" e " ' - aj) .ji ' IMi -IMMbl iX . v Estray Notice. T.ik.i ui Ly undersigned, in Eiisht Milo Orove l'recinct. C.i county, one pony iu:ire. 6 ve.-rs old. chestnut sorrel, little white on fac botli ri 'lit feet white, branded "! 2"on left tflOUl.ltT. WM. AVETENkAUF.t Scpw5 Iaum"bci7! Lumlicr The Undersigned iUS on hand anil id lfan?sf:l wring? All k:nd. of COTTONWOOD LUMBER! ! A, 'ni.4 Mills atthe Ferry Landins at riHttf mouth Orders Promptly Filled.! WlLLIAU EdcKUTO.. Junr". 1 JAwtf. SUBSCRIBE MOW lOil Tlll-J i I 111 11 .A. Hi 1Z ! tuk ui;.s'i as ;"". DAI I A' ():ir Vrttr - -Th rtr Months One Month 10,00 i,o0 VI ,00 ki-:kia" One Year Six Months 00 THE HERALD IS TIllJ OXLY (KYE CIl'IXG com rum: xi:ivs from Tin: an i LIT WEST iiiynrr.n.v I'LATI'SM OUT II AND - tout Ivi:akxi:y. THE HERALD Ncw Of.l tlic BEST .11)1'ER T1SI.Y; .MEDIUM '.t.d"i!.c MISSOURI RIVER It is reul ! l'arincrs, Meiuli ua 3Ie chaiiios. ('out riii-tors, Stoi-k Dealers, Kailrua.l Men, llnsinoss Men, Iam;f.u-tur-;-rji, (Am-umens AND GETTING MAS2IED. Kssays r.r Yi un JIrn, on grent social evils and abuses, whi-u intorfcrc wirii marria-e with sure ui ear. sol relief f..r the Kr.'in? andl n f irtunutc, d;ifexed ind ! vnil i.i ' t 1. : t ) in sealed envelopes. J: J. . ... HOWARD ASSOCIATION, -Vo. - Xiv.'h S-rc, thilurlt 'pit J'a TI ROBERTSON - Vboleftilc Dealers in WINKS. LIQUORS AND 1 II AN DIES -Best quality cf Cigars and Tobacco always on hand All prdero promptly attended to. AIN STREET. OSK UOOK WEST OF 'HIE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE BLOOM -F R'SH.VG GOODS HOYS AjYI CHILDRESS CLOTlllJVG Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. ain Street- Second Door East of the Court House- E RANCH HOUSE Lroadwy.Coucncil Eluffs Iowa. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE Insurance Oonipany No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES K0N-F011FEITING. I5Ivide3!4a?4 n thii Contribution Ian, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Policy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : l-t. TIi i is ii Western Coirpany, managed by Western men, whoso known finannncial charac ter, sibiiily iitid T osition, iillor l snni-le rti:iranty for its careful and Fuccoful luauageuicut. 21. I:s i'olires are i-.W nofi-lrl'i I i n;r. 'J-1, l'rciniuin all it rcrrive no notf and sires none Policy holders have no interest to I'iiy, und no outtandinK notes as liei:s upon their iilicies. ii. Jt has no re.-ti i. tii.n upon travel. .r.-'i. 1 1 s itividends are mad'- tipott '.h' i" r.t rl' till, lis ba"ines ia ex'dufcivlj' life ii;.-uzaFi?c. Are the accumulation of intcr'tt upon pre i.siuin? rid. bor.ee too Comp:i:iy that loans its . at the hif.'bc-t rate of int. n-t c .n ive you t'ue l;ircst dividends. Ea.-'tcrn companies invest thuir no'tieys a; i p( r cent.. . bile t h is i::ikes its i:i vcstineiiti at t wel vc per cent, or in. ire. The adviuit.iire ol Wc.-'Utji investment." to the poli. y holder appears iu the following startlinj Cgurei: 1acanuuiit of Sl.'Xjo, invested for fifty years at t' per cent, compound interest, is S l-'.l.bi S " " 4.;.:..il.t-4 U " " " " 117.::-i-i.sS M " " " " :-:h.ik"s.i o Tt i nhvioii that thi : c.-impnny ofT.-rs prcater nnnncial alvantases and inducements to the poli -y-h.!dr than av.y ..ihT company ia ei'.staiiets OFFTCKRS ; li I) M;i"k.iT. Prr-;d.