-vt''--'gi-pa- x.t i7-;. i ?' - "." e rrasj-aju vvt-n-vrsa aattc---' I'll W DAILT " L 1TT Sll P ti T iiil C ff A L I lt ';S' :'S VuhL:ua V ' . j ' liATrfAWAY ' i'iiKVnoLT. Vr- sir c rit t :r-si id rbfti.isaro vri&.oi by HATHAWAY & SEYCOLT. ' . ,.3 C -V I- CCO, L. BSYK0I.tr cow. L. nmu Iff LB M A i ii I li 1 r Of OGce eorarr 21 bin and Second street. & ci ftury. Ttis.MS r.'eiJtly. S2.C0 pc annum i? paid is t2-.r0 if not paid bi arcr.ec. lie Cull tor tso Aatloual Xiapubll Cita loiivcn Inn. W ive below the call of td'c Nation al Cjoiinittaa for lLo National Ilepubli cia Convention to ti held in Philadel phia next June. Oyi'ICIAC, CAi-L FOii Tll Co.YVEXTrON TO 'rJi.tr IN Pii i LAI) i: LPU IA , Jc.NK 5, . to Nominate Oa.ii;d.u.:s tent Pki:- KIDENT ANI VlCE-PKLSiJJlt.NT.. Tho undersigned, con-tHutmg tho Na Couid Coiaruitteo des'gmttcd by the Con vert ion held at t'hLago cn t!:2 2Uth of May, lSGis, 1 er-.by ca.l . Convention of kha Union liepu nn Petty at the city of Pr.iia .MoLia. on We inc.-Jay, the 5tb day of Juno next, at 12 o'aluck noon, for tha J urpoe of nominating caait-Jau-ts f.'f the olIi-.-2s of l-Ve.-i-jaiit auJ Vicc i"ro.ii'i lit t f the LTiii:e i i'taten. Lacii itatu is authored to bti reprc 6sntcl i l the Courention by delegates equi to Ittioa the Miiubcr of Senators and ll?preseiitativcs to wLiclj it wiil be encitlod iu the next National Congress, and each orgdnitcd Territory u author ized to head nca del-.'gatcs. la o liiing t!)i.s Conveution, the Com mutes teioiaJs the couutry tiiat thw protui.cs of the Union llejiuhiienn Cua venticn of ItCS, havu locn fuiailcd. The States LttJy i'i rebellion ha-.-e tccu restored to thir i'oitncr relations to the poveri:::i-j:it. Km laws of the country liavB b-a faitl.l'jl'y executed, pubiis f't.ih has Leon !. rvtd, and theiiation .l crelit lirai.'y cstalii'hod. (iavern rnLtal economy h m been illustrated by ti.e redu.;ti jij at ti:e t-anie ih-ja, of tho J all.c debt ar. J of taxation, and the 1'uu :n of tho Matio!d dct-t at a lower j Lie of iriteif 't has b-ua -uccj.-.'uily m auguratcd. Thu rights of naturalized cit zens l avs L-en protected ty treaf.es, !i d iiLaii-jraticu eni.nuia.-d by h(,eral ,roTitio:i3. The dt iendere oi' the L'nion hive been Rratii'r.i'y rcuicuibcred, and the rights ai;d inteietij ol labor recog r..id. Lawj have heen enacted and are beis en!orccd, lor thu protection ofper tons and propeity in a!! sections, iiqual uilrae has been enrral'teJ on the Su- 'Muiitil L-'onttirution; the f riviaxes fitid liiu l tui of Ameii an cit z.'n.-iri. have ' b cvuii-a part of t u uriH'i.e law, au-1 a ftberal .pu'ijy has beea aJopt-1 to ad; ta :? frr.iea j;i tnu reoea.-.i:!. t.".n i iuinrMiri.irj Ibreie relati.m- have b-.-en S'lja-tt-d uj;t!ic iui ro-t of peaci thion-l.-ciht the world and t!ie M:iioo:d hoiiur ij;a:n(aiiif ;1. Corruption has b.-jn cz. ; o.-rd. oifen-; pciii.-l.cd, re-ptji?ibiiity ri.rccd, -Ruicgnardi ef ibli.-litj, an J t off, a h'-;?t-: jre, the IS.epul.ii an ar ry -tarid.4 pled; d to cirreet all abu.-'jei :t:d carry out rei'orin.4 necessary to ii;itintain the pK-fity a il ellieiency d"'tlia ;ut.i:c service. To eorrtm.io and iliibly -'.:ihhf:h its i'tiudaiuent j! pr:njiples, we V.ite c vo.ra;iua of all the citizens of the UiiireJ istei. Ct-Vii-t-V. of 3I.-3 , ( 'hirtLuiu. 'TiLMAME. CilANM-EH.of II., S Secretary, v .j Jm A. Peters. M.v:i?, -!i'e I'. l'olatiJ. ertuo.it. 1 H lYwts, Uhoiio- b-lanl ii. II. Siark weather, Connecticat. Jiii( Gop-.il!, New Jersy. Wi.liam II. Keuibc!, lVnn-ylvanI. Howard M. Jenkins. Heiawaro. . .. Ii. Cowen, Ohio. J. tn Coburi!, In J i.iTja. j! B FaiWi-l!, IiHnoh Zcliarii.h ChaodL-r, Michigan. T. ATtri 1, M'l:!!f:tA. ? ivii Atv-ood. Wi t::;:i-:;.i. iuTijVo McCr.:;, Io.:a. , C. C. F-jI: 11 :.r !. :: . Franklin S earn-. Virginia. dm Hubbard, Wet Virginia. NV'iiha.u Sloan, Nctth Coii ia. f L o::as Y . O.-bort.o, i 'i vriia. L C. Car.-enter, So'tta Carolina. John H. C..ldwcil, Gee.reis. . 'rtmes P. Stow, Aiuhatc?. rl. H. Soiuhwcri Iu Le.ui.-azia. A. C. Fi.-k, .Mi.:sisi; pi. S C. Pomcr.-iv, Kaiias. J. F. Kiee, Aikin-ai. Ji.iio I'. Ciark, Mi-.-jori. ' ' A. Horton, Ket.tucky. 'Jo; ace J.Iaynird, 'i't-'inessns. '. It. Tiiyl 'r, Nebraska. ,'".:!i'3 'V. Nye, N'jvida. K. ','. Col ett, Orcg-n. ;;..l)rcr. C. Gorham. Caiifornia. IJ Chiil:".:e, t'.-lora lo. W. A. Boricigh, takota. ire.y; s J. li.iwen, li-trict of C.iutiibia. t 'a !.i:igtcn, D C , Jan. 11, li72. Ai-utuur." ' THe Statesman is weakening on the b. -rt.o wiih which it op end out a f-w l-.j since. It is fast finding out the ru:, the adage that "it is ea.ir t i t. : i ti-j than an author," a it is deui-t-.-:5trtiug that it is easier to fiud fault what others do than to purette a f.tji.i.T - course itself, lt started out by p l t:ei :itiug every little incident into a ii.rn.-'i o'js cHme, until it ha unearthed i- 'ii'C sricaie of its own e litor-in-chief wt.-Te'ry he juopo.-ed to ?:7tho indaence cf that journal to tho men whom it was dci.ou'i-.-lnj: as thieves fjr tho paltry sum .f ti.o ;rv.iito:i tiie iueideata' printing -f ti e se,ion. This is a mcauer thing on tlu Statesman has ever charged . the v. :st of the "den of thieves" f. -h (. i::. It was no round ibout a.-te - i, covered up with the appear . f :":.-: but was an outright tic n to .ll the influence if the jut J ' to the V:' Land 1$ ill for the paltry f. t : ,t !-.,: .id. llepresentati.e Ga- r'imfc?. th& in direct ternir, over Lis o r "ii.-.iture, an l challenges the 'c to o;ny it under penalty of a 'u;iou f.-r attempted bribery. The l.s not deny the truthful . ,f -: of Mr. Galey's card, and it dare n .1 : but it does orue out and "beg iry" (to U'3 its own language) ; L:.cii. i ! i : ; J in fo tuuch cf per : ir..d.y. It -uted out to ape the La- i'ecjoorr.t and Omaha Herald, 1 l.j- i: a tignrd failure. ?! -ir.il r.r d mosr novel feature of T :; ' Jr ' i J ' .k "o reception by the Kari t j Ir gt.-Ut arc x Topeka la.it wet k, was ' ! rtiicii.g by tiie whoiv assembled r co.irs.e ol' i-T.- maker and Fpeetatcrs . nt r-ily of. s:i ' .-'gdna! ode of welcome. . v.- to i':e air c t '"John P.rowi!," and e e .. iodine erso was made up of SOI the u.