Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 08, 1872, Image 4

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A i . -ct horses, harness and wajfr,
and tyro c'Ss. Inquire at the Herald
W call upon Vll those indebted to the
rJtr-AlD cEceVto call and settle AT
ONCE. We io not expect to pet the
money from eyery man, hut the looks
of the Herald office, prior to Is or.
13:h, 1871, mutt he closed during tlje
next two weeks, and those persons xvhom
He have acQiaiodatcd with credit dur
ing the years past, shouU at least cone
forward and jive us some evidence of
their jJebiednesfl, if they cannot pny.
rJiwtf. H. D. Hatha vta t.
P. P. Caldwell in a card in the Tribune
troruies some further disclosures on the
Bridge question goon.
Let us have the whole of it.
Cor. Hoffman, of New York, wya
thera were several instances in which
Gauges that never passed were added to
tills that wero preeeutc J to hiin for hid
signature. ,
There was a coliijion hstween twj
trains on the U. 1. road on Tuesday la?t
is which several cars were smashed and
a passengers lec broken. The conductor
and engineer of the rar train was
The monthly Union Sunday School
Concert will be held at the Conrtf a
tianal Church on naxt Sunday, - at
2 o'clock P. M. the exercises to con
iot of singing, sddrfcres, &c.
Tha County Com tuis-icners of Lan
caster county have purchased 020 acres
of land from the B. & 31 It B. Co. in
Nvhrar-La, for a Poor Farm.
Cider, with a fiy ia it, is decidedly a
plcaant beverage, at least those who
hare tried it say so.
Last, on th 1st day of January, on
Eighth street, a lady's fur collar. The
finder will confer a far tr by leaving the
a a a at the Herald office. d&wl
Harried, in Cass county, Nebraska
January 31st, 1872, by Rev. A. J.
ira'-t.', Mr. Handle S towers and 3Ii.i3
.Mary C. Walter.
There was only one criminal case on
the docket for trial. at the present terra
of court in this county that of 1 1. C. 3c
Mnken, for peltit larceny, in tha fi'loni
us taking cf a spring wagon scat. He
ww tried yesterday, Rnd convicted.
Gen. II. T. Reid, of Iowa, tun been
appointed ont of the Board of Visitors
to th West Point Military Academy,
fjr 1872.
Siiney, Iowa, must la a queer placa.
The editor thero offer his paper one
year f.eo to anybody that will make a
cash purchase of $20 worth iiomazj
housa or Grra in town that nJ-crtes in
h' paper. There's a aback of business.
The Lincoln County Advertiser, J. B.
Pail-, editor and proprietor, has dcci e!
to dispense with the Chicago part of its
outSt, aud is out in a bran new dress of
its own, and now looks like a Christian
According'to the Lincoln County Ad
vertiser, the finance of that county are
in a most flourishing condition. Aside
from $8,000 in school money, there are
between $5,000 and $G,0C0 io surplus
cash in the county treasury.
The republican State Convention for
Iowa, to select delegates to the National
Con-rcn'-inn, -will jrobally "be called fjr
March 20th unless objection ia made to an
early convention in which case it will be
called about tha 20:h of May.
We ara not surprised to Icaru of tha
n?oea of Mr. Thomas, cf the Omaha
ILepubl'ca.t. His paper for some days
past hu iadicated a foul .stomach.
Thero is Raid to be a general under
standing between the two, homes of Con
rresi thnt a supplemental apportion
ment bid will ba passed, similar to that
of 1802, providia for nine or ten addi
tional members, and distributing them
to Ptates in the order of thair numcricl
The Chronicle says we are making
"charges" against bin acting arcidencj.
Mr. James. The Chronicle was never
mTe mistaken in its life. We don't
"charge" Mr. James a cent for any no
toriety we have given him, and if he or
the Chronicle desires it we can give him
more notoriety, but wo will foot not
Touch for it being of an enviable kind.
Faking of Patent outsides or ' in
wards" rs.Tiinds us of a point recently
raised by a lawyer of some note and of a
large thinking apparatus It ii this
rur law provides that crrtaia things
hall ba published in a paper "jsrinte.l
mnl published." in the county, etc.
'Now, can a paper which is printed in
Chicago, where three-fourths of its
reading matter is made up, be stld to be
"printed" in Nebraska and if not, is a
legal advertisement in it eclums a valid
By request of many citizens the P. T.
V. Society, have concluded to have the
Grand Masquerade on the thirteenth
of February instead cf the fourteenth.
All those wishing costumes will plea?
call at White & Spiers Hall on Monday,
Feb. 12ih, in the afternoon and evening,
at whici time they wiil b? exhibited for
your choice. There will be no coBt nor
jibor ppared to mike this tha most
plea-ant rrt7 of t!ie Lm3 ever heIJ ia
tha city.
Gov. Campbell of Wyoming was mar
Tied lest evecins to 3Iis, Isabella Wua
derly. Tao Cnaha Bee says that there are
a dosen cases of small pox in
, ely owe ow o durirj j
Who n ttr
Tha express train from Linro'n tiis
evening, on the B. & M; in Neb., ran
from Omaha Junction to Plattsmouth
Depot a distance of nine miles in just nine
minute. What other road in the west
cud equal this time. Don't all speak at
In Tuesday's issue wo spoke of the
fact f hi acting Excellency having par
doned Stoddard, the abortionist, and now
wo have it from tho bes-t of authorty
that iliesaidSto JJarJ was never subject
ed to prison discipline, that the warden
refused to cut his hair in accordance
with prison regulations, and that amons
a certain few of the State ofik-ials thero
was a determination from tha very coin
rneneoment, to thwart tho law and re
lease Dr. Stoddard in tha very face of
tha court tnd the jury that pronounced
him guilty of a heinous criaia.
