Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 18, 1872, Image 2
I I 1 i i! it n mcinotw of that boJj'tiiat Seuator rebi:;orv &71J ve L ijnWhJ bv ovst ' - two i-:riJ;oJ tiiaj rity over oao c-f tlie :holJon ha-J arriveJ, awl was 'on th p-ATisviourn n ecraksa.. THURSDAY, JANUARY IS. 1872 Editorial Correspondence. Lincoln, 11. 1 2 m. As the feature of the morning fesuon rf the Senate yesterday was the intro duction of the resolution to appoint a rmmnttec to inquire into the rSht of Hrm. 15. V. Hilton to hold a seat in that tody, so the feature of the afternoon - session was the introduction of a resolu tion by Mr. Abbott to appoint a similar committee, with authority to send for persons or papers, to inquire into the various reports relative to the conduct of Pr. Larsh, who arrived on the noon train yesterday, armed with the proper credentials as a member of the Senate. And we may add that this little .skirmish developed some of the peculiarities of politics especially of personal politics. The of Dr. Larsh is somewhat simi lar to that of Mr. A. R. Kennedy la.-t whiter, in which our townsman, Wiilct Pottinger, figured so prominently, with j the exception that Dr. Larch's seat U not contested, and in that respect he has the advantage over the position occupied Ly Senator Kennedy. But as to the legal right to a scat, the cases are parallel, and the efforts to keep each out of the same are identical, except that the aclors in tho little drama have been somewhat changed. It is the came Legislature, composed of the same member?, with the exception of a few new members to fill vacancies. Last winter, as now, Mr. Cropsey was chairman of the committee on elections. But last winter he desired an early report by the committee, while now he desires to delay the report until something can be found which will in terfere with Dr. Larsh taking his seat. Last winter Messrs. Hilton, Tucker and Tenant (with others) labored in session and out of session to prevent a report of the committee, while in this case these three gentlemen are anxious for an early report, and Messrs. Tucker and Hilton presented unanswerable argu ments in favor of the position taken by them at this time. After come sharp debat?, a motion was lost to suspend the rules for the pur pose of appointing a special committee to investigate the various reports deroga tory to the character of D. Larsh, and a motion was made and carried directing the Committee on Elections to report on the credentials of Dr. Larsh at 10 a. in. to-day. Unless there arc ethers who change front from the portion occupied last winter, Dr. Larsh will be admitted to a seat to day. Wc stated in our last thafcMr. New man would probably contest Mr. Larsh" s seat, but ho has not appeared at the capital, and prohabfy will not. We have nothing to say in regard to Dr. Larsh's election, exempt that wc are al ways in favor .of the election of the regular nominee of the Republican par ty as against cither Democrats or inde pendent candidates ; jet this has noth ing to do with his admission to a scat If he received a"' majority of the legal votes he should have his scat without question, and then let the Senate "in vestigate" him or "whereas" him as much as, in their wisdom, they sc proper. We have never been an advo catc of this main strength legislation that which decs a thing because you havo "counted noses"' and have the jower, regardless of right or wrong. We hope and trust the Legislature wil investigato any and all serious charges that may be made against Dr. Larsh, or any other member of that body, by any lesoonsible parties, in a formal manner. But these investigations, of flying re ports certainly are very injudieicus, and expensive to the people. