Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 05, 1871, Image 4

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A 5 NJ?JE.?5!y?.5iyiT s
Connljr Kaprrlnlddf nl.
Pelieving that educational matters and poli
tics ebould be kept ieptrate, the undersigned
begs leave to announce that he will be a candi
date for the office of Cuunty Superiatcaient of
Cai3 county. indpendeet f either political
party, and be a&lt ail friendi of education to
fire kim their capport. rromiaicg that if elect
ei? tra will faithfully attend to the duties of the
office and use hu best endeavor to promote
the efficiency of the public schools of this coun
ty. J. D. Pattb-8x.
Principal, Naomi Institute;
rurTSMOCTH, Sept. 25. 1ST1.
Editos Ir.BALo: l!ow me, through your
iaper. to offer Myself to the corning coanty Con-
ention, as a candidate for County Superinten
dent of Common schools. As it ii the business
ttke'way between parties, to define duties, al
low me to set forth the work I propose to do
vhould the people of the county honor me with
the office.
3ft. I propose to viVit every school in the coun
ty. ajoon and ax often as practicable, making
tayself acquainted with the teachers and their
luethoutf with the pupils and their need.
2d. I propose to lecture en The Common
School," its design, ita advantages, its abase,
and need in trery precinct of the coarrty. the
to aing winter.
3J, I propose to do every thing I canto sec-tire
vowpetent teachers fur our schools, by careful
examinations in the first place: fcy kind sugges
tions to the teachers in the eeoud place, and
by Teacher's Institutes and Associations as oft
en as practicable iu the third place.
4th. I propose to have my regular office hours
to suit the conveutr-noe 'Of teachers when any"
and all the friends of E laeation will be welcome
to meet ine fur consultation and advice.
I- shall hope and earnestly endeavor to do the
work of thif. te highest and .most important
dice f tke County, faithfully and well.
To tbi Citizens ov Cass CorTT; I here
by offer myself as a canvdato for the office of
County Superintendent of Public Instruction,
subject to the approval ot the Republican Con
vention called to meet at Plattsmouth on the
Tth day of October. Being entirely unincum
bered with other engagements, I shall, in the
event of -n election, be at liberty to devote my
undivided energies to the discharge of the duties
ol that important office.
Plattsmouth. Sept. LNth 1-571. td
Editor JIkrald; A announcements are the
crderof the day, we hereby request that you
tuaiounce the name of J R. Hilley as a candi
da lor the office of County Superintendent of
PuMic Instruction, subject to ratification by
the Republican Convention, to be held in this
city on the 7th of October, We ask this, be
lieving that his services and success as a teach
er in the public schools of the county point to
Lim as the proper person for the office, and
farther believing that the office should seek tho
man, and not the man seek the office.
Msr CiTizrxs.
"When and How?"
Jacob Vallery, Sen., of this city, was
President of the German Convention
recently held at Nebraska City.
Itev. A. J. Svrartz and family have
arrived from 111., and token up a perma
nent abode in our city.
Married. On Tuesday, Sept. 19th,
at St. Mark's Church, by the Hector,
Ilev. F. A. Steele, Chas. II. Gere, of
Lincoln, Neb., to Mariel E-, daughter
of the late Capt. John Claphani', of
Washington, D. C.
"When and How?" . '
Ex-Gov. Stewart died at his home in
St. Joseph, Mo-, on the 21st of Sept.
He wjs the father of the internal im
provement pystem of Missouri.
Mr. Azro Sc:ith, of Rock Bluffs, has
left at tho Herald Office a specimen of
Nebraska grown Peanuts, which are a
curiosity to those who never saw them
Mr. Snow, of the firm of Osborn,
Snow & Co., of Burlington, was in the
city Saturday, and called at the Herald
Mr. Clemons has hosts of those excel
lent sweet potatoes. Cheap enough for
any one to eat
1 crsons desiring special advertise
ments in the Herald or in the way of
Cards, posters and circulars, during the
coming County Fair, should be making
preparations therefor.
Azro Smith, of Rock Bluffs, Cass
County, received first premium at tho
State Fair, for the best display of coop
era work. The beauty of Mr. Smith's
display wis that every stick of the tim
ber was of Nebraska growth, and the
mechanism was from his own hands.
'When andjlow?"
Hon. Reed Marquett, brother of our
townsman, T. M. Marquett, arrived in
the city Thursday, accompanied by Lis
wife. He will remain for some wetks in
ocr State.
Tbe Republicans of Seward County
hare eleeted delegates to the State Con
vention in the event of the adoption of
the Constitution, as follows: O. T. B.
Williams, Win. A. Wilson, G. C. Mc
Kay, M. Langdon, and J. II. Culver, al
"good men and .true."
"Brother BoyJston' of Nebraska
City, who was the Sabbath Schotd teach
er of the brilliant colored boy so famous
t among Nebraska story tellers, is out in a
Card lashing the "boss" Hawke dynas
ty of Oto. He declares his absolute
retirement from politics. We fear
we fkall soon lose "Grasshopper Jeems"
from the political arena, as he and
brother Boydston padil! the same
Tho Democracy of Ofioe have thrown
their only strong man overboard and no
minated a man that was more in accord
with their secesh ideas. They Lave
tlroppcd J. W. Moore and nominated
Jolm Heth as their candidate for sheriff.
Moore has anounced himself as an inde
pendent candidate for sheriff, and the
llcpTUjlicans-oau elect their man if they
cotae to the front boldly with a good
"When, and How?"
Mr. Lyman- is. cUivering some very
nice looking piles- for tho bridge on
Main street.
Possible A CooesMlen.
The Omah lleralj says it is possible,
under certain circa instances, that the
new Constitution may yet be adopted.
We had expected to give, to day, a
Hit of premiums awarded at the State
Fair but the list published so far has
been so incomplete that we ?hall now
await the official statement. Suffice to
say, Cass carried off more important pre
miums, probably, than any other county
in the State.
