THE NEBRASKA HERALD PLATTSf.lOUTH HERA!:? t IS PtiKLlSl.F.D HT II. D. II A T II A 7 A Y , - j . t k - . fditor ai rnofr.;.T'jii. II- 1) HATHAWAY "4 i O . Office corner Main and Second streets, sec oai ttory. TERMS: YeVy. 2 00 per nnuuia If paid in ad ram-e. . f2.r" if not r-dd is vlrance. BOffico corner MUa Hud ?i-.'0i:il street: if lid gtiv.-y- ItHMS: laUyt'JiT !.r inoiiu. or per n;.M)i.i . VOL. 7. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 7, NO. 17 OKIUIN 1' TI3E WOKLD. The foljpwing. novel and amusing eos laoz ony was hande I us by Professor True, who picked it up in one of the lia'.l. of the WeJoyan University. It is without nam:; date or circumstance to identify its authorship, and is evidently ihe rough diaft or original of the pi cm, h.s eomo of the verses seem to be unfin ished. Query: Who was the author, and for what occasion was it written ? This world is erobahly a odd asany in creation. And ol the w.iy in which 'twas luado I'll give n explanation : 'T wi' diUu-nlt to work at first, for it was dark it" nicht, TJut fu;n!!ini? round tho workmen fouad a match and struck a liKl't. Tli't world w:m then a chunk i.f inn 1, as an k- vra rd if a bis u it. Whin t:m o.irpcnters Et out th'.ir too!.-" and i'i u:k Hi ti. it. One of ilii'tu kn. c'fc l tlio corners off and -in n.tii:d liiriu i..h hi.- ktiilo. Viii "t'li -if puttiu I up the holes, as natural a. II'! When t'.ii.- w.i.-i d'Hif, another Darthuloiucw and Ii;HiT l;.ircH nut n iiiori.Pous hole tl; throagh with 1 ;n id'ii tin ci- l.iot nu,:rr : Then i'im-v oli'aiiic I a cedar pule and hackc' it full of not lie-i. And hi i.v it through the infant world and nun it in tin; crotch as. Tlu n M-'-ci" oiled the gudgeons up, and l uttinx n the lia'i lie, lie turned it iike. a pcprer-iuill, whilo Thomas held can He It lur-di- a little fu?s at fir.-t, and Rave a groan inz wince, tttuMn d away Fomo days or more, till it was tiard and dry. And thru t In- carpenter went up and tinkered on the ky. They filied tiio roof with pinilet liidcs to save frmii Ijiriiin' "1. r.d i i ion i- b it a nw.illow bole through hicli tli1 iKeons crawl. Then I) iv id hit up jn a plan to move the world I y r-f--.l III. l'or n.ii tii'-y'd K'.t a water wheel, they i-..ulitiT tin 1 a streani. .So t'.i y bouuht an engine then, which weit;heu :il'.at a i li iii.-.iii-l tun. An 1 i!i- h'.li- t! i y cut through fur tnc l ipe i. w h:it we ill tlic w'-ni. 'J hen in doun tliey took tlieir spades and -co ' cl tin- l:ikr and b.iys. Tin y luiilt a r .in-t iij in lh Ay. on the plan of ' K"o, it l-.irri 11. etc. '1 hey pulled the plug a:id let it run a day or two or more. Till c cry !i.iy .m l lake waa full up level to the .-Il'TU. They in ad.? the little ii-hc.- then, ?o .-hppery and Which .loiiiifi thought l.o e,.ul 1 gulp down, but one ot tin hi i?ulped him '. Tln-y ni.clc the Ijiiie-t-yed codti.-h, and the pick- crc!- and piket. T!ie 1 1. 1 1 head, -.villi hU u'y horn?, which prick h!;e inn pikc. Thtn rin v nia,i.j the animal.-? that live upon the bind. From the h little chipmuck to them that iiit'Jcr.-lau'i. Then I hey lnndo the pretty bird, some with I'e.ithery winter: , , , Fn TT the Ii which croaks and jabber, to the n.j. Imiw.ile luat sini-'-i . That invl' tlie.f to ea tne !u;.ir, und boes to eat 'he Hi..-, , And in. in t- c i .eh the bivalves and make them ml'i p; .-i. They thounht thi.t all ai Cni.-hed then, and aoin? round to see They l inn 1 'hat woman wasn't made, according to decree. . .- Adam ilrjnk a pail of milk which made aim r;it!icr iloy. And thca they came a little same both eun- I'iiiKly in 1 cozy ; A 1 u' "lo-r to.-!; a carvir.K-knile, and opening 1. 1-1 iaeliri . Took out a ri'-j la half a jiffy, not making any i t - T!ien t!i-y .-' t iln ir wlt to work to eve what tll.'V -Illi!:l iit.ik And r'oorily h .d an ovi-n ut and put it on to lli.'v .il,k ir out end throneh the no;e they i. ..-.. I,r. ,1 f V. l.viio. l.r.o.l . And VNheii A lain waked an I founJ a wife, he wn lickicd hail to ileatb. Thu woman beioc ma-ie at lir-t from out o! - l...,.. I.f lo.cked. I in i mi 1 til '.lit; rua?u;i whyhcr notions are so r. .-.t vii i'vu ha I a short account how this ... . -.. i i I w i-- noiiie of elav. And i h it has h-en a-doini since I'll tell some tu.n r d jy ! 'IIe Sulifrrte. An undcr.-tnn ling scms to have been rfT.-ctod io the NeNra -k i ( 'ou-titutionul t''Hioi;toi.i. that the question of woman Msflrn-."; .h:i!l l-i submitted to a vote iu which the women of the State will be iu viici I to take a nart. If the proposed -lian-e. i deemed worlhv of considera ti'.n atah: if it is suii o.-jd to be desired bv -.nv but a few persons cf disordered uiiioi and d;-eased fancies, a better way would be to refer the matter primarily to the women alone. Then it might be known, before proceeding further with iii- usMori or action, whet her or no a ma i irilv or even a re-:ectab!c minority of the sex are actually willing to assume the ibiiies and responsibilities of political life. If this i.s not dune, and the Con vention rcMtlves to have a vote of both sexes upon the endowment of women with the li.'ht of suiTrajie, it ou.zht at least to be sti i ulated that if a unj irity f the women vote against the proposi tion, even though the preponderance ol tlm whide vote is the other way, then tli article should be counted as rejected. It is certain that many highly cultivated r.nd womanly women utteiiv despise and c-jntemn this suffrage agitation. To say that they will not be com i idled to vote, lines not meet the case. Thev are sati-lied with the p.escnt ar rangement of political power, but they nnf.t n-l re aeqauy saiisiicu wuu uue which would introduce into the electoral . . i . : i:. i .i . bodv the particular class of women now demanding the sufTrae, and perhaps eive to that class power to control legis lation a fleeting the entire sex. To yield tho rizht of voting at the demand of a majority of the women of the State, would tie a cracciui u not a wise conces- si-.n. Foreins the ri Jit upon the whole sex. to uratiry" a few hundreds of aUor n i.i . .i i i. c, HiaiiV Cl i;uill.I.U ivuia.V..-, Ub om- T.i.l'v ..niust to nil the rest. 1 .: ..- ,i- -.i u an lnteiiert prolound arid mciMve. J he The leregomg growl, ending with a publi0 may look for an address argu graet fal if not wise concession" is from meutative and telling. Gen. Estabrook the Chicago Hepiihlican of the lUth.