-p;-:i!g wonl-V ' j:, ; ur of her p.rairics how can vout .tol K ansas Tte i'.b her i.o--ri-Iovin sifters. in a fit-tie- we eoiue cry ? :t her heart bve full expression, and the ac- AX-r rcho high, "he Cz ar and Grant are friends. Cbvms Kc! for liussiaand the Union! t'o! for Iioiisi.t and the Union! Hoi f'.-r Eus-ii and tha Union ! The Czar cod Grant are frieodi! VOL. 7, Tiif Hi I t. KIT M.A!(V. The Oaiiih.a Herald eopic an item ficm us lelativo to the position of that journal ou lLo "co party" qucstioa, and adls ; ,-TLIs is a truthful t tatcmect but its logic will not, hold water." Perhaps our logio is leaky, but'L-t us tf-a if it is wore h than that of tbu Het aid when it aJrucatej the ahandoaujeut of pyrti'. as a means of eUiiuR nn evil, an i then tho niotut nt it is cured to ro turn to the very course which it claims can-cJ tiie evil. In reply to us tne lleraM pnys : "77o? moment iLe tvll Is cured we would irjr, with the tame zeal we doit uro i; temporary nbanJonment, thi return t't jmrtj nrjuntttl'tii, whose porer iu I.o'Jini; nini"nitraions from excesses is the great lever" c:c. If the above will '"hold water," then we a-Jmit our position will not. But we f:l to c the need of a return to party at all if the "no party" ryateiu h fo veryood, and is eueh a iure rieventativc of eil practices. If Dr. Miller is hoaeht in tli3 desire esprs-';ei to return to party as Boon a9 a eura is effected, he must cer tainly be diihono- t w hen he claims that he U opposed to what he is ul-pose 1 to term tho di.-henet administration of af fairs. If a certain kind of diet, or a certain line of con iuct, caused diea-3 to t!;e Luinan body, would our good Doctor, a- a vender of verifablo pil's, aJvi-e a return to th-i same dir-t or the parue line of conduct as oon a the patient recov ered? If he did this woidJ any u:ati be have that hi was honest iu both posi tions taken? Hence we reason that our political Doctor of the Herald inu -t be i!i-honet when he favors a return to what he claim 'a pernicious to the body politic, td3 he is dishor.e. t in clahoin.!; thft neco-" ;ry for an abandonment, of party at a'.l. Is it not barely po il' that this poliiicrd pill pedlier is dedrons of obtaining a lare fee ly advi-dn a course Thirh he knows will prostrate Lis paiieiit the body politic? In this en e the fee locked for, wo doubt not, is the breaking up of th.' Utv ublican p'.ity au 1 tho ti;u:ujj -f tho rebellious l)j mocr::C3' when rrc h.'1l sixain "return to party orcaniz-i'.ion." Vr'e believe thfi en'ic which covers thi .eheo e c-f the II .ra' 1 i.5 50'veiy tliio that no one wili lo deceive:!, but that tho?. who favor i because they dosira to clhCi the Dc n;o;racy in power. Canva.-i:n th a'.r.ve oucitioj:, the Saline Coisnty I'o.-t s : "The I'tatisniouih Ilcrali says, rely on the oil or,i.iizn?ii.;is work within t!iO p.irty. This woul l !o if the ma-s of tho party wou-d m.dst on an ei.-irs ill ir,;'3 of public oHlcru wo:: 5 1 Lo rati. : d only v:rh hm.-t taen awl an h' u .?.-: Tiie aou uitrit:i'ii oi oi-j I'o:jt f.eo-.iiS, .Von; thv to daii'-.ttl " purifin.!j tl: party. r? Ui-.t, . olav asfcj ' ill! O: ', t' ' . T o t ho cn'y li-pu' ii 7 ia ti. : State lhat ic;;ri- tiv.va;.l .. IT-.. 1 1 - , e i -...l op to !- to v.- .r?: g ror-irm-i"! ei i OCe'l. a s: -r: a o in u .':r,,ri- r ,Is "no p-irty" ide as a "reform" rueaure. The first o-e-iio': t-j be-solve. J, in any event, is whether a majority cf eithT or both p trtie, aa they now exi t, arc ecrrc.pt, and detirous of piieinj eoriupt men ia ofties If a imjmiiy cf tho men com posiug the r.'aerit puitics are rc' in favor of t! otin? corrupt i on t cfri :, liif n it ft'eiiij to us that there is a jvain remedy irnlitu the j v. ty tha only thiop neccshary b ing tn sh ;ov, beyond q;;.s lion, who aro the corrupt men, and therein they are ocrrupt. And herein tno treat cKlicoiy lies, as vce un.br it.ind the situation. 'J'ha ha hit of accus ing ci-ia of e rropiio i without beir g able to Mibsfcrattote tho charge has t, conro so prevalent that it is extremely dif ficult to toil who should be tl.iown over board and who retained as honest men. Yet wo cannot see wherein any advan tage could be obtained iu this re peet by abandoning party organizations, but we enn sea very distinctly, where Lai mid designing men would have tho advan tage in a general tcraiuble for o;5ce, re gardlcvs of paity. If a vvjjriij of the men compodt. the j.ii tics as they now exst e in favor of tlectinir c-rruut men to 01T1 , a the Omaha Herald and the Post scorn to indicate, thou w. "most certainly cannot tee where the relonaa tion would come in by abandoning par ties ; for in that event wo would have a cat u'nty of tho election cf corrupt men to ofiice. If th"se tusn are tha nl jrriy in the partien, they certainly would be a majority out f tha parties, or in a "no party" movement; hence, we say, an abondonment of party would inxure the election of orrtn-t men tooihee if the then ry of the Herald an 1 Pot i-correct' that the "aia3 of thj parties" is in favor of corrujitioa. Evuti tha Omtha Herald does not claim that it i only a majority of the Republican prty that is iu favor of el.-cting corrupt meu to otSce. Lot it admits tha't the Democrats are as bad, if not worse .than the Republican; Lcuce there is no argument in favor of the breaking up of one party that does not apply with equal force to the other. As we have a.ready said in tnis arueio, we ; believe the ou!y diilicaity in this whole matter is that the press of this State, for purposes best known, (if known at a'i) to those, who control the col utnns of tha various papera have been too Hxst and to-? uniustin these wholesale charges of corruption or, .ia other words, they have charged corrujlion without knowing whether their as sertions were true or false. And this wholesale method of charging corrup tion is but the legiiimiie rctult of the doctrine advocated by the Herald and Post ; for when we drop party politics that mpmant wp fsbajk pppn flja tf rjj- pestuous se of persjnnl -politico, whera all that is required to condemn a man is for &o'ue person, for any came they may ce fit, to cry out that hi is corrupt, eta. .No cian tfc3 to defend him, for he, too, will bo branded as a defender of corruption. Is it diflieuit to eo the rocks whereon the p-.litieal baric would !trar:d with su h a chart as the Oma' a Hcral l to K'lM--. it course ? Let u, rathor, abile ly the party or.irvilivion, su I wh'a a raan or et of u.tn are ac-eu-ed of corruption let tho accu.