r '- im " ... .
"ti i u iisi) ay, o croiii-nTiTTsTT"
It is rej.ortt-l tii.it tlioy have lia-1 a
fire in Council iJIuiF last tiigLt, 1-ut no
particulars have reaclieil 113 yet.
The return of yuider.Jay's election arc
cMning in very s-lowfy. We have .rc
arel a taLle in which we give fill the
figures that itc have obtained. There
are rumors, without any definite figure?,
from various precinct:, which we do not
give, Lut await the official return.
l'RM I OU SAli:.
A good Stock Farm,. 12 miles from
I'latt-iiioutli, two miles iroiu II. II.
Station, 21 A acce.9, CO .acred timber,
good water, cood house, Lain and out
Luildings, kr.), acres fenced, GO acres
pasture, ho; and cattle lots in abund
ance. Will be sold cheap. Payments
to suit. Enquire at the Herald office,
d&w. Iw.
A question for politicians who's
ahead; Billy O'Nobhs cr Frederick Von
LcnhofT. We lot on Billy O'lloll.s.
i;ui-ii.v.u ioinu ox trial.
'JJrothcr Un'-haui" was brought be
fore Jndpe McKenn yesterday aficrnocn,
and held to bail in the sum of $5,000 to
answer the charges brought. A motion
to quri!-h the indictment was bein. ar
guctl Wt evening. It is thought there
will be trouble if IJrigham is convicted.
There is much excitement manifested by
the Saints.
miMiUKAT rim;.
T"j to ho hour of roin;r to press we
are unable to get anything later from the
preat destruction at Chicago, than what
appears in the morning papers, except,
thit it is now sai 1 the water woiks arc
not destroyed. There is no doubt that
th'3 place where proud Chicago stood
bi.-t Saturday is now one vast lie'd of
desolation, and that little more than the
adies of the great city now remain. Aid
Las been tent from all the cities of the
west, to relieve t'ua sulk-rings cf the
houseless and homeless.
A few of the Democratic leader? of
thif country are endeavoring to capture
the German vote of the Coun'y by a
very flimsy trick, that of placing a Ger
man on their ticket and asking the Ger
man vote in consequence. The idea
that intelligent men can be induced by
this fliincy means to vote against a prin
ciple is too absurd to scarcely need men
tion. The men who take the German
voters of this County for ignoramoses,
t'ntein ft; wbeodled into this way o'
doing, will reeoivc a just rebuke through
the ballot-box to-morrow. Dj tliezo
tricksters su po.-e they can induce in
telligent Germans to inaugurate a war
fare on naticnnlity, just suth as not only
the Germans but all other foreigners
justly condemned a. few years ago when
Knownothinsrism was in vogue? Per
Imps these demagogues can induce iu
t'dlisrent men to commence a warefare
which must prove disastrous, and per
haps not. W e shall see. We have too
inuch faith in the intelligence of the
German voters to believe so yet.
I am authorized by the Nebraska
State Board of Agriculture, to receive
proposals for holding the State Fair in
September, 1872. Proposals will be re
ceived at my office in Brownville until
D-rember 1st 1S7I.
Propositions will be received from ag
ricultural societies, town, cit.3 or county
authorities. The successful competitor
to give satisfactory guarantee f.r faith
ful pei furmance of an agreement to I c
entered into. Point of acres, aecomma
tions, and probable receipt will be prom
inent features governing a decision.
Propositions will bo received in round
numbers, dollars and cents, or lor
grounds fitted up complete, enclosed or
securely guarded, with sufficient halls,
sheds, steam pjwer, and stock pens and
ttdls to accommodite.
No propo.-ition will be considered
which, does not give the B. ard entire
and exclusive control of the grounds on
which the fair is held, ar.d for sufficient
dist ince adjacent, to afford proper pro
tection, and entire accruing proceeds
booth rents and gate receipts. For fur
ther particulars, address,
President State Board of Agriculture,
Brownville, Nebraska.
Council Chamber, )
Plattsmouth, Oct. 7, 1071. j
Council met in regular session.
Present T'ao Mayor Aldermen
Duke, Buttery, Shannon, Fitzgerald,
Cashing and Fihart, Clerk and Marshall.
The minutes of meetings held Sept.
5th and 10th read and approved.
On motion the clerk was instructed to
correct the minutes of the meetings held
cn the 2th and 29th of August.
" A pet'r.ion signed by many citizens in
regard to repealing ordinance. No. G,
was then read and presented, on which
there was no action taken.
Alderman E. T. Duke then presented
an ordinance to amend ordinance No. 0,
read first time.
It was then moved that the rules be
suspended, and said ordinance read sec
ond and third time and put on its final
passage, on which a vote was taken, re
sulting as follows: Messrs. Puke and
Shannon yes Messrs. Cushing, Fitzger
ald, Buttery and EiTmr, r:o and the
jaiotien was lost.
Oa motion, Council adjourned.
Attest, Mayor.
1L II. Vanatta, City Clerk.
A Paris paper says, that a rich Ame
rican has offered to rebuild the 'raille
ries, solely at his own expense, on condi
tion, that one of the wings of the new
building shall receive his name, and
that as long as he lives he shall be al
lowed an apartment in it looking out on
the gardens, aud an invitation to all the
ceremonies that shall ever be given in
the palace by any government which
zmy be in power there, .
Plattsmouto, (At. O.h, 1671.