- We resreetfuily ak the attention of the many able gentlemen in our State Con vention to distinctly remember that thousands of voters In Nebraska are op posed to woman suffrage being "forced" on wman : and we ask them if it would be a wise proceeding on their part to load down so valuable an instrument as mothers of the State, oar new orrnnic law, with this propo- . Tliis contest will be fought and deci T 4l , . I,... ded next week. 1 nesdav will, we think, -itson If it must be submitted, let the ne tbe U0S;nninJ5 0'f the' battle women alone decide whether they want Kvery evening" of the week may be de the ballot or not. If the present male voted to its continuance. voters are to have a vote on this ques tion as part of the Constitution, the in diealions now are that the entire instru merit will be voted down and then what? If misfortune comes into your house, be patient and smile pleasantly, and it willMalk out again, for it can't bear cheerful company. We have tested this philosophy with mosquito., and proved it an utter failure. !hm Whitewater, a half breed Otoe is believed to be the murderer of the two white men Pasco and Walters shooting them with a phdol in drunken deviltry. He was' arrested, but has made hi3 escape again. A Virginia paper is puzzled to know hether whisky should be spelled with .in e. Spelled any way it is a bad spell for most people, and it would not be bad to drop ail the letters and so get rid of f tie word, m hope the thing itself would ft .IW,or Dr. Miiler, of the Oyiaha Ileru'iL, having been nominatefl by fomc of the newspapers as a candidate for Governor of Nebraska, declines the hutior with all the peremptory emphasis of an old sol dier, like iSheruian or any other man. iS'f. Jjoult -Tiiiics. Wonder if Gen. Sherman dses not feel flattered by the above comparison of soldierly qualities ? Some people think there is a difference between leading an army through the heart of the encuiy'h country "down to the soa," and eliing sole-leather pies in the rear of an army in a t-afo locality. Light Ahead. There's a bricht day a coming for the Democracy. The people are making up the fcne of the wrou;" they have en dured and are stiil suiFering. A we 1 concerted and determined efT.trt will hurl from power the corrupt and debauched gang of plunderer.-", who now lord it over the paople and riot upon their ill-gotten gains the result of their infamous be-tra3-alof the trust imposed in them. Jir;t Democrats look well to passing events ht no dissensions divide thtir ranks or lessen their strength let them shun dixcord and unite in soh'd jdmhiiix ujwti tho great questions of th hmir. Victory is coming! liroicnriUe Demo crat. Wc copy the above as a fair specimen of the tone of nearly every Democratic paper injthe country. Perhaps Repub licans may be able to draw a few whole tome conclusions therefrom, especially in such counties as Xeinaha and Cass. COAL WISCOIKKV AT MIMOKI). Vein Penrl rntetl Fonr linlf foot. nml One SniM! t be Twelve Feet Tliiclc. Tomitl at n Depth of 17 Feet front the Surface. Wo learn from the lilue Valley Rec ord that a valuable vein of coal ha been truck at Milford, on the farm of Mr. .Joseph iStockham. Experienced mi ners have lor a time insisted that coal could be found in the valley of the Blue. 1 1. 1 recently however, no otie had faith MiihVieut to endure an outlay of capital. ;ome throe months ago Messrs. Stouk- hani & Sehlescruien concluded to test the thinii, ar:d commenced linking a thaf't. That i heir enterprise arid industry has been well awarded, the billowing extract from a le'.ter written Ly Mr. S. to the liecnrd Will show : 'We struck the bed of solid coal at a depth of furty-sevcn sect from the sur taee. At a depth ot twenty seven leet wc sdru.k a tr.tum of lime rock, thio which we bored seven lei t : we tin n came to a hard, gray, sand rock, eight feet in thickness; below tins we struck a thin vein of coal, two or three incites in thickne.-s ; and below this we found the slate rock, so universally overlying coal beds. We next .-truck the conl. in to which wc bored four feet and a half." Mr. Stoekham thinks he has a vein at lea-it twelve feet, an I perhaps Lfttcu feet, in thkkness. C'oal tuen will at once the fact of the lime-tone overlying the coal, and thus rendering it easy to work, and at a very small expea.-e. This i.s glorious news, and there n.ed be no further cou- r laint about l: c ct tuel. .Let an ex amination be made in Lancaster county and we tuav find an equally valuable mine in close proximity to the city. We believe it is here, and that a slight out lay will bring it to light. Men of capital take notice and govern your.-eivc3 ac cordingly. Journal. The Suirrnse Contest. Froia the S'tatesinnn. In the Constitutional Convention on Wednesday a motion to strike the word 'male lrom tho constitution received t .vcl.e votes. The more prominent gen tlemen voting therefor, were (Jen. Man derson and Gen. Lstabrook. lhese members may bo regarded as uncondi tional friends of the issue. The ques tion was again sprung incidentally on the second section ot the report of the com mittee on rights of suffrage. This sec tion empowered the Legislature to ex tend the rights ol suffrage to persons other than those named in the article. On this section Judge Mason made a short but powerful speech against wo man suffrage. If any woman in Nebsas- ka doubts Judge Mason's loyalty to her true interests she may as well throw aside those doubts, lie i.s pre-eminetly ''er f11 ani ,J-,.',ien.t-?. th" e" franchieinent. The little tilt between him and Gen. Manderson on this occa sion foreshadowed a coming forum con test that will long be rcaiernbered by Nebraskans. Gen. Manderson has announced him self as the champion of the cause. It mufrt l accepted a3 an announcement ot no "ua v 91Port?Ie.- l.c je,n tthor; ouclily believes in his subject, heart ana I . , - .r . , . 