This Uoune, under the c;aaagementof
Mr. Cox, its present popular landlord,
i3 one of tha be.t in the'wust. Its en
tleatanly manager wfor a iong tirae in
charge of u hotel ;ji Chariton, Iowa, and
secured for himself there the reputation
of being a first-class landlord. He ha
lost nothing of that reputation tinea
taking charge of the Urouks here, and
has secured the coaGdence and good wi'l
of our citizens and of the traveling pub
lic. II Li tables aro set with the best the
markets afTord, and no paius are sparod
to make bin gu-ts feol at home.
Cosiputaorj Ildnrnllon.
Ths Supreme Court of Iowa has de
clared ;hat the law rsquirirg punctual
attendance at tha schools is fir the good
of the pupil, and must be enforced. Of
pupil'! tardiness the Court hay: '"The
good cf the whole school cannot he sac
rificed for the advantage of one pupil
who happen to have an unreasonable
father, aud as tho law now is, no other
means can be devi.-:ed for enforcing reg
ular and prompt attendance thsa the
penalty of expul.-ion."
100.000 AfKES."
We publi.-h to-day the 'amons Salt
Bill, complete, and would be pleased to
have our 0;iiiha cotemporaries point out
tho precif'e section th.-vt donates "100,
00 ) acre." of land, as they have asserted
it did. Tha bill 3 puLiisho.I i as it
passed tho Hoaue, exc -pt thit the roy
alty was five pr teut. iiistetd of two.
Chard, tha Knglirhmaa who elopad
with the Cle-iflyr.-iaa's djughter, mid who
ha3 been for some tiu.e confined in j vil ;;i
Omaha, has again eloped with his prize.
The officer? in Omaha refuse to have
anything further to do with the case, as
bhe seems bound to stick to him in spite
gf all efforts to reclaim her.
Mr. Henry Bccek's team broke through
the ice to day and escaped drowning in
almost a miraculous manner. Tha dri
ver drove on tj eotue ice where thn
water had settled away from it which
gave w;;y, and the team and wagn went
in, when ha left and r&u to M.r. Uocc'i's
shop, to ii.fjriu hhu tbiL liis team wan in
the river. Ail ibis tima the horsed
weto in swimming water, but fortuuately
one of tha hor.-cs got his forefeet on the
ice which held the wagon tongue in su-h
a shape as to keep the other horde's head
above water, and thus prevent them
from drowning. They were get out
with considerable difficulty, and with but
liitla injury to the borcc. Tha d;ivtr
is entitled to much c: edit for the strategy
employed in leaving the team. Kurr'
brigade never did belter.
It is said that his acting Excellency,
Gov. James, pledged him.-c!f to S; mtor
Kennedy to call nu extra version, tha
purpose of passing tho Immufiaticn bill
and the bill to relieve the State finances,
if be: (Senator Kennedy) would go home,
and thus have the Senate without a
quorum. A visit to Omaha and a con
sultation with his masters there, brings
a chngc in his mind, and Bio. Thomas
is authorized to announce that there will
ba no extra ser.-i'r-. Tho Stita will
probably be the gainer in this, but as
the editor of tha Tiiiui.e is thoroughly
posted ia all that pertains to tha a ts of
his Excellency, he will probably, be wil
ling to enlighten the public on two points
which arc a Iittla mixed at present, viz,
Why was Dr. Stoddard not sulj-icted to
the same dis-cipline, while in the Peni
tentiary, as other prisoners? Second,
how long had he been out of pri-on be
fore the t'nua set for tha application to
be heard? PIeae rise aud explain.
We give below a dispatch from Lon
don dated February 3d.
Chief Justice Cockborn has officially
counselled the cabinet, that KnclnnJ
must recede in: mediately from the Treaty
of Washington, leaving America to
decide between a new treaty or war.
The council is now di-cust-ing term in
which thii re.-olution frhall appear in the
Queen's hpet-ch at tha opening of Par
liament. This would look as though England
proposed to repudiate the treaty made
with this government altogether.
It has seemed up to within a rhort
tiro, that the difficulties existing be
tween tha two governments would be
amicably arranged, but if the feelings of
the EnjtlNh pres sre any index to that
of the government, the solution of the
problem is still ia the future. O ir peo
ple submitted to Briti-h wrongs when
they could not help themselves, but they
now -.vill insist cu ih'ir rights, and bo
wii!i to Lceopt nothing less.
Omaha has a mean saloonkeeper. A
man whose v. tfo is ia the habit of get
ting h'.pior from him. requested him to
allow her no more of the intoxicating
stuff, but h3 refuted, saying he would
sell to anybody who oould pay him.
The woman having no money gave him
a large gold ring a present from her
hush ind in pawn fr li-juor. The ancry
husband demanded the return of the
rin. and it was i:amdiatly foriheom-
To th ITnnrnWe District Court of the
Znrf Jniiicidl District nf th' Stole f
Nebrrwht, tcithin and for the County
Of Cass:
We, the grand jurors, duly em pan
aeled and sworn within and for said
Poounty, at tha adjourned January term
of said ourt, A. P. 1872,-would re
spectfully represent and report that hav
ing visited the jail cf suid county in ao
cordanca with the instructions of the
court, we find the fame, to. be in at
good coalition as the same can La kept.
There is but ona prisoner confined
therein, and upon interrogating him hi
expressed h'aisulf vol! satisfied with his
treatiu'ant. We find him looking neat,
c-can and healthy, his room wa; m and
couifortabta. We also report that the
jail building is rather inferior and unsafe,
for the keeping of any desperadoes, and
would recommend ths erection of a new
and fiib-itantial jail building. All of which
is respectfully submitted.
