PLATISMOUTH WEBHAXSA., THURSDAY, JULY 13- 1871. the iasu cjoes. The following is an interesting euiu :j::ry t-f tho b'J.-incis tloiie at (he Lin coln LanJ OlTicc, from Jau. 1st lo July 1st, 1871 : 1 loincsteH'l. Jiinuar3'.. I'cliruary ;hrd .' May Juna IVciuptions January.... February No. ..143 o - No. -1'jl ..120 .Ail ...r,ij Acre.--'. 1:5,030.27 18,014.05 2'5,So7.5G Hi, Jo. 0-1, JH 1.10 44.850.00 Acres, 15,150.27 iy.350.15 C.3J7.".0.57 72,150-71 P2,4''0.40 43.520.00 March April May...... June... -. Timowisu mi:r. It i.s singular that soii.e people never an get a't.g uii.l feel comfortable vtih-s tliey are throwing dirt at somclcuy, anl they occaMoaally pass beyond the bounds of all decency to Jo so. It has become chronic with a fjv of the ink slinaists of Nebraska to throw mul at (!ov. Bu'ler, and now that they think they have him where they dare to abuse him they nev er allow an opportunity to pass unim proved. An in.-taneeof this wass-holvriin the report recently sent the Omaha Trib une and Hep of the reception of the Indiana editors at Lincoln, wherein tho correspondt-nt took occasion to say that Gov. Butler had insulted the In diana men by the use of certain language and by certain act, giving the language :;nd the acts. This was intended to be very damaging to the Gov., and might have been so had it not chanced to meet the eye cf one of the aforesaid editors who, loving justice and not having any of that vengeful spirit to satisfy which evidently filled the heart of the afore said correpo- dent, proceeded immedi ately to inform the editor of the T ibnne ind Republican that the whole thing was a falsehood, ar.d that Gov. Butler neither raid or did a thiug which could be distorted into such shape, but on the contrary lie had contributed much to make their vi-it to the State agreeable. "Wo do not cite this instance as anything more than an every day occurrence, but simply beeau.-e the attention of disin terested parties has been called to it, and because from it they may judgo of the manner in which the warfare against Gor. Butler has been conducted in this State during the pat two years. SVT IT liMillT. Y'c have heard it iutimatod, by evil deposed person., aud those who desire to injure our worthy acting Governor, W. II. Jarncs, that he had connived at the swindling of the State out of the ViO.OOO acres cf Agricultural College Lands. Yv'e deny this charge, on behalf of the acting Governor, and hurl it back in defiance to those who utter it. It is intimated that he will not employ com petent counsci in Vashington to atteud to the matter, but, is inclined to leave it in the hands of a man who he himself admits is incompetent to attend to it with justice to the State. In order that His Excellency may completely vindi cate himself from those foul aspersions, and show to the people of the State that ho is not only innocent but above suspi cion on this matter, we suggest to him the propriety of plaoing the ci-e in the hands of attorneys of known ability, and and those having experience in such matters. We are credibly informed that Messrs Chipnjan,' llosmor & Co., who are well known as suecs-ful attorneys be fore the departments, have expressed a willingness to take the cae and charge a reasonable fee if they win it and nothing if they lose. We believe that Governor Jauie will act promptly in this matter, and thus put the lie into the mouths of those who insinuate that lie has some ulterior design in allowing the State to bo defrauded out of the very best of these lands. "A word to the wise," etc. Constitutional Convention .Uuulci-I.-l aid. Editor Advertiser: There are many matters now under consideration by the Constitutional Convention in sps-f-ion at Lincoln, about which t he people and particularly (he press of the State, should express themselves to the end that delegates may be better enabled to comply with tho wihss of their consti tuents. Perhaps there is nothing of more importance to the whole State than that municipal ni l to works oi' internal improvement, The convention is clo-e-ly divided on the question of total and entire prohibition. While the people o' this3'ouijg and yet to be developed State are anxious that all possible protective restrictions be thrown around matters of this kind, I am sure they are not pre- j !ared to endorse a policy of entire pro- dbitiou. We are just entering upon a I course of railroad improvements and de velopment, without which immigration ceases; aud worse, we loose t lie greater and better portion of our preser.t popu lation. This class of works of improve ment are only constructed in this age by means first, of liberal aid on the part of localities directly interested. The peo ple are the covering I'Owcr under our system of government, aud should at all timc3 be permitted to express themselves. It is argued that A. has no legal right to impose a tax on B. ngaint his will. As well might it be said that C. has no right to interfere in case A. murders B. or destroys his property. Our system