1 ..Uc 3 a" effective speaker with is expected to make the. speech of his life in developing the merits of the cause. The opposition will have as its leader the chief justice ot the Judicial Iicucn of Nebraska. In his opposition ho is deeply in earnest. He touches the heart and produces an electrical effect, lie carries his aud. tors bv storm. What then do V5u suppose will be the result? (jn entirely satisfactory to the christian We often live under a cloud, and it is well for us that we should do. Uninter rupted sunshine would parch our hearts: we want shade and rain to cool and re fresh them. Wax candles instead of gas are used to light the most fashionable and exclu fiv houses on wedding occasions, recep tions, etc. The complexion and pearls look best in such a light. A Norwich man is very angry with his wife. He bought an India-rubber air bed. She didu't believe it was healthy to sleep on a mattress that was not ventilated and so, during his ab sence, punched about fifty holes in it. That husband has lost his faith in wo man's ingenuity. Col. John Hay, ("Jim Bludso") read an original poem at the reunion of the society cf the army of the James in New lork, and a song written for the occasion by "Docsticks" (Mortimer L. - 1 horn pson) was one 01 the features of the banquet, rlOitorial f.tity. The duty of an editor i.s numerous. lie has to use pen, scissors and brains, however small, correct bad proofs, revise worse manuscript, write puffs for nause ous medicines wh ch he has never tasted, attend theatres, concerts, balls, races, exhibitions in all of which he is ex pected to bo deeply interested give de scriptions of riots and marriage, review new books and answer all questiuiis pro j posed to him by correspondents ; lie i.s expected to u.-o all tli!? lotions sent to him, swallow ail the trough drops, c unh and pills, to bear'testimony of their val ue ; to hear all the news, and ct'inuient upon it, be ever ready to do anybody a service who asks for it, free of charge, to drink with every agent, mountebank and sporting man who wants a word in the paper, to call on all distinguished strangers, arid .-how thorn the lions, to read over a thousand exchanges, desti tute of entertaining news, and .-till se lect entertaining items from them, to announce the arrival and departure of old friends and biographical sketches of all dignitaries, and puif all the be.-t ho tels. Who wouldn't be an editor? i:.c. linn Newspaper Otiice llnrnel. The Girard lcss is.-ues a -mall circu lar, under date of July loth, announc ing the total destruction of the 1' e.i.i office. The Gre is anuour.ced to have been the work of an incendiary. We extract the following particulars of the disaster from the circular alluded to : The flames were discovered by Capt. Lender and Dr. Turner, who were awake at an early hour in tbe morning attend ing upon Mrs. Lender, who was sick. The building was tired from the outside, in two places, and when first discovered the flames had reached the rcof, having gone up the siding almost like a flash of lightning. Before they could give the Mlarm the flames had swept into the chamber, under the roof, and aroused a brother of Mrs. Was.-er's, burning hi f;:ce and crisping his hair. Mr. Wasser, his brother, and Mr. Morley, occupied the upper rooms over the office. Mr. Wusser's brother, aroused by the devouring flames, jumped from his bed and cried "fire," which aroused the oth er sleepers. Our junior, Mr. Wasser, rushed downstairs, and attempted to ex tinguish the flames, but was soon com pelled to go for help to the rfiunmit House, but before th people had con gregated, and even before the printer readied the outside, the incendiaries had left, hooting and shouting, and firing off their revolvers. No attention was given to the pursuit, as all hands were engaged in trying to save at least some portion of the ma terial. The desk, account and subscrip tion books, the little job press, aud a very smali portion of the type, was saved, which enables us to make our appear ance before the public in this diminutive shape, an ciirne.-t of the life that is with in us and the determination that can never die. Scveial men were seen riding away, towards Lightning Creek, and quite a number ot shots were fired by them as they left. Tl.ey were followed at day light, ami a wuhij, in addition to -i Lor and null.-, wen; tracked, having taken a circuitous route, cros-iatr ar-1 re-crossing Lightning Creek several tinies. The horses and mule were found dripping and sweating, but nobody with theni At thi- wVitng Deputy Sheriff Darby and pos-c are in pursuit, an I we confi dently anticipate the capture of the . ii l,-... criminals. j lar.ce reward -uo'i;;i no oi- ftred by the Sluriff of the county for their cat'turi No ml.i r pains, no money, should be spared to br ng to ju lice tho-e men w.tu liiti.der in ther In arts The merest aw-Heru stve l the iif : of Mr Was-er and Ir )ther, and Mr. Morley. 'lie fore this we could never be lieve we had ni'-n in our community i-o depruved. The 1'ress editors believe that their ofliee was destroyed in consequence of the po-itioii taki-n by the Vo in con nection with the Neutial Lands, and pre sent many tacts tnat justify such a cm elusion. It was small bu.-ine.-s as we 11 as criminal and, with th 1 nsx. we trust the rascally incendiaries will be biought to speedy justice. To show that fire failed to con-ume the spirit of the J'e.t editors, wc have but to make a sinele extract f rom their cir cular. It read as follows : We do not feel mr pecuniary loss so keenly as we feel the di-astrous conse quences upon our community, although our junior has staked every cent of his years ot hard labor and unceasing toil m the success of the J V.s. He is to day almost penniless, but with'a firm hand and determined purpose, will not cease to battle for the truth. Ue will leave for Cincinnati next week to purchase a new press arid new material. We a.-k the indulgence of our sub scribcrs and advertising patrons for one or two weeks, when the IeM will again be before the public, enlarged and im proved How Slururc reeley I.ivev. Nkw Yohk "TitimwE " 7 New York, May 31, 171. ) Dear Sik: I know nothing in my hab its that deserve public attention. I wa: formerly called a '"Grahamite :" that i 1 rarely ate meat : and it is still my con viction that meat should be eaten very sparingly. I eat, however, like other folks, not having tune to make myself disagreeable to everybody by in-i.-ting on special food wherever I go. s nee I travel much atid eat in many places in the course ot a year I ceased to drink distilled liquors Jan uarv I, 124, when I was not quite 13 I , W 111 I . years oiu. l occasionally a rank Peer four or five years thereafter, when I abandoned that al-o. I cannot remem ber that I ever more than tasted wine. 1 stopped drinking coffee about l.34. because it made my hand tremble. I am opposed to nerves. 