Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 29, 1871, Image 2

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    - tJ1Y
THURSDAY, JUNK 20. 1371.
It I Mil K KXl'I.Al.
Tho Brownvil'e Democrat is compelled
?y Col. Majors to explain that it pub
lished the Assessor's notice without au
thority ami without the knowledge of
the Col. We are glai to kno-nr that
Apsesaor Majors is not guilty of giving
patronage to such a sheet na the Demo
crat, and that we have forced that sheet
t do hiio justice in the matter, and re
move the imputation which its action
placed upon him, and which the Demo'
crat evidently intended to operate to his
jew pi.a.1.
The Citron icle says a new plan has
been proposed by the State Prison In
jectors, which is in substance, that
they will appoint a superintendent of
tha work, and that the Hoard will only
meet once a month to arrange the busi
ness to be transacted during the coming
month. Thii?, it is urged, will do away
with the payment of the salaries of the
three Commissioners, who would then
only draw pay fur one day in a month
instead of for the entire time, and that
only out man (the Superintendent)
would have to be paid, where now the
thrrc Inspectors draw pDy for the ful
time. Not n bad idea. We endorse
this idea of the inspectors, and are glad
to know that the Chronicle seconds the
t H n i: it . a x i. a x a v.x a v..
Every child in school should learn to
fpeak and read the (jcruian language.
The people of this country, the Intel
likrent portion particularly, are awaking
t) the importance of a knowledge of
the German. In the New England
States it is made a regular ftudy in
many of the .schools and college?. Men
who can speak German as well as Lsug
li.h are in demand everywhere. On the
farm, at the counter, the desk, in the
thop, at the bar, in the pulpit, in the
medical profession, in the 8chool-room,
thy have the reference. We can,
to day find nt least a dozeu congrega
ations, paying salaries from $l,00u to
$1,G00 a year, where ministers able to
preach in both languages are required,
they have been vacant for months, in
several c.ves for years, begging for men.
Clerks who cau converse in both lan
guages are always in demand, nd com
mand higher wages than those who can
ppeak only onn. Rut, independent of
the bread and butter consideration, the
(Jerniau language- thoul 1 be studied on
account of its intrir.M': value, and par
ticularly its literature. Iispen?e with
Latin and Greek in your school, but by
all means let U3 havu German.
I . A TT S JI O T T 1 1 AIM!) K V.
It is with pleasure that wc chronicle
the prospority of the above named in
stitution of learning in. our city. It is
about eight months since l'rof. d'Aile
man 1 tirst opened the Academy, under
circumstances not tho most fivorab'e,
but with a determination to succeed if a
thorough knowledge of the business
would bo of any avail. He will com
mence the summer term of the Academy
nest Monday, with four assistant teach
ers, and we can assure those desiring to
send their children to a first-class school
that the PlaUsmouth Aidemy, under
the direction of l'rof. d'Allemand. is
just the place they want. We are per
mitted by the Prof, to make the follow
ing extract from his '"Visitors' Book,"
written by Iev. J. L. MaxEcld, one of
tho llegents of the Nebraska State Uni
versity :
Plaitsmoutm, June 22, 1ST J .
To-day I have enjoyed the rare treat
of visiting the school of P:of. d'Al'e
mand, ngain. Some weeks have ekipscd
.ince I have been here, and I am agree
ably surprised t the rapid progress his
classes are making in their various stud
io?. Time only conSrms the very favora
ble impression I at Crst entertained con
cerning the mod js of instruction here
pursued, and the efficiency and skill of
tho Professor and his'able corps of assist
ants, as thorough educators. JJeing
somewhat conversant with the educa
tional institutions of Nebraska, I am free
to say that in my judgment none in the
?Uto arc superior to thi.-.
J. B. Makfifxd,
Ilegent State Uuivcr.-ity.
Plattsmolth, June 21st, 171.
Kditor. Herald : I have spent a
very pleasant week among my friends in
I'lattsmouth and vicinity, and I am hap
py to say, that in kindness they still ex
cel. Having been nearly three months
absent, I can see and am astonished at
the fcteady progress this fair, young city
makes. Churches and schools all hope
fully flourishing even St. Luke's for
the people are, many of them, "athirst
for tho water of life to flow from their
own well." They have alive Vestry, and
(G. P.) their children will soon be called
to feast around "tha l ather's table."
I have been also very much please! to
find Prof, d'Alemand's school very pros
perous the attendance being :d and
the number of teachers, five, being a
ufFicicnt staff of educators for the cEr
cieut education of 120 pupils all being
teachers of ability and experience. The
pupils display, in school, the utmost at
tention aud good behavior, and all the
parents with whom I have conversed
are well pleased with the progress aud
improvement of tlicir children. I hope
the worthy Professor will be enoouraged
as he deserves. I am sorry I had not
time to visit all my old and dear parish
ioners and friends ; but I'll not to a
stranger .in Plattsmouth, "the quceu of
tha Missouri." Yours truly,
II. Young.
It is related that wheu Beechrr was in
the country last, summer he lost his hat
nnd fouud it, ia about a week, in the
bua whera he Lad left it, but with four
erg in it. This is as it should hi.
Bechvr ha. I just written a eulogy on
tha hen; why 'hcaldc't the Hen-ro-ward
Eechf r ?
riOl'TIl A.M J AHA.
Omaha, Tuesdav envening, )
June 20, lfc'71.
Dkau IIkram : This is a beautiful
evening, and after a rest from a ride by
hack and rail, and tho enjoyment of a
jrood, square iue&l, I will endeavor to
give you a jotting or two about our trip
to this city. We left Piattsuiouth at a
a little a'ter 2 p. in. and soon found our
selves gliding along tho labayriu thi new-hidings
of P'att.-ir.outh's fair hills and
vales. Two and a half miles from
Plattsmouth and we are cn the level
prairie near the classic P)alte, now wo
are at it ; waters edge, anl a ride over
lambs us in the tangled braes, through
which we ride till we reach LaPlatte.
1 find LaPlatte mote of a town than I
expected. It is btautifiul'y licat.J 0:1
tho O. ii S. W. II. 11., and about three
quarters of a mile from Platte river, in
Sarpy county. Many new buildings
have been elected within the past few
weeks or month? at fa: thest, and many
more are being built. This should be
proof enough of the prosperity of the
place, and that its inhabitants are an in
dustricu;, go-ahead people. It has over
forty hou.-.e;-, with over two hundred
inhabitants ; two f tores ; one Lot'-! a
Mr. J. T. Uobin:on, proprietor ; one
grocery f lore ; two salcons ; OLe billiard
hall; tv.o blacksmith shopi ; one car
riage anl wagon shop; one ca penter
nnd joiners shop ; one meat market ;
one flouring mill; one saw mill; to
Churches Episcopal and Congregation
al ; one Goo 1 Templar LiJge ; a Masonic
Lodge to be organized in a few days ;
on ft-hool hou-e. It is five miles from
Plattsmouth, and fifteen from Omaha.