of government is called Democratic "'a form of government in v, hi eh the su preme power is lodged in the hands of the neonle collectively" majorities govern, and "the greatest good to the greatest number" are American axioms. There are fraternity interests which can only be secured aud maintained ty the exercise of such principles. I repeat, whii? all possible healthy limits, restriction and guards should be thrown around municipal action in direc tion herein referred to. prohibition Hi cms destruction to the future of Nebraska. Such a clause iu the Constitution will jeopardize, if not defeat adoption. Del egates must not allow "old fogy," ''ab stract ideas" to control? them. This is a progressive, developing age, and the people will move. Advance. JJrou.ivit'c Advertiser. - j Life's ?rr"3t;st enjoyment U jna'Io np ' o.f antirma'icn. - i t rcTi,ii.ii nwmii ,11 an i I.KT IT II E TF-VI'K1. If wc arc not mistaken, the LcgLda lature, at its recent session, authorized and instructed the gentleman from Penn sylvania the Attorney General of the State of Nebraska to commence suit for the recovery of moneys due the State from persons who hold it unlaw fully or through fraud. Now, if we are not mistaken, ajain, Messrs. J. D. Sil vers & Son, according to the testimony of 11. J. Silvers in the Impeachment trial, wore to give twenty-five per cent., bonus, for all they could get on the Uni- . versify contract over ani above I2,- 000 or in othur words,. Silvers admits that the job was only worth $125,000, and that the State was defrauied by them out of the other twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars paid for the Uni versity. We call upon the Attorney General to do hi3 duty, and to at once, before the.-.c men place themselves be-, yond ti e reach of the law, institute suit against them for the recovery of this money of which the State has been de frauded. Let us have the matter tc-te 1, and see whether.'. J. Silvers sVore to the truth ii this matter, for if he did the Statu' should larr-e sum of uionin certainly recover a from tht-m. f-sOijiJi-r l lll j.l. Hie SoUiers' Lli.ion cf Nebraska held a meeting at the Board of Trade rooms Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. Col. Furnas, the President, occupied the chair, and Lieutant John Giiiespiewas appointed Secretary pro tni. Col. Majori, Major Williams and Ma jor Neville were appointed -a committee to report a list of cllieers for the ensuing year. They reported as follows: For President lieu. V.'- W. Lowe, of Omaha. For Yice President Lieut. A. Atkin son, of Omaha For Secretary Lier.t. John Gillespie. For Orator Hon. T. W. Tipton, of Brownville. The report was a liptel, and the olTi cers were declared elected. (Jen. Living-ton, d' Pialtsmouth, was appointed Chairman of the State Execu tive Committee, and Prcident Lowe was authorize! to appoint tli.i rest of the committee from several counties of the State. . The time of reunion was changed from the 4th of July to the first Wednesday in June. The next annual meeting ami reunion will !e held at Plattsmouth Tiiiune and Jit publican. The Old World Coming: to Ibc Ttcvr. Another English colony arrived here on Sunday evening. They left Liver pool on the first day of Jane, and in about seventeen days found themselves west of the Mississippi The company, including children, numbered more than fifty. Each family had a large and well tilled lunch buket thanks to their do mestic supplie and to the B. fc M. Com pany's Immigrants Home, with lunches, wa-h rooms, tal bs and stoves, the in comers were independent alike of hotels and eating houses. ltel're dv-d by a day's rest in the ;ukt rel'uge which the railroad company open gratuitously to ail wayfarers, the pil grims last night passed on toward Lin coln, where a stid' more commodious lauding place awaits them, with cooking' stove, ten bed rooms, etc. There they can escape from the tender mercies of land i-harks until they can obtain work, buy lauds, or t make themselves at home in the new world. The colonists represent almost all trades. Some bring money enough to buy improved farms; others will seek homesteads, or become laborers till they can lay by enough for an agricultural start. Several young men propose to buy horses and explore on hor-e-baek the region between Lincoln and Fort Kearney. One prepoejsir.g man with his wife and seven children, had a notable Cer tificate, not only from his rector, but from his employer. It certified that lie had been hired by one farmer for nine teen years, at lir.