Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 28, 1871, Image 4

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    i !
! t
i ;
if f
'nn.E gone rp."
Col. Philpott caoie iu frcra Lincoln
tills evening, an J we learn from bim that
the people of L"nc"In have given up tlie
constitution. They sav it is "done gone
No rn t:
There will be a meeting of the Platts
mouth MumcmI Association rn Thursday
evening next, Sep 25th 1S71, in Clark
Si I'luuimer's Hall at 7:30 sharp. Every
Oiriositlrw at liuiuirutiON.
Stored arriveJ at home Sunday, and Oal of 15.HI0 immigrants whorurivel at
, . . , i the ports ol Boston en i Sa: rranciseo,
their immeo etcck of ginis are ar- d - , j
- i .- . I I c .... . -. . .
riving by every train. Sehnassc in than one-half were f Lille. I workmen
forma us that he has ccaiing the largest i representing about sixty different veca-ct,,.l-nr f.vf-l,r.n.V.f t i IMutts !tion-. 3Io-t cf the remaining men wore
member of the association is earnestly
rvqicttcJ to aitcn 1 thi- meeting. ! U10u.h.. la.-onng men. and a i,w huud.eds wore
TV TT T P ! - - women, v h t mttke tl.t-ir hvii: ns .-cum
J. -t. t. h, I re-t. . iri.i..i.t!1! v I i stn s.-e. nurses and servants. One bun-!
4 .. - i i . . t . I tired an l two j'l nt e; s air.vrd :;t 2 S. --
ot 1:1,0c i-i'tin., ini m ii-rei ii i'eei.,.tir i : . . --------
; i:. jt m. n. u in
! i s rr :m. k r.k r;
! fit A IN' SOI.
I Le. 0 A. "J. VI -r tr
Mie:.r.haad;.y. I iiB:r.UK.Uf. j S-.veot Potatoes of the iin.zi liun I .".K'al:.! th..y' nViicJ ! wTa p 1 1: " Ii i !s!He!:a'28l U PinvhaI'Ji
he very larrft shi!- I The contrv.-t f.i- !- crivcti ;i of the j White variety. They are an esllei.t . -;.o Jj'rai: tin A 4 ') n.-herriil-ii.' ' ' j
". . , . . . i Til.' f:v.-r:l v!ii:.mi-i:r iii' wheat DViT 1
A 3 1 ODlt X M 'l M. Ft - ' .. ! IiKM'Y TlIOMA", Secy.
. . . I l-J 1. IX - J fc It. VIM'vlI I 4fUI
., ,. . ., . .- , , i titv, has l.ecn ahout ten
tichoulJ beke;t .operate, the undersigned i i his does nc-t hxik.tu
l-ave to iinnouncc tliut he will be s. t-andi tnenf.-, hut when Let t up fur sevrra' J pile bridge across street h:i been j .,ot;,ti)e, i'.nd persons doirii) them can J
.late for the ou.ce of County burM-rmteulent of fn,,, mctnl,s t euunti up t0 a Itr-e ! 1-t to C. V. Lym.Hi, for $1,4). lie Jf. supplied Lv calling f n or a 1 dreeing
Caiii county, independent of either ij!itical ! .. !. , , . . ... .. , ... t'r , ,
pity.aBUhea-ks all friends f ed.;at.n to i hgurs. j is to liAve the south halt ot the bndire Mr. C;enions, at Ivoo-ii li.Ui. lie has
f . chim their rapport, iiroaiidiiu thit if elect ' . . . ..,t i eit:;pletcd i y the -1st ot October, and j over otie huud.ed huh- Is of ilieni
rtlfcewillfiithfullyattttidtoth doticsofthe j ' the whole pfruaure completed by the
effice and ufe bi- Wt emteavori to uromote J lht ball term ot t'lattmout h Aeae- i ;
the eCieieucy vf the ;ublic schools of this coin- ; uiy wi'I einineiice on Monday, O to' er i ' 1 " ove.ii. er.
J. l. PAtTKi-os. :2i tj1(. Mves of lVof. d'Alh unn 1 j vvwlutRr.
u .ri;i- i;ic tar .iii'j a ii.s.i , lo niorrOW Olij'J I.lir Ii) !jC a liVe.y ii-IV
tliis A -a !-j!ity one of the iuot popn'ar j at the TY'liee- -la lir$.s ;:!i;e. A cotnhin-
l.e. 10 T, A. V,
I hn. I'l rJ) ','.
..: !!.'". A. I.
, AT. "il Ml A
! A.-. 1 l.i".
A r. I ' 1 1 p m
( ':a.i!.a u
? 7 ;
PtATTSiro'.Tn, ?ept. 2'". IsTl.
Eoitok Ikuald: llow lui. throuBh your
laer, to ofTtr myself to the rouiiug county Con
vfntion. as a ea .didnta (or Couniy Superinten
dent of t'oiiimon Schools. A f it is the bu-inc-s
likcVh)- b tween parties. t d8;e duties, al-
tlud.:e Like Ii h di.-contitMied the in
junctinii aa:ti!-t the sale nf re:d estate by
lillieSlt I ' il! l 1 : r'r tl.'lliqiicl.
iVl.TI.M')ltE, September l'.. TV s:r:irid ;
La';ip.'t was given the ln:.shl l.Mr.prirs
th:s evetiin. at the 3I;iry!.uid liilin:to.
Theie were three tat les cxtcniiin the
e:;tiie length oi' th..1 i . ill and several hur;
dre.l seit and all the seats li'led with
!.;. .(
I.e t.D
, i i
C-rc-'.v.-.. t
X " i ' I!
i ;t.
I. tTi'
V !. .11
Jli l.-lit -i '
I..: 1.
';:. ii
i .... ;i
I.;'! '.
i;isMtr.ti'ins in tlte we.-t Five teachers j ias ';,,..,, fanned to re.-i.-t payment
are employed, nd whatever is taught is
tatu-ht tbonasph'y.
1'i.vmMonti Atvtnrnr,
loiriata rt forth the work I propoaa to Uu T,e p.Jj;ow:n eZ,Ulu itself
!ioTild the jioople of th county honor mo itli . i- m i
thr,tr,f was received by I'rol. A. d Aik-man I
the office,
lit, I prp- ?e to visit every school in the coun
ty, aisj. in ani at oi't?n a !ra('ticablc, iiiakinjc
uiyelf acquuiatci ivith the teachers and their
ruethodi with the pupils anil their needi.
2-1. I propose t. lecture on "Tho Cotuiuoa
School." its design, ite atlvantasoH, its abu.-e',
and needs in every precinct of the counl, the
cot inn winter.
?,J, I propose to do every thins I can to eaoure
competent teachers for our schools, l.y careful
examinations, in the first place; by kind suifirts
tions to the teachers in the secoud place, an I
by Teacher's Institutes an 1 Associations as oft
en aj practicable in the third pluce.
1th. I propose to hare my regular oOioe hours
to ruit the convenience of teachers who.i any
and all the friends of Educetin will bi welcome
to uicet me for consultation and advice.
I shall hope and earnestly endeavor to tip the
work of this, the highest and ruosi important
office of the County, faithfully and well.
