Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 22, 1871, Image 1

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Hi imi m n n i.. i m. i iwi r ml rjn-i 'I - il nifTTrr-i- ff """ "."'" ""
I Hit. i'AI i V
rniTfiR xm proprietor.
9 office oorner Main an J SooonJ f trec'm, pso
tm 1 t-t-.ry.
TERMS : WceHy, S2.00 per annaia if r aid in
Si..') if not paid tn advance.
The Omahsi Tribune and Republican
says that sonic of tlio nicuibers of the
constitutional conveution are en deavoring
tonanipulate the convention in their own
favor as candidates far Governor. We j
cannot agree with that idea, fur there i
is certain! in man in that body of men j
who were clectc 1 solely for their merit,
hu would so fir debase himself as to i
attempt any such action, for the simple j
leison, if no other, that it would guar
antee the defeat of the constitution Ly
the. people and thus all such little
schemes would come to an untimely end.
HOW I.O.XU W1I.1. IT T.tlii:.
We hear the above- question asked
almost daily in regard to the time
necessary for the Constitutional Con
vention to omp'eto its labor- The
present indications arc that it will take
at loast four weeks, and perhaps longer
to thoroughly digest the vat amount of
matter that must necessarily come before
t!c convention, and from which they
will ho r-alltd upon to select such choice
1 .it s as arc best calculated to nourish
and strengthen eur State. Wc have
full confidence in the men who have
been selected for this important work,
and believe that not an hour will be con- j
m:ui eel in useless delate, or that they j
will set a day longer than is necessary to j
accomplish their work. We elo not
agree with those who think that a couple
of Weeks is sufficient, time to prepare a j
Constitution. We believe it to be a 1
short sighted policy that would present ;
a poor document to save a lew dollars 1
expense. iet us nave a wen uigestcu
document, if it takes all summer to get
it ready.
The dispatches to-day announce the
d -.Mh fT lion. C. L. Vallanligham,
IVojm the pi.-t d .-hot wound accidentally
revived. It seems peculiar that this
:na;i. who. o political life has been more
checkered, perhaps than that of almost
ni:y other living man, should be called
to dep.irt in so tragi-; a manner just at a
time whm he had made the ino.-t gi
gantic political striile ever attempted
starting from a position where he seems j
to have .-to I still for an age, keeping
company with his party, and at one
bound aiming to land in a Irarice, even,
of the party who-e doctrines of pro
gression he has so persistently fought.
From a 1 in lividual standpoint we cannot
but explore his tragic death, and we
doubt n t that that political party of
which he a-pired to be the leader will
fetd the lo.-s of their new found pilot to
ari extent that will be ruinous to their
In his last moment, he seems to
had much faith in President
Grjut as ariJ'1,'2f'jJ-..'lM '''' ltes;uan.
IIoiv t Aillll liM".
I 'pou tiiis hea l an eminent authority
gives the l'o!Iow!ng advice :
'"ivut, says a merchant, what aic the
advantage." of a dvci iiing? Wo cannot
teach any man the r.rt of advertising in
(j'ic le .-on. liut in a general statement
yourliould have that which the public
want; let them know you have it;
where you are to be found. Not once,
lt con-tantly, judiciously, unceasingly
an 1 t horou ghly. (Jo about your adver
' tising as you e-o about your purcha-e-s, or
any other uf the iletails of your business.
-N" matter Ji w Weil known you are, you
laust keep your name constantly before
the public in connect ion with your trade,
or voiir specialif v. Who is better known
thin IVt-r Lo'rillard? StiH the old
lu u-.' eoii-tat'lly advertises, l'or twenty
year their name has been in all the best
1 u' lie journals all the time. Who is
better km-wn than Fairbanks fc Grcen
leaf in tlu m:inufactu:e of scales? and
yet t'i. y advertise uninterruptedly.
lint is ne re standard than Herring's
.Safe, (ia:.-' Thread, or a dozen other
' popul ar articles that never 'go out of
print. A. l.Mewjirt oc to. advertise
all the t'm1, from New Vear'sto Christ
inas. j;.t we need not go iuto details.
"We know merchants have been dis
gusted because of the spread-eagle style
f a Iveitisiug of short-lived concerns,
but on might as well take in their shrn
L fir th" reason."
The Memphis Apr,sl Joes not take
kindly to the "'new departure." It sug-ge-t-a
platform by way cf burlesque on
the Yalian iigham production, which the
c!o-ing "'plank" is as fallows:
A'( so'r ., The battle-cry of the Demo ii? part- in the next canvass shall be
'Tut me in my little bed."
The IVmorraey of the Appeal is un
questio:ie . It says the new programme
is a .tu,)cn-iou. lie ; false in "theory;
'"wicked ;:n-l ruinous in practice; un
" worthy of honest men; slavish in
"spirit, and a shot at the principles of
"liberty. ' Indeed, it denounces the
"departure" as furiuUslyas it deuouueed
the North -luring the entire rebellion.
The pa;ty ha very elLctUi'Iy put itself
in its "liitie bed" by past affiliations,
and it will Le left t stay there unless it
cau d something more striking than an
attempted larceny - of the principles of
its opponents. - -The cheat is too mani
fest. t Vi'O I ' f .
Iloir He liurw Him.
A distinguished professor in one of our
theological scmiuaries relate the follow
ing : Being in Germain", with a red
covered book in his hand a German, sup
posing the l ook to ha "Murray." asked
in English if he wis not an Englishman?
The professor replied in German that he
was not. The conversation presently
turned upon en object ff architectural
beauty . near nt hand, in the course of
which the professor incidentally raised
the question of its cost. ' Sir," ex-g-
claimed the German, instantly, "you are
an American!'' Ilo.v do you know
that? ' .rejoin-1 the professor. ";Sir,"
continued the German, striking an at
titude, an 1 assuming a tone of great so
lemnly, "upon the resurrection morn,
when we stand Wfore the Great White
Throi.e. the first question of evtry
American hi the whole assembly will be,
"How much di 1 that tin-one cost?"
