Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 28, 1871, Image 2

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i :
1 '
Senator Tipton of this Stale haa made
a speech in tbe United States Senate,
upon the question of civil service reform
from which we make the following ex
tract:. 4 Mr. President, on this mljcct of the
patron;' pc being prostituted to the bene
fit of a party I have toine
I have helped heretofore to
give directirn to pu'oiic
patronage;; hut when I look back end
reunite maimer in which we have hai to
do it in order to be loyal to our republic
an constituency and loyal to our party, I
6tand amazed at the fact that I ever
consented to do it. It will do you no
harin, u:y fellow-Senators, to refer totiie
condition eft tunes in that respect in the
little State of Nehraskii. It illustrates
ncnilortably close the proposition un
der discussion. .
When ujy Crt colleacue and myself
r-air.e here as Senators, we found Repub
licans in olhee all over the Slate of Ne-bra.-ka,
and though they were the ap
pointees of Andrew Jchn.on. thev were
our lel.'ow Rejiuljlicans, losing no part of
the ci the people because they We thought wo must
1 are the patronage, and that, let it come
from Yfhnt source it niiht, vre' nc-cdeJ
the patronage. .We were out of the
matt-rial that the boy was in pursuit of
when he declared that he hail an appe
tite nnd there was great destitution in
the family larder; and we, our
selves, when we facie to the Senate, had
to ee to turning out ol! tho Republican
officers in our State. Two years afri r 1
received a re election. Then that class
who had irouo in two years bef ire had to
po t the !a.ibter-bkck. politically, sn
order to pive to my i'liciitl that
had aided rue to rosiriosi a seeond time.
W hile they were reveilir.-t in the spoils
of office for twenty-four months, in cottiea
my colieue to my right, elected by a
rcw set of loyal Republicans; and now
we must turn out my second olas; of
liicnd.i to be loyal and Lcop pfee with
the inter?-fs of the party in iu dem-nds
on what I think to day i.s a very ijifa
ken policy. And here I stand, saying
to my colleague, "Go forward, enthrone
your friends, bury mine out cf sijiht;
only pertuic me to cl.e my ears and
baudae my cye, so that 1 shall not
hear the crack of tho rifle that drops
them to the duf, cr see their bodies
swing from the political gib-bit."
i Laughter. It hud to be done. It was
uoces-sary under tiia sy-tcui of party
caucusc-i tin J party applirce-, and it
had to Lo done.
V,e are inclinsd to think the Senator
has made a very grave" mistake in sup
posing that hi own inclinations and per
honal d-.iiiirs as set forth in the above
w-ie tho 1 hot3 t f party and party ap-f.-'ianee;'.
We have always noticed that
H apparently wrong-, it is very conveni
ent to have something or somebody to
fhift the responibiliry upon. In poiiti
eal matters, nten who care little for par
ty or party piinciplet, but much for self
when they get ca'.ight in an unworthy act,
are apt to lay it v.pou the party, and
claim that they rTero forced to do it.
The Senator is certainly endeavoring to
screen himself at the expense of the Re
publica.i party in the above. The Re
publican party, as we understand it, and
ulways have understood it, does not call
upon its votaries to do anything that is
mean and vicious ; but ou the contrary,
one of tho vital principles of the or
ganization, and one in which we have
always taken much pride as a Republi
can, is "equal aud exact justice to al
men;"' and ancthcr h "the honest ad
ministration of public affairs." How
can cur worthy Senator harmonize his
ac-licn, as above set foith in his own lan
guage, with the?e vital tenets of the Re
publican faith. The party certainly nev
cr called upon him to sanction a thing to
endure which an honest raaa would be
compelled to '"bandage his eyes aud
close hi3 cars," and we doubt if any
other man in tho United States Senate
who ever claimed affinity with the Re
publican party, can he found who will
pretend that such things "as the Sena
tor says ha has been con-trained to do,
were other than Ua?e tricks of the poli
tician, in direct conflict with the princi
ples of the Republican party, instead of
being "necessary under the system ol
party caucuics and party appliances."
It is just such doings as the Senator ad
mits that he has been guilty of that is
constantly weakening the Republican
party, and we think the remedy is not
in abandoning the party, but in throw
ing overboard the men who have practic
ed these heresies in tho came of the
party. Had the Senator been as po'iii
cally virtuous when he first went into
the Senate as he now assumes to be, he
would not cow to called upon to make
his humiliating confession. In the ad
mission that he has been too weak to re
rist the wrong, and too venal to do the
right, he says broadly enough that he
was the mistake, and not the party.
The party never a;ked hini to do these
things, and to-day no true Republican in
Nebraska endorses them, either in Sena
tor Tipton or any other man who claims
to represent the party.
Slecpipt for Killing n Town.
Underrate j'ifur neighbor's property,
withhold your support from home mci-h
allies and manufacturers, buy what yuu
ne-td elsewhere, in preference to home,
and if you are in hu.-.iness refuse to adver
tise. If this won't kill the mo.-t prosp
erous town in America, it may be con
sidered tire proof and proof against hard
A Connecticut lady who can't persuade
her husband to get her a patent clothes
dryer, took the pole out from her old
fashioned lino the other evening, tnd
crouching down by the fence screamed
''murder !" In an instant ber startled
Jord came flying out of he house, was
caught across the throat by the clothes
line, aud before he cou'd recover him-eif
it had near!; sawed his head off. The
next morning a sombre looking chap,
with his-nock ali done up, was seen put
ting up a patent clot bes.dryer m that
John Dunyan was once asked a ques
tion about heaven which he could Hot
answer, because the matter was not re
vealed :: the Scriptures, and lie merc
apon advised the inquirer to hv8 a holy
!: ?d Za and .?.
