tZ CD 0- I V -F-il PLAT1 SMOUTH NEBRAKSA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 187 II.' Duboiae, Esq. of Weeping Water, was io the city to-day. He reports the eloigning in fair condition between this city aoi his place. An exchange thinks the "great prin ciple" of the one term idea is all a hum bug, and that if we refuse to re elect President Grant it should be on the "great principle" that we don't want him any longer. A large number of the Herald pat rons hare called and settled their ac counts during the past week, for which they have our thanks We have time to wait upon a few more. Tte Turners had a social hop at their hall over Spier's store last evening. We did not learn the particulars, but they always have a fine time. At a regular meeting of Plattsmouth Lodge No 6 A. F. & A. M-, held last evening, the following members were elected trustees for the ensuing year, viz. D. H. Wheeler. R, R. Livingston. J. Vallery, Jr. M. B. Murphy. H. D. Hathaway. E. T. Duke. T. M. Mar tinet t. A train of cars on the Burlington, Ce dar rapids and Minnesota Railroad, went over a bridge, killed the engineer fire man and brakeman instantly, and in jured several passengers. The bonds of Gage county, voted to aid in the building of the Southwern Railroad, were to be delivered last Pri day. Small pox has made its appearance in Omaha. Gen. Amasa Cobb, of Lincoln, re turned last week from a visit to the Na tional capital. 'An. Klepser i.1 in the city cn a visit to her daughters and son, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Johnion and Capt. Klepser. The Herald is under obligations to Guthman & Huberty for holiday favors. They keep a full assortment of eTery thing in their line (for which see adver tisement,) andjthey know exactly how to treat their customers. Conrad Ripple, the brewer of the best beer in the west, has the thanks of the Herald for a New Years present with hoops on it. Ripple always serves us that way oh New Years and we hope he may live to repeat it for a hundred times. 1L N. Orr, Esq. recently returned from the mountains, where he is winter ing his 6tock. He is about one hund red miles north of Denver, and reports about a foot of snow when he left there, which i3 causing some loss of cattle. See notice of pocket-book lost by Mr. Burger of Louisville. It is hoped that it is found by some man whose honesty is worth more than $600. The loser is an honest hard working man and the loss is a severe one. A 'bus driver named Elmer Powell, entered the B. & M. ticket office at Ot tumwa, last week, and robbed it of a small amount of money and a watch. He was Buspicioned, arrested, and a part of the funds found. He acknowledged the theft, and said he had dropped the watch into a well to avoid detection. He boards at the expense of the county, a la Connelly. Mr. & Mrs. Schornfcorst, formerly of this city, keep the hotel where ZJt. Mar vin's patient (Miss Oliver) died recently. They have commenced suit ainst Boyd and Marvin for damages done the car pets, etc., before Miss Oliver's death. Two colored men, named John Cole and John H. Jones, got in a quarrel at Corning (Iowa) last week. Cole drew a knife, and Jones shot him with a revolv er. Cole died, and Jones is boarding at the expense of the county until such time as the State may make other dis position of him Hon. John Taffe arrived at home last week, and Senator Hitchcock re turned to the National Capital. A clerk in the Omaha post-office at tempted personal chastisement of the editor of the Omaha Bee, a few days since, for some fancied injustice dene him, by an item in said paper. Two wrongs never made a right. Dr. M. H. McCluskey and Mr. Reno, formerly residents of this city, but now of Glenwood, and their wives, were in attendance at the Masonic Festival in this place last Wednesday evening. Mr. Edward McShane, county Treas urer of Douglas county, was married last week to Miss Agnes Magin, of Bur lington. The Springfield, Mass. Republican says : "An uncle of George Francis Train has made oath that his notorious nephew is a lunatic, and has asked to be appointed gurdian over him. It must be a powerful sense of duty that prompts him to assume sueh an incumbrance." The Fremont Tribune sails into Post master Griffin, at Omaha, for insulting the editor of the Bee while in company with a lady. As we understood it, the Tribune is mistaken in the man. It was not Mr. Griffin, but one of his clerks who insulted Mr. Rc. ter, and Qie Bee calls on Mr. Griffin .a dispense with the services of the offending clerk, which he has not yet done. Notwithstanding the low price of pork our streets are thronged with large droves of hogs from ' 'frosty morn until dusky eve." Many of them wiil be slaughtered here and shipped East and South, and then re-shipped to us in the spring in the shape of smoked hams, shoulders and bacon. Is this business? We had the pleasure of eating fresh rhubarb and lettuce to-day, from Hes ter's Greenhouse. He will have a small apply of both articles for sale in the caarseof a few days. Hesser is the most enterprising gardener and florist in the west, and allows no one to get ahead of hiai in matters of this kind. aTw aaV - A -l ova ICOTICE. All persons indebted to the under signed, who arc unable to liquidate the same prior to the 1st day of January. 