. .. -UT?; 1 ,.-,:A l"!iK I; ML "if ' ; ' '., the rjsiBASi:A is prF.:.:?rr-!? Br nATIIAVi'AY & EYEO:;r.. .p : j) A- .'O 1 ' A- H if . i ii i V) 4 l -j , v '1 1 o j .u n u.. f a. IK HAi.H .7T. C t. k.i ir i.u.te ccrctr .Malu ar.il Scoo tUiCva. sc: ! gu! ".fry. TERMS: YeeVI.r, fiOO per annai-i if r.:I io adve-nce. ?.."1 if not raid in sivsnre. - u J ..' i-r TQ. ) I --nAij!-tt;.,-:.i::i rex " j j.- ll...t -. ... "'. VOL. 7, PL ATi'SM 0 VTIl NEBRASKA, Til UESDAY, EEBRUAIIY 15 i72 14 Mid H ft 4 -J 'if 4 at. n ii A ( d ft Uomnor JflmW Froclnmiiiitn So- voftin? tb Kretmnti of Hot. mt D I. ft. InenH -Lt;cory, Ftl-ruary 13. Actiiig Govcn:or Jsuc j arivcJ ta-Jiy, caJ lias i-nel thij fjl'c.vir; proc'iaa tiou, wvokia,? tha ryo!ul:.r.ary tnwui- rnoCLAMATIjf . WnrEAH, O.i til f uh-.'i day of FoV i-: i:t: i n.J v. i y , , i-i - i. . i ' at' th.J faM If'i!:ti;;. th 1. t lain--' tiiieatrHeJ wr.h ft; i. -..!.! !::, r...r u. -.-. tMiixtu'r-, ii ii ... .j.. ..... .. .. : i n.i,.it i:vr Hue- 1'if.fj jTovh.j.-iii nrwi iry fj over.-ojuc n-rx-rjc' J cr.fj'.i..:t;c, i.-,tr to joj rs irr'-fioii, r:.-r rt;ier imj or?ft:;t exi,;en cic ai i-i ir out of ihs ir.terr.I inte.coaria t-nrecn ths tr'tate, tr,J Wnsr.EA?. 'I'hc o -en i n for the exer-fi-e of the anthority Te.-:e l in the Vu a uUut of ti.e r?rn.re ly the iv.rL, nf h faction tf thr i-.y.ccutive artk-i o." the Cun-ti-nticn ha$ not &r: en. cjy ah-:-(i,--( fVtuthe bia'e rot having l:-cn of tint character fsr which provioion is ruade in flie Constitution ; i.r.j V.'iiEPfu.s Ti.e pcpb h-jvc L;rn Vrthen!d with the ac -ntul o ! s;.; .,f l og and rt rrat?i sit i .if - of this LegH ?atnre, thj-aid Legis''urc h iv:rir r'-tfil-!y "t:t-n in s--:-io:i, and having hi I all ar.J sever i.l cf the subject.-; m:cti-vj-l in said "!! under consideration, cud havii-.g re-l'a-f-d to iegMate upan tho .-c-venl cat ??rs end i:l.jet, now, therefore, I, ii!:ai:i If. .Jhbqo?. Scretiiry of the ?:ate aid Actini Governor cf tho State of Nehr.k, do horthy revoke, rs-.-ind, nl anmil the r-jiid rr:x-!:i tur.t'ft'i ct" th Bi.i I rc-s: Jcrit of the .k-'er!.:o, aiil u i h:r-: -y rc.';.it nirl ciij;a the niemorrs 1 . ;n thf lit'tii yir of ;hc? S;a:e of N'o' r i-!a, er;! of indt'i'di'Vuce of tho I'nii'-i t:atcs the tdnr-ty-ixth year. In trti- i v ny wher of I h ive l;rreMi:fo (:"i -i Frid'ctof th S2ne, !-.! h-l? a t,.S'i ! L " ' - . 'V " ; i ' ' . '. a t-!a:;us ana evc-twa tro.-, so Rr.v.-:i ta- lflnrem ihj J.-'s ,V.ir.; of h-S.v 1 :ptov ; 8i ! t:,e m ;.:teintr Ukzc lh.s io;-..,o tr:c miro l ;y tho.;J wllJ th.-ir siUinaaii cf NbrnsU, t J.i:, ..,, tl,o fchceath (i J f,l:;wl lu;; ...ivc.,r f r thcir '..-of I1 ! rM 4 i, i -., i A' tl-vl.-ir.' t:;i c;ics jn w:i;-.i ar-y f the ei-'.-e oi ti.e v;-ar lo 1. l' "-- i ' ''Jt-,r V'lEUr:LS 's-iH' 'ioV7aVs it i.-u,l.:i t.;.h'-!;.rvJ vacaut, i-u! r-o i Tiw; ih!;nwii.5r ta'll.-i. exhibit orjy Ap. j evcn:r,g fctrell along the fcliAJeJ valks on of tJ. s-lt.'i IV-i '..! r 't- tl t!' r'-'i::rv'i' c-i' h:;:n- ths vaemcy v. hero j j-TSximv.try the rcai cctviitioa of ahVi.-s j Cl.o.Usut s;rcet. i;i tho l-c-.-.utifdl city cf . the Wlature that they don-t meet th.it le nectary for ti.e oathe iiftcenth d.y of lebmary, A. l. j y,, pr;.vido for tho h-tU-r f- in- r . . -r , , - j bg a.ii . .Jo k.t i'if-sr of trtate iittjcii lb? rn. and can-cd bo a fixed th t ir.trodu.-d the h--'.Mature th.a vrAT.. Gceat Seal of the State of SjIVc.,, ju I.;i. vrhat kll L-3 f .r the ?:'!. cd V.'if.ITiM II. JaMK-S I-y ti." Ao'io? (ior. -rr.'ir : V.'-t:.LiAM II. J.v-iir.s, ;Vo'y of State. 'SZIX AX : X J -T. Tj'hfa Si i"r''- II.o.";'i! a 1 1 f!vo othrr te;iu:. rj :. u toe r:'.--i-ie u;.i r.-ii.-.J to return ii?:'r.,.l I;avtrc 'li. ir. l ti:e J wi. .i-i. v:rn:-i ' :oo t !:aui TtU.une e :..!.. t!. v.i an 1 oh,I.-;e ! it j t' b- ! -ah If it vaw b 1 v.: thi-.gd-ne Lr tha Senate affr t!:-u a .'01-:!:.! r o , tnti't ft..! t: J ta its ir-'".'? o: r.J ,y "If ! stc rich!!'-.'!'- j .f ' .n,J r. ... J i:.,v..!J, J. ;J .-. -i. i? -vl its ny:'.v!.r, 1 t 1.1 ;. lh G 'l' ero :'! ii:.; , 1 "'Jr-oit val of No' ri-l i'.t ! ii'-t mis ;. '.-n. -i !.' - ! I- ?': t'r.ii or e: ':i . - i -.. i 1:.-. i-T-t cf tb; --. "It' o'ir ; e-:': i t c : r' ih.f. every net that t.i .? be o-. s.t'tV'. d hC---;.e-i of the ! . -... !.!.. bo ti'.f-.-u -ti'utlrr-'ii, lot ' "It f r to- n. f:-.. b. of u " : - 1 I :i v- : 1. 1 b ! . 4 ir-? ! t cot ' ir th-4-; h:i. .-. t-!.cfn.-e thv answer th". ch ot It. o:di." Eilhr-r the. l-.da of Jth? p-.rpr v the:., or it ii 5. If tho 1: iniiiicnt wool 1 "hvd 1 water, ' a 'o Govern i prohah;itti.s aro tno r" 11--!: will ; if not, then Hawaii U f i--urpcr end Hoton i.s the aethig Gov- , -. r cf Nebraska, in the aloccc cf his b.ecd!cn .y, G t. Jars. Will Dro. Thomas p'.eatte fi.tc and ex riaia. The following law r. dative to paytrcnt f interest on school 1 xuis was payned at ihd January besston cf the Lt;i la.ure: SCT?'.,1. ' Bo it tn.cted by the i.- ii!ature cf the State of Nebraska, luat the ttnia for tho payment of the irtarf.t on the promissory i.o'es that j have heretofore been y.tven or uy her?- er be iriveii. f .r the l-urc'.iH.-e mors -y t" school lands sold under the j roi i- n.s f an aetentithd -n a-t to provlle f,r the recistrv of se hord Ian! -, tor th? c-.:i- ; per annutii. An-l in d-.f'mlt of 1;. :- .tit 'i ail interest duo and the accrued in terest ther'-cs at the evpirati n of ib.e 'ti l period of t-ix months the per. tbies .r' the forfeiture of the puri:hrie oi -vd lands hs;l taklTee, aieuiJiii to ti.e p'Ovii.-ior.ri of i-ai 1 act. Skc. 2. Thi- aet mi a 11 take e.Tc. t and be ia fotee fioni an i alter b ras.-ago. Apprjvei January y, 172. The rehpiou-s Ricfndment 1 r ; ood hy th 3 Convention h. id rcctt-tly in. C.ncin si do'3 not beccj to ntt-i t v.jf.i gn-eral ? .r(.r ly the j re.