Aaother of the Omaha llerald bub
bles of iniqity has been pricked, and
the maliciousness of the aforesaid paper
has been made quite apparent. For
months past the public have been re
gale! with bold assertions of "fraud and
corruption." cm the part of John L
McConnell, Treasurer of the State Uni
versity, and loud ealls have been made
for his removal from office. All this was
done with such apparent good faith, that
very many people who are unacquainted
with the habit of the UeralJ, in accus
ing every Republican with being ascoun
drol have been led to suppose that Mr.
iMcConnell was actually getting rich at
the cxpen-e of the State. Well, the
Board of Regents met ; a commitc-e was
appointed and Treasurer 3IcC'onnell was
called upon for a statement of the Fi
nances. Here it is :
Moan. D. J. McCann, J. B. MxxMJ,
C. S. Chase. : In reply to your reso
lution of this day,, asking for a detailed
tlnteuic-nt of the condition of t!.e liuan
ces of the University, I respectfully sub
mit the fuiiowine:
hirst 'I he amount of funds now in
the Treasury is S4,757 43, and the
whole of sa:d fund belongs to the general
run l !!ceou!it.
Second Xo part of said fund has
been loaned to any individual, liini or
Third Of the above amount, there
has been deposited in jNational banks
$15,552 21 to wit: First National, ot
L'ticoln. $1,852 VI ; Nebraska City Na
tional Rank, $13,500; Ranking House
f liowker, Kenmml & Wheeler, $.',
4.:'. 22.
Fouith All such deposits are in the
name of John L. McConnell, Treasurer.
Fifth The lowest amount on deposit
at any one time since the lust meeting of
the Roard, has been $iy,tK)0, aud the
largest sum since the same date, $24.
757 43.
Sixth None of said funis are now
drawing suicryst. I have never received
interest on said funds in my private ca
pacity, and have received $i72 37 inter
est as Treasurer of the University, and
the same is to the credit of the pitpcr
Signed, John II. 3-IcCoxxei.l.
The committee, after examination, be
came fully satisfied of the truthfulness
of McConnelfs .statement, and embodied
it as a part of their report to the Roard
of Regents, and by the adoption of the
report of the committee, Treasurer Mc
Connell stands officially exonerated from
the Ims calumuM's of that scavenger of
the Nebraska press, l'eihaps the -alrl
would now like to sr.y that Mes.-rs.
.McCann, Maxfield, Chase, and the other
members of the Roard of Regents, to
gether with Chancellor Rcnton, have
connived to cover up "dcCouueh's ras
cality. We look for it, if the He rait
dare to go that far.
Jo?. Harper will be remembered by alj
the early settlers of this city and county,
and the following article relative to hi-
present prosperity, published in a Central
City. Colorado, paper, under the above
heading, will be read with pleasure by
his unny friend and well-wishers in this
vi .-inity :
"It is new five years since Joe. Har
per formed the purpose, since steadily
pursued, of making a home in the beau
tiful valley at the head of Chase Gulch,
about one and a half miles westeily from
this ci!3 Of the result cf these labo
rious years his well planned an ! per
sistent efforts we wereyesttrd iv obs ;rv
ant. His improvements cou.-ist of a
coadortahle, neat and nicely pointed
dwelling-house, conimodous stabies, a
ten-stamp quartz mill, covered by a
warm and well painted, and 15u
acres of inclosed, plowed and meadow
lands. Altogether the place reminds
one of the well-fixed homestead of a
prosperous Eastern farmer. The Rocky
Mountain peculiarity the unfarmly
ejuartz mill attachment is Mr. Harper's
peculiar pride. And it may well be, as
now. and for omc time past, it has yield
ed him, he infos ms us, an average of
$1U0 per day, (including profits cn small
lots sent to the furnace), leaving a hand
some profit on his mining operation.
This is enabling him, by degree, to re
lieve himself f rom financial embarrass
ments, in which he became unfortunately
involved, (not by mining), and, in him-s'.-lf,
furnishes an example of persistence
in paying dehi?, and at the same time
making constant improvements on his
productive property. lie sets his ore
from his own mine, No 4 cast cn the
Ca'l'ornia, at Nevada hauls it With his
j own teams, aud runsii in hisown mill. The
water, which is a-nple in the driest sea
son, is supplied from splines up the
several gulches which centre there,
brouqht down by aqueducts, of which
there are about two miles in length
The appointments of the mill are most
complete planned to tun day and night,
in sunshine or sturm, summer or v. inter.
Rut in agriculture Mr. Harper's suc
cess is rer.I'y wonderful. Kv.-ry year
since he commenced, he informs us that
wheat and oits have fully matured on
his place, lis sows the giain asvarly in
tho spring as possible so soon as the
frost comes out f the ground. It gets
the advantage of the late spring snow
and showers, and then, California like,
is past all danger of funimer drought.
He showed u.s st;dks of wheat and oats,
fully ripe, which weie five feet lung.