Dr. lilue. editor of the Nebraska City
A'Jrir. is engKcd in writing love sonnets.
Good thing, Dr.
Street (VvutuisMouer Whit3 is remov
ing tlie debris of rock work from the
Main Sfreet Culvert, preparatory to the
erection a of pile bride
A man named Coon washr-t'dcad last
Wednesday at Wood. II: ver Lridze, by a
man named Wi.Iiaiuon. Williamson
was arrested.
A new paint up is being erected on
Sixth street, one door north cd' IVice's
blacksmith shoji.
The Tammany ring, of New York, is
about "lusted." When thieves fall out,
honest men get their dues.
of licences under the new city ordinance,
and a test ea-e will c-mie Le.'brk the
INi'ice Jisdirc to-uiorrow.
S E V. ,'I K I T n V. t T.
Geo. Fii-kler opened a new meat
market on M.iin street, where he can
luitiih customers vi:h all the be.-t
(h.'o. is wcl! known as
ye-t.'id y :
( 'if ViTT I (itl'c I ll'VI fl."
t i ' ' Li ' . i ! meats hi season.
i.incoifi. fi- i. ist 1-1 i. j i , , i
, , . t ' a urst class l.-uteher.
l'l'.-.r. A. d Ai.LF.MAM, Dear ,Sn: I j
owe you an apology for not redeeming! iaw.f.E.
my jr ):iii-e so-Tit r. but the pre.-s of my j Tha Pawnee Ti Haute of Saturday
own business has constrained my neglect. I says Pawnee city precinct save a inajori
Accept the following as a i-light testi-j ty of 170 against the constitution, and
nionial. j that the county will give 3 0. A pen
On a recent visit to Piattsmouth, 1 j tloman who ariived in Lincoln ycstcr h'.v
had the pleasure of visiting, for a short j says the official count of Pawnee is 2"s
time, the Academy of Prof. A. tTAile- ! instead ::gai:i.-t the constitution,
mnnd. All hat I saw of its onler an.l j beixijatk vr.x rxx.
:. :.... . . l ',. ...! ! - -
lii:-i l tici lull Hie i j 1 1 1 ii o i.i , .tu'j
' i i i i
the Treasurer of Dousrlas count v in con- ! $u omeer-ami uivne i guests, men...
, . . j nil.' si:ne hity l.i iii-s. r-j eeehe- and
sequence ot irregular ac.-Muent. 1' t.:;ls!, !l(!lowed the edibles, itUcspei.-cd
does r.ot decide tipun the merits of the with vocal uiu.-ie.
Church T.ixation ipie.-tit.ei, but h'.lds
that there is suT; i. nt wrong to the tax
payers shown to warrant the stoppage of
revenue, niton which the Utaehinerv of
IVY 2 1
! Tlt AIN SO.
i i.e. .:.n p. :.r. v..-.-.:.
Monday, wovem&er 6. 71 ill
O ' i Ar- SS i "
A Large paan'iiy of de.-irab'e property, con i-tin in part of
In My Addition to the City of Phittsmoutf., a:,d. Several Lots,
:ovevni::ent tieoend
An accident of a j ainfiii nature oc
curred to-iiIi;ht vt'hi'e Ase.don L'omman t- j
cry i f St. jjiuii-. was parading with it-j
bat.d. preceded by its eminent command'
T. W. W Ehriui-er. oti hore-
! whet'e1 the street was densely cowded. iiilSHT ilBIB ii-S2.
! I.". '. ' -i m
i I.e.
ii Ar. S V
i Ar ;v
I Ar ii.
I . :ei ! ', i 1 1
S..:ih I .!:.!.
I i-ei '.:p -!.. 1
.. -i"
Ii !.!..
i.'i. ;.
I'.ir,..,, ,Ur
' W i ( ' I
S i! h
S . iteTi
nr l-.l
' Or-.) ;-f:-r lit- ..i i i . .,
ri'.iilh. As i!-e f ii.i '.'i -l-'-t..
I in fiiiirli ! -:t i;i i. i
iis Oi time.
f 1-
At the recent election, the Ri p ibli-
l" T . - . 1 ,
;,... hi..-e-..l. nr f ht if i orfbv 1 ,M i'ueaster o-uatj o.eai.y t-a.
....... ...i.... -.. .. .... j
I do not doubt the efficiency of the teach- i
C. M. White, E.-ii., Siate Asrent of ; the horse became fiiuhtencd. reareil and
the In-i::ance Comp niy of Nerth i b;sek on his rider, breaking .me rf his j
America, Was in the city to day, and
appointed Capt. Phelps Paine agent for
the company iu this city. The North
America is one of the oldest Companies
in the Union, having been organized in
arms and otherwise badly biui ine bin.
He was taken t; the Mount V ernon ho
tel. t!i' headquarters of hia commaudery.
A I J O I N I N G T !1 i: C IT Y .
li.V o.l! lar Etotn Wood.
The lliiir. f'vcii i,t.ivi i- i1 ! i I"!.
i J0;:i .'.'. M! i.ltfi -hour t't .;i I'. . ;.
U. A M. H. 1;.
I ci'Mvr.
j P.. !!ic 1-" x r r -ev- . t .M :.
i M.ill -- !..i-.t Mirvi.iv
i j-r -'rl-t i. A-rex-ept -.i. !.iy
Mr. Phillip', city civil Engineer of j These Lots are well Sitiiatcil, an t cards i Fr' 7 ' T"1 : ,:;;;'1'Ty
CiiK-inn iii, siiys : Kxperienee lias shown j Healthful locality. Commati 1-some of the mo.-t le;tu il'ul Views ou th Misson- ! t,., , j (,. i t
in this citv th it the n-aeu -e of throw- ri Hi ver. and ar i .onvenieut fur D.vellin-'s or Stores. TIi- Citv of 1'l.ntMiioiith i i vvV'iw.-.7V ' ' '
i:ig plank or blocks into hot or Warm : d -lioed to be one of the principal cities of the central part of the Coo! mi -tit. Si- 1 j. r'.'";J'1 " ,; v 1 M :'!!' x j
coal tar t-.r a short time is a can-.: of to.- j te.tted on the beautiful Mt.-.-oiui Iliver, at the mouth of t he 1'ht'e liivi r. v.ith 'ii't!'v,",!,'H1e ., ,, , , , . '
eeierating decay. The iva.-on seems to j tiionsands f miles of u:i viuati.-u above and below, it stands at Xtfive's own Gat.1- t.ster than l-luttsi'i'.'-nli i'i:ot. "
l.-e this a thin iio.i of tar is f'.imid on j way 'o the Ib.ekv Mountain-; over this romp the Uurlimjfoii it Mi-.-ouri liner j;,.:,t i-aes I'latt-'nomii s i
the s ii -faee, which i- water-proof or ; Compiiiiy, h i.e abeiidy complete 1 some .. miles of the be-t railroad, j ,;'. 'rain;! .tit, e.i.-t h.ii. :) :. .ir i .
p-artiy so for a while, and as mmhi as the with the mo-t level ruti in the we t :rn I l.iad wi.l b.; !iio-li : 1 and niuaio,' to a wVK.r'it iVirveiVty-avT. wi; '.' ' ):!''
