Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 21, 1871, Image 1

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    w - -?JC?- "42-
- . -e.r'.i " e - - jff t -,-.T"
i ill. l.uUii.'iC'Ml ! 1 4-
l? i f atr. V.ItT FT
T 1 1) 1 TATilAVAY
L - t .5 i: .' U ! M
ii. i. 11 AT ii "
f-i v1 H ') ;:J lY M:y CT9
t.i , vL -X- -h LJ Sd
t y fa-. ". .1 liT M ' i .1 -irel f 11:. I . tree k-. - r 1
ri I !
TrnMj :- V,". -: I .a ' rcr pn,ra::". if ad 1 in
' ' T T
Hi rij
EMt . r a- .1 .Tr.;J
At f. -: h.v;S:-!....i!yi-e.r, r.r
The D,,mi '1 jm'.u-.ti) Lai been
it : - ii ' ii ; ( rurc.
. . .kt.,, ... ' ;., ,-,;,', ; i
v:i : n. i ! I i :t.; i :ir l!. it .V''r:i.-!-:-l, tin
v ('..: !:( - i 1 7 - w..':il.l -'-y i:n
. i-hl;.itit .r '. W : ). " h '!'.: e us
:i ri'.iie.l ii-l of (!-'.vni':-' mI.-I'I'm ta-kt-a
i"ta th.j !.r.v ' ..j-.'ks, crnttuti;n.-,
Ai' ., r f I'vcry Statu wii'.'j I.r.v on the
M:I.;.-.-t can be fo-tn l in o-:r State Li-
i.rv, anl here are the ;
L'.i",i'.iai,i, do,. .
.U-m-j . in !,
Ne a 1 i,
.i.iM n (. aroiina,
Peiai ylvai:";;,
"ii -tinia,
i o: v ".
A. ")
1, ''?
1, )
I .''"') a II 'I fi rs.
N1';;;!:.S!., under n w constitution j
. ;.. ur. I XO 7AV77.M.S'. i
i til. SiA i r. I" A f
, , :
'i'iie Nebra-ka State fair i to be Ltd 1
I lie .AccrasrOl . lalte i -a .r i - i- oe in i t -
- I"'"?1' t! '''-I'va'-r t-V ,.h !
'mi r Itv'tft:
,V'T.' "w.Tdi'
s,a. u.-. t, i, . . -- - ; i
V- !'l-'-ltw'-irhc 1
. S " .." ' . j
'T!"' ,' ''. ,ri;J"Klt -v"jk cftho Chn--il,an C!,luv,!'
"f" 1 vJ.'.':'. lie IcVrv aTi!;:!i! '!KVA'il'"U Low ,u',,,h l;u.'';i0
''"T'Cr;. ; TTrow'nvdl' l.Vve V,K;J h C1'vea l" !t' ail ot NV 1 vll
v'i, ,1; n'ro ! a!1 1 ll ?Mt fc! 1 at "i J:i:iJ
'- it' c':"it ...';' T. I fully believe. .
t r
'i-ii.; me 1 or ta rn nieir uiuiujij
. ,. .1 , . i 1 1,...
-it! l.l.-t,Vevyu.U.e' 01. uoi.o ,
. ouU l e bv the r!:h;eis of the .-ociety
-(,. ,
tor the c'u.-.fat cf tho.-e attending the
,a'r- t, .,, , .... , .
lhe e.r- U.., ... i- d-v '
V'U t!;;'":S ,lU'--';'
mat- .1 at 1 p. m.
Tin- (o i ni" : ad h--es will be ib.-hv-uv 1
bj Si inter Tipto-i at precis l-oV!o.d
-,i the . :! :; 1 dev. ;:f: :f whieil w'.I colli
- ...( , ...1 a v !
I ; ; a -. " 1 a- : a.. i 1: - i M. i. , ne:i
I :.
to r'o -'-i-h a 1 a I i
',- I
die, p.,e
'. ' ., ,a. ,- '- T t . ' . I ra.oah' in !
-, ; . , . 1 j
i 1- sri 1 n .. -I : - a ; ai.i 1 o t j .......
a r e :'i : :.-'
' 1- Ti 1 u '. -i a- a -1:1 I ' t j'-s:.'::: 1
tVr, ,, ! vi.i th.-e f,:rS,
The f'-d. d..v fwld-h wili be in.inly i
( , r,,, r. . a., w:l' -b. vote 1 I
'j,;,T p'o-n'''a'.do-'.,-rcx.aeiM-, j
..",".',,.,': r ! n.fe f: k. j i-ts
r!on tf'the" cr.-s,c, will i 0 ui. b-r
...v;-;.,:i . p t.,. Iri-.;:i.. b..;k A-:- j
l,.,-l, t)?--i- as f !- i
i -v ' i"-:.' 1 . h-t .1 i . ... io I
' '' ' ' ' ' '
harue-a 0 ".o aa 1 : la- ....... .-a'.-.e .
,i -,-lt ,.f a mile, a Jo. Olo en! l-; tnt-
ting, f 1.01--M that !.aa l.a,T t: -tte 1 t
hctt.-r th -i lo.iiute-, m I. irn
b-a-t:;i: :., V-V, V, and , !': p -;aj
si:. --de dash of a la'le, op- a to al! :: y. ars j
" , '1 -' , '.""i I ties, all this cxpan-iou uf invoetive and j
',.'."',.,,;,'.'.; ' tho merest bo-h. It
1 " ' '"e 'f. ,.,:, i i set'irtT up a man of straw, and t!en
.,'.';!.l::;;,v;iht!:ec.ura:e.d-a laisa.a kuocki:
. . ...a-r-. an 1 m:-.a lem -. 1.1- ;;i..::es. .tie , ....
T ''-. .:. ,a :..o...,o .,, .o 'v-orio.n. skid have :l f.y;; r-f to any an !
;::; tro! tin-, .-ho:
in.:-', n-?::iv-t iaur' :-"). I'l'-tti
( lhlvl: - Park Ibf --,
fr-t Lor. ?, 5-1--. .- e
r' o '
ti . . , a . ..-:'t
ojaai to a.:,
1. 'st ' i'l o. I
,, -i.hih j
::u--ue r.t
. 1
:et i
" 1 '
O. ' - '.1 II,- 1 u .. .
Hnw . Brnili Oarn: 11 i ...i l ll:t".jts !
l.n ier-tau I cteariv th" r:i;i:i an i .
.. ... - --.1 ..I! .!.., .......... ,rl,.-
rc iv iea-o,i, a : ... ... . . , ...... .
in h P. it i-
imuriaaa Study t;:e
tia t i"r.' is ii a '. ; ;n.f i.oa'.t ill
war ... hid. Avoid the places the per- j
b, t.i .... 1 th,. ihoocht-. th it i:..d to tcaio-
taii-ui. lV.p.i..tit th" plaees, a-,.-..itte
with the persons, iiida'ge the thovtchts j
that lead away from tempaitioo. l-.eeo ;
.,,.,. ; idleae-b; i.. the .-trfth o f i m i
habit's. . i::-t cive n .lie
v.heui voa have 1 rokea your in -obiiion f i d priviletre-. If it be simply a pri
,.:,ee, twiee, ten tines, or a th -u-and I . ,t ur f(.tta:r:iil f.iantv, ot.erated for
lanes. 1 hat only show, how o. i:ci d . . .
tiiere is for va to .strive. WUii ymi j ! i;v-lt;- or etanau advantace-the
liave broken "your ic-ohoim, ja-t think j fs-t of if. a.iui.-tratiun to the public good
the matter ov. r, ;. i c ' . .-ivor t an .-a
i la'-iev;;u 'V- hu :
mav Le U,t. n . .a -o. ...ams. a .t.
1-0,1... r,f the -i-re c'lV'uss' ii..-rs j.,, ;
not thhik it' a bttl'- or an o-'sv'tlile that I
you have t.od-rt ik. n. It i, toby to ex- 1
Pact to break .of Libit. s in a day, wide!, ;
..-.. hmi .-1 1 h -'ia 1 . '- .I jt'i ... v.i'i lor
ha .oLv...a.llKh.i, J.v..3.a .11, e-t to. .
J-'lr"'' i
nrr ' j
Soiac New Kntflatid lady. Mrs. D.m !
h!s, we believe-an-thcrofih Pan-,!-
.erne toju lament-has invented a i.,:v
1 ,. .... e v.,..:,.,; , :; .
I..,, .1 1 t i ..... .1 ........... ,
-tock'.r. rs u-i, v
whieli is t 1 -Te:-.-- b: if.- !
, .., 1 -..,.1 I,.:.'- !- ..-.i,:.- If j
aVd , well con.h'fc llmse bdi-; who
iiek-.meimt rotundity of bob. Si;
ur Vir""uia wannm are ib-bai: in
anv of the nece--a;w ad! lau'tiei: eo to I
:k - up the pertict ne 1; I of f a : 1. an ! ;
an K.-;p u.eir e ai ter-; on :.::
. 1...--
no witt: ittf resipwii i-i any new i-tci- .
, - . : .
(ions. What will tho Yankees a-k n to !
surrender ooxt ? Th-'' g-irt'.r is an old
;.nl cherished i j-titutmn ; an 1 a.Mi.aia'.i
... 1 .' . 1 .. .. ? : . :
tail tne i.anner oi 11. e irau-a, ni'i 10- .
