PLATUMOUTH KEBRAKSA... THURSDAY, ALU. 3. 1871. NTALE SHS. The Fri-uout Tribune says r "Col. Cha. A. Manners haspurch-seil an interest in the Lincoln Salt works, of f. Strrlrre Morton, and will devote Dree capital anJ ability in developing our salt interests."' li t'i Tribune aware of the fct that .'yl. Manners Las liad an interest a,-e pecuniary interest too in the salt 1 steal from the first. If we are not greatly mistaken Col. Manner. w the lovemxent Surveyor who surveyed the irVane Iin many years ago. It ii siinply rMiculons, however, to suppos? that the Colonel knew anything about thu valuable Saliii- L in Is L.Ionging to tlx. 'jovcrnnioiif., in Lancaster county. Oh, no! he didn't know anything about t:.e Saline La:i; but Morton, a "plain .Nebraska pharwur," managed to find i nt that tl.e.y wer valuable, and Lad tliem entered by one named Prey. God his blessed in with a very retentive "tcrriory, and should the Fremont Trlb or even tlm 0iaha Herald want further lnrht on this ".salty" question, we rau ive ta:u further information. W lived in Nebraska City during those ' ark days", and have not forgotten the "ways that v;ere dark and tricks that wet e xii'm, &e." that were exemplified by noted Democratic politicians and cor rupt Government officials under old "Jimmy The following letter relative to Imiui pTtion to Nebraska was recently received by Mnj. I'earman : C'oi'Fniia'u.n', Juno ."0, 1S71. J. W. J'tnnnnn, Esq., I 'resident State Hoard of Jmmlg ration for Xehraaka : Dkar SlK: Victory! The buttle is -von for our State, but it was a hard f.viqht buttle ; a treat dil harder than I imagined. The fall emigration to Ne braska of people with capital sufficient to commence work cn our r.ruiries will be very huge. On Monday I go to Sweden and Norway, and will have easy work there. I shall iry my Ler. to beat the agent for Minnesota, Col. Mathison, for merly Secretary of State, but now in Sweden. The truth shall and must be krii'wn all over this country. All the paper? here will now come cut in favor of our State ; but I had to furee them by thr-atening to lecture publicly about Nebraska a step now unnecessa : y. The books ;uid circulars will now do tiio balu-rt-e. Further details in a few days, sr, a er, replete account cf c-xrt-n-; :-iQ about Mr. preiire. . E.foa? -please' Uad 'Hsi'ot persona which 1 ft by steamer j .sterday for New Yr rk, Jdstined for Nebraska, all cf wl:OUJiBad some capital. . flours, truly, C- 13. Nelson. 4 TJif- ).al-t Met hot! or Swindling. - A vlry ingenious tricky by which a irajig Og swindlers are making money by mutilaai g lank. notes of the denomina tion of f vo dollars, has recently come to uurnotate. The dodge consists oft-akin."- lan ,:?!: out of nine, and is so man-.-?- there is but one pasting to c;i..h fi ) ihi manufactured notes. The niii.vw'oV bills are taken, and from the right n!jthe Qrt one-tenth is sliced off; from tt rit.Lt of tLe second two-tenths; from tliii' third, three-tenths, and so on to namer uirse, from which nine-tenths are takea from the riht, or what amount i -to the same thing, one-tenth from lh left. Number one is pasted as it is wit a tenth gone from the right ; the oneitenth taken from number one, is parted C the residue of number two. wiih two-tenths had been taken ; tlie e tv tenths are made to answer the plaeo oJ the tliice-tenths taken from r.u oiber ilree, and so on through. Thus five Irn SoILr notes are completed, leav iug the i oiiginal number nine, with a ietli gV fro "ii each bill, and in a dif ferent jSace on every one, and a smal ingenious pasting makes the loss imper ceptible o ordinary observer. iLiifler t,ii;i th: hi0z imu ibers of tnese rj-.u-ul.iled tili.i have been nut in circulation, and our readers will cIo well to lock out for them. IZo$v l.oti to Sutrve. A man will die for want of die in five minute::, for want of sleep in ten days, for want of water in a week, for wnt of food at varying intervals, dependent on -t"uutien, habits of life, and the cf the occasion. Instances have been sriven where- persons have hern s.-iid to live many weeks without oaring a particle of food ; but when op portuniiics have been oftered for a fair investigation of the case, it has been in variably fb'.uid that a weak and wicked fraud hu3 been at the bottom of it. '.lu the 28th rf August the captain of a Dostnn whaler was wrecked. For eight days he could not get a drop of water or a particle of food. On the day of the wreck he weighed one hundred and ninety i ounds, and when re.