting
witli a new wife in fhe cvigregafirn.
On a g-tre pot out we t i-a sign,'" Take !
wamin": No iraet nor life iuurans, nor
cfj na-.hcens wanie i here
worl i. It uiut be a ? pritely shct.
A candy boy, pas.-ing throuah a car
met n eroa o'd gentleman, and tys:
'"Pop Corn, popcorn!" "llaint got any
. . i. i i .1. ml
, '. fr, - ,s . .
; dro'ltuni drop-I ca is the smart boy.
j 1 J
They have pot a new way of getting up
j suprUu parties in certain parts of lihnois.
A re-i lent receives an annovm n letter,
j stating that a Miprie p rty will he with
; him on a certain evening. He pre-
j paces for it. Nobody comes, and tho iu-
i prise is complete.
I y ECANICAL Pcn0oU -Perhaps in
jn the wo,.,j is e,iuCd.
. thoroughly carried out as in the
ueriuau em t i re. In ir'cuilre: -g, a
com; aratively small province, besides
t eiuentaiy schools in every pariMi, they i , i i i i 1 . i ;. i,,w,
, "i .- i i ,i . r.-. hosrors which had beu reported in Luba
have 2od pi imary industrial sch' o!; &J. ! , ,, i. , i;,. ,.t;;
.. i . i i i . . '. . ' and Peru, ami piesentcuio revolting ue
l.u uimsr and trade sehoo Is. it whu-u a Js i -t . . . e r . .i
-,w Li i i - . ! tads the treatment ot cooiiea in the
are fitted for hu-djtuidry and In n lie alts;
a!id hnally two codeves, one lor com-
q community to
avail themselves of it.
James Gordon TJeanett, Jr., is men
tioned us the successor of Fisk as the
colonel of the New York Nititii ilei
Over 2,' '0 natnea of colored people
have been enrolled at the (diu-e of th
Colonization Soe cty in Washington for
passage to Jjiberia.
The Harpers are paid to ho strong
Methodists, while the Appletou", their
great rivals, are stur iy Fpi.-copuiiaus.
F!der VTcavcr a man who ha preach
ed Ihe gf-pei tor futy-five years, who is
settled over the H.tpcist chinch in 'ol-
I uiituv"n, Ll. stated in an a hires. to the
! S'.ihl!y f-chool in the .n-riVKatioml i
j ciiureh in"Jewett City ths.t tie heard a!
man say tint he Lai read the lii!e ;
I thn-.nvh in sixty hour. Pe'cimmcd to
I ascertain whet her t ho lnul vi.lnal loul t t,e
j tvuth or a he, beset about it him elf,
snd read the whole of it. alou 1 to his wire
i io
ldiv.:.:u in1 wii't.i.t !
! thirty minutes. He rea l soiui tiuie an
1111 .' IIWU' 1 I ".JlVlll IIV t.
li or nod sometimes two hour d.y,
fceeoiu,' the exact timo, with the reifcl'
inuie ited above.
Rumdo man must have the credit
pliced an immrse-i wm el ol p
) construction, whih is moved by a j
I stationary nigine, rnd the action of!
v. liich i to throw th.- water f. om one of j
1 I he channel into the. other A current j
j is t hu ereared fiom the m o-binery in j
j one channel and toward it in the other, j
I A little girl asked her sister what was j
chaos that her papa read about. I he
V-1 !rr child np'ied. "I t is a great p'le of
nothing, ionl in jrace to put it in."
. A poo 1 story wan a few month m,:c2
I liuiielied by a wieked wag m Nw York
not wh ibv unconnected with the'd, iinlcs th j Tblc!-Talker is in r
ror io: i noi t:rii to be a vorrieio'H !i"f
i (p,-H p i.;,i. as u .. c ,,, . :..., - ,.v-
j eeution anionsf the couiitrv c xeiiani'r. it
miy be wmth repeating : Ut Montaland
I rjigneJ urder Fi.-k's hi
diaimmi that
; nt-ek, rice the
3Ian-fie I, deposed.