5-rioe upon it mar crano o. na- ,
ib- upon it mat cr and motto o. t .:e ;
mde.-t oedir of knahthio 1 ever cs
(li-he.l--'y.-iWy-v,n :?. jy
ind there is :...' a man, you::- or old,
Virginia hut will rally mund the i
..... .C.l..i.,
an 1 ctieri.-ted u-t-tut: on; an 1 a.:iieu-!i . Vasurc of their; nr.d t!:e ,,:,,,,J 01 1 ' lu:":ib;' . ...
lhe e! .-t c invo'f'on wdh t hll-'kl" b s , 1 1 , , t .VS sOoll it lit; W.-.s ah.O i."Caaie totSHS
n.e ...... 1 e no.. .1.. .i w...i 1.1 oi .... ii. puhl!C -COo.I may demand it, there is no I , ,,,. ....,.. 1 , v,ir.o ... ... . , n .
hvn adopted hv miny ci.y boh-, tn" ' ' r -i . . , , 1 b-;-a!;' 'f !;,: ,'; 'd' - .0 ik-
free born and un-ctmven mal cumtrvj ( ,J"rt nr Lfg.shituve wouh can by m:y ; p.uty Sbe nu u en 'hurst, but it was too
girls .-tili adhere to twine, t tpe and j p. .-!!.!? em.-tiiiont or c .11-truetion of h? to etiect the capture of the d.a-pc-strlars
Ntii.)cvcu::-i::r a a tie the , hiw, (otupcl the openiti? of la ich r,iV;l";:- , , ...
I rimitive wi-prf straw. We will have ..... rvc..... .nc is 1.. ....j...,,.,, . e carn-.-uy ,.ope that .oi-t,.
iW.eofthis new laskoucd, hip-attach- a' 1 V ' , ya -- livtieipants m this
ineut trearint'. We are true to ear ;i- ot toe soctoty or corporation who or war-by tr.m--ac-l;.ii, at.', we would :: !-ci-uit
ti-"". It is -a direct as.-aalt upon j liol-l.s the legal title Ion; and the pub- j vi-e the ctt.zons around lbi.-worth to
our' civil;z.tion--a ' i.hw emmd aH be hav3 no"ii.ore Icpal r:id:t.- or d-ti.i.s i k"Vl' a.t!i:!.rr f,'r t,1,,'m-, . ,
,.arpirterodri,htran.!we ill rt-etit ; t,K,ro:n tl:an ;t t0 t!l - - 1 borne
! while re nave a Ie- to stand it pea. j . . ' 1 . iiUitxa-.
l.a lies be true to year st-ckim- lb, 1. "- person or corporation.
' and she 1 Li-la-t -irop of Moo I ia d"-
1 -nee ol tlie garter iijI,, ot w ...ion. an i ;
c v. ' P.wn wan tn.:
ty'!" 7.Vc,.?!0..'Z ( lit.
A school committee
trie'-, are reported P'
their etiiuion ot an cxami
. . t '? . i . .
' i V 1; : l 'lar.i-ic.l o
pi' - th" a !'!ro-s ; "
and or v" care'ied :'o
tot ' ; .!.''
'" i..cir cxisicntc. iiitw tuoipaent appoaij i r-fr: V, v;i-. t Vi.ll.Vf S u . V ., i tomaaawked, and three men in-.c-d. im. i . i i . . b i " . i :..,. ,t , t ni:ca !h : a Sdifiil. 1 1 has hem tc.-t- t fiiiiiouiii, i J. X. A. itOoVEP.'
Wvii w!'lb j -rathy or religious devotion, but of, Z.ttt? h as we to have LaokEash- i : 'tfl v I1'"5 - .Vi " ..W T - b' ' " 'lyJ ' " -I - 1 ' '
pod, but you hahft j Wrl and as su:a h nldbe calmly i I'l 7' "itli. Loat I weary you I sun, ! o db. 1 ' ' ' o:"'1 Vo- ' 1 V.1.. .7 .1 '"-' if - - be . ill .- b , 1 Ml- . ' -. ': v, v-.; .' : ': '
1 !; 11 xaxaiiox.
i '
i f: ; ry.l.r.vit!'' I.-tter vsi written fj
t.ea:rl i:i that jf.-un-al.
, S ' tot;.! 1 1
V.o. !Ii:;t..i : Since the uhHea
tion ,f my nrticlcs in th pipers of the
State, I ho .ii.-itfcr of clurh tax::tion !
rcccivcl its IV;":! i-hare of atter.'.ioti fi-e,n:
the j. i'j'it, the ntium ami t ho pre-? ;
an-l thr; p.-I.ions a.sutncl in these arti-
have n wi , !y cruise h lh-re
the i:u---:on u ..nady s-nhnnUeu ti the
v.-te-r.. oi Nehra.a. f .r ci.dors-nmnt o: -
i o -;--. f. -iM . .- ten!,
'M "'""J-!' ' "-
:i:oie in reply, most'y to my v:.iio.:3
The admits the ahtp.?t rielit
of chnrch taxatiei, an 1 replkM
f nninr t the world mm-, beg ver
by cxpolients, bat it ui ici ly fuils to
the xpiuV,:ucy come:, in, in
to; so-eiai notancc. Its only :et oji,
theiciore. is the irnr'frHciI.l!,-: oi'
j .lei eymei!. 1 do not oojoct to tana-te-
rial imuracth-ibility indeed, I con.d
.. ,- . , , i
ri'-.t, idler tea las - the tors, mamle-toe-.
X Omaha clergy-hut j
ff'1'" "f !
ehurcii taxation is precisely what ha not j
l,.t-n and canm.t be satisfactorily shown.
i!" ':lM;,t"r ;U!l Ho!i;,t"r 'i,i,ton I
spread their cdonuenee in eubva'g the !
, , .. :
A tram, I Jr. Ue Jyi .'latyr :ni omi-ts
, . . , , ... .,
nave me.oe a .a rear, aao aooiu i.e ne.v
.tiiulh.n rrovidin.',' f.-r th-- taxa-i -ei
-.arltie;; lh: Da l.a M atyr ;
Isnv: Ti i, propped to t,x the wlni,
i tr.Jt:t(,s ,,f ,t.f. .it,....,.., v.diieh c uvy cam j
libit to the si.k:ml the dieres:, I." j
x.-w, when it is kay.cii th it th new j
..-ti.-a;.,;i makes provNi ai fr the ah- j
! 1
ir.u :!::? oxen. ; a .11 oi aa hos I
1 Uais, ce
a. . lei ie-i an 1 other puhli
a. 1 i-
,v'"'' " "'-
Alla-iou i-i triumdi:iei!y ma le 1 1 the
, .
"deny He-pit ah ' t .n aha a .hathy hj
the v.. a. whieli U 1 :.i,ata.-u led by tin
Entity by
- '
ca -tiuui.m f ;r entire exemption.-
b'-t-'!PO-e tms an 1 a.l aner Mini ar
m-'.itu!:on-:, as well ns c!.urehes were re
''i5 ex-:ipd:it, v.diat thn? I have
t.-o a single war to utter aala t thi c
- rather would I a-k for
u tho l:ir----t P--i':rl'i" i !';:t ''; ;t j
eme - to thj s'thjeet of tax tti.ei i. th-ii
'VJ-!1''' :l I ''ll':'tJ 'I'-ti !
...... ..- : .. vt 1
oat . .r o.
d.cre f , Ihi M-.-r.
v Io-r,1...l or at-
wi.'r pri .-i.e or ee.i oiii c rp ration or
a Ol
t.s . . s ;o a
:v db i i.ulu t'.i .:.-
w :
Wl .-,
when tlu hu'-.r-l i atil m a:ie t eaib'.an.
wsthout eav ra-. .reu ee t taae.l, color or
'a! tie: ptiii ?.- ther -of wiiiioat
daerelai-a thcivt , save that of simi-le j
'n-.op, ana .wi-n i..a ...laipii' a.
"f i-s:itot:oos an I the dlsp . al ..! j
ta: - e po.seion:. fhnnees and charltie-, ,
!:- -d-oatli-l t legal i e-triet , or
leer - .ative stuK-rvi-ioti. then, and n; toi
then, shoall they be exempted f.,,m
i .::.', there: r
ro :l; 1 ;
."i heavy I .
y oiuer eu ii ili- i f j . i.
,o,ni(..i;. e;- -.-ho or cortor;ttio;, d.:.;e i
' . I
. . . , f . , ..,(,. o; in-; Mate i inspect, re-
.-triet, or in any way in'crilre with i:s
rules md management, cither her the
c - r: - e - :i,,:i of ahn-es or tho inti o !uet ion
,,f reb.r:-:.-
nd so long as its aifairs
..., :., v,,cn, whatever, be made th
,.,.,. .. . ,
t; 1 1 'f:--'a.ivc supervision, it ha
tm claim to leeisb.'ive ei.t mptiou or spe
n mere cntUi-e it to exemption
- - -i-; u;:;Tu:;;n h!: :;:vTTi:j;:;--T?th:!::T
- , . , . ., , ,,, " ,11-1 1 1 1
v - Otuivea ircm a r.nooad entit.e ! herd, he was settled with an I die;iarg.J
them abo to like cx.-snptien. Nor does j hb services lain- iteee.-r.ry no Wmer.
t;., .tia-nltude of the charitv or the I Tv1v?,.,t:,e!!' ?:n',! , Uu'V- W1'11 I
,h;iI cl.!OUnt (.f pul.iic ,or:Ved 1 lV-. -u'K -Ti'o
i witii ineU! I. em .tn.i'Uie. iv i:a-...-, , o 1 n.
fv,n r,,,!Sl (haR,.e tc jj.,,.. lt ..1,lrt j thov ,liM.overc(i when Iba-ble
1 .. . . . .0 1...:... 1 .... i i l ... : 1 .,.i . 1 .r .
1 e a pu.'he caarity, owned and manag
1T-.1 i
I c th - public, air! for the t alhi-, il,, J
tm br public restri-ton un 1 iliss-d (( j
'- . . , 1 ' a''
"x, ,u ( - tr I
oe : ; au-l so long as the pubbe. i
..... I
thy wli ' 'r'.fk mav L e excluded IVom j
. ... 1
' 1 7 b' l'.7 ' " '! '
tutictp.tma privi.eges, it cannot
be ciuiilcd, cither on tne ground ol oa-
:, ri;h( or expediency, to any fpctia ;
'..p., r fr:)ill lothha taxa !
,11. - . 1 , e mu.'.i ai.. uia ll !