-rt. 1 y, S-.v.Mi. Vice I'i '-i-'e:if, L'r J L . ver, M d. U'tvr. tiinr'"1 A M..-! .i .; -.i.-.w. a.-s'i ; 11 L it'i'wxuu, , Sc. retur .r'.-lary, TrcasMcr DIRECTORS. I' 'i;r". Lraver.n wr;'a. K in, ! i I) M.-v k-iy, I.cavcnwi.ith Ivan. 1! L N'-'ivir.M T,r,:ivcn,xurlh Ik .1 V IMohards. " I .'.I Si. " " W V. C'lemberUin. 11 II Hammond " " V r C it in. " T A Kurd. !l i: Ue.t..n. " " ti.-o .1 " " i: H Allen. lh..s Carney. " " T) W i-. irers. " " f A "-r'v. Weston. ?.Io. S M Si in kier. .T.ir ":ini City Oo h I'.ivi-, Louis. M ii V Vi-i, i'oppka. Knn:i5. Chas Kobinrou, Ls n.acs, ! .''rriit. " " ,i " t l'ri.'e Aiehison, Kau. W.I!.vdle.v. - J'. I l!!?:iiip. " ' V R Stebbins, " M R .Mor-:i;i " 1. IS. COWAJLT, GOOD TRAVELNO SOLICITORS WANTED. V7. HAP.SIIALL, Agent, T, r . -7-,, rrwiS LIVINGSTON , filed Tzanina i 11 O if 1 1 FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1871 1871. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! EvcryboJj, and more too, are going to D. SOHHASSB 8c CO, To buy their Pall ci,23.cl 7"iiiL.te3r CS-c;-02.!S AT 1ST ji! "W" YOEK STOSE- The best and most complete ' STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Store, at crcatly reduced prices. V' call particular uueuuun to our new tijies of DRESS-GOODS. 1MUNT3, DELAINS, (ilNUUAMS. liltOWN SHEETING, JiLEACHED COTTONS, HALMOilALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S ,EV THREAD, COTTON YAH .S, IJOOTS AND SIIOi: ot ail kir.Ut and j ri .ts to n.: our numerous customers. la'fce etocl- of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QLEENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, ' -outl. ide Main street GO., FlatUmouth, Nebraska. 1 r.t : ?n id;' I !:m. 71 A Cnlkins, Cencr.il Apctit, Vv' II Harvey. Con. r etuarj, T A iiurd, Attorney. 1871 Till 9 CaSS CO., lteB LOCAL 3STE3WS Rev. Mr. Swart, will preach next Sabbath, at 4 o'clock, p m., in place of Iter. Mr. Arnold, who has gone to Iowa after Lis family. Dou't fail to go to the Fair and stay all chiy, to-morrow. It is the last aivl only chance. You can get your dinner on the Ground. I-AIY I'.ai'E-VrKIAVMZIl. The Great trial of la ly eu r tiian-hip for the sj-eciul jncniiutns of an ele-gmt Side Saddle, and a Silver GoUet, will coi'.ie olf at 2; 1), toni'jncw, and iintne diately thereafter, the trotting and pac ing will take place, for the $50 and $'2; purses, llverybody wiil he there. a SARKow i;si.tir.. Til roc JIt'll IIitrrIcI in ?Inia Nit-t Oil vrrl. V.'aher J. White, Me:idow and Chriitoidier Mahony, were Lurried alive on the west hide of Main Street Cnlvcit, about II o'clock to-day. White and Meadows were taken out unhurt. Not so with Christopher Mahony, who being an older man, was not active enough to escape the havy mass of dirt, and when taken out, was very much exhausted, and it is feared internally injured. Col II. W. Furnas, President of the State Board of Agriculture, and his s-on Arthur, are in the city attending the Cus.s Cuunty Fair. F. J. Mettcer is running a very nice spring wagon to and from the Fair ground for the accommodation of the public. If you wish a .eat to-morrow you fchould frpeak in time, as the ru-h will be great. The Howard Association, of Phila delphia, has for many 3-ears enjoyed a good reputation for professional skill and honorable dealing. We have reason to believe that it is au institution of a use ful character, conducted Ly trustworthy managers. the r.v:i:. We have no time to speak in detail of the Fair now in progress, but will say that it is proving a grand success, at least so far as the display of line stock, One products and manufactures are con cerned. There are a very large number of entries, and some of the line.