-cued, he weighed one hundred pounds. A taaspoonflil of brandy was given to each sailor, but before they could be taken on board the vessel which saved them, they became unconscious, zed remained so for two days, but all evcatrinlly recovered. Many persons have been killed by eating -too much after having fasted for a long time. The safe plan of proceedure, and tbat which every reader should bear ia mind, is to feel the way along, as per sons who are traveling in the dark and fear a precipice ahead. There can be no rule given, because there are so many modifying circumstances. Give a tea spoonful of hot drink at a time, and, if thert. are-no id ?cfs, repeat in Qve minutes, and the same amount of soft fiod, boiled rice, soitened bread, or gru el. f.rtha stomach is itself as wrik as the sufferer ij proportion, and can only mnn-ige a very .mall amount of food. Wading in water, or keeping t'n? clcthing saturated with water, even if it is sfi water, sensibly abates the horror3 of thirst. Hulls journal nf Health A deputation of Bankers fiora Prus fia, Austria and Netherlands, has it is reported by telegraph, sailed for the Unite! State9, to eximine into the con dition, the work and the financial pro? pee of the North Pacific Railroad. The following is Biick Pomeroy's la test conundrum : "How can the Democratic pirfy be right to Jay for doing that which the Republicans were so wrong in doing in If- 0? ?"' How is that, 3-e Democracy? A Philadelphia journal relates horr a bidy ia Indiana applied for a divorce on the ground that her husband was a "con-foin-Ied fol," and the judge taid that if the plea worn allowed, every man who married would be liable to the same im putation. This is the season of Commencements ; shcep-fkin is being consumed in immense quantities; colleges are looking their gayest; eveiy.girl who can wears a se cret society badge, and the voice of the gice is Leard in tb-1 hr.J. BY TkEGnAPHJ Helena, M. T., July 20. A party of Indiana reached Gallatin Valley, near Gallatin City, and carried off a large amount of stock and killed two men. . It i ? upprwd they were Fe pans. Citizens and trot' pa from Fort Ellis are in pursuit. ' tij f,Iitn!n. Wheeling, Va.'t July 20. Pming a thunder storm at Washing ton, Fa., this evening, Mrs. John Allen was i.vstautly killed, aud her younzest child and a lady named Elizabeth Wolf badly stunned, by lightning. TJie Kiuiiau Minister t be Itocnllcd New, York, J Ay 20 A dispatch from Washington says in formation is received that Catacazy, the Kussian Minister, is to he recalled. t'alal Aceiilent. Burlington, Iowa, July 2f. This mot nine a man named Federitk F. Festor, while engaged in. coupling some National Line dispatch cars, was caught between the dead-wood and crushed to tally that he died this evening. Intfrnnl Kevcuuc Jtallfri. Washington, July 26. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has offered a reward of five thousand dollars for the detection of the murder of Assistant Clinton Gilbert, in the recent raid on the Brooklyn illicit distilleries. The amount paid for advertising and negotiating the new loan up to June .'!), not including the cost of paper, on the work of engraving and printing in the Bureau at Washington, is $314,5'7. Honor to- ItUmRrcU-Amly jo-uisoii Expected in l'airl4. . Loudon, July 20. It U rumored that Bismarck has been created Duke of Luxumburg, A discovery .of concealed arms has been made at Liverpeol which arc in some way connected with the Fenians. Charles James Mathews, the distin guished com median, died at the age of Arrangements are being made in Paris to welcome Andrew Johnson. Ex-President of the United States, who is ex pected there at an early day. Mertln-of the Illinois Sfnle Central Ki'liubliciu Committee. Chicago, July 20. The Republican State Central Com mittee met here yesterday for general consultation in regard to the coming campaign, and to x a day fur holding the State Convention. There was a-full j attendance of the members of the corn ' mittee, and uiany other prominent Re i publicans; were invited to be present, i The proceedings were private, but it is uuuti.-toua itjeangjvs unaniivjvjsjy frr-rTivor of nominatinga "straight party ticket, and that the reports of the politi cal situation from various sections of the Slate were eminently satisfactory. It was decided to hold a State Convention at Springfield on the 20lh of Septem ber. Tit e famine In Persln. London, July 26. , The English consul at Fabriz announc es that he has received and will forward to his government the most heart-rending details of the famine in Persia. A ppecial from Constantinople says the famino in Persia is causing dreadful hav oc. The deaths in the Fiovince of Kko lassan average three hundred daily, and so great is the distress that dead bodies arc devoured by the survivors, and men, women and children are. in some cases killed to render the supply of food abundant. The plague has also appeared among the Persians, and the Turkish Govern ment has been compelled, by the exi gency of the case, to draw a 6ai itary cordon along the border of its dominions. Chicago Items. Chicago, J uly 26. A severe hail storm passed over