i I PLAT I SftCUTH UESRAKSA., TIIPPSHAY, MAY 4, 171. A RAI'ICA. paper thinks that a volun teer Forpeant i letter i' stel on Pi r.r.L r,.l iJ' l.-jtf! r.0 ( 't r f it! .urirli T .-i ifm- than wo arc. Yen likely. Oui-jhu JlrraJil. There is no "very likely about it. ... ... , The 'obscure orreant has dcn.onstra Uti, beyond the cavil of Dr. Miller even, tint ha is the letter nostcd of the two. and the Uer'ild dares not attack his ascrtions. Next time, Dr., don't at tempt to bluff a man olTbecaa-e ho dxs t. - ii . . ft e .v 4 his name. "Obscure Serjeants" ?ome tmioa Tinr l.raln anl eve? an J eanc and truthful heart p. rnrusiT ncrrnucix cosvrx. TIOS. Plattsmotii, Neb. April 20, '71. Convention met at the Court Tlouyp, pursuant to call of the Uepablioin Cen tral Coiotnitteo, and or?ani:eil by the election cf Jn le P. I', (lass. a Chair man and II. D. Hathaway as Secretary. On mn'um. a r on.u.ittee oon.i-tin!r of D. H. Wheeler. J. W. Jolinon and P. U. Dorrinton. were aMK.inted for tiie r.urnoae of i.rescntin candidatas for delegates from the different votioc rre- cinots of the territory eouijM.sinff Plaits- raouth j r-cint at the la?t general elec- tion. During th9 absenre of the comnattee the cieetin? was addressed by Col. II. M. YaaAnnan, in an clonent manner. Tho cotiimittes reported the following narwes as candidate : T. J. Todd, W. P. Porter, I. Wiles, A. P. Taylor, W Potteu-pr, G. II. Pda.k, M. L. White, K D. Per.Er.tt. S. P;ike. 1). W. Lewis P. P. Oass, F. M. Dorrlnston, and J.' y J5-iani,on On motion, the rei.ort was received. Oa motion, the convention rrceeJeJ C the election of delegates by ballot On motion, it was decided that four delegate ba ele.-ted from the eounfv. and three from"eaoh ward in the city. On motion, it was decided to hold open the polls for one half hour. Meaars F. M. Porrinj-tcn and II. M. YenArrEfiTi were appointed toller. On motion, it was declared that a ma jority vote be required to elect. The ballot resulted as follows : T. J. To Id, received 2S votes. W. P,. Portsr, I. Wile. A. B. Taj lor, W. Pottenjer, G. II. Black, M. L. White, L. D. Kennstt, S. Due, SO 23 15 14 16 13 29 27 IU I5! 15 18 13 9 12 11 12 12 11 11 ii it D. W. Le-Tis F. P. Ca, F. M. Dorringtcn. .T. W. Shannon, G. S. Smith, Wpj. Ii. Hobb", ii Fi. P. Murphy, J. II. Buttery, J. V. Johnson, II. D. Hathaway, J. W. Rawlins, II. Pikenbary, !S"i; other candidates received scat tcrins votes. Messrs. Todd, Porter, Wiles, Clack, Whit-, Pi-Bnett. Duke, Lewis, Gars and Shannon having received a majority of ail the votes cast, they were declared elected. On motion, a nw I s'lot was ordered for thre delegates, and it was ordered that the ballot be kej t open for one-half Lour. The ballot resulted as fallows ; G. S. Smith, received votes. J. II. Buttery, II. Eikenbary, " J. Y. Rawlins, " W. Pottcager, " P. M. T'orrington, " A. B. Taylor, 3 32 30 10 11 3 Messrs. Smith, Eikenbary and Paw- iins ware declared elected. On motion, the delcrates in attend aaco at V.'ecr.in? Water were authorized to east tha entire veto of Plattemouth precinct. On motion adjourned. P. P. GASS, Ch'n. II. D. IlATfTAWAV. Sce'y. At the primary meeting of the Re publican voters of Plattsmouth precinct, held pursuant to notice, at the whool j house, near the residence of iScl-on Jean, at the hour of ono o'clock, p. m., 1 KT! Vl,- I .... ii 'ii: i.-ii, -t.i-uu i Jean was tlecte-J cbairtnan cf em I meet- ing, Hershcy Shupe, Secretary and Wil- ham B. Porter teller. ii .H.cjiiiij; in Mm i-iiujdiy in-jcuiig that there was at the election in October 1570. more than SO Republican votes east, residing within the boundaries of said precinct, end that there is at least that number now, it was therefore E'solveJ, Tli at paid precinct elect "-ur dalefat-es to represent them in the Pepubliean Convention to be held at Weepinjr Water oa the -Sth day of April, 1T1. Whereupon, said ineetit-s: praceeded to ballot for delegates to wil eocreritiou, and Hershey Shupe, Ileury Eikenbary, O. II. Beeson and Jacob Adam, havitig a majority of all tha votes cast, were declared duly elected as dele-rates from riattsmouth precinct to said convention to fas held at