, , ... , , .
eo roi a or cnanu.e; may t-e c.osc-u to .
the u:..:e at any time, at t lie will and
1 . re.-. . . .1 ,, 1 . .... '
-" - ....... r fufuwiti i
- .ocy p. .r.s:, ana uispute m.e a..i ot lee- 1
they p.etis:, and dispute t'.ie a..t of l.e-j
;.;.lt ur or the decree of (-.':rs th" '
Vi.)U-U.r t;..uM ' ' , !
u" ;bJ-1'- -t'";- 011
taear h..lmg wa..s an-.l cnimh.-ing a.tars
,T ... .... !
sootier than the pabhe tht.ll bo permit- !
r0 to
i ana Jispn ?.-:--nady r-m-iderch
v. t .-i., i ,i -a::i , Ol - nn Vm-tht man vn ... if -.t, I I- e'...l : " " "-.. ' - , . - , . , . -. .tiri.lio. IJcru.sOs r eivp.J. an. I !,s"iu at i "-," " '.'.'"'' Vi ' . . ' ' '.'.'""- ffJ' "
t Vankce tna-ecra- . .. tit ..... a- ,r i t. t i . " - . a ... ...... . . ,.r,, ... , ... . a noat winch is orotic ea ho a n ate ot tii.-.n -,i.-r.n t ...m. ..: iwm u'd u. i!:n..tji i.. c.i.-a-:
. ; , - ueiite a.i ii'iii.iiiijae siliaittVCr irOtU 1 '.at; iiiiaiiii.o, .-on i ;;t, iij-u i , r,l1f.,- ..-.-ino.m I .... ,.1,1 ..,.. 1 ... - ' . ... : j i i i , , , r - al their .-tone w.,f A 1 r,...,..,. .,;
) lruit'r .r-v " . , , -,'Vil ., llo lWthnt ,.ji,l 1 1 ' t . .1 t.'-l .1.1 1 W 0 ..... II . un , Mllcan Z-d 1-ubb'T, wLl.dl WOfks on the ' m... if X' 1 1.. U.ra...i,T?roi,,,t vfitlef AI b-. 1 ' ' '' '
in a frontier di- j ,o men s roh-z.ous prejtrdiees an 1 h iman " o T t.,X Xp .. ! This has been our mr, s,,ioa 'do-.,,.' 1 t i.e , : ' d I o 'el';. Vr ed suecesstuiV ar IJutfi'o. and will ,a,n ! - . Jtr lW.l Station.
,:t:ve u;..':. d up ' .yt.jnatl.Irs tbercfr i:i such a case, are i or hot?" n-r,-1 " L Wi! ' .r "Hot ! ft-r , 1. .J IV I..,,,. i,,.i , -1 i "-P:'.r .,d 1 .Vko. ot'Vk.. -art Wlth a irgo of cod for Poche-ter. DlSSliiUtlCa H0i.C3. !' .-"V- ' "
f 'M 'l W r 1 ' ! ..... ... 1ja't.v.i-si.i..jv.. ii v nan. jt.iM an u.u -v.-t o . o.-o.p.ivu ... ( i fzj-i- i ''hr"
: the merest fdiy. It h not a nae.-iion of 1 .yer exeoi.-.ncy, said I ; ntrl ho stooped f , .'dr..,..,! mU,,. ..,...u ,t, , a,... o.,.. l:in-lby a f.v poi.-er.s. La-been cmdai.t- . Tr V,-, .-h thi..' . it Id a. .... J T!-r.,-i ra :--h;;. :: at . ,i-o.-k r ' . . .
j It matttr.s not how mm h Las I-i'ii ;
I done by tlnntlos an J ch:i.:!.j.s i'.-r tlu !
i Icra uc:u v.iihoiu any cucrviL'n ; n:: ! if.
their own j rofe v-ions are t ho ht i'cv.. .1
in view not of the exembtK.n.. ami j.-.e-
mium.; cf eartiily ?overnn:cnt, but the
r;-vi.rJj of otern-tv k-1 CoJ. -Th-crv
tiiaf t!ie cx.ietion of trieu'e will rain the
church. .Irytmthe fountains of charily
i , ....... i
a-.l H-p the aowot .:.n.t:anhenevo-
lenco, i., weak ii.aecd. If aiiy charity 1
. . 1.1
f-o n t.row an t wca,: a ' to i i :.i0 .-cz :v
I li:uI!1 -. a Sli rtl.eitlrl!m j., 0..,!tl. loj:.s
; ,.:i:iU:1.,.0 it !,u.,r than
j .t.j.v,,,.:.! Lvpocri-y ; but if thee omr-
1 :.. l;i .,,:lJe out ci' a i.a-v;,., cf dev-)-
i . . - .... . ... ,
:.) to ('. ati-i re!i'::on, t hen will ttio
(1. , ij . .... ,j ,..,!v
I t,r:text.-; an 1 excuses, enneemitn: taxa-
i n;i p..-... fre,.jy ;r vVC.r
j ) cf.', e; to the uhars of our Zion.
A -rent ado has been male about the
aeii.i-e.e oi nnpo:-:;-., taxes
v,;, .n the
property and wo;iip of (Job llm let ! Often iik-. : old tobaei-o hewer, who -..,ltiaJa;i.un. There are ceitain
n. examine the gubterfuye a moment : j tnasticateu his rpnd, we '-iv e j tl;i.. : o .r children should barn in the
If (Jod-s eiAiee3 consisted merely in f-"id our al int min.b-d self, with j cUlltUv s,.ii0l..i. T i.e very lir.-t i lidtdi-buillii-;:
hoa-cs of wor.hip, j-Inin- "po-ks" a iju.-ted, feline- in cv.-:y ,.. to a,.lty Our -chiM.t n are sent to
!.-:. :ns, ana nrinin ion nr.t cr.-, v.o
mt.,t t oonsi b-r this as a tenable objoc-
put :f r U!j lc!,t:lI1 i tho laW of
Chri,tia ethics, as taught by the serin-
til,.,, ;:J s,,.icrt 0f :,., 1 government
u a. 1!1U,.U a duty as the ciee-
than if cathedrals ami altars of worflrp.
,.- ,,w.v.,, . ...m LP,,! ..r ertv
from taxation, is umplv to shift the bur-
d.n upon other Moulders; for the govein -
mont inu.t be sustained. It is to :i.k
- " ; i;, to release the owners and di-
U id the burden with others. Indirectly,
n is a-ktn ' t!e Mate to 1 ut- a piemium
. n. . ... " pious Oiicnnus, or, in uuier v o; .-,
';nu' Peter to pav I'aul ; " takin-
w),.,i pn-peily 1 clongs to V:-:-ni and rem
d it to b ; an ! (hen, like ll;e
1'h.ui-of old, who said, Markka, 11,
-i: i, .rban. a isd.vafd t
s e-;e I jmrpo-c, ma'.e a rreat ado ab..ut
tiie t-.wu-'Q of it. iVr the
. . .
ther.. tore, to .a-, the Mate to ;ut a pre-
b.f s service as it .loos on a
!nm:a on
oo::,mwoo 1 -reve- to hue up lhe t has i-
ti ., of a thee service, c0s. ;;.! d.ureh to
k-ar the cros,cs of th.,.-e who are layin.r
he;eV tiaa-ures bv dividing th,
, -.- ..
cxpcn.iauies waa iie.1.1 yea, in ore, ,
the i -udeu on tie ir pious siiuui- !
(p.:s ly inere-aMn-; it on the of;
others, b. hid ad. a niot sh: -ah.r ieatui ?
yf a pure tin 1 ludy rciieion.
Aaa::., and'y : tiou iniude !
that this is a new theoiy uuh -atd of, j
indeed, in the annals of t'lui-tiau Wis- j
lirj:)!1. Sej-po-e it is, whhh has not j
,,.,:J pr,,u,l, Vet the tia is ret
--vhetlv r it I 0 a new or eld, with or with- j
0..r p;--(;.J..!!t. Ai! t I.i s is a.e: e h. .di. i
The .-u-s-ioa i , v.bcth-.r or not it b0 I
, . , . ... .,
:u-t at.a n:: ht. 1 a. m -re. is lhe
i t . : ...t ,. :!-.; c .. t ...t. I
f , 1 : l' -i , it ilia... i l . v him i-'i . ... i
ei: t: w i!e r .r j;..t it 1 e c xpedbod. I
A-. I iit 1: re I bee' to differ from the i
J! :-:',!, S. oat-.- Ttptrn and Pr. De La
."datyr, piot'.un.i:3' it.aeving it to boa t xt, tab- nr. juid 1 e -1 f;r t he intctosts
oi' : .: ii church an 1 State. 1 cannot :. e
anv ov ii tont l- to c-u ue nom tins n.c
...,. T.,, ..0 .,,:, : !,a, v ho ph . no, a: j
p.,.., i;,s t,.t u ;a j ! fa! loom over
inL,.r,. 5 ,ia of thc-e .-eers,
v ,. ,t , ,, ; n,,. 0..:ii ra:t!i .;10
churches u
r ua.-etti 1 i:iv
the ben -v '. n -e and nobility of the
'tp-i -f i-iti :ad. ae. v.d.o have, h en t. -fore
tan i wdi f
r a., un. a -.o come rai.v i-;mu
aed;;. inv rrv
... i
in" i r i.-ns
, . y. .,
(J- S A i.r :x a xi it:!'..
n i a zi iv a v i. o a j: a v.
A riati Uc!:rv il f fs'lilO on l!:c I":i!
tic i:;:t.i.
I sp of t a ? Fpriirlrntcn.
