Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 14, 1871, Image 1

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rs m el rBB ro mntiiT rw
fa. o. hathawt. eo. i. mioit
Offlee eorcer Main tod Second streeU, fee
ood story.
TERMS WeAty. S2.00 per an novo If paid is
G-flO If not paid rn-advmrtoe.
The indications now are that there
will be a sexton of tho Legislature in
aooordaooe with the adjournment. In
conversation with ITn. J. T. Cannon,
of this county, we learn from him that
he will be on band on the second of Jan
uary, and we suppose the other mem
bers from Cass will do likewise Mr.
'Cannon thinks the members should be
willing to devote a few days if Deeded,
without pa3.
The Omaha Ufa Id. line (o its in -
stinct , awaits thatit deems a favorable
moment to say a word in favor of its
friends of the New York Tammany ring.
In its issue of Friday it speaks of the
action of the people, tho Committee of
Seventy and the Courts of New York in
breaking up this thieviug ring of the
Herald's friends, as "mobs." It says:
"The accused have rights which their
accusers are bouni to respect, nor caD
they be long deprived ol them by the
madness or mobs.
The Brownville Democrat in fpeaking
of tho "Passive Policy" says :
"The soundness of the proposed poli
"cy has tuken such firm hold upon the
public mind that it will be satisfied with
nothing else unless some wonderful
change shall take place in national poli
tics during the next six months. That
change may take place. A session of
"Congress has begun, and before its close
events may transpire which will entirely
change the face of affairs. The cohe
sion of public plunder may prove insuffi
cient to hold together the republican
jarty, and it may at any time explode.
TLat is it, exactly. The Democrat is
entitled to the credit of being fuir, at
leat, provided it intended to say as
much as it has in the above. The poli
cy is a!! right and round, provided the
l'-emccratie party see no chance of getting
into power by themselves; or iu other
words, they arc willing to use such Re
publicans a3 are willing to be used by
them, in order to attain the ascendancy
for rebellious ideas and rebel leaders, and
then to let said Republicans look cn and
see how the original "Simon pure" se
cession Democrats (for they are in the
majority, and would control the action o'
the party) would run the machine.
They are wiliing to do this provided
something does not turn up during the
present Session of Congress to convince
them that they stand some show of vict
ory under their truo colors. This is in
deed flattering to such Republicans as
they are trying to use, and being thus
plainly spoken must make them feel ex
ceeding important as the playthings of
the Democracy, subject to be used and
discarded at pleasure.
Tho Ashland Times, in reviewing the
question of a session of the Legislature
this winter, "goes for" ihat body and
pats his acting Excellency on the back
in the following style :
"Wc have conGdence in the wisdom of
Gov. James. Wc doubt the truth of the
report tht it is his intention to call an
extra legislative conclave. But if he
does not call an extra session will the
legislature convene on the second Tues
day in January (as per adjournment
from last sc-sion) to complete the farce?
During the last year we had five months
of Legislature. That body held togeth
er till it fell to pieces of its own weight.
In its dying struggle an abortive ad
journment was had,' that the Constitu
tional Convention (might occupy the
halls of Sutc. Hardly a man in the
State but knows than this adjournment
was irregular that there were only five
members present at the time that the
roll of the ffouse was not ca'led simply
because there were not enough members
in the capital to make a quorum. After
Mioh a sham as this will there be any va
lidity in such legislation. Is it not an
absurdity to talk of a call f r an extra
session? In mercy's name, tho fewer
and further between such sessions the
better 1 Will it not be the duty of the
Governor to disregard any mch meet'ng
and thus put an end to the farce? We
believe Gov. James the man not to
shrink from any responsibility that he
thinks it his duty to assume, and if we
know the feeling of the peope, they will
stand by him in such an action, the im
portunities of hungry tnawed politicians
to the contrary notwithstanding."
In compliance with the provisions of
th9 By laws of the Nebraska State
Board of Agriculture, I hereby fix the
January meeting at the City of Lrncolo,
Wednesday, January 3d, 1872, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon, at such Hail as
'the president of the Lancaster County
Agricultural Society may designate.
At tbi3 meeting the premium list for
the coming State Fair will to arranged ;
such changes, or additions in the rules
and regulations for the government of
tho annual Fair, as may be deemed ex
pedient will be made, and the point at
Vh;:. the next Fair is to be held, will be
'decided upon. 'Also ether business in
volving the interests of the organization
'will be transacted.
'It is hoped there will be a full meet
ing of the Board. Friends cf the cause
of Agriculture in Nebraska, not mem
bers of the Board are invited to be pres
eat and aid by counsel and advice.
Pres'tSt. Bd. Ag.
D. 17. Wheeler, Sec'y.
Greeley on Tobacco Collar.
The last jibe at the expense of II. G.
reports that "in an agricultural essay on
tobacco he asserts that the fine cut will
not ripen well unless the tin-foil is
stripped early in the spring, and that
plug tobacco ought to be knocked off the
trees with clubs, instead cf being picked
off with the hand."
A Chinaman at Henderson Gulch,
Montana, hadn't quite friends enough.
He broke into a store and stole $200.
When the community came to consider
it, tho vote stood nineteen to eigl teen,
o a beach tree in the neighborhood bore
UiriijDlian fruit.
VOL. 7,
It appears that the Railroad bridge at
Qtaaha is only an experiment as yet, and
that the piers may yet prove inadequate
supports. Tho Omaha Bea of Sunday
contains the following :
This forenoon we paid a visit to the
U. P- Bridge for the purpose of examin
ing the columns and piers. We found
that columns Nos. 2 and 10, and piers
Nos. 2, 10 and 11 W6re badly cracked,
and that the top of one of the columns
had been bulged out and swelled until
th centre is at least six inches higher
than the sides, forming a convex section
that will have to be taken down ere the
plates for the striueers are put on. The
tall columns are made in sections of ten
feet in lencth, the bottom part of each
one from low to high water mark, being
cast iron. Above tnese the columns are
of wrought iron. It is these cast iron
pieces which have cracked and split from
the intense cold of a week ago. The
split in one is nearly nine feet in length
and runs troin the top to tbe bottom
Mark lwatn is a slender buns man,
between 35 and 40 years of age, witha
keen eye and regular features, set off to
good advantage by a heavy black mous
tache and an abundance ot hair.
isuttiilo dresnjalers do not do tneir
work well; almost every day some lady
oses part ci her aniform on tho street.