Large lime kilns are only a short distance
from here ; and the moxt extensive
stone quarries, peihaps iu the country
adjoin this city. 1 am told that they
turn out from fifteen to twenty car loads
of stone daily. The stone is of the most
substantia! quality, of which an inspec
tion of a hou?e built with it, fully proves
the fact. The house is a two store
house, and the most beautifull stone
building of its sie I have seen in many
a day. Beautiful streams of water, and
a rolling fertile country environ the
town. Timber is found in abundance
along the r.vr bottom and the Bluffs
around. As a testimony of tho fertility
of this section of Sarpy county, Mr. A.
B. Andrus, Agent for the O. k S. W.
at this phes informs me that la bought
an I shipped over ".,0dJ bushels of grain
within the past ninety days. There is
no use saying that a railroad will not
build up a town or country. It has
made LaPlatte what it now K whereas,
had no railroad penetrated it, it would
now be still an out-of-tha-way place. In
connection with other things mentioned,
it has a very commodious and comfoita
bie depot building, and a liven' stable in
cour.e of erection. LaPlatte is indeed a
promising place, and the citizens may
wtll hop not to be classed amongst the
smallest or least-ei.terprisinjr towns of
Nebraska. 1 have endeavored to not
exsgcrate anything in regard to this
place, but to tell the facts that truly ex.
itt. After a practical preauibulation
over tho town, the train returned from
Omaha Junction, and soon we were
gliding a'ongover jail for our destination
The country between LaPlatte and
Omaha I observed to be very fertile and
beautiful, though somewhat rolling ar.d
broken in places. When the'hour hand
of my watch arrived at 0:10 p. m. wo
were in Omaha. A brief journey up to
the east side of 14th, and between
Parnham and Douglass streets, found us
ushered into the presence of a generous
committea, awaiting our arrival (the
arrival of the dtlf gates to the Grand
Lodge of Good Templars,) who soon
found us comfortable q iaiters. The
traiu wa,s fiiLd with delegates from ail
parts of tho State, among whom I saw the
smiling couutenanees of Mr. Montgom
ery, a firmer attache of the Herald ;
and Mr. Culver, one of tho editors of
the Blue Valley lUconi, better known
by the readers of the IIkrald as
"Lczah." The " nephew of his uncle "
was also on the train, hut not as a dele
gate, I think. I failed to receive an in
troduction to him, fur which I am very
sorry. The delegates have not all ar
rived yet but aro expected iu to-morrow
The Grand Lodge of Good Teiuphus
will open its fes:-iou to-morrow morning,
at 10 a. m. Will write again to-morrow.
W. IX 1euki:e.
The above should have appeared in
yesteidays paper but was received 100 late
Ed. Herald.
Omaha, Wednesday evening, )
June 21, 171. J
Dear Herald : Yesterday I gave
you a description of my trip from Platts
mouth to this city, and informed you
that the Grand Lodge of Good Templars
would open its session to-day, at 10 a.
in. Tho Grand Lodge met at the ap
puinlud hour, in the llallof the Knights
of Pythias, on 1 4th, between Earn ham
and Douglas streets. More delegates
Hriifcd this morning, making quite a
large number to witness the opening of
the ses ion. The Lodge opened with
the Grand Worthy Chief Templar, W.
D. Blackburn, of Brownviiie, in thj
chair, and by appointing a committee on
Credential, consisting of W. P. Roberts,
Nebraska City ; W. D. I'erree, of Platts
mouth ; H. II. Lawton, of Omaha ; T.
W. Shryock, of Plattsmouth ; Mr.
Lovctt, of Omul. a. Numerous otlur
committies were then appointed after
which the Grand Ledge proceeded to
confer the proper degrees upon the new
representatives, then tho session adjourn
ed for dinner, to assemble ar;aia at 2 p
m. ct the 2d M. II. Church, located in
the north-west portion cf the city.
The afternoon was pricipally epont in
listening to the reports of the Grand
officers, and discussing the Cos de'in
fjuen: case. ::s I might term it. The re
yen of the Grt-ni Worthy Chief Temp
lar was an able document, and well re
lie set forth
many facts, cf information and import
ance, which proves that the cause of
Temperance is on the increase. lie re
ported 22 new lodges, and 1 degree
Lodge as having been organized in this
State during the past year, aud that five
Lodges had been reorganized, making
an increase in tho numbers of Good
Templars in the Statoof over ,7() du
ring the pat year. lie-thought Juven
ile Lodges should bo organized through
out the State, that children might have
more of the teachings and principles of
Tempt ii!ic3 instilled into their yonthftd
minds. He did not think it beat for the
State to organize a temperanee political
party, but that temperance men
alone should receive our support,
lie believed th-t more temperance lite
rature should be circulate 1 throughoutthe
State. TLe reports cf the other officers
were equal! able, but time and space
will fui bid an elaborate report of them,
or even a mention.
A beautiful poem (original) wa read
before the Assembly, by Mi s Nellie
Brown, of Omaha, which was
li.-tened to with marked attention and
heartily applauded by ail who hoard it.
Tht re is a bright future ahead for Miss
Brown, if ;die will only continue in the
cultivation of thymuses. Her poem was
designed as a weleome to the oiu .TS anl
n . 1 I T -1 rt.. m-..1! t
memoirs ci me uraim Ji"u,'-,
, ..:.....,-,, i .
as others who were m attend......
Tlie Goss dehnqunt case was 01;-
cussed at great length, and t he commit- J
tee arnointcd last ses.-ion to invest irate
fhf tuftttrr. concluded mat ute onen
Lodge would save money by not enter
in? into a irosC-cuti'm against Goss ; but
a committee was eventually appointed to
further investigate the mutter, ar.d
prosecute him if thought best.
There will be a night session, com at S p. in., when the Lodge will
adjourn to meet again to-morrow morn
ing at 8 a. m.
