Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 10, 1871, Image 4

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-i 1. :
THUKSDAY, AUG. 10. 1871.
Vlattsiuoatli real tate u looking up
during the past ttrowok.
The Ashlar; 1 Times proposes to adopt
ihe cash In advance system in about two
week from the present date.
We Lnov? of frcvfcvsl farnrers who will
cmtr.ericc hauling in new wheat next
Itow about that suggestion of the
Omaha nz ulicaii f lias the Convca
ticc passed the resolution declaring it
sue :n hers iiieligible to hold oCiee under
dc Constltutk-n ?
Tha !ue VJley Rvtord rays tht
r.hde cormtry is I-ve t0 'be importance
tie recoct tor. discoveries in that lo
CiSty. A shaft ten feet in diameter i
tx?ing sunk to the coal.
Tho Ca?s Ccunty Agricultural an J
Mechanical A'sociation will have one of
the finest half mile tracts in the State.
The now Constitution will provide for
annual cessions of the Legislature with
Senators elected for two years and mem
iT9 of the House for one year, with
lalariis at li-?r dny and ten cents a
Mr. F W. I. Hottrook, Chief As?t.
Snp't. of the B. k M., his purchase J a
very neat residence in the north part of
the city. The railroad uion are ever on
.the alert to get hold of Plattsmouth
property. They can ntiUrancl Its
prospective value.
A meeting was hell in Omaha last
Saturday evening to consider the ques
tion of enforcing the law prohibiting the
sale of liquor on Sunday. From the re
port of the meeting in the Republican,
we judge that the roughs were somewhat
numerous, and that they really controled
the meeting. Several speakers were
prevented from talking, and a general
'bubiib" Seems to have endued.
Messrs. It. B. Windham and Henry
Thomas, of this city, left to-day for Ne
braska City to attend therenditionof the
Oratorio of Esther, which takes place
this evening and to-morrow evening, by
the snipers of that city under direction
of the celebrated Baker Famil3. Mr.
Windham will proceed farther dpwn the
river to the vicinity of St. Jo?eph, on
President Grant has postponed his vist
to Plattsmouth and the Pc:Sc tou.-t un
til the B. & M. in Nebraska is completed
to a junction with the U. I. at Kearney.
The Treasurer of Dodge county has
advertised the lands of the U. P. R. It.
Co. for sale for delinquent taxes.
A private letter from Fillmore county
fay? : ''Several .ttlers are here from
N". .T., induced by the copy of the Hf.R
vLr sent to . " We are
.qrat'fied to learn of these evidences of
r h good being accomplished by the IIer-
The Rulo Iienhter, "the only genuine, nF
others are hase counterfeits,' iacertainlv
one cf th dirtiest papers in the State.
The iitnr uses such gentlemanly terms
as 'liars," "thieves," "robbers." etc..
and applies them to bis neighbor?, with
?ts much ea?e as though they were terms
the use of which were sanctioned by re
epeetable people.
We regret to loam that our worthy
friend and fellow cirizou.'J. W. Carroth
iTs, ia about Jo leave us t hunt a dow
l.oajc in the far west. We can rccoru
meud John to the people wherever he
may go as a true man, aud a liberal
minded citizen.
We publish to day, a complete list of
the bidders for the Contract at Omaha,
ku the 1st inst., for which we are indebt
ed to Joseph A. Conner. nn of the
principal grain dealers of this tifv. We
l-dieve this is the rt time n complete
list of the bidders, with pricis and c n
tracts, has ever been published in the
The fellow who is supposed to have
t-tohn Commissioner Albin's horses
came into that neighborhood and
fctaid over night, and made
bis exit again while Mr. was
cut getting a warrant for his arrest. His
name is McAlister.
P. T. Beaver & Sons have a saw mill
on the north side of the Platte river
one nine atove its mouth, where they
keep on hand, and eaw to order, all kinds
of coCtonwood lumber.
Mr. Wm. AltaiFer informs us that he
has already sold over IOoO bushels of his
fall wheat for seed. The tanners of Ne
braska are becoming uioch disposed to
raise winter wheat.
Nearly every issue of the Omaha
Herald contains soir.e slander against
Senator Tipton, to theeffect that be will
take the stuwp against the next Repub
ican nominee for President, and ether
equally ridiculous and slanderous things.
Senator Tipton bhould silence the Her
ald by a flat denial of these oft repeated
It is expected that the Trunk road will
fee completed to Plattsmouth at an early
day. the K. a St. Joe & C. B. road will
lay their track in to the river opposite
this city, aad the B. & M. branch of the
Pacific road be completed to Kearney.
Then look out for lively times in l'latts
niouth. The man who wants to make a
"pile of money"' should invent in Platts
mouth property prior to that time.
J. R. Vanatta, Esq , of this city, has
tlog which is cerf-iinly a canine singu
larity, and is worth having. It is but a
year old, and for four or five months pat
ii ba aoeompn nied a pott of its master's
far beyond the city limit?, remains with it
throughout the day, returning home with
the coir in the evening. It cannot be
;aaiei or d;iven .away from the cow
aeeasicjly its companion and lest friend
tut etieks to it like a "brother,"
through "thick and tjiie," rain or shine.
It has cerer beeD traiaed "thusly," but
"took it ui" cf iu own accord Wa
tbiak tLis beats the dog."
rfco Corzcos Hotel at Oicaba adver
tx$A for rent.
' ''!'.' -7'T 7j'''iri
ij") - trTc
Last Saturday afternoon tha eldest son
ef E. S. Sharp, Esq., broke his left arm
just above the elbow by falling from an
elevated pole, used fur gymnastic exer
ciser While performing on the pole his
hand slipped and he fell on his left side,
with his ana doubled up under the btdym
There are many youthful gymnasts in
the city, and they often become exceed
ingly careless.
A. llmnee for t'onlinticn
We publish to-day an advertisement
from the comir.iesioners appointed to fu
perintend the construct on of the Lu
nitis ay!aru r.t Lincoln, ai-king for pro
posals for the erection of the building.
IL ie is a li.tue.j fl-r seme enterprising
build', r, who liis the nerve to make fig
ures cn a large contract. For partieu
lars-:ead the advertisement.
A B. & M. locomotive, at "the front"
was struck by lightuing during the storm
Thursday night, and the engineer, Mike
E.igan formerly foieiuan of the com
pany shops in this city and Mr. Frost,
the conductor, were severely shocked.
During the f ame storm the station car
at Crete was struck and a nuaibcr of pa
pers were burned.
u E7x;izx r cos rzi.iCTs.
