Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 14, 1871, Image 1

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- Office corner Main and Second street. Bec
oni story.
TERMS : Weekly. $2.00 per annum if i aid in
12-tV) if not paid in advan.
pi i i
En ron a:: i
t.-i vd -4 .
A"fiTicc OiTtTT ;.J:ua ua.l
r. t t.rj
OL. 7.
.i -m- ,.-' -
.kid JiliAb j& A
1'iT !ii n
The Ashland Times is not opposed to
the new constitution, a3 stated by the
Omaha papers, but is out squarely in
favor of its adoption. It copies several
articles from the Herald in favor of the
document, and pays us the compliment
to say thatitdje3 so Li-cause they are
the Let it has seen.
Will the Oniaha Herald and Republi
can please explain (they can rise or not)
how it id that the "brains of Omaha
the men who were selected as mem
bers of the constitutional convention for
their worth, regardless of party arc oil
for the new constitution, while '' the
ether fellow. " are against it ?
The Omaha Republican averts that
JVUino a year can Lo faved in the ex
pens-. as of running the State government
by voting down the new constitution,
an 1 continuemg under the oil. Wc are
a-tom'shel that any newspaper which has
any pretentions to respectability, should
make riw-h a reckless abortion as this.
It is on!y assertion, P jr even the Rrjmb
llcan does not venture to rive the figures,
or show Low this great saving is to be
made. The truth is, that paper cannot,
and dare not attempt, to show that the
entire cu!m of running the State govern
ment under the new constitution will
amount to any thing II we the furn it says
can he 5ave I. We copy some o-tinatcs
f i :l:y from ha Chronicle, to which we
invito the attention of the Republlcn i.
the Tiii'.r.i:-i ii i jih vorr.
There arc some features to the new
Const':? uti.jii which we do not endorse.
cn l oris of them is tiis clause which rc
nuires a three-fifths veto to allow any
county, ttv.n or pn-cinct to render ai l to
rvlroads V.'e L'Jicvj in a nr-pulli-ar:
form of jjoverniuent, and wohtlieve that
a m-
"7'.y :-h ouM
ru'e ; but tho feature
of t!u new ConMiiution which allows it
tob anirn Li iir-ide of eighteen months,
without ( n-e, relieves many of the
.b!.r tionuL!e features, because they can
peon be (b.-rn- ed of.
Asn srir.r, A.toTiirn.
AsfonierP thoe who are k terribly
ho:-f::t to the new constitution aro
jaode.-t men, ar.d have not tho courage
to .-t.ife, opeiih-, their real objections,
wo h ive decided, as an act cf charity
toward them, to publidi a few of the
(probably) mr-t objectionable clau-es.
It MriLcs u as altogether likely that the
i'jlljwing rn-.y not entirely moot the
views cf some of these objectors :
S'r.r. 17 ;-r0 p(Jr.on elected fo tlie
Iepi:!ature, fhall receive any civil r.?i
!(e,i:,t!).orit wi"hin this b'trf", from the
'iovernor and scna'o, or iioin the legis
lature during the term f-r nhiel, he 'ha
b n idi'cfed ; and rll ?uch nr f ointments
nn I a!! vo'" tivtn fl?r any mi;1 member
or at.v cu or nr;omt:::e!it, hi:d!
nor p.riv tv.i'tv.1
r el i lie
e rr ruiy State ofV or ir,.r-
',ti, l fitiicr iir, et c in t
y "; in :( -i !y in Jl?iy
tiii t i no et i:o, or
1 hereof, authorized 1 v :.nv
y county
iuiifi th tcnii f .r vVi.-h 1 . l.n-o
uw pa.-sea
!( ii cirj-ted ; or within one ver alter
tho cipirtion thereof.
e have several i;h n in our " minds
eye" who would not J e o anxious Por a
heat in the lern-'atnr2 unlor the now
cntitntiori a under the old.
IVihaps section eleven, oP the Legis
htive Article oP the new constitution, is
one r.P the obnoxious Pjaturcs of the
d--.;un:ent in the cros of certain of its
opponent". It rads as f il'envs :
."-'F.r. II. rd-rn' crs of the legi.-laturo
before th- y er.tor v ;., th'Mr ollicia! du
t a. vba'l tako and sub-crite the lollow
ing oath or a3irmatton :
" I do folemnly swear (or affirm) that
If wid Kipport tiio con-t.tutieu of the
''nii. i State-- and tho constitution of
i!i State of -Nebraska, an I will faithful
ly discharge the duties of senator (or rc-pre-er.t
itive) according to the best of
jny ability, and that I have not know
io.;b.' or intentionally paid or cmitribut
e i anything, or made any promi.-c in tho
r.p.tnro of a bribe, to directly or indirect
ly influence any veto at the e! -eri -u at
which 1 was chosen to till the siid olhVe,
nnd have nt accepted, ncr will 1 accept
orrcteive, ili.-ectly, a:.y money or other
va.u'ibh; thing, from any corporation,
-.mpany, or person fbr any vote or in-ilu-.-iice
I may give or wit hold, or any
b: i, rese-Iufiti, or appropriation, or for
any oth ;r e f'lcial act." The oath shall
le a liiikii.-tfic 1 by a j-i of tlie su
Vrrm. di.-iri. t, or county court in the
ha.l of the house to which the member
i eleeteJ, and the Secretary if St-ite
fhal! record and file t!:e oath'sul .-crib d
bv each member. Any member who
.sha'i refuse to take ih; oatli herein pie
senbed. hhall Kiflit Lis oilier, a ad any
member who .-h.'I be convicted of bav
in? sworn ft !.!' to. or r.f vWatiti"lii
naid oath, sh.ii; INrfMt his ohiec.'Vj
thereafter be di-.,ua!itied f19ni I.oldin
.ary of proilt, of f rut in this State.
Poos this chance t? interfere with the
pans of avy o-o ?
A young Alabama lady, on being told
that her lover had suddenly been killed
ni d ."Oh. that splendid -old watch of
Ins ! ( Jivo me something to remember
him by.