Now that the embroidered sack has be
come the race tbe young ladios devouly
pray, uive us this day our daily braid.
Garibaldi still goes a littli knock-kneed
when he travels through the English lan
guage. At a recent nitevie w witn an ad
mirer who complimented him on the
services be had rendered his people du
ring his life, he replied that he had pre
formed but a tew part of his duty.
A Conncil Bluffs man advertises that
laving been bereft of every thing in the
Chicago bre, he wou;a like to marry a
widow with a tew hundred dollars.
The worst Sabbath breaker of all is
ingrate who is not thankful when tbe
Sabbath comes round He may go to
church three times a day, and be austere
n all outward appearances, but lie
breaks the Sabbath in his heart if he
rejoices when it is over.
"Ma, I am gc-ing to mako some soft
soap for the fair this fall," said a bcau-
tilul Miss of 17 to her mother the other
day. u hat put mat notion into your
head, Sally?" "Why, ma, the premi
um is just what I have been wanting."
fray, what is it! A Worcester
fanner. l hope bo 11 be a good loot
ing one.
The "rodent" squirrels that swarm in
California are beiDg turned to account
for glove-making. A company of
French tanners pay fifteen cents a skin.
One farmer has trapped and skinned
thirty thousand of the 1 ttle pests of the
grain fields within the past fifteen
The Connersviile, Ind., Times tells cf
an old rail splitter in that county, who
put a quietus upon a young man who
chaffed him about his bald head, in
these words: "Young man. when my
head gets as soft aa yours I can raise
hair to sell."
"The oldest of all rose bush.s is said to
be one which is trained upon one MCfe of
the cathedral ot tlildesheira in Germa
ny. The root is buried under the crypt,
below the choir. The stem is a foot
thick, and half a dozon branches nearly
cover the eastern side of the church,
bearing countless flowers in summer.
Its age is unknown, but documents exist
which prove that a Bihon Hezilo, near
ly a thousand years ago, protected it by
a stone roof, which is still extant.
The Chicago papers are complaining
that in the burned districts people are
erecting wooden buildings two or three
stories in height, professedly for tempo
rary occupation, but built in sueh a man
ner as to indicate the purpose of keep
ing thero in use for some timo to come.
The Times calls attention to the case of
the huge shanty known as the Wigwam,
which wa3 erected with the permission to
remain only ninety days, but which stood
for years until it was finally burned to the
ground; and intimates that unless imme
d'ate action is taken there may be a sim
ilar experience with regard to many of
the so-called temporary structures that
are already built or are now building iu
i -L :
A gentleman of a slightly irritable
temper, calling out loudly for some hot
water from his bed room was unanswer
ed. Seizing a small bereau. he shoved
it before him to the head of the stairs,
and sent it whirling, end over end, to
the hall below. The crash was loud
enough to bring out mother, daughter,
and all the servants. The head of 'he
family was seated at the the top of the
stairs, elbows on knees, chin resting cn
"Oh. father! what is the matter?"
asked the frightened daughter.
"Matter!" said the old man; "why.
here I have been a callin and a callin'
fl-r yer nigh cn a half an hour, and now
I've telegraphed for yer that's all."
The Mobile Montgomery Railroad
engineers are investigating the bottom
of the marsh and river preparatory to
building their bridge. JFor this purpose
scows are moored in the river to accom
modate the working parties. A steam
boat passing the scow the other day, a
passenger hailed one of the negroes at
work with:
"What are you doing?"
"Boring a hole," was the reply.
"What for? '
"Don't know; they jest set me to bore,
an' Tue a boring."
If long hair be the glory of women,
then there is a glorious young lad? in
Boston. She was persuaded the other
day to give a private exhibition of her
beautiful head of long and heavy bla'ck
hair. Her height is five feet three inch
es, and when she is standing erect her
hair fails to her feet and trails a quarter
of a yard on the floor. It is seventy
five inches in length.
A clergyman down east, opposed to
the introduction of instrumental music
in the church, but overruled by the con
gregation, gave out the next Sunday
morning at the commencement of the
service. "We will now fiddle and sing
the following hymn."
What a year of Conventions! The
lawyers of Kentucky and the corn doc
tors of New York are the last two gath
erings. In spite of all the rivalries of the
large western cities, they were first t o open
their hearts and empty their pockets for
The Hon. C. L. Vallandigham'b estate
eettlea uj worth over $100,000, which
ei to hw on Charles.
London, Midnight, Dec, 8.
The sudden and unfavorable change
in the condition of tha Priucc of Wales
causes a feeling of deep sorrow through
out the whole country. Manifestations
of condolence are pouring in from all
sections. Intense excitement prevails in
London to-night. Large congregations
are gathered aiound the fronts of the
newspaper and telegraph offices, anx
iously seeking for information concern
ing the condition
of the IV:nce. All
workmen have held
elasses, including
puUic meetings, at which resolutions deep sympathy for his high
ness have been passed.
London, December 8 II p. m.
The latest official bulletin, dated Lan
dri ogham, 10 p. in., says the Prince has
slept since noon, but there is no improve
ment in the symptoms. Many public
dinners and other projected festivities
have been postponed in consequence of
the Prince's illness.
The strike of telegraphers is becoming
general, extending to all large cities, and
threatens to cause much inconvenience.
London, December 9 noon.
The Prince slept some last night.
The exhaustion has decreased, and his
general condition is somewhat more fa
vorable. The Princess and children have
been summoned, and are hastening to
Lunlriughim. The feeling on 'Change
tbi3 morning, better, but rumors contin
ue gloomy and represent the case as
London, December 9 1 p. m.
