Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 18, 1872, Image 3

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    ISM &
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Good,
Uro-.'i r:e,
i,. .t ! ;-!ifc.
lint-1, nn 1 Cans.
Arr:'"j!f Jrn' Trr.plimeri!,-: of Jt !?:n.i.-i, ir .-r
''i X L" Cultivator''.. I'uir.'i Co: u PI ini! "
Ira?, i'Mfir and I'rim-c tori I'ic.-r. .(,-? '5 'flint
i--tf"in, ail of which T3 oijtjr to t:;-j-i.uiiw jit Oc
ir, f t rt taii pi ice.-:.
7"0ar eon.-.tarit a:m wi'.l be to o low
vill be tr. the pn-itive advcuta?e of every la. -f"i
i!ie w so rn nr. 1 Ir ii p',uimi .i . C':i -t
i v'y '-o uiukc this thtir Lcaiinaru;r, fur tr.tu-
P.EKiO. UilOo.
C ommiss ion Rooms
n a m ST
Where you can buy almost ever? hing
eatable, including
At the lowest Prices for cash. II ghesl
price paid for Country Froduc ,
JJutter, Chickens, kc. &x
Goods Delivered in the City
Free of Chargs.
The best of Fre-di Meat always on hard b
tUeir i-oason.
ITighcst Price Paid for Tat Cattlo
X !li?hc.-t Cash Price paiJ for t,re..-n r.s.
Oct. i-diwtf
full cf !ntfcre.-tii:t :ri .-liiiiblc i e id for
GgTA Paper for EvervtoJ)'.
H'irlh ini l .rtr. irsuci every week, is one
isf ti.o most beautiful ,' in the world. It
ha, twrntv Iktk" rnf''. H'I f finale volume
i untiun.i about S-V.ijoi! ol rplenled tn
Kr:ik in-", finely printed, and oi n highly pleas
inir mid instructive character. It bus. a
vast amount ! ' ho choicest rp-i.liusr., carvlully
prepared, .-ni l full t instruction. With ti. modi-rate
niiinunt of rural information for t!ie
firm mi l tar.ten. it Contains c.tce! lent Klitor
ials on the various topics of th..- il.iy, whi -h fiive
the rH.l r prnotical ami u'ful inf'irm.ition.
I'furih ni l ltmne has a iri-.?t capital Jl.u.-c-IkiI
i L.'i-r nrtinciit. nrhi-h wii! lt ) uUt and irroat
ly aid every hou-ivlifopir. 'I'ha Chiidren's I'e
l.artmcnt, edited by Mrs. Mary I.". D-nisc. with
m.'!i.y A?.-i.-ta;it.-. i. of surprisinit interest t' nil
the little people. The Xutr.i department tel!j(,
in a clenr. condensed way, w l;at i go:i;jf in in
the wirld. as to make t'ue reader intulheiit
without wacinc throui;h a en at ma.-'? of mater
ial. In short, it i.- a paper that will p'ease aal
profit both old and yoiuitf ia every Uoine.
One copy, oncj -ear ...Si.oo
Four copies ono year 2.75
Tea or more copies S.51 each
Singta nunibcJ S cents
20 cents a year extra when seat to British
The Erbseripticn price of the American Ag
riculturist, which is well known a oso of tho
tddeit and best inairazinc in the w(r'd. for the
Ktii-ni. Garden, tin 1 llcu-ehol I. i-s il.,"y) a year.
One copy each of lit iirth and Motni. AVer-kly,
nd Ainerii:iu Krioii!turi-t. Monthly, will be
cent np year for M. to which 3'2 cetits t-hould
be a l ied when the papers uro to go to liritish
Oranga iudd d Co.9 Pub.
2io Broadway, Xtw York.
Jyiyman Curtis.
Repairer? of Stemn Engiua'?. Boiler?. Saw and
lirist .V.ills.
(ia? anil Steam FiUi.ns?, Wrocsht Iron Pipe,
Force and Tift I'uaips, tenm tiauKei, aianoe
t'alve tjoverBor, and ail kinds of
Brass Engine Fittla s,
araishod on short noliee,
Peraire' on shoit notice.
TnEAsuny pepartmest.
0ffic8 of Comptroller of the
,r-r,,. ,v"s"n KtiTov. Jncu-try. 2n l IS72.
WULKEAX by 8atiiaoory evideneo pre
Jentei ti. the under: i,-neJ. it h:i In -en made to
appear that " 1 11 b 1 HST S AT! OX A L BAN K
Ui- PLATTSMOUTil" in tho tily of Platts
inouth. in the county of Ca... and rotate of
.Nebraska, h.t. been uu!y organized under and
nccrdins to the rcjuire-L ein ct the Act of
Coufrrea entitled "An act to provide a Nation
al Currency, secured by a pletue of United
fctate.i bonds, and to provide for the circulation
and redemption thereof," aj.proved Juu.; ord
14. and haa complied v.ilh ail tho pro is'ions
ofsai J Act rei iired to be complied v, iUi cfore
comaicneinx tho bu.-)iuc-3 of Bankiu, under
said Act.
Cotcptrollt-r of t Currency, do hereby ertify
e CitV of PlaflKHKl-.l-fa. in 1.j ... '.
uo nn( national ij.iiia. oi attiniAioh
Act ai
Ca.-s. and State of AeLr.x.-k.-. i? authorizei! i.
enmaicnce the budiucss of Bankias uuacr the
Act aforesaid.
in ic.u,!i,ny n.ieros witne3 my
hand and seal of ofuco thij 2nd
dcy of January IcTJ.
it LAN M . liL'LBUFiD.
Comptrt l!er of the Carrtaty.