Hut these hacks are dantrorous. We
might gc:t the fnal! pox. ' "l'na'vo ro
caue to be afraid of civ coach, mum.
lor lve 'ad the hind wheel vaccinated,
an I it took beautiful.
The San Francisco Bulletin stales
that thero is no church in that city ,'aU
to pay a salary to its pastor of more than
?, per annum, without makin-r such
a strain as wiil finally make it unplea-ant
lor minister anl people."
Mrs. Wood hull " ru-os to to explain,"
how it w that (Jrecly says, "she has two
hu.-bands after a sort," and is "sharing
the couch of one, and b ariug the name
of the other," and admits, the soft im
peachment, but attempts to justify her
couduet, on the ground that both of
them needed her sympathy ! She had
better emigrate to Silt Lake and be re
gularly baptised by Brigham Young.
There is no need of praUng the pres-
,nt sP'Tot ,aJ,e,s' d,r3, for they are
"puffed enongh already.
The Omah i Ifcrall ha Jljltn differ
ent articles, in a s-ingle is.-,ee, opposing
the constitution on the ground of the
corporation article. But, then, 3ou
know, that is not the cause of the Her
ald's objection. Oh, no. Not by any
The Omaha Herald swallows its as
sertion that certain meetings in favor of
the constitution had bean failures, and
that no one was precent. It has been
forced to admit that these same meetings
were well attended by very respectable
people.- That way of falsifying facts
won't dr, 31 r. Herald. "Chickens come
home to roo-t" Fometimes.
Tho commissioners of Otoe county
have Fubmmitted tho proposition to
vote (d(o,OQO in county bonds to aid
in the construction cf the above named
road, tho vote to be taken at the next
regular election, whether aid election
frhall Io on the lO'.h cf October under
the old constitution, or in November
under the new constitution.
( O.fKKl.f CD TO OnilVIOS.
If the new Constitution is adopted it
consigns to oblivion the men who seek
Legislative honors for the purpose of
bartering their voes for wealth or for
power, and it also effectually puts a stop
to all bribery and corruption in obtaining
seats in the Legishtnre. The tst oath
stands cut in cold relief, and but few
mn will dare to take it if they can not
do so with a clear conscience. Perhaps
this provision has more to do with the
opfo::it.ion from cerlaiu quarters than the
high salaries has
tiii: H I. A ft in.
In figuring up the salary question, the
opponent5 of the new constitution fail to
note the fact that it entirely docs away
with the lo,00i) paid the Penitentiary
Inspectors, the Building Commissioners,
and the Board of Begents of th Uni
versity, under the present constitution.
They also fail to tell you that under the
new Constitution every dollar cf fees re
ceived by any State officers is to be paid
into the State Treasury. And they also
fail to tell you that fiom these two sources
enough will be saved to the State t6 pay
every dollar of the extra salaries provided
for State officers by the new constitution.
Already we hear the dissenting cry
from the strong h'dd of the monopo
lists the leading papers of the State,
situated in the eastern j -rt. are oppos
ing the new constitution neany rn macsr,
raising tho same arguments against it,
that commends the constitution so favor-
Lie to the interior and western portion's
of our State, and to ;.li who desire that
power and profit be equally distributed
tbrout -bout all parts of Nebraska.
JHue 'ut'!.-y Record.
Wo fidmit the ju-fn" of the charge
of the Rfcml to a certain extent. A
portion of the press cf the river conn
lies:-re arraingel agai'ist the now con
stitution, "raLir;? the same argument
rva'.n-t it that commends the constitu
tion so favorably to the interior and
western portions of our State." but wc
arc happy to infirm the Record and the
other friends in the interior that the
IIkrald is net classed with that num
ber, neither wiil old Cass be found with
them on the li'th. We are for justice,
whether it jr.ves favors to the river
counties or those of the interior. If the
interior counties have the inhabitants
they should have the representation,
and no rule cf justice can keep them
froM it. It i- a well known fact that
more than two-thirds of the inhabitants
of the State are wpst of the river
tier of Counties, while the river
tier of Count I.? have more than two
thirds of the .itati.'.n. We are
sorry that there aie men, and even
newspapers, in the iiver tier of Counties
who wiil oppose a just distiibution of
TKRXtrc sroii?.
nr!o! ltoan.I IJnu'O t HtrojC(i.
Jnmcs Zloyld Intn!itiy Kit'otl.
At about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
our city was vi.-ited by a very spirited
thunderstorm, accompanied ly a gteat
amount of rain, t-omc hail, and a tre
mendous blow of a few moment's dura
tion. After the st.-rm, we heard that the
Sioux City & P.ic'mc rcuuj house was
blown down. On repairing to the lo
cality, we found it literally demolished.
It was a s'reng brick building, f.'xoO
fVet on tho ground, and about 20 feet
high to the eaves. The walls were
twelve inches thick. It was well stayed
with irou rods and braces, and was sup
posed to be a thoroughly substantial
In addition fo the regular breeze cf
The hour, we think a whirlwind mu-t
have struck the luuse; for the timbers.
and portions of the slate roof are scat
tered a distance of 2 rods in a north
easterly direction. Many timbers 8x10
inche-i in ih:cknos are carried a dis
tance of fifteen rods and broken into
pieces like cord woo 1. The windmill at
the tank was also blown away and broken
into minute fragments.
"Whom the Lor 1 loveth Iloehastcn
eth." Judging by the fires and hurri
cane es we are visited with, Providence
has a great deal of tender passion in
fctore for Fremont.
1 he wife of James Boyle, residing
south of the Platte, oppe'ite Fremont
was struck by lightning end instantly
killed during the storm. Fremont llcr
ard. Ihere is hope of Virginia. Its best
papers arc ridiculing the "tournaments,"
and telling the young men to stop fool
ing and go to work.
An idle man once asked a coal mer
chant what a peck of coal multiplied by
eight, divided by four, with a ton added
to them and a bushel tubtracted would
come to. "Well," eaid the coal mer
chant, ' if you bora 'era they'll come to
tiis: ESi'tssK n i::rio:.