Weeping Water, on said 23th day of Arril, 1ST!. NELSON JEAN, Ch'n. Hrr.snEY Sucrr, ee'y. A Chiejrj young man, advertivin? for board, wants it in a private family, "where woman's ri&hts are not continu ally harpsd upon by disappointed old maids of a doubtful ajro, and where the iilness of the midnirrht hours is un broken by the uneer.ip-r warfare of cats nnd tho discordant twanging of a cracked guitar." Which leads the Iirpnbh'ran io conclude that : "Petter is a dinner of bo bs with peace, than a stalled ox with old maids, combativa cats and a cracked guitar." Thn P:ii:fr:. EuL-enic is coming to fpnd the sunder in a molest cotta at fc'aratog . OUR WYOMING LETIEit. Fonx D. A. Pfssell, Yr. T., April j, 1871. J Druu IIfhaiu: Oj P.-iday at Cheyenne, the majesty of the law was vindicated i:i lha case cf Poyer, the half I reed Indian, vrho was convicted for i-r.trdcr. O l the platform he made - i . . . . t . . . r i I TV;1S ti3t i. . i ir- .i: i .... lie uu-'j uiate. lit u.u iiv lory. Mo was no woin.tn cry. Mo was no woman. Ail tuti.-t me, an J l.i. time ha 1 come, He was jcoing r snoi t fpecc.!, me purport, oi wiiicui , I.- I"1 - io tiic ii-ppy nunung gronnj.-, an l was not afraid." Ilcv. Mr. Davis the Con grecitionnl i-iiutsteroiTored a j-rayer, an.l the oor wretch was precipitati.-.! mo eternity hy Shori 3' Car. On the tame i.i.tht a man ly the name ; i rC IT-!, ?r ..... L-i '.m ! Lovm... - &he refu-ed him admittance toherhou e I She had civoji hiia to understand that another had Mipplanied hiui in her ic- jrsrd, and ftandintr on the outsidv.' of the j building he shot through the biiu l, wounding hr it i id, moi laily, whi'i? she was in bed. The world will Le wc'l rid of bo ih of them. Oil Sunday night we had an unpre cedented rain, which turned to pnow be fore uioroinr, and to d iv we h.tre uoie 8n,,w " l"e Sr'Jur i i'10" uti,' at a,1.v ,,,li2 J'"3r- il Wl11 w a ?!''-,t t'JcMi.g to the cranfry ouusman al-un.t ance of e3ll-v ras w,iI-h 1,a'1 s-!l'ca ' be fiun to loot P,eCD- A U1UC-1 lrsr ar a of will be cultivated than ever bc- fure' and this Sta; m will very much aid - veSctation. The excitement with reference to min ing in Utah continues and the car-t are heavily laden with adventurer, bound for that deljetabie country. Thou-ands tliero now, without capital, would be lad to pet a7ay if they liud mta.n., for waj?ci are 1 )w and without means men can do nothing there. There is no ou't that capital judiciously invented I there will yield a ban lioajo profit, as the hll'a !l throng the territory arc more "less rich with i!ver and other mineral II b as 5f I'videnco wa about to cut ihv or-Iian knot of polygamy by means ' thj "Mroa.l. and th.-oe mines, as the influx of Gentiles will soon boar away by its flood thi-i abomination. Already its knell is heard and what legislation could not do God in his wisdom is doing ef fectuallv. So mote it be. A. Wright, Post Chaplain, U S. A. ffllSfll, P4iti;EBI5S. CorNc ir. Chamber, April 2', '71. Council met in regular session. Pres ent, the Mayor, Alderman K. T. Duke. John Erhart, J. II. Buttery, 11. C. Cushinc, J. V'. Shannon, Clerk and Marshal. The committee appointed to procure scrapers for ue of city, rcforted pro gress and asked further time rnd on mo tion Granted. The Finance committee reported that they had ciamined the accounts already allowerl by the rctirinir Council, and recommended that the following nmounts l;e allowed, to wit : James (.)'Nciil. for lumber, $70.0 ) J. II. Buttery, lor ttationerj, S 2D Jese Scott, for removing nui.-ario( o.Oo ' " " "jrceordcr'soinoeJJ S. 1. Vanattafor removing nuia.iuoo l.CO O. P. Johnson, f ir stationerj, 2 M Ci. Giprer, for painting, .'5 f0 O i motion tho i j ort was accepted. The above com'jrdttee. then reported prorec, and aked for further time to examine tne account 3 rema;iiinr ia tlicir pOffess.ion. On motion, further time was granted to rii I corunr.t tee. The 1 ii of F. D. Williams for fees in Recorder's Court $142.50 real, anion motion referred to Finance committee to report at the next meeting. Ordinarc? No. M. Entitled an Ordi nance to ascertain the finacci.tl condition of the City of Plattsmouth. 