Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 07, 1871, Image 3

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f- mm igj'i yj-u -
Ii rewiring' and ha on Imnd (at tho
old atand of White & Buttery 8)
Ic-outu .de Main Street. riallccioulh. Neb-
3Ioxt Complete
ritock of lnt;, Medicir,, Paints. Chemical
LcHfl. Vnrnish. Coal Oil. Fih Machine
Oil. 'rp!m Oil. Cist..r Oil. Neatfoot
0i!. Whale Oil. I.iiweo l Oil. La-d
Oil. Ksscnrial Oil. Cod Liver' il.
iiinl a l.-iij;" vrirty . .' g
lions. Perfumery rni"V
and cilet Arti'-Is
Essence. Fla
voring extracts
snd all
Juytie's Cue's
Ayer , f-covillo's
Halls t'hr'f tie's Mc
, Ja'.u's. Mi.rse's, Baker's
Wj..r's. Wrikht's. Wake
field. i.3vsott's. Ferry llavis'
R. , back's. l'u'Jf t's, Mrs. Wir.slow 8
Dr. Winchel'.'s Hosteller', Brakes
Wallace's. West's and uttbe most popular
"Patent Medicines ill use X the present day.
Braihiies Wines and W-hiskic
Of the Best Grades and qualities, strictly 'cr
-.Medical purposes.
ied or Rose, (ireen, Blue, Black. Anaiine. In
digo. Madder. Extract Logwood. Dry
Woods. Ac. In fact everything
that in needed in the drux
or Medical line.
Phisicians' Perscriptionc
Carefully ci u pounded and put up at all hour
All Drugs wa, rented fresh and pure. Call be
f jre buying, and see w!at I have to sell,
riattsmouth. Feb. ".oth diwtf.
The 3iirliiii-3i &M Uiai'
I jcOuncction t. IiL the
i VUknrjo Burlington P Qulncy 11.
t liT.-r to the people of PlatU'ciuuth, sad all that
-. 1: T.ion of Nebraska lying
t:.r uic st direct, and the bcrt Route to tho Ea.
i in. south Eastern, end Northern .-tato..
!'.!! cerr3 desiiiujtt') travel luxuriously .-ln.ui.1
t.ike the Atlantic Express, which rens tlu.-u.1)
t. Chicago without -h:.r.c ot C'.r.-:. ,m.(.y
i,h eUvar.t I;iy Couchc?, Pu;!mauS 1'uIj.c.
U.iy and Sleeping Coaches, and
I ti addition to the fact that this i. the uirert
rua.e hi" whie'i tiniiJ may be ?aved i;i re:ndii:i(f
i nv point iti iho Kn.tlern or Middle States it
i.isiy truthuPy b i 1 that it po ?.-.: t"o best
ir.4 k and tne finest equipiueut tf ay we3:eru
i:ne, eu-uring to lbs piiieuger
$jtee(, Safety and Coinfofl
Hates always as LOW as the LOW EST. Ea
mseeheeked through to ny point East.
V.. E. PEKKIXS. lien. Supt.
A. E. TOUZALIN. Hen. Passear A ;cnt,
Pkkkixs' New School Eook,
"The !uiis Echo," is prouuunu
eil the best work ofitd clui for
tiie foliowiii'i r?:ison: "The
lusie is all new and fresh: every
piece is a weil known House
hold Melodv s u.-h as, "Drive 1
lrom h'l'uc," 'Write me a letter'
"Lirtle Drown Church,' etc. It
contains twice as U'.utiy Soti-M as
cim be found i:i other works.
The music is selected from sixty
fimr authors, and ;.re not tilled
ofwith one author's eutnposi
;i tv. l'rie-s 7j cents each, or
7 "' per di-z: n t-::!np!e curios
Mailed to Tea. hers f ir tV3 cent .
L ibcral"i:ients for lruro-cu-'lion.
J. L.. 1'r Ihil.s.
659 broad wey. . Y.
P (a ttsm o u tfi, Nebraska .
"I am prepared to a.-eo:jiuodata thf public with
Worse. Carriage, busriries und n No. 1 Hearse
n short no'ice and reasonable terms. A Hack
. ill run to-the steam boat landing, and to all part
.-"the city when desired.
January 1. 171 diwtf.
Manuc'.urer of
ijarntss, Sables, jjriblcs,
Blankets, Brushes, &c.
Promptly Executed. All work AVarrcntcd,
Nov. Plattsmouth, Neb,.
To invritTtSE&s. All persons who contem
- p ate making contracts with newspapers for the
insertion of Advertisements should ead t.
. ovvell
;' r a Circular, or inclose 5 cents for their One
hundred Page Pxmphlet. couraiaing Lists of
o.tfV Newspapers and estimates. !lowiI:g the
cost of advertising, also many useful hints foad
vrtis( rs. and some account of tho experiences
of men who are known as successful advertis
ers. This lirtn are proprietors ot the American
Newspaper Advertising Agency.