To the Republicans of C-is County:
Whereas, a reort is be-in ci.vulaU-J
that J. M. Beardsley and tJio; friends
who worked for his nomination in the late
convention, are endeavoring to cause
dissatisfaction, and are throwing their
influence fur the Democracy, be it un
derstood that I have thoroughly can
vassed the city, and there is nut a shad
ow of truth in the report. Mr. Braids
ley and his fi 'lends made a per.-istent
and respectable light, and were honora
bly defeated, and they expect to make
just as earnest a fight from t his date un
til G, o'clo-ok p. m., Tuesday, for the
straight Bcpublisan ticket as they did
fir his nomination.
J. W. Barnes.
I heartily endorse the above letter.
J. M. Beauuslev.
fiprlom Afrldcnl.Xrr.r I'nlmy rn.
Kn. Herald: When I told you that
I would give you the news of t'us locali
ty, I did not think it would be so diiLcult
to find something to write about. I am
unable to rec how you keep your paper
so full of valuable local news. But
every one to his trade.
We arc credibly informed that there
was a serious accident near Palmyra, in
Otoe County, on last Sabbath. It ap
pears that some boys went out to hunt
deer. They succeeded La killing one,
and wounding another one. The wound
ed deer, however, made its escape to a
neighboring canebrake. The boys went
home and got seme of their neighbors
to go with them after the wounded ani
mal. Those who had guns surrounded
the cane thicket, while Mr. Charley
Yial and others, entered the thicket to
scare out the deer. Mr. Yial unfortu
nately wore a w hite hat, which one of
the boys saw, and supposed it to be the
deer's head. He aimed his gun, as he
thought, low enough to hit the animals
body, and fired, the supposed deer fell
lie called to his companions that he had
shot the d!cr, and ru.-hed to the spot,
When, who can imagine his horror and
amazement, when he taw his neighbor,
Mr. Yial. lying before him, with a hor
rible wound in his rinht arm. The ball
passed through the right elbow joint,
shattering the l-on s very badly.
Dr. W. S. White, of Palmyra, and
Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Weeping Water,
were called to dress the wound. They
think they can save the arm.
The old maxim, no great loss without
some gsin, appears to be true in this
case, for the boys say they will never
hunt again mi the Sabbath day. May
they ever keep their vow, is the prayer
of your liU'nblo servant. L.
Ca s Co. Neb., Oct. 0, 171. j
Mr. Editor: Having lately become
a citizen of your Slate, and not having
got connections formed with the news
paper world, I find myself sadly behind
the times as regards State aud county
politics ; and would feci under oblia
tion for information upon a few points.
Fiom information received, it appears
that your laws permit the holding of a
certain kind of tinecure. Is it so?
The thing is said to be in this form : A
man was elected to the office, of County
Clerk, took the office, and with part of
the income, hires another man to do the
work, and pockets the bala.ice. . If such
be true, is our progress backward or for
ward ? From just Mich things the peo
ple of the oi l government of Europe
are just now shaking themselves lice.
Bat then, admitting the th-ng to be
true, there ma be a justifiable reason
for it. Perhaps the people, knowing
the great executive abilitiesof that man,
placed him in that position, giving sala
ry enough to hire a substitute and pock
et a suiplus. If I am right in this
guess then I gue.;s it is all light. They,
the people, are the best able to I e judg
es of their own ignorance and his abili
ties. Ana granting that all this is just
so how very grateful the people afore
said ousrht to be, that providence, or
somebody else, sent this man among
them! This Cinoinnatus I As for me,
I would manifest my gratitude in a still
more substantial form. I would pro
pose that he be elected grand head cen
tre, hub, spoke and tire, of the county
government. You know the various of
fices included therein, place them all at
his disposal, and call hirn multum in
pirro, and he, with his great abilities,
would find men to do the work under his
superintendence. And if a modicum of
the different salaries should happen to
slide into his pocket, what of that?
Sure such talents ought to be recorded
on enduring mud.
Some people are so impolitic as not to
see any beauty in such a state of things ;
and they would rather vote for any other
man to hold the office, as for instance
that man that now does the work for
pirt of the income, than to vote for this
modem Cincinnatug. But it is plain such
people do not fully appreciate the privi
leges with which they are blessed.
In happy England such things have
been done to perfection. Town clerk
ships and other such things frequently
run in the blood of particular families,
like woodon legs and bad characters
But the blood is purely partrician, the
families rich, and plebiau talent is em
ployed to do the work. His late very
Koyal Highness, Prince Albert, was per
haps, the greatest sinecuiist in the
country, holding, among others, the of
fice of Chief Hanger of Windsor, For
est, Chief Hat-catcher of the Uoyal
Palaces, and Culouek-ies," and General
ships, and so forth, with very acceptable
salaries to each.
I admit that this is somewhat difler
tiit from our sinecurist. But the differ
ence is in favor of curs. He, not hav
ing half as good a chance, has still suc
ceeded in getting in the thiu end of the
wedge. And if he be let alone, he will,
no doubt, rear a noble structure. For
O'.k, I sry, let him alone severely.
Truly Yours,
AxriiE'.V SUi.Li.KAKK.
S- ROM "I II K . r . It.
Eaolk, C ss Co., Neb., Oct. Gth, '71.
Mr. Hathaway,
Dear Sir: I have been a resident of
Tipton Precinct, for more than a year
and the greater portion of that time, a
reader of your live, little paper. But
there is one thing that I am astonished
at, and that is, during the whole time,
T hive not heard one word from Eagle.
Now I do not consider that your fault;
but the fault of the residents of Tipton,
who neglect to place before the world
rhe inducements that the natural loca
tion of the place hold out to those seek
ing homes in Nebraska. Geographically,
we are located in the southwest part of
Cass County; or to be more exact, in
Town 9, Ilange 10, and about equal dis
tance between the B. & M. and the M.