1872, are requested to call and adjust their accounts by giving a note. H. D. Hathavt at. Dee. 19, d&wtf -85 BEWARD. Lost, on or about the 20th of Decern ber, 1871, in Louisville precinct, in the vicinity of the Decker farm, a pocket- book containing about $600 in green backs and sereral notes payable to the undersigaed. The above reward will be paid to any person returning the pocket- book and contents to me at my residence in Louisville precinct. jan2d6w2 W. IL BURGER. GRAM O COBXAXBEKT. At the organization of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templars the State of Nebraska, held in Omaha last week, the following officers were elected : Sir H. P. Duel, Grand Commander. Sir W. E. Hill, Deputy Grand Com mander. Sir J. M. Hurty, Grand Gen. Sir D. H. Wheeler, Gr. Capt. Gen. Sir Rev. G. C. Betts, Grand Prelate, Sir C. S. Chase, Grand S. W. SirH. Wakely, Grand J. W. Sir Henry Brown, Grand Treasurer. Sir R. W. Furnas, Grand Recorder REPUBLICAN XOMIXATIOX S. The Republican Central Committee o Otoe county, have met and nominated Henry A. Newman as their candidate for the State Senate, in place of Robert Hawke, resigned, and R. C. B. Elvin for the House, in place of J. E. Doom, removed trom the county. iney are both good men, and should bo supported by every Republican in the county. COULD HOT HIDE IT. Mr. Balcombe says that Dr. Miller was quite nervous after returning from Boston when questioned closely in re gard to what was done there on the transfer bus'ness. It now seems that he had a cause for being nerrous. We had supposed, however, that the Dr. was more hardened to these things, and would be able to pass the ordeal of a cross-examination without displaying that nervousness bo common among new beginners. "B. A af.lM COLORADO. The New York Tribune of recent date, contains an announcement of the organization of the "Burlington & Mis souri River Railroad Company in Colo rado," with J. W. Brooks, President. This is the next link in the great trans continental route which crosses the Mis souri river at Plattsmouth. We have no further particulars of the organiza tion at the present writing, but w can readily understand the great benefit this continuation of the line will be to our city, county and State. Every Ne braskian should rejoice. CATHOLIC FAIR. The arrangements have been perfected for holding the Catholic Fair, at Fitz eerald's Hall, and the time set for the evenings of the 9th and 10th inst. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, The general programme will be similar to that of last year, and Father Hayes assures us that the Fair will be fully equal to the last one, and an effort wll be made to make it even superior. Among the attractions will be an elegant car riage robe, for which Father Hayes paid $45 in greenbacks, and which he has do nated to be voted to the most popular crentleman in the city. He has also do nated his superb canary a beautiful singer to be voted to the handsomest lady in the city. Arrangements have been made for a grand opening concert, and one of the interesting features of the occasion will be the recitatian of Shamus O'Brien," by that well- known genius, "Little Mc." otherwise F. M. McDonough, formerly the spicy local of the Omaha Herald, now of the Council Bluffs Times, and Chief Clerk of the Nebraska House of Representa tives last winter. Everything indicates a fine time and a large attendance. WARWICK CO.n I NO. A Rleb Treat la Store. J. N. Wise, Esq., has advices from Hon. J. H. Warwick, stating that he will visit our city on or about the 22d inst, at which time he will lecture at Fitz gerald's Hall. Those who heard thia famous lecturer while visiting our city ast winter, require no second notice of his coming, for they will all be on hand. It was said to be by far tht best lecture of the season. His "Evening with Shakspeare and the Poets" will capti vate any audience in the world. We ex pect to see Fitzgerald's Hall filled to overflowing on the occasion of his visit here. Probably no lecturer in the field has received higher encomiums from the press of the land than has Warwick. It is a noticable fact that not a Re publican paper in the State has endorsed Senator Tipton's late speech in the Sen ate, while every Democratic paper in the State has endorsed it. There are one or two so-called Republican papers that dared not ex press an independent thought upon anything, and consequently they have said nothing about the speech, ex cept perhaps, to simply notice the fact that the Senator had made a speech, or to copy some portions without criticism. Aside from these, the Republican press of Nebraska has been unanimous in its condemnation. Is Senator Tipton right as a Republican, and is the entire Re publican press of the State wrocg ? O. G. Sawyer, Editor in Chief of the Salt Lake Tribune, has retired from that journal in consequence of a disagreement between himself and the stockholders on the mormon question the majority of the stockholders being so-called apos tate mormons. Hon. Lawson Sheldon was in town to day. CORN, CORBT. We will receive Corn at market price for a limited time, on either old or new subscriptions. Farmers will please take notice. wtf Work has been commenced on the new vault for the First National Ban of Plattsmouth, in Fitzgerald's Block. When compeleted, this will be, probably, the finest banking room in the State, The certificate of authority, for com mencement of business .by the First Na tional was issued yesterday, and wil probably be received to-morrow, when the Dew bank will bo ready for business, It will be continued at the present bank ing rooms of Tootle, Hanna & C ark un til the new rooaas are completed. Game has been abundant in town to day. The Episcopal Mite Society held meeting at the residence of Mrs. Altaff- ersla3t evening. A couple of teams collided on Second street this forenoon, which mixed things up pretty generally. No serious dam age done. Rev. Fifield, Congregational minister at Lincoln, was presented by members of his congregation, last week, with $95 in greenbacks and about $30 in arti cles for family use. Careful business men and farmers make it a point to balance their books on the first day of