-t at four pence a day, but at bu t at sixty pounds a year that he li:td gained a prize; of four guineas at a plowing match, as well as that his fath er -,' I gr.iiKllather had been employe I en the same farm. When a-k'd "Why did you coma to America ?" his answer was, "to help my chi' Let! to a start, and perhaps save something in my old age." "In England." said he, "as soon as I am too old for labor, my landlord will say, ' go to the 'union,' the English name for a poor-house, and my children must begin as I did, at four pence a day. The old man was wise. lie has now only ten pounds and a ticket to Nebras ka ; but he, and especially his children after him, are sure to rise to a higher plane than would have been po-siblc iu the old home, where he could not by any possibilityever own enough land for his grave. IJvrUiiy'oii Ilaivk-Eje. "Why Did He not lTie? '" is the title of a new novel. We have not read the conundrum, but believe the answer to be because he refused to take his medi cine. The editor of the Mom-burg (Canada) Courier must be a very popular man in that turg. His friends made up a purse and sent him off on a visit to Europe for the benefit of h s health. A man who is going to do good with his money when he shall get a great deal of it, makes a bargain with the devil, and the devil outwits him. Where men are going to use their money so that it will do good yihea they get through with it, the Ixird is apt to get through with them before they thiuk of getting through with their money. If you want to be-benevolent by and by, be benevo lent now. Thev cure delirium tremens in Italv by the administration of a solution of amouia in heroic doses. Alittle four year-old girl who has "been there" gives the following recipe for vac cination : "scrape your arm a little; scrape it till it hurts put in a little putty; let it dry ;tnd that's all till it 'takes.' " The inventor of the- Bavarian mitrail leuse receives $4,000. for the invention, and an additional sum of $120 as royalty on eery muruHeu.-e which leaves the government manufactory. Texas ha? 3,$00,000 cattle, consisting of 'J50.000 beeves, .50,000 cows, and l.'Jio,000 young cattle. The plains ou which these cattle roam contain about 152, !0,00 acres of ground. The peach was originallv a poisoned almond. Its lies!)' parts were used to poison arrows, and the fruit was for this purpose irtroauceu into 1 eria. J be transplantation and cultivation, however, not only removed its puisonou qualities, but prodvtccd the delicious fruit we now enjoy. Tlie editor of tlie Houston County (Jlinnesofa) Journa 'drove off' all the po tato Lurs from his patch ly a charge irom a Daheock fire ex'intii-her, and he cousidr-rs the machine a perfect remedy lor the pest. He adds in a postscript inu i, Jl taut ni'i'i niat-ivu iuuw iiij j- tators all.dif-J within fifteen minutes at- tlm hu hit. The I. in colli Salt Has ins. Ttic Organization or n Fowcriul Com any. One Million DoIlnrM Itopresentecl fit tSte Manufacture of Salt at Lin coln. From tho Lincjla Stiitemaa. We arc pleased to announce to our readers that a company has been organ ized under the name of ' The Nebraska Salt Company," for the purpose of de veloping the sale interests of Lincoln, which are among the richest and most extensive in the country, and for engag ing at once and very extensively in the manufacture of salt from the wells for merly" owned by Messrs. !c Evans, situated a short distance west of our city limits. The company which i.s interest ed in this enterprise is composed of Messrs. Isaac Calm, J. 11 Bovd, Thos. F. Hull, S. B. Guley and J ,,h n i. Ne ligh, nil men of 'capital, an I ail nf whom, by porsOird observation, have obtained a full knowledge of the enterprise which they have undertaken. The company represents -a cv.pital r.f more than one million dollars, a large proportion oi' which will be invested at once in con stm -tion of tlm iH.cs.-ary machinery, buildings, etc., for the manufacture of salt upon an cxtey-ivc scale. One hun dred thousand ae-to be at once applied to this purpor-e, and the articles of in corporation provide for the increase of this amount to .one million dolars if thought advisable, and if sanctioned by a vote of two-thirds of the stock-hold ers. Work will be at once resumed v.i the well already sunk, which it is pro posed to sink to a further depth of lour or five hundred feet or until brine of a sufficient strength is obtained. It will be remembered that this is the well which has been throwing brine of a good de gree of strength for a number of months past a stream being thrown for a con siderable period to a height of forty feet above the surface oi' the ground. We predicted at the time of ilia sinking of this we:l that it would- prove a rich field for future operation -, and that a i plen did investment was secured to any party who would undertake its development Of its pecuniary value there can be n question. This enterprise should not have been allowed to lie idle for the want of sumo sagacious and energetic man to put it into active operation. There is, perhaps, more money in this investment to-day than in aluio.-t any other enter prise open to capital in the State. We date from this a new era in th" progress and prosperity of our city A ery few of us have properly estimated its import ance. The work is now begun, aud we .