1 did not drink tea Lr a quarter of a cenrurv, endim: in lstil. when I had brain fever and wa- very id. Mv doctor insisted that 1 should drink either claret or tea, and I chose the tea, which (black) I have generally u-td since, though uot uniloimiy. .My ravcrite exercise is trimming n trees in a lorcst with an ax. cutting out underbrush. Ac , Arc I wish I eould take more of it, but my farm is distant and my Aim ly sca't.-red I sometimes i - i . . i i - . - nit weigni- at me jjiiung uie. I have i only lifted '2t)o pounds since I became sixty years old, rm. 3 i last. Yours. IIultACE Gltl F.LFT. J. A. BEEcnr.u lv-g . Trenton, N. J. Chicago is in ecstatic. On Saturday last it took a new departure or rather, its two-fold river, the foulest perhaps on the continent, did. Instead of seeking ; the ocean bv the way in which it .-h.mld go, and in which it has been tr; ined u:. ; frum its vouth. it departed eontn.rv ro - ! all frcriptur prophcy, and now seek I the Gulf of Mexico, being carried ihitu J cr by the Mississippi. fioluble Ola fj- 1 lumn. Instead of the old fashioned method of using wax for polishing floors, soluble glass i.s now employed to a great advan tage, l'or this purpose the floor is first well cleaned, and then the cracks tilled up with a eminent of water-;Ls,s and powdered chalk or gypsum ; afterward a water-glass of sixty to sixty-five degree-, of the thickness of ryrup, is applied by means of a stiff brush. Any desired c -lor is to be imparted to the floor iu a se cond coat of the water-glass and addi tional coat are to be given until the re quisite puii.-h i obtained. A still higher fi iii h may be given my pumicating off the j i-t 1 aver, and then putting on a coating of oil. Kitten by ii Knllle. Snake. Mr. V. G. Dorsey, living a few miles from town, was bitten I y a ratile-nake on the morning of rhe Fourth. He was binding wheat at the time, and as soon is he hoi k a I lie- h. was I itieri he jumped mi a horse and rode to town, four miles, to procur th ncc. -sary remedies. Ins. fciewait and Gere, weie called in, and de.-piio their cxtrauiditiary effort.- it seemed as thoutrh tin; young m in would die, so thoroughly had the p-oi-on penetrated hi- sytc.i.. .Aii day helavclina stupor, takir: occasion:'! sps.-.m, and requiring rlnve nod four men to hold him Wednesday i:iorn;i;o he appeared much belter and improved throughout the day. Thursday he wa able to be takcu to his home, and i now as well as ever. This makes the thud time Mr. Dor.-ey has nccn bitten bj a rattlesnake.- J'twiue TiUninC. l'reNervitf ion of lee. The preservation of ice at thi soo-on, both as a matter of convenience and ecoiioiii3, a consideration of special im portance, and it is satisfactorily proved that no refrigerator or ice box will pre yent, or even retard the melting of the ice, which does not combine the follow ing condition: First, ir mu-t have double sides, bottom aud lid, with the space between the two casing.- filled with some nonconducting subctunee capable of being closely packed, in order to prevent the action of the external temperature Second, the inner lid, or cover, t-houl I be practically, if not hermetically air tight, in furtherance of the small re.-u t. If external air enters if will bring if-own temperature witli it. There should al-o be a drainage pipe, to carry off in.-tanta tp'ou.-Iy every drop of water formed by the melting of the ice, and this pipe should either be fitted with a "trap," or curved in such a manner as to prevent air from coming in where the water goes out. evfr Iorsjike n Friend. When enemies g.itli r around, when the world is daik and cheerless, is the time to try true friendship. They who turn from the scene of distress -betray rheir hypocrisy and prove that oi;!y in terest moves tliem. If ycu have a friend who loves you, who has studied your happiness, be sure to sustain him in a lversily. Let him feel that his for mer kindness i.s appreciate-!, and that hi. love was not thrown away. lle;d fidelity lJT ho tart., but it r.aiet.-i - in the heart. 1 hey only deny i;s worth md power who never loved a friend or a bored to make a friend happy. How to like liooil Under. A few hints gathered from experience, iav benefit persons who encounter difil- cuities which accompany the manage ment of milk for churning in the waim season. Heed not pcr.-ons who coun.-ci you to a id saltpetre, alum and other tilings. 11 possible it fhouid he put on the table lice from ad admixture, ex cepting t!ie required seasoning ot .-ait. Bat where the ouautitv ot cream is so suia.l that it can not be churned daily the skimmings mu.-t be collected until a sulfieient aiusuut warrants the whuruing. The question then aiises how shall we keep the cream sweet, perhaps, a week or mo.e, who the uiercuiy above 'JO de grees ? hen setting a Ire.-h stone jar for the cream, put a large haiidiui ol taloe saic in it, an 1 then skim the cream mi I put it into the jar, which must stand in a cool place in a good cellar, weii venti lated- it should he ftinred evi ry day. dote salt may be a 1 led if iKCc-saiy. lire salt wi.l keep Lutter ftomOt con ing strong. Sometimes a piece of cha -coal may be added, well wa.-hed in coid water; and when ready to put in the next skimming, remove the clianoal carefully, and put it on a plate, and wh-n through with that operation, return toe charcoal . gain. Win-n the cream i- rcady to churn, put the chatc -etl in t:s. lire, and next time stmt with a tr. -h piece. Af er the butter has com :, pn: in some .-alt, and, if the well be an ope:, one, let the butter down in the evening, and in tbe morning take it toil and wo: k it whiirt hard. Butter made in thi manner will be as delicious and sweet, a cream, and the buttermilk will make a nice pot cheese. Josh l:UIi:s oil Mrn wherries. The strawberry iz one nv natur's -weet pets, She makes them woith fifty cent, the first she make-, an 1 nev. r allow? them lo be sold at a mean price. The color uv the strawberry iz like thi? settin uv the sun under a thin cloud, with a delicate splash of rain in it ; its fragrance is like the breath uv a baby when it firs' begins to cat wintergrecn lozzenger; its fragrance iz like the nec tar which an old-fa.-hioned go.Jde.