Hepairinq nssfly flcne by DI&YJELL,
fxi&ki Street, Piratsrncuti!, ilth.
immmm tm
Ccnlintiii;il intibinj, Jtos. 24, 26 28 ftassxa St. B g
IL'dTUa LAWRENCE, President. J. P. ROGERS. Secretary.
i.-.-ue.! to Jan. 1.
Jiiiml.':- !'di i: iyfiie l and revived
Jan. 1, U7i
This Company r. Purely Mutant ir it operations, Jivi JinrriU entire surplus a'nontr its Poli
cy hii'de. nnnuailv. on the '('.i ifnitir.n Plan." and )n a l:irger biisii:es and u lower ratio of
(spins'; to income, than !i.ivo ever been attained by any other Company at a Corrc.pond-DS
period in it !ii--tory.
Its total As.-et.i are sultioient to d'.'charo n'! liabi! 'k ip, including rn-in:intio3. pay back ail
iU stock eapi- a!, ami ttave as a bilanee in-re ih-tn a MILLION of earned surplus.
jIi . TP . T O Z-Z XI" S O IT ,
JOpposite the PJatlo Valley House, in Schlatcr's Jewelry Store,
yti cl aRTii':
P I A II 0 3
Snb 0r f irst-chiss
Wh.,livi:le and Pftai!lealer i.iStihi, 1:c.t
--N,Uj!C L INiTUMrNTS 7'
We rrs opening nn
Imusua'ly attrp.ctivo
Stock of (all and
Wi.itr-r, rurc! s
1'Zarly largely attd
VVtj buy 1'n nit first
Class houses, invariably
For cash, and have all
The advantages of trade,
Propose to give our
Customers goods at
Prices we know must
And be convinced that
Our stock is complete
And the place to purchase
Dry Good, IVotiori,
Hoots, Shoes, Groceries,
Is at Clark &. Piummer'3
Main Street opposite
Brooks House
3 i-i
3 f
Y . Y
r: i ts ar ts.
A N I) II O S T O N,
0 H G A IT S .
aab Organs.
Mu -::, ut. 1 a'l k!n-Ij cf Jhistcal Mcrobanuua
,! and 11, p lr d-Fot;f;.iun Ctfr?nferl.-?1
11 A I L W A Y .
ONnnlaffo-ST-XDAV. !t!Ct.iber 3d. 1S71.
traio wi I i-iive Buriinston us ftiiiowi :
A M Ni nil r-nd eii ro-?, If d!y rr
eept i.'i:i i iy '.; Cl i,-' ! ''..y tbo
trii't! take fnpptr at 1.'"-i: ;.-.rf Rnd ':c:;i;it
ft llradiord Junction nitii l' l',il:ice j.iy
ii i S l ci-ii; c.u-5. rutminc through t Unlit t:i -t-u-.
I'ii.-burs. I'hil.idelphiit a:il New York
uiil;..i:i. iii in?!'. I'mic iroui iluriii:stu to
New lo:k ly th:.j tiiiiu. i-i hour.
9aZ$f P. Mr-N'isfht exoref: itaiiy e.-iccpt
niitf V m.rTay, Pullman Palace
i,-- aii'l s-lccpin,- -.i:s .throtiffh n-oia iiur!iiitrtoii
t.i UIu'is.ii.s, co liic -i sr at th -.t tioi t with
tu'l:jiau i'al.o e cur for Principal Point Easx.
tnakins but o;jo ch ino buttcea Lurliugt'n
sua .
Time from Uur'.ingtou New Y'ork by this
train, 45 houri.
Co!tSsifni3 Va me sixers
Py purchasing tickets v i i
The Midland Route.
Pa.vcnsers leaving New York city at 6:0 p.
in, a.-rivir in liurl;n-,-Loa at p. m. of tho
second d.17.
Tbi-i is nl-o tbo best p;ute for the sh'pmsnt of
Thronch r'rcieht, tiia bti;i (juick-.r ih.m by
tiny other hue.
"WM. E. MAIN. H. 0. TOVv'N'SEND,
tien. briicht Ae't. Ui-n ba-s i" l'ii-ket Air't.
JU N A i ll N T I b. N E U.
,';nt. iiurn.igtnn. Ass S.ipt., Warsaw.
a.CiiUGKU, Viee-Pred tent &. Ucn'l ias't.
detlo UAw tf
Baltimore Piano
3Ianufacturer3 of
iPintta $Mtt5,
Ealtimorb Maryland.
Theielrst nrnents bare been before tho Pub
lic tor nearly thirty years, and upon their ex
cellf nee at.. i;e attained an vnpurrho,d Pre
eminenee. which pronounces ttieia une?jualed
in y'onc. Tom-h,
'orhnfin'hip and Durahilitj.
.S"A1I our S'jaare Piano? have our XewTui
;rovcd Overstrung Scale and the Agrslfa T.o-
'.--A c would call rpccdal attention
late Patented Improvement in Grand
ami onuare UhikJs lound 1
found in no other
waicti tiri.-if? tue pnno nearer perieetion than
htiij yut bem attained.
i:vrru PIANO Fully Yu riltt. d for rVr-yeor
15!ns--tr:i:-d Cat loKueji und price lists prompt
ly furnished on :j plication to
Vv'M. KN ABE Jt CO,. Ealtinior?. Md.
Or ?ny of cur regular cstablislcd agtne;ca.
TiOtlcG-in Bankruptcy
trict Court of the United lateiv.
I isfriet
l)inrict of Nebraska. In Itaukrajdcy
atCTi ir the
t, ?!Sr",brt W-'oJe. Cankrjpt,
-sid Ce
I.V l.t.
judged Eaukrupt upon netition'ot ,.rr.i;t..'
1 JUe payment of any debts and the delivcri
of any pr
r.iperty bel nipinsr to snid E i
to liu use ar d the tr:in?;er of
him are forbidden by law.