The following bulletin has just been
posted :
Landringham. The Prince passed the
morning more tranquilly. Paroxysms
are subsiding. No increase of exhaust
Princess Beatrice and Prince Leopold.
the youngest sister and brother, and all
the children of the Prince, have been
called to his bedside, and are hastening
to .Landringham. lr.e Duke ot Lam
bridge has already gone there, in re
sponse to a telegraphic summons.
lhe Archcbishop of Canterbury re
quests all the clergy to pray for the re
covery of the Prince. The excitement
is intense, now that there is a beam of
Landringham. Dec. 11 8 a no.
The Prince passed a restless night,
There ha3 been further recurrence of
grave symptoms, ills state continues
Landringham, noon: -Prince
is in Fame precarious condition,
symptoms unaltered. Since last bulletin
was received, telegraphic line to Land
ringham has been closed to general pub
lic because the wire was burthened with
messages to the Queen from Charlatans
Quacks and officious persons lending
medical advice.
London, Doc. IT 2 p. m.
Despatch-bearer who left Landring
ham at 12:30 p. m., told outsiders that
he did not hope to find the Prince alive
when he returned, and that members of
the Koyal family and others have given
up all hope of his recovery.
lhe only special bulletins ot the con
dition of the Prince, issued to-day, are
the following :
London, December 11, 3 p. m.
It is reported that with one exception
the Prince has been unconscious since
the first of the month.
Prayers for the recovery of the Prince
were yesterday offered in Anglican and
Roman Catholic Churches, Jewish Syna
gogue and dissenting Chapter. There
is a prolound and wide-spread feeling ot
grief and uneasiness.
niismess most wholly suspended
throughout tbe country.
Morning and evening papers issue ex
tra editions every hour.
Official bulletins are surrounded by
great crowds of anxious, silent people.
Lardringbrm, 11 5 P. M.
Prince was very restless during after
noon, but bis exhaustion not increasing.
London Deecmber 12.
Official bulletin a follows :
Sandringham December 12 8 a. m.
The Prince of Wales had a very rest
ess night. He was delirious constantly.
No signs of improvement.
Sandringham, Dec. 12 Naon.
The Prince has been restless all the
morning. His condition is unaltered.
Signed bv attendant physicians to Ilis
Royal Highness.
London, Dee. 12 5 p. rn.
There are rumors that incidents have
occurred at Sandringham which indi
cate a more favorable condition ot af
fairs. Nothing definite has yet been
given to the public. The report is given
with caution.
London, December 13.
An Official despatch from Sandring-
tiam this morning, says the condition of
the Prince of Wales is without allevia
tion, he has taken but little food, and
lias been twice conscious at intervals,
but sleep is badly wanted. His condi
tion is, however, somewhat improved.
At a meeting of the Welshmen, last
night, a vote was passed expressive of
condolence with the Queen and Prince, s
Alexandria. All festivities are post
poned. A cable telegram announcing
that prayers have been offered in Ameri
ca for the recovery of the Prince, is well
received by the English press.
London, Dec. 13 12 m.
A Herald special says : The recovery
of the Prince appears to be impossible.
In case ot his death, a council ot Re
gents will probably be created, com
posed ot the Duke ot Cambridge, Duke
of Edinburgh, Princess of WTales, and
perhaps others. This will likely take
place immediately, and be followed by
discussion upon the powers of the pres
ent Parliament to continue its session, or
whether it is necessary to the country as
on extraordinary occasions.
Sioux City, December 8.
A shooting affair occurred at Sar
geant'a Bluff's Iowa, on Wednesday
evening, between David Barton and
Wni. J. Miller, resulting in Miller's
death. Barton made known what he
had done, and says Miller fired the first
shot, but it is generally believed the
murder was premeditated. The cause
is thought to be crimina- intimacy be
tween Miller and Barton's wife. The
murderer was arrested and brought to
this city last night, where he will becon-
fined, awaiting preliminary ex?tr.intti?n.
Paris, December 9.
Extreme cold weather prevails here
The mercury in thermometer is thirteen
degrees below zero. The river Seine
is frozen.
The compulsory military service bill
and decree of general amnesty, will be
introducad in the assembly next week.
San Francisco, December 8.
Col Dickey's California mustang mare
trotted twenty miles on a very heavy
track at San Francisco, to day, in fifty
nine minutes anh thirty-two-seconds for
a thou, and dollars, it was then offered
that she could ro? another mile isiide
of 2:55 immediately.
Washington, December 8
The President to-day said to promin
ent members of the Senate that he was
almost certain that Fish would remain in
the Cabinet, in accordance with his own
wishes and those expressed in a note to
him f-igned by members of the Senate.
The letter from Secretary Fish, sent to
Congress, showing the payment made
from the contingent fund includes an
item of $180,000 on account of the Am
erican and British Joint High Commis
sion, and also the expenditure of $29,
000, on account of the secret service fund,
with the President's approval.
Lieutenant Johnson, the defaulting
Treasnry clerk, was arrested this after
noon. No additional irregularities have
been discovored in the Treasury.
Washington, Dec 13.
Washington advice3 say, Vice-President
Colfax has informed many promi
nent Republicans who have questioned
him on the subject, that he cannot with
draw his refusal to be continued as a can
didate for re-nomination.
Representatives from Gov. Palmer, of
Illinois, who are in Washington, endcav
oring to secure the removal of Govern
ment troops from Chicago say the Gov
ernor is anxious tor this, an 1 it it is
not done he will fulminate another proc
lamation. A Times correspondent also
says that various consultations are be
ins held by Democrats. It has been de
cided to do nothing in the way ot pro
mulgating any policy until after they
have had an opportunity of consulting
with their followers during the Holiday
New York, December 8.
A London special to the New York
World says: The Prince of Wales is dy
ing. The Queen is wild with grief.