' When and How?"
Omaha takes a wonderful interest in
our State Fairs, and thinks the next one
should be held in that city. As an evi
dence of this we copy the following item
from a correspondent, of the Nebraska
City Chronicle, -writing from Urownville
durintr the, recent Fair:-
"Tho articles on exhibition hero from
north of the Platte river uonMat of one
bo crackers, two bushels of wheat, a
lot or soap, and some photography.
The Omaha Bee has the following
item relative to the building of the
Platte river bridge, which will be hailed
with Joy (not Jas. F ) by the people of
Cass County:
Work on the Platte river bridire will
be commence 1 by the Omaha and South
western Kailroad in a few davs. The
bridge will have to be completed by
January 1st, to enable the company to
titke advantage of the legislative act
donititijt '2,WH) acres of land to its
The following just tribute to one of
the most euterprisiug citizens of Cass
county is from the Omaha Republican,
written from the State Fair :
"James M. Wood, of Cass county,
who, judging from the excellence of his
cattle, must be recognized as a stock rais
er to whom, as a class, Nebraska is great
ly indebted, exhibits a lot of short horus
which cannot be excelled in the United
States. This is a broad assertion, but
stock men from abroad will bear it out.
Thec cattle wore raised on his farm on
the Weeping Water, where he ha 04J
acres in the highest state of cultivation.
HU cows, Poauty, ar.d White Lady,
two years old, out of imported stock,
will each weigh at least 10J pounds.
His two year old cows, .Magnolia and
Ilo'e ofSharron, and bull Exception, are
all worthy the attention of every fanner
who is seeking to improve his stock."
The sales of Burlington and Missouri
River Railroad Lands in Nebraska du
ring the month of Sept., 1871, were 17,
461. CO acres, at an average price of
$S.o7 ier acre, amounting to $140,
131.00. The Company has yet a largo quantity
of farm lands for tale on ten years' cred
it at G pr. ct. interest, or at prices l!0 pr.
ct. less for cah or Bonds of the Compa
ny, or one-third down with ballance on
one and two years' credit aflO pr. ct.
till paid.
"Whei and How?"
Rev. Henry C. Shaw of Racine, Wis.
has accepted a call to St. Luke's Parish
and is expected to arrive in thfl city on
ThursJay for a permanent stay.
Rev. W. I. Cutter, of New York
formerly of this city, arrived last Satur
d.-ty, and will remain for a few days
His daughter, Mrs. Valiery, will return
to New York with him. Mr. Cutter is
like mci-t of men who have lived in the
wet, he has a strong desire to return
here to sjend the remainder of his days,
and we look for him again in Plattsmouth
before "many moons have passed."
A subscriber from New York says
that he takes a large number of papers,
religious, literary, political and news
papers, but that the squabble is always
to see who t-hall have the Herald first.
We hear the same complaint from differ
cnt sources, and would recommend an
extra copy to such families.
We give our readers, that portion of
Judge Lake's recent decUiou on the
Injunction Case which relates to the
payment of taxes for interest on railroad
bonds. It will bo of interest to the
people of Ih s County.
I he editor ot the Herald returns
thanks to Lewellyn Moore, Eq., for one
of the fkiest flower bouquets ever put to
gether in Platsniouth, and containing
60me of tho choicest flowers kuowu
Mr. Moore lias rare talent in the floral
line, as his bouquet gives evidence.
Thoso who have visited his gardens in
the west part of the city speak in terms
of highest praise of the choice varieties
tlere seen.
Cass county is "ahead of the hounds"
this year oa premiums. She Las car
ried off some of the first premiums at
tho State Fair, as well as several pre
miums at the Mills County Fair. Mr.
Dill's roan mare, of Eight Mile Grove,
carried off the swwpstakes premium on
tT(ir.i JZ st the Mills County Fair, and
several other premiums were carried off
by other Cass county horses.
II. DuBoisc, Esq., of this .-ounty.
took the sweepstakes premium :it the
State Fair for the best stallion of any nge
or breed; and J. M Wood, Esq , of this
county, took the sweepstakes premium
for the best" bull of any age or breed.
They contended against not only the
finest t-totk of our own State, but against
the finest stock from the celebrated
Cowiu farm of Missouri.
Mr. Durett, of Louisville, was in tbe
city to day, for the first time in several
weeks. WTe are sorry to learn that he
has been suffering from a fractured arm
for several weeks.
The Ststa Fair closed last evening,
al'tcr a most successful season of four
days. There were a much larger num
ber of entries than any previous jear,
and the display of stock, fruits, vegeta
bles, implements, etc., were- fine. Wo
6hall give some brief notes in relation to
the Fair in the course of & ferrd.y-
October l!ih, 12th, and 13th.
Are Offered in Premiums ! ! !
assembled yesterday and placed in noui
ination the iollowmz ticket to run
against the next County officers:
Treasurer F.D.Lehnhoff,
Clerk J. M. Patterson,
Sheriff A. Lazenby,
Probate Judge Winslow,
Sup't Pub. Inst. J.I). Patterson,
Co. Com. Price Cunningham,
Coroner Wm. Dowers,
Surveyor A. l. Smith.
Dr. John Black, of this city was ap
pointed Superintendent of Public In
struction for Cass county at the recent
meeting of the County Commissioners,
to fill a vacancy of some two years vaca
tion. The Dr. had not held tho office
twenty-four hours until ho had money
enough to purchase a tine two story
brick residence of Capt K. B. Murphy.
That was pretty quick work, and no one
but a democrat could have accomplished
it so soon. It may be barely possible
that the Dr. had a portion of the money
before he was appointed, but taken al
together the circumstances look suspi
cious. itrprm.icAX ward
The Republican Ward Meeting o
Plattsmouth, for tho election of dele
gates to tho County Convention, will be
held next Thursday at 1 o'clock p. in.,
as follows:
First Ward Meeting at the office of
James O'Neill, Justice of the Peace, on
Main Street.