Tlie following exhibit shows the bids
made at Omaha, Aug. 1st, for the de
livery of grain for Government u.e, at
O n aha and other points, the grain to
be furni-hed d'iring the months of Au
gust and September:
Karnes of tjiJicrs. Trice rcr bueh. No. Bjth
To be Jc'.i veret at Ft. Russell.
I. Norton, (corn) 79 eta. XM0
John L, Marshall, " "u " :,oOO
To be delivered at Omaha.
C. W Lrmnn,
CtJ. Lorton.
Jao. A. Cjnuor,
(corn )
31 "
33 "
6i "
fly .who
30 (MO
41i -64
J. Nuhy,
J. W p4on.
I. C'.ri Si Strvem.
M. McCVrini' k.
Eli I'lumicer,
II. Yat.
A. V! Clark.
B .f. New-ou,
J.E. Il.iyd;
Wm. J. Mead.
45 "
54 '
74) i "
7( "
m "
Co " "
cj "
M "
s:4 "
55 "
45 "
34 "
A.J. Walker.
L. V orthing.
Hollsrd .t r :Lp.
S. W. Harran.
N J. Baud. (oatit)
E. Worth ins,
llimao (Leavenworth)"
Holiand i l.nkl.
MuihwI-inJ A Thatcher.
Mulhol'.and & Thatcher bid to deliver
50,000 bushels of corn at 50cts during
August and Sfpteiubcr, and 50,000
bushels of roasting ears to be delivered
in the months of January, February and
March, 1S72. It is needless to add that
Gen. Ferry threw this lii out on ac
count cf irregularity.
This was cn exciting day at the Gov
ernment Ileadquarts in Omaha. There
was th:it fcreriah anxiety displayed
omonget those honest) fellows to know
the rej-ult that reminded one of the
"black Friday" whsn so many men were
ruined in the gold room in New York
bouie time ago.
Hon. John Wentwojth, of Chicago,
the veritable "Song John' has been
invited to deliver the annual address jt
the Nebraska State Fair thi Tall.
It is getting so now that if the mercu
ry ii below '."J' the people say "it is cool
A portion of the outfit of Messrs.
Urownc & Jt jatb, noted railroad con
tractors of Kansas, arrived in the city '.
this morning on their way west to opo
late on the R & M. in Nebraska. Fitz
gerald U crowding the work rapid'y, and
will have tha grading completed ahead
of his contract time.
Col. lXiane, the Supeiiutcudcct of the
B. & M. in Nebraska, was voted the
privilii.res of the floor cf the Constitu
tional Convention last week.
The Chief Engineer of the St. Joseph
Bridge Compauy reports that the total
cost of a bridge across the Missouri river
at that city will be about f I,310,0u0.
A Lincoln paper says our Crete cor
responded "The Ancient" has been
elected Superintendent of a Sunday
School at Crete. Ye Ancient can give
the little ones some good advice if he is
so inclined.
The Brooks House is undergoing re
pairs, and the room now occupied as a
billiard hall will be converted into a di
ning room. A new kitchen is being con
structed. Mr. Tilton, of this city had a narrow
escape from drowning during the recent
high wafr, while crossing a creek near
Louisville station. His team of four
horses and a wagon was carried tome
distance dowu the stream, and were ouly
eaved througn great exertion.
Messrs. Dilley, Austin and Martindale
were employed yesterday as teachers for
the different ward schools in this city
Austin in the 1st ward, IVdley in the 42i
ward and Martmdale in the 3d ward.
The schools will probably commence
about the 15th of September.
Rev. G. J. Arnold, of Iowa, preached
at the corner of Main end Sixth streets,
last evening.
We noticed a prominent M. D. of this
city yesterday standing in front cf a veg
etable stand looking with much satisfac
tion upon a tub full of cucumbers. Up
on being asked the cause of his satisfied
look he remarked that them was at Ieat
a hundred dollars for his pocket in that
tub fall of cucumbers.
E. A. Kirkpitrick, Esq , and V. V.
Leonard, of this city, left for-Waterloo,
on the Republican, to-day.
Our worthy P. 31. informs us that
mail service has been ordered from
Plattsmouth to La Platte, and the mail
is now carried daily.
. Street Commissioner W. J White is
busy fjtllaz streets and bridges in r
OiLiOA, July 21 1 1 71.
Dear Herald : From the "busy
cares" I snatch a moment, which 1 im
prove in informing you of the refolt of
a legal investigation in the U. S. Court
at Omaha (the SODOM of America
Dr. Miller Grand Ruler). For two
years past the Land Commissioner of
the B. & M. R. U. in Nebraska baa been
thundering the anathemas of the law
over the heads of a few poor, hardy,
honest, energetic frontiersmen for their
"willful and defiant depredations on R.
R. timber lands." It appears that the
general government has for years
past offered great inducements to immi
gration, also the State. In addition to
this the B. & M. Agents have sent broad
cast all over the civilized world circulars,
pamphlets Sec. , advertising "this rich
and productive country " By these
thousands have been induced to emi
grate to our State. In the history of
the world, no country Iris ever been
kmin to settle with such rapidity as
Nebraska, the past two years. Many of
theie emigrants are poor. They come
h re and took hometoads, and with de
termined energy began improving their
farms. In order to make a covering for
the"r wives and helpless children, from
the driving storms and wintry blasts,
they tresp:i--od upon public lands, by
cutting a few poles, links and brush ,
also by getting a little wood with which
to warm their benumbed fingers and to
cook their scarry food. A,saint these
poor settlers the B. & M. in Nebraska
instituted a suit, not in their own name,
in the St;ite courts, (fearing public opin
ion and courts if mt successful), but by
reporting parties f up posed to be guilty (?)
and giving names of witnesses to the U.
S. Commissioners. The Grand Jury in
May last fan:. i seven indictments against
these settlers--"Ahaz" included. The
wealthy and energetic B. fe M. in Ne
braska refused to give their witnesses a
free pass over their r?ad in Nebraska to
th eourt fit AViViHiv.
The case of the U. S. v. Hampton
was the first called. Witness on the
stand. Have you ever seen Mr. Hamp
ton cut and take timber from section
nine, town eight, range three west?
Yes. sir. Is this section government
lasid? No, Sir it is the property cf
one John Selivan, who has nearly two
hundred acres under cultivation; it is
included in the grant made by the gene
ral government to the B. & M. It. R. in
Nebraska. Are all the sections men
tioned in tha seven indictment" included
in the snme crant? Yes Sir. Here
Jud.zc Dundy ruled the sri-cn precious
papers on: of court for waut of juridic
tion, and we chaps put for home with
the "goose hanging high."