The Princess Alexandria is unnaturally
and dangerously calm. Great conster
nation prevails, hence the Secretary has
been summoned to Landringhain. The
fever of political revolution is on the in
crease. Bell-ringers have assembled at
St. Paul's and announce the tidings of
the Prince as soon as received, ihc Re
publican leaders held a secret meeiing
to-night, and decided against immediate
New York, December 8.
A special'to the Times says Fish's re
signation was placed in the hands of the
President on 1 hursday.
A Herald's dispatch from Washing-
says that Senator Sumner is preparing
an active fight to abolish the intern 1
revenue commissionship, and that be will
be sustained by many leading Senators.
New York, December ?.
The Herald's Washington dispatch
says there is a fcheme on foot for the
impeachment of the President. The
subject was under consideration in the
Democratic Congressional Committee
yesterday, and will be further pursued
at a meeting next W ednesday. It is be
lieved that Montgomery Rlair is at the
bottom of it. The main charge will be
for violations of international law, usur
pation of war powers in connection with
the attempted annexation of San Doia
iiigo. Governor Hoffman has made arrange
ments to forward to the Law Institute at
Chicago, on behalf of the State of New
York, a complete set of session laws and
revised statutes of this State, with State
reports from the beginning, digest, and
the last edition ot Kents Commentaries.
This contribution is made on the indiv
idual authority of Governor Hoffman,
who trusts that the Legislature will con
firm his action. .
The president of the Muil Steamship
company, between JNcw 1 oik and Ha
vana, says the refusal ot the company
to carry New York papers to the latter
place, was m eonsequ n?c ot the wish
of the Spanish authorities in Cuba to
suppress incendiary doc lments there.
J lis J r;!une av-erts that Connolly as
sented in November, at the instigation
of Coaimodors C. K. Garrison, to whom
Counolly was anxious to become his
bail, to make restitution to the city, in
the sum of one million, but Chas. O'
Connor would not consent to this arrange
ment, his proposition being the assign
ment of property to this amount, and
await the decision of the trial. It con
sequently failed. If the proposition had
been accepted Connolly was to have
turned states evidence. Mrs. Connolly,
in whose name Connolly's pronertv
stands was the principal negotiating par
ty, and governed herself wholly by Gar-
nssoti s advice, lhe story is denied by
At a meeting of the Internationalists
to-night, a message was received from.
Gov. Hoffman, which says that tho law
placed the matter of parade in the hands
of the police authorities. The order
prohibiting tho procession was strongly
denounced. There was much discussion
about changing tho day for the parade
from Suuday, as the objection of the
Police Commissioners specific was on ac
count of the day. The motion was car
ried to have the parade on Christmas
day. Subsequently it was decided to
refer the matter to the official counsel
for approval. A member, after deliver
ing a violent denunciation of the police
authorities, expressed his determination
to be present to morrow at the place
from which the parade was to start, with
his red flag and sash, and march over
the route himself.
The members of the International So
ciety to-day denounced the order pro
hibiting their parade to-morrow.
The police are all ordered on duty to
morrow, to prevent any display or pio
cession. Eight hundred men will be un
der orders at headquarters.
IntcWgsaM fr?a W'shr
that several influential Pennsylvania Con
gressmen state that Speaker Blaine is
the choice of their State for Vice-President
in 1872.
Leaders of the International, to -ay,
sent this dispatch to Governor Hoffman:
"Can we parade?" No answer is yet
received. They will turn out if the an
swer is favorable; if not, they will post
pone it till next week.
New York, Dec. 12.
A dispatch from Raleigh states that
both branches of the Legislature held an
exciting debate upon the recent arrests
for alleged Ku Kluxism. The General
Assembly authorized tho Attorney of
State to apply to the Supreme Court of
tbe United states for a writ ot habeas
corpus to test the legality of military ar
rests. An Atlanta dispatch states that a con
flict has arisen between the Legislature
and Conelj', the latterdecliuing to recog
nize the right of the former to extend
the session beyond the legal forty da ys.
Yesterday the Governor instructed the
Treasurer not to pay the members. It
was rumored at midnight that the Presi
dent supports the Governor against the
Legislature. Both Houses meet to-day.
Charles O'Connor was incorrectly re
ported at v Albany. What he did say
was, that he had keen nothing in his inves
tigation to indicate that Mayor Hall was
a regular thief.
Edward D. Pierrepont volunteers his
services to tho lately arrested Interna
tionals in proceeding against the city, un
der their arrest, if he finds the law will
authorize it.
The action of the authorities in pro
hibiting the parade on Sunday is bitterly
denounced everywhere throughout the
At 10 o clock this morning, London
time, the Prince was still living.
It appears from the Londom limes
that the Prince contracted his illness at
Lord Londsborough's house, near Scar
borough, Yorkshire. Several guests
who visited the house at the time were
attacked by fever, among them the Earl
of Chesterfield, since dead.
Another English journal speaking of
the Prince's disease, says there seems to
be liability to this kind of attack in the
present branch of the royal family. The
Duke of Kent, Queen Victoria's father,
died from a cold and fever, said to have
been produced by sitting in damp boots
a tor returning from shooting. 1'rince
Albert died from the consequences of a
neglected cold. The present illness cf
t!ie Piince is said to have been produced
by a chill following excessive heat, caused
by exertion in sporting.
A committee from the Interuitionals
waited on the Police Commissioners this
afternoon, to ask permission to parad
next Sunday in honor of Rossell. May
or Hall, who by virtue of his office is a
member of the board, wa3 not preseni.
but sent a communication to the effect
that he would be glad to meet the Inter
nationalists at a public meeting on the
subject. This suggestion the committee
declined to entertain, lhe Police Com
missioners refused to grant permission
for a demonstration on Sunday next, but
without expressing any opinion or giving
any explanation. A committee ot the
Internationalists leave to night for Alba
ny, ana will wait on the Governor to
- New York, Dec. 12.
The Ocean Bank, of which Tweed is
Director, wis thrown out of the Clear
ing House to-day, the bank having
failed It is reported that thi Union
Square bank has also suspended.
