Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 05, 1871, Image 1
i . PLATTSMOUTH HEBALP 13 rt'uLisHr.r i.v II. D'. II AT HA V; AY, 7 toiTOR asp rr.orrT'T! THE NEBRASKA HERALD IS PUBLISHED WESKLT BT H- D HATHAWAY EDITOR A5t PROPRfCTOK. . Office corner Main Rnd Second treeus,i ond story. TERMS : Weekly. S2.00 per annum if paid in advance. 2.50 if not paid in advance. KEI'l'ULlCAX COXVEXTIO-X. ir r V i ,1 i I TLe Republican voters of Ca?i County re requCsteJ to assemble in their vari ous voting precincts at 2 o'clock p. in., Thursday Oct. 5th, and select delegates to attend a county convention to be held 'at the Co'irt House in PlatL-sniouth, at 1 o'clock p. iu., Saturday October 7th., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county offices. The pre cincts will be entitled to representation an follwa : ) Is. Ward - 4 l'lattsiuouth City 2d. Ward - - P. j Ud. Ward - 5 riattmouth Precinct - - - 4 Orcapolia "... 2 Louisville " 4 South Bond "... Salt Creek " - - - 3 Greenwood ' 3 Elm wood " - - - - 3 Tipton "... 4 Stove Creek 44 ... 4 Weeding Water - - - Eight Mile (J rove ... 3 Mount Pleasant - - - - 4 Avoca .... 3 Liberty - - - 3 Rock liluffi .... 5 It is important that prompt action be taken, as the tiaie is very t-hort. , IJy order of the Republican Central Committee. II. D. HATHAWAY, Chairman. THE CRISIS ARRIVED The cri i- on the mormon question has evidently arrived. Unchain Young .has been arrested by thedj. S. Marshall Patrick, on a charge of lewdly and las civiously cohorting with tome sixteen women whom he calls liritual wives In anticipation of trouble from this stroke at the great principal (?) of mor mon religiou, three company's of troop. have been ordered to Camp Douglas by (en. Augur. Urigham is too sick to come before the court, and consequently he is left at his own home in charge of a deputy marshal. Daniel II. Well. Mayor of Salt Lake City and third President in the mormon church, ha. also been arrested on a slmular charge, and held to bail in the uni of $.3,01)0. The penalty, if c-nvicted, is not les than six mouths imprisonment, beside fine. Look out fjr lively times in Utah for the next sis months. This is the first determined effort to suppress poly gamy since the days of Johnson's raid, and the result will be watched with great anxiety by the civiliz :d world. CASSt'Ol'X I'Y Al (U.KMVOOI) I-' A I It We find the following in the Glen wood Opinion of List Saturday: The Fair closed with a tii il of speed by ''Jennie'' of Rig Grove, Nc-lu-.-iska, ""l'rein'hman" of Nebraska, "Hay Char ley" of Avoca, "Sleepy I 'rank'"' of thi County, and "Gray Ne.l" of Nel.r.i.-ka Time was called, "Sleepy Frank," "Frenchman" and ''Charley" were starred and heat won by Frenchman in 3:1. "Jennie" ani "Gray NfH" wa railed, but "Gray Nell" was withdrawn, leaving "Jennie" to go against time. 1st., heat '2:u . "Charley" was here withdrawn on account of casting a shoe and ' Heopy Frank" 011 account of cut ting his fioi, leaving "Frenchman" und ".Jennie"' the onry contc-tants for the premium. Time was called an i it was agreed that "Frenchman's" first heat be . thrown cut and go against time, the following was the time made bv each: "Jennie," 2: 57 2: .33 i 2: .3i ) "Fre nch ma n, " 2: 572: 57 h - 5rJ Tis exhibition closed the best Fair (hat has been held iu the County, and we hope to sec it beaten next year. The "Rig Grove" above is evidently a mistake for "Eight Mile Grove." The mare "Jennie" belongs to Mr. Dill, of that place. TIMID PEOPLE. It is the habit of some people to laugh at the terror wlncli is exprcieiiced by otters at the heavy txiumJer-cran, or the flashing lightining. This is hath cruel and wicked, since the victim is no more to blame for it than for the color of his eyes and hair in fact, like them, it is often hereditary. Such persons fhould be pitied and soothed, ami allow ed dnring these periods to be always near some one whom they love and con tide in. More especially i-- this true of children, some of whom suITer more than words can tell from this, as well as from other causes of fear. Deal gentle with such ; it is the only way to eradicate their fears; ridicule and har.-hness wi;l only confirm them. The child "afraid of the dark," should never be enforced to encounter it unattended and unwau.h ed. Idiocy has often been the sad result of contrary treatment. Let both parents and teachers, then, be thoughtful in hase regards. The people of tho West are philoso ' pheri, and the farther west one gi Is, the more eminently is their philosophy displayed. It is more noticeable by the manner in which they receive troubles, "trials and disappointments, and has beea illu.-trated by our California ex- chaujres which have com'? to hand since their election. The following from a Democratic exchange is a MKimoti: "A prominent dentist, whose sipn in formed pxvers by that '"Laughing Gas is Administered," was waited upon by a doleful, niclancbo'ly looking individual the other day, who appeared as if every molar and insisor in his cavernous jaws about to jump from their allotted place, and who informed the urbane and expectant deoti.-t that 'he wanted to larf.' ' Want a tooth cxtracated, sir?' was the impair. 'Tooth! h lno; I ken bite olTa tenpenny nail with every tooth iu my head, but I'm a Democrat, and I bet every cent I was worth on flaiht straight up, and now I'm dead broke, and the whole party is eternally d d; 1 feel as if I can never raise another natu ral laugh again, and I waut to try the power of your g3s.' The doctor could with difficulty suppress the guffaw hiru nelf, but ho accommodated his patient, who is probably the only Democrat in this city who 'cracked a smile' yester day." Greeley deli veped a lecture, lan-Sy, to tho farmers of TippecaDoe county In diana, on the subject of silk-bearing t-heep, short horned potatoes, and dap-pe-nr clothes-horses. VOL. 7. AX IM'ORTAXT OCCISIO.1. Opinion of Judge Lake on Kiileof Ileal Estate fur Delinquent Taxes. A temporary injunction wa3 recently asked for and obtained in the District Couit of Douglas county, to restrain the sale of .real estate for delinquent taxes, upon the ground of irregularity in the imposition of the tax. Judge Lake's deci.