Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 13, 1871, Image 3

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ye m
Th'i superior Macblni !s ndpT't'd It tie Tory ri.h
range of Ileinmins. r'cUi.ig. ISrn: t.rif.; '..n:: ,
iaiihroi'lcrinir, S.-aiiiiiiA t;.uitii.u', l.itlf.ii.g,
Jlciiw-tltcbing aud Gntheriag. It c.;':iiiy good for fii.e
r heavy work. Mid ti tiie nust practical Sx'Aiuj
Machine ever invent.
. Th needle of the Mol-eon & Hooper ii short and
Btrnirht, Bv. 1 ia not open to tUf? of vibration
mid it re-tilt in Ion or curved tu .-film it in n-v-r
K-t t.xi h;-h. nor t io 1 iv. 1 !:o lua : Iau;' in
order; sewa fiom two toaimou fi'. iiho-n ro w hid
ing; wastes r.othr-ad; cannot tmiglo if fin v. ii limit
pood, or wli'-n the oas asao of the (p...:! in
clwtrti.'ted. Tbo f'-d la n tt da 'I, Is potithv, I U
tlie very rrtronir'-st feci in u-. The Miirlo:.e fro
Inmi ti rirn-'S, v liii h tend only to w.vken and ft out of
nnli-r. Tlio most d.-Ii.eto tsv the Ml.cnn
& lliwir-r wi'tlc.nt in jiii-y, l in,;tlid Undft rumiitg
m,i :fiiiit rr-r iMi'lf. Tlic invent ur cnillr r.i i:ivi u
tioii an iinj.rovi nicnt that not Ki:iiilify, aud ha
vry jmtly kf;t in view tli.t fact th:i; ia Semna;
M. -Ii tie arn uj.J rhierly l y those ln, its a K' n ral
rid", know littlo of I'mcthail mwhanics, a irreater
det-r of wtTTiiilicity in their construction and uw. nnd
rotiflc.jiieatly a lower rarro of l-ricct wcro CouutK!, in
tirdcr tu Uift a univerv.1 waiiU
rriro, ail I'lain 'Walntit Tabic,
viri Outnt, - - - - S45.0O
Oth-r styles and finish a, low an ary other Company.
Pnd stamp iorde"oriptive cimiliir. Agents wanted in
very county in L". t4. and Territorie. ijave $-t and
-wiut; maclliat: vuiiitium, by jiurLhiwin the iIcLt-aa
IG3 South btiao fcn-;t, C'biciifcTi, I1L
r:io:; paciiic railroad.
f'!rtin r r.oti. e tniin.-! will Uavo uu'l ar
l.tiivB Arrive.
T'xi r a. in.
K.'i ivrht ": ' 1 .1. in.
Mi.'j.1 1 . 'Jp. in.
KxiT'-?-i 2:-'J) p. m.
1- r. ii-'lit b:Jit a. 111.
Mixed .-".1 p. Ui.
ill !n:e!-'.'it Oip-:1i:i HfitVi
(: .v N. W. K.iilr. ii.l: ( ;!-.). 11. I. A I'aciiic;
f it ioiiiii:t..Ti .'. II. ii. I-'.. an.l Kil.-.
ilv, -t. .I i.'. .V . 11 1- -; 1 Dluf;.- i'. iilr. !.;-. l-'';;t
vi'U .-ts.-t-.- tor l.:i: .dn an I Vi.-t l'o'iut.
At ir jej v::h 1. T.v.-r I'm-iiie K. K. t'-T
v.-r. O'ntr.i! l'!-y. I'c furl i.iiut in t'olorn.
...iui.'I Xi'it- M.-i -o. At liryi'M. w i . Ii -t.ri'es for
t!i- .'-u-i !w.a r iiii-.i;.--i'i.-.-i iel -i. At ir
wi;li l iah CeiiT'iil K. K. l-.r.nit I. ike ji ml
.I'liern I t.i'i. .111.I t.'. 1 '. i. H. I- r t o! rinrie.
":r-.-;":a (.'I;;.. Ilol-ii.!. W !.!!.? l ine. Sn. raiiK-nto
, in' l-'i-.m i i -i-i ! rim ij 11I cir'- ia Cnlifnruia
.N'-vi'dn. 1 inh... iii ;-.-n 1111. i W'u.-liini-'tiiii.
Ti" kft- I'-r file a1 '.lie o.iii:tny".- t'"- corner
Fauiiiain a;.-JU;li rt.-.:i!i. :if l'epot ;?'.
T. K. .i. W-l ,;a'l jupt.
T. I.- Kimlaall lien '1 I'n---. At nt.
V, C '1 iiouii-.-oii. A.-'t Vu. .-ciitser Agent, Oainha
J 2- t-r '.j'
U l J V
as tsrlsi't arrive vili ;:e
T7- - .rn
in coons on MONMV.
Our (--or.-V-r v. ".il l.c f.-.iii- 1 well worth a tria
nnd to he in every rc-pcet 11s we r present o
pood, fa.-t c I01-. ? npcrior fini-!i. and a- tln:y are
nil o-d. and tio shoddy, v.-a.-to or llyinir-" ued
in tiioir;:ire. we guarantee ,-ai i.-lattioii
t.. tin ir iiiif;i!-ili;y. .
l'ni iii.- 1; li rlr.- .to.M in oxcliance for ul
are as.-ae.-l of ttii vr tin 111 at lhe"vi i v lowest
price. Those 1 .-irinit tin ir wo 1 in.inuiaet ured
i nio 1 .- or - iii-'.e a.11 win nine 11 rtiiu in-n
Hiiiue.ri itf'.v itliout eiiar.--es lor -irayajie to and
lr. 10 lac di pot.
