PLTISYCUTH KEBfiAKSA.. THURSDAY, JUNE 15. i7I. The d.iver of a huckster wagon gave his out (it a free hath iu the "old mud dy" at Omaha yeptcrJa-, by driving too icar the crumbling bank. We were shown a fine specimen of "at? tn-tfay, sail to be cf the Norway v.Triet'. The owner should sive some of them fur the County Fair this full. Our friend G. F. Gyger is net particu lar whether school keeps or not he is the lai of twin?, and he does not care who knows it. The rip rap work along the liver front of the city stood the tost, of the high water without a prcceptible weakness. The river has been railing fcinee jeter day. It was higher Saturday than it lias been before for three 3-ears, but not so high by several feet as it was in 1S67. O. F. Johnson's Soda Fountain is about the cooiest thing to be found this hot weather. Try a glass Df that pleas ant beverage and you will not do without it hereafter. The City Council of Bellevm have made an appropriation for clearing off pie-nie grounds in that vicinity, for the use of their own people and for those from Omaha and Plattsniouth. Wc understand that Messrs Haywood Sc Bull, of Elmwood precinct, are open ing a large farm, and preparing to "live at home" in the course of a few years. The scholars of the Presbyterian Sabbath School are to have a pic r.ic on Thursday of this week. The consolidated Tribune and Repub lican made its appearance yesterday morning, differing but little from what might be expected from a consolidation cf two first class newspapers. Mr. Jesse Young, of Weeping Watir, called at the IIeuald office to-day, and informs us that crops in his locality never looked" better during his long residence in the State. We hear tho same glad tidings from almost every quarter. J. C. Stockton, Kjr, editor and pro prietor of the Ashland Times, passed through the city this morning on his w.iy to Uhicsco to malce arrangements i'jr some new material for hi.s paper. Mr- John Tnheldcr has laid out a town on his farm, on the line of the B. Sc 31. road, near the Cedar Creek cross ing. They have a side track, and are already mc arrangements for ship ping a (j iantity of grain, stock, etc. The enterprising landlord of the Platte Valley House is issuing a large number of cards for his house with a table of distances on the back, t-howing the dis tance from Piattsmoulh to the principal cities of the United State, and to towns on the B. & M. The storm last Thursday evening was the heaviest of the season, and we hear of damage done in almost every neigh borhood in the county. In Louisville, precinct, Eight Mile, and other locali ties, the fences were washed away and much damage done to crops. The people of Saline county heid an election last Saturday for location cf the county seat, and Pleasant Hill is said to have received a majority of about 400. An injunction against removing the ar chives and records is talked of on the ground that the call for the election was i liegal. Nebraska State Fair will be held at Brownville, Sept. 26th, :27th, 2Sth and 2Sth, 1S71. Liberal Premiums offered. Open to the World. For particulars address the President at Brownville or the Secretary at Plattsuiouth. All papers in the State friendly to the So ciety, wiM please copy. d&wtf A car load of machinery and lumber went west to Cedar creek to-day for Mr. C. Schluntz, who proposes to immedi ately ere -t a good flouring mill at that place. He has a saw mill already run ning, and will soon be prepared to make as good an article of Hour as' can be had in the State. At this season of the year when you arc apt to get bilions, or have a sour stomach, with bad taste in the mouth, suid a general feeling of lassitude, most people think it. necvasary to take pills, stomach bitters, or "ye extract of sod corn," or some other nauseous dose. Now we have discovered a much pleas niter, cheaper, and more efficacious re--jody. Whenever we feel the above symptoms we step over to Buttery's Drugstore and take a glass or two of their Soda, which never fails to set one all right. Don't take our word, but go and try it for j-ourselvcs. A drove of between one and two hun- treJ head of young cows passed through the chy last Satsrday, being taken onto i he w stern prairies. This is the way to isike money, certain and easy. Heisel fired his first brick kiln last iturday. The people of the western and middle b lunders county desire- a change in the unty seat location, and have appointed .'ommittee to determine what location t '..v will favor. The committee has rc ; rted in favor of sec- 3, town- 4; range V. near the old Wahoo town site. The meeting of Directors of the V. 7 B. B. take place at Omaha in a short i an J a correspondent of the Tribune 'Jit-nn urges the city council to ; something to gain or retain the good i ! &f the company, as it is expected ; will decide the transfer business at .; mee'iiig. Vc are glad to hear that Professor Ademand will continue h:s school dur : the whole summer; but to do so i:l. comf rt to his pupils, he intends ; ;ng sv inis:i '. ssor .". -i -vis aie : - ator It: 'rll SUJ. ;-" i very early every morning t noon. No doubt the bow injurious long va-p-:pik dioock has our thanks for 1 imblii; docaments. iu cr rrATisKciTH AfADnir, Beg leuva to return their c:oft sincere thanks to Mr. W. J. Ilcrser, for his kindness in giving them the free use of his beautiful gardens and Green Iluuset for their pic-nie. G. IIoeb3, Secretary. COTTOXUTOOD LI'!I1CR. Those in need of Cottonwood lumber c an be accommodated by sending orders to Win. Edgerton, who is now prepared to