-hall keep the public posted as it pro-gies-es. A itailrotttt Toast. At the reception given to the Indiana editors Wednesday night, the following toast was offered by John S. Bender: The Burling 0:1 and Missouri Bivcr Ilailtoad L'.t excelled by any other rail read in affnding comfort to the traveling public, aud an important link in uniting the citizens of Nebraska and Indiana in tt.e t reat chain, of "Friendship, Love a n ft- Truth." To" this sentiment we tip our beeker. It is not, however solely with that object in view that we print Mr. B.'s offering. It is rather a text from which wc may spin a yarn truthful. We would from Lihis text draw, that sixty-six persons, be longing to an Indiana editorial excursion arrived here on Wednesday. We would further bring out, that each and every one of these excursionists was compli mented with a free pass-sage. It more over stands obvious that at the regular i'are, $44, from Chicago to Lincoln and return, the bill of that party would have amounted to i2.'J70. What inference would you have us develop? Situpiy this, a donation of $li,'j70 upon the part of the road to an editorial party wiie mihtuu-3 into Ncora.-ka an 1 auvoi ti-e more thoroughly her merits to the world. This fact argues agains1. the unlimited selfishness some peoj ie thiuk possesses all railway corporations. Yen, more. It is a positive argument that they pos sess a soul, worthy cf cultivation. And how shai! it be cultivated? That is a question the people of Nebraska, particu larly should take heme to themselves. They should consider what railways have done for them, and upon that, it may !e said, we are riot blind to what tho people have done for the railways. .We under stand that there is a mutual benefit. But the point that we would raiso at this writing is, that we are tcr;ding to an opposition to such corporations that may icsult more to our detrimeut than wo are inclined at lirst to suppose. Bailroads in a new country cannot be built without liberal aid. There is not the local freight to warrant the expenditure of lundst. In the east a railroad is built be cause the business of the country through which it is to run demands steam transportation. In the west there is no filch demand. The road is built in order that the country may be built. What hope did Nebraska have forgiowth until the Union Pacific was in operation? What were the prospects of the south Platte before the Burlington and Mis souri Bivcr and the Midland Pacific be gan to penetrate her rich prairies? Up on what did Lincoln build her promise id present success, if not on the dady arrival of trains via. theB. & M. andM. 1'.? And what is her strong argument for continued success if not that she is to be an Indianapolis in point of rail ways a center? And further, good reader, what is the praj-er of every town and county iu the State to day? Even stronger; what is the salvation of every ambitious village in Nebraska? It is the rail ! A year ago wheat in this city without the rail brought flirty cents a bushed. To-day, with the iron hore the Lancaster Flouring Mills will give $1.10 for every bushel of good wheat they can get. Why the difference? It is unnecessary to answer the question. We write thus that a liberal spirit may exist on the part of the people of Ne braska toward the railroads already run ning and those projected. lVgyi-tu in this particular isdangerous. Legislation crippling railway enterprise, is likewise dangerous to the growth of a people ! IjiitC'jhi Statesman. I'uu .Urn Fuiiml Drnd. Beatrice. July 5, 1S7I. Ed Chronicle: Two mon were found shot through the head at the head of Indian Creek, four miles from I lock Creek, ia -Jefferson county. A letter was found in the pocket of a coat whieh was in one end of their w:i irons, Post marked Nehra.-ka Citv, dune loth, 1S71 direct od to Jvl N. Waiter, U Lite llovk, Kan .c:ts, urpirtiii:r to have heeu .written by T. 8. Fi-h, Delaware Precinct, Jrno 11, 18T1. A ocket hook upon the body of' one of them had ''I. t. Pasee," written in ink upon the in.-ide. KespecifdHv, J. W. JTcL. City Chronicle. An cxc-iianse says that it ki;ows of a boy who accidentally swallowe-l a silver half dollar. U'hey pave him warm water and tartar emetic, and antiiimnial wine, and licked their finirers down his throat uutil the hoy thought he would throw ujt his to? iKii!s.- After a whi;e a doctor caaie alon who understood such case. He admii.i'.tereu a small dose of patent medicine, and in less than ten minutes the boy threw up the half-dollar in Cve cent ricces. Science is a great thin-' A FEARFl'fj STOUJI, Several Ierans IiilteI. Immeatc Loss of Property. From the Omaha Tribune & Republican; 7tb, We hear distressing reports of ruin and disaster all along the track, of the tcrific storm of wind and rain that passed over this city, bctv.eeu 5 aud 7 o'clock, Wednesday evening. Its effects within the city limits wc published yesterday morning. Daring the day, additional particulars came in from various parts of the State, d:owing that for severity the storm was .unequalled in the history of Nebraska. the :c:;:a;:r nkiciiuokiiood. The people who live in the Knight n. i.