New York, Dec. 13.
A Mattamoras special sajs: Mer
chants and foreigners there refused to
respond to the call for a loan of forty
thousand dollars. Gen. Cortina is be
lieved to be acting secretly with the
revolutionists. No funds in the Gov
ernment Treasury at Mattamoras, and it
is believed the road to the City of Mexi
co will soon be closed by revolutionists.
A body ot revolutionist from Monterey
and Saltillo are believed to be march
ing on Mattamoras.
Washington, December 11.
frumner, at his own request, is
relieved from the chairmanship of the
committee on privileges and elections.
Petitions were presented and referred
urging the repeal of the duty on salt.
The House general amnesty bill was
reported from the committee, and its
passage recommended.
Mr. Sumner introduced his t ill abol
ishing the Internal Revenue Commis
sionship, and asked its reference to the
finance committee.
In tbe Senate to day Mr. Morton pre
sented a joint resolution providing for
tbe adjournment of Congress on the
third Monday in May, 1872. Laid over.
31 r. Logan entered a joint resolution
legalizing the issue of 'bod, blankets,
&c, by the Secretary of War to the
Chicago sufferers. Tabled.
A bill was introduced by Banks to
carry out the treaty of Washington, and
by Cox tor general amnesty without ex
Hills were introduced bv Mr. Morgan
proposing the amendment of the Con
stitution so as to make naturalized citi
zens eligible for the office of President
or Vice Presidenfof the United States;
Mr. irarwell to restore the record of the
United States Court at Chicago; Mr.
Burchard to divide Illinois into three
Judicial districts, also to relieve sufferers
by the Chicago fire.
Mr. Mc-Seely proposed an amendment
to the Constitution by which Congress
should have no power to raise taxes by
imports or excise, but only by direct tax
on property, to be assumed, collected
and paid by the State at their option.
Mr. Sapp for a ahip canal between the
River and Lake Michigan.
Mr fievendge, tor a suspension cf du
ties on merchandise entered at Chicago..
Mr. Sling proposing an amendment to
the Ccmstituticn, prohibiting tho inter
marriage of whites and blacks, and au
thorizing the Stat to provide for the
education of white and colored children
in ft ; arate schools.
On motion. Mr. Lj'nch. from commit
tee on expenditures, of the treasury de
partment, was directed to report wheth
er the expenditures of the department
were-justified by law; whether claims
discharged arc fupported by sufficient
vouchers, and all monies dUbrusod ic
conformity with appropriations; whether
further piovisions was necessary to se
cure tho government from an unjust de
mand to enforce the payment from pub.
lie defaulters and economy in the depart
ment, and accountability of its officers:
whether unnecessary offices exist, ana
what reduction or increase of pay would
I ld'-teus "sWciy, acd to icVetflgste
specially, with full power to send for pa
pers, etc., the recent defalcations.
On motion Mr. Dawes, concurent re
solution for adjournment from December
21 to Jan. 8 was adopted,
Mr. Wood asked leave to offer a reso
lution, that the republicans, having a
large majority in Congress, the Presi
dent should take measures for the im
mediate reduction of direct taxation and
import dut ies to a strictly revenue stand
ard; for the reduction of expenses in all
departments; for the abolition of sinicure
offices, and collection of revenue by in
formers and spies; to restore to the peo
ple cf the States all the rights they orig
inally possessed under the Constitution;
to abolish paper inoney and restore spe
cie payment; to restore the employment
of military officers in civil duties; to pro
vide against the leteution of largs sums
in the treasury; to prevent the purcha 0
and sale of public credit at the option
of the Secretary; to subject the lresi
dent and Cabinet to the authority of law,
same as other citizens; restore to the
Southern States and people equal rights
with other people of the Uqion; revive
American commerce; restore American
credit; reinaugurate republican simplici
ty in the administration of public officers,
and develop agricultural, mineral, navig
ation and commercial interests of the
Mr. Dawes thought tho resolution
ought to go to committee of the whole,
and Mr. Meyers raised a point of the
legislative proceedings of the House.
The Speaker said that it was a ques
tion of propriety, to be settled by the
Mr. Wood moved to suspend the rules
foi adoption of the resolutions ; motion
lost 76 to 136.
Mr. Garfield reported a bill appropria
ting $480,000 to supply deficiencies in
the expenses of taking the ninth census.
Mr. Campbell asked leave to offer a
joint resolution requesting the President
to cause negotiations to be commenced
with Great Britain and Mexico, with a
view to ascertain the condition on which
they would consent to the annexation of
their possessions on this continent to the
United States. An objection wa3 made
and the resolution not received.
The House spent an hour in the com
mittee of the whole upon the apportion
ment bill, without special result, and
soon after adjourned.
Washington, December 12.
In the Senate to-day, was confirmed
the nomination of John W. Douglass,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue ;
Chester A. Arthur, Collector of Cus
toms, New York; George Bancrofr. En
voy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni
potentiary to German Empire; Thomas
II. K. Smith, Surveyor of Customs,
Omaha Nebraska; John E. Rault, of
Illinois, Second Assistant Postmaster
Mr Wight introduced a bill appropri
ating two million dollars for the purpose
of paying balances that may be found
due under the act to indemnify the States
for war expenditures.
The Senate concurred in tho House
resolution to adjourn over from Decem
ber 21 to January 8.
At his own request, Mr. Morton was
relieved from his position on the Com
mittee on Agriculture.
Mr. Morton called up the resolution
for final adjournment on the third Men
day of May.
Mr. Sumner moved that there be no
adjournment until after the passage of
the bill securing equal rights without
distinction of race or color. Laughter
Mr. Schurz moved to amend by add
ing bills to reduce the tariff and internal
taxation, and to reform the civil service.
Mr. Trumbull moved to table the re
solution and take up the bill removing
political disabilities. Lo.-t by 22 to 31.
Without acting on the motion the
Senate wont into executive session and
Washington December 12.
