Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 15, 1872, Image 4

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    PLAT1 S133U I Hj-'-iBHAKSA.,
TtilJk?i)Ay, FEBRUARY 15, 1872.
A ii.u -f.horwT, harness td w&gsrr,
and two Isqaire at ihz IlmALD
See. tf
sa indebted to the
Herai) cGca . tA c"dl and settle AT
ONCE. Vf do cot expect to g?t the
money from evsrjr inaa,. bat the Looks
cf the HlRALDcfacc, priar to INot.
13:h, IS7I, mvft be closed during the
next two weeksjard those pfrcons whom
wa have accomm-dated with credit dur
ing the jtarsjpstt, . should at ltt csa.e
forward ana give us eorne evidence of
their isdf'bted'jess, if they cannot pay.
ik'. " H. Dr IIatiiat.'at.
Lost Some of our steet crossings.
.-Mr. G. A. Randall, S?ni.r editor of
' 7t. C COM" li.i.CU v li.'a i l l,l
. . V 0 -i I . . . ... I ' . I . I. I r., . t n
office thi.s morning. Mr. Randali Las
been on a visit ess.
'I he defaulting Post-master of North
Platte, Nebraska, John M. Wsmbaugh,
was convicted of embezzlement in the
United States District Court, day be
fore yesterday.
Found, on Bock street, near Chicago
ateniie, a gentleman's glove. Inquire
at the Herald oGco. .
J. II. Notewrre, Superintendent, and
I. N. Taylor, Secretary of the Stats
Beard of Immigration are each, out to
day in a card denying any complicity io
the calling of an extra s??rion of the
TLe Republican State Convention of
Wisconsin meet March 13th, to elect
twetity delegates to the Philadelphia
They will probably nominate a Pxeri
dcrttial oketorrd ticket at same time.
TnA will be entitled to tweVy-two
Delegates in the Nation! Republican
Convention, which meets aiFhilauYlphia,
.Jar.i 5i.h, six i:;cre tbaa at th3 lust
Nitional C( creation.
We observe a ver- neat .nd tasty riga
in front of Dr. Chapman's new drugraid
prescription wfcro. Ths Doctor csp-rct-to
be up to the times in everything.
The Gleirwood Op.'nion says : " TLe
average price of corn in Janr.r.ry, in
Iowa, was twenty-three c:n.s, Icing seven
rents less than it In? Leers f .rscven j ers.
Average price cf wheat ninety-six coat?.
'Avcraga prico cf L3y, per ten, ?5.
The Omaha Bet. ht; : 'The Srt
narrow gauge railway in this State wiil
no doubt be constructed thifea on fi jia
Cyvinpton, oppo-'ita Si. 'ix City, to the
north Ihto of the State, and into Dakata"
The ?di.onri Senate has passed a rc-solu-ion
to pay the Stats Bondida crecn
Laiks, over t G jveruor's veto, by a
vo'e r.fl to 10.
We derns ta ca'l ycur attention to tlie
s'a'cn.e n.i cf he f.:ia;ic"nl condition of
the Hra In?arariC3 'oruprmy and
Lrn l'ritcr-!' A.ic-ncy, of New York, to
be found in aa?,th.r colninn. Theo
e--Kpan:c3 a:-3 anions the inot reliable
in 'ha Uiiiu-d States and are i. !y rep
resented here by Captain II. E i'almer.
The wind storm last cveni
dovr;i the walla d' t'a3 burnt j
? blew
rt'on of
t e
?a--itij LI use at Council T': fs.
In another colusin rii! ba found the
sfatements cf the 'TLrna and I'hoer.ix
Insurance Coaipan: of Ilariford, Con"
paies came out cf the Chisago lire i:i
. good (shape. Examine their
They are represented hero by D. II.
"vVhoeler & Company, agents.
Ocoe county is rgaia moving in tha
matter of railroad?, and the County
Commissioners have issued a call for the
people or their representatives-, to meet
thetu on Wednesday, the 14th inst., for
the purpose of taking into con.dJcration
the question of issuing bonds or othej
mttttrs of public Lsterests.
Tu3 in'e e.cts cf Cass and Otc are fo
id-.-niiaeu with each other on the subject
of r.tilroavis that any action taken by
Otoo will be watched with interest by
i he people here.
The news from the west f?.ys that thare
5s much suffering along the line of the II.
P. Bailroad, for want of supplies. Be
lief li3 j been forwarded from Salt Lake,
though the prospect cf provisions reach
ir.g tho-:e who are enow-bound, snon, is
rot the raoit flattering. Tho cCieers of
the roal ar-3 doin everything in their
power fo zet trains through, but a the
trains merely est out of one drift into
another, it is impossible to tell when the
ra id wii! be clear.
The Tmoe of the town of Waterloo, lo
cated on the Ilepahlican River, in Prauk
i'n county has been chaiig?d to Franklin,
on account of there be:nr a m? her
Waterloo in tha State. This t'.-ii i
located in the :i3st part of tha Kepub
lijao valley.
The Saline County list urges the
cd;"o;r ftf a Fpccial sesaion, tind mentions
the t'ollovtiug as subjects for lepi.-lation :
"jnimiiiration ; the tubmission to the
people the question of another conven
t on ; tho Ssnnces of the S'ate; the su
leiriiLu of ths Tnno Aylum; tha
t!ivc!opujtnt of e!t tod toa! etc."
The sopeiii.ttn l'.nt of parks far the
c:v of St Louis, tpi-fekinj? of the rucst
de-5ial !e kind of rhada trees fjr ori.a
merita! purpo-e, ys :
'We have in rctdity but three kinds of
lo'f'y fr prowinif titos. width 1 ave i i.;v
en theuilves fully a Me ani v.c-li d.:pt
f i to withtand the hardship of c!:ma
.liiricuoks oV culture a!ou- t!ie puh
), highways. Thee are the Ameijean
u tiife iriv, mi- '"' -. , -.Hrh-t
itaple. Of ihce ?ain lot- tim
l-i by far tli3 mott dc;irih!e.'
A peteetive Horse Thief Avoc ation
fca'-r been ortran'z-d in Saufcde-M county.
Ilujj-e fte!:ti wl'l not he cctofortalV
hwreaf er :u that tcctiou.
. ' .1 KAII.aoAl'.,
The Nebraska City Chronicle pays:
United action on the part of the people
of the city and county wil! now secure to
u nerv railroads ani other important
public imp;oveni:-nts. Public senti-m-r?t
seetii? to be almost a unit, &i we
Late etr'y to re;.;h forth lake the
prize of fat v.tahh and crcatnej.-.
Pai'reads and sx3;juftetar:ns; will rapidly
enrich every land owner of the county.
The lasg deferred w",:rl J.ra barrt
apyj the ci'y la.-t frc-idng. Duno the j
day the win I had chany!-l fVom the !
.- '.;tk to the east and notih, a:. I oT.-a;-.l ;
o vemn to
tbft !:oi!hv.-e,t, RiVl'5-;
o cioe wa a mete: a'; -;.Ie.