V. It. Us , or about 8 miles from each.
For country, we have a high, rolling
praiiie, whose soil cannct be surpassed
for productiveness, even by the rich
bottom lands of Illinois and Iowa. The
crops are more than an average here this
year. Coin being of the bc.-t quality,
and yielding from forty to seventy bush
els per acre. Wheat and oats of the
best qualit', but not so large a crop as
would be expected from the amount of
straw. Potatoes, the best quality, and
yield large. Homesteads all taken, but
the B. & M. U. 11. Co., who are offering
their lands to settlers, at prices ranging
from eight to thirteen dollars per acre,
on the ten year credit, and twenty per
cent, lower on short time, for cash. For
markets we have Greenwood, on the B.
& M., and Palmyra, on the M. P. R.
B., about equal distance, being about
eight miles to each place. Both bid
ding fair, in time, to make thriving
business towns. Taking into considera
tion the facilities, we have for stock
grazing, and the price of lands together
with our loeation, there can be no place
that can offer stronger inducements, to
those wishing homes. Politically, Tip
ton is sound, casting at the recent con
stitutional election, almost a unanimous
vote for the new Constitution. Uelig
ously, the people are about the same
that is found in every new country,
laboring under the disadvantage of a
new country, such as want of ministers,
to preach to them, and suitable places to
hold public worship.
There is a strong educational spirit
manifested by the people, in establishing
school districts, and building school
houses. All in all, Tipton is as desirea
blc a place for a man seeking to build
up a home for himself, as could well be
wished for.
Ilcping to soon hear from sonic ons
whose interests have been longer identi
fied with those of Tipton, than my own
have b:en, I clo.:0. A. !! P.
We publi.-h an article to-day calling
upon our people to give aid to the suf
ferers by the fire at Chicago, Since the
article was written, we have peon a sub
scription paper which is in circulation,
and being signed very liberally by our
business men.
For tlie Nebraska IJeraM.
Hesi-eria, Fillmore Co., )
Sept. 30, 1S71. j
Dear Editor : Hast one ray of pity
in that great heart of yours, not already
in lively exercise for the toiling thous
ands of Nebraska's hardy yeomen?
Then let us foul the soul-cheering influ
ence of that sympathy which can flow
from no other source save from the per
ennial fountain of "our weekly news
paper." We have often realized the
fact that there is a kind of jxircntal
breathing toward us from the sanctum
of the Herald, when perusing its pages
week after week, especially when worn
with toil rnd weary with care. We are,
at the present writing exceedingly toil
and care-worn almost discouraged.
Before we left the East we had made up
our mind just how we would arrange
our business in our new home in Ne
braska. We thought to have a little
field of wheat, some oats and barley, and
a small "patch" of corn enough of
each for bread, feed and seed a couple
cf cows to furnish us with (strawberries
and) cream, butter for our bread, and
milk for our "mush" a small "patch"
for potatoes and "truck" a small pas
ture, meadow and orchard these, with
horse stable, aud sty for the pigs tim
ber, and plenty of good water we
thought would supply all our wants and
be to us a sufficient store of earthly
bliss. We even went so far as to draw
a plan of our homestead. Here we had
timber and water, there the meadow and
pasture here we had upland, there bot
torn here's where we built the house,
and fixed the garden and orchard we
had this part rolling and that level.
With these plans all arranged in our
mind, we crossed "Old Muddy" at
Plattsmouth, and "rolled out" for
the valley of the Blue. We had not
the least trouble to find and secure a
claim that just filled the bill. Every
thing moved on as pleasantly and smooth
as the waters of our beautiful river,
with the goose bird at a delightful atti
tude. Often the past season, aa we sat be
neath the old elm at our cottage door,
and looked out over the fields of golden
grain and tasseled maize, have we con
gratulated us upon the possession of so
goodly a heritage. We have often
wished Uncle Samuel would make us a
call and see our little eighty acre home
stead, now we have it improved, and
give us a chance to thank him for the
generous gift. Dut, dear Herald, we
have found that there is something to do
on a homestead in Nebraska, besides
sow the seed and sit in the shade and see
the crop3 grow and mature. ' There's
harvesting to be done, "you bet," and
there's just where our 'bubble burst,' and
hero's where we want your sympathy.
We have not been as foolish as that fel
low we read about who pulled down his
barns and built "bigger" and then told
his sotd to rest aDd take it eay. We
Clled the old barns and new ones too,
yet there is not room enough. Look at
tne corn with the ears so far nn the
sta one has to have a ladder to get
them ; then our man wants more wae
it is such hard work to pull the potatoes
out of the hills. Our little "shavers"
tip the basket on its side and roll the
potatoes in it with the cant hook, and
cfien cry because the potatoes are too
big to go into the basket. Patience?
Ila! Patience is no virtue here. Job
may have had a few boils, but he never
had a farm that produced such prodig
ious crops he could not take care of
them- Perhaps you think our case an
exception, but it ain't ; it's just so every
year, and the same with nearly every
man in the Blue valley. To ba sure
there are some men too lazy to sow, and
who don't half cultivate what little they
do plant ; of course they get a small
crop of grain lut the weeds! Oh ! the
veeis! The soil will not lie idle, if they
don't give it grain to grow it will grow
weeds. We thought the soil would get
reduced after a few years, but it's no
such a thing ; the oftener and deeper
we plow, the greater the yield of every
kind and best quality of produce. I ex
pect you will say we are an inveterate
grumbler. Who can help it ? In tlse
East we had to work hard to get enough
to keep soul and body together, and here
it is harvest, gather, dig and pick for
three months every year, and when
done, we have heaps upon heaps, like
Sampson's Philistines, which he put to
the sward with the jaw bone of an ass.