E tnkrui-f. t;
mm, or
eny by
any iror-
A liiitiiiii;
a .177 i i .ui.jvi io prove tlieir
ttetifeaiid c':. ocone or inoro ns.-iirni es of hi
"fcstate. will oe held at a court of Eaakruptcy to
i.i i: f fro. .unr. rrc.n.i i'..-. . ..
t t.i
lilli ilay ot Jnntiftry.
d.. Kt the ollice of
I. in r. . 1 net. on tiie
A. D K-2. :.t L o'clock P.
J. . Webster. Caldwell
, , -, i")uias g'reet. ono ot the iiejjUtom in
LanKruj.tcy of said .District.
Jan. 4, w. Z-
L. s. .itars h ii for s,ftil
iis!,i-u;t. as Aie-sae;
House ati J SEjn Palatcr, Or.u'.'iinj,
vrpniptiy ailed, fchop nor;h of Price's Elack-
u-"'a". ornameaiai fafntinar.
rtaut in liankniptcy La3 been issued by
urt a.aiiist tno &itta -of All-.rr u
of the county of C?i..-s actl State of Ne-
. . , . . p tfVfi
tucis w 11.!.;,,.
D.;r,k, at 15-jatri'iO, haye teen 1i!el at
Lincoln. The capitnf wi'l be SiO.OUO.
t!l3 tWO CVt"::: r ', '.CC-vt?
t on-:
t'i.v.-! .n l
7a.-; 7:
:.-i! on t!.o I ulons.
ITy the iii-.v .Dj-portioririont Li!!, C3
cJorfoil iri the friend n?s (!' Kcr
rcietitivcs, Penn-ylraphi will guiu-two
i;;aLuhoiS oi' Coiif r-.-s..
The d;rj':tte!:'.'-! iiistiiorninc: atmov.i.oo,
that Hon. V,T. V. Ai'.isoti was !a-;t hi-.i
nowhiated Tr IT. S. Senator, in j dnt
caucus of the republican luemhor.-s of
the Iowa Lciih'.uve. to puaoccd Hon.
Jas. llarlau. Tlv vote stood, "AHiaon 03,
tlarbn -10 and V.ri!.-on 17.
Tho Lfgislaturo propojos to make
forty-three new counties.
Senufor Crnpscy propo.-es to eradicate
Canada thirties and c'lers by a Legisla
tive ediet. littter take Greeloy's plan.
T3i3 Omaha Herald's Lincoln cones
pendent, .ays :
'"I iiu iol'-.i'intit on reliable authority
that Jaturs is to 1,-e i:i!j ea;!:e 1 thr a hind
steal in which ha haa got a little mixed,
and the papers arc ready."
Wc are paying the highest tnnrkrt
price for gooii fit hogs, delivered in
PIatt.:uouth, on foot, fanners having
fat hogs will cen.-ult their interest hy
calling on us before selling.
Dec. 21, 1S71 wtf,
liefer Las lots of lthubarb for mar
ket, lie left a bundle of large, fine
fetalks r.t the IltiiALD ofliee.
We devote a large amount of cpaee to
the publiertlon of the proceedings of
the State Hoard of Agriculture, trust
ing it will not te uninteresting to our
J. W. Barnes, Ks., received three
loiters yesterday enquiring if stock
could be purchased in the Fir.-t National
L'auk, cf tins city, and at what premi
um. Two of tho parties are ciipltidMa
of St. Louis. The names cf tho officers
and "directors of this bar.'; are a tower
cf etrengtli to it, and makes its stoek a
desirable invest merit.
ElEYATOnfi vvissitr?,
Dispa fchs were received fiom Chica
go ye.-tf-rday stating that every elevator
was full, and that no more grain shoal 1
be shipped until further orders. It is
thought, this will be an incentive to con
struct elevators in this city the second
grain city of the west. Who will attend
to thus matter.
The Old Insurance- Company of North
America, of the city of Philadelphia,
presented their financial s'atc:i;rnt on
December 1st, 1S7J, which gives the 121 a
cash eapi, a! and s:irphi3 of ir'G. 337. ISO, -S3
; anil afcrr deducting the amount re
quired to re-insure all outstanding risks,
inc'udiuir ail unsettled looses hi Chicago,
they have a surplus of $ 1, 5o,4sC. S3.
This is the oldest insurance company
ia tho United States, having been or
ganized ia 1731, and hive successfully
met all losses. Capt. Phelps Paine is
agent for this place.
."Messrs. Paul Hi!! and John I'ifzgerald,
have been awarded the eemtrnet far
erecting the I). k M. R. R. bridge
across the Platte at Kearney, and will
proceed at once with the work.
tt.-5 lUtl.IV FAII! A.e) FCS1I-VAJ-.
Tlic Concert i Kticecss.
A Lively Sirife for i&e rrSr. n.
?llH I.:iSin Rijaj-R"" K'-t tho rUr.l,
nuil sir. S:tf 5-ctj f?i3 Jlo'jf.
The Catholic Fair on last night was
more Jargciy attended than on the pre
vious evcnii g. Fitzgerald's cr.pacious
hall was filled by an appreciative audi
ence, to hear the concert, most of whem
remained, for tho dance, later ia the
The Concert was opened by Jobn?on
Bros, band, with 3Iiss Liilie Simpson at
tho organ. Among those who took a
part tMid contributed to make the con
cert a success, were 3Iiss O'Neil, 3Iiss
Miller, Miss O'Connor, Miss Crocker,
Miss Mitchell, Prof. Rivers and
Chas. d'Allcmand.
While all did well, and merited the
applause the' received, . there is one
whom wc particularly desire to mention,
AJiss 31illcr and wo believe wc speak
what all last evening felt when we say
that she is one of the finest singers ever
heard in this city. Nearly all of them
were recalled by the audience, showing
a at they were fully satisfied with the
treat effaced them. Miss Simpson sus
tained her high reputation, and won
golden opinions from the audience, of
which substantial evidence was given
later in the evening.
