'. I i s t i 4 4 1 1 j; - NEBRASKA GROWjf F II ULT ,TE EES Furnas Sons Co. riiOPHIETOIJK. ZOO,QGO Appfe Trees C" ROWN in Nebraska soil on Lirrh urdan'1 7 rrairie, without rli':c-ia!ly t-timiilants. e.-i-(..i:al!r for Nebraska market. Abo Pcaeh. ' ir. Cherry. J'lum, iLmiiberry, Roses, and 1 barring Shrubs, Fur Catalogue and particular?, attire." FURNAS SON3 & CO., Box 13, LEOWNVILLK, F.b. 2d Jiw2rn. Xli.ha.ski, A LECTURE: TO YOUNG lilEtl Jut I'f'Ji'h'r!, in tt'ilcl rr.f!:,j)r. 'rice I'rtn. A Lrc!ir i n tJto Xntii'ri. Tienim. f :iiiil I .il i-i'-i of .- orii.'iiorr'c- t, -f ,-i ninu! Vf,ki:'.-s. Inoienrary Liai- ! :. S t!:d le- -ley. and "hitik iiis to .Marriatif; c nerally; p-i m.anr 'ai, ii:nr,ti.!i, I : i; i i t --. (.ltd Kit-; -ii-.tal l PLi.-'ii-.-il In-Mi'iwit, r -i' : r i sipr from - g.ir.-i'y l.o eir, J. CiilverVell. d. Ir. nu:i:..r ot i!,u (injen Jtook.' A'. 'i hn w.i ld-r rtouned author, in this aln.i-n-11.; Lc ttiro. oleaiir (.roves from hi s own cvprr i'.N"' tret ; h e r, lis I i ,rni urn' e of Feif-abt.-e i.-i t lie ft', -tiniliy removed without medicii... , mil r !it .ijns.' r.ii ur'iiMl operation-1, hou tors insti iim. lis, riinri or roi Lab. iiiiifi:i oat a node, wt euro "t but'd certain mini t.l'"rtUiil I y !.i. it every siitisrer, uo injltir what h:- eou a: . . in j. ir I.e. !iu .- euro I i ii ; -. 1 1" eie ;!;.. I ; i-:;.-v. ii r. i j., Jieutly. '( i, :-!nrf. k lii i pil e a liLi -n to 'In. ii .-.iutl mid ti.'u-:m i-. mt.i ii r. iJT seal, t- any addr. -s, in a lbiin "nod et,ielo. Ob t:ie re?-i:.i ..I ix rent-i, or 11 p..-t:tf statu;. Also lr. Culver I 'n.rirrij!,!- n:;iie.' .rioe T cu.-tt.i. Ad liesj tin I'uLnlier-i. CIIA3. J. C KIKE & CO. .r!V7 Uovrery, New Vork, Vr:j iir Zirtif. UARSER'S a9 He IZemc&y. .irtn-r ii iMe r-.-nicily hns revi-r laili'd mot T.-n in imp c-i-ci to c.ire tho very worst cispm ot 15! ir. 1 Itchice i.r l':fi!nr ri!.. Th'.si- who arc i.i'..ted fli-.ul i 11:1:1: :-!;.iii- -:. 1 1 on Ihi-ir ilrtiirjr :'!id t-i-t VV;.r tr". l'il K -i:n :Iy. lti-cx-.r.-. Jy tor the I ' i I r-- . :in.l i- riot ri i .-on; tm.,ic I .-a - :.:iy o'h-r ii--.:is'.. nn-.-.l umrv i i" ovi r tltirtr jcriry --'.-it: ( ; r. r. 1'ri -o Vn'a J'-' I r. r'or - :i ! i,;. .(rui-c-!-- i-v .vv,licr. ' ?i n'rV I'y.-i t iii ToiTi i hh- ired c'x- r- f-'y ' Dyj i-i.'ir;s an-1 thvxo t u:l-i in - with j ih'Ti.-.-i! o-tive:i It is alihl t iii.-il: tin Aon.- hi 11 :i. iid ai'jifi'ixr: it s-tren.-i luim Jtf toiiru-h and r-Mon s the di-iitivc orpa.m to (!.. r iic.inuy Mat. Weak, ticrvou .i.d djs 1 1-1 t vrfou.- : houl 1 u.-e Wartifr's lvt oriia . ' ,,r -I" l.rHri:rri-' ' r i -f ' ti 1 to! I n-. W;ir;tor's C tiiih BtNain is hca!iiir, offeiiirr la J p rP'-'on:t'iiB. 'l'hn rxtr.-ior tin:iry .ov. i r il por,,-;n I'umdiately reieiv imr. :.n 1 t vi ntu iliy c-j! idu iiioj! nit ririiit" c.iyt s .!' t'oul i, 3oi U. Sore Throat, iiroi-.jiii::--, I n;' ,icn.i. ( h ti:-ii. --, A.-l!ni!:i and Cotiutni-iioa j :i;. .r n, 1 n .iiijji-. So 1 romj.t i-- tin relief Mid ! 1 .:i :M i-:..-. i:j tbf a b ,v af, or a:.y fl.-.;M..;i o th" th:-'- it uitd Iun t ii.tl l!ion-.in i.j 1 i:uiJ .-ire j; .i:;. j) rcr r, 1 :i ,- jr. and ..no il l all :iy that it me ukj.-l hnulincr and ex-;.-.r.i'i(5rf tacdii-ine knowo. One, do.-u alwav-j :: ti J-; rclic-1, and in most cmsen one bottle 1 f- l.-.-ti- curi?. o!d lx druta.-i-its, in hir-e l.ottli'S, i'r.cv- Ono Dollar. It w your nwu (unit if y .u s.i.j -i ura uuu tuuer. ll:e Ua upii uud suffer. jam will curp. visile or Etifc. 1 lie ya -.l Idood Purifier and Iem ioii.-s brink" V uri..-. "ti Viuuui Vii;o, or Wine of Life, in free Voiu iey I'OLSonoi! tlrurf or imrurii e., Leinif re- ir:- J lor thr..-e nhj retire afetiuiulant. It is -.d-.'.-i. ; :. i.('i?rr and tonie. and the f:?i -t -?:.3,t ;i ! world lor (.in iryini? tbe blood. It it luv I'll .-t i h-a.-ant n 1 d"licioi"- m iii-le tvrr ot ::. i to tha r-acii , tar n if.nrior in brandy, h..; ' , v.-::o. l-rlf- i-.-i. or :iv.y ot!i-r.n'tii-Ie. It i ki j:v ... :;..;.-. M!1 li.'aj.'jr. JJoiii male .;n i !'" li ". y-:'t- - -r ';!. ea.i t::Ue tii WIju- ft" Lite, lii-, 1:1 i.