-s of tho c- o.-try. The 1- ..vcuj-or; i..:fiteCit.se- & j..ii.iiv.;v.i.i , V on thf mi icftt a fodmvs : t.-.e ttei.tf'on clioio of tr. vonsritutini) in tho wurdi, "v f.teye.ir ' cur Lor I, etc. j , . i .oe query oi m-i i-v.uoua poi, oo..i t'titb, :i the well known line : " Wbateat'a averse to fih?" e. r.iver been satisfactorily nnjwered a-. .j our time, but a suidenly illuti ira- r : cer.ioa of eriteen now rejilh-s, "C it- j r. , for h" ha' a most dec: led avr-ion 1 b'. 'a." That clover yoath can so to -- cad of ths cbi-s. j rrel an 1 di--po-.it ion thereof, ai.0 for the i . ' ''- ;'"', V' 1 V , 'j r"1' v ot the rc.;ool Law, (to whi-.-h ! will, doabth-t?, have the flea-ure I . i 1 , ... . . . I,,.,. . .'in . .hi . 1 j A iii I 1. ; s. , j ..... 1 . r. .. itr, x i , 11:11. ;i ii! i-r i'.,.'i-r I-: oi- 1 ..;! -'.L- votir . . ,.e tt p..xv. t...: 11... ....... 1.". r ri. c-V, ;ri: . 1 : . 'i n ,. . , -i atT-fiintance of the,e, our old ft ,-r. in. ha Kaia and lea.-o or 'aud Ir.n s app'ow.1 ,y . -. ' -'. . ' ' to, j v,.;r.fi r..peiinv.r..leiit lor one, an-1 u , , , , , , frbruary loth, I-oC," may be ezx.-u -o i l'!""a ,"f , - - ? ,y' l,r ''!1 ' p;-!y you. tend to this olltcv. ; a f"ther and son have re-ently h-eat-d for a period of fix month.! frou tho 1 ,Ra. : -.': -:i L 1J 1 . V' r"" , : V "; a,e 1:1 doubt about the ujai.ccr i ou one .f tho beautiful rivers which me rino tho said interest idr-sl! hecf-ice dtv: : eb-''5! ' ;,: .:':,:-r,;::"ta V-' j1, 1 of filling cut any item in y,r retort, ! ;,r(.!er throuadi one of the plea--it ab I'rovlieJ, that the h'-1 intre?t e or. '-V.:i-M' 1 V ' i1, ,,r-,'".1' J '' a-s y;,u County rvape.mten.k-iit, or write 1 ..vs ,r , - v .,.... , V'- -aid note, and net pa! i when d.Te -l.tli ! r.wri-;, ' u-M, o, t() this oitice, et.-i i id take .-Ou.n. 2x.a.Ka; .o have s-trirt.0 -.ti:,. nin.i' 1 ,t wrt. ! Carolina, la yc ro i . .;.- -eo. phta-a-.e in a..-:vtiti von. Uu-.ie..l the real names 1 1 thap iit.es, . , . -..-.. ... 1 " . - , . j.. i . . , i . v, 1 j , - - ,. . , I 1 I .1 . . . . .... ti I tn..:t ft . . . IV If "Tiuo reli.-ion tvIII thrive fv.-t in the -e - i " j -ri care should bo cxereL,.! in Iu ,,, t.:..-u:v-:, , p f0 . f r tt.(1 t ce ! o'1'51 - e..r u .; . ir ia t..o ...t. to ... i.-e -x.ua. r ... - - v -.-- - .... run without the to,:.,.: u; pori ! f '5 iroyuc. ta a h, L-,ms- tak;, , th., tt:i ,h;tt I e ' ' -So 5 ,-' -v ' v 1 ad m 1 1 1 b .' " ! ! V 1 , he o. i g U to ttnrn to en r,,.s.o , A" ;; , r" " V , , -. -1, .,., t ,o,j ; ,.f -.-'. ve- fhip on the - or- o co: . . o -eiod. c...r .IM r,,.t;, K-. --. -i i'-o - -t I - , .-, " ,"' . ' ' ' ,,t i b: e ti er -; was b pe of its t.emg tat- : t:;..r- i vt-tig no pro p.vt oi the I n.ou i . . J. 21. V. J;o.. U". X. , - .!...: i i.'.f' .,.-.!,, il i (Jilt ft -iii IJrr-y'i. -Vo l.lf72. I fn,. V I . ' ,1 i i .o ' 1 f 'to:1' f1' and t h -r.do-e :.ll the ; tl(:!i ; ;, iV-.W vy.t.-. ' j . a.t-..:s i .iu., ,-ai ...1 tbr t .-' l5atiD.si.:v. 3. a. o ..-. o.....j .- ; j- ";. '..I- 'v""' ,,!!';' oore:;u'a:.on- ir.t -i i-s:, oy j is. atch -s ir-ioi Tel f-rao nMt-j that I t.-, . a r;,- : h. Tho chief Ibobi.a b -r f -ev i f.,..- ':,,in. A. H.-PfTo., rt-riT'-r'-t'.' .- . . .:,:.. I ''e' fiiar lotre i. ii loc- t..tivit ......iv .o ; , . . , . ..v.... i. ..... t -fu i,o,, ,:yl. ,-;-i:y. I , rv-.-e- hi til -i f esroi -eJoi; :v ffiat.atd i li. ii. OV i V, - 1 1. N It. 1 . Aitw(.,Jrlf autnon v I .r ti.e i-rern. to j . . . , . : ..";,", V fo-v-y-u -o u.-j i-:-.:-an i anar-is i TelecraKi-s front llombty state that v. i It hisvi-itto ieah LaU. Ii. Mrsitj. f. -.-... -. .. far n I l.J",; f' '! 7 H': y"-' k- a Wj, -. .Viio' j,. Il ' " " .---d cturm, .us ttme and l-nve. the th. a-sa,.-ioarion of E .rl' Mayo era -as Mi.ibUr Del.-ng ani ail the Japans j o ,;.T - u v., 5..-,v r-re-, m f o ?rat!i jc , . ;-;tV V-T-i i provides that a'l aMo lodi d ptr-ooa j, ; , :VJ ,.',: ;, ; f.3 '... r. i :;'v' " rd po-waui -.me it.,y. j inrene rxcitement in India, Odour are looking foTAarl to tho bapiet .:.' f.t E. h ?" -"r. '''.' : T. V. . A:f-y- ! s- ""V,..., , . oott m eotiCem-d It h.-. been t-d j fi.,.,!:.? p,;,.r;,.., al.ut whhoett v - ' e 1 . ''''V'' .O 1 :-;-" C : i;.e law -i rivd to v..s wop ma ;n .J !!..,., .. Ti. v ,,,-l.,. L..t i .v,;.-l., .... k . , . . f k Ltse fro:--y. -i:tat C-iark ' Yi -miners 1 " W'-bb ' 1.1,1 . ; i . n ' ! . I i -, . i l ! 1 . ; liTT l.T',..-! --.. I :--- - 'I r - -. on i .. ju. .i . ............ I4vf .. ...,.l lit! I . I Ili.UL TIIMI tall li'.-.l- i . . ' . tioa ;f I.-aar b- ilx-cu!' Govcn;or ' ' Kl.-ln.iori arj c'::v(.n i;i i;i;uli.f. 1 :t. i Lj c . tiri, ,.u., 0,., 21. TLc i.uan? cf llftr ibr.usrri ool.-nr.-. in u-t.-t'.c i..!i., !:i: s::o til - ! lo pi-i-. !. ;:i h !L,nij ivf iliJt t.unC53 in i-i'.- u..- ... i . i the cleotiyii of n irv Governor. i. ti I......:..:....., c, i. r ' i ith. Ti.o iuve-i i'ati-iii of the ciT.ela! ci:i- act t.i any .iato ouicc-r. at.'! it if.;:ueJox!--- Siotit, the i:npoucfiiii;it tf any Mioli -vLx-vr tor a:jy. UiuU-.-uiusaor to t:;i o. The above m'-.y he intended R3 a cill for tiie p.. -:;., Governor, if so, I. 1. 11a -cai! would le the Acting Goverur, providing no tl. oiijn took placo Ly the legidtii-e. o:h. The co:nraoa tchooh' of the Siato, a:. 1 ti.e auienduicut or repeal of any iai relating 1 hereto, or to ti:e lui.io for ! th-: upp..;t ol the g:iu.o. Cih. 'ih acicn l-.ncm of any law re lating to tiiios nni (o-.vns. 7th. Ti;o d-.Jiiiwig anl bou-luries of cou-jties in i!:e unorgnizid t ri'.o.-y of thi- State, and proviuing i'jx the organi zation of the siiae. The 7th sii) ject ia probably for the purpose of organizing eettia counties, a bill fr which va defeatfd in the ilou.