Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 07, 1871, Image 2

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THURSDAY, DEC EM ii 11 7 1871.
It has. now become generally under
htoad that- Gov. James will not call an
extra -session of thj Legislature, and
people treat he freer in consequence.
While it is well understood and felt that
yt& need legislation in certain quarters,
yet the feeling is almost universal that if
u session is to be held at all it should be
under the adjournment of last winter, in
order that the representatives might
have liberty to legislate upon any and all
subjects which seemed to them just and
proper and not be subjected exclusively
to- th ideas of the acting Governor. lie
might embrace in his call all subjects
that he knew of upon which legislation
would be needed by the people, and yet
i'jil frhott of the desires of the people.
Let the peoples' representatives act in
dependently and unrestrained, and meet
cu the day to which they adjourned.
KEsrEcrt' )
The Plattsmouth Herald is still bark
ing at us, and wants us to 8peak out
about certain alleged corruptions at Lin
volav promising, if we will do so, that we
bhaliaave ''its support and assistance in
proclaiming and cxpoMiijj the wrong."
The profler is respectfully declined.
lu order to make our efforts at "p; ocluim
inr and exposing the wrong" more suc
cessful, we deem it desirable to keep the
paid and defender of every con
victed public thief in the State on the
side on which it takes as natural! as a
duck docs to water. Omaha Herald.
Whether the Htruld respectfully"
or disrespectfully declines our proffer,
it make3 but little difference to us. We
knew, when we called upon it, that it
would not state any facts iu regard to the
matter in question, for it never does bus
iness in that way. The matter in ques
tion was the Jnrsh. controversy ; and
now we say again, if tha Herald, or any
other paper or person will show wherein
Dr. Larch has done wrongly, we are
ready and anxious to condemn hiui. And
we will further say that t!i3 in
dications are agint Dr. Larch
iu our judgement, but that is no reason
why a public journal should declare him
a scoundrel without giving the reasons
for so doing. Iu reply tothe latter part
of the above extract, we have but few
words to say. It is the strongest evidence
tdiat what we have said "of the Herald
is correct. Dr. Miller speaks of us as
"ihe;Wt apologist and defender of every
convicted public thief in the State .'
This is in keeping with the general
coarse of the Herald to make bold and
reckless assertions to sustain its course
when it has not facts to sustain it. If
we have ever been paid for any services,
rendered as a journal Lt, eithrr in defend
ing thieves cr exposing thciu, it will
certainly require but litt le effort on the
part of Dr. Miller to substantiate the as.
sertion lie makes in the above. We
call upon him in this casj as in others,
and ask him to give his prcof for what
he assert?. "Will Dr. Miller be man
enough to either give the basis for his
assertion or acknowledge Lis wrong in
ui:king it ? We await his reply.
S.itnral Jlp;tnn;s.
Nature has amply provided for the
dignified tnindd of some men, and also
for the contemptible meanness of others.
Easiness men will meet with these two
classes in ad business transactions. The
other day a man stepped into our office
and asked the piicc fir doing a certain
auiouut of Job work. We gave him our
figures, when he presented us the amount
for which he could get it done in Chica
go or St. Louis, which was only fifty
cents less than we proposed doiug it.
lie aked ns to knock off the half dollar.
We told him 4ino sir" that we had
plenty of Job work on baud and that it
wa not our way of doing business. Hi
took his hat and left, and we fidt much
relieved at his departure. Another in
dividual called on lust week infected with
the same disca?e. He came from Indi
una, ani having purchased some land in
Pawnee county, he wanted tho Tribune
sent to his address fir six months tor
seventy-five cents. We refused the
bribe, and his name did not go on our
subscription list. Neither cf these par
tics live in l'awnnee county, and we are
riuht glad of it. We do work at this
oilico as cheap as it can be done outside
of the large cities. Job work executed
with neatness and dispatch. Paicnee
Morality. '
We quote these beautiful and appro
priate remarks, of G. II. P. II. C Arm
strong of Arkansas, ''Let each stimu
late and help forward the other in more
faithful discharge cf Masouie duty, in a
more conscientious practice of the moral
virtue?, in a more sincere obedience to
the precepts of that Holy Book which is
given to light our pathway amid the tri
u!s and obstructions of life. Let each
incite. the other to a most earnest en
deavor to his work, his own work, while
it is day, 'for the night comcth in which
no man can work.' We are ia truth but
weary sojourners, engaged in reV uildiny
the mystic House of the Lord, by sub
duing our passions, puryfying our hearts
und preparing our fit temples for his
presence. Time is. swiftly passiug with
all of us, and when a low more ycara
shall have come and gone, a now famil
L'r face will be seen no more amongst us
many of those now assembled here
will have passed through the dark valley
cf the shadow of death. But it may be
to us all a consolation to rctleet that, let
the hour come when it may, the blessed
assurance has been given, that the right
eous and pure of heart shall fear no evil,
for His mercy and loving kindness will
follow them, His rod and staff will com
fort them, and He will give them rest
ccduring rest in his eternal kingdom."
