1 ! "I ! it Ii i i - i ! i I i 1V ,4 PLAT1S5J0UTH NEBRAKSA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1S72. tiis; o.o wor.it). Vc notica that the winter has set in with unusual severity ia England as well 3 ia this country, acd that there is great Buffering among the poor. Our attention be;ng called to this, we took occasion to refer to ano!J Look contain ing some records in regard to the weath er of that country, and of portioti3 of the eattern continent, and were sur prised to find that at times they have had winters that would bo considered eevere in Cacada. Ia J 814 the Thames was f.czen so firm that booths were built on tho ice. Aguin, in 1789 that river was frozen euScient for crossing. In 1420 the ice between Constantinople and Iskaiar w3 passable on ice ; and in 1224 the Mediterranean was frozen aver and poods wcro run across in carts ; and tbs ThuBOS was rozen for fourteen ' weeks in 10G3. and in the river fro zen for five weeks. Tho Mediterranean iVozenand aaiu pasraLlo in carts iafcGO. TLuj we sec that Europe, at times, has had winters intensaly severe in sections where the olive and the oranra flourish ia other years. The recurrence of these severe winters La3 been so irregular that no known meteroloieal law could account for them, nor do they establish any lav; that would justify any prediction of their recurrence. Mankind can solve in.iDy of the appa. rent mysteries of the stars through mil - lions on millions of miles away, and can read tho . geological recordi of perhaps million. of years past, but can get no clue to the why or wherefore of tha in tense severity cf tome winters over oth ers, though he has the record ef nearly 2000 years for the ba:s of his calcula tion, lie can foretell to a minute when an eclipso will commence a thousand yean from now, but cannot predict the weather for an hour ahead. It is a ques tion that all arj interested in, and a thing that hundreds cf millions of pco p!j have been continually watching since the earth was peopled, and yet it is a j puzzle as much to the philosopher as tho fooL No one knows whether the severe seasons refered to were the re u!i of som-j fixed law, or the effect cf Borne accidentally uniting circumstance.-; nor can they tell whether this winter wi'l be like them or whether Europe will ever have such agaia. So far the clerk of fb.3 weather has managed to keep his sccret3 from the in qaiiitivenes.s even of Yankees. Of course wc have no, reference to slight changes, but to those revolutions ia met erology that would give to almost tropi cal Italy an occasional Greenland win ter. nuaor to Ucnd Tiec. Under the above title the Sacremento Review publisher the following, relative to the pompous'ob.'equiesof the late Jas. Fisk, jr.: "lie was one who had wrested ri ;hes from the poor by the most audacious schemes of robbery ever perpetrated with impunity; whoo rrh in lifj was bordered by ih-s wretkot" honestermeu's fortunes; whose plundering plots had bankrupted the widow and the orphan; whoso every dollar, whose every jewel, ..whose every possession, represented wrongs inSieted upon his fellows ; who knew noither honesty, truth nor mercy; whose career was a double cursj to his country demoralizing to our youth, on the one hand, by the lavi.-h profiwon and shamelefcS immorality of his pleas ures, and encouraging scoutidrelism throughout the land, on the other Ly the brazen example of his dazzling suc cess1. Ho was free har.cled, he was cenerou. 1 ie w3 m Ifut rrf bis friends say his apCiOgists. tiranteu. Lut where is the merit of spending freelv that which is gained dMionestiy, of luvi.-hing the means of othors, of displaying a sham benevolence at the expense of swindled r..'.:Ei5? Is there a generous aet in James Fi.-k's life that ili outlive the memory of that Black Friday upon which thou.