That was a bad blunder one of the
young clerks in a store made the other
. day. A lady . wishing to purchase pome
hose, stepped into a store, made known
her wish, ami a lox of stockings were
shown her. Desiring to know the price,
she inquired, " How high do these
comt?" when the youth innocently re
plied ; "I don't know, ma'am ; above
the knees. I guess,"
VOL. 7.
The reports of the U. S. Signal Serv
ice Corps, as published in the Omaha
journals, arc of immense importance to
the communities in the latitude where
the Ovc observatories are stationed ; but
we believe that if those journals would
exhibit a little more enterprise, and cn
yiige the services of some icientific
gentleman to deduct the inferences which
the observations indicate, thousands of
farmei.s and others, would be greatly
benefited, and their journals sought for
by a class to which the present publish
ed observations arc, for the most part,
unintelligible. It appears to us that
there is no use waiting for the Washing
ton despatches predicting the probable
state of the weather, when Omaha en- j
terprise could so easily finish the desired
information. Will not our friends of the
Ihrnhl and the Tribune t& Republican
arrange this matter for the good of all
their readers?
- The proceedings of this society, which
commenced its exhibition at Omaha day
before yesterday, wc find in the Omaha
papers this morning, together with the
awards of the committees. The report
"is too lengthy for us to p jblu-h, but we
make the following extract from the re
port of the committee, which speaks in
high terms of Mr. Ilesser, of this place :
Mil. ruKsim.NT. Your Committee on
Flowers would respectfully report that
we have examined the flowers on exhi
bition ; and, in presenting their report
would say that we experienced not a lit
tie difficulty in arriving at conclusions
that were satisfactory to ourselves, in
many instances, so well were the differ
ent c!a:ms contested. The plants were
generally in line condition, showing a
skill in their management, that does
great credit to thi florists of Nebraska.
We found five hurdred and seventy
.'even entries. The list of awards will
show a respectable variety. Our time
was too limited to enable us to notice at
length the different varieties of the re
spective plants on exhibition, which
should have been done in justice to the
We would especially notice the enter
prise and public spirit of 3Ir. W. J.
Ilesser in bringing his large and beauti
ful collection so far and under so
great difficulties. While we have reason to
congratulate the society on its success,
and feel that, the interest manifested be
speaks a brilliant futmuifor the horticul
ture of Nebraska, we regret so many of
the beautiful collections we visited in
Omaha were unrepresented. .
By the way, we observe that Mr. Iles
ser was awarded some thirty premiums,
on vegetables and flowers.
The Vt(ern Ilunil exposes one of the
most skillfully arranged swindles ever
invented,, and oii j that has fleeced many
colliding and unsuspecting farmers-
The form which the swindling ra-cals
use is print-; 1 1 elow. The reader wid
see by cr.rcful scrutiny that after the
contract is signed the note can be cut be
tween the "or" and the word "bearer,"
thus adroitly changed from a tan dollar
contract to a promi-sory note for two
hundred and seventy-five dollars : -
2 I I"
W J3
-3 Zl
g" g
The botany of Nebraska is bjT no means
limited. We have found in the county
the following :
Black, burr or jack, white and red
ak, cottouwood, haekl erry, black wal
nut, ash, lynn, white and shell bark
hickory, soft, sugar and silver leaf maple
mulberry, water, red and white elm,
coffee bean, black and choke cherry,
black haws, red cedar, box elder, and
seven varieties of willow, black and
honey lo-ust, will grape, green briar,
wild choke cherries, black raspberries,
straw berries, and shew berries.
The prairies are covered with blue
I stem grass, porcupine grass, and wire
grass in siuau patencs.
The weeds most troublcsom to farmers
arc fox tail or fire weed, wild buckwheat
heart's ease, carpet weed, tumble weed,
wild morning glory, burdock, sand burr,
cockle burr, rag weed, wild pulsy, &c
These weeds are all easily subdued, by
dilligcut labor for one or two .seasons. '
A life-insurance agent drummed his
two-years non-f .rfeiting plan into a west
ern pioneer for awhile, ihc latter listen
ing :n sileneo. Finally he called out
"Look here, mister; I have lived in this
country no-y twenty-Sve years, and I
have bucked agin most all the games
they have started, but darn me if I want
to play a game where you have to die to
beat the bank."
The latest style at a dinner party is to
have a fan placed on each ladv's plate
oa which is printed the bill of fare, and
on the side of which is a small looking
glass, so that she is able to survey her
self and keep cocL
loltoiiel by kotatoe llusn.
The following from the Mitchell Co.
Press may serve as a warning to the vast
brigade of potatoe-bug destroyers
"airs. Ilinkly, residing in the east part
of the town, was taken violently ill !a?t
Tuesday, and grew much worse yestcr
drry without the cause of her sickness
being discovered. Last night Dr. Nich
ols was called and discovered all the
symptoms of poisoning by the potatoe
bug virus. JShe was perfectly blind, had
excruciating pain through the upper
part of the chest, spasmodic contractions
of the muscles of the throat, so that she
could scarcely swallow. He put her at
onco upon an antidote, and himself and
brother labored two hours with her, and
succeeded in giving relief. She is com
fortable this morning. This should
serve as warning to all who handle pota
toe bugs. Their virus is as poisonous as
the rattle snake."
The Mail of Hie I'l.-iius.