S. H. KiiiKPATaicx, Foreman.
A company has been organized in
Oiaal'i to open a cheese fietorv on the
Papillion. An agent i now scouring tlie
machinery. The cztent cf range, ricii
L'ras--, healthy climate! and good water of
Nebraska, rr.dtr it r.r-o of the hjt
dairj' countries in lh w r!d. It wiil be
f cil when every farmer ruai ucrs chAo
aud tatter 1-y thrf tln-u-ands r.f pounds ;
then wiil end tbc eries of hard tiies. and
pri?3 of railroad trsnsportatioii will uot
coa ut;ie f-oth profit and product of the
farmer's labor. We hoiur Farmer'
Ciubs w il take hold of the dairy ques
tion at an early day. Fremont Tribune
We publish the above to call attention
to what ia being done in other localities
to wicure manufactures end the bf nrfits
accruing therefrom. Parties rc.-idinj
ni?ar Rock D'ufTs, in thi.s couuty, have
Bubicribed between five hundred and
seven hundred dollars to secure a factory
for the manufacture of chceso, about
two miles west-of that town, which they
are w:!i;n.g to donata to tome respons-ib'e
prr-on wi:o wi'l p.xt in suffieieiit ma
chinery to manufacture the milk from
four hundred cows. We hope, some one
can bo fousid mho will take hold of this
matter and pu.-h it through. Here is a
good openiug for somebody.
We Jearn from J. B. Ferree, Esq.,
that a little giil by the name of Sarah
Curry, a daughter cf Mrs Rebecca Fer-
i rc-c, living about three miles youth o
I'lattsiucutb, was severely ses'ded last
H.iblith everiiu. SLa wa going from
thts room in the kitchen with a kettle
of boiiiiig wi;cr, vrh-jti her rlress caught
on a piece cf wood aa 1 throw her down,
izr.d as stia leii, the Hi or tlia kettle
cTti j off and t-ealdid her reverely. Mr.
I'en t-e thinks that she will be about in a
few wttkj.
Ths following will show that the
f.iecds of tha Narrow Gauge R. R. en
terprise ara actively at work, and are
makin; all tho necsssaiy arrangements
to perfect thr.r organization :
?;a7Eop N'esraska,
i LtNCor.-, Jan , 2 J J, 1S72. )
JJm Lorn, F.ilh Ci'j :
1eak fci-t : L m just in r3ciptof
j vour loftt r t rtteu January IS. 1Si2. ea-
c!oj.jng ariiolas of incoip rition of the
Kaa-.tts A-Ncbraka U. II. Co. 'Jhey
w.-ra duly fil?J iq :his oluee, Jaa. 22 J,
Very respetly, yourobedieat servant.
W. II. James. Secy of State.
Nebruvka City has placed the man
agement of hsr school affairs in the
hands of tho City Council. Tho old
School Board refuse to be squelched,
however, and are issuing warrants on
the City Treasurer. It would probably
be well both for peopla and school if
their little potty difierecces were entirely
If Omaha is not .-atbfb-d with tha fal
lacy of tha Herald doc-t rina of "no par
ty," wo suggest to them that they try it
thcBs?elvas ; but as tho peoplo of most
of the State have already seen the evil
effect of this mo.-t pernicious ytem,
we hope Omaha wiil allow them to run
strict party tickets. Wo think Cass.
Otoe, Nemaha, Richardson, Lancaster,
and other populous counties of Nebraska,
have about had their fill of "no party"
men, and ara now fuliy prepared for
strict party tickets.
The Richurdsou county pres3 favors
the calling of an extra session of the
legUlature, and urge tha papers through
out the State to advocate the same
thing. Tha principal object sought to
be obtained by a meeting of tho legisla
ture is the passage of the Immigration
bill. This should have been attended to
when the legislature was in session and
would probably have been, bu; for his
Acting,Excellency aud the precipitate
adjournment of the Senate. Tha Omaha
Trvbuns ssys, however, that there
will be no extra eession so of course Gov.
James, will call none.
The British Minister at Washington
has ben applied to fioni home to obtain
copies of every newspap-, periodical
and magazine published in the United
States, to be placed on exhlbhion at the
Intel national Exposition, to tako place
in England this year. Publishers who
desire to avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to be represented at the English
exhibition, will ad '.resu a copy of their
publications of fome date in February,
to Joseph Shiliington, uews agent Wash
ington, D. C.
Mr Cornelius Schalh r. Agent of the
Bnrhneton !i Missouri River Railroad,
in Enchnd. writes that one thousand
Enzhsh emigrants wid leavti that coun
try for Nebraska ia early spring.
A petition is being circulated in Omaha
for the purpose of getting the county
Commissioners of Donclas county to
bring suit to recover $75000 in bonds
given in aid of the Omaha &, Southwes
tern Railroad Company.
Colonies are organizing in Oneida,
Onondaga, Columbia, and Wyoming
counties. New York, for emigration, to
Nebraska. "We believe the State will
add fifty per cent, to her population next
liKI&tt. ACROKSi 1ti PtATIE.
The B. & M. K. R. Company will, in
the Spring, bridge the Platte ; river.
Would it not be wsll for the people of
thii place to ascertain the additional
cost of a wagon bridge in c nnection
with the K. R. bridge, and ta ascertain
whether they could -not ecuro ita con
struction? There is a large trade in
Sarpy county which 'would come to
PlatUiuouth, had the pcopl any way
of crossing the Platte river.
We think this matter deserves some
attention and we mtttion it that the
citizens may take action as they- may
deem bait.
We learn that the subject of builiiug
the Trunk road is again being agitated
in all the river towns between here and
the Kansas lina. We have a deep in
terest in this matter, and are prepared to
assibt to the full extent of our abil.ty
whenever the proper time arrives.
Nemaha county has taken hold of the
matter, and we presume Otoe tsnds
rtady to assist, if to we may reasonably
hope for success at no distant day.
Editors IIekalh. Might not these
long wiuter evenings be spent as profita
bly by our school boys, and other, in
exercising the uiinds upon some t-uuh
mathematical question a the following,
and entertaining some cf our oi l fogies
with the solution of it, through your
columns as to spend their time to lets
profit in loafing about, and getting into
mischief? But to the question :
A gentleman employs two men to dig
a ditch 100 yards long, lor which he
agrees to pay them one hundrud dollars
One of tha men dig far one dollar and
twenty-five cents ier yard, aud he other
for seventy five per yard. Question
How many yards khal! each man dig to
earn fifty dodars? Your;, Al'abri.