Qoick Work.
Several " yc&M ago when new churches
were erected, aud -prosperity dawned up
on Virginia City, ascertain earnest cler
gyman on a Sunday -morning, was ex
horting those with anxious and troubled
conscience to be sure and cal; on their
pastor for guidance and prayer.
Said he, "To show brethern,
the blessed results of these visits with
S-iuf pastor, I will state to you that on
ly v.isrday a gentleman oLwcalih cah
cd upt 'J fcrWcl and nstmctton;
and note to-day my i.iends-o fit-
tits nmong e a bappy JiusUmd, and a
father, and a Christian.
A young Udy ia the audience wh.sper
cdVo a matron, "liWnt that pretty
quick icorkft
. t ,; nn Tues-
A7. paid a vldt of respect to Mrs. 1 oik,
jjijw of the ex-lVsidetit.
Coat of ibe Panuit of liuowictlgc In
w Maw 5I1U.
From the Floyd County (Iowa) Adrocate
Last Monday, a German called at
Goodhue, Andrews & Co's Saw mill, to
gaze in wonder at the various and com
plicated machinery. Among other
things that he saw, was a small
circular saw tawing faster than any
thing he.ever saw saw before. Its rapid
motion fascinated him ; he reached out
his right index finger toward its ill-defended
periphery, (for the circumference
of a saw in swift motion lojks to to at
the base of the teeth, aud not at il.eir
points, when, t j his surprise, the end of
Lis fiegjr disappeared in an instant, and
tolled away to the other tide of the saw.
The man tied up the stump in his
handkerchief, whereupon Mr. Andrews
noticing him, came up and inquired
what v:t the matter. The victim of
misplaced confidence replied : "Mist her
Andrews, I never comes to see your mills
before. I seed dis ling goiug mound so
fa.-. i ; I sticks ui:ie linger to him like
di;-; and mine Goot!'r Ia explaining
Ids mishap the German touched his left
fore finger to the saw, and that flew off.
Turning to AnJrews iu almost breath
less a.iionishment, the man exclaimed,
"Mr. Andrews, 1 never comes to see
your mills pelbre ; I se him ; I never
coui"s to scj him again !" And wrap
ping that finger in his handkerchief, he
started for a doctor's cfli.e, and disappeared.
Tiic on rue ol Trade.
Chicago, with many of her elevators
destroyed by fire, has not the capaity
for the grain now flowing there; and is
looking tor an outlet via the Mississippi
river aud Cairo ; and our produce wiH
then go all around St. Louis to find the
very outlet to the high seas on the Gulf
of Mexico, which Js its natural channel!
There never was, such an opportunity for
St. Louis merchants as the present; and
in many branches of trade it is embraced;
but the large produce stream continues
to flow from Nebraska City to Chicago
over hills and dales like water forced
up hill because the St. Louis commis
sion merchants with all their natural ad
vantages, cannot handle it as cheaply as
the Chicago merchants and return us
satisfactory sales! Most of our grain
merchants here happen to be Missouri
men aud their pr. judiees are ia favor of
St. Louis, btst they are forced to sell
where they can realize the most money.4
A by does not the M. Louts Change
reliable men to see the millions
winch could t o gathered here : H hy
doc3 not the North Missouri Railroad
cr some ether St. Lou:.- corpoatinn com
plete the Trunk railroad along the :?t
Lank of the river from Ilulo to Omal'i,
and thu sweep thi meat and bread
stuffs of Nebraska? We ma-.t have
groceries, dry goods and gcne.ul mer
chandise. Give us a fair exchange ; and
you can furnish the whole lot ! Our
kitifolks are the dwellers in the Mis.-ii-sippi
valley and St. Louis will thry
fjiee ua among stracg'rs? Xtl. City
A Kitciielor's I'nmtlise.