-ands found themselves, thronch his means, faee to face with ruin and despair? Is there a good deed perform ed by him which will counterbalance the sinister iniiuenee of his miserable example upon theyounpand ilsT-iehtless, upon the weak and sinful? If not, away with this cant about respecting the dead. We repect vice nowhere. Living, it is entitled to co exemption from criticism; dead, it demards from us no com pn no tion. And when the temporary emotion caused by tbe manner of his takhig off eha'.l have died away, the people among whom he lived will see him with our eyes, and will recognize ana- confess the moral enormity of his career and exam ple. It may. be human nature to ?riiti uisnfalize over the corpse of a dead scoundrel bec3Ue be happens to be a suece ful and a wealthy hcourdiel tut to our plain thoughts the carrion cf the meanest convict in Sing Sing is as well entitled to the honor of public burial, an J to thi tears and regrets of the peo ple, U3 the remain of Jarues Fisk." In answer to an inquiry as to whether checks upon which revenue stamps are printed are redeemed by the Treasury Department, wa publish the following clause of thg act of Congress, authoriz ing such redemption: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue ui3y from time to tirse, make regula tion", upon proper evidence of the farrts, for the allowance of fuch of the stamps issued under the provisions of this act as may have beeu spoiled, detroyed, or rendered useless or unfit l'or the purpose intended, or which through mistake may have been improperly or unnecessarily used, or whers the rates or duties repre sented thereby have been paid in error, or remitted, and such allowance shall he Diadj either by giving other stamps in lieu of the stamps so allowed for, or by repaying the amount or value, after de ducting therefrom, in case of repnymenr, the sum of Svo per centum, to the own er thereof; but no allowance shall be iade in any case until the stamps srr V I . I '1 I K f Hi m 9 7 111 spoiled or rendered useless shall fcave been returned lo the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, or until satisfactory proof has been made showing the rca boi why stid stamps can not be so re turned. Cropscy ha set himself up as a model of purity, lis wants everybody lAit Cc psey investigated. We reC'iumend that he bo watched in tlie future. Such immoderate purity will baldly do t3 tw ' -i iii ,tm I II II. .ii., I, ... up The fo'lowiBg 'm a pyrjopsia of a bill introduced by ItcpreEectative Clark of New York, intending to provida for a return to specie payment : The first section provides that after due notice, the President shall isue a proc laa)Htion providing fnr the redemption of tha igl tenders ia coin at the vari ous nuV treasuries of the United Sta( . In the peend section tha National Burks throughout tha United States are re quired to redeem their notes ia the City of New York iu lawful money. Baiks not located in mM city -haIl appoint f-omc local national bant there to ;ct as its agent f or the j,urp'HC- of pucJ reJ?tip tion. The thiid section provide-? that national binks thall continue to hu'd the ai:iount of reserved funds, as now re quired in addition to the contingent of coin depests ULitil a specified tiusc, when fcueh requirement tha'.l cea?;c. The fourth section provides for the organiza tion of a! Lack of redemption in New York, aud allows national banks to hold rtoek in said bank to the amount of one per cent, of their capital. By tli3 fifth section, national banks are exempt fioui tax on the average amount cf deposits kept l'or redemption purposes. By the eixth section the Secretary of the Treasury ia required to keep $100. 000,000 in coin on hand as a provision vemh soctirm tl;e Secretarv & the redeeming the lceal tenders. Jiy th Treasury is allowed to use tho proceeds of the sa!is of bonds under the pending bills to redeem other outstanding bonds. By the eighth rtction import duties are to be paid in coin. Several cf our Western churches have adopted the plan of bavin the collec tion taken up by food looking young ladle." They look smilingly at a reluct ant victim and give hi:n-a sly wink. hi3 process almost always wins. An exchange says that Anna Dickin son and Olive Logan are their own agents in the lecture business this year. Hut what in the world, then," is Wirt Sikes (who recently married Olive) good fur? An editor in this Stato has discovered that many of the young ladies of his town wear their corsets in bed with the strings laced. The editor neglrcts to say how he comes to know eo much. The Alventists held a State ineefng in Rochester. New Yc:k, iu the ear y part of this week which was well attend ed. Tha mors sagaeious of tho proph ets predicted that the end cf ali things would oceur iu 1S73, aud stated that the Lord was now n?y waiting for the con viction of llrihata Yourg. Religion has been deSned as aa insur ance against fire in the next world, for which Loneaty is the best policy. Emil RiUerLaus, the most eminent of, tho younger poets of Germany, has a poem on Lake Erie, in which he talks al .mt the palm treea and alligatorB of that region. A California woman blew off the head cf hor Irother-in-law during a dispute the otherjiiornitjg, and then finished her breakfast In peace. Sliding down bill is the latest diver sion at church sociables in Milwaukee. Rob sled matiiiee.s are in order. The crcrna de la skim miiic call them Robcrt tlcd A Custom Ifous'j oIHcer at Port IIu ron, Mich., seized an exceedingly full chested man the other day, tut after ourtoen yards of flannel were unwrapped f;om his Ltniy, he looked quite emaciated. 