As an instance of the productiveness of
soute of the mountain valleys, Mr. II.
mentioned that one season h-? sold the crop of six acres (cut f r fodder) b r
$f,20U, or $20 per acre. In confirma
tion that fuch crops are sometimes pro
duced on the mountain ranches, we mny
mention that on the Frenchman's laueh,
North Rudder, a field ofoats was raised
Ihi.i reason, which produced nearly four
tons of fodder to the acre, worth not
tess than $40 per ton. Mr. Harper is
sueees-fi;! with strawberries, currents,
and all the small fuits. If tropical fruits
arc wanted, a pailful of the-e mountain
berries, in the mining market, will rai-e
oranges from the Indies, at less cost of
labor than thej' can be procured else
where in tho country. Some kinds of
hard wood trees may be successfully
transplantad to these upland farms
Transplanted evergreens have nothing
of the sickly, faded look of those, of the
valley. Few men of the mountain with
families, h ive acted as wisely in the mat
ter i ninking a pleasant home, and a
profitable investment of toil, as Mr.
A correspondence of the New York
Commerci il speaks of a church on Fifth
avenue where they have 'Tour expensive
brass angels outside, and a good expens
ive angel inside."
A speaker at a public meeting conclud
ed his appeal by this remarkable warn
ing: "Remember tho eyes of the vox
populi are upon you."
. Frof. Lowell's new word, undispriva
CiC J, is called a "fonr-af r.rr toIvv!1:iV.1,
! with ,1 Frenrt rxf."
the niasi: ij;jkr Atw ut:.igi.
The Board of Directors bad a meeting
on the 5th inst., and elected the follow
ing named ofilcers : J. S. Bowen, Presi
dent; II. W. Kuhns, Secretary; and
Joseph II. Millard, Treasurer. The new
building was accepted, and will be ready
for occupancy by the first cf January.
The cost of the ttructurc is as fohows :
Contractors, ... $ 4.333
Architect, - -. - 3.J0
Superintendent of Construction, 220
Lijrhtniug rods and insurance, 200
Stnte Appropriation,
Excess of Appropriation,
J 15.083
We clip the following table from the
Washington (7"P'V, which shows what
the Capital man knows about the Presi
dency :
Greklkt. J Grant.
New Hampshire 4. Maine 7
Connecticut 6 Vermont 4
N w York
34 Massachusetts 13
if Rhode Island 4
2S Ohio 21
3! Illinois 21
8i Michigan 11
lljWi'eonsin 10
10 California 6
7! Minnesota 5
11 Kansas 5
9 Iowa 11
8 Nevada 3
7Nebraska 3
1 F Electoral votes 124
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina
( reorgia
( regon
West Virginia
Electoral votes 231
Necessary to a choice, one hundred
and seventy eight votes.
A white garment appears worse with
slit-lit soiling than do colored garments
much soiled ; so a little fault in a good
man attracts more attention than grave
offences in bad men.
We never found so much difficulty in
clipping and stealing from our exchangi s
as we do now. Thev have notl-ing but
Chicago in them, and no variety what
ever in that Huston Times.
Let no one think to got to heaven by
tin- money he pays to t lie Church. lie
can nevt r bribe the door-keeper of that
gate. God cares no more for the gold of
he rich man than he does for the elust
ou his boots.
A new treatise cn gems declarf-s that
after all mankind has said of precicis
stones, the m ist valuable as weil as the
most useful ttone in the world is the
"Don't shiver for last year's fnow,"
a saying of Archbishop Whateley's, is
particularly applicable to those who
make thcui-elves miserable over troubles
that are past.
Whitflaw Reid, the managing editor
of the New York Tribune, is soon to
deliver a lecture on "Journali m."
A Ri.-hmor.d merchant, on being ask
ed how large an advertisement he wanted
in the Uxamimr, lvpiieei they might put
in about three pints of type.
Let the youth who stands with a glass
of liijuor in Ids hand consider which he
hod better throw away the liquor or
A young man generally gives a lock eif
hit hair to his sweetheart before he mar
ries her After marriage she sometimes
helps herself and dout use scissors.
One who sign herself "A plural Wife
for Seventeen Wars" writes to a Utah
piper that the Mormon.; will cleave to
polygamic principles through time and
and eternity. What a pleasant idea, to
be surrounded by twenty or more of
jour own private angels in heaven 1
There was an exhibition of courtesy
at the inauguiblion of Gov. Booth of
Californi i l.-t week rarely w tnessc-d in
political circles. The out going Gov
e-rnor and defeated candidate for re-election.
Mr. Hai-ht, waited on Gov.
Reoth at his residence, took him in his
carriage to the Capitel, presented him
to the audience, and after the inaugural
address attended hitu to the Governor's
rooms then escorted him home, and
they attended the military banquet to
gether in the evening
An Indiana butcher claim the "cham
pionship," and s.ys he can kill and dress
an ox in seven minutes.
Smith objects to signing the ph'dffe,
on the ground that he has just gone
into business, ami it wouldn't look Well
to have his name cn too much paper.
Of a'l countries, Mexico comes near
est to Mr. Sampson Brass' de.-niplioo
of the world i." "lias its revolutions and
various games of that sort."
The decline of the whaling interest in
Massachusetts sec-n.s likely to be followed
by a total abandonment of the "sealing"
business in Mormon-land.
A writer in" the Lawrence Journal re
Dorts that "there is no doubt tut that
the mad from Junction Ci.'y, up cither
the Republican or Solomon vhocvs, to
connect with the Uu:on Facifie, will be
s peed i i3 eo n s t rue t ed.
While this country was being burned,
China was bc-ina drowned. Twenty
thousand squat e miles of Territory have
been indunda'ed. and one thousand per
sons drowned in Chiang, by unprecedent
ed heavy rain-1.
IVr.-ons who dread railroad traveling
ought to take comfort afrer this. Ia a
n-eent report of the State Engineer of
New York, it is shown that only one per
son in 1,636.717 is killed by a railroad
accident, and as the average of passen
etrs to a train is 65, it follows that nerv
ous folks will h.-ve to make 25.180 trips
on the cars, and to travel 6oO.S4l miles
before thev have a right to be killed, or
14,4So utileo, before they hrtve a rihtto
be wounjctl, even ever so slightly.