Then just as we get seated at the desk
to write to ye Herald, here comes one
ui;n who wants to buy potatoes and
corn, another wants wheat and cats,
others hay and bailey, &c., &c. And
when we proposed to go to Plattsmouth
for a car load of lumber for a new house,
and a new "hat" for our better half,
she suggests that "we go and buy a few
good cows and some pigs, and stay in
the old 'dug out' another year." She
thinks the cows and pigs will pay be ter
interest than a new house. What strange
ideas some women have ! We have
come to the conclusion that "there is no
peace for the wicked" nor rest for the
We have got about through gathering
in our crops for this year. When done,
we are going on a regular buffalo hunt.
We shall see Bed Cloud, Waterloo.
Napoleon and Arapahoe, and a little of
the world in its native beauty, and wili
write the Hesald all about the sights
we sec. Yours, Auaz.
The world stands appalled by the ter
rible conflagration that has swept away
the proud and beautiful city of Chicago.
A few short hours have passed since
sho was the acknowledged queen of the
great northwest. Her wealth and pow
er extended over the entire world. She
stood as a monument to the power of
wealth, cnerg3r and public spirit, stand
ing upen her oicn JuunJaliun built by her
own hands. She was a little world of
herself. To day she ia beggard a fear
ful calamity has bumbled her to the
dust. Her cry for help is heard aud
answered from all the world. Thank
God for the generous impulses of human
nature! Our national firmament h; a
been robbed by tin fire fiend of one of
her brightest stars. Where i? the
American who has not pointed to Chi
cago as a monument of American In
dustry. A sad and gloomy darkness
shrouds our land ! Chicago belongs to
history ; but her people live. Shall we
sec them die, when it is in our power to
save? No! this is not human nature.
God made us dependent. There is a
fellow feeling for those in distress.
Every dispatch is freighted with the
good and cheering news that this town
and that town and that town are con
tributing to suffeiing humanit- send
ing forward money, clothing and provis
ions to the one hundred thousand home
less and destitute people of Chicago.
Will Plattsmouth stand by, an unmoved
spectator no willing hearts or hands
to lift the burden fioin our suffering
brethren in Chicago? If so, will an
avenging, all-wise God stay the fire
fiend from wiping this unworthy town
from the face of the earth? Great God !
are there no generous impulses in the
hearts of our people ? Can we not re
jpond with our mite just o:ie car load cf
provisions, if no more, just to take the
curse off. We are not impregnable
against fire. How soon may we call for
help with none to pity. Z.
Llternl Drilrnriion of the City.
Elsewhere we publish a dispatch of
yesterday morning relative to the de
struction of Chicago by fire. Since that
we learn from Mr.. Geo. Munday, mana
ger of the Western Union Telegraph at
this place, that the city is literally de
stroyed. The fire has already laid waste
almost the entire business portion of the
city, on both sides of the river, and at
3 p. m. to-day was raging with unabated
fury. The Court House, the Sherman
House, and all that region of the city
had been swallowed up by the fire-fiend ;
the banks were all gone, the waterworks
were destroyed, and the latest word was
that powder was being deposited for the
purpose of blowing up bui'dings to en
deavor by that means to check the
spread of tho flames. A prominent
citizen of Chicago estimated the dam
age, at 3 clock to-day, at ($500,000,000)
five hundred millions of dollars. This
figure, of course is overdrawn ; but
there is no kind of doubt that the busi
ness portion of the city is literally de
stroyed. A well-made violin contains more than
fifty different pieces of woods, the woods
being three : maple, red deal, and ebo
ny. The wood must be thoroughly sea
soned, especially the red deal ; and the
only artist of modern times who is said
to counterfeit the works of the f reat
Italian makers M. Yuillaume, of Pa
ris has done so mainly by a most care
lul selection of materials. M any a roof
and panel from Swiss chalets have found
their way into his workshop. Be the
train ever to good, the material must
have undergone the Mow action of time.
,tliy u ivur lrulur4 lake tlie
A Newport correspondent says: Sitt
ing on the hotel piazza the other moru
iiie, watching a group of young ladies,
1 overheard a curly-headed little maid
en, who was frizzed, and paniered and
puffed, in the height of the style, ex
claim : "Oh I like the Independence
best ! A moment before I could have
sworn, that la Petite never looked
at a newspaper, and surprised, I took the
liberty of listening further. "The Tri
bune suits me," said her blackcyed com
panion. "I take tho Evening Post,"
chimed in, a stylish, saucy looking girl,
who was pelting somebody over the
railing with pon l Tillies a beautiful
bunch, by the way, which five minutes
before, I had seen a gentleman carefully
selecting for her. from a little urchin's
basket. And when. I wonder, do you
girls get time to read the newspapers?
'Fold them four double of course' was
the next sentence 1 c aught, and more
puzzled than before, I very impolitely
walked near the group, when everything
was made clear to me by the blonde say
ing: I hi! J nither have a newspaper
anvdav, than the best pannier made in
Pa'ris." Think of it Mr. Tilton ! Think
of it Mr. Greelev! Did it ever occur to
you, what a bustle you make in fashon-
able circles f
JosTi I2illlnj;si on Frea I.otp.
I beleaf in free fight, especially amung
cats and Iogs.
I be'eaf in free rides on a gate.
1 beleaf in fruedutu of every slave on
But free hive iz one ov them kiads ov
frecduiu that it dou'tdo to be limber
If this world was a garden ov Edin,
and lull ov Adam and Eve, az they was
when they was first launched, theu I kan
imagine it might do for some other Ad
am to hold mi Eve on hiz lap, and talk
about hiz ailiniteeh add spiritoal essence
aud play lamb.