January. We don' intend this as a hint to. parties in arrears for their paper and anvertising. Oh no Acting Gov. James has arrived home from his northern trip, to prepare for the coming session of the Legislature . The State Bank of Ashland have moved into their new brick building which is said to bo one of the finest banking houses in the State. J. G, Miller is President of the Bank, and John Simington Cashier. What we want more wholesale bust ness houses, a steam fire engine, the trunk railroad, three publio cisterns, few more avenues opened, more work and less grumbling, more subscribers to the Herald, abridge over the Missouri river, a more liberal system of advertis ing among our business men, more brick blocks and less frame shanties- By endeavoring to supply these long needed wants, our people will find them selves happy, virtuous and wise. The President's father is slowly re covering. The Lincoln daily Statesman has about run "out of soap" on the McCon nell business and will probably suspend in a short time. The last few issues have only contained a few sickly allu sions to the "University Treasurer," which indicates that its mission is about fulfilled. Farewell, for a time. We visited Ilesser's green-house yes terday, and found them looking as fresh and nice as a May morning. He has many species of flowering plants now in full bloom, and is constantly propagating dants for the SDrinc market. There is no disguising the fact that nesser has the finest assortment of green-house plants in the North west. Connolly waiting in jail for his friends f prosperous days to bail him out, is said to be the latest case of misplaced confidence. In an extract from the Liucoln county Advertiser, published elsewhere, it will be seen that Col. Park has but little faith in the honesty of Senator Tipton's professions, while he partially endorses the sentiments he utters. Nemaha county holds a Teachers In stitute on the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th days of J anuary. Wm. R. Craig, of Nebraska City, has been awarded the contract for erecting the State Normal School buildings at Peru. The Omaha Herald says there will be a session of the Legislature. We had a big thaw yesterday and last night, and the Midland train has now reached Lincoln. Wm. L. Hobbs, our efficient county Treasurer, returned this morning from a visit to his friends in Missouri. Of the good will of a newspaper, the New York Iribune says : "There is at tached to it besides presses, type and other material things belonging to the outfit of a newspaper a mysterious and invisible piece of property which can not be burned up and is of more value than all the rest of its possessions com bined it good will. It is this which is at once a spiritual and a commercial standard, which comes slowly and which does not go easily, being the gradual and grudging response of the people to the patient, toilsome, honest and useful work done by the press in the service of the public. The Republican says that twenty re. served seats have been engaged by par ties in this city to beared win forest at Omaha. James Clisbe, Esq., one of the early settlers of Cass county, and a thrifty business man, has purchased the store of Horton & Jenks, at Weeping Water, as will be seen by reference to the adver tising columns of the Herald. Mr. Clisbee will keep up his stock to the de mands of the trade, and will always be found an accommedating business man. The deep snow is driving the game to the lowlands and timber for food and shelter. Last Wednesday ' two deer came charging down Sixth street from the north, having evidently been driven from the Platte Bottom by hunters. A arge number of teams were on the street at the time, and in the vicinity of Streight'a Stable several teams were congregated. They passed entirely through the city on the line of Sixth street and kept on in a southerly direc tion. Several parties started in pursuit, and a Mr. Cook succeeded in bringing down one of them, which weighs 160 pounds, choice pieces of which can be had at Fickler's Meat Market. Died, at 11 p. m., December 27th 1871, Elizabeth, wife of Geo. G. Tutt aged 77 years, 8 months and 17 days. The fuueral took place from the res idence of Andrew Tutt, at 11 o'clock m., Friday, December 29th, Friends .of the family were invited. A man named Underbill seems to have successfully played . . the "confidence game" on Messrs. Ish ond Powell, Omaha, to the extent of $2,900. .He sold them an interest in a bogus mining company in Utah for that sum, and they now have him up in the police court Cheapest and Best. Mrs. Whit comb's Syrup for children is sold by druggists for 25 cents a battle, and is an admirable preparation for infantile dis orders, d&wlw Don't sell your pork until you have seen. E. G. Dotet. dec5dwl m Passengers who were snowed in for four days on the Midland railroad be tween Nebraska City and Lincoln, unable to get either way, speak very highly of Dr. Converse and all persons connected with the train. Everything was done that could be to make them comfortable. notwithstanding which they passed four terrible, days and nights. They were finally relieved by wagons which took them to the State capital Mr. Miller, oFUsceola, is in the city for a few days tho guest of his son-in-law A. W. Prole, Esq. The Omaha Bee trates "a pcacable of last evening illus citizen going for his mail" to the Omaha post-office. It rep resents a man armed with about a dozen fire-arms, several knives, a mountain howitzer drawn by. an iron clad dog with a revolver in his mouth. That must be a terrible place. "Gath," the Washington correspond ent of the Chicago Tribune, makes little of our Senator Tipton, while pretending to praise him, by calling him the "geni al old