4 ark How Y'
-rid re possessed of nncqualed facilities for
,-curini the insertion of advertisements iu all
. trppers snd Periodicals at J.wwt rate.
HE'iY EOOS every one should possci.
A Gu'de it: tlie kbpecee of Molic9l A.'sistanra
Publi.-he..' with tha approval oi'thu best Jtii
eul authority.
The fo!!uviug3re soracof its subjects:
liitf-s. bleiding, broken Lone?. Erni.-.e?,
liitrbs. rhoktrtjr. Cholera, Cold. Cone tT.-ion.-,,
Disloeati lis. Drowcin. Dvscitery,,
Fractures, Wsns;njf, Nursinp, Poisonir.?:. teal 1
ing. Hnnall-pox.c-i raius, auiiocatien, bunitroke.
CtJ.. etc.
This TOlume, written by eminent Physicians.
bis been prepared for the press by the Editor of
12mo.. 'JtVi pases, with Zi Illustrations, bound
!!. otitche.t, Sl.ijo.
Sold by all booksillcrs. and sent by mail,
postpaid, on receipt ol price, by
Alexander Mooee. Publisher, bostcn.
nti.O'lO Aprlc trees, 1 to i years '.d, to 5 cts
4,tnw Pear trees, 1 to 3 years old, 10 to o0 its
3.000 Cherry trees, 1 o 3 years old, 10 to Z0 cts.
7 .irtt Peach trees. 5 cents each . O.-atre llcdxc plants il.;xl pr. in.
oi).00 llouey Locu.-t, " U 0 per m.
Everstreens and Oriiamental bhrubbory, Kosr.s.
Iabli:is, tlowcrins plaa:4 in jrrcat variety, lu
!ips, Iia.:'iit!;s, Ciocccjcs, Ldiics. Ac, ready
lor tail p'.aiseiiii-.
TcrniM t'aii nt Iho Xcir.ry.
Ad-ircfs. J. V. PZARMAW.
Co:uo and sco your trees dug out of tho
ttil ncpt. 1 v A' d 3 m.
"Luxuries of Modern Travel."
In these days the taste of the TravoFnfr Pub
lic become exceedingly fus.tidious. In order
to obtain their patronage, a Kailro:id line must
be able to insure aafcfj-. Speed and comfortable
transportation. by possesi-ins the neecsrary qualr
fi cations of a. nrtt-class etiuipmcnt of coaches auj
locomotives, a solid road-bed and heavy iron
Pullman's Fal!aes Sleeping cars. Pullman's
dininjr cars, a direct route, good connections and
careful inaiuifri men t.
Trie liuriir.toii route is making every effort to
I)0scss all these ciaIi!ieations tu a Lih tlej. ct',
aud oilers a route to ail points cast, north
roath. by means of i'.s connections as iollows:
"i. At Omaha with the P::ci:ie roa Is.
1. At Plattsaiouth with the b. M. R. II.. is
3. At Harabur;?, with theSt" Joseph Railroad
for all points in Kansas, ic.
4. AtO'tumwa, with the De? Moiacs Valloy
and north Missouri raiiroails.
5. At burlintrton with the 15.. C. R. Sc M. R.
'., for Davenport, Mus-ntine. to.
0. At Monmouth, with the It. R. I. ,fc St. L.
and Vestern Union Railroads, fort't. Paul, and
points ia the north, and for St- Losia and points
in the south.
7. At Peoria, with the short line blooming
ton route to Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville
and all points south and east.
3. At Peoria, with the X., P. & V, R. R.. for
Logan-port, Columbus. Ac.
;. At .M.-uriot, with ail the Illinois Central.
1. At CHICAGO, irith all Truck lines for the
No better advica can be jriven then, than to
Tan be burliiiKtou Route." Uif.
Weeping Water Fiobraska.
Dry Goods,
tiro 3 rits,
jis. (i ware.
Loots, arid fchoes.
Hats, and Caps.
Agricultural Implements of all kinds, Weirar
"1 X L" Cultivators, L'uoa Corn Platter
"Jraadctour and Princeton Plows, Xe &o udiut
I'ltum, all of which we oiler to the public at the
owest retail rrices.
All Qocil Wari'iiiiiccl
VGur constant aim will be to ?ell so low
will be to the poiuve advamage of every tat
eriui'.c w s:em and :ral j.frtin o Ck-'S
M"'s -o nke thii thsirhcudniiartcrs f.-.r trad-
liEED. RU03.
2?" jf-FS-EIES:
Visiting "lattsrr.oulh,
Will Find Gou J Acco'djuoi.l:it;ous at tho
Farmer's Feed Stable
Corner of Sixth and Vine Streets, Oni b!..ek
Noth of the Presbcrian Church, P!attSi.iouth
P. D. BATE.-.
AH Paper Trimmed free of
Also Dealer in
Magazines, and
Latest Publications.
Prescript'ons carefully compounded by ancx
perienced Druggist.
Remember the place, three doors west of the
lltfuld office; Platu mouth,. Nebraska.
C17 St. Charles Street.