-s u-ed to leave in the bottom uv th, tumUer when Jupiter stood treat on Mount Id i There iz tuany breeds uv this delight-, ful vegetable, but not a- mean one iu t lie hull lot. I think i hav stele them, laying around looa, without any pedigree, in some body's tall grass, when i wa a lazy school-boy that eat drcdi'ul ea-y, without any white sugar on them, and even a bug occasionally mixed with them iu the hur ry uv the moment. Cherrys iz go 1, but they are too much like sucking a marb!e with a ban lie tow it. Peuehe iz good, if u don't get enny of the pin feathers into ynre lips. Watermelons will sute eunybody who iz satisfied with half-swectcued drink ; but the man who can eat strawberry besprinkled with crushed sugar and be-pattcied with kreani (at somebody else's cxpen-e) and not lay his h ind on his stnmmak and thank the author of strawberries and siuuimas, atiu ine put-now vnio pays lor ; the strawberries is a man with a worn ! out conscience a man who-e mouth! 1. . 1 .1. 1. (1... I..- .. .l. t isres like a hole in the ground aud don car.? wnat goe down. An Indeinapolis merchant has been in f u-incss thirty-two years and never advertised. He runs a peanut ware-hou-e on a curbstone table. C:oud is tbi iiame fiyen to a bit of fii e wor-ted inreri'i"d to encircle young j m 'id n-' m-ck-on cool evening. "'Their j eyes and no-e can only be sctu peeping ! ftom beneath the elJiid' Newspaper l'oint; The New York Jl.ndd is va'ued at $5.t00,UO'.), and is o vm-d by Couimo dore Jauifn Gordon Henriett, Jr., hav in b. cn presented to him by li's father. The Evening 7W was va!?:od by John J. Ci.-co and two other refer es, some months ao. at 1.22),0t0. Th-' New York jV; at '200, .)); '.;.) has ben off.-rtd for it and r -Iu-' d. The New Yo:k Ho, 7,7 js valued :.t $l.L'i,ir i. M .r-eapi'V, La been s. u.l; to m.ike ir ili i:i an o'her n"w-i - i ev r s'ai ti ! in thi- or any oilier country. The T'iinine. i valued at 2.Kki. no;), a-t 1 fin! 1 no. be pusvh .sed fLr that a KHir.t I he Eiriiimt Moil is valu"d a- $l.n, 0 . Cyrus W. Fieti lately purchased O th H h'terv. t in it f - ) O'jo. The K 'i' !,' 4 r-'i-tjram i- vtlned at 2 id i !.. 5d !. 1 l.r Mi I. .-I'l-i - Neo Y V.I 1 - ti a ioet at - .71 '." I lie :.i iv at ''s;si!;u. ii). Mil Caii.V c:' Sim i.!.- i:;,;n, W-1 d.ii ii -".v-diie Now j 1 1 W illi'.- !: pi 'ii: t not for saK The !..a:tsm . . k: A (.irs arc vinUe-: '!i iii:iii cf tb.f A '-. an ! ile do er 'hail any toiiyr '! ''. ;:i the ( ,ty. oik S'ar. Mr. Je-eph r. i- valued :-.t f.V.ll.) OilO ia:i.-'n nit!l II: 1 M.l I 1 at over ' .. K and i- read by a i;i!i ev r ;rn Ot'il' i - : ; -. it!" Mil! f.r s Jc. Board of :s,-' i ' on Immi:. Spi.eiai oc What i- now styled a " beautiful bl.mde' says -onie fellow, en v went Vy tbe name of "tow head." A Kan a rm:n is in jail ibr I ti nig a neLbim u tile foi'.-.w him. An ill h i f r : ! la 'i'ig tip ei ;-! :v ; of 1 in 1 we'th about mi- iiiui !: d :;.-. A coqu -ite i a :-. from -.vldcii ev.-r;.' In' c- pluck ale if ife thorns arc lit for her future hu-.bnnd. Fnergy will do nn thing that can be dene in this world, and no talent, no circum-taiices. no opportunities will make h two-legged animal a man without it. Got lie. Critic ar.- trie sentinel- placed about the grand army of letters to challenge all comers, but they often fire at random or wn-te their charge in tho air "'Them's our sentiments." Have the meetings fomc time when they won't be so dry at a time when we can do some thing say, in watermelon time. Leav nnrvrtli liidietin. At a Vi c-, nt Kugli.-h wedding thebri'ic's pet terrier got into the church, and upon the tidmini-tranon of the post ceremonial ki.-s went 1'ir the bridegroom in a re markably deinon-trative manner. An O.egon pn per protests that in ,. .. .iii.i speaking ot the cantata ot, u didn't n alb me in to say that liatnan ' was a boll txccllent man; it wrote him down only a bold, exultant man. tmd it apologias to H iman, his heirs and assigns, for the sad misprint A Chio.'.go man, taking a siesta on the gra-s. v,;t bitten by a snake. Happen ing to have the remec'y with him he swallowed about a quart of it, and re covered fioiii the snakebite, but died a few days alter aids ol delirium tremens. An lowan has produced an invention whi. h. tin" local paper says, will effect a perl'e'-t revolution in the sawing ef wood. A circular -aw, probably. A young doctor, on being asked to eontrib'.i'e toward inclosing and orna rn,n'iiir the village cemetery, very eooiy remarked that if he filled it lie thought ii.; .-hou'd d i his part. A whole famPy wa- poisioncd a few diy-aeo, i:e;u Carhoto.bde. Illinois, re sulting in tne death of four members of the uihi-'y The coffee pet, from which i hey had b a n drinking, was found to emain a worm commonly knowti as the tliCU alll legged worm A vV-ishiruton paper having stated that a shot t-'naii I reporter in that city can wiiv with both .hands at lite same time, !'.. let": t iking note-ami the right 1 1 an - i Oii:iL'. tlie imv Winn come to ilie re-eiie wiih thi bi-e -r story : "There i- an old tvpie ter. now re-tin- ! fi oiu -ii i'iv" hie. who u-ed to take uore- wi'h h:- l'-'fr b.iiid vt'ole wriiine a eh ek wl b hi.- ri-ht. lie i.- now wre-t-!in' wit'i hi- noi-!i in ;i gre;, -riut" in c-ine . in binis! ;,' and ! a hut i.v Tii ii-tiii :U-t k not .-I--C an - wit' he ! in I .1.: i -, arm 12 "D i o . . I rutitiioir cO:,-e e! Iitll- lit J l - i Ity l -1 - which woilid e:i-ee distillery is the oni tioii in the State. - ' - f - 1 or.o now 1 ii or Here i a capita! point. Weil taken, J'.'i-m a recent i-' ue of a "ra lieal paper,"' a- ihe Bouilion put it : Mii- achit Ctt- bis vev. toy thoU-all 1 Urpiieliciti liiaj irby. There, every light i- guarantee-!. New York, with soven'y ' h -ai.d lviiioe'!i'ic :naj nity, ro -s and mill lei -tho-e ob i exrui-e one of the common est ri -.ft- of citizen bip But the people of M i-s;i'-huse ts can iea I and wi ire. The seventy thousand of New York are stolidly ignorant. That- makes the difference, and the dif ference does the business for the metrop olis. We read that a plant called andromeda leschenaultil, growing in the Ncilgherry hill-, iu India, has been found to yi dd c irbolie acid. Mr. Broughton, the gov ernment medical . officer for the di-trict. reports that it is far superior in purity to the ordinary product, of coal tar, be ing les de'.iiiipue-cciit. snd free from any admixture of noxious concomitants. A it cost is far above that of the mineral product, and a the latter can be chemi cally purified, 'he dr-coverv ha- no eco nomical or commercial valve ; but it is interesting as a botanical aud chemical fict. In one of Ins law ea'es, G n. Butler said m his usual way, when the case was caile.1, "let not lex be given " In what paper ? asked the venerable clerk. "In the Lowell Advertiser," sai 1 But ler, selecting a local paper detested by 1 frli.i inifli' t r 1- w. I. 1. ..1.A..I- ... I (., j"1- r"w " "'o; mm iuu judges belonged Th re was a iau-e. "The Ixtwell Advertiser!'' said the t j eieric, in reeling-. 