man from the frontier." ijueen V ictoria s tavonte newspaoer is the Cologne Gazette. Her favorite stimulant is such delicious tea as is fur nished to the thousands by the Great United States Tea Company, New York, by their numerous agents. Guthman Sc Huberty are agents for the U. S. Tea Co., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. dlwl. If you want to send for your friends from the old country, or take a trip there, go to Edward Wilson, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth Depot, who can is sue through tickets to and from Liver pool, Queenstown, Derry, Glasgow, Ant werp, Christiana, Gothcnberg, Copen hagen, Paris, &c, &e. Through tickets, Liverpool to Platts mouth,, $58.35, and from other places in proportion. docid&wlm. The Nebraska City Chronicle, in speak ing of the new town of Red Willow, on the Republican river, says: TheB & M. Railroad company is surveying a line from Beatrice out to and up the-Repub lican river, and it is expected that the new town of Red Willow will be one of its points. Ihe surveyors - are already nearly a hundred miles beyond Beatrice. The most convenient thing in the city is one of those brass 1 ale Lock Boxes, where you can get your -mail whether the P. M. is at home or not. Just a few more left. HOeSX HOGS!! We are paying the highest market price tor good tat nogs, delivered in Plattsmouth, on foot. Farmers having fat hogs will consult their interest by calling on us before selling. Vallerts & Ruffner. Dec. 21. 1871 wtf. Messrs. Wayman & Curtis, machinists of this city, have just completed the manufacture of a novel machine, which can be seen in operation on the river be- ow town. It is an ice plow, designed for cutting ice for packing. Tt is a novelty and if it proves successful will rave a great amount of labcr. BLANKS. Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds and a full line of Justices' Blanks for sale at the Herald Office. d&wtf The Democrats of Otoe county have nominated Geo. W. Covell and F. E. Thompson to fill the Legislative vacan cies. OR AIM MARKET. Plattsmouth, Jan. 3, 1871 Wheat 85 90 for No. 2. Corn 18c for ear. Oats 18c. No barley or rye being brought in there are no quototions. The corn bought at the present time is all being stored. MEATS. Dressed Pork is coming in lively, and . A ... - T T our dealers are paying $d to. un dressed, $3.003.25. Sham Chinaman to California lady, at Sunday School : "Why do-ee Christ ian only talk-ec about Jesus on Sunday?, and not-ee one time-ee on other days?" Rev. Mr. Cheney, in a letter from Chicago says: "I have fed from our supplies 6ent from the noble hearted people ot other cities tamuies wno never new a want. A Dride, wnoni a mar ried a few weeks ago, all the para- Dhernalia of a fashionable wedding, has come, driven by actual starvation, to eat at the common table in our basement. The family of an ex-member of Con- gress, one or our nrst citizens, wno, two weeks ago supposed nimsett a ricn man were until tLe day before yesterday, hud dled on the north pier, where, during the terrible Sunday night and Monday, they kept each other from burniug to death by throwing water which they dipped up from the lake." Since the abolition of the purchase of . T . ' 1 .1 commissions in tne oncisn army me officers are resigning by hundreds. . The Dublin brigade office has had 400 ap plications to retire. A rural noet indicted a sonnet to bis sweet-heart, entitled "I kissed her Jsub rosa." The compositor knew better than that, and set itnp in printer's Latin:. "I Kisscn ner euuv rus. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the' Post-office Platts mouth, Neb., January 1st, 1872: Ahl John Allison Andrew R All. Miss Mary Arnold P F Bennett Tom . F Berg Mrs A L Barrett John Bryon Jiraes P " Bradford Miss Eliza Carroll Michael Cook James 31 Crocket William H-2 Dick Carlile Dunaway Miss L Darby Jefferson Davis Smither H Ferry Mrs Rebecca Fitzgerald James Fitzgerald Patrick Foster Louis A Franklin Miss Mary Green Willliam Harnian O Y Hillier J A HoMiger John Hartman J S Hudson Miss S Hockaday J M JuheberJohn Jessup Alma Kane Cornelius Kelly William Keyes J S Lanovan James Lewis Henry Linden Gust Larsson L Lenf rs Miss Lizzie Morrissey Miss E-2 Mattick J A Mnnson Henry McCord Allen McNaughton Thos Muxlow Eld Thos Miller II enry M Meyer Amos Pottinger Harvey Panter Judson Peck R A .PreeceFJ Snyder Charles W Thompson D W Tracy James Underhill Dr Jno W Vanness Geo W-2 Wright Michael Warder Mrs Lizzie Wilkey John Wager Andy WadsworthAD Whetsdale Salem Whiteman A nib Watson Miss F Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised. JNO. W. MARSHALL, P. M. Per S. Third monthly report of the First Ward Public School. In the following report 10 is consid ered as perfect both in deportment and recitation. In the report of the Primary depart ment the younger class is not marked in recitation. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Dept. Rect. No. ds. Maggie Buttery 10 10 50 Kate Hobbs 10 10 46 Nettie Lazenby 10 8 57 Nellie Parmele 9 9 47 Maggie Robine 8 8 57 Lizzie Buttery 10 10 49 Mary Tucker 10 9 50 LiUie Tucker 10 10 56 Theresia Humphrey 10 10 39 Flora Grooms 9 8 28 Minnie Polsinger 9 8 55 OlgaKuhl 10 10 57 Edith Lazenby 10 10 47 May Kennedy 10 10 51 Myrtle Colvin 9 9 57 Laura Cooper 10 10 38 Ola Cooper 10 10 57 Emma Russell 10 10 54 Francis Mitchell 10 9 43 Louisa Shryock 10 10 45 Eliza Mitchell 10 8 53 Emma Harold 10 9 36 Lizzie Rippte 9 9 57 Lizzie Cummings 9 8 38 Jennie Robinson 9 8 38 Levie Gapen 10 10 39 Kittie Oldham 10 8 29 Carrie Bradley 10 10 38 Maggie Robertson 10 9 16 Addie Lewis 10 9 25 Fanny Stanforth 10 10 21 Mary Camming 10 8 15 Bridget Florady 9 7 6 John Lamb 9 9 50 David Babbiugton 10 9 50 Eddie Humphrey 8 8 54 Frank