We thought Governor Brown had got
every fine word in the English language
into his message. Rut s"me the ap
pearance of that document Robert Dale
Owen's 'Dt-bitable Land" has eome
out and in it we find an excellent word
which is not in the message. It is
"praicmato'utry," which we take to
mean tlie worship of words If the
Governor had only thought of it, he
m:i:ht have mado a stunning charge
asuiust the administration for grammato
Iatry How would this do: "We find
the tendency to political solidarity deep
ly imbedded in conscious potentiality,
while the eatechumeisal hypostasis revels
in its own concupiscent phylacteries, de
fiant a!ik" of the gravity of its conse
quential grammatnlatry and the unutter
able immobility of pre-rxistine termin
ology." A revised editition of the mes
sage with something like that in it would
be a great boon to th Governor's admi
rers throughout the State.
The Woodhull i going to rent a splen
did mansion in Washington this winter
and keep open houso for the benefit of
CensrgsGrnpni .
nil 4it t c s
A correspondent writes from New Or
leans : "Your readers mu ;t understand
that our colore ! soci-ty is somewhat
(mixed) different fr. ni that of other
places. The aristocratic octoroons and
quadroons have hut little affi:iiry for the
black people, except at election times.
The most violent rebels of the late rebel
lion were the oc-taroon and quadroon
women, the majority of whom were
placer with white men, and many of
them still continue the association, their
offspring being so white that the best ex
perts in ethnology cannot determine
which is which, and the Fifteenth
Amendment now gives those children a
social status which they did not have
previous to the passage of this act, and
the constquence is, these off-colored
children hold their heads now hiher
than ever, and a black man or woman
has no chance socially, with them."
: .
iseunuiie Amen
I'lIIS) FpIenJi.l weekly, greatly ealnreed and
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At bis new si.ind On Main Street, between 4th
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Dr. author of the "tireen Hook,' &:.
Tbe world renour.ed author, in this a lmira
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deucrip. ion of the wonderful water wo;k?: di
erii t ii.ii of the rwr .fre, puving nnd building
materiaU. i hu gre tt mai vel ol tho llivcr ru.-i-ninp
up ftre'aiii. The nuiu-'er. location :nl
mode o i pe: atiop tho ' ain Elevators. His
tory and riescriprion of the famous htock yrda.
'I be r.uiabtr oi llailroads. tho Lako Trade tad
From personal observations by
(Perestrin Pickel)
Litterary Editor i.'hicago Tribune,
EJitorof Chicaso Tribune.
A Book ofa) paen, illustrated by the be3t
rtiU, ond wid De worthy of tho conSdcm-e of
Price in extra eloth and gi't. S."'). Will bo
pent by mail on reeeip- of price, Xui. trnrk can
only be obtai ci trorn the publishers .-r Iroui
tbeir regulatly authorized afrent, . it i sold
exelusi ely b r ubcripti-n. nnd can not be ob
Ui.ied from any bookstore in the United Sw-tes-
iii-i Twent7-eond fl , Chijr
Jsf-Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlatcr's Jewelry Store, D"
Maim Uivcet9 JLlittsinonili9 'Ni-hmtslm
asri jr: 7517 -.L m a s xt
ST. LOUIS, -m.t
rti (Dr Jfirst-cfes
4 u ri r
Wholesale and P.etail Dealer in String, Shci t Music, end all kinds of Mu.-ical Mcrchandirfa
' J"MUS!C-L IN .TRUMLNTS Tuntil Repaired Sotiitfartion Guaranteed.-?
Everybody, tod more too. are coins to
Ibe best nsd tno?t complete
Are no on exhibition at tbe 2'ew York Store, at greatly reauced prices. Wo call partisular
aitcction to our new stylea ot
) ii 1S5-G C O D.v Pii I N TS.
of all kinds and price to suit our numerous customers. larso stock of
cr e-3
m0s;mp o thin QgS4
& A-c. i-c. A-c. ' fi'f
Hats and Caps, Boots anil Shoes,
ain Street. Second Door East of the Court Houso
UKANCH HOUSE Broad way, Ccucr.i-ii I3!uS's Iowa.
; herlff's Sab.
Shugni t .t Litiingur
t A Litiingur 1
li. 1'orgy J
C. Ii.
Xotiee is hereby given that I wiil o!Ter for
xnln ut uhiie aui-ti -n at the front door of the
Court House m liattui'.,ui.h .u hs od .lay ot
Jar.u uv. A. 1). i.Si2. at one o clock P. M. t
ail tho i.dlowing Keiil tstate. si-ua'ed
u t e i.iiy oi I'iattsuiouth, Cats Co .Nebraska,
"ihiVnn.livtded One half 0 of Lot Xo. Six)
in liloi-k . id r yvcvto oi): una tuc umii
vide'i nc half i.' ji ot Lot Xo. Ten (lw in l.loek
No Xiuet".': and t he undivided One ball' li ot
LotX'j Twelve illii in lbick o. Forty-Cv,t45
taken ax the property ot C, fc. jroriry, on an
F.xeeuMon in favor of eihugart and Lininger.
i-ii-ued by tbo Cicrk of the ii.-trict Cour. w-thtn
an-l lor t.'us. Co. Neiiraska, and to me directed
a-ftiici iff of said County.