-t stock is on exhibition that can be where in the United States. found am 51 ass ?ii:rxis!i Ki-Miiii r. The people of Plattsmouth and vi cinity will meet tn .ft.tsc to-night at Fitzgerald's Hall, to subscribe their mite for the one hundred thousand homeless and destitute people of all nations in Chicago. No one could give to a better cause. So terrible a calamity appeals to the sympathies of mankind. Plttts mouth will not be behind in doing l.er part. Let everybody turn oat to-night. We must send a few car le-ads uf provis ions. If there is anyloly too po-.r to give when suffering humanity cries lor help, they can at least help collect :.ud ship what others give. issiR.ixi'!: ((mi'.im::m am. KKiiir. It is now ascertained that neatly all the old reliable insurance companies, such as the Underwriter-, Home, Pho nix, of New York, and the Etna, City Fire and Phanix of Hartford, as well as the San Francisco companies,! will pay all their losses in Chicago without im pairment of capital. This comes of the wise provisions of the law under which they are incorporated, limiting them in the amount of insurance being able to take only half of their ca h capita! and assets in any one city in the United State.-. This will be good news to every one insured in these staunch and world renowned companies. The case of City of Plattsmouth vs. Joseph Sehlatcr, Ibr violation of ordin ance No. 0, in refusing to take out li cense to do business had a hearing yc terda3 evening, and resulted in a line imposed upon defendant. Frank Williams is in the city looking as hearty and jolly as ever. Frank is now Marshal of Crete, and we would ad- 1 1 1 , 1 vise rogues to give mm a wide iertn it they want to run at hrge. TIIK tXIIC'AiiO IttMiS. As it may be cf interest to some of our readers to know huw the late fire may effect the standuig of the Chicago Banks, we give below tho news of to day in regard to them : "The Commercial National Bank will commence rebuiiaing on tneir 01a site to-morrow. Meanwhile they are open for business on West Washington Street- They opened their vault this forenoon. and ail their books, papers, money and certfieates were in pt.i'ect order." The other Banks will undoubtedly re sume business immediately, as the vaults have been opened, and without except ion, everything has been found in a per fect state of preservation. Loans have been made largely to that class of busi ness men that suffer least from the dis asterprincipal loanson real estate sure ty being eastern capital. Most of the insurance companies will meet their losses promptly, as soon as losics are adjusted. Mr. C. Cooper, who has been out on the B. & M. for come time past, arrived at home to-day. THE i:iXlTI.V. We learn by private letter from Green wood, that the Republican tiekct hal 'Jo majority in that precinct. It is also re ported that Weeping Water, Salt Creek, Tipton, Liberty and Stove Creek, gave Republican Majorities, but we have not been able to obtain the figures from any of the ubove named places. We are in hopes to have the