manufacture and all kinds of ootton v. J lumber. Bead his advertisement. A. C. Mayfield, Esq., informs us that tho Eight Mile Grove Sunday School contemplate a grand pic nic excursion over the B. Sc M. in Neb. on the Fourth of July probably to Lincoln or to Ash land. F.V. KIIF.n."WAV Has written a letter to the New York Herald which settles the question in re gard to his being a candidate of ni.y party fur President. lie says most em phatically, that he would decline the nomination, J if unaTiimoa-ly elected would refuse to -"serve. ilXH ti. UtIBK. I. Bacm, Eq.,.thc bridge man of the B. A M. in Nebrask, commenced work on the Baiirosd Bridge across the Blue River last Friday, and Mill have it com pleted ready for the track-lai-ers to morrow. The bridge is 500 feet in lengh. Baum can beat any other bridge builder in the Wct. iionru i itckai. society. The exhibition and meeting of the Nebraska Horticultural Society takes place in Omaha on Thursday, the loth inst., and it is expected to be one of the most interesting meetings ever held in the State. There will be a fine eollec tion of flowers and plants from different parts of the State, also a large attend ance of people. Arrangements have been made wi.h the O. Sc S. W. B. It. by which parties from this city who at tend the mcetimr can return freo of charge. pi,atthoi:th Tt:R5IEB society At a meeting of the members of this society, he'd at Guthman Sc Huberty's Hall, Wednesday evening, June 7th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing semi-annual term : 1 'reside n t Paul Braitsch. Vice President B. Hemple. Secretary C. Sc-blueter. Cor. Secretaty F. D. Lehnhoff. Treasurer II. Newman. 1 st Turnvart L. Baer. 21 Turnwart N. Paney. Zeugwart F. Niinmn. TO EVERY SOLDIER AND HAII.OR OF TI6E UXIOM FOItt I S in CANS COriTV, SE BKASKA. The undersigned Committee for this County earnestly request Federal Sol diers and Sailors in Cass county to cor respond with Wm. Woodruff, Platts mouth, Neb., Secretary of the Execu tive Committee, and inform hiui how many in lividuuls in his immediate neigh borhood can be relied on to attend the Soldiers and Sailors Bourdon at Omaha on the 4th of July next. It is import ant that the full name Company and Begt. or organization to which ecch in dividual belonged, be stated. Beduced rates v.ili be secured on railroads, of which timely notice will be given. The Committee urge their comrades to turn out and help swell the loyal gather ing at Omaha. Preparations on an ex tensive scale are being made at Omaha tor tins occasion. J. W. John-ox, B. B. Livingston, Wm. Woodiu ek, Sec. It INF. HAM.. The "Antelope" and "Cayote" lias Ball Club3 of this city, played a match game Saturday afternoon, June 10th, 187 1, on the grounds of the Antelope Club, near Heisel Mills. Tioie of game 2 hours 15 minutes, commencing at 4 p. m., resulting in a victory for the An telopes, by a score as follows : Antelopes, runs. Cayotes, runs. H. Thomas 3 b 9 d'AIL'tuand s 8 8 Smith c f 6 Chase p 6 Banda'd 1 b 5 Paine c 7 F. Thomas r f 4 Waugh 2 b 5 Greenwood 1 f 7 F. Beese, Miller, Davis, Metcalf, Nichols, Loomi.s, Woodyet, Beese, White, 4 6 o 5 7 5 4 48 Total runs, 57 UOMK RUNS. Smith, ? II. Thomas, 1 ; Total for Antelopes 4 White, 1 ; Metcalf, 1 ; Woodyet 1 ; Total for Cayotes, 3. Umpire J. W. Strode, Abbingtun, Illinois. Scorer C. II. Smith, Abbington, III. Azro Smith, Esq., of Bock Bluffs, has supplied the Hkrald with some fine samples of early potato s, turnips and beets, which are the best evidences to be had of the productiveness of Nebraska soil. :d-o of the ti!cipric of such men as Mr. Smith in the gardening line. Smith has a full supply of all kinds of vegetables. Prof. L. F. Johnson, has taken charge of the vocal music department of d Allemani's 'Academy, and will hereaf ter give lessons at the school room at 3:30 p. ru., each day immediately after the close cf the school exercises. Prof. Johnson is one of the best teachers in the State, and the pupils of the Acade my are- peculiarly fortunate in having him for a toachor. A limited numbered' poisons not pupils at the Academy will be received in the vocal niusi;rclassr if applicaation is made. Cherries are selling at Bennett Bros, at fifteen ceut.? a quart, and they cannot get enough to supply the demand. As soon as it was announced in the Herald that they had them the rush commerced and still continues. Advertising is a good thing. Ilcisel's first brick kiln contains be tween one and two hundred thousand. tife rrn woscrp.rn-iJfrnrAsu j The business of the B. & M. in Ne- , Lraska has increased more rapidly than J wa3 anticipated by the most sanguine, I and it is with difficulty that a sufLcient number of cars can be p-ocured from the manufactory to supply the demand. It has been impossible to secure the manu facture of a sufficient number of loco motives to transact the business, nnd the company have been compelled to hire a surplus locomotive or two from the Mid land road until they can- get new ones from the shops. This looks healthy for the B. Sc M., and healthy for the country tributary to it. I. O. ". T. A n n ii n 1 fiv rvi ion ofCranil I.odg-e. The fifth annual session of the Grand Lodge of I O- G. T. of Nebraska, will be held at Omaha, commencing on Wed nesday, June "1st, at 10 a. m. It is earnestly desired that every lodge in the State will be fully represented, as a session of unusual interest, and great im portance to the order and its cause is anticipated. A cordial invitation is extended to ail deputy and past officers and visitors to be present with