PLATTriUOCTli. Feb. Cth, 1R72.
Thero wiil be preaching at Clark &
Piummer'i Hall, commencing February
7th, at C p. m., and w'ill continue every
evening during the week, by Elder Al
ton, of tho Disciples Church. All the
members of the church are earnestly so
licited to attend, and the public are re
spectfully invited.
The Commissioners Court met to-day.
There are some important road cases
wi.ich wiil come before the Board.
Judga Dundy will commence a term
of the U. S. District Court in Omaha
to d.y It will probably last a week or
ten days.
We hear that larga accessions are be
ing made by the M. E. Church at Rock
Bluffs. Rev. Swatz has been conduct
ing the meetings there.
Notwithstanding the ominous clcuds
which are threatening the peace of our
beloved country, from England, the
pet pie generally should know, and know
ing, rat satisfied that "the country's
safe," for as soon as it becomes known
abroad that the "Redu-Ught Gu a:Js"
are organizing at the centre of cn-ation,
"Omaha," John Bull will ' forthwith
grow pjci.3c
We have learned that the Turner ara
going togie two beautiful piiz-vs to ths
two best masks ono fLi the be;t comicn
mask, and one for the Lest character
William Cody, better known as Buffa
lo Bill, leaves fur the East this morning,
on a vi-it to New York. He will Le
quite a Hen there. He was photo
graphed by Eaton, of Oisnha, before
leaving, copies of which will be sent ta
The following from the Lincoln Jour
nal explains how public opinion is some
times manufactured:
During the excitement in the Legisla
ture tho reliable newspod llers r.f Oma
h telegraph' d to one of their "corr. -spoiidnt.s"
to pend uis; atches for the
associated prt'-; and to make them as
'b.:d as pos.-ib!e." The corre.-pondctits
took the dispatches to the Attorney Ge
neial, who proceeded to obey orders.
Now, these "associated' bummers quote
these uisp:stehes to tha Chicago and New
York papers, to uphold their own pub
lished faheho mIs. Ths nro the great
exemplars of "houesty" and "integrity."
Nemaha county is ag jin moving in the
matter of the Trunk Road Riehard-o i
stands ready to ns-ist the cntcrpri-e
through that county, and it only re
ninius for Cass and Otoe to a-sist in con
nection with the counties below to se
cure the buiiding of the road to this
We clip the following resolution from
the Brownville Advertiser, which were
adopted unnniniously at a meeting held
at Peru on the 30th mst : -
Whereas, It is the earnest d?s:re
of this precinct to procure the coi.s-true
tion of a lina of railroad along its east
ern border of tho Missouri River, and,
Wiif.KEAS, We have always stood
ready to give aid to every honest effort
to that end; therefore,
Iicsj!cel, That we will heartily com
mend to the favorable considerations of
our coiHtnuni'y, any reasonable proposi
tion of Dr. Converse to construct our
road, and pledge our every" effort, in
deep earned new, to the end thatt.ll fair
demands upon us may be fully met, and
that in the name spirit of exact promp
titude which has always characterized
the Dr.'s effcrts in railroad enterprises.
and which we have every confidence wiil
govern him in this.
The denial of the Statesman of the
charges against its senior Editor, for of
fering to tlc-feii 1 the Siiline bill, in con
sideration cf the Legi-diiiivo incidental
priming, is now followed by a card
signed by Hon. S. B. Galey, riteratin
thesa charges and naming a witness who
was said to have been present at an in
lerview between himself and the Editor
in question Mr. Gley clones his card
by announcing that any further mis
statements of this matter through the
State-man "ill be followed by a prosecu
tion of itsj Editor for Bribery at the sit
ting of the Grand Jury in and for Lan
caster county Omaha Boc.
Again the Union Pacific Railroad is
blockaded." The Japanese Embassy are
at Salt Lake, awaiting for the road to be
eered fe-re leaving fsT.tb E?fc
Remaiuing in PlatUiuouth P. O. Feb.
1st, 1872.
lien A V
Arnold W
Bell Oliver,
Bi.-hop BiUia
Cooiey A
Debining H
Evans J P
Foote J B 6
Gi!chri.t L XV
Howare A M r
Ilanman J
Jones Billie H
Kelly Rice
"Law lor Timothy
Lawson II
Lyou Chas
Mtlick Chas
Mergent John
Beard E
Curtin O J 3
Caser Mr M
Erkson Miss R
Green James '2
Gyer Win
Huntley A
Han lab, N B
Jenkins Walter 2
Jspc-r A
KanJle Edward,
Karnes .
Lewi Miss A
Larson A G
Lurzin Fred
McCarthy J B
Moiieer Mts U
Mmnes Timothy 2 McNurlin Frank
Mathers Jo-epu
MeKelvey H
Moran Min
Neweomb J W 2
O' Conner M
Ueler King II
Maunes James
Nance F II
O'Kceta Mrs M E
Oi is W A 2
Riehardt Geo
Preee T J
Kcnolds & Lincger Rogers U N
St-holes John
Scurvner C C
Southwich S G
Sanford J
Tro M iss Doray
Usher H
Veil John
White. E A
Wo'thimcr Fred
Waller U
Whiteman A
Whtaier, O 0
l"er! calling for the above named
letters will plea-e sav advertised.
J. W. Marshall. P. M.
The Governor, Secretary of State and
Attorney General of Texas have been
indicted for misdemeanor iu office.
Tho sales of Burlington and Missouri
Rirer Railroad Lands in Nebraska dur
'ng the month of January 1872, were
6;lilo 57-100 acres, at an average price
of $3, 3$ per acre, amounting to $52,
6,67. The Company has yet about 1,560,00c)
acres choice farm lauds fjr sale on ten
years' credit at G per cent interest, or at
prices 20 pr. ct. less for cash or Bonds of
the Company, or one-third down with
balance on one and two years' credit at
10 pr. cL till paid.