There is only one Territory of any
size, and nsver has been but one, occu
pied by any considerable population,
from which woman is absolutely exclud
ed. Yet such a place exists to day, and
has existed for centuries. As far back
S3 history '.caches , to all females it h:is
been forbidden ground. This bachelor's
Arcadia is situated on a bold plateau
between the old peninsula of Acre, in
the Grecian Archipelago and the main
land. Here, iu the midst of cultivated
fields and extensive wocdlawns dwell a
m-nustic confederation of Greek Chris
tians with twenty three convents, and
numbering moic than seven thousand
souls, and cot one of the monasteries
dates from a latr time than the twelfth
century. A few soldiers guard the bord
ers of this ante-female laud and no wo
man is allowed to cross the frontier.
Nor is this all; the rule is extended to
every female creature, and from time
immemorial no cow, hen, duck or goose
has been permitted to make acquaint
ance with hill or valley cf Monnt Athos
Territory. A traveler was startled by
the abrupt question: "What soit of hu
man creatures are women?" The very
idea of woman, whether as mother, wife
or sister, is almost lost. To all woman
haters; to ba-.-helors of over forty years
standing; to all men who seek refuge
from the wiles and ways of the opposite
sex, this region can be safely recommend
ed aj a haven of refuge.
A .'ti:V Cudi V.Y.
In answer to a correspondent in South
ern Illinois who wants to know how to
keep hens i'rom setting, a western editor
thn-iiise and explains:
There are several very good waye.
One plan is to make them into pot pies
about seventeen days before they exhibit
any such evidence ochicke n-beartedoess'
Another good way is to watch the hen
when she begius that peculiar clucking,
indicative of a de?ire to matriculate,
wash her in sweet milk, put mustaid
poultices upon her feet, and hang her up
by the neck in a dark clothes-press for
ninety-three or ninety four hour.
Should the demoralized biddy be cut
down before the time for set! ing she will
probably set out for some other locality.
Another good way would c to read the
riot act, when, if they will not disperse,
wallop tli-JLu gently over the head with
a brick, sled shoe, chunk of stone, or a
horsc-hocf with a shoe on. After ail
these devices and contrivances have
been applied and fail, if the old hen
won't behave herself, why let hcY set!
A Beautiful Thought.
When the summer of youth i3 slowly
wasting away in the nightfall of ace,
and the past becomes deeper aud deeper
and life wears to its close, it is pleasant
to look through the vista of time upon
the sorrows and felicities of our earlier
years. If we have a home to shelter,
and hearts to rejoice with us, aud friends
have been gathered together around our
tire-ides, the rough places wayfaring will
have been worn and smoothed away, in
the twilight of life, while many dark spots
we have passed through will grow bright
er and more beautiful. Happy indeed
are those whose intercourse with the
world ha- not changed the tone of their
holier feelings, cr broken those musical
chords of the heart, whose vibrations are
so melodeous, so tender and so touching
iu the evening of life.
The Canadians object to the claim of
the "Yankees" that Thanksgiving is an
American custom Canada by mere force
of attrition has adopted. They say they
find their authority for it in the Penta
teuch. The weather prophets predict a cold
winter because the corn husks are so
thiek, and an old3bachelor predicts nu
merous weddings because the cabbages
are so large.
a am
The bed and mattress on which Presi
dent Lincoln died was sold at public auc
tion in Washington last week, and
brought Sol). A restaurant keeper was
the purchaser, and intends to keep it as
a relic of the great tragedy at l-Vrd.s
theatre The family that owoed it were
greatly annoyed by visitors calling at the
house to seo the room and furniture in
which Mr. Lincoln died, and filially. were
obliged to get rid of both by lavisilie
hQUSQ and tclTiig the furniture.
The iu of Uorrowlii. Troucio.
Such a habit of mind and heart is
wrong because it puts him into a des
pondency that ill fits him for duty. I
planted two rose-bushes in my garden;
the one thrived beautifully, the other
perished. I found the dead one on the
shady side of the house. Our disposi
tions, like our plant-, nee'd sunshine.
Expectancy of repulse, is the cause of
many secular and religious failures. Tear
of bankruptcy has uptoru many a fine
business, and tent the man dodging
among the note-shavers. Fear of sland
er and abuse has often invited all the
long-beaked vultures of backbiting. JIu-
of the uuisfntu-'.e.s of life, like hyc
. llee if vou courageously meet them.
