Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 03, 1871, Image 3

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. -If
audi ijmmmtiAiJi
Scid Since their Introduction
The Most Successful
L1ookiii 3InIiiiieN
I in;- f the riini le-t Construction, arc ca-ily
I . ticivl .ni t guaranteed to give
Entire Satisfaction.
t. in the household has : greater
i;. :! o, i..;e in pr- mi I the h.alth, comfort and
i -i;, s .1 the family circle than the Cook
' it t ' iMiiioiny as wc!l :is jtoiii-y to ppt the
I .: I'.J.s J'; :in 1 hi ljuving the C II A H'l'l'.H
' ii y- u .' ji. rfly on enttirn t he nio-t succc-s-..i.
r i il.ii and perfect Cooking Stove ever
Excchiior Manufacturing Co.,
.n I f.H North Main Street.
, x'V- I.OUIS, MO-
E. T. DUKE & CO.,
Rock Bluffs, Keb
Sj.riin; Term Commences
rarch 2fst, 1871-
I'ui il ' of eithersex will roccivo thorough and
leiu .ti.- instruction here. Particular atten
I .. I i'. i'lunniy scholars.
:h'i.. I. .uks furnished free of cost to al
I u
'F. r .-r.i. 1:1 1 p:trticu!:iM a I lres
i .u j. D.tAir : t;)
,i. buttery
IH.I.l.Sll.K A'.a CETAiL
iving and ha. on hand fat the of H'hro J: Lutterysj
.i-ti nit Main Street. VliilUuioiith. Neb.,
Hos t (Join pi etc
"j'.'k ! in:-s. Medicine,,. Paints. Chemicals
lr-. rri h. Coal ' Fishnil. Ma-hne
O.i. t ir.liitir i!. Cart r Oil. Neat-foot
0:i..Ui:ile "il. Otl. Lard
Oil. i'.-.-ciithil Oil. l'tl Liver Uil,
and a larse vayiet,-
Hons. Per . I.,:;-. Fancy
and icilet Article,
Essences. Fla
voring extra--!.
arid :JI
Pueh a.
JayneV C"c's
Ay-n', Sfoville's
M ill's Cliri.-tii?'s M
Li;i:-.'.i. MtV?, Jlakcr'?
Vi-tarV. Wrirht'?. Sako
f:d 1. t;uyott's. k'triy Iavis'
H'.l.'a. k n. IVtitt'.". Mr. Winslow's'
lr. Win-'hiirs llo-tetter's, Urake's
U':iijjri''., Writ's and ot the iu ft popular
f ji-at ."! liriiies in u.-e at the present day.
Hrantlies Wines and Vhiskie
'f tlie' I'.r-t iJradu
ai.d 'fualitics Jtrk-tly for
e r '-r Ui-e. Grern. r.l'i-. IU.nck. Annlino. Irt
ui(o. M I'lJcr, Kxtraet LojrW'Mid, iry
Vi"N. Ac. In tu t everything
that i needeij in the li.'uj
or Meiieal line.
A.-fidly coint-oundrd nnd rt up at all ho u
til lrut:- w.irrented tre-h and pure. Call
.l hay u.-. i'lid si"- wlnt I have to sell.
Platt.imouth. Fl o. .jtu.uiwtf.
(Saeee?-sor to It. Walther)
and dealer in
Whiles. Uruhe, Ac, Sc.
Kepairing done tuostantially and with lis
ateh. (live me a call before purrha.-ins elsewhere,
I'ourtli street, north of l'iatte Valley House-,
ndtoiniii Matthews A. Lonnclly's llardwar
. . . . . - . j-
ci're. epilwii i
'A TILL stand at my farm in Ca?s conrty at
Y IO for grade cows, t tor thorough
Ln1 r.,w-.
The lukeis deep red. sixteen months old,
and weittb-" twelve hundred and fiorty pounds,
and is without exception, the finest animal of
t h e kiid in the St :e.
rianoREK : tJoUl.y I.ike of Par's fpsge Wi
A. H Jii.) heby I'ike Airdica (p. 74 i A. II, It.)
rut ofl.oiia the XlVth. l.ona out of impoted
ti, y ( I"'.;.: K. 11. M.) The lhikc ii out of Mary
I:ieu.2d by Um keye uK' A. !l- 1 ': Iary Daen.
by Crowdcr &'J A. II. 15. . l'orfall peiiirree of
r nvJ .r, ret'erto .Hh volume of American Herd
1m. i k. I will (ri v e one hundred and fifty dot
lars firthe poorest calf, frtm any thorough
bred eaw rhst may be bred, and can show a
recorded peilijrree. K. SAGK.
may lsiljtwtt".
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby piven that the co-part ncr
Fhip heretofore existing between Jason Sjtreight
and M. R. Murphy, in the saadie .t harness busi-i:e-
is this day desidved by mutual consent. All
j er-n.s indebted to the above lirm. either by
note or account, will please call and settle the
rame within ten days, or their accounts will bo
l-i n e 1 in the hands of an ofiicer for collection.