-i ;i I.!'-.- i-rt-erv.-r. liio-ewho v. i , 1 to t-iijey ! jod .'irallh :md a free fi .w of live! v r.. ii -. w ! wll to tjkc t!i; Vii;. of Life, tr i-i d-ii-.'-etii 1: ;..t! iinythu:r evt r 1 i ' . r in lire, "l i" jol.i ty ,irj. ,:' .-; al.-u ata.l re-;toi.;a oie .-a-leo--. I'ri. J i.o ioilar, i.i 'ji.:rl hot ties, frjid l!y j, nr:rcny.iK, i co. Ii!tt;ciu:a. Nebraska. Testis, Hanna &. Clark, RANKERS, &BLIS ta old and ii fiver Ccirs, SrAr-n on al! 5 nrnf te I"n;' J Stn and l.i r..,o. I'7;'r.,!i r"'". :.Ti"l. nd foeL-ia! tealiuu ;rcu to eolW-clion:'. PJutUmouth, Nebraska. Xlarnibal !c Saint Joseph R. It. laking -fi').:l January !'t!i. 1ST0. A KItiVK. ': I iv 1'x p. i?.ii: v i-ei .t S'jrj lriT T:'J' p m " I'ari' o ex . daily :.eei t inontinr a:inl a rn ' A-'- '!'"!" e.v-pt inoi!i;iy 7 :.'.( a ra !! 7 Tii:-i:i::i Ir'. .;.i :!y x: t it laond.iy ; :4"i m S 1 :n ou.-h 1:1 d.iOy e. ept rionday i'rliani 11 V l.tily l-seoj.t : und:iy... l".:"o p ni i,. i!..-...-u lrt 'i.i:!ye.ct !t sutni.iy... 11:: a m tt P.I KT. I':iT crr d i!!y exetl.t sr.dl.T 6:tf 1 .':h rxp .Lilly cx.-t'ltt UU'iy.i. 4:.Z0 p o V i-ifi.. ii :! ec. i t snnd.iy.. I;':.-, a rj a ui S' lu.i xv liuiiy i xe. t Minday ' O r w ! vt ay in H-: uy e t sn r lay 7:ii a tn " I ii rt:-a trt i ; .:' xrj't u:.. ri't su 'i-i i v 1 '. i, i.i 1 ! ui.ii (.-; dativ iu.vi i siinr iu'vTi'J i m N'l.'t wtll 11. .t -to:, at S-IXt. n. ! Iniro Wi.l.lo Coii-er, .M...rvt!lf. L tica. W tierhtii.- or Men d v il!-. No.O w:!S n-t -'op at Sxtt. Kt -ton. O.'.arn. T.re ktat. ii?c. JliiMViHo, V hc.-ling or '.Ie:id- lilc. r.- ."T-'B. HUKNETT, ticn Ajtent. $5 70 $10 PER DAY.S-; wb. rtik-iu-o in our new 1 uaini-;-. i.i .ko tr-ut Si to SM 1 er day in tl.iirown l.ioaliti. --. l-"u!!jar-ti.nil.irs and inuuetions sent ticp liv mail. Those" in i e d ul itcrmanent, i-r lital le' work, ebouUl I'd tress CtCO. STIXgOXJfcCM. mr.27w":a PortSan.l Mair.o. J c '-a I , . I TO Till: V."Ol:Kl5rl ( LAS?. AVn ar now pr-l-ar. I i t tin-nish all clase. n it 4 emtant ktn I ! 'hint at home, the whole of th- time or fori!'.'; i'.irc unMueiil. Utiinesii new, li-Ut tint profitable. I'ersoHj of either sex ran oa-ily earn fr: :u litty eent- to five dollars per evenirW find a porp:; ionnl sum by dc ot inir tlinrivhi.'u ti:a-. i . !i i.i:-i:ie.-. lry ar 1 trirN earn nearly i. ii 'ii men. 1 hat ail v. Lii sc- this noti-. o may f i.d t'l.r a ! i.i s. ;t::,l t,-i jl.o l u-iiie-s. iiiake tiii.-.iui'.irao. 1-d eC: t. To such as are not ell fai iiii'U. -we ill send one do! lur to pay for the tr-iiiilo of wrirOij: l'ull parti, ulars. a vnhia'.lo sampl- w h; h will do t ooiiinuneo wnrW on. and a copy of i'7: 'o;.'. (,:niiiiu-,.n oriC of ti.e laresi. arid be-t an"ilv nevv.-p per published all sent free tv tnnil. Hea ler, if you waM perm, iiant, proCliibie work, AJJre-1 E C. ALLLN Jt CO.. Aasa-t.i Maine. EHoTvard Sanitary Aid As- trie TUlIcf and Cure of the Krrins and Un f Ttua.tte. "I rriitfip'.ps 0f Chri.-ti.ia rii!!!:t'iropy. ... sny y-n tb Krrors of Vttth, and tho I'olMcs f :U-o, iu ri'l.i'ion to Marriage and Sei.il Kvil?. tt sanitary ai l for he a.T(ieed. .s- nt Iree. in o-il"d t velons. AU-lreFs HOtVAUi) ASSO dAl'IOX. Vox V. 1'hila delphia. l'a. iaayiwly In Running Order. I desire to announce to the public thnt I now nave niy tireat .oieriean Ten lne!i Ijonbie Turbine Water Wheel in lull operation. Hv i';.,' refute 1 ir.y mill throupliot' 1 am now pre pared i do Letti --r hj u y eto:r'.r t'.aa a&v U'i!l in the State. J. A.LATTA CITY I20Ti;L. J. K. Holland. Proprietor, romrr f Main nnd Third Ft "iet I'lattsmouth. Xel-ra-ki. llaviri? een refitted ni newiy furnish p 1 offer fn.-t -tasi ne-coiTnednrjojis. Ueard by tho week " S, BLOOIS A I fiir:--'- S. v ii I 1 HOYS A.XD CHILDREN'S CLOTUIjVG !Iats and Caps, o hoBoScds stn a, CLANXETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUu'KS, VALISES, ETC. ain Street. Sotcr.l Door K.i.