1 resented and put upon first readinsr. On inotioa the rules were suspended an 1 paid ordinance put upon its hocond aiid third reading by its till?, and final pa- fas and on motion passed and approved. O.i motion a committee of thrco was appointed, as follows: R. C. Cu.hin-, Joha Prhart and J. AY, Shannon, to make a contract with the lowc-t bidder to do the printing for the city for the en sums year. The matter of P. R. Guihnnn in re gird to remitting fine on a Lieen-e grant ed for a shooting gal'cry was brought before the Council, and oa motion was in leQnite'v postponed R. ('. Ctifhin-: then moved that tho reenhr mcetin-- cf the Council bo bt 11 i . .1. . 1 .1 - 1 O ... 1 n , un me lii.-i hi! i mini oaiuruay oi eticn month. Carried. On motion Coui.til adjourned until next regular mectiri". 1 lie rrs.-rn vrl.v the latest :m;irf.-it on on tho HinLlic-rn objects to our i lea of "? v''-ui!-iirt!r the liiinatn; A-yi.un at Lincoln, is because he is natural!'. stupid thai he knows nothiojr upon the subject which he so flinnantlv lisciis-( . Omaha Hcrnhl. Is it i:nt lardy jmssible that Mr. Potter docs not a.irre with your i lea of trying to cripple ail public improvemeni at Lincoln, and the difference of opinion over tho Asyhiiu r-iiestion. IVrh.-.jis be '"knows nothing of the subject," or rather your intense hatred to everything calculatod to benefit the Sr.ith Platte country, and it mibt be well for you to instruct hitu somewhat in regard to the cause of 3-our hostility. Two car-loads of fence wire, of 4''Ui0i) pounds, have arrived at Wells, 31inne sota, the wire to bo u;ed on a 12,uc0 acre fr:i belonging to ('. W. Thompson, the railroad man. It will reuirei?i,'l'l! posts, which have been hauled twenty miles, and cost $',4')H. Around thisen tirp tract ( f land a belt of shade trees will bo set out twelve rods wide, of dil fercnt kinds, the work having been al ready begun. A down eat editor plaintively says that he has original poetry enough to shingle a meeting house, but. as ho has no uuii-ting house to hhingle, the original poetry is useless. A ben at iiH-.s;.atit!o lays donb!c-bar-roi'ed cgi:s, like a dumb-bell, one end containing tho volk. the nth.r tin uV.,n. men. Neat thing for cuitanl pies. j J of Property in the several Precincts Ca's county, mado March 1st. 1S71. ! ! n fi ffi ! ifi ! ffj 1 t h e- best i j f : : : f t : : n : : : : : ' LLU j ; : ; j ; N M i . j i - i s 1 ! j ;T. pT-&:?ti:2 j 2 . J.V ff ? 'I S J Valuaiion I ; , 3 ! H -----i;v-r- v.i ai ii Total valuation $3, 257,4 CO. Pcccher thinks "women .should be eiajMoyod more lirircl in the work of comforting." Some sister please com fort him. An Indian physician rides his horse into the villa-." dru-r store, nn.l waits whil. the cleik puts up a prcscriptio!-, wit hou t d ism oun tt n . It is well to roincn.bcr tl at in c.-.sc-s r f koi oseue fire. an iter?.'rt to extin-rui-h the flam-.-s with water ' v.-ill c-tdy j-jiro::'' the (ire. Intc:-d. mot her the !!ij.--wiih bbiiikers, woolen cloth--, fp-.ilts, jdia-vl.-i, or whatever mny be at hand. The wife of the Welsh mn;?fer, Job is Evan, -i -od her huband, '"Do you flunk we ah i!i be known to i nch vxlu. in hi avfo'' He rop:ivil, ''To !o sun wo .-hall do you tliiai; we -hail Le .-.'rca'-er fools tiu'-e th.u here?"' Prick Pommy ha - sopr.r-Ued font h'- Wi who is One ti. ithcr sh i:or ta!!, Eoj-di-h (h'.: tn;s 1 fair compb-sir.n. S!;e has thiif co-.j'!:i:r.'i:i! :i'-p'.-::rii:i-o wh.Mi r ni'.'iit :oi 1 culiuio col alonu iin:i:irt. ii:.. i remai LaMy inlr Ui-'ont upon u'.i i 1 . t " : : 1 i J .U v.-oi- oi to .l.v. I-r.tf p -iil ie.i 1!.-. .'til.'' . :!! Ml. !. :1 v.' 11' ;: ' ! !' lb", on v chii ! a .cirl A' un i- r.i u- lajly b.;u;ti!Vi Jen-T, nt t-rr.ty-on?. 1 .'..oi h's in-vc--fir'!'iori' imj th' j-. L: f m IrMvocn cow-; mt -it:,- M:i;d- Vr. II- atirntion wa c;m'. il tn (V. vnl.jt.ct I y r.rii irk of" a f'n;:iry -rl -.v'.n kiH ir, ;;, ,--jnr:.' that sr;i; o.-.ti' l not h,-.ve the -!.";'! pr.x hcau-i she ha 1 ).j 1 h- mi; - -.x. At forty-sewn ho h i ;r;; e'ed iii.j ere it di-covery ;:nd for-'cd it upon ib World. Tho tact h is been t-.