-er be called uoon to ."u;.ta:a his chrre? or be branded as a wiliful dtfiaitr of charac ter, and if the charges are .sustained, in a tumly wny, our word f ir it tlis party (wbich is composed of the people) wili soon plucs th-i guilty beyond the reach of doia public h -rra. triiERK'n nit; faik.xu. A f.w days ritice one of the prinoipl supporters of tho defunct Salt Land Uill presented that document to the ruana per of the Oujaha Iiepubiicin an i ake 1 its putlic.tion, in order that the readers of that journal tniht see for theuisslvos exactly what kind cf a document it was. and know all about the enormous "i'tial" it contained. -The manager laughed quietly, but declined to puMi-fc the bill, remarking that he did not think it was a very bad bill, but that they were obliged to hare something to howl about in ord er to defeat tho reconvening of the Con stitutional Convention. Now, while we care but little whether the convention was reassembled or cot. we apnea! to ir.fe'lit'ent n.en everywhere if there i rv.y hoiuaty ia tuch a cour.e as thi.- let it n atul as hjiieit anl tatr in tne co ir-e of tits Republican during tho re cent campaign for ttic Constitution, and in aidny V. her things we tuiht uicution. PAKTV vs. SU I'ASXy. "Tiis moment tho evil is cured we rhould ui.c, wiIi the sauie z?al that we n;w urg-.; in temporary abandonment, tha return to partj organization wtioso power ir: lio'dir-jr adujint.tratioris fromex-e..-!e.s is tho teat levvr, which v.e nei ther undervalue cor underrate." 1 Oma ha Herald. The Omaha Herald, in reply to an ar ticlj in this paper a fevr days ao, uses the above iaruju-.-ge, a portion of which Re fully ends;?. Dr. Miller admits that he h i.; herctorora favored strict par ty ofyaoizutio.i, but L is a l.ic2 not be in fallowed then, he now proposes to ajvecite a line of policy that will place th? Deiuoeratis parij- in power, when he svill La perfectly willing to return to strict party lins. It i.s to avoiv! the very thing of whicli the Herald con; plains,- tiiat we urye the drawing of t-trict p::rty lines, and t hold :r.fr.,i : v tt.r tits a t- of tho.-a whom (!;;' "tho Hera! I was right in uivlntr ptirly i tnen. (tv.j v'-ars a-oj an 1 tt I is r. i in ur.:in;r its teto;? -.-rary a ban it ne'.v." 11? i'Ji'c-.s to 4Le Le:s '.vo years n.o, and l.a situe ad tLat th-rv' was n irt-j in that l m :;a.ur bj a b-pti: g the Cut ! ho new u.-ivs, there would le ecu.' in the n1!'.. If tha people's movement was a i'lllura in tho p1. 'l w"s'l be no !e-a so in the future. and wo think ad wer.e by aree that it could t: ot b electing strict party men mi it s:: iti.-itKjiy. Senator Crp n'e: .-eem'tc have a very co:rx.:t ill; a of the remedy fi r j-ouio of otr pi iitlcal t v'.Ls as will bo teen from the f '.lowing extra jt fcoa a recent speech in the Senate. "The piii oant, witty, and p 3 tsena- j tor from N. ws.,-!; i on mv right Mr. Lipti nj rero! e : himself the other day into a i 'a-.--:ot ethi cr love-ti-a ?, end c nf: -s ed t hat w hea ho was elected Meu n r h? turned every! o ly out of o.liee to put l is frien s in, end that when his coi!caisiie whs clect d he permitted hi tuenus to Pe turnc'i cut to make room lbr the fi i"ii Is f Lis colhague. As I t.nd'i -:ond his speech, ho seemed to think that this was a greet wrong, and his eon .-bo-ion was that s-oms grtftt 'civil service refoiiu' v. as necep-.iry to prevent a repetition of tills bopiopnt-ty. I ndsht admit hi" p.tmi-e, but I dissent Iioim lils Colic: UslOII. ars l rivei'tu.'oiotr' was It tnis turnifg the oeople of N.e'ora-ka, thea no wrong has be l done; if ret, the remedy Li with the people of Nchra-ka." The Journal asked the following ques tion foiiiD days hikc, and we have been waiting patently to see what the States man would rep'y, but it has failed to "'come to time" so fer. Hy the way, when tin senior of he St.itf ?t!ian wei;t to t!; Governor a year ao, and said he va- po-r. and wanted to start a dii'ly to "d-efend him" and "show up Dr. M.ii-r," how much money did i.e demand and ect, arid how did he earn hi- flat k ma tl ? - . How uineh money did he lery on M-- Coiineh about the saoio time, for the same put po-e .' flow much oi 1 !.e gK from other ebizens of L nooln for the same purpose. Tell us the hi-tory of this u;t;i!y tran-aetion. and what you said about your present patron, A. J. Ciop.-ey. We understand several suits will be commeneo 1 immediately, again-t a num ber of different parties, lor the recovery of stolen property. ALo-it $3'K).UcM) f j State fund- have heenst'den hv therin and a portion of it con l-s recovered if aotions are commenced while tho thieve., hire some property l.f.. Ac. Ci'y (JJtrmiicJe. We hop these suits will be commenced immediately, and among tho first we would su trite-1 one ngiin-t his acting Ex cellency, for the money paid to Pat. O'Hawes without warrant, or authority of law. The trialof Tweed has bee'j put over until the March term. It is probable that he will now take his seat, as the case does not come up until after the cIog cf tb.e Legislature. VLA'l TSMO UTII" NEBRASKA, 'I he fcalinc; iit . An Act, To Aid in tae Diclopn:cnt of the Saline iutcrests of. the State of Nebraska. . '' j'5' V H sheas, The Governor of this rte iea-ei crvaiu lunds m .Lancaster Co'in'y to I.-j:iao Cairn aui down .i. Lvau-, wr.o transferred thsir le.-e and ail 'lights re. jaii otl tinder and by viru: f I lie saeie to I-uaiCatm A: C oupaoy ol it Josepii, iu the Stale ot Mis-.oujl, which lease will tei oiioaie by its own lenu iu the j 3 ear isyu; and - i . ft. -?iy n t. n ukcl-u, J.ii3 eaia isao vaiin ct Co., hive exptuJci laige puuo of mo uey iu boring welis on .