-e t the la. t extra ordinary tension, rec-eiv- ii;g wo b'-liove Lut ilr.r vote ! jiui.-uicticn u: (uj-j-yi 1:1 c:i; ca.-. Tho S:h F'.tlj-..t b; vciy broad and un tLr the caii a;. LutnLut of hi.b uiiht . 11 v . tuLU. 'ioi 'Jth and l...-h j-a' j..-ct. re f;r pu:p.'., thu waui oi whi-h wa aie 1 : t-irievd. 1 i ' . ..-v : ! 1 !.- 1 l..-.- co: ive: : . i 1!." "! an j ; r r, ..1 o; t n-Z'iUli ,-t i . 1, i i!.t- 1 j s; is ,;ci.t is (. 1 oio o? t-n t, the pre-; 11 1 . a t: e i.n V.-i - !- i .! ; on r.c 1 I . w-r o i t.i 1 o i 1 A o t ! vdi. v, .1 -;i 1 ' o i.i'.i. I '. ; - :, '. 1 b- K r: 1 i t ;;. o w. -r .-.!' t-t j " I ' .. .. . . ji i. 'i !.o oi ii;-. '. r gieo, t;:;i h:..d. -t -iv, low i rt. vd- i'r a:. the h--.i ' - f too ii a, ut .2 o Li-.-b--U pi" !"-ict rbb;-i r.a f.-h.-." !--.g, at . - ) ; ii..n: i : i '"-' ::-i 1 f:.;:.- 01 1 . tC: bv yeiU i. : i' :o - v I va'fi, lo. ." ; Masnebu.fct:-. :-4 3 ; .New Voik, U3 ; Coniueti.r-i?. TA. i ; :Y.r- rota.-unii.g Stages rnr:T;i!;c below '.', ), down to 10 i-i South Caroiini. TIo highest yield ia the South is 2f.7 la-be.' in Arkansas. Vil '.A OF V. lIitAT. Tli 3 j-it-ld, vcr :--et of v.h.-?.t "is is potd sriratTtbMt l-i'f year in I. Ilainji i-hir.--. in a"! tho 3iid.icS;aifs ia Mry i nid, Misd.ippi, .Mufouri, Illinois, In diana, Ohio, a:t i Kan-tis. The Stales repot On;, yudus anove b;n. per acre, are Oren. U. yu i,-; .n ts-a cha-e'.t.s A. Jersey, i.v, Lttii- Uove v.l l.'i-n. 1 i pf'r f.nnin, JTo (pii' 'y ir::i'.'eor;ir-, ci bc- r 'Ufit of i.ou-iect-ipJ cf returns i'rooi n e:tt-- ow.;; t ct.;) ttv 1 '-". eu.-.i.. 1 , .- i ..c Fee;..o .... ..coa.iite fat h- cowr.tr of tie .oitnd ard P;mTo in ! rfprit.c-'rr-.ii't.:; 1 o v K:;r w i fart tiiit oi-;: a w.i.ie' s-n r-ai.oy r-vy.ro their . ..... t adn.tstr,. Not 1 n-.rlo- w;,, .owti-ieto ,., Iba ..... 1, C, ...,f fl retst is. l.o'-wa. JJiivtJ ; I::fbr .? hi-1 eo?-'ift ronf deT-t"-i;'--t 1' ho (liivtoi 1V; r i 1 -n-'Cit trii-ti'. i.f.w nr. ! fertvrr. ,i,, Auril, 1ST I. .ti w::. p;. oo ; f )!.-II: r- As! 1 fwren "Gorf rnor" Jemni, ''Got- 0 err. or" il -,!'. ac 1 " Govern t' or tto' k-.f:r d" b -no-f ". we tie f r at a.-nio.f tR-'-si'. ar-.. cn tr.t Foora or : t .... .... . .. . . , at.1 ;y ao.t .o,;-;.--sy. wo ar? tor i-ar.er 35 j aa.-un-- A r to s. .-.od cn ti:c wooie, wa I tt o'-.'-.s f. sopp--vt- or ri-Mr'tpn:!tier-, or do.:: g to !-r eure n V;vtlihof.d.'V.di-iinr the entire g-. biia fat ornitv, are ba:!e. oi n eonvir ain- ti oi I. roi-o ;.t y do -tieo of tho I'. se- t i j cge of twenty-oro year . - If this law was enforceu, tho Sheiiff would be busy for the next twelva BJOtjtbA J$f. Joe Uerc.ll. M!il. 1:..' :!ii',riiii:l:i 1 111 ..r r.' tiionpv . . i 1 t: .... - v. . . , , , . , .-. . i . . - i . ... i i.-.ti oiiMi.t t.,i ii.iriri. uti-.'ii. .v. i ti .;.- i si; f. i iiivii.-.-i i i mi i-t m I- ,i in-- . .... t lit . . i i -. . v i- ... i l .':..:..., ... . , i r r-,.,- : i . . , ... 1 ... O . 1 . . . . . , , , - . - . . r . .- . . . ....... L. . i ,. '. . . l : ...'..I no soi i oy w.e r-ii.'roi i..'. ..t: . .; vo..i i- a-.ii-h .e'.-i ut:ti' ei-! ueani t un-.l , Ag - ... ...... .-.-t . -a i.- si, jus io . j.j.prect, uamages, reacht-d witn-ster ! John Gi.nn.-r what in cuarue tor -'.:.-'. "".ii' ij...-j..i.vt. House door, to the hbdost bidder f.r: vrntret the t.'it--iana:iat,S ur maki.is ; look after t! i--matter at t-m-t- and uncover Scht-nek t.vdav i runmr-- the biock-.de vvli t.hw' ' -'-"- 'e.t u pr.o-. Uw rash. f;r a term of service of months. the . -o,t of tbe pie -at liUral movement -me of nntying the gord.aa tnot. John Evelyn P.-nrdon, b.to Sneaker ! p,r fisty davs. The reply of Gilmer was ,wW wxr-., TtAtT-.Ti In cv of a minor the service coiio-iti to be held there ?n May. Immci.-e pic- Acoftw.-a tiy LUro,.,Jc of the Hons- of Commons is case! ted ! one thr-u.-and dollars per day. JiUUUiVb llO Ubii. ustil the vagrant a -rives at the lawlul , paration are to he Made for the d-lea- ?rr??!i " as Yiotint O-Mncfoij. and anooared in ! '1 d;:o-e is mueb in di-ra i-i oi an-.-; a? t!io ; ltp't.o? ITu. Ix-:r., itLS, '.ebaka. roui-.c:.v (i ih i.rr.-.s th:cughout thj iUiira. L: t t'ffore t'ii.' peoj.Jo. sicn i lilt; ii.-(-iT, ci i. ot.ite oup-vT- i ,;-'li 'rit oi 1 -,! -:c I,V'1-"-V'ia' onf ir!.j ' the TO.I.roi' ti. i-xo-i.t car of littla i: i jr.f., :.,-ri r .-.;.!. 1 hare tu e:ic!i i" 'ir ty, v ry ninny ui-inci? las.e-i cnt.reiv io Ti ,.rA rr-.s .!..-,r...!K t.. f,.i- i this i;i t Hprissg, a-i very i:i !i)y i; -triet.s ere without fori-.s of tra s. am! law. ! aJ tho.- e that they had, cciitain?-.! r.; fa-uis ihr the reports reouin-d ; but this tXi-Va 1 t: u:t- Lc '". ta-it'n a ;' f:far!y 5,000 cor.ies of the i-chooi !.:V.-3, containing f-nu tT all report ;; n-.iy to bo uiad-s Inve btjen di -trihutcu throsghotit the Mate, fo that ia cn.-e bbnkM be i.oj, received in time this y. ur, there r.ctl he i;o g oa reason r,r anv ,hool oihocr'b failit.a ton-port in ea-on. It is to be hoped tint Conniy Sopti in - tend nt "will carefully look after thij I,M!ltt.ser- aV1i5e il is dfy V cVh ui-tir t coheir to sl'3 to it ttat hi.s di.i- triet i- properly lepresented io tho re port of his couutv to this olllce ; Super intendents bhouii feel that it i tlieir o pecial duty 1 1 poo thnt no district fails to niaso a proper report Vhilo most of the County Surerin tvsdeuts Kctit in their rrpcit can fully j i ."pared, and in the uikin correct, there r.: iofsie w!io l'.iiled to roprercr.t their coui.liO'j except, ptrh.aps, in fee til ing in t lie enumeration returns. ike County Superintendent of Ca-s county, V. A. l'attejsen, renre.s3ntin? on-01 toe rort popalous countie?, an l j Qn the .Vvvift wings of titsie, the t-no:.-;hE r.' ,v:;:g ? J j .'