The B. & M. in Nebraska get about
$75.00 for fare out of us 'poor devils,
which -is the last thev ever will get
while horses can be bought for i? liOO.(K)
and R. R.'s within 100 miles. 4 So
mote it be." Yours in haste,
Accompanying the above letter was a
note which says : "People in this region
believe you are with the B. & M-, and
will not print the article."' As to the fir?t
part of the sentence, "the people" are
correct we are "with the B. M." so
far as the B. & M. is right and is of
general gocd ; but to the second propo
sition, the people of that region or of
any other, have no reason to suppose
that the IIekald is not open to the
jitst criticisms of any corporation or any
persons. We know nothing of the mat
ters raentionrd in the above commun e i
tion never heard of them before but
judging fiom the tone of the U tter itself
we conclude that our friend "Ahaz" is a
little bit "riled," and probably allows
his passion to get a little the better of
his judgment. He evidently does so
when he intimates that the people of
that region would ride a hundred miles
to reach conic ether road before they
would Tide on the R. & M. We leave
it to the better judgment cf cur friend if
that docs net sound like, "child's play."
Suppose some individual in the employ
of the B. & M. has committed a wrong
against the settlors. It seems to us that
the carrying out of the above threat!
like a small boy rt-fu.-in.-r to eut his sup
per because he had r. Gt of the "dumps."
Om-orrf-spondcnt is a man of too much
sense and gocd judgment to have allowed
a thing of this kind to appear in print
had it not been written without due con
sideration ; and we are tempted to "not
publish it" on his account, for we have
much respect for him, but fear our mo
tives might be misinterpreted. Our
friend does not show, in bis letter,
even that any employee of the company
has committed a wrong he only indi
cates that some one connected with the
road has complained to the district at
torney that timber was beina; taken un
lawfully, which he admits He t'onot
stale who this was, and perhaps he may
be mistaken in t4c man. One thing our
correspondent does admit aud we are
pleas-ed'to see his ordinary sense of jus
tice appear in that clause and that is
that the B. & M. company are doing
much to advertise the State and brine
TsiJtlers. We should have published
the letter of our friend without com
ment had he not indicated a doubt
of our doing so on the supposition that
we were friends to the B. & M Co.
We define to disabuse his mind, as well
as the minds of all others who may be
laboring under a similar mistake The
IIk.rai.K never allows its friendships to
interfere with its sense of justice, cot
even to favor the B. & M or .ts very
much esteemed frieud "Ahaz. Ed.
The following dispatch from Wash
in. ton, dated the 4th, shows large Re
publican gains in the recent election in
North Carolina :
"Returns from North Carolinn, re
ceived by the Executive Committee. here,
indicate partially the defeat of the con
ve tion party and the triumph of the
Republican-. Wake county, in which is
the city of Raleigh, gives a Republican
gain of 20O: Halifax county, O0; Me
clenburg county, 514. Di.-patches say
that the conventionists admit the defeat
of ex-Governor Holden, who is here
He received many teleram, and says he
is confident that the convention i-1 defeat
ed by about ten thousand majority "
A Willmingt-n, N. C., dispatch of the
5th. say? :
"The indications see in more favorable
to day for the defeat of the convention
by a small majority. The Republicans
claim the State by from five to fifteen
thousand majority, whdo the con-iervv
tives still think the iftie doubtful, with
the chances in their favor. Returns
have been received from only about one
tMrd of the couuties and they are not
Court sts in this city on Monday the
I lth day of September.
Tbe Country, People. Crop. Cllntftte,
Wicn, Mitrl t. Kte.
Portland. Oregon, July 31, '71.
your readers having wished me to write,
giving them a description ot our jour-
ney and tnis locality, l tnnugnt it best to
make short work of it using your pa
per (with your approval) as the circulat
ing meuium.
The ground between Omaha and the
Rocky Mountains has often been jrone
over throu.ah your columns, and I wiU
not detain your readers long over an old
story; but would say thai the agricul
tural part might be said to extend from
the Missouri river perhaps back 150 to
200 miles, the greuter objection being
lack of wood and water; and from this
point to fifty tuib; wet of North Platte,
good grazing country. I was told by nn
old Texan stork raiser who had much
experience in this country and was driv
ing a drove through-fioni Texas to some
point 12(H) miles north of the U. P. that
his cattle bad gained in fl ish with hard
driving since reaching Nebraska. If
this bo true," this j art of tbe StHte wi'l
be no les;s valuable than thi eastern por
ion. We then passed over i de-olate
and poor lookintr emmtry which I po
nounce a failure having no vegetation
of any di-oriptbiii for uiilos, or anything
that would K ok likesustaining life. We
are now, perhnps, 350 miles from Oma
ha. The towns that wc au pas. in g
through consist generally of about two
or three houses, those being section
houses, etc., bclnnsinz to tbe railr. a l. ,
flvcy train is supplied with firearms for
passengers to protect themselves in ca-e
of emergency. We pa-s through thi
barren and lifeless country for about IUI
miles; wc thou strike a tolerable good
grazing country; one peculiar feature of
the grass is that it wilt burn any tune
of year when not covered with snow or
Cheyenne lii? hih and dry out on the
op.en prairie, there but lirtle ;iin
bcr within siht, an-J like mott of the
plain towns has little cr nothing to sup
port a city. Passing Clicytii'ic lifrc n
miles we co:;:e to barren rocks ; scarce
any sign of vegetation presents itself,
which continues until reaching Laramie
plains, which are from 0000 to 80O0 feet
above the sea. Here we found the need
of overcoats when stepping ot t f th
car, being quite a change, as it was some
thing over a hundred in the shade in
Omaha the day we left, only a few
hours before. Snow storms are not un
common, I am told, during the summer
months, or any month during the year.
The scenery from Chcye ino to Laramie
is grand. Laramie plains extend, 1
should judge, fifty miles, and is a hand
somer looking country.
At Carbon sre to be seen the smoking
coal mines which have been buiniir.'
since last fall; splendid coal is obtained.
From here we pass through hundreds of
miles of wort bless country I think the U.