, J.,. vras takiiiff tne pinguids print'
dviiii't out for a diivo heliimi bis fjur in-
i haul, and pointing nut io hor t he various
! attractions of Nt?w Y.ok. Stewart's
lmtu.oici; martii.' tina-c oh t he avenue ;
what was that? That, Madame, ii
mv city residence ; a mere bache'or's
In'l " The Cemnl i -j r V . that wait matt- i
I niuoent ; it was r U, that is my
) country seat ; you can see my tkot buiTa- j
j Iks thcoe ; I allow my tromifs the f:e-r j
j use of the grounds.' La Montaland j
! whs impressed with' th wealth of the j
Prince. She ma le rcrtrnl other inquiri- j
jcas to the ownership i f the Hem! I j
I buil Jimr, the Fifth Avftiae Hotel, :::;d j
the Lathe-iral, to ab of which she re- '
ceived satisfactory replies. Finally, as j
they passed Stewart s Lrnudway store, j
Hi1 oazzieo songsires-i sain, Ami is
thi vour huse, too. Monsieur Fee-k ?"
"No uiiidum ret lied thu iiieuuous
Prince of Frio, 'I ciitiot tell a lie ;
th'tt licitmyx to my partner, Joy Uvul.!''
( 1 "xt-
U'n.,. M. C.u-.ixton's Gp.kat I'OrM.
The finest, poem yet written by tint
young and brilliant centu. Will. M.
Cinleton, ,s "Ih" of Chicago,"
written for an I ju-.t j. obi shed ni ""Our
Fireside Fiiend, ' the in.w and attiact
lve literary an I family journal, punished
iy Waters, Eocrts & Co., 7s3 State
i-r ( '!i ii-.'i t ii
Thu poem is in Mr. Curb ton's best
vein; beautiful in tho ghr, grand in con
copi ion, graphic in extircs-ion. an 1 sus
tained throughout The enterprising
pub ishers were fortunate in securine
(this contribution from the author- In
i,:- i i
will doubtless sp el Iv bee-.. me a i
pueie iavorue will the great uiase
,.f t'w r,.-l!ii.f i.'iM; fr ;a n .
.... .... ...... .,V. .1 ....... .... .
,i't:'-, iini-uii ii.'l t l iiiio
w k Iv, -coiiia mug a larii'e a nouot of in
tr?siiii;r and useful readtmr matter
1 lff.r.lil- -I...1 f ..i.te ,
The publish-!-s are evidently deteimin-'d
I "- - - v- .-.. ........ ..
,-. ... ft.t...h. , t
.. . . . ' . ' ...
plir it H verv large circulation JThey in- '
to irivo to their suo.-enhu for i
ik7 ..rt 1.. I tl..t....... I .l..':... - I
in piemiuui, to no iiisinoutO': upon a
. i -
new and novel plan. Spec'-unoi cop e
f the paper, together with full paiticu
His, sent free on application.
Alexi was autre ovcrconv nt the
Bos on coniioittee's invitation. The; !
Comerical IJ".de in suvut "Tne Grind
! ul' W'.M '''!' aib cH'd lint h? re- j
pin-u, -in ni native ltti-snn. .is lo.low.
''..! O l- 'III 1 ll-M.!! roi 'II I It 1
biitti icihi ire bl.iski hifur Roston (iit
ur , uiiiaiiwi-ki unio'z of citii bmneiz
re Ii ani in oleca'c izy widbi downonyer
lkea,iaskcmo onah tallak andle."
U41;UT1 a'1 Fven . lSer rOTernnr a j
'"' . t ": ' ' L'll,n''r' 'T i
i. ... i l i :.. . ii...- .... i i
what'? the raatt?r.. Itenyxri.
tt.ian porttcors.. .uansani root, ana j p,, jrts s.-,v fl at the road i blocked ' U-en h fini elv settled as the I a-i ot
.1110 end ol finecarjicts, mirror, uc, j :! .,..1 poi-.-'s badly. Authentic m-w her future colonial policy. 'Ibe Chroni-
. ct is sao i..s .N,.t, mus iV j 1U Thr. , ,;!sr o!- ..- C!e R:.v that oulv Lord Li-ffar. Sir John
, .i.:.r im. u'iuituu. ,1 i"- '' u.jie,ts is the doeripttoo rF the pn-?- i A. "'lcPon aid and Sir George r. Carticr
TCI rPHADLnr j storms and bitter cold, their organiza
I L L 11 "j 11 A I 1 1 1 L ! ti'.n- to work and suiler to save tiie wo-
Tjondon, February Ifi.