The opponents of the new Constitu
tion have howled loud and long on the
expense of running the State under its
provi-iens, and have made all manner
of extraordinary figures to prove their
assertion, even going so far as to figure
up the expense of the Legislature in
peiprtual session. There aro very many
good and honest men who have been
misled by these outrageous calculations,
because they have not been refuted by
the actual figures. A correspondent of
the Nebra-ka City Chronicle, has taken
the trouble to ascertain the actual ex
pense of running the State government
for one year under the present constitu
tion and lie gives 'a comparative state
ment under the old and new, as follows :
Let us compare the expenses under
the new Constitution with the old. for
one year :
3 Supreme Judges at :,;(0
per annum, as the fir -t Leg
isluture will certainly reduce
those salaries to that snm....
5 District ..Judges at?'2,otU per
1 (lovemor
1 Lieut. Governor at per
day for 40 days
1 Secretary of State
1 Auditor of State
1 Attorney General
I Commissioner Public Buil l
i"gs ....
1 Superintendent of Public In
struction Clerk hire for Kxeeutive Oili-
cers -
77 members of Legislature at
I per day for forty days...
Officers of Legislature. Clerks
and other oiheors and fuel...
Neces-ary expenses for In-ano
State University
5 Begems University at $2U
per annum each
State Penitentiary
State Normal School
Deaf & Dumb institute
8.0 jo
3 Judges
I Governor
Fees of office which under the
new Constitution go to the
1 Secretary of State
Fees of office which under tli3
rcw Constitution go to the
I Auditor of Stao
Fees of office wh:ch under tho
new Constitution go to the
1 Attorney General
3 Prison Inspectors at '2,o0
per annum each
Cieik hire for Executive offi
cers ."2 members of Legislature at
3 per day, 40 days
Mileage for same
Officers of Legislature, clerks
anl other officers and fuel
Necessary expenses of Insane
3 Commissinnrrs Dana A.-y-bim,
C-s; i per annum each,
State University
State Penitentiary
Sta'e Normal School
Deaf and Dumb IntitiUe
S Begents of University, irt,
$2;.'0 each
3 Land Commissioners, at
2l.o to
$l.VOO each-
Total $171,100
In addition, the revenue that
can can be collected under
the new Constitution that
cannot be under the old, will
be - $275 OOo
Total gain by new Cent'm... $200 520
These arc the figures of the actual ex-p-n-o,
except the'amount of revenue
which can b:i collected under the new
Constitution whb-h cannot under the
old. These revenue figures are some
v, hat speculative, and may bo correct or
may not be. The figures show a bal
ance in favor of the new Comtiiutien
leaving the revenue calculation only
good for $14.4o and it cannot Pali
short of that. The great gain is made
in the fees which go into the. State
Treasury, the doing away with State
Prison Inspector, University Bcgcnts
Land Commissioners, etc- Let thoe
who desire to r.-eertain the truth look
well to this matter, and see that they are
not imposed upon by men who ap
peal to their pockets to induce them to
vo'e down a constitution made for the
Tin: von:.
As some of the opponents of the con
stitution aro inclined to manufacture
capital out of tho manner in which the
question is Fubmitted, we give below
the provision made in Schedule for the;
vote upon tho adoption or rejection of
tho constitution and the several separate
arlie'es :
Siv. 0. At the said election the bal
lots shall be in the following form :
For all the pror oti'ians on this tuke
which are not cane- ile J with ink or pent
cil and against al! preposition- which
are so cancelie I.
"For the indopendont section relating
to this liability of stockholders in bank
ing corpora; ions, companies and associa
tions." 'For the independent article
prohibiting county and municipal aid
to conporations." " For the section re
lating to compulsory education and re
foriaatory schools." " For the section
relating to inhibition an 1 iicense." " For
the section relating to the extension of
the right of euffiase." Each of said
tickets shall bo counted as a vote cast for
each proposition thereou not cancelled
with ink or pencil, and against each
proposition so cancelled, and returns
thereof shall be madj accordingly by the
jndges of election.
A music teacher once wrote that the
"art of playing on the violin requires the
nicest perception and the most sense of
any art in the known world." Where
upon a Western editor comments thus:
"The art of publishing a newspaper and
making it pay, and at the same time
making it please everybody, boats fid
dling higher than a Lite."
I Ji IH!) VtTfST.
Doitciir.STLit, Sept. 8, ItTL
"Far out beneath the blue of yonder' a
sky (pointing westward) do I intend to
seek my fortune--." Jy lasr Liitrr.
Beau. IIkrai.p : My last was from
A: bland. To-day I write from Dorches
tera town eiht miles west from Crete,
and cigh!y-f-ur miles we.-t from PiatU-
mouth. It is a Miiall place, as yet, but j Sued. Last whiter it was a vexed ques
has fair prospects of becoming a town of I tiun, (upon which the public v..s pretty
good size bcfjre a great while. Tlie I equally divided), whether a p:;tson was
country around it, for miles and miles,
is one vaat region of prairie, and nearly
as level as a Goor. It is in Saline county.
It contains a hotel (the Key .-tone Ilou.-e,
Messrs. Mooncy & 1 loot nor proprie
tors), one store, pos.t-offie-e, one or two
railroad houses and three or four dsvcl
intj hoi: e-s. Alter brcakfa-t, this morn
ing, I took a stroll up Wad.ington ave
nue, (yes, Washington avenue ; for the
map of Dorchester says so) to see and
note the place and surrounding country.
The country surrounding presented a
dreamy, dizzy, soul inspiring Feme ;
while the town presented many favorable
The trip. Left Ashland on the 7:4'
p. ui. train yesterday. The travel be
ing in the nb'hf, I was unable to see the
towns and country along the route suffi
ciently to undertake a detailed descrip
tion of the same. While I was deprived
of daylight and a clear view of the towns
and couniiy along the line, light (lamp
light) filled the beautifully frescoed and
comfortable j assenge r coach, of which I
was an "inmate
I showed f rth to
my view, greatly to my joy. tlie familiar
ficcs of Capt. 11 B. Murphy, Urn. J.