LonRer located in St.,omsthan any Clircn
ic Physieiar., t-o successfully treats Simple
md Cctiiplicatcd Venereal Disease as to bring
patients from every Stute. His boopital op
'prttinitics. n life lime experience, with pur
est drugs prepared in the es-tablishment, euresl
.ases tiven un bv others, no matter who fil-i
;a ; veil yoi:r private irouoics. t-onsuitation
5;'ree. Send two ttjiiaps for medical essays.
innil. 1 ecTit rnch. both for 2" cts. 10) ptges.
AH that tho ei-iious, doubtful or imiuisit v
vi.-h to know r.ll sbout Self-pollution Prercn
;iou. Marriage. Every young man r n i ws-
:nan ougui in reau u as .1 warnunr Lie tif r-S
vous dt-bil itatc.l o.- partially i:nior-Tir a-tS
-cicnticHlly advised. tlec2diviy 5
in ii i .. i i ii ii i. .u
f rk iu hU line on short notice and in the bes
'i. Coutracu for building made on reason s
i jttrn. Shop one Waci toath of Platte Va:-ute.
H O rT K V S
Ca ji vk Ln
Are prepared to supply tho public with lime of
tao Dest ijuality. at llieir works, at tho rates ot
Thirty cent per Bushel
And whn barrelled twnty-live cents extra
vlli Le charged per barrel.
Orders ecu be leit wiih J. VT. Shannon, Tlatls
mouth, Nebraska, or addressed to the subscri
ber box Cl'J. Piatts-aouth Neb.
J. L. LA.Mb. Pres't.
Platuicouth, ttoue aad Lhao Co,
sep I Sdiw'.f.
ITcvr York OSce, 27 13EES1IAN ST.
I: in runnias order now.
bushels of Wheat. Satisfaction will be given
to customers in grinding and saw .
Flour. Corn meal, and Lumber, will be sold
Cheap for Cash.
Com one. Come all, and give, tho Ccda
Creek Mill a trkl.
Oct. 12th wl y
II UIANMISERY T I'ubllshed, it a srnled envelope. Price C'jL;
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and
P.adical cure of permaiorrho.-a, or Jieminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual De
bility, and Impediments to Marriage Kencrally;
Nervousness, Consutiiptiou, Epileiis, and r'its;
Mental and Phisit-al Incapacity, re:-u!titi from
self-abuse, Ac. By Robert J. CtJiverwe'il, M.
Dr. author of the "Green book.' Ac.
Tho world recoimed autijor. in this admira
ble Lecture, eleai ly proves fro m his own exper
ience that tho awful cocsccuenco of pclf-abuso
may be ellecttiaUy removed without medicines,
and without dangerous surgical operation, bou
gies, instruiueuts, ringb or coidials, i intinfr
out a mode of cure at once certain and edectual
by which every sullerer, no matter what his con
dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radically. This lecture will prove a
born to thousands and thousands.
Seat ui der seal, to any address, W a pl-iia
sealed envelope, on the re ;eipt ol six cents ot
two postage stamps, Also Dr. Culverwo I s
'inarri 'fts suidc,' price 25 cents. Address the
cnAs. J. C SIIiE
127 bowery New York, bos 61.
Deo wly
b b a
fim tf if if If K
mmm m m M M
7hole;ale & Retail De i!cr3 ia
Hardware and Cutlerj'j Stoves,
EhicksmiLh Tools, Jt,.
Keep on hand a Large Stock of
Ani Other First-Class Cooking
All kind.
Coal or Wood kept on hand.
Siiring and Breaking I lows
At ITet Cos; for Casli,
Oar prices are as low as any Louse in the
st;lto. ' LianGtf.
100,000 FEET!
The undersigned has on hand a large qantity ol
' oa short notice, and for cr.y slzeorlenjlh nf
Rafters, Studdings, Joists
can be had on short notice. C- IIEISilL.
Tl::fTfrfJiHti I with tho growth of the country, x
.!' li:r"titArU:iiZliiMi i is far better tlmn to have a iuusIj
fc.-iVVt-5i;!-iC.vU1 1 growth and then go backward to pa;
$&&Ut&&m$iti$ it. Their hidi school LuiMing is a
'vlfi'W1 t JTi's Gr- 2 ? a ' stantial imwoveiucnt and
1'4,X i to the place. A new bu.-iae: block ha
iy:.:4'r-'.. I been erected since wo were last there
aaJ tho la)tLt3 have a fitie brick churcl
-..y-y.-..y--i-.v-.?.-cy.nto-s-w-r almost .CO lie
Fitzgerald has the contract fjr traus
fcrrio;; the freight and pas enters of
th.'D & M at thi.4 placa. Eoing the
!.:v,-j-: LiaJer ihcrcf.-r.
KemttT Thayer and General Strick
land 0:.i-i;a, 7ere tho happy indivi
d;:.)s who drew a live pi at the Nickel
pcrfurmcrsee in that city a few evenings
since. They proceeded to take it home,
and cause near being arrested by a watch
ful pohceiuan.