-ion on this question is one of such importance to the people generally throughout the State, that we publish it in full, so far as it relates to the rail road bonds. The injunction was dis solved: OI'IXIO.V. John Hallenbeck ) In the District m. r Court for Douy- W. J. Hahn. j las County. This cae is a very importan and in teresting one, not only in view of the legal principles by which it is governed, but al.-o in consequence of the magnitude of the interests which are involved and affected by its determination. It has been very ably presented by the respective counsel, and a very large number of authorities cited to sustain thj views of each; and now I have only to regret that the want cf time has pre vented me from giving to the case, and the authorities produced, anything more than a cursory examination not at all commensurate with what they really deserve. The conclusion, however, to which I have come, from the examination given, would enable me to dispose of the case, at this time, without noticing several questions which have been deemed im portant, and were urged upon my atten tion with much force and earnesness by counsel. This action is b'onght to enjoin the sale of the lands of the plaintiff by the defendant who is Treasurer of Douglas county, f'.r delinquent taxes levied for the year 1870, including the btate, school, and municipal levy. The plaintiff, among other things, al leges that he is a resident of Douglas county, the owner in fee of the laud in question, and that the sale which the d dendant iiabout to make, icill cast a c'omf upon his title. This is the only evil impending which the plaintiff wishes to avert, and to prevent which he calls for th'j intcrf Tence of t lie court. The plaintiff denies the authority of the de-ft-ndaut to sell his lands for said taxes, because there was in;-Iuled in thj levy for that year a Mini with which to meet the in erest, etc., on three hun dred and fifty thousand dollars of bonds,- issued by the county of Douglas to aid in the construction of the Omaha & Northwestern and Omaha & Southwest ern railroads, each having their termini in this city, and reaching from thence into our State. It is contend'd that the issuance of these binds was wholly unautho.izod, for the f'hl iwin reasons: 1. Sail bonds were a gift or donation to said road-;, the same I einsi a private corj ontioii, ai:d su-Ii bonds arid tho interest thereon cinnot be uiad-2 charge able a a public tax. 2. The levy, if made at all. should iiave been made specifically to each particular road, ifot to both combined. ''. There is 'no evidence among the records in the ciuuty clerk's office, ur other records of tho county, that a copy of the question submitted was posted up at each place of voting du:ing the day of el ction. 4. There is no evidence that the vo eso. the special t'ction were can vassed, or that the same, or the returns thereof, wore opened and abstracts made as provided by law, or by the county c!erk, with two di interested electors. 0. The levy made is an excess of the annual sum tt bo pai on said bonds. 0. There is no ovi.L rics of which the Court can take judicial notice that a majority of the votes cast were in favor of the proposition submitted to issue vaid bonds the votes of one precinct n:t being canvassed nor explained, save by the remark "no returns.'' 7. That there is not and never wa such a place as the "Mount Vernon" (one of the places for holding the elec tion, as designated in the proclamation of the commissioners, on the corner of Davenport and Ninth streets, in Omaha Precinct No. 3, and that said special election was not hell on sai 1 corner, nor i " any place on said corner, nor in any place on said Ninth street. The first objejlion here made strikes a' the very foundation upon which these bond rets, and if tenable, would render it wholly unnecessary to examine the six remaining objections. Hut is this objection well taken? Is it incompetent lor tho State, or ons of its municipal subdivisions, by the asent of the, to aid in the con.struc tio.i of railroads and other works of great , ublic benefit to the people of the State, or the municipality granting it, perchance actually nccestary to their prosperity and happines. On this point 1 mut say that I have received very great aid from the labors and researches of counsel, and that from as careful an examination of the ci-es bearing upon this question as very lim ited time would allow, the conclusion is irresistible that this is not now an open question, and that whenever there exists uo constitutional prohibition, the whole matter is left to legislative disciction as to the extent of the aid which the peo ple may bestow. The constant practice of the general government, and the acti'in of a larjre majority of the States sustained as they have ben by an almost unb oken cur rent of decisions by the courts of Inst roort, would s?em to be decisive of the question, aud place it f rever at rest. It is assumed by this objection that these railroad companies are merely piivatc corporations. This is not strict ly true. Their c haracter U to be de termined by ascertaining th object which the Sta'e had in view in their ere ition. In the incorporation of rail road companies what other tljcct could the legislature have in view than the providing of facilities of travel to the people, and the moans of transporting their goods and merchandise from one portion of the State to another, and to put every portion of the State iu easy communicariou wiih the great trade centers of the country. And this was one of the chief reasons which induced Congress to bestow so princely a bounty upon the great Pacific ronds, in the shape of 'ands and national bonds. What other consideration could have induced our own State Legislature to grant its internal improvements lands to the several rends now in process of con struction in v. riou portions cf the State. I will oiily ruicr to two or three of the numerous authorities on this subject. In the case of Swan vs Wil liams ct aL, 2 Mich. 427, tire court says: "Most certaia it is. that as to all their PL ATI'S M rights, powers and responsibilities, three grand classes of corporations exist. 