Priic for carding- .c ; i-ardin?, fl liiTiiti? aud
rnliii'-'. - e per p ouul.
!at!-t:c?ioti itivf'i tu all respects. Sample
f t-o-jd-i sent and pi iocs uiven win 11 re.i!i stcd
Wis maiiulacturu and kei p con-t.uit!y on
liand th" I ir-e-t "tock of woolen-" to he foun t ill
1h we.-t. coii-i.-liiiir td 1 asiinercs, tweeds, 0-4
Veiled clothes, satliners, Jeans, plain and
I laid tl an'iels. prey -11 I white, blanket J. stJeUing
varn, s-insl" or d.;ildi'. in all colors. Ac
,? woal-l inviic the attention f tarmirs to
t'.'.is a.lverti-emeiii would poif.-r wool lor our
. . 1 liinney. and m ill pive you better har
..i:.s than you can Ket elsewliLic.
.11 e us a .11. or - end your wool.
I .e. toi v. ...rth Thir l .Street.
(iKO. 13 U ELL CO.
April 1 1 woiii-
Of the Uivcr.-ity liavo mi l.' ail i cccs
vnrvnrruiicuicnts to cjifu the I'liivcr-iry
frT- wj I--"
A cjrp; of cotnpptont anl k!!!eJ IVo-fe..-ors
has tn-i n stlc; tcJ to f'.li the vari
ous chairs of lustrui-tion in tlie le'i'att
meiitof Ai:f':ci!t an l Mo'lcrn Languages
3Iatheu:at;c3 ai:-l Natural Scieuces.
Avi aratu-, Library anl Culiuct will
Le fully fcun-liv.'!.
Tuition ia all iK'parit.H-Tit.- of she Uni-
Tcr.";ty is Irco. An c: t::i
foe L.1
Boardirg and
rates. Ik
t eo-t.
Inaugural Exercises,
Inaugural exercises September 0th.
A ceneral invitation is cordially extended
For circulars, or itifnrmation respect
ing the Univer.-lty, address,
A. R. BENTON, Chancellor,
July Oth, w lOt. Lincoln, Neb.
Tootle, & Clark,
'Gold si Silver Coin,
U.S. and other Stocks;
Tiif?s drawn on all pans of the United Sta
and Europe. Deposits received, and special at
lentiuii given to collections.
Plattfmouth, Nebraska.
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
aia Street. Second Door East of the- Court House
ItAXClI 1I0U5E Broad way.Couneil EIuITa
Yholesalc Dealers in
Best, quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on
All orders promptly attended to.
We a.-k th attention of the puldi.' to the
:-toeli of.-prin o(;ilswe aie oic:iin. o have
taken sreat care iti th- seN etioii of none hut
tir-t-cl-i-s poo. la. and from l:t.-t hlinds, we l.ny us
low n- thev can i.e had in the market for casli.nad
we hall s"cll at prices that we puarentce will
pive cn'n e sati-laetion to all wno may pive u.- a
call, t-jiiie and tee and yioi will be convinced
CLARK i 1'bL'MMtK.
L TJ IiE J3 lx !
100,000 FEET !
TUe un ltrsisncl has on hand a large qantity of
on short notice,; aud for any size or lentrth o
Rafters, Studdings, Jo'sts
uiCjMltuitn short notioe.
$5 TO $10 PER DAY.fe.S
who rnjtiitte in our new business make from ;i
to Si.) per day in theirown localities.' Full par
ticular and instructions pent free by mail.
Those iu need of permanent, profitable work,
should address
Tortland Maine.
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Goods,
Roots, and Shoe?,
Hats, and Caps,
Agricultural Implinients of all kinds. Weir ai
"I X L"' Cultivators. Union Corn Planter
Srandetour and Princeton Plows, Ac Ac ndint.
mtum. all ot wnicn we oner to ue public at tne
owest retail prices.
All CSoods Warranted
As ISeprcscnted.
S0ur constant aim will be to sell so low
will be to the positive advantajro of every ia
r in the w stern and trul portion o Cass
'us'y to mke this their headquarters for trad-
E C.
Flatt?uiouth, Xebra
170 R SALE. Three acres of land adjoining
the city 011 the south, can be had cheap for
cash. IVt particulars enquire at the IIkkald
office. dctCIdtt.
(SacccsEor to R. Walther)
and dealer ia
Whif 3, Eru.-hc, Ac, Ac.
Repairing done su'j.-tantial'y and v.ith dis
tnvenie tcan uep re pttr.-nasinrr eircwnere.
Fourth Street, i. nlh of I'latte Valley House.
adj..ining lallhews Sl Donnelly's ll3rdw:i'-
tjtore. ' eptlowtf
H7E. F-LZnER. "
And Karinc Insurant
I Wa
At rcr.-on 1M0 rate.- in the most
Couip.mies in tin; L-niled Stales.