-aid laad, and in making improvements on thd s;ouc lor tlu purpo e of to inulattui unc a; and HKiifAS; lioiing to the Ucptu ol six hundred feet haa.rea ly been 'aceouip-in-ije. the result pt' winch is a laige aud constantly flowit:g wt-ll; and wheieus it is de-itahl to have ti.e said intercut mere fully devtl n ed in order to make tl:e same productive and proiita le to tne State; Therefor-, le it eoacted by the Je!ature.vf the Stat? of Nebraska. SecjioN 1. 'J hut Jor the purpose of aiding in the development of tue Saline interest of the Mfate, the lauds donated, or liL-riaf.er to bi donated or .-laiitsd by the Genera! govcinuitut to t tie Slate of Nebraska for Mich pui yo-o and wot hare tohue disposed of by Uw not' leaicd to any other party or parties, bhall Le, and are hereafter appropiiated and set apart fr the use and Oeneiit of sa d l.-aao Cahn &Co., and for the purpose afore said; Provided, tiie said Isaac Cairn & Company khall comply with che condi ti ns liertinai'ter contained. And when the said Compuny or assigns, had com ply with the conditions of th:s act, it tljall be the duty of the Governor ot tiie tstaco to make and issue to sai 1 I-aac Cahn and Compa iy or thrir a sig:i, let ters patent froui tha State of Nttlaka for said land. Sf.C. li. liefore the .-aid Company or asixns ha;l Le tntitled to receive any part of said ia: d. the sum of at least fcfty thou-and d !;ais sbali be hereafter ex pen .lea m developtug the Sahu-j inter est anl iii Jiiaki;- preparations to mau itfacturo salt, by boring or sinking at least one well to the depth of titieeu hundred feet, uuless salt brine can be ob tained at a less depth, of futlieient strength in produce by solar evaporation, one pound of salt to every ten pounds brine, certified to by the professor of Cbemistiy of the Statd University. And the fbrenmn, or manuf .cturing agent of uch Company, sh ol make j.nd ti. with the Governor of th? Statfl, his adiiavi: with vouciiers, showiig tha jui ouot of :noii'y so expended br sac! p'trpost; aui if the atTilavit cud vouchers shw to the i'af'td'jctio.i of tho Governor, Au dit(.r and TreaniPr, that sveh ti:u has beeu so expended, end that the condi tions of this aet have in every .rc-pect been compiied with, thsn it shall bo the duty of the Governor to make nn 1 cae eaid letters patent from the State of Me bruska, to said Company or thir : s-iirns, f 'rth-land IWciu granted and stt npart t.ir tuch purpose. Sec. 3. That the State cf.Vebraslca shah in entitled to receive a royalty of two cents per bu-hel for ah the salt manu factured on tiio Mud land, t be paid af ter the suit shall le s!1, which sum of money thall be paid into tho i;:a"e TreaMiry to be Appropriated cud di ro.-cd of aborting to law, and it sh r 1 Oi ihe. Tr: a-:ir r or te.e mon-it . tur.iig aeut of mi: a c on pany, .n-d ictur or it as.-:.-:iis lo make out a sta'euien- in w.-itii.s uni: r oatii, ;ia 1 II its tke same vri:h tie A i.:.t-...r oi Si ate ?how:rs the amount o. .-.t m nniisctui'ci uu 1 on i wli.eh tho duty is to I , . ;1 o , , tio paid, t-ueh , ' . , aie ana med on -. . . flfd'.cmctit sliati te so ma the fir.-t dav of IVbuury, Me.y, August and Novetcber of each. Sa: l scat merit ldll a!-o ho.v the amount of Mil sold ai the time aforesaid, and it sh dl be the daiy id' sai l Com any to. pay into l ho Said Treasury the Pioney due the St to. 1 th f'. O.f f r.JiO hiiwli. ! -!- ai! salt .-old, w liich sums slia'i ho so paid w'uhiu ten days after maUiftg such rj-poit-i, and if the mid company or it.--as-sign- sh-i!i -ir-cept thi oTr huretn m id.:, ss-ent in hi1;:::; shri! Le given an 1 tiled wish 'he Govi-renr wit Liu ;ixtydvs ;if. er the pass uo o; tnis acr. audi a sue m if; tha satd cm: j c: 3- or ct-ij us shall e: cute a t eiiil fo i :u- ( t .tctirasa in the it I eiid to j-rate ( t .icii: kum of lifi v t hou-ian i doiho s. to ? ecu re the paymrnt of the money to become due to tiie Nate under the provisions ot tins act, which bond shall bo filed and ap proved by the Governor of the State. See. 4. Afier tho expiration of one year from tho pas-age of this net, it shall be iiecu-.-aiy fbr said cmpeny or assigns, to manof icture at leas fifty thous and bushels of salt annually, and the said company or assigns fhall enter into bond to tiie State in the turn of twenty-live thousand dollars, to bccure the payment to the-Stat? of the royalty f,r such mount of salt ; which bond shall be approved by and filed with the Governor of the .State. Si'C. 5. That the levees or asiens. ;ba 1. at thi esp'r 1 ion of said base, renter to the r-fare cf ;thra-ka the Ian 1 so leafed, to-vvitt Three bullied and twenty ncres of toe land to include the we 1 or weils, and all improvements now madj thereon, no part of which said three, hundred and twenty acres of lao shall be sold for such purpose, to gether with all shaft?, buildings, vats, working machinery and fixtures of every de-criptioa. Provided, that if the sai i Issu es or their assigns, th ill prefer to sell the mid bnidir.gs. viits. working machinery and fixture, v.hich may here after be made thereon, to the Stale ol Nebraska, attwo thirds of t he appr.ii.-ed value, to be u-cert.iioed by a ui-intereated appraisement. iy three commissioner- to tie appointed bv the G vcrtior fbr that .,. n ,1,.... ,1..", c-. : . , pay therefor tiio two-third's value of the game. Provided, thai this act shall in no way impair th validity of the said I a-e to saul tiiree hundred and twenty acres cf land, nor any other lease u rider which operations are now Icing crried on, the said premises being situate n Lane-aster eouaty, in the State of Ne braska. See. G. The salt springs granted to the State by the Genera! Government are h-lt-)!., V.T,Ji. 1 ,S It C. In .... -1 f. ...tn .. .s ' I viti- j i iiinL von 1 1; s iu cuia sjii log, to ! selected by tiie Governor, Auditor and Tiea-urtr, u! the northwest quarter of section throe, town nine, rana six, and the Km ih half of tajctk-ti' thirteen, town fen, range six, tire hereby reserved to tho Srate and shall never be di-:o-ed of fur tha purpose herein eo.f em pl.t ted ; provided, tilso, that the i-m ls b-nun apr propriared .