Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 06, 1871, Image 1

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-v 4
- office comer Main and Second streels. ?cc
nd ptory.
TtRM3: Weekly. $2.0 per annum if raid in
220 if not paid in advance.
Ctt Rational
; Aryvs
The excursion party of Indiana news
paper men and their lady friend.', whose
r.rtival and reception at this city were
duly chronicled in the II KHALI) of last
Wednesday, were composed cf the fol
lowing named persons:
J. P. StoTl, II. S. I ,
Jlonnrr, L'urouier.
L. II. Green, S. S. Ivc
I)r. 31anwaning and lady, l.mun,
War. -aw.
Charles Walilt? and lady, Lrnc,
J. S. Pender and lady, hrpuU.can,
A. 15. Pad, A. J- Flair and 1 .dy,
Xorthrrn Lidiinim, Warsaw.
C. K. Ulster and lady, Pi ess, Water-
'(j. O. Myers and lady, Stinilinl,
Kendaliville. "
J. A. Campbell, 'T- O. Pempscy and
lady, U.'. .Columbia 'ity.
J. W. Hunter, J. W. H iker, CW
n,ercid, Columbia C'Uy.
I r. T. P. Thomas, 31. II. Ingram and
ladv, Democrat, Wmuma'-.
ii. (j. i;:us, i'. i j. Uideii, :,.
Crown Point.
V. 1 1. Matting!' and lady, Zjy, Ito h-e-f-r.
C. V. Patcman an 1 lady. Wm. 31.
Starr, Times. Go-hcn.
Co). 31. P. Ha-kill and lady, Mayor
. of Jo-hen.
T. C. Mays. Conor, Auburn.
A Peal and lady, lLij',.-ler, South
S. '. Tavlor artl lady, bun i Major
H.nil.t, La'Porte.
A. C. Thomp- m and hJV, J'lutt 3Iac-
-bo:i:il I. W, PivmoUtll.
Puticl 3IcPoiiaid iij i-i-fr, Xwt.xtf, i
Lie cm, .Ver. J
X A JzLas M -L jCAd sO i J3L
n r
ti i a- $. r ax
n. r. ii
VOL. 7.
Main :id !
3r-lrski ViKcti ljr. I'itty er lntJI
"' Cet Airier. 1 1 lira I Mm.
Tlie Olijpt of Xelr ronilar.
An c.TCTir.-ion of Indiana Farthers ar
rived at our city yesterday a. m., and
hnine liately proceeded to. the interior of
the Siut?. Thev weui ahont flftr in
" " J
nurulir, and ju di-in from their appear
ance and conversation they are men of
considerable means, an I thoroughly
po-ted in p-iruits. They
ecme to our State with a view, not alone
for pleasure, Lut to ain what knowledge
they can of the resources and advantages
of Nebraska as a finning State. Their
knowledge of farriiinprcon-ist-j of various
l.ranehes, each Lrauch being fully repre
sented. A miLibcr of them uiake .toek
rai.-ing an exclusive bu.dness, while the
rest devote themselves more especially to
agriculture, horticulture, and other fjrm-in-
pursuit. They I:a 1 heard of the
advantages of Xel raska in all these res
pects, and therefore wi.-ely concluded to
pay the Stife a visit and see with their
own eyes what they had so o.'tcn read
and heard about it. They will remain in
the State some thrii ty days, during which
time r lie party wi.'l seatter out over the i
State and take notes of crery locality
they vidt. "e fe-el assured that they
cannot help l,in7 favorably in-presed
wi.n our tate, ami tnat many of them
i.KTir;j i iioa hE iioit thai ;;c.
Senator Thayer has ju.-t arrived fiom
the we-.t, anJ the eailieft Ojiortu
nity to remove the cuu-e which teveraj
State papers have accepted as atj op
port unity for pourinj; out vials of wrath
upoa h:s head- The ' following letter
will probably ca.-e the minds of several
I-er.-ons in N'ehra.-kn :
Omaha, June 20, 1ST1.
ElUTOI'.S TjURUNE and IltiTur u as:
Sir: Of. my return from an expedi-
tion j.ito the mouutains, a fiiut;d has j
shown to lee a copy of thi Tribune ud
UrpnUicnn u? the lTtli ii-.-r., from
wmcn i n.aKt tue loiicwm. cxtriet :
A paragraph of which the fo'Lwin is
the su!)-tanee, has cf late been ,'-roiii. tus
contrudifted, the- entire roun-N of the
press of the country : 'l'.c-S(ittr
Jjhn M. Thaitr, at the loitcil.ttt'oit of his
ierjo,hi! fri.i'h in Wuxhiiirtoii, hn cm-
senlol to become i C'Uididnle Jor Gover
nor of Ativr..'--."
- The fbrefoln .statement has not been
contradicted, for the very saud'aetory
reason that I never saw or heard of it
(vt'ire tlie present tim.
liave not consented to become a can
didate for the (Jovcrnorihip uf Nd ra
ka, and I have never in: iinatcd an Inten
tion or whi.-h to be a canlidato lor that
oftice. Furthermore, no one, cither in
Wvliinton, or anywhere c!-e, out.-iile
ct' Nebraska, has ever even tuciit ioued
the Pubjoet to me. The whole statement
is a fiction.
Since the 4lh of 3Iarch, I haveVie-
voted my.-elf 1 3.;-Ia-ivc!y to private btrd-
-L nice oi-r
rid ptcry"
ICHMS : lJ.u3y1(W) i or tanuiu, o
rx'" r.H-r:t !; .
Slan ii nn:i 1 Imir i;i:le fro::) tin:
t isfiottt" tiers.
a-, hestu'jts, b: i':s ajid a
E'lvasa-it TiTeaiLluT a tut n Iij;;;-y ;
m.ii'uiuf of
rapped Gne by means id" roper Machine
ry ; tlie aiae that i u-e.t i". rra pmir t
tato-.-tarch. Tlie pulo is I lien wa -hev
with water on sieves ; only the mr.dies of j
the latter are finer, as the che.-tnut- j I'PITOR 1 1 EliAl.D -fctarch
gr.umleare much finer I ban tho-e ; t)u, .: flf jun WAV
ha; silled, it is tak-;. an 1 ...ix d ' n?1 '''", !'!! ' '''".
with wat.-r containifiir a little jiIuj-j ; two i I"-'-- 11 ';;-:. :;iy day
ounces i.t ;i!-i::i are .'.ilij.jictit Un- - .. :!- !l i
ions ot water, contamm 1im:u -? vj '
.1 I .-L.:iel II! Mi," 'I.IIMU I. 11 U:C 1
sulphur! acid are addi:il. 5;i-t Js in th I aIi au excur.-ion io Loui-v
CiiizTr, July 21, 171.
tell!:.-'; vt It
v, v-
-ciiiioi ;n rv a-
was I'm
Ho. th
nnl th-
1 V r. !
l c:- :j i
1 the :v
to i,;,vr
' -o
IY.:k.; I l.'.iiiAWAV :
. .
i Ha-t my hi tm.t
! for a:i ;" ! 'it ho
' t ;: i i .