The wc.--r had become some thhty
degrees co., cr than ia the m?r;uRg, and-;
the propect- r. genuice "Ll,v.''" was
mo.t flattering. It in intrnf'ty
un'il clout Ltif past 7 o'clock, rt v;Litdi
time it eight be styled a little t; roi I-.
Previ .us o thi- th:e n pa;ticu!ar d.irn
had Leon dotv, thvi;.ih t!:c cltizec
were thoroughly al-.nue l on nreo u.t of
Htv, m feveral chimneys took this oe.:a
ion for lundns out, ndlir-s no little to
the terror of the oituition vvi h i.t.
Abjut this time a cra.-h W25 hcar-3, a:..!
the tin reof and .d-.cathinr was i-irlppt: I
from Piize-erwd's h'.r;e Lritk roioj'lete
ly. The lumber was strewn about the
streets, and the tin wa.- deubh-d tjp at: J
16 now hunp.ic-r over the M'ile of the
boil iltv.r. One vS the chimneys on the
ga.-.t si.le was blown ccciplete'y down,
and s triking on" the roof of jlerg&' build
ing, smashed a portion of it and other
wise did considerable damsjre. Another
on tha we?t fide of tit:? hall vra. turned
half wny round, li;-e a weather-vane, an 1
was so standing tiiis morning. The fire
wall on tha fro.':t was sud'y daiuaeJ, and
will h.ave to cone down. The balance of
the br.ihKeg r.nirjured.
Taken all in all, it was or:o oV the hardest
storms ever witnessed i.i this section of
The Iewa Leghdature rc-conveoes this
racrnirr after a reees of ten days. The
feplen should open with prajer to thi
effect : " V'o have lef; r.ndone thc.-e
thinprs which we o"ght to have done,
and wc hava dote the.'-c tliln j whidi wo
ought r.-ot to have done." Co'iucCl
Ij'vjT X'.npe.reiL
'Ihe a'.ove petition might not be alto
gether inapplicable in op'-nin the prc
or.t 5c;-;on of vtr owu L'..;:..!atare, f r
when tlis tluy itft '"undom
those t hins vrh: ?h they ouaht to Lave
drne," but we l-.-r they v-i:! do m.vnv
things now whi' h v.erj le. ..r u:;ilre.
Vi'c are in rece'pt if the rep -rt of the
Oo-iiiuiti e je:;t cut by thj ilepul-llwan
Ya'.loy Lsr. 1 Ci-t.ipRt.y, cf w-.ih Ily,-;
Buck is President, nod John K.-bert.
General Sap-erlottfRdcnt. 1 his rapai!y
has h-c tted a town in Township 3 N,
Itana 23 W, called Red Widow, located
00. a cree-k vf that siame. A trad'.rt po.-t
hit nl.-o been establi-he I there ' aoi
Ca-j ar E. Yet, spnointcd a trader.
The rer -; t ppc-ake of the country a-
eii a 1 -j-'ed to frrie'iitar.d and sleek
erowirj j-yrp.-rcs md that il vili make a
U::c c -..'iy.
Ir.-is d.:r' .!;',;? Infjruutr.n in
to B-d Wiilow r. :l that portion of th-II-f
ublieaa Yailoy have but to apply t "
John ivot.'C-rts, ;-'.sp nntsucct.
iuet;:Ler of the Company.
or an;.
TLe people of O'.-.e coun'y s.-eui
lb ircmhly arrou'.-ed on the tubjeet of
railroads ami the io-''eitji-::s now are
that the delegate? atteudlini the citiz.i"
nice tiro? en the I-lth int. will he ljre-y
io favor of giving tends for the contrac
tion of the three road. he: ".o.'hre mo
tioned. The Chronicle speaks hopefully
of tho re sult.
. A fire company has been organized in
Lincoln called "Win. F. Chapla No. 1."
Thi.i is another tribute to the popu
larity of Mr. Chspin, and shows the es
timation in which ha is held by the citi
zens of Lincoln.
The Seward j aper3 re havinsr a live
ly time discussing the proposition for
Baih-oai bonds to the M. P. 11.. B.
Censid-jruMa bitter feeling is manifest
ed both by the friends and opponents cf
the measure
Tns Omaha Htrall publishes a Ion,'?
letter to-day, from .aohn II. Croxtou, of
Otoe, which urges tire formatiou of a
I'coples or Reform part)'. As Mr.
Croxton was tho Democratic candidate
for Governor at the last perioral election,
and was geverefj beaten, the probabilities
are that he would like to try Lis ch as arcs
again, but would prefer to inuke tiiem
bettcc br being placed on a different
tiokct. llr. Croxton -avs j
' This movement should be confined
to the Srtr elections alone. It should
cot bo conducted so as (o influence the
Presidential c-kc.ion. There should be
no compi.catioi.s."
V by he ignores theasMve tr pcif-um
policy of rretei;ded reformers we cmnot
see us we Li d tuppo.-cd that n;o.-i of
these move wr- intended " to inditeuec
the Presidential election." The Ot!i-:ha
IfrriU io-cms to have backed cut cf the
fihf, a 1 1 says :
"As ti the future c!.-cusd.-.n of this
q'testicn by the Jent', it wld m rin'v
ueohno jr. It Las freoly, filly and fairly
stated ti: case. The fai-Js fir patent tii
every inte-liigeiit citizen. If ta- peopL
want, rei'orui they coi have if. if tLev
do not, they can it. All we gay
is, choa e ye !"
Tha Com'Jiiit.e on Railroads appoint.
c-1 at a meeting of the leada. citizens
of Otoe county, held at Nel-rarka City,
a f- v.- days since, ri ported hi favor of
issuing; ti e bonds cf Otoe county, ia the
sum of ts thousand dollars per mile on
every mile i on tru-jt; d and eq;uipp':d as
a lir-t-ehi-s western iar!n-ad, equal in all
re-pe--ts to th Btrrington and rMlssouri
River Raiir.-'n I now runnlr.g froui LMatts
moeal: to Jano-du, Nebrn-ka.
Tl-v f-iv.-rf.l tie l.tid-ltng cf, and 1
bonds to a aia,-..:-.-! from "Xebr-iska City
in Oto-j eouri;y, State of Nebraska, in a
southwestern or northwstt-rn. or in
both such directions or either of" thfni ;
and to the St. Iw.ds nnd NebiLu
i'runk ITaHrcad frcm Ne-bra. ka City to
connect with the 'Atctx-cn sad Nebrs j-
k t Bailrosd at or it!i any other
rujiroad which tha! give Nebraska City
a di.ect couuectiu on the wt.-t Mde of
tha .Missouri river with St. Louis in .'is
souri, the same or ad of said railroad
lit:es to he buil", cont meted and eq'iip-'J
p'J wuh a tito years iroto .January t t,
A. I)., 2 ti l to be in aii respects
lir-t c!a-s v.v-.teiu railroads. ".