Second .Yard Meeting at the German
School House.
Third Ward Meeting at Clark &
Plummet-' s Hall. d2
Four names have already been an
nounced through the columns of the
Herald as candidates for County Super
intendent of Public Instruction at the
ensuing election. Of Mr. Patterson we
have already spoken. He announces
himself as an independent candidate,
while the others are announced as can
didates subject to the approval of the
Republican County Convention. O
course the latter are the ones with whom
we have to do as Republicans.
Rev. Mr. Foster; the first name an
'munced, is a gentleman well known to
the readers of the Herald as the author
of the series of articles in these columns
on "Our Public Schools," from which,
no doubt, some correct idea may be
formed of his ability as an educator. He
is a man of great energy, and has mani
fested much interest in the cause of edu
cation since his fir-t arrival in the State,
and has been called upon each year du
rins his residence in the State to deliver
an address before the State Teachers
Association, with which request he has
invariably compiiod. He is a gentleman
well qualified, in our opiz'on, for County
Superintendent, and one whose claims
should n:t be overlooked.
Prof. U. W. Wise has been a rest
dent of Cass County for several years,
and is noted for a profound scholar and
eminent educator. He wa3 for many
years principal of a leadiog Female
Seminary of Georgia, and his large ex
perience and mature judgment on mat
ters of education render him a very
f-uitable person for Superintendent of
Public Instruction. His name is before
the liepu Leans of Ca-s County, and
wedsubt not they will consider, candid
ly, their own interest in selecting i
Prof. J II. Dilij' is also announced
as a suitable person for the position.
HU long service in th County and City
as a teacher make each individual al
most, perhaps, as well acquainted with
. - a
his merits as we are. Jic has been a
successful teacher here for several years,
and he has the best of recommendations
rom the locality from whence he came.
He is a younger man than either of the
other applicants named, but his practical
experience in the schools of the County,
and his intimate kuowledge of our school
system gained from this experience,
gives him a peculiar claim for the con
sideration of the people. We Lave
been acquainted with Mr. Dilly since
his first advent into our County, and
have ever found him a faithful instructor
of the young.
Let the Republicans consider the
merits of each of the above candidates
before they select from them.
A gang of hands commenced work to
day to extend the B. & 31. track to the
pew landing on the Iowa side. It is ex
pected they will be ready to transfer
from this landing about Wednesday the
1th of Oct.
The Omaha Herald is evidently in
clined to doubt the defeat of tho new
Constitution, and is paving the way to
find all kinds of fault in the event the
official canvas should .show a majority
of votes in favor of the document.
Below we give a revised table of elec
tion returns, which w3 have made up
from the latest returns received up to
the present date. They arc believed to
be very nearly correct. .
Rev. Henry C. Shaw the new rector
of this Parish will officiate at St. Lukes
Episcopal church on Sunday tiext the
bth inst., when the Holy Communion
will be administered.
If you Want a late fashionable hat, go
to Wm. Stadelmann's.
Oct. 3 d2w3
Remember that Friday is election day
forR. R. lon-U
Pawnee Heard From !
Constitution Drfontetl.
Special to the Herald.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 4th, 1S7I.
The ofHcicial canvas of the vote on
the new constitution was made to-day,
and shows a majority of six hundred and
forty one against the adoption of the
Yours sorrowfully.
i,ktti:k list.
The following is a li.-t of the Letters
remaining in the I'lattsmouth Post Of
fice October 1st., 1S71.
Ancsworlh F
Austin Fiunk
Andrew Joseph C
Boerner Chailey
Barrett Willie
Bates Charles
Bu'lcn Edward
Becker 1
Clarke William
Carney S W
Connor S W
Coffin Oliv ;r S
Allen James S
Archibald Joseph
Atkinson Clia's D 3
Black John F
Buster D E
Beal Richard Z
Brown Wm
Carroll Michel
('rain J M
Coburn Anu-tus
Co.'e Capt 11
agnt-y iis .Johun
Dchning Ilciuiick Denman ilamp
Uuwmng .James
Hasten Thomas
Eton Mrs A
Fargny H E
Guthman William
Ileadley J T
Hecuiau Fred
Holden S N
Donnelly Mika
E!ets Darrct
L!Uon 31iss Nellie
Godfrey George B
Hunkins Cl.trince
Ilardiman Wm
Hopkiu I feimiek
Hastings Miss Mary E F
Lovctt J B " Lockhart Jefferson
Lincoln Perry Law August
Lech Ralph
Martin William Mum in Peter
Mott Miss M A McDoman Calvin
McKinzie Robert Mast. Abram
Morcv Pat
McNerney Maurice
McDonald J 11
Noi cross Orviile 2
Orn lorir B F
Parson P
Ilea D W
Siociini J L
Madsen Nets
Nistrons S G!
O.-tander J B
Peckrcll G
Rise Wiiliam
Soderhourg A N
Smart John
Sc-jfii-l i E Id
Short Thomas Wm Sl1ho!Mo Georro
Schaffer Gnorge Stephenson James
Slocum J L Siaimht J K
Scars A II ScothVld Ehv.ri
Stanficld A B
Thompson C M Thompson S 11
ahandiiisham it ItownU.v
Wilson Edward Ward F F
Persons calling for any of the above
named letters will please say advertised.
J. W. Marshall, P. M.
i:r ri(i itr. iv.
The Omaha H rald is evidently satis
fied that the offiei:d count will thow a
majority of votes in favor of the new
Constitution, a:il it is preparing to howl
''fraud" with all its forco. II v.vl away,
the people are listening i" r it with a
broad grin ja.-t twisting the corners of
their mouths. The Oniah-i papers have
evidently been puMi-hing erroneous fig
ures in order to pave the way fortius
kind of a howl.