travel is t uniel upon the blocks thi film i junethui with the I J. P. II. II. at Fort Koaruev by ii x' M-c.-emher. It is t he ul- ' "
Adopted or rejected Ct-s county oe
cujiies the proud distinction of the only
river coun y that gave a majority for the
new constitution on its merits, and ot
eiviiig the second large-t majority of any
countv in the State. Kichtirdstin countv is worn oft the t; id the blocks and tiiuate tte-tgti oil tins road t reach the Pa. iat bv a near rsii'o o . r la it. .
gave a majority in favor of the new con- they become .-ponges, absoihs ihe water j izra.h's than any yet found. at;d thus Cent to (be ir:-ns! tr.dii.-. v.! ; h j
-titution. t-ut the county seat question
of public confidence and patronage.
lot for candi Jtif; s for county officer-, atid
l .1 .1 r i.i
A. 11. Benton, Chancellor j a,e volt' on U1C 1i.n oi wuctntr
I'tiiver-ity of Nebraska. ! t,is' wr'J hereafter have delegate cm
, i ventions or primary elections by ballot,
Merges has just completed the burn
ing of another kiln of brick at Fitzger
ald's yards.
In the language of the irrepressible
President of the Constitutional Con
vention ; if the Constitution is
adopted, "it is none of your unanimous
Uiere is still no contra diction of the
report that Pawnee has gone against the
constitution. Lot us sinir.
The most important question of the
age : "Have jou heard from Pawnee ? "
Otoe county comes out with ja-t six
majority against the constitution.
The Trunk Railroad wiil be built
through Cass county just the tame,
whether we hear from Pawnee or not,
provided we all vote for the bonds on the
Oth of October.
The Thiptist sociable will he held at
the rcfdleucc of Rro. Waters, this
Ihursday evening. Chronicle
We expect to see "brother Waters"
with a white choker on when nest we
meet. How docs Stt aub take it ?
X) Kl ltt: T1X I Mi.
Di-pitches from Lincoln at .1 P. M.
to-day report Pawnee 35 and Gage -Is
Minst the Cou-tirution. This gives the
oppot.e .ts a i.ew b ase of hope, but we
ai'tuipate it will be short lived. We
hive ii'Iivei 1'iotii Gov. Butler stating I I'Vlief Will roll uti oi I for t!ir !
..ii .... i i taoutli south-west, through the Weep-
OVII-lllUI .'ill O It' II V 1 villi I I ilil I.
to choose candidates. There were 'J'Mt
votes cast in favor of the primary elec
tion system, and 4'.'i votes iu favor of
the delegate convention system.
xtn:;t",v tai uti;
Ve tinder.-t;i! 1 t'i project of building
a narrow frau.?'rojd from Piatt.
belit ve ti e uispatelies are a put up.
ing Water country, is bei:.;r ta ked uji
" . l .. :...: ... :.. e .....
: i t.i i .i . ii. .i i'l eupoiiiis:.-, in uu icimou i couni I .
job, althouch they cast a doubt on the
rc if ' j It is sai l a narrow gauge railroal can le
j constructed fr about one third v-hit a
Tin: schools f tiik bro:t I gauge would eot. and cau b ; op
I crated at a much less prep ;i'i .iouao -x-At
a meeting of the City School Bourd j ,,cri. j;.,, ,OMr xvcthereve onen f.r
. i i -i i. i .t
itiis inormi.;, :c was uecciea to nave in
the Pia?t-u;o jtli and Weeping Water
narrow taje railrcn 1. It is oming.
( ASS ((U .M V Oi'l SCAL.
The fo'lowin is the o'lieial vote of Cass
county oti the new ('on-ti:ution and the
Sanntagden 24 September liat die
.Deutsche Ev. Iuth Gemeinds in ihreiu
3chulhaus 'ormittag's um 1 1 I'hr Got
tendienst. Ueberhauiit Cndet derselbe
von jctzt an regchnaessig alle 14 Tage
statt, Miniter Rev. L. Hanua-val l.
public schools of the city commence on
Momhiy next, Oct 1! h
The city was divided into d:trict-, and
parents residing in one district will not
le allowed to sind their ihildren to the
-chool of another district without h'rst i accotjii Miying propositions:
having obtained pet mi.-sion from the
Board of Directors. The districts wi:l
be composed as follows:
Main street and cast of Eigth street
Second Ward P!.-tr:et will embrace ali
uu 1 all that portion of the city lying
south of Main street and we-t of Elev
enth s'reet.
Third Wa: l Di-trict wiil cmhracj all
that j ortiou of the city !y;nr south of
Main street av.d ea.-t of Eleventh street.
By order of the School IhiarJ.
AtUe-t, II. H. Vanatta,
M-p-5diwlw Clerk of Board.
Capt. L. D. Bennett is ercetin; a neat
and sub-tan! ial redecee in the north
west part of tin city, oi the line of the
proposed New Vmk Avenue.
Foil. AC st.
New Cnns'itufSon, 7o'. 211
First Independent Article, t'.'.'S :;
Seeind " " 55.'! 455
ihird " ' 53S -170
Fourth ' " 5ii2 515
Filth " " 312 tV.iu
From tiie above it wiil be .-ten that
there were over three to one in favor of
the Constitution iu this county, and that
each of the separate articles had a ma
At the Lincoln Land O.Tiee, for Au
gust, there were entered oo,dl2 acres of
land under the homc.-tead, pre-emption
and cash entry laws.
A man in Knox Co , lib, his spells
of sleeping from two to seven days at a
time, and of cour.-e durin-' these sixdi-
riie Fairbury Gazette says workmen ! takes no fond. When he comes out he
jority, except thoso for compu!.-ory edu-
! c:itio:i auJ cxtcntion of sufTraire.
I'OSTA I. .M rt'ERS.
The following pos al changes have oc
curred in this staie since the last report:
New offices established at Franklin,
in Franklin county. Joseph A. Percy, a.-cer. At Prairie, Fillmore, Da
h -: An-e!l, Po t Dia-tcr. a;j'o:i:?ed Thor.r.s C.
Lee, at Lotidon, Nemaha county. Ot's
F. Crane, at Taffo, Wauie coun-y. Geo
A. Ros.e, at Union, Ca-s county.
Nantes and sites changed Lakeview,
Saline county, to Wisrur; E. M. Cla k
appointed postma-ter.
c the St. Joe Si Denver road were put
ling up shanties at Jenkins' Mills l.i-t
week, preparatory to commencing work
on the road about a mile below that
point. Grading is nearly completed
half way from Hanover toJrnkins' Mill,
and track laid two miles we-t of the for
mer place.
is just as well as ever.
A gang of burglars at Pawnee City
went through Conner's jewelry store, !
liut'.er & Roper's store, anil Wood's shoe
establishment last week Wednesday, and
earried off about $5W0 worth of property
Citizens went in pursuit, but nothing
has boon heard of them to date.
M. W. Lynch, E-q., so long the ropu
Iar elerk of the Platte Valley House, in
this city, has leased the Pacific Hou-c,
at Beatrice, and will open it to the pub
lic in a few days. Lynch is one of the
best hotel men iu the west, and the peo
p!o of Beatrice may feel proud of se
curing him as a landlord.