McF Ilagood, llcv. J. B. Maxiield,
(whom all know to be a con-titnti'-nal
man both physically and "instrumcnt-
ally" speaking), aul Ibm. Samml
(ought to be Governor) Max well all
staunch and talented men of 1'litts
mouth and old Cass men who have
served tticir country in fi"!d an 1 State in
"the long ago." When I looked into
those small, sparkling eyes, of Mr. Max
well's I coul lu't help thinking of Saxe's
poem entitled, "Wouldn't You Like to
Know?" t thought oneu -Mr. Maxwell
was goirg to speak tlie words right out.
If he ha 1 I should have remaiked,
"Never mini, Mr. Maxwell, we wi;i
know all about it this fall." Well, Max
well would make en excellent Gover
nor; there is no two way3 about that.
A brief ride brought us to a city at
which, we were to lay over half an hour.
It was "Paris by Gas Light," (Lincoln
by lamp light). I would like to know
what those Lincoln Ibusmcn "take" to
cultivate their "Inn .deal" powers. 1
have been in some mighty big towns in
my time nine capital of the leading
States of this union, St. Louis, New Or
leans, and many other towns of like sic
an-J iiupcutance, for instance yet never
camo aoioss any 'busmen's hings that
eoull compete with theirs in the "ho'
erin' " line. "Here's for the Towi Icy
House, the best hotel in the city!"
"Get aboarl tbr the Ticheaor House ;
free ride right to tho door!" "AH
aboard for tho Atwool Hour; pas
right this way ; the only first class hou
in the city!" That poor fellow, excited
and bewildered, how I pitied him a he
paced up and down the platform, first to
one 'bus and then to another, until !.e
came very nearly losing a ii le altogether.
At the close of the perform. iiicc of this
scene, the train was rbout ready to
move out Crefeward bound. After a
couple cf hours,' ri le in a very ''gentle"
and 'unassuming" oil box. car, with
benches along the sides Lr sea; s, Crete
was announced in Mcht. As 1 looked
out upon Crete, with her countless lights
glimmering forth from the win lews f
many a domic'.l, a thought passed the
threshold ( f u.y mind : " I wonder
which part of this piore-ive city doth
contain the well-known bom of ' Ye
Ancient!' Perhaps Mnpheus his
closed his eyes in Bleep, and put him in
his little bed ; or, perhaps he is "writing
up" somcting for tho c damns of the
IIehalp. In whatever part of the city
he has taken his abode whether asleep
or writing up a correspond. m. c I should
have been happy to have met Captain
Cooper. I should also have been pleased
to have met Mr. J. M. Woif, and many
other acquaintances who are now residing
in that go-ahead thriving place. 1 wiil
leave this point (Dorchester) to-day,
when yon will hear from me again at
some other point, nothing prevent.
W. D. l'Ktmn:.
ni!reln; Accident to f?r. I.nrsli.
Dr. N. B. Jj iish, Superintendent of
;lm Lunatic Asylum, 'met with a serious
aeci lent ye: tcrd.-.y morning. While
ii ling behind a spirited team the pob
broke causein them t 1 eeoine excite l
and unmanageable, when he was violent
ly thrown from the wacon, reeuvi irrrr a
compound frrctiiic of the tibia, so near
totkiatik! joint as to involve tho articu
lation. '1 he surgeons in attendance
hope to save tha limb. At the be.-t,
there will he nnaehy losis of a i erh.jis
permanent character. The mo.-t h qio
ful view id" the case will not admit of the
Doctor being able ta resume business in
less than six wee ks or two months
He rccieved the surcifal attention of
Drs. Henley, Hccs and Howard. Oma
ha Herald.
T.nnds r.ostored to Pre-irniptioii.
A dispatch dated Washington, Au2ut
2:ih, says; The United States Land
Beeeiver at Beatrice, N- b , was riotitied
by Commis.-ifuu r Drummond that even
sections within twenty miles of the Bur
lington tt Mis.-c.uri P.iver ltailroad grant
selccwl by Nebraska as part of the
500, 000 acres granted far internal im
provement under the act of Congress of
September 4th, 1S11, have been rejected
because the lands are double minimum,
andT therefore, by the terms of that a t
and the act of March Oth, ls'C.-b are not
subject to such selection. The Commis
sioner directs that said lands be adver
tised as having been restored to pie
eruption and homestead entry.
kali r.ilj.
Int pt;nt;iajpi:l.
It was expected that in fiaminj; a new
constitution the difficulties that present
ed th-msolvcs hi regar 1 to impeach
ment in ths ell or.-i wou'd have been
of and tl. it tl,
o course e
f as-
tie.ii in :-r.j'a tri-i
d 1
lave ijcen ele-
iii!p;'.';!o after the cxpirat'on of his
terta ; and that point wi 1 in every case
be bror.aht up anl eliseu-.-cd and the
uiscu e-ioii may, or may not Le made in
aeeerdaiiro with pre-?s-.le:it now estab
lished. 1 r. iin there was honest
diffijre re e of opinion as t a the pow er of
the com t ia ie Hiili:!--5, whether it
could impose a part of the penalty, ml
exculpate the accu-cd fioni the other
part. Ibis question mu-t also be the
subject of future contention, and be sus
tained by precedent, unless the next
court overrules piece h ut, and becomes
a guide to itself. A flw words in the
new con. tituiion would have settled
the.-e and other questions forever. Theu,
again, the recti m sevms very defective
in this point. Ic pLecs it in the power
of a mere .iaj aiiy of the 1 lom-o to im
peach a governor, and thereby su-pend
the accuse 1 from tli 3 cx.-rci e of power
for ati indefinite time unlc-s a majority
of tho Senate sitting as the court, should
ict use to grant eieiay.