Ofuce front room over Post Office, with Mar
tlet t A" Stronir.
bpiatt.-iiiouth. Ncl ruska, April ;.th. diw.
rWII.I. fitrtii-h partiea with stone for luiMirR
pui poscsit reasonable rates, at my iuarrv or
dehvervi. on the ears at Louisville station- '1 lie
f olmwi ir kinds can '; had on -hurt notic", -ill:-,
caps, perch rock, line or rod -and stone such us
was ii.-e.i o.- thu ii. X il R. It. in the confirm.
. i their stone- wf.rk. All responsible
orders promptly filled Address.
adiwtf . Louisville Station.
Wall Paper,
Magazines, and
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by ancs-
penenceu JUruccttt.
Kentemoer tne place, inreeooors west 01 i;io
lent J oliice; Platt.-mouth. Nebr.tska.
frletalic Burial Cases.
UcaJy Made, anJ Sold Cheap for Cssh.
With many thank for past patronage. I i
vite all to call and eiaiue my large stock of Fu
niture and Ceffins. janStf.
J. E. Holland, Proprietor, corner of Main and
X 1. 1 -. 1 , j V A Km air a 1 1 u - 1 wa
been refitted and newly' furnished offers first
oia--s accomrusuau'jns. juuau oy iuo nct-n
dsy. f-an31amt
The great rain on the iillit of the
first, floodeJ a portion of Nebraska City,
but the hail did not reach there.
Mr. Dodge informs us that the storm
did very little damage between this city
and Glcnwood, Iowa, or at the latter
place, lie spent the Fourth at Glen
wood, where the people had a '"jolly"
good tiaie.
Mr. Wu. Etheridge, of Greenwood,
formerly of this city, had a very valuable
mare killed by lightning on the night of
the 2d, during the great storm. No
hail at Greenwood, and no damage to
Daughcrty & Doom's surveying party
left the city, yesterday, sixteen men
strong. Their woik lies between the
I'lttte and the Republican, in the vicini .
ty of 0' Fallon's.
We understand that Mr. Jennings is
doing a good b'u.ine-s at the Factory ville
Mills, having recently refitted the estab
lishment throughout. He turns out the
best article of flour to l e had in the
State, so say those who ought to know.
We are pleased to see our old friend
Morse back on the IJ. & M. in Nebraska
again. He is a thorough gentlemen,
and a faithful employee. He is assigned
to duty between Lincoln and Dorchettcr,
where passengers will And him ever
ready to collect their'fure and make
them comfortable.
The ntorm did coiiMderablc damage on
the night cf the 1st inst.. but Buttery's
Soda Fountain was not injured a parti
cle. It continues to ftirni h an abund
ance of that superb beverage for the
thirsty, at a very trifling expense.
We learn from Mr. Harris, Land Com-mi-sioner,
that the sales of Burlington
and Missouri River Railroad Land in
Nebra.-ka during the month of June
1S71, were 11, P71 40-100 acres, at an
average prico of S.0." per acre, amount
ing to $01,502.51. The Company has
yet about 1,500,000 acres choice farm
lands for sale on ten years' credit at 0
per cent, intere.-t, orj,"at pnccs20per
cent, less for ca.-h Bonds, of the Com
pany, or one-third down with balance on
one and two years' credit at 10 per. cent,
till paid.
Tlie hail storm on the night of the 1st
made sad havoc among the grapes ia
this vicinity. Mirkelwait Sc Wo'eoti,
Wer-t, Billings, Schlater and others lost
their entire crcp.
A man named Stevens was accidentally
killed at the crossing of Middle Crock,
near Millibrd last week- He was re-turnin-g
home from Lincoln with a lead
of lumber, and in attempting to cross
the bridge after dark his wagon tipped
off the bridge, the lumber fell on him,
and he was found dead the next morn
ing. The rain storm of (he night of the
first reaches as far east as" Burlington,
but did no damage except an excess of
Wc are indebted to Chase & Thomas,
grain dealers, for the Chicago markets by
telegraph. They are fair dealers, and
are wiiliug cverj' farmer should know ex
aetly what grain is worth in Chicago.
A. B. Covolt. State Agent Missouri
Valley Life Insurance CompanT, was in
the city to-day looking after the affairs
of the Company.
We learn that a little girl, four or five
years of age, daughter of Mr. Champi
on, fell from the head of the outside
stairway into the yard in rear of Fitz
gerald's block, a distance of some fifteen
or more feet, this forenoon. She has re
ceived very serious internal injuries, and
is iu a very precarious situation.
Gen. Strickland's address to the sol
diers and sailors of Omaha, on the
Fourth, is said to have been first rate.
Much damage was done in the north
ern part of the State by the wind and
rain stcrm of Wednesday evening last.
Chaplain Wright is writing up the
Mormons iu goodshapc. Another letter
Col. II. M. Van Annan State Immi
gration Agent, left this evening for Illi
nois, whore a colony is being formed for
the west. He goes Tor the purpose of
inducing thdm to Nebraska and he will
A gentleman from the rural districts
of Omaha appeared before Judge Gass
to day and made affidavit that oua of
our prominent citizens had made a pre
scription and forcible application of boot
leather to that portion of his pants
which measure larget around, and he
demanded that tad-faction which the
law guarantees to such much abused
citizens. It appeared that complainant
had hinted rather strongly that defend
ant Lad deviated somewhat from the
truth, whereupon the aforesai 1 pre
scription and application were
made, without charge to the de
fendant. The Judge deeided that
a doctor's license did not admit of his
filling his own prescription, especially
of this kind consequently he demanded
a small ad Jition to the school fund,
which was cheerfully paid with a rcpac-t
that the Judge accept a hike sum for a
second infliction, which he would imme
diately proceed to administer. The
Judge declined, so did plaintilf, and
the latter placed himself under the espe
cial care of the Marshal. Lr., John
Black made the prescription and the ap
plication. We failed to obtain the name
of the unwilling recipient, but he is en
gaged in the laudable business of dis
posing of Sintjer's Sewins Machines iu
this locality.