The weather has been "fearful" hot nil
day, but is pleasant and eool this even
ing. Pedestrians are numerous on the
streets, going to and fro ; and as I look
from my window I behold many of
Omaha's fair and brave enjoying tho
balmy breeze in an evening promenade,
I am very favorably impressed with the
people of Omaha, and the beautiful lo
cation as a city. I shall take plea-tire
in speaking more fully of the city at
some future time. A stroll through the
city makes me almost forget myself and
think that am in Plattsmouth, the
size of the cities trnd their other (j'tali
ties being so strikingly similar.
W. D. Eerrec
Omaha, Thursday evening. )
June 22, 1-71. f
Pear Herald: The session of the
Grand Lodge C'f Good Templars, to-day
was an interesting and spirited one.
Lodge opened at 8 a. m. when the time
was spent iu listening to reports of com
mittees, etc., until 10 o'clock, when the
Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand
ofiieers for the ensuing year. The follow
ing persons were duly elected : J. M.
Thurslo-i, of Omaha, G. W. C. T. ; T.
W. Shryock, of Plymouth, G. V,'.
Conn. Miss Nellie Brown, of Omaha,
G. W. V. T.; W. P. Boberts, of Ne
braska City, G. W. See. ; Be v. J. M.
Yearnshaw, of Lincoln, G. W. Treas
The app tinted officers are
W. A.
I'rcssou, of Beatrice G. W. Chap; C.
Curtis, of Pawnee City, G. W. M:; Mi.-s
llandall. of Itulo, G. W. D. M.; Mi.-s C.
D.Martin, Eelleviue, G. W. I. G.; Mr.
(name and re.-idenco unknown), G. W.
Sen. all of whom (elected and appoiuir
ed ofTtcers), were installed this afternoon.
There was muc-h business of great im
tanee to the order transacted to-day ; so
muoh, in fact, that a full report will n )t
bi "expected. A strong effort is b. i.ig
ma le to chango the time of hoUin:; the
sessions of the Grand Lodge from the
present time to January. The vote will
be close,' but the ''Januaiians" stand a
good show to win; huweer, I am in
favor of letting the tiiiiMfSijd as it is.
The argument upon this question, pro
and con, were in a great measure inter
spersed with no little flavor of wit and
The principal objections of the oppo
poneuts of January is: The extreme
cold and inclement stcge cf the weather
l.if ci.n.vtn r.f 4 Vi 1 1 An Iw.nnn f Iwi f TV. IT V.
and inconvenienced that delegates will
tuui r i j ;i j i mz vtai, iiLiv.r. iiitj uoui,.
have to undergo who may s.ttend the
union of the Grand Lodge in the fu
ture ; while on the other hand, it w;.s
claimed that it was the mo-t favorable
time of the year for delegates to leave
their various vocations to attend the
Grand Lodge. The question, however
will be settled to-morrow.
Goss made his appearance in person
to day in this city, before a special com
mittee appointed to investigate his cse,
and he has pledged - himself to make
right what he owes the Grand Lodge by
a mortgage on his property and other
means; bo his secuiities need have no
ear of the Grand Lodge falling back on
them for tlie delinquent amount. The
nest session of the Grand , Lodge will
meet at Lincoln, the time will be de
cided to-morrow.
I think the session will adjourn to
morrow noon, though it may not v.ruil
tho afternoon, as much of importance to
the Order yet rf main's unCnisheJ.
Every thing passed off harmoniously so
fur, and all join in tlie conclusion that it
is as pleasant and profitable a session of
this kind as the State has ever enjoyed.
And certainly the good people of Omaha
deserve much praise for their trouble in
making such ample arrangements for
our comfuit and accoinmidation.
A walk out to the western subcrbs of
the city gave me a fine chance to fbrtn a
knowledge of its size and beauty. It is
surrounded by a fertile country, and as I
stood upen a hill-top to-day, gazing
down upon the city below, I was cer
tainly inspired with the beauty of its
winding streets and umbrageous walks,
nnd the many One buildings public and
private so closely compact together. I
W. I. Ferkee
ceived by all the members.
A Double Kunaway.
Three oron ItiJ:troI.
From tho Nebraska City Chtoniee. Jane 22.
About six o'clock cn Wednesday eve
ning, Mr. Henry Koester, who resides
on ii farm southwest of the city, was
drivinir out of town with a two-horse
wagon, having his wife smd child with
him, a;:d on reaching the corner of
Tenth ! Otce streets, by some accident
ran against and capsized a Avagon be
longing to W. T. Nicholsou. Mrs. Nich
olson was in the wagon, and violently
thrown to the ground, receiving some
iniuvio", but not serious Both teams
thfn ran away. Mr. Koester" s wagon
stiikiru: the f-nce on the next corner,
wa- i.vorturned, throwing himself, his
wife and child to the ground, under the
wreck of the wrigon Mr. K. was dan-gr-rou-'y,
if not fatally wounded, having
on'! leg broken, and probably some
seriou internal injuries. .Mrs. K. had a
shoulder dislocated and was L:dly
brui.ed. the child only escaping injury
The parties were all taken in and cared
fori y persons who resided close at hand.
We have not heard the result of a sur'd
eal examination, at the time of going to
V Oi.iu ji'.h Virtue.
It. Is a prevailing vie 3 among men of
doubting the virtue of women. To us
it look like not nly an "outrage to good
taste, but a!s0 betokens a want of intel
lect. Besides this, it betokens a besotted
nature, and pas-ions that would disgrace
:t Ti.T idea of drasrzing women
.l.-iivn ti ni!' in ltoirif lip vll tn.1
is so repoznant to the teenn-rs , so utterly
at va.ia'ni.0 v.;,h (he trath;th:ir tl)0 u.
tvJ,r on,lt !luL t0 iKlve a r.v.a m c;v;j.
i.ed society.
e woa! I wi-Ii to impre.-s upon toose
) ea t tins siur upc-ti the character 01
tho women nt our latul, that it what
they charge were true, this fair world of
ours would be a perfect hell. The wo
men of e'tv land are as far above those
who make the.o ns-eriions, as the
heavens are above the erth. Our wo-ii)'-n
are the higho-t type of purity arid
virtue and an." craven who would drar
them from this high estate, deserves the
execrations of all good men.
Ttio '.vrnriwlnii .
From tl.e LuTorte Herald June 10th.
Tho excursion of the Newspaper men
of Northern Tudiana, will leave Chicago
on Tuefdiy. June the 27th, at 10 -1") a.
10. instead of on the K'th. as has been
heretofore tn;ivjnced. The following
programme has been agreed upon by the
President of the Association, Mr. Stoll.
and Mr. A. E- Touzalin, general pas
fii'T au'ont of tho Burlington & Mis
souri Uiver B. It :
1. The party, representing tho Edit
ors and Publishers of the loth and 11th
districts of Indiana, on a tour of obser
vation to Lincoln the Capitol of Ne-bra-ka,
will consist of not more than
eighty persons ; no newspaper being al
!ove 1 any larger representations than
two eeuples.