Nov the reasonable inference- i-', that
the blouse, having impeached, has with
in easy reach the evidence necssary to
convict, and thi trial should be speedily
had, unless the d Jhidant asks time.
As it now is, by the new constitution,
;-.n unscrupulous pattuan majority in the
Legislature, hostile to th ; Governor
could bring about an undesirable state of
affairs. T!i3 House could impe.i h, an 1
under the pretext cf needing time for
preparation could leave his trial until
near thj expiration of bis term, and
ptobab!y then mike no appearance
against him. And then aaain if an ex
official is impeachable th -re should be
some time fist d as a limit tor doing it.
If a wrong is charged the perron accused
should have the opportunity of clet'eied
ing himself while the evidence is attuina
b!e, and n it be arraigned years after
when his wi ne.-ses aio dead or have
moved away, or pahaps when a Legis
lature pai ticubsrly hostile to him, may
bring the charge and sit in judgment
over him.
The only improvement on the eld eor.
st.ftt'.ioa in reeii'l to this subject is in
requiting the ji'.eut. uoveinor to vaeiiie
the pre.?: kne-y of the SYmate, in favor
of the Chief lu.-iiec, when the Gov
ernor is on trial. This i ; a wholesome
clau.-e, but it is vr.h' one of many such
They were i-er.t there to make a Con
stitution, and on points where a few
words could ret tie vexed questions in
volving interests important, to the State,
and iLb.ts s:vnd to individuals, it was
either a blunder or an intentional wrong
to not in ert thve words;.
The object of a written ("on-titution
is to have unmistakable land marks in
forming and executing our laws. In of impeachment precedent cau
have no biodiag force, f.r tlie I.- .-ida-ture
of next year will have as goL. j :t
right, to put their own construction on
an uncx l.'.i::? 1 meaning of the con.-l ituj
tion as the Lj,::!! uf last year had.
Thus the d ier is k ft open for long win led
di-c 'is.-ion, ao 1 the rule cf the court ef
impeachment will be eon tantly varying
:.c -ording to the w i- iies of the com t.
Thi year they may try an 1 cons ict an
ex-official became th-y vent i ::a con
victed ;:id ph';d that t' e impeachment
of an ex.-hiciul is implied, though not
expressed in the ( .'en-tit u' ion ; and next
year another L.ui!:i! uie may lefu-e to
impeach a man afiii :.d, on the grounds
the Consiliution
s ii, t give any
arrai'cmntr ai
expressed authority i'..
ex-oeicial be fere them.
Thus instead of having a plain, an!
urimt takable ru'e, this important, power
is left to the gove-aim. nt of wh mi par
tisan feeling, or eliaie-e, imd L-gisUiture
can play hile-a:id-L-e-seek around its
dark corners and not vi date the letter of
the constitution. Or d and New.
Ci'-.ii'i-i niii ".
-mi Times says ;
The B
A eoc:t-pora-
writes a c- Intiin to
prove that
arco uo-fe. are ii: ric.ttioiis ot
renin s. lret iiarto luis ;i very con
spicuous rose, .lo.i'prin M.'hr'o f.'.ce i
strikingly cmbcl'ished in this respect.
Cob Fi-k's in-e is what first indued
Miss Beam to a-k him t ) .-it fir a bust,
(den. Butler's oivan of smell cxeiie
even nmre attention than Ida en rr!c eve.
Uullolbs prnbo-, U i-s;.M t.. have- be n
one of the principal can-c if the stril'o
among the delors for his b'n!y. Hetny
Clay and Daniel Webster i acii pos.-cs-e i
a rmse that id't upon th- bohoi b.r ;ui
impression imvorto be totg ttten. James
Gordon Bennett's organ is eminently in
dicative of the energy and bieii intel
lectual qualities th it have ma le him fa
mous, brain's imse is reported to have
had a marked itdluenee upon his eccen
tric career. These illustrations are suf
ficient to show that large noses are the
veritable indices of e mu-.
' Vptctiti,
Dr II. II. Ci-ey, crrepindent of
the Department of Agriculture for Co
Cumbia county, Georgia, writes that but
winter be s-owed in his carden a pint of
vetch seed, procured in France as an ex
periment. On tbe 11th of June it had
produced a beautiful bed of green for
age, over a foot hinh and very tjiiekly
matted. The opinion is exr,ri s.ed lo-
our correspond, ul that the riant will
make goo.i green rasturacre, but wiil
po-sess more va!ue as drv l.-risre. T;.e
yiel i on good ground, he thinks, should
be heavy.
i t i- -. , . , ,
aiiinimm in unumtoo:-: to Lreas
a eoit the other da v. At hi.-t . accounts
.accounts i
er i:e
. . -.a t-irrrn ll.r l-.-it, and
...- i ., . - i ' -. i.ii e ie'i ie i
I;.C t."l.i.-.a.l i t r. . C
. - .... i... i.-i
taLse teeth.
I'ur Ike Xcb;.:
V1-v1-- Vl
i il I'L iJI.Il 'Se UtlOf.N.
i i-.Li-ting teueh:is I'jr cur schools
lot u ii.. -- :
1st. Those who propo c to ni;:ke tvitc'i
h:z their Lu.-ine s
us c:i ' ':e
tho e who have
I taken pahi.s to prepare themselves
t:i' ir v.'oia.
1 i.ese two thin
v ill b
' to go
e i - . ;
pm m eiiiee
a eerie -po i
prep rat; 'ci
cc .l-opimor,.
n l tie
I'ursuit. tiiere wia
liici tier
but not alw
r's. fioiuo
think th.y
it pr.-para-
'..ited, l.'.::y people
.1 ill deilig w iih-
can slice
tiem what others do with preparation.
Theie are some pcop'c who thiak iftlicy
can. rattle aw...
twei.ty mimites
w;; i
eemiaoii-p.aee pr.ititu res,
preach as
;o ii
1 ,
erey. and t'
j ti
t . . i f ii . c : .. e: . !,.,.