a por tion of the city about 5 o'clock this p. ra-, doing & considerable da magi by the breaking of windows, sky lights te. LSverV ! hot rrose'itce horfh i part cf the city were entirely demo'i-hed. ILe hau ston.s wer? of an extraordinary size. In the west division no hail f. II, but there was a .mart shower. A fracas occurred in a saloon in the west division about 4 o'clock this p. m., resulting in the probably fatal shooting of Pini. 1 Casteiio. H. M. Dake, said to be from Clinton, Iowa, committed suicide, at No. 135, North Dearborn street, early this a. m., by f-r rich nine. Vice President Colfax aud family ar rived in this city t3-day. Henry Asbury, who was with E 1 tnundson, the murderer of Hack, who was killed at Meridous, 111., a few days s?o and who is believed to be seriously im p!i?ated in the affair, was arrested in (uincy. 111., at at a late hour hist night, hdmundson is also believed to be in Quiney, and cScc-rs are searching for him. Financial Statement ul r York City Stolen Bond Tammnny Of fers a Million !)o!lnr II u-att Jloncj New York, July 26. Mayor Hall stated to-day. that 1 lie comptroller is now engaged in having the accounts of his department, including expenditures, published in detail. The accounts are intended to show that the bills which have called forth the censure of one of the morning papers were tip proved and audited by the old board of supervisors, which represented the Re publican and Uemocratic parties. J he I Mayor toys sll the accounts were in the I hin Is of the printer and would have been published in connection with his message if they were not too" long to be er.ibodii'd in it. The l md grant bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, with counens of July 1, 1S71, attache 1 number 301 j to b0 inclusive, $oLV each ; L'oJ to m inc-iuive, 500 each-, 301 to 430 ineln- sive, 2."0 each ; 4o to 500 inclusive, $250 each v.-re stolen from the United States Express Company, in St. Louis, July 25, lt71, and the publia are caution ed against negotiating for the same. The Brooklyn Union sa3-s we have the highest authority for saving thataprom lnrnt member of the Tammany Ring called upon the principal propiietorof the New York Times, a week or two since, and made the startling offer for a copyright cf the paper. He was told that there was not money enough in New York City to buy the Times. A day or two after, a Tammany Republican called on the same gentleman and offered one million dollars on the part of the Ring if the Times would keep silence concern ing the frauds it is now unearthing. . Serious Aeelleut. Sterling, I I., July 25. ' A serious accident occurred at Roek Falls, opposite here, this, forenoon, re tiiliing in the instant death of three children, two rons of Rev. Mr. A. Thorpe, a Congregational minister visit ing here, and a daughter of Mr. Airy, a resident of the place. The accident was caused by the cving in of a saDd bank, under whih the children vroro paying. Madrid. July 2-t. The n "v Spanish Miui-ter has resolved to put down t'.o insurrection in Cuba re gurdies of all sacrifice of life. An American Vessel ?eietl hjr n Diloion Crnixer. Quebec, July 28. The American schooner Samuel Gil bert, of Gloucester, has been seized on th north shore of tho St. Liwrance, tKr Paraquet island, by the Pominion cruiser La Oanadicune, for violation of the fiVhiry laws. - X London Time on llic .Vcw Tork Kiot. London. July 28. The Times to day, in an editorial upon th j New York riots, the full particulars of which reached hero by the American mails, says, in reference to the proces sion of the Orancremen, that Governor lIotTman incurred a terrible responsibili ty in permitting it to take place, r.n 1 promising it prosection. Tho State, says the Times, ought to interfere with parados, both of orangemen and Ribbon men. It should not encourage nism, and should bring all persons to recognize its rule, by dealing equally with the national feclinss aud prejudices of all. Ibe Oenvfi" anil Ilia (.'rnmlc Koutl. Denver, Col., July 2S. The first rails on the Denver ano Rio Grande railway were laid at 4:'j0 this af ternoon. The first spike was driven by Cel. Greenwood. Speeches wi re made by Gen. S.un R-owre, Gov. Win. A. Pile, of New Mexico, ;ind others. Three lillipntion locomotives fortius road arrived this evening, among them the famous Montezuma, and are the objects of great curiovty. Sufficient iron and other material, including freight roliini' stock, is on the ground It is expected that track-laying will cniiiiiieiK-e in earn est next Monday, and progress at the rate of five mile- per day until complet ed to Colorado City, sevent3'-five miles distant. Most of the tics are being bed ded. There is great enthusiasm here over the new feature in the history of railroads Washington, July 2S. The Commi-sioner of Internal Reve nue lias