-tnii;i d::d that bones 1 in-o in the oor an. Uy dredjr in it i- L'in.f 'i lo brin.-r ip tccii:. lot rarely a b ...,-; of ar,y kit:d ; th : dis solve if expo--' 1 (: the ac-if n of the wa ter in i nt ;i b::!c liiiii?. On the critra- ry (bv.'ii..-. t he p'-cnliar i.-atcn.l of j ...... ... ..-:-... . .I- l;f ll- aoiel c -' ; r i ( r iiim, io-i-4 lb.- dfiir'-yin--aci!i.:i : li.e s,a iv.-.-tcr ind.-l!nitely. An Ilii.'oi-vroman cr:.i:iiit:ed suicide by hill)-!;'-- hor.-cif to cn aj-ji.'e tree. At the funeral a no'-rhber iioticin-r tho id a I'ji iaranca of the h-v-'mri i him by s-ivinT that he had dot ' -i(h a terrible lo OS, .-:i3's !:i:.-b:uid. heavincr a si.sih, "she must have kit kc 1 like thunder tn shake oil' six bii.-hels of -Teen aiiolcs that would havr! t'oon wor'li a dollar a bushel when they got ripe. ! The Pocahontas Journal tolls tho f i! lowinar storv on a schord-teaohhisr indi vidual who Ins evidently been wc:noil a Ions time : ''While a! ton linj tho Teach ers' Institute lately h,!l at this jil.c.-c. a l.-.t'irf :'i',ii iitlri-i ii.in.r . I,i ,1. bf hi" montal a.-.tuireia-nts iTonoCd' tn 'tuireiii.nts propos,- rcvci'itiomz: the ruh-i.-er trade, tmiii.: into a store ho was -iiixious.t' s- e what they had in the shape of pencil mark craters ; eyeing a yb-ce of rui'ber ii'iout tv.'o inches in length and shaped like a thiiiibh, wish several small punctures in the end, he inquired what that wa for. The waiter informed him that it was an eraser calculated to be drawn over the linpcr and thus used to era o pencil ni.nks Pc-ort ;-;ys that the " price agreed upon was ,) ..,,! nnd t h coi bro teacher carries ff th: riz-. whist - j ling tho tune of tho "Oid'tlnm Tiee." I lie carcfiiby car! ic his patent era -er to ins scliO"! and eoul-lii t see the joke onli! sotno ol the pupils li.-nl lh" kin-lnc-s tr. toil him tiiat baby had jn-t such a toy at home. 1 he youtur ifKiii'.s school w:is sr-on -mi.-si'd, and the hie went hmi.. tn V.y . ma. not a ail iiv-.t'd wi'.h h s rohl t-r nip lo. hope if over he attends tin ! In-Mute a; uD. ho -vol 'etch hi- pati-nt. cra-er ihi!-r and ih-too;i-tr.ite its n-.es." I T r'naii W J Weeping Water, fieb. CEALERS IS General ijieicliondise, SUCH A3 Dm' G.-)nn. UKwCKTKS. HAKliWAPK. yUlii.s'ARE. llATs, CAPS BOOT?, SHOPS. X0TI0XS. ic. PIXE AXD COTTONWOOD LUilUEIt. SIIINCLES AXD LATH. We ire Arcnts for Wilcox . GiL-1? Scwlnr; Kach.'ne, vhici is nndoubUdly the Cest il.n-hin? row ia aiari. C-.ti. :-, - J: Town L( ts. I o'iflf.i- i'VC Tl L J -- . K.J - - -I. (III : .! ii i :Lfl r- WS.vJ :.i .'-.a fi " i liver .t!.i m i i ii p. . rv.. . : i i -r. I "" - w ... I :J i l! i s,, i : mmmtzmmm I . I - 1 ' i!' - lilt J !' l i ' i' I fc- . -..-.-.s.;-....- .VIO ICS ASSC5 - ri 1 '7--s:VvV'?v'k:i Value ! TT -ST n. IT T "f T! T"7 rf?s lj?Jzy.azZz??.iz Ptir,.,.. I WillCil YOU WILL ALWAYS AT BUSS ELL & IJ03a1jS3 f i I ,5, o-.r;-c-..J.' : I ,?-'; j? M j?? .;t!U V-.' V".tt Kiid Main s-trct, - I'iii'.m .uth. Xcb. y. v. ,i . i-i ,. r. y . ; -7 I I Orri nrc ;m i i; ViSirTrrTl'li-riii?: V!.i.-!rs. K T?J -iTrj rt .- s -ll 'i.-t;Kt;i:4.:ci;-.-..jkJ..Ii; t:':V' V'r-' a!i:o. Z j ": - ,i:---:.iriiiLsi5: , j -r-rr ?t TT? jT 'iT6 r f I- i i : - r ' -iI y -.-5 3. THEY SELL -j-1 r.nil lt.lr,.l v I -.- ' T ; ' C" p 3 CT '-i T rr r l .v l. tin t ' h inpnn torn l .o-v. M-.tsistita-... "-".t i to-ar I J u-Tnur L':iiikirt I'l.iw. Fit AME K of LOGK TO YOUR INTERESTS AND I;UT '!ue. r. iAilr ; Mr!;:,!!' ,N;.V Ji; ri:My?;i i ' !r '"oi n PI'.w. i X i. mi i ' h otipion Corn PIo-v. tii ar ! iU'Tour Pi't-akil-.i- I'l.iw. i:iii!.. t!on rr..n P.. an) ,-': n'.I.ile Plow, A. P. l'i.k.-y I an Mill-. Kurika A ii i nliivatursi ciior 1 I. Ma;! ( n-( r:. i Lu i'.-o.iiii .'..ir itra 'i i-a:;. I .i.'cw i or- - 'i tiU :-:. ' all on -r a.!- :-,i!i'J:i , l.is,S.!.l,,l HW.'.l. i-t.'M-ioum, tf. iiiarea 1 a.w wli. E. T. D. II. WiitELE.n. rs;!?.''? jr. - ri A fc ; -i i ;. i .IT FOOT CF 31.1 LY STREET, I Wholoealc i Rttail I)iler ia j i Hardware and Cutlery, !"