'Tis sad to thick cf the numLer of homes a man c.;n make desolate. t?ev rr.ty wives nurn the departure of li. Young, and n fuse to be ccml'o: ted be cause lu is net. It is hard, says an ex change, to bani.-.h the hubanl of a whole neighborhood. If yoi want to find out a man's real disposition, take him when he is wet and hungry. If ho is amiable then, dry him and Gil him up, and you have got an angel. It give us much personal pleanrre, and gratifies our State pridi, to b able to announce, on the authority of Hon. W. II. Hooper, l'elerate iu Congress from Utah, thtt Hon. O. Mason, t-'hief Justice ci Netra!;a, lus been retained as cue cf the counsel for the defen-e rd' RrigLam Ycui.g. The trial will take place in the early days of March. This is certainly a very high compli ment to Judtce Mason, and to the State. It" is well and richly deserved. As a ju rist of great ability, and as a criminal lawyer and advocate of great experience and conceded power, Judge Mason rates second to no man of our acquaintance in the West. Omaha lltrald. Austin Riley, who lives twelve miles east of town, met with r.n unpleasant check the ether day. While under n unnatural influence, he made for his fifteen-year e! 1 Liy, with an ax. This was not the sort rd' a birch Young America had been accustomed to, aud, accord ingly, in self defence, he drew a pi-tol and lodaed a bullet in paternal's thigh. The father '"came down" trace fully and recognized the condition of things a3 se rious. No further a.-saults and lo mere receptions. IAiicoln St-itt'tr.i in. A Paris letter declares that by actual count, about seventeen in twenty of tho ladies seen in tho streets are dressed in mourning; but whether this is owiug al together to a loss of relativej or is a freak of fashion, b uncertain. In Older that the daughters of Briti-h potmastcrs may be made thoroughly conver. ant with the use of telegraphic instruments, apartments have been fit ted up iu the general telegraph cilice, Loudon, where thoy will be instruct ed. An Iowa editor speaks for the sister hood rf bis county in tbe following de cided terms: '"So far as w know the-re is rnt a woman ia Cass coCiity who cares a straw about the female suiTrage busi ness, which seems to concern so many women elsewhere. The fact that the in crease of children in that county in the last year was over fuur hundred and fifty may explaiu tha reason why they don't enre to vote being otherwise employ ed. A lady in a town not a thousand miles away was considerably annoyed by hens who peeked the loose plastering from the wall. So, one morning, whiiu wash the dishes, she heard her fowls pecking as usual,- und, dish-cloth in hand, t.bc hastened to' open the d-V5r. and giving her rag a warlike flourish sho uttered a tremen Jucus Vho-o o!" Imagine her dismay at beholding, not the hens, but a stranper, who. fter wiping from his face the drop cf dishwater with which he had been sprinkled, said with a perfect ly calm voice, "Well, innui, if jou've got any more spare rags, I should like to sil you some tiu ware for em." On 'he public road between Meridon and IIartfrd, in Connecticut, stands a liw, dinzy hovl, within which, over a rickety bar, concentrated death is dealt out in decoctions of benzine at the mod erate price "of fire cents a g'a-s. Ii r-etly opposite is the town burying ground, and. the thirsty wayfarer tiuiles vriudy as he reads cvfir the door of the saloon, the cheerful snd appropriate inscription '"Kev to ths ctmeterv ' nit bin." itic Kest K&vtt Ibcir rulllnst. . A painter was orrco engaged upon a likeness of Alexander the Great. In one of his battles, Alexander had re ceived an ugly scar on the bide of his face. The artist was desirous of giving a correct likeness of the monarch, an i, at the same time, desirous of hiding the scar. It was a difficult task to aecotn piith. At length he hit upon a happy expedient, lie painted him in a reflec tive nttimde, his h.nd placed against his hed, while hij linger covered the scar. The be.