decided that officers of Territo rial Governments are not entitled to ex 'emptions from the income tax, as are the officers of State Governments, under the decision of the Supreme Court in the cae of Uufiington against Stay. The contract for freestone for the Gov eminent building at Omaha has been awarded to J. II. Mueller, of Cincinnati. All the members of the Cabinet are now here exeert Robeson, who is expect ed to morrow. Mestrncii v Fire. Kansas City, July 2;". A fire broke out early this forenoon, in Runy's shoe fu tory, on Main Mreet, between Fifth and Sixth streets, extend ing to and destroying Winson's tailor -hop-Wi-oerVToonr'Srrs. tVoorls' millinery store, J. M. Newhaye's grocery house, Ranney Lane's shoe store. Elliott & Price's drug store. The fire was stopped at the Madison llou-e. The lo-ses foot up, as far as ascertained. $70, 000; insurance, $38,000. The ro is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. New York, July 28. -The Times this nioming states that it has reason to believe that a larire number of the most influential citizens in the coTumuuity have agreed to call a public meet'ng. and to resist the payment of any Further taxtion until the jaesent rulers of the city have been forced to render an account of their tteward.ship. Over one thousand names, includimr those of many eminent merchants and bankers have already been subscribed. A Boston correspondent states that daring the progress ef the New York riots there were eight hundred Ribbon men in that city ready to join tle rioters in New York if called upon, or if the Hibernians had been successful in their attack on the Orangemen and military They had spies at the different newspa per offices, and at the telegraph office, to gather the latest information, and if the rioters had secured any degree of suc cess they would have gone forward and reinforced them at once. The mob was chiefly composed of the employees in the! of the leaders in the Boston draft riots. Kiiti Stroke. Sun stroke and stroke of L' shining, says Dr. Hall, as far as present lihi ex tends, cause death in the same manner The blood is expanded and g:i.-cs :tr liberated, which causes in tin; bruin species ot apoplexy ; this distention of the blood-vessels induces pressure on the brain, and consequently all loss of sen-e and feeling ; the muscles are paralyzed, all motion ceases, and tho functions of the body are all urre-ted. A ply cold cloths or ice bags to the head, and ri u-tard plaster to the neck, with something to act on the bowels as soon as possible. But something more speedy than this is an imperative neces sity in some ca-cs, or death will ensue in a few moments Skillful and eminent physicians in this country, upon actual experiment, founded upon a true philosophy-, have a-certained .that speedy re covery takes place within an hour if the patient is bled from both arms in the old fashioned way. From the large distend ed vein the blood may only flow hydrops at the first second or two, but as it flows freer the relief becomes almost miracu lous, and speedy and complete. How to iiirrt-l lfl a Wife. Wait until she is at her toilet prepar atory to going out. Slio will be sure to ask you if her bonnet is straight. Re mark that the iives of tune tenths of the women are passed in thinking whither their borinets, are straight, and wind up with the remark that you never knew but one who had common sense about her. Vi if'e w ill ask you who tbat was. You, with a sih, reply : "Ah ! never mind." Wife will ask you why veu did not marry her. 011 sav, abstractedly. "Ah! why, indeed!" The climax is r v.ih-'d by this time, and a regular row l sure to follow. The national debts of the duTerent countries cf the world amount to twenty two thousand millions of dollars. Of this sum forty-four hundred millions are due by France ; four thousand millions by Great Britain ; three thousand mil lions by the United States, including in dividual States, counties, aud towns ; sixteen hundred million by Austria; fifteen hundrvd m llions by Ruv-ia ; one thousand millions by Prussia and the German States; four hundred millions bj Holland ; twenty-one hundred millions by the other European State-; and four thousand millions by Asia, Africa, South America, and the oth.r countries of the world.. At on of the "labor conventions" held in Washington during the strike, a contractor made a -speech exhorting his hearers to "work in the intere-t of har mony and peace." Whereupon an able bodied striker sprang to his feet with the exclamation, "l'es, sah ! dat's what we waut ; hominy and peas! but who can get it wid a dollar an' a half a day?"' The woman that maketh a good pud ding in fcilence, is better than one that rl;etb a trt reply. liurlington nutl J1 ri Iti ver Ilail- Kun.l. The freights on this road, commonly cabed the 1. it M., i'or lie: jear ending April 3l'ih. 1871, amouuted to 3'J,7u tons, or three-fourths the touuage of all the vessels which, during the same pe riod, passed the v. orld famous Suez Ca nal. Some of the principal articles trans ported wete as follows: Wheat, corn, oats and other grams, 4,0(J,805 buohels; potatoes and other roots, ,70t," 5 lbs ; cattle. 