'..ft !ie: ry T.u- f
i r1 !:.. " iv
prepaiattcn ol j-.ot-itutarcti. ub hur
ou acid is to be preferred lor tho ha
mu that it accelerates tl:e settling .-till
more. JI'he starch is dried in the u.-md
mannT. Tlie remnant in the sieves
may be used a an occa.-ional food for
cattle, or, with better pecuniar.y re.-ults,
after fermentation, for the di.-tiihition ot'
liijuor, as the icrtuoiitatioji pmduct con
tains f, per cent of rdcohid. 1"he st.iich
is 13 to 17 per
Jt it
cent, id' the ! in
tf-fi. M r.iir s: II i r i ... ....'... 1 ... i .x. . I i
ir !!ie.-c ue wa.-lii ,i v. ii ;i water coiitaitiii. T
carbonate of ,-oda, in order to remove .-.IS
bitterne.-s, and then wa.-hed. repeatedly
with fuire water. Smdi a standi is now
manufactured in the south of France,
where the hor-e-ehestnut is abundant.
were not to be frLditened at eve a the.
indication of a rainy day. At 7 a. ta.
the bell on Naomi build ins chimed a
welcome invitation to assemble prepara
tory to starting lor Flatt-muiith. Seoul
old and young, huge and .-mail pupils
from the public school, parents and
friends of Naomi, were seen, with .-mii-
J shall ccutit. i.' so to
liejL. .Ver. will seek an abiding plum nmonxt u-
K. i Thompson, I K V't,;inn, NV.ra-ka, as a farm;,,- State, cannot be
llfcaly, If1.r2.rc I.. Jame, Ua- ' . , , , ' "- """jL
eicetiv."' 5 anJ lt3 advantages for stock
'''.!'u- "--l bui lady, ViJ'tlc, raisin i I fe. fed and proven to
J , twice,
i,v Itmv.ei w
11. S. MOMO.
. V. 11 oj k".ns an I lady,
l'l0f J. K. V';.ttS,, Likliait.
W. A. F.eane, Lr. T. 1'avenport and
1 idv. i'mocrtt Go-hen.
Jvl Mal-'V and lady, I'fon S mh
lien 1.
After having spent a couple of hours
at our city Woduesday tuornin;,', the
ra:.-:m.' l.-jr c-" 11 :c1 nn l proven to
be ad tl:at r-..:iT 7 K "ed of any country
nuiuerous streams
of cool, clear
party left for
it tli
of tail,
ii.uen rva: ;;i' tiM'v; .it in- , .
pcete-i m , -ption at our city, and they
.were almost unanimous in samg that
'the country viewed by them in the vi-i-iaity
of our city was the line-t they had
ever seen. Arriving at Lincoln they
were received by a committee of citizens
and the Mayor an! Common Council, by
whom they were conducted to the var;--ous
hotels, mid after dinner they strolled
about the city, looking at the variou
public buildings and places of intere. t.
In the cvcniie: a grand icceptbn mil
b.inouet was tiven at the Capital, which
conti.-.ul as late as t-i-wriiipcr me.)
'should be o:;l. Thur.-lay morning the
party left for Crete, where they avived
t S:" KeUiainiiig u:uil f.Velve o e.oe
the l. ;::.n trio was made to Lmco.n
is th ui an hour, dii.ner was proc
and the party Ml for Nebraska City, and
from there th y wii! dej art, part of
them going t Omaha and part to
Kan.-as City. Yo accompanied the party t
tVoui this (ity to Crete, and lack to Lin
coin ; and we never trave'e 1 with a btt
l.r, u:orc inteliigent party of both men
anl women. There was none of that
stiiT formality about them which is so
annoying to us western people, but all
M'emcd bent on amusement as well as
kc. king after a knowledge of the re
sources of our State. They expressed
the greatest ;urpn c wi.en t ! I that tne
,liit taken from fob" to
one bun Ired foot bclo-.v the surface was
ju.-t kc ri h as on the surfa'-e. They
were remarkably well pleased with the
country, taken as whole, and we antici
pate several columns of well written ar
tich s on Nebraska, which will be more
readily believed in Indiana, than tho.-e
thing written by the newspaper men ot
our own State. We expect to see some
of those faces back in Ne'ra-ka again;
for we think, they raw enough of the
beauties of our State to haunt them
.-deeping or waking until they do come.
Until then forewell our b:ether?t: of the
tenth and eleventh district "f Indiana,
A X!i!iK r !a prj!)ij' I. lit---Till" WMs.
Did j ou ever liappen to attend a the
ater, ( onccrt, or public Lctuie, nt.d st
wit Ida rang'- of a whi j er.-r? If you did,
raid have a eiiae's ear tbr music, or a
nice appreciation of a sj '-ak-.'r's sen
tences. 1 pity you, for ou certa'n'.y must
hare undergone ths ment d torture of
being drawn two ways at nice Hie
whisperer is always a cone, ited creature
of either sex, who has the peculiarly
ul'y f f uttering those
ca.'Ie-l whi-tTs, whicti
h foaifal distinctiies-3
attentien a- truly as a
s : just a vour .-etircs
c . t 1 .
' a,i'JtLethousandtf,r.
richfc. -ate contains, .
adrant.-i-.e, w...'h l s"y mere than '
meet the cxpcdruior.s CT wishes of any
farmer. We need n.rre farmcia in our
State. Without the formef the woiM
would be a blank, aad .'tarvation f-'o'.i'd
be starirg many of us in the face. Then
too much honor cannot be da-: them.
The party could not have sought abetter
time for an excursion of this kind, as
small grain will so in lo harvested and
gathered into garners, corn is growing
finely and presents a cheering appear
ance, cattle are grazing on our fertile
prairies unnumbered, and vegetables and
all kinds of flowers throng our markets.
The parly- was not attired in any pomp
or splendor, but plainly c'ad in sub-tan
tial farm clothing : mil receptions and
iio. H lien, howevo, the proper time
arrives, I shall take a pm t io the cam
paign and the election. I .' '.all give to
tho nominees of the Jtopullicr.:, Con
vention an earnest support, whetLer
they be my personal friends or my per
sonal enemies. "Let us have peace."
The r!:i--iori of the l!epub!ie;in party
is not fulfilled. The irick of the "New
1'eparture" is more d..i;gcroi;s to the
recent amendments to the Constitution
than the open and avowed ho-til:ty of
the Democracy to tho-t n.eii-nrcs "'1 'nn !