2. To obtain the necessary transnorta
rion, each paper should apply to J. B.
St"!, Piesident Association of 10th and
11th districts, who will endorse the
application and forward to B. fc M. B.
at IJ'ir'ington, who will forward trans
portation direct: to applicant.
o. All who desire to stop at any point
n route, should precede the party by a
clay or two, taking the retrular train
wh'ch leaves Chicago each day at 11:4"
A. M.
. 4. The par3' will leav". Chicago cn the
regular I V-iSe Exjros4 train, at o-A'
A. M. , cn Tuesday th 27th day of June,
arriving at 7 1'. M.. Plait-month, at 10
o'clock A. 31., and Lincoln, at 12 o'clock,
There will be two extra, day coaches
provided for the party,", which will run
throu-.di to Platt.-mouth or to Lincoln.
The i'ular Pulhnan's Sleeper which
runs throuidi from ( 'hie 120 to Platis-
j mouth, will rbai.iy j roviue sleeping
I ae.'vu.jmod.ation for a pcrt'ton of the p-atly
I who de-ire it, and an extra I'ulim.tii's
i Sleeper will be .ttaehed at Buriington,
wnicu will run throu-'u to
Platt.-mouth, arriving there at 10 A. ii.,
riext morning, as before stated. Sleep
ing car rates are f.'J from I'hieago to
Plattsmouth ; rj from Burlington to
Meals en route can be obtained as fol
l"'s: Dinner at Mendota Eating
llou-e, and supper nnd breakfast cm
Dining Cars at tl.e regular Eating House
The party .should bear in mind that no
extra arrangements will be made for
theoi, except the addition of Coaches, as
before mentioned, but it is believed that
th"y will ! e perfectly satisfied with the
re.-u'ar pa.-senser arrangements; iberii
0:1 this Bui hngtiei route.
'Generation after generation," says a
fine wi iter, "have felt as now ws feci, and
their livts were as active as our own.
They pa. pd like vajior, while nature
wore the tame n-pect of iieauty as when
nature commanded her to be. The
heavens shall be as bright over our
raves as they now aiearound our paths.
The world wid have tlie same attractions
for oure.flVpririsr yet unborn as she had
once for our children. Yet in a little
while all have hawened. Tha throli-
h'rar,t V'i!i 1,0 at ref.- lir funeral
will wind its way. sin 1 r r.ivers will be
sai I, and then we shall be left alone in
silence an J in darkness for the worm--,
and it may be fir a short time we- shall
be s K ikon of, but the things of life will
creep iu, and our names will soon be for
gotten. Days will continue to move 0:1,
and langhter and song will he heard in
the room in which we weded ; and the
eyes which mourned for us will be dried,
and cdistcn again for joy ; and even our
children will cease to think of us, and
will not remember to lisp our names."
Sheriff's Sate
Tj')!lo, Humia c Clark )
r OrJer of Sale.
A. C- M.iyfU'M.
Xutii'p is littcby c:von timt I will otT r fur
5M0 111 imi li 1 ; aucMon fn tlje 17tli U;iy f Julv.
A 1). is.l, by virtue una an; H.ri.'y t Orjor
or.ile to tuf directed and i.-.-m d i.y the clerk of
t'ie IM-'trij-t Court ol the i-co-ivl Jmliiul
1 1 i.-t wii iiiu and fur Cuss county. 2seljr:tka at
the front d' or of tho Court House in Platt
mourh in c.iid rouniy at one o'clock p. m. of said
l.iy In loHowini iJ.'-l ri-' I real o.-::iic
in sui.l 0.1-s county. Nebraska. to-n it
lay lii foUowins d.'-i rii'e I leal es'.aic situated i
Tito t-oudi half -2 of th south-cast quarter
(' and the east half (,)of the soutli-eii.-t
r.iarii t 1'. 1 1 of the .-outh quarter 0 i of -ec-
tin tniiiioer thirty (Ji).' in township number
twei v e 1 1.'; ini t h. ranjre nuiuocr thirteen K of
thei th p tn. toveti under my huul this l"nh
day of June A, D. IsTl.
J. W. JOIIXSOX. Sheriff
C.is3 county, -sebraskj.
Ji.irE;.i. & Cbawixs. Alti's for Fiff.
une l-'iih, w 5
Sheriff's Sale,
V. V. Leonard")
vs. -Execution.
Horace Taylor. )
Notice is hereby piven that I will oiler for
sale at poblie auction on the l'lth day of July,
A. i. is, 1, ut tne front door ol the Court House
in Plattsmouth. C.-i.-k county Ncl r.tska. at me !
o'cloek p- i. of said day the f'dlotvitig desoriL ed
tc-i es:ate. to -wit :
The undivided one-half O i of the nortb-we.-t
qaarter i ! 4 1 t.f section number fourteen 1 1 1
in township nr.nibcr twelve ilJ ', north rar,?e
nui'iher iiine ili. ei.-t of the tiih P. M,, siluuted
in. Jl1" county, Ne:ra.-ka. takt n as the propertv
otllora'-e i'nyloronan Execution in favor of
. V. Leonard, issued by the clerk i f the ii
triet Court within and for s'nuntlfri county,
Nebiaskrt. and to medirected a .SheriT of l'as
county. Nebraska, (iiveii under uiy hand this
Mhuuy of June, A. 1. IsTl.
J. "VV. JOHNSON. Sheriff
. 15. Wiuso.v.Atty. for Plaintiff. .
4 Juoe Sth w j
Shcrilf 's SaJe
Annani.ts Helley arainrt James Fol len,
P:.r,'.h J. Ko! len. John AleCarthy. Henry 1'u-tai-:,
an i K. iJ.irnu :i (Jrder of aie.
iJOTICi! is h.-rehy civrn that I offer fir
11 Rale at pnUio uiuu'ijii oil the lTili U-iy of
J uiy A 1) lbi i, by virtue aud authority ol tu
Order of Sale to ma directed and ifucl by the
Clerk of the District Court of the Second Judi
cial District within an t for Cass county Nebras
ka, at the front door of the court house in the
city of Piatlym intri in s:iid county at two
o'clock p. in. of sa-.a day the following disc ribeu
real est.vre situated in said Cast? county Nebras
ka, to-wit :
The north half Cff the north c.'it quarter
('il.tind theisnrtii half tl-oof the north west qimr
ten' ,1 of section no. twenty-six -' ia town-hip
ro. (in; north range no. thii teea 13; e it t of the
0th p m.