At the close of the concert, Johnson
Bros. 4 bind struck up, and" all hands
round" was in order till about 12
o'clock, when supper was announced,
and about one hundred couple sat down
to a bountiful repast, furnished by the
ladies of the church. After supper
dancing agalu commenced, and contin
ued without, intermission till about half-pa.-t
three o'clock, when the voting com
menced for the Bird and Robe, in ear
nest. As wc lef, before the voting com
menced, we insert the following commu
nication fiom one of the clerks, and who
did tho tallying on the occasion : '
Eeitor IIeuald: The first night of
the Fair passed Ly without any excite
ment of any kind; except what is usual
to be seen ia like places en slciila cc.
cations, sueh a3 songs, recitation:-;, danc
ing and eating. This was the sum total
of the Grit night's programme. It was
anticipated that excitement would hiii
high last night, nor were the people
disappointed in their expectations. .Lust
night wii! long be remembered ty all
r': o wif!:25ol the votir-c: i'vr tha
Uvu. Whjt.'tc-r the LirJ .';t d.i;ut..-.l to
i' i . .,.....'..! :.. 5:.. .
I iiivJC UtaJtllUl 1:1";, 111 M KiUIiii 'l.;
i know nor, hut this i can vouch u- i :yc.., t.., tM X(--, whr '.va;, L-achcU I h" tins tn't f-t i!u-s. Tho lirst
oa tho Lo-tr-i tt "Ji'-s raa;-a'o iwk-rwj;
t!.-!.;c -
O'Jh-ieu'c!,.:k Ih
ir. I!
tsoilcd M) vote.-:; Mi.--t O'JJri- ;i, iol. At
t i; :.:;), 1 iO. .vt into c::te los
-.--r,- , . -.1- I (-
witli - vote.-. 'Mr. Joeolj a dtio
itad to Mi ;? : ;iru;; -i's s;reti;t,
givir-g her then 0 vot. MLsiloL.
son'iS irieros cause to ti.o ve.-euo tisiu
.-hovod he- ah-,rl to -!'.. At this
M:.-o O'Diivii w-!.? h ft l-.hind, a:; it!: - -
eot-ir- t by l.-ctwetn iii iloiit-on a;..!
noils alo-.-d
Robertson, 410 3Iiss Simpson.
o'clock both pariie be.j-.11 to ruu-fer
their iVrees. .1 is-s Robert-on polled 711;
Miss Si;i;pcn)"Ti.i0. From 4 o'ehrek to
e o'clock the excitement was at its high
5si ; and as it was nnm-nneed that the
polls would close at o'clock, the stamps
were fottiicoujing as fu.-t as they could
be received. I was in close prexioiity to
both pariie-, aiid it was i.upossihie to
tell hieh had the most 1: cr.ey, 33 every
hand ai'carcd to bo fu'l of tens, twen
ties and ni'aes. Witliui a, few r.iimtcs
of.") o'elock, Miss Rol c-rtson had 2,313
votes. Miss Simpson 2 273. Lvcn then
it was ii:ipo;ili:e to even surn.i-e whtcn !
was Jlkoly to gain the victory, both par- j
ties pfeiiied so (Jeteiiuiiied to iK'ht ituut. j
. 1 . ir.. 1 1
ill l I ! I - i'l (.-.. S .111. J!Hl'liVIl Iljl V.lkil
!;is hand full cf tiftie?, and placed .OiK)
votes more to the credit of Miss Simp
son, giving that lady 3.773 votes. As
Miss Robertson's friends appeared de
termined to fight it out, the hour for
closing the pulls was postponed till 5i
o'clock; but .Miss Robertson's friends
did not eouu to time. t?o Miss Simpson
was dec-hired tho owner of the bird
which cost her friends ?277.3'J The
bird realized .2; 2 .
The Vuting of tho rbe to tho most
popular frentleman, was (or a time very
h:i -k. Mr. Will iam Neville wltosa name
appeared iirst had it cra-cd and its place
substituted with A. S. Sampson.. The
other candidate being John ChrNtian
foa (Master mechnnie in die 15. M. R
R. sh opT) Roth parties wanted to know
whom John Fit?gera!d would vote for,
but that gentleman gave them to under
stand tliat ie would not vote for any of
them. At 12 o'clock Mr. Sampson's
name appeared with 70 votes, 31r. Chris
tianson77; fit 2 o'clock Simpson 13',
Christiansen 14."); at this stage they
commenced voting in an arithmetical se
ries having 10 as common difference.
At 21 o'clock the f-seitement was in
tonee. Sampson 2So. Christ innson 2-SS.
Messrs I'iok, Egan, Ward and ot'ners
vl.o.c i ao:o 1 not learnrd acted
iiolly. Mr. Chri -tian.-ori re:;-i-."cd 7T3
votes, ?I r. Satnpsori Vi) votes. At 5
o'clock Mr. Chi i.-tianson's sup;orters
gave, way very reluctantly to the superior
strength of I heir opponents. I do not.
know vet. h--w mn-di the Fair rc-aliz-: 1.
5Io--t of the articles were drawn by hit.
The competition for the bird and robe
convince me that there is no lick of
greenbacks in Piai?smmth.
M. O'Donoiios.
rly friends who so geiierovuly voted
me the beautiful Canary I'ird and Cage,
on the evening of the. 1 0i h inst. , will
please accept my thank?. I prize the
gift more highly as it was entirely un
expected. . SioireoN.
Tiie cott;:iiitteo who had in charge the
GUthohs Fair and Festival, desire to re
turn their tliar.Ics to nil those wuo at
tended and eontiib-.ued so libera" v to its
. , ,
si! jioi t. i :.o receipts were oevout. cv;r
most sanguiiii expectation?. The gen
erous aid given by persons, not members
of our church, and the good feeling that
prevailed i' nm the beginning to the end,
tended to make the oeea-.ion peculiarly
pleasant and happy.