John Charlton, Esq., who has been
risiting friends in the eat, arrived at
home to-day, fully sati'-fied that tiieie is
no place he has seen that can beat Platts
moutli. He says it may seem dull here,
but that it is lively compared with Other
i ,
not ;ii.;i!v tn .
We learn tliat a new dwelling hou-e
at Weeping Water was Liiown down dur
ing the storm last Saturday night. It
was enclosed, an 1 woul 1 have been Cn-
11- 1 i T. 1 ..
ished Ml a Short time. It was made a
total wreck.
c vitn or i is axks.
At a meetiug of the Turner Society ot'
Plattsmoutli, held at their hall on tlie
evening of the 0th im-t, the following
resolution was adopted :
Resolved, That the thanks of this So
ciety are hereby tendered to the Ladies
of 1'IatL-iuouth for the beautiful siik flag
presented to us on the Fourth inst., to
Johnson Bros. Baud, for the excellent
mu.-ie furni.-hed by them during the day
and niglit, to Jacob Vallerj. Sen., for
his excellent oration, and the I'iatt--mouth
Herald and Cass Democrat for
the favorable notices they have g ven
our society and- celebration; also our
warmest thanks to the public for their
attendance at our celebration on the
Fourth, and their liberal patronage and
manifest good will.
It is a very. evident fac t that the small
nes? of the culvert under Main street,
at the crossing of Fifth, if not "the
source of all our woes," is the cause of
very much of the dating? by the recent
inundation of that part of the city lying
along the stream above this culvert.
It is also very evident that something
should be done, and that soon, to - pre
vent a repetition of similar scenes as that
of last Saturday night. The culvert
may be, and probably is, large enough
to carry the water, but it is not of suffi
cient capacity to admit tlie drift which
is carried down , the stream during a
heavy storm. It has been suggested by
.men of experience in such matters that
the be.-t thing to bo done is to tear out
the pri-'Xiit structure and drive a row of
piles on each side, plank the .-ides, and
pbtce stringers and a floor over the top t hus
giving the full height of the street and
the full width cf the open "ng for the
escape of drift. That plan mi-lit be
very good, but probably no better than
to take out the present centre wall and
extend the side walls to the level of the
street and ihcn cover as before mention
ed, provided the foundation is secure.
The present wall is started upon a plank
foundation, and whether it is sufficient
to bear the weight of a wail double the
present height is a question for engineers
to settle ; and not l'.:v u. It is cvid.nt
that some aetiorr.!iou!d be taken, and we
simply throw out these sugye-ti-.n that
the city authorities may C'.nM.lcr them
in eonncciion with ihe matter.
TIIC lOir.lll AT ! V CJAKIr.X.
Celcbi-aSKm by tiiv l iiiou 12:inl.
At the appointed hour on the morn
i'lg of the Fourth, a large number of
people fiomcity and country ast iub!ed at
the reidciieo of John Ilohlschuh, E-.p,
in the Second ward, wlie.e they were
organized in proce.-.-ion by Capt. II.
Kuhl, Mar.-hal of the day. The Union
Band headed the procession, and there
was a general display of from the
vrr i rri
Ulilerent wagons. Ihe procession
lii'irch'. 1 down M i;n tiront tlion.-o
uiJruK.i uow n -ua.n street, tneme to
Peter Gods' Gardens, south of the city
where a general good time Was had dlir-
" ti , .
ing the entire clay. llie attcndaucd at
the Gardens was very large, anl the
originators of the celebration seem will
satisfied with - the result. The asse nib
la go dispersed at a seasonable hour, and
those who delight in the dance proceed
ed to White & Spires' Hall where they
had a general good time. We were un
able to gain the particulars of either the
celebration during the day or the dance
iu the evening.
The Bennett B:o. are determined to
excel in their Una of business, as every
man should. They endeavor to supply the
people of Plattsmouth- with all kinds of
fresh fruits in season, and they succeed
admirably Mo.;t of dealers in fruits
have been out of strawberries and rasp
berries for the past ten days, but the
Bennett Bros, send clear to the north
ern latitudes, where these fruits are two
or three weeks later than here, conse
quently they have a supply yet They
al.-o have ripe peaches, direct fiom the
Pacific cea-t. Call and see them.
The B. M. Co- are on the alert to
do something for-tli3 necomiuodation of
the traveling public", and thc3' are win
ning gol len opinions in consequence
They have now commenced running a
special train between Burlington and
Cariton ; leaving Burlington at 3:00 p.
rd., arriving at Chari'on at 0.3 j p. in.
Leave Chariton at -1:30 a. m. and arrives
at Burlington at 10:o" a. m.
Another poor unfortunate was sent to'
her long home in Omaha yesterday by
an overdose of morphine administered
by her own hand, and evidently v.ith a
view to causing death. Her name was
Mary J utc-ki iisti, daughter of Mr.