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. The indications now arc that the Con stitutional Convention will be convened A bill was introduced in the Senate to day, sunplemental to tho act authorizing the Constitutional Convention, wuich provides for tho re-convening of that body on the second Tuesday in rebruary, for the purpose of making such altera tions in the constitution recently do feated as may s:em proper, provided that the members thereof shall not re ceive pay for more than five days. This bill passed the Senate with only two uis senting votes. Messrs. Metz, of Doug las, and Sheldon, of Cass. It was called up in the House last evening, at the evening session, but did not have the requisite three-fourths to suspend tho rules, hence it went over until to day. Thero is but little doubt about its pas sage in some form, probably without al lowing tho members any pay, as many seem to stick upon the point, and the . friends of the bill are willing to strike out all appropriation. NEW LAND DISTRICT. A joint resolution and memorial to Congress, passed the Senate yesterday, asking the formation of a new Land Dis- a.ert to curtail expeiuos and detect frau- hurt meu in cur party. duicnt rractices. n- -,i i ., i .ii?nw;i. t.MS rate oi a;:!rs cease i J iie .v'.o.'H'VJt. aeea'os Gov. Jame.? cf I . i ,t i t . , , . , . , , , to cxit l.jh j ar.'swers, wnen the s-eo- & N II li Co. to the O S . IV 11 II Co i f., ,-, -,;,i , a.iij u-re.,isati lavoj-rn-aM.m. It a thought by some hcre.ii'ioi a committee on iuvo?tigat?;m :,?:..ttM be a ided to the &taa fjm.tiilfees of each I lou se, with an huriry to sit dur ing the recedes of the L.'gi-Lture. Iho Tiehenor is kept by Messrs. Town ley McKihinni-y, an i we are safe in saying that ii is tho bo.-t kept hou-e in the State. the time. II. cr fa; I barm j?js on tin party 1 'ALL AND WINTER..- GOODS 1 Q7 1 lO'l." 1 cv 371 take:j up:)ii thjiUao: The IT. i. Co!h:cior, mandate to : Dr. Larsh can nave; ri. i lean !or nor.iiriiitio.i -tutu "-:r. i licve lint Jjir.-ili Tr i4 :,' nv.wi;,,, 1H :un- a x.epuo.iean nommas ..-.:), Lamaater ha.? i. the cli.ct that cjsv-j a Ke)ub- i;? 1 2i I co-MiTv Is this ivht? I be- :-jfVves ccii.-'r.o r r uilhAl 1MTQTT LARGE CROWDS Evuryiiuii, and mora too. arc j,i.ias to TISK !.A!i.MI C.IKC. Spmij! to lha Daily Hc-rulJ .. Lincoln, Ntn Jan. II i p. m. . The e.-itirc session of the Senate to day has been taken up by the discussion of the Lart-h case. Thomas and Tucker, from the committee on Election., report ed his credentials a!l ri.-Iit, and Cropsey reported against his admission, on the grounds of rumors. At ? p. m , after much bitter ditcu.r sion throughout the entire day, Cropsey move to postpone a vote for tho adop- i i .., , , . ..,;. . I "'J, at present, unu !e to state. ...... .... u '' jui al The Chrouter, of this city, c jiviui a uijiiiuimi-i; ui invrsiigaiion. 11 was voted down. The vote was then taken on the adop tion of the majority report, and was cir ried, with only Abbott and Cropsey vote- ing no. Dr Larsh" then appeared and was sworn in. Much feeling was manifested through out thedaj', and the galleries were crowd ed. The effort to ou;t Hilton will fail. II. c : 5 v- " Two 1 - , 5 - a c ii i x i: J. XVaikkr. Vrft r:t-r. 11. H. Mu)tnin L'o.t I'l-frr.-:-.: 5 t S'ILIjIONS IJt-ar TcKiiitionjr to Ihtlr Von;lciTtiI Curative K;!?e:.. Thoy oro not a viln Vtivry Vs-inU, 3I:uIo of ror Run, AVhlskey, frii iSa mul I?elun Iiinoi'9 tiootorcJ, f jneel r.r..l s-.vcctoiicl to p'.ca.e tho la.-te,c;.llca "Toiuc.-," "AppcUcr?," "i;ostorcrs''ic., timtlrail t!:e tij;!cr on totlruiil.cniic:-sniui ruin, but ara atruc from Use Native Root and Ifcrti or California, frcn fie til nil Alcoholic Stimn tanl". They ore the ;i: EAT iil.OOI) ITltl FIEItntul A I.I I'M JIVINt; I'llINCirLE, b perfect Kcnovator ami Invitcorattir of the System, tarryingoff all ioisonoiii matter ami rostorius ttictjluotl to a healthy cotiuition. Ko pcr hi can take these Eit tcr3 accorilinf; to direct ;tt:a anil remain lortj unwell, froviilctl their hur.ej arc i;(t tlestroyeU by ri.ineral foisonor oilier r.ienns, anj tho vital crrana v.asteij I-cyoml the p.vii.t cf repair. They tiro n Ccntlc I'mxntire ns well nn a. ?ouic, posveshin, nUo, the pcenlir.r merit cf artin; tit a powerful r.;;ci.t in lelievinp Conjestiin or IiiHai-.i-tnation of the I.ivcr. nntl all the Visceral Organs. I'OIl FEMAI.E iri.AINTM, in young or oM, n'jirrieil or fii'K'". at the dawn of won: ..uh :(o 1 or at Uie turn of life, the.