'New Departure" is a conf
teri ., iavo ccrj
in wavs that
' -ked. If they are sincerely
! sr.ecciie:
lid n t expect, in fact
did not cue for. They sin: ply dc -ired to vwt Nebraska, fbr a purpo-a
which is far nobler than au excursion
pleasure alone is its object the
e of seeii'L' and training a kuov.1
edge of the advantages of cur ploiious
State. Their mia-ion is a noble cite, and
we hope they u. iy i vet ivc .-ueh tieat
metit tin' encouragemf rt oaiing their
stay widi u :- as ntny induce them to re
turn and make Nebraska t! elr perma
nent heme.
r.-oa' !e
.1 i-aitr
ribiiant s-mn Is
.-:v;t? the ear wi
stid d'-tr.u t the
torrvvl) of wor 1
are t a-t:i:g upon some love.y .- etie in a
1'avorite opera, the hissing intelligence is
hurled at vou from your enemy, "You
oneht to have seen that in Uclgium, ' or
"When I was in Kurjpe I went to the
U oval Opera Hou.-e," tt'.. etc. livery-
body in the vicinity is di-go-tcl' but
what does the whisperer care ? lie goes
on in the same diabolical strain while
the air isrivrn with sweet sour. Is, which
can only reach you throu-di his j.triron,
an 1 u wi-Ii thfre wers no law m
land, that you might call him out anl
'thrash him as a disturber of the peace.
J ociisls In Iticir SI in;; I'ulsttu.
The seventeen year locusts c."nie sj
rarely that their true nature is not gene
rally understood. Their name is derived
from the two Latin words, Incus (a place),
and nst us (burned), from the resemb
lance of districts ravaged by them to.
frcc turned over by tire, The ancient
lews considered, and tlie Arabs sti.l con
sider, the locu-ts Xo be the avenging ar
mies of the Deity the latter as-emmr
that a statement to this c fleet mav bes
found on the whe-s of every ia
This tho-jvtnd-vear-old faiita.-v has nov
that tht,
repentant no, - Ui'.( V" ; ' '1- Pke on
the ba. k .-eats' ct , ""l 1 ''r a ,n";
tr-ie. If thev are Wnmo; h(y ,uust
uot C- trusted m the shgkf.
cry respec'.. ' '
Joiin 31. TiiaiI!'
kins: i;uK3?.r:
The Sionx iy ol IV.tiiic Paswnger
Iepot ooiirot Ih-r!iyeil.
Fioiu tho Tribune of ihc Z'j.h uH.
About live o'clock on Tue. day uio.'u
ing, the alarm of "iiio ' was sou.'?ded,
and it was soon made that i!m
new and haiid-eme passeriirr ilej.ot of
the S. C. A; 1'. and F. K- ci. 31. V. Kail
roa was in flames. The lire was lir-t
discovered at the wi;; do'.-.' on the north
tide of the di-pvt l.ear the operator's ta
ble. 1 he flame.- spread with wonderful
rapidity, and within tl.irty-iive i;.inut. s
after tlie alarm was sound? t the build
ia-r w.-s in a -lies. Tias loss wall net
fad :-!. Tt of $:,:,). "i he Fivatier.s and
citizens turned cat promptly, but it was
impossible to to do any elhVtive work.
W e were itit'oiioed by 31r. Hit'ter, the
oi'ent, that the JiehtniiiiT struclc the tele
era; Si line of tl.u V. I'. II. 11. several
mile.- we-t of I'h mailt : ti'stvit hstandmg
th:' wiiJ-' cii:.cciii)g with the b-tterv
icre ail cut off. the
i:i! a the I'liiee. The
:iird io i: umei.ts
electricity pa-scd
fire was under su-h hea iwav bet'
a I
assumed the shape
pnrt of tho Mtp- r.-t!:;! u-. ttiat t!;o wing
i.f the locu.-ts bear the letter W, and
that it conveys a prediction of war. An
dpia'ay plausible theory is that it stands
far woman, and indicates thai woman's
mists Miall m'-:ii prevail. t
Locu.-ts ir.hict more ox less injury upon
trees, especially upon orchard tree.-.
They sting the branches in order to de
posit their eggs therein. enerally they
confine their attention to small branches
not larger than a pipe stem ; but this
year they are doing much more damage
than u-u ih Suel Fester, whose i'aiueas
a horticulturist is Stale wide, communi
cates to the Mu-eaiine Jounxd a i-i.nime
of their operations on his orchard, three
miles wc-.-t id" Muscatine. He thinks
one-fou-ith of his tiees will be killed out
right, another fourth will barely live, so
that the cheapest and be.-t way to deal
with it will be to set new trees ; and the
other halt" scriou.dy damaged; the total
loss being nearly :;-J.i':.
If l)ee-ts fctii.g trees the vjuc.-tion
arises, will they sting por-ons? The an
swer to this must be in the all'.rmati ve.
The locust i - i. ot an in liable iaoct like
the bee or wa-p: but in self-defence it
will sometimes sting. Then comes the
oue-tio:i as to the c licet of their .-ti:i.r.
it is dangerous but not neec
Mr. Fo-tcr states t!:at a
(.'load, one of his neighbors, stepped on
a le.ciist, an l'it stung his toe. dhe next
morning it commenced swelling, aud be
came ipuile painful. A physician was
called, au-1 the second day tlie sv.e!::n'.
whieh had extended up his ancle consid
erably, was goin? down, and much bet
ter. We have heard that cases of death
have occurred fiom the stin of the lo
cust, but have no means of authenticat
ing tho statement. DuLn'te (fo:':)
Timet: June 1 S.
one arrived, that it was impossible to
save any thing except a settee and a
truck. The books, papus, expie-s mat
ter and other valuables were in the sale ;
all the in-ti umrnts, furniture and freight
were destroyed, fortunately there was
but little freight on lend. One ban
died de-ll.ars will probably cover the
livici.t. Th. re wa--. no per on in the
building at tlie time, the company did
not have a night w at- hman. The p:is-seugr-r
trains on this road will start from
th.-T'. T. Depot until farther noti. e.
The safo whieh was in the depot build
ing during the fire wa- opened the after
noun of the same d iy. The content
were mu -h dam aged"; it is p)--i'oie a
copv can be fak. n of the boek. A
! small poition of the five hundred dollars
1 iu the safe tit the time- -an be used, the
nutn;-t rs can lately be distinguished,
the balance v.iil be forward . to Wash
ington. lletoy AVard Ib e her says he conducts
his paper ou the principle that sweetness
is better than smaKtness.
A primer's wife in Germany !o-t her
life by feloniously meddling with the
types. She weut into the o'liee by nmht,
and took out the word '"Lord." in Gen
esis iii., Io", where live is imide subject
to her hu-band, and made the verse read,
he shall be thy foul," instea i of ,. he
shall be thy Lord." It is said t hat she
was put to death for her wickedness.
The iuun who sat c.ti a paper of tacks
said they rca-ii; led him of an iti'-ome
some I'OLrrit'Ai. ju at firsts.