Civrn under my hand this 15th day of June A,
D. 1S7J.
J. W. JOHXSON". Sheriff of
Cast Conn ty e' raska.
pHAVRAI Oni Kichakdsos l'l'Cs Atiyf.
Juncl :it.
"She riff's Sale.
Thomas Hallow 11")
vs. Order of tale.
K. 15. Murphy. )
Notice i- hereby -riven, that I v.i'1 oJTcr for
al nt public -Diction, n:i tho 17th d:iy oi July.
A. D.lsT, by vii"iie:iiid authority of an Order of
Sale, to me directed ai.d is-uc 1 by the c! : k of
the Di.-lriet C oin cd' the Secoui Judicial Dis
ti'ict. w ii hill a nd for Cass county, Nebraska. f
t!i-; irant '. or of tlie Court House in the t i'j - t
I'l.ittsiitouih in sai'J county at oneo'elo. k. 1'. M.
ofaid day the Jolixwi-K ibel real criute,
to :
A certain Bii -k building' on which Thomas
If.illowi 11 Las a Met hnies lein, mi l the lot: or
tract of land on which ttie s uue is situ ited. to
wit ; Lot number seven (7i an 1 a part of lot
number ei-ht (.s, jn block uuniber t o rS in the
city of I'lattsiu.'Uth, Cass county, Nebrajkt.
i'i cn nnderaiy baiei this litil day of Ju::c, A.
1). IsTl.
J. V,'. JOllNSO.S.SlieriiT
Cass county, Nsb.
Maxitkm. i CuArMAK. Atty'sfor riO".
June loth, w .".t
Sheriff's Sale
Mcllvoy .V Si i'p:(-.n, against Jes-ee !I. Ciciu
cuts Order of Sale
N OTICE is hereby f.'iven thnt I wiM oH-- for
snle at poblie mi' tioii ..n the l.ih day of
July A. i. 1 -.1 by virtue and ::uthoiiiy ot an
order of s Ic. i sue 1 bv i he Cle; k of the ilistr.ct
court of IheSeci'tid Ju iici tl District wiihina-id
fir Cass county cbraska, and to me disacted.
At t he IV' lit door if : he Court house in 1'! it is -in
.utii in s .i t county at two o'clock i. .M. of
s aid 'lay, the follon in described prciui.-e-. .-itu-ate.l
iu sai 1 county of Cass N ebraska, to-wit :
The n-irlii half i.' .f the sout h we.-t ou r!cr
0 ,) f section ho. twciity-citrht ;S, in town-hip
no. ten l'i; north. ran;;e no, tl i i east of tlie lit h p
in ,- io a crtaiu lr i nio building situate I on
sai l tract of Inn. I of the fallowing desciiitiou
One and one half stories biirh about twrnty
two f.-ct lon by lii' cell feet w i le.
(i'vi ii under my hand this loth day of Juno
J. VT. JOHNSON, Sheriir of
Cass county Nebra.-k.i.
PitAVBArcn A ntCHARUsos-. rifi's .ltty'i.
juue 1 3wot
Ma-.pnrct Carter. Mary E. Kralc nnd N. J
Petten'er, by their next friend John Mutz.
"Vym. D.irlow and James IV. Barlow.
Notice is heieoy piven I wiil ),Tor for
sa!e at I u'cie : iictiiii on the lf.tit day of July,
A. 1) 1S71. l y virtue aod aui hoi ity ol an order
nfsiic! to i:ic directed and is-oied by the clerk
of the iitriet f.'oirt of the sec nd judicial dis
trict w iihin anil for t'ass county Nebraska, nt
,he front door of the Court ilou.e in 1'lattsmouth
in said county, atone o'clock p m of said day
die fd'ow in dis-ribed real estate situated in
inid Cass county Neb. !- it : The south half
2 1 ot the sou! Ii west quarter f U of seel ion no.
;wer.ty .-even 'T.i in township no. twe vo (ili'
(oita. rart"! no. twelve, est of the ; Ii p. in
ureto'ore rrta -hed in this f-au-e ns the pro. or
ry of Win. I!..i ! 'W. ANo t he 'ii ii ca.-t oitai rer
i'i ol sect; jh no. thirty-live i-i-j) iu towuMiin no.
t vcl ve ( U m.n h, rn:.ire no liv. ivotl. (a"t of
t ill p tn- heretofore, attachf-d in the above enti
tled cause us tho iropcrty of Jann-s W. 11 allow.
Ci en uu lcr my hand this St'u Jay of i un j A.
1. 1S71.
J. v:. JOHNS sh, -lt.
Ca-s ciiiiiitv. Ne'e
Maxttci.i. & Chapman, Atty's for 1'itl', jcs;.w
Legal notice-
Jai.-us E. Neal) In the District court of
vs. ISebrnsHa in snd lor Cuss
fhos. Huston. ) courity,.
To Thomas Huston, you aro heri bv rot i tied
that en theo h day of May A. D. 171. Jairus
fc'. Neil hied bis petition in thet-bovo court
ainitist you. '1 he object and prayer of sai l pe
tition is to -obtain the payment of a ccrbiiu pr
lii i -cry note i a ttic. I by you. dale 1 July lMh.
is'-i, tor two butidrt. 1 sfd eighty i!o!! due in
one year afterdate, with Laciest at lotty per
cent, per milium ;ificr m-i tiring abo tho
tutnofor" hundred end nia-ty dollars nl'.-O'
taxes jiaid out hy s !td Jairus K. Neal upon the
fiouth-wt.-t (juartcr of section tour, in to-.vnshi-
eleven, r.mce eleven ea.-l, iuCi.-s county. Ne'-bra-ka.
and in ' 'ault of tha payintnt of the
money', me t n ?ni i rote, that a inortunui; execu
te;! i y J im mi Iil- a'oov.. descrih- d tn.ct of land
t "'''tcc-ai'l note, ba forcclo-cl and premi -
so! 1 to pay the amount found one. Vou ere
rc-iuired to pb ad. itnswer or demure to sail
p t oi ', 0l, or ',,,.f,,r. Monday tiie ::4ih eay of
J u y. 1- .1. or . aid p ! ition ill be take i as true
and jud'JtiHi ut lendcre 1 oenvd ;np I v.
JAliM'o L. NEAL, Bv
Srfvrv.-;ix A I! a v.v i: li. .-tiy's.