1. Political or municipal corporations such as counties, towns, cities and villages, which from their nature are subject to the unlimited control of the Legislature. 2. Those associations which ar created for the public benrfit, and to which the government delegates a portion of its sovereign pc wer to be exercised for public vtility, such as turnpike, bridge, canal and railroad companies; ?,. strictly pri vate corporations where the private in terest of the primary object of tho asso ciation, such as banking, insurance, manufactuiing and trading companies. Again, the same court adds, "To say, aT has been too often carelessly said, that the acts done by these corporations are done with a view to their own interests, from which an incidental benefit springs to the public, is to admit the private character and the private use of the property condemned to their use. Hut it is obvious that the object which de termines the character- of a corporation is that desitned by the legislature, ratli er than sovght by the Company." To the same imports arethecases ofOsborn vs The Uni ed State3 Hank. '. Whcaton, 7.8; Hlondgood vs The Mohawk and Hudson liailroad Companies, 18 Wen dell, 1; and the Hoard of County Com missioners of the County of liCaven worth vs Edward Miller, a case recently decided by the Supreme Court of Kan sas, wherein this doctrine is most dis tinctly affirmed, after a very careful review of all the principal authorities bearing upon this question. As to the'second objection that "the levy should have been made to each particular roai, and not to both com bined," I i-.'ive to say that while it would undoubtedly be proper, and per haps better, that the amounts necessary to pay the bond of each road be levied separately, yet I find no authority actu ally requiring it to be done. Nor does it appear that by reason of their being grouped together any injury has resulted to the plaintiff. He uraes the same objections to aud seeks the same relief against both. The third objection is untenable. What matters it, even if it be true, that there is no evidence in the clerk's oiliee, or other records of the county, that a copy of the question submitted to the people was posted up at each jil ice of voting duting the day of election? If the copy were posted up in fact, as the law requires, it would be sufficient even though no record evidence of ths fact has been preserved, and in the ab.-enee of an allegation to the coutrary we are bound to presume it to have been done. And the same is true of the fourth ob jection relative to the canvass of the votes. Hut I think it does not appear from the petition that all these things were done. The extract-s taken from the records and files in the County Clerk's office show that h!1 thesa requirements were com P icd with. It is a rule of pleading that the state ments shall be takeu most stremily airamst the pleader. Applying this v hoi -'some test, can it be sufficient to state that the records of the county -how that the essential requirements of the law were complied with '! Again, it is urged that the amount of the tax levied was in excess of what was necessary to pay the interest for otic year, but it is not shown that it was, more than would be neeesary to 'meet the interest that had and would accrue be fore another levy could be made. It is not shown by the petition what amount of interest it is necessary to meet. There may be more than one year's interest to provide for by this levy All that is alleged in the petition is that tho levy. made is in exes of the annual sum to be paid on said bonds. Hot even if this were so, and made clearly to ap pear from rhe petition, it would not be a sufficient ground to call for the appli cation of the extraordinary remedy here sauglit. For auzht that appears, the increase of the amount which the plain tiff is hereby called upon to pay is mere ly trifling The O h objection is that there is no evidence of which the court can take judicial notice that a majority of the votes east were in favor of the issuing of the bonds. 1 his allegation is open to the same criticism that I have just ap plied to other portious of the petition, arid also to the further one, that it is not the duty of the court, but of the County Commissioners, to investigate and de termine whether a majority of the votes were in favor of the proposition submit ted. This is the duty specially enjoined upon that Hoard by the law; and fiom a transcript on their records, copiod into the petition, it distinctly appears that they Sound the whole number of votes ca-t for the bonds to have been sixteen hundred and forty-five, anil but one hundred and seventy-six against. To the 7th objection, I will only re mark that it does not appear that an election was rcaliy held in Omaha Pre cinct No. it, and that nt this poll there was caf-t three hundred and sixteen votes fc r, and three votes against the bonds. It does not appear that any elector was deceived, or lost his vote ly the alleged irraulaiities, nor that any other result could possibly have been secured had the precisejlace of holding the election been given in the notice. "A thermometer should be placed in an open space, out of the vicinity of high buildings or a:iy object that impedes t he free circulation of air. It should face the north, to be always in the shade, should be twelve inches from every neighboring object, should be about fif teen fe?t from the ground, and should be protected against its own radiation to the sky, and against the light reflected from neighboring objects, or the ground itself. ' So says Signal Officer Single ton, of St. Louis. This slightly malicious paragraph is from the Cincinnati Commercial: "The inhabitants of Greeley, Co'orado, stimu late with ammonia. At least that is the name on the bottles, and it is wonderful to see with what freedom they permit the liquid to gurgle down their throats." The latest cosmetic English women have becun to use is from an old recipe received from On - An.