-ball never exceed ia the ag gregate ten thou-and ae:e. S f. 7. All acts or parts of acts in consistent, or which in any Way conflict with this aet are heiehy repealed. Sec. 8 'I his act shall tnkeeifcct and be iu force from anl after its passage A Keutucky farmer refused to buy a Fewlng machine! "1m sowed his whe;tt out cf a bucket," and tho woruaa could new his clothes with her needle. Til UllSDAY, FKBkU.AltY 8 TELEGRAPHIC Locdoa. February 5. The Times of Saturday ustd the Ibl lowing languiga: "'rte ref uJtats ti.e const-tict'.ou which has been put upoa the Ireaty of Washintrton in the Amri csn ti;f. and must withiraw fr-uu arti tratboi if thi- construction is insisted on, but if this point is rectified we are ready to-tand loyally by ihe'treafy." Tho Times to day is afrai.l that an at tempt to solve the Alabama duSeuhy iiiw prove abortive, and hope its fail ures will not excitu bitter feelings ia America. t The Post thinks it will bo time enough when the United States refuses to withdraw their demand for indirect earnae, to deeida upon future action. Menaces are now utig-raeiou The News says the Quern in her speech on the opesiinir of the Parliament to tiiOTi'W, will express the wish that the tribunal sit Geneva may be able to proceed with its duties on a basis accept able to the Kngh.-h Government. The weekly preM is savage and belli cose. epeciaby the Saturday Review They pen' rally took the ground that the United States preferred to have no set tlement, but wished to hold these Alaba ma claims as a perpetual menace for po litical use?. Tha tono of the press on the Alaba ma c'aims is tlinhtly tucderated All look forward to the Queen's fpecch to morrow lor a po-itive announcement oi the stand taken by government in resrard to the American en-e. A mastf meeting of Republicans and supporters of S.r Chafes DHke wili be held to-night in Trafalgar Square. The Pall Mali Gacetta of this af.er noon fenys it has strn a copy ol the Queen's pepch, to bo deiivere I at the op-enin? of the Parliament to-morrow and publishes an abstract of it. The Gazette fys considerable pnea have ben devoted to the sul jret uf the Ala bama claims, u,non which che Queen eays : "To uphold the sanctity and to extend the area of my international ob ligston, I have concluded a treaty with th Uuitcd States of America for ihe eettleiner.t of ouc tions which h.tve been di?cu-ud for fonie years Ir hav ia.c become obvious that the horr rs of w..r ::ro avoiaMe by peaceful aibitta menr. inst':id of nrbi rKtiient by tho word. I have piven n y eminent to a re feienoe of the Alabama claims to an in ttrnari'inal tril uual, jnh iu uuhoriry, to t. hii h their deci-cion con! 1 l ave been entrusted. Through pardonable over sight on the part of the tieeotiaf ors. the eiims were not explicitly bmit-1 to di rect !is!'s. and therefore the President of the United State h.i pnifarred con idr.rb!e amount of indirect claims, to many of which my government has de murred. I hpo tho amount to be ulti mately dt-fiaycd wiil ri"t cxeesd the Preach payment to Germany." L or Ion, Fiibruary 6. P,tr!i;rnnt opened shortly after noo.n. The Queen's speech to par iame.ot be gins v.i:h thanks to God for the recovery of it i! W.-tiia." lit" W'nrcs. cat c.n,-s-ses ,'.-r:;'.itu f.;r thj rympttliy of the p'op , anl announces n day of pubiio ih;;tix;iivr.jj to b-J appointed. There lation with foi-iin powers nro friend y and in all r? pets sarisfactov. The trade in P nvric-io. is severe:' .ly ,1. 1 iioune- I. and a t ill tor its si'po' o-smti a ' , . . 1 , i-,,r . 1 promised to bo oitrod.iCfo. lu'iorts 10 ' ,, . ... i secure tii3 eonMunance ot tho-commer cial treaty with Franco is so far unsuc cessful, but neeotihtionara sti'I p md n? Th'; only reference to the Alab una c'aio s V) as fo.lows : I'i: i arb'traror-i appoint d pursuant to the treaty of YlTa-hingt 11 for the purpose fr amicably seubug the Ai-ihau'ia claims held thd. f;r-t meetimr at Geneva. The case wcr.s Said b fore the arbitrators in behalf of each pnr'y. In the cases to be so subnrtted by Amori ca, !rre claims were in luded w!)it.h wr.: undcr-tood, on mv part, not to be w;t !i the province of the arhitia!or. On this su! j ct I h;ve cau ed fiiendly comniunicatioii to Lo tn ado to t!:c j.-ov- ernmmt of tho Unite! States, One poriiou of tho trjia'y yet resnir s the consent of the Canadian p irii uaeaf. '111 condition of Ireiund is improving, morally and materiaily, lend oiiruean l pesupeti-m in Great IJritaiu are e-n eas ing. The estimates will soon be lai 1 be fore the House of Common, which her m.iics'y hopes will prove favorable, and indicfitJ a pioq erous condition of the Liogdom. Tho speech enumerates the measures to bo submitted for p n liament ary action among thrm a bill for educa tion iu Scotland, and e-iabushinz the ti-c-n-e sj'.-teiii improving tha law for pioeedure- ; providittg for votin j by bai lor, and preventing bribing and puni-h-ir:g it. After referring to vari ok other subjocts of but to e le; i-lat ien, tho royal sotech closes with an expression of con fidence in the people, and that parlia tnetit. will sustain the crown in upholding the rights and honor of empire. The Times this morning preserves the tone of moderation it assumed yesterday on the mil ject of American claims. It deprecates the intemperate denuncia tions of the treaty and hope, it wiil lea 1 to no hasty action. The present duty of Knglish state.-nian is to say or do noth ing iiki ly to prejudice any attempt to re move t'te mi-nnder-tandine. The Daily Tilegraph pronounces the claim for indirect damnges in Jefen-ible. ina Imis-iblo and b ist'Ie-s. anl regret any hesitation on the part of the Lon don press to stigmatize t!se-e di rounds as they de-erve. The intention of Kng land cannot h too 6tmni,' impressed on the United States. The" Telegraph feeis conviuoed that the Ameriein government will witlidraw itscxtraordinarv demands. The demonstrations at Trafalgar square list night by the supporters" of Sir Charles Dilke, was attended with com parative quiet ; the profession, number ing at least fourteen thonsand persons, many of whom wore Phrygian caps, marched to Trafalgar square. Numer ous red fiaus were !onit throughout the hue. The band plaved tho Marseil le At the banquet of the liberals at Lam beth last night, Win. MeArthur, M. P., in a speech referring to tha Alabama e i-e, s i I, lie scorned tha claims of the United States government for indirect damages. At the opening -of tho session of . the imperial parliament to day the o ftndaneo of members were unusually full, while a crowd of specta tors Wfre to Ge seen in the ga!!erirt and nnou the floor of the house of Iord- The speech was read by Lord Chancellor Ilstherly. - Captain John Philip No'an. home rule candidate ha been elected to par liament from Ga'way. F. S. Powel, conservative csndidate elected from West Bedirgj Yorkshire. -r r e . v r New York. F.