Don't forget the Masquerade on the
14th, it will be a pleasant afiair.
Persons having accounts with me, at
the Hall cr otherwi.-e, must come forward
nd settle them at onoe.
febSJ&w2 F. R. GCTIHXAN.
Wra. Hudson, of Weeping Water
preeinet, left at the Herald office to
day, eight ears of corn, weighing 7 lbs,
These ears we;e taken from a load
brought to town, and ha says he has
thousands like thcai. Who beats it?
A bill has been introduced into the
New York Legislature of which this is
the sub-tance :
Sf.ction 1. Thieves are forbidden to
enter or prowl around Banks, on pen.ihy
ot being arrested and sent to State Pri
Greeley suggests that the following i
section ha added to make tho b.ll com
plete : '
Sec. 2.
P. auks, iu d'.flanc? of Src. I, of thi:tct,
ire h nofirth forbid b;n to act as Pre-i-
iieis fir ; i-iirs, osjv
Savinj Bar.'.s-
Hon. J. C. Cowin, the popular Fro-e-cuting
Attorney far this diitrit, has
baza elected Captain of tlia "ildisk
Light Guards' lion, Joha I. Redlck
having declined.
"Ivindor fat, with calico dr;s," was
all the description a Louisville woman
could give of hv;r lost babe.
TI;a undersigned desires to purchase
r.y.a lumdred (100) hoai cf rnuUs from
four to eight year. old.
Inquire at'Nationa! Hotsl.
J. W. SllITO.
Jan SOdlwtf
Hesser's Catalogue of Grccn-houe and
Bedding Plants will be out in a few days.
Every lover of flowers should p iy him a
visit, as he has the finest collection of
plants to be found ia the west.
I N. Wolf, the gentlemanly manager
of Bloom's branch clothing house at
Crete, was in town to-day.
Don't forget that the time
Ma-qnerada party has been
from thi 14th to the 13:U inst
your licketa.
for the
Plattsmotth, Februarys, 1872.
All persons indebted to us ure request
ed to call and settle immediately, as we
must cloe up all accounts on our books.
diw2w Guthman & Hubeutt.
One issue of the Missouri Republican
contains ten original articles upon the
"Passive Policy'"
If a man wishes to. see himself as
others see him, let him com out as a
candidate for office.
Several business houses will be erected
on Main street in the spring. Mr.
Boeek has the excavatioa. for his nearly
Prof. L. F. Johnson shipped to Ash
land, yesterday, a very fine o gan for one
of the chnrches there. He i helling a
large amount of musical instruments in
different parts cf the country, and as he
keeps none but tha very best instru
ments, he deserves the patronage of the
public. '
Oiln Kintk
Pn'ee per ton, d Jivcred ia the city,
$7.00. Orders left at r9ico at Baker's
Feed Stable promptly filled.
Jan. 20 dAwtf J P. Simps on.
A pair of horses, harness Ai wagon.
Enquira at tha II esald office.
Stay bonds for ue in all the different
coarta, for ale at the Uerau OSee.
- - diwtf
Waktid. A hous with four good
rooma. Enqnira at tha Hxhald afEca.
The tone of the Engli.-h press, as will
ba se3n by our despatches to-day, are
s'ightlv moderated. Tho fear of a lar-
Ujer bill "of damages than. the Britisdi
Government can afford to pay. and an
effort to strengthen a decayed monarchy,
may induce the Ministry to declare war
against this government ; thou h we
eannet but believe that most that ia said
i merely for effect. The position of
theie two great and friendly nations will
be watched with a great deal of interest.
Elder C. Alton will preeh at Clark &
Plutmuera Hll cu Wf dnemlay evening
the 7th iuit, and every night daring the
week. d4.
Tf.K AU1..
The Omaha Bee says: "Yesterday
Mayor Caldwell received a letter from
Mr. Scratchley, the English clergyman,
in which were $230, the lir.-t instalment
of the $500 which he proposes to scud
to pay the necessary expeuses of his
daughter while here, and to provide for
her passage home. Tho letter itates
tha? either he or his wife will start im
mediately for New York C.ty, and de
hire s the officers here to bring the girl
thre. A very urgent appeal is also
made to keep Anna in cus ody until her
parent comes on. After consultation it
wan determined to go in pursuit of and
rearrest her, and acoordingly this morn
ing Deputy Marshal Armstrong, accoin
panied by Officer Kelley, started in a
carriage for the island, .where sho was
found before. It is not definitely known
just where sho is, but the officers say
t:ey will Sal jicr before they return.
We doubt whether when they get her,
she will consent to go home, and we cer
tainly know of no law to compel her to
do so. She is evidently determiued to
live with Chard, her reducer, and all ef
forts to prevent her will meet with strong
opposition cn her part,"
Mp.3. Wiiitcomii's Syrup. This cr
tide is good for all diseases incident to
the period cf teething in children and
is soli for 25 cents a boti le.
d&w lw.
The Count de Cliambord every day
goes three times to cnurch. Thousands
of American marehm'.j I'riaaes drink
tea from the Unjted States ri.a Compa
ny, 26, 28 & 30 Vesey street. New Yo:k.
Guthman & Hubei ty dealers in grocer
ies, sol-j agent for this city.
A KlI.E A K1.CTE."
Wo made mention of the fact that the
east bound train on the .B. & M in Ne
braska, last Friday, ran from Omaha
Junction to Plattsmouth at the rate of
a mile a minute, but we neglected to
State that the train was under the man
agement of Mr. T. H. Sheppard as
conductor, and Mr. M. J. Egaa as en
gineer. A SI AIIK.T.
GltEENWOOD, Neu., Feb. C. '72.