Prsr.i :)'o Xer.a Tlato.- l'ctn.e.-::t.1
der.athan Ibieklo was employed ly
Mesa s (,'oe t'c Carter to a-sbt in i!ri iag
a her1, of cattle from Texas to this point,
their die tlna'i. .n. I Ie at tended t o his
duiv in a faithful an i industrious man-
t as J-...-I. .1:1 1 .i i'... c j i.'j".1. i,. 1 j li-
P 'ssess him of his hard earned money.
trM-rbr t a-eompn.-u thi-s they vert
e - it n-m.-elyes m 1 1." bra-a near bark s
' - ; :,!! 1 hen their victim ,?m a o.,g
ru - hod out an I d.-ait sevird laow-
1 .. I. . ! . 1.: .1. ! .. 1
lK:"1 wi: !i n revoia r. wlii-n l:a-i
:he oh -ct .d ,-t rm.r.e hin. 1 his cone
t!f' jchu
m old Ihey .!,; Id: hm
hlee nng a -d ic.ul scn-ce s- m tne read
Im-de made his way btck to Port Mc
I l iicr-oo, w here medical ai 1 was rence
ed he lhe Sstir-rerei i-.- eiiai-T.-. lt tr.u
...... . ...-.v .... ................ . .... .
,i...( vi ,.n- u-i. -i :-. ,i, i.j
ia - e an 1 ooiy terro. y rrm.-.'-t, ir.-m the
u.,.r.y kivxs an i i.oaii.'.s
received at
the hands of the rudiai:
.x . . , -, , .
vine u!a;av rc-eer.t;v a . ; ttioo;.-:
p: ta in lew a a-lvis-d tli ? :st.-rs to
"': tiiy Stitttt) by civio j their iewclrv to ;
the church on the text Sabbat!: cveni,;. I
The result w;.s a eaivai.lzcd watch and
three brass linger lings. "They are a !
p:ca nor in Iowa tn
1 .. .. .
mean set of sinner sa: 1 the pa:Va
i that I-iida"t take it cow!J."
i 1 -iKNI Ha; hav'av 1 lie rn- .e.-y
; of b 10 uni.-cui- r. , , .. ,
' ' ra;.t.u-ons j.v.-, tnat tre-1 to
1 c.ustcr aroun-l cttr nu:n...e :hiuiciJ.
our trusty little jvt-hoy 1 to ,-,:i
,, i '. .-. i i r- t r t, i ' F",
li-er-e-s t-i -a o-,.,-. -.,. 1,...
weeKS ol care, toil an-! wxaCosi.
I r. -ml ( , r i . t . ."i 1 I r- ..:....!.
!--- 1 u "
I .-icclit of that olJ, funhi ir f ii 1. ihe
I Ik'.iat.d. VVe were not a war. .hat r-
! l'-cn conid so attae-.i' d to x
i la-wsimpcr ; br.t in its :.';.:.;:.. v.c
I t..... ... :f ;
u .;. ...
; r....xt to Imp;. luorabie d:ukne-.-s, ii.--n the
"--w wo:.i ml cm. cJieern r;y
i . . . .
j cf lii;i.t over dawn-
notoay of our every
the Jul! j -5-
i 1 e .
;!', i::e im;
1 vcnin-s ire ei:t m a-eleiw f.n-
! vcivanon, or m
oi ...ream! y.
t - - .
l ..i l c . i .
altout the i.ou.-o .or some trei-.ure .o,t .
the:, as a last, or "forlorn ho,," we
j take down the llle of old and re-
j read liifir mstrue.ivo coioao.s over
I;-t there no rouirty-miM
vo cver endure the privations and per
plexities of frontier life, even whua bv-
i Within the ?o:nd of the church hell,
l the railroad whistle an 1 the I,..t. 1 e e.g ?
j W- will "try" ! Please direct our -py
the IIkuat.t, by rail, n-i (koto, to
i Hespena, Ii.hnore O., m iea-oi
..1.1 ...... . 1,., M ,.l.,,. i ,.:....
1 ""- -"-" "-'-'a -
V(. nrn :,,..J Jr .r.l t, M,. !:,.!
i - - -
mentioned town; if not, p omit us t
j tnit licsp-ria is a nr.v, t at o. J
i -"' 011 the Ii. rc M. railr.d. ah-ul lli
I !V,,:il ''!:;ittI:1 i;1 "
j -vr of Fiilmoro county. It is huat, ' f,n
'-cii -n toy.-ti , norta r-'aa- U we t oi
I -'ie Hli piinci-.le tueri lian-ahoat cpd-
.j. r. 1 :.. .. 1 i' .... a-
: '",l'u-1 j-iv-o... . . to... .v....n .
! $wih:i 0, as abo the
ciloanmj see: .. ..a ,
hiwu, ten: ,y rohm.-r ;.raine. .
; ot' real r, who have vis.tcd
! '- en we.ljiily 'di :v the iun t i
I .1. . ,. ,;: !,'.., .. o .... . ...
r, n !i 1 : - ii. cf'!i- -.- f, ii a
7;..- ,,.!.. :. r.--' --..a 'A-- : :. i-
-'-:m:ophere, ..., . , ad r.. .1, :.
uJ an 1 deliahtfa! as at th 1
in: capita. -t cur 1 .!;
. , . ...
"' Jy:::
'"''4 w..oto. .. -, , , , l;..m. ,
'l -'"z'-!1 ....go.:.- ca-:.!.t ,
M. K. Clmrch i.- ! ' e e -o.ei.e: d he !
first of nosl month. Wocxpvt that if;
& M. folk, do n ,t hitch :: te?m-
thcr re. and I: ml .t a . ia ! : Kear- j
i vray of Ciat bui or 'hl'kr!. ts
per reports -gra Ie a.rl all- Iba pti ia
.. -M - . . . .... .1. r. . -o ....
win oe a town it v.aa i: i I i ;:.
i. t,., ,.i ,. .. . .
' ' ..... . i",. . ... ...;. , i - .-. .ii, - i . -
Lcp- Mr. IVv.o.e will pi-.. ' 'i-.i.c !
-trading wh uo it i -, if 1. ,-hoa' 1
dale to haul th ; raih-.-al a-.e... 1 to
( 1 mo h ;i iiJuyf !) !.- -tr-r. m:r yh.'.-s."
i'y the way, we wa- at iVaahe -t-.T an I
(Veto hot wetk. Po.ehe-ti r i a Xo. 1
tow:;; v.hi'e i-i CV-..0 we got cou.pb
!,,t, an 1 if we b 1 n a have h :d - o
the Saline County b-a' with us we ,b-:i't
kicv- a; we won' i have b-.m-l cur e':
yet. V.'e c m; 1 ? b a libel :
on every side wo;" , haf.-b. ium-
oer yarus, en, c, .e ra -:.
bo ly appeared to b- j -pea--, y, : i. I
suiiiii-g. IVi haps t h"y saw ia us .. it . '
thin a- verdant. ib - :b .:. I to w '-.alii,
, ... . i
tii"y exoeet u-, to ae c::a-rv.:-e c
r..... ;l. . r,.-.. ;,. -o - --y . ie-
- . , . ,i--' ,
lion a lararo low :i i.rie l i ete. i.i' j.i-i
time we wen; there we on'y : aw one . i
mi l, three or f m:- "ducr-outs" mal a
e e.iple of shatit ie - where '"erek.-pr a few
"by goods r,:;l i-:-oer;l s, ,.i,y they
have t!;.. Sh e: ::m !bei--', the Xationa!
Ilo'.d. lhe Cfl.-ep:, Setireoy, ihirfy r
I . y Stove.-, ti'arehorises. Act icukr.r.-.l
depots, engine wi 'stles raid bells. .VLy,
dear if you have not been to
Crete lor two or three w eks, ut.-t ea
y:1 w h:-r 1 ?;
ne-i verdiro i ,! t -..-.t i !,.-, I '
' t-r,-ul1- 1 ' r i,vjn I
have to pay, f.ryon live in Piattnou.h
vn 1 !t U as :,lr- a '; y day.
the streets, and
- ,, , ...
"lieu near oShmtme Ov. Tidb.bfs mam-
ni.-iO, o,m ... , T, .1 cot : 01.
moth store wo happened to fall in with j cl.-v.-l the iol'.owi-or rmvci oincial corn
that prince of landbu I's, 31.-1 v : : " ji, who j mmiieation limn the reel--tor and receiv-
proviied ns wiih a h one t h-on b rh I ri' l, 'i '1' !l" ''.'"V-n''s : .
, . , ., , , :"' 'alerc'.v.tu wo m ao-e testimony ta.i-
storais whtc.i preva.od at to" i:me. ,,, ,:n ... c.,Yi :itr;i;n,t ilUi:ie
Dear lIitiiALU, b bt .-vi.r stop at th- j stead- entry No. -i.fdt-
Shcvmr.!! House with Me. ec Cell-n lar ; I ' l'rota the t vidi-fe-o it appears that
then tuo tn i , -La is a Metholi-t pr.a'-hcr;
llte.l 1U-1 IUu t -. e-O v c , e ..-C-.iV 1 1 . . 1 1 .1 e
, , , , ., i.---'. be w:: .-taticn. d bv tlie boafereoce
eontentedand l.tppy wime rt th : Sb -w- j at :l distance from Lis "land, . and was
miii. After a couiio. t :b!e trail : .at t!i" loaeiore compelled ither to fcl'tnrp.ibdi
Sherman, we w ilbed ov! r to bf!.,,';t,:. I ibis tead or the in in;.-try lorth
Ti lbail & Co.'s, where we purchased our !
f : . ... It
e.- : t tt ti 1
a fiie'.id showed Us to
te--r--. Moore &
Phides' a-rb-uati -ai van-ho'.-,' wh-ie
,. , . . ' ' ;
wo Liusb.e ! loa :mg and st arte 1 ior home. ,
l . . . - ... 1
haioym tii-p.o.-.-es-:t-n oi j: .od, cneap j
ROls a id ham b.tb n.u.t-, rvA we
m , : v ... . . z .
VtO.l.-J a . l.-e C-tj, aaoV we toi
'0, -1 do 1PW . if v, i- r ..