. uore th-iii a-iv other . j .. . u 1 n 1 , . . ,.. ,. pHsct r.wav, until the Lo udav-, v.'o. n Lourty oui-s rmti-n If nt 111 the btat. lor 1 ; . ' ' Kouie r-. a;-o:i u.'riy taiied to inuk'-'vr; .iary gave her young heait and r.fh-efoti ;; jo-rt, c.vc. -:t thts .oinu.ciati u of ch ii- to Archie l)i.-L::c.-:y the gay, rich, (c reii of a pr- j--r selsooi aic.j. j cvt.-ip'.ishod yoiig lawyer, whoH" sacv-s- 1 tin , 01 o. jor to i: :!-.( ?.t, th.n-4 hkc i r, 1 , 1 , , , 1 . 1 c - I . , w. A 1 iiil p;ei4-iiiig., re ! nod orator , cr-u - a f-.:r hv.ir:r lor t:;. O'.nTfy aad fctate, , . , , , ' 1 h-oe ttutnotot a:l th.? oih-r items t.t-tunr.y deportment won unn ho-ts ol t -living a.- ti:e Lf.-i.-? of u:y esiboate 0- ; fri-nds. a e-,:::ty, .is loth Ca-s and . i.it;ha j At the nuptial P. clival vcre two per- ll!'AS En C'lU'Si Ua'uUr U' j wI' iated as Lr:Je,a.c-II-;nry :.y Ve not Wk forward for Litter nulit, a young c'a-'nate of Ar.-loe, thii:g it'.c o;i.in r your? i one of JIary's r- j ('. I ,-ui:o:s IKo ry Uu 1 r tiii. h-s.l we c.dl cr.co:al ttcn and Mary had .-.tu i ; i, walked, rode and t the. :.,.:..v.-.(iv- cm tr, w v.d , toth i bi:t th-.-e happy rfav.s 1. to tverv u'-rce- ! . . ... . . , ... j io t.-.o . ate : ib r.'O1 h--it.tr ii J V.w.- A -.- Twis'.irtr of v ...' i;- ' l t- ii : 2'cf".!. iv t i i!! vr.!ir 1 ....... . .......... 1 A ' . I I liop ot f.r i-iTJ I ,,:a ii,r--Oik- 1 :a c-t r- y tOik 1 f..f , e .us p. 1 ;; a ;1 cor !i; .. :.j; ( I oor t in- ; j ti.e xt J,.-gi !:.turp, -:.t. r ; r-. p i;."d to renv.dy iii 1!. : law ; ? i. a vre ;-o a --.:bo ;-y-.e-i, i-.t v i;-..: I'ni in or f 1 . j t.Ci 1 o i . :" !y ;.:c.- ir-.-d r p.tt, f oai r th:- r:: e-.n.j ive, : 1 i:t ;t.y o-i , i i ; i ; -.. 1. .- . of !!:c 1.'. n.! i r it c!.:l itiy I . if i: t r i.i-. . :t e ' rs .-rtj.-f u .j j :t o i t 1 : :-.! . ..v : r t- i't:i'y i 1 imii a i . o 1, i -: : . -: .- n ; -.; I a I. r.. i i-t y-.' t Ibis coo-far ( bus -y ----- --: - - i -:.r next ico .--t. i'lta-.' 0 to thj 1.- t of your 0:.t e-:? ; iy t be i Tli..- T-.-iitt t: h-.-r- as tuai !y as l; l!;e v.tj.'-.S fjii.i'j 1 to i r -.v ::; :t b.,., e .sup.i ;: aad cor r, 1 ; i no oat. very ;ti" kn - ; fro! cm, and t pos io:e; vth- !i 11 .-... 1 '-v lo fi t;o itv irti. ruaditjg th; rtT:(i-d m-triu-.i ..-s or. the j bt.-.i k.. .: jou, I thl.-k v.-.. ,t il ;h, 1 o : u.tt;:iyM litstij stat-.u: k. h-j-.v to prop- : '-"' V l ' 1 - - 1 I '..rt- iven in the Vch?i Law. pagt.s u:ntty-tw and ni.'.ctythrce. You can rub- i. !a ok f ,ra;s, ttii thein out and send j toc:;t in. i'lun'j it.ad carofthiy Sohuol ! r,- v, . ... 0 1 , ,- I Lt-v from t-eetioti irl v-o-no to -eet;ou nfyi.tjr, louu i on tn sfeciin to ome- c?i-nv.i . t'ii.aos 11 co i-. c. lite tiea.-urer wnl lit'.d hi, duty tl tally d-diucd in the ; K.rfy --econ.1 scooo, pa-; fifteen. Ihe tcciter will mid the tu-n; of iii rep-.rt th.-lined iii section forty-tight, page s-cyen-t-iP. i n.-erily hojvj that each Dlrcs'.rr wtn tu-..-1 on a UM.ni.i.y r.;j-.rt from ouch j t-;.o;or ciii?...v:.-l, and nl.uw no teach-r ' to draw atiy mooec ui.td nu-ii rcp.oit I propvriy made bhouid yoa not have ai r each j 1 fVho.d l:-iiet, v.t.:- to be ii.it d out loi ! lh., ('.oy ot, - r:ot . at, one to li I k ,v 1,,. ,.rj !(H j ofJ1. f0 -j diu-.t to this oi-Uf, but L-t y-ar ....me ! f jne Courry Supei inte.j 1-nr, f..;-d to U1tke r: o;,t r rea-, an 1 I w lofi ;h;,,. U;,A of knooiogtbe o.u ... , m o;y .it.-tr: t- in it.- tit Oi-vo'te tli.s aim -io r Vei-r 1 s-i as a p; (j4; j y,-,,r t!j,it ,,tl j,.., a 1 -.":. . ... . ! ' V',V ' ' '"- Ai-nuai u rt. j i ti i . - i it -1 i i i oe...' more i. 3ii ( i . - . .. . . I " -v " ' '"- i 'J e,u , int-ti wiiit iii'r '. ir Ti! ir-us 1 am I i r-hit 1 M-ii'l -iut ti.rec olnnl s f, ' . . . . . . it' . " C it.l'l IO S.C.l-l.'l , e n .1... .1 1- 1.1 m. ..iir 1. ...... 1. - iii , ,-.t . e ,-r 1 ai -er Apia lit, i'Ut as Ours to v trr ; . f-:-. 1.! ! ' - Ii. iMvC 1. ie v -trualiotl. o tcs, if f.r noihing elr to-how the ri val Convention what it min--ed in slight ing the great Vv'e.tern city for the jrreat Eastern "suburb." .no- 'h i. r :.-i- -i- .. . . . ' : " ! "i-r -fn? .,"?. .o i iTinn; ir.-.' o"rt , i.iia.V a-.a:;'eoia u uie fi-eci!..o-an a larc". . v.. i... o..-! --: --t . j C '-i i..a -j ; :o,.; Ci.-e .on. vino, and not- in re!dren-e t o cb.ons ibr ! V,-. tub-.rraoii lo-dav II. Ib oibeial-s :o-k r-; f.:7e.! .b i u x ! iii ihor-in; vui't-.m.-tr.' ("a simia. ; i J'r-noKS IIcitAi.D : We kivo tt re - tiiat V3 jriva tio;.r s;cry to re- 'cr cf t'ae IJkuam, if 'ye t litors" thii:k it worth ti e vfclnalb fpac it v ln cnc tf !llf'-'- lea,Jt;rc' it will orcipy. f"tt -1 (TflC n?tita amos' uie ii..';vir:r;r iirut;, ae- S?ptins2e!d, iMa:-yachntt.-:, tfcero resi ded, h. tho fj.'i'iivr of our Yttti?, h!ajk-fycd r.'y-rlici.kf 1 chi-jr-at.-, IMary lld-.vji'd-, and 1' widowed inot'ier. Mr. Elvrard-, 7 rcvious to hi:- death, huu u me ail that vould hi done to make ! their cotta? t.u-1 i mtroundijig-s ft f ideasnt honi for its fdr oeinwat.t Mr. Edwards ha-J been dead fbur vc ar.. J , . . j ba l? th,2 vnd a:: f trI:aaa, I tvere not dr.ik, dreary yc-r.? of ist.-rc-tf with an'eye of steady f-.i'h, thev looked h j llC ve:j, the boundary of' mental . . , . . . , I t0 a rsumon in the rr:r;t j world. Just bpyond the river of death, I on the trieht. verdant shores r-F the ee- I kfial world, stool hand in hand the !,,,, , , , for.d husband and three clicrub children, beckoning thir approach. Dcautiful, intelligent, accomplished and afTcctionate, well might the mcthcranl djagluer be haj)py in e u-h (thoi'i so ciety. The mother's coiw."tci:t life and earnest prayers had inSueaccd thedajgh tcr to for?ake ti e foliies of yur.ih and seek those joys in which tho pute in hen are permitted to pait:e!p.:c eeu in this life. ... ... I a: u ytoiti.i.ii ;it iu: h ;aeot.