We are in receipt of a new paper
called the Train IJyue, which is devoted
to Mr. Train's l'iOiideutial interest;.
The Council ElufTi Xonpnreil wants
Feme political economist to tell which is
t:i 3 cheapest for.fual, corn at twenty
califs per bushel or coal at thirty cents.
Corn is certainly the cheapest when you
can:ijt get coal at lea-st, there arc
many people ia l'lattsmouth who think
Capt. Phelps Paine and wife contem
plate -iiakir:"; athort visit to their irieuds
in the coime of a few days.
Jlr.j. J. J. Safely, of Ottumwa, one
of the Government fur
(lie exarnination of tho B. & M. II. K.
in Neb., is a prou.'inent candidate as
Chief Clerk of the Iowa State Senate.
He catno within one vote of being elect
cd to this position two years a jo. The
Maj. would ir.ake an excellent clerk.
The ice has blocked at tho point just
below town, and the President was un
able to reach her lower landing to-day.
Tho indications now are that the river
will soon be all frozen over at this plaee.
Hon. T. M. Marquett, of this city,
and Gen. Amasa Cobb, of Lincoln, for
merly cf Wisconsin, have formed a co
partnership ia the law busines?, and will
opea an office ia Lincoln. Gen. Cobb
will look more directly to the business in
that place, and Mr. Marquett will contin
ue his residence and office in this city,
and will' visit the capital when business
requires if. This arrangement gives one
of the best law firms in the State both
being men cf great experience and iuc
cess in the prolesJon.
Mr. Thomas, of the Republican, de
nies that he has endeavored to disorgan
ize th-3 Republican party of this State,
and wades through a column article to
convince the stock holders of that jour
nil (wo presume they are the ones he de
sires to convince) that he is a Republi
can. We doult if his efforts will avail
hi'.u in this emergency, for "actions
speak !c-u-Jer thac vords;" end all the
words ia the vocabulary cannot over up
the pr-t of Mr.
Thomas. If LiT has
eJcd in convincing himself that he
is a Republican ho has dona well, and
his Llor may not bo entirely lo.t.
Fitzgerald's trading force has all ar
rived from the west, and everything La
becu placed in winter.' quarters.
The public schools in the city are all
fall, and scholars have been taken away
on account cf scarcity of rcon:. What
has become of the High School project?
We vi-iied Ashland, yesterday, and
found everything in a nourishing condi-
lhc town is improving steadily,
v for
an ornament
Pictca. , e iouu'J tne hums
fiouithing under the administration of
-rs & Hall, who seem to te
well posted m thc.r line o: Lu:iiKss, and
1. ::cHr;-d to make tho Timis all that the
peoplo could expect it. to be. Between
2. QUO and 3,000 head of Tesar, cattle arc
being wintered in that vicinity, ready
for shipment ca.?t over the B. & M. next
fcasou. The merchants of Ashland
cc-cm to l2 doiiig a good bu iness, the
hoteb .-iro Well Clled, and the peo'le
generally look cheerful and happy.
There is occa-icnally a time when it is
cf local importance to have a "friend at
comt," as Omaha rcui.zed very recently
when an order was issued lor tho remo
val of the Department Headquarters.
j Senator Hitchcock and Representative
l'llie went immea;ateiy to Yv ashingtou
and secured the re-establish ment cf the
same. This is a good thing for not only
Omaha, but for the entire State, and
could not hve Lccn accomplished proba
bly, by any Others than the immediate
representatives of Nebraska and Omaha.
Mr. Jerrel, of Fil'more county, called
at the Herald sanctum to-day, and re
ports a foot and a half ,f snow on the
level and five to ten feet ia cuts on the
railroad through Fillmore county.
J. Clements, of E'lawood, cailtxl to
day, and reports everything in his locali
ty still enveloped in ice from the great
Two thousand two hundred pounds of
silver bullion arrived on the U. P. Wed
nesday evening.
Many peoplo ia our city are burning
corn, ia ccnrcqticnce of the scarcity of
coal. The demand for torn as fuel had
the effocs to increase the price five cents
a bushel yesterday.
While Omaha was boasting, through
her press of her maguiSceDt charities
to the Chieagosufferers, a poor woman of
that city was burning her own bedstead
the caly thing she had left to burn
in orderlo keep herself from freezing.
Thus it ever is. Chanties from the
house top3 arc always more abundant
than from the closet.
Jacob Staley, the postmaster who was
arrested for stealiing a draft from the
mail at. Rebecca, was convicted before
Judge Dundy at his recent term of
court in Omaha, and sentenced to ten
years imprisonment iu the house of cor
rection at Detroit. He was assured by
the Judge that ha might shorten his
term materially by fo conducting him
self as to win the approbation of his
Johu A. Hassoa, of Iowa, .is lecturing
i oa his traTeb in Egypt.