Rcr. B. J. Arnold will preach at
Clark ic Pluuimer's Hall on Sabbath, at
4 o'clock, p. m. AH are invited.
The best assortment and cheapest
over and under clothing can be had at
Wm Stadclmann's. Oct. 3 dJw3
Hon. T. B. Stevenson, I. M. Sham
baugh and F. A. White, of Nebraska
City are in town attending court.
Fitzgerald h is a h?avy foree at work
on the line of road from Crete to Bea
trice, and some five or six miles f the
north end of the road are already com
pleted. Col. Doane moves things lively
fhat he has to do with, and tho road
will be in running crdor to Beatrice by
1st of January next.
The President coiiimonced transfer
ring cars from tho lower landing this
forenoon. Thoy can make the up run
from this landing in fourteen minutes,
while it took her about thirty-five min
utes on the old route.
If you want a No. 1 Beaver Suit,
latest style, for $2, go to Wm. Stadel
mann's. Oct. 3 d2w.3
Our old time friend, C. H. Wolcot, is
lying seriouly ill at his home south of
the city.
The owner of Goldsmith Maid says
she can be made to trot a mile inside of
two minutes and fifteen second.
See new advertisement of City Meat
Market by George Fickler. Geo. knows
how to run a meat market, and will al
ways keep the b.'st of meats.
Tho Nehniska Commonwealth is the
name of a new real estate paper issued
at Lincoln by B. L. 1. Guffy, attorney
at law and real estate agent.
Mr. Hank Smith, who live3 on sec.
27, town II, range 10, in Elmwood pre
cinct, Lass county, about twenty five
miles from this city, is thought to be
the oldest man in tho State. lie is ajred
106, and thinks the climate of Nebraska
will decrease his age, instead of increase
Capt, J. C. Covrin, District Prosccn
tor, i on hand to look after the criminal
business of this term of court. He in
forms us that there is but little to do
this term- Rascals are afraid of Cowln
he prosecutes with a vim.
If you want a good Beaver Overcoat
for $12, goto Wm. Stadelmann's.
Oct. 3 d2w3
Thintrs are growing warm in Morinon-
dom. Profane hands have been laid
upon tb.9 Lord's anointed, and Brigham.
togethe with four of his wives, has been
taken before a Gentile jury, while Heav
en looked on in silence. The Mormon
organs arc waiiing and gnashing their
teeth, anl the Mormon officers are buy
ing anus and ammunition. It does
seem as if polygamy were about to tum-
e. Enough glory for one generation,
to overthrow Tammany an J Polygamy
The prejudice against church organ?
is still strong in Scotland. Many of the
people will not enter a church that has
We are opening an
UnusuaMy attractive
Stock of all and
Winter goods, purchased
Early Jargely and
Low down.
We buy from first
Class houses, in variably
For cash, and have all
The advantages of trade,
Propose to give our
Customers goods at
Prices we know must
And be convinced that
Our stock is complete
And the place to purchase
Dry (iood, Xotions,
Hoots, Shoes, Groceries,
Is at Clark &, flumraer's
Main Street opposite
ISrocks House
Election Notice.
XJOTICE is hereby gilcn that nn Election -n ill
1 be ln-l'l at ttio ii.-iiiil i.l:u-! ,,t ,-l. .uc-
miiis in ii'jt-ri.v I'rec-iHct. l uss i-ountv, Not
ka, on triiluy tlietJth Uav ol'Ootobur 171, tor tile
)iin.i).se it stihinittiiiif to tho Icsral vot-rs of
said I'roomot a proposition to Ksiie to tho St.
J.oiiis. una Neb. Trunk llaiiroatl Company the
ooii'i ot ::i:'l i'recinot to th am i;
thoiis nil dollars. sjit ij i;.)i'ls tr bo
to !aij Itiulroail Coinp uiy when satj
he I ui!t ami in r ntiiris order, from
UIII1-1M OI f f.'l ITCCllllT lO I l 9 111 111 I t.xr.
thou lid dollars. Said lionds tr bo ii. ! n.-.-.r-.l
road shall
lino oi i.a.-.s county to the north Imeot Liberty
IVe.-i ct.ati.lii.i.'imt cstabli. lu-,1 in a c-:ive-iaont
plaoo m raid 1'ro-ini-t. Said ro id to be
completed to s id point by the -ilh day of July
1 !., ami this pr.pi.-iti..n to ho :iceep,.-,l by
Jan. Nt Is, 1. .--aid jjoiids to run not li.-- tliau
tvent years nor more than thirty year.", with
annual mtoreit at S per cent per annum aid
Ponds and interest to ho paid nt the Uffioe o
tho County Tre-isiirerol C:is.- county. s toliowsf
One tenth of said Uouds to be pii 1 in twouty
oue years Inm the time they are delivered, and
one tenth id said JJona each year thereafter
until the iv olo nm-.nnt of said L-nds are paid.
'i'h proposition will also be submitted to saia
voters at said flection to aulhorizo and romiire
the said County Commissioners of sai l c.'unty
to levy annunal tax on t'leprope ty in said p--c-ouiet
to pay t.ns interest on said bonds and a:ter
theexp. ration of twenty years finni the time of
ilehvei m' said bonds, to levy annually until
Mis said bonds are paid an additional ta.t suf
ficient to pay one tenth part o! said bonds, und
apply the s;-u'.i: to the paioent thereof.
The (iuc-t;on submittoil to s .i.l voK-rs at said
election shall bo: " tmnlj uad Tax, Yes."
"Lor Bumls and fax. No."
tii I election shall i.e. opened at 8 o'clock ..
V. :iu J continue opeu until 6 o'clock p. m. of said
l'y order rtf the l!onrd of Conn'y Commission
ers ihis5 h i!;iv of September 1x71.
J. li. .MUOllK, X'rest. of jioar t Co. Com.
Is. c 1'oLt ari, Cierk.
By J. M. Bcakksley, Deputy Clerk.