We clip tlie following from the edito
rial correspondence of the Urownvilie, from Lincoln :
Idut little is said as to the political prospect.-
of men or measures. livery man
you meet expects you to suggest that his
name is being prominently spoken of as
a candidate for Governor this . Af
ter which he will merely say his friends
arc urging him to t ike the field but that
lie has not ready decided to do so.
There .'s one thing .we are quite ceitain
of, that i:o "lan who has been prom
inently ideru;:-ed cither as an impeachcr
or anti-impeachr, can hope tosuccaed in
the comimr election. That no man who
had allied himself wifh rings or cl..tues
in the past or present workings of the
great Lepullicati party. sia::d- a particle
of chance Our can didates must be
from the people and of ti.? I e-p!, whh
no other object and aim hai '.to work in
the intcre.-t of the people. Th-J? must
be knowu to be hor.e-t, econotia'ca;' and
practical to secure the hearty support of
uie great Oody ol the iiepiibheaii party.
The muttejings and grumbling thundcr
ings now observable in the political hori
zon wm break forth in li'Ueh anuvi v-
I Citement m the adjourntucnt of the'eoti
Tjntion, and from that time unil tlie
noinii.''-" Convention the people must,
watch hJ1'! provide for their political
lights or the politicians will so work the
nutter up. that th-? people, will have no
rccour-e left but to l;k elsewhere for
what they are dtiied in their hou-c!;o!d.
Ti e course of the llcj.-ubiieaa party the
pa.-t ; ear in this State has done touch to
diss-dve all political tics, and it, will tahe
b; few 'traws now to break the camel'.;
back whic.': our political tricksters liave I
been so i ver .'oadaig. Vv e yet have an
ah'iding 1'tK.h in the great ma-.-- nt' th
Ueiiublican party, ar.d fiiu.l;. bc''ev.- h'.
they wake up to imuieii'ate uaiy in oar j tcr rJ;u.0 than j' uisvh. -
p: unary ui' ero-.ur-a tne ciate -Aoii e vr..-e-
! 1 I..1" .U 4'. i 1 1... -nr...
e.C. i,,-u i,i hil; l!UUI l . . . r 1 . j
.soioii, ere mere niiiKii. - -
laces, elastic steps aivi wen niieo
ets, ca!ier' ing toward Naomi bail S-
itig l'rof. Fattersfn, to whose pre-ar-rangement
we are indebted for tlie treat,
vas among us with his smiling face, and
soon, under his direction, with tlie stars
and stripes unfurled, and a banner bear
ing the motto "Naomi," we "rolled out"
for I'l'attsmouth, arriving there at '. a.
m. Throueh the courtesy of Messrs.
Wliite & Spires, we were permitted the
use of their spacious hall, where form
ing in a procession we took up our line
of march for the depot where soon em
barked in one of those elegant cars of
the 15. Sc M. It. Ii. In tin--, as you may
suppose, we were at home tho.-e
troublesome conductors' didn't arou-e us
from a pleasant reverie, with "prepare
your tickets." Frof. Patterson "pa-sod
around the hat," and of course we all
understood the hint we knew he hinted
at just forty ceuts. Nothing occurred to
mar the plea-ure of our ride, but all
seemed as happy as a "big sunflower."
That piince of good fellows, 3Iart
Cutler, and who is al.-o a lover of fun.
was almo-t the victim of a practica-
jokl conductor i arKuursi came
ground to see if any were trespassing
upo; the lights of the excursionists.--A
hunher of Mart's friends claimed
that he was in the "wrong pew," anl
consequently vras in for full fare the
fare was accordingly p.-id but explana
tions followed and the case made clear
and Ma rr was decided to be one of "us
children." Forty-live .minutes soon
passed too soon for us who haci scarcely
realised that the train had more ti. 1,1
"raised the steam, !"U so it was, and
we were iwar Louisville-. A number
wc-J-e de irou.- of going on to Lincoln,
aud u;d many arguments to persuade
c.v..,...'.aUt- b -.t Lii-'-oln was a ).;-'
told them that
Lii.c.hi was our A 'hens, ami tnat the
fills is Su
u" was intended
ow oou' l it be o! her
itor with a me-lalion
I Geo. W., the hero
!..e ; and if could not
i;. em!-- ; at that. The sun has come out
I-i ; --lit and carfi, as if to n ake stiacn Is
for the 'storm if la-t evening, "whicti I
v.i.-h to rei-i.nk," was heavy yi-1 damp.
I'h winds here, as well a- seme i the
human "gas bag-," got.hiih.
Al-out .') o el ick this morumg h: an
cient" was brought upon his beam end.-,
by hi a'.hi r an unearthly era h io the rear
parlor of hi- man. ion. Oar first im
p res-iun was th it we Said been honored
with a "lightning ten strike." A care
ful sutvey showed us something that
looked as if some plasterer's appn ntlc-o
had just finished the job and t.-. .elected
to clean up, with a multuede iLj irti'ri
etrit tnottfis ii.N'tvVto' ridicidim inns;'"
and a remark that "e e;iistibu.- ui,i esf
dixpitlandem" we again retired.
What a blessing that we "were up" in
tlie elas-ies. A per.-cu with a common
school education would have rt -ssKD.
Therefore, go to college.
As 1 remarked, this is Sunday; but
our oar- are not regaled by the chime of
bell-, whose toi't, mellow tontruc admon.
ish us "to remember tlie Sabbath day to
keep it holy," and "call the fiithful to
prayer;" and give the same a chance to
calculate the profits of the hist six days,
and speculate upon tlie future; instead
t orn S!iljpp(l t'rotri I'Inl
I'i-uii.Uiu'f li i;::-.:ii ;roi i. i
Messrs. Chase & Thomas, grain deal
ers of this city, are shipping com direct
from this city to Providence, 11 bode
Island, without breaking bulk. They
are enterprising gentlemen, and always
keep fail po. ted so as to be i.ble to pay
the highest prices goincr.
JrcffsdOit:U Curb.
rriYsicTA:: and sxr.r.i-; "-toa.h-s. it
rr'ih;-.-iinil rr-T ici-s to t'io cHizc-tii: ot t
ty. iai.teaei soutlo- .'nnn'rol Unk un J Sixi ti
f'rccis; iUii-o on fi.-iin ttreet, ori-o.-ilo Cuaii, l'iattfuiuuth. Nct r;u-ka.