returns complete to morrow. Enough however, is known to asjure U3 that the entire Republican ticket is elected in this county. Oar former townsman, S. F. Cooper, came in from Ciete a day or two since, and reports e .ry thing lively in that vb eiuity. ELECTION The follo'inq i the Official Canvas Oilicers, : : rr: : : I ! ! i I'll : S- ' 1 : t: ' J A subscriber out in Clay County asks us to stir up the mni! department, and sveure the carrying of the m:'il as far as Sutton, in that County. We are not fully po-tcd on the mail routes in the west, but we do know that those conn ties are filling i'p very rapidly with in telligent settlers, and they should bi provided with all the conveniences in tin way of mails that it is possible to givt them. Persons having claims against the Ca-s Cuunty Agricultural and Mechanic al Association for labor or material fur nished during the recent Fair, are re quested to hand their recounts to the Secretary at once, in order that the business a Hairs may be set in shape at the next meeeting of the board. II D. Hathaway, Secretary. The P.. & M. Co. have their head quarters in this city under the IIkuald Odiee, and that wideawake agent, T. A. Iliordan, Esq , has just put up one of the neatest signs to be seen in the city. We imagine some one said it was stormy. 1 erhaps we are mistaken. Get out your Sleighs it has been snowing "right smart" to-day. (HKK IVOitK. A few days ago we mentioned the fact that Fitzgerald had taken the contract of building the O. & S. W. 11. 11. from Crete to Beatrice, and now we learn that the Cummissioncrs will examine the first ten miles of the road to-day, for the purpose of securing the State land grant. Ibis is pushing things lively. Charles II. King, Esq., of Eight Mile Grove, has our thanks for the premium head of cabbage. We do not know the exact weight, but it would only require two like it to m tke a barrel of krout. "A LI. O. K." Capt. II. E. Palmer, who represents iu this city several of the leading insur ance Companies of the United States, is in receipt of special dispatches an nouncing the solvency of the companies, notwithstanding their heavy los.-e3 in Chicago, and instructing him to pro ceed as ' 7 k X- rtS f 2 t vT 2 - - - 3 ; ; j r V' - t - - - - 5-3 -;r1'Jr?Z'i'-'---ZL?'-ii2 'Cil usual with insurance, but to money will be refunded him. Every nurease the rates, and in some body should go to the Saunders County largely instances to double them. The Home is said to be able to adjust all losses promptly and to pay on call. The Phoenix has an available fund of nearly ' $ 2. 000,000, while her Chicago losses do not exceed $3:0,o00. The Underwriters lose about $'.'06,000 in the Chicago fire, which they will pay promptly and still have over luilf a r.ri'Uon untouched surplus. This looks healthy, and no one insured in any of these leading compa nies need to have a moment's uneasi ness. In addition to some contributions al ready mentioned for the Chicago suffer ers, the following sum was received on the 13ta closing at midnight, $'.'L.)!r,74, menee shipping grain to Chicago 3Ion in cash saying nothing shout the im- day morning. This will almost com mense supplies of clothin-. provjs-! pletely restore -onIdcncc in business i'J'-S ' .