- w. r o j u't rr x, an i with a md and b.ovy hca.t ilv::ry ' . t . . 1 . . ...... I . 1.1 I L.tue i.ie nappj. c-op.w ii.'o.ii, v,..- 'i.e !.! .itUi.T .'li tor I ilO !).":":;:: -?0. 1S.:V:1 Mff rr bin- .,'Vor t! I h;:a oa his way l. the i.,11 15 ones ol t Oaidlonia, whero b i-v.nn r? o . -j ;n r -. a .- .iio; s'er .1 bb. -Lif a tb-f he w.:ti ci-.:'y- Tho Olio t-i r.: ee, !. li-KVirtl;' t V. it-. -. . v.nt O ko r ,:... ' c 1 IV tun -tier:: .. 1 h? - ; : m l -b.il in a P..-I ..:":. tc.:, by hi.-, own kand. j Archie !-. b-e - w !;to:..: :ink to an o.r'v ::;.iv. M. .-. I' b i !'-:- v.. 1 b- r :-. o.-.a .. t;.-ti'.r .to it.-- v y 1-.1 1 ..tiuii, att-J jo .1: t who ha.! pa -cd on IO 1 tne i..a the z Lrrd ... 1, .tr;i- 10 a I bi ; ore-wor. tvith bt-r iifi vb-i'. f.:- o'ie t cf r.ienK itd an itivPa.-n, to n.akki hiv Lome v. ith an unci.. ii; St. : L-i j Soiin after his f.r; i v ul in San Fiartci-.cn; Ma Ki.i.iht mairle-l a b .au'.obl Spani..L la'-'' tf fertcno, v. ho did shout twa years after her i;ir r; i-. ' ?, while M.b. Ivmeht wa- in .Yit i h .-on, avitig t itifant son in e; a wealthy brother a P'-'d.-h nob'.en..i!i, who S'loptcd and elucated the child in the ! cn uvhoohs in thr -an-b The joang p.-.a ... cut the fust i i ' . .1 wtntcr aft cr foit-bu'ft bis educ,tion, in the cify oi umanM, where ne loruieu the aeg'jaintainanea of a ycuntr lady, wboai be mariied a Ibw months since. Ju lco Lf i.;m.r,.r ,..t.j, i.;, 1, bride to her residence in fit. Louis to ftnd her mo! box, the beautiful Mary I.j- Lacey, the cou-:.u-t of her old fih-tid aitd ..r. 11--- ICr.ight, the fath-r of , . ,- i!e ' ippy teneuicf, lhe rtaler-i oi this imperfect sketel, ,f the "Jt o. re p..-ot to those, ia to I'.ve. ' , lours AlIAZ. " " -- ;"V BE FiX.l .K N Oty (rejr.ii-'t.i fra T. r Tt iris recently a-c rt-i'pp I that our City ri,-.r-.:- ,,i .. ,. i v. .j .... v. . ...to I l j ..'ii. I tl J ' .1 t il ' I , ;.L t .... , ... I.I , u a. -,-.-t i.- r . . . . - of "An Act to in po: at .;u ri or the p.,., ,j o:, j,.. 1S70 an i I tr 7 1 . Ia the otlni; lyre ta U.ne to orgar.-z. unaor i's pro- istor.S aij-t U Was liv-JM.rnatcd that fO"-h or-ianlzation sit.. u Id ho eifectei Ibr tho j Ar. exchange wants to know, tinea w-o-r k in pronounced wirk, why p-o-r-k is not pronounced pork. The qaeotions are very annoying. t" n. . ilT I I I . Mr., r.l I -I .1 t r .1 . . , . , , l I .. . "Tfl l-.f, 1 i? "il . tv i-t . .i.ll.-- I.i c. I-. t; illVll .ii T f Hlif.D tH-f ' 1 Li 8- 4! Still iiiLi ; r-i TV v r 4i ftX&.- Route February 13. The Pops will jooon promul.cato sn en-eyt-Iioid lettt-r on the .ubj;x-t of pub is lcfr.ieti'.-a iiti ut.d State. I i d rv.attnnj w.tn taurcii , . rariel.T!iriryr12.. .:.;'t Cti-hir.g, i.i.nyroit ibu-, i.ii;.tn J:.ya.u aad n... v.-a.:-r.avc - u t( pfr...? v! troiina: inn oi' t ho io- f !- .A . , , , or.ived ;n Fans, and are it? c;o? ,L.Tiritum trii untd. It is b-lievcd in I - ;'r;i Ju.t rnd stca-o f-c? ; N-. tuttonin regard to busing beiore the VVsItinton that as Earl Grtnviih 's j - ti'!,Hr i':' b'r, ehin.j nn-t at in Genera Board of Arbitrttiion. note ou'hc mi! loot to our govcrnajont ! ?! b- 5 otjt.onsik.rly active, seller March I'ari-. Fel.rai'y 13. Elie'ton to '. Ycarjcie in A-.se;uLJy ttas attendt-d wi:.h jtii.-ut disorder; nu merous conaiet.4 between cj po.-iag par ties. T T. ""T A "T "3-'" Cerlin, Febrcary 12. Mr. Bancroft, American Minister, ior 8 ic-nna, i-obraary 12. The Prespc, in an artiele upon the obiini of America bei'ore the ai biinttioti atdeneva, says Englan-1 has t,ro;ao r I learned that tho ooinion of the bcatd , will be unfavorabla to th condti -t of"! that nation during tho civil wcr in Amor- I ica, and t'aara tho co:i couc::cei of her course. Franltfjrt, Febrttaty 1. The difficulty atoot the Alabama obibos has a depres.ing i i.fl K--e on 1 An.eri- -1 seettritus in eo:.t:ii--n'al mar- k?!s, " 20-i 1 1 C'2 have Uibtitot J here soico e ioesdry ; market n-.-avy. Lon.lon, Fbitiary 0 ..it- , . ( 1 - Ci.iir.es Iiane.s .muao ta..o hoar Li- y . ... orpo.i to looii j 'bio- i.nics .1. clarcs that Erglitii h'.r iiot ro '.(u i it Kt n-'. t r w tr.-i-.ry oi .1 -h.ot jo. it.-i iv-olvei to fctan-i by ii! revoke t -e j olt'ia rea-iy j 0, ! :,: u:;i:.--t : t .-in.i v... t.o: or-i'-.-iih. 1.1 :i tiadv d-.--i:-n:-tl t' c!t..-.j the t'.-. w-r IJ,..B oi citt.cn.enf. i.:.i-.-n: ;v j pir -j a. : o. i ara m.i.::a-r for the tl.a1A.-4-.ir:! . v r.o:- ..::-' ti S:. Fill's. In the bon eof eotr.mon;. t d y If- o ry ihinvorte !, ct::; -:. . 1 ;i .-.,t.. 1.- ih.te, v, a (..--.--i .p.-kvr .vrf o.i . t- No tr.cra r' -ks are 'cb:g t.i . 4:i on iittl. : ' 1 ve.-.-.'!.s to io t.. i.:.-il f.t ie . ; 1 ' 0.1 --, .....UsO.. ..'II, ' V 1 tii . . 1. i 1 1 I !.o IV: r.yrc ! 1';;-"!: ii tOO-S in - (I. e- fCil ti'tio:.; co: An, mi i iii t.i : Wj hoe o ti.'-v 1: . 1 ao; m-cs in t nO o.i.'i.'.to'v ' completed hw reply to tLc ir.tut. ca.-e : n.,r8 to-day and a op in-e.l a lull its - -f j , .rv-h en the San Juan bouu buy tjueaUoii, an.! ; J!..j.ate, t0 till) Ntio..! Convtnti.01 0 . M:a is Green dry f-alted tead-, quiet will immediately suomtt it to aroiuation j lu held at Columbus Ohio, on the 21st 1 ,t,,l n;hn d. and Emperor Vv lliiam. A copy has in-:t. iv'oeates were in.strucfed to act Dressed Q.rct ; havers r.nl been dei-patched to a:hintoii. I with a view to maintaimng IVesidenti.-ii .--linr &;?rt : t-'id -,r, ,!.I ,-.1 i ij w-J v ! n il has .-o sad 'rtly a. is :o a ro at -.f, o: rt;..ve anxioty and g: -.: ' ot -Il.lv iJat.-er, j i a.- an uiiftirtutwtc aeobten', v.d.uh n: eft tit at a y liiom. nt ir . rbate 1 rj :-:!.'. ; f ; bo St-mdatd ."ctl J-tt-j : hat ihe Lb.it.