Sept. 6 d A w t d.
Commences June 2fiih 1S71.
Chicago Avenue, Ca?s county Nebraska.
IVof- Atlolfihe d'Allcmand, Proprietor
ana 1 nucipal, Assisted ty able
'PUIS Academy is now in Kuccessful oppera
J. tion.aud offers at moderate terms the usual
advantages of a.
First-Class School.
'phe'eourse of stndy embraces every branch
J. of a thorough English education, together
preir the modern lai kuhccs. music, and drawing
it tpal.eulnr and reference address the Prinoi
wn inhilCtf
'tyman Curtis.
. IMallsiasoutii, ieb..
Repairer? of Steam Engines, Boiler, Saw and Mills.
and Steam Fitunps, Wrouzht Iron Pipe,
Force and Tift Pumps. S'cnm tiauges. alance
Valve (iovcruors, and all kinds of
Brass Engine Fittin s,
furnished oa short notice,
epaired on short notice.
Buttery & Lazenby Props.
aThe hct of Horses and Bue?ies on h.ind."
CirT Yin md Fourth, streets.
Election Notice.
"VOTICS is hereby Riven, that an Election
1 will be held at the usual place of holding
elections, in the several Wards in Plattsmouth
City, Cass county. Nebraska, on Friday the tilh
day of tetoberi.S71. for the purpose of submit
ting to the lecul voters of said city of Platts
mouth the proposition to issue to the t. Louis
aud Nebraska Trunk Railroad Company the
bond of aid city, to the amount of titty thou
. ind dollars. Said bonds to be delivered to said
Kai!roud Company when raid Railroad bhall be
built and in ruuning order from toe South line
d Casst-junty as fir as tho city ot Plattsmouth
nndalJ'po! cs abiislied at Slid City. Said
K.nlread to be completed to aid city of Platts
mouth by the 4th day of July A.l. l-O. mi l
thi proposition to be accepted by Jan. l.-t 1S7J
Said b i!i ! tu run not less than twent' nor more
than .dirty ears, ith annual interest at 8 per
cent per annum. Said Bonds and interest to
be payable at the office of the City Tio.ifur.r
et said City, as follows :
One tenth l said Bunds to be i ai 1 iu twenty
one years from the time they are delivered. at:d
one-tenth of said Bonds f eh year tlar'after
until the w' ole amount of sai I bonds are paid.
The ropi sition will also be submitted to
said voters at said e'eci i .n to authorize and ro
quire the Mayor mid city Council to levy an an
nual t:tx to pay the interest on said bonds, and
after tho expiration ot years from tha time ot
del tvcrirtf said bond to levy annually unt I
said bonds are paid an a l iit.onal tax. sufficient
to pay one tenth put ot s ild Hon is and to an
ply thesarne ta the payment thereof. 'lh;e,ues
tion submitted tosaid voters at said Kie-'tion
Will be. "For Bonds and Tax Yea." "For
Bonds and Tax No,''
Said Flection will he opened at 0 o'clock a.
ui. and continued open until 7 o'clock p. ui.
ol said day.
By order of the City Conn -i!. this 5th (lav of
September 171. M. L. Vi'UlTK. Major;
Boss Van a tta. Clerk.
Election Notice.
N'oticc i? hereby given that an Election will
be he'd at tho usual piece ot holding elec
tions in Plattsmouth precinct. Cats county. Ne
braska, on, the1 th iljy of October, 1V71.
for th- purpose of submitting to toeleal voters
of said precinct a proposition to i-sue to the St.
Louis .! Nebraska Trunk Co.. Kail Koa 1 tho
bonds id'said preoiuet to tho amount of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars, said bonds to be delivered to
said Kail Koad Company when said Koad shall
be built and in running order from the south
line of Cass county to the City of Plattsmouth
in said precinct, and a depot located in said
City: and the load to be completed to said point
by the4th day of July 1S7S. and said proposition
must be accepted on or before January 1st 1872;
said bonds to run not less than twenty years nor
more than thirty years ith annual interest at
8 per cent per annum; sai.l bonds and interest
to be pajablc at the olhee of the Count.v Treas
urer of Cuss county, as follows: One tenth ot
said bonds to be paid in twenty- one years from
the time they are delivered and one-tenth of
said bonds each year thereafter until the whole
amount of satd bonds are paid.
The proposition will aso be snoir.iticd to sai I
voters sit said election to authorize and require
the said I'oiintj' Commissioners to b vy an an
nual tax to pay the interest on sai I bonds: and.
af'er th" expiration f 20 years from the time o.
delivci iiijf saia bonds, t levy annually on the
piopcrty of said precinct until said bonds are
paii!, an additional tax stiiiieicnt to pay urn
tenth part of said bonds uud tj apply the same
to the payment thereof.
The question submitted to said voters at sail
election shall be, '-for Bonds an 1 Tas, Ve:'
"For Bonds and Tax, No.''
Said election -hall be opened at S o'clock a. u.
and continue open until o o'clock J. M. of the
said day.
Bj- order of the Board of Countv Commission
ers, this nth day ot September, 171.
J. B. MOOhE Pres. Boa.d ot Co. C m.
,. . Isaac Pollard, Clerk.
By J. M. Beabdslt. L-cputy Clerk.
Scpt.C d ami w t d.
Hero is n Li.-t of such Works as slitiuM
bo liiutii in every Library within the
reach of every reader Works to enter
tain, instruct ami improve the uiiibl.
Copies! will h. .Kent Ly return post, on
receipt of" price.
New Physiognomy : or signta of character, as
manifested throuch Temperament and Kxtcr
nal lorm:! and especially in the "lluina Face
liivine"' with mote than One 'thousand 1'lu
trations. By jS. B. Wells. PiicoSo.