OIOU'.l ianl e.i 1... -;L.-:avu. j mk-i.
i . . i i e . i
are some teaclr.rd uo u nicy
look over and correct the worls in re
in?;, and a k tho questions in goograj
and a.ithtactio and spjilmg, they are
We'd fitted to ivuc'u as who h
studied lite theery and piav'.ice o!
ing, mi l whe are pr p.are-l iuteii
aid .-kilh'u'.ly to employ all the n. i methods.
...1, In this day ol INoim i! fchom.j
Tenehms Institutes
in 1 Con vc a t ions,
every teacher has
'- I I
itumtv to
learn the piineii.1 s and l
rect teaching, anl to ne
T'-'trtutiiiies is i;ie:-:co:-a'.'.
etho l? of eer-
tect t.ioee op-
p:aee m
wo: k is s
1 whe
so out ol place as in t!i
r jom.
IS.'eiy iniet.ike thee
it-elf uj-on the phtsti. oi iti .
v.'a I ieaves os maia in i.i-1'..! v. c
11 . T.
and deformity. Mu'iltuuo of
Oi T
cl;ildreu are mentally ruiia-d by i.i 'oe -petuit
tcehc's. I will agree i
impart mere iiietrueti:-.: ati.l ativr-i a. '.v
mental di.-;-;: 'in to the cr-iiir-.-.y cl.i'd in
twenty i:;im.t s theu no.tiy of our teach
ers do in a school se. eion of three hours.
Oar teachers mu-t a dop-t mc-thods ol
t aehing t i awaken the inter.. -o of tip
child, and to lea i him to a clear rm-ki-slaiiding
e 1" the cbiect in baud. This
an not be de-ne without ca.elc'.iy st i ly
ing the .mental aj tltudes c f the chil 1 and
the branches of study adapted to th-sc.-aptitudes.
Something more than ci,.d.ry
years ago, a Scotch school-master said
to one of his pupils ' A you ar e,
i-::d a climee you abi,- ivs wiil be." 1 imt
"dunce" va: Walter Scott tlm n ,-v-. li.-i
in: 5 poet, whose reputation is equalled
only by Shai.espe r, Goethe, Diekem
aai a le'W i'n.Ui.':
undertook i i n
me-t Iri'.i.-Hit i
He was the du
: a arc p.
r-er co t;.
'tiu-iti-.m iu th;
iu that ct e. II .v
mariv Wtdi er Scott.;
ire l i:u
d bv h.lse
! nrctheds i:i otir o
:-t t-.
si. iioc. :
t is a cruel wr
:C (.
IM a c.'.i.-t i'o...oeiy ireeuj
. 1
a to p
rt ceie of t:.c.:e children of
quic. ivi'i Uii.e;in,;:ri:i t'.p'ii tneiieL c-.
meiaphy -ic J lie C'di. -a.K.n is the carl
it;e out what is in the ei itieal man. an i
the teacher v. ho h is net stu lied the
science oi'i.-in 1 1 uuiieit to Je-ir-i to .;is
t rii iinate a to tlie aotitu b: of his pu
jo!, ati.! has j; it stuii 1 the piincipie.
of correct tea: I'.iug enough to -.layt'lii-metliods
and iamiehes t-f ctu.iy to tlios;:
aptitudes has i,o bu-itiess iu '.be sc!io.. 1
V t
si i :i i.nrj .-,;! riet .ciijoiS iu o;a-t.t
where I would tru.-t nsv eiueheo. i
sheui I c; et ;hem to be dw.ufed m.-d
twi.-t. d. ;.ul iv ekeimj in their merit a!
art m th
most ei cur seoo.
ib r.
Tihmi rav
l; a
d iv as well as an'. l
t 1 : tret
: s j i u -1
c ciii'rv.
h r Y;:i:k -e to say !, .v ( b
spend it. V e i:i a f:
Aed this is ao the am wcr
t uul we c.t : e
i make to if . two or t nr
joUJ lids tliatale feeirieiic;
' Ci old. i A-:n -'t this- p., int."
u : .,
wrrii the II
ton wri
ites that a wart of
phvsiuue is what ui!-' mo.-t of the young
a.ties at
nu iii-5!y
col; : f. n
e.cs cf c '-tor
if or has dir
voutig ia 'oos
e-ets iu i , d
go JIhii'hi'i i" ' in,; u icu
ti Tii to a fell of ff;y -0
cans in '.iii!: i.ia.
A dm, ,v;! , wis., (..:
cove; e 1 ! hat m o-y of the
of that ei; v wear their c
VI; n
editor mv'eH - to ay how he comes to
Im 3W .- much.
A voting !a-:y at th: ')hio camp i,:et
i"g ii-'.cd the ; ravers !' tbe a cst-nr! iy
becau-" she eouid not ret her eye- u;i!i
a cant :iu young man in her rct-Lbm-hmi
without feeling as thorgii she
mu-t him to d-.ah.
A 2ovel i x rimout of biincing a
drown d c vpe... t- thi. surfmo w .s s-te-Stleces-lui'y
pied ill the ca.-f of the. boy
who was drowned i.i Pen II nn t 'rec k.
New J; r-ey, while bathing. Two Canadian--,
s'-eir.-r tii e men dr.:; cimr tl: ? c ! (-!;
fu-the body, approached ated t?
i ir.f-
tbev v.-r.i: .I t a n ev ocvi n - cm r . .r'.
iti -: , a i: u '.L
a.- i mil.. -.i-i.t w.ii .....r,. f.r ..1 ;e,
. . - :-- . . .-....., ia. t l. .1
qnt.-K iime tient.y
eo: rc
.1 . 1 . 1.
ea-' ie.- c:. in .:..(! ut a:i nu :r tne
' i - ..i - .. t .. i
the 1 ottles 1 ur. t with a t'-x-at noise, an !
so n the body ro e. The Canadians
eaiihl not explain the theory mrv -further
than by 'ayiu-r that' v.dn-n a bo'tle floats
ofcetiy over a corn e. it will explode and
tie roey wrii rise.