The Northwu.--tc.rn route contemplates
a lino tip the Wvcpiti Water Valley to
Addand the Sotithwcftera in the di
rection cf TiCUHisdl.
The Bard of Co!nin:.s.-ionr3 of Otoe
county, or a majority cf them, arreJ to
is.-;ie a ca!?, con J'tijned that tbs citis:M.s
of NtLra.-ka City r'.e money tsufiiei ji;t
g'.,u!.i ttie i rcoc.-iliou ail, lut'tuUa,
i q.,J;lly. :o":.ed, aft er the monty ttus
.ras..ed. Th.ty have conf-nttd, however,
to meet the citizens cf th:t oounty on
the llta i;)-t., when, if It shell appear tho peiije de.-ite to vote upon the
proposition, an election will be called.
Cv.vx;ooz-, Peb. 12, 1S72.
Mrss:. JIr-:T.".r-.s : The spirit moves
i,d th Ce.-li is wi-Iing, yea, anxious to
write, nnd I venture in nry iasiguifi
caiice to givi ay mito freely to your
read-.'rs without fVar of con Ictonation or
desire of j!!tba! ; nlermerst. It has
! .-(.!! aptly raid ";t:a shew v.hl-di way
the winl blows," cn.-i l.r . :o?, if you
plea e, a straw. As Jotham said to Be-.
bte-CA, "if you love dctiphuuts, consider
me oue." So I will be as straws.
Now, a; the time draws m-ar when
party lines arc to be re-established, and
men are to ; tar.d on their record, it be
comes lis td look about and see who has
been "welthed in the balances and found
wanting." The question now is Presi
dent making. The presr-nt incumbent
seems to be ahead, aad if present indi
cations prove anything, he is likely to
rccisin abend, notwithstanding the
strong cppOililca of Senator Sehutz, er
Lis threats of the old secession move
ment. Now. I csn view tls;.-:c thicatsin
no other liyht : if I cr.n not rule, I will
try to ruin, seems to be the sentiment.
Sehurz was elected a Senator by Repub
lican vctcF, aad. when ha falls to agree
with them it is his duty to tive place to
a better man. His objections, as
indicated Ly himself, towsrd Mr. Grant,
are not of a party nature, but against
the peri- oai loan. lie (SehurK) pro
pc?cs to be cae the Bo; ub'iean par
ty and liv.'.- the principles of that party;
but will do his l'.t'le til to defeat that
party bcuu.-o he cannot or if he cannot
have his Lvica in "the convention for
Presi caodidat. . Y.'Len La says
h Vriil ir';t support Gr nt, he virtual ,r
t r-".-!ai;:is that it' Grant is ntimina'td at
the CiifiVL-ijii-in to te held io I'ldhidvl
phiJ, he wii! support the Democracy or
rppo ier opposition to th Pio-i
hoit in that cne will be aid to the me
my. I do :.-Jt uncstioii the rLht of Mr.
ScL"iz to wi.'L-huw fion, the Republi
can rt'nk:', but I do quv-uou his rilit to
ioslne" riry er itteon-istviic-y. If the
President bad failed io any of the prr.p-
eltioiia rt ide by the 'Union Republican
Party at Chicago, in convention, in li-t'.s,
ir any of Lis pi "a;i.-es as rogard.s the
will t?f the people, when that will Lad
tv.ii maif ko w.i, as is .sot forth in the
call by t4ie Nutlot.'d 'entru! Cmuiitte ',
"7 a c-nvetitloti .vhee trtious ate us
true a; the jower of ?;;au can make
lhlK;r true. Then I say if these prom-i-es
Lad been ui.-re.aarded, thee pledges
5j.-n..rvd, Sontr Seh.urs cool! coti.-i:;t-enily
reff-e his support ta Grant oth
erwise, he foubj n,;t con-isfetit'y do S",
us h: prodaimcd to his cmtitttf t.-ts ths.t
he t ndors-ed the Chicago platform t.f
utile.- fu tLIras it to bo bi
; tiviler? to ehunec his viws with each
ebb and How t.f the tide. If so he may
God congenial company with Dixon,
Poolittla & Co., when his present term
expire?. Now. if tho.-e pro'.rrie-s which
wcrs inu.lo io t!:e convention hive been
faithfully carried out, (which they un-Coul-tcdly
Lave) his insinuation of fraud
and corruption fall to the ground, and
his actionsre pcrsoual, and if j en oual,
are to be wholly disregarded. I believe
ir is a well Lnov.-n fact, or so believed,
that the distinguished Senator flod from
Ihus.ria for some political trouble.
Whet that was I d? not know or care ;
but ia tliis great, f ee ccuotrj' of ouio,
no one is liable to imprisonment, save
for actual tre-aron or other crime, and
yet the fact remains that something
made l lm au exile. It has been said by
oue ci' America's profoundest statesmen
and thrilling orator's that "wo have no
way of judging of the future bxtt by tho
past;" aud judging by the past let us
look about us before we follow, at least
not f llow unadvised.
I do not claim to be an exponent of
the Republic til party, but express my
views from a mora! stand point of prin
ciple, asking no favo. and expecting
hod nnler.s freely riven.
Yours truly, A. B. II.
I'LATrsMout'ii, Feb. 0.
EraiTOivs IIlma: u :
A g -r:tI. ui:oi employs two turn to dig
a dlrvh 10) yards loatr, f.r which he
heroes to p:ty them one hue. lied dollars.
Ore of the men 'igs for one dollar ad
tv. e .ty five e nts per yr.i I, and the other
for seventy-live per yard. Question.
Ho y many yards shall etc!i iohh diii to
eu,rn Hfry ticl'-rs? Yours, Al'Ebri.
Suppose the laborers art A and B.
Let x the No. of yards that A digs,
ih- will 0".c No. of yards that B
d'.!; an I sine A get $1 25 per yard,
11 75 v.r vsid. we set as fullos:
! . 1 . 25x-- 50 . 75 tlt0 x ) is, to irsdepen-Jent equation.-, viz:
l 25
75(100 x) ? 50, which
gires icciajpatiLIe, or absurd r-sults.
Hco-e, the problem is algebraically
imposribJe. fa-jaaoL Bur.
Ras.-ia hi - a novri e-m. plaint. She
has an ir-sumeient sujip'y ot Co. . o- ls
and c-antains and uiii 'i i'vT her araiy,
aud strangely ouou-.h the
in aeie ney 00-
- " ,
comes grea'er every ir. j nvares sia;
Jon in plenty a miUioo or so in all but
rdha-ers are not to be had. How envious
the Grand Duke inut be, by this tin..,
of a country in which colonels end gene
ral.! tro tho rule, and plain misters the
cx-cptfon, wleifcYer he goes ! . . r
Gnr.rtNvv-ooD, February 10, IS72.