-t ef the Court lfotue- - riiitt.woutb, Xclru 11AXCU liOUcU Ercadway, Ccuuiil tluffs Iowa. H ROBERTSON, TLolcsale Pcaltrs iu LIQUORS AND BRANDIES avini:s? Cest quality of Cigars and Tobacco always cn han;I AM orltrs iiroiapily attended to. AIN STIUr. OXK DOOil W'i;.ST OF 'i HC RAILROAD TICKET Off ICE J. D SIMPSON & CO., Iorwardinsr and Commission Merchants Agents for the Omaha and Flattcmoi; V.'e ara now occai'yig tbe Srst Cocr of tbeKuiiLD E'.r.ck, Corner 3Ia:n i re Joii. Forwarding and Commission Business, Vara House attached. w cinfurciyb all tlie storage waateJ. All goodnectt in our care will reeeiro PROMPT ATTENTION, aad goods di;tin?d for Lincoln, Asliland and tho Bluo Itiver, will bo forwarded without delay. CALL AND SEE US. erSLlwtf. FALL AND 1870. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Evorybody, and more tco. ara oiri to Z D. SOHHASS3 St CO( To boy tieir AT IST E AY Y O E Tho beat and most conjjdeta Are now oa exhibition at the Xetr York Store, at pr-at'y reduced j rict-i. Wo call particular attention to our new atylts of DP. ESS-GOODS, PKINT3, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, EROWX SHEETING, 15EEACIIED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA -S. BOOTS AND IIOE f U kiod? and rricos to snit oar numerou? cutomtrj. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QLEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, We Sell at Cost Now the Celebrated GAHEE7T CITY CLIPPER PLOW, GTUSDL.E and BRL AKIM i PLOW.?, m.1 all ktmi, f CULTIVATORS. REAPtS. SLED E RS, HAY RAKES. C Llatt: mouth Septeinbcr :o;b, 1S70. tf. Jj. t'CHXASSE Jt CO. fSoulIi &ide ?2aisa street - 3S"MEsaIser . PLATTSfv1C?SJTH,' CASS CO., fJEB. Legal h'oticc, T'. ITancs Clausen, non-resident. Mefendant you re hereby noticed 'liat on the lllii day of April. 1S71. Luke M:-ke!!.i cnmineneet a -ivil a-tion asainst you before A. L. Clii:d. Probate Judxe iu and lor Cass eoinv. .Nebraska to reeover troin you the sum of i"!i inland interest due on a proir.-sory note: thnt HnCrjernf Atta.-liment ha been i-sue I in said aetion and levied on one Soda Water Mac hine anil litinrM ami bottler You nre required to tile any set off I ueiense. or miicr imstvi -r vou mav have, on the itii day of May, A. L. Is. I. at U o'elo, k a. m ' LUKt MISKELLA. Plaintiff. Ey Willitt Potj KSGEii hif Attorney. Pated April J-h,iri njrUOrtl -7 nr LOOM &. CO., V u t ir r w n VJT, EXTs- St. Louis "O" Lina Packets. feo'--iid it. W WINTER 1870. GOODS. 1870. r. d. Lcwnorr. rns S rP O R ii eta -"-yi ri :. S-U.iLuJt .i, B ETTIIIG HAS It LCD. H-sys for Younir Jfcn, on great po?i:il evils and abases, niii -b in' rf.r.-1 -,-ii!i u-.arrir?t with surf rieausof relief for the Kr- ill;; and t'n foriun.itn. diseased and d. bili iud. eut free, in stale J inve.i'pes. Add.ess, HOWARD ASGGCIATIOK", Aw. 2 NiVA trf, I'hiljiU!jna J'a. October 30rii. ISTu wly. GETTING MARRIED? ESSAYS FOR YOL'X.NU Mt'N, on the d liirhts of lioniv. and the propriety or iin; ro pne'y of rr't'iig Married, vith arii.i-y betp for tlio-o who teel nntiited for inan itnooin! hap l ine.-s. Sea: free iimeald euveiopes. Address kuWARD AOCIAilOX. Box V. Piidiolel Pu. iua 1 diwly. LOCAL 2nTB"WS ! Gen. '.lolia .M. Thayer lias returned Omah i from Washington. Marshal rJorgan ij iL.a!:ins valuah'u iu:proTcuienis to Lia' rci.iJoi.ee ircicrty on Eevtuih btrect. The Fourth Annual Sanity School Convention for the Slate of Nebraska will b-i h-M at Lincoln, June L'-'Jth, 21tt and -2-21, 1S71. Thos. Thomas and K. II. Todd were elected delate.-, to the Vv eepl3f U ater j a j01J!rer time iVe are aiways Convention from Oreapou prec-.net. I tQ lh Woodman, for we Ahhouth the rajn la?t night kept the ! !,,0'K Upon him as one of nature's noble IJuker trotipe from retting a house, yet j lliena ,uaa wl10 stands unswerving lj it made Simpson Si Mundy's onion patch j ttj0 riht, and who deteits all manner of in -iii and u):my a wahwcican to olTer up thanks We pablith to-J:iy a very intere.'tins tblo showing the as--cs;td valuation propel ly iu the various precincts of Cass County. It ii a "good thing to have iu the house," and wo advice every reader to file it away. A. IT. a-k. corner Main and Sixth street, has just received two or three hundred pounds of pure maple s-ugar, direct IVom tho tuinr orchard of his father in Vermont. It is put up in "tin cutis of various i-ize, and a tate of it makes occ ' feci like a uiuruin Mar."' It is the genuine thing, and did not even Hop in any town long enough to becomo adulterated. Lincoln has no claim to further bonuses out of til's j 'k( Is r.f the people !' this St-ite, arid nnhody but a i.u:ubcu'l, o:it si'ie of vi al c.