-J .Si S.t'ts w.:J n t vf r !o!:-t v; too r o .oia , I r.r. BfIvi- ai! "s:-:. : .rt tho i jo :e.-,r ; Wi.teo i 't i a j.ti.ii t. -, i i. 1,., . n - .... 1 'I.-, of tl. ; COUD-l 1 ibr too Ui.t! od Si tt.'S of.ft.10 th" Geneva to:;i'.i. i.-t in LonOtm, an 1 wiil Je-ive for Pi'ris to-morro.. '.ah-b Cu-diin.?. also Ciiiitioe'c-ei with the board, has jatt. arriv.d at Paris Loioboi, February 12. Urri. d ii ales ti. be 6t;i.-.-,equ-'ui y recov ered of the vctd.t which caused iheuam a.,i. A party in Pariutuont is prcparirg to move for '.ho re. ignation of the pret--ent Mink-try on the grouud of itu Ibiu dering inci.3city and formation of a cd'iuet which shall prvos? a sett! n?ierd of the Ameriean claim.-? on a new ba:5. London. Frbru-iry 12. j In the llnne of Lords thi evening, Duke Ar-vy! ann.mn.-d that the govern- ! uie;H had received ofil ;ial tidtnua ran ot I the ' a.'.-a-iiil.-Wot) cf the Govoraor Gen- ,-al of India. Eurl Mayo, and j rrfe.il the retrct the who..; counoy : wou'd t"el at the so.it'ca b n- b ot thi- I t!i'--ioiL;bhd i-f f.tc tnan, was ibMo'.rc i oy I 1-ta-li v::to r- terred t' ttn -'re at iibiie Ki.:vien of the Earl "in tei-ms cf hi.'h-.t or-i The Di't's N.-vi.s a -serf that pol i..i.oti -;i ii.ibiuti., i.- s in cHi.ufio- . ni'tion of the e-ur- onr-ot- l . tiie '. i S. !-'Vfri!t!"!i in contfetioij with the V.lV id,;'.-- " ;" o1;'-, . , I r f '-!:!;: to a -outuin iU ilia t. MiiltliiMi- t--... V, MRlfU liictt ti.e I ca-o of ihe Am. riea i .'o'vei-.-i;n,rit sMih ! Ui';;tc-d to the (Jt iti va Foard of Asbi.ia- iro t.ot ho. n pr n'e 3 , rtrj it would it ..... ... ;., , it . r. , .t,... 1 ' I: :l '1 ' , l'.; vl -l.-l. .-I l'!IJII.-ll lii-J utl't i:i.t ui" pe.-riit. L-di-b-m, Ftbruary 13. At a tnee'in-r. held by the Ar.a!- i Ai.eivin A--o- i-i b.;i ii-t ni-ht, t" o j8 Mt-p-nded It U r-.r,..rto.l l-.f.. -f ibat th - rroitv nf 1 th., Amoiiean invortnant to Earl Gran- ! tho IIo-j?c of Iiords this evening r.nd : took his &cat as Peer. The small pox is epidemic at Edinburgh. The conflict of . pinion in Ei.Vado; V-,u ,h-2., Kcr.U. M aiker Bros., j '..t..b .... . ; . : of Aton s (.o-oiK-rative freicantiie 1 n -ti- I ti.r; i.i i j i ui.i i.rtittT i; tivt'i n i;i :i:i. i imv. i A meetire of wo, S o en is s-o., be I taUon' anJ .merchants getterai'y. out i hedd to o.,n-.o !. c.ir.,. .-.!' the -av-rn. l b''ce t0 wvx. .? '-y.2 o clo;';, l;. M-, ."' t . .. 1 ,, t .... J-.. tni.iii m--rUu wi!h uup itr iit-iijs (il Mir'- I men . anl o, man 2 to.uiei.-.tO t, v le- j Wounts to-no;ibt J v oVw T .1 ....... I I 1 . r. .:... ' . I.HP1 t.il.I 1 I ... r . . . 'r botim 'i n npr i.f r i rnni inr 1 n i h m . . . i. : i. . .1. .. , . 1 ,L , pi.o:e-, o iviio-.m.i -ftm-io u.ey hit I frl,tiT, hswh. nrtrarl.Ilir. ha head and on the df.ea..t-d. i -roin. Tl-.ev had not thousrbt of ravitee i " ' , .,, , ... .. In th Comnten-tt U stated th-it on j ihhslll B,... attcntio 'Seyond what j 05t 9Vl't"u Wl5h I)ia',ru"i" N,""ta oiir the evening of tho h in. t.. Fail Mayo 1 ra: ;,, I,,, proper to any private ebbten. i and jcaflt-l cuf. look like & new man. VLis h was ta.,..td by a Mohsan coi.v..;t. lin.tatn Young has been quit 4 id for , nl LYons KATIlAtttOX wtll J, all tt., and wii alter recrivio-- the voua.l - . ,... (,VJ ; - 1 Ti... l i.. 0. 1 . I .. vi.o ii.iy.. I rhn r' rii -t"-0Oi tint in tti-'! r'.ieiii o.ii'i. in i 1 . to in liioi.-c. i 10 c.v- . l li r .- 1011 tO-il.v o ntv o It-.-rr. i'he I-ri-ee cf- Va'ea i.? at 0born O let n an l n:i!-it-.rs o th-? rovai to; l.V. ;to l'0:;.s OUl U.-U.V, --at o0 Ltuha is n''t jsubico.-! L ir.ion at pre.-enr. revered to visit "t-nt t1 ""T New York, Ivbrr.ary 12. Seven jur.ir h ive l.-ft-n obtit!ied in the S-okea -OAfu up to tlio. a ijeurnment of t.'u court. i Now York, February V. A V'as!!nou Focci.il says Senator j IMttivntN a--ort- that ho v.itl ot--s l is i rc-oiuticn of in.ptirins on tho Alabasna ooti.u at ?n c-.rlv h.v. Ho i cf the noirsion tint the Jb.ci-h flnrrv is gotten d-ies not intiniato tmv intention to with i draw from tin coolvrcivo. n !nek down wii! be n.ade and be made on tho ground that no intention to withdraw was ex pressed. Sr. Louis, 1". ,. 'o. Ftate Labor lirforn; C -nv,,;, i noiutnatton and onposo anvthma caLti- j lated to oouiproaiise the Labor reform j 1 party, astii.ieton, rcoruaiy A f,ntituiS!! ol' New 1 ork !!! ad- ! ; droned a trivatJ letter to a Somih.r, stating that he has received infcllger:;- Vo5 Kne-nnd tn the cih-et tbr ith-vr'n tr fiifotna! of arbitra'ioo bad n"to con-i-l.T-'d the rcsoeettv? tatetnents 01 Great lirttaiis an i the Unttcd Stats!, the ' Hr-iti.-h (b vf-rii-!ie!'t ha reason to t o- t beve th; ar' i'taror will n't jiwur l-th? ! cro-s Mira it flar.nges f- tne cmtoi Sta.-tv; therefore Groat h!nfain desires j f:.'t- fhf i:i-i-i-iTi k.l:ifeiif-nt. 'h: 1 he ! i , 3-i; . .1 . ..(... I ani-'i;ii.rt or oi-'ooiea to i". , ... , . , , .. , . 3.0 'i'i' i. to ti i':. -t:t. wov a.n.i- lijil . J t i.. . . .... mi -!...'.- i. , , , , 'v . V.v.'.T 0 v -'- ' February.? ; my s it is r: p.-fteo ' n tra li'.-y :t u 1 1 t-Ctv - - 1 b u- t o !;..:' tt 1 . I oy t-t It 1- ... 1 ,. i. 1 .- .0:1 .! . ; t:.i- . - - . ; o..i:.;".--u ifotii i-ii.i-ii 1 . u-e .i,it t. 1 to t.vti ::i j on v. f 1. 0 1 by t he i .t lut the u- a'y was j it. r bo.iie ye.ir.- no!.-ss iitellt saW li-.-O-.-;. -i t V it i' 1 y- -- - .. .-. -t t ' ; ; I. 0 '-. . r si::ca ib ti: .-.'v i op-, t.-ivi! 1. i-ii.tl'i tt: wi'.n- ! i . : i t.:.'.'. u, I-.... It T s' !i;e.' f iv a s'i I'i-.r in the utMith.iou oar I v .. ;o . f Ija'd'i.-. 'i here is iiO d va'." if at ! , ; - i 1 ' : t-i -s u- t v, i". i u. j . 1 1 : . a. :i : 1 t Vl-.V. .1. 'i - - i t:e ii. :.b: g o ;: n... rr.t v'.'