us. Half fare tickets on all railroads and two thirds fare tickets on the K. & N. stage line will be issued to those who will attend. While at Omaha arrangements have made to entertain all free of charge during the session. W. D. Blackrurn, G. W. C. T. W. P. Uobekts, A. G. S. State papers please copy. SCHOOL IMC-XIC In accordance with previous arrange ments the pupils of the Plattsmouth Academy, to the number of sixtj or seventy, proceeded to Hasser's Pie-Nic Gardons 3esterday morning, prepared to "make a day of it." We dropped in among them between ten and eleven o'clock, and found the "little folks" as busy as bees with suidi amusements as only little folks know how to fully enjoy. Swings, plays etc., were the order of the hour autil about one o'clock, when the ever watchful Prof, announced that refreshments were ready. We found the tables loaded with ail tho delicacies of the season in great abundance. The children were served fir.-t (as this was emphatically a children's pic-nie) and then came a large number of "children of a larger growth," many of whom seemed to have grown young again for a da', and to be living over again tho scenes of their childhood. The repast L.eing emieti, ana lar more tnan the scriptural "seven baskets full" being ! left, the amusements were again resumed, and continued until about three o'clock, when Mi. Frank Carruth appeared upon the ground with his photographic apparatus, and requeste-1 a"csssa'iou of hostilities" until he could take a picture of them, which he accomplished "in the twink ling of a:i eye." At about four o'clock the fun ceased, and the wagons were Again loaded for the return trip, which was completed without accident or mis- j hap of any kind to mar the pleasure of the occasion. The worthj professor and his estimable lady deserve many thanks for their watchful care over the young sters committed to their care for the dav, and they will long be remembered by the children, and those grown people who were present, for their efforts in making the occasion a pleasant one. FIRST V AKI MCISOOt. I'IC-XSC. Ei. Herald. The Pic-Nic of the First Ward school came off according to appointment, on last Friday. The pHpils began to assemble at S o'clock, at the Pchord room, and at fifteen minutes to 0 took up our line of ma:ch to the depot, where we were to take the transfer steamer, President, for our place of des tination. Arriving at the depot, we found a number of our friends and ac quaintances awaiting our arrival. The steamer being in readiness, we soon found ourselves steaming up the river. Tho grounds selected for holding the pic-nie are located half a mile from the upper steamboat landing, and three miles from this city on the Iowa side cf the Missouri. We arrived at the i;e nic grounds at 10 o'clock. The first thing to be attended to upon our arrival, was to erect swings and tables, which were soon completed, and all proceeded to enjoy themselves as best they could The day was all that could lie desired, be ingcoril p'easant the shower of the pre ceding evening, which had deterred many from attending who had made oveiy :iri angeii ciit to attend, served to co:l the atmo-t ! ere .r:d make th : day oii'y the mn'ii p'ea--aitt and delightful. We enjoyed our-clves by swinging, strolling over the ground-:, and like amasements until about one o'clock, when we were summoned to partake of a tiountiiul repast, whicn iiaa been spread, by several of the older mi-soij of the school, to which we all did ample justice. In thft afternoon we departed soma what from the programme previously ar arranged, as, finding the children very much interested in thes; various amuse ments concluded to defer the de claiming, dialogues, singing, &c, which had beeu prepared for the occasion. After spending the time pleasantly until half-past three p. m., we concluded to return to our homes where we arrived at 4 , without having met with a single accident to mar the pleasure of the da3r, all well pleased with our pie-nic excur sion, and its results. II. Austin, Teacher. Another installment cf about fifty wagons, loaded with immigrants, crossed the "old Muddy" at this place this morn ing, oa their way to the "new cldorado" of the west the prairies of Nebraska. In each wagon was visible a copy of the Plattsmouth IIeuald, which was con sulted by the intelligent occupants of the wagon to ascertain where they should go to get cheap goods. They were all in duced to come to Nebraska l3 reading the Herald, and each of them ordered a copy seut to his new honie on the prairies. J Lcttor Tpom IVnf. Jamc. Sai.lm, Marion Co , Orf.cjon, ) May 'JT, 1871. I J. B. DiLLEY Dear Sir: I now sit down to comply with the promise I made you, to write. We arrived in the city of Portland the last of April, safe a:sd sound, tifter a somewhat tiresome jour ney of ten days, four by rail and six by ocean. The latter was anything but pleasant, to most of the passengers, about six hundred in number. 