Jason Stbeigut.
M. B. Murphy.
J a! v. ITth lTl. w.Vi
IJiiparallcIccl liKliidt'cuaciits to liirchaser.i Z
Monday, September 4, 5
A Large quantity of desirable property, consisting in part of
In my Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, and Several lots of
These Lots arc well Situated, as regards
HEALTHFUL LOCALITY. Commands some of the ruof-t IiEAUTIFCL VIEWS
ON THE MISSOlTillilVEIJ, and :re conveuunt for Dwelling or Stores. The
Citv of l,lattuoutll is destined to Le one of the principal cities of the central part
of the Continent. Situated on the Leautiful Miscuii Kiver, at the inouth
of tJie l'iatte Liver, with thousand of utiles of navigation aroro and he'ow. it
over this route the Darlington & Mi.-.-ouri Liver K. II. Co. have already com
pleted some 00 miles of the he.-t railroad, with the mo.-t level route in the west,
and the road will he Lni.-hed and running to a junction with the Union Pacific II. K.
at Fort Kearney hy next November. It. is the ultimate dc.-ipu of this road to
reach the Pacific roast bv a NEAIl ROUTE over hetu-r pra les than any yet
will in conserpuence pour all its advantages at this point.
A Bridge over the Missouri River
will be commenced here without delay, connectinsr this road with its namesake in
Iowa, giving this city the SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE EAST.
Numerous branch railwavs'are already projected to drain the for many
miles into this MAIN ARTERY ; all which prove conclusively that no better
opening for
Safe and Profitable Investment
can be found than'hv secMtin-r Real Estate and pond hrrnies in this mo-t promi-Mngciti-.
PLA'lTSMOUTli is coauected hv rail with LINCOLN, and the in
terior towns of a rapidly settling section of the finc-t Agricultural lam Is in the
West. It has connection with ail the towns on the river. Love f'd below it,
and all the main cities east and west. Chicago is oiy 22 IIou'S distant, while
St. Louis is but 2-1. Competition in transportation hetwpen river ntid railway
inmires i lifaii tVeithts to St. Louis, while three roads to Chicago keep down ex
liorbitant rates in that direction. Millions
tured fur the rapi i'y increasing demands of the interior portion of the State, and al
together, th ere is no more truly encouraging leality to settle in thja riglit hen
in I'latt-iuiouth.
Terms : Half Down,
All letters of inouiry, containing a postage stamp foi return, will bo promptly
answered. Address
Insurance Company
JtPiviileiuls on Hie Coislribsstioii Flan,
Securing the Greatest Feeuniary Advautage to the Policy Hclders
l.-t. Thi3 a Western Coinpany. miiinited by Western men. whope known finananctal charac
ter, ability and position. aQor I mnpie guaranty lor its careful and uvcu:'tul uiauaseuieut.
2d. Its Polices are all nun-IirfoiSiiis-
d. Premium all on.h. It reeeives no note? pnd cives none. Foliey holders have no int'retil
to I ay. and no out.-tanding: notes as liens upon their policies,
4th. It has no restriction upon travel. In dividends are made upon the contrihution plan,
tith. It busiue.-.-i is cxclueeivly life iusuraaoe.
Arc the neeumulatinn of intcrci-t upon premiums paid, hence Ihfi Company that loans iti" ajipts
at the hitthen rate of interest can give you the di idends. Eastern companies invent their
moneys nt 6 percent., while this make. its investments at twelve per cent, or more.
The advantaire ol Western investments to the policy holder appears in the foliowine startlinf
figures: The amount of 5l.X), invested for tifty years at
per cent, compound interest, is is.4jn.15
S " " " 4'i.ttd.4
10 " " " " 117.:.i".s.S
12 " " " " SlS.ut;
It is obvious that this company offers (treatcr financial advantages and induccmeuts to the
policy-holder than any other company in distance
II I Maekav. President.
L M Swan. Vice-Hr.-i'ii.-nt.
Lr J L Wcver, iled. D ior.
tIeorKO A Moor?. Secretary,
J .Jones. Ass't Secretary,
ii L iu'ewman. Treasurer
I) ?h;re, Leavenworth. Kan,
.1 F Hichants.
H K Hammond "
II Kdcerton.
Thos C'arpev.
S M Stri-kler. Juretion City
Chas Robinson. Lawrance,
W, Uadley.
II 1) Meekay, Leavenworth Kan.
I M Swan,
tl Coffin.
;co .4 Moore,
1) W IVwers.
ieo L Rnvis, St. Louis. M!o
J Merritt.
I', 1 1 listing. "
ME Morgan "
eia. Agentfor Mcbraskaantl .oilhern SvUiief
J. W. MARSHALL, Agent, i r r;t ;ai;nir"
E. R.LIVIKGSTON Kfd J?xftTnirier ' . W'
S, BLOOM m. CO.,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
ain Street. Second Door East of the Court House-
RANCH HOUSE-Broail way. Council Bluffs Iewa.
of dollars of matt-rial could be manuQie-
balance in six Months.