-hborhi.od, about ten miles northwest 1 f this city, had a terrible time. The storm came up suddenly, and in a few minutes after it commenceJ, the bouse of J. II. Gue was blown down, not a timber being left standing. Mr. Gue, his wife and child, were in the house at the time. Mrs. Gue and the child escaped unharmed, and mis.-lng her bus ban t she searched for him, finally find ing him uti Icr an extension table, on width was a sewing machine and a large quantity of broken timbers. One of the beams in fid'.ing. struck Mr. (Jue, break ing the right collar bon-;. His head and hip were injured, and ho was generally jammed up. The Gue family managed to get to the re-idencc of Mr. Uibbard, their nearest neighbor, one mile distant. Dr. Ba'ucock, of this city, attended to Mr. Gue's injuries. J. B. Jester's house in that vi,cinit3' was lifted from its foundation, and moved to a distance of nearly five rods, and was turned almost around. The ad joining stable was prostrated to the ground. The thriving grove on Mr. Knight'." land, was severely damaged. Mr. Stoddard's house was partially un roofed. All the corn in that neighbor ly -l was pro-fated as flat as though a heavy iron roller had been drawn over it. A 1'lSXL'lti;!::!) FL'NEHAL I'ROCESSION. The procession that was following to tho grave the corpse of Lewis P. Thomp son, the boy who was drowned in the Pjpilliori on Sunday last, was overtaken by the tempest about four miles west of this city. Mr. Ireland was one of the first ones to see it coming, and being a strong man, he jumped out, hoping to be able to hold the carriage to the ground. But his efforts were puny, and the vehi cle was twisted out of his grasp, and overturned. Nearly every team was hfed buddy from the ground. A car riage, in which Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Ireland, Mrs. Scott, and other near rela tives of the deceased, were riding, Ws capsized. Mr. Will ams' team was tip ped ovCr, and before the horses could be checked they ran away, and have not since been caught. The carriage, in which the corpse was being conveyed, ran clown into a hollow where shelter was afforded. One lady was taken up from tiie ground and carried a distance of twenty feet in the air before she could regain her feet The men cou d not stand up, 'but were thrown about at the mercy of the wind. A TUAIX liLOWN FROM TIIE TRACK. The afternoon train on the Fremont anl F.ikhoru Valley Bailroa 1 was struck y the storm, between Scrib ner and' Crowed and the three coaches were lifted from the track, thrown down the embankment, and turned upside down in the ditch. One side of tho engine was lifted eight inches fiom the track, but the coupling broke, and it fell back ti'jain. Nearly every p:is-ftiger was more or less injured. William Whitmore, td' this city, Mail Agent on the road, was crushed under the safe, and re cived several internal injuries. Tin y were not considered yes- leiiiay to tin or iaiai cnai aei er. .Joiir; Mct'f ary, of Norfolk, received :t frac tured skull; his wife was bruised be yond n cgiiitit) ; their son, Johnnie, had his skull fractured. Unbelt iv Far ley's tlioiiLKr w;is ttrin of 1'r. A. ( ' . .li.-!.i il. TIp." k-!'t Q 01 l::i:r, was t, a ho v tin C'll'Off tftor MeL'jod's .-lioti! .Icr was broken. Lew. Heed, of this city, was on the train, but escaped with only fliuht bruises. I).-. Hear, of V.'o.- t Point, worked like a Tro jan auj.iti-r the woiinded. About one mil"' t'rn::! the wreck f f the train, the hotie of Nathan Au-tatn was P'icked up by the wind, carried about one hundred feet, and toru completely into pieces. ?dr. Au-tin was cru-hed to death iti the wreck by falling timbers. His daughter escaped with her lite, though the was ."-evetely injured. AT LONE TItEE. The U. S. "xircs trail, wliich had drawn up to thv v. titer tank at Lone Tree, was backed away from the b'ii!diu;r when the approach vt' the .-torui was no ticed, ami not a moment too soon, for tho windmill and building fell immedi ately afterward with a fearful er.iMi. As the .storm swept about the train, shaking it tremendcu-iy, th'e employees of the company hurried though toward the sleeping cars, which were considered the safest from beinij the heaviest, and they .said that the passengers were nearly all on their knees praying for mercy, for not one expected to e-oape alive. Immense hail stones foil at this point, and a dis patch received from there says that none were smaller than eofiee cups. One was found that actually measured twelve inch es in circumference. In the city twelve houses were blown down and destroyed. The roof was torn irom the backside of the depot ; the kitchen of the hotel was blown down ; the telegraph poles were torn from the prouud ; a box freight car, standing on aside track, was demolished the frame was blown down an embank ment and the truck was taken up by an opposite current of wind and thrown on the main track ; piles of lumber were whirled in every direction ; the operator tclcpraphed that "a woman was picked up by the wind and carried a quarter of a miie at the rate of a thousand miles a minute.'" A centleman named 11. Phelps, livimr near Lone Tree, was killed, his daughter fatally injured, and every member of his family more or less bruised. The storm there Continued about ten minutes, and its track was about ten. miles in width ; within that limi , every lield of grain was entirely destroyed. ELSEWHERE. At Tllair, the Sioux City and Pacific rami 1 lmuse was Mown down, and the watchman with his son, natrotvly escaped frotu the ruins with their lives. Mr. Boston's house, about one mile irom the town, was torn to pieces, but fortunately no person was injured. The lo.