Given nnderuiy Land ihis30th day of ovcm
ber A. i). 1S71 J. lv. Jkh.n.sds, .ht-t iQ".
C.if. Co. Xebraska.
Fox WnKKLER. PltfiTa At.orueys;
Xov. 30 w 6
Oso. FicMe?,
The bebt of Fresh Meats always on hand ii.
their soasoa.
ITigliest Price Paid for Fat Cattle
i-Uhest Cash Price paid for creen Hiaes
Oct. i diwtf
... T T - - , .. . r.v:i.):
rurpoc at reaouablo rate, at my quarry or i
deliver i ou ihe cars ut Louisville station- The
iollowi g kind. can be badonnhort notice, nills.
cap, perch rock, line or rod sand sioue such a7
wad u'. "j tbe 1J. AM R. li. in the conturue-
btir .tune work.. All responsible
orders promptly filled' Address
dwtf LrraleriUaSUrUoT?.
XJhuos aub (Organs.
SB 8l GO.
buy their
Flattsmouth, Nebraska
P la Hs mouth, IVc. h rasha .
I am prepsred to aeeorninodate the public wirl
horses. Carriage. Lttcgics and a Xo. 1 licarsi
Oil imirt AO It-H ftllil rp."lili:lh tiiiTinn. A li.i.1.
will run to,lhesteauibo!lt lantuuB, and to all part
01 luucuy wncii ncsireo.
January 1. lSil (IJtwtf.
Csold tintl Silver CoSa,
PisHf drawn on all parts cf the United State
and i.arope. .Deposits received, and special at
tea cion grivcn to collections.
Plattmouth, Nebraska.
.V j I H I, I 1 I I 1 I .
DIlEr.D & FALLAN - - Proprietor..
.Tut onened to the rinblie. for both day and I
week bonnlem. Table set with the bet the I
aiarttet atTonl. Accomodations second to none I
intheeity, detdklwtf
J Vai., Prcpri.ior. R. H. MtO'W.m Co., Uruire.i
GB. Axenu, Sa I'ruciKO, Ca!., 4 H Cointutc ilret. .
BIIL.I.IONS Hear YcHliiuonr to tlieitf
Wonderful CitrntlTC EHects.
They aro not a vilo Fnttcy Drink, Marie of Poor
Rum, Whisker, l'roor JSiiriti nnd IteriiKO
Liquors doctored, spiced ond sweetened to please tlm
iate,cillcd "Tonics," "Arpetizers." 'lt-torors."ie..
that lend the tippler ou to dr.itikenr.eo? and ruin. but nrd
a true Medicine. mode from the Native Knots and llert-f
pf CaUrornia, frro from nil Alcoholic Sliiitf
Inntn. They are the C II EA T lll.OOII PI !(!
ft perfect Itcnovator arul lnvinorntor of the System.
earrylngoJTnll iioisoi.ousniatierandrcstoririRthehlood
lo a healthy condition. No person can take these Hit
tcr nccontinx to direction and remain long tinwel!.
proviilctl their bmc aio not di-ntroyed by mineral
poion or other niean3, and the vital orcans wasted
hcyond tho point of repair.
They nrc a. (Jcmlc PnrcatlTC n well nit a.
Touic. iosscssinK, uIm, the peculiar merit of iirtins
us a powcifid a'ent in relieving Un?ption or Intlamr
mation of the l.iver. and nil t lie Visceial Organn.
FOIt FEMALE COS! 11. A I NTS, in young or
old, marric-J or RiiiRlc. at tho (h-wii of womiuihoml orat
llie turn of life, these Tonic titters have no r'nial.
For Iunn;inatory nnd Ciironic Rheamn
loin n.iul Joiit, llypeiniu or I ndieenl iou.
liilious, 15 oinitteiit nnd I iitcrmil tout k'c
vtrn, Iiicnnen of liio Ulood, l.iver. Kid
ney nnd Kindlier, ttuse Hiili-rn have tn-etunost
Biiccessful. Si: i ll lliornm-a arc ennwd !' V II ial ed
Iilood. which is generally pro.!uci .l by ileruiij,'cment
ot tho IDiircKti ve Orsiini.
DYSI'EI'SIA it I N I) l; F.STI IN, lt:aU
cho. Pain in ths Shoulder. Concha, Tishtmss of the
Chest. Dizzino-s.i, Sour .Eructations of tlie Stoma- .
llad Taste in the Mouth, I'llious Attacks "-," ici
the Heart. Inflammation of tho l.ungs. Pain in the rc
tions of the KidueyR. and a hundred o'.hL-r painful bymp
toms, are the oflprincs of lrpepsin.
They invicorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid
Liver and Bowels, which rentier them cf unequalisJ
tfficacy in cleansing the L'.ood of all impurities, and im
parting new life and vr-cr to tha whoio ystt'm.
FOIt SlilN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, halt
It:ieum, L'lotches. Siw-t. rinipluK, r-J..ti:'e. Hoilf. Car
itunclps. Rinj-Worms. Seild lien I. Sore Kycs. Kryslpe
?R. Itch. Scurfs. ji.u..uiomtii)fis of the Skin. llumol-K and
ln;cns-s of the SUin. of wliat-"r naiot or imtui.. arA
llteratlv filler P an-i rarrled out of the y-Ufin in h brt
time by tlie ue ol Uu-ic UlTtrH. One hotl! In sn:ii
rasrs willconviuco the most liicrodwious ol 'their cura
live eflectH.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood Tvlienevt-r you find it im
purities bursting through tho ekin In Pimples, Krup
tions or Soros: cleanse it when you End it oV-trurtr-l
and aljcish in the veins : ch-ansa it when it is foul,
fcud your feelings wi'.l tell yon when. Keep the Mood
pure, and tho health cf the svslom will follow.