Tbe UtiiVd States is the only cour.lry
in the wourld that cither in am-miit or
mo b. in Jim-ha--preduc-C'l j, -aches iti
sulhcierrt qu-'t i'es to allow them to be
come a c ommon market able commodity ;
so eheap that the poor as we. las the
rich may rmuq tie'mojvrs :md their
families with the nm-t wholesome and
delicious of fruit s at a ve-iy small x
)t-n.-e, and with every pro-; eel that
they will .it ill be mire abundant and
ctiearu r
Bachelor's to'i-t :i Woman
me,: mrirr star of m ai the th.v s ar of
t , , - ' - ,, v
ma moo.!, and the evet mcr star ol a e.
Ill . i . , -,
loess t ar st irs an I may th.-v always be
kPT-i ut feb.s-,,rce .b-faoev
I I - ' -V-.
.,. . .... - "
!'-.'-'-" ' "locu every
i cinz '" WZV J r!'cr!y l entitled to
j ii.s mcoi e-s hoiji sexes aid !,.;
la li-s will avail themclves oftho r,nvb
1..,., . .... i '
I "-sv- n..iiea. i
i V m.. -. t.i ,
I .t- 1 1. t , , , . ,. : 1
t . 1 .
ree t-c i rt'O t f....a..
1 " 1 1 . r. .
wn.uii varus ei .-p.-.t:. m one oi tho iirilli
ot Lawrence on Tues lay.
I .'I.iirla .'.iiixlniH,
A ttr-o 1 wi
is tlM rt.'ate:
blc-.-ir.'j. A man
Li-ii. 1: is the v
wh-it I.;-; v, :! ' m.
ciiaracter and le t;:.y of tho tlri i.
Make m v a2iiattcr oi' iiorsl !g.
ie nt. M.'.nv i'i vi'ir o.v:i lcli r "o.
Lr i iarry lrito a ii',;Vi-ci;t
;i i t v i.i-
j peramcfit from y.
etr own.
l liave 1
Mar :y into
one known.
r, cither a! m
o:h m.ri'.i'e
tk Sou 1 to
I . .. .1- M
Wi.lcll v
;S ever t liii at
or oi com: a
oae iinotbe
l-. Ne- ef 1
c.e i an : r at o:;-.a:. .wer .;
- , ......
anther, na:css t lie- liou-e is em ur
c r rciiet t on a pa t
i u w.ivu was o
.to a
1.1 -five, anu We. I til ' l.C.
j i umeut at tne tmie. i.'t c i.-n
strive to vivid often est to the vi die
th-cther" L.-t s.::f-abi!rgaicn be
j daiiv aim and ell'ort of each. 'I!te vet
neap -t a;; ro t.
eirrt'i, is the
ai- -dutc Tui-i li'
u'.les; i: i, c;
ll I i ii'!::
UiltU.d c
-tie fi iieliy on
' e, e; ! r '1 of an
'e lied fatdv
;io that a fi'io
iia o.-e ri e oa.eet'e ; :ei I i v
n it . ; i'e-
it wiiii a M-s'. and me
. i
i.ow a re.
'st to !
; i ibr
O ( X- U ;.
is !i
.Never make a rmrerrii at t
the other ; it i.-- a meanu e '
r; a;t
i..r a lav w.i mm:
vi,er v
1 -1 oil O e
!. e tii .t
Vo;u a
u w-;i:
! .
i e
m ..'
. 1 .
e efVct i; t!
t : . :
Ti.e e,Il: v ol' t'.
was recently b it r
stout little w ee e
I he w if of au io-b
.;i.'i a v
i; f
e-i'i a
-ti ie-ls l.:eee
mo. m l
c. She
J)tVS -
, a I.' 1
tO- :
. 1 ' V I : '
', c . cry-
It.e io ' oer 01 a I oe;e,:
1 , 1
suu.iiiiul up ic r .';i iev.t... . s a.
i. l e a l.U Hid t c i'.e
ur-e. -'e; hes t w r-h. me
1 . ' i . to (! ;a. 1 1 tb:
i.-l : ' h eel for a:icl !.; r
... j t p to ruin."
a I
s ! ea
O! I'"i;o
t ci; ;i
ie, b el
) lll-.i lev; '
e:t, r b.
1 a fcUie'i i.e-i
-:t to
. i
i . t - i 1 1 . i a , .
1 ti
le r Wei l e-
h k ut tl.
.'as :o be f or,
: b
:,t !
e i'
"t v. b
c on
ea ti .'. tlm ii:ir.:. or I leo-m
it, is in. oceiil : es t the soil
v el 1 has ! :.-!, been come-:.-
i lie n
uid recent liivc.
in I bi
ne o r"cer-.!s are itcd t prove that it
wes cultivated in China mior to the dis
(.-'.. iy ol' America. Cliirie-j ;,u:bo,-s
mailitain that i? came o: from
count rres v
hero b; - -1
tho first
n !,
:. : i ti. .t it
t.-v ! :;g be:
at ci-u
ef th:
: IV
1 5 ! 7.
Fir.rfs b:r.-e be-n l
in ilu - :a to
n e mi' I iei a ; lnel O:
ud a .-t
iti'.o ir.
Tiie eu-r::e wo, bed as wi ll as if e ia! hud
a e!
r d, vrbilt- tbe '. mount f naptba
ed ei do tho . ::-..e w ek v. s c. m
' :y smaii--. It 1-- i
ti'n itcu
t!: t ; v.
as mee
it is k.
'i -e it
: v
(Ui the'
pemms (
a pro lace
of c, ab
f i tiititie-
1; i cat as f,i tv
l is fbm. i ia
ihe Civ . u.
1.1 verc e'e a;.
' I
'd mute
i'i tlte
, w hi re
intend t
all ib.! imli
and tm tli
Ye 'a a lire!"
; rum
O 1 I J";
i :: ve
M .f
tie; ...Ul
i i -i e . '..i -Vi
k i : h.
ll I '
i-s vea
. : 1 . i
,e' ti,
. 1
: :i -Ci l pi.
r-sve ie a
',.. el
cli rem ir the
a -
1 t.; tin e i
hi :-. 1 .del t ;
i : ...