4o,:75 head; sheep, ;f7,0oi); hogs, 107,727 ; lumber, oi.4S 1,000 feet ; shin gles, 50,073 M.; coal, 24,453 tons; gro ceries, fj,l2,411 ios.; hardware, house hold -stuif. and agricultural implements, each more than thirteen millions, etc. The gross inco ue of the road was $2, 37o.O,Ji0, of which !s.7-,, i4. 82 was from passengers, and $l,014,obS.?? from f. e gbt. The increase of income over the year previous amounted to over a million dollars, l$l,O0j,GO.Sl). The number of passengers transported was a quarter of a million (24'.,sdJ), a num ber exceeding those carried the year be fore by 7S,70o- These figures are a witness, not to be gainsaid, of progress in settlement, house building, ar.culture, comfort, and all pro-perity. The Nebraska extension of the I. & M. was not fairly in operation to Lin coln until the first of august, 1870. Its value for Nebraska as an aid to house building, as well as in furnishing fuel aud mercantile supplies is shown by its transporting within the next eleven months, .r.7o,000 feet of lumber, 154s tons of coal, l,G75,000 pounds cf mer chandise. It penetraies a country too new to have toek old enough to export, and so it shipped only 1 head of t-attl; and forty hogs. It however carried to mar ket over six miiiioii pounds of grain. The statistics are the bab3 figure of a giant muss henceforth to come at iargi for. before the close of this year the H. & M. in Nebraska will be four times as long a line as hist year ; it will have the inalienable patronage id' a region where five thou -ltd homesteaders and pre- emptors, cacti repre:-oniing a lamay have settled within .six mouths ; and i; will be linked at Fort Kearney -in vital union with tlu trans-contiuc ntal line. JU'iltu'jtOit Il'iirk-lJui' The N. Y. MLthodl&t gets in the fol lowing sensible defeti-e of Dr. Newman's letter among a wilderness of nonsense, in the same article : "Still a minister has his rights as a citizen. He is entitled to hi- ppd'ercwes in the choice of men to hold office, and may, as any other citizen give these prefert noes expression. We have never accepted thenotion that a minister .inut, bis Sunday services over, be put away in a band box, lest he should be soiled by ccntact with this wicked world. He is a man among me n. not a manikin. Above all, he is a citizen, he has renounced ! uuuc tX tli. pri v iliM-- f ci t isn hi p by:. entering - holy orders.- And though" lie uiay not leave his calling to engage in politics, he has a right . to express his1 opinions both by word and pen, and if he has friends who are candidates, to jiromote their election in all honorable ways." The British census-takers did not get through with their duties without, troub le There was 110 end to individual ec centricities. Fourteen persons sent their schedules direct to the Registrar-General to avoid the fctutiny of country neighbors. A wealthy srMnsioE. of ad vanced age, fastened r,' - 7rs and windows, forbidding wtiviy--Se enu merator, and saying that a fine of 20 would notinduee her to jsive him the re quired particulars. It is pleasant to add, however, that in answer to a soothing letter, she sent her schedule to tho Cen tral office. Another enumerator was in sulted and assaulted"; but, on the whole, the great task seems to have been ac complished in a very smooth and satis factory manner. Ther were 32 036 enumerator, and these had districts of less than two square miles in area, con taining 131 houses and 600 people on an average ; but the size and the number of the people in these districts varied great ly. A wide moor, with 64 people and a few scattered cottages, -was a district 1opulous enough for one jarif-vhile in xmdon one enumerator counted 3.5L 00 tbpr -s.faTnnrihiid 800. - . MdrJinvvbti A lady's hu-e.aiid being away from home, died whj!e ab-ent. One of the neighbors being-requested to inform her o her husband's"-"death found her at dinner, anl whcnjie informed her of the deaih she requested the neighbor to waic uiiti! sh" h id finished h r dinner, when he would hear some bawhug. "Old Ti otter" is an eee-. r.trie eeniu, who drives the first stage our of Fort Kearney v.e-tward. The following is re luted tf him: '"One day h- stopped a man on tho road who drove a nii -eraile team of sick and aged little mules, and with the ejaculation, "Look a here pil grim, 1 know a man who would give eiht hundred dollars if he could s c them mules.' 'Why.' exclaimed the man, startled by stub an unexpected prospect of luck, 'ycou don't say so. Wh iis he?' 