? love;?, ' TINVARH, ROP73. IRON, oTEEL MALS AND Rlac-kviuith Tools, o. Keep on hind a IjZtzq .9lock cf II ALT ER BUCKS FATE.YT, CHICAGO, EMrORlA, L O YA L C O OK And Other First-ClaS3 Cooking STOVES. A!l kinds ef Heating Siovcs Coal ot Woo l kri't on hand. JOB WOlllv OF ALL KINDS PONE. MOLIi'E Siiring and i3reaking Plows At ITct Ccs. for Cash. Oar -rices are s Pnv a? any lionso in tho Stale. Uiirciitf. 7C'-TT"- ' v- t t r- W A?-i JJ -L-' iL3 C 3:. Garden seeds, Field seeds, Ficwer seeds at Jt GHKKX WOOD'S r5uecc-cor to M. Ten EUk.l Comer "Inin nnd isixtjj Street. Piuttsiiijuth. :-ehraska. H"" largest ns.-oittar-nt and w.irr?nt-.l Fro h troui Landreth's Lloonistlals Seed Fanu, r.eir I'lilidc'i-hin Pa. Seeds in Hulk or in Pneknires. I wonl-i tsi" the esoc-ial Btlentii n ol thcLii-'ir to on r la -? a.-.-rt mpnt of seli'i-t ni'-ual, l iei nial nnd i er ern::.l (1 wT seods. We l.jv" aiM 1). M.l i rrr Si C V seeds Ch ii-.ipo See.l Co"s s'i!- V. . s tern ,-ced Co's peeil. Call earlv in or.!' r t make iroo.l seleetion-. lerinin IC. i: t': V . v A Ciras' hy the pound or Lii: hel. mar h'. i li 't Cisterns Buiiiand Reck Work Dens. THE undersigned ii- j. rotated to I:, "iri-.-.ntraet! f'T huihiinc Ci-lrrn- a:.dl'i!i ni-h ir.L-a : 1 no-pr-csary material, nlso to do any nrd nil kii-d- oj llii worn by culitrai-t, mid 1 urul.-n ii,l laalor- j laisfor si'tn-?. . ,, ., 1 nave lew aereof ehoieet nlf rrei rn.es ; Rp.il sovi r.-.I. 9r; r'j-a forsa!" en roil-. n.O-le '':i:i j JOcTPU LEAFLET, j If, U W P ri 1 m U I - ' -. r- i.t. ::.v.-?. ir,".' - - f-" v-- ---vr ' -. V - - S fj'ayman Curtis. Ki-rairrrs of ?:eim Knftr., L'.)i!crt". S:n (io.s :ui.i Sie.i'u Fitti::f ronrlit Iron V'U-P, Furr-e una Ti:'t I'uiui -. r;:. .:u i .:v?, a!.:ace aive uovernur!, ana ui kiuud oi r AIMING Macminery i i? P'i- 6 . sy Wc 3m; the !t-rifioa of tli pulilir to l!i j stook ol'.-i'rin irol.ve areofeni:i;r. V.e havo - tak'-n (irtrsit rare ii the . riou of r.oiio Ut iir-t-rl:i K'ni'l.-. .-o I !ro:r, f;i-t I'am:"-'. c Imv u iftws?i t ln-v :: n lt- ha.l in the market lor ca. li.ua.l I wo .sin; 1 1 .-ell at -ri,-- that wo truareurce will i vo i-iif ire sal i-lac'i on to all v. ho inaj- s ive u-;i cai!. c )iao ami iej an I yon will 1c onvia.-i-d. t'LAtiK .t PL'JMMLi;.,: Trr-m r r y in U s - .. '":-'-;;' -.' -, i ttiW t.-: 1 1 Titan. XT. f45:rvcclr, i-i. j And dsaler ic all kin.U of itiiH .sibekt, (third door WOrt of P O Pla'!3TC ? - - - f b, Ttepairitiir and Vnrni-hin? neatly done. C"ji"uiicrals attcaie-i nt the t-hirte.-t notice. HENRY BoliTcJK DKALEP. IX FUR N 1 TUR E, cz is n . LGUGEG, SAFES, TA3LES, BEDSTEAPS- Ot ALL CKStniPTIONS ASD AT ALL rBICKS. ,o' retalic Curial Gases. 3 v ' - v- --' '- ' OPALL SIZES. WOobEN COFFINS T.eady 3'ade, and Soid Che.-.p for Cash. Vi'ii'i many th i':ks for j.a-1 r'ronnsro. T in vii' all to i-ail i'-.i ! ciiaiua uiy laiiic etot-k f 1 ur i:irui e and Cetiius. j.in.Si:". niCHAHO ViVIAii. DeiJers t'a Grcccries, Flour, Feed o t1 ti i : -I FrcYieions, Canned Goods do ii;L-1PFt cn.-li pri-e judd fir nil k'lois of (irahi nnd i roduee, Lulier, i:Kr.. Hides. Purs nnd t,; - ,, , Nrx Eat Ctnscr inah and Fifth ?t ntW- ath r.on.-diw i i ( I I un J JOB PRINTING I'STABISLIIMEXT Is iK'W Fnri'Iicl wiUi Good Kov Process AHL Tim L A T E S T S T T L F, S' OP JOB TYPE. ARE J.YVITED TO CALL AND K X A M I EN E S P C I li E N S . V. .-. ii Stu' tm B Zxa S do BDDDEf? hionnisGn, Fer Ho is Tcs Busy Waithn uii uii,i ners. f.io Hso:rs "SHdo fly iViEAT MARKET Onff Door Kist of ihe Courl'Houe ii tba ) Ui to (ft-1 li kind-' ! S .j '. "E-ii "T - (tn r- --! Ji. V-Vj vu-o w."i y Ui has fitted up tho finest Market in the SU . ni l krei s nolhin? imt tn Lest of Altars. M eats tic: iv creil iu uiiy yu.iiitiiies on si-eeiiil euiitratts-i Hluhet Prices Pi'.-J for ZP A rjT (D A F!2 E.n'1 For;ct tha Phieo, Mcrrisoa's "Shoo Ffy.' I"d iwt Wsc -ii:- Water Nebraska. " PEALERS IN Dry Gfods. OroeeriJ, ilr iarr. yueeiifWPTe. Loots, and Shos. li at-', and ':if ?, Aeri";-.!":ri! Imp'.irrents of ail kinds. Weir :r ''I . L" Cultivator?. I'ni'.n Corn PianUri 'ira-. iefonr iin.I l'rii:eeton Plows, Ac i wl.nt. o'i.' .i. a!I ol whieh we oCer to llie public at the nwi-r rrt-i'l priees. e .r-Onr con.-t:iT.r iii;i will Vp to ?cP o lw will be t, tnepo-nivi; ad'.-iiiitiite of every in,, frin ti, i w stornen l tr-il i-orti'in o C.i-! t-i!