-t men are not without their fillings their sears but do uot dwell upon thetu. Inpeaking of them to other, adopt the painters expedient, and let the finger of love ba placed upon the scar. Don Piatt's rollicking and racy paper, The Cnpilal, has the following capital description of new members of Congress: Tha new members could be distin guished from the old Solous by the con tcious air of delegated importanco each wore. Your new member is a study. He has new clothes that fit him uncom fortably. He has a new hat that evi dently makes Lis head ache. Rvery movement is the subject of study and resu't of a resolution. He 6Sys '"good morning" in a solemn and impressive manner, as if announcing a grave prop osition, and tells you of the weather in measured way as if committing himself to a platform. It he could be caught and searched, a written speech could be found in his coat tail pocket, that soon er or later he is bent upon delivering, unless he has leave to pritit. A pick pocket once saw a new member put a package carefully away in his breast. Believing this to be money the thief fol lowed h'tn for day, and at last catting the coat he secured the precious parcel, and hurrying away to an alley opened it with eagernes.a, and found a package of congressional envelopes. The pickpock et committed suicide, and before dying left a? a legacy to his Lroth?r thieves the words "ware congressmen." To keep a dog from having hydropho bia, five him all the water he can drink, and in order to make a sure thing of it, anchor him in a clear pond so that hi head will be at least two feet below the surface. A Physician ia Sioux City uses cu ointment made of charcoal and lard to picvent pitting in small pox. 1 his is applied freely over the face, hands and neck a 5 s?on as disease is distinguished, and continued until all symptoms of suppurative fever have ceased. The ap plication aibys the itching, "and seems to shorten the duration of the disease, and leaves the patient without a blem ish, the eruptions protected ly the oint ment not even showing signs of pustula tion; the charcoal preventing the action ci iighr, and the laid that ot the a:r. A good man, who has seen much of the world, and is not tired of it, says : "The prand essentials to happiness are something to do. something to lovo. aud something to hope for." Stubb3 said to one of his debtors, "Isn't it about time vou pail Hie that little liU?" "My dear sir," was the cousoling reply, "it is uot a question of time it is a quosti.-n of money." A Pennsylvania editor in acknowledg inc; the gift of a peck of potatoes, s;ays : "'It is sueli. kindnesses as these that brings tears to our eyes. One peck of potatoes makes the world kin. We have trusted to Providence and this is our reward. We would like a little kindling wood and some good turnips, but that would be asking too much, so we will try to do without tliem." The Prince of Wales found rest dur ing his illness l y u?ir:g a hop pillow. At the critical period of the disease a butch er was kept in the next room with alive lamb. Had the Prince's feet shown any signs of chill, the butcher was to kill the lamb and ikbi it, and tho skin, warm aud reekine-, was to bo wrapped round them Ithe feet). Mrs. Potter Palmer, at her New Year's reception, wore a $11,000 dress, fi'j.OOO linger rings, and a 515,000 necklace. The dress was a handsome brown bro cade, trimmed with rows of pheasant breasts, and looped with scarlet fuch.ias Her husband is the gentleman who i reported to have exclaimed, in tragic accent.-, the next day after the fire, "I'm a beggar ! I'm a beggar !" We'd like to to a beggar ! Chicago 1'ott. A centlemsn who frequently looks over our exchanges, of which we get about 150, says he has lounu but one single paper which is an apologist for Jim Fisk. Capt. Burton, the great end accom plished African traveler, is bringing homo from Palmyra a most interesting collection of t-kuits, and, more interest ing still, the skeleton of a tnrtrdeven feet high, which is supposed to ba cno of the giants of Baihau. Oe cf the ministers of Elmira, N. Y., was having a donation party the other evening, wh n Mr. , ambi tious to appear literal, marked a fo.