3Irs. James was very tick from the time we passed out of the bay until we arrived at the mouth of the Columbia river I enjoyed the trip quite well. I did not feel anyj symptoms of sea sickness al though the ocean was very rough all the time. We arc located for the present at the city of Salem. It is situated in the beautiful valley of the Willamette, about fifty miles from Portland, and is the Capital of the State. It is located on a beautiful site and contains about 6,000 inhabitants. I have taken charge of the public schools of the city, at $100 per month, in coin. I have been teaching two weeks. I cannot tell you now whether I will like country or not. I am sure I do not like it so far any bet ter than Nebraska. It has rained al- I'most every day since we came, generally about every hour, sometimes between times. I never think of going out with out taking shelter with me. We do not have very much wind, and no thunder or lightning, at least rcry seldom. There is abundance of fruit of all kinds except peaches, and I am told that cro; s never fail. I cannot tell any thing about the health of the country yet, but the people call it healthy ex cept for nidi as have weak lung3, or are inclined to rheumatism or neuralgia. I think it is too damp to be healthy, and I must, say I would sooner ri.-k Nebraska for health although I may change my mind after living here longer. I like the general appearance of the country, for it abounds in beautiful scenery. The air iuut be very pure, judging from the ap parent distances of objects. Mt- Hood rears its snow-crooned summit above the clouds, and is so plainly visible here, a di-taru-e of about 75 lui'es; wc can even distinguish objects on its sides dis tinctly. The prices of everything here are about the same in coin as they are in Nebraska in currency. Teachers in the country receive from j?1()0 to $1'2'j per 11 wefii, aii'l Loar-J. A young man iti j oftlC leading departments here gets oii-y $."0 ; females, i;40 per month ; me chanie.s' wages not any better than in Neb. and there are not one tenth the amount of building and other improvements go ing on here as there, consequently there is not the demand for workman. There is only a short season for building here, in consequence of the dampness of tim ber. I u:u told it rains almost continu ally from about December until Juno. The people here have not the energy and enterprise of the States, in other weirds, they are lazy. I do not know whether it is the climate makes them so or not. There is very little building going on here or improvements of any kind. The Bailreiad running to Sacram ?nto, Cal., from Portland is completed on thi:t ci d about 75 miles, four traius running past my school houe per day and it is just near enough to the depot to whL-tle as they pass. Friend Dilley I cannot advise you to come to Oregon or Washington I have learned that Puget Sound country is a gr;at humbug, and did not go to see it. I will tell you more at souie future time when I learn more of the country. Tell me all the news of Piattsmotith. E. B. James. Editorial Excursion. The members of the Editor's and I'ub lishers' Association of the Tenth and Eleventh Districts of Indiana, are hereby notified that ample arrangements have been made with the Burlington Si .Mis souri Biver Bailroad Company for an excursion to the city oi' Lincoln, Ne braska. The excursion party will leave Chicago on Thu-iday, June 2'.itli, at 10:45 a. m. , on the Pacific Express, and arrive at Lincoln about 10 o'clock next morning. Those preferring to start tit an eailier day, so as to be. enabled to visit inter- meuiate points along the route, can t,e accommodated, but it is earnestly de sired that all re.ieh Lincoln on the morn ing of June 3, and participate in the i ec ! 1 1 1 : 1 n ce 1 e u 1 on ies. Iu accordance with ths expressed wishes or llie member ot the associa tion, no passe will be issued to publish er 1:1 the two District who have not lilentilietl them-clves with our organiza tion. An opportunity to become such is a Horded ly tiie payment of one dollar, to ). V.. VanValkenberg, Treasurer. PI3 mouiii. Iniiiana. Pas.-es will be i.-ued to all members of the association without application. A full piogramme will be is.-ued at an early date. i lompt attention will he given inqui ries concerning the excursion. J. B. Stoll, Prcs't. Ligoriicr Ind. , June 1, 1871. P. S. the following will explain itself: Burlington Sc Missouui It. B., 1 Burlington. Iowa. May 2i5, '71. J. B. Stoll, Iv-q., Ligonier, Ind.: Dear Sir: 1 telegraphed this a. ui to the Mayor 01 L,;,el!i oi vour antici pated visit, lie an wei.s tint Lincoln will ttivo acordi-il reception to the editors of loth & 11th D strict Indiana, and will kill a bulla K for them Yours T. uly, A. E. Toi", General Passenger Agent. We Clip the above from the Laporte Hfuald, and suggest to our worthy mayor and city outhorities that, as this excursion party will of necessity pass through our city.-propcr steps should be taken to have them-remain at least a few hours in our city, and to have them properly entertaiued while here. Bussed! Sc Doom shipped a quantity of farm machinery by the last boat down, to their branch house at Nebraska City, Wc understand their experiment down there has proved- quite a success, and they ma continue it for some time yet. A large number of teams are engaged hauling wood for Fitzgerald's brick yard, lie will soon bo rcadj- to fire a kilu.- An advertisement in the Herald reaches nearly every family within trad ing distance of Plattsmouth, and several ihou.-ands of others. Tho train last evening consisted of thirty-two loaded freight cars be.-ides the ordinary passengers and baggage cars, and a large number cf loaded cars were left in the yards iu this city. Business over the B. Sc 31. is more than good. We are in receipt of a neat pamphlet is.-ued by author!t3 of the Nebraska State Board cf Immigration, which give.