LEU? QaLj a m
Plattsmouth, Cass Co. Neb.
11 A Ciilkins, General Apent,
W K ilarvey. Con. r etuar,
T A lluri. Attorney.
I! L Xewman Leavenworth
W hi Chemberlain.
T A Ihird. "
K li Alien.
(' A '',.1-ry, Weston. Mo.
(i W Veal, Topeka, Kansas.
J M Price Au-hi.-oa, Kan.
W 11 SttbbiiiH, '
'sew i l r
LOOM & CO.rp
Plattsaiouth, JTebra
The Netraka City papers complain
of the insufficiency of their police regu
lation, and say that people arc iobbt-d
there in broad day light.
The hats of the members of the Cou
stitutional convention are "chalked"
over the I. & M- in NeLra.-ka, until the
adjournment of that body.
Two insane person man and wife
were sent from Nebraska City to the
Asylum this week.
The Corn crop of Cass county never
looked better. The yield per acre prom
ises to be very large. The recent dam
age done the crops by the recent hai!
storm is not as bad as was at Or.-t sup
posed. Nebraska lias railway and river con
nection with all parts of the world.
The IIkkald job cuiee is turning out
some very fine cards, letter nnl bill
heads for Mr. McGuire. of Crete.
A Rrownvi'lc policeman ha got up a
reputation for efficiency by shouting
a dog.
Atchison is rejoicing over the pros
pects of a bridge: over the Missouri at
that point.
Water-melons are making their ap
pearance in our citv.
Contractor Lcaslcy has about forty feet
of the Main street bridge ready for the
timbers, which have not yet arrived. lie
is putting up a Tall that looks substantial.
We are in receipt of a little sheet
called the Omaha Alta, published at the
Tribune office hy W. E. Shirley.
Capt. rbclps Taine returned this
morning from a trip to the Capital and
other interior towns of the State. He
expresses himself highl," pleased with
the country through which he passed.
Who could do otherwise?
A young girl, aged 12 year?, named
Elmer Meder, was killed 13T lightning in
Nemaha county last week. Sho was
standing in the doorway during a thun
der storm.
The West Point RepuLliran gives the
following list of new counties in Nebras
ka : Tloone Logan, Ntlih, Greeley,
Howard, Sherman. Valley, TafTe, Cal 1
well, Hitilicock Furnis, Tipton, Kountze
Clnse. Warren, Millard, Sumner, Fair
field, Lake, Ma.-on, Dundy, Harrison,
Crounse, Creighton, lledick and Klk
horn. The Tammany King have offered a
minion dollars hush money to the New
York Herald to-quiet it in the matter of
the big steal recently brought to liht in
that city. The orgnn of the ring in
Omaha thinks that society is composed
of the "purest men living." Its ideas
of "purity" must be somewhat vague-
Streight & lilack have just received
some luscious peaches and blackberries,
by express, from Chicago. They are
healthful and sold cheap enough to be
used in every family.
The hill-sides on either side cf Main
street are dotted here and there with
new and in many caes fine residences.
Father Hayes arrived nt home ' e. tcr
day from a protracted stay in Chicago,
where he has been under medical treat
ment. We ari plea-ed to know that lie
is now enjoying excellent health. ,
A private letter from a Mr. Myers of
Indiana, says :
"I have sold 000 acre of hind in this
State and will invest the money realized
from the sale, in your section of Ne
braska." Mr. M. left T'lattsmouth a week or
two sine with the dofcrmiivition of
making Nebraska his permanent home,
and we are glad to hoar that he will be
come a citizen so son. lie has resided
in Indiana thirty-two years, and in
formed us that during that time, hi
family was never free, from the fever and
ague- He savs a large immigration may
be expected from that State next spring.
The Milford coal Golds promises to sup
ply Nebraska with cheap fuel during the
the coining winter.
The Supreme Judges of Nebraska are
to receive salaries of 3,"00 each, and
District Judges $2,500.
A set-to is really to come off at or
near New Orleans, on or about the 2d of
December between Mace . and Coburn.
The mony $2,500 a side is already
One of the bridges on the Midland
Pacific Railway was burned down last
night. It is supposed to have been the
woik of incendiaries. No trains from
Nebraska City to Linioln to day.
Judge A. Child, who has kept a
weather record in this county for the
past ten or twelve years, informs us that
four and a ludf incite of water fell
during the storm last night. How is
that for wet ?
The Fontenelle parsed tip this morn
ing leaving h quantity of freight.
Among the lot was flour fur Uennett
Bros, which was so much damaged by
wet that they refused to accept it
Wiu. Stadclman, Esq., arrived at
home last evening, direct from the Fath
erland, where he his been fjr some time
on business and a visit to friends of the
olden time. Sraielman says America
and Nebraska is the place fur him, above
all others.