Ti e Plainsman is a character. He is
the connecting link between barbarism
and civilization, and with him it is diffi
cult to tell where the barbarism endsand
civilization begins. Ho is a chieftain
without fcllowera ; an emperor without
subjects. He asks not for retainers. He
is aggressive, but he is absolutely fear
less. He never courts a fight, except on
extremely rare occasions when on a 'bust'
which he seldom indulges in. He is not
a model of temperance and sobriety
his name is not enrolled in the Fathcr
Mathew's society, but he is far from be
ing a drunkard. He seldom drinks to
excess Mid for weeks never touches a
drop. His diet for months is meat only;
vegetables he never eats ; flour is con
sumed when he has it, ami, when he
don't, "jerked" buffalo for a continuous
"chaw," answers very well. lie is gen
erous and magnanimous to fiiends, hos
pitable to strangers au 1 relentless to en
emies. He does everything "on the
square." His drinks are "square drinks"
his meals are "square meals." If there
are a dozen savages to be "chawed up,"
if a house is to bo "cleaned out," by all.
means let the contract out to a pioneer
phrm-man. He will do the job with as
little noise, an 1 with as little use for a
policeman, scire facing, cert is rari, and
subsequently habeas corpuscs as any oth
er man.
Sayi-isr "Jlnteful" Thlnss.
What a strange disposition is that
which leads people to say "hateful"
things for the mere pleasure of saying
them ! You are never safe with such a
person. When you have done your best
to please, and are feeling very kindly and
pleasantly, out will pop some underhand
stub which you alone can comprehend;
a sneer which is masked, but which is
too well aimed to be misunderstood. It
may be at your person, your mental feel
ing, your foolish habits of thought, or
some little secret opinions confessed in a
moment of genuine confidence. It mat
ters not how saied it n:ay be to you, he
will have his fling at it ; and since the
wish is to make you suffer, he is all the
ha. pier the nearer he touches your heart.
Just half a dozen wo.ds, only for the
pleasure o seeing' a check flush, and an
eye lose its bright; ess, only spoken be
cause he is afiaid you are too happy or
too coiH-oitiM. 1 ft they are worse tnan
st many" blows. IIo.v many s!eep!oss 1
niehts have such mean attacks cau-ed
tender-beart'-d men ! How after them
one awakes with aching eyes and head.
to remember that speech before every
thimr that bright sharp, well-aimed
needle of a speech that probed the very
centre of your soul I ffousthoM.
5Uur3 on Women.
The Elgin (lib Gaz'tte has the fol
lowing article, which it would be well for
thousands of young men and old ones,
too, for that mutter to commit to mem
ory :
Of all the evils prevalent among young
men, we know of none more blighting
in its mora! effects tliati to speak slight
ingly of the virtue of women. Nor is
there anything in which young men are
so thoroughly mistaken as tho low esti
mate they form of the integrity of wo
men not of their own mothers and sis
ters, but of others, who, they forget, are
somebody else's mother and sisters. As
a rule, no person who surrenders to this
debasing habit is to be intrusted with
any enterprise requiring integrity of
character. Plain words should be spoken
on this point for the evil is a general one
and deep-rooted- If young men are
sometimes thrown into the society of
thoughtless or lewd women they have no
more right to measure other women by
what they see of these than they would
have to estimate tho character of honest
and respectable citizens by the develop
ment of crime in police courts. Let our
young men remember that their chief
happiness of life depends upon their ut
ter faith in women. No woildly wis
dom, no misanthropic philosophy, no
generalization can cover or weaken this
fundamental truth. It stands like the
record of God itself for it is nothing
less than this and should put an ever
lasting seal upon lips that are wont to
speak slightly of womn.
A Hint Forcible.
The Mobile Hcthter don't just like
"advancing" Valandigham "departure."
It contains the following :
'The New York Herald thinks that
everything looks couleur de rose for the
Democracy since Dayton and Harris
burg have come up to its quasi Republi
can ground, and in the kindness of its
heart toward the Democracy, it now fa
vors them with a candidate in General
Sherman. This is coming it rather
strong, and we cry a halt. If we have
to swallow the new platform, we must
nut bo expected to swal'.-'W a Republican
candidate in the bargain. "Poco-a Po
eo," or you will make the dose too
strong. If there are mild Democrats who
yearn after Republican principles and
candidates, they know where to find
them on tli3 other side. True Demo
crats have need to be fed on more con
genial and wholesome food. If our
Northern fiiends Kvon't even let Jeff.
Davis talk, we of the South beg to be
excused from voting for the Devastator
who '"marched to the sra," and who
"made a solitude, and called it peace."
We reckon that the timid policy course
will prevail, yet it is refreshing and use
ful to see true men bravely breasting
what it is improperly called a "depart
ure." It should be called an "advance,"
for it advances to a REPUBLICAN
POSITION because it is believed that
it is one necessary to command success.
The outlook js r.o: pleasant to men who
believe in piincip'e and the mighty force
and prevalence of truth."
At a concert in Boston, not many
years ago, the leader became incensed
at cm of the orchestra, shouting "Loud
er! louder!" to him, uutilthe poor play
er could stand it no longer. He dropped
his instrument and turned to the audi
ence, saying : 'It's all vers well to say
louder, louder' but vere is te vind to
Coaie from?"
Com mil too Meeting-.
t lofclnsr Arr.iusements.
From the Omaha Tribune & Republican.
A Joint-Committee-Conference meet
ing of Soldiers, Sailors, and Firemen was
held at the Board of Trade Rooms last
evening Col. J. Patrick, permanent
President, in the chair Mr. McEwen
acting as Secretary.
The Committee on the Banquet as se
lected by Chairman was approved, con
sisting of the following gentlemen:
First Ward Titos." Clark, George
Bradley. Andrew Trainer.
Second Ward Thos. Swobe, Win.
Hamburg, J. S. Gibson.