-? a large amount of useful informa tion for those who are seeking homes in the West. The pamphlet is-us from the Nebraska City Chronicle office, and is gotten ur in a creditable manner. Auditor Gillespie has our thanks for a pamphlet copy of the Ortranie Laws of Illinois, containing everything complete from the act of cession from Virginia to the present time including the Ordin ance of 1787, the Constitution of the U. S., and its fifteen amendments, and all the different Constitutions of the State. This book is particularly inte resting just now, as wc arc about fram ing a new Constitution for ourown State. The B. Sc M. Company commenced running regular passenger trains to Crete yesterday. This brings another hundred miles square of rich agricultural country to the Plattsmouth market. In conversation with a prominent Democrat of this county recently, during which the Vallandigham non-rcsitance resolutions were being discussed, he said that it was well known that the democ rac3 of the country did not endorse or sanction the amendments, and he saw no good to arise from the assertion in a platform of that wluch everybody knew to be a falsehool. We honor our fri nd's honesty, if we cannot endorse his poli tical way cf thinking. Capt. J. T. A. Berger, one of the early settlers of Cass county, who has Icon absent for the past twelve years, has returned for a visit, with some thought of remaining here permanently. He has traveled over the greater portion of the Great West during the past twelve years, but finds no place equal to Cass county. Sam'l Chapman, Esq., arrived at home last evening from a trip through. Saunders county, and to Fremont. He reports things in a pro-; ero'is condition in the localities he has visited. Hiram W. Parker, of Seward county, has been appointed Begister of the Land Office at Beatrice. The appointment wa made since the adjournment of Con gress. We hear some complaint of tho chinch bug ipjuring wheat in thi count-, but to what extent we are unable to say. Prof. Murphy, of the Nebraska Busi ness Institute, is issuing a neat monthly called the Clleye AJccite. The Prof, is an enterprising man. and his Institute is fne of the permanent things of the State. We arc plad to know that L. L. II el brook, Esq., has been elected Secretary cf tho Constitutional Co vention. 'Lute" is a clever fellow, and will make a first-class secretary. There, we expected "Frank" (Fraiik S. White) would do just some such thing, but he has been a long time about it. lie took to hime'f a lib this mim ing, and feeling kindly to all mankin 1. and especially the printers, he furni-I.c 1 the Herald outfit with a bountiful supply cf refreshments for the inner man. Frank and his bride his our best wishes. We understand o r friend Thomas in tends opening a first class jewelry store at Waterloo City in a few days. He ha? purchased his first installment of "inde pendent movement, back action, 18 carrat, sun correcting time keeper" of Davis Sc Bice, in Major White's new building, who had them imported especi ally for their use. Ahem ! The Omaha Tribune & Republican of this morning announces that Gen. S. A. Strickland was cho-en President of the Constitutional Convention j-esterdaj af ter a sharp contest, in which Judge 31a son was hi.s principal competitor. Gen. Strickland will make an excellent pre siding officer. Mr.. James Clayton, an employee of the B. & 31. B. B , is the inventor of a new wrought iron fence, whieh he thinks will be much more durable, and about as cheap, as wooden fence. It is peculiar ly adap ed for movable fences, and can be taken up or put down in a abort space of time. Married, to-day, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, 3Ir. Wm. Edgerton, by Bev. II. St. G. Young. F. S. White, Esq., of this city, and 3Irs. Diana Edsrerfon, of Indiana. The hsppy pair proceeded to Omaha where Frank expects to be awarded the highest admiration for his bcautful flower, the Diana rose. Wc expect so too. We have just ha'k several valuable tract' of land and town lots placed in our hands for sale at a fair price, and long credit. Persons wishing to pur chas will do well to call and see us. je3dw2w Barnes & PoLLOek. By request there will be a meeting of the German citizens of Pialtstuouth. at Guthman's II all, Friday, June 16th, 1871 important busiuess. A. Beiniiackel. House to Bent. The Episcopal Rectory can be rented by applicat on to the Wardens. ap20dtf liX'LBS FOR FA I.I. IS71. We import direct, our Flowering Bulbs from Holland and Germany. Thoso wishing something choica for planting the coming fall, will send in their order at once. Fi'rnas Sons & Co. , iunelldPw'3 Brewnvi; ill?. Neb. FROM THE CAPITAL. Organization of (he Constitnt lonnl Coil venlioti. Special to th HeraM. Lincoln, June 14. The Constitutional Convention was called to order at 2 p. m., yesterday, by Hon.' S. M. Kirkpatriek, of Cas. McCann, of Otoe, wa, by acclamation, chosen temporary President ; L. E. Cropey and II. M. Judson, temporary Secretaries. Fifty members were present. Ab sentees Wakeley and Bobiuson. On the first ballot for permanent Presi dent, Mr. Strickland received 20, Mason 18, Thomas 7, scattering 10. The second ballot resulted : Strickland 26, Mason, It5, scattering 7. L. L. Holbrook was elected Secretary by 2'5 votes; Assistant Secretary, L. E Cropsey; Sergeant-at-Arms, E. L. Clark, Jr., of Seward. Nl'FPOKMI Sl it II. Col 'IMioeioii" IIYVfirl Hiiiippcars, nn:l tiin !o(iiii: i IoiiikI oh llio I'milts of fiic Il:i!tc. Col. Howard, a well known newspa per correspondent, and one of the ofiie'ial reporters of the recent Impeachment trial, started from Omaha for Lincoln last Monday, connecting with the even ing train west on the B. Sc 31.. It seems that he has been in the habit of " bcating" it over this road for some time, until forbearance