In them daze, there wa'nt no humin
natcr, it was all God nater.
Humin nater has been soaked so much
sinse, it is tew weak to be trusted in a
lot whar the 'seed is poor, next tew a
aicddo, without much fence between,
nor any poke on.
Free hive wants more poke than enny
other animal.
1 don't beleaf in total depravity un
less a man has a good chance.
Free love is a good deal like drinking
a 0 shilling gin for a bevridge Bevridge
is a Chinese word, and means cussedneas.
And the free love i have witnessed
thus fir, haz existed between a viilir
nous lotcher on one side, and a lunatic
virtue on the other side that haz been
deodorized out ov its truth; and had lot
aul ov its modesty and shame, in huntin
after a condishun whar sin had ceased to
be a crime.
The fust free lover we have enny
akount ov was the devil.
Immense BuslneMs of the Pension
Th2 statement of the condition of the
business of the Pension Officii on the
1st of June, furnishes interesting infor
mation There are yet pending in the
office 90,234 claims for pensions, of
which 8., 114 are army invalid", 2G,0S"
soldiers' widows and dependent heirs,
70S navy invalids, 040 sailors' widows
and claims of the war of 1812. The
army and navy rejected claims number
19,017. The number of invalid claims
not reached lor action or in which evid
ence have been received but not applied,
is 2,736; w:dows' claims in the same
condition, 3,021; navy claims. 145; col
ored claimants, 1,'.'!S3; total not reached,
7,S5 . The nuiiibtr of pensioners on
the rolls June 30. 1S70, was 207, ISO: in
crease, 8;;M). The amount of pensions
paid lor the twelve months proceeding
June 30, ls70, was $27,332,220. 'J. ; for
the twelve months succeeding Juue 30,
1870, $28,132,109. 07.
They are going to give to Seth Green
the distinguished fish aecoucher a
great shad dinner in New Yoik next
spring, for his public services in promot
ing the artificial propagation of shad in
all the Eastern rivers. He has just put
sixty thousand baby shads into "cribs"
in the streams of Connecticut. In Ich
thyologioal Obstetrics, Seth Or. en i
w ithout a peer. He is peculiarly deserv
ing of an ovation. "Life is a shad-oh,
how it liies !"
Tho Scientific Amttiutn gives the fol
lowing description ot a cou. Lined Coin
hardest ;r and busker, the invention of
an Ii wa man, Leonard Devorc, residing
at V et r:
"Ibis invention relates to a machine '
that, when dravn thrciiuh a field of
standing corn, g 'th rs tl; ears, drops
them into an elevator, cuts off the knots,
slits tli j shucks winie on the ears into
transverse ribbons, doing such cutting
and slitting at the same time that the
ears are bring elevated, drops the ears
from the elevator into the shucks, strips
oil" the hu-ks, throwing them out ot
the ltiacume, an.
1 finally conveys the
ears off to one side of the apparatus,
where it lets th?ui fall into any recepta
cle that may be provided ."
History not only repeats itself in the
world at large, but does it in the life of
the same nation. When Borne as queen
fro ui her seven hills, surveyed the known
world and called it her own, she was en
acting the first historical scene. Then
followed an oligarchy, under the false
name of Republic. The empire pos
sessed no element of stability, and has
succeeded in the end by a .sacerdotal gov
ernment; and yesterday the descendants
of the lir.-t royalists celebrated, with in.
tense enthusiasm, the first anniversary of
freedom from priestly rule. Once umre
is Rome a royal city. The next move
will advance her to a .ccond Bepublic
But at this point, if Italy is wise, the
comparison will cease, and the new Be
public shall only change, as all true re
publics change, by development more
and more completely the ideas of popu
lar government.
focal tJotite.
Notice. Notice is hereby given ihat
my bocks have been placed in the hands
of Jonathan Adams, Eti., for Settle
ment. Parties interested will take no
d&w. I w.
Run Here Everybody. I will offer
my stock of Dry Goods and Notions at
Public Auction, at my store in Platts
mouth, Tuesday, October 10th, 1871,
(sale to commence at 10 o'clock and con
tinue day aud evening through the week).
My stock consists of Wool Deljaines,
Common DeLaines, Prints. Ginghams,
Flannels, Winter Shawls, Ch Jdren's
Hoods, several pieces of Cloth ; Cassi
meres, Cambrics, Alpacas. Muslins, Ta
ble Cloths, Bed Ticking Toweling, Lin
ens and Notions of almost every descrip
tion; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
and everything that urght be found at a
Dry Good3 House.
F. S. White, Auctioneer.
Drop in at the Star Bakery, corner
Main and Sixth streets and see what
they have in the Bakery and llofrosh
mont line. It makes no difference
whether you buy anything or not call
and see Frank unrch'.l hi".
Officially Counted at Lincoln, WcOncud.iy, October 4, 1S71.
For I
u v a ri'.v
d:ns coutry
Iipone county
JJurt county
hutler county
HuiTalo c.iUDty
Ciu-Jj county
Wr county
Cheyuue couuty
Clay couuty
Colmx county
Cummini? county ,
I.ikota county
DawMtii cou- ty
Dixon county
Dodtfu cnumy
I 'ottiilaf county
Ftltnore county
Franklin county
Ci.tBo cou nty
(in-eliy county
Hall nullity
Hamilton county
Howard comity
JeUcrron c;.tutty
Jobn-on county
Kearney county
Lancaster county
lKauqut Court county
I inroln county
Ma.lison county
Mcrrik county
Nemaha county
Ntiekols county ....