-m' namely, cucumbers steeped in milk. An exchange says Venus rose from the foam of the sea, but modern beauty rises ma jestic from curd hoops and lettuce beds, with oat meal plasters on its face, chlo ride on its locks, bismuth on its fi'icers to give a pearly appearance, a steel ban 1 for a cestus, and laved with decoction of cucumbers and blue a-ilk. Why go through so much to act so little? The great thing in this won ! is not so much were we etand, a? in th direction we are moving. To rea h the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it but we must sail, and not drift nor lie at anchor. O UTJ T, NEBRASKA, hOMtllll-Mi xt:w. We have been shown the proof sheets of a new and very excellent chart of the English Language the work of Judge Derham, Prof, of Natural Sciences in Abingdon College, 111. It is a complete Chart of the English Language, pre senting the analysis of Orthoepy,Orthog raphy, Etymology, Synax, Pro - J ly, Elocution and Logic, in such a clear, concise and systematic manner that its parts can be readily understood and applied. The Chart is so arranged as Tiot to supplant other works embracing any or ail of the above subjects, an 1 will become a valuable aid in the study of each. The Chart will be about ZCxift inches, mounted on rollers, and finished in good style. The Chart is very com plete, and is calculate 1 to give the stu dent a better idea of his subject in a very short time than could be obtained by long study under the present method. Every school house iu the land should be supplied with one or mere of these Charts, and even a private library is hardly coiop'ete without one. Persons desiring a copy of the work, or desiring an agency, will address, Judge Derham, for the present at Woodland, California. The Tea Trade in a Xew i'iiumicl. From the !?an Francisco Bullo'in. For some months past there has been a warm discussion in the commercial papers of the Atlantic and Western States concerning the tendency of the tea business to find new channels for transportation. New York claimed her old supremacy in this respect. Chicago hotly contested it. St. Louis made even a more emphatic denial. In the mean time cargo after cargo was being landed in this city, and deposited across the continent by rail. It is said that Jvl't tons took this direction la-t week, and that in a few days l.L'00 tons will follow. These may be over-estimates. Hat, reducing the figures to facts, they show what is the present drift of the tea trade. The exports by the way of the Suez Ca mlhave not bet n saiUlhcury to New V01 k importers. Importations iu sail ing vessels by way of Cape Horn are ncaily at an end. There is now a bond ed transportation line which will proba bly connect with all the chief cities of the country. The complaints at the New York Custom House, in the delay of goods, .Vc, charges in getting goods through with dispatch, which, il is said, amounted to " per cent, on the value of invoices, have all operated in favor of sending tea across the country by rail. While Ivistern papers are busily engaged in writing the project down, it ripens to an accomplished fact. Hereafter tea trains will be so frequent as to hardly attract attention. Merchants in New York receive invoices of tea from forty to sixty days soorer than in the old way. The gieat inland cities are not vexed with extra Ccs'om Hou-e chirges; time and money are saved, a: d these being th;? controlling considerations, the new drift cannot be turned aside. The great receiving depot hereafter, for tea, will be San Francisco. (iitK.VT ak:: Mi;it( is. Weave proud of cur countrymen. There is no plaec where their vcr.-aflc talents show to fuch itdvuntage as in Europe. They go to Paris and drive six-iu-hand through the crowuc 1 streets with a grace and recklessness that would have'mad hue 1 Jr. nr. They haunt the lake gardens of Switzerland, light their cigars. :uid elevate their feet to a height that would drive a native born into con gestion of the brain. They loll iu the sunshine on the shore of Couio, through the gardens rich with gleaming statues and fountains, and groves of lime and orange and drive those to tiro manor born into paroxysms of envy with their contempt, of Como as compared with Lakes George and Tabo. In the Prussian universities they set the Gerunns frantic with their superi ority in drinking beer. In the fencing halls they handle schlagers heft r than the man who made the s-..rds On the slope of Iiudi-hciincr they walk off with a dozen bottlos under their vest, leaving- their host heavy wiih wine. In Pal! Mall and Ib tton How they out stare and out-dawdle tho dandies of tho realm. On the world lamed shores ot" Mormora they hui'd their Turkish vil las, and.outshiue the pa h 's in Circas sians and dancing-girls. Over the hills of Cauca.