Pin, Tape, anil other Worm, lurking In the
system of so nicer thousands, aro effectually destrove !
and removed. Says a distingniahed plivinlo?ist,
tiiere is scarcely an individual unon the face of ti.e
earth whose body is cxi nipt from tlie pr fiice of
worms. It is not npon tho bealihy i-l'-nn-nts of tho
body that wonn- exit. but upon tin-di-:i-l hnnmrs
and stimy deposit tliat brr-od thef-e living iiH!iisior? of
disease. No Syj.--.;'m of Medicine, no vtrmifu., no
antiiclmir.tics :il frca thu system from woima like
these l.ittTS.
3. WALKER. Troprktor. R. II. MrDO.N'AI.D & CO.,
Dros cistg anil tron. A jcnt. Son FranciKco. California,
and 32 and 34 Commerce Street. New Vork.
he .-Ttron&c-st Agency Cou-paoy i:i I
Slvowijiij condition of the Company IoV
j. '71
Aothoriz-?J Capita Stock, $J0t).o.i''i
Atu't Actually paid, C'a.-h. 1 1 I .1 .
.uck iotcs u-'fcureil, Sil.f.i:.(M-
Cash surpus, -Nov 15, J871 4-',:JS5 5--
Cash in bank and in Couipuuy.? ofllee,
Vioount loaned tn ii-oifit ot 'lriirt.
real cr-l.ttc worth -ioubie the amount, 4dX,:-i
Aaiouni lo.inttl on uiinieral m-cunttos'
.-iu.ys uwaiuiimi, r.uun loan. -I.Sii..i.
lmm:ii, nan , l-.i-ll-.ii, jiliil. tiiil -
set value, f (r
.iu'.iucu ln.creM on same. i. ....
tii.-n tt.e liantli 01 it-eijU iu cour-o
U'Uoe 1 uriuture.
1 ). K;
C.IOCK Xotts secured,
l.o ,0. .
Total Available
i i J.j.'i,.
Loscs reported and nuadjusttd
Losses aiijusted. but Lot 1 tt due.
-os.e8 resisted.
. out
Ji7on T:oO. Oi Toot'.e. l'airb.y i Co., tVboIe-
.(mv.i H. Ihtii, Ciishier Firt Xational II;;ik.
saie itv i,o..i:.
J. .Vcc'. Preit Sd Joi'-cpli A Denver Ciii
Ivi tlroad.
A. ISntitii; Of Eeattie & Co.. Baners.
firry. It. Sti.ttu.!. i'riniTii il.
J H Jntci. Of Bailey, Key A: Co.. M'hoU'yale
Geo. Jiitclt, Proprietor of Buchanan V.'otdeii
Si SY'indt'ttt, Attorney at Law.
V J. Mi Lau'jhliii, Capatalbt.
Geo V? Famuel Pre; i.lrnt
t 1. Me aucblin Vice PrrMin nf
Jim A Xicei.v s i.i .,
Win It Kerr tienorul Ai-. :n nnd Liberal Adjustment of Los.-?s a
fcpeciality 'Vith thiii i.otupar.y
Policies Issued and Losses
Paid 3y
H..E. PALfrlER, Agent.
Lo-k to Your Children.
The Great Soothing Ileiuedy.
MRS. ! Ctiren colic and er-r.insrir.i Pi-.'r
Whitcomh'i the boweid, and !'- iliuter .
Syrup. the process ot ttethinjr. Cen's.
Mfta. .Sub lues Ci tiViilsioLig and. Price
Whitcorr.b's oveicorues all liiserf ! inci-; J.
Syrup. tlen to lnt .nt.s and chudr- n. Ct,nj-..
Mils. Cures I'larrho ii. lvei.t.' I Hnrr,
Whi1comb'jry and "uminvr eouipiaiut in if i
ayrup. tDHlieu l ail mti's. jVjn'.t
It is tne jrrout Inlants' and Children's hooth-
in Ileinedy. iu ali disorders brouUt on Ly
teething or any other cause.
Prepared by the tjraitoa Medicine C"., St.
Louis Mo.
Sold oy drufristui and cea!cr in Me.lii i
everywhere- tia:MAwly
4 LL persona mdebt d ton, either by note
JL or book account, are noiif.ud mat 8"-t:i--ment
must he raadd bv the first d.iv ot .bif!.:ii-v
next, or we will be co-npellud to piaeo tho tne
in tiio hand ut the proper oHi.-er lor cnl ei t on
We wM f Ance nutatu aud our I'iciiii wiv
p!ea:'e make a note ot this, and g vern t he r
telvt - e accoruineiy. V llkkvs Jc ItLi i NKk Iiee. II, l7U delrdt-w.
The Undersigned has on hand . ond Ia
AW kiuJj of
CO.TCs.V.CCl LLf. I r
At hU Milla Rt tlie Ferry I.r.n'.lin? at PlatUn.eutl
Crdsrs Prcmptly Filled.!
'A li'iotrlory
learn e t i
Tf i-i rpliy i!:c i i I uy-i-s I , nnifc'-r -i f
fasbb-U in il.c eoiu.t : y. 1 ; .- mi i-I Iih-ik s . 1. i;..
in ;vori !i tic f-; : 1 1 . ; i j ! I i 1. 1 n-i - : .hop. M-r.