-Ve-.rr 5. A special di-p'tteh frim I-x:o-, &ay" th 1 1 It tas trader" ot the re v of itmnsry i.'ant bapiurei at St. Fergo, about 3d miis freui M'itai.ioia.'i. The Heraid s Washington .cc'.r says thii .excitement among high cJ:ou! in that city in consequence of tha relation with Kuiaod i-- vr grea, .nd there has been constant co.oter?rices b-;twea reoTeerft-a;i.-es of tho Amoric vrj Govern Kisr.t with the English H:nba-fy. Ttia situation iu HoglaaJ, as reprpsf nt kd by tLe Knglish legation at Vvashing ton, is of the grave-t character. The Tory party, although represented by Stafford and Northcote, oa tin j int high cominis-ion desires forcing thw Ala bama claims upon Parliauicni and com pel sue.h a vote as would declare its want of confidence in the Glad-tone admini--tration, in coa equenee of seeking an amendment' of the Alabama case to par ry the assault of the Tories. Dispatches have been received at Washington, urging the government to withdraw its claims for consequential damages. A Herald special says tho President is firm in the convietiou that the case as presented by our government, hall rot be amended or withdrawn. He regard tha Geneva Commis.-ion as a court, and feels America has a riht to go before that court like any other party to action and leave the question to its deei-cion. If CUf C.-;e tdiuws any surprising features the fault wili be With the Knglish, who permitted theuiie've?, for their own gain, to become parties to acts of war upon tho United States. ihe Pre-idenr al-o feels that the no ce -sities of any Kmtlish cabinet iuu-t not be permitted to Ibsce Lis administration ioto a false position. A dispatch has ben received from Minister Schenck to the efT ct that the excitement in London is inteuie, but no recommendations are made. Thornton combats th" view of the ad-mini-tration as to the Geneva commis sion being a court, and urges that it 1 e treated as un amicable conference. He contended that there could Le nn peace if oureae was pre-ented in tho foria of au iudictmenr fbr misconiluct. Secretary Fish doo not see how any claim could bo withdrawn. If in Ins judgm nt, fir Alexander Cockburu sliould withdraw, there would be no hope of any amicable settlement. Mr. Kviirts is about to return fo thia country to receive further iu-lruolions. A letter from St. Petersburg says the couire of ttatacazy is not with the aj pmvid of his a-eociates in the foreign oCice. Secretary Fi-b is severely criticised. The Il'-rsld editorially says the fact that the British representative at Wash ington is instructed to make proposals of accommodation and compromise of the Alabama claims with our Govern meot a an in-ult to. ur nation. If Great IJrifain U lia'd for the loss of our c n iin rce and prolongation of our civ il w;ir. tha ilt'ooiges awarded must bo paid peaceably, or will .bo collected at the point of the bayonet. Tlr? Times says the action of the Brit ish Government will be a matter of sur-pri-e to Americans. The Tribnnr' sa s if popular clamor in Kng'an.l hou'd (nine! a withdrawal I'moo tl.e treaty of VTasl-.in'ron. it is oot (ho United State- that wili be the heav iest loser by such a course. . The World says it looks as if the ad minis ration has overshot the mark i i trying to make party capl'a! out of this controversy, and if the treaty is repudi ated the public verdict will be that tho Piesi lent and his advisors have brought a great quebtiort instead of settling it. New York, Fibruarv 5. Strikes wa- brought before the Court of Oyer and Terminer, this morning. A large attendance of spectators and all of Stokes' counsel were present. Judge Cardozr was on the bench. District At-Px-ney Garvin demurred tn some of the pleas of Stoke' counsel. Traverse, one of the prisoners const!, said it would require time to prncmr TfitoaMftS. and a jury would be neoesssary. The Judge sai 1 be would -umnion an additional jury of 5!i, anil then adjourned Court to Mot'diy. TLe issue to "be ll.cn tried U that raised by the previous counsel against the legality of the indiefmcat of tho Oyer and Terminer grand jury. Nr3w York. Feb 6 Tho Times announces that Mayor Hail and Nathsn S. Sand-, were indicted ye.-terd.ty by the grand jury of g"nera! sessions. It is stated that Peter Svee ney arrived t'otn ft. CatJieiiie's, and wiil be arre-te 1 to-dsy and be bailed. A special dispatch says that advices from Minister Schenck confiro-the state ment that the auack on the Vwishfngteii treaty were instiga'ed by the Gladstone Government to offset attacks of the To ries to t he effect that England over reached in the Ala ha mi negotiations. Another v!w inducted by Schenck is that th" Kn tli-ih flurry is all gotten up to prejudice the arbitrator-8 aeaimt the ArnerieancH.se. Tlif-re h is been a rumor in ci eolation in Washington thst the Engh'sh pre-shas been mads a vehicle of H'ock jobbing enterprise. Secretary Rnut well svs the whole thing is a jo!. The President stated yeferdiy that the demand of (he English Government tha'' the Confederate lo-.in bp considered ps a proper claim conflicts with tho con stitution. The suegosf inn that Presi dent Grant held won! 1 bo acceptable tn Hngeind to withdraw our c'aims of con sequential danriiteo, was one which had been submitted fo the joint, high corn mi-sion, st which t nn o ir own Govern ment indicated ' it willingness to accept the gross mn in lion of sneli demands, but the proposition was rejected. WASHINGTON SENATK.I Washington D. C. Februiry G. ?Ir E Imunds offered a resolution call inir upnn the President for any informa tion in hi posses-ion of the intention of Great IJritaiu to revoke th treaty of Washington, unless trie claims of the United States are presented in a man lier agreeable to the other party. lie supported the resolution and said the Drotish frovermont had full notice of the nature of the American claims. If they now are about to repudiate the treaty let us 5ay ' Amen," and take care not to enter into any more treaties w:th powers eo ready to "break thrin, and at the proper time take measures- to vindi cate our national honor and enforce our just olainis. Mr Trnmbu'l d -preeatoj the adop tion of Mich a resolution upon ihe mere report that England was going to rejm dite the treaty lapd Parliament mr rt NO- 1j! a-si-ml led. If tho tountry wanted tho t.eaty repudiated the best way to have it d-me would be to ic.