Ordered t be'.i-hcd in tlie Nebraska
iff H l.ii tor :'cyc.:;seitahe weeks.
Mc.y --''.'n, is. 1
I.sAACBoLT.VBD. Clerk.
J. A- BKAitnst.KY. Deputy Clcik.
j une Swot.
Leaa! notice
l ewis S. ICe- ler. vs. D ivid V. Fisher.
D ivid W, 1'isher i.on-residii.t del'i will take
notice lhat Lewis 8. b !cr. on the ''th of June
A. D 1S71. lilcd his petition in the olliee of the
Clerk o the District Court. Se'-nnj Judici.i.
District, in nml lor '"a ;s county. Neb. The ol.
ject nnd pnyer of which i-i that plaintiff Lmvis
S. Kecler a-ks ju lirenicnt utraiii't defendant
1 avi I V, . 'i'ier. for the sum oi s s I with inter
est -roni An? ldlh l si f at the rate of pi percent,
per anuu-.n. tin n : certain,iisory note
'J ';"! August Pi h s-.h. cal'inx for the sum d'
wir st itt the r.ile of -In ,,er ec.t per
a!:i-iini iVio; te itiirity. And ;.!- that a ei r'a'.n
i:i r;.''o eer d io ;ri even date with said
protue s :iy note ami wive", to secure tho nav-
I tai salii'-
i ill'! s ';;,.! 1
icsoiMti west mi i,-t, r
biniiLiii 11
"mi ' r.-itJs.-.? p.. twelve 'IJ) tn f a-s -sntv
Nei-raska. may b foreclosed arid that r '.il n.:l
es'.-i'e may I c o:d to !:fi.-iy s: i I claim to
pctherwi'h i'lte c-t and c- st of suit.
inuaiT. re-, oireil viisu i r th:.- pi icion on'or
bebrg t he Li-h d i oi.lalv A.D. !S71
LI-.W l.S .S. Ki.KU-11.
?.Iawki.i. i CitAfMAS, Atty's for Flfi",
jeSiv j.
Lena! Colics.
M. D. Abbott vs. Meri Icn B ase I'earsoit. D.
Malild i I'earsou, Aueh.-ka B. Pearson and Kosc
!!. l'carroii.
The abtive non-resid'-nt. dpfe-tdettls will take
notice that on the ::d day of Jin- is1. M. D f.iied bi j. i 'ition in ttie i.ttice of the
( lerKol'the Disiiiet Court of the S-ee ml Ju
dicial District in nod for Css couiitv Ne
brasKti. theoi-jee. nnd jirttvet of sai l pel i ion
H lo st t t.side a certain pretei del deed pur
porting o have btcn executed r.v Stephen S.
Abbott. Lewis M. Abbott, and A liijiiii C, Abbott
t said oV'eii. leu' on or ah ut the L!' h day of
Ja: itaiy lt tor t he s w ! , f the n w ' , and the
oi the s u i , i.i'H'i- l-t t iwn 12 N of ri.r
t C and thus e ' ,' oi the n e : , of -ct l:i in ton u
1 n oi ranjre 'J L of oth 1' M.. all of said birds
beiiiin Cius county Nebraska, that sai l pre
tended deed is force d nnd fraudule t and was
not executed by sa .1 Stephen S. Abbott, Lewis
M. Aboott and Aiiijah C Abbott, that said pre
tended deed easts a cloud on plaintiffs title to
said tracts of l.tnd which Plaintills pr.iy? uuy
be set aside and the cloud on plaintiffs "titln to
said trm ts ot Ian I caused theieoy nitty I c re
moved. Vou ai e req aired to answer raid peti
tion on or before the ;;i!i day of July, Wl.
31. I). ABI OTT By
Max 'A-km. A" CilAritA.v, Atty.'s for riaiutilf.
juneSth w5t.
Public Sale of School Lands,
"V OTI'.'E is hereby Riven that pursuant to an
i Act of th Leeisiaiil-o of Neliraskn enti
tled an set ''To provide for tho licgistry of
rcutmi tanus t-r trie control and di-positi..n
thereot and forthe safe kipi.". of the fm-.d-i de
rived from the sale ar.d le; s oi's.iid lamls whii h
s -idaet was oppr-ivo-1 Juno Clth A. D. l.soT, nd
i..-oin ncci nianee with a snbseituenr. mnen 1
ment to said net approved l'ehruarv Eith A, I
Is,,:', I will on iSatrrday the L'lth day of June
ne:;t, at the hour of ten -o'clock A. M. at the
front 00. r of the 'ourt House in Plattsmouth
cits-Cass county Nebraska, oiler for tale at
I'll' lieaneii .n to the hi,-hist bidder all the
reuiiiinimr r-'cho. 1 bin Is in said couny, tontin
uir.ssiiii salefr.ini day to day uutil ail said
lands shall have been offered.
In willies whereof I have unto et my hand
nnd iiiiijced the seal of sai l couatv at
' , at l latt inouth, Thishta day of May
f arA. A. 1.:s7L
' ' County Clerk.
By J, M. Eeabosley Deputy. tusyllwT.
Estray rs'otice.
Taken up by the suVeriher in Louisville
precinct. Ca-s county on 15th tlay of May, one
marks vr 'brands preccptutdo. '.Aba one' bay
riily suvposed to be two ye.:rs oi l, no marks
or brands. Also : on yearling litrht faea with
white face one foot while.
Sarah J. Powers' Estate.
1 i'HESEA?. Jesse Erwin has made appliea
? t timi for final settlement as Aduiini-ttrator
in the above esta--. Public notice to all parties
iutercsted. i hereby given tha? said settlement
will bo made nt the Pr-'bate 0i!e in Cass
county. Nebrasks. on the 'ZmX day ot' June A
l. 1871. at 9 o'clock a. m
A. L. CHILI', Prolate Jud?.
JuneJiirE jeli.Wjl.
Linorln Xeb. J uue i. 171. j
nnrap'nint li.iviii-jr l;!:n cni're-i :tt O.le.'s
i.-.- t').,:...,,!f.- !--. K.j.r.Ulfv invt M.rhil
ii. IJricrly for n'Mii' h' !imfie.i-t eiury
110. oJi. dated Mav the 1 , lii. 1st. .. uiajn the s.
e. ,, section - I. ton r;siii;i 10 N , range 11 E. iu
Cass county. Neb , will a view to tlie cuncella
tiou of sai 1 entry . the mid imrtics are hereby
stimnioned to nopt ar at this office tin tha Cih
day f July. Is.Tl ut 1 oVoek p. in. to rcpo'd
a. ii farnisa testimony concerning faid ulieged
it. VT. SUMMERLAD, lighter.