P. wi 1 hardly get rich out of their Lvnd
Grant, through this section ; there is
neither grass, wood nor water nothing
but sage brush and prickly peats ; but
as we near O-den 'he cor.nriy grows
more interesting being rough an 1 moun
taiuoas The toad passes tli.ough some
abrupt and dangerous looking places:
perhaps yi u look out on one s:de of ihe
car and be! ol 1 mountains reaching to a
great height, on the other side you wi l
look down into some deep abyss, hun
dreds o'' feet. The trains run very fast
down grade, which is all the way from
Bryan for 140 miles. Some of the w.ij
the grades are very heavy on this sec
tion. The sccneiy, most of the way, is
of the most romantic character, excell
ing that of the Hudson in that; re-pect,
but not in beauty. We will leave them
in ail their grandeur and pavs on to Og
den ; and what do we find here, the ter
minus of the U- P. ? an old looking
town cf very little impoitaur-e. com
prised about 3,thK, mostly mormons. Ile;tj
The town is const meted of sU!l-drie'tTV.r!,
brick, principally, and is over twenty
years of sign, but 1 should judge from
the appeal mice of things h:vi novei
been mutli of a town for lii-ine--.
Still we arc in range of Chicag a!th:i igh
over X '-U miles l.oiii there, and oul.
about fcUO miles from San I'Vanciseo.
Pretty miuii til purcha-es are made in
Chiengn. There are many shade tive.
here. which, with the running wafer in
all the principal streets ate the only en
ticing features J hat Ogden would h::ve
far nie. There is no building goin on
here, although it is the teru; of th:ee
Next comvs an observation of the
Great Sail Like Valley, which I must
c tnfe.-s I was more disappointed in than
I ever was in any locality. This ha-; a!
ways been upheld as one of the i c'lest
and most productive po:tions of the
United States, producing o.'tt'n 00 bush
els of wheat per acre. The wheat when
I left 1'iattsu.outh was about three f'et
high, some higher; here I found it S
to 10 inches and very sickly looking at
that Grass on the oj en praire grows
in small bunches, instead of the large,
luxuriant growth I expected to see.
The largest corn 1 .-aw was not over 1:2
inches and much that did not look to
have been out of the ground more tlai
two weeks. Such is the (jreat Salr
Lake Valley as seen along theW. N and
C. 1. Railroads. Afcxi leaving Ogden
fifty miles, we come again to that tedi
ous and mountainous, t-andy waste, only
still worse, being even destitute of save
brush traveling miles through a conn
try as naked as any road you can find .n
your county, ueilher do we find anything
much better until reaching Tiui.kee, in
the edge of the Nevada mountains.
Never did timber look so delightful.
After several days of nothing but harren
desolate scenery, then to behold the
mighty pines of the Nevadas was cer
tainly a pleasant and agreeable sight.
From here commences the snow sheds,
Which are the mot aggravating thing of
tha whole journey, as one is passing
through the most delightful scenery of
the wlnle trip ?nd can get ouly occasiou
al elimpses. .
The sheds here are 40 miles in length;
at about the summit of the mountaim is
to bo seen Douuer Lake, located in a
basin, many hundred, and I might safely
say thousands, of feet below. There is
a beach road all the way around t?; lake
which luu-t be a uio-t beauriful flive.
'Many people from Sacramento n, San
rrancisco spend their summer- Imr i, aitd
a plaeaut place should think Jt would
be, as the air is i o--feetly delightful be.-
intr pure and bracing. As w descend
the mountains we come in si
old gold regions of Calif rn
1,1 .,' ti.u
many are the acres that ruY. Ipetn torn
up in pursuit of the precious TJust. As
we pass down towaid- Oobax we are fly
ing past orchards and meadows of the
finest appearance, peach trees are loaded,
also fruit trees of all varieties.
From Colfax we soon reach the ereat
Sacramento valley, which is a most beau-
I 1 1 1 til section of country, being perfectly
level and covered with scattering trees
looking at a distance tike an old mam
moth orchard. From Sacramento to San
Francisco 1 saw nothing worthy of note
As we near Fri-c-i the air grow damp
and cool, as i- always is in San Francis
co the peculiar feature of the plaeo.
And let ne here correct an erroneous
idea in legard to the climate of Califor
nia. It is generally und rtood that it is
cool in summer and warm in winter ; this
is true in some localities, such as are
surrounded nrettv much by water. In
. the valleys, back from the sea, it is warm
J in tbe winter and excessively b,:tin enn
uer sometimes running as high as a
hundred and thirty. On the mountains
it is cool in summer and cold with much
tnew in winter.
While you may see furs and overcoats
worn in San Fiancisco, at Sacramento,
; little over a bun .red miles distant, neo-
i pie may be wearing linen coats, straw
hats, and panting lor a cool breath
air, with the mercury at II- in the
fchade. I cannot say that I like the cli
mate of San Fiancisco. The sun will
ehine quite warm in the morning ; about
ten o'clock a pale will spring up f orm the
north-west, chilii g one like a December
wind ; this occurs every day without ex
ception, I am told. It is always foggy
in the morning, sometimes thick enough
to obscure the sight of the sun. Now,
as to the towns one pa.vcs through;
there is little or no improvement going
on in any of them. Corrine is growing
some, but a cheap class of bu I lings
looking to be only transient affairs.
This is the outfitting point for Idaho and
Montanu ; but as noon as the Northern
Pacific is completed their trade in this
directiou is at a close. I think Ogden is
the largest point, of which I have given
you a descript:on. The towns, as a.gen
eral thing, are of little or npimpoitanee.
Saciaimuto i.- a handsome place, of
about fifty thousand ; San Fiauciseo
something over one hundred thousand,
and-the dullest city of its s zu I ever saw.
There is bloek after block of h-. finest
architecture ami tini h without .m occu
pant, trancing theie for rent. The I'a
cifio railroad lias been the cause of their
death, as Chicago has established tra le
with towns, even within one hundred
iuih:s of them, selling goo 1 as cheap as
the San Francisco mere ants can afford.
Chicago. like the big fish, secins dispos
ed to cat up all the smaller ones. 1 am
told by oiu of the merchants in thisc ty
that iv'Ctits ii tier to land goods on the
dock fit. in Chicago ju-t as cheap as he
can buy them in San Fianci-co. It is a
city vhat has no end to its aspirations.
e wvre i:i San Francisco the 4'h, and
a great time they had ; bui the best that
1 saw was t lie t-xhibition of the 4'J-ers.
I hey had a banner maiked "the golden
rimes of forty-niiu" an I a rocgh look
ing class they were. These men have
pretty iuui.h all seen the day that they
possessed wealth, but the majority area
poor people now, hiving tquaudered
their money in gamlliug and riotous
Fare from Omaha has three grades;
first 100 ; second, $75 ; and third class
$50. .Meals on the road are 75 rents to
$1. We had partly uncugh lunch v. i;h
us, and I would advise all coming across
the continent from Omaha to try and
bring enough to last them through, or
they may stand a chance to pay a bir
price, and many -times get only a mode
rac recompense for their money.