Died, at the residence of Profes.or
Adolpbe d'Ailemand, in this city, at
4:30 A. m. to-day, of nervous debility,
Charles Robert Brown, aged 21 year
and 10 months.
The funeral services will take place to
morrow at Rock BlnlTs. The procession
will leave the residence of Prof. d-Aiie-mand
at 10 A. M , Sept. :J3i.
Johnson county La voted 102,000 m
county bonds ii .-aid of the Atchison &
Nebraska Railroad. Cars ?tro expected
to run to Tecum sel) by Decern o'er 1st.
Mr. Editor: Is there an thine in the
nw con.-titutioa protects a mm fieui
the tongues of vulvar females ? If not, i
I am sorry I voted for it (had not time
to read it all) others besides myself are
much annoyed whenever we step outside
our doors, our ears bting asiailed by
coarse remarks from creatures who call
themselves respectable women. If we
replied, we would be lowering ourselves
to their level, so we hive to keep silent;
but couldn't they be arrested as a nui- I the 5th of (htol cr is the day set f r
The constitution has been ru'eeted,
hence v.e must proceed un ler the old
law to elect county i ffieers on the 101:
of October one week from next Tue
day. The time is short in which to go
through the ordinary iii;uhiiif ry of
nominations, but it has been dec: led to
do so, anl in a; cordaneo with this deci
ion a caii for a convi litioi. is is.-u! to
day. If the Republican- of each pre
cutlet wi I 'oe prompt in their action, n -tifyir.g
tin ir iicigli'iors whu may in;t
otherwise bear of the cotiv.-uti.':i, and
take especial pains to have full primary
meetings, we see no reason why as fair an
expression mny not be h id a if a
mouths notice was given. Remember
sance ? If I am informed correctly,
thej are married women but surely their
husbands cannot be aw ire of their be
behavior, el.-e they v.otdd trj- to pre
vent their wives becoming so notorious
for addressing coarse remarks to men
with whom they have noacquaintacc. If
they cannot take a hint from this, and
behave themselves in a respectable
manner, we must sec what wiil be the
c licet an appearance before the Police
A Man avho wants Tace.
the primaries, at 2 p in.
Rev. Foster, of this city, will arrange
a class in vocal music at the First
Baptist Church of Eh:ht M le Grove
! cu Saturday evening, 3o:h inst.
i omiA no wAsrrn.
One John J. ShalTer, aged about 45,
above ni'.dium size light complexiotied,
with little 1 card, married, has no child
ren of his own, calls himself a dunkard,
left Ottumwa, Iowa, last spring, and
carried oft" with him, without the knowl
edge of her parent?, a little Swede girl,
iU years old, named Emma Christine.
Shaffer started for Piattsmouth and has
tiot lien hoa.d from The pa
tents of the child are very anxiousabout
L'neolu county voted on the question
of sii-pctiding the herd law the same
day when voting on the Constitution.
Majority agaln-t su-pension y".
Engineers are now oa the road, and ! her. and wiil satisfy any person for ti
grading will tc comBiivced immediate-
3Iany an intelligent man in Cass coun
ty was at a loss to know how to vote on
the new constitution at the recent elec
tion because he had not seen the docu
ment Every reader of the Hki:a".1
was iumi.'l.ed with a copy, and every
man in Cass county who desires to keep
posted should be a reader cf the II ta
trouble who will inform Dixon k Ennis,
Attorneys, Ottumvr,, Iowa, .where Shaf
fer and the gill can be found.
Newspapers wiil do a poor man a favor
by copying this notice. -
The ChroHitle fays: "Judge Mason
and M. L. Hny ward returned from John
son county on Sa'urday. The horse
thieves who have been roniiued in our
jail, all i lend guilty and one was sent to
jail and two were s nt to state prison."
Manied, at the residence of Mr.
John Shannon, in Piattsmouth, Septem
ber 26th, at i o'clock p. in., by Ib.v.
J. W. Presson. of the M. E Church.
Mr. Alpheus Turner of Film, re county
Nebraska, and Miss L-:e ta Dudley, of
A forger, named Charles Holt has
been arrested at Fremont. The Tribvne
gives tlie particulars.
had a great inHunce on the vote there.
ItKVISI'KV i.isr.
The f lilowing is. a h-t of the qualified
voters in l'lattsm-nith precinct. Cass
county, State of Nebraska.
Adams Jacob
Arm-trong J W
Voder-op I! 11
A kcison O P
Bo-Torth In
B oaiste G W
Buiier 31 31
Cole Si.alra h
Cummins .J C
Cijpp B
Davis Edwin
Dodge 31
Adams J W
Akeison M
Aid 1. iwieni e
Adkins F 31
Beits Jacob
Beesoo O H
Bonis Augustus
Cook Joseph
C.!e Z W
Clapp L
Co'e J
Doud J F
Dickim-on Lewis
Eikenbary Wm Eike i? iry II
Eik, :.b:.iy J C
Fickler George I rree I'riah
Flekhr G. titcl
GrassiiKoi Jacob
flowland Ilfroy
I Iaiiimm.d G V
I lorn ing J
Havs J G
Hunter II
lb -filing C J
1 lookenberv Win
Huli.ari P W
x'c.ii c:son
Kennedy 11 'I ICsrncs Jona: Iian
K i nes Jonat b in, jr Ivai ries'f W
Karnes Alexander Kernes J
Kioser G W Kh-pser J
Kitifz J O
Livingston J L a ley Joej di
Lea-ley John
r a :ny, iitiu ai-ows tt to pass ' into : wni it.
the interior of the bheks, while the
cr.iisi oiK lire pour ah its i vantages at t!j
outer coating prevents its e-eape. The !
r!-ult is tii. speedy rutting of the inter- i
ior of the block. I
' - r
A Bridqe Over the Missouri River
K si'. ,T'c". .-, :. "
! 1 1 ;-A : t ; .', r :. .-
: M.-:i jo..! i: r r. .- ...
1 Vrf'o i:x;.r. s s i -, ., ,,:
j TI.':- .: - ( ;--.,.,.-..r ; .: i I :
i CiMMt M e-M L'-il '1 S-(!l; 'u 1(f ,.: , lt (.
, .el the i-. i i. train.
OMAHA .V ! ii'.e
T :'cl., I M . .. .r
.V Southern paper gives an account of - will he commenced bet e without del iv, connecting this road with its n ime-sttke in '
r. ......i iv.,.i i. ...... , i : !.,,.. . . it. .1... i 1 ... . o: i' . i . . t i
iirei-iiiiii oa hi, .s . i i, f-noii;. iii; miiiocm i.i i iiiir-i tnnei loa..- i.i-i. . uiurrous iirtil.'.Of i ; c i.ii-.-t i-.-i .v'i'i ', !'
enough of his ".li nings to send In- boy to i railways are a -ready projected to .b ain the bus'mo-s f.r many miles itito this 31. dn I Kiv.-r Itailroa-'l ia X. ' i i' -l i' '
sel.-ooi, eon ;!ti led that he wou-'d get a j Artery ; ail which prove cotn-Iu ivci. that no bcticr opening for i i..,(,t at fo.-t ..f .fours (
doii'.lo rctuin f ir his mo!ii' bv i eoining j i t.iu.
in turn a pnpil of the son, and I y d.i- i - -a , , , . ! '" ' il' I ! il' ":
ingsttmeior lnmselftheboM.fir of en! ttO ZIHO. PrOIltaOTO iXlVSSfcmeilfc 1 i -
e-iuc-itton. Il l' ing ma-te-.d h:- A. 1. : i '. ;.. in. I ! .