W. F. Chapis. ifffirT,
Ordered pnblishtd for three consecutive
weeks in the Nebraska 11erai.ii. jcsw.
Probate Notice.
"V'OTICC is hereby pivtn to all prsor,s inter
e stc i that Mary i.l!e:i Lucas has this day
made application forappointinent as adtninls
tratrix on the estate of Atnas T. Lucas deceased
nnd the lltii day of July 7l at 'J o'clock a. til.
is hersby appointed tor hearing said applica
tion. A. L. CHILD, 1'robate Judge
June 22w3t
Harness, Sadies, Whips
i i ui D i .i: s. c o r. i . a i ts. a o.
Particular at tentian Riven to the manufacture
tf Hue harness.
Plattsfuouth, - Nebraska
N. B. The Celebrated Vacuum Oil Blacnkinn
constantly ou hand declwtt
:-M-y m y4 ei
a-'i Lf.:?i
l . 2 1 " - ft. j
., -i'.i''.'tu ' .- -- . .r i- :3 .
l. v . '. -JA .-i y i.vsikjes4i
Wholesale k Retail De tiers in
Hardware arid Cullery, Stoves,
IUacksmkh Tools, Ac.
Keep on hand a Large Stock of
And Other First-Class Cooking
Ail kinds cf Heating Steves.
Coal or Wood kept cn hand.
Stiring and i3realving I'low:
At ITct Cose for Cash.
Our prices are ns 1ot lis a:;y house in the
State. L an-btf.
T li.E ; te n 1 at my farm ii Ca-s conr.ty at
fi-.f .'.jr srado cows, S! for therousli
br id cowi".
'1 he 1 'nke is lce)i red. sixteen months rdd.
and wtiiihs twelve hundred and fo.rcy pounds,
and iswiihctit exeetition, tho lincst auimal of
the kind in the tHate.
I'KOI'ii.KK : liot bv Puke of Paris 'pasre f.i's.?
A. II. 15. he l.y Poke Airdie.i p. '74:', A. 11, E.
tint ol litma the X I Vth. Lon.i. out ol imported
Ot ov E. 11. li ) Toe Duke is out of Mary
Hat n.2.1 by Ea.-Ueye ''.'.'it A. 11. ii : M.ny Daen.
by Crowder eS'.l A. II. 15. 1. l'or foil pniireo ol
Cr-'wdcr. refer to i' h volume of Americ an Herd
lSouk. I will i.-ive one hundrel nhd fifty dol
lars for tt-o jioore.-t calt, Eciu my thorouifh
bred c iw that may be bred, and can show a
recorded pedieree. E. cAtJE.
may iSdJcwtf.
1123 BEST
Se'ls the Lest anJ Latest In;i .roved
style ol
Jarssi jtTi2siIeKients.
COMPRISINC the celebrated Champion
J Hearer and Mower. Eiisellc 1'eaper and
Mower. Massi'l-m Thresher, nnd the world re
nowned Marsh Harvester, and Milbnrn Waeon
Moline Corn Planter, linterpri.e Cultivator,
Kid'nir and SVnlkiinr comhined, also the Eagle
V';;jkin cultivator, btubble a-id Ere.ikinfe
A. C. Mayfield and Cb.irle3 Viall,
traveling agents.
F. J. Metteer.
Plattsraoutli Neb. march 12'.''.
MACKIff E tiiOP!
YJayman Curtis.
Repairers of Steam Engine?, Eoilers, Saw and
etrist Mills.
tias ami Steam Fittinps. Wrought Iron Pipe.
Force nnd Tift Pumps. Steam Gauges, uiauce
Valve Governors, and all kiuds cf
Brans Engine Fittin: s,
furnished cn short notice,
i S-Tiiir?d?o s'-icrt rie':-;. tS?t!
f : -c -- - -
And dou'er in all kinie of
Furnitiire hsiirs.
mais street, (third door west of P 0
PlattsniGuth - - - rieb
Impairing and Varnishinir ne itly ('one.
Ki-Funerala ttended ct the shortest notice.
There mills have bten recently reCtted witV.
rr't li-tiltr and M fiiiofru, nil 1 1 am now pre
pared to do
Custom Work Every Day.
62-The very bet article of flonr kept con
stantly ou hand. The hiph"st ytr'ee paid lor
wheat A. WUEELAND.
Weeping Water, Neb.
General raerchandifio,
We aro Agects for
WiiJcox &. CibH Sewirg Machine,
Thich ia undoubtedly the oest Machine now in
J-'e. H:itTt'(iltf.
IMows! Tiows! Plows! Plows!
Talus pleasure in announcing; to tlio
puMie that tht'j" havo secured the Fcrvi
tes of that l'ionecr I 'low Mariufacturer.
Who is now entrnired in their fhop manufactitr
ine; a better article, ut lower prices, than can bo
had 1mm any eastern inanuf.ietury. One (Treat
ndvatiti'Ke R iined by imtroiiizinir this firm is
that you not only gel a better yvuelc at home
p r 1 , s . Imt you are i-atrotiiinir 11'iME fANU
l'ACTEIt I-., wlierc every ''oUar of the money
remains in tho State. my rehl 4d A wtf
27 J3.-3.027SJ
Visiting Plattsmoutli,
Fanner's Feed Stable
Corner of Sixth nnd Vine Streets One Block,
North of Lije Prcsbj Church, IT xttsuioub
clf, Trees.
jVirffrjm?n an' I'alcra fuplie l with I very
7fitnff Wanted in thtt
Liberal terirs to K.j'rin'-'ul Cuuv isitrn who
e!'er se!!i::ron eummi-sion.
ror all purti'-ulai?. dilre.-s.
Neai i.kv. Hon: A- Eingham.
Birds Nest Nuiseries. Eurliiih'toa Iowa.
Have a
'jOMPLirn: aijstract.of titlk
To all Lots and Land in Ca.-3 county Neb
raska. tr9.0Kieo with Maxwell Sr Chapman, Attor
neys at Law, I'lau-uioutti, Nebraska
J. li.irnes. Tho ublie
MetaSic Burial Cases.
Heady i'ade. and Sold Cheap for Caih.
AVi.h many thanks for past patronage. Ii
vite all to call nnd ctanie uiy I.irxe stock i. f En
uiiuie mi'i At inns. janCStf.
The V- of irr-',e:' an'l Eujrcicson hand."9
iuc aim roan n biicet.i.
an22 di-rtf.