Leaving the busy scenes of the un
fortunate Frisco, I would invite you to
follow us through our journey on- the
briny deep As we passed the golden
gate it was calui and pleasant ; but upon
reaching the point of land extending
into the sea north of the gate, wc found
a gale blowing from the which
soon caused a part of our party to
feel. I suppose, as the whale did who
swallowed Jonah. TI12 next morning it
was blowing a perfect tempest, and I
found to my great s lrprise tliat it was
inclined to be iiioun'ainou- between Sin
Francisco aud Portland. This blow con-t-nned
until the morning we entered' tbe
Columbia river Nearly eviry oiit on
board was sta-sii-k. even somo of th
old sailors. I have heard of the grand
eur of being on a ioudi s-a out of
siaht lani. and I must acknowledge my
incapacity of enjoying the scene. Never
had it been my lot to experience, a more
dieary and desolate looking si ht than
to be tossed about as we were for a
whole day, out of sight of land with
nothing but whi.ecapsto lie seen as fur as
The eye cou'd reach, while we were run
ning up one hill and do'ru another
U o saw on-, whale, on? shark, seal after
and sea lions, in great numbers.
also saw one bi-icfc tjsh. lhc wlialo I
should judge wa- about twenty feet long.
He w:is. having in the water, an 1 at one
time j iimpe'd two-thirds of his hegih
out of tlie water. This was ouite a
s:ght for a prairie lad. The shark v.
bout ten feet long, looked to be of a
greenish color ; bis no-e m-med to be
the largest part of him, and his eyes in
the end of ic. Ttie sea lion i.s a curious
Tiiiitnal. At a rocky island, ncir the
mouth of the Columbia, we "saw, I
should juduo, bundled of them ly
ing out .'n the shore sunning t heiiis. Ives.
As soon us. we were within MiSieicnt dis
tance w rotiil hear tluui roar, which
was not unlike that oi'a lion du-nce orig
inates their mime. As we came nearer
they ooni'oC'iiced jumping i t; to ttiv water,
and bcfoie v.e were opposite the island
ail that were in sight had reached the
flater, pre-cnting a curious spe-tac!e as
they all kept their heals out of the
water, and still kept up their roaring
A few ii'Mirs from here we find ourseivis
with n the banks ot the happy Colum
bia. I cannot say as nrt.h about the
scenery of this river m I would iike. the
ditance bi ing made mostly in the niht
Astoria is the port, of entry ; is an 1 1 1
looking place, with about i,L'(j(j inhabi
tants. Soon after ou enter the Colum
bia river you can behold Mount Hood,
di-tant nearly one hundred and lif'y
miles, showing that winter s;id holds it.
grasp, as it is perpetually covered with
snow. The morning of July 11 at 5
o'clock-finds us at last at our journey's
end. Our trip, having been through
300 miles of good agricultural country,
150 miles 11 Nebraska, 1 50 in California,
perhaps I have made the allowance
too sunill in California but not much I
think. The rest of our way'was through
desert, pineries ami water. Never
I an idea, until within the past few
weeks, that the western part of this con
tinent was composed of almost one com
plete desert, as it certainly is, and it i
my humble opinion that the day is not
far distant when one can sing ''110 more
laud has Uncle Sam to tive us all a
h'-mcj" in fact the most desirable lands
are already sought out.
Now, as to Portland, I can say by it
like this : that it is a very busy and en
terprisinjr town, growing beyond all de
scription has about ten thousand in
habitants, and is a handsome dace, lay
ing in the valley, the mountains coming
up to the city's border on the west, but
are several miles from the river on the
east. The town is principally built on
the west side. There are from ninety
to one hundred buildings under course
of construction, at present ; some ten
business blo-ks, some of them very fine,
iron fronts, aLo some of the dwellings
are very nice, costing, in some cases,
twenty-five thousand dollars. The
blocks are composed mostly of brick;
the dwellings, without exception, are ef
wood. There are less poor buildings
here than in any other town that I have
ever visited of tbe same size. They are
a very wealthy class of people, but are
uajjfchowy, except in buildings and fine
ground. The town is nicely ornament
ed with shade trees, being mostly maple.
The country is naturally covered with
evergreens; they are all cut down and
maple," ash and elm put in their places.
S arce apy evergreens are to be found in
the towrj,. Yard trees are mostly fruit
trees, aud I will here mention that I
have lived in Michigan- Rochester, and
ether; fruit district?, hut thU coes ahead
of anything for fruit that I have ever
Been. Trees that were set out last fall
some of them are found loaded now ;
and this I am told is a common occur
rence, .Trees can be bought here at
twenty-five cents apiece ; set them out
in the fall say fifty trees the next sea
son 3ou will have considerable fruit, and
the second season you will get all that a
moderate sized family would want-
Trees bear every year. This is not a
common thing in most other countries.
Pears do splendidly here, in fact every
kind of fruit raised in the temperate
zones with the exception of Peaches,
(they will grow here to some little ex
tent but. do not have the sweet, fine fla
vor that they obtain in California). Ap
ples and cherries are better here than in
California I call this apple paradise,
as they seem to reach nearer a state of
perfection than in any other place I ever
have been ; and cherries, the fine.-t the
world can produce. All kinds of small
fiuits do exceedingly well here, such as
currants, blackberries raspberries cct.
Blackberries grow wild in great profu
sion. Tbe lay of the land about Port
land is neither handsome or pictuesque
is covered with a heavy growth of cedar
und fir, which is used for budding pur
poes After g'dng out souie eight or
ten miles you strike a good farming
country. The ..rairies are of a limited
character. You will not find the un
bounded extent as in Nebraska. East
of the Cascade mountains you find
boundless prairies. This is supposed to
be a healthier portion of the State; but
they have more winter, more snow ; but
there is not as luuth of a rai'iy season ;
water ana timber arc scarce.
Now as to the commercial advantages
Portland has (which are its only depend
ence for making a large city). It is tbe
centre of tonimeice for tiie whole north
west. The wholesaling far tbe entire
State is mostly done here, as emigration
to O.agon strikes this point first- Tick
ets are always gold to Portland fiom San
Fianci-co. There are some 15 whole
sale houses here, where no retailing is
done, which speaks well for thd locality,
as there are no more in Rochester, New
York, a city of some sixty Sve thous
and. The North Pacific Company have
thirty-seven steamboats, the Columbia
Navigation Cotupany about the same,
besides foreign trade, making over 80
vessels and steamers that make this
point their head centre. One railroad
completed one hundred miles south,
two more graded, oue north toward Pu
get sound, (ihe great humbug), these
two they are at work on the
other running southwest. The
branch from tha North Pacific down
the Columbia, al.-o a branch
from the M. P. leaving' Evenston com
ing up Snake river and terminating at
this point. Operations have not been
commenced on the latter two roads, mak
ing this the terminus of live railroads.