Peak lii.a.M.i The weather is but
little different from that of nearly three
months past. The ground is still covered
with snow, and ft e sen to an unprecedent
ed depth. Look cut for a tremendous
Col of i. e and water when the "weather
clerk" relaxes Li.? grip, and warm weath
er appears ceuin. Bat won't the Mis
souri boom ar.d seeth, then. I j rediet
the sight v ill be sublime, but awful.
lint this is prophetic. This L&-, tburbt
le bec'.i the t.?.idest winter thai Ne-Lra.-La
or the woilJ has vritoes-ed. Ilr
freme co'diiess secta3 to l.ttvevt?i;r.J
other teeiioiu of the world, a well as
ours. It is fortuuate for No'ora-ka that
she hie a superfluity- of corn this winter,
for it has been m-ed for fticl from early
whiter uoiil the present tiie, aa ! -ha
proven to be much cheaper than wood or
coal. Corn is rolling at thia p;;iot at
from ffteeti to sixteen cents per
bashel. Ucw many poor people nas.-t
have suffered, and-perhaps perished,
from the cold weather, this winter I
The winter tohools are drawinctoa
e'es1. The attendance has be n good,
despiu the severity of the weather (I
spenk of course of the schools in this
Featloa of the country). Judging from
the Lite apportionment, teachers' wages
wii! be ineressed, the standard of educa
tion inera-cd in proportion.
In Prof. U. W. Wise we not ordy have
a ripe scholar, but a teacher of experi
enco, anl'a man of nt judgment
and precaution ; and an cfdeer well r-a!
culated to attended to all the duties of
the superinleudency. Cass county wii!
not be the "tail" of tho nest State
Teacher's Asroeivricn, I- wii! guess. I
do uot approve altogether, of ranch: g
down cr.e county to praisje up another.
While I believe Nebraska to po.-.?ess
many advantages far the poor Eian over
Eastern States, yet it seems tc me that
Ohio, Jlichigan and Illinois have a qual
ty of soil unsurpassed in fertility.
"Aitaz," in his last letter to the Ilnt
AJ.v, seems inclined to poke fa a at these
three States. In speaking of persons mi
grating to Nebra.-.ka, ha add:; : "When
parsing through - the adhesive rhiy cf
Ohi.", the swamps and forests f Michi
gan, and the black, fathonde s mud cf
Illinois, he is fearful lest he liv jumped
rnt of the firms pan into the fi-s."
Now, from the above one would infer
that those th C2 States wee: terrible
State.--, if he did n't kcov? Loiter.
Winterer the views of "A II A'' t.v'y be
about it, tha view's t.f bun I.?J - of Nc-brt-l:a's
citizens, whoso birth place are
in too;e Sta'es, will iKsvertht'feis be ?
vor'.bh. It is an uphill ba- tess to try
to win taT'cri m by abuse. While we
g-aph-cally -pe ik cf our t.ev country,
we nu.-t not f rget to truthfully peak
of it ; th- subject will th:-. b c-nefully
weitht d ly our ca tern frii'::d.-:.'a:id acted
uoon aeeoro. o.i.e 1 I vs my na
tive country, it- bills, i:,- vrds, its s.o
th ty ; arol while my jn:?:-d ofi-'j revert i
back to cmlivr days s T;t il-r, yvt 1
a:a content with a home in th " I.r Wert,
where I Gn.l m&r.r el. arms a:. 1 ., 1-;:-t!.t-i-
Hi to mnko it n p-r- feral !e '-'ee to ;
abide. "A::z" is n f.ith'u! nod .T-::fl y j
eorrespenderst t:f the ti i-.nA7.-r; but iu '
this one respect I think he ov-r shot the ,
musk a litt'e. L. t il !-. a f.-r--- trnc. I
., - , i
J oe luteno ti-v,ti,ts .eor:.s t) tti'f.K
civil war is inovitable in Neb-ri .kit.
Tim Toledo Bhule (Nnsby's papeOtnk.B
it up, end tb.ioks so ?. Whatn scare
our recnt Ti-rNlatu.e ht:s m-ole ever the
couot.-y. While many thine,.:, of an
alannirg (?) list are fan. pired Juritig the
reoer.t session, yet nothing :c-r; w.-!s
done by a p- rri m of the me;eL' rs than
to show to the world what a dignita
ries can make of ihetasolve, fomrtimbs
It ij. my ioipre-slon th-vt itithafutore
"people's arrangements" and "scrub
raeesi" will benund'ored with "the toiues
that were." Nebraska Las learrse-d a
lessen in politics which she -vrl-l not soon
In co'cln-ioa. I would exhett the
readers of the Herald fo vote for
Grant and Colfax, be ye ll"pub',i an or
Democrat. ,
Ycur "Bashful" correspondent will
keep you posted on tho local affairs vf
thisEcctinn. W. I. Fei'.ee.
Prepsratieriis have already begun in
Phiraoa-Ip'o-ia foi- tnt groat t'-mvonf ion
in Jane. 'J he Academy of Mu-ic Las
bee:; ene-:?ed for three b;y; un 1 three
narh s for tlio sessions. It is proposed
to Ho,.;- over the parquet on a 'ayei ith
tli'.r st..e ; the '. lego'es to rr-upy
lot.ehes. u the rest of the 'ao'i-ft to be
l!-:0 2.- :' - f-t-ltO.-S. At tiO t.'c !! t i ' e-O-
InJ, r-voit. h ao- l-eon eriir-ic'ed 1 v ex Gov.
Ciafila of Mis.,y-htis.'tls : !'. ft.JJar
ri.--on ani Gov. No;-' .' Oioo. wit h 42
d h trntcs; and J. J). Fiary of'Cotiucct t-
cut, with nine deiee-ntes Parlor fbr !
h ailepunrters have td-o beer cri:r-:g"'d by
Mr. Ch-tn'Mer, Cbroamati of the Ne-v-Uamsliire
(lommittee. and John Vf.
Foster, Cl airr, tin of the Indiana Com
mittee. At the G!i aid Hous?, rovra
ure eneaiavd for 150 mraobers of the
Lincoln i '!ob of Pit tbargh, with their
band of 25 performers
Beatrice i to have a jail I. at will co t
between $o,CoO a-.d $8.00. She is,
al-o. to hive nn Oii Fellows Hall, cost-in-
.f2,5U0. ' '
Stay bonds, for us in ah the dlfltreat
eonrt?, for sale at tha Heiiald O.ilre.
PL ATTS M '; t'T il , February S, 1372.
All persons indebted to us are request
ed to eail and settle immediately, as we
must c!o-e up all aecotmfs on our books.
d,Y2x Gutitman tc HuciaiTr.
Bl.At flNitTSl C l.l
From thGidespie Coal Bank, Ottumwa.
-H per ton, pickei, ut new coal yard,
dtf J. D. Simpson.
The undersigned, c.Tr for sale at cost
their cutiru stock of Lumber, lath, shin
gle?, sash, doot-s, Ac. ; also an cfSee,
shrds and blocking, for cM.'t, until the
25th of this month, when they will move
whst remains, if any, to Lincoln, Ne
braska. All parties indebted to this
firm will take, notice that they will put
0:1 the screws after that date.