.o0oa..l o.h,c.w-e. , mc w :s: o
.anj lil-a cu t .aafo.ine.-s heie, and i..a
bytoe way, wr.s yau ever m a con::- j
tiy w.iere l,:e .. op:e were trying to cat j
booiosteads afier the (lovrrrme:.: 1 :n 1 !
was all taken up ? if so, yOU have sen :
r: -:.t smart ot ' iatnti.Tr c aot.s'
' 1 '
".saratehin'r and oe'li i-tbne." Ilor- we
t, .... 1. , ;-t r. . i
0cf,0n3' rl '-!Cr" i
rots, hatchets an! piu ah.sks are freely 1
used. I am sony I am unable to cct '
' th.,-. r.irfh..ih.r r.C .... t,o . , ' i . .. .
no v riT'i t : r -...- ,, '.:-... .- , . . . . - - 3 : li i:;rll.i tl'.il. i-. .- i ..I'.:, I, ....... .:
I loj..-, Au.-Z. ioi.n,.(e.ij..,i.,.ii.i,, L.,.j,i u, ' tool cr snr.k". ? a.y ., . r. .;. o a. r-s. .
I on; i'( m eiooi v
j Our -. !.. ;- i.i the c-.r.v.i-n . - . - Is. - .. -
.-ie;:ii.' .:-.. .- :n;-;t ny i,;r ;o
l iiiMrt i! t!. y tv::ch. A v. tip::. i-f.n:Mi::.
j iiivi-ru: : in.- io the chil l as the mhi is to
i t:.f p.u;, of carta. J i.e t: ..-her is ui
; .0::.o n-sp.-cU in the rc-I ition to the ! ol ti.e parent, an 1 the clill l must
r.-ci th-;t there is :-onu-thI- i.-r-:iva!cat
j .i , . , . i , . i .
jo the pa -em s ieve in t,e tracers
j j.oart h n: hvJ an.l i.;n.'!y-:;Ine
1" .1 1 ' ' 1
: tn even in.n-ar.-i o; .u.r c n.:-iivn t:oci
j no rc.i "hi the r-ehool ro-ut,. L-.t th.ia
j e.v.uo under th, mnetie inne. of a
j W:irill ov i0:t, in j -at hi.i.:- with
j .Ji -in in ih-.i.- little difveuhic., fclhi-
. s . . . -
. 3i(iJSf p-irci:tat anx:ety tor their itu
pr,-.venionr and tlie wm k i di eiiinimr
).c:il wj:j .0 v.-vea-v.
i f; !:;-..; spiiit mu.-t be a.-.-ej .ted uth a
i:r..i :
i ih .n to riirht. K--1 k:rduos?
j an, xv.,rn. love, .need not
j .l.-or-'o j:if;, .h.);lt in v,s. nor
-eiie u io '.".i;n Kno'.ieee je an i
1 '
. j,.;.;:,,-.. J :!,s -i-e tiven then to
?rn wll!l t!iIs Moct iview. Now I
WOu!ll,,e our teacher; impress upon
t;,g;r ,.ui,;is the idea that to neglect a
-j .urong against the teteher, the
,t.i,o!;:r, t!l0 j.are.u.-a wror that ean-
. n ... ,..,, r, ,.,.,! t )!
! Ii;n.0 jS.t (1R0 r..!e ;n. ho 5clloo! room,
j tjt (,uM bj ..t.ot yoir, .,,:,t!n,...
, T( ,,M ;i j lSrujhTo the one central
. ,,, hU .:., 0 ,cho, i, t0 (,;!ti.
V:tte ir- ilic oiil oi" inLt-tltv and ti-
" V.
1 ,i,.;,;v ,r x0 amount ol .-tuM
I , '
j .tui.uess. rc-Iratnin.? lr:a win.- j -u o;.ir,
throwmtr papjr pellets and uir.k !..;; ri-
dieti'.njts faces sh'e.ud be ;dlowel te, atoae
J ;,r ;h;;.r,!;,(.r 1, .n ;. I tauidit a school
j on.e in which were two brothers ol
! v.-;.,i!a the p;cee.i"i:- tea; her rcma.k.,1:
"(Jae wa : the le t b .y in myichoo,
d o o.'li.-r has a devil in hi n as Li.z as a
we.- i -hii-ek." 1 very soon cone! 11 led
that 1 woal 1 thj "devii" every
lie:". The "a ; . ; I boy" wa :-im ly pood
fu- not bin..', tie had learned that if he
:-i: s! ipi.c. in the school-room.
his tea--her no ir.mbi a r.a.thinf;
j : . wa- - riapfied of him. It w;i u,u
1 si-to see his aoip;i..o v:h t. he tliseev-
. r.'.i I daio't r( i;aid him a- a aeod
h. lar, an I rcprovt i iiim rallier than
....,,.. ...... ..u....
.,A v,:nA, i0 know if I in-
:., , y ( .., u.a ,;;.!;;,;
,.v..oI ; p. y.'.i.,.., , c xU-;h."
XV.IU th,. t0:;-. .;;, k-t sadamV ex-
t0 i,:;te that I do know ,ome
,. ,,,-.i,0:s that are worthy of tci 0:1-
s :a-i"i;;. IknoVs-m. .11 tiiet schoo!.
t::,f :5:.. j::i v.-(!.'c. !;,;,vi,
... .
i .
; , .
'I r - a year, and thor teaeher
els in
; : ; artion. Of c-ar.-e Mich a peojde
- i a- pre.-iate
-..1 .chords, flemand pood
-caools, and h.tvo good achc .k
T 7 1
J.1. 1 .
The f atl?:g of tl:o- i-Meiis iieuiosre
ntly t . an-:;ii::cd I y tel-.-graph and
iidn. d five.- th
a-i-ao popu atioa
m II. ' ci
untry as l a- - t lian '2 ','.. ' !). Ab
iaeieh this is t I
oxclusi ve of
i' !i:liau Teriioav a a 1 Alaska, it b
c a. a . .fed to eli,e a v:y erroneous l lea
I : fee.:' if our sour.-, s .-I' i-aia'i t xpaa: -.a
i in
j baa i 's
are otfi -ia;:e cuum-ere i 1 a
ov-: Southerii. 4".-bdd : Ai h
! -a a. a. : i aei-o ,.. :,
Now Mcxh o. -2-. !:-i): .M-..I
: vi:i.-.b T--2: '...v.: 1 .
i le
: a 1 : i tah. i: , a lei a'oo
t, sum V. ... I :.
T l; Or. to, loo,.,; t .,:e,-ad-i. ..
Noitlmin. I'.dl.i: biaho. ...('aVe:
-,ad Vfyo.uing, tl a-; . in audition,
t here are some ho.-tile trices, as
be Apacii-s and r'h-us of Arinona aad
New Mixieo, t,".i:i!..rri;e- 1 . and ir is
. .:. ..,1 ;,'. . 1,.. 1 ,..1; ;,. . : ,
. ...... ..... ............. r. .......
a "t : ail 1
the-" iie'.ii i: ai pt.:::e that thil-e arc at
h ,-.-t :;.i-.i.Tiib and, l-rohab'", oTo t'-' i
bi uanVtind- r the' care of thoVuir,' 1
States. The maaaecmcht of t!ie.-e tribes
birinu: the fi-cal ve ir of 1 -'. c"'-t 5s",
(i;j.t ;. The in fecial ref -rm rf the
new Indian policy b a 'ready e-m-pieaous
i'i)-t th" co-t under this for the
year i 870 was on'y $'), lo'7,'.':;s-;s:tl!iJ' vi. I.tiw.
Co.o mis-ioiii-r Ihninmond, of the
(ict.' 1 .taio ( i.r.e.t i n tie: Lti I uit. re
I ime It irta'.
He is a Christian ccntVinun, d 'voted
. . .t... . ., . ... .. i.a. . , !. . . . .1
i i-i ii.. l.l l-.: iji " a 1. leal e a i oe ...-i'l i.
Hi- health is very poor, an i his inter.-
tir-n t'cclns to Lave hemVi fill' back up-
.-. :, .-, ,. his I -ihh -boe.M V t
T V' . "V ;g ,! . ...:', ".. ' , , ', 1 ;
I! a I ' a. . m 1 11 : 1.0 1.1 -. 1 . l.en.- I"gal
Jv 4;lii. j to c w ,A lih , . w a Wt
Jvctv 1 aiti uhir,' wc- cmadu le :
'-r;. M i. :,. . -P .,).
ll.. il: - Out -y' lot - -..o .11.
with the tocachcr, and if the law can be j
( e j;) ;(iiv 'wjv toaI. hh
1 ho .-tjd "to .1 .it. !
I' ' . : . 1 ' yr .,. , ,.i:.. 1
' L 'n'l. ' ' ' i ftiii;w.i .'iel.l"UI.',l i
- r ; ; ;' 1 ", T, V U"1 ' ! voa call ir, but if voa ever brine ti ,t
---pipA J, ....U L;, . i''-'? "'" 1 rudbr L.-r again I v. ill
laud he mti.t do it thrcueh chaiiiv anilp1';1- 'T;r '.rder of yea
not ti.rotmh law. ' ; !" th- l'''''1 5chat ii:"r!:r f Vr "lA
' A few days tie. the wife of Satumd ;
Ibiiae-t, of Caithrc:", Illinois, was!
kicked in the chin bv a mule, cau.-imr
i r to bite oif ih" en 1 cf her tongue. '
Sln.-e thtn Mr. 11 am, -t h .s bemi olbued j
t ' o o-an . I s ol' (lolhi rs ibr that mule but i
i Tin: r r .-. Hfus. M tMii:.
.! I
V.V .'-!! !Ui,:
J 'vl:r-' ." V 1 ;,':,-Vs -"' ".,,0: v.iih
i;ut ,h,.rc iz one imin in this worU to
I ahv;. vs t:,l off mi !:st ami r-
! mam an -overe l u.J he ret s.fc.y I v.
I the .listrikt sch.v-! m-i-tV-;. '
nen I meet htm, l leek u; un n:v.i
j 0 .. 1n..r.L.r ,..t rotnrR.(l iVoia , fie yt:.AP)
! or o!5 his wav there to be c--k. He
. ! I ... )... - ' . .1 .1 l.lV
" '" i"ia.Mae an i m:'ui i.i."
th-m v oM b.-.ehelor al a m anxious
"liy;.--,., abotjt sta
and iTeckatt.di as a he board iz hy a
trav.-Hn? ped'ur.