Enough has been sakl, I think, in re
gard to the loca ity of this point. Now,
in icgard to the climate, I can say some
things in praise and some that will bo of
no credit; although I think j-ou have
bad the dark side ot Oregon presented
O you in former letters, still it is my dc
sire to give my friends both sides of the
picture as nearly as my juJgcment wih
permit, bosh the advantages and di.-td
vantages. The rainy season u ually, I
urn told, sets in about the middle to the
la -t of November, sometimes setting in
the fii tt ai.d sometimes not untii the last
of December, but these are exceptional
ca.-es. It usually discontinues from the
middle'ol" April to tlie middle of May
this season wa an exception, lasting un
til sometime in dune. During this time
theie i i 110 snow to speak of, but plenty
of mud. livery country has its draw
backs, an i thegriat amount of rain is
thj disagreeable pait here. It djs not
tain all ihe time in the rainy season, as
theie WlJl leat times, perhaps two Weeks,
with nice suiishining weather; but I un
derstaiid this is not usually the case.
I am told that there has been times in
the rainy sea-on that there would be
three months that the sun would not
shine out blight. Every one speaks of
the rainy season being so Unagreeable,
aud I think it must be. Any one com
ing must make this allowance and
prepare for the worst. To bal'auce this
we have the most beau iful summers,
cool, refreshing nights, and a cool breeze
during the day from tbe north-west.
There is no wind at any season of the
year, but a gentle breeza every day.
That is one fl.u!t I find with Nebraska ;
if the wind did not blow a perfect bur
ricane from the south in summer, there
was not a breath of air, it seemed, to
be got, and the air was accompanied
by a hot, buffocating feeling, one that
would cau.-e a per.-on to feel more dead
than alive. Such is not tbe case here.
The hottest day that there has been here
since I arrived was 75 in the sl.ale ;
then about 4 o'elock the air began to cool
off aud the niuht was comfortable for
sleep. The hottest weather ever known
here was 98 in the shade, and that is
referred to as the hot season. The idea
that there is no rain here in the summer
is not correct, as there has been two lit
tie showers within the-past few days.
There is no lightning, no sudden changes
from oue year's end to another. The
summers are all that heart could desire ;
it is not a billious country, which people
show by their complexion as they are
much lighter than in yoar State. I con
sider this a very healthy country, judg
ing from what I have seen. I have seen
one man that has had the ague. There
was a good cau.-e for that, as he worked
in the water mining for three years, and
is now raying for his gold The air is
very clear. A person cannot judge in
the Iea-;t of distances by observation ;
many who have just come think of walk
ing to Mount Hood, which is CO miles,
and one would be assured by appearance
that it was not more than ten. This
mountain lias a bad habitof smoking oc
casioually. It is covered with eniw the
year round, presents a picturesque ap
pearance, an J is visible from almost any
part of this country. Mount et. Helleu,
to the northward, presents another ?now
' ttad brad. di. taut 73 mil-?.
Prices range like this : wheat, $1 25 ;
oats, 60c ; corn is not raised ; eggs, 40c ;
butter, 35c can be contracted by the
year at 30c ; cattle and 1 ork about the
same ot with you.
A fortune lays silently wailing for some
live Yankee to come in here and start
the dairy business.
Vegetables are quite high, such as 21
cents for a head of cabbage of medium
size ; fruit is cheap here in the fall ap
ples, any amount, at 25 to 30e per bushe ;
pears, 40 to 50c ; apples on the tree
pick them yourself 15c ; potatoes 25o ;
cherries, 5e per pound.
Farmers in this country are a 1 ty, in
dolent set. There is very little winter
here to prepare for. Cattle are often
not stall fed durimr the winter, conse
quently they can live without much ex
ertion. Wherever you find this the case
people will grow slothful and lazy, also
the first settlers of any country are apt to
be a shiftless set, caring more for hunt
ing than their farms ; but as thecountrj
settles up this class eek other and newer
localities ; already they are selling out
and emigrating to the mountains east.
There ara splendid chances for farming
here; the grain brings a good price ; it
is shipped direct to Liverpool. Wheat
produces fiom 20 to 50 bushels per acre
20 bushels being considered a poor
yield- The crop has never failed you
are as sure of a good recompense as you
are that you put in your prain. No hail
or heavy rain storms come to tinnoy or
ruin tbe sturdy farmer ; he does not go
to bed at night with tha anxiety on bis
mind that, perhaps during the night a
heavy storm may come up laying waste
the fiuits of his bard d;y's work that
may happen to have bean left exposed to
the elements. Another thing to bis ad
vantage is that he is not working under
the heat of a scalding sun, but cool and
pleasant. Tume grasses, such as clover
and timothy, do exceedingly well. Land
is quite high in some Iocali ies, ranging
as high as 40 dollars per acres ; still there
is plenty to be got much cheaper. Me
chanical wages in Portland are good.
Carpenters get from 4 00 to J4.50 per
daj , painiers about the same, plasterers
and bricklayers $5.00 to $G 00 the lat
ter getting the highest other mechau
ies get about in proportion, common la
borers get from two to 3.50, hod carriers
getting tbe highefef. Common hands on
brick yards get 40 dollars per month
with board, moulder $80 with board;
nothing but coin in circulation here cr
any where west of Utah ; there are no
five cent pieces; anything that is not
worth 10 cents is not worth having,
and in making change if you can come
within five cents it is thought to be near
enough; but that will change as the
country gets older. Tea and coffee are
much cheaper here than with you; cof
fee 5 lbs for one dollar, a good article ;
be.-t tea $1.00 per lb, suar from 5 t
1 lib-for $1. Taking everything com
bined living I think is cheaper here than
in Nebraska and a much greater variety
to choose from. Hoard is five dollars at
boarding houses, six at hotels. Times
are good, and money plenty.
House rent, house 16x24, story and
a half, 20 dollars per month. City prop
erry is very high: residence 1 its from
$250 to $1,50;). The cot of building is
about tbe sai e as in Plattsmouth. Some
kinds of lumber arc as high as with you,
such as siding flooring and finishing ;
common lumber and fiaming $12.0!).
The low prlcj in lumber here is made up
in prices of mcchauleal work, so the cost
would be about the same of building here
as in Nebraska.