-y to make i his t heir b end nan it for t rnd- J ' .. i. . r.i. (?j.vPt.-or Id K. Wii" tl; tr" s ft s v m j a'i 1 iii::ler in aun-ess. sa dL'.m:.-. c-ollars. halt iV. I: .i -lie-. .n.,ic. Rciairii; doiis Mil-t.ii;t huly 101 1 v ilh li- 'ive tho i c.i!! !. furr (.jr---!--m(r rl-'cwlicrn. F'w:h Siivl'!. in. nil n! ! I.it'i- Vi;il-v Ji.-u-T, s i.'u'iiiiii ii:!lih'.j Ifoiiuelli's ll:ir-li.ro toj'c. S -J i m if 1870 JSti6 Piiiladclp'iia Cs S'rlo Eailwuy. r.n :.!! .:?.-rV.i! !.i v. " f.' v ? : h l-'7( tin- ! on tic 1 .iii.i'li-;; inl i.: in 1 i ilr .j.'.l w ili I j:-- t '.-. , - !r.iui i'l h I Vv c.-t i-iol.tii-l'hi.t : il.iiil'U.ld l.'i'l'l - i:i w.v !:n. 21 -Al Tr t:n Pavr-- P!o'!:.i.-! !i:a, ;; ' " li.'i. ui'uri. lrio F.xp. I-uVi'.- ! i i. it'll lii,' i:iiii.-i-'C'l t, BIT :it .': m.. l.'hi.ir;! uuiil, h' !V(.- l'!ii!:i'l'. ! !ji.i. i ill' . Mr p.jrt, nrr lit Lo: ! !.:ivc:i. IJ:-! J r.islo ;! lis i. Ii;,,: i-;:.nt. .!; r :.l l. ,1: Haven, i o v S on ;i 7-1ii' I') .Ml :i S ' : 7 :'" :i 7 :') ;i ii l'i p 7 i i 1 i 2 i't i I'.ul Tru'.i I.iv, 1 i s ; i :i : : u Ij Lii :l '.' 1 .11 S 1.) ii . )') p -I " a !' j' 12 'Si ." ;i ! - :i 11 : !. a. . I i ! i:i'.spoT t, urr r.t I!ni!i it-li-Uia, Krio l!y iirci-s lf.-ivc.-- J'ri. " illiiiin-iiort, " " iorr.t Pliil.i li -!.iii:i. I"! mi ia uip.il lea ves i i ! inn - !'.! t. " " ;i rr :il Pit i ! I ! ; iti.i. L'uM.i'. esi-re.-.i leaves U i!!i::i.iiTt, ii .i rr.-i-ui nrr at Pliiln ifli hi.i. Jjiild l.ii;!e ru.nl li ;in s h'" n li.urn. rr r.t V. ilii:uii-M ft. 3.' .Vl ii BaM K.iglo c-sr'n-.-'-lwivi' L. Jlnveu. '' " itii-ut ; ! in 'ii-P'.rt. li) To l--xrtrr..-. t.im il o 1 A.- p'.ipn:.;:la : ion c-ar-r wi't, ooiiiiVL't lit t'.ny, aul all wr.-t Ij trains ai: 1 ii; ::i an .mm 'illation fa-t Irv i 1HM..WH v, ii. er KaiiroaJ. Uil Crt-vk mi'i Al!'.vii-'i'' Kiv - Wiuim A. Kai.pwiv. Oi'iit.'i nl riuin'rinlcQ liTi TFIE IiAID OWNEit t'Oil 1S71 A? an n-Jvrt!n laoiiiiini. Tkb Land ilf.x'm Ktai i-'.- without, j, ii eiiual ii t'::c c-oiiniry. lis 1eaui!!.:! o im li cin-r.M i'it-- croliiliit its T.a--.tcii i'.-:riu':o:i. like ii:'.-t oth'T I's'Per, aeu I i! is hi-i t ! r loi. i i ii at the :il "t'ttie yt - J t i i ;v:-ii 1 iti.in i.- '.l.r-.ut'hout i.ie I n itt .i Siat. s loot I :.l.a.;a. an l i:- cii.-iier lir nij.i aii j.n i'e lient ill in: utiliai.s i !' j.-ui.a I ism, bH i.'ifc' lhal the jiulil io is pi'Vev-ititc i;- w..rth, I s mi Ls.-i ion s Uliil regular rcuilers aif laiy land IioMits. real e.tatiT a-r i t Ijunkt is, caj-italists aa'i I'or;.!. .-ttkir.ir la n 1 in vosi no ut lor money, Jt i!i"i-.--fort? Ie(-iiiiif-ri the only lin- iium Ihioui-'h a I. 'i .cr.-on.-!iitvis:s Ij' iit'.; wil ea-i rraeli .urehasi-r.-. As land turn are - stiiully im;ruviiirtlti-ir lands 1-y t!ie tree? it n ol !ar- im-1 ! ly i-diiiees. niii.-h wtr :j-f.iiir!;.-:!.'s:.-:.te. ii is ih-rei'or the inn-t neailal.li-n-.e.iiai'i 1 r ui -.-.rti? inc all k iu-ls !' Lit ii l-.iut iu:iT i : .. tho tr.'s of itr.-Uitc.-t. , t-te. :l''!-.'i:i.ol t '1 ") .i-i-a-iioim. Ps.iu.--s t-.u-.i. i Iti-ai J.' t oo .ir''as in.-.-.-i . I in ill" K.- .l I .-late A.-.-u:- L'irei iory, Has-ilio.l ! by ( ! i. s ;. ii 1 1 1 j vviis. n, r '-xroo.iin 1-. ii r i.i.i.- '-f i Holid ii"! i'.oiil fyj.y, tin .it voar, wl.i.-ti al.-n ilic! u.ie - a eoiy oi li: " ( a r. 'J'lii-i-: tlo'n.o-i mil ri i-.ii I'j-itai'f r,i t.'ie j-iurn.il, a- !:. ,e lory im- tTi'l.i'.o i s a loa.:o; ily ol' tlie U-aoiiii,-iiiL'isof llie eoiu:tiy, KU i is t-.u v eii iei; t l'r ro-tei-i-i:.i-. Adverti.--nn-i:t than quarter O'-Juum 4:) cents i-r line . i i 1 ion :. ri-l tyi-e, K-iitoriai lii.it tor ."ii i rnls ,er li! l. j.lc.i Lu-vu-r l.v I"-. A:I Lin- l.'l' .'in'i'il!'.i::r i.ii t i!:o eo:,tna. !s puyal.lb ijiiai tol ly in :ni iiin-t- 'J raiiM.'.it i. l veil iM-au'.i s lon-t ee a.-'.-oiMj oi- .1 i e i!ii; v.:.-h to iissiire insi nia.i in the suc.- i i -n: 'i'erins i'or iieri-.l pi n es. I-ri. c s o!' C:. i .ooim enj-'i-a viiips ,i( Liuoiju-s, ttc., seiit on t:; i liea- ticu !- mail. AoriKt.ss, j. m. wi.; fc co., Pi'.i.-li .hi'itf of tii Lino Im.Miri. !.i'-::;: ..U FOH A GOOD BARGAIN l Kuril. e r.iroiikted the rl.ttiiriK' nnd reeordlnj of my M. kf.V' AKiiti oi to t!io City cf Piutij nioaih, I am now preonrr.l t. c 4 00 'LOTS I in M:r Ad lit '.on tt re i 'oii.iMo r.