Editors Neiuiaska IIlkaij): A
terrible accident occurred in Ashland,
Nebraska, to-day. A ycung man,
named lluiiter, residing in Athland,
J uijnut 1S years old; accidentally thot and
instantly killed himself while re-loading
a double-barreled shot gun which he
hal discharged one barrel of, at some
birds. It seems that one barrel was load
ed with buck L-hr.t, sod th.t va tha
one thit cau-jcd tha accidant. Tha shot
too effect between tha eyes and cama
out at the top of the head
W. D. "Vii.r!AN.
riBtl8inou:b Orain iunr!ct.
VVc.-'iicsday, Ftib. 7, 1872.
Vv'hcat - No. 2, 85.92.
Corj Iu car, 17(ii l8c.
itij. bKKTicK itr.Fon.-f.
Ecn itor Matt Carpenttr, of Wisconsin,
delivered a powrrfu! sjici'ch recently oa
the nfW Civil 6tvice fltform dude.
Here are its closing passages;
So, sir, it comes to this at lat that if
the matter te contested, the dune: who
h is bevn ciammed up to a diploma at
1 ale, n i comes f'rerh fiom his csam
minr, wiil be preferred in all civil ap
pointments to thc-ahiot, mo-t uc-ecs.-ful,
and itost upngiit bu.-iuoss man ot the
cimntry, who eiihcr d; I not enjoy thi
bene lit of early c-dui-atioa, or troai
whose mind, long en'ro-Fcd i:j practical
pursuits, the dotaii- and iiiumia of
ae-d'uiie kuowledfre have falei aw.13 as
tho headlands disappear whim the
mariner hids his nutive laud good niht.
lii.-t it not be, nr, that I am
under-valuing the advantages, of t-dd-cation;
1 am not. Indeed, ir, tho-e
who have strujrgh'd through life, la-eking
the adviiutajes of education, are m-ue
alive to its importance and umre anx ous
to bestow it upon their ch dieu ' hm
thoe who enjoyed in early hie such ad
vantage to the utmoit. 1 bcioog to
that unfortunate class. L kiii.w 1. )
of chemistry than I know of the ; early
pates and golden streets of ti.u New Jc-ru.-aleni.
Aud 1 never expect ti ; that
is, I never expect to know anything .if
ehemi-try. I do humbly hope bimu
tune to see the pearly gates und golden
streets, becaue I und -tstand that ad
mission into the kinVdom nf heavi'ti
does not depend upon tho result of a
competitive examination.
Yet, sir, presenting myself as an ap
plicant for appointment to the place of
copyirg-cleik iu the Interior Ifepart
uictit. befora an examining board, having
a "chemical turn of mind," I should
4Jertaiu!y be rejected. Stiil, sir, I write
a rood hand, and caa copy papers with
great rapidity and accuracy, ihn s:r,
i the cae of many men in thi country.
Mam, de.-pi'e vl def-ctive - education,
h tve by iii'louiitablt effort, fought their
J . V -.'..I ...1.1. . . U rt .
way again-: l ieariu ouu.i n 111c nuin
rank in business, in the profession, and
to-day adorn ihe bench of this country.
In this world eveiything is ariamml
upon the principle of compensation.
When ono of the senses is denied to a
man, all tho others are quickened so as
to ujithrute the loss ; and it not -infrequently
happens that a man who is re
stricted to one department of leavij:ug,
and devotes all his energies of mind and
body to one pursuit, for in-tance a law
yer who turns bis back upon every other
department of kuowledge. outstrips in
that pursuit, a competitor who is loaded
down with collateral learning-.
Yet, r. if the doctrine of this report
is to be adopted, these men are all to bi
disfranchised. Enemy, activity, perse
verance, integrity, all the qualities that
have secured their success in their own
paths of lif , are to be set aside if th' y
happen to lack tho.-e early advantages
which only the sons of the r ch can en-
I know, sir, it is said that in thia coun
tro any wan ma-r beon-roe learned. My
early ambition wj stimulated by bemir
informed that Eiihu Burritt learned all
the languages of the earth whila ham
muring at the anvil. I know not wheth
er this be trui or fak.e ; but I -do know
that the information was of no assistance
to me. Here and :.ther a young man
will start from tho darkest obourity and
achieve wonders in acquisition of learn
ing. But for every such case a knowl
eJre of the world will luiuiah us with a
thousand poor boys, thrown upon the
world as orphans at ten or twelve ye us
of age, aud Compelled to hold out a help
ing hatid to younger sisters and trothers,
who have found it utterly impossible to
acquire an education, tut who, under
the dire neoessiti s of the case, have
been apurned and driven in nuceesful
careers. Such men may be disfranchised
by a vote of this body, but ueror by my
There are special reason at this time
why such a system thnuhl be frowned
upon. When our recent war broke out
p triotie rather 6ent thrir sons to the
fie 1. Puri-ie the period of awful trial,
when the tvitli of the nation was tremb
ling in the balance, nud our galhmt
youths were breasting the storm of war,
the sous of les patriotic "ci'izetis were
t-r.joyinjj th advantages of a college
curse. And now, when our maimed
soldiers h ive returned, and pp!v for a
Federal offica, the duties of which they
are peifeetlf competent to discharge,
they are to be rejected to give place to
the who were cramming themselves
with farts and principles from the books,
while they were bleeding for their oun
try. b a cause they do not know the fluct
uation of the tide at the Cape of Good
Hope, and how near tho moon ever ap
proaches the earth, or the names of the
principal rivers emptying into the Caspi
an tea.