Mas DICK, PicsUsnt.
3Jiss Garten, See'y.
!i:5;l'i.A ii.
It is a som.what singular fact that the
Omaha ILrald anl Rrpul'llaia rccebre
no news fiom Liticcln cf a favorable
character nothing that speaks good fjr
anybody. They have a constant flow of
faultfinding and "rToiois" of bad and
frti-liilent transsetious. No man is safe
for a moment from their at inch", made
under the gar!) cf looking after the inte
rests of the State. We expect nothing
different from the Jlnmlil, as it his al
ways reveled in t lie slums oi pelities
and fattens a:il grows corpulent on iiith.
It gloiiea in speaking ill or as many
people a3 possible, would languish, and
pine were it depiived of its sustenance
in this respect. But of the Republican,
professedly a leading pa; or in the party
that endeavors, as a leading principle, to
draw out the good that is in men, better
things should be expected. It is ex
pected of it that it should speak ill of
no man unless absolutely necessary, but
should always be ready with a word of
encouragement to draw out the good
qualities of men. Perhaps it may yet
prove the "correctness of our statement
that Mr. Thomas had done more to
break uo the Republican party than
imy other man in the State had done in
tho same length cf time.
Teachers in our public schools are oft
en annoyed by the noise and confusion
made by tho heavy stone slates in gene
ral use. During our visit to Naomi In
stitute a year ago we found .this annov
ance entirely done away with by the use
of the li.'iht and noi-elcss slates mnuafae
turcdby the N. Y. Silicate Bank Slate
Co. These slates are made of stiff paste
board, coveted with a coating of gene
ral flint or other surface which gives a
beautiful surface for writing on with a
common slate pencil.
They can bo obtained in small sheets
that wi!i slip between the leaves cf a
book where they are always ready for
use and they are tiso bound in tasty book
form. Prof. Patterson informs us that
these slates have given great satisfaction
to" Naomi Insditute. lie also informs
us thai his students are Using a load
pencil of superior quality, manufactured
by the same company. ,A box of those
called the "Silicate "Lead Pencil" now
lies before us, and the tests we have put
them to prove them to he j;jsfc the pen
cils needed for general use.
sr,'v to n s, r sr its' i sr.
-We believe that it would be of no im '
warrantable stretch of power for the
Legislature to either call the same Con
vention together again, and request them
to revise, or, what wo! think would be a
better plan, jast cut out the objectiona
ble feat uros and submit without, the ex
pense cf another Convention. While it
is true that it is not in the manner pre
seri'dtd ly the old Constitution, .if ilie
sovereign people should adopt, no power
could get behind it. Chrof.iJ:
We n-!."..t; 3, to-Jay, a largo I A cf
tle;-.!5i art.I other st-hoei iuvniturc ro'.tt-j
ftu- iNaottii. T'-e eon:-Inn t and steady iu-'rt:t-e
of tU'Icnts in atte-j.!anee at ihii
iniii tut !-::, has rcn !cred it neec?-:try t
: v.
ai!'jihcrrK::xtin tho ha::ditu bti
liiC tV,-tj tiOT
ar-2 f'. ir on
atice ?! .v.
in vl-; 'i u:: lor. tiP'i t!i'iiv
J std'.-:iU in ctlt'nd-
' en-ai-in.. It t-vrtuinly untst ba u soutee
! cf ptide to the vorthv piira-ipal to see
j th M;c,..ASS h!i- att0.J6J cf-
,. , ., T ,, ,
' 1 !r?- 1 ir1- L' V 1 cot' v ho ls ,WCu
! and ft vera: iy known to masy oi' the
t-itistiv: ,f Pl.ntraKvath, has late'y been
Pref Pat.'or-.ot! !:as been truly f.rt unite
in the .e'eetien c-f tea. her?. 3Ir. A. J.
Graves, by earnest av.d faithful atrentiou
to his d i'ies as A-f-istant, has done
much to biiiig tb.3 selio.d up to tha po.l
tion it r.o v tvenpies,' while Miss Matiie
Rankin ai tenchor td' inst riuuental music,
is winning htvue!-. fjv herself in her own
p.T.ticular bianco.
Tho dlsaitroui fire, which occurred in
Nr-emi j i.-t before Club tnias, would
li xve su ;; er:dod almost any other scmo: 1
fir an ia definite perbd ; but now its ef
fects can sc.ree'y l2 seen, and wc under
ftand that the work of repairing was
pushed forward sn rapidly, dnri.-g the
holidays, that the pupils were not re
quired to lose a .single day from school
on account of the fire.
1 hi: i.i;isz i rur.
This body is stii! in session, but there
U a fair prospect that it well adjourn at
a:i early day. There has been a large
number of bills introduced, but only a
very few of thctn eem to have more
than a half dozen friends. The body
will undoubtedly adjourn as soon as three
or four cf the most important bills are
The bill authorizing a re assembling
of the Constitutional Convention passed
the 1 louse last evening, after striking
out the appropriation, thus leaving the
members of the convention to do their
work without pay. The amendment was
concurred in by the Senate this morning,
and the bill went to the acting Governor
for his signature. The enemies of the
bill confide nt'y assert that be will veto
it, while its fiiends as confidently as
sert that lie will sign if.
Tho ai tides, of impeachment against
Hen. John Gillc.-'nie, State Auditor,
were withdrawn from the Senate, yes
terday, and ''Hottest John" now stand-;
as a free taan again.