Feb. 12i&wtd D. Tv. Lewlj iCo.
Acting Governor Ja:ne3 arrived at day and immediately is-sued his
proclamation revoking the call for a meet
iogof the L -gislature on the 15th in.-taat,
heretofore! ifsued by Governor flascall.
Ills Acting Excellency characterize the
proclamation of Mr. llaseall as irai! and
vol 1, arid enjoin? the m era from
meeting ia s.r.-oaiu'o of that calk Io
t;.:c iiow U the day fixed for the mos.tin
of the Legislature,- and tho liiendjers
ih.-o: selves will j robubdy settle this ci:H
tc'.y beivrccii tha " GovercotK" cf
Ncbrssls. .
"Kin: ii.tNtjfj;s'i.t!;?:
A larps toix parry tHiherti-i at V'tzgor
aid's llu'l, :.. t -ve:.::)g, cn the plertsant
o.-o-iori given by the Turner- cf this
The of nta'-kc-rs : resent whs
Urge, an! tha pari chosen well tus-
i .': n d.
'ihe com'e characters altraofed ir.o.'h
aft-nticn from the pee-ator.-, who oeeu
;! 1 -t largo portion cf ihs space ai!;.tted
tO th;,ia.
Abo--;t y o'clock the Johnson B:-o
i tiuck up the grand marc's, and
the gay and teeny t hror g ce tome need to
move ab-j-it tha L.rii to the time of the
We sh.dl not attempt to dcscrlb too
various costumes and ch-jrac'trs rej're-se-nted
thereby, in de-tail but among the
many we noticed the following :
Aftic Giantess, Prince Carnival,
Pracioso, the Coming Vo-man Cin.ii
d tte for Preci leot for 1-S73 Po.-lmls:--trc.-r,
loieuod Cbief, Indian Piioe-e-s,
the Chinese Tea Merchant, the "Ring"
Car.di.lale, or How a Fortune is Made ia
t)rllee, JCuzabeth Queer, of En;'and,
PA!;ceA!h-rt, Fiadievo'a, Lord Le.-ter,
the German Hunter. John Chinaman,
Hungarian Ladies in Ri Hug Costume!,
Spanish Ladits, Ataericaa Peat oidiee,
&, &c.
Was gst'icn up by Mr. Breed, landlord
of the National Hotel, and was what
everybody expected ona cf the best
ui.'plavs cf refreshments .ever pprea ! in
our ci'y. Neither pains ucr cxpeure
we:e spared, and the toiopsiog array cf
food set for the occasion, could not but
SAti-fy the appetite of the mo. -t fa.-tid-iou.
Taken ad in ah the oec-arioa v.-3 a
p'e. -ant and happy one.
Wq have no jf-fereiiee to tha bloody
civil w.-ir that is des-olatioti ths!' eou-itry,
for sue!: seen.s arc nothinij now. Al-mo-t
every genoral t-L c'i-in r-fo l v- d
by tl.f o:. I e i - ihi Mt-a-ieau ctanner of
doing tilings. Tir re, if a ruler is de
feated he stl'-l L-;l is to power nr.;:! au
assa.-i:i Lu'Iet through the bnria pcr
sua les b.ita to abdic ;te ; or if he is nw
iy elected ho elves his predc-.e tser the
hint, v l;h a dagger, to vacate the seat.
Asi-if..iaaii-tj and civil w.a- decide cor.
te.itc 1 scat-', au-i in fact in muny other
ca?t a are a M-.sicia c o-;;t of ju -lice a r 1
Th-- p-ha -e of e-l
ir.i Is not the
Chtors to v. Li :h vv r- il
at v. Pave
II': . on (be
7-.-:;. ' i ) t to p .!
Unite- ; rr.-tfs t-i c--t.
over t h ?-:t2Tca.i II-
O e-i
a ;
rotect 'rate
Th av i -.
and mi,-
penderc i ' pr.-pt.-r th i- thoir wret-rhe I
country should e C:rp3 from th-"1 cars-.; t-f
aniichy by surii a p-diey. We do a a
"believe that sueh a m.a-- tee wid ree ave
the sasietit.n of a msjor ity nw, or rha?
it e-.-i, by any posribLiy, b" eri' r'- I
with this generation. Sroo'aiy i.pnnrar.t.
jea.ous, iieree, ami vm-neavo, tnre :
n3 posribile chairej that a tnri-uity
waaid call for a rub. cf enlightened jn
tice under aoy cireuni.-tanets, hue cer
tainly not, if that policy was to bo dic
tated by a foreign govern meat. The
greaser element, like the ku klux of the
south must wa-te away, and give phtee
to a more eduented people, before a to ;1
government will be eiher asked for, or
quietly submitted to. Yot w look r.p m
it as aa evidence of davvtiing iutehigetice
that a party can bo found in such a
country that can appreei te our ia-tita-tions,
aa ! that dare propose to stop as
sa.sin;;ti m, civil war ani anarchy at
home by calling in th interforense of
our better government.
Unless s.oae great political onvulsion
among the nari. :i3 of the eartli should
take place, and prevent such an arrange
ment, the next ge-neratloa will see Mexi
co, first probably, under tho guardian
ship of this country, and after thai a
portion of this great republic. Its loca
tion, end its interest poiat to such a re
srdt. T1EK F.X13A KS-tSiSlOX.
The Omaha press entertain widely dif
ferent views iu regatd to the extra ses
sion of the legi.-lature calL-d y "Gov
ernor" Lfa-eali. The TrV-une character
izes it as a "high ban-led outrage and
claims the object "is uii-jne-tionabiy to
impeac-h and remove Acting Governrr
J.ano s." and that there is riot a single
cn',;. ,.f s-t torth in Mr. Uascall's nroe'a- !
Lj.ition of pres-iug or txtra-o:-.anary
rfi'he Ihrttll claims that it is a "'put
up rch e:;i, whereby J AM Ess, the braiu
les.j nobody who ciisgnavs the people so
Peariui.y. should leave th ttate, 1. rf.
iiusc-di tii us Lotome C
h;s rx ''i'-i't cab
varur, a:i;l ey
an CXtoi Sc.-.auii
ef tho icei-lature.