Third Ward C. S. Chase, T. J. Lane
J.' B. Callahan.
Fourth Ward - G. M7 0'B.ien, Capt.
Downos, H. L. Seward.
Fith Ward Maj. Paddock, J. Bru
ner, W. J. ConnelL
Sixth Ward Martin Dunham, P. II.
Hammond, L. Usher.
The Committee on Invitations rcpo.'-;
ed all those necees.-n-v as having been is
sued, including all the papers in the
State that on officers for the day had
selected as follows: For Marshal, Col.
J. Patrick ; for Assistant Marshals, P.
J. McNamara, 0. T. Harkinson, O.
Wilson, M. It. Ris-lon, Fred Krug, C.
J. Karbatk ; and for Reader of Declara
tion of Independence, Gen. G. M.
O'Brien which were approved. These
officers will be required to wear the in
signia of sash, sword and belt, and all
soldiers a blue ribbon on the left lappel
of the coat.
The Committee on Finance were au
thorized to petition the City Council for
au appropriation of five hundred dollars
towards the expenses of the celebration,
it being customary in other cities for such
action to be taken.
The Conference Committee and Fi
nance Committee reported jointly, their
report indicating a strong feeling of har
mony and determination to co-operate,
so as to make the coming celebration a
grand success.
The Committees on Music and Fire
Works reported lavorably, although their
arrangements are still, to a certain ex
tent, indefinite.
A resolution was passed to request the
Mayor to issue a proclamation asking all
business men to close their stores on the
The meeting then adjourned to meet
again next Wednesday evening to re
ceive the reports of those committees
that have not had as yet any sufficient
time to act.
Kits or Truth.
In a recent number, the Denver Xcics,
in speaking of the independence of news
papers, makes the following pertinent
and eminently sensible remarks:
"In pursuing a certain Hue of policy, in
advocating any great principle, in cxpos
iug any overshadowing wrong, in any
bold and uncompromising expression of
opinion, a newspaper is sure to make
enemies. It is sure on the other hand
to make friends. A newspaper cannot
be neutral. It must have opinions ; it
n ix uiid to express mem. a i-.e puouc
expect it and demand it ; and respect
and fear those expressions. They criti
cise less, however, no matter what a
journal may do.' Editors soon learn to
be abu-ed and become accustomed to it.
It is seldom they receive praise. They
are damned if they do, and damned if
they don't, and so expecting to be
damned any way, they go straight on in
the line cf duty, regardlers of what men
may say, anl determined only to do
right. That man, or that body of men,
who expect to crush out a paper that
has stood up fearlessly for the best inte
rests of the community ; that has never
hesitated to defend the right and de
nounce the wrong ; whoc inllucnce has
ever been for the improvement of so
ciety and the development of material
interests, will fall. It is impossible.
The task is as hopeless as it is revenge
ful and foolish. The cry of "Stop my
paper," is as ineffectual in checking the
career of an independent journal as
would be a command from the same lips
to stay the course of the sun. A paper
is true to the principles of honor, up
rightness, and the common food, will
neither be crushed nor crippled by any
opposition which a bold and manly course
may excite. It has been tried aud failed
too often."
A correspondent of the Tribune had
an interview with Jeff. Davis at Colum
bia, South Carolina, a few days ago.
The ex-Confederate chief carefully
avoided politics, but gave it as his opin
ion that the negro race is dying out in
the south, and will ultimately disppear.
He did not think they were generally
thrifty or inclined to accumulate prop
erty, though he mentioned one of his
own former slaves who now owned two
plantations in Mississippi, and last year
raised 2,100 bales of cotton. Davis is
still popular with the people, and espe
cially tlie"vouien of the South. Of the
latter the correspondent writes :
All through the South the women
cherish a love for tho "lost cause" with
a pertinacity that seems like a species of
insanity, and the earliest instruction they
give their children is to reverence the
deal Confederacy, its flag, and its he
roes, and to hate the Yankees and the
very name of the United Slates. Even
now, when six 3-ears have elapsed since
the end of the war, these fanatics will
not allow their children to play with the
children of Northern peoplo, and a
Southern women who ventures to asse
ciate with the hated Yankee is denounced
and ostracised by her friends as a rene
gade. With what ardent love ought we to
regard the word of God as our enlight
cuing instructor and regulator. It is
necessary to receive, retain and improve
it as a powerful means to preserve us
from fleshy lusts, which war against both
bod' and soul. But terrible and fatal
snares are the flattering words and looks
of unchaste and light women. It is i:u-po-sib!e
to avoid destruction if once we
are entangled by them. And it is shock
ing that so many indulge themselves in
a crime so infamous and destructive.
Ladies like compliments as children
do bonbons. They will take them till
they can take no more ; but if ever so
small a one goes to another, oh, how
they long for it !
"The war is a failure." VaUanJij
ham in Sew Yurie in 1804.
"The amendment? are 'unconstitution
al, null and void.' " VaUandigham at
Chicago in 1SGS.
The war was not a failure, and the
amendments arc constitutional Yal
ian digham at Dayton and Columbus in
The very thought of it counts. In
these days if a man has anything that
he wishes to exchange, be it his proper y
his labour or bis knowledge, it is expected
that he will make the fact known through
the papers ; speak it to the public ad
vertise. We knew of a man who had a
house for sale, aud the prosjic-ct seemed
poor, other houses couldn t be sold.
He thought to advertise, aud gave or
de:s accordingly, but before the printer
set up the advertisement, the house was
sold at the owner's price. ' ' .
Another instance: a woman wanted
a situation to do housework ; wo had no
sooner wii'ten it out than a place was
secured. Moral: follow a good example.
Do you want a situation ?
Ask for it in the papers advertise.
Have you a house for sale?