-uit G.eat Diiliau vby iiii--rc-oiutiui:. Mr. Cameron, Chalm ai o'llieFor eing Coi;iatitti.. thought thn Presi de ut had no Sie;ii L.fj.-.at: on a- the res olution railed for and bud no L! a that Ki.xiand propuies to repudiate the treaty ilr. & imuad gava . no tic j that, he woai 1 call up lo m o row l.i, veiohition asuoiiue i, and uive i!i pa.waj.. s.'ir ft T;Z i.-ri. "".-:, CUlcago Cntll Hnrkl . Chicngn, February 6. Cattle receipts l,hd; tuastly poor quality; market quiet and firm fi r good ehippinjr steers at unchanged pi ices, fair to choice eelllr.i: at 4 !oU'( OU, and miall lots of extra at G ot, for lorrcrl grades, no dtmand nd piiees weak. . Hogs receipts 12,0lA; marktt opened fairly active; hates ranged 4 214 GJ, mostly 4 204 3'J, cljkirg dull with a lower tendency. Sheep receipts 11 00, market firm at 4 01(4 25 for common to medium; 5 60 ($7 UU for good to choice. Cbici 1'rttilace MarUtrt. Chicago, February tk Floar quiet, firm and unchanged Wheat Qaiet, opened firm, but clos ed weak ; No 2, 1 J cash for February; 1 2li seller last hall ; 1 26 g March: N 1 quiet at 1 281 2'J ; No 3 firm nt 1 i4 Corn Opened active nod firm : No 2 4o;J cash ; declined to 40 ; closing steady at4uj bid, ca-h or Februa y ; seller la.-t half sold 4 J0J d I ; .March 41 (n-41 i clos ed quiet t in-ide ; rejected, noid to the extent of one carat iGf ; car firm at 40. Oat- In fair demand an 1 firia ; No 2 2i ci-di : reacted, firm at Rye Sc-srue r.nd firm at 733"74 for regular and fie-h. Uar'ey quiet and ur n. Hogs Dresied, fairly -ciive an 1 Hea dy fjr light weitbta ai 510 ; heavy weights easier at 500. W hi-key Buyers and sellers apart at 8.. bid, 8!)- a-leo-l. wi.h no sales. Provisions wei.k. Pork active, but lower ror e.i-h ; mess opened 12 iV, de c'iucd to 12 25 12 30, and closed quiet; March deel r.ed to 12 4 ; April; 12 G"; both cio ed weak. Lr-i is-s active and e i-i r ; tio-ed 8f cash: 8f March, y U5 April. Green meats Heady and un changed. Drv .';alt meats weak end quotable at4? for shoulder-: 5 for ruaiit sides ; 0 for short ribs; G for bhort clear. lit. Loalv Iro.Iue SSarltxt. St. Lou'.s, February G. Four firm; super western 50; X G 10.;G 26; XX G 46(t 0 76. t Wheat heli h ghci, on y a few .sample lots sold. Corn, rbtii; high mix"d on tmck 41(t42; o 2. i:: e e aior 37i. Uarley cjuiet No. 2. 15 il.-e, .-i-.v. No. 2, .. Whisky .loo :c i7j. I'i sk dull and nominal at 1 3 i0; bu.k tti' ais tlull aud nominal at GiCiV'jj. i'lteked bacon; small lots of lose clear r.h 71, clear 7ij. Lard firm at 8(o.O. Hog trm et 4034 50. Cat tle quiet at 2 25-5 50, iwr I'arlles. A great deal of talk is hear! on every street orn-r on the subject of "new par ty" oiganiz if ions. It is urged that neither of the old parties has done much for us, and eventhalate "reform" inove-iticiit-i havi! totally failed of nccou.plish ing the c! j ct souirht. A wcuking man's party is demanded on on? band, amd many other schemes proposed, all of which ?onk ju-t and fea-ible, but when we consider that human nature is about the same the world over, and that you must rely upon the m in end not upon the name by which he is called, it is plain that any raw party will be impo tent to correct the evils which now bc-et us on every hand It is ttue the machi nery of a nw party rc'ght be propelled in better shape, and outside of tb.e old and well organized rings of existing par ties, but it would i;oon be manipulated a- before. We euggest therefoie to tho-e conetnp!jting such new plan that they move to purify the oil panics. Nebr,,' f "is a small part of the im Irnr. and we sdvm.a move lo such a man ner rt tn unite our energies with those of other "-fates. If the honest prr'ion of- our peoplo would act together in fhvor of tho party in power and purify if, the pieei-c ob ject wc ae Keeking would be attained by the shortest arid best mwhod Think of it, gentlemen. Xch. City j.hromclt Plantation Bitters. ! iOOJ A. Tliis wonderful vfgetaUa restorative i the Eh -et-aoehor of the feeble ar.d de bilitated. As a tonic und cordial for lh aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the ner voui weakness to which women aro es pecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi cal, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines tha bodily strength sml breaks down the animal piiits. Pec. 20. diw lyr. Beautiful Women. I HACAf.'H MACN03IA CALM give to tha Com ptaxica tii 9 Frechn f Yauih. IIaOam's KAGNOLli lAt,vi oTerooTuea the CinLea ippearance eausrd by hmtf, f itcrac and exeiteraeiit. It makes thu Ja.J7 of forty aj-pcar but twocty, and cii'.ural tnl pcrfeet that no per n can detect its ap;u:catia. Vy its use tiie routhett ttia is iac-Jv- to rivul the pare radiant texture of youthful beauty. It removes redneM, blotchp?, r.tii tiuislcs. It contaios notLir tbat will injure the fkiu tbs ias;. Magnolia Uai.m U u.cd by all fa.-binabl ladles in New York. Lo. don a:id I'urir. It casts oaiy eer.t per U ttlo, un 1 i id 1 by all Druygi.-U aud Perfumers. Dee, 23. dJtvr lyr e 31 w. F. 1 ODAP S notice aud Sin l'tiinter, iir.iir.inj. pap.'