-r dollar castor up to twelve uoiiars, ariU took it in as his donation, eetting much credit for his liberality. The next day the minister called at bis store with the twelve-dollar castor, stating that he could i-ot afford so expensive an article ; he would be pleased to exchange it for its marked valpe in other needed goods. And tho minister was soon wetidu.g his way homeward, loaded down with a doz en dollars worth of selected groceries. The Alexandria (Minn. ) Fust relates a good joke ou. one of the liquor deavrs of that town. A man going to Benson bought a jug of whisky in Alexandria and started for the coach. At Gknwood, ia getting out of the coach, be let the jug fail. "Tho stoneware broke and left the whisky a complete cylinder of ice sitting in the snow. In this condition he tiud his liquor up ia a cloth and car ried it to Benson, breaking off what he wanted for tiso on the way. The pur chaser coa.-iders the whisky good for winter transportation and believes the Good Templars have already accom plished much in Alexandria. Mr. n. W. Eecoher concluded his lecture on "Manhood and Money." in Boston, lat week, with an aliusion to the Hdj-Stokes tragedy, though without mentioning any names, and to the ups and downs of Wall street, and that "su preme mountebank of fortune," said he, 'absolutely devoid of shame, who at ono leap vaulted to the very summit of pow er, and could held-courts in his hands that rode shamele-s and criminal that he hou!d have fallen in an instant, by the hand (fa fellow-criminal, and ia God's providence bo struck down. Though I am sorry for him, I cannot see the ruin of a man for whom God gave llis Son and not feel a pang in my heart, and yet I say to every young man who has lookd upon this glittering meteor, mark the end of a wicked man. It is riht for you to be rich, if you don't barter your manhood for it." A filial ten year-old of Miltonsburg, Ohio, gathered and sold chestnuts enough this season to present his widow ed mother an excellent sewing machine with the proceeds. lie would make a good Sundnv-school book were it not that hi having to hook the chestnuts would bi rthrr damaging. '1'vrae Sn j iu ic of JKapoleon. The great Napoleon nad a quick in Eight into system and theories made up of fd.ams and fallacies. On looking ov er Say's work on Political Economy, he remarked that "if an empire were made of adamant, these free trade systems would grind it to powder.' Its publica tion was forbidden in France for twelve years. Among his many terse, incisive, epigrarumauo expressions, was this: "Formerly there was only one kind of property, fond; another has since arisen, industry" and he held it to be quite as Ececarary to protect one ce the other. Napoleon recognized the great' power of industry and the immense superiority of commerce over battalions when he made the remark at St- Helena, that he had been "subdued, not 60 much by English arms as by English spindles." In regard to National Banks, instead of spinning out a long essay, he eaid : "It is necessary to enable the people at all times to obtain money at moderate rates of interest," The war department, in addition to its weather signal system, is about to establish an electric social system of storm signals in all the larger cities ot the eountry, by which every married man who is on the magnetio belt can, by waU-hing the signals on his chimney-top or ridge-board, tell just what moment it will be safe for him to leave port (or champagne; lor tome. A blac flag fly ing will siguify : "cross as a bear ty phoon approaching." A white flag: 'everything is lovely she is asleep." A red flag with a white center, "look out for squalls baby just spanked;" while a white fiag with a red center indicates simply cautionary measures on the part of the old man, who can eo home under full sail, but should reef bis boots and dou.-o the binnacle lamp before go ins up-stairs. How it feels to be drowning The ed itor of the Marietta tlerjisicr says that when a boy he was drowned, so far as to h se Lis concciousness; but consciousness continued what teems to be a long time after respiration must hare stopped. The mind acted with lightning rapidity, and the things thought or in their multitud inous numbers and extreme vividness would appear absolutely incredible to one who has not tried it. TLe only dis- jicreeahleness was ia the first stranclmir After that all was pleasantne?, perfect physical and mental happiness, every thing gliding dreamily alony:, till the next fie knew he was hrouctit to; end then it came bitterly "whydidn t they let me e-one? I was happy, and now tney ve brought me into misery. This is the wav a Trov reporter con gratulated a friend on his marriage : true more uniormnate, Weary of life, Rashly importunate, Taken a wife." K. T. DUKE & CO AT FOOT OF JIA1J" STREET Wholcg&lo & Retail Deilers ia Hardware and Cutlery, Staves TIXYVARE, ROPK. IRON, STEEL NA!L3 AND B!a3k.mith Tools. 