Tell the public in the papers adver
tise. Do you want people to call on you at
your place of bu-.iness and patronize
you ?
(Jive them an invitation through the
columns of the paper advertise.
Do any ol vour eastern fnen Is desire
WOst, aud ask you to give them
information concerning it, the prices,
etc. ?
Send them a paper published in your
neighborhood from which they can learn
the facts; make your town or county
known abroad advertise.
'oni and l'r!i.
If Hogs are to e sold at low prices,
what chances are there for any profit to
the producer?
To this we reply, the fattening of the
Hog. even at the lowest price, will re
sult in a splendid business lo the farmer
The Corn crop is everywhere admitted
to be immense, and will necessarily be
sold at a low price, and the most eco
nomical way of getting the crop to mar
ket, as is well known, is to feed as much
as possible to the Hogs, drive it through
on the hoof.
Every producer and intelligent farmer
understands perfectly, and acts continu
ally upon the fact that one bushel of
Corn properly fed, and with good care
for the Hogs, will make ten pounds of
gross Pork. From this admitted fact w
deduce the following :
Corn fed out at 12 cents per bushel
will fatten hogs at li cents per pound
Corn fed
will fatten
out at 20 cents per bushel
hogs at 2 cents per pound
Corn fed out at
will fatten hogs at
25 csnts per bushel
2i cents per pound
Corn fed
will fatten
out at "0
hoes at 3
cents per bushel
cents per pound
Corn fed out at
will fatten hogs at
Co cents per bushel
3i cents per pound
Corn fed out at
will fatten hogs at
Corn fed out at
will fatten hogs at
Corn fed out at
will fatten hogs at
40 cents per bushl
4 cents per pound
4," cents per bushel
41 cents per pound
50 cent
5 cents
per bushel
per pound
Corn fed out at 55 cents
wili fatten hogs at c.-nt
per hu.dtcl
per po .nd
Corn fed out at 00 cents per bushel
will fatten hogs at 0 cents per pound
Now, compute what a 250 pound hog
will cost r.t a given rate for stock hegs.
A stock hog weighing 150 pounds,
bought at say 0 cent-!, will equal
One hundred pounds weight added on
ten busheN of corn, at 25 cents, f 250.
Total value of hog would be $11.50.
This would make the animal cost just
4 3 5 cents per pound, aud the farmer
has sold his corn, in this calculation, at
25 cents per bushel.
We confidently believe that there will
be ample profit to the farmer the
present year at low figures of Hogs;
and it adds another powerful argument
to sustain the positions we have taken.
Inlrrcnt Itulen.
For finding the interest on any prin
cipal for any number of days. The an
swer in each cas being in cents, sepei
ate the two right hand figures of answer
to express it in dollars and cents :
Four per cent. Multiply the princi
pal by the number of davs to run ; sep-
erate right hand figure from product,
and divide by 9-
Five per cent. Multiply by number
of days and divide by 72.
Six per cent. Multiply by number of
days ; seperate right baud figure and
divide by 0-
Eight per. cent. Multiply by number
of day and divide by 45.
Nine per cent. Multiply by number
of days ; seperate right hand figure and
divide by 4.
Ten per cent. Multiply by number of
days and divide by 3(.
Twelve per cent. Multiply by num
ber of days, seperate right hand figure
and divide by 3.
The Illinois and Michigan Canal is to
be closed hereafter, and the current of
the Chicago river will flow from Lake
Peruvian ship, recently lost in the
Pacific, had nearly six hundred Coolies
on board. The scene was too terrible for
words to portray.
The St. Joseph people are loudly talk
ing bridge matters. The contract for
the building of a bridge across the Mis
souri river at that point, has been
awarded, aud work will loon com
mence. A curious and beautiful effect was pro
duced by one of the ice-making ma
chines built lately in Philadelphia. This
was a cike of manufactured ico in the
center of which completely inclosed by
the translucent material, was a boquet
of fresh Mowers. Every leaf and flower
was perfectly visible, while tin brilliancy
of the colors was enhanced
by the re
fraction through the ice.
SJortou Nailed Down.
We learn from private sources that
the suit of J. Sterling Morton and oth
ers for ejectment of Smith & Green
from the salt lauds at Lincoln, which
they hold under a lease' given by Gov.
Butler, was decided last Saturday in fa
vor of Morton. The case was tried in
the District Court at Lincoln, Judge
Lake presiding. This restores to Mor
ton and company all the salt lands that
have been worked, together with the
furnaces and other fixtures for manufac
ture, unless the case should be carried
to a higher court.
"My dear," said Mrs. Bumble fo her
daughter, "you must have something
warm around you in the carriage."
Miss B. mentioned the request of her
mother to her beau, aud ho immediately
complied with it.-
Vel.saii.lksj, ju.)C
Francis Paul Maurice, the dramatist
and novelist, who was arrested in Paris
as a Communist, is released. There will
be lor the present no transfer of the ex
ecutive and legislative departments of
government which wi'd remain, as at
present, controlled :.t Virsailles, until
October. The court martial will assem
ble next week for tec trial of Roche
fort. Assy and Rossel.
Motions are submitted to the Assembly
by Baze, providing for a prolong ition of
powers, both of the Assembly and
Thiers, for two years; also for an elec
tion of a committee to draw up a bill
constituting the future government of
Pauls, June 10.
Augustin Cochin, one of the leaders
of the clerical party, has been appointed
Prefect of the Department of tho Seine.
Oise M. Coqueiel has written a letter
to the press, urging tho necessity of the
Republican form of government for
Republican journals condemn the pro
posed military review of Sunday as im
politic and in bad taste.
Glais Bizoin is a candidate for the As
sembly for one of the Paris dis ri. Is.--
He is a siiporter of Thiers.
A l'f oclRiiiat ion I'lironqnr red.