Mojo, proprietor of the Planter's House.
had I
een tiisowno
.1 Iviirrfc
!i"r s
family, and they even
her after her death.
fofl-.d to buvy
'-.ho died
hou-c of prostitution, whoie she
souglit f c !i! oiary sb her.
John Fi 'z ciad. l'sj., arrived at borne
yesterday from tin ca-t, an 1 immoli
a'cly started ;i fill foice at work stsaight
ening tilings up af't-r the fljo 1.
Tlie high waters la-t Wednesday
niht carried away a bridge on tlie Ji. &
M. east of Glcnwood, which caused the
train west to be delayed for a couple of
hours. Everything is in shape now,
and trains are running on time.
By an oversight of the Committee on
the part of the Turner Society, in their
card of thanks published yesterday in the
n j i -r, i,
F.PALD, the name of J. C. TOX, Who
delivered an address in En-lish, was left
out : and thev now wish to make the
. - -
correction and return the thanks of the
Society to Mr. Fox.
If you wish to find anybody this even-
T, .
ine, you UlUSt CO to l ltzgerald 3 Ha'l
e, you must go to Fitzg
r them. The wh'de town
for them. Ihe whole town will be tin. re
ttf hear the great Cantata.
Lcqal Kotlco.
M. I). AUi-'tt vs. Men len R. e rearu. D.
Mai il la l'carsun, AJeiLrka LI. l'earson and Rose
R. Feaiien.
The above rton-rc-ident defcr- lent wi'l taVe
notice that on the Jd day f Jana 171. il. 1-
! AOUll Uliei Ills pCllllon 111 IIP lilicc to .lie
; Cleric oftho Di.-trict Court of the tec nd Ju-
lieial District in and lor L.(ss county .Ne
braska, tlieoljec' aicl prayei of s:iid petition
is to set aside a certain pretended deed pur-
portniff o have been execute l hy ste-nen
. l i t . : . if ia . i a i.::..l. i ' xYA
Allium. Lewis il. Abbott, and Abijah '. Abbott
to s-id Uefendents on or ub. ut the .'th day of
Jai uury li-forthe s I , rtl the n w 1 ,, and the
n w 1 1 of the s w i of see 2- town 1 N of raiw
y R. and the s e ' i ot the n e 1 1 of net :i in town
1J n of ranite i E d 0th 1. M.. all of said lands
lieini? in Cass county Nebraska, that sail pre
teuded deed is for-e d and fr indulei.t and was
not executed by said Stephen S. Abbott. Lewis
il. Abbott and Abijah C Abbott, that said pre
tended deed easts a cloud on plaintiiis title to
said tracts nf land which Plaintiffs- prays may
be set a. ide and the clou 1 on plaintiiis title to
sail tracts of land c-Riiscd thcieby may be re
moved. Ton are ri'jaircd to nn-ivt-r fai'l peti
tion on or before thelNth day of J uly, 1"71.
Maxwf.ll A- Ca.U'JlAX, Atty.'s for l'laictiff.
jime";!i wt.
Public Sale of School Lands,
"V'OTI'.'K is hereby pivon tliat pursuant to an
il Act of the Legislature of Nebraska enti
tled an act To provide for the Registry of
School bin Is f r the control and disposition
thcreofand for the kfepir.n of the funds de
rived from the sale and lea.-e ot said Ian ds which
said act was approved .June iM'h A. 1. lsoi'.and
al oin accordance with a si. bsequenf amend
ment to said act approved February loth A, D.
lso:, I will on :iti'.r..-iy the tt!i day of June
next, at the hour of ten o'cice!; A. M. at the
front door of the ''ourt II. .use in RLiU.-niouib
city Cass county XcbrasVa. offer for 8:i!e at
Public auction to the binhe.-t bi-id-T ail the
reiuaininir School lands ii sai 1 eot'.n'y, contin
ninp said sale from day to day ui-til all said
lands shall have been offered.
In witness whereof I ha ve uu'o set my haiul
:.nd atiixed the se-.l of said county at
. , at Phut -mouth, ThisMh day of May
f K., A. D. 1S71.
, ' County Clerk.
By J, M. Beakhsi.kv Deputy. ' inayllwV.
of Modern Travel.'
In these days the taste of the Travel'n Pub
lie has become exceedingly li. -tidious. In order
to obtain their patronage, a Railroad line must
be able to insure Safety, Speed and comfortable
transport:!, ion. by posse.-siup the necessary quali
fications of a first-class cijiiipiiiciit of coaches and
locomotives, a solid road-bed and h.ivy iron
Pulliuiiii's Pa I luce Slecjiins cars, PulUnan'o
diniiur cars, a direct route, g od toiineetioiis and
careful I n. til ac in rut.
The Rurlincton roc.fe is in-iking every effort to
possess all these o.'.iiiicatious to a hiph desrren,
and oilers a route to ail points east, west, ie.ilu
soitih. by means of its connections a? follows:
1. At Omaii.i Tit ii the 1'a -ilie, roa !s.
L'. At i'ii;t--:uuuiu with the R. A: il. 11. R., in
3. At ll.iii.le.inr, with the St' Joseph RaiL' jad
for all points in Kaii-ns, .Vc.
i. At Ottaeiv-. a. with the DesMoines Valley
and north i issoiii i railroads.
a. At iiuriiiiirton with the R.. C. R. & il, R.