How noorlv nretjared for religious duty
is a man who sits down under the gloom
of expected misfortune! If he prays,
he says, "ldo not think I shall bo ans
wered." If ho gives, ho snys. "I expect
they will steal the money." Helen Chal
mers told me tint her father, Thomas
Chalmers, in the darkest hour of the his
tory cf the free church of Scotland, and
when the woes of the land teemed to
weigh upon his heart, said to his child
ren, '"Come let us go out and play ball
or fly kite," and the only difficulty in
the ptay was that the children could not
keep up with their father. The Mc
Chcynys and the Satnuiei fields of the
church who did the most good cultivat
ed sunlight. Away with the horrors.
They dktil poison; the dig giavcs; and
if hey could cl nib so high, they would
drown the rejoicings of heaven with
sobs-and wailing. De Witt Tulniagc.
The Norwich Advertiser considers
E Pluribus Unum a good name far the
sen of a Mormon.
A Hartford lady screamed when she
found she was trying to eat a mouse by
mistake for a doughnut.
A Wisconsin man mourns that lie
could not find a weird in the dictionary
because "the blasted book hadn't got an
Forty-n'ne Democratic papers in Mis
souri oppose a Democratic nomination
for President.
Four Catholic priests from England
are on their way to this country to work
as. missionaries among the negroes to se
cure their adhesion to the Catholic
Anna Dickinson thinks the unmarried
woman women have a vague idea that
when they get tlu'ir 'rights" they will
one ail be provided with husbands by
process of law.
The courts now hold that a wife's in
terest iu a life insurance policy, issued
for her bene-Iit, docs not cease in case of
Oue hundred and thirty-t'.ro thousand
acres of land in two districts cf Kansas
were acquired from the government last
month for the purpos:e of ectual settle
ment. Grace Greenwood continues to write
so pleasantly about Drigham Young and
his great attractions of person ami mind,
that her Philadelphia husband would
do well to keep an eye open.
An old bachelor in Indiana became so
ubrioed at the persistent efforts of a wid
ow to marry him that he turned over
ail his property to her and then ran away
leaving word that he left her the pro
perfy so she would not follow him.
In response to an inquiry of a scientific
publication, "Whence come fleas?" a
Western journal snys it does not care a
pickle, but would like to know where in
thunder they go when you go for them.
'Snip me of the robe of pride ; clothe
v-ith f-imilirv " 1 llO Words SUUir
last Sabbath by an up-town ei.oir, as a
young lady passed up the aisle in a white
satin dress, trimmed with point,
ending in a long train whi.-h rolled alter
her like waves created with foam.
I'ecf tea and hot coups are tobe given
at parties this winter between the- figures
of the 'Ge-rm iu" instead of ices and
ci;ke, and on New Year's day instead of
The Marshall (Iowa) Repullican con
gratulates a religious society in that vi
cinity on having secured a pastor "who
will knock the lukcwarmncss out of
There is a man in Ireland named Eze
kiel Obediah Hose. If Rose would
have smelt as sweet by any other name,
what the thunder did they call him that
for ? Louisville Courier.
An ignorant lecturer explained the
passage of the Red sea. by saying that
the Israelites crossed on the ice.
"There is no ice under the equator!"
exclaimed an auditor. "Ladies and gen
tlemen," retorted the lecturer, "the
event to which I refer happened thous
ands of years be lore there were any ge
ographers in the world, and consequently
before there was r.ny equator. 1 think,
my friends, that I have answered the
gentleman completely.",
A Chicago lover went to visit his girl
one evening recently, but for some rea
son, possibly that the fire had materially
changed his condition in life, she re
ceived and treated hiui coo!y. He re
mained standing a few moments, but
finally made a movement toward the
door, remarking that he "eu3?sed he'd
go." "Uh" said she, starting from a
beautiful dream cf scmi-.inconsciouGness,
"won't you take a chair?" "Well, I don't
care if I do," was his reply, and he took
the chair, thanking her kindly, and car
ried it home. He said it is a good chair,
made of walnut, with stuffing, and green
cover just what he wanted. Rut he is
down on that giil, and declares he weud
not marry her net" if her father owned
a brewery.