Tbo .'- ftvors tl.e call raid says:
"There are etrtrio tae .s'ons when the
ni'.aie interest sotea- tiaoioai the. nea-
n ci- aria couui. -i ..i (-u....u .-....-...t,
ucmaM -i t-si.-i sui-J it-i..-p rent aurs
of a a; on. Sacii ;a; occj-t -o eaist-iii r-v.
n nd the tiai'. !y j.roc'-tination f Acting
ti,)r,nwr tioseaii wiU be aj-j.o.m-d by
all woo eiesite the wcitare, pro.-p...-ri'.
and pro rcs.s of cor Mrae.
tta-oKtin ay step, 1 ut it is a
aa extra o; ditiary case. '
ir is an ex-.-
iep to u.t-ct
It is denied in Berlin that Madam
Louisa MuhlbucL intends to vLU the
United States this winter. But it is net
denied but what the United States Tea
saves the consumers of tea ia the United
States thousands of dollars per annum
by putting teas ia the market nt jobbing
rates. Guthman k Huberty, Agent--for
the United States Tea Company 20, 23
and SO Ye?-y street, New' York. dwl
Tin-; Omaha Trihvnt thinks that Sen
ator Wii-oa would be a worthy .ucve--or
,W f, It'..- -.,.1 Ont ! ... l. a
i gtrong candidate. A. "il Ei tnlg Pos
We made a simikir announcement a
fow days ago. as to thi pe.sltiou of the
Trihunt, a tid the ed?tr-r of that pp"r
ctt;icb".:"k atyis in a fourth column article,
accuriag u of UiLrcpreseuting his posi
tion. He cew 'chides- the -above and
adds : ' - . ' -
' Ytr regrt t that our cirt'ngu! -bed
New Ygrk cojitcmpnrary did not see ft
to opt ?i-y ;;u-l frtiokly endorse our p:.-i-t
lor. take n ub ivo."
The revival at ths M. B Church still
pre -presses. The church is aeeomplish
i.Mg tjucli g"od, and we areolwayp jeea-cd
to see our people manifest tin interest in
these thing. ?Iei-ings v. il! piobaly be
continued forroroe-tio-.e. Rev. .Mr. Pr: s
i'ti is a--isfed in thesr meetings by ono
of his uncles frem Beatrice, ar.d another
from Decatur.
The new Baptist church at Platt;-mo-ith, which the public have fe't cr.tere-1, since last September, will
be dedicated on nest Sabbat 'i, with ap
propriate re rvhres. All are invited.
Please come.
J'lucu ? -Ut.h-'s tho people unite in
a iV'op'o's ?I(,v mint iu such a way, and
with such un-inimity as shall prevent its
being grasped by. the corrupt men of the
two parties, the chances are that the
"xt Govt rnor to 1 e elected by tho people
of thi S'-i'p wii bear the f.-.uiiiiar name
of David B:itler a better man, and an
abler and r.-d'r man, bad n s ha may be.
than half of f bo-o who first ncd and
then he' rayed lam Omah-i llrnld.
Does Doctor Miiler de-ire his readers '
to understand by the above that he fovors :
Butler for Governor, or is it inten-b.-d as '
a parti;.! atonement for the itijutl o be
Las done him heretofore ? " Cou-.isi.ncy
thou art a jewel."
South Bend, Fb 9, 1S72.
Editors Plattsmoutii Herald : I
saw a very strange phenomenon yester
day (Friday) morning while griug to my
school, at South Bead. It was a large,
beautiful mirage, extending from the
west far round to the northeast, iu which
I could plainly sea Omaha and Platts
moutii. I could trace tho Mis-ouii dis
tinctly from near tin f rm r to below the
latter place. ISVycnd (hat I could see
the eh il:! of Lhi.Ts that divide the :;-t:
of Iowa. North of the I da: to, seimlng
to bo farther away than Omaha, I coal I
trace a re nee of l.bilTs, exiendio fio;a
th Missouri to near Ye hey, on
the U. P. II R. Now. I vri. h
to know
if there- is s. r:-:i;
i'i.tte, CT WaS
e of louifs iterta of the
it merely a delusion,
eiu-c-1 by the reHe-.-flon cf rat :Ged air ?
It was a L.'3-..-:if-iI sight, I t t ; irar n a;ly
er-.e-balf Lour. I t-otill pbaaly .-.-o the
buildings iu Plattstnotith, alihoogh '2Z
miles t.way, and situate d in a valley,
much lowr-r than the intevvetdrg hill;.
Yours uc, C. M. CliTON.
re o. - t
iS e-orr-.-m Lay cororae-.s spesMng
cf ci'iiiuraetores, mentions the soap iac-fo-y
of A A. Srg ei Co. Wepub
lih a i tien of tl-j artl-'e to show v. hnt
j arilo'e to show v.hnt
:: -'::"c e ay. it. -:y-:
: -ri.!; .: tia- e h-tmlcid
r : ;- n s-.d c ' d
a faetorv C 'be a
i re-y are n f:f y --oxe-
t r
ro i . i - e r i
put hi .
ni- or sii 1.
i::::i.:;r tnrte
i o.:,, i
i t .
o a . o
:c:r '.rorjts
, P
i hVr'ic-:. , .-i
the 1 :je-ai;es
a .! .
:; ( ir
-. -e
s'i,.--: o v j -e.
Tb.n t'.e. .-.rT
f 1- t;r r::-;',
i u-ir.e ( t fr
y;ir. '.' o o
P": I'd' fill
v 1.1-b i- .'P i ::
nlry if t id ; ! .cto
r.-.-w a?
. 1 i'.S s
: S ;!
e i
a 7 I
o .
v. : v g.
to 7-
v Was rot
V ...
. e t o 0
lit j
it .-i-i 1 t".'V !ls.::v !.!iir !: -tiej?' -o-or
of io-.p Missouri Yalley So-tp, G 100
Soap, jixcclsior S -sp an 1 1' -Soap.
The Dh-.trirt Court a 'jooi ned yester
day, having con eh.: led all 1L2 I uslues
for which it was c;.'led.
Plnl-tMnosiSJs Cr;:in ?IavTirt.
To dry's ;riees :
WLtht 0'.',".-.lC-.).
Corn 170.10, 'liell'J.
Corn i u 1. r I G v ' 7.
Oats 17a; I'J.
Our juoti.;i r- are for .trieily No. 2.
The outside on naitior.s oa v, lir at hare
a1;.- been pid by millers. Idr j
Stuto.H fcr HsPnt.
The following regulations for Lent,
which begins to-day, have been deehrcd
by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Rosecrans :
1. All the faithful who have completed
their twenty-first year are, unless legiti
mately dispens ed, bound to observe the
Fast of Lent.
2. Th'y are to tonka crdy one ruea a
eb:.v; e.veeptir g Sunday.
ai 'ibe inenl niiowed on fast days is
not to be taken till ab -ut n.on.
4. At that, me d, if on sny dy per
ni'ssion should be erf o to I t' restin-.' tie'j.
both flesh, and fi-h -diull not Le u.-cl at
tee same time.
5. A ktiViii refrcshiacct, cfinraonly
cf-ihai " co.latlofi,'' i- uiloAed in tOc ovh
, . . .
lac ; iio geiitfRi r!'i as ,0 to 'pt aoi y
cf i : ' pi mat t- d at tra- ':no is or can
bo trade. P.ut th practice -f the u...t.