C, iiiid c liquored hi- a b ah-, tic.
gen; h-iu in was given a lo-son in wortN ; can be t'":n 1 t!, :u bv -''curing Ileal E-tato and eoo 1 homes ii) ti.i-
t , ! i.,,,i!.isi..,' ! AiatiVAi. and in::
. :. s. 1
i.i three l-tte s. By this tiino his en- i city PLATTsViOFTH i cir.iii'i.-ted by rail Wiih L:nc 'n, an . tlie inlet i..r towns i v si V, (. p it .
t!iU-i.:a for hawilng h id .-ho ki ned and i ! a rapoity settling .-eeti-.u of ih j rine-t .Vgi ictiltu.-;l 'an 1- in the We- t. It has i c." I'.'.y 'r.'.i.'i'u. it.
h.-.gieiv c.-ri i '.-s. His thirst for know- ! h.ti. e-r on with all the t-o-.vns on the liver, above and beio-.v an 1 :!! the main I ' ' v,- i:-
is. .v .ii . :t. o . it i
i-.i .'. i l.y U .
I ....".,' , Civ- I .
t l - t - . 1 . . It. - r e ' i l ,.i . i . - o 1 I" 1 - -' . '.-.
Mitii'-i nic'Kory. an. i gae iu:u a trt tiicii- itmi. oio.ions oi oo .ars oi mareiiaicoit! t t iii-iiiuiitet-uv.J 1 r t ne l nT, a-- i i, ,.. .
iciigi ee.a.-ed aitogeaiher when, upoa . cities ea-t. atid west. Chic ago i-; onlv 22 !i eu s ,1;-1 in, while Sr. Louis is hut t,'l.
hi- s:cl!iig the woid d .g, u-o-r g- In- j Cotiiii' tition in transportation between river and radw.-iv insures ele a- i.bts !
c....t...,-...i i.;,.. .;,!. .. ... .;i . ; l ...,:.. .. i,::., i . ... , u,;.. r i. i :..... . :'. .i r... ... I
I'll 1 ...H II . i V- ' . II. .l.l'l .... II . . I -..- I . - 1 J .l1 I t , ..iilil- l I I I I i, I O.I.. s il. - II ... 1; M l l '. .. O f ii . i i i 1 . .Ill , : ,1 M - j ; . t liill, liliC-- , ,
dou- dogging, assuring hi us at the same i ing demand s of the interior portion of the State, .and altogether, tie re is :) jit'r- ?an i.r.-s. i- t. I t. mr
titne that such diseiphue was mdi.-peti- I truiy encnuraguig locality to .settle in th.ui right r.cre in 1 iattsin .u ;..
sable to I he acquirement of a ti. orotic, h ! . j
. f j'y.?si3i'iiin JiJlSiiX jft -i iidiiiKiod 111 OlA t.lJ-lllii. I
The recent arrival at Fhihidelphi off
a cargo of S3; qtiaiters of i'lc.-ii ! cot
.1. V. ' ! A i. - ii
Ctiiio oi .-.,'1 .i::iiOis 01 1 1 c-il ; eei 101 c- . . . c , , , , y t . . 1 1 . , . . ,
om'i'exas has cA-ated unite a sen-it ion A1! U'V .'VT1" f,f,Mt:,i;:!-!? n ir,s,:l?e K"l f,,r r-:',:,K V li! "J I sr i '.
1 that ei-y. Directly after ihe :.r:iva ! anrWeivd. .x.-.-.irv; IJ ::. IVo-tn
Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
of the ve-.-ci. the hatch-. wi.i-h had re
Ui.iined ,-, cl fioiij the iti'.ui:. ! t the ves
sel lift Tex:;-, wire. Opened, and the up
permost quwl Y was lifted out for iu
spectii n, ;it:d fujn 1 to bo as fresh and
s.vcet as wi.en :t was packet a'.v.iy. By
o; ar.aoei..' i.f ot a ie -iox :n she
.fil l- part of tiie v so 1, atid tt li'igc fao,
:i ctirieiit o; ::ir was Kepi c intiiiUa iy
p is.-iitg over and p : me. iring between
. i.e la; ers of i cef ;io I they in rntaii
fr..i:i s ,.
! ': 1'
(-:.. s;
. II.
.-1 1 1 . - : f . I r;i ' : ! ' -. t r
:::i :it ' I '. !-. V..
: IT
thus: to. cv. n average teinp'et.i: u'e of' .Mi j Sl.t'OO Reward is ofTcj-ed by the pn j T?-fcgh it V
d gi.vs. rive hundred pu-.h , f a I prl.-tor of Dr Fi ive's Ait. Ext r j 'j & JSL2Ll
l.nn; iish, catitdi! in tie: t.iu.1 of Mexico I Golden Medic :! Di-e-oveiy for a no- i i
or i
t . i ' . '
! s..r. ; i .-rv .'
l'r:.. t-o.--! it,." i v 'I'ii
y i.ti-r ..f -:
r.e.'i.i.!! .-. I ..; g...,
i .. .. I' .1. i i.. I I" , I . . ' .. ... i-iii.. t lei' in!! o. A It i.i li.,. ii..-,. ni' iii!
!::. olaced in the rclt i'gi ; a lor. ' W ii"u i 15-'ase for whii'h it is rceomi.tid.-d. I 'liOOK.S V H H 'Ii A UK
it I -or
ne t n v.i th
Irish Texa-, beefi Bronchi
.is i en.
-old at tt ii e. t:ts a pound, c-rly
Mo.s.r Curtis
Maxwell S
Martin W.u II
3Ioor John
.M.-C-ilo.k 7. P
Motitge.n.rv II K
Mnn v Wn." It
Me Mu Hen I)
Nekton John
Out ill James ( I wcii T S
Odaiu S
Porter WtnB Phillips C
Pat i n G .M
lulf the rate- .!i : g 1 in ?!.:. trcet mar ;;-t i:,i-!:e 1 the
L .f ... t, .e .... .i 1.. .. .... . ! wotci-i! I'ol i-'ifc
; 0 ou-ns, :;t; l t no j
( V.i: Ttiepttoii, it hits
i::e.i;eii! faeulty by its- j
:i:el nun ireos ot tne i
(' lev '
v r ... - il. v. 1'. I-'., -.'I
1 : oi. Iii ;n,l i .. a
'' !- i i. 1 i i;t-r ii. .
i- Cl . IT. - ' ' .1 i;.T ' iii
. li. St. iii-: '.-" ': e:.!-.