I can think of no more that would be
of interest to cry of your readers, so I
will c!oe wishing ti convey the idea
that Oregon is not so bad a State to come
to, after all ; and Por:I md not sn bad a
town, as there is employment for evciy
one and at a goo f, fair recompense. I
shall make a trip to Puget Sound soon,
and then you shad hear from rue again :
iu the meantime don't think Puget
Sound too big a humbug, lest you be
humbugged yourself, as its locality is at
tracing the attention of some of the best
b jsines- men on the coast.
Yours truly,
IIkn-rv DeGahmo.
J. II. Buttery has a fine assortmet.t
of Carbolic Sojips, embracing bath, toi
let and different kinds of medicated
soap. This soap is justly popular, being
the best kn)wn for the skin, effectually!
curing nearly all kinds of skin diseases.
Rusiness has been improving for the
past two weeks.
, Remember the great Sale cf Lots by
S. Duke, on the 4th of September.
NritKET 1KKA 11
Rev. G. J. Arnold of Iowa, with the
assistance of the Minioters of this place,
will bold reiijzlous services on the street
every evening this week. Good seats
will be provided.
Gen. J. M. Hedrick, of the Ottumwa
Courier, Supervisor of Internal Revenue
for the District of Iowa, Nebraska, Colo
rado, and New Mexico, i.s in the city on
bu incss to-day. The Gen. finds many
Ottumwa people in this pLce.
T. W. Shryock, Exp, has commenced
suit against the City ror d image to his
property on Main street during the se
centhigh waters. If Mr. Shryock should
gain his suit fifty othets will be com
menced inside of ten days.
Wm. Stadelmann has a specimen of
soft rock taken from his quarry sauth of
the city, which indicates a very excel
lent article of building stone, easy to
work, and similar in character to the
celebrated magnssian lime stone used in
the State Capital building.
We devote a large amount of space
to-day to Mr. DeGarmo's letter, believ
ing it will be read with interest by a
large portion of our readers.
Judge A. L. Child has our thanks for
a copy of the American Annals of tlie
Deaf and Dumb, a very interesting
quarterly, published under the auspices
of the National Deaf Mute College,
Washington, I). D , and edited by Ed-
W;rd A. Fay. Price, 1. 50 per annum
gailraab CiintCalilr.
Lc. 10.00 A. M.
Le. 10.15 A. M.
Le. 10..V) A. M.
Le. 11.03 A. M.
Ar. ll.'WA M.
Ar. 11.45 .
Ar. 12 ODn m
Ar. 12.12'. "
Ar. 12.SU -
Ar. r.. - P. M
Ar :.J0 P. M
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Le. 10 M) "
Lr. Y.'.S "
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Ar. S.2' A. !.
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Ar. 7.M A. .V.
Le. G . A. M.
Ar. t V)
Ar. 5.r0
Ar. .:;'i
L. t."J
Lr. 8 .: v u
Ar. 7.i .
Ar. rt :
Omaha Judo.
Lou fertile.
fonth Uend.
2.W "
4.20 "
Le.4.46 P.M.
Omaha Juac
South Bend.
be. 56
P. M.
Le. 6.25
Le. 6 V
P. M.
P. M.
Ar. 7.4.5
Ar. R.15 "
Ar 8.40 "
Ar. V.M "
Ar. 9.J0 -I.e.
fl.00 a m
Le. 7.-M "
Le. 7 4U "
Ar S.liO "
Lo. 6.'J'i
Lp. o.-.o
. iu
The time given ebore i thnt of Pltt-iruti'!i
being 3i miiuto slower than Chirac ).
B. JL M. It. It.
Aft It IV".
IV.eifio Fx iref.. except Monday S lr . m.
Kvcept Sunrtuy I l. m.
'r.-NKlit Vo. ff except Sunday IN id . in.
Frti;htJio. 7 except Sunday VAl p. 111
Atlnntid Expron except S-iiurlj;'
Mail Kxi-ept Sunday
KreipK. No. 6 except Sundsy
Freii'Ut No 8
The bov. isChie.t time. Ijcirs
5.1." p. pi.
-t. 111.
. 1 .' Th p i t
7:10 ji. Ik.
.'! ruiriutr
l ister than I'la.tO'UK.utli tiiiC
F'.r"1eitv!H PJatteruotith PfpM o r..nneri
w'fh traim ii ii. cn.t hulf an h .:r i.i 'v. .me
ofabove time, except for AManti.-. K 1 r. for
which illeaves forty-five luiiiuits in i. Ivmice.
O. ST. JOR. A- II. C H. R.
Mntl and Exprem '6:'fp. m.
Xin'at Kxprvs ....S:15 a. tu-
oniyii so: rn.
7--h a. ii..
5: J1 p. in.
Thi.' cire" pne oncer frm Pl.n'cm -.nth e!.o
connection going Konth or Norih by rnviin lit in
en Uie 5:15 p. iu. train.
To 7al t CffcA Monday, May. 1 )T1.
Iu pounce'. ion with Burlington i Ml.-?..uii
River Railroad in Nebruaka.
Depot at f mt of Jeces Street.
Omaha 8:f0 a. m. Lincoln 1' '-l p. n.
do H;00 p. m, I d !': " " .
Lincoln 5:11 a. m. i Oinithn U-'0. tu.
do 3;;0p. m. I do p in.
10. 1 P r
107-1 p mi
l'l..,() . iU
. 4 t :.-.
R'JUTE. CI.1s.: !
C. Tt. A St. Joe R. R. South JO p in.
C. 1!. A- St. Joo R. R. North. I'l p. m
B. A M. K. R. East. Mp t i,
K. x M. R U. WtM. '. by Rni! Li p in
Weeping Wnter, 1- a in.
V .l,r.V a ! Rl.if l r. in.
I'l H ill
1 .' .1 Ui.
Depart Jfodwys, Wednesdays an 1 l'i id.- -.
V ai co noum, iroui i a ux w c. p ui.
Sundays, 12 to I p mr
tfjmnb gircttoru,
T. M. C. A. Hall ovtr ( Inik A I'liiniric-'"
Store Prc' hiua every s.nhhntli :,ft. -r.n.tri i,t
3 o'cIook: Fri.yer mrMiiia every Tui-d .y -icu-ing
at 7 o'clock : Ru&dinjf Room opou each ;y
from S a. in. to 10 p. D.