We have often heard it sa
othy hay c.rild not be rai.- I its .V bras
ka, but 3 1 r. John 3Iutz, one of the most
enterprising firmers i f (.'ass county has
demonstrated that it can be raised. lie
ha 1 a specimen bun di in the city to-day
width stands 7, feet . in.hes Sigh, and
looks as well as any tit:i..thy we ever
saw. Tt yields about a ton atj a half
to the acre. We did not learn the par
tieulaia f Mr. 3Iutz but bt-pj h will
let the readers of the IIli'.ai.d know
tlie lnaiita r of cultiyatiou followed by
him. He had, abo, a sample of rye ta
ken from a field which will y'tld firty
bushels to tho aero, and it averages f.
feet d inches in hoidi
thereof mv eur
with the click,
click cf ivory spheres upon th i 'Field of
the cloth cf green," and "rip snap, set
'em up," or 'Johnny has gone for a sol
dier." are substituted for the more mor
al "Hock of ages" and "Title clears ;"
and instead of the sonorous twang of
some learned D. P., iu the earnest sup
plication to the Deity for mercy upon
sinful man. I am edified by remarks
such as 'Halloo, here; you was under the
cu-hion. one loot on the
floor." "Misscue ;" and other profane
and worldly terms. Instead of the ben
ediction, there is a general invitation to
is me ! out
who saved the nation in the past.
i i ;ti: Af x tSiiAssiA t irv
14 liar:; lut-.l Horse ;:-ii-i:mI.
I'lro rrncUrrs tiii H.
Hen. J. 31. Patte
one of us mid win it w is'nt a ti
on (whobv-the w.'tywa
name your par-on.
it Is tough. Crete is a bully vineyard
l'or r.ome a-plrii:g iiiis.-iouaty. There
are some here wdio would rather "dwell
in i'm tents' of the ungodly" and play
"seven ip." than be door keeper iu the
hou-o cf tis Lord (unless there was an
ami a g'o.i emmee io
ThtCO things are itiei
cities, but soon we will no more hievcr. ceiaii:
Our city was favored by a flvini visit
aoPiissi- 'i ,
"fight out.)
dent to no
arilv fat d.
-.a of 31 r.
Milton was exceedingly troubled to
get his paems j uru tu ite l to suit him,
and ha I manly a wor.Jly war with tlie
printers, who wer rogar.ile.-s of his
point-, and left some i f Ids lines pointless.
P.- 'u the Ciir.a'.ielc, July 1-t.
The city was startled aho-if foi;r o'ciock
yesterday with tlie alarm ot ;i e, an i
glia-tly and ieailai cloud ot sn.oe i i.-mg
rapidly on the strong wind from the.
south, between lOlh and 11th streets.
The fire oriinatcd in the barn belong
ing to 3Ir. Hart, aud occupied by teams
befongiiiir to the agents of the Singer
Sewing 31aehir.e company. There were
three horses in the Parti wlien the lire
slatted. 3Ir. Nowe.iia succeeded ia get
ting two of she horses out. at th? ii.-k.oi
his life, and got his hair bnrie-d oil'.
Uut one burse, ov.n.-l by 31 r. Wi!l;n;a.,
one ot the agents, w is t-unr. d, together I
with f-ur n t of running gear-, - t-hcst
if tools, aquar.iiiy of ho.-.-c rcve;.-.le; ,
and some hou-eiiold goods st-acd in the
The wind wa- blowing a gale from the
soieh, tii.ddehn Feed's barn, a few rods
turth, was inevitably doomed. Some
hoirs and horses got cut with diiii
Culty, and Johnny's Lnigtry was barely
saved ; but the barn and contents were
No insurance in cither case-
The fire originated from children play
ing about tlie burn with crackers. A
fire was started from the same place,
from the same cause, three days before.
Look out for young America and his -hli
cf July squibs.
The fire department was out ca double
quick, and did good service.
.V thick headed 'squire, being worsted
by Sidney Smith in an argument, took
his revenue by exclaiming: "if I had
a sou who was an idiot, by Jove I'd
make him a parson !" " cry probably,
or tK im
provemi nt oi o'er mora;.- and we deei
ded"n)er,-' th;s tit.P. JUsemharkin-
and while v.e were shin d
on the platform, iV.f. Paiterson an
iiecd that a'l who desired could ro
ha.rbee. the, ?) fivm .those L.diara "Knights of the
.. ' ."re:-or- c Lditors. 1 hey were a
at Loui.- il'e
i ! op the valii
a shor!. distance to a gr.y.
com: i
fA 3Iuscat:no parson "electrified his
rrejration. a fow Sundays sitice, by
stop) in? in tlie mid-t of his discourse
tn 1 telling them to look at him and not
at the hv.r. It is sai l that from that
point ia tha discourse several oil ladles
lost tlie run ol who
and what thev were
ras late to church
A Covtt ius man is an enemy to the
peer and iscarsci both ia this 'and the
coming world.
A Wyoming voman-woman complains
that hundreds of the sex refa-e to vote
in the Territory utiles-! c axed to do so
by imod looking men.
They are trandating the Presbyterian
Confession of Faith and Shorter Cat
echism into the Siamese lansmtire.
The followim is a stringent mode to t weald Live nuthini for that mans
- .... - .... ... i-i ...!; : ..... i. i i
vi rii oi i. ics : ipe-mokeoi tneuripn i iw.-i- u u - oar arc not
leaves of pumpkin burnt on a bricht
icre is taithin.' nmre iikelv to result
h e -u -e-.-full
career in a voting man
that! comment se.l re. i nice. It is aston
ishing how much more a youth will ac
complish who n lies upon himself, than
one who depends upon others for a-si-t-anee.
Having first ascertained the di
m tion in, and th? means by which his
ol ject i- to be reached, let him put his
whole rnereie.s to woik, and with un
flagving i;iilu-try p. ess iurwa.d The
man w ho, instead of ri-ing at five, sleeps
til! seven or eight, and who spi-nds his
evenings on the corners, or in the com-
pamon-niji or those v.'lri are wanting m
rcpficd i iney, out 1 see your father
was of a different mind."
Hail stones have been observed in
which were found, frozen in, certain in
sects, proving that they must have been
flying very far up in the air.
A rubber eu.-blon underthe leg of
work-benches in manufactories is achcap
relief from the d afeiiing din of noisy
.-hops. Chamber's Journal dc.-cribes a
factory where the hammering of fifty
coppersmiths was scarcely au.iii-le in the
room below, their benches; having under
each leg u rubber cu-hion. We have
seen the -rme effect produce 1 by standing
the legs ,,f the bench in nail keg-s' filled
with sand. A few inches of sand is fast
poiirrd into the kegs ; on this is laid a
board or block upon which the legs rest,
and round th leg an 1 block i.; ""poured
tine ib V wiii h Not only all nois.v hot .id
lau J.i bio ambition, rarely ever wins a vibration ud shock is prevented,
position cf honor, rr achieves a reputa- j .no i . . , ...
tioa above that enjoyed lv fhe common i J,1-0 stiv A,,V;";!'"ts Jn tu0 vl 'ililty
" " f t i oi t .Madison. Iowa, are i armg to
n . . . IT- " . "'.-"'I . ' I'l'l.VJ ..IlLft 1 111 J II. ill.
ic hc-t mutation ot real hair now in ! t,;,.i, ,.,.:,,f- ,i,,.,- ,i.
et is that made from linen I si.,,.;,,- ; ,.-...i . :
A Aciv dcr.ty man is the t at- ,;'!.,,,:,., s
where there was plenty of water and a
plea-ant retreat. Soon we were cn
route for that romantic place, jut below
Capt. Hoover's. Here we spread our
tables and partook, of tin old-fashioned
"L-t-Ket dinner." Ovvinq to the fa t that
v 3 had taken our Ireakfa-ts earlier
thin u-ual our appetites were conse
queutly in fine condition for relievin.- the
l r;:cts of ill-sir oiiT'iou1? Tiuidcn-"
limuber of citizens here joined the paity
which a bled materially to our nuuierical
streneth. Capt. Hoover permitted us
to take a sly icep at his smiling counte
nance, a t'J the 3Iessrs. Decker and Wil
burn gave u-.a mod cordial welcome
to the Cedar Valley.