'!. it l!i;-:'l in. :.ii ! V . ;
t " p. III.
in de to take advantage of the rare oP- ; b-.'-t fhysiei.ins pronouM..- it the gn'tit- Uvv0 U L;t M.,.Ji Wo;ks as ,houU ! . :
loriitii'y. II.e i th ve-, 1 t j ;-t m.-,heal ,ii-covery of the age. Sold ht, f.,n.j j,, ,.v,.rv !j-.r;in ,i c ! it. M,i;:,-. i... :,!,.'.., u.
o e e ti: ii f.-Mii. d a poi.i-.n ot the lore ; by drtiitgists, reach .f evc- ict'i lei Wuiks p, , v r- i ''' J
leek ..-:,) aw, 1 tippoh.'. d meat tan 1. ; - . tain, in.-tmct m, 1 imM-ove (!,. .;';,:! I IMr.-lv.,,.!,;,-.-.--!'',
..tei secttfcii a i o: p-i oi carvers, who
Ci.nvr An.ieri'NKi'. Notice is he
'.a r iti.-i t i; l.- . i
i -.' Ih.; r . ! cl II.-- I1:.
1 li;Ot ly ;il:r i:i : . t. i.i;-
lain L
Richie John
Ib-e-c R J
Roxby John
Shepard Win II
Smith A B
Simon H
Querry John
Richie J C
Roberts J
Rii-scll C
t-nyier H
Snydei J
"spHiikiler H
.s.u;th R W
T vl or A B
To 1 1 A B
Vass Wn, T
Fkirvin II L
Smith C S
Sage Kb.-n
Snvdcr Wm
Stabieiker S
Se .If J 31
Schildknecht W H
Sturd Jo-eph
To Id T J
Turner Al'en
-Va'ker Perry
'Vatson II
Woodruff Wm G
Wiles J
Wi cs J 31
Walker L
Vance T
Wrhrht L M
Wat-on J S
U de- T
Wviburi. !! W
Walker N I)
I hereby certify that tie' above is ti
correct ii-t oi' the qualified voters of
1 Iattstoouth precinct. Bo-.ks w.h b
-rc- I Coi-ies wiii be s .rO I ,,,., , . , . ?Vi ,; .-'.:,;.!: ,:i :, ; ,.,;.
n,.7. tie ! f-i-.-o fi'.'it .i.e-i' ifts lii;it.ii-!i .- ' I.; .o-i'ii tlt-it i- I.i t-.i-.. .fitl. .. :..!.. t -. . r ' i I- I '
m- at shop was op :,.-d, i.i du-t:i en- i graphic order oi his Ihui. tJe. B. Lake v ' '
gage! in atteiviiteg to me iio.-t .:t cus- i JU'ige ot tlie g.i. .iiiiiieiiu ii-trtet of! " " r.. , ,,. . ,
. .. li- iVt I 1,- - , , -i- t lll.ei.ll . , iTT ,1 n lit.'.- .-
Milters co'.-.t -aiiriy ;re- i::g forward for i .Nehra-k-i. j he D.sttict otirt witi.m 1 j i athir ih yes. i-.- .'..!- , v r- . . i
tic cheap 'i'tXiis i.e. f. 'i he set lie was ' and for Cass countv i- In iv !.- adj-inrm d j New PI:- sioqi-:-, : or -n:f ,.f .i,a-......trlv .-. uu. .-v.-.e i :.(.s r . -.' i: i
an o.t-.-rostingone, rich a:.d poorcrowdc-J until the 21 d .y ofOetober A. D ls71. ! ian::;;;:!;!!!;;,:;:;1, i s ..ry''';;'.!'i',.!.,.v ."' ' " '
hu-wai il to be sei v-.-.i. ijtlhn lor quauti ' ISAAC BOLLARD, livtn.-' w.,h m-.i-c th (.i o,.,, i iq-;,.' : .. j. ,., ,mm. .
ti. s f:om a p'e'ind to a .;;:;.'. tcr, and j Bv Clerk Di-t Ceu't j ,rai"'ns- Jly ' u- w K,-,-s- ... . s, .
while wain g, wrte- iroiiiie m their en- J M. RkakPsLEV, Dept. ' ' 'Afti' i A,"f''i Wt X 4 T f i f ' - ,
couiiums upon us -ood .piah'v and it-, i 1 o i V-l. I. ,;! . ' '. ' '.'1"1"-"-s- Vio oi.-s , i . -
.1 ...I .'..:.. i: : i. . .-'- o,.- . . :
i if iii i'c-s. .i:. i . i iio .Jtice lioiii lie;
-butcher monopoly" which they have j D. II. Wheeler & Co. are offering for 'V S -Vfi Vvii,, il.lii. ' Tr'.o- V: i-'
oeeii cotup-hcJ t; .-upf ort !i r so lone a sal.-over K0 lots in the Citv of Platts- nifii- ..full lounn .o-im;v t. -'i' i',,,;-' , ! Jialiy i.-iviitd .niii.
nme. Tho new en-erpu-e bids fair to mouth, at prices ranging from $75 to o k K,;& M -J ' H. ' "' impetus to stocK raising ! $250 each. c'''Uf .oo.i tuiju.. i,.n
inf-xas. and the" time is likely m t far ! "" iM,?aTrf """f "nd R.,"aY!
.listatit when semi-weekly vessels wili ar- V.v Tn--1 ii , n u 'i;; "AT,.,:" r i i !l at "'ii! Wl":i H!"
live loadel wiih lies!, beef turn, that I fi " ,'! S,A :,t ro?. ri..Ut wty andV.c r K;."f a'H i , vi .'' r''' I ' ''il-r' ,Y
si.tii.i, The cxi.eiim.nt has be n tried nrvs lw h. 12o acres; of corn, one tl work. Vi. 111 ; , v!r,KIUiI- St.r N'"lf-
cow and i-alf The pro,,,,ty can X:J&?t J,'! ' "' r';Ur1- l
r seen ft t tiie farm oi .John C. ib.Le-. ten i-.--.iii. i a ;!,,. i-, i; j.. ,., , .. .'.'; . ; .'-. 1 " j p "''
i es south of I'la-t-iiio.,.. Apply to "r-iv". J"..-.i:'--. t a-.' t.. v'.'v.'i':.-.-
addre.-s Il"i;i:n r C GAitit!-. i , m v ,Mtp, ri.-.j -, -t ,
l"Ci.rcni tit:.-;. ; (,r iet'.::ta if-
! ifir.iiiiiii jiiiiitih i j , !,.(.. n, i:,.
at a season of the year diiring which its i " " ,..,.Uv,uors. ami How., F.d Cha-act-r. A x.,,v li!,;.!r:,e,
ti i imo iiiows. oit" corn n antcr ;n-i k . i i oil ....:,i '!.-.:
ecu reasonably . , ... ,.-f ,,.,. ..., ; f-r s itdi ,.v n,i tlxwu.i
i ii
- mi
We reevet lo learn that erne of our ! or a;
boys. William Cooper, met wit h a severe i aug lodi'.vl ;u L -iioti i ost-ol'.iee.
ici.-idcnt while hunting yc.-te-r -hi v. He i
had lired oil' one barrel of hi.- gi n, ar.d ;
was in the :ict of rel- ad ng, when the
other load went off carrying with it the '
thumb and first two iing."r.s of his right j
hand. Dr.-. Strickland tt.. i French dress- i
cl iue wound, IjI'Kk'h ,Imirnal. j
Lord Shat'tcsborv toid at Glasgow of
-. .'tfii.Ts or 1 vi :' '
tli.t r 1M-1 T rli;'-
"A Pinny Fnr-1 U a Penny L'm ;."