IfF Iv un leri.ikes to make hiz chnl
:irz luv him. t!:e tlianees :tre he wili n ir
lect their lumin, si ml iff he don't lielc
nm now nnd then pretty often, thei;:h
will Rfjon lick him.
i n- tiiMiiai seuoei master am i p;u,
nendontheuatsideovtheohe. JI.e
boys n-owd,a!l hi:,, dunn.r recess the
anri.s put water in inz hair tve, sn 1 the
hool coniLaittee makes him work f
1,.,U- l
-wi.i n: : lil.ili...v a 7.-11 I . i J i ' I .L;-"1S,
board him round the nabo:ho l, where
they ive l:i:u rye cotl'ee sweet- ned with
three times a day ior vittljs.
l i . . it . i
j loti t tn; to me ov tne pa-hunco ov
! ?"41;1 ' f'l"H U:lJ1a '
j viJllL'111
I Every yuumr one in a di-tr kt sh o
yoiin-x one a d.treivut kiml ov
P'.u'ii-s to jret a .aood head on liiiu.
lanny m-in who has kep a istriki
school for ten yours and boarded round
the nahoihoo.i ouahtto be a major gene
ra! and have a polish tin for the rest ov
hiz n itural days, ;l hwr-e and wagin
tcv tin hiz goin round in.
TIire Cars Zt.ull.v
'i'he Mid'aml train from Luieo'n yos
leid.ay inorniag il l ! s n;;e h.eavily 1-ruled
v. heat its in ir, and ,v;d!e comiior down
the on; ve rt'-ade, la ar ";. aka .'eiuel .;ry,
the train .-::uek an im; -a 11 e-t tie an ! the
heavie.-t wheat car burst or spread the
track. This throw the train oil, and
.a ere was a eiia.'r d crash for two or
three s-eeor.ils, terrible for pas -, nccrs t
couteuiplate. 'j lie passejicer curs and
two others, we understand, had their
trucks knocked fro us tinder tlnin. but
mo-t !o. tue:t--iy lad.cuy was hurt ut ail.
: It seemed ah:io.-t a liiir-eu!
:u:ous eseT.r.e
lor the pas-t utte rs.
'ih.e debris was lemoved and l!ie
t;aeic repaired in time for the next regu
lar train. (lironi-Jc.
A farmer of this county tells the f,l
lowing: lb; wa- lately peocd;...
residence of a nr-iehbor.' when he raw
I tWJ ";i0 ooys twm br..-t!iers-.i..ov.7
'ftt i'T'tr'w 7
! and the little ft-Hows on-j on cacti .die
?' 'bo.-sy" w. re lugeing awuy in tretm-
hie matter of fa-t stile, which shovr.-d
taat they had l.rt lorirotten how to
teat they had t."t lorirotten how to r.t.s
cure .aateai n-oui i dimuit in the natur.d
way. 'riiey very speedily f.u.-p"nded
operations when thf-v heard him p'a-dt;c'.
and rather .-"l nfully received his anolo-e-etie
re-jtic-t to go rieht along with tle-ir
husieo.s. If,, (le-ei-il,..-; r tl ;l .,,.,,.. pjr
a t ainter r.s it and .f.b.t" lie wc
One of the religious papers says that
many ihurehes are run by "lines,"
whose schi.-h opovatimus are tridy as de
pioiab'e as tho.-e of lines j;j p .btioc.
Mr Stein, of X
kept mnrrym
to try and a suitable wife. Af..-r
four utisueeee In! trial-a he bl w out the
cavity where tiie brains ouc-iit to liave
Tod parents make every pos ilde ahrf
... . ? .. 1 tl 1. . . .
10 ...ive ioei;- tt.iiiiireti go t-i .-.eon m a 1
pleasant humor, Never .-cob! or cico
le "Tares or in c.,;v tv.-iv wo-nd a rViM'sl
lieli as a--it iraes to bed- Lot sd! !::
lm-iness and worhily care athebtimt
and let deep to a mi:; 1 ut peae
with Cod and :;Ii t!io w-ad !.
Lttiie six-yoar-oM Cerie':!, h.ivina'
been in. tiuetel by Aum j Co tic to pray fo
nts papa, ami liomg o::e even::!- inter-
, ,. ,. , ii -... n
t jier mat no must . ,w pray p,r ),:.
mamma, re a. d : "Aunt Katie, you
! i"A bold your horses now. V.dio'sn
a 11-
ma this j j. ycr, you or me ?"
(dap'ain Ihic-soti s t ; '. t r that the hcaaT
of the sun is .,i. Jti.othi dr.eree- laihrc:;
hi it. lie a -c. rtained it casuaay whike
in"a--aring tho Light of tho mercury.
You e::;i believe that this hat weather,
but next winter you can't.
An absent minded editor, who is
known to have an aeeonnt at tin: baa';,
e.. . j;e.. . : 11 1 .
fiotes i.oiii soiiie 11113 ii.o.-s t'cmw loo. :o
to that city, courting. The other night
he cam : to a c.iniax, and the o.d man
wa-ii. rviewa d. '"So yrai w.ait Ciara V"
sail the p.tftr f 'muHas. Vh-i will
.. . i i.w ..... 1 . i.m- 1 . e 1 . U'j i.e J
tbi newspaper man. looking up vacant!"
"Oh, P!i give her a onfri"
The e i.-tom .f w-'tn-jng ci.b:l.;::;:.;.s
ha-s been L'ivtu up iy the in iio.t:;
belles at West Pod:;, since Cadet Smii!:
pre.-etited some of his to a lady of color.
A yenmr man of a practioul ji-kir.
turn of mind roeer.tly p, r.-uaded a wt Jl
known and mi.-chievons na'-colt into a
laircr boor ,-:.!oo:i oi this ! he
'f''' ? '!' t!'-;.
! a" 1 .''.o'l.ahtlul ha- ahotlt t: Ti stvend-,
I -webinr i-m.-ptibly about that lie t.atM
I. . . , ,
: t-rowmg la"Ctioy.-!y oarnc-t, a,,- th-n !-
U - an the I-.nM-Ie!t-c.;:i n: :-ce bore.
enro I know dr.t dis is, here, vrnir own
! . 11.1 1 f,
1 ';:t heoeo;!eou call a imn-.r
l,e .-h too much joang to drink hi.s j
ei:o laeer it is n. t ! r the law m t;-
i-biee nor mil mine sal. -on. He looks I
j , 1 , , . ,
I yoii'-scif ' i oe vontit' man and thai
, 1 male ja-t went, along our. IXi t J, 1".,- !
; )e "" "
' ' '
- ".fer, of Cleveland
lained to secure the P..h;o
bis State to the inventor of
has deter- j
! t. otiefed oy i
a canal boat '
wouelt .-luiU .lo away wit h t no necessity
i i 'ii;; sal;: on r;:vr.
. 'r;;''!;rVjl -"ru
! ,ci'f At : ,y tu i. -
! r--
ilrcffssioiral Carts.
. t J r , .11
PiiysiCtAX ANJ f V Jt"t EOX t f t!.r.'
. :' ; .'' : .O"'1 ll'l' "(1 tilt CM I
i-'! it lei-, to tuo n izciis (.1 i f.-..T.un
j i . ... i .,,,(.,i,.," ,
. ! ... oi.ii-e cm .viia te ;.-.(, o:... .!.; mcs
ah; HPiiVJaiinl.o'-Ji'iir.J Pi:t -tacia!:. .
vitAv:i.zx.K. E, .
niVSrcrAX AMI SrtUJKOX. I.i-r. ..
rs..i:-iii-!.'!.:t.f(lf ih. An.iv .Olds !,.;,,,,,.
I'.'mO .,K.:-lh. Ni'!.-i-V-i. IMla... ;-f i .. 1". .h i,
-:.': 1'r.o. :o rr r, ,-.,;.-... ; ... ,';.-!;
l'lu:nii:o.s. 1'riv.itc r.-eiut n-o oi r.:- -, !' I;. ..-k m
. . .
Hi. J. r; Tf.De-IAs,
- e hit 'f rm-in. Oy !.t;. V I iO V. : a: '
I i i i a. is, i iMiior- ins i r ;:-!.. :e.! snu.'ie.i u
a j caiztas t cassrunnty. .x'tr:!.f. ij.ia.
j nciMEOVAlZiW
1 K. R I). LiM rvs. M. I .rr:e.., , !
10 mil .-t-H-k .f !!,i.. rr i.-... ;;. ... i.r
r j .c.-.o! ;kiif .ht. v. ti. ill kt;f. a i"ua iii.t-iy coa-
J JO '-'J-Ii. '
J. r. ro:;. Ti. ii. 7.'i::?:i.r.H.
i-ox fi 121:1:8.1:51,
1 - 1 ' ".- i". .v . o.t i :ai ut tr:' ii'-.
-ivai o. ,.i-..i.;1ic im-inw .-tad lai a tittc
-wto.t.. VJu7c,
.H 17.';!,;. V:,,r.'.n
ATT02:;KY.j AT LAW.-Sp.viai .at.-oio-.
.iina... - i. Ai lAW ni!d. .--ii.-it-.r.-i
oaancci-y, lai.tsiii, ,ulli, Aolir:t.-ka. U:i. o
T. M. Sl.llign 7TK. .'. N. fl ii'iNO
ATTUUXKV AT I,AV,' ! .? ;( Tt..r in O...
-rv, A?t-ti!f..r Jlaitroiii Lai.'ls l'iuft.-ui.aitii,
. ela-a.-kii.
GK'i. s. sat 1:1. .r. .. :. na ic:
tt.'mny- ft I. -nr. an 1 Central Cultoe: i ? . -'.-on, s
V- ii! I racta-i in ii!l cm-i-fs .,1 i'ii- St.,!.- aial -.viv.
l.a-.-i I.-n ... iilii- -.- r 0- i k i l'tuutau i-v ;ai i e
inI asit -' ttie llrooks ti..iOi'.