Paris, June 10.
A proclamation has been issued by the
International Society, which declares :
"We are disarmed, but not conquered,
and are still one hundred thousand
strong. Favre ami Trochu are the au
thors of our misfortunes, aided by capi
tal and the .priesthood. We accept the
responsibility of conflagrations. We
must have no interior disputes, no divis
ions at the polls; reactiou took away our
arms, out not our votes v ive la ro-
cialle llepubli que ; Vive la Commune."
i:.-i:ro:til "Io?.
Nasuvile, June 15
The railroad excitement at Chattanoo
ga is unabated. Yesterday one hun
dred and fifty employees from Alabama
seized a locomotive and two cars at the
depot at Chattanooga, and went off with
them down the road. The locomotive
and cars were under attachment, and
pursuit was made, but as the captors had
cut the wires the result is unknown.
Accitleullj- Shot.
Cincinnati, June 10.
The argument in the MeGehan mur
der, at Lebanon, Ohio, commenced to
day, Follett opening for the State. A
special to tho Gazette from I.cbonan
says Clement? L. Yalhmdiiigham. one
of the counsel for the defence of Thomas
McCehan, accidently shot himself to
night at nine o'clock, at the Lebanon
House. He was in a room in company
with Governoi McBurney, and while
showing with a pistol bow Myers, the
murdered man, might have s'h t himself
the pistol was di-char-v.f, the bail enter
ing the light side of th;s abdomen belotr
the ribs. What direction the bail took
is not known. Surgeons are now mak
ing an examination. Dr. Reeves, at
Dayton, has been dispatched for. The
latest word is that the ball did n ot pene
trate the intestine--, and the wound is not
mortal. He r perfect possessions of
bis facilities. The pistol u-ed was a
Smith & We-ton, and no one kuowsh'-w
it came to be discharged. The accident
produced an intense excitement in Leba
non. Viiliitiiii in ill n ". unt if ion.
Cincinnati1!, June 15.
The Commercial has a special from
Lebanon, dated 11 o'clock, which says
Mr. Vallandingham was vomiting,
which was regarded as an unfavorable
sig nantl one of hi 7-hysicians said there
were indications of internal hemninrrage.
Drs. Seovide and Drake ceased their
fruitless search for the ball about an
hour after the accident. They then
closed the wound, and placed the patient
on his right side, where ho lay, as white
as the sheet upon which he rested. He
was calm and collected.
Cincinnati, June 17.
Mr. Yailandigham died at eighteen
minutes before ten th's morning. He
went down very rapidly after ten o'clock,
having no pulse scarcely after that hour.
Dr. Dawson, of Cincinnati, arrived ai
three o'clock, but was too late to do any
goo-l for the dying man. Judge Hagres,
his law partner, from Dayton, reached
Lebanon this morning with other per
sonal fiiends, who wore with him in bis
last hours. MeGehan, in the prosecu
tion of whose ease he lost his life, was
taken from the jail this morning to his
bedside, and shed tears as he beheld the
dying friend, who had appeared during
the progress of the trial to summon ail
his enersry and legal ability in his de
fense. Mr. Follett made bis argument
for the State yesterday, and was to have
been followed this morninst by 3Ir. Milli
ken, and it was expected Mr. Yailandig
ham would commence his argument this
evening or Monday morning. Judge
Pope, before whom the trial was prose
cuting, adjourned the court until Mon
dav. Mrs Yailandigham started for Balti
more last evening, called there by a dy
ing brother.
Mr. Yallandigham's body will be taken
at once to Dayton, reaching there about
3 o'clock.
Cincinnati, O., June 17.
There has been much sorrow manifes
ted here to-day concerning the tragic
end of Yallandighain, and it has been t3'
no means confined to his political friends
Persons who have differed with him,
and animadverted severely on his course
during the rebellion, have expressed no
less regret at the terrible calamity which
has befallen him, than have his politi
cal associates. News concerning his last
hours has been devoured with avidity.
Newspaper reporters who came from the
scone this evening, have been uilligeutly
sought for more detail.- than have thus
far been published. It appears when
the pistol was discharged. Mr. Y. was
hardly aware of the severe natuie of the
wound, as he walked around the room
awhile before lying down. Gov. Mc
Burney, alarmed at the sudden appear
ance of a tragedy, rushed to the adjoin
ing rooms, and at once summoned aid.
As soon as persons came, Yailandigham
iaid it was a foolish act, and later adver
ted to it as the most reckless act of his
life. Though he seemed to be conscious
that he was badly hurt, he appear 1 de
cidedly hopeful. During the early hours
the Rev. Mr. Hak-hr called to see him
and Yailandigham, taking him by the
hand, said, substantially, he had too
much faith iu the Calviuistic doctriue to
14 V
belicTC he would not get safely through
tl ii misfortune. Once he told the sur
geons to take care of the pain and he
would manage the rest. Wlien impre-s
ed Willi the approach of dissolution, he
was calm and met the news of his condi
tion bravely. After JLr. Revets arrived
from Dayton, he soon had the room
cleared, and when no one was present
intimated to 3Ir. Yallandighaui the
very serious nature of his wound. The
patient, seeking for something on which
to build a hope, reminded the doctor
of two bad ca-sses of injuries not fatal,
known to Loth, and asked if this were
worse than they, to which the reluctant
reply wa-. possibly not. The doctor then
told Mr. V , who was suffering fiom pain
that they would have to administer medi
cines of a sedative nature, and suggested
that if he had anything to say, he had
better communicate then. Y. then con
vened with the doctor concerning pri
vate matters, giving directions in regard
to his bu-iness; after which medicine to
relieve the pain was injected by hypo
dermic process. Afterthis there was no
time when he was not under the influ
ence of opiates, and that effected some
what his sensibilities. He nevertheless
appeared to keep possession of his facul ties
to the last. At 3:30 o'clock he
seemed to be dying, aud his friends were
called to the bedside. From that time
he raj idly sank. The pul.-atiors at the
wri;t : ji: -eared to have ceased, though
he was remaikably calm so much so,
that Dr. Drake said he w; s tl e coolest
man under such circumstances he had
ever seen. He still showed occasional
signs about the face of agony. As death
approached, his face wore tin ashy j ale
nes4 his last words were a request for
ice- aud medicine to aliay hi pain. In
the last moments his face indicated great
physical suffering. At eighteen arimites
before ten this morning he died. His
son Charles, seventeen years old, was
with him from last night until he died.