on the part of conduc tors had ceased to be a virtue, and con ductor Sireppard demanded that he should cither pay his fare or leave the train. He tried to borrow money to pay his fare from several acquaintances who were on the train, among them severa other correspondents who were on their way to Lincoln to attend the Constitu tional Convention. He was refused by each of them, and they commenced in a peculiar style, to advise him as to what he should do under the circumstances some telling him he should go at once and hang himself, others that it would be more sensational to drown himself iu the waters of the Platte. Howard left the t rnin at Louisville, but was not seen at that place during the evening, and it is not known which way he went or what he did. Yesterday the section boss on the B. Sc 31. found a package of cloth incr belonging to Howard, (that which lie had worn the d iv before) on tho bank of the Platte river between Louis ville and Omaha Junction, upon which was found a note, sigtud by Howard, re questing the finder to forward them to Lyman Bicht.idson of tho Omaha Her ald. There was also a letter from him to Richardson, the contents of which we did not learn. The fact were at once telegraphed to 31 r. BiJiard-on, and a man has been .'cn.t from Omaha to as certain all the facts in regard to his dis appearance. The general belief is that I he has committed suicide by drowning himself in the Platte, but we cunnot say that we join in that belief. Howard is n';t the kind of man that woul 1 be likely to grieve much over almo-'t any misfor tune, and it would bother him somewhat to ilro'.vn him-elf in the Platte river if he felt so inclined. Hov.v.rd is a thor ough Bdicmian, and knows just what it requires to create a first-el iss sensation article. The pap'-rsof the State should make Imn a liand-e.rr.e prc-Tnt, should lie ever "turn up" again in this part of tho world. Wo will give any fe.vther facts that 11133 come to light in regard to this matter. Later. Jut 3.s we go to press wc learu that Howard v.a seen this morn ing at Pacific Junction, Iowa, by 3Ir. Ballentine, of Lincoln, who conversed with him in the veritable flesh. How ard is too old a D. B. to commit suicide for an3 trifling cause. For Sale. Two first-class Sewing 3Iachines. fice. Inquire at the IIeuald of my'Jd&wtf After a careful examination of the Herald yesterday, the fifty teams spo ken of in 3estcrday's issue all drove up to A. II Sc G. Buck's store, and the oc cupant of each wagon called out for a supply of that famous tea of which they had heard so much. The obliging sales man asked them which kind the would have, telling them that he had nine dif ferent varieties, from English breakfast to the verj best Gun Powder. Among all the fine brands, the3 were really un tible to choose, and took a sample of each kind, which was put up in neat packages by 3Ir. Buck, and again fi fty different copies of the Herald were brought firth and consulted to see where next the fi fry wagons should drive. Thc3 made a wise selection in going to A. II. Sc G. Buck's for their teas, for the3 keep ihe best assortment to be fi uud anvwhere in the wcsf. piptiw vvAXTrn. The following papers are missing from the Herald files: No. I, 13 and 51, of Vol. 1 being of date April 12, and July 5, i . ", and 3Iarch 2Sth, 1SGG. No. 45. Vol. 2 Feb. 13th, 1S07. No 43, Vol. 3 Jan. 30, JSCS. We w ill nay liberally for an3 or all of the above numbers. Perrons having old Heralds will please lok through them, and a-certain if thev- have an3 of the above numbers. diwtf TIIK I'lt-XlC. The committee appointed to select ground for the Pr?sbyt?rian Sunday School pic-nie to morrow, have decided upon a 'ocation in Duke's adlition, west of J. Wesley Barnes' residence. The children will assemble at the Church at 9 a. 111., and proceed thence to the ground. Ki?IBAI,L-S LI AC. This popular Stage Line is now in full operation between Plattsmouth and La Platte fare only fifty certm. Passen gers for Omaha via O. Sc S. W. Rail road, can save 25 cents b3 taking this line, which makes all trains. L-lose connection with L. Kdicall. rr.3 THE FOrKTII AT REi:Xff()OD. Pursuant to previous notice, the peo ple of Greenwood assembled 011 the 13th inst., and organized by the election of A. W. Patmore, Esq., as chairman, and J. P. Bouse, Esq., as Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated to be for the purposeof making arrange ments for the proper celebration of the forthcoming anniversary of our National Independence. It was decided to hold a celebration at Frost's Grove, Grcen wood Station, commencing at 7 o'clock a. in., July 4th, 1871. On motion, W. D. Wildman, Esq., was appointed corresponding secretary. It was decided to have a basket dinner, and the ordinary speeches and other Fourth of July doings. A Grand Bowery Cotillon Party will be had during the clay, in the grove ad jacent for the accommodation of all those who de.