While ti'lly iiiimii: .inn -.' il p".-;l ii '11 a i :ir
i:ir id' iu-h:-i'i. i - si 1 - loiiinii-- t-.i'ir, p..ii...
briiiidtit ".!-. In i n - .-! n ml rt.d k-imsi:.I
l.ip ....'.. (tt:: 'J '.t y t :i'. tir -
Tln-re m-vei m :t- ;.n p'pii 4. u I ! ' Jh J t ii :: I r
fl;J iftltrc.'J llii! I:t-.M-- '-..i;ii!Ti .Never I.ii.ij .'
il (!o It ocf t j-i.u a lii l'"iii:ei : it will p. in- j
U-n times the i ii-.- in I n in.iiv!.old oeoii. ni;
tiTitehe. I,io iiicti'-e lr.;:-it:ii.
'1 he yiitinc In ly woo I n . a iniioher f U-"-i-orV ii i:i :e a ulj.- ribvr br li e. .t .'
Vork l'.vi-n.PK i'ost.
Tne I!:i7ur i.J rxei-IIert. Lik - a'l the peri. 1--enlii
whicli the iiavpers I-iib'ifh. is ul : :
ideally weil edited ti'- luotiuiis mid diuuin. :
iu av.-r:i)fi! f tuilnrn Ciii not hut pndit t y :
pood Ftne nn 1 poo. I I te. which, vo b:ive i
tould. aro to-iiay iiii.Uii'k rer iiiHny '
b:ipjdi-r tbuii thev niay bare been Lcd'ori i!
w.iii' ii In luu l iking l.-isoiiH in pi-rsoni! I m '.
eliold and sot-ill nirtnipeineni ix..
Koi-d-nnlurcd ui-utor. 'i he Gallon, S. i.
Subscripti -n8
l en vi.i :
lljrper's Dai ir f.r o;:o year..
f i '')
An e.ttra copy f either tt e M.iir.tziii". :
ly, or Jt.i.:ir wiil b-i :ii ie-i cr., n I..r evi
''tl d' 1-i.u fiih-i-riin i ii ;:- i'.'l ill oin r
lii t;i:n.-e; or t-ix enpn-.- tm- :M. v. i.biiut .'.
.-ii "-riptionJ to II ri r'.s M ii.e.-.iiie. Wee'. 1
iiini i -:.r I' i 'in- tiiidie-- i'.ir i'." :
or two f il.irpi rV i'i r o.l.c.i.f. to ouo t .
for one , r, Si bib
F'iH-k -.uiubcrj can be ruppln-d ntany ti i
The lour volume. f I ! !. i i 1! izar. 1 r
years lsb. 'i.'.l. '7ii. 7:. ei-p u.!,y I. . it t in .n
t.ii.r (in eloth. will I e M-nt by ixrrc , r. .
prepaid, f r 07 IM i :
T!lC I'nt;if;c o:i limper's I" " 'jl re
year, which lattsl bo Jiiid at I be .-uh-eiili
A Lii-Cr: lIAiirmi Si j'.;.TIH.i"..'.
At i i-i lz.
"A Tcnny,! i a Pinny Kn.-nn'."
And il'yon ik-.irv t'i
Ai veil a l'oundn go to
To Euy Vour
ZIZ G 2 II 1 J2
Wc h.-ive bousbt out M. D I'm an I hot . -C'Jpy
b.i. ..hi stund on M.i;',! hfn-et. whi r.-
lavejust ri-'-eiva I an nil' ii n il i i.i-
cerie.sand I'-ovisioiis j, wt. ' n .
low lor cash. All kimN of eoimtry piodui e t i'-
KMl ill lV..l:ilicr.i lii trt...t
kt-u iu c-xebaiisu forKOid
hkxxett r:;o.
Vwnf5 try Tf-:-. -
id-it i o AJL tiiJS
:ogk which
fTcr" i n Li-t of hv !i Wnrk" t k';-
be I'l.iin! iii t-very iv'.rriry'ii
rtrat-h of t?v-ry fevri'T VV'otk- t- ;
t.iKi, in.-! ru( t improve th?; 1,
0i'.pi:i v'.ll ;: .seat by IX-IUitl pO:t
ect-ipt : p:
fjrw Ph-f 'r.i-nomy : or :-:cn-!i of eh.-ir n-' -
ini-nilc t-.roi;.li Ti i-ip, runeni nnd .
mil iori-i 1 mi I e: ;. i Ivtuthn llnmr
iiv in- :: ii i:...-.- i Ii 1 .j i;u I bou-aud ;
ir.u.oi;. Price ..
liydr p ith;: C ;-,.!' c'l-
vtctrt r
i.'ii m. 1 !l-t!..;.e o.iii-'. :..; outl: i
V tuy: I !:-. -i-.i -py ( ( .11 bod . ; : .
itl:it- aul'tl 'lt- i'.i-'i ii:i l.ri :-;illuof .-
theory and pr.!'.::,- : .;. ;.-ial 1 hi bol-'jrr. " i
ih the iiaiur-.-, c-i-sf, F irij 'oiri and u. .;
Tie.i' el ail k"i ; ri "i '.i. e T-M I-- ' :
i'!. V.j !' T. 'j'. a i.i. M.I). Tiio ;
complete wo k on thi tu'ijcct. Sl.v'J
.'savrr's V'crks Cciiiurisiiriff ''If .111
Ilrhn fof both f-Vj.. "Aim. nnd .li 1 ...
;;i!m nnd Youne Wnmo .""Whvh ..f J.-;..
:ae r:ur.t w:iy and the wronir wav." A
t..-lwoik. ii.