1 uon t sue, a paper I'r-iv Mr I prt cr.i 1 i:n ..r "don't legiri telling the court what yoa don't knoiV or there will be no lime for anything else ! ' A houa.iwife in N w O lean-, in fi' up her -elc-ml' of i'ik c-oi n- pi desci ibed h-r-elf - ih- "Ir n i ol family," while iu ie-p t to i': t id- f . her hu-ban'T she wrote, "11j turns my j::IiaDlo" liiJiiv .uivireuiJue. J iwl means. Joe, ;jet married, if Bv you hav.; a fair show. Don't stand shivering on the bank, hut pitch in and stiek yer had under, and the shivering isoier. There s;::t't any more trick in get! in married after you r'! redy. than ther i- in eating peatiuts. Mennv a ::a:i has .-rood shivering on the shore j tii! tb j river awl nnsout. Don't expect to marry an aneel, they have awl been picked up ione: ago. Remember Joe, you ain't a saint yourseif. Do not mar r fonty -xcloo-ively ; buty is like ice, n i'ui .-.'q.p. iy, and thaw-dreadful easy. Don't many fur hiv neither; love i likt a cooking stove, good for nothing when the fewc! gues out. And let the mixture be -o no buty becomingly dre.-t. wit!) about $20.) in her pocket, a good speller, handy and neat in the hosis-', plenty 1 s in. 1 .-.-n e. a t'ltl con titmion ii'l J by law-, : j.-et. ,T ndd to I hi - wo ' I b :'. art l'h w i ch::i.i."e . ti I .: i ;e, ill j"!.- ' ' ': 'if f. :!' IV I r.t'-, tic t en,'.! '. a u'l a' "int stcjijier ; and a Winn k l o in enny It the -oik three liiin goi:c, .Toe. i or noivi ti - - 'Ki' il 'ii ' hiuiv lor peiil i i ii. i- gri e Thar int miic'i in pediieeun le-s ii i- l.acki-.-i up l y itnk t icks. A fam'iiy vvii'ii in. tiling but ei diec gere?. l aiiy ink -em . mariufaetaie no: only keens uiomi y iii a immunity and orev. r.ts bar I tl'U-'- til ;e-nlf of 111 liey d,;:Oi", but if fu i::-i-e- lip ilin-nt. An o' i ! 'low v -m' t i .i 'l at a ; hi a w hr-l ili . e a.-in-:;! - 'i i .-slier w it: :ng .rod,- a-sed ill- SO'ii" I waiter "AboJ l;W live -.! :.-v . !..e i., I v. U' ' Wa- t ho (i.n.nri i cently attempted -niei in O.irib i bv w.t-boij hi.- 1'iei It .i, i";k -:i-f-.".'irilT. an I fli "!i he ! lie: i.ev,l atoned Lis t- -. k. -;mi ! hi'o- -it' up- dry. 'i bit was jo ; imv Ki.'ie soe -'--':;!, bvt o-e , tl.c'r: le -U.odei-. t."l i.ini i! 'Wh. iy t. A lie tt-i .- Il I :. n I. HO -0"i!.',U 1- .-"n 1 n ! New Y'.rk. is iryi: titv of red to r: I tier t y -s ol a qirtn pe; per, which in some tran-.'e way or other came tiirough the key li ile of her (lauhfei-iti-ia'.v's room. The Ilurnt ri'ilt fr,ri:ll desir" "ho Ivan sas i-Mitorial A-oei:ttio:i to in.'-' in the fab ratluT thin in the winter, as hereto fore. It ou-iht to take place in Septem ber, which i- the pti month in the year. litis ma Sun. That i.s just what we think of it up here. Let the meeting be held at some season of the j'ear when people can get about without extreme discomfort At chiton Patriot. Very often tho-e whose motivs and sympathies are riht, an! who really wi-li to aid in every good word aud work, greatly mar their influeneo, poihnps wholly de-troy it, by tho-e obtrusive re minders of "how they used to do tilings iu our place." A man can ea-i!y make him-elt ofien-ive, when his intentions are of the best and Ids ability undisput ed by a thoughtless assumption of supe riority fur his native sectiou or forucr society. Tt.-firii T enma tn T.niii?nn. being at a prayer meeting, whey, a very quiet preacher prayed for me did not under stand his prayer for a long lime : it was that.when 1 got to London I might be delivered from the "bleating of the sheep." He meant that I must not care what the people said about me if some prai-ed tne aud others blamed me .Vy o'', ro .'i Mr. Greeley has given up trying to raise anything hi a hot-bed. He read a great deal about rai-ing early vegetables in a hot-bed, and tliousht he might as well have early vegetables as any body, so he planted some onion seeds in his bed and piled on a lot of bed clothes, and then slept on the floor hiui-elf for two weeks ; but the onion - did not, come iif. He examined the onio seeds and fo nd it wa bii-ting powder fie Jiad planted, and lie says that instead of rais ing onions he came very near laising h . Mr. Valley lias lately .xprCs.sed the belief that many earthquake are due to 'he action of magnetic currents through tbe body of the coincidence of violent di-turbat!ccs of the magnetic needle with eai tbipiake shock-. Thin view i corroborated Ly -i lecent commuioeatioo i.f I'l-nfeiir Sumichrast, an amiuent naturalist tedding in Mexico, who ex-pre--e- tin- opinion that it will n r lie far t'r..i:i tbe truth to stale that the majori ty of e iMhq'i ikes exoeiieti -i'd in .Mexico .1 lo 11 ', lie tiep 1'uttler thiin V i :: liei r le I'ovn o! rhe u le M -.s of j th' at s ! Ina J 0' lie - ' is f. it - ! .- ; AV-ii ! N ue. a: . .- r :i-i ve .-a; : "Thee So me : i : ; ! ' le!i'.i-e.- v;iv or -. ol ; -i .-. It'- a .;,, ,.f If l.iy father put his Mm- m .re in ti, li-r ... iti tioiL 1 1 ugh, r i: e-v i v b'l-hl'ss." n't reii-h to me t:nd I Wi O e-.ii: I aii end m neck, i -houli !o ik up with ! pj-;i-u:'e ; but sfiould a stranger do the i s-iue filing, 1 shoo id resell t lie action a s i an in-tiit. An I w1:-'. I won't permit to : b done tn my b i, I .-Lab md tolerate : rm my soul. . A young Boston an is in a sad -late ot mind beeau-e ;i wagei-h compo-itur of one id' ffie paper- appended to hi- mar riage notice that the luneral of the de-cea-ed would t.ake place fiom his late re-idence, etc. Our Brownviile friends have com menced grading for the Trunk railroad in Nemaha county, for the purpos?; of extending the time allowed on the $130, U(0 county bond. voted f, r that road, which would otherwise be lost by limita turn on the iMth of the present momh Tin y all seem a -sured that they will have the Trunk road in operation to that place in le th in one year. We hope they may, for they have a beautiful and en terprising town, but hick the one thing needful a railroad. Eal.'s Ci'y Jour aul. It is reported that, in boring for salt at i-perenherg, near Leron, 1 rus.-ia, they have penetrated to ihe enormous deiitb rift'. .".(ID fopr the rrrentest detifh j eVer reached either by iniuimg or boring . 3 -ol)0 fUKt c,f being in a bed of so 1 lid s.dt, which ha not vet been pierced through. Il i thougnt i-rohiibiu ti:at t his stratum of salt. orie;n;iliy lioiizon- tal, Las been uplifted by some catas trophe, and brought into a more or less - .! - 1 - . 