Ladies will find relief from their Head
ache. Costiveness, Swimming iu the
Head, Colic, Sour Stomach, Restless
lies, etc., eta. , by taking Siuiiuons' Li
ver Regulator. Persons livins in un
healthy localities may avoid all bilioiw
;irt.Hck.tiy takinz a Uo..e cf Simmon'
Liver Regulator occasionally to;kiep the
Liver in healthy action. It should be
us'd by all persons, old and young. It
is not unpleasant, i a purely vegetable
c impound, is not injurious to the most
de'icHle constitution, and will keep the
liver in healthy action. nl
ISTATE&ET of ihe condition
COMPANY of Ne w York op tho first d 7 of January, 1372'
rnada to tha Auditor cf ihe State of fJeoraska, pursuant,
to the Statute of that Statc.
ST nine tiutl Ijcih
TLe smo of this Company, L tiie JIauia Insuraoca Company, incorporated iu 1653, onl lcntil
in the city if Nc-w Yoik.
Tho Capital of UjU Coru i.ry. Artv.y yull up in c.uh. is 02.Son.C-'V.',(
'la curias oa t.e Is; of J&uuary, - - l.M8.ual..'tt
Total amount of Capital and Surplus 4.Ol8.0"-l,tJ
ASaD'a. , ,
Loans on Bondi and Morti?aRs, beinir firwt record on Uuctcainb- '
Inherent Ju on saiii Alortpsg 1i.hi., -.'l-''-
t'nite i fclttile- of ISil, uiarkl valuo, 1 .'"
United States currency, I' '.r''
I piii tats 5-W bnds; f I . fl li- cO
l lilted -tiitp 5 20 U.niii. ot 1HCS now stock, i 'i'?in
Alabama Douds. " " ;i'?n"
auuh fiirolija Bons. H stock '" " i.'OO.M
Sout i 2arwli a. new stock, " " o.. 0.Hj
WisconMn Wr lionds. , . 3o.WJ.U0
Anuuntsof lotnsou stocks find E-inii, pnyablo on dmsna. the market
vaaie of Hicuf itif p 8 Jjel, H1.4'iJ.O0 ,
Ca.h be oiig.ns -niia C-n..a 17. dep -sitod in Uank n t T'U.t Cjiiiiu:M,
lntarcMC due mi J uterueil ci eoila vr:il lo inc iiulu ling bank bxlanoe.
inns premiums in due course of e ll-ciin, , , , o n.,
Utila reoeivub e. uot uiaturcd, takoa l'jr liro and ialaad lujtl, ,042,31
Tha ar.ine Dajt duo. -
psU-?e proprrt7 n l e'aima, oa Iombs alrrdy raid.
liilis Keceivable. ntner tbaa '.lio.ii likou fur pniammj.
(.overnmum Sramp
Advimced t ira Ua. arttnent.
A iv;ii.o-u aal Mi-ured accjuct.
OLer property bcloni:? to tb CoiLfacj.
Total Assets, $"1.072,UlJ,iJ
Cro.'P c'a'ois for lo.-?o'. alju 'tod and uni.n-d, C7.W,.3
OriS l;o.- iu process of a ljutaient, iacludicK all reported and narPO'el
lil: C.S t At W
LoiitocJirtel, iaclJli.itf ic'.re3t an J c Jdt3, JJ.-7..0)
T0t.1I (fro s amount of c!aiui. fjr loiJ,
t ... ......... .
vt . .. ,.i .j
LliviJemia doelurud due and uupail, J '
Total mount of Lse. Clainn. and Liab'litie. t'f.4. Ci.-'i
The ertatcft iirnouut injured iu any one risk will n .t ai a ' rnl. etci-c.I S' '. " 1 .1
Ccini.anj tian no general ru!u n. to tho am oint to be in'; rod in ri y 1 . towi. vili ( r id-. .
fcei'i.; Kovern U ii taeh ce b tio Btcer-1 c-Uaracter of baii Ji g-, widta vt trcom. l.r
pntt.ctr out fires Ao
ST-TK 1- tKW V'lRK f
X:t"lAi?LiiZillllS. Pr-sM-nt. and JOHN' H WASlinURV. Pe-ro'ary of th- U 1 I--hUKANCK
fimyoY. btiw.duly norn. ue:-o.c and eay. ti-i en.:li for ln---rl- jv-. tli.i
tL nhovr (lis rme I ctli-eis olnii C mi ni y. and on the ttnr-y-tir-l day or I'e w t l't, a .
ot thcab ivo Ue.i-nbeil ueln were tin; uij.-" Iu e 1 ro, er 01 ihe n i-l o n tj, f en ji 1. a.
any 1 cn. or ' aiun .tierojn. c ;ept :.b ia-h i..l. an I t 1 it t!ic lure mif ai,t u -. 1 1 . v a
full an 1 ,rr-"t ptnihit ol Hi :ti. Li i'j liti 3 ei.tll of' tne Mi'Til ' 'IU. 1.1.1 nil 1 u in vL
f aid Cum;-ny. oo tie s ii I tin ly- irit i n t iuoe n:o. . aa i - i
fcccorvii. to i he bent ot tueir lu-.'orina'-.on, ktrnw.e an 1 t- lief , e-,.e
n-d C'tlAS .1. M Mtl i N,
- J. il. W gilitc'it.V,
faid Cum;-ny. oo lie s ii I tlii -ly- irit 1 iv I lcoe
SubsoriUei and Sworn ta btf mo, th't 23 1
Cig-ned; H. O. J - u
State cf Nebraska;
It is hcrcv.T Certified that there hnj bcn filed in tni oiTio a -worn statement ehowins tio c'ii
dirion oi fie lnsu'iim-e Ooiiip.iiiy, lin-.twlnt New Vork in tho Mate or Now 1"".
3:l d iy i f Decrnibcr A D. IS 1, iu -c-ord uce tho provimoi.. ot an Ac cf the n: r..' -Horn
by. oi ihe .-tit-- of Nebraska, to rtea n e i .cur .litre n.inp ttii'--. :iprivrl reoru-iry 1. n.
1i; tlmt sni fili'd tt.e nocc-!' i y p-iicr mid ii -t:iti-iii ii hIiowiuk that taid coiijj tii.y .i
potWi-d of ihe oui-iie :-innun fRit:il. uu t iavc-t"d im re nure I hi law.