-c Tonic Eittrrs have no equal. For Innamiiiatory nn:l Chronic It livuina tim and (Jaiit, Dyspepsia or I n d ii-M i-.n, SiiioRi. It cini: Jvnt nn.I liitoiinillent Fe vers, Dincnncs of llio IUont, I.ivcr, Kid nera mul Iiladdor, these Hitter have been most encccMiul. Sifcli Disea;' nrecatisn hy Vitiated island, whicli iscnerally pro lncrd by derangement of the IJiscmttvo Orgnns. IlVSl'El'SIA OK I?H;ESTI0, Ilend fcohe, lnin in the Sliouldors, CoiikIis, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour ICruet.itions of the Kt'ir.iach, llaj Taste in the Jlouth, ISillous AttaeU', I'alpitation ot tho Heart, Inflammation of the I.uuss I'ain in the rc tions of tho Ridi:cy. and a hundred other paiufui synip tonifi, nro the ons:rins cf Dyspepsia. They invigorate tho Stomach Rnl stimulate the torpid Idver aud Itowcl.t, uhiwt render thrj of unequalled tfCcacy in clcnsin.j the blood of all impurities, and ini artiujr new life ami visor to the whole t ystetu. FOR SKIS DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, Salt Rbeum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, lioils, Car buncles, nine-Worms. Sc.nld ilea 1. Sore Eyes, Erysipo Mw. I tell. Scurfs, I'iseolorations of tho Skin. Humors an 1 lsease3 of tli? Skm. of whatever name or nnture. aro literally dus up and carried out of the system in a tiiort time by 1 lie use ol these Hitters. One bottle in aueli cases will couviuca t!ie moit incredulous of their cura live effects. . Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im purities utirstins through tho cUia In Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse it Allien you find it obstructed and sluesish in tho veins; clean.a it when it is foul. 4nd your feelings will toll you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the lualili of tho svKtern will follow. I'in, Tape, and ctlier Worm, lurkinjin tho system of so many thousand.-, aro effectually destroyed and removed. Pays a dif inruirhe 1 physioIr-Trist, tliere is scarcely an individu-il nnrn, tin face nf Oir earth whose b.-"!y i.i e-ompt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy ilements of tho Xtct'ly that worms exist, hut upon the dixrnsed humors and slimy deposits that herd these livinsr monsters of disease. No ys-t'in of Modiriiio, no vermifuges, no antlielminti'es wiU free the system froia woiuis-liko these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. SrcPONALD & CO., Drufrsisfs and (ien. A sent s. San rrnncivn. California, and 32 and 3 Commerce Street. New York. "fSOLD DM ALL- rivLlifJISTS AND DEALERS. if SI'S C t--'tf- . . . n ' L tlioii.i tue luutincr in wiiu-:i ti.e lioaji : ation was made was against the wishes of the masses of the voters of the part.v; tut is this. the way to reconcile dissatis fied liepu'tiiean--, especially such lie ptiLiiieans as ija ii, v. iio wjei i.s more m- j (liicnee with (ho pe.ijoO of this county than any three politician? within its conSnea? Mcthiuks not. The newly elected Senator and Rej) resentative leave to-mcrrow the capi tal. It is currently reported on our streets thit the seat c f Larsh in the 3cn afo will he contested. On what grounds To Lu7 thtir AT T35 lMo.Miin i i ii;i . Some newspaper?, whoso hostilities to each others affords amusement to Oaiaha readers, and is to a groat extent a just cause of complaint among their distant subscribers, are truly rcimukable, and wonderou-ly harmonious in their fulmin ation of threats against the Legislature in the event cf that body doing certain thing5. Among some of the incongrui ties of there cratieand doughty knights of tho quill, wo notice that while they arc constantly preaching economy, they are in favor of giving the Hoard of Im migration Si00;0()0 of peoples money That while th?y thin another Constitu tion is needed ly the State, they are op posed to letting the Li.-lalurc submit on?. That while the laud Governor Jame as the quintessence of virtuous ruiir hccd, thoy don't sec into the j.o.-si-biiiity of IU being a land stealer, or a subject for police di.-cip'iue. "Whose ox O! Lord ? Li fit HI UCS to charge to tho front, right and left, the hordes of thieves who arc sucking the life-blood of our commonwealth. I rejoice in this matter, with its fearless and manly editor; but its course on home politic-", I regret to say, has in no small deegree, lost to u.i once llopufcli can O'oe. Hoping that the political dissatisfac tion which has so long exited in our eonnrj l.vay soon be cleared away, and ihat we may once more become united, I remain, A. Watcher. Some f.