'r" YO' V r M ". t
!.'"7t! Ia-'e. re a.-.-af, a:: X ,ao-y PuMif,
hi!.', l ive an I .M.-o-im: I n.-.:r.p:i.i', at rai.:i
'i''..' ' : i-' ia ; tio .a, .. t -lO ; . :C : ! C'e.-.i;) ,i;i.--- Oi
i h" Pi it. it Sa-:t.. (..::..-,!: :u.!.i ..v-.-e t'n-'
li!',.-.- v.i'li T. M. Man, lu-it.
Platts'i-.etuh, Xfhr.i.-k.:. April " !i. ihv-.v.
3. ii , r.. r. i knm;tt
IJ 11 VE1KF.I. tl, ( O ,
Real !iIt,J T.-, rr.yinc Ai-en!". V ti tot
Public, p iro at,. 1 1 ,i to Insuranco Ascnt, r!;.ti
UK'"! ii. Xi.-'a-a.- ka. ... -at
i'ir.Tij.v riP.c-s.,
CAPrhXTPhS .MI v PPS, Aro r.-opre
to un v.a.rk i:i ce-'.-l .-: it, ..a .-ii- rr h.j -u . : - .
a--..-ii-aij. a: thn ch-c.-itxr.-t. simj.. ornor '
Mao. ai. . : ' ...ii. .--.rci-!-.. U:;.-:i,;:t
-'. J.. 'j'i'f Ei::ri,
cat:vi:xtkj: a m .totnkh. v.-v. -to Ei
' '1; in k- tr:r i.e. .-a ;t i;..e.-i: in tho
". C'ctrii.:. t, r iinil iir.j,- mii-iu " ."isr:a.
, " '!. Me. i' .nc c.-j'.k .-e.cli ol i'l. etc ' -o-il
are:. juIyJil.'
C. l!Pr.Sl-:L.rrt.rrU't'ir. . hiving reorrityhcO
p'l .- ,t- a. lo. l j.j... -,l :-, lhorouca ritnuii.u- ordt-r.
0"'.! :,' h-lsi.t Wkfat w.u.t.rl itaa:-. oateiy
f.-r wkit-h f:.c !iwlie.-t uiiitkul -.rice w!.ll to im!
i lint:'--':!.
JOttX rirZ'.ERALD Proj rt.ti r
Maln Street, Ih twecn oth and fob.
e fiil.eiJ i w.40. PA' n.ici nr,or f -'T
ilajTi-rfr.: s f ttii m.-ot r-'ti-ildu One.:, t
i-.'s- i:i iiic Unite-. SoOr-a
on;,-e tv'uh iJ.oan.-s .V i'l.o.-. k i;i I-' it . -'rra!-t
Ehiuii . .; ; 1 1 ; i . f
U ... 1 S. J
Vji" ... . i. 'jm.
r r " : - - - f.
- - - - ts-...)
jiaiLF.r..' is
Sfiai A3
ole K! i s.
l!AhT; - a'.-t..
e:L'i.i-:.N.-M a.p.i:,
sjp;:s, xoTi-o.vs, ac.,
rixt: and cotto::woo:'ku. .
.V, iro A;-fi:t; f.jr
rl seh i? nndoabtiilty the ne-t Maihiao new in
J-'- i-ar!';-'). tf.
j Hows I Vlow.i ! Plow;! Plcnvs
Takes j a?!i're in aanaunc-oe to the
ptililii- tli .t they Pave yfcttr.'d tin; vi
es of .tiiat Pioneer i'iew Maatdkctuivr.
f1 Jf 17? HK Si T. 3
.... .
! l.-el to.-.i at:v i-i..!,-rn raa aa.a.-, a'-y. O:..-
; it'-y Ir V
: fri-.f. rit. y.-j ur yr. r-.:.::..? n'l.W'K .MAXt-
I i'-h. v h-a-.t e-w,r, -,..-,.. !, ,,Soi.,y
l rfinuiii.. ,u the Mat;.. uw ' 14.1.V h tl
-frQ!p Unpri tLCiV
' l'-l...ti ut. OJ-,.
I -
: lUiii tllvT C'aJ ?1 5
t'i'i.a' ilrairp ..r. :.ti t-a.-t.r.f 'tio T'rdr.od
i Court Adjcui
! 'V ; ;- !.': ' u:v.-. : :ru :
I i"l : it rr.nn n , i. , ..ii r- !,
I !:. I.-' v. .i.i i ; .t : .
! V i. ! Si .!;,; r 'i cr'.i : i
Jur.. i1.i.,r..;,iU...n. TI .
' isaai' Pt.t..l
- f:y I:':!!'LKVV'' ' .
Electlcn flo'ic.
1 h! I,,- hi!,! lit " i ; 1:-.: '! ;
If'...,;;,..- i, I . I A
hi f.ty. . h .-. ..rev. V,
I tl-iy 1 I', r iv i. ttu- ,
! in-.i.oi .r-o x i .i ' .
!..! S,'r.t-k i T.-:uk ':-.,'i i t C
! ' :lr1.:,:.::;;V-i,;.'i: :':v
' l: : tie u y v.-!,.-.i ...i . i; ...
' '"! I i p. r,ini,::u ..r !,' ... . .
ui:ti j. - I t :i ! t .M e i
i j y V ' ! "?. 1 ' !,: ' ''t l. '
- - ' ' 1 .oo-.-.i . i ,: , t i
. . ! .. 'e a ,; : v .;'.';.!. A .: i. ,
I I. ,:
1 1 r. . : 1. . - i ..
m - I 1 . . .1 . a . .a ' : ;
"a,: i- e.e.aci
'.tf. Lo j .-ya' : : i i ,. u
j '."'': uuJ; H' ; , I
:; !.i y.vo iv-.m ti! liM''. t'o-y i.i :
, . .mil i.i s.u ! ii .nn
ur. 1 1 i In- -..'il,- .1 0 ! o in t;. ,i '.
I H" or.,;.. a-e i..n :il - (, -1 I
sni.i voter" Hi fiii'lt'tes i...iOiuOl
iiuivi' llie -M ;:yr it ti-1 riiy C.iii.;. il I . !.
i:ii:..l tax In pay tin- ino-riMt mi 1 .,,
11 It a- (lit' fiia : i.-ii 1.1 a a y. a-. I r a.i r ! r
.ii-iii crii'sr s -i 1 I... m l. (. . y Mi.a.M.i
- i-i ,,.n,i-. art- ai'! an a 1 ii'.i.aai! . r
r on i in i i . ' an i
)'. m.-s-a...,- o.ti,. . . n,. at t !::-... ". ! 'i
W m a ..V;' V,:. ! V.l.'i"'! V,"
i 'o t m '.a vTm'! c-a-lat .
,, . ,,ouiU,. i ..m.iT .:'..
t.. iv i ne 1 i-'C 11 . :t t .a -: 1 I I
12 jtv o.-hrr .ria Cty rt.,:,-u. ft,; at), ,
111 j Sc. 0111 1-a- 1 -,; I . M . I,. 'Oillli:, !.r.
Itoss Vis ... i i a. CIci k.
'! t. l.'.ivtd
Election iloix
i,:ii.,- idi- i-.-'.y'tlvi'ii t 'i -xt an 1"' r,:.e,i
. I... Itr'd al t ie- i'-; a-ii-- (-!' h.o.i .
t-.-i.-- ot l'.'.-e ' 1 ii 1 f. -"ti.. t. - .,!,.: y.
Iirjsk.-.. !i I'l a. - 1 '-.!!-...-, e -1 e! ' -. a . .1
f.-r tt." j.tirj.. .a sa a 1.1 a 1 1 10: :, t ... ', . .'
of .-a :. ,.r -ri ie T a i -r , i " . . . i oi I i c t : ,
I..-11O .; Xriaas!..! I'l-niil: Co.. ta-ol ! a : 1
! -:, I ..(a. a. I a, : . o... ..,11. .101 a I i
'1 k'.-i-ai.d l'.i.!:ac I I... a . . I . I..- .'.-to . r
: I. .-i . I It ,-.ul O .a. :--a :i a r- 11 ! ..
lie tii.d ia lt'aa.t- ..:.'..- i -- :i :! -I
in- ..iO'a-- ......inly Oi ti;e Cay ..I i'i '-.--:i .
!.. :t t ):. t:i--t, in -i a -Ii-r ,T I-.,-: '. -, itt
1 ie a i..i I til-' in.'i I to '. -!!.! 'e!ol 1 .... -
ky t :" ! : 1 .lay l Jui.. t -. 1. tiial -:nd t
.Mils' i.. iO' I f:i or le lore ,'ti ti'irv I--sol
i 1. ia!. - :. run u.e I,- e 1 tiaii 1 1 i-i t . i
mo: (t tkttn 1 !. , rly i-ais v.m!i iinnt'io Oa r
s j ... r i.-iit 1 cr a 1 1 1. it 111 : a i 1 nj-.i i,,
I-! . ai.O a t ; kf uliee o f I he P. ... :y .
un-r oi C;i.: roiinl;.-. t nloio-: One t -n
a i I Ion -Is 1 o fie pnel 111 t iv cat - oie- e:. ' -tli.tlitae
liny mo ilclivercl nicl .o r O i'
sai i-l 1 ti . 3 -- ea.-'i y .'Hi- t iiiTeeai ev until t ait '.
iitiooitif of said li-.inH an- t . : 1 1 1 .
'I lit- i.r.:tj tli. !. will i.'.-o !,. ,-i!,.i,itl.-.i I,
..t. at -ai I -' -." -1 i . . 11 o ae ij, . ;..),( ri.
1 ai s-O-i 1 'o n ai v 'otann - e -ti,"-. o j e v .- a;
lei::! t IX to l ev 1 kc iae ; t : ; I t a le
n Iot 1 1." i t i.i 1 it i, in 1 ('."'I s . a : f. .'1 1 1
ilrio 1 i.e.- - o 1 l a I-, j.-vy iene tiy .
l.i..ITtv id' said .:.-i-ii:ct i.i.tU .ao i l-..i
I : i. I . an ad, : 1 : ional I a t s..t.ii.-i.a... o .;,y
K'tl'ii p o t oi'said Inn id ' a id to ti i 1 i f .:
to t in-j.a nu.i!t tln-iaof.