1c Keep on hand a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, BUCKS rATBjYT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA LOYAL C O OK And Other First-Glass Cooking STOVES, AI! kind Coal or Wood kept on band. JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE, v IIOLIXE- Stiring and Breaking Flows At Uet Cos: for Casli. Our prices aro as low as acy house in tho State. Lianotf. AKcek mob the 32illicn ! MArsP.!-G?J! A priv.-tte counselor to the GUIDE. i.Murik-U or those nlmut to ui.-ir iiry on the physiological m. ?r ie! ar.d revelation? of it'O s-.-xual fytvw, the latest d iei'iV-.-rk'i? in pro-Joeing and pri. vtnC.r.g off-'i rinc, how t v pr- trvetne complexion, Ae. 'i'iii' is an ir.t.Te-ithirr work of two hundred nnl twei.fy-four pt s. with numcoiis cnjrrmv inR. rii-J coiilius va!uit)Io lnorui.-Ui -u for th-.io who nro niarric-l, or contemplate ninr riape. M ill. it is a buck thU oupht to Lc kept un-lerlock nud key. unii not Uid carelessly aijout the hons.i. dent to any one free of nostige) for nO cents. .Ad Ire? lr. Hints' Ui-pensary, iio. li Eighth etreet. St. Louis, ilo. Notioo to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. IioforeappbinTto tho notorious qnacks wh alvertir2 in pu'ilio piipern. or u.-onn any qum-k remedies peruke lir. Hutu' work no n-.attcr what yourdcatu.se is or how deplorable your condition. lr. liults cm b consulted, personally or ny tn:iii. fii the (iisense mentioned in h'n work. iE-e. No.l'2X. Eighth street, between Market n J Chcenut. St. Louii. Jlo. Ueedwly Lo.k to Your Children. The Gre it Soothing Iteuicdy. MR. 1 Cures colic and cripio!? in! Price Wkitcomb's the bowels and facilitates 2 Syrup. the process of teethinr. Cen!. WhiU-ombVovercnme all umcases jnci Syrup. idem ta infants nrid chudnn. MRS. Curca lirrh(ca. Dyacute- Whicomb' ry andsuu.inercomplaint SvruD. icbildren ol'aU akft'S. to r . j . i puu'iun ... - . Ctnts. Price S5 Cents. It Ibe rrent Infants' and Children'FnSooth inp heincdy. iu mi disorders brought on by ict thiuK or any other cii'.i-e. . ,e Prepared by the Oration iledicine Co., .bt. Looix Mo. ... r Soid l-y drugsiits and dealers in 3le everywhere- dcn-it FLORAL GUIDE For 1372. The First Edition of Two ncoKt Thous and copies just publi.-hed Itis elt'irartly print ed on fine tinted paper, in Two Colon. a,id il lustrated w;ih "vcr Three Hundred Enravintt of 1- lowers and egetablrs. and -rAr or COLOriED PLATES The most bennt-iful ani instructive Catalogue and Floral buide in the wond 12 pages, giv ing thorough directions for the culture ot" J-lowers and Vegetables, jrcamenting grounds uiakioe walks. .V.c. A Cbri?tuia. present for mv customers, but forwarded to any who arply by mail, for Tssr Cbxtb. only one quarter the co?t. Address. JAMES VI CK. Rochester, Y. Tee. 25. d&Tvtawa 3, BLOOM Bl CO., T-Hf ""'SKI VG GOODS. Wfl HOYS AJVD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, 6LANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. ain Street. Second Door East of the Court House BRANCH HOUSE Broadway. Coucncil Bluff Iowa. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING lividcsisis on 12e Contribution 3?Ian, Securing tha Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Folicy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, mannjred by Western men. whoso known Cnanancinl charac ter, i bilif y and position, anonl auiplo guaranty for ilo careful and sucecslul manaeuient. 2d. Its Polices are all noiMoWuilin. 3d. Premium all nii. It receives no notes and gives uor.o Policy holders have no ictorett to pay, and no outstanding notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. J t has no restriction upon travel. 5th. 1 dividends are made upon the contribution plaa. kth. In 6 lid iii e ii excUibeiviy life intiixance. DIVIO E.D9 Are the necumnlation of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Cojcnany that loans its asset at the Inchest rate of interest can give you the largest oiviuends. Ea-ter:i couipanies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per v,nt. or mere. The advantage ol 'Western investments to the policy holder appear j ,a tho loilowLng startliuj figures: The amount of $1,000, invested for City years at li per cent, compound intores-t, is $ 1M20.!5 8 " " " 4'Jvil.;l 10 " " " " 117.:Uy).S5 U " " " " ai8.