-us their feet never tire, and their ready rifle rings out a death sorig to game that the natives hardly dare to lock upon Yes, we are a great nation ; but great er far than these, than one. than all, we have carried the mystic charm of "poker' into the aristocratic circles of Baden, and arc fleecing counts and countesses in a way that turn the big banks pale wi'h envy. I7c-i ' Amcr iauc. Cincinnati Timc3 and Chroni cle. A Miss Targgct, of Indianapolis, who was in Paris during the war, pursuing her musical studies, Irad opportunity also for testing the quality of the differ ent kinds of meat resorted to during the seige. She suys that about six weeks afrer the first seige had com menced, th'j lady r.f the house at which she was boarding, with some thirty oth ers, remarked to her "tenants" that they soon would have to cat horse and other animal fieh, as the supply of beef was rapidly decreasing. They all begged her not to tell thc-m when they began to tat it, as the' feared thev would not be able to overcome their repugnaee at the idea of such food. The landlady gratified their wish, and it was not until a week or ten days had pa.-sod that they knew that they had been living on "" new meat." Mi-sTaggart found it not only pa'atable, but pleasant. Mule meat was very nice, tasting like fresh, juicy beef; horse Uc.-h was g"oJ, but not so tender; cats were really excel lent, aud when served tip ivith rabbit could not be distinguished from it. For dog meat, however. Miss Taggart ac quired a distaste which she could not overcome. Her fellow-boarders sail ir was because her first piece was not a j tender one, as they had developed quite j a partiality for it. An invalid once complained to his neighbor of a' Shanghai which the l itter kept. The bird was a terrrble nuisance, and gav hitn no peace day or night. "Hut," said the skeptical owner, "uiy cock only cmw four or five times a day. I don't see "low that can annoy ycu so much " "Because" replied the sufferer, "you dou't take into account all the times when I am especting him to crow." THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, !S71 MEN MIiS Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton recent ly delivered a lecture at San Francisco, California, in which she said this about cooks : "Horace Greely has said that what we want is GO.OOO good cooks, instead of tit), (MX.) men voters. Well, I know we do, aud I propose that we educate the men to do it. Applanze arid laughter, j Men are adapted to this work.. They can stand any amount of heat. 'J hey don't mini any amount of smoke. A dozen or so of theia will get together, and smoke a room so full that you can't see across it. They like smoke, and cooking will give them plenty of it. Men are the best cooks. Now, the best book on cooking is written by a man. The quickest cooking I ever knew of was by a man on shipboard. He hid only one spoon, which he would dip into everything, and between flavors he would lick it. A woman wouldn't have done that ; she would have dirtied a dozen towelf and consumed vastly mortti me." Thousands for One. Some pains taking genius has been &t the trouble of counting the increase in weeds. It tig ures up considerably more than the Scripture count. Here it is: A healthy pig weed, if not dis1 urbed, will ripen more than lO.OoO seeds-and they are pretty sure to grow. The seeds of the common dock will produce 13,0O seeds. The toad flax leaves 4",000 heirs, to in herit its e-tate. Burdock is prolific to the amount of lM.000 fold, and like poor relations, they are always hanging to one's skirts. The common stinging net tle gives 100,000 and over, for one. There are very few weeds but will pro duce a thousand fold, and they do not require to be ripe to reproduce their kind. Destroy them, if possible, before they blossom. You cannot raise tigs on thistles, neither may you expect good crons among weeds. Every one de stroyed before seeding this .year, saves the trouble of destroying thousands an other. Kill the weeds. At St. Louis, too other day, so an ex change tells us, " arrived an elegantly dressed and apparrentiy wealthy lady from Cle eland, who wished to go a short distance in the country. There be ing no stage at that hour, a gentleman was found who lived in that d'reclion indicated, and was willing to favor the lady with a ride." The Herald tells the remainder of the story: ""But lo ! upon being confronted with each other, they each positively declined having anything to do with each other, and the gentle man incontinently bolted. Upon being asked why this was thus, he replied : "Thunder! I know that woman ! She was my wife once, and I would'nt ride ten miles with her fox o'..'0!' The lady .subsequently hired a carriage; and cn the way informed the driver that she 'had found out something she had want ed to I. now for a long time.' " Further developments are awatsd with interest. The deformity of women's lect, in consequence of the hideous style of shoes lately prevalent, is said by surgeons and shoemakers to bo tercible. Bunions, corns, and swelled joints are almost uni versal, and in many oases permanent deformity or lameness hns resulted fr!ii overstraining of muscles by the position in which the high heels hold the feet. A celebrated dandy was ordered by his physician to follow a course of sea b ithiiig at Dieppe. Arrived at that de-iLi-.tful town, he ordered a machine an.l attendant, and went boldly into the water. He plunged in bravely, but in an instant aier came up puffing and blowing. "Francois," said Ire, "the sea smells detestably; it will poison me. Throw a little eau-de-Cologne into the water, or I shall be suffocated !" An Irish paper states that as three men were j cling a boat along the Abbe Hiver, county of Limerick, on Saturday, Augu.