The hotels of the city are comfortab'y
crowded with guests from the East,
many of whom are seeking locations for
business in this State.
It is estimated by persons competent
to judge, that the wheat crop of Ca.-s
county will exceed that of last year, sev
enteen thousand bushels.
The editor's domicile was surrounded
last evenin-g, not by burnlars or midnight
assassins, but by a band of Minstrels,
who discoursed sweet musie for us and
ours. The sweet soprano and alto of the
ladies and deep bass and sjul-stirring
tenor of the gentlemen blended harmo
niously. We give our unknown musical
friends due notice, that the Dext time
they treat us in this manner lemonade,
wiue and cako shall be meeted out to
them in bo sparing manner.
The Atchison Champion says that the
Atchison ani Nebraska 11. 11. is to be
extended up th. Missouri river to Oma
ha, but it fails to tell us when this will
be done.
A new lodge of ( ) Id Fellows was re
cently instituted at Wyoming, with the
following officers :
Win. Hobacfc, N. G.
It O. Hoback, V. G.
R. S. Clink inliea.l, Secy.
J. W. Gibson, Treasurer.
The Nebraska City Chronicle iy:
"A man by the name of I'ik;n was
driving near a wcodyard abo"v: lvistp.irf.
on Saturday last, when the steamer Fi in
tone!! rounded for wood. The team took
fright and ran off the bank of tho liver.
Mr. lViki;:s and his little b'-y were on
the wagon a d all were precipitated into
deep water. The man and boy were
saved, but t lie team and wagon were
lo.-t. The borses were valued at $4J ."
Parents should be exceedingly careful of
their children at this season of the' year,
as the mortality is very great. Reports
from eastern cities show that over forty
per cent, of the total deaths are from
cholera infantum, and that about eighty
per cent, of all cases of this complaint
prove fatal. The mortality is but little
less in tho west, hence we ray treat care
;diould be taken. The medical fraternity
do not attribute the disease so much to
what is taken into the stomach as is
generally supposed (although the diet
should be watched closely), but to a
great exfeut to the general habits of life,
clothing, etc. Avoid exposure during
sulden changes of the weather, and
keep the- children warmly clad during
the damp weather, and above all main
taia regularity in habits, eating, sleeping,
The river is low and still gradually
S U. Hobson, Esq., one of the pio
neers of Cass county was in the city yes
terday. II. T. Green, the accompli-he d Chief
Draughtsman of the Surveyor General's
Office, has just completed the annual map
of the offife for tho Department of the
Interior. It is said, by persons who
ought to know, to be the finest pi.ce of
work ever executed in the north-west.
Mr. AjtafTjr informs us that his fall
wheat will average forty bushels to the
acre. He is engaged in threshing it at
this time. This is pretty good when
spring wheat only yield an average of
about twelve or fifteen bushels.
J. M. Woods, Vice Pi esi lent of the
Agricultural and Mechanical Association
of Cass County, is in the city.
Markets. Flour, new wheat, $3.50
per sack ; corn meal 75 cents per bushel ;
potatoes 25 cents per bu-.!ic! ; butter,
12(20 cents per pound ; "garden
truck," "dirt cheap."
Hon. J. E. Boyd, of the Constitution
al Convention, has our thanks for inter
esting documents.
The Missouri river is fruitful in cat and
buir.ilo fi.-h. A youthful Nimrod "hook
ed" a cat last evening, which weighed
eleven pounds.
IL-isel, of this city, has already ground
up and manufactured into flour, eleven
hundred bushels of new wheat.
The Advertiser says Jim Whitewater,
the Indian who killed l'a.-co and Walters
near Beatrice, a shoit time since, is now
in durance vile, having been arrested by
members of his tribe. Jim sa-s he was
loaded to the muzzle with liquor on the
niht of tho murder, and is nnconcinus
whether lie killed the men or not.- Tho
white men who plied him with liquor
should be ma le to swing from the' same
tree with the Indian.
Alexander Slatery, a laborer working
on tho Main street culvert, was severely
Injured this morning by' falling through
ih ; culvert. A rock gave away, and in
falling he threw his arms out to catch at
some support, ami accidentally struck
the sharp edge of a rock with his wrist,
cutting a fearful gash across bis wrist.
He Lied profusely, but will not, probably,
su-taiu any permanent injury.
There are five ways of acquiring land
in Nebraska, by purchasing of the
railroad companies ; second, by pre
emption ; third, by houicsteauing; fourth
by cash payment ; fifth, by purchasing
from actual settlers.
Col Duane, Chief Engineer and Su
perintendent of the B. & M. in Nebras
ka, arrived at home from Boston List
In the last Council Proceedings Coun
cilman Cushing is reported as voting
' no" on the morion to disallow 3Ir.
Fitzgerald's claims against the city.
Mr dishing authorizes us to state that
he did riot vote at ail on the question,
and that the report of the proceedings
in this regard were incorrect.