.i i: .:! :-. trt a;y aiid pro-..;;':t.i ihe .in b.!: o.t .f Canadi. :n I ly i:-;t ;- i:o r-.-bevt 1 of tli ; o- m y ,,f If.,' ib-- - c liot.ies ag.-.hittlij Uidtvd :.!;titd-l War to.Oie. Salt Lake, Ftbrna-y 12. Urgent disin;c':.;.s were received here this m-.-rtiing to tcrvrard provisions' imiurj- diiireiy to th neaie-t. p-..nt i the nloeir- lioan i train-- at t foiirtecu mile.-? s nce Friday iitorn.ng, hope to djg out in a l;:-v day?. t'her. -aid to bo much sickness an I Mi'ferir-g : among tiie pa-scng.ers. The di.-t -i.-ce ! fiora S.-paration to t )gden is thrc hun- i dre 1 aBi fen mdes. with some verv La i I rcaitt". it is snowit;: here to-day, ar.d thete Is ft h.v-ir-v i.fnrr.i ?fi-; n fr f rr. if oi I Hhot-r Odrri- e-vi:i tlmt tbp 1 visit to llnithato Young was not ii-o n b d i,v hi:n or the Fmlas-y ; that h? ttn-t the I i"nifc3.v wcrft in c-Ci.rt of the c-iiv an- j thnririv r .mt;5ttie. ni-d i-tVpn tn I B;i?hata'K house after vb-iting oth.-r .-,.,...,,...,0 To- lis. 1, ' ,, ...,,., nc i.nt. r .loo-r. ;-..-.:: ! to t ho strength. pj.rt t.-i-l r.,..,..r t b.n..tn-, in ... j.,,,,, :,,,f 0j- .-!v..t.n j. ,5 .f ). ' The ' Jrpanes,. vi-ited the farer.nc.'e ; . t 1 ; aaj u ituiu. or oi cuu'cne. t uay. 1 ;c attention was ccanvto,! aintot i 4.o ..fj..,- : I',,., ,,.!,. i.... ,,,, . V ,..... ." ! ....... .... 3.s COv-tft-l. Liilcr Iem-oe Kt;.,ra ;C, j CiVW.is ,-.p Mor.ooii wouo n and s-'ii!.- Ibo!-.- , . ,o o , , ... .. . j I i.- I ,.!, A ; female vote i i'ar Of the ; 1.- i.) ie i i.c . , ;v ti;.i - ti. t u- o i i i ee . .; i v. - -1 i. i oar-i, c..;ii-en.:ii l j v.i n -, oil I -.e '.-a-. i p.eviOi.. b an i: .biO ii. d -i i- op..:; . liotioo r-tt-ni i.'oo ' vo l' i-I-.-5-s. ; vt.tes; hoc tt: convioe.d rbvui th r lab.: atc'y decor ited lor ti e occasion with ; !' ..,. , .l-.t....... f.-. tO.-,... ,, invitatiim have been nent to bobes. ut iv via :ni chants aad busine-vs men iu.-it tbo U. P. ha not, t-etiire this., toado ar ranznients to ran msiln and pass-ei'crs; over the b latkadcd divisions by the o'd The ! v- ItTi th .ou.i'-ii, ti.i.ii.u iiia.it fir r: ;vrr Ji- . tnSLS ij.itg u-l liUfTi.n nmir i- i Kvi-n tl.ii-b-vii v t-et . a:..! th ii b-.-alr. ! A. i-i,-rt -..:.r ..-.:...:... rt an. i r.st,. I ft?gf- ro o'.- If the r'.iV.... wu'l tiv, 1 eoo or; oi .a" ton cjoi.m oe krpt op. n ou; y - a ; i r .m.--u .-: .-tu ioa.:--i io- u-iiciW 1 with ;ut f;f.-u:fy. I Ad .i. UtC A.kJiL!4 Jt . W. Cbie;!?o. February 13. io tr v-it; i. !.-:o r.r ! nw Ja-r dttuar.-l. ; pn;!o p:;:iy ior i .v yr .-i s i'vt 'ca'.Lotts t. i it. hrCt i.l li;, r.Ci.ve. iV.;' fii- toro pile; -; higher f r :-;-ot and fuio.re ; No. 'J. sold and fo d I -oi ';-: 1 -o ea-h or February; March fold 1 !.'(',;',-j 'i', closed 1 -oi ; April 1 I fb ; No 1 sold 1 2-; .. thcr fr-:a l.: t.otuiaai.y.uu- e:.-v.;-':-:l. i ; iay -ilft 41 ; r -j o ted .noaunI. ut.s i;u!! ; An. 2 Eye Dull and nct:;!;! at r:stcrJjy'e prices. iiadcy Doll; the only tod of No. 2 was or-.-; ear o. to '- 0 a i.-w sa;; p.i a to.d at J'rovi.-ionc Very qntit t.l g'-arccly yo eti ir-T dopio ; prie.'a sttti iy mi uti t . v . , Stid at 12 oO for March ; 12- 7" ' - 12 "Ojbr Apr;!, 13 Ot) for .'lay. rond at. .5 00. V hiky -(,eneJ utcady at ciwscd dal and eaidcr rith icitts a: 67. C'll!C:lK' tt'rtfl! ;siti 1. Oh'C.tgo, Ffb'rrtjy 13. Cattl-j Ibret t 1,3 to; t.;a: kef quiet, ar.i piii;-.a . OitJy :in-J uncli in :?J ; fair to r.o.i sh.p, -i-: strtr- 1 0 a to ritoj !;!:,;;; .i.:r strtr- 1 lot aver:ig:-jg l.oi.i) jr no Ia ..oJ at C 00; an 1 a lot pv-n-s'-'itg 1.;2j p.-.;it:':s .--.M at G 7o; butch-rrs pai-i 3 2".04 Vr for eowiiijii ows to fat .-tf(r:-. Uoga ib'Ceif !- u.-!oO; U: i !. ft aTriloC an-i tirm. b-1 i.b- othi-r : a.l .-.!. J. .t -1 2,o 1 io lor i:gb: ; -I 4.j ! 7o lor heavy. So.ep Tlccoiots 32J ; v. irVoE hrttv.r ; in o . av- taxing e. .iiiij :jw ar. o uo : t'5 pound average, 0 12i. b. i-io j.ii.ce .ditr.tt. St. Louis. Fto.roioe '3. Flour Q-ibt. sadhv-'d Krady ; X 0 (-0 ; 2. 2- G GJ ; l.:oi-y 7 'J ' -.'.u !'. 1- . - ! ... ; -,,.', x f.i.r. ..1 'TO ! - j t.' :i..OO, Circa.-.,. 1 .V,-.. (Vn: lrc-:.a - !. vfrt.-r, 1 72. -1) -.: H'.i ; Ilarbv- I V, to.-!.y ; ..:. :.t J-.7. 1 J. ii . - , -v Ti ... .. ..... , i - r it r; r.r. .- a . . . e rtt-j 1 t 11 htty-.r 1 i.ae-e.i . .e'..:;:e Latd Uc'd at 11 -gs I.' i ,b .". " 1. 0.1 Ii . tr 1 . . ' ' ' "A. J 1 lOV V wee:.:i .:o tv-ei:...j rt, tcratave .1 .;i-.;:i.vil. o ..:; i-C C:: ..i-u u.l- ,-r.. is t!;e 1 . 1 ,-. ? 1 !,"-: 1 ir ;-. r- no -i t .t , ; VCe- v. V:: iv 00. ' -. t-' WOie i i.U-ll ars; t I V-"-:h:'.y s-iljee!. it. i-. nty-e :-f :.';', every : . .v.... ..t.. .0 . - t.. .o ... t . ....t'Ti .- . t j j 3 o t . . 10 no t.i :. , . . u t i ; ive, t roper;; le or ;; 'a 1 1 . . It sr-ts 6i S j f et-e 111 every cils oi t o:.;..r ! woioli urih i cr.tifS the; l.-.rbty itri-i.U and breaks down the ttnbii.d pt;:'.j. f'rr --.-sitt it-: f-"iiitng Out ni i jrr.inj Gly. A wt'.l r. Ci-ervetl Head of ITuir, ia a j.trioaof nr'fi.lie at oaco bepi:t;3 veCocxntRt, el 3 h,a:ih a3t j,...-. It ,a:,y tru'y be d "V .'ia.i's Crowu.a? -".i-.-rj-. wlole uin arant in-fm-Pflo t- iw-ivant.'it.-nJ L-h:irust y,.,v thirgj aro more di iu.eiuw tl.nu thin. iii r. t.l.?-r Cio-i-.. .js-.ao-.t irMC, a a 1 it rv.. ti-,..i n..i :....-,!,.. n.; in-r OtrA. S')l..'. ly all r-,-;5-s:-!' ar.d Cjn.iry S;tre. Jn:)-- :' 1 ,T "' ' "' 't' "'" "rI. f. w T' xtitf .-.iU'cciar.T, I.O.O.P.-;;-Ui.T- :-:--'o. :-li,:..i-bJ.ee, 7, ,. .. I . c c-ry r ..tu ..av . t v. .;.:. at -t.t ,v.,...-- da.i. 'i..i,.ni.i.t:i.i.oJ1,r- ttjifiii.iisi r r. v.". jouxj it. o .'A t.i r v.i- , I.'-.O. i . t''.-tO-..-.r,t -ti "o'-'.t i-; :...v o: .- - i : ... I I it i ; i ; r i .o .- n.-ii.tt t cf. . ' Itsd r r. -1 i'i; i . i.liU ...i.t. j .-.'-'.'. . -.- i..:.': ii:', i't'U , -. ; ; .. !'