' In the Commons to-day D israeli in
quired whether any answer to Granville's
note concerning the Alabama claims had
teen received.
Mr. Gladstone replied that nothing
official had been received bv iler Muies-
tv's Government, but United Stafes
Minister S dienek thought the r-p!y of
his Government would reach London
about the first of March.
The liouse wei:t into eoinniitte on
suppiy, when Fowler, member for (.Jam-
bridce. made a speech denouncing the
coolie traio and the part tukeu therein
! bv tho citizens of Purtuirtd, Spain and
i i . ii . ..r . i ! t.. .
Spanish Antilles.
Othr meiubprs followed Fowler in
condemnation of the trafne. which was
pronounced a disgrace to civilization.
The case submitted to the general
board by the Consul of Great Britain i-i
published. It is divided into ten parts.
Part one says no definite or complete
Kcttlement of the American claims ha
ever been furnished. 'J he treaty -f
Washing, on anil previous correspond
ence supplie, however, the general deft
r.ition of the demand. The U S claims
submitted arc for damages tirowing out
of the acts of vessels respecting which
the Uni'fd States allege that Great
lritain f-tiled in her international duty.
Tho Tribunal must determine thu ques
tion of failure of duty. If it decides
that that th re has been such a fuihire,
then it must award the gros" aum for
il.imaces or define the limit of liability
for the guidance of assessor of said
London, February 19.
cntert iii"d Minister
Schenck at dir.iier. Saturday.
Thanksjiiviuir ei vices will he held iu
th ia' bedrid of St. Patrick, in Dublin,
i on t f j . - 2Tih m.-t.
j I ;irhame::ii v whiprer--in are sum-
! m-.iiimr their p.niizius to be pre.-ent a?
i the. MS:niis-tn ni -ht. wh-ti i' is nude.-
. K., t. , ,u i f i.m irlM inJri J
. - - --
-tool that the opposition will imrolm-e
! a cio- n.ntinn censuring the eovern-
j mont appointment of Sir Robert t.'ollier
to the judicial c .uimi-ion of Privy
jj'ouneii. It is believed the action of
"E,r,,.V " w " . " .r,. i. oner o, a iaeiorv in . i. ueivi:
inquiry or communicate any PKormaiion
on the snl j. ct at present.
A resolve censuring the government
for the appointment of Sir Robert
Coilvor to the Judicial Committee of
the Pri'-y Council, was mn ed this even
ing by Richard Cross, conservative
member fr Lancashire, who supported
it in a lemrthv address. Sir Roomies!
j P;dmer oilcred a substitute declaring
that there w.h noth rii.' in the appoint
I nient of Co'.iyer deserving the cen-u:e of (
t . 1 1 i
tiie nouse.
At y p. m. the debate was still in pro
-Tjondon, February 20.
The resolution to censure the ministry
for, he appoint merit of Robert Coliier to
the judicial committee of the primary
council wa r-jected in the Hou -e of
Commons i-ist night by a vote of 2GS
against 241 .
Toe announcement on Sun. lay of the
kiiimg of a maa named .Miner by a
w-oi kingman, proves to have been a mis
take and that Minor himself was the
murderer. He was formerly a surgeon
in the United State.-r army, and it is be-
Sieved he was insane. Mr. Munn, U.
S. ice LonsUi General at JLomlon wiii
attend the trial of the prisoner and sen
that, his interests are properly proreemd.
Workmen employed at La-s & Co.,
and Al-op & Sons, well known,
have struck work.
It is reported that Viscount. Monck,
who wa oveiimr" f-eneial of ,'a,iad:i
from l.til to lCS. win be appointed
viceroy of India, to fid tb" vacancy caused
by the assassination of Jvul MavJ.
Tiiree thousand journevmen in the
shipyards of Jarro.v, on Tyre, have
lit a division on a reso'uti n ofen
sure last niht, thirteen liberal members
voted against the oveinunut.