Hydr pathio Encyclopedia. A system of Hy
drypathv and Hygiene embracing outline ot
Anatomy: 1'hysiol, ,cy of the hiimau body; Ily
(fienie agencies ami the pre rvation of health;
thei.ry and prabtice; special pathology, inclnd
ih the nature, causes, symptom and treat
ment of all known dise.i.-e Text book for
Physicians. By K. T. Tt. a i.i. M. D. The most
complete wo k vu the subject. Sd.oO
Weaver's Worlj Comprisiuj "Hopes and
Mollis for both Sexes.', --Aims and Aids for
(Jirls an 1 Vounjr U' ," "H'a-'.i .f Life; or
the rii-'ht way aud the wivns wuv." A capi
tal work. t-j.
How to Re3d Cna-jcter. A Xew Illu.-lrated
Hard-Book f -jty aiel Physiognomy,
tor 8 ndent-and Lxaminers. with a chart i r
reenrdint? the siz s il the diiT'eient Oralis of the
brain, in tiie Boiine.iiion of character, witti op
wards of 170 Engravings. Lt-tcst and best.
.Muslin. 1. 15.
The Parcnti' Guide : or human development
throiiKh Inherited iendi-ucios. By Mis. lihsi
kkis Pendlkton. Secon.j edition" rev ised and
cnlaigcd. One vol. lino. Price il.iA)
Fo-d and Diet. V.'ith observations on the
Uietict l Ki piir.en suited fur Disorder! states
of the iBccsiive orean. dietaries of the Pi inei- Metropi'litan Lstabli'hments lor Lunatics.
Criminals. Children, the Sick, Paupers, e':-. A
lhurouch scienti'.ic Work. By Jonai h ax Pkbk
ika. jM.O.. F. K S and L S. lidited by Chas,
A. Lee, M L. 1.7-5
Life at Home ; or. the Family and its Mem
bers. Husbands, Wives. Parents, Children
Brothers. Sisters, Employers and Kmploycd etc
ByJiev. Wm, .Bsman, 1) I). Lvery "family
thould have it. S1..50.
Hand-Bo k for Heme Improvement "How to
A'rlff,"'-Jlow to Talk," 'How to Behave" aud
"How todo Business." In oae vol. $J 25.
Wedlock; or, the riirht relations of tho sertcs.
liisclosintf the laws ot tjonjut'al Selection, and
thowini; who may a n I who may not marry. A
ruida for both .-exes. By S. P., Wells, P.'uin
SI. "-a
Oratory Sced and Secular; r r the extempor
aneous speaker. IndluJin? chaii man's puido
for eomiuetius public :icetinp3 aeoor linif to the
best Parliamentary forms, By Wm I'iitknoku
Manaaement of Infancy. Piiysioloaical and
Moral Treatment By Andrew Comsr, M !..
with Notes and a .Supplementary Chapter Mus
lin. il.'M)
Thoughts for tho Youeg Men, and for the
Young Women of America; or a few practical
words of advice- Bv L V BeiVes- With the
Ideal Man and the Ideal Woman by Horace
Greeley. Price il
sop's Fables. The People's Pictorial Edi
tion, beautifully illustrated with nearly tdxty
engravings cloth guilt, l eveled board. ony 1
Pope's Esjy On Man. With notes, beautifully
illustrated, cloth guilt, bev board, best edition
Fruit Culture For he Million, A Hand-book
Being a tiui 'e to the cultivation and manage
ment of F'ruit Trees, Inscriptions of the bet
Yarietier, and how to propagate them. Illustra
ted 1
1 he Klnnt Word in the Wight Hlaee, A new
pocket dictionary pnd cferance book, ernbrace
inf synonyms, technical terms, abbreviations,
foreign phrases, writinsr for the press, puu-tua-ti
in. proot-rcsr iing, ana other valuable ir-lorca
tion, cloth 75cti
Inclose the amount in a Kcpi.-tered
loiter, or in a 1. O. Order, for or. or
all of the. above, an J address S. K.
VELLS, I'uhhii.sher, :).Si) Broadway
New York. Agents Wanted.
Plattumoiith, Nebraska.
I am prepared to accommodate the public with
Horses, Carriage?. Iiiiggies and a No. 1 Hoarse
or. short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack
will run to.thestcamhoat landing, and to all part
of the city when desired.
January 1, 1S71 dJcwtf.
Cisterns Buiit and Pock Work
THE undersigned is prepared ro ta kecon tracts
for buildirg Ciuterns andf urnisliir-sr all ne
e"sary material, also to do any nd all kinds ol
Koeii work by contract, and furnish all iixattr
ialsfur samo.
I have a few acresof choicer nuf rrci lenccg
nd several Kv '. f-rsnle on reasonable term
Election Notice.
N OTICE is hereby Riven that an Election will
be held at tho usual place of holding Elec
tions in Kock BiuC's Pre"in'-t. Cass eountj-. Ne
braska, on Friday. thv tith day of October. 17 .
for the purpose of submitting to tho Loral
voters of said precinct the proposition to ;ssue
to the St Louis and Nebraska Irunk Kail Bo id
Company, tho bonds of said precinct to the
amount of twenty thousand dollars; said
bonds to be delivered to said Kaiiroad Compa
ny when said roadshall bo built and iu running
order, trom the south lino of Cuss count j as far
as the town of Bock Bluffs iu sai 1 precinct anil
a depot .-hall be locate I in sabi town. Said road
to be completed to said pjint by the 4ta ?ny of
July This proposition to be accepted by
the 1st day Januaiy WJ. Said bonds to run not
less than twenty ni r more than thirty years wi h
annual imerest at S per cent per annum. Said
Bon Is and interest to be payable at the office of
the County Treasurer of Casscouuty, tfsfollow.-;
One tenth of said bonds to Le paid in tweutj"
one years from the time they are delivered and
one tenth of bond.-each year thereafter un
til the whole am -unt ol said bonds are paid.