'He's a blind man, said Trotter, 'gdang.' " Seine one wishing 1o bo witty on a gentleman with a large mouth, asked him "if be had a long lease of that miouth of his," when he w is good-hu-morediy answered.: "No, I have it only from year to year " A young couple, neither of whom play, received three pianos; among their wed ding presents. 'Ihey talk of setting up a conservatory of music. Central Park, in New York cirv, con- j tains acres, and .fH),0ii'.i, UJ li:i ! been txpended in laying out and embel lishing tb'e land since ls-"3. The muse um is gaihering a valuable collection of specimens of everc kind, and the zoo logical garden is full of beasts, fowls and li-di. There are 10 miles of carriage road and 28 miles of wulks. Last vear there were 1 0.OOO.t H hi. visitors. Then; J have been t.8.0 JO visiioTs n 1 lo,000 ve hiele at tho paik in one day. A i oard of eight Commissioners control it; a I lorce of f0 police in gray uniforms and white gloves preserve order. Military bands, pail by the city, play on the pi aza every Vfcdnes lay and Saturday af ternoous. The O naha, Tribune fc Republican evidently does not like Senator Harlan, as it has repeatedly, since Rev. Newman denounced as a canard the letter signed byhisnuae, urging tho re election of Senator Harlan on religious grounds re iterated the charge of writing such letter, while silent as to denial. Such a spirit of vindietiveiioss would be eminently characteristic in a Democratic journal but it is entirely out of place in the columns of a Republican paper. If it is right to "give the devil his due," why not to rend-r justice toltiv. Newmau. Uruicu vllle Advertiser. A San Francisco mineralogist is said to have discovered a method by which a substance harder than steel can be made by amalgamating iron and copper. The Lord" Chief Justice has very properly decided that a horse race is not a game of c hance. The whole thins is a mathematical certninty ; the horse that is able to lay his fott down the farthest apart in the shortest time wins the race, if his wind holds out and he isn't jock eyed. It is pure sciene?. I'KEStil I.Wllt iTItrj Ti M;. VKASKA The Burlington and Missouri Railroad, i which has already done to much to ad vertise the State of Nebraska and to furnish. generous facilities for those com ing hithcrward, has recently written the following letter to Mr. Train, making, as will Le seen, very liberal offer, and showing a disposition to aid him in the great work w hich he has undertaken, of bringing here a large number of French immigrants. Besides being of general interest, it contains valuable information which is worthy of the widest circulation : New Yosk, June 2', 1871. George Francis Train, J?sj.t 15o Al'tdl- son Avenue, 2sew York: Pea u Sir: In reply to your tele gram asking what inducements we can offer for colonizing twenty thousand French Communists, Wi.uld say : You being well acquainted with the character of the lands in the State of Nebraska, in which a majority of our lands lie, having traveled extensively through tdat coun tty. it is unnecessary for me to enlarge upon the natural advantages the country south of the Platte river offers to the immigrant, and particularly to the French immigrant, of w hose peculiar character istics, dispositions, and need, you, from your late intimate relations with that pcorde, understand so well, but simply offer for your consideration the following facts : First The Burlington and Missouri River Railroad being a portion of tho great Atlantic and Pacific; line, runs through Nebraska, and traverses one of the very finest parts of the State. The Company have receive i a grant of nearly two ons of acres of land along the line of their railway. The State of Ne bra.-ka is so rapidly fillimr up that the best locality for colonization parties to settle on the line of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad is now west of Lincoln, the capital of the State. There the climate is pur and healthy. The winters short, mild and dry, and the sprinsr, summer and autumn months are delightful, the country generally undu lating prairie land, drained by a splendid system of rivers and stream, and the soil is a rich, vegetable mould, capable of producing the heaviest crops of wheat and other cereals. Second Here the emigrant can buy lands from the railroad company, in any quantity from 40 acres upwards 011 ten years credit, at six per cent, interest, at prices ranging from $4 00 to $12 00 per acre no installment of the purchase money required until the third year. I Here the emigrant can settle upon unoc cupied Government lands, obtaining an eibty acre farm i'ree. Settlers coming in parries and wishinar to settle together, can here be provided with contiguous bodies of land, on the very liberal terms mentioned above.. ......... 