The linos to-day, iu an aittcle on the
Alabama claims controversy, says "our
relations with the" United tales are
such that not bine should be done to
lessen the aut hority of I he govei nment. "
foe Tim ;s hope, tii iug h family, that
the American cabinet w.ll yield to paolie
S fl ? TTI
Salt Lake. February 1G.
The Tribune to-day publi-hes ovirr tb.
1,1 , -; acru-nm i-x-
,"--- . "
U - 'ovei umcut ot Salt L iK.e City.
I c 1
, ,
UlMI'ill. JUSl reeieCIC'l A .J CI Ml 1,1
siiovvu ,ii l avi; been n utdauili-r
eeivtr of bi tb -s as Police Jud.e
pmtof the- .Mormon fommi t-e of
ouy inn.-co c irs aco, m wuic.i
" ,1',rlu"n b!
" . '. ';
It is fort he i sh vn liiat
I ii'ti im li'itn
cau-ed ,he icpoiT to be
! Sllf pie-se-l, -ind sl -1 n i .-ie 1 J.-'ter .is b- -i
ing. al'lHiuh di-hon'-st, peculiat i y ill 1 1 d
; fir hi . thee. (I.idoe, the pre-crit ia-J.-r
1 . e : -i
oi .'A 'i moil rci"r(iuT, sas mis is ,ne
lit , d amauing blow to his faith in ihe !
..ho,,. I. ,.n, i-.".s .i th,. ..hii..wt
r i... I:. . v...,",... ..,.ii,..rt. j
ti:lt nbima iy his apiistacv and moral j
d-voiinn to the Mormon ( hurch covers i
-Ii sins. Th e nose i onire h-nathv.
and creates a th-cided sensation.
Superintendent Sickel t'degraphstlut i
trains which p:tsud IJ.tfer Creek this
alternoon, m wi;l be t.iroujrti to tnorrow
morning. A train i announced to leave
Ogden east to morrow.
The Japanese have arranged to leave
Monday morning.
Salt Lake. Febru.nrv 20. :
A dispatch, tonight from Assistant j Canada, on part of the Governor Geno
Supei inteudent Clark; at Laramie, says rah The chief f.cinf had been mutual-
ttiat t tie car Prr the Japanese wi.l be i
j,ere ,,vtaorrow an,l ,ha, tU( ro.,(l -u i
open. On the other hand the tdec-ri- i
4 -
(.. -" ov rnvui'lip A r Jt t . i(M
i ?vS"jr, Jrvftvatiy van - five mwir.n
NO- 47
men a-.o en Mien, hui tueir nai'i-mps
and privations, their great peri', and
their opportune assistance l'totii thj
Duiied S'ate.s post', ie. The story is
ail stranger than iieiiem. Some ot too
p-eouers sun remain mro si k wuu io-
ver. i wo this alfernoun are a::no.-t l"e
voiiO toe iiepe ot rejovery. A.'t azree
lint there was mueh wa:ifnd distress
but ptatement" tiiiler a ti t'i.j neuleL-t
or ineJLipetc.icy of rjiway i-Jiijers
Well known repini!.i!f pui tie rci i t the
Ui itn ia! and foice of the read jnad-'quate.
i hot that Sup anttntlent S,ei;!o. 'ami of
t licrs at the front did everything hi their
j power of mortal man, and at no smad
per.-onal da:;gr or suciifhv, fo help jtas-
ft:ig.-r a:-d open the ro id. They ftiib-
i li-h a e pi men'a-v rtiH t ) Mr Sickles,
i but dt n 'onci'si the ciie. tors of the Uni
t on I'.tc.Iio toad.
I To-dav tla c invi'n'ion for tho adiuis-
.-'.on rt i.taii, met nut out notnmg or
iu'.poi tahce. .Judue Kayder of Nevada,
opr o-ed ad:ni.sioii and moved to adjourn
sine die. Tom F:tc'i made a reply ga:ut
! ao'oiirnmetit and hti-Mv o? ta'tie 1 consent
to speak to-morrow in favor of udmis-ion.
The euibas.-y hope to leave Wednes
day monnriir.
J ud.
MeKean, Major
Powell, the t xplorer, and other promi-
inent. guntl oiien leiveon the same trsin.