In the House various bills were intro
duced and referred.
Mr. Herndon was sworn in from Tex
as. Mr. Dawes' resolution directing an in
vestigation into the management of the
various executive departments was
The bill consolidating the postal law
was passed.
Mr. Bingham, from the Judiciary
Committee, reported a bill filing the
first Monday in November, 1S72, for the
Presidential election. The bill was post
poned to the second Wednesday in Jan
uary. Mr. Banks, from the Foreign Affairs
Committee, reported a bill appropriating
$250,000 for expenses of arbitrators.
In the House the Committee on
Banks and Currency to day, talked over
the subject of the resumption of specie
payments. It is not probable that, a
definite action will be taken on the sub
ject by the entire committee until after
the hol'davs.
Mr. Banks exilained the necessity for
the immediate passage of his bill, as the
case on behalf of the United States i
to be presented at Geneva on Saturday
next, but said ample opportunity for de
bating the terms of the treaty would be
given after the holidays, particularly in
regard to the fi.-heries.
After a long discussion the bill was re
ferred to the Committee of the Whole
on the state of the Union.
A te-olution by Mr. Townsend, of
New York, was adopted, instructing the
Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain
and report whether any national banks
in New York are interested in promoting
an artificial scarcity of money.
Special Despntrli to Jo.
A. Connor,
uraia iienicr.
Chicago, Dec. 122 P. M.
Gold close 1 at 109 J.
Wheat No 2 sold $1 20 cash; sel
ler last half, $1 20J ; seller January,
$1 21 J.
Corn Steady at 41 cash and order;
seller January, 42.
Oats Firm at 32.
Rye In good demand at 62.
Barlet Steady ; closing at 62.
Chicago Dec. 13, 2 P.M.
Gold closed at 109.
Wheat No. 2 dull and lower 1 18 J,
options; cashll9j, Lasthalf month 121;
January 123.
Com quiet, cash 4142, January 43
rieie ma?t first have the warrant
that it is without sin, then ths measure
tht it is wtth'it ?a??!ees.
NO- 37
Confidence U imr.
The boldest game of the season was
played at Doniphan, Kansas, one night
recently, which was pretty much on a
"joke on Mttrphy' A man went out to
spend the evening at the usual loafing
place, and his wife, when she got ready,
put out the light and went t bed. Pre
sently the husband (supposed) came
home, deliberately undressed, and went
to bed also, never saying a word. After
lying until he wasn't sleepy any more,
he got up, dressed himself and took his
departure. The woman astonished at
this Unusual movement, made a hasty re
connoisancc, with the terrible discovery
that it was some other manl She fairly
raised the neighborhood, but the burglar
had escapes!. The next day several per
sons were arrested on suspicion, but dis
charged. At length they arrested a per
son emploped on the new railroad; but
he knocked the constable down and dis
charged himself, making his escape
across the river. It is believed that he
was the chap that stole the onions.
Probably the husband will do his loafing
at home of nights after this. White
Cloud Chief.
Passed and Approved, Deo. 9th 1871.
An Ordinance amending An Ordinance
entitled An Ordinauce Providing Rev
enue. Be it Ordained ly the Afaror and Coun
cilmen of the City of Iattsmouth.
Sec. 1st. That Ordinance No six, entitl. J An
Ordinance Providing Revenue, Approved Aug.
1871, be and the tama ia hereby amended to
read as follow-:
Sec. 2, That a yearly soeeiSc poll tax of o-e
dollar Kliall be Httteutd on every able bodied
inulu citizen between the ages of twenty-one
and fifty years.
i?F.c. 3. That no person, firm, company or cor
poration, th: be engaged in, p-.secute. or
carry on tiny trade buines, or profession
bereatter mentioned, in tbe city of Plattstnocth
until he or they shall have p.iid a license tax
therefor in the manner hereinafter provided.
Bkc. 4. J.uat any person who sall exercisa or
carry on auy trade, calling cr profession, or do
any act hereinafter mentioned, lor the oxer
ciaing. c.irryiniron or dins of mhu-h a license
tax is imposeH by law. without p:iyinfnt thereof
ns required, shall, for every such ofTVnse, be
sides being liable to the p lyment of the tux, be
eubject lo a fine or penalty of rot less than ten
nor mora than one hundred dollars
bkc. 0. lbateviry person, lirm. company or
corporation e.isrntrt:d in any trade business or
profession on which a license tax is imposed by
law. h-ll apply to the Mnyor lor a lice' sc.
wn:ch shall be gr.iTited for the term of one year
upon payment i"'.o tbe city treasury of siieh a
sum of money cs is hereinafter prov lcd for
each particular callinx. busini-fs or pro!est-ion.
Skc. Ct The Mayor and Clerk shall each bo
entitled to a lee of fifty cents for each hcenso is
sued in accordance with the provisions of thin
Skc 7. That licenso tax shall bo and here
by is imposed as follows, lo-wit:
1. Auctioneers shall pay from 25 to 50 dollars
Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer
whose tmsiness is to offer Property at publisale
to ice aignest or oes i uiuuer.
2. Hroker3 fhall pay ten dollars.
3. Keepers of Kertauraut shall pay fire
4. Real E8tate?Agonts or Brokers shall pay
ten dollars.
5. Keepers of Butcher's stalls or house for
tbe n!e of meat shall pay ten dollars,
6. Keeper? of Biltiart Tables or Ten pin
Alley", for fhe pur. ese of public amusement,
shall pay fifteen dollars for each billiard tablo
or ten pin alley so kept.
7. Livery Stable keepers shall pay ten dol
lars 8. Hotel keepers shall pay ten dollnr.
9. Kach lnsuraao Company doing busi:is
for the Insurance of life or property shall pay
ten dollaras.
10. Each and every person carrying or
transporting, in vehicles, property or persons,
for hire f hall pay as f llows: for oyery cart
dray, hack or wgon ten dollursf tor every oui
Dibus ten dollars; and it Eimtl be the duty of tho
proprietor of any drny.hack, cart, orwiiirin im
mediately after taking out the license therefor,
to have tbe number of the said vehicle placed
upon it.