-dow t 1 i i has abut sis hron.d eoni'eptii?n t.f hcni-s!y as a toad has of palatial residences, writes a letter to t!i- I'lattmou'h Herald on the subject f Otoe County polititrs. It .-hotiid havo been dated nt the "'looms of the bdiiqiu.t where two men had t hold one up while ho made a speech. Another orator had cot c h magnetism left to hold him i his chair, and ho fell e n tho i!o ,r. " That le! ter was cviiletiliy written under such inspii-iition, Ctrom'cfc. There certainly is very litt'e "ccol wat ers"' nbout the above. How is it about inspiration in Nebraska City Urcther V. II. II. H. will please nW and fxplain. .MJii'iAsii a, rv toi-r.Ksposi) L?,X:, trict oa the Republican river country, and the location of a land office at the . town of lied Willow. This will, prolably be amended in the House to day by striking out lied Willow, and "inserting at some central and accessible point with in said district." CILLESriB IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. The Court of Impeachment for the trial of Auditor Gillespie, wa called at .) p. ui. yesterday, and was adjourned till 3 p. ui. to-day, at whicli time council on both sides agreed to dceicfo upon some definite liuo of action. KKW BILLS. A large number of new ti'ils were in troduced in the House yesterday, but none of any special public importance. Mr. Cropsy introduced a batch of bills in the Senate, among thera on for the repeal of the registry law. While busi ness was being vigorously despatched and votes were being taken in theSen . ate in rapid succession on the various tills, our attention wa-i attracted by a vigorous "no," on the opposite side of ttJ ball. We sooj discovered, 03 did the fuMtivu lit Ofuc Our liefcat M'tU i(4 fniiiPs-t'v't oniciaI-4' .tS iiiMlntr- lirp'.ibtirttn I'rrcir.ol lioi.e lmocrtio I.nrsh's Sent in !.-; oilotcl, Ac., ie. a . 1 11 h nymtlni:is of liver eom- 5 fx : ?:i!aint are uneasiness and pern ivSiiiaiill-ild ti the Mde. riumctiinrs t lie l:iia in in tho shuLler, tnd i x stmnueti is nnec'.od is'ita Irs of njiet!U anil Me!;nes, bowc-ls i Kenernl custive, some- iiinei iulern:itin witu lax. 1 lie head is trcu rde Iwah; ami dull, heavy sense.tiun. ccn--e-si,lera,1ie )0.B nj- i:u;ui.ry, ae jl I CT p"e(tnpii!iicd with rai'if'il sensa tlm I V u. I S i"n of bavins left undone j-omothi!!!- wiiii-h ci!Kht to have -s-. ioeu done. Often eiinj)l lininsr of irpiikriRKj., dc-ldlity and low .spirit.", iv.u.e' thnes many of th ? ub we rynip'.uins attend tlie disease, and at olher times very few of th in ; l.ut theliver is frenerally the oifio invol ved. Cure llic liver with Dli. SIMM()NS: 11 lilGULA'I'Olt. -N'EW Y O E K STORE.' Ibe Lest asd raost eotup!tt STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are now on eihioiticu tt tlie Nc-.v York Store, ut great!:- rc m e,i pries. We call partiaalar u'.ti iiUoa t'j our iiuit iii Ico ol DRLSS-GCJOD.S, TIIINTS, DKL,INS. (ilMGH A MS, illtOWN SHEETING, J'LPACHKI) COTTONS, HALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THRE ID COTTON VA iS. HOOTS ANJ) SHOE cf all kinds aiid prices to aait our cu:uorou customersi. " la-ga stock ot CROCERIKS, , HARDWARE, QTjEENSWARE wooden-ware, c;lssware, YANKEE NOTIONS, A VS AND CAPS, LOOM CO., a van crATios of uo'.Tis a.;d l::C2B, WAan.lX:- ; d to be .-t'k-C.v vejet iblc. a.-i 1 can do no in jury tn any jne. It iias i'l-m used by hundreds, anil kn.v,n for the la.-t tl' lrty-ti ve jx-arj a. .in ol liic l'le.-t rc iahile. i -liicaeioiis jn 1 Ictrnil'-ss nrejutiitions evi i- oifered to tli-- Rulfcriutf. lffaken rfttuariy 22J.',lir "Mi'v. it .-itro to cur.) J i -1 v-1 . --i . ilo-.l.l.i -lie, .l;Mlr;dn-e, fmlif.- Ui(t-t01 lian-nnttitl.-tino theldnd- i Icr. caiap uy.-c!;;rry,:i!i'?eliii: "wxKrmrzrTr? (,t the Kidneys, f.-.ver, ncrvo-is c!::l;3 .lisp.ise (!" the iin. impurity ft!:e li'ocd. m l.imdioly. or deprejion of Fpirir.. he.trM"!irn, eolie. or pain in tii- ljo;ve!s. pain in t.'o h-n 1. i'cvrr I'.n l i'ue; drop y. i (.il--. p.':in in baik anri linirs. a,, erysipelas, female i;f-'eetion--, and tHiutt4 discuses K'-netally. Ptoi are I l;y J. Jf ZHILIN .'v CO. Uruiritists, ilai-oii. (la. Pond for a Circular ) u.r.fc'..:i Ai-li street. Price ?!; by 1.V5 i hiindclpiiia i'a, Tor :: J 'i ;.vi hyl. H. BUTTERY, "PUtts-mouth, Xeb. F. DUKE i QQ ujujj, 1c. io. Vvyfiy -"t;.;?A- "-- :-: :. -.--"..-'v'" ' -t-:il-'.J1 .