-t ly, the pole which they were using stuck in the bottom of the river, and for a time their united exertions failed to extricate it. At last they suc ceeded, when to their astonishment they discovered that it was caught in an en irmotis-y large bell, which remained suspended to it, and which they go: into the boat. The bell, which weighs about twelves-one, bore date of 1181. and is suppo-ed to have belonged to St. Mary 's Cathedral, and to have been thrown into tlie river during the siege of Limeiick. There was a wedding in Boston shortly after the Bonaparte Edgar affair that fairly eclipsed that in public interest. A wealthy merchant who had been a con firmed widower for thirty .velars, gave up his celibacy, and married a charming widow with thirteen children. To in quiring friends he expresses his willing noss to provide for thirteen more. Yesterday a stove which had been all summer standing in t lie Post Office, in this city, was brought into use for the first time this season. A quantity of waste paper had nccumu'atcd inside during th summer, and a tire was about, to be applied to if according t" the 11-ual custom. By accident the contents were first removed, and it was then found that seventy c-itridges had been conceal ed inside. Had the match been lit. a j fearfu' explosion mii.-t have followed. e prefer to believe that these cat-rilg'.-s were left there by some person without design to do injury, and after wards forgotten. But a stove is a queer place to keep powder. Omaha Herald. , Pome curiou genius has bcei. investi gating beer, and among the ingredients trsed in making up that beverage, he says he found sugar, honey, molasses, liquorice, alum, opium, gentian, quassia aloes, coculus, indicus, amora, tobacco, nux. saltpeter, jalap, salt, maranta, green copperas, marble dust, oyster fhcl's, sulphate of lime, hartshorn, shavings, nut-ga!!, potash and soda. Titierfs. Knaves.'! Swindlers!!! These are mild terms with which to des ignate those adventurers, who have been induced by the high reputation which 1 r Sage's Cathtrh Hemedy has won to offer for sale n worthless imitation of this celebrated medicine. J'ememier that Dr. Pierce's private stamp, which is three and a half inches long and has upon ir his portrait, and the words "U S. Certificate cf Gcnuiness," is upon cvety pacage of the Genuine. Sold by Druggists, r,r by n-.ail sixty cents. Ad dress Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. JOSEPH SCHLITKH ESTABLISHED is S-7l. DEAI.KIi IN 21 WATCHES, Cf-iOfJIi.H, JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PENS SPCTACLE3. VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY O0DS. Watche. Clocksaud Jewelry repaired neatly nd with dispatch. .Removed to opposite Platte Valley Hons M'.!ltr t- nov.lOwtfc lirAL R. It" IX SEBKA:?KA. K-KSTVTARD. ritAIN NO 1. X.e. 10.00 A. M. STATIONS. Platfsinnuth. Omaha .lime. Louisville. S-utu lieml. Ashliind flrenwood VVuverly Xewion Liucolu Lincoln It-Miton HifhUixl Crete Dorchester LkSTVTABD TR AIN NO 2 Ar. .'.4" P. M ArS.LMP. M Ar. 3.lO V. M Ar. 2.4S P. M Ar. 2.25 V. M Ar. 2.1i) " Ar. l.Vi " Ar. 1.4-) " Le. 1J0 " Ar. 11 Tj) " Ar. ll.on '" Ar. 10.20 " Le. UK) " Le. '.'.00 " TRAIN NO. i. he. A. M. Le. IO.-i A. M. 11 .'6 A. M. Ar. 11JA) A .V. IMS 12 en n iu Ar. Ar. Ar. 1J.IJ Ar. 1J.3U Le 2.00 Le Le :. ! Le 4..) Le 4.40 TRAIN NO. 3. Le. 1.45 L j. 5.:i5 Le. n.25 Le. 0 55 Ar. 7.4-5 Ar. 8.15 Ar 8.40 V. 1. n&ttsmouth. Ar. 9.00 A. M. M. Omsha June. Ar. S.20 A. M. P. M. Louisville. Ar. .4o A. 1. P. P. M. South Pen 3. Ar. 7.20 A. M. M. Ashland. Le. C,.4() A. M. Greenwood Ar. t5.10 Waverly r. 5.50 Newton Ar. 5 Ho " Lincoln Le. S.oo Ar. f.oo " Ar. 9.0 -Le. 6,00 a m Le. r,.4'J " Le. 7.20 Ar. 7.40 Ar. S'jO Ar Si. 45 Ar ll.:0 ar 12.20 Lincoln Lr. S 00 D.-nton Ar. 7.2 llii'hilaml Ar. r.5t) Crete Lc. 5.:t 1 in Iiorchestcr Le. rv Swi eh Le 4 to Swio-h Leo. 15 Switch Le 2..'t Orso. n after the arrival of train from Platts mouth. As the trin West of I ion-best' r is en p:iire'l in construction it is liKely to be irregular as to time. The time piven above i.s that of FlattsmoutU, being 'Si uiiautes slower than Chicago. E. i- M. R. R. ARRIVR. Paeide F,xrres!.. except Monday Mail Kxet-.t Sunday Kroipht No. 5 except Sunday Freight No. 7 except Sunday- 8 45 a. in. ..10:40 p. m. ....2.00 p. m. ...S:30 p. in DEPART. Atlantic Express except Saturday 5:15 p. in. Mail except Sunday v25 a. in. Freisrlv. No. 6 except Sunday 1P55 p in FreiKht No 8 7:10 p. is. The above is Chicago time, being S3 minute (aster than Plattsmouth time. l?oat leave PlatNmouth Ilopot to connect (rith 'rain oing east hall'im hur in advance of above time, except for Atlantic Lxpress for which it leaves forty-five minuits in advance. K C. ST. JOE. & C. C R. R. AT 1MCIFIC JfM'TlON IOWA, I ;)1N(! mirth. uoini; ponn. Mail and Express, ...'i:V p. in. 7::l" a. m. Nisrht Express S:15 a. iu- 5:20 p. in. This aires passengers from Plattsmouth closo connection going South or North by leaving here on the5:15 p. in. train. OMAHA Ar SOUTHWESTERN. T Take Efi'trt Motulun, Mny.HXth, 1S71. In connection with Uurlington Ar Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. Depot at foot of Jones Street. I.EAAES. ARHIVrSl. Omaha VHI a. m. I Lincoln 12:30 p. in. do 3:00 p. in, I do S:!0 p. m. Lincoln ft: 00 a. in. Omaha 11:10 a, m. do l;':0p. in. 1 d i !':10 p in. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTL'EE OF MAILS, ROI.TK. C. 15. A- St. Joe R. R. South C. H. A- St. Joe R. R. North. 