R., for Da enjiort. .M Ureat inc. fie.
0. At Monmouth, with the R. R. T. Sc St. L.
ami Western L'hion Railroa !s, for St. Paul, and
points in the north, and for ."?t Louis and points
in the south.
7. At Peoria, with the rhort line Rl'.ioinins
ton route to Iciiaitapol is. Cincinnati, Loiii.-ville
and all points south an 1 cast.
3. At Peoria, with tiie T.. P. ,t W. R. R.. for
Loiraii-port. Columbus. Ac.
;. At Men lot. with all the Illinois Central.
Id. At CllICAciO. with all i'ruuk lines tor the
No be'.ier advi ? ran bo ivn then-, than to
Ta-1 ! Barnnaioa R-vatc." dif.
J'': tSTA BI.IS. b KI IX lld.
Dii.i.i-:i: IN
siLvkr and plat;:i wari;.
tiOLD l'iiNS Si'l i'AOLI.S.
Vi'uc!ie. Ci.ic!:sai:d Jewelry rc-.iiir( 1 neatly
ind with dispatch.
i?l-Removcd to opposite Platte Valley Hous
y: Sir t. nov. Tt v tf.
Chattel T1crtgge
DEFAULT haviu been made i:i a certain
t hatti'! Murtfrairo hearing date the trot to
day d December 1 .(), exec.!! I by J. R. Hol
land to A. S, Toiiilinson, which, said mort irase
was duly recorded in the County Clerks Otlit e
of Cass c. itnty. Stat e ol Nebraska, oti the 17: ti
day ol December. A D is,. I, at Id o'clock and :'." a. la. in 15 ; ; D. of Chattlu MortKases
at Juices 1 1 and 1 Id, on which niort t-at-e there is
.On. ,.r t bf il-.te i A T h is O.O i,-i. t 1. so 01 o -' l(l W
with interest from December -o:h Pod, at the
rate oft. n per cut per annum, no suit or pro-
endings bavin been hadatl-iw or otherwi e
for t he recvery of .-ai J debt or any part there-
, .. , . . , . ... . , , ,
1 assigned by A. S. i'oml iii.-on the owner of the
t.. !' C Tl.n..-. 1! :f..,.. ,.iib 'l,Mtlg
j n the'tii day of February A D ISTl to secure
i the pa van. 1. 1 of t lie stun of s 17 ' said as.-ien-
!.;.. n-mied bv the ,i-,,es v.. Hol
land tlie iiiorti: li'nr of said and cliattk-s
and hciniT nnide for tiie benefit (f the sii.l
James I 1 i .! hi'id a lid A. S. Touilinson, and
1 he said .lames 1.'. Holland an.! AS 'i'omlinsoii
having failed and ma tie dit.-itik in the pay
ment .f the .-aid sum off 17t .', and no proeced
tass hnvins been had at law or otherwise for
the collect ion of said debt, rot ice is hereby
piven that Uv virtue of the power of side t-et
forth in said inortfTHKe undiu the assignment of
the same b' the said f S Tomlinsoii, I shall
expose for sale at public auction to tiie highest
bidder at the front door of t he Court Mouse in
Platt.-mouth City Cass county Nebraska on
We lnes lay the 1-th day of July A D ls.1. the
property described in said chattel mortKiyJO or
so much thcreofas shall be neces.-tiry to satisfy
my sail demand ot Jt7 00; and interest thereon
at tlie, rate cf 1-per cent per nnnu'ii from the
'J'lth day of Fohruary IsTl, said pro' erty beinjr
described as "The hou--e, now standinir on the
w 1 of lot 1-in block in said Phittsiuouth
City, nnd all the poods and chattels therein
contained, used in curryiniron the hotel busi
ness, and ui.-o all the furniture, beds, bedding
crockery.vare, therein contained, now in the
possession of said J. K. Holland and ued in
carrying on the hotel loi-iiness in soid building.'
Dated Pia'tsmouth Nebraska. June 2i 1S71.
K. ti. DOVI'.V, As-ince of
A. S. louilinson Mortgagee.
..'- to,-.
"ATenny S.nnlis a Penny rnrnr.l."
And if you desire to
Save Tlsfit Iciuiy
As well as Pounds go to
T75 X-i."TC""T wrpr'fwi
To Buy Your
ail O
Wc have Ijought out II. D. F.x and now oc
cupy his oil ? on Main street, where wo
have just receivad a n add i i iona 1 supply of Uro
eericsuiid P.-ovi.-ions which we will sell very
low for cash. All kinds of country produce ta
ken iu exchange for goods,
L. BROFirl & GO
Plattsnionih CSgar Factory
on Main atrcct, L-ppositQ Court House,
Platl!i)Oul'i, - - rs:bra--I;a
' c l:ac.n ban i a larite ns;ortnier.t of
Cons:rirrs of the test .jaa-iries of
As Ac d- al exclasivelv in Tobacco we can sell as
ji.eap, it not cheaper than other store in the
I 31 ty. ,
oive us a call before you j urcliaso c:.-ewner.
u- we know you will go away sati.-hed.
L IJrorn
February 11. l:VD.dtf.