-i;it j s;-oeu';:ti)i in that t-laeo, wid .- ) argue. Om-ih.i JlrrahL Lincoln never received any "bonuses out of the pockets of tho people of this State," and "nobody but a iiuuibscuil," o'it--ide e f a man who purposely mis represents the 1'actP, will fo arc tie. All publle improvements st Liucohi are the result of djiat'tj;ii fir tl.c- express pur-io.-o fr v.diich they luive tern us .1. and the peophi have not I con taicd a dollar theie.br O'Drien has adopted the m ixim so muc-n in vorvtr who: S.i.'tltl' IS ciose, i;"i: 1; ::!o-: and sm:il! ; He sell, rot t Loois lor men at ..Vi ; ;:0 . ! coo l bro:;;tm f r I- at va- riety of v.'omcns' shoe.; at ; inco .ho(v for hab'es at ."' ; sor.:e s; 1 UiC nite Lee i alters as lo.f as fl.oO. He sells for ca:di and sells cheap. ' rcchnOr.-;f (.ico. Jem;;;ig, M. J. Fenn and IVter (hvA .! were el-.-rie d ;e dcl'-g-ites to the Wcfp.ing Vr'ter Convention from Avoca Precinct". Wo had the plea-urc, yc?tcr lay, ef meeting Mr. Peters, ..f Springllcl-1, Ohio, who is looking about for a locati-.di to suit him. lie seems well p-k-asod with our town and country, and we doubt not he will decide on remaining here and in venting his means. Ho is a man of con siderable means, and frcni our short ac quaintance with him v, e take him to be a man of intu-Ii moral and intelli clr.a worth. We hope Mr. Peter wih1 dseide to re:u"in in our citv. "It is not probable that the volunteer sergeant af 'to-aid is hotter posted on th;it mntter thnrt Swinton. th? author r-f "Tho Twelve Decisive liatilos of the W.r," whatever these flanuercrs of lltndl mav think or s.iy about it." Oirutlia Jltrttl,!. Whether or no Sergeant 1'errec is i New Urun-whk, Maine, A'ermont, and "bcitcr posted than Swinton" is not the j a-; far scuth as Mason and Dixon's line question. The sergeant has given a Is there any little fpot or corner on this statement of j'ict.-i which Dr. Miller can- mundane sphere where the IIkrald is no: and docs not attempt to deny. There j n t real? A few days tince a gentle it another historian of some little r...te i ntttn ct'lcl cn us and inquired, ' your wlio uces not seem to nave me ;tIoc i.i- vorable opinion of Bueli's campaign in Kentucky, as does the Dr. aforesaid. Ye refer to Horaces Crocley ; an 1 we j think Greeley is as good authority as j Dr. Miller. L. Brom S: Co. have j;-ct received a very f ne looking Indian t'qu.iw direct j from Xe-.v York. Time was when p . r ... ,. . ,,. : went west lor Fquaws, n;.v tiiey are 1 tr- , , . , r , t1 , . n-i I m-b.ed to order tiom the ct.-t. j c.e one ; i,i.i.,,r,w(;n,.,,t,na 111 IJO'T.-ll'"! 11''. '..t . 1' r.i... sr.ir-5 itt her hand, and ctm be s""n at the Po.-t r.lice. A correspondent oi'lhe Omrdia IT-ruhl s:t"s tho jopi. r.f his locality ad want ";o sc:? what Dr. Miller - to lids montimr." It :.- a well known f- t i the ful ef a cirrus will (haw a i-rger tsdtidh-iK-e tlian ever ir.;:rel Vt'ol .-St-r t-r Ilcrry Clay or Wei: h !i Philip- c-mll. We puVuVa a short ht'er frr-mWih ftter cov.nti" to-n.iy, wriiten by :i u '7 c tributor. Come r.g.iln. V ? a:o vray.s I'lea'cd to hear fn m the co - - " tt west of 1 taso especial delight in proclaiming t th j world the many g-vid pi:--,.l;ies of tho.-ej frontier counties, f r in tho " that part of tho country hes h;.t-.L-n j much of the wealth of I' el'ia ka. The IlEr.Al.n acknowledges the re-! ccipt of another c'vb r.f sTib-ei -Hav s j from Louisillj statlou. Tint :i':!;.VL!) I always did take ttoe-k in Loul-vido, but ! if. lnk-os m.T now than ever Lero Cant. Hoover must be ssvi-g a g.-ml ;' word for the Hr.r.Ai.D in that lo-alhy. The lumber yard wxs lrtrd from 1 j evening at the concert. 