Tho bill to provide for the develop
ment of the Saline iuteie.-t was vctc-d
down in tho Hou-e hist evening, but the
vote w.i.5 iccon-ilered this uoruing and
the bill referred to the Judiciary Com
mittee. It will probably pass with some
modification. Ser.ater Cropscy made a
very vi !ent and bitter speech in- the
Senate this morning, in denunciation cf
the State -.,;. b -cause it had seen
11:. to ci Licise. him somewhat. lie in
dulged in such hitter personalities thai.
Senator Tucker called him to order fur
u.-ing Iingi.age of such character as
weuM tubject him to arrest were it not
i- " ''' " . .
: InetCrfd ot moviiii lor aniure;
as so. on as Dr. L-in.Ii had been sworn in
as a Senator, as it -was supposed would
be done, and we may say desired, by
nearly every one, the first motion made
rd'icr he had taken his scat was by Mr.
Abbott, (the man who was so fierce for
an investigation a few momenta befbre),
for the adoption of a ccncurrcut rcsolu
tien of adjournment. It was defeated1 cf
Wc undo; stand that Dr. Laish's
friends wi i demand an investigation if
ins enemies do not. It is bat justice to
all concerned, and especially to the inter
ests of the State, that souiothlug sdiouid
be done to cither vindicate or convict
Pr. Larsh. ar;d that speedily.
-T 3
"i.oii ;i.-:j'ohc you i.r.ii'."
A gentleman from the western part of
the county informs ys that a young gen
tleman named Clausen, of Ashland, has
for a considerable length cf time been
paying attention to a young lady of that
vicinity, and that a short time since they
decided to be joined in the holy bonds
of matiimcny. Tho young man ex
pressed a desire to have a friend 'cf his
from Iowa to perform the ceremony, in
stead of having a Preacher or Justice
of the Peace. The bride expectant bad
no choice in the matter, and the "friend"
was on hand at the time appointed and
performed the ceremony, and pro
nounced them "man and wife." At the
expiration of a week or ten days the vil
lain, Clawson, informed the deluded gi:l
that his "friend" was not authorized to
solemnize marriages, that no license had
been issued, and that he had no further
desire to maintain the sham. The girl
had him arrested, and the trial wes in
progress when our informant left. Her
name was Look before tho sham mar
riage, and it is Look yet.
To .Idvfcthrs. All persons who eoutem-p-ate
mnkinff contract with Twwspnpersfor the
insertion oi Atlveriiseuients ittuuld send to
060. f. Jewell $ go.
for a Circular, or inclng? 25 cem for their On a
Irjn 'red Pace Pamphlet, conraiuins List.s of
.1,0 ''i Newspapers and t.-iiii.aJc, showing the
cost of advert isit'Sf. aiso many i.:c!'ul hints toad
vcrtisers . and sowo .htm int. of the experienc e
ol, men " ho are known is. siucecsslul adver'is -ers.
Thifctirni are proprietors oi the American
New-paper Advert iritis -Agency.
and arc ro-:cr;cd
cf uRrf! il"d facilities f ir
f-ectiriEit the insertion of advertisement ia aii
News-papers .d at lewejt rates.
Jlariucliavr of -e?
Cf7?- ND ' DEALER I N jj
ajjarnrss, S;tbblcs 2rifelcs,
Blankets, BriIies, &c.
Prorcptli' .EA-cuted Ml work VarrenteJ.
Nov. JO.wci iiulUmoUth, Neb
XcbnifLa City,
.Geue:-ai Asent Uep't Nortawcit,
Union Central Life
O: C:r.eiot:ai i O-iio,
j. ii. rniis -ox.
the uwm
Northwe.-t Ci-rner Third ami Cen'ra
Av:-;uie-:, Cincinnati, Ohio,
r .- las- S2 r. iz t.- r.r st r-i
John JI Phililjis, Pifffunt.
Joo. p. p. Peek. Vkr-l'.t.u.leuL
N.V. J!aii-:.i, .Vccrir.'ij.j.
E. P. Mar:-h:iH. A -i-i'-x it Sfcrdurv.
Jf,V.nI).ivis, y.A)., V.-ru.E. Davis. M- D.,
?-feliral Kxanincrc.
?. S. J:zit. l . Cor. Sec. Erepdrnen'i Aid o-
I'lfty. I iiiciiioal!
J' t. l.-rK it, l.iu kia, V,'ii?ht k Co Tinkers
y. ii'. Jittrris, Si -dary Union Central Lifi
J ur;i:ce coii .;:i5iv.
John fj- ;.no:r;r, l.arkin, Wright & Co., E.-.r.
tier?. Cinciiia.i!i.
llirr, ,, ), ,ir,, Er.rkin, AVright & IV, Enn
t'.TS, t lllcilin;i:i.
Joh.t '.,, i-,, M i. No "i:t Elm street Cin.
H'bi l-trtV; . J). No "".0 Elm street. Cin.
Jjhnl:i. Vc.-, Vice-I'teside; t of L'uio
i ciitrnl I, lie Insurance Co.
i-i. llamikon. Ohio
WiUiitm. Attorney at Law. llaiuiiton O
filrr M-r)'!, Hamilton, (Ohio
y.Vr J L Chnhnut. Cincinnati. Oiiio
JJ:,i M I'hil'.rp, Prwddetit ot Central Elfo Ia
suranee C!ii:any
Lee P Oiik'tte, Gen Acent For Ntbrska
J ii '!KSS()N. I.ocl'.l A'Sllt
11 it EivixuHTON, JSleditsal Examiner
Snt. ZQ dAw rf
Fire Insisranco Co.
Established A D. 103,
Tjipital an l Ca'.ih A cu mutations.
Ten Million Dollars f,i Gold.