Trcmendeous rain .usd wliid storm last
uiht; to-day bri sh l and warm.
Paris. February 19.
The Opinion Nationals assi rts lhat. a
con-piriicy has been discovered in which
three general under the l. te Fmperor
are leader Their plan Wa to dispose
ot the a-einbiy by hirce and take pos
session of the uovi rnment. where they
were to lie supported by a butre number
of cx-oih.rer and soiaers from thenortn
I rJ'!)(. Oru'tiione says that in consequence
of t hi n ve hition, the teigian iiouaeris
ca-efuily guaided au.l no ( is permit
ted to pass into Franco without pass
port A sh.dit demonstration was made bc-
I the re-id it. cj of the D ike le Ar-
i male on ?nnduv. A crowd uttered ci ies
. : h.osti'e to Monaichv. S
.o f: tresis
n-ade. It is s:iid that the utTuir was m-
: '''-'' i' ijoni-partist.
. t
i 0 1 UCu ilU IliT
tIUuifrt3 Cf the
nniiijiohite io the AsbCiably takc the
, tenuou oi .epuri'.
I Paris, Fcbraury 20.
Groat excitement her? over the dis-
I covering ot the last l;.r. ipnrti-"t con-
s piracy. 1 hat there is some truth in tho
i reporf f its existence i ju oved by tiie
; extraordinary pree-ietions t::k'it by the
; v ori'iieta (here s w.-l! ; iu th? tior'.h
; er-n i.1p::r'n.ents. In this city an 1 at
Vt '. -'tife, the police force on duly has
1 h. en doubled and troops have teecived
or iters to remain at ine'.r pii ruciis reaoy
i i i i .
for action.
Fcrlin, February 23.
The Fmperor William is suffering
from indisposition and passed areiiless
The Queen T .w.iger Elizabeth, who
is now 71 years of ate, is al-o ill. Fears
of a senou result me entertained.
I tti.r- '! I. . I.'....,,...,,. 1- .......I. 1 ,Hur
i to-day. He n.ioied r-ufa-deuti y to trans
act i'Osiness thi tnorniiur.
V.fshiri2ton, February 19
The IIou-c. t.Vnimiitou on tlje Civ.l
Service ugreed to-day to report a bill
uiaLio,: it a penal oikjice Ibr 0"Rercs
lucii to ak 1- t civil aj j..''n'iii:-iit i. It.
provides tbt they cn make rcconmicn
dation oiily upon the request of the
Committee i f Ways and Menus.
'1 his moi iii'ie: it was resolved to hole"
toe payment of the income tax for 1S7I,
bo nothing was done about the tax for
the future.
Mr- Fryc, at the instance of Hooper of
Ma s. , i:iti od'ic.'d aj-iil suppiemi-mtarv
to Thf Civil Rights act of Apiil, lSfid,
snd moved the previon question. The
bill was rea l. A motion by Eidiidge to
reject the bill wa negativi d by a strict
paity vote yeas, 89; nays, llo. Iho bili
went ovir to Mouduy.
A bill to repeal he do'y or cofTe
pased under a suspension of the rule-
173 to 4$.
It i understood that a utajoiity of the will re port a rcsolu
tii-n ri-fe. ring the que-tlon involvinc
1 1 : 1 era, its to the Kansas Pacific, Cell
Hid Riauch, Uiiii ii Pacific and St. Jos
eph & Denver Coy railroad coinjiimies
back to the D' pai f m nf of the Int. rmr.
for the rea-en that the Hou-e did not
authorize the conmiirtee to soid for per
sons and papers. The minority will re
commend ,be passage of a resolution
that the a-siemiieiit. of the Hannibal tt
St. Joseph ('omp my of th.;. Central
Hi-finrh of the Union Pacific is not. bind
injr on the United S'iites;..that the lat-
ter c oofi-inv is nor ciitii'ied to aav land
j coi'rii-'.i by it; and that the Sr. Jo,ph
Iei!ver Cay ! Vmp-i-iv is entitled t on-
r a
eii..nid the Imd wfoi '.i it chim.
Sei.h .tol.nson. the ctnb"zzlinj Tren'l
rfc b i s been finite, iced ,v puy a Cue
v ,hitsnt,d dollars end ituprison-
. f
iz or:" '"ear.