A Book of l'ij closely printed pases. lately
iisued. contains a li.-t f the best American Ad-vcrti-
'tijf .Mediams. iiivins the names', circula
tions, aud lull particulars concerninif the lead
in? Daily and Weekly Political and Family-
I circulations', pul lishod in the interest of ReTi.
i eion. Agriculture, Literature, Ac. t c. Kvery
A,iv;.r,r-er. and everv person who cnt. niplat
becomi? such wiii and this book of creat
value. M uled lree to any u i tre-vs on receipt
of cent. ;.. 1. koyii.i.i. .v ti
ii.. ui: .1 X .. .. l;-l. Tj x; v i-
ruuii.-nte., ..... r' I nift ii".i, .iv.T i o K. .
The liit-buric Pa.-, i',n-r, new issue of May
S'.'th, l-.. says : " The firm of Geo. J'. Roweil
A Co.. which issuirs this inteirestian and valu
able book, is the largest and best adyertising
Acency in the United S-tatea, and we can cheer
fully rc-ommeml it to the attention ol those
i who desire to advertise their bu iness cie.)jric-
. . 4-eure th- i ii--e.-: .aoum of Publicly for
1 Le least exi'eadi'.ure ci la'.-ue'.
One Year -Tfir.-r
One 31 a nth -
One Year -
Six Months - -
$1 00
Now OtTers the
West of the
It is rea 1 by Farmers. Merchants Me
chanics, Contractors, Stock Dealers,
Railroad Men, Business Men,
Manufacturers, Consumers,
Sheriff's Sale,
V. V. Leonard )
is. E
Horace Taylor. )
Notice is hereby given that I will offer for
sale at public auction on the Pth day of July,
A. D. IsTl, ut the-front door of the Court lloue
in Pl.itL-mouth. Cass county Nebraska, at one
o'clock p. in. of said day the following described
real es'aie, to wit :
The undivided one-half Ci"' f the north
west quarter 1 i ) of see t ion mini ber foui teen 1 1)
in township number twelve 'l.'i, north ran-.-e
number nioe 'V. east ofthe !h P. M situated
in Cass county.Nebraska. taken ai the property
of Horace .Taylor on an Execution in favor of
. V. Leonard, issued by the clerk of tho Dis
trict Cou it within and for Saunders county,
Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff of Cass
county, Nebraska. (.liven under uiy hand this
8th day of June, A. I). Is, 1.
J. W. JOHNSON". Sheriff
Cass county. Nebraska.
, D. "WiL.sox.Atty. for PlaiatitL
J une 8th w3
Sell IPrces.
Nurserymen and Dealers suplicd with Ezery
Tltisig Wanted in llie
Liberal terms to Experienced Cunva-t'X who
prefer selling on commission.
I or all particulars, address,
'kai.let. Rock k Bixchaw,
Birds' Nest Nurseries, KuutUdsIoq Ic-va.
Main Streei, Between Sth a:;d till..
t.Ncw House and New Furniture i"n ;
Oiuuibuss to and from the cum.;
f u n itu r
And dealer iu all kinds of
ITiirnilnre (Unairs
mais 3TRRT.T, (thir 1 door west of P O
Repairing nr.'l Vn'nishinir neatly done.
Funeral ttct-ded at tho short Jst notice.
The Unden igned has on hand and i-
WfsmsrtfcZ s:smissf
AH him b if
At his Mills at the Ft rry Lun-'t g at P'a'.'..n::ioui :
Orders Promptly Fiilsd.!
VYn.i.'.A" L'"i,vT;roN.,t f.
II it v in -j completed the platting ar 1 rc.-i.-,:ir. ;
of nuMhi Ki.'M Ad'i'.'i p. ti.- City ot Flat'.
mouth, I am low prc-j :'r-, I to -.-il
400 L.O'i'S
in tl"! A.Mili-M at'a!d' rates-. Tcrtns arr
one h..l! c.i-h down; the other I'-'lf '' i -
one yr-ir, ut ten per cent, interest per :..ii.u'r.
"r.-m dat" of pur.-oa-e inn il i-.i.d. ao be sc tire
by nioitaase on thu property.
Danatioii ta Churches.
I wi:i icive to thj f-dlo rcRv.ious den
na'"'.,.:". vi- :
To hi; R.ipo.t H.ur '. I t tri lo V C7 :
To the Coo T---' :'i' C'nircl:. l-.t I n i 'o- a
To the ."'lc'i'.o-i:. ( ii'ir -b, l-.t 1 i.-. i,!o.-.. i;
To llo' t'ath' iic Church, i d b in i i" !; .- :
Ta the Kpisopal Chuv "u, bd.1J in bb-k Pa:
To the Pr. l vtcrinn C'.or-'h. lot I in block
To the Christian Cliur. a lot '-. ' ' i-'k ; ;
To ihe Lutheran Church 1 it I in block - 1
a inr Addition to r:u Cnyof Platt.-ooutn.u'.oi
the fdlvw in r tmi liti m. u: lh;.t they fbti.'
erect on sai I lot-', as above donated, a suitaW
buil-iing for public v.or-hip, iO,in five year.,
froi-i this dt.'c ; nnd, in ca-e of faiiuro on ln.
p ii t f said Church or Churches to comply w.t't
above condition, tticn nnd in that ca- o the
lot or lots -hall revert to uie.
Do ation to Public Schoms,
crebv donate f T the u.-e of Public li-lri'-.
o. Is. Lotl" in ldoek "., on (ho north n da -f
nin street, and Lot V) in l.lo.-k 5IJ, on the eout.'j
Fide of Main street, in my addition .to the Uty
f Plattsmouth. DORL.