CBsica SiOssfs a!i Paid
Th !
pioition an t lin;; whi ibi' eoin-
toy t'a- sc-
- sc -i; r-1 1 dariti;' tiie s:-t-ti!:i .vent:
lariiur the si:--tv-nind ycais
:t has '.;-.';? ic I d bti.itie.i thriiasthou tho world
tiiji-'t i-'cr v. iiii t!'.c i:irj;c nn.l V!ii'ioip.:ed se-. i;:iry
i" ulliTi lor nil 't-' ob o'Dtion?, c.a:ui5 lor it
;e:;i l!- o! ''ic J i.i p. Ore!;. it-:'.
Policies i.. ue 1 i. ji i b-'c pnld by
Pluttsmouth, Neb.
Nov.;?. d.tnOia
tCT IS tC f-nS .
err all trrcu:rT:c3 i::li at alt. i-ricz-x
u'etalic Burial Cases.
Ucady Made, aud Sold Cheap fur
With many thuaka for past patronage, ii
Ate all to call and examine tay large .-dock o
tiitare and Coflfins j.iu2St.
100,000 FEET !
The undeiiiguod ha on baud n large qr. ntiiy o
tS.- AT REASO.NAr.r-K riacttj.
oa Phot t notice, c&Ifor any size or
Rafters, Siuddings, Joists
can be had on short nottie.
C. lliilSEL
VVseping Water, Nebraska
sccce stns to
Beneral iSercIiandiso,
DRY GOiiD.s.
S1IOE3. TOTlONd, Ac.
We arescati for
Wiilcox &. GiLI'3 Saving Machine
'".. il. sieilUTX, t'i'.piKtJi',
L i- ..'! I.I
J.r. a.
Noti -'o i-i-i i.",.;! ii..!r. I .,:: e;i
t .ie : t pu ;isc u !:!: .-i.. i i ri t d' t
c i.trt ...c, i'i ieu;!.-.'i. '!. u : ; c .:t:,i,
n- 1- -. o.l tti- . 1 of J.:i
i A. i. ! !,. ot 11 n I; 11.
I 1 !.-..':. rs . i 1 ' , 1 - . i
i . i h'i :i iucl 1 I,-':.. it 1 ' ': . of ,,t So. f.
I ' ': So, i -i - i.'i. r . in ti.j 1
I i'i.e 1 :i'im ' si , CO.:- ;..!( 1 S.'';-.i.-S...
n.'.-.t i !! t!,-: ! fj.-d p '..i f.-nl i
! I.evn I ii : -in. '!' f r ; -r.v ' '' U '
i Nucki-1-.'. i-' -.! '. . ! - i - t io ;.ii.r ' '
! fv.. II, 1 .-.!,.- i l-v , i. r;. .. ('. i f. ;
I' tin- '.'ii'.ii of .'u-', a ad to ino dir. .
n.f 1 .-;'.ei r r -i
:v?' Mi-i-.-r nv I !'e ! -r e
A. l). i-:7i. J. w. ,!,,:. t .
firi.'i 0! i -rn -.'.'' v , N't
J. W. 8HAiTiWi
Plattsmn nik, Nebraska .
I nm prnnred to aceomin.vlatc tli pub'.'-? wi.
Hoists, Csirrinsrr, iiuiricj an I n Na'. 1 I J e i
on short notice ami rt-ntunitii'e tcrtin). A
will run to,tlieste;iU!ln) i1
oitha city when desird
Januaiy 1. 1H71 UJiwt
ShsriiT s Saio.
John Fini.-orr. n-rnSat John Kra'l'ue
Hess, ii n I PiKi-ne Antiuir. t)ei"n'.Uiil!.
Notieo i-' hcri-I.'. f ivei; t'- o. I v iii olVer fur
ytilo r.t public ui Mi-iii a', theirniit door of tli-i
t.'oiu; 'iotise in Cat i -mout h, t'oani y, N "i
ra?k, oil op-i-iy tb V.'.h dav of J;itiaa-r
1). is7! at th.-. hour f ! o'cloi k A.M. of e.lid
day the f.dlowin? l:H.V'.oe to v. i' : (
i be unoivi :c j i :k' half -ji uf tlm nort:, i t"
i'.-jiof lot. .. s't : ) i.t l'!-ck .. thirty-i wo i
in'lhe city of i'latlsniouth, Cn-3 !:onryNi0.
rii.-kn, to be sold as tlit pr ,i eriy of ,iol,n lies.-,
find i;.;'.i I ine ilfss. oil an ord' !' of c;i!e in favi r
of .Iol;:i r i:ii-h; r. i sac l I'V the Di: (rU f I'll
of l hi- 2ml .ludh iuI JOistrict wilhiu and for C f
CuorOy Ncbr:sa, and to me directed us Cdiciiil
ol-iuii County.
tiiven under lay inn 1 this 2Tth day of Pert m
birA. I. isTl J. Y. JOHNSON.
eheri.T Cass County Nebraska.
Maxwell A Chapman Atl'v.i for Pltil'.
Legal Police.
Pi-trict Court Coutitr. Nebraska.
Horace Monroe, i'lainti'J',
Kii h.ird ll'. Miller nn ! .Afiirietta Miller, bit
wile; Piiekurd A Miller. J. .1. Moiitoe. .Id hit
11 Jlasmi and Obcr Morris & Co., Jieiccd To the above named defendant,'-.-i-dciils"
of the .Slate of Nebni.-ka. l'ackai-t! ,t: Mil
ler, J J. Monroe, John H. klaxon and Jl-t
Moi ris a- Co. :
Take n oiej that you have been siied in t!ii.
court f.r the urposn of sottint? a.-iili) cert iai
deeds. exeeuO-d (it the 'i'rea-ui tr of iv. t uiin
ty to Packard .V Miller, ami n deed l..v tin i'i
made to .1. J. Moi:r''C and ;il n to .- t sid.s lu
trust deed m-i.ii' to John II .V Ton, as tru - lee i i
UOe.- M irris , '... l.-oin it. i). .M jll.-r and wife,
and for : itch further relief ii-i niny l)e eijuila1)!.'.