After an hour or more was exhausted
in pat taking ol' a pica-ant repa-t and in
recreation, some one astonished a few by
calling out, "all who wash to participate
in a dance may return to the depot."
Professor Patterson, who, with a
number of gentlemen had wandered
away from the "main body" to view the
beauties of Cedar Valley and the dwel
ling of Capt. Hoover, returned but
alas I the "camp was deserted-" The
Prof's, coat alone refused to desert
faithful to him when the elements were
raging it remained when even his wife
and children had gore. With a step
quickened by apprehension, the Prof.,
with his companions, hastened toward
the depoi, but it was not long ere the
strains of the violin caught his car. The
truth flashed upon his mind that some
body was "flipping the light fantastic"
and it wa- utidi.-putable.
Messrs. J. 31. Patterson, 3Iart, Cut
I?r and a few others, had "stolen a
march" anl were complacently ei.joying
"first coupie lead to the right," "'qu. la
ter swing by quarter waltz," :c., &c,
in thu depot building. The Prof, gazed
a short time upon the scone, and was
heard to murmur, "It is hard to govern
Dome children." Three p. m. arrived,
tlie engine snorted at the platform
"Naomi to the rear car," aud very soon
we were as it were living down the
Platte bottom. A cow that had the iiu-
ime, iutelii;. cm set of foikw- some a
.'lt:!e boisterous, bni it wa-- only "exii-he-uoee
if spirits." If it hid brei:
".l.e Ar:e!.-nt," evil disp'.'-id people
v. ai.U hav r sai i those spirits oust eighty
cents a qu art,," "i'ou know ho it is
j uur.-eif. "
Pecruits from Piattsmou'tn stul come
in. Yesterday we noticed the -Mc-Gcer
brothers- Pat and Ed, both with Fit,,
and doing foienry.
Jhaigratioa constantly increasing, and
i.ou-c - rapidly being constructed. . The!
Congregational Academy pushed ahead.
Tho l!uv. Mr. Alley and other good men
and women too mc j.nuint; their shoul
ders to the wheel, and the first thing
you know "up she'll go" (I mean the
3Ieu are here with both energy and
capital, tuch men as Fickle, George Lee,
Jordou, KulVucr, Vodentiite. Urooks,
Van Hauscu and friend Little, of the
Saline County, and many others
whose names are not familiar to me, all
wishing to push ahead and "keep the
ball rolling.' TheF. it 31. driving things,
grade and track laying lively, The track
is finished eight miles west of us. Soon
the U. P. flill wake to hear the wlii-tle
of the P. cc M. announcing, Kearney.
So mote it be.
Of the politics of this county I am ig
norant people here have no time to
waste. 3Iy idea is, that when the State
Central Comuiittioj apportioned the
State politics Crete and Saline county
was left out. "There is peace'' in the
tents of The Anc;f.nt.
lt occasionally creates- astonishment
among strangers upon being told of the
richness of our Nebraska soil and that
it reaches a depth of fifty or one hun
dred feet. As an instance of the pro
ductiveness of this "dee) sea" soil, we
mention the fact that Kev. 31 r Camer
on, of this city, planted potatoes in the
We desire to call tlie attention of Ne
braska fruit growers, and especially
those of our own locality, to the card of
Col. Furnas, published to-day, relative
to the meeting of the Ameiicuii Porno
logical society. J wo years ago ivansas
was awarded the Gold Medal Premium
by this society, an.l that simple fact lia
been worth millions of dollars to iSie
State of Kansas. We do not think, but
we know that Nebraska can produce as
fine fruit as Kansas in fact, 3Ir. Perry
Walker, of this place, raised the larges
apple of which the above society have
any record, and we doubt not he can do
the same thing again this vear. Wil
those of our people interested in thi
subject take the trouble to correspond
with Col. Furnas in regard to this mat
We visited this city Thursday, in com
pany with a portion of the Indiana pub
lishers, and were agreeably surprised to
find so large and flourishing a town.
lhe ii. cc 31., V.o. runs two
trains to and from the town, mid arc
erecting a fine depot building and other
im; rovements. The road between liu-
col:i and Crete is in most excellent eon
d u .ii, considering that it is jti.-t as it
was left by the track layers. Crete is
supjilied with good hotels, the principal
ones bcingthe National, by D. S. Lowe,
the 'Sherman House, by McKilSip &
Calendar, and the Farmers' House,
( Fohemian), by John S woho hi. Among
the many familiar countenances we raw
there were "ye Ane:ent" and his good
lady, Lev. Little, of the Post, Jordan
fc Jtufiher, who are doing a thriving
bu-iness, Vollontine, Tidbail it Co., Parr,
of the firm of Fuller, Wilt.-ee & l:rr:
wide awake real estate men, I. 31.
Wolfe, of the Flephant clothing store,
ft ho sells clothing to the paked and
these that are not naked, Wm. Jones
I and lady, formerly of the steamer Presi
dent, wdio keeps an eating house, 3Iike
31.'-uire and Frank Williams, who
quern-'- the thirst of tho.-e- Vho call on
them, ait: J several ethers whose names
We shall
J. XV. KAR'1..Vs, T.I. IV,
PHYi-TOIAX AM) siiiiii'ViV-oi,. c.,,.
I psr.T -in-C liiot' of liio Army t I'.-i.sna-..-
rrouiiii.u-.ti. r..-lra.-;;.i. :..-, at . i". .J..hi-t-u
' J rit Mitre .V.. ia sp i i , .a i . ito rhaii it
Phiaiuie-rs. Private rc.-.i.J acee-jra. re) ii . :.;,-
ifr. J. r. ma?.z:i,
Ihivmj- icrmiinpnt!y locate! nt V.'p. j : V , .
to. l nils. tvn.l.-r.s- tiis i -n lonal ar.r : - i. !',.
oil :c::. of C.i.-s cunty, ..-'..i-jst-y., ,j .-o '.. .