JiJF. Davis has instituted a "depart
ure" of his own (whether "now" or not
we aie unable to s;i3'). He recently "de
parted" from the path of virtue and ac
cepted lodgings with Mrs. Bowers in a
sleeping car.
Although some soda-water manufac
turers ma make their syrup fi run vari
ous articles, such as "pine apple from
old cheese," &c, Buttery and Prole don't
do that kind of a business; their syrups
are the purest and best, and their soda
water is not excelled by anybody east or
west. Everybody try it and satisfy
The Brownville Advert iter says Schuy
ler Colfax is its first choice for the Presi
dency, and Gen, Giant its second.
. The daily issue of the Lincoln Statts
7)ian has been suspended. Reason, lack
of patronage.
The Mormon paper of Omaha cites
Jeff. Davis as its ideal of "one of the
honest men living" since lie was caught
in bed with a woman whom the law dW
not recognize as being entitled to such
great consideration on his part.
Senator P. W. Hitchcock was in the
city this week. We d:d not have an
opportunity to "interview" him, as the
Tritlicin did Senator Tipton.
tiik KircA ioj. r. ii i:xno..
There is a proposition before the Con
stitutional Convention to engraft a clause
! into that instrument making it obligatoi J'
upon every parent to send their children
of a certain age to school at least a cer
tain number of months during each year.
We have no desire to discuss this ques-
, , , - - . , .
j tion iu tact, we narJiy ueiieveu auums
of discussion but we do de.sire to enter
our protest against placing any such
clau-o as this in the body of the Consti
tution as it is to be submitted to the peo
pie, for the simple leason that it would
endanger the f-r.t're document. If any
cm; wishes to have a fair expression of
the views of the people upon this ques
lion, let the proposition be submitted
separated;.-. For our ourself, we can say
that we are opposed to the clause, be
cause we believe it to be in dircvt oppo
sition to the principles of Republican
Government. While we think no one
will question the fact that education is
the great civilizcr of the world, and is
the foundation stone of Republican in
stitutions and self government, yet we
have no more right to force education
than we have to force religion, which is
strictly prohibited by the Constitution of
the United States. In the intelligence
of the masses lies the safety of the na
tion ; but if we attempt to force that in
telligence the inate principle of liberty
itself rebels against it and thereby we
kill the root l3 endeavoring to increase
the growth of the branches. Let our
Constitution makers and our law makers
strengthen the branches of free govern
ment by cultivating the rout, which is a
desire for knowledge and truth. Render
ever- aid possible to the system of edu
cation, and we will guarantee that the
parents of the country, who as fully ap
preciate these benefits as does any mem
ber of the Constitution, will not be back
ward in accepting them, and the men
and women of the country will grow in
knowledge because they dove knowledge,
and not because it is attempted to be
forced upon them. You can no more
force a man to be a Webster or a
Philips than you ean force him to be a
christian. Give him the opportunity
and the incentive, and if lie does not pro
gress your force work will prove of no
a it i c v i.t r i i. s o v i i:t y .
Pi..vrrs.:orrn, July 2'.)th, '71.
Board of Managers and .fiicers met
pursuant to adjournment, ca'led to order
by President Wheeler.
G. II. Black, chairman of committee
on (J rounds, reported that the commit
tee had examined various places, and
that the committee were unable to agree
upon a location some being in favor of
one place, and some another. Three lo
calities were talked of one on tho Platte
bottom, oue on Mr. Jacob Adams' place
and another on J. Ii. Porter's place.
The Porter place was agreed to be the
best place, but it was very uncertain
whether it could be obtained.
On motion, the committee on Grounds,
were discharged from further duty, and
anew committee,' consisting of H. D.
Hathaway, John Muttz, and G. S.
Smith were appointed to select grounds,
with instructions to contract for grounds
suitable, to be selected sou:h or south
west of Plattsniouth.
On motion. President D. II. Wheeler
was added to the committee.
The committee on premium list re
ported progress, and asked further time,
which was granted.
On motion, Messrs. G. S. Smith and
Jacob Vallery were appointed a commit
tee on printing, with instruction to pro
cure the printing of 500 copies cf tho
Premium List and regulations.
On motion the meeting adjourned
subject to the call of the President.
D. II. WHEELER, Pres't.
II. D. Hathaway, Scc'y.
.MOUTH. Pursuant to a call by the committee of
the Oratorio of Esther, through the col
umns of the Heuald, to the fingers of
PI lUsuiouth, a meeting was held last
evening (not at Mr. Leonard's Photo
graph Rooms) at Clark ,t Plummer's
Hal!, for the purpose of organizing a
Musical Association of Piattsmouth.
Mr. J. N. Wise was called !o the chair,
and Mr. Henry Thomas was chosen sec
re.tary. By a a vote it was decided that
the officers of tho Association shall con
sist of a President, Vice President, Sec
retary, Treasurer, Organist, Leader,
Assistant Leader, and an advisory Board
of three, consisting of tho two leaders
and one member chosen from the class.