The Si rvte to-day nfMrmrd tbo nnnd
i.i.linri f!" Ch a H '. A-i,anf Seclfta
rv of S-'o. and Gei M. RedcIifT. A
i s-er of Ii.tertial Reveuue for tiie Sixth !
Li'oois Jts-V-.'t. :
V.'.'i-i.' ' ! ! ',,; (on. M. I. B'Jtier an.'l '
G-rr Kcshaw. of Snu.h ( andina. have '
r.ivo-: fe ie to a hearing before '
the I
'eu ! t!
in the
t i o i.ommiii' u oi uocr iiiiii'-r-ieseUe-
aea"n-t the charg made
Si ta"c that ilo v were in active
' :.. i .- .l
-yuiparhv wirh iheku-kl;
HalifiT. Fe'.nnry 10.
The Chronicle, in reply to an editorial
in the Toionto Globe ridiculing the sto
ry of a secret ticaty, reasserts it-authen
ticity and say it i credibly informed
that it w i siloed after the conclusion of
tiie Washington negotiation by Lord
DeGir.y for the Iltitish government, and
Sir John A. McDon iM. as premier of
agreed on i.wecn t tie two cover,.
,,.,. some year previou-Iy', a:i 1 so far
as iht Rruain was concerned, it had
:'" ' " 4 ' o Bl tii'rv i vn I I W I
o: ivs fsxjs'-tTTW. - ' -
8. d.
jOffic eontt Main aod ?r:o.. j f
l 1 itory' - '(
TERMS : L'ailyjIO.OO poraanaa. cr ?i .
Itcrmontk. t
New Yorjt, February i
Tho following is a fc;ible dMputuh to
the V orld, uattd hondoi
on. iv : iu h.'d:
to a oi inquiry adure."seu to h m,
Mr. Gladstone has wiittcn a long letter
explain. ng in an txtrcmoly fiiendiy fan
ner the pies nt position of her ousj.'sky'n
j:ovcrr:mcut coneerning the treaty cf
Wa.-h:ngton, denj ing tbouttcrunce cf
offensive pa-sages in the lloose of t'om
moiis, os has been erroneously rt' crt' d
in order to allay public excittsmem in
Fngiand. I bare furnished co;-"s cd
Gladstone) letter to lb- JVes ct.J -o:.-don.
It is now published iu every i i.r
pid of the kingdom CrtUs'ng jiiol Vi 1
sensation in the iiou?tof comutoo . ".". "'
This e:.;i g Powie asked Glaii-too'i "
if tho leit-r ad iressed to the coim.!
pi nu'ent td the World Was emont,
whef tIadstone replied yes, it is a icpiy
to a letter asking explanations roaviiog
my epocch.
Columbus, O., February 2A
Tho national labor convention Meet
bcre to-morrow. About 15 ) d degites,
representing Io States are a'reudy here
A meeting wi held to-nijiht at which i
number of short speeches were undo,
and the general expression wns in favor
of ccting independently an i not as tbo
aijnnct of any political party. In tho
several speeches all allusions to this de
feat of Grant were cheered The cm
vention wil! hold a session cf two d-ys.
Lawrence, K., Fobraary 2i.
The city is tilled with delegate m i
leadinit republicans, in uttcndmcC rpjs
the Republican State Convention '..nidi
will meet hero to-morrow. Caucuses
have been heid, an I the convention viii
". , .'" J be un.tiiim uii for Grant, a i 1 will aJjpt
WllJa plitform fu !..- and cmplrilically
djt'sitig his aduiiinstratioii.
Chicago Catllo JIarkot,
Chicago, February 20.
Cattle receipts 3,00; very little do
ing on account of lack of car.; price
steady and nominally unchanged; not
many good cattle on sale and pens pretty
well tilled. j
Hogs receipts 1 ., I -12; narket activo
and 10 cents higher; all s(;M at a rauga
of 4 -l'i o 00; mostly 4 20 i. 4 70.
Sheep receipts 71'J; market quiet,
firm cud uriehanjicd.
Ct. I'roilnce Mitriiot
St. Louis, February 20.