1 T nielineil or even verticiil position. 1- ur- j ther researches will prove or disprove j the truth of this explanation! We like to oeca-iona'ly surprise our . readers with Va!u .ble recine W e know i . . . ' that bologna sail -ages are a my-tery to most people, consequent Iv we lav this recipe for making thcml fi-ni-hed by Phi adelphta saesage m kei-, before our readers with a gre.-u deal of piea-ure : Take an ei skin and stuff it with gro Mod cat or dog ; s'a-o-i it witii Sco'clr snuff oc persimmon oil ; lay i on i hog pen to diy. and then hang it in a gieK;try .-tore ior the fiiw's to jpvo it tbe trade marks, The last i ail was laid on tb.e the Pco- ria it llock Island road on Saturday. "Swivel Sermons" was the name of a young minister of lazy habits gave to a p ickaxe of sermons whi eh he "could preach to any text." Joseph Ilobicr shot an old roan named Hicks through the heart at l!ed Cleud, eb.-ter county on tho -'.d m.-t, and is now in Beatrrcc Jail. The quarrel was about an oak log. Tt is to the credit of Pre-idrnt Grant's administration that it is stealily and .-urely reducing the current expenses of the nation. The experses of maintaining the na val service f r the year ending June 3D, is les bv sevaral millions than any year s!u:e the war. Cab Wim"am A. Phillip-, of Kansas, is s,ken of a successor to Indian Com missioner Parker- .Tudging from what vr.' ean learn of CI. Phil'ips the ap pointment would bo a good one. C rjeli.-i Wade, of Cincinnati, lias within the la-t four years, with murder ous prepense and rniiice afoicthoeghf, taken laudanum '22 times, but without effect If we were a woman with such a cast iron stomach, v.e should want to (lit. i;er are iTicy who join liearis and h-in-b in eaily youth, and IiTlmu life while -til! able to adapt their habits and ways to each other's mutual comfort, th in th'H' who postpone marriage from 1 p udeiiti.-il motives in order to eratity i pride it the expen c of substantial hap- pines. , A -ather serious joke was recently played unn the North Carolina Legis lature. One of the members died, and ; it was resolved to convey tbe remains i home :.t the expense of the State; mid i when they inquired info the matter it j was found that he resided in Yei mont. Many year.- ago it was discovered that underlying the soil at a depth of about six leer," four miles around Charleston, was a bed of phosphatie roek. Upon analy-is, it proved to be adapted for t he manufacture of a superior quality of fer tilizer. These phosphates are the bones of extinct animals and fi.-hes. Among them have been recognized the bones of the mammoth, mastodon, megatherium, my'adon, negalonx, phocedon, and seve ral varieties of the sauri. Also teeth and boned of horses," dogs, sheep, cattle, hogs, etc. Pieces of pottery, stone, hatchets and human bones have also been found in the same deposit. Tilton says in the Cold on Age that children "cannot be trifled with. These human twigs bend very en-ily, and it is impossible to get the kinks out when onee fairly set : and they set earlier than most people imagine. They can be trained to almost anything if taken in sea-on. Our conscious culture is too of ten delayed until our unconscious tiaiu ing has made it futile- DL-posifions, tastes, deportment, ambitions, temper, will, all have their roots and hot-rs set in the jirst ten years of life, and usually in the first fire.. The nursery makes the nation. Pinythin-3 and playmates are of moro account than catechisms. It is temper and not Testaments that deter mine character and destiny. Pruning, arid grafting and scrubbing are weli ; but after all the tree and the fruit chief ly depend upon the bending, of the . 1 1 tw g s. The first snake story of the season comes to us from Marion county, Ohio. The reptiles had become so numerous an 1 fearless of people, that small chil dren were afraid to go to school ; and they even attacked some adults, several having been bitten en their boots, and it had been a common thing for fifty or a hundred snakes to cha-c men, women, and children across the prairie- A party was, therefore, organized their de-truc-tion. and the snakes were surrounded and driven into a twenty acre patch of prairie, and the outer edges of tall grass set the to The gra-s burned well, the flames rolling up ten feet high ; and, as the line advanced, the snakes retreated into the centre. Sometimes making desperate efforts to spring through the flames, but, the blaze being too havy, they were killed in the attempt. One blue-iacer. was nine feet four inches Ions, a;.d seven inche in ci-enmference. This is the first snake story of the season. It i- a striking fact that mnd person -wi-nt to weigh more than they do. and measure their health by their wight. . I a- man were a pig. valuahle in propor- I i i n fo l.i- heavine-s. The racer is not t i- -a goo-.i piow horse litis hut a mooter I . ; i u'.t of fle-h. Heavy men are ire ;! which experienced contractors fuf i -v ; build i .ii 'roads and dig ditches?. I Liu men. t lie world over, are the mfn ! r endurance ; are the wiry and hardy ; i.b'n people live the longest. 'The truth i. fat is a di.-ea-e, and as a proof, fat people are nevor well a day at a time ere iifit suited lor hard work, otid, there l :i medium between as lat as a butter bad ure! as'thin an 1 juice-less as a f nee i. ail. For mere looks, moderate rouimiitv is mo.-t desirable, to have "nough tie.-h to cover all angularities. To aceomp'i-h this in the shortest time, a man should work but little, sleep a' great part of the time, allowing nothing to worry him, keep always in a joyous laughing mood, and live chiefly on al buminates, such as boiled cracked wheat and rye, and oats, and cor n, and barley, with sweet milk, and butter-milk, and fat meats. Sugar is the best fattener known. George Sand docs trie most of her writing at night, generally between mid night anl 7 in the morning. She works without a plan. Ad she requires is some point of departure, some incident which she gradually develops by a sort of dtduction, which though absolutely ai binary, is often very artistic, but in which logic bus no .-hare. Some-times this process., le id.s her to impossibilities, where she can go no further. Then, without regret, without vexation, fhe lays it asidi and begins something el-e She is extremely methodical iu every thing relating to the material part of her work. She writes on letter pt j cr sewed together in a copy-book of ten pages. She places "".ines" ut.der each rjpe, sn every ptfge contains the same number of 'inc.. Had. lino contains the same num ber of letters, so that each' foil copy book contains almost exactly the same aiiantity of printed matter. Why? Habit. Be.