-:to. Tit-si :i,t i one half i a-li ii-.':i; tbi oI'ht half pav'iij: I one yt::r, at t.':i r o.-nt. iat-'n.-t -r : niu-n I r..;n uao- far- :::uv ut.tii i.iiid. 'i'i, be s-eu ri.1 ty u:ort'i;-e on the i rortrt-. siGnatlcn to Ciiurchcs. I wiM Rive t.) tho follow ir.K- reiiuioas (2iiii rut iinr. vir : To t!:- Paptist Ciureb. let 12 in hlok 17 . J'o tiie Coi-.-rfi; Oi-inn! Ch'iri h. lot L' l in bh.ok " 'hi the .Vrtiio t, t C'inr-:h, lot 1 in .io,k ;.; To (!:o C.i'lioiio CI:iT,'h, lot ij in h! n k ; -To the ii;. isc . pal Chureh, !-.t 1 in I l.w I- !0 To ti Pri ',j'tcriiin Chur. li. lot I in i.ioi-klil J u the Clii i-iiaii Churrh lot 2 in hioek o; To t!:n Lutheran Chureh lot 1 in 1,1. u k Si; p my A, l'l it ion to the City if Pl.otsnion'h, -j-.on th loilviniitit rendition, vi: 'Hint thty .-di ill t-reet on iai,i lots, as above dona ! - .1, a building !Vr Puhlic w..rsh.'i-. v. ;oi i f:v t . l'roia tln ilate: r.n.l. in e,i,o or 1, i:Vro on the .art of .-a i-i C'r.iiii; r Churches o, eoinply with jho e eonoition. ihon nnd ill tlait ta- a ll. lot or lots shall revert t" irm. S. IiUKS Do sticn to Public Schools i-rcl.y dona's for th use of Iu) Ii. Lislrie. ools. Lot l'l in Illoi k ' on tho l.ort'i siiin of a in troi t. mi i Lot V) in JJh.ik d. tho s.o:i 1. I fi.lt' of Main -trett, in my u-iaiiion to li.o Citv fl'iiitUiuoutlt. i. DVhlL. 5,000 Acres cf Land for Snb in this er.iir.'y, Also, Houses i.nd Lots iu lh city, at lo.v pii'-os. Pariieular attention ivon to the hnyiiif uau seilins of r a! estate, exnniinins title-, and pay ing tiixej for non-re-idents. s. iil'Kii, itoal Lst.ite Atfi.ui, ' Lot fo2' a en Couarc, 1 I vriil fcI! t-i ::ii-ti. d"-iron of In-Mii: .-.) iini-rm ir-r, nny 1' the lot." in the sii.'ij.iii.r I list in my addition to Piatt-ouourh, nr icn ih.IJar j-er l"t, under the r,!'oivi:i eon lit ions, vir: Th J.'-r-on l'Urehasir,? will he rei ired it huihl on the lot imr -ha.-eil a divi-llinir hoo'e of the following diineiisi nii. to-nit: Xiie Iioii-o to bo n-t !--' thn Ilr.'! feet, with rtnry not loiver th.an 8 I'ert. 'i he frame in-asf be o:al anil uVt:irKiih house well shir.,.-ledi tmindariioi either of luiek or i:f.n. '1 here n.ust ben kiteh en. of riot Ir-s th-.:i IOtII. KirMieir nvast he foi:it,!et. d on or in fo: e .fan-i iry l.-t, 1-711. Will give a i on J t'.r n lioed to tin- i irty who lniy a -uon as ,iireha e is m.-i'! j.nnd npou eeiaj-iviior with the a hove '-oTititi-.r.;, will gift a guod uni n.'aeioi.t. We 1 1 '.l.i y I't-od. S.-k'i tioii.i lui'.y b nol le frota the aec(.iii,,!ny .nit list: Lois o . -.r.d 8 in l-!oek.1: Lot S in hloi k 4; Lot I in Ih.'.-k 12; Lm fin hloi-klS; Lot 1' in hloek -.t; L'.ts;.Vttiid 11 in l-l-.-. k i'l : Lot s, in I. luck Tl; Lots I nnd S in hlo.-k 1' i: Lot.H o a:o 11 in hloik-o: Lot b in l lo.- k. i Lots 1 ( and i; in bio -k 2a; 1,014 4 nd7 iu Liui.-k I'd; Lot ij in block :;u. K. ll KK Pluttdiiiouth. Xi!i.i'if. 05itf3 ia Curt llu- J'CHTY-rniMVfAR. iiui.'.i.s o tJ.u i o Duur FOR 1071 TJIK Cheapest cf Ladies Iagazincs, BECAUSE IT IS THE PEST I It has always hrrn the care rf tho T ,-t,Ti,v... to combine in its paw-r, whatever i- u-.-lul vs-b.v.ever ii rh.vi.tiim-, wlmtever i-i pure. liU-ni" tied, and virtii.ns in Si i.t'inent, win, nh.m-vii may afiord ratii-i, .1 ,i:id inouni.t urn a -cm :-i. t. 1 or it.) Literary Depart iiit-.-.t. in pa.-lyei.rs. THE CEoT V-F.ITErtS In t'i! li(trary ..i!d hiei: i o- t ri!tj.e,l, nn wiii eontiu'.io t;. lnrni-h :r:i.-i,-- -,,r ti,,. . ,'!' :- -is :arion H.ir' .nd'. lno ( niiiehil. I.oui-S. ! .rr. Metfi Vi.-f.rja Vi- tor S. ALUie i"-.est. Mr-. In-r i-i.-en. Mrs. C iiopkin.-. mi'i otio.i-. cauii'..t fio luuu l cii the Prospectus of any oher ui:ii..ziuo. TKRMS FOIt 1S71. cine copy, one car Two eopii -. one year "....".'....I 't hree copies, una j-ci.r ...7 Four copi .-s, o:;e ear J.'..'..'..'.'.'. '. Five coi.-e., on'; year, and an extra" copy to the .i r.-on p-i-ttinsr up tin 5:: W a I'.) 7 to lii a E. , . " -. - 1 1 , lirht eo - .-. .me year, and ,.n r.-rtr . t " . u'7' is l-i' I' r:i , c t, .!..,, v .on,.