I'. cular Chri-'tir:s is n; er to let it t xrced
the fourth part ef act orumsry un-uS.
e-.. ih" qu r v
ot iooa a.;-? " I .i a
Jioe-t-f, I read, butter,
', i-o-atoou -, in t a
one e. milk, ail muds f frvat-,
Kjhlds. Vi-tt;:b es tin firh. i
C. (Isn- ifd u-.i ''i Iihs made it lawful I
to take- jn i ho mwining some wurm iiqa -.i, '
. i , ,
n ?ia, co!:3e, cr trail enojeute ana a
Ci;. -ker.
.a. Necessity ?m 1 cu-tni haro r.u;bor-iz-.
d tLests:-3 of lard, in tad of butter
in prcp'iidnir fi.di. voeetaides. etc.
- o. 'i Sai 1" of: iwir.-r tars us ara ex.' n.r.icd
uo'.n t
:..o;;aeu ct ia-'ir.:: : 1 nunc
pa.-or. ; ur.-er tv nty'ris years of :ue,
tic -La, t: osb.e; worn.'-n. tie.eav!:o a-o
-i.;i.- .i ro -io bard b:'.or, '! wi.o thn.u rh
.o sknr.a, r:i'a:Ot ia-t wiiheut p-ij-;;.ee
to liodr ia-iidt.
10. By e'a -peraab-n tho ne of fo-sh
m- at wd! be allowed at ?ny time on San
day, end once a day on M-ndajs, Tm.--d-os,
Tbur-ilays and Satin day, with the
eTocprion of tbe i cc and and last Satur
diy.s tif I nt.
11. Perst?! dl-pensed from tha obliga
tion cf fasting on r.e -oant of tender or
advanced ace, or htni labor, are not
bound by the restriction cf u-Iner meat
only at one meal cn days on which its
ti e is granted Ly dispensation. Tho-e
dispensed from tibe fast for other ca;t-cs,
as veil a those who are ob'iecd to fist,
are pean-.iftf d fo ti-b iaat only at one
mei! Ohio !?i'if:'Jourzal. -
' CON.vrrtlAL FilUCITV. Nr-f J.inz tends
more to connubial hni piiass iliaa fluff
i'ul and 'healthy .infants fi 1 children.
Mrs. WLileomb's Syrup U the t!tt
chiidrcui' toothing remedy. dwlw
Rev. Mr. Parker (Universalis!) will
preach iu Clark & Piutnmer'a Ha I, at
21 o'clock on Sundaj-, Feb. lMh- TLs
public are invited to attend. Sul jeet cf
discourse: 2'Ae Stc:a:l Drat'i Ilav.
xx 12 15:
"And I eaw the draJ. ,m.u)l cud great,
stand before God : ti'rl the Loek vn re
o. coed: and another i tvk w;s -,,,.
wb't-li i- t!o- boo': !' !:.: : r-r -l ri:
wcrejuige-d out of t!.:i-.e tnin...s -a .uc'.i
Were writ toil i:i tl.O Looks ee.'ordiior to
their works.
"An 1 the s-ca gave np the dead v.h:-h
were in it ; nnd' death and he'd o'r.livcr. d
up the dead which wen? in them ; aad
tti -y were j idgod every man aeeor-Jing
to i heir works.
"And dentil and hell wer cT-t ?nt
tho lake of See. Thi- is the second
el -th. And w!:oever w itnot found wi it
ten in the Look of life was cast into tho
lake of lire."
The !d sui: died which foi -me-rly m .: V:
th". p'a-snge of tteie in front of iforv.-.rd
li.di, B i-too, at:d wh.ieh -udde::ly i! t
appeared about twenty year-, ago, h-i
rcer;t!y ben restored by Mr. G i-ir."j
Jacques, of Yv'oi-ee.-.'er, wdto states tb.l
his father purchased it of a se w.d hand
jank dealer in IJo-tort sotoe sixteen or
twenty years ago. an i it has btu-n lo-t
sight of among the rubbish of hu attic
until the present time. With the belie I
that it is the same dud which was years
ago placed in front of Harvard Hail, he
now returns it to the college.
How greetlv tho world would be benc-fittc-!
by unlimited facilities for trans
portation and exchange of goods is
shown by tho foot that, while th poo
pie of Persia are starving by tnns of
tb us'irid-;. the inhabitants of sotno of
oor vr-'stern States are burning corn in
their stove? in place of coal.
!. JirJnUtnyr ilicrensini; At Wastilng-
In a Temperance; lecfurc at Boston, re
cently, Senator Yv'il.-on, in one of his
calm and reasonable statements, sai
that there wore fewer drinking men in
Congress now then when he fast went to
it. Formerly tho night re-ions vrere
dreaded, on account of the del auerery
to which they pave rise. Nov.-, about
oiio-ipiaiter of tho Scmtors are pledre l
teniporanc-J men. snd there is not what
may be called a "h:rd drink, r" i.i ti e
Senate at all. The f . -fs ore a'. -.;( (lie
same in tha FLm-o of Repr '.-:-.".t-i'ivi.-:.
Ouee the dep.n tm-mN v.r r- f:il of
drunken men, now they ere the e.veep. Ion.
The benevolent ) ii s of Neratk. New
J'-rsey, .ive est . t :. be d a ! i.v tot; . e
tor eno'-iren it :-j -; t'.'' re" ct trve re
vrirh t be vi w o: t .-:
i cannot nifir i the i
! b;-h'' rot J who tn.v
. I
a '.
: day in shoptdag or vi
' ..... 7 I ,
i f . mr ;'':! is v
w'o. ii ioi'.io.
otir ocaig rcK ,r,o,e l
cost . r wot k, inch: '
to icced sevi. n'y ceo
a, :
u a .
T'o'-re i? only one da'!
- i v.-hi, ih ( !' ;'. r ov :
cjpi-'..- the .i?n-coW (
. Ire
r in R m
ti o . n '
lor,.- ,-
.L-.te 'or r
a:rg il.....
frar th:-o:s;, !.
CT' v
F t R;'--t. 'i i:e
A ii- t v A. I; u.'ihe.-'s s;
R. R. Li.i.;.-t n, Ch
j-'ru aues.
! 1
.' J;
'it t. .
i-iri ;
: i ;;:
Ci" 1 diV
'. e
ii v aari
.u Vnvt
iiw r
. ! "-or
i.r-; iop-epa.:-:ov
--V rti.-r. !! 1
r e-r' 1; f p
: :y us; Sin.
i ..
if ye
For ;"'
ri ot, i-
L'r. Pi
A So
,r a.. Oat: cn
1 : r, !l :'.
i i 01 Media,
d 1 -r
1 (
i ia.
vr-n nk-s ffor-:;-. liver
sine.; t.-.-t'.fcttc coatroi of tho Juiiriftl.