-ides it is ea-y to reckon the i inanu.-cript ; so many copy-books hhod by her are the minimum of a printed volume ; and it is well-known she works by tb.e novel. So long as she has not 4'HJ.(kjd letters she continues to write; when this number has been attained she begin- to think how she shall end the ', novel. These ropy-books, all cf the same sie. are sent to the printer, who r-'spect them and icturn theui tii Mine, !.,,d SK.i L. fLi.r. Lr.i.n.1 - ,.r i Sand.. She has thern bound, -p-n takof pidn care of tie-m. . A li BY TELEGRAPH The ItuilroiMl Bulerjirisi'. r.csM, July So. At a meeting held iu this tit v ye.-tt i day, in which the Central Br:tu-h of tl. Un.on 1 aeifie, Chicago, Isunington am! Ouinev, Hannibal and St- Joseph, Chi cago and Southwe.-U in, . Atchison, 'io peka and Santa l e railroads were n p. resented, it was agreed Jo construct .. bridge aero? the Mis-onri river nt Atebi son, work to lo commenced immediate iy. The Ceutral Branch Company has mad arrangements to cxi iid their road v. the Republican river to connect with lie Fnion Pacific ct tbo one hun-drc lb- tr ridian- More Indian Outrun'- .Little Hock, Ark., July 2-. A gentleman arrived nt Fort Siudh i : the d from the Indian country, aa : says the 0-a2ts on the ISth started " mi OTpeifif iou, ostensihly Ltiilulo hi-iitin . and returned u Coufile of days alter wi... three w hite scalps and their hor.-es lo. id. down with pluudrr ; that they atta I ' some train and were successful in th raid. A big row, leaking in tne doath vt two Indians and one colored man. took place a few days ago at Smith Pan'.' place, two miles vest of Fort Arbuckl Chocktaw Nation. T'cre was a cam;, meeting going on of coloied people an t Indian--, when several 1 ad characters made their appearance; rviih whi-ky, an i several Indians and co'i. red men getti:. ; drunk, a light cu.-ued with the nbow result. I'unit&insiouei'H Appointeil. Madkid, July '2'. The Spanish Government has, upon the application of (Jen. Sickles, author ized Seiior Lopez Ib.boit, Spanish Min ister to the United States, to act accord ing to a clause in the treaty of Wash ington which provides for the appoint mcnt of a mixed commission of tbrc" for the settlement of the claims of American citizens ng:.iii-t Groat- Britain. Scnor Huberts also received authority t--exercise the functions of third whii'.i'.--sioner or umpire to this. I!ehasb'-' i sent by the Spanish Government, ir. friendly reply to Gtti. Sickles, but it 1: diclaiel that it is not willing lo adhere to neutrality as laid down in rhe treaty '.' Washington. Rcsiiintion nut Accept nl. Aersaille, July "Jo. Theirs has refused to accept the pn .' ferel resignation of Favre as Mini-tor of Foreign Affairs. The assembling cft'io courts-mart'a' is positively announced for July 31st. . The Moderate 1 1 - j lb-icins in the A sem'oly are negotiarimr for a union With the Radical Left. The Committeo of the Assembly on the budget j roposos to raise fre-h duties to the aiuonut ofsii hundred francs. Kp:m!!i liiii.try London, July 2i. D'spatohes form M cirri in relation to the lecent Ministerial cibiJ have be:: somewhat e.n fused, for U now app"a: that the members of the V'abinet formed 1 y Serrano have taken the oath of office. The Minister of War acts as Minister of State. I'rro Hundred Ieo;ie KHnllnnrit I.j Hii trt2ipii:iUe L in bin, July 2o. "Many Spanish cCieinl-s have tcndercl their resignations. The Sum-lard to-day publishes tli-3 tV tails of a series of terrible eai thquak . shocks which recently o-'cun-M m one "t the Island's. More than Iv. hundred persons were swallowed up ! y the earth, and every one of 1 hem almc-it in-taniy killed. Sixty dea l bodies ha, -i been recovered. The rost of the inhale tants fled the Island, which ha.s been u: terly depopulated. Indlau Trouble in Arloim. San Fr.ANXisro, July 2.V Advices from Tucson to July l say Capt. II. M. Smith and comp..:... with a suply trin, en rnnto to (.'am; Bowae when thirty mif -.s ea-t of 'I'm:.--..;., were attacked by a bun Ired Indian. Tb.e Captain and nearly all of the comp t ny were a mile ahead of the wager when the rear of the wagon j were bt -t-icked. Word was sent forward i ti i Lieut. S heller returned with half ti e company, and with Itlic varQii men l.'o'. a spirited flight. They killed th'rt , warriors, with the loss of one poM'.-r killed and three wounded. Gen. Crr A, with his command of guides, scuu . and two hundred soldier., are in the mountains eastward, and have trot beer heard from for scleral day?. , Chi ei g Produce Market. Ciiicaco, July 2 ... Flour Dull and nominally unchanged. Wheat Fa'nly active and higher, o n somewhat unsettled; No. 2 sellin tt 1 ir l K, Cash ; l 13-J(1 If. s-dit-r -or July ; closing quiet at I 1 1 ((" 1 lo s ir tor July; 1 wCn dyr seller for Au:'o-t, prices dropped about ic below th quotations on the open board in the ?' temoon ; other grades quiet ; No f s ; -i at 2 15 ; rejected. '.ID ; wiri'er quiet ; . ; 1 red, 1 1st, and No 2, 1 lo!. Coru Firm, steady, Mel in fair 1 mind.. No li clced at -I'.-j cash ; 1H " 41 seller for August ; ree'ctcd, 4S ; hi,; a mixed canal corn sold at "d aiioat. Oafs In fair demand and steao y . No 2 at 42 cash ; 3 I.f 34 1 ..d!er for Au gust ; rejected soi l at 311 '..."'. Rye Firmer and in p iod deman 1 , . No 2 sold at S.hJoS.; Barley Chiiet anil firm : No 2 at 7 ) cash ; 71 seller for ilepreudu r. - Lird Tlasier, at 'j " '-ash. Cattle Receipts 3. 1 ,0 ; ..-.aiktt f". .:i at a decline ot 2'n on bfe-t. , shir-ping lot averaging i.!3 pounds t i.' at 5 2i ; lot averaging .2'.,'.) at ." i.'i ; best . lot a vera. l d i, at o ) ; common good cows 3 i'i'. 'Jo. Hogs Leceipts b. '': ; higher; raut'e at 4 hue. sales at 4 40(.4 00 ; for b- -active ar O) ; iu , ivy 4 7" 4 c': Sheep Receipts J,!!") ; quiet tit 3 7-. Co 4 oO. cr alr. Two loU iu OiienM-Oiid. idicn". S. 1L Ki' "OR SALE.- it SALE OR UEN'i. The riror'-rty btlontine to D. .'irc;y . it wi. ; ?ni'i or rented on reiinitl-le teruiii. Ihe h . CfiDtnir.s 6 roonn. Thcic ii iiho a Irrgo s i: with Hitler, a cellar, a tiii!e. an'l'jniiv' iencw. Apply to 1'. .M. !AKUl'K sepltf. y j T7r-!t SALE. Thc: - ! - . tbe city uu the s , If C?tx .ut'a. e:in ue r lmrticneirs unmry