Pottengcr 10 9 55 John Florady 8 8 26 Marion Armstrong 9 10 57 Gilbert Hobbs 9 9 47 Jasper Howland 8 9 57 Freddie Howland 8 7 53 Freddie Murphy 8 8 40 Charles Kuhl 9 9 54 John White: 9 9 54 Robert Black 10 9 52 John Saxon 9 8 43 James Harold 9 9 52 Willie Lamb 10 9 43 John Humphrey 9 9 24 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Carrie Babbington 10 10 Anna Burman 8 53 56 36 57 45 25 45 34 45 36 57 54 10 25 32 40 47 57 6 15 28 47 40 57 28 39 54 30 53 55 51 50 56 54 35 54 49 51 30 56 56 45 54 41 56 51 41 49 32 53 Lana Burman ' 8 10 8 8 Lessle Black 10 Anna Colvin 10 Anna Champion 8 rannie Champion 8 Maggie Champion 9 tanny Dovy 10 Flora Davis 10 Flora Hobbs 10 S 9 10 Emma Hobbs 10 Kate Ingle 10 Mattie Kuhl 10 Lottie Keller 10 10 7 10 Alwilda Lamb 8 Lusie Mockenhopt 8 liouisa Neaui 8 Bell Orr 10 Dasie Reese 10 Aha Sage 10 Robert Shaffer 8 Lena Thomas 10 10 10 10 8 Nannie Tucker 10 Mary Wolfe 8 Louisa Wolleneer 10 Mary Wing 10 Albert Amison 10 Willie Brian 10 ?red Bnrman 8 8 8 10 9 9 Charles Burman 8 Claude Champion 10 Albert Colvin 9 James Donnely 9 Eddie Donelan 8 Henry Harold 10 Charles Harold 10 Oscar Ingle 8 George Jones 8 Henry Kuhl U Ned Lewis 9 Eddie Murphy 9 Christ Mockenhopt 10 7 Gay Orr 10 Charles Parmele 10 10 John Pottenger 8 George Robertson 7 Albert Sage 9 Anna Murphy 10 Emma Mann 10 Parents of pupils, and friends of edu cation are requested to examine me above report. It is desirable that parents have their children in school more regularly the next term than has been the case the lost Rw rpfprpnr to the above report they can ascertain just how many days the pupils have been in attendance. There have been 57 school days in the term just closed, and but a small pro portion of pupils have been in school every day of toe term. H. A. Austin. Lydia Gage. Teachers. The right of a child to prosecute bis parents for whipping him, and to recov- Jnmiin9 in n. fnnrt, of law. IS in PTO- cess of demonstration in Cincinnati. The complainant, who is an infant in the eyes of the law, seeks damages to the am ount of $50,000 from his parents for the abuse and ill treatment he has received since 1858- The boy's petition recounts how he was thrashed with an iron ram rod and with rubber whips; how he was dragged about the house and down two flights of stairs by the hair, and how, by way of encouraging penitential medita tion, he was thrust into a closet under a tank of hot water, and kept there for ten hours, in such a position that he was un able to stand up or sit down. The pa rents have refused an offer to compromise. OUR WYOMING LETTER. HE ATT SHOWS ALOXO THE LIKE OF THE IT. P. R. R. Cattle and Sheep Drinjr Food. for want of rhrlitniM mt the Fort. Fort. D. A. Rcssell, W. T., ) December 27, 1871. Dear Herald: We are having a real Arctic winter. Such a season of frost and snow was never before known in this country. The railroad is blocked and will be for some time, for no corpo ration can contend with such storms. Hundreds of men are employed, but a few hours of wind and snow demand that the Herculean task be performed again. We have had the rigors of such a winter for two months, with only a few pleasant days intervening. It is ex tremely unfortunate for this country that this winter especially Ehould have been so unprecedentedly severe. Many men had invested largely in cat tle and sheep the mild winter and the small amount of snow that has hitherto fallen making cattle raising very profit able but this terrible season will set the country back at least five yea.s. Many cattle and sheep are dying for want of food and shelter, and many are lost in the stampedes that take place during a severe storm. In former win ters it has not been necessary to provide hay, and no provision was made last fall for such a succession of storms. As a compensation, however, for this long reign of Boreas, we shall doubtless have an unusual growth of grass next sum mer, and a large supply of water for ir rigation a desideratum we have not known for several summers. We had a fine day for Christmas, and we celebrated it in a quiet way. I was invited to dine with Gen. King, and a model dinner it was. I was honored with a present from Mrs. King, of Hen ry Ward Beecher's "Life of Christ" a most gorgeously bound volume, with numerous steel plate and wood engra vings, suitable for a holiday gift, worth at least ten dollars. Every family ought to have a copy of this invaluable work. At 5 o'clock, p. m , we were all invited to see the Christmas tree at the Gener al's, after it was dressed and lighted up. As Mrs. King's numerous relatives are wealthy, the family were deluged with gifts. Such an array of Christmas pres ents I never could have dreamed of; oil paintings, chromos, jewelry rich and rare, costly and choice volumes, articles of virtu of great value, bijoutre dolls for the children, some of them costing not less than twenty-live dollars each splen didly dressed and articulating the words pa, ma, distinctly, by a gentle manipula tion of hidden springs, velocipedes, steam engines, &c, &c. The whole ar ray, looking like an immense Bazaar, could not have cost less than $500. No family '; more, richly deserves the kind regard of friends, for they are among the very best people on this round earth. - A select gathering and oyster supper at Capt. Owens' closed the festivities of the day. How many of us will see Christmas In 1872? Yours &a, A. Wright, Post Chaplain U. S. A. f oral Notice . SYMPTOM8 OF Li VER COMPLAINT AND OF SOME OF THE DISEASES PRODUCED by it. A sallow or yellow color of the skin, or j'flllowish brown spots on face and other parts of body ; dullness and drowsiness, with frequent headache; dizziness, bitter or bad taste in mouth. dryness of throat and internal heat ; pal