Fiour firm; XX sprirg 0 Ct); XXX
7 0d. 7ijj. W heat s;.)ri:ig hiahcr; INo.
2 Chil'Hjro 1 SO; No. 3 fill 1 C'J; No. 2
red 1 7o. Corn better; No. 2 and high
mixed on track 41 to. 42; No. 2 in eleva
tor dlj. Oats firm but inactive; No. 2
8. Dailcy, buyers off. Rye h'gher; No.
J, 81. liisky dull at Si." Provision
i strong and in good demand. Potk l'J OJ
j,asi; butr March und eiier Ap-
,ii; l.'U.k shoulders 4j; clear rilj Ci up
country; small lot of clear rib here fi j;
packed lots quotable .shoulders o; clear
lib oiivo. (''!; clear 7o(Ss- Racou tirui;
sho'tttders b?6j; Hear nb 7i; clear l;
sugar cuieii hms 12i I H La fl active;
sales mainly for iiuu:e; pti.ts piivatu
lor ca.-h: laid aixuJ. Hogs liitti at
4 0'Jo lGO. Cattle s.tuJy ab 2
C'fienp;o Proituce SJrtrJiPt.
Chic go, February 20.
Flonr in fair dtunicd n::d ti;m: sa!ci
of spring extra at G 2ot,i3 75. Wheat
very quiet, prices steady and at tho
opening n shade better: No. 2 selling at
1 2oIc 12fjt ca.-h, c-lo-iiiK nt inside; ou :d-o quiet; March 120(120;;
closed at 1 2C?; April 1 2S(1 2s; oh-cr-grades
nominal, ('orn dull and a
shade lowei; No. 2 4'.)(a 4:) ca.-h; 40? (ci,
4 )1 f r March; 44Q44; f r M iy. rcjec -cd
nominal ;it 37i; careorn4d. O its in
better demand hut bi iii'Si light anl
prices essentially unchanged. I've quiet
end firm. Rar.ey No. 2 ,n cood demand
and finner. i'rovisio,i firm. Pork stea
dy at 12 50 cash; 12 57A(.I25SJ March;
12 SO for April Lard strong at b i5
cash; 8 95 tor Match; 9 12 for April.
Gieen meats steadier at o'tSg fir hams;
4 for idiuui deis; 5 for rouah side, JiiCtri
'A for short libs; Cj for short clear; dry d uj ats firm at 4 for siioualers;
5 for rough side-; CKo (Jj for short ribs.
Hoes iu uptive deui.iud and higher at
5 05(t5 10 for en on to good with a
tew extras, at 5 12". Whi-ky firm at
st'iii ,s7. At the everting provision
bo nd the market v-ry tro:ig and price
r.ll biale r. Pmk 12 0 ca-h or March;
12 SiO April; Ui 05 foi Lard excit
ed; ail buMMs 8 9J btd; March he'd at
9; sales at 9 17; Ai'.il held nt 9 20;
May held at y 40. Meats none olTer
iinY. Wasiteci is gemfc.
For Our Beautiful and Strikuijf Xcralt
Will at Fight in nlmi! f-vry fin ly. Com
' n mi.'-'y rew and rit'Kantir'iou It l"no-
l"9 m' n":-:J u!lXJv P"!-
' " f : ' an'! ri'",. but can not be fui'y
uctcnocu in an auvrriiseineat. 'i t ir circ.
i . is--. . . ,J; iID.H0, lub-
itsucrii, 2 S W. Miwlt'ou, St. Ck'uro. w4
Pvl. B. aiURPHY,
Manucrurer of wT3
harness, Vblts, griblcs;
Blankets, Brushes, &c.
3 m. tsc m-ts. e ra
Proraptly Executed. All work AYarrecte.'1.
Nov. SO wtf Piattsmoulh, NV-t
a. caiFsz. ss a. f-A rrm
in:r.r, &. on.t wit
AT TOnN'EZ V 5i A T L 7
PHTTSircurt: :;kj!.
C isfiirspa nn r.,j .;,. ...
. - - . .. . .-., , ) j n , 1.: i r. n
. v. -fc-'MVU . w . "14 vV if ljkrWt W-lLtWm
; 1
! i If
I .''
( s