-ir-i-s. RETURNS. vetes for Cass County for County Iiaae Wilis. J. S. Morton, L. II oh b s. X H Frederick D. Lenhoff. rs D. W. McKinnon. James M. Patterson, J. "iV- Johnson, Ambrose Lnzeoby. II. E. Ellison. C. II. Wirslo-x. U. W. Wise. J. D. Patterson. ! Li v. o 5 J. W. Thomas, Wm. Powers. Ed. Bradley. "IS G. tV. Fairfield. I L. II. Janics, Price Cunningham, TII i; AtVAEJIlS. We will publish, on Monday, the awards made during the recent County Fair. The total amount of grain destroyed by the recent fire in Chicago in five elevators, amounts to 1 ,('OO,O00 bu-hels. fiie amount remaining in elevators is about 5,00:,0o0 bushels. Her Majesty's subjects have done They limliK' bv t!if Clih-nn-rt liiitT.'pnra . j . . v.. have sent 10,."0' Sterling, or $b-,-'')' oQO.QOO blankets and any uumber of military tents that may be wanted. The Committee appointed to procure clothing for the Chicago sufferers desire to return their sincere thanks to the ladies of this city for the liberal manner in which they have responded to the call. The have secured a goodly sup ply, which will be immediately shipped to Chicaco. S IR A CIIK. r. Just as the exercises of the Fair had closed last cveniirg, and the crowd was leaving for home, quite a serious acci dent occurred. Several parties were running races, not in tho programme, and as is usual in such cases they soon became very careless. Wm. Gilmour, jr., was riding a race, and when near the outcome his horse came in collision with snothcr horse and rider that were at tempting to cross the track. The shock threw Mr. Gilmour and his horse both to the ground, tho horse filling on him very heavily. He was picked up appar ently lifeless; but restoratives being at hand his respiration and pulsation were soon restored, and we learn to-da that it is thought his injuries will not prove fatal. The horse which he rode had his shoulder broken by the collision. KAl'XDtlt.S coixiy 1 aii:. The Saunders Count' Fair comes off on the 1'Jth and i.'0th inst., and the indications are that they will have a first-class time. Arrangements have been perfected with the B. Sc M. Co. to carry passengers to and from the Fair at three-fifths fare, and stock will be trans ported free the owner to pay forgoing aud on returning with a certificate that the stock has been on exhibition the Fair. i n i 1 t com im a i We learn from Col. II. M. Van Ar man, State Immigration Agent, that ten families of a colony organized by him arrived to-day, and will settle in Seward and Crete. "And the cry is still they come !"' Among the curious things on exhibi tion at the Fair, was a "charm string" of buttons entered by miss Nellie Par mele, that had 700 buttons on, making a string nearly ten feet long. I'OKU'AStO! Orders were received at the li & 31. II. R. offices in this city to-day to coiu- IS71. A, II G. BUCK GROCERIES S,- PROVISIONS, I would respectful'! annour.ee to tho cit;e;iy OL- Port smouth h Vicinity that I have oju-ieda frst class Grocery & Provision Store, on Cth Street, south of I.IAIN STREET. PUB LI C PATRONAGE. Gomiji tlcliTcrvd to any part oflhe citv free of cbaricti A. Ji. 1UCK. I .. . o 1 1 e-1 7 . C Legal Notice. John S'nvdrr an ! Martha 1!. Sr.ydcr will take notic, tiit 1 'allied W Cameron, Old on the I'.', day ! . "September IsTI.lilu his p.'t ti i.m in the I'i-tri' t Conn if the J Judi.dal L'i.-uier in and for I'.i- e.'iu.ty Nebraska, ntruiii-t .'ohn snder Martha I). .Snyd.