The proposition wi'l also be submitted to said
voters at said election to authorize and require
the t-ai 1 Count.v Commissioners of said county
to levy nn annual t.ix on the proportj- of said
precinct t pay the interest on sai I B inds, and
after tho expiration of twenty jears from the
time of delivering said bonds to levy annually
until sat i bonds am pa d an additional tax on
said property, sui.'iciciit t pay one lenili part of
said bonds md to apply the same to the pay
ment thereof.
T'no quetsioii submitted to sai 1 voters, a! said
election will be "rnr Bo .ds an I Tax, Yes.''
"For B mils and Ta. ."
Said election will be opi ned at s o'clock in
and continue o en until o o'clock in the alter,
noon ef saiddav.
liv order of the Board, of county Cotu'.uis.-io a
crs thiso'h day of September. 171.
J. B MOOKE. Pros t Hoar t ol Oa. Com.
ISAAC POL LA Kb. Clerk, By
Sept. C d and w t d.
Thos. W. Sliryovk,
And dealer in all kinds of
furniture & Chairs.
main street, (third door west of P O
-e Repairing and Varnifhintt neatly done.
Funeraht ttemied at tlis shortcut notice.
OK AI.L IlESCRirTlONS AM) AT AL!, fnit'L3.
f'stalic Bjria! Cases.
Ready Made, and Sold Cheap for Cahh.
AVith many thanks for prist patronage, I in
vite all to call and examine my large stock o
nituro and Coffins janCSt
Northvre.-t Corner Third and Central
Avenues, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Amount Insu:ed, $6,000,000
John 31 Phillips, President.
Jno! P. I. I'cvk, Vlce-I't
N. V. Harris, ifnritury .
E. P. Marshall. Anttt'l-'nt Seer try.
John Davis. M.D., Vi'tn.IJ. Havi. M- D.,
1 ai k rss
R. S. Runt. 1) D.. Cor. Sec. Frcedinen'i Aid S-
ei-ty. Cincinnati.
Jo Jytrkm. I.urkin, Wright & Co Ilankeri,
S. TV. llnrri. Pee -etary Union Central Lifu
lumriince Oompauv.
John Lorhtiiwrr. Larkin, AVrife-ht i Co., Han
ker". Cincinnati.
Ilarrru o iiii.j). LarUia, Wright A Co-, tan
kers, Cincinnati.
John J''iriM, il . So?:'. Elmstrcot Cin.
M m li Iri'. M J. No 3i'l Lira itrret, Cin.
John I'. lJ'cU. Vice-President of Lnioa
Central Lite Innrance Co.
I'hilHiiM Hiinhrn, Hamilton. Ohio
tiritet W illiams. Attorney at Law, Hamilton 0.
t''er Murphy. Hamilton, Ohio
! r J L Chnli'iint, Cincinnati, Ohio
Julm 31 i'hthrjtt. President of Central Life I
Mirance Cmpauy
Lee P tiiilette, icn Aeent For Nebraska
J H PKFssoy. Local Airent
It H Livi.notos. Medical Examiner
Sept.iO diw tf
Horse Doctor and Veterinary
Mr. Fred. Otz. an experience Hore Tioetor
and Veterina y stirseon, has ,eat .i jn i:;ts
mouth, with otlico at the Homier Stables, he
has rented t le commodious nahles imme liatiy
east of the lionr.or stables, whore he is litinx
up ull the conveniences for treating tor-es in
the most eicntilic mauntr. He pnp-i-cs. o
cure any disease h hieh horso flesh is heir to.
?uch us U ngbone. Spaviu. Fia'ula. Poll-evil,
UlindncH. etc Ho ot only undertaken to
sure horses, but will oxeo. cow?, or any
ether animal,
mill dlwU'. .
Tootle, Kanna & Clark,
xoIl mill fiSvik? Coin,
ZJ.ti. iind ithvr HtHfUH,
I i.ifts drawn on all pnrtsof the I .cta
ami Buropo. leposits rei cued, a..d m cial at
tcuticn iiiven to colleo'i ns.
Plattsmouth, Xehra-!ca.
.'h'.Icki Apple tret.?. 1 !ilvi: ". ;.. .5cts
each .
4. "nil Pear trees, 1 too y.-ar.i wll, 1 ,., .,) ctn
3.-i i'liorrv tzxe, 1 .: cm s ..)!. :..,'- e.t.' il Tea h trees, e.o.t : . , '.
li HI.noo (Kite Hc.bfo pi. i -!'!. r
.r0 (i 'I Honey Locu-t. f. i , t
Kverreens .-n; I (iri.ani' i - !, , iios(
Iahi i-. tiowerinir plant - t--u ,, i. T.I -lips.
Ilyaeitittis. Cr.icc i '. , reudy
for tall plunei::)?.
'I criiiw 'ni!i nt I !; i-.- t y .
Address, J VV. P I;".'. N.
N '' - . ''.. i'h
ti'l'atiic and fcce vmir ;.. . .-nflho
"ni . i i. d 3 in.
KA A.V.I ,v ( ! J y
St. Joseph & Cots ii L.'utTs
RAILROAD OC M ! A i-i ' .
i'oruis the .... !.. .; . .
Th" Union Pacific Bni.'r ..: .' ,et
T II lt) IK.' II LIN
Good Accoinuiodat, ;.
! '-
Bunninir from Con !!; i.;. . i,
over the inaKHili ;a: ! Inoi r.r,
Missouri Kiiei--?;.. i
ii J
,7.vilks tiie silo i:t;; i l-.i ti:
OMAHA & ST. Lul ls
CONNUC'l I A'. ;
AT KANSAS CITY -h il.o :. rii ':
and .Misso-iri I'a. ifi lio.i i-' i .- . I.,
nil poinis i'.Arl a:ol .-outh.
itu- lvii'.-is mi l l aei-.e i;;i,!i , ., t . r
fllCO. J dpi rl.l. Ml I . I.
points in Smith; i ., Ii i
New !ei .,.