Proceeded to the election of officers for
the Association, which resulted as fol
lows :
Mr. J. N. Wise, President.
Mrs. Win. Winterstecn, Vice Pre-i-derit.
Mr Henry Thomas, Secretary
Mrs J. S. O'Brien, Treasurer.
Miss Lil.lie Simpson, Organist.
Mr. Richard Newel!, Leader.
Miss Ella Crocker, Assistant Leader.
The election of the Advisory Board
to be completed at the next meeting.
There will be a meeting of tho Asso
ciation, at Clark & Plummer's Hal!, on
Wednesday evening next, August 2.1, at
o'clock sharp, to further perfect the
organization, at which al! the singers c f
Piattsmouth are cordially invited to be
present and take an iut ;rest in this
association. Hexky Thomas,
The Legislature of Iowa has taken
measures to preserve, or rather to re
store, the forests which have been and
still are recklessly destroyed. The law re
leases from taxation on S 100 valuation
every acre of forest for ten years, and
for each acre of fruit trees planted $50
valuation for five years is exempted,
and the same for shade frees and hedges
along the highways. There are now
maple fo ests in several counties, from
which su:ar is made, where fifteen years
since thore was nothing but wild prair e
grass and hazJ shrubs.
Old Money Bags says that a girl with
an income of three thousand dollars a
year, or more, is always an objet of in
terest because she has so much prinf-i-pal.
A Troy editor speaks of another as
sufficiently weiJ posted to edit a handbill.
I'lows! PJows! Plows! Plows
Takes pleasure in announcing to the
public that they have secured the servi
ces of that Pioneer Plow Manufacturer.
! Who is entr.ise 1 in their shop mitiuf.ictur
l inpa better article, at lower prices, thnn can be
h.-i.t troiii any eastern manum-mry. '.'lie rretii
a Ivantnee (taiite J by this rirm is
that you not only pel a better rtii-le at home
pru-rs. tint you are pniroaiztnir HO.MU MA XI'
l-'ACTUK I-., where every -olJir of the m iiiey
remains in the State. ipy rchl idA wtf"
e osk the attention of the publbto th
stock of spring poods we ore opening. We have
t:iken great care in the selection of none but
first-class goods, and from firs-t hands, v. e buy as
low ns they can be had in the market for cash.nad
we sha'l sell at prices that we guarentee will
give entire satisfaction to all who may give us a
call, cune and see and 5'ou will be convinced.
TIae Good Intent!
Commission lioomtt
M .1 X S I'll EE T,
Where you can buy almost every thing
eatable, including
FresFi Fruit
At the lowest Prices for cash. Hi
price paid for Coju'ntry Produce
Butter, ( hickens, Sec. Sec.
Goods Delivered in the City
Free of Charge.
E2. ?IAISVtt3f.
Would respectfully inform the citizens of
Platumootb and vicinity tuat be has opened a
lospensary at ijmaha, Nebraska, where pa
tients can pet reliable treatment for all diseaes.
Particular attention paid to
All Dixcaxca oj the Lung.
,s'hiM, Bronchitis. Cvin?i:mpi.ion.i Eruption,
tiravel. I'aralysis. Loss of Voiye, Wakefulness,
Fever, .Sores. Rheumatism, tioitre,
Neuralgia, 'lu-mors. iia
nhiea, l)ror?y Ca
tarrh. Cold
Hands. Ril
lionine??. Diseased
Kidneys, Krysipelas. Xer
voiis Depression. Dyspepsis, Cos
tiveness, Liver 3milaint. Seminal
Week ntsses, nil I'rivate diseases. Falling of the
Wou,b t.nd u'd Female canploints. Heart Dis
essc. swollen Joints, toughs. Gout, Whits
Sjweihn-'?. St.. Vitus Dance Ac.
The Doctor is permanently located and will
pay particular attention.
Of tfetrii al Surgery,
and all uppressions and Irregularities, and all
other dea.-ts peculiar to women. I'ersons who
have been unde: treatment of other physicians
and h;ve not oeen cured, are invited to call as
I cure all private disease. no matter of hor
long f tanding, and cures
Gunrtait'eJ or J'0 PA V.
Call ana see the Doctor without delay. II id
charges ere moderate and con ultal.ons free.
A il communications strictly confidential. Dis
pensary and consultation room No, zi F irnatn
street, corner Fourteenth. Office hours from 8
a m , toPpin. K O. Dox No. 1.073 jylSwly
Juit PublUhe-i. in a fnlrd enrelnre. Price &ctn.
A Lecture on the Xature, Treatment, and
Radical cure of Spermutorrhu-a. cr iswrniial
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual De
bility, and Impediments to M arriagw generally;
Nervousness. Consumption, Kpilepfy, and Fils;
Mental and 1'Lisical Incapacity, resulting from
s-lf-abiise. Ac By Ho ert J. Culverwell. ,M.
Dr. author of the "itreen Look,' Ac.