-lew.:; ' . AM) hi 21 Vila tJllXiht.ikO l.''i fro t'so J-itnp'rst Con ?'ru-ti' Eivo i'y i';. ::a:jei llstit v, e ti-ntitec th.Li to I- .-- -: w .... Z 1 fdl Paper TrimciJ Also I'&alor i;i Books, . 1 tui; liij.i i o .k i r j ENTIRE SATISFACTION Asr.o art'-'c in the hous:-?iol.l In 3 n f:re::'er !n iiiioiK u in j r.-' otiiiir (lie luvdlh. e:onl ), l iiud ItHpi-iue.-s il'tli l.vm il.v eirile than t .1 C'i"k St ive, it ii eono"iy 11s tvelt a' polii-y - tut llie vt iy liift: and i: bt:y the liiarter '::l;, yo -. can reiy on eltins the nii-:t sucee sful, jopu'' an iri-iTfet eookin stove "ver iua l. In ttsiiiiciin i.'pk-uro ilroiier yon aro ttltvAyf euro o' Jim hi'j Juicy, Tend..r and Delieious Reef-takes, Chickens, lTam.3, Chops, iVe. 60LI By EXCELSIOR lu'FG'T GO. Cl2 crv CI 4 N. 3Iain Street, St. Louis Mo. AND AI L LIVE STOVE DEALERS. Dee2dvt;.iu. JOSEPH FIRE AND M A R I X E I OF BOYS AJVB ClIlLDRKJrS CLOTU1JYG Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, 2LA?IKTS, RUBBERGOODS, TRUNKS, VAUSES, E1C. HUMAN MTSEKY-! yi.- PuMishi-l, i' i ti cah;l i-.ir7 ,;.r. Price (.'-'.. A li-turc on tlio Xafuro, Trca'.inent, ni, 1 P.adi-ai ruw of noraiatorrha-a, or S-miiial '. a";i:is', I nvi,'n;i;::r.v- Ktn t -i:ois .'-"esu:,.l JV ' lit '. n I I inp-di'iiO'it - to M an in- pener-i'ly; rri' -.Ti -.n-i-. 4 'm:i -it ni ii .11 , I-! : : i'i: :v r.url i r : CITY. OF ST. JOSITII, MISSOUill '? "! Prcrfrii lions carefully ea:n"oi;rde ! h- u:,r i-rrni-need Dru r.,i:-t. lieieeinher t he ph-ce. ;hr?c loors' I : f the (rdxiiiriee; I'l u t-oriour :i, , l.r;;'a.. i II- IiUTTKUY. WHOLESALR AXI BETA II. DriXJ G 1ST Is reeeivinar and has on hind (nt tho old stand of White A- Lutterjs) f?outtt n lo Main 'Street, riatl.-troi fh. y, I, THE LARGEST AND MoH Complete Stork of Iriir. Tdedir-rc , T'nf "h. h nU Lead. VnrnMi, Cult Fish -i'l. M-o-hino Oil, ar;'l'i'!r Oil. C:;.-tor f):l. if '.-.jt Oil. " halo ( Id. I,inr-. nil' Ln' I Oil. Ps-rn-i ii Oil. ',! T . i v-- r i.'. an I a larir v iri. ry ' I: Prrf'i'.iery I nn. r an I f,;;el - rl F'-sen ., Kla 1 01 iiijf e.Ttr.'ii- na I all z from On! vcfwIi, y. aia Street. S;oond Door East of liio Court l;otio "BRANCH llOUii" "Croadway,Co;:cneil Kiaffs Iowa. riattstaouti.. KcVruf ka Nebraska Cirv, Jan. 'j, 18T2. Dear Herald : The stroke and din of tho political Lattlo fought oa Satur day lait, has c!eared away, nr;d the usua1 peaca and quiet o.f oar city U r.gain un disturbed. Tho defeat wc have met with io one long-to Lt'-remciulered Ly tho Ilepuhli cana in- Otce county, and ouyht to prove a raluublo letpO'i io tho leaders of tho little cli'iues and rinps, who for many months have attempted to control party politics in thi3 county, in Fpito of the Uta-e of the people. Tho victory cannot Lc claimed as a Democratic one, for the simple reason that on? third of the members of that parly supported our ticket. Such men as J. Sterling Morton,. B. J. Newt-on, and others that I tr.iht mention, pave our nominees a hearty support. Our candidate for Senator, lion. II Newman, is one of the strongest and most popular men iu either party that the county can produce: but, had he been an angel, and brought out as the candidate of the diminutive "ring" in this cify he would have been beaten just as bad. Until our self appointed leaders ceaso to openly proclaim their influence with our U. S. Senators, and boasting of controlling the appointments and moulding the course of Gov. James, such things will always happen in once Republican Otoe. It illy becomes a U. S. official, because, forsooth, he issuth, to threaten to decapitate such and such an omcer and appoint such and such a man in his place. Those who dj not happen to be officials and lluy numlcr exceedingly many, I opine were not 'sore afraid" of such threat?. Hence the result of the last election in this county. We have had wrangling and discord in our party for the past two years, and it has become so that it is next to an utter impossibility to even ive a Republican candidate a respectable vote. When will those bickerings and strife cease? My answer is, just so soon as we have leaders that are not always candidates themselves-, and who do not threaten tho people with Senator Hitchcock's dire disT.fcasurc, or Gov. James' "hefiy" hsn J. For the un-t tii, since I have resided in this county, nearly