IISEIAil sue
11. Ii. I). LhVatvk. .M I ,f i ;;;, . , J,,). ,, ,
in oieatly hx-at.-.l ia I'l iitsiiaailh. wKoid in
wii! Le ula l to servi- l .-.e.-.-.-io-i ly t .- v. i: --r-r.--
tin- Hom-'i.iit!,i ..' vit-.i i, .. i - ... (
lin-iO. ' 'tiici- .oi .M.iiu M:i r V hit- '-
zcu luiii lin:' iii'Mair.-; ti-s!-!.-Ui i; Lr-ick- ii -.a-
.oiiij ra.l.iai
i ' a i.
UAXH ta.i., ... i!..I Mi
I X1Vi:i,I.. A. (Ni.4I,UAX,
ATTOUX KY: AT hAV.' mat S ;.l:.-ii..r- !.-
I Intl.- -.iidutij, eljrj.-ka. (Mlii-e i:
's i'.l.n V. On Si.
J. c. r..j. ii. a. nn .
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S;ti:j1 n-aiii'-,
irivt-ii to ro!-att h.i.siin .-.- .-la-l l.unl tide cafa--
)l'ii-e i tlu Mii--i.iiiu l'hxk, .V:nu Mtnei,
Plaitniiioulli, Ncl.raska.
we do r.ot now remember.
not attempt to say more for Crete than
, bat it is a beautifully located town, has
a li.'C set of business men, and is situa
ted in the midst of is fine agricultural
rc-i-m as "lays out doors ;" and we can
sec no reion why it should not become
ot.e of -the best interior towns in the
State. Put ws leave the subject for the
descriptive powers of ''ye Ancient,"
who will write up" the town and sur
rounding country more truthfully than
we could possibly do, as he is there, and
is posting himself iu all that pertaini to
that region of country, and "you
know how it is yourself."
T. M. VAHQCETTK. J. N. .-TlillNv
MAinjLtrr v : sTtuu.
ATTORNEY AT LAW nn.l Soli.-itor in Cli:i
"iy, Asciitsfur Jt.ul.-. al uuii i- 1 lulSsllieUth,
oi:n. 9. Si'irti. i.ko. t:. n.iAi i;
fisaii-Ei &. im ie'e:;i
AOcrr.ry. at Lav.', na.l IK-arr.-l ('..h.-. tiac Ai.--n a
Wi'l rr.ntie" in i on I Is e.' ' i ', -i:iti- m-.
ten. h.w.i. I Cii.-o .a er C kii K .V l'hoiiinvi -'s .--ti,i a
iIi;..siti! ihc lirnoks Ii ni-e.
o. H . wiiKKi.F.ii. i.. i). i,Ki.a:r
ii ii n jsr:sr:i. ti, .,
r.rnl Estite ami Tav Paying Aeent?. if: rif
I'lil lic, Fire mi l Lilu lusurai.i-c Aic-ul.-, pcis
laoiith. Ne!jr.i.-ka. ii.itl
J. re. wiss-:,
fJoaorai l.if". AeniJont. Firo. Int;ir..i anJTrn:?
Ia-iiraaec Atr.ut. v"il 1 take risks at rea.-mi--utile
r:u t in tho most ri !i:dla Com at oi. .- iu tie
I'niail staler. a'ii-r j). site tboCourt lliiioe.
riat.-UH.uta, Nebraska. luia'IiHl".
0AKPi:NTi:n.s a joiner;-. a rrcj. iron
to do work in (food style-, on nliort noli-j . ai-.o
as cheap ns the Leapc-.-t. Utf sjhoji, enrnrr oj
Main ill. ! i'oulU. t-l rc-t't.s. Jtf,
1 4. TUCIiUlt, ,
u " -k in hi lino on short notii-e iif.d in tlie t.o-t
;. Cvntrio-tjj lor LiuiIiJin inmio on rra'iiin-
.-ti-Vn. Shoj) one bluek south of Phitu- 'l
II .-oiisH. inlyiJIU
C. II Kli-I'L. Proprietor. ILavinir roccntlvl-ei Q.
r-spiiin-.l mid la.-.-l ia tiiiiioueh nt ii i. in v . r.l.r.
l;-i,i..-a 1 . ii --! i c I r of Whent wauled iircn... ! ia:-.-i v
for lii.-ii t'io hii,riiait markel prico will 1, pai.'
"221 BEST
ti'-oHIM Oi'l -:?L
H ' ' .Jf --Sj. V 11 .v;
VT j ,,vTa
And if you call on
Pitll up reitffr by rrra!In-ry.
A corresoondeiit of the Toronto (Vohe
write-, "While passing a flw .-pare days
with a friend in the Wc.-t, I was much
amused at a novel way of putting up
fence-posts. The land was rather low
than otherwise, and, although soft enough
in the fall, would have been very hard
in dry summer weather.
"The implement employed to facilitate
this busiue-s was none other than a 'pile
driver', made art ordinarily u-cdf with
about twelve feet drop for the rain, but
constructed of much - lighter materials.
The scantling was only 2 X 0 and 3x3
inches, with t!.o exception of the rills,
which were stronger, and made of hard
wood, to fei!itate uiuvine about an op
eration which was performed by the
same oxen that raised the ram. J he
ram itself wa? composed of tho but of
an eak log, six foet long, banded with
iron at its lower end, to prevent splitting
and about sixteen inches in diameter.
Groojfc were j lowed iu it on each side,
so as to admit, of its moving readily ha
the e-ui les. It was hoisted up by a yoke
uirt from tf.3 bottom ot his well, 0f cattle attached to a rope, passing uu
farm implement.
"fie one and tw o wbc.-l, mi l tLo front are!
rear cut reapers and mowers.-
be dropper and self rjki-r reaper and mower.
r',he Marsh barvcsler nn I reaper that two i-x-n
1. can ait and bind ten ii'-res per day. itli
one iuun to drive, and ail of thcui woikinrf iutlia
the Champion reaper tile
nr roarer arc
yJ incer rombiutd
rI,he Ruf sell reaper lrer mower combine !.
Te keep the Excel-ior dropi"
and lancer
n l the Estcrly ?irirle pear, self r:iki:.- rea
per ami inowrr ruiin trie horse lighter than
any other reaper.
X T"! havo the well known MosniHion thrasher
T with mounted power improved for 1-.7I.
keep tho Milburn vragon on hand.
! -o the Tliiekiye sulky rake and tho Tiften
horse rakes.
which is near I(i') feet in dent h. and !.ad I dor oik
new potatoes from th
cat on the loth of Jum.
w ticei a
the bottom and over
entee and
only manufacturer in tie
lire, wi.l caa e !.; s to ..-nt an apartment
instantly or it will kid them. liirdsmu.-t
be withdrawn before tlie operation, and
person, should guard against going into
apartments immediately alter, as the
smoke causes headache. Tlie employ
ment of laurel oil is also a preventive
ag lin-t flies, as they cannot bear the
-me!! of it. Jvibies and persons i f weak
' I I. !.- I
the'bottcr Ibr it. lioidnid Hid.