-.s in Lui'ldiiii?s and crops, which is immense, carnmt now Le cstimatctl and it is probable that further loss of human life will be reported, liant and thoughtful narrative to our readers. The book is handsomely bound and illustrated with li0 map, portraits, battle scenes, and views of the principal localities connected with the war So exptn.-e has been spared by the publish ers to make it worthy cf the support of the public, and we predict for it an im mense sale; especially as its low ptiee j Krlnrrc U witliin t hp reach all. It isrub- i-i .fi :.. l .. i?....!:. i. n ,1,1 1 iisu i.i uo.ii J .!..,-.. " j by subscription o. ly. and the publhUers waat fluents in every county. lie lsc of Vt Hi kins'. Walking for young and active persons is by far the best exer.'ise ; riding is good for the elderly, middle aged and invalids. The abuse of these exercises consists iu taking them when the systeoi is exhaust ed, more or less, by previous fasting or by mental labors. Some persons injudi ciously attempt a long walk before break fast, under the belief that it is condu cive to health. Others get up early to work three hours at some abstruse men tal ti'if'. The effect in both instances is the same ; ir subtracts from the power of exertion in the after part of the day. A short saunter or some light reading be fore this meal is the best indulgence of the kind ; otherwise the waste occasioned by labor must lie supplied by nourish ment, and the breakfast will necessarily become a heavy meal, an I the whole morning's comfort sacrificed by a Weight at the chest fiora imperfect digestion of food. These observations apply to el derly per-ons who are prone to flatter themselves into the persuasion that they can use their mental or bodily powers in age as in youth. It is in vain to hope to please all alike. Let a man stand with his face in what dirccii'oi he will he must necessarily turn his hack on one-half of the world. A man who cannot command his tem per, bis attention, and his countenance, should not think of being a man cd Lu.-i-ness. All the cares of the day ought to be laid aside with your clothes. None of them must be carried to bed with us ; and in this respect, custom may obtain very gicat power over the thoughts. It is a destructive practice to study in bed, and read till one falls asleep. e. t. m ur, I. IT. WIIE T.EIl. T. DUKE & 009 AT FOOT OF MA LY STREET VhoKvate Jt Ketai! Uoi'.crs in lard ware and Cutlery, Stoves, TINWARE, LOP", IRON, STEEL NAILS AND Etack.Miiith Too!?, &c. Keep on hind a Large Stock of CHARTER OAJC BUCKS PA TEXT, CHICAGO, EJIPOIUA, L O Y A L C O OK' And Uher First-Class Cooking STOVES, All kinds of Healing toves. Coul or 'Vool l:eit on h:;nJ. JOTi WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. -MOLIXE- . Stiring and l3re.iking I'lows At Net Cos; for Cash. Onr prices are as low a.- any limine in tlie state. iian-ijtf. Weeping Water, Neb. DEAI.EH3 IS General Merchandise, SUCH A3 DRY GOODS. UKoCKIKS. HAKlUr.AnF. UUKENaH'AItE, HATS, CAFA COOTS. siloes, rroTioxs. &c, riXS AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER. SHINGLES AND LATH. We ire Agents for Wilicox &. Gibhs Sewing Machine, hich is undoubtedly the oest JIaehine now in i."e. murl'j'f'Jtf. FIDWIFE, The unden-isned has pra' tietd Midwifery for eleven years under government i'iisiicc-i in Sweden, from tiie authorities of which govern ment file has a diluiu: ; ha also t.rao'ieed lour years in Cliienso, aud now ha.s locited in the ei'y of l'la tsmouth. where Mie tender her pro fesMonal services Can bo found at her resi dence on Peail Street, near Ninth. mayi'JSm. MRS. LOT1IMA3T. MACHINE iHQP! Wujman t$ Curtis Repairers of tteaai Enfine, Eeilers, Saw and tirist Mill. ia3 and Steiim Fittlntrs, Wronftht Iron Pipe, Foree and Tilt ruaij'S. St-nin tlaues, alanee Valve tiovernors, aud all kinds of Bra s Engine Fittin s, furnished on short notiee. FARM ING MACHINERY P.enniredon short notiee. anz'.tt DiSiOluiicn Notice. Xotice is herehy iriven thtit the -o-rartner-thii heretofore esi-tin between the umier ficned under the linn n me of Hate A Jlai'u L ii ;i!av lii-Mirfil iiv mv'ii il n 1- J. imiiiiii ittaintn tlie firm t .i--ine- ana .-ei'air. i, a,.SwU0U oftue late liraj. a. (f. I! ATT. July 6t3. F. J.HAXiHI. m m I m m m n i?" ffl u f Pi bkji -"r "!. - -f .i -a J!;--l L. 1 !. . ;- ' !i ;,--".-.