It is a libel oa th i Missouri to call it
"Old Muddy" at the present time, for
there is not a clearer stream of water in
the United St.-.tes than the Missouri river
is tc-d.vy. Will some one explain this
phenomenon? Jt is a fact that the Mis
souii river is the muddiest stream ia the
world except during the winter, when it
is clear as any ether pure water. Per
haps it is becauso the ''bad lands"
through which it passes are frozen dur
ing winter, where, wch tve heard it said,
all the mud tomes from which flows down
the Missouri.
We learn that a chai ter for a National
Bank at this place has been granted lo
Messrs. T. E. Tootle, T. K. Hanna,
and John R. Clark, the present mem
bers of the banking house of Tootle,
Ilanr.a & Clark, John Fitzgerald, Tho?,
Duane, Hon. Samuel Maxwell, and oth
ers cf this city and county, and that the
Bank will be opened about tha 1st of
January next, with a capital of $75,000.
This will be for the business interests of
our city, and will be bailed ivith delight
by every person interested in the welfare
of the plsce. The names are among the
lact substantial financiers of the coun
try, and tfcey insure a largo business for
the bank. We under.-tand that Senator
Hitchcock gave his personal attention to
the procuring of the charter.
Ktt.lIXITlUXli X'EW.
Ilesser, ever fruitful in experiment,
has '.'struck a new lead" in saviug To
matoes He brought us a basket of nice
fresh ones to day, which were kept ia
his greeuhouso since tomato season, to
gether with some twenty or thirty bushels
more. They were picked green and
spread on tables in the green-house,
where they have kept remarkably well.
Ilessersays he will put away a hundred
bushels or more next season, and have ,
them for market.
On Monday last, Mr. Charles Cox,
who ha-, for the past four or five months,
been engaged at the Hatcher House,
left for P.a'tsmouth. to take charge of
the Drools llou-e, at that plaee, which
is owned by Mr. John Fitzgerald. Mr.
Cox, during his sojourn in thiscitj', has,
by liis courtesy and gentlemanly bearing,
madtt himself agreeubiJ and resnected
bv all who came in contact with him.
Wc regret to part with ''Charlie" from
our midst, but bcspc&k fcr him a pros
perous career in his new field of labor.
Wc congratulate the people of Platts
mouth on th?! acquisition of so compe
tent and worthy a gentlen an to do the
tho honors of the Brcok House. Cha
riton llitikt.
Mr. Ccz is hove, and lakes charge cf
the Brocks House to-day. lie called at
the Herald sanctum, and we hope he
may renew his visits often.
TSIi: COAL QlEiiMU."! .
The scarcity of coal is felt in every lo
cality, an J the indications are that it will
continue to be felt until other and better
arrangements are made for tho supply.
Heretofore the region of country along
the line cf the B. & M. Railroad, west
from Ottutawa, has been supplied from
the mines cf that vicinity; and the cause
of the present ccarcityis that the people
are still depending upon these mines.
Why the persons who control them do
not increase the supply whether from
lack of the article or lack of energy we
cannot say; tut of one thing (here is
no mistake, the supply fails fur short of
the demand and something must be
done to remedy it. A letter from Mr. E.
S. Sharp of this city, who has gone to
the Iowa mines, to Mr. Mickelv.ait. says
that he has made arrangements for a few
cars c fcoul, and that he thinks they will
get what they want in a short time. It
is hoped that something may be dene
soon to supply the a: tide in sufficient
quantities to relieve the present demand.
I RO.12 HIP, WK3T.
From partiesjat in from the Republi
can river country, we learn that the re
cent storm was very severe in that re
gion. The snow 7s eighteen inches deep
on a level, along the Republican, and
the cold for the past week has been in
tense. Mr. A. B. Smith, of this city,
who arrived last evening, informs us
that in the vicinity of Kearney and
School Creek several persrns have been
frozen to death, and that many others
escaped death with frozen hands, feet,
etc. From Dorchester west to the end
cf tho track on the B. & M., it is "with
the utmost difficulty that trtins can be
run. The drifts in many places on the
track are from five to seven feet deep,
and fill in as fast as they can be shoveled
out. In ordinary snows the snow plows
with which each locomotive is provided
are sufficient to clear the track, but they
have no effect upon these drifts.
It is Eaid, ia the good Looks, that it is
not good for man to be alone, neither is
it good for families or communities to
live exclusive. Mr. Paul Hill, of this
city, believes in the above, consequently
ho set about getting up a social gathering
that would be calculated to "drive dull
care away." lie quietly invited a num
ber of fiicnds to assemble at the resi
dence of John Fitzgerald, Esq., last eve
ning, for the first "surprise" of the
season. At a "reasonable hour " they
commenced " dropping ia," and before
0 o'clock between fifty and seventy-live
persons had assembled. They were
welcomed by Mr. Fitzgerald and his es
timable lady with true hospitality, and
were entertained ia a manner that caused
each ouo to involuntarily vote Mr. Hill
a great public benefactor. After the
company had ail arrived, they were in
vited to the spaciou3 parlors of the
Brooks House, and there invited to make
themselves generally happy, which they
did in a manner that carried one back to
tho days of the long-ago, when we at
tended "apple pearings" in the old
Buckeye State. Joy reigned supreme
with all present, and many a merry
peal of laughter broke forth from men
and women who had long ago seemed
to have fergotten that they were young.