11. Wholesale or retail druggists shall pay
ten deliars.
12. Dealer ! in dry goods, groceries. toba;co
confectionery or other mcrohaudisu, shall pay
ten dollars.
1.1. Lum er dealers, grain buyers, furniture
dealers, saddle or harness dealers, stationers
and jewelers shall pay ten dollars.
14. Hankers shall pay twenty-five dollars.
15. Hardware dealers s mil pay ten dollars.
16 Every express company shall pay ten
17, livery telegraph company shall pay ten
18. Every agent for the sale of agricultural
imrlements shall Day ten dollars.
19. Dealers in spirituous liquors shall pay two
hundred dollars. Every person who shall sell or
offer for sale foreign or domestic spinU. wines,
ale, ber. or other malt liquors, shali be deemed
adealerin spirituous liquors; ond every such
dealer in spirit jous liquors shall file with the
citt clerk his bond to toe city iu the sum of one
thousand dollars, with good nni sufficient secur
ity, to be approved ty tbe Mayor, conditioned
that during t .0 continuance of his license, he
will not keep a diso derly house, and that he
will not allow gambling wiih crds, dice, or
i ther implements or device within his house of
business, provided, thatic no cose shall a license
is we to a dealer in spirituous liquors until tne
applicant thereii.r shall li'e with the city clerk
the petition of at leist ten freeholders of the
city, signed and attested befoi e n justice of the
peace or other con petent ctrieer, se tin forth
that tho applica-1 for the lieenso is a man of
respectable character anil standing and a resi
dent of this city, and praying that license may
issue to him.
20. Every person or persons who shall own.
conduct or manure lor gam. within the city
limits, any theater, tireus, caravan, or other
show or exhibition; or exhibit any saow or de
vice of any kin I. or give any inu'icsl enter
tainment, stipil pay fiom five to lit'ry dollars, the
amount between s lid .units to b; fixed by the
Uiiyon provided, all scientific uud literary
lectures an 1 entertainments shall be excepted,
as well, also, as concert' and other musical en
tertainments gi cn exclusively by the citizens
of the city.
i'l. Pedalers shall pay from five to fifty dol
lars, the amount to be detei mined by the m lyor.
Every person who shall sell or offer any goodj
or wares or other articles lot sale, barter or ex
change at any place in, upon, along or thrpi'gh
thopu'-iiio -ireen. alleys, oro lier public places,
shall be oeemed a peddler; provided, that this
section shall not be constructed to apply to any
person or per-ons coming into tha ity from the
country wiih teams or otherwise, with produce
tor market, or ;o any person selling any vege
tables, berries, or other produce of their own
I arm or premise,
i;e 8, All ordinances or parts of ordinances
conflicting with this act are hereby repealed;
prucid'd, t6at the umcndmtntor repenl of aoy
ordinaiico or parts of ordinance of thiscity shall
ia no way affect any right, claim, interest, ac
tion or liability which may have accru-d on
any judgment, recogn:zance or proi eedir.g
made. Had or entered upon, under any provision
of the ordinance or parts of ordinanco hereby
repealed or amended. And all fine , penal its
and forfeitures heretofore incurred, bbail he
pr.isecuted es though no amendment or repeal
had been made.
Sec. 9. Each and every liconse heretofore
issued in accordance with the provisions of or
dinance No. 0. approved Aug. JS7), shall re
main in full force lor the term of one enr from
thei-etcof said license;
Sec 10. This act to take effect from and after
its publication as prescribed by law.
Approved. Des. 9.h. 1371.
M. L. WHITE. Moyor.
Attest. K II. Vakatta. City Clerk.
Legal Notice.
District Court Css County. Nebraska.
Horace Monroe, Plaintiff.
Riehi-.-l H. Miller aid Marietta Miller, his
wife; Packard Miller, J J. Al-rh.oe, J-bn
11 Mazon and Ober Morfis ii Co., Defend
ants. To tbe above named defendants, non-residents
of te State of Netjraska Packard Mil
ler, J J. Monroe, John Ii. Maxon ai.d Ober
Morris & Cn. :
'fake antics that yon have been rued ia this
court for the pui pose of setting acide certain
deeds, executed b the Treasurer of Cas coun
ty to Packard ,V Miller, and a deed by them
made to ,1. J. Monroe, and also to set aside tb
trust de d made to John 11 1 axon. a trustee tor
Ober Monis . Co. from R. 1). Miller and wife,
and f'onuch further relief a- may be eq ili table.
lhe land and premises described in all ot said
deeds is as follows: Tbe southeast 'A of section
No. Cvo in township eleven, range No. twelve,
east of GtU P.M.
You are required o appear and defend, on
or before the lath day of January, 1372. or the
po:itioti wilt be taken as true, and judgment
roedcrbi accordingly.
H. 11. ScoritLD, PlaiutiiF'd Att'y.
Dec. 4th, 13 1.
Ordered tbe above notice to be published in
the Nebraska Ukbald four consecutive weeks,
according to law.
Deo. 13. 1871.
Clerk of District Court Casioouu'y, Nebraska.
it rosLisnaD ar
Hathaway & seybolt.
B. 0. fiATBAWAT. 0. L. BITBOI.
-03iee corner Main" and Second streeu
ul snry
rEfiMS: DallyfIO.00 per
rcr uiontk.
annum, or $l.'C
for Sale.
The property belonging to D. Marqurtt will bo
sold or rented on reasonable terms. Tho houst
contains 0 rooms. There is also a large cistern
with flitter, a cellar, a stable, and other conrei
ieuces. Arr7 tt 'Si At. MAKUULviT.
professional Carts.
professional services to lhe citizens of C atu'ou .
ty. UesidencesoutV-c.ift corner of Oak adM.-.-;
Streets; office on Ala n street. aiiC Joer we.
of Lyman's Lumber Yard I'latlsiuouth. Neb.