The Kennebec Journal contains the
following incident : "An tld farmer in
the vicinity of Augusta, about twenty
years aso, alter concludi; g a 'trade for a
larsre bale cf goods with an Augusta
dealer iu furniture, as he was about to
drive off, hailed the furniture dealer with
'if ycr will throw in a. looking glass, 1
wiil bring yer down a barrel of nice ap
ples.' The mirror was 'thrown in," and
this was the last seen of the farmer un
til a few days ago, when an aged farmer
backed his 'apple-cart' up to the tide
walk opposite the furniture store, now
occupied by the son.s of the former own
er, opened the door and shouted, 'Here's
yer apples." The surpri-e of the sons
vas great; but the father who was pre
sent, remembered the circumstances of
the trade, and heartily greeted his oM
acquaintance, who, after a lapse of
twenty years, hud not forgotten his
We laugh at Chinese women for de
forming their feet and rendering them
useless by the fashion in casing them in
baby shoes; yet in this enlightened coun
try, girls, are straining the muscles of
their feet beyoud repair, aud losing the
power of walking with firm cl istic tread,
because it is the fashion to topple about
on high-heeled shoes. In this country
it is pecul aily remarkable that we sub
mit so tamely to such perpetual and vex
atious interference with our free will and
daily convenience. We scorn the idea of
having our affairs reeulated by any other
monarch, and would reststany other in
voluntary taxation to the death. Rut
we empty our purses, snd waste our
time and our facilities, and tumble over
crinohne-traps and istiftie cur lungs,
weaken cur feet, and our brains, because
Fashion, in the person of some Parisian
Modiste, proclaims, "They do so this
l'". ,.H1I ........ j , ' - -' -tj
A uan once went to a lawyer's office
aud told the legal gentleman that he had
been insulted by a mau, who told him to
go to , and desired to know what he
should do. The lawyer suavely said :
"I wouldn't advise you to go; the law
don't compe-1 you."
Thr editor sat ia his sanctum chir,
Willi fingers black und disheveled kuir,
'When f udJenly a aian i.vuJc.l Lis l.iir.
And said, "You cuss, ycu'er a liar."
They buried that man in a pauper's
grave, both wide and deep.
Deacon Silex was an austere man who
followed oystering, and was cf the hard
shell persuasion. The Deacon "alluz
made it a t int" to tell his customeis
that the money which he got for "isters"
did not belong to him. "The good
Father ma le the isters," said the Dea
con, "and the money is Ilis'n; I am on
ly a stooart." They do say the Deacon
had a way of getting ten e-ents more. on
a hundred in his peculiar methoel of do
ing business for somebody else. One
Sunday morning the old fellow was tear
ing around fiom house to house with a
suspicious bit of currency in his hand.
Some cue had given him a bad fifty
cent note, and he "wasn't going to mi
grate till that air was fixed up." Why,
Deacon," said one of his customers
whom he had tackled about it, "What's
the odds? What need you care? Tisn't
yours you know; you are only steward;
itu't your loss." The Deacon shifted
his shoulder, walked to the door, un
shipped hisepuid, and said: "yaas, that's
so; but if you think that I'm goin' to
stand by an' see the Lord cheated out
of fifty cents you're mistaken. I don't
foster no such feclin'."
There is a class cf ceuserius christians
who pray and speak vinegar and vitriol
iu the prayer meetings, who are perpetu
ally berating the whole church for its
coldness and lithargy, and hisstcieotypcd
harangue is, "Mou:u;d brethren, sinners
all around u' are going down by thous
ands to hell!" Tbesrc are the fisher
men who perpetually lash the waters in
to commotion with' their fishing-rods,
but who never catch even a nibble.
These people need a "revival"' them
selves a revival of the spirit of Christ
in their own hearts. Our All-wise Mas
ter never would have won Z iccheus ov
er by denouncing him as an extortionate
pullican. He did win him by personal
attention. When the man whom all Je
richo was in the hribit of kicking at,
found at last a friend who had a "fellow
feeling" for him, he opened his heart to
Him. Christ "went to be a guest with
a man who was a sinner." lie not only
got into that sinner's hcu;c but into his
"Iu the midst of life we are in death,"'
is not ia the Riblc, as is generally sup
posed. If is found in the Episcopal
burial service, aud taken from a Latin
aetifhon. composed by a moak of St.
Gall's at Martistabcl, ia '.Ml.
The San Francisco Ilea miner gravely
relates the case of a gen'lcuian who had
an ulcer under his arm which was cured
by transplanting a piece of healthy skin
from a negro to the ulcerated surface.
Healthy granulation at once spang up
and the sore healed, but the black skin
spread until one-third of the arm turned
black. The change of color is stii! pro
gressing, and the doctors express the be
lief that the gentlemen will finally, be
come black all over.