11. M. It. R. East. B. A .Vi. R. It. West, Jimaha by Rail Weeping Water. Nebraska City, by Stntre. CLOSES. A RltlVF.S 10 p m. 10. "0 pp 10 p. IU. 111.30 pin 1J p m. 10.: 1 1 in '.' n m. 4 p in. 10 p in 10 a Hi 12 a in. 12 a iu. SI p m. & p iu. Ilenurts .loilavs. WimI n-s.biv.3 nod Vri-la vs. OHiee hours, troin 7.3u a m to 7.30 p m. Sundays, 12 to 1 p nir J. W. MARSHALL. P. M Sou'ai den 24 September bat die Deutsche Ev. Luth. Genieinds in il-.rcm S'-bulbaus or mittajr's um 11 Uhr lotte i'lii nst. . berha i: i t limlet derselbe von jet?.t an reeolniaessin alio 11 Tage Halt. Minister Rev. U Hannawall. Y. M. C. A. Hall over flark & Plumper's Store Preaching every Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock: Prayer meeting every Tuesday even in at 7 o'clock : Reading Room open each day from H a. m. to 10 p. m. FiRfT I'RFSBTTEnMX North side of Main td. est of Sixth Rev. I). V.r. Cameron; Services very Sabbath at 11 a. in. and H:3n p. m. Sab ith School atl:30a- in.. Tims Pollock Superin indent. Prayer mectiiig every Wednesday venii:g at fi:3o o'clock. Methodist Ei-icopal West si-ie of Sixth street, south of Main Rev. J. B. Mnxlicld. Service every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Class neeting? every Monday eveningand immediate ly titter close of Sabbath ranrnins services Sabbath School at 2:30 Cdnt.rfoationau Corner Locust and Eighth itreets Re. R. Foster. Services every Sabbah at 10:30.1. in. and 7 p. in. Sabbath School at 12: 30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday ivening. Kpiscopai. Corner Vine an 1 Third streets "ev. II. St. George Young. Services every Sab- vhat 10:30 a. iu. aud 7 p. iu. Sunday School t 3 p. in. 4 HRISTIAK Services in Court House Hull (i 15. Mui!t-. local preacher. Elders, isaie Wiies and T. J. Todd. Catholic North sideof Publi" Snuare Rev Father Hayes. First Mass every Sabbath st :2Q . in.. Second Mass an 1 Sermon at 10::i0 a. in.. Vespers" and Reue diet ion at o:3U p. ni. Mass n. n. evcrv wek d-iv. I.O. O. F. hcffular ineeungs ot PiaTTeTLoIlge No. 7, l.O. . F. every Saturday evening, at Odd Fellows Hail, 'i'rancient JJrothers are cor dially invited to visit. S. M. CHAPMAN N. G. II. Nkwvax. Sec. I.O. O. I Plattsmouth Encampment No. 3. Regular Convocations the 2nd and 4th Friday's of ech month at Odd Fellows Hall cor. 3d and Main sts. Transient Patriarchs cordially inviicd . visit. I). II- W U L'ELER. C. P. II. J. Streicht, Scribe v.-tiuHTsi ok Pythias Platte Valley bulge No. .. s Regular .netting? every Thursday evening, v'isiuug -rothera alwiivs welcome. W. L. WELLS, W. C, R. HErSEL, K. A- C. S. V. V. LEONARD. V. P. M ipoxic Pi ATTsM.irTB Lnnot Xn. 6 A. F. .t A. M. Keg.ilar meetine? at their hail on the first and thir l Monday evening; of each month. Transient hrethern invited to visit. IK 11. WHEELER. Yi M, P. E. Rtkfneb. Stc. Macoy Louie No. 22 A. F. & A. M. Regular oiee'ing at Masonic Hall, first an.l third Fri iay:. J. N. WISE, W. M. I. 31. Wolf. Sec. Nebraska Chapter No. 3 R. A. M. Regular convocations second and fr.uirh Tuesday eve. nir.fcs of cic month at 7' ' ".'clock p. m. K. R. LIVINGSTON II. p. E. A, Kiekpatbick. Sec M astt. rxSta r Degree Lodgs. Regular meet ings of the Family sre held on Wednesday eve Ding, on or before the full moon of each mouth. All Master Masons, their wive-, sisters and laushters are invited to attend. I nmarried la ie? must be over eighten yeai-3 r.f mte. D. H. WHEELER. Patron. Mrs. C. A. Duke, Patrone. J. N. Wise. Recorder. I. O. O-T.-OriTF. I ranch, N0.2--W D Ferree W. C. T.: E. 11 rnd ley. W. S.: T. V.'. Shry ock Lodge Deputy. Meets at Clark t-plmnmer's hll every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars respect'ully invited. Excelsior Drover Lodge, No. 1. E. Lewis, D. T.; F. K. White. D. S. MeetsatOour House Hall on the erst and third Saturday ever lags of each month. Star op Hops Losgk No. . T. E. Hnghe?W 3. T.: Andrew blemitn, W. o. S. Jj. H.ibson Lodge Deputy. Meets at Mt Pleasant every Saturday evening. Vairtistv .Lodgk. No. 14. J. J. Chan ll-r, .7. C. T.: Wm. J. Hesser. W. S.: S. W. Calkin IjMtge Deputy. Meets every Vi'ednesday even . Traveling Templars respectfully invited. Tr, ree GitovK Lopcr. No. 24. Amos Orifiith, 4.C. T.:.Jas. XHJson. W. S.: C. il. Wiu.-b.vr Lodge Deputy, "leets every Saturday evening. Traveling Tempi invited t meet wiiii us. GETTING HABSIED. Essays for Young Men. on great social evils and Hhuscs. which interiere with tnarringe with (ure rueansof relief for the F.rntg and Un fortunate, diseased und dcbiliatcd. cent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. So. 2 NinA Street, 'hiade.' .t Oober SOth. IS73 wly. city iiort:L. J. E. Holland, Proprietor, corner of Miun and Third streets, Plattsinouth, Nebraska, Having 1 been rehtted and uewly furnished oflers fir; t elaa accommodations. Board by the week ' NO. 27 SUBSCRIBE NOW FOU TIIK EC EKALD! TIIK BEST LOCAfi PAPER IN 1J""E30"E:8..J32S.3L pjtje: rr x im n. DAILY One Year -llirt e 31 mi 'is One Month - 810,00 - 2,00 WEEKLY One Year - -Six Months - - 2,00 $1 00 THE HERALD IS TUE OXLY OA'E G1FJXG COMPLETE .VEIVS FROM THE GREAT WEST BET WE EX PLATTS U O U Til AND FORT KEAIiNHY. THE HERALD Now Offers the BEST AD VER T1S1XG MED1 UM '.'ct of Lire MISSOURI RIVER It is rea 1 y Farmer.?. Mcrclinnts Me chanics Contractors, Stock Dealer.-, Uailmad Men, Du.-iue.s.s Men, M a n uf act 11 rcr?, L'onsu in ers, . AND Legal Notice. Jocn Snyder nnd Martha K. Snyder will take notice. th-t Daniel W Cameron, did on the ',1:!T '? fcc.teiuhr l.-Cl.f.i.e his petition in toe l isti-ict liiun ot the 2 Judicial ilistrict in and fort ass county Nebrfka, against John Snvder Isnn 1, Miydcran I Clvin li. Pariueit De fendants setting forth thai the said John fcny der and .Martha B. Snyder, gave a morgage to find Daniel . Cameron, on the west half of the south east quarter and tho west half ol the riortb east quarter ol section No. Thirty lour iu fownshio 12 North of range VJ Eat of Oth P. in sai 1 County ol Cas. to secure the iny incnts ol ths sum of Thirty five hundred Do Jars and interest according to a certain promissory note referred to in said mortgaze. aud pray mgthatsaid John Snyder and Ma.-tha li hny.ler may pay Mid sum now claimed to hcduewiih in terot auio, uuing o the sum of i,"."0, withiu teret at 12 per -ent from the 17:h day ,f Keb uary 1H.1. or thai said premise may be sold to pay the ume said John Snyder and Martha ii ftnyder are required to answer said petition on or belore the titu day of Nov. 1ST1. . xr . DANIEL W CAMERON by Maxttzlt. & Cbapjjax Attya i.ei.t.21 Zl -Office corner Main anil Se nd story' TERMS : DnilySIO.iV) rtr per month. fox nir. JOU SALE OH RENT. The properly belonging to I) . 