11 lumber yard fcolo will be given eon. ! ViTe noticed, a few tlays since, that Messrs. Dennett & Snyder had purchased Pox's stock of goods. Mr. Snyder ha- now soi l to Mr. Rer.nc-tt. ;:t.l the ntT," f.rm is Dennett Drolhcrs. TLcy h.ivo recently received a now supply ofjtl.oro -, M n nnd Ai goods, an! propo-e selling ther.i at low I thanhsiivxrg like h.!y rates. Call and see them. I the Great Architect of the universe who The IlKRAII) oine: is un h r ob!h-,i h;'s ereat-d and spn-a-1 nnt these b.autl tions to Mr. Prod. D. LenhoT for a mee i fliI1 cry p'a'ns for duelling jd tee fjr selection of Spanl.di cigars. iVe never smoke, however, but v.h?n wc do it is "about this time o' 'day." P.c.1 is a ! Democrat, but we will never quarrel' on notifies woli 1.i:i si- l,,iir n, 1,,, I ! such super!: "come asrain cigars T!t Fred, t 11.11.1 ii.vit- ',i nil; .-.: c . kind can be had at ins stand Scnnasse k Lenhoff. Tho IIk::am ., t . .. ., ! ae.. tiuW iL'ii ires Hie ;r- ceiptol various j-ubuo uocumcuts from . cenator itttcucDck. I THE CITY OKDEES. The last of the iaissin orders Las to been founl It was in the poateson of Mr. Thomas Thomas, and his attention was called to it by the advertisement. It came from S. F. Cooper, as did the othcri. Ciilt!) WOOU3IAS, KSi. TLi.3 aeuikinau was in the city airaiu to-day, for tl.o first time for' nearly a year. Mr. Woodman only paid our city a ib ir.g- visit, but will probably return snjail things. He id oua of the heavy stockholders in the li. & M. in Nebras ka, and occupies the position of Manag- of j ing Director. The company could not j have scooted a better man than Mr. Woodman for the po-ition, as he i-i not only an upright, honorable gentleman, but lie i.', to u.-e a western phrase, "full of bu.-iness," and can discriminate very r;u:ckly between a fair business proposi tion and a sharper's game. ; nsrcni.UAS niKTairr rojiTEjr- HON'. The Republican Dittrict Convention, hold in Omaha yesterday, orgauized by electing Gen. lh K. Livingston, of this city, as Chairman, and Mr. lliordun, of LJljir, ai Secretary. Messrs DalcomLe, Croune, Mun ler- sor, Mawveil and Cha.se were j luced in nomination. A ballot was had which resulted as follows : Iltik-oiube Crounse 1, 3IaxwelI 5, and Mr.ndrson 11. Ou motion, 3Iander.con was declared the nominee of the convention. A District Committee was spr luted, as follows ; Cass County II. D. Hathaway. Sarpy County C. C. l'otwin. Douglas County 31 Dunham. Dodge County Milton May. Wellington County II. C. Pandon- Mr Dunham was cho.-cn Chairman of the committee. Convention adjourned Fang l.vt evening before a fair audience at Fitzgerald's ITall, and those who were not thero nil--.il :i -rn.l niif , T! i-.o, . .....:. .i ,t ..:,',.,.:. .... j tvj.tj .-u-laun u Lliuil J I. j,'U .ailed the be-t concert trouj c 1 e-fore the Ameri can peoj le, and the audience wore faiily d'-!:;:hted with the cntei taiumcnt. The bass of (Jco II Uaker is f-'ptal to a whole brass baud ; it is worth a wholj week's wages to lavir Lim- sing a bitig'u bass ko!o. The Rakms expect to visit our city a.'raiu d;;rii:g the t-ummi:r and re main wi- h us for a few week.:, in a new rolj. Due notice of tlieir coming and thir programme may be looked for in the IIlsi.VLD. nrASAii e :i rii.v.9i:x: toc.TTTY : Yiac.it amor jxitiinc T7r retpvLlica. Ei'iTf!t IIli;a;i :-Permit us to ten der our heartfelt thanks for your kind n? s iu a-dveriiing our county. We h:ve alwyys Lad sfrong confidence in printer'. ink, but never thought so little could be spread so far. Wo arc receiv ing letters even" mail from all of the At lantic Scales, with j-ueh expressions as the following: "I see in the Ulralk," "In the Xlt.kaska IIlkald I see," "We learn from the Neuhaska IIek ai.T)," Ac., Ac. Those letters come iiota ; r.-u!i:o t.-s : i os, ; ;r. 1 ou have been writing for the Nebraska IIkk alp ?" Oe-ea -i. p.aliy, why do you n, -k '! "I have been le-jturing in ' State, end trying to induce emigration to your country. When fiwakiritr ui-on climatr-, .soil, Sec, of Nebra-k:i: I have used the IIkhai.d as a lever to tr.OVi he people. It Las never failed . ...T.,... tt... . n- x- !:i ! j.iix.ui.-e- inu ueM.i-.i cacct. 