Otoe county
1'awncc county
Pierce county
I'liitte county
Pislk county
Uichnn!!.)n county
Siiline ccuntv .".
Sarpy county
Saunders county
Seward couuty
Stanton county
Thayer county
Valley county
Washington do,
Wayne county .
Webster couuty
York county
12 j
'i 'as i
" yii ""jt'l
W', ""27
220 300
1237 "ITS
6 21
7tl 201
ar. 124
K"i iH
zyj aw
574 "wi!
242 .W!
l.i 32!
. ;
Ss-j 4!4 i
M4 -HI :
V4 '.7
492 U")i
:i;.6 12
"i'6 "ioci
"i'is "ixr
22 3
""55 "ai
Vote ncainst the nw Constitution..
Vole fur the new Constitution
Majority against tho new constitution...
The fol!ot:In3 is (lie returned for Cass County for County Officers, so far a
heard from. We will complete the table as fast as the rcturnes come in :
3 r:-si a
: Sis i3S' ; : 2 i-2. 3
: n 1 : o s '
: . : . . O'w'
5 : Si yf To
cr : rf- to
: : : : ac - -i- cr.
: it:
"Luxurias of Modern Travel."
In thene day the Uute of the Travel ng Tub
lic has become eiceeUtnRly tiiKtiJiou. In order
to obtain their patronage, a ltailroit.l line inuot
be ado to intmro iifety. Spec, I an.l eomt'oruble
transportation.l.y po.wiw.iinf the neeeiwary quail
ficationnof a nrst-ela equipment ot eoachea and
locomotive, a wlil roinl-be.l an l heavy iron
l'ullinau'a I'aliaco fcleepin I'ulliaau'.
ilininff can1, a direct route, k.mmJ connection aud
catelul iniinaKUXCiit. ...
The Rurlinaton route if making every etT rt to
poime.tji all these qalifi-.-i' ion to a hinh leree,
and olfers a route lo ull piui. eaxt. wit. north
couth by menna of its connection i:s follow :
1. At Omaha with the Paeilie road.
I. At Plattsmouth with tho 11. it M. R. R.. 5x
IAt'uaTuburB. withtheSt" Joseph Railroad
for all point in Kana. &c. .
4. AttJttuuiwa. with the Des Moine Valley
and north Missouri rati road.
5. At UurliriBton with tho II.. C. R. A JI. R.
for Davtnpoi t. Ma.scatinc, &c.
6. At Monmouth, with tha R. R. I. .V SL L.
and Western Union Railroads, for St. Paul, an.l
points in the north, and for St LouU and point
in the nth. ... .... t..
7. At Peoria, with the hort lino P.looroin
ton route lo IudianaiHili, Cincinnati. Louisville
and all points smith and rit.
3. At Peoria, with tho 1.. I. . R. R- for
Lojran-port. Columhu. .tc. .
y. At Men lot. with al the Illinois Central.
10. At CMICAtiO, with all Trunk line for the
No better advice can be given then, than to
Ta1 tho Rurlmston Route." dtf.
T.mj for Youns Men, 'on great soeial evil
and abuKes. which iuterfnre with inarriaire
wiih n re nieanoid reliut for lOe Krrjnir and I'n-
fortuuate, dunun i -i;d deluimted. ent free,
iuauale.l tr.vclope. AJ'lnw,
A"r. 2 Nio'A .', I'ki'nUrifi i'
OobOt ."VXb. !'? wly.
"3 o
i 2 5f
I I 3
3 S
c s
K a
'3 .2 SI g I C ' .
A pt For j Agt:F.r I Agt For jAgt Fo
! 3
for 1 At For . A k
220 j
5 5j 23'.'
loi'i 4s'
S3K 470
ti 147;
13j 35;
90: iWi
11 ? j
t'.2 130
17:i 520'
412 1S15
42( I
174 '227 j'
i I.
41; l'K
120 3'
II 25
6'JHl 312
2rt, 127
7 1U5!
31; 122!
12 36
3Hj lul
io6 iih;
124' 270
13 2y5j
"74 lis
1SS 514
545 1714
74; 73
81 143
34, I'M
,VI 340
lyi! 2t4
10; 2JS
ltw :ni
t 2US
70 11s
9, 1XW
"75; "117
I 'lOi
221 -:mI
5:0 umi
.3.. .5
11 1
Ci07 loit'i
41 1
1M 224
34 8
157 212:
02 'so
2221 365!
V'J 4S,
240 348
140 50
170 410.
120 '.li 57
217, 371 1M
1 12
1104, 24S
6 327
00, 155
M7; 513
I 20!
07 4':
5!) 157
05 14
70' 67
59 l.ij" 42
9, m
45 114 27
50 7 37
2571 DXi 172
or .!;
207 1 9201
401: osio
140, 435i
I :i:
2S, 314
273, J21
24S 940:
450 7o5
510 K45
4''4I 0O 20S I SV
1S3 3tW!
157 42
.. 1 30
14 32S
, 1
070 O'.C
3S-J o7 4iS
! 30
24 313
:w 1 1
3-'J 15
'Vol" "551
500 7'.s. 50i! 705 241,1130
2R4 00
13.V 2i
351. 1:13
341j 22
""l2 "104
J7S li-i
.01 pi,
MS, 290!
301, 201!
200 l.io IjO
01 31, S 70
"li 1.015 ' l'.iS
314 j 40 151
417 171!
:ui4( 5j
" io: "i'T!
12 104
202 3111 94
IS 7!