They were rejuvinated, aud a stranger
coming ia would have supposed he had
broken in upon a lot of boys and girbj,
during their school days. It W3s really
amusing to see elderly men and middle
aged darnes re-enacting the scenes of
their childhood. About 10:3'J the party
was invited to a hasti'y prepared supper
of oysters, tea, coffee, etc., after which
they again returned to the parlors,
where they remained in pleasant social
intercourse until the hour cf twelve,
when they all retired, feeling that they
were all younger and happier from hav
ing been there. The evening will long
be remembered as one of the most plca
oant for many years, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fitzgerald and Mr. J I III will long be re
memberad as having been chiefly instru
mental in contributing to the happiness
cf the occasion.
Second monthly report of the First
Ward School of this city :
In the following report lOisconsid-
ercd as perfect.
Dep't. Ilec.
Mairsie Buttery, 10 10
K;;iie Hobbs, 10 y
Nettie Lazenfey, . 8
Nellie Parmele, 5 'J
('destine Adams, 10 0
Maggie Robine, 8 7
Liz'.ie Buttery, 10 10
Nellie Black, 10 O
Ma it Tucker, 10 10
Li life Tucker, 10 'J
Tciressie Humphrey, 10 )
Fiora Grooms, 10 S
Minnie Volsingcr, lu 7
Olira Kuhl, J 'J
Nellie Lazenbv, 10 10
Edith Lazenby, 10 10
Mav Kennedy, 10 10
Mvitle Colvin, 10 8
Ola Cooper, 10 10
Emma Russell, 10 0
John Lamb, 'J 8
David Bibbiticton, 8
Eddie Humphrey, 8 8
Frank Pottenger, 8 7
Marion Armstrong, 8 7
Gilbert, llobbs, "87
Jasper 1 lowland, .8 7
Freddie 1 lowland, "8 0
Freddie Murphy, 8 C
Charles Kulh, 7 7
John White, 7 7
Robert Black, 10 10
Frances Mitchell, 10 S
Louisa Shryock, 10 10
Eliza Mitchell, 9 8
John Saxon, 0 7
Eruma Harold, 0 7
Lizzie Ripple, 0 7
James Harold, J 8
Willie Lamb. 10 0
Lizzie t'ummings, 10 8
Jennie Robinson, 0 8
Lcvie Gapen, 10 10"
Kittie Oldham, 10 8
Carrie Bradley, 10 10
John Humphrey, 0 8
James Doran, 8 7
Mairzie Robertson, 10 10
Adeline Lewis, 10 'J
L-iura Cooper, 10 10
Fanny Stanf Tth, 10 10
!ary Cv.mmings, 0 S
Bridget Florady, 0 7
Dep't. Rec.
Anna Culvin,
Flora Davis,
Bessie Cameron,
Anna Murphy,
Lena Thomas,
Emma Hobbs,
Louisa Neman,
Emma Mann,
Mary Wing,
Clara Babbington,
Flora Hobbs,
Lessie Black,
Alwil ia Lamb,
Nanny Tucker,
Lena Dovcy,
Anna Barman,
Bobbie Shclfer,
Susan Mockenhopt,
Lottie Keller,
Fanny Champion,
Louisa Wollengcr,
Mntrtrie Champion,
Anna Champion,
Mary Dir.
William Bern,
Henry Kuhl,
Eddie Murphy,
Claude Champion,
Bertie Sae,
Bertie Colvin,
Charles Parmele,
James Donelly,
Charles Harold,
Ned Lewis,
Henry Harold,
Albert Aniison,
Oscar Ingle,
Freddie Bus-man,
Christ. Mockenhopt,
Eddie Donelan,
John Pottenger,
Gay Orr.
George Jones,
George Robertson,
8 8
8 8
y 9
y 7
8 9
8 8
8 8
y 8
8 8
7 G
8 8
8 7
8 8
8 7
8 7
S 8
8 8
9 - 9
8 8
8 8
8 S
8 9
9 8
8 8
8 8
S 7
8 8
Parents of pupils in the school, and
friends of Education, generally, are in
vited to examine the above reports.
H. A. Austin,
S. Ltd I a Gage,
Mr. Bennett, cf Blackhawk count3'
has invented a potato bug harvester.
It goes on wheels with a revolving broom
which brushes off the bugs into a trough
or box beneath.
They tell a good story in Boston of
Nilsson's going to the Episcopal Church
one Sunday forenoon, atid being shown
in Miss C 's pew. The lady, how
ever, did not know Nilsson, and like
other ladies we have seen, when stran
gers are shown in their pews, exhibited
her ill feeling in various ways, and in
tended 'talking to the sexton after ser
vices. When church was over there was
quite an ovation to Nilsson, and Miss
C felt somewhat mortified at having
entertained, not an angel unaware?, but
a Queen of Song.