-r an I Calvin Jl. 1'arineU I'e fendants setting forth that the said JoO:i 'Sny der and Martha I', Snyder, pvc 4 laurs nci1 to faij l'aniel W. Cameron. 011 the west half ol the souili ra.-t uuarter and the west hall . I the north ca.-t q.i.irter of "cettou Xo. Thirty Poirin '!' iir hiu 1 N01 th of riuih'c la l.at of Cth 1'. M. in fai-l t'oimty of T.is-, to sreure the pa -lMinta of the film of Thirty live hundred lo lars and intere-t are-rdin to a eertnin I'toiuissory note reterri'l to in said inortKape. i'id Jray ingthutsaid JohnSnyder and Martha li Snyder in i.v pay said sum now elaiuied to 1'odiie wi;h in terest amounting 'u the sum of s !,,"oil, within teie.-t at U per rent from tho '27' U day uf l'ch uary 1S71. or thaf said pretni-es may he Sidd to pay the tauia said John Snyder and Martha 1! Snyder are required to .in.-.n'er s-iid petition on or before the Ota day of Nov. 171. DA NIK I, W CAMERON Pv Matwv i.i. A C-tiA vma n An s Se 1 t . 2 1 w" t BROOKS IIOUSKT" JOHN FITZtjJEKALD Proprietor Mtiin Street, Between 5th and 6th. PheSns Paine GENLRAL iNSURNCE AG'T I "LATTS MOUTH, N K f'HASK A. Represents soiuo i f the mo-t reliable Couipau ies in ihe United States. Office, with Parties i Pollock in Fittrerald B!iek . jauTdAwtt CWGERtES PROVISIONS ! CALL AT AUCTION AND C o m m i bs io n Room .s UAiySTR Where you can buy almost every thing eatable, including IFresIi JFruit At the lowest Prices for cash. Tliehe.-t price paid for Country Produce, Uutter, Chickens, c. Sic. Goods Delivered in the City Free of Charge. S. PIT KM jylTd&wtf. A'AA'.VA.S CITY. St. Joseph & Council Blutts RAILROAD COMPANY. Forms the connecting link between The Union l'ucific Railroads, and the Southei and Kasteiu THROUGH LINES. Good Accommodations, tiood Connection', ijood Speed. Runninir from Counejl Rlufis-to Kunsar t'ity. and over the uiat-'iiilieiUit Iron Uridse iicro.-s the Missouri Kiver No Change ol C;:r:! MILKS THE SHOUT EST ROUTE OMAHA & ST. LOUTS CONNECTI.NO AT KANSAS CITY with the North Missouri and Missouri Pacific Ko:uls for St. LouU and all points Last and South. V. ith Kansas and i'aeilic itailroad for Lawcr cr.ee, fopeka. Sheridan, i'eiiver and all points in Southern Kau.-a--. Cidorado and Sew Mexieo. Villi the Missouri River, Fort ftcott and OulJ Railroad lor Fort Scott, Uiiiler Spriiigi and the I tuiian Territory. AT LEA YEN U .lid ll with Kansas P.o ifiv Rai roa t for Lawrence. Topeka. I'envtr. A'-. AT Ailil.-ON' with Central l'ranch E.-.ilroad f..r Seniea. (.'eiilraliii. Irving, Waf.-rvilic and points ill Central Kan.-a. AT S 1' ! 1 1 Ll'H with Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad for lUnnilml. (iuiney. C'hicaso and all point - Rji-t. , , , With St.Joseidi A I'-nviT Railroad for Troy Wiitiieria and points in Nortli-rn Kansas. AT t'lii Nt'lL RLL'l KS with the Union Pacific Raiiromt fir smoux City, UeoTtr, Salt Lake ai:d Caiilornia. With Sioux city Paeiric Railroad fir Sioux city and points in t he-far North.. With the. Chi' apo A Northwestern R-.ilroads; Chie2 llo-. k Island und Pacific Roilroad: h. l Rurlinirton A- Missouri River Railroad for Ciiieairo and Points East. 