1 on will ' . tee setters coming to iidme-re county bv n - buu'ired soon. Ihey come, and we rej-oee. Matty came in time to take a prominent pnrt in t lie orgmiz ttioti of the counlv, April i:ist. Tha county is now organized and the oil fogies that i tve been holding back and blocking the le :- of j t-Oitress, the pa.-t ye;r arc :'ft so far 1 el.itid that their rusty forms ar .'earee'y percept ilk'. These ell -'utms can i endure tne laarcn o! ci'. ilizaii tn. artd are talkitig of felling cut and going farther west. Thcv will ... i r .bar. y get their "hole in the prouud" : f ui.-hed bcft.ro they will have to pull up : t-i-i tti.T. o aitai:!, for "the Star of Empire' is moving westward v. ith great rapidity. n.,, t!da of emigration rolling in f.-.: 'lie Atlantic Stufs, will soon flood the " Jroat American desert" ascend the loftic-'t peak of the mouutain range, vl.e-rv, it will be imt by the w-tve ne.w the I'aciHc f i-p?. Tho recoil v.-i-l v-or;; away tho--.? tag'.vks of htiTnan- i y. v:', ; rogre --'- 1 i v-. r stnnd oj sed to every ive r.iOV:nt-t:f, or sink them foi- , 1 .1 I 1 i r- ' ,t:!":,'a u,t? l'r'""r' pure funacc o! , t ... .t .i ! . '-'- '-'"""t ' bi no t r-tJgt.-r ! ctlie. e a s,ensii m tne nostrns ol en I t- eveilng men, who are ever Mnrintr for a hicoer, nobler st tn din- in ' the cfTuIgont list of it:divid,:al and u: i a ! tiftml f .me and renown. Lc Lo'i tc'llJJS tit-mint ! Tliet: will one long, clad shout cf jy and exultation arise frm milboris of thankful, joyctts hearts and beautiful In pry hon.es. Then will the wild-mess h.,.-.m like Is leji'ire. while - a ct nd- to his civnttirc man. Our heart pulsates wit (ions i;f ft .o'ori;Ois ?'i.e t; joy on s excr fbr N.-bra-kti li in tsgrieulti:?::! re lic beauty her genial, soetrce s a r. l ac r salubrious and healthful climate her wide-exit rued ro.ilng prairie-', h-r nu- i - -,i . i f;.;. - ... - ..i ..,..' .. i K- .t ' .,, : insect s-orte--, ;..! invito tho nv free!; - leeii . it' ca -' Ci tl Start, . , ... . i,. . i , i. f'i.'.-'. Ctl- and the i - -I t iit h;!.tel t:.e j ot- faturc grc-t- res?. Aiia' FROM WEBSTER COUNTY. llLDCLOLD, WilllslKU CV., 2V.i., ) April li', 1S71. ) Ed. IIeuald : Vv'ebtter county is one of the twenty-four mile square coun ties, and has au advantage over some of the other frontier counties, in tLe fact that the railroad companies and specula tors have not "gobbled'' ail the land. In fact there is very little, if any, land in the county owned by speculators, conse quently settlers r.eed have no fear that they will not have plenty of neighbors. lTedcloud, the proposed county seat, is a thriving little town, beautifully situat ed on the north side of the Republican, near the centre of the county ; and though scarcely tlx months old, can boast a go.od store, hotel, and a blacksmith shop ; also a schoolhouse in course of erection. The town is fast improving, and we make no hesitation iu predicting for it a prosperous future. To those who contemplate coming west to secure homes, we would say ecmu to Webster county. There is laud enough for all. There are ttill a few claims with timber and water, but owing to the daily increasing immigration, they are fast Icing taken up but tlsQre are hundreds of good prairie claims yet to be taken. To those who intend becom ing actual settlors, we extend a tcrJial welcome. More anon, M. L. T. Cier.f r.il Cunningham and ! Chauncey Wiltse, Esq., arrived in the city to-day. A communication on the '"pueiile question" has found its way into the IIehald oCiee through a roundabout channel, without the required name of the author. It is signed "Observer." TLe author will pleasa come forward and furiiiih us his real name if he wUhesbis -rnduetioii to appear in the columns o'' the llEi'.AI.li. M'r. Prole, the gentleman of whom Mr. Thomas receivld the city order de signated as one of :ho purloined num ber, informs us that it did not come from Mr. Ccoi-er, and that it has been in his possession since last September up to tlie time he let Sir. Thomas have it. There is evidently another order of the same number and amount, probably is sued during another administration, or of another series- There were two or three others among the J4.000 taken of the same Xos. and amounts, but issued in diflerent years. Ihere is stia one or der misMiitr vet. 11. BUTT E Iv Y WHOI.ESAtK At RETAIL Is now receiving and ha on hni:d fat tho stand ol" White i liutterjsl South id Main Street, riuttsraouth, Xefc., THE LAROEQT AND 31ost Complete :fjeh of PriiL-. Medirif.os, Pa-nt. Cbnii.