-irc to amuse themselves iu that manner. A host of people will bo there, and a grand time i-s anticipated. The meeting appointed the following committees : On General Arrangement. Win. Maston, J. P. Bouse, J. L. Brown, Ad am Coleman, William Conn. To Invite Spcihem. J. L. Brown, A. 31. Patmore, W. D. Wildman. To Provide Music. J. 1. Bouse, Samuel Loder, John Bcler. Further particulars of the celebration will appear in tiie columns of the IIkr ald prior to the Fourth. Plattsmouth Bacon Market. Smoked Shoulders, Prime 10 cts " Clear Sides, " 12 Sugar Cured Hams, 17 Lard, Prime, 12 All Goods delivered free to any part of the city. apr7dAwtf E. G. Dovev. A large crowd gathered at the St. Charles Hotel in Omaha la-t night to witness the display of "ye ghost," but it, did not come, nary time. The Chiropodist is in the city doing good. The Chronicle says that at a meeting cf the Stock holders of the 31idland Bailroad held lat week at Columbus, Ohio, 3Ir. Smith was elected President, Dr. Converse Vice President and Su perintendent, and 3Ir. Wheeler Secreta ry and Treasurer, thus leaving 3Iessrs. White and Bennett, the pioneers of tho road, "out in the cold." Alas ! can we no more S3 "F- A. White, President, etc? From tome unknown source, a report gained credence in the city to-day that Bev. John A. Hayes, who has been ab sent for some time, was dead. A dis patch was sent to Chicago to-day, and Father Hayes answers it himself, stating that he is still in tho flesh and his health is slowly improving. Bev. II. St. George Young arrived iu the city yesterday for a short visit among his old fi ieuds and acquaintances. lie leaves to-morrow. JI YS I'I'Il O I'S. Slrnnse MouujI Ilcitnl in Clinrle Hold. IIjc St. From llio Omaha Ti ibunn an l KepuMiran l th List Jhursday night at about 12 o'clock the St. Charles t tote!, on Harney street, was tho scene of the wildest con fusion and. coii-ternation, which was oc casioned by th? inmates of the Iioue hearing three terrible shrieks, as if pio diii'cd b3 some one iu extreme agony and terror. 3Io.-t tf t he guests were awaken ed b3 the sound, and came rushing down to the office to ascertain the cause of the disturbance. The porter and several others who were in tho office at the time, were questioned in regard to it, and they said that the sound appeared to come from room No. 7, on the second floor, and this opinion being concurred in b several others who were awakened at the time, inquiry was made of the lady who occupied the room if she had been screaming or making any noise. She replied that she had not, but had been awakened by hearing a dreadful noise, and that it was very near her. An examination of the premises was im mediately made, but nothing to indicate the cause of the disturbance was discov ered. On Friday night, at about 12 o'clock, the same succession of tdirieks was heard, and an investigation made, with no more satisftctoo'results than befijre. At the same time on Saturday night a slinht sound was heard, and immediately after a deep, heavy voice was heard to exclaim "bring down the light," and then all was epjiet again. On Sunday night, at precisely 12 o clock, a uuil thud was heard as if some thing heavy was striking against a solid substance, and immediately after a sound as if glass was being broken in pieces followed by three piercing shrieks, and the same dull thud and the sound a3 if breaking glass. Several of the boarders were aroused by the sound-, and under the direction of policemanNo. 5, who had heard the shrieks and was attracted by the noise, a search of the house and grounds was instituted, but nothing was tliscovered to give the slightest explana tion of the mystery. Persons who were passing the hotel heard the cries. A cliscovcry of very great interest to 3Ir. Greeley has lately been made in Kentucky. An observant agriculturist there has found a potato in the center of which a young tuber had grown to the size of an egg, fina bursting the ma ternal structure open. The announce ment that potatoes mar be viviparous is we believe at variance with the doctrines of II. G., who has hitherto regarded them as oviparous, like the barnyard mate and other (.omcstie fowls. A fashion writer sv,-s the most perfect way to ue perfumery is to distil it in water, and . ponge the whole bo ly after a bath. It is exceedingly agreeable to the nervous system, and gives a finer glow to the ski.i than an3' co luetic. Till C'reiuinnte Unn. The effeminate man is a weak poultice. He is a cross between table-beer and gitiL'er pop, with the cork . left out. A fresh-water mermaid found in a cow pasture, with hands filled with dandeli ons. He is a tea-cup full of syllabub; a kitten in trousers; a sick monkej, with a blonde mustache. Us is a vii'o j without any tendrils ; a fly drowned in oil ; a paper kite m a dead calm. He Jives like a buttei tly nobody can tell win, lie is as harmless as a penny worth of sugar catidv, and as Usele s as a shirt-button wkhout a hole. He is as lazy a3 a slug, and has no more hope than a last year's summer-fir. Ha '-nr? ! through life on tiptoe, and dies bke ! cologne water ?j ilt over ground. 77--! J'ir t''j. Ii ; Ntraictit Atirn'I. Pay i-o attfntiori to slanderer or . -sip-iiiongers. Keap ttraight in you course, and let their backbiting di'o th death of neglect. What is the use c lying awake nights, brooding over the remaik of souie fblso friend, that run through your brain like forked light ijiip ' What's the uso'of getting into a woiry and fret over gossip that has been Ket afloat to your disadvantage, by som meddlesome busybody, who has more time tharr character. These thin can't possibly injure you, unles, indeed, you take notice of them, md in com bating them give them character and standing. If what is said nbot.t y.u is true, set yourself right at c n:c ; if it is false, let it go for what it will fetch. If a bea ttings you, would you go to the hive and destroy it? Vv'oull not a thousand come upon you ? It is wisdom to say little respecting the injuries ynu have received. We are generally losers in tho end if we stop to refute all the baekbitiugs and gossiping wc may hear by the way: They are annoying, it is true, but not dangerous so