six years, the once strongly Republican precincts of Palmy ra, Syracuse and McWilJiams, have given Democratic lusjoiities, rangin three to twenty-one. A V FOO T OF MALY STRIA: T Wholesale Retail De ilers ia Hardware and Cutlery, fitoves, TINWARE, ROTE. I RON'. STEEL NAILS AND r.Iaokmidi Tools;, Slq. Keep on hind a Large Stock of CHARTER OAK, B UCKS PA rE.YT, ft CHICAGO, EMPORIA L O Y.J L CO OK And Other First-Class Cooking STOVES, All kind', Conl or Wood kept on band. JOB W0I1K OF ALL KINDS DONE. M OLIXE- Siiring and Breaking Vlows At ITet Cos: for Casli. Our prices are in low S3 any house, in tlie State. Ljanllutf. CEQA3 CREEK MILLS in rucuirii; crJe- now. 7, Wo. ALL DELAWARE STREET, LEAVEMVVORTH, KANSAS PO LICIE S KON-FOUFE IT1K G M. :.!.! n I l'hi i. ;:i in. :-if-a -.use. A !. '.y !; l.r. ti-.rhur .ft!ic Hisee? 1 -.':!! re:i'-i:ie i .rjli-.i.r, -tj lli'.? ;;'in:;-,:-V-'.o I c t-::v, i-!p;ii ly ;iuv.-; i-n:;;! . i-- ntr. cxjier-iert:-i" t't:-i. t h e. t!.-;r-o oj" r-.-li'.;.;,:!: i- ijijw .- . -Vr.'i'tcaliy l-'-in'iv.'-l vi'f: "it tm : : nail wi;l.--'.t I'!r:c:-r')t!-5 s-ir-rs-.-sl o;-.v-r.n;in. :i-u i r. --'-n 11. 0 :-. line- -,r -T -i-tl-. i. iii. 'in-r iot ;i in !o tit care .,t t.jjee c-ert.tin a:.l riv.:;) by w hi-, h ove.y iiVri r. i.i k; :i : ? i r vvr.:t !. :.s 10:1 'iitioa ir..;y In, : i i.v i-.ii C !:i.:. i I:' !-!-.. i1 j". l-i'i-v:i!i-iy, ri'i l r.niie.iily. T!:is l-vr-r.T iriii j-iove a U'.'l Tl t th'-tl-CMIli1 illl'l !!:'! -i IS. t' 3', t :: 1 'lor r-.-ai, !. nvy ::M: i.--'. in 1 !.:i?: !i'-i!ci! !.;:vi'!ii.i. t". -:p: -ix - t -v 1 ;.-::uti --t.!iat.'. A!- i ' :'.' !", ,'!; l"ni.!i:-lM.r.s C2Tri- J" C Jj.jT?S 1J7 " .iri ry -Cc .v York, i'- V- HvS. 4i;o. Use -2 -.-ly The FtrcCjt Agency Comj-any in Mo II.VAXCIAL rXillLIT 5Lowuig eer.Jiii.'ii of the Company I.v 1-5, Tl Atrhor:zcd Cajiiird Fto-.-Ic, A ni t A jUiaiiy ki a!, C; S'l.K-k Ni.-te.a 5c".irc.l, 1 -i'.'il fV;- ; ' j ' ' . i i -:, IvU.i l"-l.".-i!i.r iTi.- .'V 1, 71 ftirr -..; w i. bt" fcs i Seoarinj the Greatest Pecuniary Arlvantarje. to the Tolicy 2ic'derj REASONS FCn INSURING UI 1U3 CQMPAfiY : ltt. Tli:." ix a "Wcsti rn Company, manure.! ly Wt-stern mm. whose known aii:i;ii:::;;lc!i.ire- tar, ability and i!;;itn:i. atlonl iiinple guaranty lur its earclnl ami suii-e.-tu! Hianagei'sent. 'M. Its Poliee.i i:re ril iioitJriVititnr. 31. I'remiuin 3I1mi. It receives no nnti-H nr rive? none. Policy h-jlilois Ii.ivo no icterest to i'r, aii'l no outi-tntnl'iiu notes its liens uiam l!i;i- poiicie.-1, 4'b. It h:is no restriction upon travel. bth. 1 t.s il IviilcnlM ar Tua-iti uon t :y eonlributioa I'lan. u:b. Iu bunine.'s ia eseluseirly life in;arunte. CASH yL.lZi Ca!i in bink an.l in C.-k. ;. f i'U Amount. Ionueil r 11 j)..-!.; i-t'Tnis!, rnai .-! ite v.-orih Io.:!.!o tlio suit:iit, lii.i"!0.'-2 Amount taunt I on ; l i f -i I . j u ; iii-s U. '''.' ' Noirs tli.-vo-intej, in rt o.n., -Jlj.l i L'onii.ii.'.u Cotmry, hitn.-j, L.11. i, mar- Ui t vaine. i.'i.i'iiiKI viecriieii 1:1 eri.-t en F;lln,, iJnU in the hanj tl .i.-cl.- in emtr-54 "Itra.i.-ini-:?'!);!, :;!iec i'iinii::src. Lt l !v i I'. 3 M Al.-.l) 1 ) HZ .- C, U BLST 111 THE. WORLDS k 1 JjvlfTU7ut ,j?5T UVJ' s;mo t:nAc.acLH , vuKif- Total .t llivj. aiia'i -i,i.oa.'i A,,, a. How York Office, 27 BEEKMAH ST. liarilitii:;. Lo.-? reported anI us:i'UtistcI Knsscj nii.i'istcd, Lut Lot yet duo, Loc resisted. fSi.'-O.'"-! A re June rIT Wanted 5GOGO bushels of Wheat. Sntirfaetion wi!l be given to rustomers in Krinilinfr .-inl F:iwint. i"loar. Corn lueal, auj Luuiuer, will ba sold Chsap for Cash. Come one. Corr.o all, and tiro tho Ccda Creek Mill a trill. CHRISTIAN SCIILUXTZ I'roprittor. . Oct. 1-Jih wl y - Ara the nceumulr.tion cf interest upon premiums pnid. henro tlie C'ln-pnny that lon-t! its nisi-., at the biphest rate of interest can give you the tamest Ui Hun. is. Ensti rn companies iiivfst-thoir moneys at. o percent., wnue trns males its in ve.'tments at twelve per cent, or int. re. The advantage of Western investment! to the piiliey holder appears in tho following yt.trtlir.r usurcs: loniiiuuuni oi i.injo, uivt'Mea lor imy ye irs nz ti per ccut. compound interest, ii 3 l-M'i'l.lii 3 " " "!l.i;i 10 " " " " li7..).S- 12 " " " " MSm-VCO It is obvious that thi company offers preater financial aJrantC3 and ind'.KementJ to ths M EAT mARKE f .!.:' . A .. - -r. Jiaii v'i i.