John Morrissey, lias purchased the
Nathan mansion in New Yoik. It is
reported that he will make it a club
house on the stylo of the Saratoga
The Detroit Free I'rest conjures up
the following freezing tale:
''There isn't no room for doubt
that the coming winter will be awful
cold. The prophets all say so ; and the
man is insane who disputes the prophets.
They have found the moss growing thick
on the trees, frog3 standing on their
heads, sunflowers pointing toward the
North Pole, grape vines running around
poles instead of up them, atid there are
thousands of other signs to show that
every human being wiil be frozen as stiff
asathip before February."
"Sarah, have any of those mischiev
ous children been playing with the pi
ano while I hav been out of town.
Some of the keyes won't sound at all."
Sarah "Please mam, I don't know
nothing about it leastwise, Master Tom
said th;re was something wrong with it,
which he was sure there was a mouse ia
it. So he got Joe to hold up the cover,
while he put the dorg aud cat into it ;
but instead of catchin' the mouse, muin,
they took to fightin', and d:d make such
a funny noise in among the wires so,
maybe, mum, the iuouse is in there still,
A Stt? Ftaiiclsco newspaper, eiif of
the head lines cf its account of the Wis-con-i.i
tires, has the fallowing: "Not
cii-Mtgh v.v-od left in the towns to make
coihns fr the dead."
''Budget, I told you to have my hot
water the first thing in the morning."
"Share, sir," replied Bridget, 'Vlidn't I
bring it up last night an 1 hive it at the
dure, so as to have it ia time !"
Jo.-h Bill'ngs cannot see what women
want any more "rights" for; she beat
tho first man tern into the world cut of
a dead sure thing, and she cau beat the
last one with the sime cards.
Marriage is come to be looked on ns
such a temporary arrangement in Indi
ana that Justices' fees for the ceremony
have been reduced to twenty-five cents
for steady customers.
About the six wealthiest property
owners iu the city of New York are
those whrsj names are given below. In
a tabular form wet-how the gross amount'
of the reputed wealth of each, and ihe
number cd' yt ars' labor it required to ac
cumulate such va;t sums:
cf wcullh.
Cornelias Vnndcrbilt,
Alexunder T. S.ewai t,
William 15. A'U.r.
William M. Tweed,
GeiMjjs Law,
Dauicl Drew,
Some one with spare time on his hand
has been itiveatigatiiiit a bushel ol wheat,
and reports that it contains otVj.OOU
We are opening an
Unusua:ly attractive
Stock of fall and
Whiter goods, luiclfs
Early largely and
Low down.
We buy from first
Class houses, invariably
For cash, and have all
The advantages of trade,
Propose to give our
Customers goods at
Prices we know must
And be convinced that
Our stock is complete
And the place to purchase
Dry Good, Notions,
I3oots, Shoe?, Groceries,
Is at Clark & Piummer'a
Main Street opposite
Brocks House
Plattsmouth. -
: S
3 .
!SZ at ion cri9 Yetvs
cSeptsd. d Jalinband w tf.
Fire Insurance Co.
Established A. D. 1803,
Capital and Cash Accumulations,
Ten Million Dollars In Gold.
Chicago luosse a!i Eail
Th reputation and standing wbujh this com
pany hasjiecurid daring the siitv-Iiine years
it has trans-M-tcd bt:iucss throuhou. the world,
together with the large and undoubted security
i' ou'ew lor nil its ol) wulious, claims lor it a
share of the pub ic patronage.
Policies U.-ued iih I losses paid by i
11. E PAL.TIGR, Agent,
Plattsmouth, NcIj,
Not. 23. disrtf.
' L'ii .'uf-i.'oMu?'' f'.' -'e t kw'.h'm' I ic'crk of
A iV? i i'ic W.rU."
jVo'i'j. of t'ie P .
There are few intelligent Atnerirn families'
iu which Jiariirr'i Mitvazine would not be nil
appreciated u:i I liiuluy wt Lome KHe.-t. 'i'bero
i- un monthly MaK.-1.ine an iutelliKent reediiur
t.nuily can less uiiord to bo wituout.a iluny
Mafiiiines are accumulated. Harper's ii edit
ed . Thort" is not n nmsmzino that is printed
wlii; h eliowiiioro intclliKcut p;iiH expended
on its urt iclesnud ii'ei bariciil execution . Tbero
is' not a che ipcr M:uin publh: I . There M
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cyclopedia, we cart placo iu our liiirmios.
Harper's 'J tjn :hn- : v. iccord of travel tvery
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ing.'touc. and (io'-iioii t Miiiiinntr in A t i u M r.un
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Spekc on the Nile aiud Al ;n i cjxor on me Jordan-
indeed, all ihc travelers ol note have seen'
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thc.-e paces. Alost f oer ycr'ii.iT ::ud many cf
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Our arti.-ts seethe best, evidences of
tlieir aenius mid the mi st t-lidurinv l ecirnens
of their v o V: in the M a.iine. A '. 1". .- i imlnrd.