Lit is like a si.;vc-.' you may see
through ii. but you must be considera
bly reduced before you can tret through
Speaking of the Indians residiusr we.-t
oi lama t. ity, tr.c Lttiua says: me i
or the little snotfv riar-r-ooses look as
though they were bors a little too near
country. nvA lie ncikes black switches,
betveeii whieh uiid lhe tieimine it is al-
riost impossible to detect a .iiuVrenec. thousand
The price he rtccives is three u stock the river- i.f that State.
Seth Green, the note I piscu'turi.-t, is
on Ins way to l.aofornia with liken
tsik srcrcssriT. i:i'mlss max
Always a tvert:c
eral advertiser is
busia -ss uiatl, in
lib rally, r.nd the lio-
the f.
had wit!
.1 ft to
k ansa -j tnat plowing mis
o ba 1 and thick in Ai-
t.. I o .1 ..... I
The IVovidcnee P.
ed! ivi
ted the P.-
.rt li'ue tho war. but who de
clared that bis vote 11.11: t t:
whh hi
we reached ifoek Plans a
is uuueee-.-arv to aid that ti
".veil spent, cud that it is a day long
A drmrgi.-t Inend says a tetter cure I buiSct. and hence cca-ed to do so al'ier bo romem' ercd' bv the students a
.TV . . . . 1 ..... . . ' 1 ' I . ., ,t ...
i or cat concerts unoer your wm. lows ; lie uontieU tlie army ill.: r.eariiig M ' f..j.-c I , L,f
than all the bootjacks and .-lop-bucktts : th. "new departure" in Oh:o and 'he !
- .1 in' ......ii. 1 i
yo,i can inrow, is to tos out a .uncii oi ' coarse oi ai andieliam. asiicd to see
m large enough to ! i''!r'u'7 l I"-" c;;
eel v. cu 101 p.-uoui iiu hl. ia. ...
its elevation, from which it descended
with a tremendous 'thud' on the cedar
post, which was pointed and held up
right, and imm u::-fo-r the ram.
About three blows drove the post n r.r!y
)'...:- lUt J... tl r. n:irti, u:A ;dniO-st. nil
went quite straight. . A few one here
and there were crooked ; but the.-e, I
was tol l, would be pulled straight witli
the cattle, or dug out at the foot, so as
to allow of their being pressed over, un
til thee all came in direct hue. I was iu-
I for the pa.-t few months, mi l li is so i -.;.,.,. ,"j jlut this course was a great sav-
the i'ace we'd sali-f.ed with the results that lie lias j i:;ir of labor, and when q;ii .-..y hin-ac-l,
our teams inerea-ed the size of his adverli-emeut i the tiui- that each post requhed to be
t . . . . . ... . I driven as fl. C :i ..-.V IC.IMUtes. JMoIC
op l.i. it ; with a proport.oiiate inerea-e in Ins.-o.-k j .- ... -,.,,,.; ..-niircl to move
pudence to gi t on the track was some- j in band, and cannot well be separated ;
what unceremoniously "pushed aside," j they never are separated except on ex
and that was tlie only accident that ! traordinary occasions. F. J. Mctecr
pened. Forty minutes flew on and so
did the train, when for the second time
. , , , .
uisemoariiea out ai
tartimr. Gathering up
has advertised liberally iu the IIlrald
!i re
( ). (). T.
It ! with a jtroportiotiate inerea-e in his .-o
was j id' implements, etc. .He adverti-
g ta consc j-icutly his sales are lirg. which than i.i d i:ig the work. On toe v.
. I i' l -1 ,.i... ..'! 1 ' if w.s CiOsi ie!'e 1 a CfClw --iC -c--
! v
! -ave 1
! le-ab
. . ... .i
:i .;ust tic.' raaciime io io.i-j t i i.t. e-
!..;..rr ili. ii-nrt ( Iri t'io v. ooie.
a ad
. . ..!-. -. t , .:.,e'.i,.i , . .-l f.ii. 1 I e-i to. !.
(. . ,. ,. i.r.M'j' i-i .... i.-..i ........ .....
v. aauno ins irat.r-krv. i ... i : . .t,. ,i p i .-
7'e kfep tlie CliieaKoI farm pump, for deep
t weli-i and cistern.-.
t revolvin
UT 0.10,1-and maehinery TfAI2RE.T-J.-t
Lit t j cive Fatisfae-tion.
OiTi. e on Main br twt-cii are! Cth., nort!i
Si io, tiireed -j'li.i c.-t of Br"oli Jtoii.e.
I-. J . y: 1. i I.t It.
A. C. Ma Tell anl CharUs Ma!. Tr-ivclor
Ageiit?. Jane'li'-JAiMf.
"A Penny Suvt-l i a Penny "r-..'
And if you Ji:-ire to
Save 'Rlsal Iemsv
A3 i:'- .1111-CO to
To Uuy Y..-ur
Th ir ;m
n im:;:en-e ueal o
. it suited mv friend's j-ie-is: ann
We liave h.nifht . i-r Ii. i). Tox an 1 now nc
cuj'V Itii old .-lai- i Miu sO-col, vilr wf
ha i e .ie-t r. e-i vai-l an a : i i. ii.icd -!.!. of ijro
cirii.s ai.'l I'.ovi.-ion-- i.i -!i v-o v, i.i .ell cr.
low for ea.-1:. A'i kin-L- of coantry , ;u i:io: I:,
ken in t...-ha::;.; for,
dried catnip. The feliue will clu-tcr the ida futo l! r. r.d ir. r-m.-srl-bv i The or.; .- r.iaoufa.arrv of hair pins in Mrs. Partington will mouiit th? ro-
,ton-t:ruMi !is saou.i leave tne room uur-i wl.u. -i.-i, , -.t I ....- r.,.,,. i i ; ..I.';. ;. ...... t .-.i... i -.... ..ti,..:..i - . c i i.. .1... i : -...., n,,t- -.f i, ..ov-f Co .,,,, , , .?..;,.,. i
,. ..... - - ........ i . , ... I ".v.. .. . ,.vi.'.'fc.J.'A i.lii.. i i-i , j nil I..UI'. I , 1 ii'. 1. Oil. H'lLS; yt ..aiU.f, ! IMC Ulln.'l i,ia.i.-. mino vu. .i.j v... iiii.iiiiv-s..v..--.., lum.'tw
it. '4 till- J'lO-i-; s .'VOW daikor as thev o'd. r . r.n.l tl.o'ir i-iphsdious vni -. s u-ill La utiH.-.l 1ml tl.-. I.i.ol w ln l,rt.l f IiV...., " I ti..,.-,. i..r..l ni-ie'.. r..r mcntli: ! ivit'.-.-it i --iLUrf
others w.'-uld
I. cture : wa- Letter lor
i the '-'.'ds than himself.' "
,.-;,l, 1.;,., fl.ut 1 l?0:i i,ALh. Thr
the oxen to work at fixnig j Cn-h. lr i-ai-.i-ajar-: Vu..uirs.t"theilnl.i;'
' l
It 1