1 sold or rented on rc:i-onal)!c t" 1:1 s. I.i.e contains 0 rooms. Theie is a! a Itri"- ' ' with flitter, a cellar, a sUhlc, ml :,c. : , ieu'-f. Apply lo T. M. i . i '. ': I sepl tf. IroffEsionnl (? . 41 I' It. It. I.I i o, ! PHYSICIAN AND SE1?; i W -professional services to the c:t.7cr - .. 1 ty. Kesidencesoutbo ft corner 1 '. 1 - -streets: office on Main (.rnt, wiv : of Ln-uu'f Emu her Yard Pia:suotit h. .- i .1. W ltAVFI.IV, ."JJ. i . . PHYSICIAN AND SUKt; l.i i . ; : a geon-in-Chief of tho Arm- c : ,1 ' l'latN'iiouth. Nebraska. HI!. .-eat . . ' son's Drugstore Main street. ( .. ' l'lumiiicrs. Private residi in c vo-,.i r . . Dr. J. IV. TSJi;- Having permanently livnv l : ter lulls, tender hi proles-iwii.'i .- -v. ;.'. Oitiiens ol" Cass county. Ne' . 1 iig'.ieoia I ? l E. B. D. La Matt a, M D ; i . . -.. hi" full stock of lloinci.i;i; ; ; ,c u: - ' 1 Schil iknccht. who will keco I.-.! -. sluntlyon hand. juIy2vJ2m t. c. fox. e ,1 . . k . ; i ox &. ivi!i.i; rr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW.- -Soorm! ! given to probate business acd Lie. I ti'le dllice ID lhe M.isoiik; I'lcik, J.imi Nir Plattsmouth. Nt '"-asku. 8. MAXWFI.L. t 8AAI. M. f .f-J ATTORNEYS AT LAW and .-..! i' Chancery, Platisiauuth, .Ndia.ka. Oiiic. Fitsgeral l's Llock, , i,.ii T. M. MAIKJl -KTTK. .' . . . I : MAItQrUTT U t ll)t:. ATTORNEY AT !.AW I S . .: 1 ... CS- eerv, Aei-Utsfur K.llriia.l l.a:, is l'bi i i . .1' Nebraska. OEl. 8. SWI til. . . liMITII Ac SI?? t. B3;fi Attorneysnt Law, ntol ci'.ci , : r ', ; !. I -;r). J. . Will practice iu all rou . I - ol ! i . ,- 1 .. : c 1. ,.-. u tern Iowa. Office o -crt'lm k A J'i iii,r . . : upporitv ihe l'.rooks llnu v. Insurance icnt. tin i No. .- ;':.' Lite. I'ii e and .Murine J 11.-11 nc. . 1,1 "vi able riites in 1 be uio-t sub Jtao ic i i' m ;. 1 1 . .... the I'nili d S'at'. Ollice tr.oit re :u mer Uilice with T. l. Manjuclt. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A pn! "lii. d.v . D. II. WilKKLKR. L. . i.lS M l I t. 11 vt iji:es. f. KettI Estate antl Tax Paying Af-i ills. V. . . . . ' , - .i 1 " J 1 11 n I III. , I ; die, Eire and Life JusuraLce .v.guAt.i, I'l.i ilh, N'ebiaska. 1 unn itr 1 1 lTOV UtlUS... CAKPENTEES Sc ,VtiXKl-. re - t to do work i- cLeaj)aj the clioiiet. rMioi, r 01 AJuio ui.'i htui (ii itr-etst. u. -i I CARPENTER AND JOIXEii. ! ui """ k in h' - line on hliort notice r.i:i i:: i!M' 'i.. Coiitrai ts lor building iiiiuie on rensor.a 1 "tern. Shop one block soulu oi i'lat t- . II .iiiiuie. jub.'JI I'LiTTSMOUTSJ 55 f 1.1.. C. IEEfSEL. Proprietor. Havit g r i nvi-ei. r--"i nired and placed in thorough --.i r 1 1 . :,.- "?' rfcj.m.Hi liuslicls of Wheal wante 1 :n. ' " for which the highest mai ket pri-- .'.'.'. o- lugXrtt. r!U)()KS HOT; John n r;Ei.i.i propr;- Main Street, . -twee 11 ii r. 1 1 1 1. ! i- Phelps Paiiie GENLRVLI.MSURNCE AG ! PLATTSMOUTII, N K'ilt .- i C. Represent!! -ome of the meet ...;,! ; ' ies in ihe United St:tti s. O.Tice with Lames, i l'olio'.k 1., ' t. : Clock . ... ;,i - .. Legal Notice. William II. Schildknecht) n John Snr. der. )bi; r. 1. 'Ihe delendant above naincii v,.:! that on the -1st day ol Sep 1 . plaiiititrcoiuiiiunced an aiti. i 11. . ant in said e. uit to r-ei.ver t on nil ueenuiit. lor service ii ai. i . tiff for defendant at Ins niues'. '. .. day of Se,.i i-ia ber, 171, sai l iu.i. 00 issuea by Haul court. an or icr i i .1; and did cause the pillowing pri ; fi-ndant to be attache i. to n: Reaper, for the pmica- of ii sol i to satisfy the said i- iPji.n dc.i--.. 1 that said cause bus 1 ceo n ij i.i i.c l 'Jtli day of Noven.lx r, is' I. .ii i which time faid iiefcidant i- r. r;.. 1 -.1 or judgment for S07.2 au 1 it:tere-t : tember 21. lsyj, H!il ctts, wi Lc against hnu. William H. S' i:;r.: Ry Maxwell A CLjpurm. Al i. . : Ocioher 5 .iw t'1 :n 1 . tr t .1 i; . to ; rcr.l re i Attachment- J. R. Bn rr and Thomas Brown How. L l ire Win. A. Linch. Peace, in and f"r Cam Count, 1't edefc&iiaut libove nain I i ; that on the U l day of S; t ... said plaintiffs coinuienced su 10 t . Icu iant in said court to rccovt r -. on account of rernccs to. dcre.l .. defendant at bis rciuert, ibiito September, 171, said plaiuliiis 1.,. sued by said court an or ii r oi :. 1 did cause the following propi-nv dantx tc be uttacn cd, lo-wi' : i i of ci rn, situated in tlr'-enwfcod F'l county, on thf I101111 1 iC.i.l of 'I bos the nurposo of having tlie sao;e so! said iinicbteiiiiess and c .sts; that s. t.eer, adjourned untii the '.l:h day 1S71. ac 1 o'clock p. in. at hieh time daid is rerjiiircd tn appeiir or ja . Sis i,d tests of r.c.ioa will le r ic him. J !'.. oct'inr.'. '1 JlOj. 1. CITY MtAT MARKET BY Geo. IPicIzXes?, MA IX STREET. Llntt:noith - iclruI.;; The Lost of Freh Meat a;,i-i on I t'j'jir setisort. Highest Trico Paid for Fat Tattio O-.-t 4-diwtf TO THE WORKING rT.AS-.-iVo Br.. , prepared to t :-o i .-! 1 ailelsse. with vmpioyiuent t home, tho wb. 1" of the 1 fur the spurs mometits. l!i!-irics i. and prnf-table. Persons of ei .her s':x e i 1 t eari from iiity cents to live dollars P" r .1 . 1 tunl a porpntional sum by dev-jtine th. 1 . time to the business. Boys and girls em' . , asiijiich as men. That all wliu s-.e f : 1. ma send their address. r test the ' we make thisJunparallH"d ofiiir. To-..- . 1. not well satisfied, we will seri'i one d :. r : . tor the trouble of writ:ng Full r-u".c -val nabie saiui le v. hicli will 110 t. work on, and a copy .f Th-. Pi ,.),l'i 1 :,.. one of the largest, tin 1 be? t fan U" r;.. - ... published all se nt free by mail. i.e.. -.;" you want peruicaact, jr-f;tab'u r...ik, Addreiw P- C. ALLEN i CO.,