FlIisT l'Ff.SB'VTEBUN North itiite ,f Main M.
efteflriith Rer. D. W. t'iincron ; i-.-i vi.-.
very SabLath at 11 a. m. and 16:30 p in. t.i'..-
ith School at9:30a- m., Thcs Polio- i. iwrin.
indent. Prayer ra.ctin; every 'A e ii.i h.I-i
evening at 6:30 o'cl'.ck.
SIrTHOtit.r ErisroPAi.--Wcsl nid i f
trcet. couth of Main Iter. J. Ii. ,ni ti.-M.
Service every Sabbath at lw.oO a. i.i. ml ! p. ir.
Pi ayer meeting every Thursday tn-iim. I .'.
cetinK every Monday .-in. I imr..- 1 -K -ly
nfl.T In.-'e t.f Si'.hlmlu niorfiiiiK somcf--1
Sabbaib .Sciiod at '2.M
CoyHRiro.vTlos! Corner L.ictift .11 Kiir Ii
streets Lev. R. FoMer. lervii?op i-i v .-viM'n
at lo:30a. in. and 7 p. in. Sabh.nh S."lio..l .t .
30 n. in. Prayer liietlinic every Wt.dii.--.i..y
JCe i'C'iai. Coiner Vinu nnd Third ftrr'-''- -Hcv.
H. St. (icorge Younti. s'.'tvi.'c verv .- ,1.
v h t 1'):''0 a. r.j. uu l 7 p. in. Sm:d..y S fm'd
s; .i p. m.
i n i:i ti N Sei irc i.i f'..ui II
B. Mulli. l' :il preacher. LI l-i.-,
and T.J. To Id.
.i-4,. Ku'i ;
I a j ic 'A (
Ha ftist Pi i-.'i' tiinir lit the t I L'ii"o
every Si-linath at 1) o'clock l.y Uev. P. M- .
Leod. I'ruyt-.r Meeting every Thursday i icf
at the rr; i fenee of tlie I'.icti.r. Snb,.intti,sV'.1..jl
citucdi.'.tcly after iiioriiin m-i vi ;c.
Catpoi.h; Nor'h .-iid: cf Public So, u. ire b
Father llu.veo. fr'ir.-t ,M:ii every Sa'.b th at
a. in.. Second Mans und Sermon at 10: VI u. hi.,
Vc-spent and i'enedietion ut ': ''J p. in. 2Ui. '
at S a. in. every week lu;.'. ,
mm m n na mi iwnwniw ulii in
grigc ginclcHj,
I.O. O. V. i!'iullir Meeting of Pl'it'n Lod'-'.
No. 7. I. O. . 1'. every Saturday tviiiii", ;.l
Odd Fellows (lull. Tr:tm id. t l.iolh.Ty i l
iially invited ro vUit.
it. J. STRK1UHT. N.
J. W. JoiiN'Hos. Sec.
I.O. O. F. PlHinoiit1i No. .4.
RcBuisir Convoe.ifioi!n (he Ju l arid ilh Fri lr;y
of ech month at Odd l' lion h I lall r.r. ;M :md
Main its. Transient Pulria-rili? c-or.'inlly invilol
vvfeit. t, lll'KIU'. :.
Sam. M. Cimfmax, Scribe.
M31ITHOFryiltIAS-Plil!te Vi.lley .U'e '...
.. Kesular l ectin eve.y'l hur.,d.:y vciiii'.
isiiing jrothcr alwuv el.'.n ".
W, L. Wt-.LLS, W. C.
I!. (ILISEL. H. A V. is.
M "ON'ic Pi ATTPjioi Tn Lo.i.ik No. f A. T .
A A. M. Kog ilar tnectingn at tii'dr Lull on iho
firnt and third Monday eveinn.-( of cacii monlL.
Tr.u.ici.l brethern i.iIted to vi.'it.
L. Ii. WHLr.Lfclt, V M.
P. E. Rl'FFSBR. S C.
Mhit Lopof. No. 22 A. F. A A. M. ReguUr
meetings ut Modouic 1111, firt uv third lr:
ivt. J. I. 1.-L. W. At.
I. Al. Wolf. Sec.
NRnitASKA Chaftfii No. .t It. . M. -Ttcrulnr
convocations recon I and fouich 1 eve
pitiLS of eao month at 7,S o'cloc k p. in.
MastkknStarDkohfb Lodoc Regular meet
tncs of the Family ore held ou Wednesday eve
ning, on or before the full moon of each mould.
All Master Mav.ri', their wive, iHr ai.d
iauanler are invited to attend. I nmu-ried la
lie muat be over eighteen yearn of hz-. 1
1. II. WI11.KLF.K. Patron.
Mas. C. A. Dckk, Patr.,ne.-.(.
J. N. Winjs. RecorJer.
I. O.O-T. OMTFBaAfir'H,Ni.2-W D Kerreo
V.-. C. T. D L Mono V. S T. V.'. .h:
ock Lodge Itepuiy. Meet at Court llo-ire Ifn'l
every " eveninc. 'J'ravtling Teliiliutr
repectrully invited.
F. XCET.ftOR Drorkk I.ook. No.- 1. E.
Lewi. 1). T.: F. E. White. L. S. Meet at Cnur
Ilo-ise lla.ll on the Erst aud thiid Saturday not
lugs of each month.
Star of IIofe Lom.c No. S. T. E. Hughe W
3. T.; Andrew Coleman, W. S. ti. ii. ilolon
Lodge I'eputy. MccU at M' Pleasant every
Saturday evening.
VaIbvikit LorM;r. Xk. 14. J. J. Chandler,
,Y. C. T.; Wm. J.llo-cr. W. K.: S. W. t alkiu
LKKlge lep'ty. Mei every W'cdne.-"i.iy t ven
g. Traveling Templars respectfully invited-
Tkrff. flnovg Loduk. No. 24. Ainoy t'Jriflilii,
.. O. T.;Ja. VHiHon. W. S.: C. II. Wiuiilow.
Lo.ige Lieputy. Meeu every baturday evening,
traveling Templa . -cpoctfully invited .r
meet with ua.
Farm ero
Visiting Plattsmouth,
Fardel's Feed Stable
Corner of Sixth and Vine Street One P.I..C
North of the Presbyterian Church, PI ttsioout
Lissolution Notice.
Notici is hereby given that the co-i .ir:ri'-r-ehip
heretor.jreexUting botween Jaaon otreigbt
an j M. P-. Murphy, in tha raadle A harn-jcf bu-i-nessia
thi? day deso.ved by mutual consent. Ail
persons indebted lo the above firm, eithfrby
note or account, will pieae call and nettle tha
an me within ten daE, or their account H ill b
placed in tbe hands of an oiiicer lor colic-otion.
J8') Stesiobt.