A Council Eiiiffs clergyman has made
a new departure in the manner of mar
rying. He does away with the old estab
lished rules of marrying for a fee, and
announces that he shall hereafter
marry by weight, charging four cents
per pound for the happy man and two
cents for the bride. The idea is a novel
An applicant f jr the position of do
mestic in a Danbury (Coon,) family was
asked if she understood how to use
kerosene. Her repiy exceeded the most
sanguine expectations : '.'Use it, is it?"
she" exclaimed in a tone of reproachful
explanation : "give me a can of karyo
sano and I'd never ask lor the lift of a
thavin'." She vas not engaged.
A young married man was remarking
to some ladies that it was always the
women who ran after the men, when his
wife indignantly said : "You k row, my
dear, I "never ran after you." "That
may be," he replied, "but you took
miglitv good care not to get cut of the
A worthy won:r.n in Iowa drove the
reaper through the harvest for her bus
band, and then closed her labors by tak
ing a rake in the shape of one of the
farm hands, with whom she departed to
fresh fields and pastures new.
Sli.rilTs SJe.
Jacob L. Phillip.'', againi-t 'William L. Wells
ar.d Jennie 11. Wtlla. Order cf Ssalo
Notice i.- hereby given t!ia. I will offer for
f.ile at public uin-lioii at the front door of the
Court House in t' t.-moutl). Cuss Counfy, ?'o
br.iska ou th 7tU day of Deeeiubor A. L. 1S7I
t the hour of two o'clock P M of s;iid d.iy the
following H'lil h's!,Uc, to wit :
Lut No. Winoty; in Block No. Twenty (20) in
tho City of Phitt.Miionth Cuss Co Nebraska, to
be sold as tho i rnprrly ot William L. Wells
and Jennie It. Well on e.u Onler of .Sale iii
l'avur ot Jaeob I... Phillip. isu.--l by tho 1):
trict Court of tho 2il Ju lieiai District within
and lor Cuss County Nelirn.-ka. and to me di
rected in ShcriSl" of sai I Couuty.
Given un.-i-r niy hand thU 51 day of Novem
ber A. 1. 1371, J. 'iV. Johnson, Sncriti".
Cans Co Nebraska.
M .xxri.i. A: CuAra.isAttj'srurritir.
Is'ov si w o
Sheriff's Saie.
Jairas 11. Xeul vs Ticiu.-u llastoa Order cf
N'oticc i hereby riven, that I will offer for
pale ut public auction, at tiio fruit door of t lie
Court lloui-e in l'latt.smoutli. Cum couuty Ne braska,
on the 11th lny of December A U 1S,1
at the hour uf'l o'clock t :u of eai-i day tho lol
lowins real e.-tate to-wit : '
'i'he south wert quarter CP of section four (i)
in township nuiubcrcleven (11) north- runge no
eleven (11) east of ihotf pin. in Cn county Ne-.
braska, to be soi l ns the proper' y of Thomas
IIu.-;tonon nn order offalo i:i favor of Jiiirin E.
Neal issued by tho Disirict Court 2d Judicial
llistrict within and for Cas' county Nebraska
and tome directed as MifritTof said county.
Given under my hand this 8th day of Novem
ber A 1) 1S71. J. JOHNSON ShcriuV
Cum ouiity Nebraska.
Stkykxson fc IIaywakd, Att'ysfor Pl'ff
Sheriff's Sale.
Shncart Sc Lininser )
nsa'.nst Execution.
C. K k vrgy )
Notice is hereby given that I will offer for
sale at public, auction at the front door of the
Court llou.-e in Plattsinoutii on the 3d day ct
January, A. 1. 1-72. at ono o'clock p. ji. ot
aid diiy. tho following Real Estate, situated
n te City of iNatUmouth, Cass Co Nebraska,
Tho undivided Ono half (Vp of Lot No. Six'fi)
in JJloek N . Thir'y-poven (37): and the undi
vided One half (J P of Lot No. Ten (10) in Ploek
No Nine (H); and the undivided One bait J) ot
Lot No. Twelve (12; in Isioek No. l'orty-fiveUj)
taken as the property ot C, E. l'orsy. on an
Execution in favor of bhuicart und Lininfrer.
bvued bv the Clerk of the .District Court within
and for Cass Co. Nebraska, and to me directed
as Sheriff of eaid County.
Given under my hand tkisSOtb. day of Novem
ber A. i). 171 J. W. Johnson, Sheriff.
Cass Co. Nebraska.