And if yon desire to
fi'rth l' c7; T "'"V -I0 OU,'Th :"': ! i"l.rhono:, the house looked so cold and
fifth days of October 1, I. at niy rest- U1)ci)1:li;irrai.,ie ,h.U I sent for the sweep,
uence. I. ILL, Registrar. axe,l him to give us a few waiui
(.1 P1TJ W m. 19 t I .
hi- having winie washed and painted one $ 4C? A SllS, MCSSilfJ j
i tneoiisy nouses oecup'.evt oy a laiuiiy j
iu t he foul dist. ict-of Lomiot:, and a (
short time afterwar.i returning to find it !
worse than eer. He sa;J, '"what on j -r
earth is (hi.-?" and tin; reply wa-, 'Phtze ! -
1 1
li'.'."-'i,r.'.,.'t ! i'.rht'ai.j M ir I Mea-Viv o, .-.'
! Ki it I'liNiiLKroN. St. .-(ni l ....-il:,,,," ". '; ,i '..'..""i i l'fitn cfit liii-t'.crii i oi-i- l t. ,
ii.::.u:e.. ou..v.d. l.'mo. Pn.-i, -1..--, ' I I.'. . V.-HJ-:-
c- , j P. I.. KcoNrn, S t.-.
I,r:in, I' W-i,?I "' 11:,, Mirf,mr..'.,,- . V ,V
...j to-i;.., ..; ;
sV!tula.t!;:,Tr;!v:. l'V.r- I i-"-vi -
iZ"T"$-k "T'il w,,r!i- l'j' ) ii ! . 1';' i, i - I N'oo-isKA C.iiiTi.,: X... ; -:
I it .., h. U S nu i I. ,s. l;iit,.j ,y , ..-Imu kccoi-I .'-. ..: .
i. l.te, ... U. !... ; rirs .,; tiie 11101,1 1, .-1 7 ! ; . o' !
Lifs at Hr, . ,. ,,, , .... i . .. R- P- 1.1 . 1"
As well as Pounds go to
To Buy Your
99 l-ci- W'r'! Fii!i;n- ' I.. KiRKrATiiicii'V-i .'. '
f V- Vi oe it, i ,, iv(s. ( rp.;,(11 j
:'"'. t.-.1" ''- le'; .-s ,111 t f.-.o,! .,..( ',.,.. ' MtSTV.?.STO:l)M,l.k-,.!. .,
ly Kit . v. ii,,M 1 v, i) j,. ,., ... j .,., ii 1- . f t i:c : ily , i .. I,,.,i ,
ile.a.d Have -u. ti.-.!. - I .fr.; . t 11 ir li.-t..;.- t-P Pol , .
.."".".-'"Homeln-prwmrr.l "If- v 1 , 1 'r !"':''; ,ho!r
W lit- . Ilo iv .. i ok '11, , .,, ... 1 , . . - ia-:t ti r' ::rc , at i to 11 I. i I
"JIuiv tod.,,--' Inoc v.d! ! l ; "vir "f-' " ; V
Wedlock : ..r. the re,Jii r.-fi'm:;. .,..,. ' Mi i. ' A. Tift,
I'lsclo-in th laws ,.t C...,j.i-:,I -. l,'.,',,,,,, ,.,. J. S. W.--K. i
Sl.-iO. - J" " 1 ''s' 1 ""i : W. I'.: K. Ilric'.tev. V
Iti another column it will be seen that
J. D. Patter-on, Principal of Naomi In
stitute, has announced himself as an ind
-. i ...... . . .
discord or eoti ii.sem in the r.-.nL-v r.f tU. ! g"-r "' oi Hie, lun anil mi-ciste-i, tt.eir
...... . .. ... i . ... i i . ; . t . ..
a Ii CJE It III &
" Sthr.tjbLcniiis urxl Mo io. A7
shouted little Harry, us he vnte-ted the i w hm-. l..u-to ..,, n u v.. .i
Cratorv i .jC , , '"' l-o t-.. ! re.;-, . ii . :, '
p7iz i . .Ltrs.'io,.:;.: , .,
tfl -M ' " 1 1 -f-'i-'oe: p.T.: t. K. W le
II' M-i lliltl on tl, f; t
s i .tr .V wtrrttitr i ii'Vi-. i-i -i.iii ritivn . .tnn. .... vi..... ..... e.. . i
mien- candidate for the office of Com, ,,,, ;G.,ody ! goody !" re-, ond- j SW ii Very .'h , 'Z , , .
Siijicril.ielidctit. Now, while the ' ! N'tll. " I am w giad And so av ; low l,,r c.-h. All kin is ..f country produce 1 1- ! i; Rn,i t'-'-."!f-'i-'nOiry tli.ij, tor APj- ( V. T.: Ann-.w . 1,-n.ii,, V..
, as a Rctei lienn raoer. has i the I.Jll,,!,1 " UaW. '"" Am. . :-1 " ' "'c tor e.,.s T,....,... 1 !l :::.',. ' L' ::l : "
t w i, ,. , ,. cans whot.eioie this .aper is printed ap-s.itf 'i?. , Jr c, . J n-l f r '
been opt osel to so-cnitcd 'l'eoi le s . .. . ,... i . Y i -. u,-,-1'I "i-' w oi,;,., . f , . (- ,...,:.... ,, ..- t . .. - -. . . - -
,. ., ' "I ill..- sc.i!.: i uo.mi lo iltio.iier M'iU s i:.ii I ..I ;,,(vi.-v. i; p p.. v, : .. " - .
liulatc-s, ',Inie.onuci:t candidates-,' j work. Teachers tr e retu. ., ing to their ! ' 'uZSS''"?1?.!1'' ,jy iV.ra'-l" foix 'J-iiy. 'm'"-"V.;v; ,
1 everything that would tend to create i work refreshed and J. The! : r-"--:l j t. i riivtl.i. Tu: ; :. r-r. v,, ..... .
. ., - - r,... 't-i . . . .
i t','r-i . -i, '''io s 1 i''"ri:.I f Mi- 1 1 1, r r. ( . ri v . I.o; (.: .
Rcpulihcai, party, yet m justice to Mr ilK'l'n'lu" " r hwid be i f W IT X lVAnYitr rt,,th ' y-Jp. ;.y,
V. we must say that we behove him to Sefore' they can ctilJdoum l J " ' OHAliUl b Z ' " "
hewed qualified lor the office. As au i bard study, llappv childooJ tuav i !;i ' L 1 ''"'' ;
educator, he ranks aibuii; the first in the ' vou ,eniain chiidieu at k-ast in fctl-
couuty ; and the noi -le institution he ha-
reared, and which he conducts with so
much ability, attests his and Zeal
in th'ecause i f education. Were he the
ri-r...!-!,. 1 i. l.i ; ir ,,..,nt.1 ... . I ... .