ATTORNEY AT LA'.V nad Solicitor In Chv -eery.
Agents for Railroad i.ands PlaUxuiout.1. ,
FOX & WIIEEt.ft,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. r-peelel attentle ,
f iven to probate business and land title ee '
fhce in the Masonio lilock. Main HrMi
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Chancery, Plattumouth. Nebraska. Otnce
era i s lilock,
0. IT.
U J3. WI2EI,i n, CO.,
ReM Estate and Tax raying Ag?nts. NVti rle
Public, i ire and Life Insurance Ageats, I'Utu
mouth, Nebraska. 2iit
. in.vro.x titHjs.j
to do work in good style, on short notio. npd
as cheap as the cheapest. jf- s? hop, corner c)
Muiu and Kcut lb streets. u.iulf
OIO. 8. SlflTB. OtO. t. OHAPI
Attorneys at Law, and (Jcnoral Collecting Agen t
v in practice in an courts ot tui tiato and wes
tern Iowa. Otiit e overt'iark Ji 1'lui.utr' siov i
opposite the Iii-ook3 House.
F, llrt I) A P P
Houso and Sign Painter, draining, paper
Lar.ging and ornamental Painting, tinier
prptnpily filled, fchoo uunh of Price's Black
smith Shop, oc7dCtn.
J. VF. ISAWaMSS. Itf. ,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. late a Fur-fcon-tn-Chicf
of the Army of the Potomac,
Phitt.mouth, Nebraska. Office at O. V. John'
sou's Drugstore Main street, opposite Clark I
Plummors. Privato residence corner of Rock tr
li. E. PALHER,
General Insurance agent, and Notary Pu'i'In,
Lile, Firoand Marine Insurance, at renson ' .
able ratej in tbe most substantial Companies iit
tho United Stales. Ofiicc front room over Post
Ofiiee with T. M. Maiq'icU
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 5th. d'trr.
0. U Eti? ti,. Proprietor. Having recently btl
repaired and placed in thorough running ordr
luO.UOO DuehcJs of Wheat wanted imiuediatell
"r which the highest market price will bt ia e
w. I.. Tut iti:ic, "
-k in hw line on short notice and in the hM
. Contracts for building made on reason as
Uteru Shop one block south of Platte Val
Main Street, Between 5th ntid 6lh.St
E. H. SCHUTT. Proprietor, '
Corner Mai.i and Fourth Streets, Plattmnontb.
decl2dwtf. Pfteins Paine
Represents some of the most ro I in bio Coictsu
.,' in ihe United States.
Office wiih Earaes Jt Pollo:k in Fitrgeral i?
D,oc,t f.ian7d.ii.f
Would respectfully inform the citizens of
Plattsmooth and vicinity that he has oi ened n
Dispensary, at Omaha, Nebiat-'ka. whera pa
tionts con get reliable treatment for all i i
Particular attention paid to
All Disease of thi Luna.
s'hma. Bronchitis, Conyuraplion, Eruptior.
Grave). Paralysis. Loss of Voice, vakol'ulLui
Fever, bores. Rheumatism, Goitre,
Neuralgia, 1'u-mors, Dia
rrhoea, Dropsy. Ca
tarrh. Cold
Hands. Bil
llousneas. Diseased
Kidneys, Erysipelas. Ner
toiib Depression, Dyspepsis, CJos
tiveness. Liver Complaint. Seminal
Weekuesses, all Private diseases. Falling of t!i
Womb i-ad all Female comploints. Heart Dis
ease, swollen Joints. Cougns, Uoutj IVlii.c
Swellinifs, St.. Vitrni Dance .vc.
The Doctor is permanently toca'.ed al will
pay particular attention.
Obitetrival Surgery.
and all -oppressions and Irregularities, and all
other deaes peculiar to women. I'e'ioni wh-
have been unJe-. treatment of other physician'
and have notoeen cured, are invited to ealt fc
I cure all private diseases no matter of he
long standing, and cures
tyuarwnteeu or KO PA Y.
Call and see tho Doctor without delay, lit".
charges are moderate and consultations fife.
All communications Strictly confidential. 1:1
pensary and consultation room No. Zh V irr.
street, corner Fourteenth. Office hours froi" ;
a m . to 9 p in. P. O. Dox No. 1.07:1 jyl3w.
Geo, FicJxlcx,
PlnttstnbUfli; - IVebrntlia.
The beat nt Frcstt Meats always oa band 13
- their season.
Highest Price Pair! tot Pat Cattle
SIIig'je3t Cash Price paid for green Elder.
Oct. 4 diwtf
Jutt Published, in a teaUd envelop. Price 6c:i,
A Lecture cn tbe Nature, Treatment, tin i
Radical cure of rpermatorrhnea, or betnir..ii
Weakness. Involuntary Eroiiions. Sexual i
bit ity, and laipcdimenis to Mnrriage general! :
Nervousness. Consumption, Epilepsy, hd l'U'-,
Mental and Phisical Incapacity, resulting (r-'-i
self-abuse. io. b-y P.ooert J. CalVvrwell. II.
Dr, author of tbe 'Cjreen Hook,' &-.
Tho world renonned author, in this admire
ble Lecture, clearly proves lro. bis own exp-r-ience
that the awful eocsequenee of
may be effectually removed without niedijiBis,
and without dangerous suiwivcl operations, t .,
gies, instrumenis. rings or cordial?, poi"?. fl
out a mode oicure at once certain and tfftj'.oi!
by which every sufferer, no matter what hi" con
dition may be, rany cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radiriiily. '1 bis lecture will provo a
bof n to thousands and thousands.
rect under seal, to nny address, in a jKi;!
sealed envcloirt!, on tho re :eipt ot six eer.i.-, i
two postage Stamps. Also Dr. Ca!iri:7 1 t
inam.'gefiuide,' price 2a cents. Aiidris :h;
lS7 Bowery Ner York, P. 0- Box
L 22 ly