Fox & Wiikkleb, PltfTs Attorneys.
Nov. 3!) w o
Attachment Notice.
Levi Kimball. Plaintiff, vs. Emery Wilson.
Poiendaut. Utfuro T. 11, Robertson, a Justice
of tho Peace in and for Sarpy Connty, Nebraska
To Emery WiLon:
You will take notice that I have commenced
suit against you before T. II. Robertson, a Jus
tice of the Peace in and for Sarpy County, Ne
braska. An Order cf Attachment was issued
bv said Justice on 4he 14th day of November
1S71, for tho sum of thirteen ($i3) Dollars and
all costs if suit. Said actum has been contin
ued until Jan. Oth 1872, ail" o'clock a. s-
Not. .10 w3
Sheriff's Sale.
F. F. Perry V3. Piatt SauadersOrderc-fSalo
Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for
sale at public auction at tho front door of the
Court House in Plattsmouth, county Ne
braska, on the 11th day of December, A. D. 171
at the hour of om o'clock p m of said Jay the
following real estate to-wit:
Lotssaven and ei?ht ia block fifty-two in the
city cf l' turnout ii, Cass county Nebraska, to
be sold as the property of Piatt Saunders ou
an order of ii!e iu luvoi of K. V. Perry, ii-sucd
by the District Court of the 2d Judicial District
within and fr Cass county . Nebraska, and to me
directed as Sheriff ol s aid county.
Given unier my hand this Sth o'av of Novcm
LcrlS71. J. W. JOHNSON'. Sheriff
Cats county. Neb.
Maxwell & Chapman, Atty's for PUT.
Legal Notices.
T- John F. L'rynn and Harriet A. .Bryan,
non-resident delcmiants, will t:ike notice tint
Williiim Aluin'er, plaintiff, did, im the 2,.'th day
of November, A L 1S71, file his petition in tho
l'istrict Cour' 2d Jiulieinl District, in and for
Cas county, Nebraska, ajrainst you, the object
ai d prayer of which is to remove the cloud
rest nsr upon, his title to the southwes't quarter
of seetion No. thirty-six (oof, in town- 10. N.,
ranpe 12. in Cass county, Nebraska, caused by
reason of an error and mistake in a certain
deed, made bv John F. Bryan tnd Harriet A.
Bryan, his wife, to plaintiff, on the 3rd day of
Jui.e, ls.38, lor the sum of $SC0 (W, ia which
deed said land ws described as lying in ranga
l-t.when thosmne should have been ranee liin
Cass r ouiity, and which mistake John F. Bryan
and Harriet A. Bryan have failed and refused
to correct. Plaijtiff asks that his title to sa:d
real estate may bo quieted and confirmed in
him. You are required to answer said ?etition
on or betore the l-Jlh day o' Jiiiuar--, JSi2
Will-am Ai.takker.
By MnxweP & Chapman, Ins Attorneys.
Nov. oO. wi
'go. Fickle;
The best of Fresh Meats always on hand in
their scasoj.
ITighest Prico Paid for Fit Cattle
5 -Highest Cash 1'ricC paid for green Iliaes.
Oct. 4 diwtf
And dealer in all kinds of
IPfixt'isiiMve s& CIi stirs.
mats steekt, (thir J door west of P O
Plattsmouth - - - Neh.
!Se Repairing and Varnishing neatly done.
Funeral tiunded at the shortest notice.
Tootle, Hanna & Clark,
SJ.iS. a!i el other BtoekH
Diafl.o dtawn on all part of tho United State
and Europe. Deposits received, and special at
teution given to collections.
Pldtt.-moathj Nebraska.
Nebraska City,
Ocaeial Agent Dcp't Northwest,
Union Central Lifa
Of Cincinnati Ohio,
julyl jdAwtf
Local Agent
general rfferchandiss,
We are Agents for
Wiilcox & G;b!3 Sewing Machine
MACKift E m?l
Watman Curtis.
Plaltssttoutia, Wel.,
Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and
Grist .Mills. . , , .
Gas and Steam Fittmps, Wrought Iron Pipe,
Force and Tilt Pumps. Steam Uaugej. aluxco
Valve Governors, and all kinds of
Brass Engine Fittnrs,
furnished on short notice,
repair il en short aotiee au5U
Everybody, and
3Fvll cizica. winter oooas
The best ard
Arc now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reauced prices. We call particular
attention to our new styles ot
of all kinds and prices to suit our numeroua customers. A large stock of
G KOlvt in l'ib,
mBP?0W L t n i n a WfelK
1S'1 gents- vSVta
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
aio Street. Sceond Door East of the Court House
BRANC1I HOUSE Droad way, Coucncil Bluffs Iowa.