-alo Lea l. Vnrntsh. Coal (01. I ish al u;fvne Uil. ti ir'l injf Uil. Castor Oil. Neat-biot Oil. bale Oil. l.insi ed oil. Lard Oil, l;.-seiitial Oil. Cod Liver oil, and a Iaijre vari' : tior.s. ft . I toi'-y an 1 l.ilet. Article, E.-senees, Fla voring cxtrai ts and all PATP&iT M P n ! C ! F ? Su.-h n Jayne's die's A vers'. Si lll'l'S TTi'l's Christie's Me- Lain's. Morse's, J;-'k.t"s "Wis irV. Wri'thtV. V nke fiebl. nys itt's. l'ir;y ltavi.-.' rtol-,:!('k's. Te titt's. Mrs. Vttis:ov' Tr. iivueil't? ilosteto r's, li-a';.-'s V."a!!aee'. V est's iirui ot the n.-t opn!;r Tateut Medieiue; iu use at the present day. Uil iltluiuO t liiwO UiiU HliiOi.tw Of tho Bet r'rr.'.cp nnd (jnalliic.". Ffrieily for SIcd.eal 1'urpo-cs. CGIViETiG DYES. Led or ltoe. Oreen. T.hic. TJ'aelj. Analino, Ir. dijfo. ?.I a lder. Lvtraet Lozwood. Dry Wood.. .Ve. In f ief cverytithiR that is nrnle 1 in the drus or Medical lmo. Phycjcians' Perscripticns "rpfnP cianpornded nr.d f.tit np nt all honr AM Units Tai rented fresh and i-ure. Call b ..re l.uyii'!,', an 1 son wlint I have to sell. i'iatts.iiouih, Feii. u.d.V.wtf, Farn:er.c, iro v. here you can get the hatt Flour led the liiosi of it. S3 PCUMD3 OF XXX FLOU1 AitD - lm2 IOLM.S f SiliA jivrn ic cyrhnpp f t jro' d vrae.-t. Vi e ere also .ioirij; Kris v.ork and, with '-i' i: t.'ci.-e'i laeilioi s. if.ei assured triat ( c:;a ive the ht,x uud mn Flour tf any iu the fc'i.te. SATISFACTION 'J'JARAXTECD. FrGL'ucs Dcuct and Soli BIGTlF.aT UtASKJtT PAID. S (.'iintcn man-h Id.Vn-tf. BAiiI:iI"3 cz. TOIiLOClK. EKAL T3TATE ZaNU) t'lXSCtAXCS AGENl's Haro a COMPLETE A EXTRACT OF TITLE To a'.l Lots and Lanu.s ia C'af. eoun'r :eb- ; V l0ni-o rvert Mi-mv-'I , l..;s at Law. l'iati.-n. .ju: I J- Ay. Itiirnes. Ti.-'j Pes'. oAVi'f Alter i.LEe '.I.'; n rv ft r- r- t- upvi FOR. THE IX K 11 A L D ! TFIE BEST rnr aaj .Mia. istispsa DAILY : One Year $10,00 t It I t . .. I (I It Kltb One Month $1,00 WEEKLY One Year . - - - 62,00 Six Months - - - $1 00 rSlTTT TTT7T A T TY IS Til E ONLY OXi: GIVING COMPLETE JsElYS FROM THE GREAT WEST BE T1VEE.V VL ATTS MOUTH A N D FORT KEARNEY. THE HERALD Now Offers the BEST A DYER T1SJXG MEDIUM Yt'e.st of the MISSOURI RIVER It is real by raniiers, MercliiTtts Mechanic-;, Contractors. Stock Dealers, iiallroad M(n, Dasiness M on, Manuiaet uirrs. Consumer.-, AND STAR MARKET. THE UMJKKilGXLU HAVE OPEXEi A p", rt rs f. r-- i tui ir e L a k w t, On JIain Ptrfet, rjutismoi:! h. vhrro tiicy pro I oscto kito en bn::u the very BEST OF MEATS IN THEIR SEASON o HIGHEST 1'IUCI .S I'AID.FOa FA S CATTLE HATT Jt IIAIGHT. Call p.tid Fee u. fe COTji w ir. GREAT CENTRAL RGL'TE Via Nhe.-ara rail fuel, Coutf -rt Jt PU LMaN'S f.ACNiFICEfJT CA Fr:m C'.iietiF't to Xc-.-. Y. t::;l mil t ileal Vi e via Micuiz-in Cei:- 11 lU.illo.lUs, Four Er.r: s Train-- h ave ( i:i nrr ) daily via tin.- One for New York l;.". :i. r.nd iaieruedi.ile iioiaa, in the Lust. FAST ATLANTIC T.XIT.T- LertTt'.. Clii.-ai.'') t'v-ry a'v mot n, h.tvir. -- jiit.'.eli--'i i ":..- eeii ira'i 1 !!.' -te ':.r IroTn C!i.'. "ro to t?'.. ;e-stc. . a:.d a uinviiiiiei-nt i'.dinii'n J'; bye I'-r-wi'itr Loo.:: Car 1. "i.i Lii ii-.:.;o to Nov i'oil: wit hot. t e!iai.;.-e. vi. C. .M;-.e.t;.:n'l.-."u:.t Or. Te,:- ru It. It. liat ti.t-.t. 'e:o. E. ee. nt. 1., n. Sii.,;;. r. p. t;. f.;.;. :eiiry C. cat-vorih. eita 1 Fa.-.-cinffr ..::-GLicajo. fi ril'.?. dealwjW - ' ta r DRUGS, rlEDJCIw"";- Docks, Staticiiry, .-. s. uo u Latest Publications. Pr rem. re.