- .vi'-.V r t"' - : : ; : ; i 1 --;-? i ' :-v- ; -pi V S:tVfe"r-i: .S j;:: ! MISSOURI VXLLEY LIFE Insurance Company No. 70 DELAWARE STfiEET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ALL POLICIES "OT-FORFEITING. SMvieleiasls osi Iho Contribution IMan, Securing the Greatest Pecuniary Advantage to the Pclicy Holders REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : . 1-"t:..Tli;-J i a W. r t. rn Ccmsfinv. min.ipc.I by Wotrrn men. whos-e known finan!iin-i;il .i.jiy !sil i..n. wU-.m :-i.le n:uiny tor its carelul ana Miccesful iuani?cuu"iit. -I. Jts Polices- )ire all tiwit-erf'iiit. :J. Prim m :n ml f.'iHli. It ivi-r-ive? r note? rin.1 irivpj nunc. Policy holders Lave no iotertst to i iy, an l m j notes a liens us-ou tiioir I'olicici. I'h. It h:i- 1.0 1 -fsi liit inn mum travel. h. JtsMlixi.h'u.i:. 15 re n::i.K- i:i:n tiie eon tri hut ion plan. 0"h. lis bu; 0:0s is cx .lu.-iviy lite iKiaium e. Are flip :in,-.Ini::I:t!oH of inHrcit upon prcTiiiuins rai l, hon.-c tlio Company that loan its ii-sris tile -t rate ol mti ro t cm yivo y.u the larrost -liv'i: Is. Kastorn 00111 anies invest thjir '":;';'' J !lt " P ret nt.. '. !ule this tuiilvos it-! invest tr.outs nt twelve per eer.t. or mnrc 1 iie!nt.i(,e ..( o ;. ru investments to ihe i-i.ii. y hoi ler appvars iu the lollu-.viuu startling ligurcs: ibe amount of sl.'iMi. hivc-unl for fifty years nt t er eeiit. compound interest, i.s S 1S.120.1 ." s " " -tr. .!vl.r,4 1 " " " " 117.; M.SS y . , . , , .1-' " " " " ais.o. s.,0 It is oln-ious that this company offers pre.iter financial advantage.-- ar.d inducements to the policy-holder than atiy oiaer company in existanee OFFICERS . It T Miu-kav. Pre- i-i cut; ticnrjrc A Moor Secretary, .1 .lone-;. As.s't .Secret ire. ll L ivewman, Trua.-urer L MSwaii. Vic; PrJ-i-ient. Hr J L Wever, Med. D ior, DIRECTORS. D ?h're. Leavenworth. Kan, .1 v l;;,.i,-,,..i- If T) Mecliay, Leavenworth Kan. I'M sw in, A" i Cotiin, 'e. A Moore, I) W JVv.eis. tieo L Davis, St. Lou's. ?,Io J Jferri'. " .J. Ilastint-s. " " M 11 Morgan " -.1 I 11 K ll-ni'iiiond " " II lOdgci-toii. 'Hi os Carney. S M Strickler. Jtincfion City Chas llohir.son, Lawraiice, WiJladU-y, ici. Aeutfor "VcbrasUa and Xoiiherti Evans-. GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. J. VI. HATL SIT ALL, Agent, r ..,,,, rrT, - , R. 3. LIVINGSTON, Xtd Fxaminer FTSJIO L Til HiKitli tUdii JKulii Hived PLATTSMOUTH, J. D SIMPSON & CO., Forwarding and Commission Mcrchanls Agents for the Omaha and St. Louis "CP Line Packets. PlattssTiG'Jth, Fcb. x,- eir noiv ,,i-t':tp .e fi . fi..,;r of t!i'; arc ilui:;c forwarding and Commission Business, Ware House attache J, we can furni.-li nil the ptorage wanted. AH goods ?ent in our earc will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, anigao lo distiasJ fur Lincoln, As'ulan.1 and the CALL AND SEE US. FALL AND L870. r. sca.NA3K. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and more To buy AT Y O E The best and uiat STOCK CF DRESS GOODS- Are now on cxhihiticn at the Xcw York Store, at attention to our new URES-GOODS, P1UNT5, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, I'LEACIIED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA .S BOOTS AND SHOE of all kind.; and i.rices to suit oar numerous cui'.owera. larte etoek of GROCERIE3, HARDWARE, QLEENSWAIIE WOODEN-WARE, GLXSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS ND CAPS. .Wo Sell nt (V,t Now the Celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOV S'TUDBLE BREAKING PLOWS, all kiud f CU.. tVATORS- REAPEKS. SLEDER-S, HAY RAKES, 2cC Platt--muu.h ici-teiiborlJib. lsTO. tf. 1). SCUXAf;cJ3 & CO. IIA Ca!li:n. General A?ont. W 10 ll.n viy. Con. r.ct uarr, T A llurd. Attorney. H L Ne.vn1.1n Leavenworth K; W fc; ("hemhcrlain. T A Dun I. K A lieu, " " C A t'. rrv, AVe'ton, Mo, C W Ve.d. Topi ka. Kansas. J M I'ricu Atchi-iirj, Kan. W It Stehhins. " dumber O. GaSS GO., HE J.'kkat.u Eioek, Corner T.-ia Second St. V,'c E!uc River, will be firwirde.l without delay WINTER 1870 GOODS. 1870. F. D. LENilOf F. too. are going to their THE S: STORE- coiEideto preatly reduced r.ricea. We call particular styles of WIIOI.K.AI.1: A.ND KETAIt, DKUG TST ivimr anil Tins on 1 an 1 '.it H i 1 ut Whito & Eutterj v giriitn .nda JIain Street, TLut. nmath, ' THE LARGEST AND jlos't (U)inplvtc ti:o' k of I'lM1.::-. M- H.-liH"-, T'.'int. . 1. 1 -ir. i.e.-. 1. .ui i-U. t'. il 1 " Oil. M.i .'il, (i;m-n?(M, ,:it.T Oil. Ne:it : t'il. h.Je Oil. I.iiiy... i o,. J . Oil. i:. --n:i..l Oil. IV! Live. ' nu-1 i liit'" v.'i . li-., I , 1 .- . i An ' i: - i -. -i. 1 : ,.;; ,;,r. itnl PATEMT MEDICINE t u- .7. l.:i',ir.. M--I.-C-V. i:-v i;ir's. v i-i.-h; , . fn-1.1, (iuvs..ti's. I'ciiy 1-;. IT..'i.-k UV. IViittV. Mr. Win :.. Tr. it .-in -i 1 li. -li lii r'-, linl. . V.:I l. ,,('.-. W ct . .ir, 1 i h liH'-it ii j . n . Putont jc. lie. in..: in urf0 jit ih,, il ! : Brandies Wines and Vhiskic Of tlie Pest Tinules uiul .i.uluii Medical I uii'ete.s. Mriu!y f. DOMESTIC DYES. Rel or lloso. Croon, Ehie, Elm-l;, An.slirie, 1. diK". . iM.i'tiler, l!xti:u-t .f-v,"iil. i)iy Wooils, A'c". In t:n f evorylliins that is iierilfl i:i (lie di or .McJital iine. Fliisicians' Pcrscriptions Aenuiy pinr,,oiin'I ed ul ur ;it a'l I.i f II !ru;.'