-,--,;" Vi";-'-ii . vii:',f. i f.-'d, ;jv;.:ttV. i'-.l Dr. Win. Us II ti-:,.rV. ij V, al':i-e-o. v. .-1 a , ,,t t lie i... 1 v i .i-.' iii ..'fill, .nt. :n u sis at. tin pre Branules Wines ;u! Wliisfcis Meuieal pu;p(K;is. n:i i rj.ri in . j i'j' ' r fi.. it -.j'. Ty fur OFFICERS H I Miic-kixv, President. Georso A 5Ioorc, Secretary, J ii Sivin, Vicc-PrS.-ident, J Jones, Ass't Secretary, Dr J i, ever, iled. i'tor, Ii b ikwioan, Treasurer nA Citikins, General Agent, V? K Harvey. Con. j-ctuary, T A llurd, Atlorney. DI HECTORS. D Slii're, Leavenworth. Kan, II D Meekay, Leavenworth Kan. H L N-?irman LeavenworthK J P Kiehfirds, " " U M rw;.n, " " W K Chem berlain. II II llnmnioud " " WO Coffin, " - " T A I'urd. H i'deerton. " " Geo A Moore, " " K 15 Allen, Thos Carney. " " l W JVuors, " " C A Perry, V.'cston, Mo. S iNI Siri'-klcr. Junction City Geo L Davis, St. Louis. 5Io i W Veal, Topeka. Kim-i. Cha? Robinson, Latvrauco, J Merrilt, " " J M l'rico Atubion, Kan. W. Uadle. " E 1 1 listings. " " W It Stebbins, " Mltilorsan " . Mo Gen. Agentlor ?cb,aslsaa;jtl .tort her jj SiatsEr,; llTOP.S VAN1 ED. . THE UDEIiSIGSKD HAS OPINED THK ST A 11 MA RKET, At hi3 now ptund On Miiin Street, betwef n lib and 5tu south side. There ho is roauy to Fcrva all liisoid eustomcrs. ai.d as many ni-.v orus as may give, hiui a cuii. 'I keep on hand nothisj but the very BEST OF MEATS HIGHEST PRICES PAID TOPw " s" & r err s r wa a a a s.k 3Contra;ts made lor furnishing lareo Quan tities ot incut. Call and gee ns. febiiOdi-Ttf. A. G. II ATT. DIIlECTOr.;?- Miilon Tot,flc, Oi Tootle, FairU y & Co., iViu-Ie-sa!o Drv tioods. JitMi-jui (.'. Hull, Ci.-bier First Xntional Iiat.k. IK M. .-leti, fitst fct J'-scrii Jf Denver Cr.y 11 ulroad. A. JJ.nttic, (,if Eeattie A Co.. bankers. Oct. II , ;, ire. Capitalist. J V J;n U:, Vi Kailey, Key Sc Co.. V.'hob s lie Notions. Out. Hnelt, Pioirictor of Iiuchanan Vi'oolen ill I Is. Si'tm Wiwlvm. Attorney at Law. I. MiLun-jl,li::, ( apatalist. 0FE1CEUS. lOESTIC DYH3, I'.ed or Green, Pine, EMk. Atj-H--!". In dijr'. Mri-ld -t, V.x'.if t J..-i;ivoi.i. J.y V,' t-.d.'. A'.- In I. it iv.- ..I .! that i. n 1 1 de 1 in t'n- : ! or Mcdl.-;:l li;.e. Pi5sician3' Persorlpfionj. Curefully c n p.-, .nid put t;i at z'A b' -jr All Drill:-; I fr. h an I ; ::-'. Ci!l !,o fore Imyinir, f.i' sco 1 to I'Iuttsn:n:!i, I'i l. ".ir.d.' v if. "Lfixuries of Mo Jern Travel' Ii! thesn ;.V- tl i. T Hj h:i- l.tiotj eexi. f.i:t to oia-ii i.'u ir patr-iri'ii lie i-ole i.i ins. ire utety. ."'; ort'ifion.' y posfsiit titatio:is.ta iii -t-oia-s r i .i : I'H'.HiMiives. a -rojid r ia I-: f Tr..v y f-i- tMI Piii'.iuuirs I'ni'noc !, I'I rc Pii!. 1 ii onii r I: i lr.-. i l l,ti- ir;:vt d a-vl -n i rt;i ' .lie ii''.i----jTy t,uii( t.'-;t ol .... I-. s jirt ii mid ti".ivv iron ears, j'uiiti.m Geo W Samurl P L JfcLau-rhlin J no A ieely Wui It Kerr President ..'ice Prt.-iiieiit ji-creii.iy ....Uenonil Ajreiit Prompt and Liberal Adjustment of Losses ix speciality ith this company PcliLies Issued and Losses Paid By H. E. PALMER, Agent. GOOD TRAVEL W. MARSHALL, A&ent. H L.IVIMGSTON. Med Fxamina A - ' H ROBERTSON HEW F.90IC every one should possess. FIRST I1KLI IN ACCIDENTS AND IN SICKNESS. ' A Gil' ;le in tho ab.-ineo of Medical A-vit'tar'ee Publishe.' with the approval of the best JJcdi cal authority, 'the fjllowiiifftrc 5o!uo of its subjects; Ultxii, USeeilins, Dr.-.kcn - I5ons, liruiscs. Burns. Ciiokinp, Cholera. CoM. Conei-sions, DiMloeatiou-, Drownin,'. Dysentery, Fevers, Fractures, llnnninr. Nurs-inje. Pok'onins. Scald ing, f mail-pox, S-t rains, uliocatiou, S u as trokc, etc.. cte. This volume, wrilif n by eminent Fhys:cian, n been prvnurcd lor the press Uy tho i.ditorol frona ! GOOD HEALTH 1I0XTULY MAGAZIX5 12-iui.. 2."- nace.-1, with 2d Illustration-). Iloaa. tcfi . Sl.l.K. Vholcalo Dealers ia WINKS. LIQUORS AND BRANDIKS Cost quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand AH orders promptly attended to. AIN STKEEf, ONE DOOIt WEST OF 'I HE FAILT-OaD TICKET OFFICE. 7A G. VV. Covcil. tilO ncwlv tl.-r.l I?r.n. I ?.llbya ll.