(KH.P0 It ia obvious that this oompany offers greater finanoial adrantaces and indntemenU to the policy-holder than any other company in existance OFFICERS . Tl T MckaT. President. George A Moon, Secretary, J! A Calkins, General Agent, I) 31 Swan. Vicc-Pr'iiient, J Joues. Ass't e.-rtary, W i Uarvty. Con. actuary, UrJ L Wever, iled. i'tor, 11 L ii'ewuiau, 'Lcosurcr T A Hard, Af.uruey. DIKECTOPwS. D S'.i're. Leavenworth. Kan, II 1 MceV.ay, Leavenworth Han. II L X rvrsnn Lct wcrthK J h ikieharus, J ;-l f?W!iu, !1 R tiiiinmoad " " W ti ClTin, H EJserton. " " Geo A Moor. Th.w Curncr. " " 1 W JVweis. S M ?'rii hltr. Jurctien City Go" L Pnvis, St. Chas P.obinson, Lawrauce, J Merritt, " W. UadUy, " E Ihit-tinprs. MU Morgan " Gen. Asentfor GOOD TflAVEL W. MARSHALL, Agent. S LIVIKGSTON. Keti Examine FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1871 1871 , 1871 GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and To buy AT TBI N" IE "W YOJK STORE. The best and most complete STOCK OS DRESS GOODS- i now n exhibition at the New York Store, at irreatly reuueed prices. We call parUeular v" attention to our new sijie ol DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BllOW SHEETING. liLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA 4S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kind3 and price, to uit oar numerous oustomora. luree stock of G Rq C E Rj Eg f HARDWARE, QIJEENSWARE. WQODEN-WARE. , GLASSWARE, 1 YANKEE NOTIONS, ATS AND CAPS. H ROBERTSON Yholesalo Dealers in WINES LIQUORS AND BRANDIES 4 B23t quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand XiTtlTvO&ES-I TUB RAILROAD TICKET OFFLCB Plattsmouth, Nebraska Louis. Ma W 11 Chcmbtrlain. 1 A i :irJ, J; li Allen, f A '"erry, Weston, Mo. W Veal, Topeka. Kansas. J M Price Afi-hisoc, Kan. V," Ii Stebbiiif, " ZYebratUu asul .oititcrit ELauECi 1 1 TORS WANTED. I i ifif''u i 1 '"fl 1 J MULt 1 !t more too. era going to Sc CO, tkeir The Two most Successfu Popular and Perfect, O O K 1 W MACHINES OF TLTE PKIIIOD A.re Our Well Known sV.'.'.-.'.li'.'. l' nM . -T" OAIC fair AND I Both are of the Fimp'est Construction, and so Kaiily managed that we guarantee them to jive ENTIRE SATISFACTION At no article in the household has a Kreater in fluence in n-ou otii.fr the heahh. comfort a -t happine? of th tamilycirole than e Cook fctove. it is economy as well as policy to Ket the very beFt; aDd in Luyinthe Chiirter Oak. you can rely on getting tho most nrccstul, popular an I perfeet cooking stove ever ma le. Inupirgi-n kpicure iiroiler you aro always sure ol bavins Juicy, Tender anJ Delicious BecfUakes, Chickens, Hams, Chorj3, &.C. Sold Bj EXCELSIOR r.,'FC'T CO. C12 & GU N. Main Street, .St. Louis Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dec2-i4w6io. ST. JOSEPH FIRB AND 2IARIXU fiHiiranco (jompany, or raa CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI Tho Strongest Agency Company iu Mo. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT Shoeing condition of the Company Nov 15, Tl Authorised Capital Stot-k, $4(K),000.00 Atu't Actua'.Iv i-.aid, Cash, 1 1 .S,4(H.(tiJ Stock Notes secured, 1'Sl.OW.UU Caah turpus, Nov 15, 1871 42,365.02 CASH ASSETS: Cash in bunk and ia Cowpany.s office, t W.tWO.GS Amount loaned u liee'is ft Irurt, real erlate worta loubie the amount, 43.fil9.82 Amount loumxl on t.oiiatert seeuritios I J.,'kjJ.":: Ioie o.L-cuu'-teJ, (.dhorl louiis. i:l.S'jJ.l j lJuni ln:n Co.. ity, iauaas, ijoid, mar ket v.lue. 1j,C(H).00 Accrued Interest on same, CSJ.oO V.i-ih iu tao hands of Aguuts in course of traiixmuyicc, D.SO.i.S.'j Oliiee l urnnure, tn'j.S) ktoua is o tea secured, 21,Uoo.iA Total Available Assets. LIABILITirH: jtit reported and unadjusted Looses niufiid, tuv j-ot tt tiue, LbKes re:iitd. I3.C.03.C0 isi'iie None DIRECTORS; Zfilton Tootle. Of Tootio, Fairly Si Co., tVhole- sale Jry (jood?. Joarj.h C. Hull, Cashier Tirst National E!k. JJ. M. Mitel, I'rcst &t Joseph fc Douver Ciiy liiilroa.l. .1. He-t'ttr, ;f Uoattie Sc Co., Hankers, lift. Sumiifl, Capita' i.-t. J YJCittu. 01 l;ailey. Key i Co., AV'hoksale Nntioiis. Geo. Hatil, Proprietor of Uuchanan AVoolen Mills. Si an Wimilmn, Attnrnoy at Law. 1 L .VcLaujhiii, ( arm talis;. OFF.1CEKS. Geo W Samne! 