V. i;
, r.ny i
i :i "ra
. i
i ! is-, .o -a i ' a w
le irued that a Frenehm-'
the immunity i : b-.i
i i i
pel '.' I s-.m - v. :p".s
brave f -low.- iu ti e .-. ie
Mrs. Jaec S: b -'..i i
i cook ', an I 1 v way
lyes the folio .vi.'.r: 'I
siuniii. itice of t tie imp:
a!! boys ;0 want t . i
mil '! s i-v n '. ii b
SflLirk, besbk ic...
'pcil J irt, pie,' .i m ' ;
i ' l. i I a nr '.' ii o i i i .
v.-o'i.a:- :nsv Iliie V. : d ...
ie. 1
! l . 1
ei i .
ti -ver ks
1 -'o ,v .
-: i'i:-
... i
' - c . rt
- e . lailo
ce .
! i
on !
m '.
i.'s na' ier '!. ip .
He -i mi i' '
-b : i- i fyioe
i i i : : o
th- ,';;..
on se.-e:
s :. ii i-
iv a-Ur
t l h 1 S
..'! I. I
(!--. as
in .1 i
v .-aid !
it to b i
ol heme bare -1, am:
. vc h.-im if i.y 7t ore.
: ; but j-i.-t tbe ;ih
iiu. loalu I in the
the' h i:, he. sh-.-.h
! h :i sudden i -rk s -at
'hen, -,,;!
so'ii-.i - io t :. - ;:i--, c a
the em: wh; 1; tb- o; !
cake v:' im imd a- iro w
t ui.ed ir. and with an
:l l eavi
isii ivv "
that ih
a v.-; y
tie ;
ear leu
ahmc o
civcs b
s o m e t ! :
hi- -o t
he iui.
man was iu i.i
:e, thi-
: -1-
ah, nl
'e.t bears
I- una- '
ted : so !
;ee. mi 1 I
. x . x - !
it h-v i
t. it
i.hi-i i
au i
I'll s
i i
m-t;t is
wet' lei
-.- t !-, milium
utsl h- the iucii gauieu v
Is eii-iotiiiiiY clb ( y i r
inc. bur hem v -iy de..t,
i bur! jn a what ii wan
bis ear trumpet in '.
lb- be'' . dee I.V -r tl.e V
"H.-t 1 " Milkman ta':
o;. li. i
( II
1 ' '
a quart, c i' le
.... 1 ..h
i th" old
i r.
: at hi-
:-lt. s- Iti
. -at as i i i.cro a
t.f a pr".C! V I
:. ::i-
:: - can ;
A vouut men
1.-. ;n 7
1 Wed
ofo a
U if I; -.'I'd rec
wn and mi- ! i
; , V
vent -
por-mad; :
. muie Celt
t'ris p,e
ee la-e. S
i Tec' -me kc-ei
. 1-,
, i
arm thor.u;
! '.-,
out ten sec
s ,.n i ing p ! ,-'
crrie.virur faclio
( e) r 'l e
t, ar.d thn !e-
mm th il ag-D-ut - hc-h :
'om o 1 know d;t -lis i-, h
biii i ler, but be be one e--.
"See lie-re.
re, your own
c-f.,1 a imimr
!m i-h t;
glass bmer-
. mu'-o yoiiTig to
1 :l j:
- t l s net f. i r t h
the in O )
I fdaee nor mit i.utm sab on. lie
bko you ; you tany.e '.-u g -od '
j 3S J'o't caii it, but if yen ever lei
I .V'"ing man 1 rudder b r; :-'-rn
''r -,V
I w ill
is -.nm t 'e:i voo.r l-trtrr j;i-!r::--? f t voa
, I I .fh. Now yo-J
bust o() aVintr rut mit
'yoTirir mm and the
! VOUi-elf. ' The
: , ' .-,....!. . f.r
mum I'lst went aieneoti .. I ..ri Jtrv
I tl il.a
i . . - , ,.
I.c ''""e.ay reeeUtV a ?.ei'-.o.h.
, . , ,. , ,
pr-a ;ti mwa ; i:s--:i t,:
! ' t s to
ir',- to
: nmrt;:-.- -in I r r-tvi
- th It
,. m..,,...:, In ti. ...
-j-..,. m:,.!r v,.,., a
Iia ta ovciins".
I w. ; !i an !
.iev a re a
he :-r- m
.) . . e. . ... r
' !. i ' " 'l" '. r '' J
: me.tu -... oi s;:mcf-:
i limA'eiut::
i Th
o.i s-.,i..
Ii iate.f ii'.
am: ir, b rl
i ie-
" i
.i and
, f u
i ..
t.t'm r f...
! .. .i
e.t. it i
as rI.e ot t
ir g bo-om."
eye-s uu
I the heav- i
P" I o P ! i " " "
I :i ;
v. iil Itt-i i e
I c.e . e a . el t ii
! C ! v. ( i e i I ii' v. X
ii ! cfll -...i..; I .;,-..
! linir ti. t!,i le ' . mi .
i in-'io !i i !.e ;.i'i!-" ::i e
! : a I . !- i (rev
- !.
,.I!C i t i-.n 1 i-i ! v. t
.1! 1 .1 ! '.;. S.e.l I,-.-
t : . :" el ( . ee lo w '
i-i i-ir ':e.-i 1
i.( '.i--- ..::' t I" ; i 4
sin I ! i ! 1 a'lii-'i.-
H:--!- e. I ' o l-e
1 I v tie- 1 1 h ,'.iv i.l
lee I r -1 ' j .at.!
e;e ; s i -1.. i-..i i,..- e-
- t i 0" .ti.r-y v eli
o::o : i,;, v ;,,- e;,,
s of , .f - a. t e:rv'. i.'t .;i.'i- -:
the I ; s-uct.-. u .i - o.i i: ... :
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