Call auclKCC liow clicap okI eaw be sold
AT -
Dealers in
Dry Goods, Groceries? Clothing, Notions
6lat!ts mitth gfibtlrfSilrt r $ $fattb Wm, Sfosieal
8nstruments & Spectaceis.
Agents for Oans, Pianos, Mclodeous, and Sewing Machines cf all Bet Makers
:c: '
ITIniii Street, Opposite Brooks Eiousc.
Wanted City, County and Territorial
price will be paid.
Yholesale Dealers in
souisjiiia Abrasion- wiiisio:es, &c.
Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco alvays on hand
&outia Side 3Iaiii Street - - dumber 1
more too, are going to
buy their
most complete
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Warrants, for which the highes market
Sept. 7th, w 3 in.
Northwcit Corner Third and (Yrrtra
Avenues, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Amount Insured, $G,G00,G00
John M. riiiJHps, P. client.
.Tiio. P. P. Peck, Yice-Pe-uJait.
X. W. Ilarri.-'. SicrtUirv.
K. P Marshall, Ait'tnt Srrrr'nri.
John Davis, M. I)., V.'ai.D. D.ivi. M-D..
Ztciti'-al 1'jrttm inert.
c bk boo :r Mr- anr:-w.
It. S. Hunt, P. t"or. t-'co. rn cthncii'i Ai'l so
ciety, Cincinnati.
Jo '. LurKin, l.urkin, Wri'lit Si Co Uankcri.
jV. TV, ll'irri. Sec -ctiiry Union Life
liif-urancc Couipaur.
John Cochnmrcr, l.arkin, V('rii.'!:t i Co., Ean-
kcrsi, Cincinnati.
Hurcru J 'imjt. Larkin, Vt'r'g'it i Co-, D.m-
kcM. Cini-innati.
John Mrn. M IK No ZZ Elm reel Cin.
Win It l.ri. -V 1). No .!HM;im street, Cin.
John '. 1'. fvcl;, Vice-President ol' L'nion.
Ceutral Life Insurance Co.
J'hillip JIuplnH, liuuiilton. Ohio
Jurncl William, Attorney at Lnw, 1 1 a lit il t oil O,
f'cter Mnrthii, Hamilton, liin
Jltv J A ('mlKilt, Cincinnati. (.)'ni
John M J'hii ' ':, l'reiidm.t ol Central Lifa In-
furnnre Compiiny
I.eo fiiilclte, ticn Ai?cnt For Xtlrnk
.1 II Prkssdn, Local Ap-i,t
U il Ii vixcsTox, Medical Examiner tf
of all DKeci:ii-rio.3 :.a at Ji'JV-ttuCilj.
FVIetalic Burial Cacea.
UcaJy Made, and S;.M Cheap f..r Cmh.
With many thanks fur ia-t patroiu;r, ilu
Ato ii! I to c itl aa 1 eiimiaj my 1 tr,- t:'c o
riiture an I Coftins janL'-t
Tiis Sood Intent I
Commission llooms
MAiy S T
Where you can Luy ahoovt every thin,'
eatable, including
A.t the lowest Prices lor cah. Iliheit
price paid ihr Country Produce,
Uuttr, Chicken-, ic. .v:c.
Goods Delivered in the City
Free of Charge.
At hi.- new s-tand Ou Main Street, hetwctD 1th
aud oih iouth f'vlu, hcre he ii ready
ta pcrve ail hisol.l c'.;st'jiner., nl
u many new onus is uiay ti c
him a, t:Jl,
I keep on hand uuthiKS hut tho vny
A'e-Contni!t4 uiodefor furuhhing largo f,uau -ti
tica ol incut.
Call and nee us.
A. G. 1IATT.
HAPPY, Relief for Younz Men. from tho
r fleets of Errors und Abuse in early life. Man
huod restored. Xer oat dt bility cured. Iiu.
I-ediiuentK to Murriane reiuovnd. New mcthoo '
of treatment. Xewand remarkable remedien. .
Dooks and Circulars sent free, in sealed envcV
Addrefg. HOWARD ASSOCI f TI )X, Sic.; I
outh Xinth St, 'nix duiva ia. Pa.
CcLSOth. 1 1 s