-. it w ;ti.;.L (.". P. K. j. sri.ricur. Seri'9 " v .iTTr'fiTV-.b-' V:77.7F-Vr" fo7't AF .!.- rt 'it-'. hii.i f.n t-i ii .:- i-t . .oii.- t iA; :a vti: -1 i: it -1 i -.-j O. J "rJ VA'O. a, '.Y. W. ir. r- . 2r:-c""'?"tr -;r:wv",.-'i--f.--?itt'?rr' i ZOllii rilZSEitAlD rrei.rtu.vdi Maia Sircet, Bett7cn lib and Gth.Si I l . -' .- . -i I r- .. V' V. I ..o Oi ti J7 .. t. l'A'.k . . 1 Mil 1 r. 11. u ui . j t 0 T .- !' 1. 0, . ... l;.,,-rvr.r, ..'vl,. wAJaJi ji . a.'. ,2.! ;s i. IsturiMitdic Lui.ir I. , Ncrthwe.t Co rner Vliird r.ri.1 C:.t . Averooe, Cinciitati, Ohio, t . tr at-..-' .t'"" ertv j: b-.. rf 2j John M. Phillips 7;W- Jno P. P. IV- k, 17cv--'.e5uVnt-N. H '. linriiK. Si -rt mi-i-. v 1".. P. ?.!r.; -h ill. , .'...log Vf-i Wi.-yX J .iiaT.!ni. M. I).. V.'ii-.U. Jm .t. i.'-' cdinal ixtin;r. tt3t tattsi ia eccTtL-r u sr jrri.-. . 5". Tivmt. II P. C-r. .'"to. Frc . o-i;a' Ala .r i - ci -t v, Oi -. . r v'o I'. L iri. tr., J.iirtv'.tj, ATrlstit i Co Daakertt 2.T. Tr.'"".V,'-'rii! ft,-- -ctpryUuion Cfr.'.rr.l I liiMiotnce '...'ii!iii: ;ey Jolin t hchuntr.T, l.ut ki;:, .V: itr'iii. ; Co., E tn- krr, Oi-.i : iiiiin: i. Jlirrri i"1 ' . !. irki i, A'.'r't ' 1 1 A "c , Knu- ktr.. C in 'niiRti. A.in '':, M !. eo CCt r!:'. Ft reel Cin. O.n 7; Dtr.'. '. No .?' !!; s-iivt-t. ro. Juhn I. J' t --, Vi.-c-Proi-'iueat wl' Cuius iVnlrat l.ilo I.i- i.ii. ii-- Cs. Phii'j,' ih.nh. --. ! ! .or. :.i -.n. Otto Jrn:l H'i'n.-.io. AtOoiit-y l I-.w, Ihamilto'a 0. t'eter ri'nnthy, tt'iitin, Ooi-.t '.' r J i. ('':ti'.'nnt, ' .'iM-inn.;! !. 1 i' ,,Aa .1 y.W ;). l'.o. -iJ-jut ot CcuUM) Ltfi? In- (ur.in'-e Cwii.j.aiij I.00 1' (jiiUrtf, Oit.-u A rent Fur Nc'ooiii .1 1! Pksssoh. I.ot-iil A --t.i. K it. Livinghton, yioai:.l i adi-vr ?tntt,coa.tw tf ii nib..' ;, i-. r i- .bT'-.f i-.a,tvttU k b'.'. 'iib-d, p. a jil ii. p. 11? iss-iit-irxA. W!--T Ana. ertTTosa. ti .'.rv turi i' K AT?" KO 1. I' m .". ' N V : fj-. i '..' A. M. I,:-fViT.:.ta. Ar.?.- P. .' Lf.lM ". A..tr. C-... a..K.V-ac. i- hi). ! ."'! A. :'0. ! t ri.vo!.-. I. 13.0- A. a". 6 .it1! j'-- u.l. Ar. 11.0 A it. - A -fiari.l Ar. J:J i ) p m rvoriy Ar. "!.:o . :-. Ar. r. -., . r. P. .-Jlo " Ar. l.;; " Ar. l.-ti " Lj. 1.: 0 Ar. n t; " Ar. 1 1 : ; j:v. !'.!" Ar. 1A1 . ,f. "ii Ar. v:.:x) t.c r.tA Oe rvOt Ar ".-t Li) t... t) L::..-!.:n 1 t i..-,!n I lO.'.ri p t-l !al(l ('.-. (' ...! . Ar t'.-O Id.!: iit! V. ii..r .-oi.-.t-n ... r f t.s:.. a V-vtf.tiia, lit .-n '.:. ',1 .. if"-.. .-i 0. ft. W. Pw X. Cr-,e f. . re - r.- v.'-it i -;u.".ric I : - to I.-. 4.-.0 Ar .:tJ r: mi " At " xp.Ar ::?.. 4. Ar. a 00 A. U ..' r. s .. A. :i A .. 7. ' A . ;.? -. 7 e o. :: L -. j a. -i -' - - ' -' A .i 1 . . 1 t ... 1 1..'. j O j.r. if;:, !. .. 1 .- 1'. r. -'. ' " I - r ' h :: ; : ') t.i-1 . 1 1 ii re...: , l - 11 : i, ' li li.;!' .v'O.a. -. -1 1 1 1 . . . . '1 Ar.T.-i". j". j" ' -. A r S . 1 " tr. t'.'r) " r. ;..V Lo. i a ca I,. h.V. - " 1,?. t. a Ar. n.-i-. L- o -s Ar. " a.t a r 1 V ' Lr li.-j r.r i.:. 1 i.r Hi Ar K:) ; 1 . -1 . c- -. -. J y- t -ty 7 .v ri hn" tn In P ;i I'.r lootal O- -Oj ( -' I -tl .-' C.O'.T v. 1 ' i it. a iiiiL tl. u I'ni: f:i I f. ;:i-f ;,-':i- al -!! nc taM. t niy "iu f !i..vs, 'i'li'irt-days. 'id ? i.ur-...rs '."fo ti- ikiv.-a liViire ii t'-tit ef i he. ur.bS'.U i. .-".. If r.J ;aii!a..v : . , .-' e-r t1. v C t i .-r. O.Vi.'.HA ii L'ObTiiH" r.s;'e.K. In r.ir ?.U f r i '. '. '.i'-n V :0, I. r'l.-.iUa St J-'.-.-v.f i ir. i-Tclr :'. Ip . t nt f -t r.f J-a f trc-t. IStir.i. AC5ITH. rnalta i.ii a. in J L'rw.ia ie. p. ts uiov.la o .i. j Or-.sfiV. l''.'i r.-. 1;"0 nr. I Uv ........ C.t'i y K; r . - .r.--.b-rv.- &n::s;b - :;V-; To the Fast North and trtetht: STATION--. j "A--- 4XDj.. ic.j trA.m. CXOft-ia.; 9,ta-. ia. lhCoa-raJ 2..'6. rri. i -0 v. ni. lAie.ra e.tta. m ! l.:n. it. e.CtT p- m.j lrAO a. ia. ll.r0 p. in.! 4.CCp.-K I .5 P. ts.j 9.10 a t 2Aj . si. I .20 . n,. Live riiUtiEOuta, Arrive Barliaf.ea " Mcnltita " Ca:c-i8-.va.I5.ACl. Pe-r1.. - IndVI'I.E '.'. " CiaeJaneti " L j-rar.'p'eT.PiVr " Colamici ..Tr.e'-tcb T-.rs frin v's-on-i R.r-r to C: t? S"- 1 ll'i lnlli0.i, t'i.'iCillU!i.l, i-Oi-ili.i, '. t -; i -ir.'--:-- or, n . ( rln, l i'.'i i ai le nr ti : ir il;-e e.t.ir., ai.il S. -'). 'i ).' i- the liei, Ai v t. (,'-'""'' ' '-''?- 1 p.. !.e ?" v .. r r.t ' ! n i- J-.-t. t.6 I, f t.-f 1: ir-i; '. ;.: i M.rsauii hn 'r i'- i i" 1. a.;,. .i".:2PN". c jj.p ; :i vivfi 1 i icket ..j -T.1 Vcuiii.;'. I- i n c. et. jrj. .t c x.. it. llf FACiro? jri-'"-iOf Iow a.,! o-..o. : ara. loir-- . .'1 r t; j. '. Vipr ' . ;.. n;. 1 .. . A'i.-'.t U:'.ir,'.-w n. in t:tS p. i.t. 'i i.i",vt t .!.- if . P! '.'-.Uii "; a eU-i "ii ilT.it: ..t.i ft.uiaor iiu.ki Ui.is i.e.- j 'n s tP.IilV.T, NU Ii-PAr.TGT- fttTT.'S H-Ji-l i. ( ;....- '.. i kfi.T.-.t j.'.l 1 ) i I... 1-'. " V c. n. ; t. rt. n ..... v . 1 I. i.--,r.. -. v.i r.i. . . . i : p e. ) t '-) It! -. : u le . . -.1 . '.. . r Jm -. ' A' A I'm' ii. .t e;. .;. J.. ."cit. 0. , A;ii ;:.. I .',., ; . J' -. . .in- . i . v. I v ?'rzs. t';r .. i . ,iu -nii-.u . . ', i. - :T. ... i.i i J I I'l . n2lyi, 12 X'y I p J. 7. iIA:t:;-IAl.L. P. L f rJr!! "Vr, ei ia.'lv(,..i v. uivJ' if.'.v v. -.;.' ; ATlOItKKY? AT LA TV r.d P-di-- i-i-iit.--ai-.uta, A..r-st. i Jrdltiij.-ji'ii jVioijit.' oi.L a. n. "sasttsa. t. . c. . i) Li YYZZiZrSf CO., r.st.l Fsteand Tax Paris?? Afj-i'n. IVCtiy, i.l Lite i-uu!iit Ajttmjt, 1 i.tajS uojia. i.' ti.tit,:ia. n. 2: .ir;:;svro.v, -3 : -1-JT4X A'J SCP.t-L-tJ:'-t:nv'- id t.-tioniuiiui tirv.cci :o lev 1 r. ;i (. t- -r-- '. 4 ly. ii.'-1: !-;r.v s-.u".':- 't .-.-.?:.--.- '. .. ; ". ? tl't'.-'i; iiiro on lo.i a t f.-c!, i-.:e tti. -cf Lj --;an'f i.uratcr Yard i'lr-rtfai-iatti' "'s; i i... i J i . 1 -e 9.10 ft t I .il.ni. ,m J' A 2. I (VA it i j . 1 1 J M V '( ltd n 1 X