'i icktts as LOW' n by any Other Route. Pul. man's Palace Cars on all niuht trains. No Chaise ol Cars. Ticket for Sale at STAR. LRAX -L HOPKINS i nl s'ii.t.. St. Joseph. Mo "(,i:t'AS. CENTRAL RCLTE Via Niasara Fulls. Speed, Comfort Jt Fafctj PULLMAN'S KACNiFICENT CARS Fr m Chicago to New York, via Miebican tral and (Ircat Western Railroads. Four Express Trains leave Chicago daily via tins line tor iorK lioston. ana all intermediate points in the East. FAST ATLANTIC EXPRESS Leaves Chicago every afternoon, bavin? Mulch ed the celebrated Hotel Car from Chicago to Rochester, and a niMsnifier.t Pullman i'alace Prawinir Room Car lrom Chicago to N ew York without chance. W, C. Mria.Uon'l Sup't Gt. "Vcstern R. R. Hamilton, Out. H. E. Sar?.-i:t. Gen. Sup't M.C. R. R. Chicago Henrv '. 'V. :' x-f4 '. 'J.-r-'l Pa'cn-'T Chi.::.K... nTinrinf- iiwr i l'5ION PACIFIC KAILKOAD. Until further notice trnins will leuVo and ar: rive at tninh:ias follows: Leave Arrive. Ilxi ress 110) a. t.l. Kreiht :"4) 1. in. Mixed fiiiOp. 111. r'tpres. ') f,. jr Freight H:Wn. v. .Mixed 8:00 f. I Pire. I eonn.-etiuu mnde at Oninlia with Chi' F A N. W. Railroad: Chi.-.i-o .IS. 1. A Pae . Chi. aao. Luriinsi.iti A Mo. K. R. R., atij K City, St. due. A- Council lilnft'- Ruili oad.. r'r' mi nt v. ;:!i stac. - t or Liu 0I11 und West Ron At Ciic.i cue w .1 h lein er l'aciiiu R. R. for I'i,. er, (' I 'ral ( ity. Santa Fe and point in Colo . do and New Mexico. Ai I'.ijnn, il;lifLieh 1 the n cat Siviclnaliv in i nil' 1 1 i s.-i ids. .A t ' V den. with l't;'.h Central -'. for Silt Lake ;: Southei ai I 1.1!,, and C. I". ... K. for Cori.i.: ' V ir.r'iil.1 City, licit 11.1. Whit.' I'nie, Sneran: . . San 1 r.uiei.n-o, mid pi incipa I cities in Calif 1 i Nevada. Idaho. iic;-on ;in.l a.-hinutan. Tickets tor ale at the eoiupiiny'K ol'ico coi. Fai iinaui aud iilh st." mid at Leput ollices. T. li. Si.-k-l , tieu'l Sui ' T. L-Kimball lo n'l I'a s. Aitent. W, C. i hotnpson. A!i't l'lutsenKcr Ant, Onia F U R tt S T U R E" "ti And desier in all kinds ol" SiErsiil aire q& dsnj. main street, (third door west of V O Flattsmouth - - - tic' S.t Repairing and Varni-hinit neatly done. I uneraU ttended at the shortest notice. We arc opening an Unusually attractive Stock of lull and Whiter goods, purchase Early largely and Low down. We buy from first Class houses, invariably For cash, and have all The advantages of trade, And I'ropose to give our Customers goods at Prices we know must Please. Come, And be convinced that ' Our slock is complete And the place to purchase Dry Good, Notions, Hoots, Shoes, Groceries, &c., Is at Clark &. PlummerV Main Street opposite Irocks House Plattsmouth. The Rciiihixton&.llia'Miit E.ivcrl.nillSoacl, Spcctt, Hnfitij and (htm for I. a coi. Lection ith the ( CQ-'t IiarVnfjtnn & Qitincy Ii. V- the people of PlattFraoalh, and aU of Nebraska lyins tdi rect, and lh heft F.oule to tho Ea South Eastern, and Northern Mates. Passe oxers desmnz to travel luxuriously shot. -tak the Atlantic Kxpr-, which run through to Chicago without chaiiKe of Cars, equippe-'-frith elcKaiit Lny Coat lies, Eullmau's i'aidC. Pay and 5lecping Coaches, and Rates always as LOW as the LOWEST. R -gae cheeked throuKh to any point EaM. C. E. PERKINS. Gen. gupt. A. E.TOUZALIN', Gen. i'assenger Aifent, ianLOdAw tf, : outhu or the flatte. EMPIRE BAKERY. geo aET-y , Corner Main and Third Sts riattsinouth, Ncbra.-ka, keep on hand a full supply of C -o a feci io n cries. Pies, Cakes, Cheese and It I? FR liSI3.!IEI'T?i and a complete assortment of Grocct iej, Queensware, and Glaa.-wars. t"-Give UK a call- llll'l dc-l'U GUTHMAN- A ItULF-TV