One of his nephews aud a nephew of bis
wife was also present. Gov. MclSuiney
was with hiLi constantly from the time
of the acci lent until his death. The re
mains left Lebanon at 2 p. m. to-day for
Cincinnati, June 17.
The Times and Chronicle this evening
publishes an interview had between Mr.
Yailandigham and one of its editors, on
Wednesday, in which Mr. Y. said, there
can be no more politicaleampaigns fought
on issues of the past few years. They
are dead, and if the Democratic party
refuses to move to the front to accept
the new cid-u- of things, it will simply
pass away, and some other parti made
up of earnest progressive element of
both the old parties will take possession
of the government. When a--kod if he
did not think the campaign of '72 would
be fought on present issues, he said that
it may be undertaken by our party, but
it will fail. A year ago Grant gave
promise of his intention to lead the Re
publican party into a now departure, and
lie would have done it but a gang of old
politicians at Washington held him back
and scared him with gabble about de
feat, until he went sqivire back into the
oldiuts. Grant is an honest man, and
would do right if politicians would let
him, but that they do not want to do.
He took the back track on the San Do
mingo question, in which, apart from
the corrupt means used, he was clearly
right. 1 tell you, sir, annexation of ter
ritory and the control of all the outlay
ing fragments of the continent, is the
destiny of the American people. Y'e
shall have San Domingo, and Cuba, and
Mexico, and all the rest; mark that.
We mi-:.:cd the greatest chance we ever
had, in not getting Cuba during the
Spanish troubles. We could have had
it then lor the 11 ere asking, tind in a few
years we would have been owners of the
richest and most productive part of ter
ritory in the woild. Why, they u.-cd to
talk about me raid call me a disunionist.
I tell you, sir, earnestly and honestly,
that 1 never was a disunionist ; that I al
ways did believe, and now believe, that
this Union will be perpetual, and extend
ed until it embraces the continent.
His denial of disunion views Mr. V.
repeated, with marked emphasis, iu re
ply to a remark of his interrogator, that
he could not see now the hatred exhibit
ed towards him by the dead cause, De
mocraev. in that party. He smiled and
said, "Why, what can I -lo ; the Repub
lican party won't move forward, it wants
to stick to its old elothas, and my best
hope is to get the Democracy to pu.-h to
the front ? However, there is 110 telling
what three hundred and sixty five days
may bring foith : and of one thing I am
certain : if the Democratic party fails to
become the patty of progress and ad
vanced ideas, aud I, from conscientious
convictions, decide to act with any other
political party, that other political party
will never stop to inquire what niy past
political record has been. Parties don't
manage things in that wav."
London, June 10.
The Times' special from Paris says the
Pruisians have evacuated Rouais and
have left St. Denis and
Roul.rer is expected in Paris.
. e
Madrid, June IS.
Minister Morel has tendered bis resig
nation to the King.
There were slight disf urbances during
the celebration of the Pope's jubilee., June 10.
The Assembly to-Jay passed the bill
giving the natives of Alsace and Lor
raine residing iu France the right to vote,
and making them eligible to the Assem
bly. Favre informed the IIou c that one
hundred and eighty tncu.-an-J French
prisoners yet remain in German", but
that they were returning home at the
rate of thirty-two hundred daily.
Paris, June JO.
The Libert c asserts that Felix Pyat
was arrested to day.
Twenty-five hundred women convicted
of setting fire; or attempting to set fire
to buildings in Paris, have been sen
tenced to transportation to New Caledo
nia. ramoetta Wii! scon return to r ranee
The imperial guard is being reortran
ized under the name or
Lonuon, June 19.
A special from Brussels says : The
civic corps, compelled to intervene for
the preservation of peace, used their
bayonet, and sevend rioters were hurt.
Members of the International Society
j are said to be the rin-r leaders of the
outbreak against the friends of the Pope.
George Grote, the historian, died Sat
urday, aged 77.
The Post has a special from Berlin an
nouncing that the Emperor goes to-morrow
to Ems to meet the Czar of Russia.
The Emperor leaves Berlin to-day for
Baden Baden, at which' place he will
stop a few hours.'
. Id rr in !.' .-j i
H. D. 11 A Til A WAV.
a-0'.Vii:e corner M:ou :-t 1 S .! -tri-i : n
ntl !tory"
TERMS :L.-.!;.v'. j.'rr cr 'annum, or si. it
lcr utiftlt . .
New Y tt.e, Juuc 1'..
A special to the W.-rll, fr.-m Pans,
the loth, says: Indications .f a let.ew
al of the in? ui rceron multiply. The
working men op-niy i. isn't the so!,
and attempts at .-ssas-iintioa and ii:e- ;r
diarism continue. The elections wili re
sult in the return ed' inteiniatie-nal can
didates. Pining the last two days Iwanfy-nino
officers of the Cummunu have been ei
resfed, half of whom were foreigners.
Tho reorganization of the Central
Committee and its proclamations exciu
grc:it dismay.
The new loan will be offered 011 the
20th if June, U-arinj five per cent, in
t crest.
Paris, J one 20.