-.w.ks..llcr?. sen. Ly maJ ' ' ' i pcstpaia, on re?ci;:t oi pri--. "i rcscuiiiave, in fdacc of Doom, U an cs- f lloo&z. ruiluicr, Doir Than. ItV. filaryock. And dealer ia all kinJs of hais street, (third door TTO?t of P 0 Plaits mouth S ch -ZJS P.ppririns ar.d Vom'shinrr ncitly do n Funerals tieaded at the shortest n K-oiSSi Si;2c Main direct ' PLATTioytH, CaeS -CO., NEB LOTS rOK ALSI U) TS FOIL SAL!-: LOTS rU SAI.Iil CI 7 St. Charles Street. I l" or trr located in St. Louis than any Chron J I i I'hv ii i:!r.. o uee!. Tolly troai. t'impli 5 l-in.l r.-:i.'i..-it.-d X'enroai Ui.-eile lis t' l.lini-1 ji.iitioiit.-' Iioiri every rjn.te. J1U hof)'i'al op j 'iprtunilies. a life lime c.-ciieriiin-o, wiji jm.- S ! fl drutrs pn 'pare I in riie e- tabli-liineiif , c-urr-S k' a.-rs t-iven uo by others, no mutsitr iilio f : i i I E 2 d ; tell yoir private troubles, t'on.-ulf.itivi ice. jenit vo ft:)tnp lor mcaicul e--t: .MaxII'iiiii, ViiHmiijoi. cer t l; nail. 1.") ceuti" each, both for H i i t.', 1' ) p II tii. -it tho carious, (Joubtful or ii..;i!! it v visii to kn )W ail oootit M-ir-l onution i r.n. i: iou. Marri iae. 1. 1 ry youn-r n-an nnn w o I nan oUL-iit l- roa.l il u a warinnr. ins l.-ous ! li! itate 1 o- purtialiy in l ' nt ar- cienti'-caily ifivisea. ue. l K A nook To; the ."tlilSion ! MRP.I'G-!' A private eoun ob r to ths (J U I U c - .oaiTK I or i nose anoui to ni:.r ' rv on tiie i.hysio!"tiivil ra;. : ,. r- ts and revelations of the sy.-tom, tho latest dicsovcrics in r rodi:ii:K and y.'ul o-j oi. -" r. r. f , lioiv 1 1 pr serve i nc i-;p;ii..ri"ii .. 'J"l;i3 is an interestiiiT tvotk ot two ii'i ioi. -i and tTef.'y-l'!-.witi. tiut-i" it euft.iv- i:.. al conta'iis aia.ioie in.:prnsn u lor th r-e who are iiiarrv'1. or eon i.i llai-'e. rii!!. it is a b. ok liiat out! t t i bo kfid under lock and key. and not l;-id c-m l'::iy a' 'out t':u ti'Hi--. fent t'anr one 'fre of pofta-rci for n .-tats. AMre.-3 lJr. Uuts l'i-io ,r-.iiy. So. 1Z K-hth trcet, fit. Loui.'. Jiu. ,tTiii-;C'l an l Unrorfun.itt-. uunnz car?, a uirect route, y -'.d conneo'ionbttti'J careim nianiirenient. The l!nrlini.'ton route i s nri'iir ? even-efT-Tt to pos-, ss all tiles., oallrioations to a hifch ucrro, nd oiiorK a route to nil j e;,-r, v.-f. nortu po-itli. by un aiis ol iis .mno( ; i . i.- us lollown: A. Jl i t..-i wi:ii the I':.. it!.- r ..' . At I'iatt.s.aou:h with t.'.c 11. i .M. P. I!., i 2 ebansli.i. H. At Jiaiiib-irT. with tbe.-"t' Joc h F.iHriid for all poini.s iu Kan.-a'. Ac. -I. At I'tiiMiiwa. with th .; Ib'. Jfo'nei Vr.V.ey nn 1 north Misouri raiir.oi ls. At lIiirlinBton wiih i li P.. C. R. i Jf. U. for Davenport, Mu atino. fc. . At Monmouth, uitli tt K. it. I. A St. L. and V.'i'Stern I'nion Pailr o ds, for St. PauI. Hnd pointo jo l!:c nortli, and for St Louie ucd oinu ia fho south. 7. At Peorin. with tho pNort lin P'ootaiTi-t-ton route to Iii-Jian.ipo!is. Ciiu innati, Lotii-vUlo and nil point 4 south and r 3. At Peoria. i!b tlie V.. P. A '.V. R. R., f.r Loran-port. Col, im bus. Ac. 'J. At .Mo id .fi. with nil Co II!i'no"s Centnl. V). At CJ! ICAdU, .lb a!! ;'r.i:'i unes l'..r th Er.s'. No better rdvi -e ran bo u'.vcn th, n, tt:.-n t'v la-'1! too liurlin-rton Pome. n.f. Tiio Uriuei sialic J I,;;.-? on Iian-l ar. 1 1 a:i tii. ii or COTTONVOCD LL'KOER At his Mills at the Ferry L;:n ".Ins at Plst'.a- G?crs. Prcinplly Filled.! J:ir.." 1 d.' tvi f. V.ii.i .or.i:;Tov. PfirtUN-, N vr S. h ol "'J !.' Soi! I. '.'." i I r .: r I ',; : c TV.,, k '..f li ' i . i the t'.'!!owin;: T- -'-: i M-ii i.' a.t in'' i'n i ' '' pi.-.'i- i. a iv i J I I io. i f . I Notico fo t 'io .vtlih'-; Befor? ar-fdvintr to tli notorious r,u:u ;n r 1 i - pipei-s. or u-injr n; I-rMI.":'l 'S. l ( ril.-'l lr. But'-i' w ha? vour dust ae ii "or how Ueplora 4 1V!M :iiiy qi: i"k ; P lr::!; r A . IU Oil ' rr.i- ' " ! I' -.! A f 1 'J. i-i'.- 1.: ..tu Int. :!. . I: V i. t .l .,.. l t l- ! .. t . 4 It .4 f.'fid in r : i -. i . ' i i ' : -h..v4. i.i-i u: n-.t t :i i rrr li 0'i; :i.ta'- ' .-. o-t- .1 . . J o your conoiiion. . , ; Hr. Butt ern be cons-filed, pf Tsornl.y or ly , i -1 ... 1 . u tl.e .1. .:.-!! itfl'iii :o. 1 I'J l.ii v.oii, . ! ('..;. i .i 1-' . F.i?lth i-.w.-t, b.-tei n il.ii--ct ( I ChV-.i.iit. M. Louii. tUvLswly I ' :'. : t : l ! c ii re f.f-id " oi I t. i ' - . toil iii vr.ui t! us. I ; . ' e . ' 7. " ! r il-7?i-!.. i- I :o 1 a- -i I l,io.r-..t ar!...',-eav!i Tiia-t.i.11. Albj-. f li'. ' li'V 1 1 1 ITT,. V r . y ..... L t ' t 4 ,