The world renonned author, in this admira
ble Lecture, cleatly proves from his own exper
ience that the awful cocseuuence of self:abtise
may be effectually removed without medicines,
and without dangerous surgical operations, bou
gies, iitstrumen's. riugs or eoidials. poit,Siiij
out a mo'le ot cure at once certain and effectual
by which every sufferer, no matter what hie con
dition may be. nviy cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radically. This lecture will prove a
bocn to thousands and thousands.
Se -t u nder seal, to any address, in a plain
scaled envelope, on the r? ;eipt of six cents, u
two postage srumps. Also Dr. Culvcrwe 1
"marri ge guide,' price 2 cenu. Address th
CHaS. j. c kine &co.
127 Dr.werv, Now York, P.O. Ilox4, 5A
De.? "-".r wly.
oV's tr :
y-".T.i.--j.-r.-rt'J'--ir is--; i
s Mi
Tbl superior Mtn-liin" Is 'l -ipted to Ui v -ty v. !
rnngeof lleuiiuing. Felling, llraiiluig r.imlnii; ' ..r.;.i..
Embroidering, Pinniin;, tjuiitit:?. Tucking. !: i -, i i:ithriii. It e.jurov i-o-l : '
or heavy work, nml id tUo Uiuel piaticbl .-i-mj.,;
JLicliiue ever invented.
The neeillocf the McLean i Towipcr U s'. - r Rii l
straight, and is not open to tho nl.jection ot v.f rHti:i
and its results iu long or dined ih-h!m. it i t.i t-i
eet too high, nor too low. The nim hine is hIv ''
order; aews from two common spools i;lioaf iv v :n i
Ing; wastes no thread; cannot mnIo if run w '.i h :
goods, nor when the ea-y pissago of tln g .'.! is
obstructrd. ' Tim feed U never dull, is positive, l
the very stroiii-'est feed in n-. Tho M.irhine is tr-
from springs, hii h tend only to wenkeu fcinl g- 't -f
erdT. The most delicnto siinistress, u (hi, Mi-!-;ni
h Hooper without in.iury, K ing the hyhtnt rwiii: j
machine rfr viatic The inventor eonsiilrt t.j ir r-.i-tion
an improvement that does not iml;fv, un I I.
very justly kept in view th fact tlmt ns Srwii;
Machines ure used chiefly by those who, as a p-in nil
rule, know jittlu of practical mechanics, a f,n.,.i.-r
decreo of simplicity la their contruct;on und n.. nri 1
consequently a hiwnr mnce of prices wert eaa aljui. i.i
order to uievt m univcrsul want.
Trfco, on I'lalii Walnut Table,
with Outfit, ----- M.-..0'
Other styles .nil finish as low as any other Cur pi .
rVnd stamp for descriptive circular. Ageuts w .mted i:i
every county in V. S. and Turritorien. Save f and
Bowing machine vexations, hy purchasing tint JlcLcia
Tit UMAX & to .
ICS South SUta KtrnKt. Chicago, I'd.
Advert feins;,
A Hook of li'i closely printed psges. lately
Usued, contains a list ol the best American Ad
vertising Mediums, tiiving the circula
tions, and full particulars concerning the lead
ing Daily and Vce'.ily Political and Faniilv
newspapers, together with all those having large
circulations, published in the interest ct Keli.
gion. Agriculture, Literature. Ac, rfc. Every
Advertiser, and every person who contemplates
becoming such, will hurt this book of great
value. .Mailed freo to anv address on receipt
of2"rei t. tail. I. ItOltt l.l, A CO
Publishers. No. 4 Ta-k Kow, New Voik.
The Pittsburg (Pa. -J LoiJrr, new issuoofM.iv
Sl'th. lSt'M). snjf : " The lirm of tieo, 1. Koweil
A- Co., which issues interrest iag a nd valu -able
book, isi the largest ami best advortisii1!
Agency in tho United f-t.ites, niid we can eluer
fully recommend it to the attention of thoso
who desire to advertise their bii-iness $cirtiri. -a!
I v and timlrmixtifuHu in F'-.c'.i u. wa.y: that is,
o to sccuro the largest amount of publicity for
he least expenditure ol money."
Corner Main and Third Sts
Piatt .-mod ih, iNcbraska.
i on h tnd a full supply of
C 1o ufect to it cries,
aula complete assortment of Urociics, an. I
Quccnsware, and ila.-;.-urs.
S 9-0ive us a cail.
gutiima.x .v iirr;-:i:TY
I.'n'il further notice trains will leave and ar
rive at Omaha as follows;
Leave Arrive.
Express 11:0a a. m. Evjiress 2:11 p. rn.
Freight iWv.l a. in. Freight ..fc:0 s. ?n.
Mixeil o:imj. iu. iMiied .... 8.1X1 p. iu.
Eiircet connection made at Omaha with Chica
go A. N. W. Kailroad: ( h-enco, H.I. A Pacilie;
Cliicago, Lurlington A Mo. 1!. K. It., and Ka-.