long as we do not stop to expostulate and scold. Onr characters are formed an J sustained ly ourselves, and by our own actions and purposes, and not by others. Lot us al ways bear in mind that "calumniators may n.suulhr be trusted to time and the slow but steady justio'j of public opinion.' A iv. 11 inni'i ::p. 1 bnrnic lire both ptcpI- T:nt articles to have in a house for wash ing purposes. They will unite promptly with an3 kind of oil or gree and form ' a soap. Washing the hair with borax in the water will doveh p a line lot of suds, and prove a good tonic. So also hair brushes may be thus cleansed. Experiments iu the army bakery in Washington have shown that 802 one pound loaves of bread caa be made frotu a barrel of flour. aurniii(r. ' The French plan of Hgnifing tho 'depth' of mourning hy increasing the degree of plainness of the .simple black dies?, and b3r the absence of ornament ami trimming, seems to me much tho most reasonable and appropriate. The period of wearing mourning 'k consider ably shorter than our. 1 believe they never wear crape at all, and I cannot see how an3 one, living or dead, is the wor-e for it. Tho free use of white in all cases of mourning, however deep, would also be a great gain. In hot weather to condemn mourners to the use of heavy black clothe, is a mild form of suttee, and should, in common charity, be abolished." Orruitnllon. What a glorious thing it is for the hu man heart ! Those who work hard s 1 dom yield to fancied or real sorrow.- When grief sits dovvn, folds its hands, and mournfully feeds upon its own fears, weaving the dim shadows that a little exertion might sr.cep away into a ftive ral pall, the strong spirit is shorn of its might and sorrow becomes our ma-tor. When troubles flow upon you dark and heav, toil not with the wares, and wrestle not with the toirent; rther seek by occupation to uivcit the dtirk waters t hat threaten to overwhelm you, into a thousand channels w hich the du ties of life always present. Before you dream of it, those waters will fertilize the present and give birth to fresh t'ow ers, that will become pure and holy in the sunshine which penetrates to the path of duty in spite of cverv obstacle.- Grief, after all is but a selfish feeling, and most selfish is the man who yields himself to the indulgence of 0113 passion which brings no joy to his fellow-men. Iron Khlrt I'rouli. ' A subscriber of the New York Trib une receives this information fiom the editor : Wo have just been through a first clas laundry and can teil her all aiiotit it. The starch is made iu the usual mnnncr ; to a pailful of starch a whole sperm can dle is added. When the linen is diy it is dipped in thin cold starch and ironed in the ordinary wa. Then it i damp ened with a wet cloth and the polishing iron pi-v-cd over it. This is an ordinary smoothing iron, ground off so that the edges arc all rounding. To this last max nipulation tho linen is indebted for the peculiar laundry gloss which we all ad mire so much, but which imiLy house keeper have vainly striven to !eae upon the wristbands and bo -oms of their hus band's shirts. The personell. of women snggests that wc are all moro or less like spiders spinning a web male of our own sub stance. A little girl in Iowa City, after havinrr studied for some time a niefure of Mac- dalen reclining on her face a:td weeping, suddenly turned to her mofher and ex claimed : ".Mamma. I know why Mrs. Magdalen is crying. It is because 31 r. Mugd-ilen docs not buy her clothes cnouirh." Tho New England State are trvinetol vie with each other in the production of the "meanest man." Bnode Island does this : "The meanest man in the ' world is a deacon of Wakefield. wh. on the death of his daughter, charged her husband fifty cents for his dinner." VY hat next ! The editor of the Lacouia Democrat has some tcas which he olanted six weeks ago, now just out of the ground. lie tuinks no will get green peas in about two years, and in the mean time proposes to study Greeley's "What I Know About Farming." One Ida M. Smith, a Boston female suffragist, gave a lecture in Tamworth, one evening list month, and the close called on those prcent who were in f vor of female suffrage to rise, upon which just three person two men and . one woman rose. Tha following highly appreciative "tribute" to California strawberries is from a Western paper : "Strawberries prow in California all the year round. -The strawberries attain a coniderab!f size ; it is not uncommon for a family to subsist oa one for a week. It must not bo supposed that all of the varieties ar of this size ; some arc much smaller, and it is not an uncommon thing for a heal thy man to finish one at a meal." A lady fittenintine to nuiz a olerrvma-i asked : "Pra3', sir, what do you do vheu you happen to make a mistake in the pulpit?" "If I make a large mi stake, 1 correct it ; if u small one, let it pass. IVr instance, the other day i meant to say the devil is the father of liars, but, instead, I said he is the father of lawyers, and the difference was .-o trifling I let it go." Tracing paper is male of comm m writing paper by wetting it with pure benzine, perfectly free from oily niatfr. This renders the sheet transparent for a time, and then evaporates, leaving it colorless as before. Plans and ornamen tal designs may be transferred in this way. cr v Home Mills, Soittii Weepk Wa ter, Cass Co., Nei-.TIhs mill is in thorough repair. Two run of stone wili grind wheat and cern 011 toil or exeb mere, as partk-s prefer. Yv.r. E. Sheldon, Jit. Ja'ie- B. Foli-en, :C.-wlf. bsc-v