I.J.UIUI idiiiii-jmi , ii iTiii,ii nt- u., iiii-a.- i .- , wi-? t- .1 - il
4 ur-i tt tl - t ti.. t.-;i It. i- U I.i .i vn:i l- i
, . ..... t .. ..... .......... .. .... .... j v... ,
ing mill um-icei!'..''.
What a lesp.otisii le yet joyous em
ployment is that of a teacher Next in
importance and responsibility to him
w ho is commis-ioned to bear the mes-s.-iitiC
of pe.t.-e and good Will to men.
J Fruft Ct.llure For -lie Mil ion. , t:.,n (.i.,,k i
tii.-ie ofriiiit ireif. Jtiscriflion .,l to. il.., i
t , in.-..r ... . - . . . ' 1
.itiii how to proi aaiftii-Lj, liiuvtr..-
mi sk ii v
I. ,ir, ;.
uic ro supjie-ri n.m; mu we Ociu vc ail i 1;iri. tf, . I... (!, , r.r s L , Vl ri the scarce-!
true Republican shotiid u-e every en-i !y ies impoi tant i-i-k of icioi.e, leading
The basement of Parsnale's Block is ! oeavor to preserve harm i;v in that an l mouelmg the m. ntal .ii.d moral iw-
A seriiias sch!s-:;vii. fhitened in the
Episcopal Church cf New York. The
ve-try of that t-burch have resolved to
adopt the mv Union prayer book. This
is against the wishes of Bi-hop Potter,
and not to be in rcbelliou agiiin-t liis
... ' .IT. .
AJ.P. It pavs. Many a man would j Mponor, n ieccior ;, I uv. M. J lira!!,
r II, .. j i n 1. 1 . , i I-,, .1,., I. 1. . .t.l I
ii.- .si.i,. d 1.7.-.-. io . jjs.i-q, ivn nora w-
liig Iroui the regu:ar r.i-oopi:l. Commi-,-
liavc wih'iugly jiaid a j-ear's subscrif'tion
lbr the cumlcr coutaiuins the con: titu-
ion, and announcing his ruroos? to
ctr;p!y ih tho Tri-hct? c f hi' vv-try.
nearly coiajdeted.
The G Kenwood 0.ii'i:- has com
menced the py.blication of a daily news
paper, which wiil be c ntitiued during
the tairat that place.
President Grant will pa s up on the
morning, train to Council Bluffs and
Ouiaha to-ruorrotr. 11 will not proba
bly, slop ut this city. He does uot de
Hrer th oir? t' t'- State Fair.
grand old party which saved our countiy
teres of the immot tal beings entiusted
in its hour of ti ial.
to his care. An 1 very often . 11 1 mauu
the duty of the tcacii-r to supply the
; i.ieti ot parental sInuiiJ .he learned from
Sweet potatoes we, c tejiing to-day at the sacred de-k. All honor, then, to
1.25 per bushel. Cheap enoug.u for the sedmniuia-ter- oit l s.dioo'uiarais of
I anybody. ' America, and ptospcrity to our tree
. school
Apropos of the many remedies pro
posed for preventing boiler explosions,
the Louisville Courier says the only ab
solutely sure way to keep them from ex
ploding is to fill them with ice water and
st tLeui in a eovl pine.
LIVERY STABLE, i ; ...... , ! II ('MAN
i t,'-vket di-.-tii.narv :.n-J if.r:,..i t, ...... J ' ' ' "'' "'"'.'i "
. mT J in n..ti in-. t.-ln,i,.:, tirni''. aM,', vr.-V .-i'." I . A '''turn on th- N;Ci. . ';
'' l "".-.r.K-.,.,3.a,iatnfr vjiuai.1,1 ,ul' I ".'niXik.--. lvoiii::i:.rv I.e . .
tioa. , jitj " , li.u.y. uu.; I...i,i ,i-;..ii.;s ;.,
I!.t. si. 7K. i ... ... T..,.i i . ... . i V-rvoti,i,rw ,.,,,,! iiio...:.. i.eio
'ififiiti'fllll, i VUI ilSiiO "se me amoutil m a j ; i : ! ' ;:I,U I'm.-a-i-i 1 :e i : .
i.errer. or in a P. O. O.if., .,., f Ur !:V, .;.f-;i..rat.!l'..
Tlve horn of a PuMgoriian ox has been
f Twarded to h- German 3hrn:Tehor
',d-B.i.lti!iiore. It is sixty-five inches
long, evetiteen inches iu circumfcrance
at the base anil will hold seven qtwrtr.
j.iii-s, ijn i. tii.-, j.i,--!i's iiiei il I Hfcrsc
on short liott.: and ri-i,s.;n:iblt; tirin.-. A li;. k
will run to theffNiu;b.iit Kin Jing. and to all pai t
ol'the i-its when ilpsirp.-l-
I Jaaaiwy 1. 1-71 dAwtf.
Eatray Notice.
Takej I'.v the ucdcrsiinetl. in Eight Mifj
lir ive Prcia :i. Ci s county, 'meitosy in ire. i
years old, chestnut sorrel, litiie whi'dou fi-
hoth right feet while, brandei ' ? '2" on left
hi,i!jt.r. Wn, WmvKi,r.t
inc wurri r'-n.iiie.i.i nui ,r. oi
hi.. Ii i l art-, f l .-i : Iv (in,-, i-i iroui h-
. , j allot tiie at-ove, atll addre-
1 am tircrar. d to arpontnioiliia th r.ulJt,, ..:.v ... '
- , .. uw,-1 it .,S'I lilY).Sir-IV ....... ..... .u. , u.
Vfw v t , ,"0J'W',3 ! may Il-ti.ii!:)!,,,,. ,v.-. v.iih--
-ew link. Agents anted. and iih..ut d it.ji-on-, , ..:,..,: ,,.
s(l, .,., 5 i Ki-s. iu-trui.icn . lia;'-. ; ..ti, -
l.sA. 1IJ. ' out il flo ie .,. Hire :,! .on-i i... ; .
. - ! ' y wlic-h cvi i j -i,;r. i i ;-. i v. ...
OEf TISG MABRIED. 1 ' ", iy '"' l;,"' ' 1 " -
p , viit' ly. and radi.-aily. 'Ihi-I. ourcit.i;
Ks; iy-fr,r liinpjr Mtn, fin Rrctit nocial i v ii- i Iim n t..,.J :!,.. .-an. Is.
i.t. l Hbus.-. which iu'. r'i-r- with nnin i e I N' to. h.-r .- i:!. O. :. idn---wua
ii a re waw ot relief !..r t!i Et iiitf and I "n- i ",;altd -.a .-loix-, en i !,t.-,. ij.; . ,iv
tortunatr, Uiscastd and deoilhitcd. .-cut free two .o.-t:iu -iint!s. vi.-o Pr. ei
in sealeil mvci .j cs. Address, ' 'tn.irri on; rui le,' j rit-c ". a-uo. A
IIOW,Al. TIOr;; """""CKAS. J. C KIr:
' I" i