With lh Mi--.,ari H- .
Bailr.i i.i '.or I ort '
tiie i : i . 1 in ri 1 ort t'oi-j
AT LI' A XLNW.ib 111 n.l.
road for Lawrcneo. I
AT ATCHIM.N with C-..-'.-for
Seoe, a, t'eiit .. ! .
an 1 p'-i:its i, Cel.ti il h
AT I' .l"-Kl'il u it!, !i
P i " : lor llann.' :.
till points lv t.
V. i'h St. Joseph .v II. t ve
W at h'T '. anl j.oi?,!-. i.i
AT I'oi .M'Il, Pl.l'i- i S v ;
Kail. I f'i r S.oux ( li),
and Calif'orni !.
I :
( !. -
-,..! t
, !'
. .N .1
i'V I-',
- .1 ; i I -
With Sioux iiy ,v Pn :
city aiel poiois in toe ir.
V.'ith the Chie.iRo A- Nor,'
Chic.'tKo Koek Ilat 1
and KiirliiiKton ,V
! !
tor t.niea(.-o and Point.-, i. ;
-fickit as LOW m t.y nt.y r -r
Pul. man's Palace . iirs on .Ii :. ,
No Chaise of Cars. Tn l.i-v n
LK il' " .L HOPiil.NM..
Unt il fur. her notice t r.i Iti
riveul (Muuiin m lvlUn. : ;
Ex prow 1 !:' n. pi. 1
freight :'i:.'?"i a. lil. 1 ;
Mixed ';(f -p. m.
Ilireet eonnection m:".
V X S. XV. flailroad; i 1,. .
Chiciffo, I'lirliiurloii ,V M...
ill :
t i'y, ht. .loo. Count ii J:',
lin'iit v. ith ftaj.' s for Liiif'"
A t Cheyerie n t! h Denver P;
vit, C ntial City, s-a-nta V '
do an 1 .N.-wr .Moi -o. At j
the rreiit Sweet water n, ;o
den. with Utah Cen' I;.
Southern I tah. and 0. P.
irtfima City, lleieua, V. :.
San Iraneisi . and ri;i. i
Nevada. Idaho. )rerot:
Ti kets lor alc at 'he .:,
Farnham and lull ms. hi, ; ;
T. 1 .
T. L- Kimball (Joi.'l P.. -.
U'. C. Thompson. A. -s't I'-i
1- I.
K. It i.
1.. t
it I.
Plows ! riov.s ! llo-.v-! j
Wayitaaii rf4: Z'urtl
Takwj iilca;uro in :i.ii..(.'i.-.- '.v
uhlie th:it they hav i t ,
s of that Pioneer P!.r,v
Who is now i ni.-"cc.l u.i'. -; e
inir a better article, nt ,,-, r t r, . . .
had from any tasiern ma i...
advuntUKe Kaii:o.l by p.r, :..
that you not only koi u i r
prio.-s. ton you are pa tor... ; ) '
l' ACTL' it K, where evo-y . ' t
reinaimi in tho Stale. ' . I
TIIE LAI ci CVN2.;i ' O
An an nd vr: isitiK i.; e i ' i . ','' !.,
Stand-' without an e ti; : , ,
beautiful piuJaiKl i.i."
wanton ie-truotion, like n
it is kept for bniilit.ft t i
i i-
Its circulation is throuj.:.' .'
:ind l anada. and i. .. i . ;,
.lent in too annals, of ;-o.:, ; i -;i.
the public appreciate .,
and ropular readers are n. :i
e.-!ate HKci.ts, bank, r . , ; ..i,t.
sei kiiiK land invi -t o.. nl s I ,r i, ..
tore becomcii the only i.o-.liuni t
persons iiavine lar'j t -..;; i i can re.i
lo.i b
at. i i
v. ir
r tiKh
h t o re
:.u .1.1 !
l.Il". -.
s ihiiu men uro o -lant.y nopro
by the erection of lure nr. I c.:y..
we con.'-tautly itl.istrate, it i ther- t
available tucdium l"r r,j.-i..
buildinfr materials, tho . i.. ,. .,
Siibbscripti on i-i ii p.-r - ::.!:.'!.
Iiiinos car is ol Pi- ;: i ! .. ,,
. it.'-
in the Keal l-tte A-
by citiefand town.s, n"i
tl : .
solid iionpiirit-l type, I i
includes, a copy of li.e
important feature of the .
lory now embraccH a i
lirmsof the country, aioi : ; i-. -n
Advertisement less t!.:.n m i -cents
per line solid n';tu... t .
u.r.t'er .Vleenta per lino I .. ,. ;
All billg lor a Ivcrti..!.,. . ; t.
r t, i-'.
payable quarterly in :. i,j';
vertiseiucn ji uiu-t I e a.-, .-- t
to insure insertion in the . .
Terms for ppceiul place", i
enzravings of buildint,',
1-im .-.t-irr
"l i:- '..-ii nt.
1 i v tiie
ot' C.i-""
.:; r.i
Hon ty mail.
J. M. VIN; (')..
Publhihers of ihj L..:o 'v.
Chi : ii
rWILL furnish parties with 8t-,
purposes at reasonable r. .. !;
delivcreu on the cars at Louisvi'l
foliowi it kinds can be had on '.,.
cape, perch rock, lineorr-' l.' :.i -wad
U;e;J 0 the li. A M It. t
t '! ilnir s'ono work.
orders pr-nii.tly fillc 1" Ad-ite--
J. T. A. liC'. v i:
lUtvtf" Looi.ivi;
w 'i
t i:r
In Runninc Order.
I desire to announce to t!of.'
have my (ircat Atnerici.i U.m
iu bine utcr Wheel in " 'i .
nlln-'-iitte-l-ry mill throu;;r ..t "l'
miif d to do better by n?y eis''''-!
1;" ' 1 .
if u I...,
e'loll. i
am row ;;