220 2-.3
10 15
101 31i
! I
40 i ISO!
501 20; 4S
20 50'
.. s.-,:
'l"'I!.V 3,'t''I
novtojc; -g -f
qqoji 1 -m.w.
noiuqof -f
jioiKUt.w H 'J
-ay a
uostfoi?ii a T
futnoiix "AY T
uiq3aiuuTtj couj
Sonlne den 21 September hat die Deuts. bs
fcv. Luth. (leiiiein.U in? ihrem ShuUiau ror
mittas1 uin 11 Lhr iotteodient. LT berhaupt
tuidet derselhe von jitrt an recelmae': ullell
lag-e talt. Minister Retr. L llannatvu.J
Y. M. C. A rHaI! over (lark A- Plum.mer'
store i reiw lung every Sabbath afternoon at
3 o clock ; Pnyer meeting every Tuesday even
in at , o eloek : Reading Roouioj c n tuch day
from S a. in. to 10 p. in.
First Pbf.sbtticriak North sidcof Mni:i .'t.
e-t of Sixta Rev. L. W. Caineron ; Service
cry Sabbath at 11 a. in. nn,l I.-7I p. m. ab-
Uh School nt:'!0a. tn.. Thos P.illo.-k Stiperin--ju.lcnt.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday
evening at 6:3o, o'clock.
Micthodiht Epi.topal Wet eide of Sixth
treet, couth of Main Rev. J. U. Malicld
Service every Sabbath at 10::!0 a. n,. and 7 p. tn"
Prayer nice tine every Thursday evening, t.'laa
meet ings every Monday evening and immediate
ly after cloe of Sabbath morning eerviois -jliualh
ScUool at 2:M
Coriikiatio!(ai Corner Locust and Kighth
treets Rev. K. Foster. Service every Sabbath
at 10:.JOa. in. and 7 p. in. Sabbath School at 12:
VI p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday
Upiucopal Corner Vine and Third street
Her. II. St. George Young. Service cvorv Sab
athat 10:30 a. in. aud 7 p. w. Sunday Scbool
Mlp. m.
t.waiSTiAit Service in Court House Hall Q
It. Mollis, local preacher. Kiders, Isao Wile
and T. J. Todd.
Catholic North side of Public Square Rev
Father iiayes. Firt Mm every Sabbath t
a. tn.. Second MaHs au l Sermon at 10;..' a. rn.,
r-pers and llcnedi.'.ioti at 3;'ty p. nt, Ml
at 8 a. rn. every week day.
TiaHrcab Sure Sable.
m. r. h in m:i.i:a.-.'ca.
wcstwiki). ST.rrid.wi. .A.rrAiiii
TRAIN N'H. Til. IN No?
I.e. 10.00 .A.M. rinttmout'u. Ar. 3.45 I'. ,f
Is-. M.23 A. M. Oman.i Jim.;. A r 3.2" !'. !
le. Hl.50 A. M. I.otii.-vtlle. Ar'.Kil'.M
Lo. 11.05 A. iM. South J'.en l. Ar.-.HI'. i
Ar. 11.30 A M. Ajlilnrnl r. 2.23 1. -M
Ar. ll.il (lrconiTco.1 . Ar. 2.1(J "
Ar. 12 00 i m Wavrr.'y Ar 1.. 0 "
Ar. 12.12 " Newton Ar. 1.41 "
Ar. 12.30 " I.imolii I.e. i.3l "
1,3 2.00 Lincoln' Ar. II 31 "
Ln 2.10 I'onton A r. II " ' "
Lo 3.30 IliKhlaml A r. V). i "
l.e 4.l Crete I.e. lo "
Le 4.40 I)oi. lie.-tc r I.e. '.'!.)
Le. 4.15 V. M. ntlsmoti:li. , Ar
L-j. 5J55 I. M. Omitha June. Ar
Lo. .25 P.M. Louisville. Ar
oo a. ..r.
'J A. M.
;i A. M.
Lo. 6M P.M. .South Leml. Ar. 7.2o
Ar.7.45 r. M. A.xhlaii.1. Le. 0 40
Ar. 8.15 " lirceriwoo.t Ar. 0.10
ArS.40 " Wnveily Ar. 1.0
Ar. U.o" " Newton Ar. 5.3 1
Ar. 9.30 Lincoln Le. 5.o0
Le. 6.00 r tn Lincoln Lr. s ml
A. M.
A. M.
I' m
L.O. n.-i'j I'enton Ar. ,..
Lo. 7.20 " Hihilanl Ar. 0.5.1
Ar. 7.10 " Crete I.e. '.'.! pin
Ar. 8.20 I'orcli. ster I.e. 5.5.1
Ar O V. " .Swiieh l.e 4 10
Ar ll.:iO " Switch l.e 3 11
r 12.20 i-wrkch Le 2.3 1
Or Funn nfter t!ie arrival of train f: o:n PI itN
rnouth. An tiiotmiii Wfsl of lien lie.-lM- i-. n
Krtgeil in eonti uetion it in M ely to be ii r.xoL.r
tij to time.
The time given nliove is that of rintt-ououlli,
bcinc 33 minute flower t!nin Cliie.inu.
It. A- M. R. R.
P irifle KxrrcM'.. e,.-r,t J,t-i,i.ny
Mail Kt.-i .t Sunday
Krei-lit o. 1 exeei't Sup l:iy
Freight No. 7 cxeept Sun lay
DI P. I i:t.
Atlnntie Kxpr. s.- execi't S.itur Jny
Mail excel, t Sun, lav
l'rei--'K. No. 0 tM-i-jil Sun lay ..