City. .Toe. A Conncii Hlulis Hailroad". 1'n
inont with ptageK for Lineolu urid West Point.
Att'hcyenc witii Denver I I'acifli: Jt. 11. for I'en
vcr. Central City. .Santa Feanu points in Colo! a.
do and New Mexico. At Lrynn, with stais lor
the great t-wtetwater mining Dissricts. - At Ug
den, with I'tah Central K. It. for Salt Lake and
Southern Utah, and CP. P.. K. for Corrinne.
Virginia City. Helena., White rinp, Sacramento
San Francisi-it, and principal eiti.s iu Calil'crni.i
Nevada. Idaho, (iregou and Wnshinctan.
Tickets for sale at tho company's otlico corner
Farnham and tth ets end at Depot niiioes.
T. K. Sick"! , GeuT fcupt.
T. h-Kimball Cen'l Pass. Agent.
V, C. Thompson. Ass't Passenger Agent, Cmtiha
Ilacnibal & Saint Joseph R. It
Takinc eCcct January l!h, 1870.
No: 1 Day Exp. d.ii!y except Sunday 7:20 p m
" 3 Pacific cxp. daily except mondcy m
" 5 Night exp. daiiy except monday 7:."1 a m
" -7 Through frt. daily except Uionilay f:-l") a iu
" Through fi t daily except monday ! I" a m
" 1) Way frt daily except funday... y m
" 15 Macon fi t daily except Sunday... ll:;.'i; a m
No. 2 Day cxpdaily except sundpy 0;to a im
" 4 Night exp daily except Sunday... i-. J) p m
" ) Paeilic exp daily except cund-iy.. 1: i"i a t.i
" 8 St Louis exp daily exceptsunday 2:'.i'l p m
"1(1 AVay lrt daily except Sunday 7:'-i'a m
"12 Through frt daily except mnday l:"i p m
" 14 Throuifh frt dailv except Saturday 7: l m
No. 4 wtU not stop at Saxton. Uslnirn. K iddf.
Comer, Moorsviilc, L tica, Wheeling or Mend-
No. 6 will not stop at Saxton. Ea?ton, Oslnirn,
Ureckentiiige, Mooreville, Wheeling or Mea 1-
Vl 8 T- S. BURNETT. Gen AgeI;r.
Sheriff's Sale
John Qnitin, "I V Order of i-aic.
Henry Mehring. )
. Notice U hcrcfiy given that I will offi-r for
sale at public auction, on t ho JM h da v of A 'iu -1.
A.D. WI, by virtue of an Order of Sale, is:ued
bv the Clerk ot the District Court of the Second
Judicial District in and for Cuss county, an I
State of. .Nebrask.i. and fo mo d.r.-'-ted
at the front door of the court house in Pi its
n:ou h. in said county at 'i o'clock p m. ol said
day. the fo.lowirg dc-criiie l rcii! estate, to wit :
The cast half Jy) of the gouth-cagt iiuartcr
Ci of nection number thirty-three (.!.!. in
towrship number eleven (11 1, t.or'ii ranse No.
east of theiith P. M., situated in (sai l Cass
county Nebrai-ka.
liivej under my ban I this "fith day of .Tulv
1371. J. rt'. Johnson, shtriir '
Ca Co.. Nebraska.
W11.MTT Pottesger, Att'y. for Pl'li.
Jul), 2 wr;t.
Via Niagara Falls. FpeeJ. Comfort !c ? ifty
Fr m Chicago to New York, via Mi -lijiu Cen
tral and Great Westell' Rail road.;.
Four Express Trains loave Chicago, d tiiv vi 1
this line for New York Boston, and ail
intermediate points in the East.
Leaves Chicago every afternoon, having a! (ach
ed the celebrated Hotel Car from Chicago t
Rochester, and a mi.t-'iiificent. Puilman l'.iho
Drawing Room Car Iron Chicago to New York
wit hout change.
W, C. Ml iK.Gcn'l S-Ji 't Gt. "Vc-tcrn R. E.
Ilauii'ton, Out."
H. E. Sargent. Gen. SupT M.C. R. R. f':,i. ago
Itenry C. Weutwortb. GcnT Passenger Agt-.
Probate Notice.
All parties having claims against the eMa
of Amos T. Lucas, deceased, late of Platum-oif 'i
Nebraka, are hereby notiiiud that said claim.
must, t-e filed iu the Pro',ate Court -jf Cds,.i Co..
on or before January 16, 1372. cr ihey v.-;ll be
furever barred.
July 15th. 1371.
julyl'jw3t. A. L. Cbild, t'robtUe Judge
Estry ft'oiicc.
Broke into tho enclosure of tha snh;cr!ba
in Pliiitsuiouth Pri-ciuct, Cass cour.'y, ab'ir
tho ltb ot Mdj-, IsTl, one roan yuartio.g Lciiu
w ith red eaii and legs.
PinRV Wxl K Kii.