Autiioriiv is lu-r'e.ore (fivt n. to the ob .ve inline 1 .impany to lr;inFnet their nrprorTiiite - u
ine.-s ol fire insu.anee, in ttiis state, iu uueord!ue witli the inwi hcreol until tho Jltt tluy ol Jlu-
" nirrhcr certifvs thnt Henry E Pulmcr. of PU-.-Fuioath. count v of Curs ia anthoriz d -e tr n a
U"int- aeeorniiis to law ir a-d c up.iny or their rval ani uttoi aey, by tiling tu" C j.-t.!u.-..-.u
tor record o uti the cdeikof c.unty. .,",- i r r . .
In tcstinionv whereof, i nave nen-unio
Lineola. this Jlit day of January. 137i
Henry E. Palmer, Agent,- P.attsmsuth, Nob.
Aggregate Assets,
Consolidated Statemnt of the condition of the 6ERMANIA,
Companies, of the City of NevYoik, on tho 31st day of
December, 1871.
A(treBale Oapital.
Total Capita 1 nd Sur'du3
United Stairs Fecnr'tien.........
bram on liorid and Mortirape -
Loan on Cn'l sceured)
Cub in Hank aad handd of Aieau
Real fiHt ite -
Other fceeuritiee. including UUU Eeceirable. iJank
Loepea ! procew of adjustment ...... .
Other Claims -
State of Nebraska, Insurance Department.
It in hereby certified, that there hu en Bled Jn tbi r.Be. a "gSg ufh0t
of the Gen-ral A-.d" i? of tV.sXV.V.brk. to re.-amu In.uraiwe vojopanu-. 'W?
vrlwv5h lV,,cpan having filled -he necej-a,, Paperj
... .u-Lt I'nmnHiiv h niesea of the r-uitsite amount ol caital anU invMtea aa fl"
la ine of Fire In-uranee. in tui- tfUt. Moorauee -ith .the Uwi there f J11 J-JT,,' ,ui
of January .1873. I mriher cer.ity th .t Weory k. 'Uer of flatti-m .u.h. Coanty ?,y!,,'tf
thoriivd to trannact basine.s aeor.linto la w for faid Company a tueir Agent and Attorney, oy
fi.l ng hia CenUieate for "ecord the Clerk of l an couutv. f ffi in,!n
Ia !. H, t. raimor,
4Ynr..u.s t.r (.'auu'su. Iuji
tion to exercise difficulty of thmking ot
reasoning,' o- concentrating the imr.d
upon any sul jeet, lassitude, lack of am
bition or energy, discharge falling into
throat, sotneti tues prof ue, watery,,
thick and tenaciou mucous, purulent,
bfhfnsive, &a' In others a dryness, d y,
watery, weac or inflamed eyes, ringing
in ears, derfness, hawkiug and cough
ing to char throat, ulceration, uVu'ii
and decay of bone, scabs from ulcer.-,
constant desire to clear nose and throat,
voice alterjsU nasal twang, offenivv
breath, iuipa'red or total deprivation of
sense of smell ami taste, dizziness, men
tal depression, loss of appetite, indiges
tion, dyspefi'ia, enlarged tonsib, tickling
eouh, difficulty in rprakiog plainly,
gcneial debility, idiocy an 1 insaniy.
All the above symptoms are cemmnn
tO'tle disease in ome if its stages or
co upl e it inn., yet thoifnnd nf pnjn
a d ia ly t jrminate in con umption or in
sanity, idI tnl in the .iue without
ever having inuiii'estcd on tli rci oi ilu
nj'inpto" above enunierat d.
No a eoase ij more comrr.on or less un-",r.-t(ion
o iIimvuhs The poiictor
ot Lr. rae s Catarrh, Kfmti.y r
$5'J0 reward for a'cie of cjiuli wh
he cannot cure. Sold by driggi-'
send sixty cen'.s to It V. Pi.r" M
VIZ Seneca ,tr't. Sr.dlo. N. Y . f
' ,
A pamphlet free. Beware cf in
f'eits and worthier iit-itation. RemM.i-b-'r
that the gi ntttna l,: tho word.; ' II.
V. Pierce, M. D.t Sole Proprietor, 15 :'
fjlo, N. Y." printed uion the wrap;- i f
also has Dr. Pmce'a portrait, name an i
address and his private Goverimi-Lt
stamp upon each package. d&wiw
i . mmm m mm
"Of late years advertising baTaun d
a very important phase -in fact, h:.s ,t
come a cienco in besinexs, and r.u ra
has done more, or as much, to mik it
so, at (ifo. P. Rowell & C. f N W
York. Their prompt and sytemBt".c
method of transacting their business
uained the confidence of all iar;e adver
tisers, and has raided thui in a few
years from one of the smallest to tha
leading advertising house in thf wc-r'
Maple Leaves.
For Kent. Tho office room ovt?
Valh-ry t RufTncr'p store. E"'-pi;re r f
11. R. Livingston, Chairman Boar I cf
Trustiies. jau23JTif.
Seo advertisement of Dr. Bnt' Dis
pensary, headed Hook for the Million
Marri :ge Gui ! in another column. It
bbeuld be read by all. dccldfcwiy
1. 729.1570 1
411 JX.:.'
8.T7 4-9.rl
rZ .CI.. J
nio.. at an t 1.- t e ye ir ending on Ja,
ecu r.
d.iy .it J uu try. t 1V7
Xoiary iu olio, C:ty ana county f Jsew York.
Insurance Department;
ici my nanu aim hi.ix-ju my v. ,v . ..t c..,
.... - -
Sstocka. etc.
... a ?,8 o.'U
... .p7 'SI
... 32.U83.5:
agsm, ria'""1""'- r,wJti
"..' i 2.
2J nii 3"
1 i i i.' 1
Zi.i .0-
lyear.,. .
if i