ITatLmouth Nebra.-.k.t.
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Oood'i,
Hoots, and Sboe.
, . . .. Hall", and Caps,
Af "cultural Iinpliineiit? of all kinds, eras
1 A E Cultivators. Union Corn Planter
jrar.detour and Princeton Plows, A-c Sr nH,
vtum. all oi which we oiler to the public at th'a
(iw(t ret id prices.
A Ikoch!. Warranted
As lleprescntcd.
r-Our constant aim will be to nell so low
will bete tne po-itive advantage of every rr
. r in the w stem and trnl portion oi Caa
u'.y W make this tlieirheMdituarters for trad-
17011 SALE. Three acres or land adjoinira
the city on tha south, caa be bad cheap for
cash. For particulars enquire t the li kkald
thi: invito vizi
2 'JjJj?;'--.!
Thin STucliIne in a'lspttxl o t"' v : v i l-
Tntieeof HoDimiiiR. Kellniir. lrmdin?. I'.'-ul 111; f.-niln?,
Embroi'loriiifr, Stmln. Quilting T-f l.'a Itiit'eins.
IIem-tltchiii(ftnd lintherin. Ia reo.i:.y t .1 I er lino
or heavy work, anl U U most prui '.e;il ivjvtiim
Mdchiua erer invented ...
The needle of tho McTvin & Tl 'T- c U rt rnd
trntcht. nd to not open to tha ohJ ci..n t.f vil.tntl-m
nJ Itt rewilto In lonit or curved nu- ll 9. Jt m n-v-r
rt too hinli, nor too low. The nui 'i'ii" if niway. 1
ortijr: ki fimu two common ipor :b vt 0i e.1t re-n :n.
inp: wastes no thr'-n.l; cannot tannic ilfm viilant
cixhIh, cor wtien the cvy paasaro of tlm pwvlj U
oUtmcted. The fid in never doll, l.s r"'rl,ivf, "n l N
the Tory etroiicst feed In use. Tlin itl.t liino Is fiw
from spring, liich ti-ml only to m-wteii Kiel n -t out of
onler. Tho most delicato Bemstr- - a tie t'uo MsL-a'i
t Hooper without iniury, being -hn li.T.Ust muni Ht
nachitu ertr mtide. The iuTentor Cuiifi leK r.i inven
tun an Improvement that dots ri i. itio.lify, rn.l h'
Tery Justly kept In view the Ciet timt Frwin?
Miichiiitts are used chiefly by thos a r"ernl
rule, know l'ttlo of practical Biechaiii.M. a ur-u'er
defrreo of fimpiieity In their construe ttmi e.n'l use, arel
consequently a lower ranqe of prices cro ej. ntiul, Iu
order to meet a uuiversrj want.
Trie, on Tlaln Walnut Tftble,
with Outfit. ----- rjl.OO
Other styles and flnlnh as low a any oilier Ctni jmnr.
Send stamp fordewriptive circular. Aeios iiru-d in
very county in V. S. and Tandorlep. t'ave ?ir, nnd.
aewiDR maclline vexations, by putchasing tha McLoaB
A llooier.
1C3 Scatth bUiM Firvut, Chien HI
e'viuK and had on bund ?h'
tail of White A; Hulieiys)
Soutn id Main Street, P!a;t.jmoiiiU. Ni) ..
Mont Complete
Stock of Ini(t!", Medicine.,, I'ai:;''. ( "orri.b -al
Lead. Varri-'i, C"al nil, l-i-hcil, Mneh'ii'v
Oil, tiarrliia 'il. Cast, r Oil. Nei.M'oet
Oii. h il l Oil. l.'i"' ''-I nil. I. aid
Oil, Essential Uii. led l.iver"il..
and a larco vuriei.- u .0
tion. i'er': -r, 1 anc
and ioiiet .Aitielc,
Ersitiee-i, Kill
voriiu extracts
urui all
r-nc'i ni
,T,i :h'h I'np'.t
A VIT"', S( ' Vll le'H
Hnir." hn i 's :!e-
E'':ii'h. 'l..r-. i, l'i k'-r'u
V.': -tar's, V, 1 -!. 1 ..
1u-l l. -.' iv.mtt'.-:. Tiiiy I'l'ivi--'
E'.hm-lt 's. 1'ei.i: I ', ''-'. Win iu'h
IV. Wiie-h- 'I s Host' , ler's. i;.:ii n't
Village's, West's a :id ol tit) most p'oilar '
Patent Medicines in uJo at t ie p.'-cul day.
Brandies Wines ar.U Whiskic
Of the !o't tirades a.: l fnia'.ilieji, tiie
Medical purpos'd.
y for
P.ol r Ib'se, (ircen, El'i.-, El.u-k, Amiipn
1:3". Miidiier, Ex tract Wwood, 1'r'y
t,ods. Ac. In f.i, t ovcrytliijijf
that is iiT.l-:l in the d-itK ' "
or .Medi. al line.
Phisicians' Perscripiionfc
f II lirux warr -nted fresh nt. tl ... .-r r..''-!"Y.
ore . ,,v, ,,-. and s.-e hat 1 huv o lo fioli ' '
I latl.-mouth, I-eb. S.'uh.'Ulf.
' 1 1 s
In cotjiiectioii with -the
Offer to th" peor 'c of ri.,nu . .,
t,ort.ool Nebr;.;kalyi,Lm,U'b- ri?il U
fcu,3hrrr:?' E a
rMsseiUeri.derir7r,,r-iv.ri rn ft,!-''- r
1 taJcctho Atlantic K re- whi"? Ur,',u';' 1''' ' -
wHueii ifant Dy Coach,:, pr,"r ."'H ..
L-ay and ftlcepin Ccaehe. ndiUli!' 8
Pullmans Dining Cars.
In addition to . . . .
route by wl,iehli:ne;,H"beinvV? ltj0 d
any point, n ih y y?." in reel.i
truthfully boidth itZ'm"'P- it V.,-"
ami the fine;; : 11 kwiim the i...;v
SpeeH, Safety and Comfort.
i- i, '. t'oint Eat.
A- E. TOL'ZA LI io,UliKlS:i- ' f apt. i'ujtson, A-feiit.
Tootle, Hanna & Clark,
Gold aud iivcr CVjirj
CN. and ithcv Htochx.
ndEurope " Io " Tf'r t',.it. Su
PlatUmouth, Nebraska.
Phelps Paine
Eeprcsetiti ,ome of the moit reiiaU., Ccmpa..
e in iho United States.
Offie. with EarS3 i Poil-k it FitWaW