'I'::. 1 1 o t. iiOei : :t e-t lo slid v: r- a '
eleer i .11 -I'm ! I I.,., "for ll.n'la un 1 lux. 1
' I or Jloi-is i::..l Tax, Xo."
.- o i i-i. i ion -teei t o .,,, n "i ,t t o cioi?'- .
aed (oi.tiauo .in-ii iioti! . o'cio k r. u. ol t
s--: I day.
Ifv "r.lcr of i lie Ieaard of Oiinttv r-moai!'?'.
ce.-.-a t!o.- 'Iti d;.v .,1 sejiO-cik-T. l -,i.
d. 11. Ai'JOKE Pre... 1 1 a I e Co.
h.O. i'i. 1. 1 Kit, .".r
Ty J. M hi-vt::,s:.y, I-, o;, ...
Sept. 0 J and IT t d.
Election riot-cc.
V"Tirr. ;.-i-T.-'y -:vrn fi-t.t i Kt
t ! 'i at (lie tl a.. I J.ia.--. o. in. id.. i t.
feci ill It.,. !-. It! :!!.' I'r"-in -t. Ca or N
rr: U 1, oil J'i-ela'. tif ! I il .1;. V .' I 1 a,'.; r. t -
tt r th.? I'l.o.'i- .a of .-'t'ltoil: ier ;-. tec !.
v..t( r: Mtin! icofir-t tie- .i .-ii ;
t . t 1 1 -a si :o.-l Xiatra-'-'i I i aoe: : Ol!
e'oi.t i s ny. ti. r.f .... i I i -i to
a 1 1 1 : ' 1 1 1 el twriitv 1 li-oi-i o.i o otir-: ,
i.,..,l. to 1... del, ..-: I a, i .; i !:lilri-i-i ('...
ny ivl:-ai S..I.1 r.. ! it! !,- !; iilt !ind ia run .
i.i-.h-r. 1 1' tt; t!i- f-ito : i ot e of (.'ns. ttintn; a .
ti - I i.u I :: : e K .. k It'a. 0 in ;-1 I i.-p to.
tt ! J.:.: .-lit.: I !.: !..-.. 1 .' :.d lo-vti. .- CI
t ., he -e--i ,,'.' .-. : to said I'lo-t .;. lh" : i
.Pity i'i.:. 'I'loi jo-.-. ...'. ta. a :. 1 : .
tic I : ' 'ley .1 ,-. . i n at y ! -Taa S .Od l.e.i a . a .a
I. - u: .a I v. a; ,.- tn r more o: n 1 ' i ., -.
Hl:...l in'e-... alHturioi a:.. - a
It-oi i - ::n 1 iillerc.-t 1.'. ja-y....!,. at lie. ,
ti .' ..'otOii.V !'' " .'fiT Ol' ! e s ii 1 V. e. t.
.::: tt-l.tli oiy.Od ooiia . t lie I i; t
a. i y. irs (',-. ia !': tiaie t : a . e d.div '-i
one :. nth r.f s.. id l. ..tids.ei.-li v. iirt'n-r, ;. ! - i .,
Ii! 'In- v. kale -ill. of I i.-icN t'.ra ;.- t !.
Tiio -pi i - ."tt i. ai v-i I a I o I.. k'i :.a.t t. a t ,
v..l . r-. a' .-a CI -e -'. i-ei .a t Oor. :. :i r- .
thioi'i i l'i.i'. '.-ti.:ti i. i-..i aii-rs -t' .-e i I ..,.,
t.i 'e. vy at, .-:.te'..d i-.x on lio: i-r-na-r-y -l' -..
jr. i ii t t ty .a int'-i -' -m -a i I 11 ... ' . a ,
a it ..-r 1 a.- e it a t -m ' v. oi ty v.- in 1: ia '
ti'i.e .f !. llVl lit: S.:: 1 ici;.. . I , I. vy , :. ....
me d h Od Ijoinf. a: o j. d a a a Idi o . aoa t i f
--o-i j : ,,: a O a : : i'i; i-i-at t - ; a;.' no I : ::i i, i t
said ..-i'i. is .ed lo ni tee :'.!'.: j t 0.- j-;
I.e ni la re.. I'.
'I ii" .(t.i't-a i:i .-n kin it I ! (a - d 1 v e , . a
"e-iii" ! v, ii!, . "! or lee.iis a:i i 'i'.'a ') .
"P- r P."i I ai d T-!.v. o."
-aid el - on will Ii" ',;,,'.' ! )i t Jn'i 1 , t.; a .
a i: I i" at ' a a o tu aaiil 0 . !.'!; in t .-: it!',
ni.oi! i-f 0 -pin -.
i'.v ia-e-,- of ili a P.aar I of col! a' v Oi:in.i:a iei
H-- ii:;-t.t!i .!av r.f-s, ..., r. P7P
J. il MUDlt!:. I'W I!,!-!.,! Iti. O-m.
i.SAAO I'OlO.A.tiy C'i-ak, Py
J. e', I::::, i: i...;o:v, Jtij.'j'y.
S: j.t.e. d n n ! wt d.
Election Hotlzd.
'ftdr': ii hcrthv u'lU-n taut tin Kli-ei'.n :',
i. I e le Id a' Oo-n 'tia! i I.o c i t lid liie; . 1,.
ka. on iO i. ,;. y i ii o'.t Ii (,. v i, ' ii'fol, v ! , . to
. a ........ i ..... ... .... i . ... . . .
I ' 1 ' '-, -, ' ' ' ' n .' ' . l. - ..... 1 ,'.!" .
.-aci . in- ia . a r. iiis'ini. i-i i--'i" To in" .-
Pot:;., im ( .Nfl. J'rtink Cm Ire;, d O'o.ri a n If:
I ..o.i - i.ia.,1 i i i'recii'. t to t!ii lir.i--nr.; of
tiee.o -nd ooi!.:'-'. Sailk itnlOf lot d 1 ivi-t -
. . ... i .- ..... . . ,
i, a oiyao ..ii: ; a;:y : :a:ai r. ,:ol -'.a
I," ; nil: a.tai in r. iiiiin? or,!i-r. 1,'om the s,,ei
1 a;a . 10. i",a;i!y to tae n r: !i llac ot Li r o
ni. ait j l.i".j ir: sai el I'rct : ;:. S Od ! i-
ea-i : I to od Jioitit !.y ,!,,- i;t i.,v of .1 0
I -'7 a i-l : ' ; : J rejaei t inj; to kit ;.' - '.
dan, l-t t-,J. .-.nd Jloti-P lo r:i i ii.. .. ',,
. , . -1 1 . .-. ii, ji iiinr." a . a on v y.ine, v.'o
a li;..e 1 1 ,i.o . i at S Je r ' a.l j. a' n r.'e: la .- I
iJ.j.o- are! iooo! in I... ; , ' I : 0. ; tr.i.
I let p. ... n a- I" ' un-r o t O . :-,:-, t v. ; ; ...
Ui." tea' I. ofs i;d U j.i.i. .j i,,. :. ; ... ; ,
t I. ot o o I Jr.n.i, o; l ..,-.,r 0:
1. 1 U! ii,i' v, ole n ae-n n t of .-. i 1 j; ,n ., ri ' . i
i' ( i.-. j. ,- .j -,- wot a. ,. '(. : i; I, a, i.i i-.l t.i - ii
'.; .- at 0 I .! i t;,,-, t au'k-ri.- ai. I ,
'. ii-' tMi'i I ia; ti iy ( 'oitpu i ie t 5 o ' -. , a , i ,
lo le". y i ,n t: - I t.i.-; on t ia iir-i-p. ty in e ;ia
v'-n-y. lo : -1 . - im. ; I o.i fi.nd a i a :
t tf -.!.. a 1 t"..-:. y i-;.,. f...i:, tea ' I
o . , 1 1 i a. -- , i . , i., : . i . o. i ., 1 1 I-.
... - - ,., ,
' ae sat ; lea. ...a e .aei ;r a! 1 it ..:: al t '
le-i.-iil to i a.y i i,c ti-nlli cart ol rai l a, j ;
,',;! !y li.e s.-ii.'- J'. tie- f-'iytaea: ia.::".i
t a . ...' i , . t . . ...
'h "! - eil. : "'lor J.'ai.ds an! 'ji..aV
,,- It..,:-1. :.j i Pax. go."
i i . i . e.-i s-ii.dl ho -, 1 to a .,'. ; t .
V. n i : :.a... ;.,! Itu'i ,.e-i; r. '. t
l'y ae -r i.f i':.e I'.i.rd ,.f iout,-., Co.. a. a
tr- iki- ' t: lay o! S, ,'eci .a r i - 7 P v
J. Ik .MOCiKP, I're.-a .1 If.ard Co. P'ooi.
J - a ' 1 . . 1. . .i i- o .
yyj.yi. r.ewy i v. , .ie; i:; p --.-k.
Sent. G J i vt I d.
i. - 1' 1 ''" ' r rr- . t-', ; ;i 1. -1.. i; n- -
ti . : a ort-f ti-I :n A.-tao-
;e,-,.a,i,.; , ,a o, e o, l.-m -:i
I ,:---.,:(',.- ,-i:.. . xbt r:,; r ;
lifl1, ,b ; llt'dl .'" ',V
7h4,.:y:AVryy - iA-ny! p-i
A. M. l-7i.
Sect, nth
v e . '
A. i.. ' IMPIi.
i'i'' '.-i
i i i j j . ;i .
I Xi I hi. On ai l: l .ii ti s wii ii .-.' n f..r !-n ! I,i
i. ra; jai-'i-s ;. t rcvoroil,! i ret r i ; ,y ..n y .
I ii.livTo.i on the otiji at i. :ii.-t i!it- scon n- '11.
., i'.iiov.i it K.i. tHiiti tier ii.iiiMiori.i;a,-;.,
I. i;.. i