The mowarchial press fear the union of
republican journals.
A committee ha l.cen foimcd to pn
cure t lie return to ih
mblv of tf.
former representatives of Al.-acc and
Gambetta lias declined the nominati m
for the Assembly.
Denunciations of communists are tmelo
daily, and arrests continue fieqtient.
The idea is mooted of forming a Sec
ond Clumber, to be el ecte-l by the geu
ml councils.
The work ofthe ie-toration of Pari,
especially the Hois de Uuulogt-n, is being
acticly pushed forward.
The- war between eighteen Monarch!-1
an d five lbqiublie;in journals-!. extremely
l itter. I In; hitler lepud'.ati the v-otu-
inline. The
eie'ral luipres-.ion
is thai.
their leaders repie. '-nt the .eiitiniento of
more electors th'in those of their ad-ver-arics.
They are also united, while
the Monarchist journals are- divided.
Yeusaii.i.ks, June 2K
In the Assembly to-i!av, during the
debate of the loan bill, Theirs made u
statement -l ttie. Luaucial con iitiOii Oi
the country. He. said the German wa.
had cost Franco three millions of francs.
The b licit, for the fiscal year b70 to 171
ruaclied 1 .(".:'. I ,( K. i,l-00 fmics, but of this
amount t'n; l. ink of Fiance had advan
ced to the Government 1 ,330, io,Oo;e
francs, so that the immediate deficiency
for the years was reduced to 301, 000,000
francs ; but to this must be added -130,-OoO.OnO
francs for expenses since iu'-nr-?ed
in suppressing the insurruction in
Paris. This total deficit of 737.000.0. 0
francs Theirs proposed to meet by im
posing new taxes. ', The situation, he
said, was difficult, but not disa.strious.
London, June 20.
A correspondence from Rome says
that the Pope, on the 25th anniversary
of bis pontificate, received deputations
from all countries even from Poland.
At least two thousand delegates, and
eight hundred ladies waited on him dur
ing the day. The Pope, in his reply to
the congratulations of foreign deputa
tions, said he hoped soon to bear the
cross through the streets of Rome with
out fear of outrage. To tho French
delegates he spoke feelingly of the situa
tion in France, and congratulated them
on her victory over the powers of dark
nsss. He was gratified at receiving r
telc?rnni from the (ueen of England,
in which wishes for his long life and ban
piness were expressed.
During the day the Pope distributee
fifteen thousand francs among the poor,
and received munificent present-! from
the faithful throughout the world. Not
withstanding the precaution taken by the
police, visitors, Arc., while on their way
to the Yatiean, were freqeutly insultee.
by the crowds in the streets. Many
soldiers who had served in the PontiK- -cal
army were arrested before the day of
the festival to prevent a disturbance.
Parsons. Kas., June 20.
A terrible tornado swept over south
western Kansas on Friday evening.
The small town of Eldorado was neaii.v
destroyed. Over one hundred housen
were demolished. Loss about f 00,0-10.
The storm did great damage to the
crops. Fences wen: blown down, and
houses unroofed throughout a large
scope of country. . It was the severest
storm known on the plains for years.
" Dayton, O., June 20.
The funeral of the late Hon. C. L.
Yailandigham, to-day, was of the mosr
impofing c-hnracter, and probably the
largest which has; ever taken place in th.
State of Ohio. The processson wa-;
about two miles in length, and waa com
posed of persons of all political parties
and walks of life. Business iu many
parts of the city was suspended durinV
the passing off of the funeral cortege,
and the county and city buildings, with
many private residences, were draped in
mourning. The pall-bearers were Hons.
A. O. Tiiurmau, S. S. Cox, George E.
Pugh, George W. McCook, Judge Gil
more, Gen. O.C.Maxwell, John How
ard, Samuel Craighcap, Elihu Thomn
son. D. K. Boycr, W. H. Gilospie arid
D A. Haak. Mat-y distinguished gen
tleman from nil parts of the Criion were
present and partieipn.ed in the ceremon
ies. Chief Justice Chase was pi evented
from being present by ill health, 'l i e
funeral services at the rsi,lcnee we re
conducted by Rev. E. P. Wright, of th.
Episcopal church. He was hurried by
the Masonic fraternity, Grand High
Priest. Charles C. Keifer officiating.
WliiKMVMftbing' Tret-M.
Don't whitewash the lark upon the
bodies of fiuit and om riarm tiees.
We are at a loss to know for what soui.:
persons thus coat the bark of their ft. lit
and shade trees about their premises
with lime, unless it is to make- them'
l look nice. It certainly does them mo.-o
harm than good, as it serves to obstruct
th:3 respiratory organs, and in a uie:.uri
prevcutsa thrifty gro vth. Should the
bark become diseased and rough, or
covered with moss, scrape it thoroughly
with a hoc or scraper of some suitable,
decryption ; after which wa.-h thorough
ly with a strong solution of soap and
wafer. Ifthi- is done properly every
season, it will prove a i:n-at bem. fit by
destroying the insects which prey r.p-m
the l ark, anl otherwise j romoiing n.
healiby conditio!) th- ieof, and increasing
the vigor aril vitality of the tice.
I'arm Journal.
An attendant at Movnt Vercrn not
long since found a lady weeping mo-t
bitterly and audibly, with her' handker
chief at her eyes. He stepped up to
her, and -aid : "Are vou in anv trouble,
ma-lam?" "No, sir' she sobbed. "J
saw you weeping." "Ah." said she.
"how can one help w.eping at the grave
of the father of his country?" "Oh.
indeed, madam," said he, "That's ii !
The te-uifs over yonder. This is tl:-:'
ice house -
JiKe eliampa;;ne if it doesn't po
then is soT'-'etbi;'" wro"-' x. ivi