Freight No S
The atmve isCliicripo time. l.cinR
S 15 n ,
.1" !" r.
...2 .1. p.
..o:.J ,.
il. 1
15. I.
:10 ,. .
ii : i ii ti :
after man I'lait.tiftn'i time.
llont leave." Plat tsinuo I '. Jiejiot to eonii.
with train oin ea.-0 lialf nn hour ;n a,vnr
of nliove time, exe.-i't for. Atlantir i;.tr. i,
which itlvaves fort; -five luimiit in a .Ivancv.
K C. ST. JOi;. A. 15. C U. R.
tT rACl,-!r! JfXPTI.IX lO'.VO
Jlnil and Kxpre 3:M p. in. 7:.3o a. in.
Nicht Kxpre S;11 a. m 5:2" p. i.i.
This itives passenger fro in Plattyinoulh elot
connection going South or North by leaving here
au the 5:1,1 p. ui. train.
To lake FJ'ert Mohi.i;, J.y,2S.'A, 171. -
In connection with liurlinrton i Mi-ouil
River Rnilroud in Nebraska.
Depot at foot of Jone Jit ret-1.
Utnalia :oo a. m. I l.tneo'n 12:30
d,) 3;0) p. i t, I i i 'i:3 I
LineoTn 5:00 a. in. j Oia ilia H iO
do 1;30 p. in. do ;; in
p. m.
!. in.
a. in.
p i.i.
1U RIVAL AND DLI'Al'.Tl l.i: (; Mii.S.
R'lt'T K.
C. V.. & St. Joe R. R. South
C. J. A St. J..o !!. R. North.
II. A M. H. R. !-.nt.
I). A M. R. R. We.-d.
Omaha by Hail
Weeping Water.
Nebraska City, bv Stage.
I.I..'! (1 ;. I . I .'
10 p pi. 1 I (I ,, ,
10 ,.. I,.. I,, ,i ,, ,.,
10 111. lO , l:i
!' til. 1 , I; .
1" J I III I" -l
12 a 'ii. 12 a :n.
Depart Jodaya. U'edneMlav an 1 l'riJ.tf.
I I' Ml. h I, ii..
Olhee hour, lroin ,.'') a 1.1 to 7 3d p m.
Sunday. 12 to 1 p mr
J. W. MAi::-'!!ALL. V. M
K. T. lil'Kt-
l. II. III 1 l.i:i:
K- T. DUKE &, OO
C 9C.
-rj.v. j. v.;, ,)! :;
,:.-i r j -5 I j i,- J L' -.
if ..,. -.
trjt- .Jt -'UA,r..- '-i .f
V.'holcfi.le A- Rctnil Ieil : in
Hardware and Cutlerj, Stoves, J 1
j I
Rlacliiiiitb Too!?:, Ac.
Keep on Innd a Larg(; Slock ol -y
And Other First-Clar .kipf:
All kinsl
Col orVood kept on hanl.
Stiring and Ure.ikin IMows
At ITct Cos: for Cash, t
Our rrice urn nx li ar urt hi,.,,. ;n ,t
State. ItaaLal.'
J. il. Rarr and Th' tn.m Drown v. Thorn
Mow. Ltloift Win. A. I.in.h. Justi e of the
Peace. i:i and f.;r Ca.-s County, Nebra-ka.
("hedefondaritnljjvo r.amed will take rio'i e
tbiit on the 221 day of S ,, tn ..-r.
said plainlifl'i uuinineni-cd an a:l ton a viii.-.
cnliiit in s:ii I ci'irt t re- .v. r I tun -.
on ae-ot.nt i-tfi i vii'i'S r.-ririTj ..:. ..t , . .. ..
ueien'i.-ir.i at !ii. rc,.ir.-t. that on ;be . Jl ,;, ,
fcepteiubvr. l-s71. sa d plaiiiti:lH e.iu-cd to I.,; " i
sued by tai.l eon 1 1 a :i or l'r ot M :n :; . .n,
did em.-e t!ie toll ,v, ini i r i ,-r:y . f t ,e d. ;.
dant tc be attaetu d. to-wi-: Aoout i a. ..
of corn, siiua'-. in ir awood I'rcetn. t. in i.
county, on the h -in-f i. a 1 ,( Tin,. I;.,(k:i, j,
the p-.irpoe ol having li.e sarrc Moid i-.i' il
said ind'diredne arid e .: tlin t-ai-l .n: e .
been adjourned until ti.e Uib day ot . m . i,.
l-71.at 1 o'clock p. in. at hi, h iiio - M 1 d ,- ,
ilant is required ts a p. fear r jst.let.i'-i.t ,
ll'. and costs of action v.iil be rendered :v'u
bon. J. I'. ijaR!-'.
octiw3 'liws. lr'jw:;.
ra.engers leaving St. Joe. via. Missouri Vnl
cy Railroad atl o'.;bck p. in. make elo-e an-l
sure connections at Kans.-ij t'ity with tdi- i.pu
lar roiKj. arrivrngjit St. Louis next iii Ttung at
bo clock. Ibis is now a tirst-c'.tss road in every
respect- New iron h;u been laid: new .!
ana utagniticent rleepin? and piueriger c, i he
have been added to lid e.juipiuents. Pa . c:- -ers
can rely on it making it advertised time. T( i
is the best route from it.Josepii toitt, Lo:ii-,t :.
bouth ud Southeast.
Through ti, ketf- fur Sale at the dices ..f t!i
Missouri Valley Rair ad.
n (.. M'l'-iii;. n. n-i s.-.t
-lios. Dcr-.v:.n. O. V. A. W. l:. 11 V, j. .. T