Ve hs.V-i be! :.--.; io-.. with tb lolve. t'l'.y
iina -f bl .-....'. i''. jaa 'l ?: Ci::-pany,
41 i-.;rlr Ho ..-. Nov.' Y'-rk Ci'.y. si. l ; o, ,-e
found tb an ja- t, upi ight sui i bonnrra.h.
g- nt'eno-n in every ir-a!rai: c ; jurt i-'.e b
insi 1.5; it is a pleasure fa- persons -Rih-itig
to advertise, or tiewsp.apr men to do
bo-ines- wit h. We c'.ee: i.tlly rrcom facial
them to those wishing to make tloar
wai.ts known throogh tha p:ias. Hucli
Jonl (. ) Journal.
A vror.: t oru (.ItrsTOMKr.3 and
itiiK iO trrac Generally. it is cur
; to cootiaue, heretofore, a
j hr-t. cl manufacturing shop, and in a
; very sh..rt time wii! have compV'o
r i-i-ms i-,-r making 10 opu-r iu.
vi ay b-st cl:--3 'f geritlciacns' fine toot.
Proa t ting ly the exp'iiene:: of tho past,
wo will u-.o in.'th:nj but the I e-t of
m teri'il, our oppo: tunities for proo.a ir.a
them nnsuipa.---ej Meaufime if
you v. ant any work dnn , qu-ekiy and
neatly, give- us a c a!, an 1 oblige,
Your repf'C! fn liv,
) ' il : s.n tc M Era: rf,
Boot nnd Shoe Store, next door to the
L'totiioe. fo!2d6
Moite) to Lea a ! !
Three years lime given I
Ieu st. at 2 Security I
Improved 'ar its preferred I
An o.av-'Uia'.
farmer of '):
c .-. a t and Jr-h:
1 i I '.VV o.T red tie
, C . fin -a a , lo.u--cn
oatoi :- to i -a ..
in C"nmrtrtif.n with Ld'o Ir.-rsnfioe. n-i-
'' lu
SUOiis or forO to v l.5 0 t .1 io a
'nue, on ia per c -.r. in. . ...i
- i Mn.tvd lale Lisr-r-.-,-. C-. r; . .y
i f e! nif:, is n .-v i-.-umir ji-'fe i
a:: 1 !i.-ar;i.-g rn-oc'V, (!i"i:;'i fbe r !jo)
oral Ag'Ut-, J, i-'. Ivismoy a- ;.!.
()'ric over i rri Ooun'y arirna!
Bank, Neb-ioka City. j--a.l5:f
?. -f '. '.: ;'-..'
h . i r- --.-ci.
i -- Ol-l . .I f t it ¬
t""r Y-eare
".. f. I'.ir
,1 AV.-:-''- iu -s.T
, ' VI"! : li( i! t,'
; . i.i .!' ! . la-i'-e- -.
r .. I r--.:. i k a
'll a .. Jim- i-
o.n'i in'.h a., hild j1-jL I'x.
CtUiiftk, w 1 y
r"V"TLL furn'sri riati"3 with stor.e for h-oi.Pr-Tin,-
omyt nt r-' f -' re. ! ra'e-J. t ir'v 'iUarriT
d.iiN it .-i on the .- rs ut lac i is-, i'.tc nutU'U l'h
f'.io.v.i p kiiri.- i-.t-i l.e hit i '" riri'r tioti.-f. fiii.
riij.-, .en.'h rock. P,u. ort-i suc-J c:oi.c nurii as
v: u j.-m I -10 1). A M it. It. iu the COI.strtC
- i: t-,:,if ff.-iie w. rV. All re.-ijUiiuia
order? proicliy Al ir
J. T. A. KOOVi'Tt
dtwrfe . LoulsviiloSUtloa. '
-- .
s Ui w
Buying Your Plant:
r it: i?
OliT fsri J I: .sr f.,t i;..n!a v!:ta yon tn
He', j i. I . .'-.'I iit i, la'j-'.y 'I
: . . . .i i ,y . i i-i., t . , i.; a ; . t 1
d t ,-'"' .'a ;'
i , hi. a J I'-i.
J.e .-.V- Li
ITcw Dc ;c:
livo Cr'.ti'oeia
v h vi.'i lie r.-at f-(-- :
'I.ii.n i.-iv i j'.- ;.iiif ioiti'i,
i . n . ioo r j ou.
As -r. --i.
les.i'l (tJTRiX
r. ;f. , r .--. . .-.
! v i r it
Pi .1
'0 a-'..
f li..
.uc-o Co.
t. f.rrt t'r
to tiic ot itj ti' ;, i
f -T'lscrrr. A. In
.Jf.l ' I K.
J. ii.-
Tl-.e onsi-9 si. C' ,jf, r:i,: a is
Loeto.l !, Viu:t.:., Cer-n. TUcr ;:
iir: 1 all pr.ij i p.
si;;-', 11 ui
C :-,a .n 1 Tirol '.!
Cjfil ia 'cn . ,
in ti.u:.;:
fro." i hoi
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:-- J'or.-js it,.' r -
- ' - re.-' '
State i,r.i " t - :-V
dar.rki I ,:.
P.ailrei'l a.O.: : . ;
k r t r:i i:,
Itiolrtjio! r t ! ;.
iiar-'t S-.:; 1 !.l
iOi:I Krt. !c. ire...
3 : -,- .
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tilt a;.-
Ir.sur-i:C3 D-:;;.ntry
Pi ti..
.t -i
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i-. !i
' I ' I : ) 1 ' f r .
: 1
.' 1 p .0,
(irS?" Thirty eor.t per Ha h
r toil!
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MArst g
A Iiiv.0.i; c:v:
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le.-t ,- . . .
tio vi ii .1 .: : , i. t . .,
ri';u. c t i.i. a ir- -i -: ,( ti. a 1.
:n icr f.x-k 101.I I.e. . i.r. i !-- i .i.l
tjoio I'm in.-..--..-.
s-'m-t to io v - --f; " - f -
. A;! ir,.-s l'r. i; . , , ;.,.;;,, , .
l.n-Lai t iii'i 1. .-.i, I....,;.., ;;..
Not: -e lo the Aiierad a- 1 (h;f-.j
It ;' - io-r-a o ; s r-.; .
a t .- r-i ai in r-a j. i. , j, u- a,
rui-n t'oer., f.-pii, o Dr. i.eli w '..-it ?.
v li.-ii y .ur J-.o-t- i r Ly,t : : i:
L'r: Ii--' ,.
jo-, le.l'tj :-.-.) I r.,-, ;i;f: '. p- : :
in:iil, ci liire, , r.iii.ii in I i , i '.
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E17 tit. rhase-s .-!,- (.
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S 'i "". f 1 n--p.'S Oo. i'liiiii.
i efck'o, ii!.
. Jaa.
Phoks Pal no
G (I N LR A L 1 1 '! S U 71 1 Z E AG T
piATTrdMoufn, :-:FnnAsi":A.
j P.;--jrseni sine i'f e'.? xr.-". roilnaJo C3ia,?
! t'- ia Va. ; V' ' : I -tjcse.
f 0!"o ri:l iari.w i oiMi in t I rr'a'h
i Kce" . . fjaTu.nri. .