pitation, in many cases a dry, teasing cough, with sore throat, unsteady appe tite, raising ot food, choking sensation in throat ; distress, heaviness, or bloat ed, or full feeling about stomach and sides, pain in sides, back or breast, and about shoulders ; colic pain and soreness through bowels, with heat : constipation, alternating with trequent attacks of di arrhea; piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness of extremeties ; rush of blood to head, with symptoms of apoplexy, numbness ef limbs, especially at night ; cold chills alternating with hot Hashes, kidney and urinary difficulties ; female weakness, dullness, low spirits, unsocia bility and gloomy forebodings. Only a few of above symptons likely to be present in any case at one time. All who use Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Gold- en Medical uiscovery lor laver com plaint and its Complications, are loud in its praise. Sold by all first-class drug gists. d&wlw We can commend Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell & Co,, of New York, to those of i our patrons wno may nave occasion to advertise in papers beyond their imme diate vicinity, as the firm have busi ness relations with the press throughout the whoie country. Qumcy (111.) Whig. d&wlw Adjournment of Court. Notice is hereby given that the time for the holding ot the January term ot the District Court has been adjourned to the 29th dav of January, A. D., 1872, at 1 o'clo k p. m., at which time all jurors and witnesses summoned for said term, will be present witout further notice. liv order ot lion. lieo. u. Lke, Judge 2d Judicial District, State of Ne braska. D. W. MCKINNON. Clerk of District Court Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December 29th, 1871. d&wlni. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is no Patent Medicine humbug gotten up to rlnno the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being "composed of. rare and precious substances, brought from the four corners of the earth, car ried seven times across the Great Desert of Saharah, on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought across the Atlantic Ocean on two ships. It is a mud, soothing, pleasant Remedy, a perfect Specific for Chronic Nasal Catarrh, "Cold in the Mead, ' and Kinarea ais- n.. - . t lr T : cases. J. ne proprietor, xv. . jeroe, M. D.. of Buffalo, N. Y., (whose pri vate Government stamp is on every package of the Genuine,) otters are- ward ot f oou ror a case oi vauuru uo cannot cure. J?or sale by m druggists. Sent by mail, postpaid, for sixty cents. Address the proprietor as above. Dec 26. d&wlw 500 pairs of men's best custom made heavy kip boots, at $4.00 and $4.2a, tor sale at O'Brien's shoe store. They will be sold' at these prices only lor thirty days. Call early- and get a good nt and good bargain. jautwu l he 1 Rum Verified In order to convince our patrons at a distance that our stock notes (comprising the unpaid portion ot our lav tial) are, beyond ques tion as good as Goverment Bonds to pay losses with, if ever required, we solicited an examination of the samo by tho Bank ers ot this city, and herewith present their letter, which must settle all doubt, ii any exists: St. Josef-h, Mo., Nov. 17, 1871. io ine umcers &t. Joseph f ire and Marine Insurance Co : At your request, we. the andersirn ed Bankers of the City of St. Joseph, have careiully exanined the stock notes comprising the "unpaid" portion of the stock of the Saint Joseph Fire and Ma rine Insurance Company, located in this city, ana nna them all to be well secured, either by Deed of Trust on Real Estate, or by three responsible names, and re gard them as nrst class bankable paper, and as such; would not hesitate to dis count any portion of them at either of the Banks reprasented by us. A. Beattie, Banker. John Colhoun, Cashier Colhoun Bank. Jos. C. Hull, Cashier first National bank. A. M Saxton President State National bank I. G Kappner, Cashier German Sav iags Bauk. John Williams, Cashier Buchanan Bank. H. E. Palmer. Aot. Plattsmouth Neb. Dec 8 d&w lm See advertisement of Dr. Butts Dis pensary, headed Book for the Million Marriage Guide in another column. It ihould be read by all. decldawly Wanted A girl to do general house work. W ages $3 50 per week. Apply tO V. W. D- IlOLBHOOK. nov22d&wtf. Famers. Look at Tim! For the next thirty days we will sell all classes of pegged work, at and below cost. J)len s and boys' boots of all kinds, women's, misses and children s shoes in great va riety. We have now too many of them, and must reduce the stock to make room for light goods for spring wear. Call early and get a bargain at O'Brien's Shoe store, next door to post-office, Plattsmouth. jan4dtf Facts. This Company has been do ing a successful and profitable business for the past four years. It has the largest cash surplis, over and above all liabilities, of any Agency company in Missouri. Over one hundred thousand dollars have been promptly disbursed for losses. It has never contested a single claim. Tho Directors and Stockholders em brace the wealthiest men in the Missouri valley. It is managed by men of acknowledged ability and long experience in the busi ness. Its success in the past is a safe guar antee for the future. It employs none but experienced Agents. it does not insure "frame ranges," but accepts dwellings and first clas brick mercantile risks at adeqaate rates. Its business is conducted on the prin ciples of commerci J honor. Prompt and literal adjustment of losses a specialty with this company. Take no chances on companies made bankrupt by Chicago fire, and procure a policy in the "St. Joseph." H. E. Palmer, Ag't., dec8d&wlm Platssmouth Neb. "AFTER THE FIRE." Orrioi St. -Tosbpr Firi ad Maris Ina. Co. 1 