-i wiirrenieil Ire-h ::mi li , e. C;iil ore liuyiiiu'. nn t .-' e wh:it I li.ive t'i sell. i'l.iUMiinuth, i'eli. Z th.d s li'. Legal Notice. In the Di.-trict Court of th s .k.'.U in and for Ca:-s County; i,f Xe'jr.1 ,li , J .till Uill A ri,-l Pill, Nellie J 1'ill. ami Willi nn Dill, iiiinnr lie. eliidren of V il'i.iM L i 1 1 ,1c -e.i , i Dill widow !' Wiliiai-i tJill ! e, i. Mnntnrt. iiiiniini.-trator oi'tiiu c.i'.i Diil deceased, n;"tin.-t !eoiKO .fennir;', Aiini Ti-i William K Mi. ! Ion, Ad-lia ;-lnl ', I Iht i P'.l ' 1. 1111 I I lilt . :n, 1 ir ,11 i. hi- 1 .l,.h,i ol ilh im li, I' is 1 I Charloj K. Uayley an 1 Jecnio I'. ll.,-,lev wite, John II. IJavloy, and i :ih y hi '.: K'lw ard (loii.leanuli.i, i,d ' : I i oi . li . t, m v. ite. Jaim-H Sweet. .1 uliun .Mi U-.i'l .'i. ; A. It v en. AtLorney.i in i:n t, an 1 mh-iit' : ;lu .-'! . I ll'-Mersol'tlio I'arnn -ta X Jl.-eha 1 - .T.;ro "f Neora.-kn City, Nebr:i-l:.i, milrlij 1 . ini.-r A .".lei hauics ftore. illiam 1 1 .rr i - i . n . Kvu. l-r V. Darnuin 1. r egret A: Co., u:, I ili-ii ird ). iiiipson, re.'eiver,..l.l'e'id:,i,ts. Noiieoto i.n. rei'teIlt., (let'i-nt " To I'M ward ImiJ nira and wil'.', (. '!iarle E. it nley mid wife, y. - ; . l.o;.-ret V Co., T," ti-i f-i.leiif (! nd int-.', ..u are liivel y n..l ilii-d that llm :.l w i...i,h.,I '.. did .if ! '- i day nt Jimo i!.. !e;r 1 : t. ti;m in tin- th; i- led t inn, 1,1 tl.o :i )).. v r.amed court, t tw- ol.jeet and ira. er .if whe-li i 1 to lurcloe a tn..rt;:i:e civen I y i ;, ,r i- J.n.i.iiv , and Anna M.nia .lnu!n.';-. (. i!;,.,m JmI, :: 1 by him si-'inrj to i nt i i',' J.!. 1 1 obtain the ,;. !" -;. i rtrri i.ote mv: by Coorti. .K-i.nt'i- ; iit-d At na :i;,'i i -li - -riine.-i ! V, i!I:-ip, Oi.l. in .M. .-, ),. V I'.r el -'-.i, with ii;t..-ri .-t tl.. r n rt iu. I, 1 1 . ,! llllillllil I'll, 1,1 ;"i;ir, li .'.1st, - i,., I , .,,,, .i..,",.,'' beiiu- 1 i.i i; in ll,,- 1. , v..--, .. 1 r ; , Hid int.Ti -l .1mo t.i si-id note, to .,iie l!:e rn.ri,' 1-.. ; t. ,j ,. ,,. , ; At,rt. j- , ''"".-! 'b'"i.'i -1 ai.. i .;.!.. 1 , .1, I.,,;,.- , t'4. liii.ilil I ' ! ! I , to "1 .J,'.! .1, .'j t,.,,!, f.' Iii.fh-ea-t (iia ri:r I 1 '1 . . i"-i. 1,11: , . , ; , , 1 oilit i;si 1,1, d l'i'.it .,t il.e v.e. t J .li . ,:t. iif.iiu-ne. v 'iriit..r '1-1, I ,: ion r. : twenty ve'i iV i i i ,,v. :i nun-, "or In Il'irtfl of in, li i: -;i I , 'i- ii:ii I, ( n , i ,,, ; 1'riti -ij -.1 vi ii , j ;5, - in t".; . , . b Nyt-ra-k:., I and f. .-old lo pay faid Ula cf ii.oney I I u ' id i.f" mi. u i,c:-. i c i hit n i ii, an.-wer or demur to ii I petiiion i on or tin; 1 1th, d ,y , An, s : 1 1 - . eliiii.ii v. !l be taken ;.j tr.i- i l 1 i ! I- I i I .ie- ren.ioi-c-J iiivcr.!i!i;:y. f i i : v j : n ) n i ! i v v w a i ; i ,;.s f r Pl.i Orturel to bo i.uhli.dir l four con.-week.- in the Nkuicaska ISAAC POLL.MtD, C!' Pj J.M. Ekaii) .i.f.v. Iej uty Cb rk. June.20h. lsTl wit. ;l,ve j.t it "11 s tl Ii M 9, . .. if -v jri zy ? sis' s j Soid Si.ico Ihsir Introduction The Most :1 POPULAR AMD PERFECT L'ooltiiiji 3Ijie'!E:e-i OF PERIOD Aits ouit vi;ll kxoivx '. . . : .- , IJcinir .if the s'mt.'.r t Con?; raei i. a. er managed and ttuarantccd to ei o Entire Satisfaction. As no artirle in the lir.ii-elml.l ! .1 creater influeneo in i.niiiiiilini. tlio li.nlt!. r.inii;.rt I hai finen ol' tho family ein le t'inn tho 'Jool: Stovo. it i ei-onnir,y ;kj -well a j.. I i y to r-t '. V KKY 15KST ; and in l.uyiiur the Oi AKT t.'it OAK. you eiui relv on ti itinir the mo t ful, l.opular and i.erleet Cookiii' .vt'". e f. tr inane. S0LI EY Excelsior Fanufacturing Co., r,2 anlCll North Main flret, ST-I.OITIS, MC). -ANL) ALL- LIVE STOCK DEALERS LIKE E- T. DUKE & CO., PLATTSMO UTII, NEBRASKA Leyal flolice. Jjhn Gilinopc vs. Andrew Griine. 4 ndrew Irime nrd ?;:tii'1 .V. T.:.rrh.n r'i J. resident de'Vn lant mill In Ire n..M.-r- It: -it ' "i the .'.i day of Jul v 171 the laintilf lille I li; petition in the ;fii.e of the t'l-ik cf the t-'ii-t Court of the 2d Iitro-t in and f:r Cm--" coun':y Xehraski the ol.jeet, un 1 iii iytr of whiei' ! to tihtain a .ie.-ree ennvevi.m- Mil 1 1 right title and intoret r.f p;ii Andrew !ri:n' "' in and totlie 3out.h half of thu Koutii we.Jt .unr ter and the north i -t or of ::ie s w or t.i .-i-. t : i nurehi r - '. ta tov:i-l:ii 11 no, ih of r.mtre 1J e : : of thoo'rh P. M. in C:i.ii county. .Nehru -i.a. mi 1 liat the Io;'.d retias on the Hamuli's t ii Miid liii'-t-s of '.aid ly the failure of the -.11 1 Samuel r.i;rnhatn to reei.r 1 liis deed for de fendant for y.tid tr.aetoi l.;. 1 m:.v l.o removed and the t-t!o t i ?,.id truet-i of ImJ i.iay !. quieted and confirmed i.i id.iintiJ". reqiiii-ed t.j answer said fetitiva on or l.tfure ihu Z'jih dy utAutil, S7I . JOHN' Oll.MOUR. u- Maxtfll & Cu.ipiiiy, Attirncv-.. July 6th, "V- f I fc V.' 4 ft - hi 15