-, 1 liru-cis - i - l.ei'K'aih. r t lie ld.i.'e, tlirre door' V . Jc -A n,i IJrm' t, :;:.'e; Plausuiouth. Xti.r:,,l,: . Pounds of Wo A Wat;,: 6T. JOSlPIJ I at WOOLEN MILLS, FOR WHICH THE . glicsi JPrleo win IN G00I.S Oil MONIT. Onr i-.l5 will l'...;:: -we!l north an. I to Le i: cv ry reti'ti-t af wc i iot( .ii.'i r.i ..... a ...... .. - i ' 1 "I. " -l" '' i.ueii. i-t.o as in. ail wool, .ii.u no slioildy, -.viusfo or ft j, ,-. ui their ma ii a i ie :.i-,,, we iaar.iitton J-.nt.es o.dvrii.!.' .;, r.d. in cxcl.ai.nMtr ir .sitre t of peti,r.?th... at tli .-. '' !ios-.. d.-.ir:i';r tl.-ir r.i 1 ia.,.,t. . , .. -. . into rotis or si:i,.e y.i; ri lw:i li:iVi or si:i,'ie y.i; ri ,w:l have it r. ; . dr 1""iJult"'lar'ft--'i lorWray.i(io ;.. i.. liaiae-oi.nt fp in th i 1'rii e for l ar.ii'ieS'.Je ; cnrjj'jijr. et ru!:;,.-. - ,K ,. ., iiiad. . . .menu . ion iven in R'j rrsnee'r . of s s. ut i :.. ,1 prices 1,'ivet, i.,.,. r, ,. U: tr.aiii:!.., :ur and keep rot, -tl, ,' t'le vast, f ...i-r-tinr of e,-:..-,,.:r,e.. . J ' -II.;. I i-lvt hes. pi ,.!'.,, Jui,,, r.J ,ilt ,,,,' Pl.iM uattm N-. -rev ,.J v. !.!.' b ank. is.,. ' ytini, Min.e "i .J.ul., in :i eobirs ,A e would invito tJ:.- uti. i.Ooii of J Ihirt advcrtisc-.aiit wo.i'd , rfer o. f r t r. jroods to ui..,,, y, ! vil tch e you U.ff bar fa ms i fi.i n von i a.. 5-,. ('-(.. hi re tiivc usa.-ill , i- ,,.J ur )VO(,' J artery. .No; t'j Third Sj:ri ei. oj:o. dukll & cc pru Jt w: in tut i . b rvr ;" " -'LNKKAL LVSUIJAXCi: A'.'flN'i LIFE, F1RK And r.iarinc fnsiirance. At red J.-innl to rati" in the raort rn!;.-;..--' Cciay.ine-s ia the L i.it e 1 fctat-.--. Ciilii c fi-f jo, room over Post f 'njee, willi M vi't A Si;-, ill sr. 'PlattMi'onth. X.-b: a 1. :, A;-i :! r.'.h. V v. To ) S'.-inford i': t'enrer. J. X J.'. 1'iaiinrr A JJ. I., liiilo j You ,-,! . -,y i ......t n;1 , , ,. jTi,, U1 i'. A 111 ,. J . 1. 1. 1, Kit..v hi.r ,.. -. :. . 1 1 . i.e..-. i. : i t. . i '. I I I' M I '. I I'" . ! i, ;i '..'ir:-;. of the -J i .In liei. lerk ei t .-: v , her own belinlfaiv! h. a:.., 'fif V .1; Is. t h. -iv- s .1 . K ..I .... I... tie: c-s-t;.f.. oi lie. It e .!iiiti-ld. J -oo.-jett eblim-' I I,! u i, r : : ...I . ,, .' : ne t l.to i t...y . til l.ei ll of s ;t'n we: t r.D:ll t er ti: I Ut soli.'h ' tie: I. .1 I !i - v. I'-: . r, ., r .1 .. i t it. j i ' nr .a i .v. nsinp twt hp re rttt of rar'-.'' cleyuii c ai.'t .: .i.i:iK th.-t ail thu imlo iti .,. find niteirsf t,. sai l d-t.-erlari'- in jsiid to saM traet oi Sand ina bo dei n ed to he e. nveed to tne he:i-s ,.f ;aid i-t-,t" ci 1 i !:e t u !e to i. ti.u ts oi 1 .":!..' ;r, .. jr.,: , :.:i,.;U'j nn,i in.'ninl :?;.; s;,i:,y ). .jl'o 1 :L:.,! e..i, finned in ihe heii - 1 s .ia e.-..i"e. f J ..u ;e niuired t answer f.ii I psiittoti .:i or .tebti-o. "ebday of June, . fi.iza k.i:ix; Py I,( f r.c.t friend C, II. LTinp-. Maxt; ki.:.jt C.;ai .ax. Atty's. f r Plaimi?. A i ill Z-t., i TI-.v i.i ?fr-iYr? -'7'-rr!rr-? n tt ?E km F.J.S1ETTEER Sells tho Pest and Late-1 Improve style oi noMPKrrx.; y.y. c-vy,, vv,,-M, ;,; J i.e.eHT in;-! exver. Pus ( ,ji. Itriijti-r nitd .!..-r 1. : - 'or. ; I f - ..; , eowiin. y ar- h ! srvi. ter. i.rid .ViJUnn V.'i..,i, i.-.l vo.l..-r. ;.M-:-r , u,. r-.-;, ,-,,r. J .'.;t:c Rati ;' K : r i .mlei:i.,j. (. 1 1. j 1 ,. V.'al Plows. .UOIjtc ft! t ItiC.i.l.. A C. Mayf.-M end CLaiies Viali, ravc.mg rt.'etit.s. F- J. Mi:rn::;;t. u.ar.h u:'hiwJl Mattsmouth Nth. c-'-c t'j?' F'f Zrv . if- : ' A iff- icsiEilhcissrt.'.; WE wnnld ir.rjt Dc-afors and the Vu't ' eeLtrilj toe... aod examine our stock of S O If s , before riurrhnsir.s; e'scwhere. .Mr. Sargent bavin? had t.hc cxporifrien mi twenty years ia 'iianiifaetiirirer ail K ii- J i ! S.ni'H. we ar rr.f"Mlci.t olivinir entirt. smiif,, t on to nil who nicy favor us with tXeir iiut.-ti' acre. f oar-ct'-hre,-, lf.r Krc:.,u. and delivered in. tayi.a- oftheeity. Ci-.sa i al l r ret. Icred tailow and clta ' frc:uj. . 1 ro i- v or !.-.. Lcarney ATard, ccar lYu iry tt i--'-if, .eir:e!t e;!y. Ju i l.i.di. Lf. !' :ye i on ) : i : a ; (f j r jr. . : .ti n !,-. -.;. 'J ow:!i-ti. f n. H-.t- ' -I r-t. .ie j .: .. ,!. )., . I'..! -J I-.. .;.-i. Tit .O.l.l lOn.l.l yea.-- ..id. It:.: .i.i r wi.l i r-. o i.i;,; cny, l y ..! r. t-.i J tste itf i ve i ct-j-iinr U r.l ;i J. h". i ' ' .A-