St. Joteph. Mo., Norember 15, 1871, To the Public: In another column we present to our policy holders and the public in general, a special statement showing the condition of this company on thi I5th day of November, 1S71. As considerable doubt still exists as to the solvency of many of the leading companies, we refer to the subjoined statement with pride, and ask a careful psrusal of the same. The fact of our having a handsome surplus over and above all liabilities before the great fire and it being generally known that our losses were small, business commenced pouring in from a majority of our agen cics, immediately after the Chicago fire and the month of October has closed. giving us over fifteen thousand dollars in premiums, or over three times as much as the same month last year. This large increase in premiums for Oc tober, over the same month in the last year, speaks volumes for the credit of the company, and shows the value placed upon our policies, both at home and abroad, in such times of doubt as the present. Itisniw definitely stated that fifty- seven (heretofore sound and reliable) in surance companies have suspended, and the insurance journals speak in a manner which warn us that the end is not yet. Many of the leading companies at the east are by this great calamity reduced to an even footing with a number of the medium companies at the west, and we now present our claims as being in every respect as worthy of your confi dence, as those companies at the east. With the present adequate rates, eco nomical management, and handsome surplus over and above all liabilities, we enter the contest with the full assurance that the "St. Joseph ' stands second to no company in the we.r. GEO. W. SAMUEL. President. H. E. Palmer, Ag't, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. dec9dfewlm Symptoms. Slight pain in the side, the skin and eye assume a thick, yellow coat, digestion ia impaired, an unpleas ant sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach is experienced, the bowels are irregular, the mind fretful, the memory weakened, sometimes a flight cough, coldness of the hands and feet, sometimes loss of appetite and at others unnatural craving for food, dizziness of the head, depressed Fpirits, feeling of uncertainty, of having left something undone, "bat can't tell what it is. Take Simmons' Liver Regulator, . it will remove all un pleasant feelings and make you well. jio4wl KEW ADVERTISEMENTS Probate Notice. I hereby give notice to all concerned that a Will purporting to be the last Will and Testa ment of Zachariah Burows deceased, late of Cass county and State of Nebraska, has been filed in the office of the Probate court of said county, and that a hearing will be had at my office in the city of Plattsmouth in said county on the 27th day of January at one o'clock p m of said day on the application to prove and admit said Will to probate at which time and place all persons iaterexted in said estate are requerted to appear and if they see fit contest admitting said Will to Probate. Given under my hand and seal at my office this 2d day ef January A. D. 1872 H. . ELLISON. Probate Judge. Jan4w3 Strayed or Stolen From the subscribers premises in the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on or about the 12th day of Iecsmber 1871, two bla -k horse ponies, one rather heavy built, with white spot in his faee and some saddle marks. The other a smaller pony, not quite as dark colored, shod on fore feet, and weighs about seven hundre t and fifty 1 ounds. I will pay twenty-five dol lars for their return to me. ..... . JACOB VALLERY Jr. Plattsmouth. Jan. 3, 1872. jan4wtf. CUNABD MAIL LINE ESTABLISHED - - 1M Passengers booked to and from all part of Europe at lowest rates. Apply to P. II. I)U VERNET, General Western Agent 375 State st. Chicago or to ED. WILSON. janlw6tn. PJattsnjouth, Neb. ("" THE Symptoms of lin OlmFilOnS in tba Snmrtic rr cons-'. and pin - imM (hit I!"- In in in tba hnulrlr. ami inintukco for rbeurnatifiu. flee tod with Ions of appetite Thb stomach ia nl aicknes, bowoln im feneral timea alternating with la. The head ia trou- Plan with pain: ml dull, heavy urnnation, con- iruicmuiB mjmi 01 roviaory. e hompanied with painful senia jiion of having Jeft uudor.o -oinethiusr which ought to hu a LIVER iireti aonf. Ultn complaining ofweakDfn, debility and low rpirim. Soipc timea many of th above aytnptoma attend the dieae, and at other time very lew of them: tut th- liver if generally the organ moat invol ved. Cure the liver with D It. SIMMONS' LIVER IlEGULATOlt- A PBIPIIATIOH OF BOOTS WD HIIBd, WABR1N - ed to be a trictly vegetable, and can do do in jury to any one. 1 has been nied by hundred, ami known for tie Iwt thirty-five -earM one of the uient rr llable. etheactoua and harmlean prepatatiuna ever offered to tbe u fieri nir. if taken regunrly -.-.-ii. i . n, i, mm 0 cure lfppepniu. . i-.iiiruv, jaiinuirn, eofliive Danmlnf Mri. nick headache, rbronio riegUiaiOiTliarrh.c.. affaWion of the bUd- Jer. camp dyaciiivry.aTecticn cbilla diaeapcaof the akin, impurity of the blood, melancholy, or depreion of tpirita, heartburn, colic, or pain in the bowel , pain in the head, fever and ague; dropsy, boila. pain in back ami limb, asthma, erynpelaa, female af 'octions, and bilious diiieasea generally. r re pared only by J. II ZEILIN k CO. , . DruggiM. Macon, Ga. Send for a Circular) and 329 Arch rtrect. Price $1; by mail !.: 1'hiladelphia Fo, Sale by J. H. BUTTERY, Jantwlv. Plat Umouth. Neb. Notice in Bankruptcy. Diatrict Court of the United ttatea for tba Pirtnct of Nebraska. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of Albert W. Prole, Iiankr jpt. iatric-t of Nebraxka, as. A Vf arrant in IUnkrnrit Tt a a ti,n iuf 1 w Bjiid Court against the Ketate of Albert W. Prole, of the county of Cm. Lad State of Ne- braaka, in aaid DlHtrlct, ict, who ha :ia been duly ad- JuogcKl Liankrupt upon petition of hi creditor of any property bc-luna oi m payment m in debt a ami tbe deliveri ng to aaid linnkrunt. in nun, or to tiia lire a-il f ha (run.-... erty by bun are forbidden bylaw. A meeting of the creditors ol aaid liankrupt, to prove their debt and choose one or more Hii(jn. e ofhia estate, will bo held tt a court of Bankruptcy to be bidden at Omah.i. in said District, on the 17th day t .lanuarv. A. I 1472. at 1 o' F. M.. at the ollice of J, . Wc-kwter. (ldwell lllook. U .UKUi direct, one of the Jtog-Utvr iu Bankruptcy of aaid KUtnct. T.T.IIOILK. . . U. S. Marshal f.,r .-ai l Jan. 4, w. 2- District, as Menxenger. B. A- M. WKSTWAID. . R IX ETATIOIU, NEBRASKA. iiiTViin TRAIN HO 1. Lo. 10.00 A. M. Lc 10.25 A. M. TRAIN NO 2 Ar. 3. . M A 1-3.20 P. M A r. 3.00 P. M Ar. 2.4a P. M PI attain oath. Omaha Juno. Louirville. Booth Bend. Ashland Greenwood Woverly Newton Linoola Lincoln Ienton Highland Crate Creta Itorehester .Water station Water fctation Fairmont O afton Water Station Harvard ' i. 10.SO A. M. . 11.06 A. M. Ar. 11.30 A M. Ar. 11.4 Ar. 2.25 P. U Ar. 2.10 " Ar.l.S " Ar. 1.4.S " Le. 1.30 " Ar. 10.4 " Ar, 10 1ft " Ar. 9.4 " Lo. MO " Ar MO " Ar. 12 00 p n Ar. 12.12 Ar. 12.30 La 2.00 Le 2.35 Le 3,(K Ar S.20 Lo 330 dr S. W. R. Crete Crete De Witt Beatrice It. At Lo S.SO Le 4.40 Ar 6,30 Le0.O " Ar,20 " Ar 8.10 " Li 7.10 " TRAIN NO. 4. Ar, 9.00 A. M A r. 8.30 A. M Ar. 7.45 A. M Ar. 7.20 A. M Le. fi.40 A. M Ar. 6.10 Ar. fi.W Ar. .5.30 Le. 5.00 TRAIN NO. S. Le. 4.45 P. M. Ptattamenth. L.e. 5V P. M., .1,,.. Le. fi 25 P M T.nn;..;n L.6!tt P.M. 8outh Bend. Ar. 7.4.5 P.M. Ashland. Ar. 8.15 " Greenwood Ar 8.40 " Waverlv Ar. fl.Ort " Kntnn Ar. 9.30 Lincoln La. S.OO a m Lincoln Le. 8.35 " " Kenton Lr. T4.45 Ar. 4.15 A 'J . " pnv Le. 9.05 " Ilirhiland Ar. 0.20 IV... Le .so Crete Ar. 10,00 " Dorchester Ar 10.20 " Water Station Ar 11.25 " Water Sta ion Ar 11.40 " Fail-mount Ar 12.20 " Grafton Ar 1.15 " Water station Ar 1,30 " Harvard Le 3.SO p ta Ar " ' . Le.2.SO Le 2.30 Le 1.25 Lel.10 Le 12.30 Le 11.35 Le 11.20 Full faced figures indicate passing places, In!7 fgoadny: Wednedaya and Friday. T Only Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Thetimo given above is that of Plattaaioutb. bailiff 33 minutes flower than Chicago. OMAHA A SOUTHWESTERN. Ta Takt Effect Monday, 3Jaj,2Hth. 1871. In connection with Burlington Jc llisseari Hirer Railroad in Nebraska. Depot at foot of Jenes Street. LBAAI. ABaiVRS. Omaha. HI) a. m. I Lincoln TO . in. do 3:00 n. in. I do n m lancom b:W a. m. o ....1;30 p. m. Omaha 11. -10 a, m. do 6:10 p. xa B. A M. R. R. aaaiva. PaelBo Express except Monday Mail Except Sunday . ....., Freight No. 5 except Sunday Freight No. 7 except Sunday DKPAKT. Atlantic Express except Saturday Mail except Sunday FreigK. No. 6 except Sunday.......... Freight No 8 1:45 a. m. .10:40 p. mt ..i iajp. m. ..8:30 p. nx 5:15 p. nr.. ..8:25 a. m. . -1A p ra 7:10 p. ia. The above is Chicago time, being 33 minutes aster than Plattsmouth time. Boat leaves Plattauiouth Depot to connect with trains joing east half an hour in advance ef above time, except for Atlantic Express for which ltleaves forty-five minuits in advance. C. 6T. JOE. A C B. R. R. Ut PACirio jcxcttow OOINO KOBTH. Mail and Exoresa 3:55 t. m. IOWA, I OIftO "OCTH. 7:30 a. m. Night Kxprefs.........;15 a. m- 5:20 p. jn. This gives cassenrers from Plattsmouth onnection going South or North by leaving her aa the 5:15 p. m. train. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUEE OP MAILS. Bourn. CLooaa. ABaivaa 10 p m. 10.30 p av 10 p. m. 10.30 pre 10 pm. 10.30 pm 9am. 4pm. 10 pm 10 am 12 am. 12 am. O. B. A St. Joe R. R. South C. B. A St. Joe R. R. North, B. A M. R. R. Hast. B. A M. K. It. We.t. Omaha bv Rail Nebraska City, by Stage. Departa Afodays. Wednesdays and Fridavs. P m. 8 pm. OKice hours, from 8 a m to 7 p m. landays, 12 to 1 p tnr J. W. MARSHALL. P, M. !rort; girtcforu, Son tar den 24 September hat die Dentanha Kv. Lutb. Gemeinds in ihrem Schulhaus vor- mittar's um 11 Uhr Gotteodienst. Ueberhaupt findet deraelbe Ton ietit an rea-elmaesai alia 14 Tageatalt. Minister Key. L llannawald. FiaflT Pbv.sbttbbiak North sideef Main St. est of Sixth Rev. D. W. Cameron: Services very Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sab luh School at 9:30 a- ra.. Tboa Pollock Superin .endent. Prarer meeting every Wednesday avaning at 6:30 o'clock. . 1 Mituodist Episcopal West side of fflxth rtreet. aouth of Main Rev. J. U. Presson. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. nt. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Claaa leetings every Monday evening and immediate r after close of Sabbath morning services.' ' abbath School at 2,-30 CoKOBBOATio!fAi Corner Locust and Eighth ats. Rev. B. F Manwell. residence Piatte Val ley House, Services every Sabbath at 11:11a. to. and 6:M p. m. babbath School at 12: SO p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. lEpiscopAf. Corner Vino and Third ftreets ev. II. C. Shaw Services every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School t 3 p. m.. Prof. d'AHemand. Supt. ChbistiaW Servie in Court IToace TIall G B. Mullis, local preacher. Elders, Isato Wiles and T. J. Todd. Catholic North sil e of Public So uareRer Father Hayes. First Mass every Sabbath at 8:30 ra.. Heoond Maes ana Sermon at 10:JO 1 Vespers and Benediction at 3:30 p. m. Mass at 8 a. m. every week day. Estray Notice. Taken op by the andersignod en his premis es, three miles aouth of riattxmouth, three bead of Asses. One is a light dun color, the theradark brown with a dun colored colt; nc Barks or brands perceptible. u i i