-r-binour and otnituieiiL&l I'ltinticir. Urocrs prpmpdy aiWd.A ahP corrb Price's loirc- I . -i8 oo; nr Jiiia and f-.iv-w Ut . ,1s Ar.tr . ' ' , lnr ti'irOa. E. t M, It. H IN wtTio. aifvioss. aarr ut TllAI.S' 3S Ar.S.i. . Ar- XZt P. 3 Ar. 3.00 1. Ar. 3 44 P. J Ar. P. j Ar.4 ia Ai. : " ' Ar. iy.a -i. i.u - Ar. 10 . - ' Ar. 10 1 - Uo;tu " Ar ttJO f.. VI 00 A. M.. FU!Wnnft. U.l!io3A..M. ' ? iha Juno. 1.-. lv..0 A. . l oivl!o. Lo. 11 (A A. M. b-outli li-oi. Ar. ilOOA I I. 1 Alil.tud Ajr.il, IS " (JrrenTod Ar. ii e& :a , 1 Vavrrljr Ar. 2'.'.' 1 " 4?rtWOu Ar. VLLQ " J.incola Le2.' Lliicota Le -2.:i. I Mntoil L. H.Oo tltftuliucnl Ar rt.'O Crete Lm Z.99 Crt .- t l)i)Vcheitrt Watar Matrea Vkter r'tati TkinnoBt - ft ailun ... V ate r rtUi Harvard'. 6. yr. K.SE. Ar 99 L a.a Lt Hit Ar ?.30 TRAIN X0. La. 4.1A P. M. l.o.5;r p.m. Le. KJ. P. M. La.floo P.M. Ar.T.ifi V.U. Ar. 15 " Ar- 8.4a " Ar. y.oe . " Ar. 9.30 ' Crcta .. a m j m Ar.a V Witt baairlM Ar S.l " tIAlr:'. Ar. Ar. B-IlTA. if Ar. T.4.'.A. M Ar. 7sl-' A. M Lo. ti Jc A. U Ar. fi.10 " A r. S.0 Ar. fil m L: 6.il " . Lr.Mii an Ar. 4.15 Ar.-3. a.ao p q Ar .o " Le. tf0 Le 2,:?J J.el.ta l.o I M Le li: I.- n.:o Le ll.i"J Platt-anooLh. (lU!a:. JuoC. Louisvile. S mth heed. A-tilanil. ti-et-nwood Wavcrty Newtoa lar.cola Llu.v.ln IU-ntoo , 11 iehiioai Crete .rWohftter : k rrStaticn Wtiier .Sot iott Fiir'iiount tJrnton Vi'nttr .-Utiia Hiov'ir.l Ira. S,no a ra Le. 9vj Ar. !.'- L so Ar. 10 00. " Ar IM.-JO Ar H.ei Ar 11.40 ' " Ar lJ.n Ar J-j "r F fird furuics itu'ii. ate naaii)a l !ai. "nly Aloa my. VV filni" !; ntiT ri I. y. t Oi.'.r 'iu iit;. 'ihutsilays. ai.d Sa.ur nt The time iiivcii bhve is that of I'Litumouid tuai 33 u:iiuts sluwcr tlian t'!iii;ag. OilAOA Si SOUTU'iVESTliRK. 2b 7b.' rjeet Muni'u, JJay.ZHth, lsTL Ia cor.n-ciinn witti Curtinftoa A JUiMoiart liver Kailroa 1 in Ncbjr.sV.a. Depot at foot of Jones Strert LEiKS. AK&ITV9. 3 mat a v"0 a. tn. do ..0;l0 . ui. Lincsla :-:'J0 n. m. 1,00 p.m. Lincoia 120V) p. ro. do i:00 p. m, Oir.aha. 11:10 . ra. Jo ... O.U y ia Ill J - v it' Ta the East North ani Southeast SIAXI0N3. ATLtsrto KirktSS 1IAIL. LeaTe Plattiinoath, Arrir Burlinctoa...,. Mfodota ..i....., i ZG p. ta. . 6.; 9 a- u. 11 "ii a- m. t.X a. k. 9.13 p. m. 3.55 a. to. . 7.45 a. ce ' 1.30 a. . 1&.00 . n. . 4.p.sk.i a. oj e.-'O . nt. " Chieago(C BJQ ) 1 .3) p. oi. CiCO i- a. 11.33 r- nt. I. lb p. n c 2.4j a. ta. " Teor'a. - I.d'plU'I.B.sCTT. Cioeinnati " Loganrp't.T.rJk W - Columboi " tSuTbrouirli f ar frot:i u-j.'oiiTi Hirer In C11 KO. n li.ir.ui'olia, Cinciunat i, Lujito.'ort naJ Co'utnLiU'. tVinnerien at thrf.- points trltti lints lftd loat -o the Kino, tooth uml '.ai-.i. 'I hi- is tho ileal, Sh j- Uut. 4" ''-'. t . ' an-J Clitay ft Itoute Io not bo dsciiveil. bat "bt.-vin Tia'net r jJ Ian linroiiir'n ami n..iou;i l.tirtr l-.siiroad.. A.K.TnL'ALlX. C 11. Pi Ulvl -il; J Ci.c'l iioVut Agent.' Csk'ibopt. -.f X. C. ST. JOE. 4 O S. R, R.' far raciyio jrxr-riorr iow.t woiso sobtu. ooi si sorra )T"I and nipreis..,S:".) p. ra. 7:'vt . ra. jii-Ot b'xpref s.t... 8:15 a. in t.'JO p. m. Tiiin Bivr i iiMenrii from Plattirmoatli otosa tonn'otion poms tiiuili or Xortu b leaviug hurv ja taei:luy. ia. train. irtltlVAL AKD DEPARTUKR OF MAILS. tll.CT?! CLOSJ3. ARIV 10 p in. lO.'JO r b 10 (. ui I". 0 p ui 13 p in. 1 J.;s.' . m . y a m. 4 i rc . Iu p .n le n Ui 11 a in., j J u is. O. T. 3t. .1. e P.. P.. f? onth C. li. A' sit. Joe R. Ji. Kurta. IS. A- M. lt. K. K:t.-:. B. A- M. K. It. Vet. ; i Om'ia ly i'.i.il VV'eepoig VVii'rr. Vt;,r.iiki Citv. t,- Stute. 0 p ci. 8 i u. Poparts ."imIm'-s, Wwdni!" rt:J ItiJaji, Buuiitrs. 12 to 1 i mr J. V. MAltSHALL. P. it. tr" Sircdori!, S-ntt: H?n 2t rTepteinljcr lir.t Ii Ifut;-b Ir. Luiii. (ii.':.'in 1- in iiinta i5 htilbam v-ir-Kiitras'a 11:11 It Uljrtl .tie iiliensr. U hri!iurt fli'il-t derd'-i'.it vi! jelzt f.u rci".'!ina'e.-f iir allull Tajestalt. Minuter Kev. L iluaoanaOl. rihST PKr.si'.tTrm t erth ri.Iiv;f .Vain t. est if s.i.th Kev. li. W. Cunc-run ; Srrvi' ia erj-Siebii.ith ntlla. in. nn'i:.' p. n. ;! . ith iri,o.ii :it ?:S0 a- m.. Thus PolloeW .-ip. ia -ndtnt. Pniyir mcutii.g evc.y Welc3aiiy rcciiiK ct 6:20 o'c'.oi.. MTnorttsT ErismrAi NTc-.t M. or Sixth jfn-et. foulli .f Main Pev. J. JI. Pruti. firrvieencvery K ibWh at U' 3J a. ra. ami 7 p. ra.' fruyer uit-:tiii t-vcrj- TKur.iay evetiing. 1'i.itsi ctri.-tin.i every M.o l,iy evei.inr nnd onuit I uto tv utte- riiifo of iaVit.btb utoi'iiuig orvic saliiKith sehool at l':30 Conokkoatiov,! Corner L eu..t bo'I Eij.-t-.th fir. iter. 1!. F Mud Wi-II, rr.-Lln e Tuo-im: r.i Ue treen 4lb anil A-hsis servlcfj i v.ry siiiti'e.itii it 11a. u.:.ia'l G;00 p. in. ffiilibiith S?;'hnl at 12: 10 p. in. Prayer nice tic i every WtJutmia' Teoing. Km. scot a i. Corner Vina find Thir-I stre'M Xev. H. C. Sua S'rviee4 every .-ualnjr to 11:00 a m. nnrl 7 p. tn. stitpJay tcb'iol t 3 p. m.. Prof. d'Allcm ia.l, t-'upt. j Cukistias f orrict In Court lion-e Hall (i ft. Mu!!n, local preacher. Lideia, Iraaa M0! j and T. J. ToUd. Cathoi-ic !or-h ai ief.f Public -biuare ILsv Tuthcr 1 layer, firr t Mh.- every Sabbath at "OCJ . in.. Second Mim mid i-rei iti at llteJO a. in., V'eiipers and Ucauditrtinu at 0S:0u p. in. Hs at 8 a. m. every week day. - I. O. O. T.V.i'talf-r roeetinm of Platte Lo.lg-e. No. 7, 1. tl. . 1'. every licturd.-iy eveai.m. M Odd i'sMutti) Hull. Trnocicnt I'.rotberi are ;or lially invited lo riit. Ji. M. CHAPMAN N. O. II. Neb-haw. See. I.O. O. V. Plattfinonth Enruinmnt o. S. P.erular C'ouvocsitions the 'la-lnui ilit I'rida' of ef h month at Old Fellow Hall ror. Jd "ul Main fU. iiaiKiHit Pniriiirclix conlially oiT.a .vi3it. l. 11- VVUELLMt. CP. II. J. bTftsianT, Scrits M30SIO PtATTSaotTH Loiicz No. a A. r. A A. f'i. KeR.i'ir.r niec'Ds at th"r htM cn the first and thir.t Mwnday eveaina-.of tu ruou.iu Vracaiect brtthorii iniLe 1 to visit. 1. U. W ILKtLVtt. V. ia. P. E. Rrrrsis. bve. Mcoy T.orr.-j No. tt A. P. A A. T.f . It.1, ta-c'icja l M;ionic Hall, first third Pri - iao. : J. $i WISH. V. M. L M. VToLr. fee. NBt aic a CitAetitri No. 3 R. A. M. P.estilta trinvoeatioiia accord lui i foiiriji Tuesday eva aici of e3 month at 7.4 oYiocV p. in. li.It.UVlNUoIONII.P. X. A, KfaarATaiva, hoc T. O. G-T. ti.jvi BRAFrR.'lCo.S- D rrrea mm ""HV1WI if A'l n.OU. r ui v.W7 i . j- - m a rv" f'f --'itt j j i 1 ' ; A h b d I." N . r'l !1