It i" ouo ot tho wonders of jo'.ir.-.Hli-m iho
e limvial i-iacugcmcnt of Hitrpm-'m. The A'uti'.'rt
A. 1.
'f ckks :
tri'tr'm ciui'ic, on.i year . .
v. w
An extra copy or c.t'er (he Mno'isiiu; HVct-'jy
or lti-iir will I c supplied erat f r every club
of l ivit subfcribciK alSl iMi'ii. li. ii one remit
tiiu.e; or Six copies for gWir.i, withaut estra
ubscri:ions to l!.'r. rr's 51 ivaTine. YecHv.
und l!aa. to one lol.l I.' "lie year, i' (Kf;
or two of Harper's p: i ioiij.a'.-, t ,cn. .vU-lr:
for Ouc year, f , ( J.
lVck naiuberj can bcrappiicd nt uny .'inc.
A complrte n't of lliirier'ci Mn;r:i.ino, now
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purchaser, for p r voluine. Sintrlo vol
umes by mail, postpaid. ?)IK). Cloth e ises, lor
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Address: HAUPER & U ROTH E list.
New Yolk.
A lUvonitoru o J-'iuhinn, PUanure nid
JVito ( of th .
It is rea'ly the only illustrated chronicler of
fashion in tjie country. Its supplenientji alonu
are worth the subscription price of tho paper.
While fully maintaining it.; position as a mir
ror of fashion, itiiiso contains stories, poems,
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ijoysip. o'o,i ?nrurdi y brt iiinif tiity.tttr.
'j lnre never w as any p:.pcr published that so
dbl itch ted the heart ot ii.Hiin. Never mind if
it do s cost you a new b';iicl: it will -avo you'
ten times the price in the household if'S'iuy it
teaches. Providence Jouilil. -
The young lady who buys a number i f Hrti p-'
er's l!:i.:ir is made, a subscriber for li;t. New
York LvtmiiK Post.
Toe 15 is excellent. Lik ell l!;e periodi
cals which the llarpcis publish, it m ulnost
ideally well ediled the mothers and daughters
iu average families cuo hot hut protit by it
(food sense and good t ist?, which, we bvc r
doubt, are to-day making very many homes
happier than they may Imvo been before tho
women hi gan tukintr lessons in personal and
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god-iiaiuted mcator. The Nation, N. I.
Teems :
Harper's Bazar for one year SI 00
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The bc:-t publication of its class in Amen.;.!
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Harper's Weekly, one year .... Jl 00
An extra copy of either tho Magazine. Week
ly or Bazar wiil bo supplied for every club of
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tance ; or.Six copies forS-MCO withouteitraeopy.
Sjubscriji'ioi.s t ) Harper's Mairazine. Weckl.
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for one year, J7 00.
Back numbers can Letup died at nny time.
The Annual volumes of Harper' Weekly, in
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ot expense, for ti W each. A coiuplcto Hut,
conipriMr.r fifteen Volumes, sent on receipt of
cash at the rate of ;-3 -j per vol., at ex
pense ol purchaser.
The postaso on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a
year, which inutt be paid at the subscriber'
post-oltiee .
Xcw York.
St. Joseph & Council Blutrs
forms the connecting link between
The Union PaeiSo Builroads, and the South
and Eastern
Good Accommodations,
Goud ConaccUon..
ood ?peeiL
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ATKA:T?AS CITY with tho North Missouri
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al! loints Last und Sutii.
With Kansas and Pacific Railroad for Lawer
ence. Topeka. Sheridan, llenver and all
points in Southern Kansas, Colorado und
New Mexico.
With the Jlissouri River, Fort Scott find Uulf
Railroad tttr fort .Scott, Baxter fcpnui'S aucl
the Indian Territory.
ATLEAVKX WORTH with Kansas Pacific
road for Lawrence, Topeka. Ucnver. A-.
AT ATCHISON with Central Blanch Railroad,
for 'tieneta, Central id. Irviuic, Watert ilie
and points in Central Kan.-as.
AThl'.luKI'H with llarniib il and ?t. Joseph
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With S3t,Josepli Si. Denver Railroad for Troy
Wsith'-ra and points in Northern
AT COUNCIL L'LL'f f S with the Lnion l'acifio
Railroad for Aioux City, Bemer, Salt Lake
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AVith 8ioui im'l- A- Pneilic Railroad for Sioux
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Yif h the Cbic(?o V Northwestern Railroads;
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forChieoKo and Points L.u-t.
Tiektt-s u LOW h? by any Other Route.
Put. man' Pluce Cars on all niulit trains.
No Cfmlso tf Cars. Ticket lor Sale at toiAii,
KLLA'f " -L 110PK1N.S OcriT su..t..
St. Joseph, Mo
Estray Notice.
Takn up by the sabs milei-, oiie-haif mil
from Weeping V.'ater Bridice. in Arete it,
cinet, cue by ncre about j iinuos L..'!,
th-s left eye Mind, sni.n on ti.oid cf i..
po. e, bupposed to bo six years old.
Oct. CllU W5.