5,000 Acres of Land.for Sale
in this county. Also, llou es i.nd LoU in tLis
citv. at low prices.
Particular attention givci to llie buying an t
selling of real e-tatc. XMiiiuiiu; t''.:, s. en I p.iy
itig taxes for non-i csi Icnt.s. 11 KL.
Real l-..-tate Agent,
Lot for Ten Dollars.
I will sell t, parties do-irons r.f buiblitnr an '.
Improving, any of Ihe lot-in tho subjoined Ii .r
in in y addition to PlaO.stuouih. fit ten .bolars
per lot, under the following eon-! ;t ions, vtrr
The person pu'. clnc ii'.g v. ill be re iuir- I to
build on the lot purchased a dwelling house or
the following dimension, to-wit: . iho housf,'
to be not le-s than I l:.-l feet, with ftory not
lower than 3 feet. The frame must be good and
substantial: house we'd shingled; foundation
either of brick or stone. 1 here must be a k it-h-cn
of not less than 10x11. UuiHincjniv-ty,.
completed on or before January lt. Is.o. ., m
give a bond for a deed to the party who buys as
oon as purchase is madc,a:.d upon complying
with the abote conditions, will give a good and
sutitcient Warranty Deed.
Selections may be ma de from the aecmpany-
Lots h and 8 in Mo-'; Lot. S in .!,.. -t (
II in block 1: Lot ! in bbe-k is; I. .t
block i!o: L it-i J. it and 1 1 i:i i C 1; .C
bloiktJ: Lots 2 nnd n in block u-t;
U in block -'i: Lot o in block .. : l.-os .-. :
, i.t.w li 's- I.ois 4-ai.d7 in bloc:. J'.': b'.t
J in
s in
nti !
I 17
- in
block ). e .
S. b .
riattsmoutli. Anj.Cotf. in C r.r. Hon ,
Plattsinoul!:, Nebraska.
I am pre; arc 1 to aee,n.i..od.ito th" publi" n
Horses. Carriages, liug-i n-.d :t No. 1 il. -ir o
or. ,-hort no'i.-.- : f I r l-.oiabl,! term '. A II k k
will run tof.e.-ti amboat lauding, and to all pal l
ofthe city v. li -o ! -oed.
January 1. 1-.T1 d".v;f.
FrohatG notice.
X'OTICR is herd v giv.-n t all I 'r-" n - in'r
i.N c.-'--l tl -t Mary I lieu Lucas h:-,s ti.ts .).-
made a; .:i i ! -r. :;. .n t in en t ! "
tratrix on l:;c t-ta'.-oi Aims I. Lu-a-' 'lectu-e
and tho i ..a dav ol July i'.l nt U a. n.
is hi-r.-by appoinic i ! r b'-iv: .g sa;d appli .. -lien.
A. L. tltiJ.D, Pi-)';kii; Judge.
J une H'J'.v.ti5
Oiicfi ti b ottiu
Anttnn' !l lil' v u
.1. I'd l n. J.-hu y
Rcniy Dj jo
I". ',r. l;-iriiiiii r of i.
N O'I ICR i- l'.ereV-y given t!,M I wi'.I olier ! -r
s-.le at p::l lie :. i,-iiii,i on the 17ib dav
.lulv A I 171. by viri't ami anthoi it ol
Order of. -ale to me iir-( t.-l i.r.d i. u. I
f"e-k of C,e Distri-t C. art of the ,-et-on-l aieii
eial iiistrict within and f-.r Ca-s eoiinty .n-r.i--ka
at tiie front, door of the court housj m tic
citv of Plattsmouth in s; 'd county at tw,
o'clock p. in. ot said day the billowing ..lscnoea
'real esta.eiituj.ted ia suid Ca.-a county N'el ia
ka. to-wit : '
The : rorth hl 01 0 cf tbo north ra-t 4Uarte'
04)n- the north h'ali ij-aol the north ft t . ia i
ter' a 1 of section no. twenty-six (-'' in lov.r. I.;;,
no. 'Iu, north range no. thirteen IJ; cist of tl.o
tiiven under my hand this loth dayoi June -i,
' J. W. JOHNSON SneriT of
Ca -s (' untyN-hra.-k.:.
pHAvntrnn i RtciiA-tiisos Pi'trs Ally.
Junelow-T.t. ,
PI filiieo The Shcrtost Line
Licr.g. to Xct YoiV. via I'itUotirgr., l"or.
Wayne if' Chicai-'O Pennsylvania Cen
tra! Routs.
Thisis tho only Route runniig ''if 'c Daily
Lines through and S'i'piiii 'alxve Otr
From Chicago to
W ITIIO U.T O 11 A N (1 K .
AVith hut one chaniro to Raltliaore. Hertford.
New Hai-cn, Providcooe, Spriugfield. W'urcn
ter aud Roston 1
For ale at the offices of connecting Rne in ti: n
V t and at ail oihecs of the Fort Wayne au i
PennsylvanlaCentral Roule in Ct.ioano.
-TJlOs. L KI.Mit LI.-, n. -m
Western I'a.-scofeer Agcat, Feni-'s C : . ' .1. il.
Chicago. . i , .
1 ' - . -v --..- - - . . - u.
y f. '.v. .. o. T-