1 h i c - :ni i h i iu J r.o A Nicely Yia H Kerr President ...Vioe President he.Ti'Uiry ...Genoral Ayent Trompt nnd Liberal Ad.instment of Losses a tpeciaiity with this coici any PoIiLies Issued and Losses Paid By H. . PALMER, Agent. STAR f3l EAT MARKET, TIIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED THE STAR MA RKET. At Lis new stand On Main Street, between -llh aud 5th south vide, where he is ready to nerve ail Lisold customer, aui us many new ones as may give him a call, I keep on band nothing but tbe very BEST OF MEATS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR F AT CATTLE SContra;ts made lor furnishing large quan tities of meat. Call and see us. feb.20d.kwtf. A. O. nATT. CUNABD MAIL LINE. ESTABLISHED 1S10 Passengers booked to and from all parts of Europe at lowest rates. Apply to P 11. DU VERNET. General Western Agent, 375 M-ute sr. Chicago rto ED WILSON. rnlft?m. Cliubmoutb, Neb. EPICURE BROILERS EV3. B. F.1URPH7, Manuofurcr cf 'AND DEALER IN gariuss, 5a41)Its, griblts,- COl'JiA8. WHIPS. Blankets, Brushes, &c nz. jmj us j. to. a u- Promptly Excciitol. All work ITareated -FlNS HARNESS A SPtCl AI.ITY." NOV. SO.TVti riMtWiODth, Kbh' 100,000 FEET ! rbo!undersigned has on band alarteqaiility o COTTONWOOD LUMBER WW riBB AT BtABONAPLI FISI RKS. ORDERS FILLED on short notiee, and for any size or vr.t'.g uinbtr. Rafters, StuddinQS, Joists eaa be had on abort doU. 0. Hil 1 Id. res BTaiTTLT HJB DRUGS BSED1C1HES, Perfumery. Ti?'e. urti-'r. I2rP'i':S. T'.i' :',, Ct, VurnUb. Putty, Witnlow trl .s ! a-..;... ehimney's, utra reliued coal oil, tijU-eij-.ti. burning Cuid, Xc. Jtc, g tc DU. CHAPMAN' Pr e's cription DrugSLoi a Neitdoorwet of t'i Tfi.'t Offire, Jn t! e room wilh Urien. b -ot nn i ilo'. l r Km atrietly pure wines nnd liquor?. n. Mtimi pui m i,iei'!iiiy. He liiariulacturi fljvor.ni; citnict;, : prepara'ionot ehocolaierc-nly P.r u-n. m e(,u.titd Lakinn pow.t. r mid v.iri i J- ut.i-:-el 'S. '1 o those d lieu d ' iiio u q ..i that poisonous and oftn. inn in,it drefs me and be cured as tiiou.-imr - , have been and are tein. by a piiiu.'r? , nam aritidoto. V hen ohjo cure.l, w.. .. I ut a shoit time, yuu have iio desire t . or the antidote Uommu mentions fir tl-e Opiu;ti .li may be nddrerel to Dr. . Ji. cimj m m j mouth. Neb. or li. J. Clmi nj-i'i. .M. l Valley. Iowa, juuiTd.VrtU j Tl! E Sympf on 0m , nnn T.Pini' t are Tir.c.i birnmons tin the ,n. i.iin is i'i th 5, v..-r -. I ' ! '.J ; Thfi Ktornarh ii nflVr!ei -iif MitiiKc-ii i'-r i mid sk kness, bow, ! in j;r ;...r i . . times rn.lt or mill iik mit 'i I ,jr . 'Ihilvti Ilci with PMn;unil dull. hra-. y . ,,. ? " " ' ""i'lera.e I,. f" ,. t.;-: H I II r o;'-"!iip-init i wnn ! ;.! ..';. 1 LI VC njti"n i. havnir !.! . . I -"iiietijr'; !;'-, i.!. vc r""-" '" "", t-n ''"' 'I'l'i: i' .ii j i , . , of weuKness. debility and low .r tim-s many of the above ' j iii.'.t.'i.; i a' . i j.. diseuoe. and at otht r tnr v veiy U -.- o; ; ;,. but the liver is pi-n-rsl y the vrg.ui iuu?t iu ' vcd. Cure tho live r n iiu 1)11. SIMMONS' LIVEK llEGULATOU. X PRK-!tATIOSOK H0.T8 JIHD HIKTS, W '.l.fai ed to be strictly vcr?etable, and cua d - re jury to any one. It ha been usd by hun.ired..-. r.r.l ki ; - ! j- , r in' 3 .1 ; ...t i.u-i iiiiri-:ive 3't-nr .kciii. ., tl liable, r-tlieaeious an i lr,n;in i.. . i, ever oG'crcl t.i the fuil'i'tit,'-. if! nni r,TVTr'r,i!v. iiiifu-nK Regulatoi : iarrl.it- :i '. 'r 1 r. eaiui, .i-, -. u : id It.e K i 1". -s. I. v." -, nrss. eh ills iH:;ri.fi nl'tK. biiinil. Uiel'im ho'y. t.r df ,,. ; j f, heartburn, eolie. tir p iin ir. r,. the hea'l. f..ver and nrut; li'op'V. 1 ,.,'. , , ; back 1101. limbs, hc hiiut. eryi, t ' : ...lU 'ectious, and bilious Ui.'aM gcrnnu'.'.f. Prepared only by J. IT Z KI I.I.V .(: C " l;rut'it 'H. .M.k n-,, ." Send for a Circular 1 aud ;-.. Aren t.. ,. Price 11; by mail .:jf l Ui.vW-'.a. i' For Sale by j JJ BUTTEHY, Jaatwly. P.'atttip:ut j, l cnccis'pnovisio : CALL AT i AUCTION AND Commission liomnt, Z1AIS ST Whera yoa can buy almo? ever? ,L:n, eatable, iuclu'J.rs .Frcsli J7reii , Atthe lowest 1 Vices for c;i.-h. ii gL.es price paid for Country I'n Juj Duttcr, CLickeii'?, &c. ka. Goods Delivered in the City Free of Charge. S. DUK jyl7d&wif. 35 -tu M 313 Si Visiting Piattsraouth, Will Find Good Accommodation3 at tLc- Farmer's Feed Stable Corner of Sixth and Vine Streett. On: blo?' 'tho Preaberiaa Church, Plaiuusou? Noth of tho Vebrask. - a J f