The bind and premises lie-cribcd in nil of said
; 1 . 1 s- is as f.dlo-.vs: Th-; s-iiilbeast 1 i' of hci-i'-ui
No. f'ne in township tlcvcn, range No. twehe,
e;!h i'. M.
Von mo reiiiiiie'd o nppear and defend, on
or before the lOih day i f Juiiu-iry. 1S7J, or Co
pei il ion wii 1 be l iken ita liae, aad jii lit'neiiS
rendered sever iiii'dy.
. Ii. c'euriKLP, I'laintiiT's Af'y.
Pen. Ilh, Is 1.
ii 'd'-red the !ibive !i;.i!cc to be pnblidied i:t
th-! -' !irl.:i. Iiki; l t fi'Ui- lon.ceutivo weeks,
a'-cordi us to law .
Pee. io,
T). VT. Mi KIVN0?C.
Cb ik .f loist r:t t Court Ci:s eouj'.y, Nebr iika
lKc. 1-1 f.
Prci3?.t: flotice.
I hereby r'vo nnl'i'i' (o nil concerned that ti
puriM.riiuxJn ibis last Will und TeU
iiu r.t of achiii I-i ii Pul i n g il-een---ii. 1-iio of
( ':is i-oiinty a n'l ;-' ' ' ' of N -brar. '..'i, ba.i b":i
!i!i.d in I be oiii.-e t.j the l'robat cimi-l of s vM
eon. iy, and t'i:it n ;-i'-m-i-.i - will be b:"d lit iny
o.iice in I lie i -iiy i t I !a i l- Huiiit'i (o caid tw.unt"
a the L 7 1 ' i d of J.",': ry .it oi: i, Vim k )i in
I'-iiil Oi'v o.i too i.'i'ie.) Io prove nno
a li.ii- sa'd i'l t' l.Koeite a-, w-i-.-a timo an 1
pla-. c ill." ! r.-i is i.. ti-rt d in ,iid r.t. no a:.-
rcfiiic-t-d t-. appi-'T ..od it i -.: Kci la eoiui-t
a I.m I sai'l i ill 'o i r !,:i!o.
tiie.!! i!i,'iei in- i: - ri'I ii ii d : :'iil at my oL'eJ
tbi-. :-d day f J.-iiii.".uy A. I'. 1"..! .
Ii. ii. IXuisON, Paobate Ju.lso.
S'Z at ion er&9 3Veti"J
cSeptifSr-d Ui),wl w &.
HP1 J. TJZ. ZO 3FcL Zi
Visifirij Flattsmcutli,
Will Find Good Accouimodatioti.s at the
Farmer's Feed Stable
Ccraer of Si th and Vine Strctt, 0nj Wook
N'eilboftho l'i-osbeii.i.:. Church, Pia tbuuouti!
p. i. nATi:.
To 8rll the inosi. popular wmk ever be-
lore introduced to the Ameri
can Public.
o je-j s a ik & oi
ITS PAST, rKfcSKNT, AM) ri'TL'fcr.
Ihe Origin, Progress and Results of thti
Great Chicago Cori'lagration.
TA'ilh praphie Fcenes. incidents and details of
the disaster, li-tsof the- principal bunkers, man
ufacturers, and Vlert -liuiilH v. bo are looser. A
eoinplete picture tit Cbieiiito befuris and aTter
the fir1?. The Trado and etniiaerce of Cbicaco.
details of i;s M unieili ii aOairs, una tho treat
fires of the World.
Thesttitisties ol tbe Pire Pcniirtinent. with it .
description of the wonderful water works; ill
erintion of Ihe sewr.ipe, pavintt and bu;ldiii(f
uuitcrinls. 1 he great rna-vel ot the River run
ning up ftream. The nu:uber. lonilion nnd
mode of oiieiatiiijf the ii iain Ueva'or. IJi--
tory una ilescniaion oi t iie tamotn ? tot k j
'Ihe number of itaitroitus, the b,ako TradS
Irotn personid observations by
(Perc-riii Picket
Litterary Editui Chicago Tiib::u
Editor of Chicago Tribune.
A Book of. V psirorf. illustrated by
arti-is, an i vfill be worthy of ihe c:n:iden-
Pric in exira eloth and ifilt. 52.). Wi
Fe-if. by mail on receipt of pi ice. This work
only he o'ltai'ied troin the publisher "r 1
their rcni'arly rnthorired niienls, it n
exclnsi e!y by pnr.criptiiti. nnd can not be
tinned ii-oni any book-torts ia the LuitoU
les. Addie-s
I'Niov i teni-Lr-'iiN; co..
W, Twenly-seeoni nt.. Cl.icih'J
HAPPY lteiiel for Yomer 7.1
iicl for Youn? Men. from tL)
cSi'i.'lH of
hood ri-.!
1 LrMi
rsiiii'l AiMi'i- in eiiriyliP:. Jiitn-
iorcd. Nei 'I'uuj debility euivd. itu-
lio !'ni;ens !) M;iriiiie rsia ve i. New mel.'iod
f cre:i: iiii-!.'. N'.v and reniark-ibte r.-iiii.i.n--.
li'.'oks and Circulars scut f.---c, in scaled euvcl-
W,Ad'aci, HOWARD AS.-'OCP'TION,1 No. 2
o ti.!i Viiita St., It iUi vlphi. k iK
Oct..; ih. wl yo
M i!. i:kjsf. c:i: '. :. iikAfbu.-
:2::i: ii, 3jj:ai?i;si
Slier K
U'Wi. " ,
1 .,
PbTTs-H'Ol Til NHL'.
.-, -Ciie. o on Ma.ia tiivt t, 0j t o:.,e biook '
Special Htteut.'ua giieu to tviltctiou tftiak-
jau'da; V