3hrJw-Xb ei4rsvj-rftisfrrtauo from any part in France to a farm in Ne braska would be about bixty dollars. YV c can give the very lowest tare from New York to destination that can be given. Fourth On arrival of parties of fifty to one hundred heads of families a guide will be provided to see tho emigrants safely to their new home3 ; and parties coming thu together need be in no fear of the land sharks who iufest the sea ports, for they will be taken in charge by the Company's agent, who will see that no impositions are practiced. Fif.h The time from any city in France to Nebraska will l-c it bow, three weeks, and emigrants should be partieu lar about the luggage they bring with them. Let them bring only personal baggage. Furniture, farming utensils, ic. , can be bought at the end of their journey much cheaper than the sauiacan be transported. Sixth Arrangements should be made to the emigrant with bills of ex change. They should also be provided with an order drawn n me, for a ticket to, and sta ing their destination, vpnn tucir paying the rate of fare agreed up on, between Mr. iW;e, yourse'f and myself. Otherwise, without order drawn on oi'e, they would be compelled to pay the regular emigrant rate of fare from New York to their destination. Fur ther, in the case of a number comimr in rrtiri3-rtatKl bcttrre," f or the purpose j tf settling together, it worn be wed to inform me beforehand of the time of their intended departure from the coast of Fiance, and by w hat steamer they are to sail, that a guide may be in readiness to accompany them West. Luclosed herewith please find section al maps of Nebraska, also maps showing the lines of the 11. &, M. R. It. R. through Iowa and Nebraska, as also maps showing the lino of tho 10 id as ii p :i;on of the Great Atlantic &, Pacific through railway line. The sectional maps are complete, so far as they g., but do not show the unfinished portion of the road, which is to be completed to Fort Kearney this coming fall. Res pectfully yours, (Signed) ' W. D. Cowles, K. L. and P. Agen. Legal Notice. In t!ie District Court of the Srato of Xebrask, 11 and 1 jr Cass County; .T,.hn Uil'i Alfred Dill. Nettie Dill, Catherine Dill, and Willi in Dili, minor heir- of. and the 1 c.hidrcu of illinui Dill ilcci'iurd. and S;iiiU Dill widow of William Hill deceased, and Joan Muntort, administrator of the estate ol William Dill deceased, against (icorpe Jonniiifrs, Anna Miuri.i Jennings, William E f!i?!dii, Adelia .-holdon, hi" wile. Charlf K. Uayley and Jennie F. Da ley, his wile, John 11. Hmlvy, and Bayley hi wit'o K Iwar I Goodeu lunh.iin I lod li'Hiirh. hi.s wife. .J.nai'3 aweet. Julian Metculf and A. How en. . tioriiey.s in tiiet. and trustees ol the civk lPildrr-1 ol'the Farmers ,t ilerhiin f SNrt of .e:ra.-ka City, Ne lir-tska. andrhe Farmers J: Mi hani s more. ill, am llorriiran. J-Jvan ler tV. i;.r::ui:i Lepptt A Co., and lik-uard it. s-impsoii, receiver, uefend.iius. Notiie to non ri'f.deiits, deient-nts. To Edward loodenouj:h nnd wife. Ctiarle E. H:ii!i'j mid wile. Mc-srs. Lf :-'srct ,V Co.. nnn-rcsidi nts. tleft-ndaiits, you are ht ehy notified lhat the nbove named :ain tilis. did on l!le id d;iy of June fiie their iiuf tion in th above entitled artioii. in ihe !iu-ve f court, the oldeet an t prayer of whlrli i.j to for lo-e a niort(jape iven i'.v (leorte Jnnini and oa. i Maria Jenninirs to William Dill, an l on inod to laittitf John Dill, aud to obta n the payment ot certain note exec-u-l- it oy tJeoifre Jvnr.ings and Anna Maria Jen nings to William Dill, in March, lS)i, tor 8K. OoO, with inti rett thereon al twelve cent per annum from Mar-li olst SS, and poa default being ma le in the i.ayement of the money and interest due on said note, to have the s.iid molaarfe jriven ufon the 1st day of April. loS ly iSeorire Jennings and Anna Jll.o ia Jenninxs to William Dill, to sceuro meh note upon the north-cast uiarter il-4i section, number twenty oitftit (.Si and part of the w eft half t of the north-west quarter U-4' of section riumher twenty seven i, I in town number ten tlnj north of ranpe number thirteen vl3) east of tho lh PrineipHl Meridian. In ing in Cass county. Nebraska, foreclosed an l to have said lands sold to pay said sum of moviy and interest due ujvon such not-. You arc rcquirred to plad, answer or demur to sai l petition in sa' 1 court, on, x before tho 11th. day uf August. IsTl or said petition w.'l ho takeu as true and decree rendered accordingly STEVENSON i KAY WARD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ordered to le published four consecutive weeks in the Nebraska Herald. ISAAC POLLARD. Clerk. Ej J. 21. Eeasdslbv, Deputy Clerk. June, 20th. 1S71 wit. MIDWIFE, The undersigned has practiced Midwifery for eleven years under government auspices in Mre'len. from the authorities f which govern ment ehe hn? a diplo:-a ; has also practiced four years in Chicago, and now has located in the eiiy of Plat- mouth, where she tenders her pro -fessionai services. Can be found at her resi dence on Pearl Street, near Inth. rsy2riCm. MRS- L0THlJi:. in a CO H j -3 I I 5 CO H ! cj P3 1 J $3 H &J H ROBERTSON Vhclesale Dealers in WINSvS. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES- idoui22 A"5i5a wniri:a:Hfj, Bsst quality of Cigars nnd Tobacco always on hand All orJei-3 promptly attended to. ArK.STRJE.0.XOOB. YT -P1 HV-JlXTXTttSZTTTCZET FICE !( . J. D SIMPSON & COTT , Forwarding and Commission Merchauls A5"E DEALEMS TN QJZAJLZi. 1 Agents for the Omalia and St. Louis "O" Line Ptckcts. . . Plattsmouth, ?ieb. iv We aro now oceupyias the first fiocr of the are uui Forwarding and Commission Business, Ware House attached, we can furnish all the storate wtnted. , All goods gent in our care will receive 1 1 PROMPT -ATTENTION, and coo 's distinel fjr Lincoln, AsliianJ and tbo Blue River, will Ijo forwarded wilLont del.iy . CALL AND SEE US. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. L870. 1870 r. sniXASSK. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS!! Evorybody, and more too, are stcdnjr to J D. SGmSASSI- 8c CO, To buy te!r 37"jaX3.L3. "77"L.t:e Ci-C5Cc3.5 AT TITB N" 15 "W" YORK STOEE- The best and most complete . STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Are now on exhibition r.t lhe Xow York Store, at preatly reduced prices. We coll p-'.rticul-ir attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PIUKTS. DELAINS, (ilNCHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. HLEACIIED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA -S BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds nnd rciejs to suit our Humorous customers. large stock of GROCFRIK3, HARDWARE, QLEENSWARN. WOODEN. WARE, GUSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, . HATS AND CAPS. We Sell at Cn-t Now the Celebrated GAUDEN CITY CLIFPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKlNJ PLOWS, and ail kinds ff CUj1 ivators. reapers, sleoers, hay rakes. &.C riattsmoath September 10th. U'0. tf. D. SOIIX AS5R CO. wizzx mm st adeim Aram. OJC?E0:GFL uuth Hide flain Street - - Viiiiibcr O. PLATTSMOUTH, CaSS CO., ?IeB. 5 o 13 a. u. c n c CO O) Ci J CO -3 n CO o o ca a. c O CO a o .E co Ll ,.: co i rt Jc CO . Ll o I L & S I c r - " T o ca CO C3 o t" cn e c I" " c c rr ?r SP o 2 CJ T3 C D CO 2 - " c 3 S " 1) 5 J3 o CO ir-t n: c C7 I i2 o o s o o win CO HEnAtD Block, Corner llain & .5eco:ul 1870 f. 0. i.tKU.irr. E T. Dl'KE. D. II. V.1IT: LLR. II. T. DUKE & CO. i ..'A ivi h i-'VV -1 -.1 UfM h te) rj ?:! UA i- -;,7 .IT FOOT OF M.'ILY STREET' Vi"lioiei:.!e A; Retail l'e ilei i in Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, TIXWARE, R0FC, IRON, STEEL NAILS AND Blacksmith TooN. Ac. Keep on hand a Large Stock of cil wtj:r o. ik, BUCKS VATHXT, CHICAGO, EMPORIA, L O YA L C Y) Ok i And Other First-Class C'.kiiu STOVES. All kinds cf Heating toves. Co i! or Wood kej t on Irui 1. joh won k of all k i n ds i o n i M O L I N L Stirin and BreaUinir lluw At Net Cos; for Cash. Our price-: are in loir . uny lion . e in i i tate. ii:ui.';:l. L jia i&XiJ JL. .ri ri THE CHEAPEST. : : 7 ."i. ' r And ifjouwiil c; 11 u:i Wm F 23T333F, Y'ou can see llio hcmt Mil lut-t iu;jir,v.i 1 tiirui imp lenient-'. T'he cno and two wheel, and tho fpji.l ;.r. 1 I rear recycra uud mower;. h.e dropper and self rnkcr rcpci ud un. -.t- r. 'T'hoMor h hirv.-'UT re:,pfr tV -it tw in. 1 ccn cut on I bi:.u ten per-.- 1 it 'In.. : i cr.e man to urive, and ail ci' tin.j woikiiitf u::, shade. Oi.'.i rcfii.ei? ne the CLnipii ic.ip'.r i.J Uietrer combined. rJ,he Kussb!l reaper tr.d Ujj?.:i j j.bli i'. f V7e kc-f p tbe -.,-;-l.-;or liOM-er uul iz.-x .c combined. Vn 1 tLe Fsterly : insl f-c:ir, ?tlf r s; r- a per anU m iner r'.:c ue fc jr:e lighter t.'i. i any other reeper. tVehxre the well known S jriii,.,n i5ir i T with mounted power iini nved f . r 1:71. ' 7e ecp thi M:lbur . -.n cr. hl J. ft keep tno C hxr?o" fri i-urp, far d: : t wr.i j a:jd cjfKrn?. 1jo the Buckcre ;u'.ky rao n 1 tLe Ti'l.. revolTin bor e rUcr. UT G-odi an 1 n:a.h:ncry H'A ItS.'i 7 J J I D to civesiifactior. OfSc" on Main between 5th er,d fjh,, Side, three lioi-rs west of Crooks ii'nc. F. J. yiKliLl A-C. il?7f.oid cd Charier Vinl. Trr vtl.j.. Arcrt3. Juae3iwtr. I I DEALER ir JEWELS SILVER AXD PLATFD VARf GOLD PEXS 3PCTACX6. Vi 0LIN t-TH I : tis AN - ATCY ttOOLi.S. Seiche. Go?l:;anJ Jewelry rc-pairol ccatij ir.d with dirpatch. S5-Heir.oved to opros!t9 Tlatte Valley IIcu-i s Sr t. tiny. I'l w tf. LK i. GILLL'l i i; XeLratku City, jrncral Agent Dep't Tortbwen, Unicn Central Lifo IBT.JRAIrCI3 CO- Of Cincinnati Ohio, J. II. PRESSOR. ;aljld.T-tf Lc.'il Afci- !!1 i-i lA f '-! ':'l V--'- J f; .-, uk rfs; ; .'.j. .x-i-atM' (i; j f ;:J itZA 3 tip m ; r. e f j X 4 J I V,