Hsw ( Rii rhvjr(.r. A iw riln 'n. i
il imi-ll i-ik i f l literiol ev uml !,viiio..:.i....
or s-.u;l'.r.i a if i l.xiiiniiii-r. wi h a tim.-' : -
u.-dinx the rt?' i- t 'be tlitfeieiit itrgui-.t I I..-
rai::. in ti I e! ine-irioii ol ehanit'ti r. wit i
vnril of 170 Kiifrr .vinj-s. l.:i!i.9i uu l
iu.'liii, Sl.f"i
7b Fi-r.-nts' Gi.-tdc ; it human deve'r j - 1 , ;
f!roiii.-!i I rilie; i'ed l'cr..j -iumi'- liv M,. hi -
:mi r,r.;;tM..K.-i.v. hi-ei.uii e iiii'.n re - in J
-i i-i lid e liii'iii re- ir
. j-:n .. Pxu'c JI.'iJ
1 niaii;eij. On.' v.
F. d X"d Dtc!. Wiih oS-i rviLfions .
Iiirtii-r-l Jieg-ii'i-n sin e.! it r 1 -isorder) -i
"I the d ti'f'ivi' ;. .:i i i -i .1 1 11 oi 1 1m c-
p .! .vrtropoiitn K "v b i -h'ii"i.l lor Li "
moina.s. !!!.;-(.. . ih.. -ii, ' . r;i..oer. r
"i'ir-.uh .-. n.r,;.'Ji; urli. if v .!.-, mu'. i'.
ik. M.I)., 1-'. K .S au-1 i. e. IJlileiL- '.
A. Lee. M 1). si. 73
Lif9 ai Home : j-. the Fati"y find it:'. ' "
ei. ii ii--raii'!. Hivi . riui ni - I .
Ijii-lhir. sisu-rs. Kitw. vi is uii i K.i.: . .
ily I'.ev. i m, A IK mas, i 1. L c-;-y ':i
should have it. tl.o.'.
Hsnd-Bo k for Horn Irr provarr.erl 'i;
Write. ""How to I'.iln." '.hiwl'il!i'lia'
liow toilo lius lie.- In oie vol. t-
Wccilocit : nr. tbe ri-'!it r'bti i,9 of tn -
Msclosinir 'lie !u vs ol C'.niiik- i Si:ltr-', ;
iKiwirsv.'hu in y and who in-iy n-t in.'in
H ie lor uoiii itx- Li. Ly o. 11, rxii-. r
Oratory S cred r. rj Sc. uler; or tbo e ' ' i
uncoil. speaker. I','
i'tt i h 1 1 nn r t.
tor eonilin iai- j tilfiic i'Ii eti; ,". ui-i-nr I i- .
' l-utliaiiiei.t.irv I ni... J'.v u I'i - ..
Manaqemitnt of bir.rrw. Phviolofir:.-:
Mural 'j re tinciit. liv A miki.w i ii
wi-h .Note? imd u, Suppi.-ineutary Ch:i;.;.
n;i. sl.iJ
Tr-ouanU f.jr Ihe Voanj Ms-, and :
uiiif Women of A inen-a: or a few i
B'U'is 'il'lllivil'lv Uy 1. i' liEiVKS. .
ideal Man nnd ihe l-lcai W'mnuti by i:
reeicy. Price;!
Esop' Febles. T!) I eoiiIeV Pir'o
ion. i.iii-.iit'uily Illustrated wi-h near
O (.Turing clitn c-iiit, cveici b .aril '.
Pope' Esi-.y On fcinn, With mite, be
iliu.-irale l. cloth ruiit, b iv lioard, be. t t
Fru-t Culture For tho Mil'ion, A H i .
Beinrf n liui -'w to tho .-uirivation uiid 1
inent of Fruit 'free:. li.crifii ion of I'
Va i-ietie,, end how to p. ..pupate them, J;..
ted 41
The P.!r;h! 'Vord i" i.'t" Riph! Plare, .'.
pi'tket dictlor.itr Ij1 efi-rancc book, i :
in in,ny::is. tei hiiieal term, nbbrei
foreign pi.rase. wriiina for te pros, i .;
t i n. proot-i e- liiit, aii'i ot her vulu.ild ; . :
tiop, eloili 7 .e!.
I ti-I':-r the iitoOUtlt in a Rep; -'
letter, or in a 1. O. Order, .
ail oft lie aljove, anJ ii'i 'if-s .
WtLLS, I'ublii.-her, :)S) liiv.
Nev Vuk. Agents Wunif-J.
C. H . Cain. Pi.iir.'ifT. vs. F.tnr-v Wil-.- T.-
fi-ndn't. I.o or.; !'. 11. I'.r.l.iirtso-i. a i i- ..f
tiio Peace, i ia:il orSarpy CVji.y. Xi.
f ) Kniery Vi'i son:
You are hereby iinlifii-1 that ?i-.itb i-- I ... r
eoo.m. need sg.iiiist ; ou bef., re T. II. 1. : ....'i e oi the l e. n-3 in nnd tor -arp;. C .i. :r
by C W. iViii. -or tte -u-t of .hirtv !..., .;. ':.
Iiir nnd s v nty c..-nt, i -! T i . An on i .
tii iuiMTi' w.i.s i...- - . e . -iir-i ii -'t , on hy sai'i J w -.
ii i be i li -i d of N v. in :,.' 17I. "lor : : . i
sa-.-i p.-,! i n-.d e t "1 i:li S i id notion i.:. . ! -.-
i tiiiued u: id jaa Italy t.iii 1"2, : I ,
o'l loik A. M. CU. lj..'A.
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