--., ii ii -.ran or a i-.,.-:-oi:i ,; Urocr cai.t.ol I't-a-uit-'i, c;.,l i rjre.i :::--; i-r I-"-:k r.'-t-:. '7 ' 'i.e pi r-on sret-.ine up the p.dnts in the ti'.nh an 1 lor - t ' I ' ' ' " c,uo. kiiiKiiinct-OMc-. "1 CO ii. the s.iir. 1 - A.ievcn pi' -one jear. and fln extra 7. AtPco'ia. -vi-1. '- i- eoryt , pcr-on Kenit. up the ,:U, ton r-n o o 11 " (' V!""""n"" MOW hf.,.T. Ji renntline l.v Mail ai. .i. Al Pcori-i ,.,.,.v f ,, P..ST..P r()KtKBo hilioli.iphia.or':. !, v? ! L,,,in pi , f it t l -A ' "' K" f" srihr n L. A. .,jct'. is ii-it. rail,. ... l...,. tt. a, i 1 1 i ...'...'.' .'A 11 "io;- C. rn' I.:.' j I An OriliiKir.fr to iicrrt4ihi fi- V Jinrtu, ,,( CO:id't!i,it of the iitJ (if Fh "njl'Jiil,. P.' it Or lain.- 1 l,y the Mayer and I ' Conn..; i ol the oily 1 Plait leon;"), . Si'-C. 1. That all the toy ordoi" that , vti Jo.r ti'lore Ikoii dri-.i'i on the city Treanu ij tit il..t city ol l'l.tt'-oioulli, an I f.il m i ifir.gs --.-.cr1-; i-.i of io U '.I i .liio. ., i'j.".'i.i.t : .-m l eity if ),.,( ! 1 1 no "i I i i i. Treaiurn- i- U'i eili' v.-il.,-, I'a-o no ' n i li 1 1 "oi t ii" lo ol ; 1m-- irdinuntx,-. ap.j (iidor-'-l ly said 'i'lra-nn-r ii" "eorrcet." .In liol loi - of i Si- y.-.i.K s'i .11 in- ; .rt i ei 'larrcd ff -t coile-'t i 1 1 ir tiio .-am-. Si i'. Z A ml l" it In rth i-r ' ! lined that an a tion on .-.li i oi ior or vol.'i, ol' i 1 1 d i-1 o 1 1: . - can only I o eoin in 1 1 1 'i I . n I'x. or. lers w ii ii I havo lioi-n so rn 1 ir-cl i;t: r t'o- -xirH I ion , t o iii nt ii j li'oni t lie i it .1 ; ii i.i on n.ii in .., an.! i ' -'o il lie n nl.i w o 1 l .i 1 1 j reHurer ot ' li i oily to mv un.'. i i.l.is ..r r . n-f nl ii.. ,t o. -i: i - ilr.mii u poll tin: i n .i-uo-r a f. tit llie ex !i-r-i t i'.n of'i iro l:, i,i I: s lr.ni! il.e (oisshko !' t!is Or lieaio e iir.ii -s i! v miiiio h.m f jcu eii jor 1 u hi'i i in poo i.li I. Si:. . lie i; la'.'! i ror l ilo 1 ihit vrhrii any l'.-1-.-h -i.-iii i ; i i. t an i i i, . :;- :. luresa i'l to t!io .-ily 'J ri a-iin r i! -li II !. iiis .int- g Fiioh Tr-i-Miitr ii' In: i- f:t;.iiiil lii. ilie run li.is lno n faiily I't.iii.o.t .'". ' Lai i,n i-r lie eii i-a,d, to n I- r-.- tin :n -oi. "ponert" ui.il k oto a I . r i oil',.!.' 1 1 ' o, 1: " n: r, union lit an I t- ii-n.i J: awn. .i i , . I 1 1. . i j .il or lrr shall li'iov- i. r i 1 o. i, , , i.r within ttto !iu!'l!i I. on ti:i I ., i ' -t. i 1 . I h io O. ,.,i t i.i o to i inert Uii-1 hi in f i: . e !, o::i ;.:i I ai . t r it - ; oil accoi J :ii(f to law. Pa.-eJ an 1 a! J-i-.n .1 A i i " 1 . ! 15T1. .'I. L. ' . r, Mavor. Attust : P. H. V.ri.ciT',, Citv Cl-i:. run in lii ui m 1.1 ill m in in i'i 111 CITY CAKEr.Y MD V"I' bay? ..ene-l to d iy a pal:--y ! Con f V ii'.'tii n.iiy on Sia.'Ii .-'i."i , !. vii,. .! iMir.li in in 1:1 !" L'l in in i?i 111 ui m ai ot 1 ll. i l .l I s 1 v. 1. 1' 1 1 v. u a . lari.i. Ii any uuiviuil ol in I' m . ui :iikI Fresh Crcad, Pics, G;:Sc &i. 'iiu 1 Fancy Uakiuc tione for Pariio" t. I. never do siroi. ia:;y a i;ro. Murt-li l.'i.Uv,-m. t. PACIFIC RAILWAY CI M P.i--i Ti,-vr-- e,n it.K s'i. J,.c. - i:;. ';, i:-!ii-oad nt 1 o". k p. in . siiree 'nei'i'i'.iis at ! :in h i i . lar ro.ol. arriviiu- :.t M. l,.-oi oo'eloi-k. This i-' i.o :i ni. t I, re.pi .-1. Ni-iV ii.n lias luo-i: !,i I: ami uiai-'niiii-i'iit s!"i j'in : mi i . a - have o -.11 ad'ied t" i ; .-i i-.ju ipi-.i-n can rely on its m -i i :. -r i:. a !v . !; is lln- bo-t route tuna ,--t. J o.-i j.ii i .Soolll Kid S.iiitiifa-t. 'I hron'i ti' ki'ls lor ti::le at the Vis.-'jiij i V'allcy Ka ili oi'.l, ii. c. ;:'' i i: Thos. I'j.-win. G. W. A. W. i',. " uni- uri Yal lo-o and 'is io'U-ni-lS lit : . in evrry eii'iio's r eo.i lies i': f-i'li.'T: : : io. Thi-i , L -uiu, lh i'.-i Of tllB i 'i Suiit . : i. T.A. ar. y r:oticj. Takonnphy the Mil. rih r. ; r. o i .f ria tMiioii; !i, one w hi te licra r i, Mvaliinv-im k in Ii I'f i- ir ; ni.-i , e a i i', s o 1 1 1 i i i . i j , . . ' i'ii, --..'a l- '.v ! , i-.ii- a ii. I iio'i !i in ui., ii r ';.! ..1 I. 't ot lii-r inarks or I.im,,.! : .,, , i . ,:'! .. tu my id nfcout tho 1st ,f .l.r.u i W it. Ltaareh iO vrt.J son:;i i - 1 ears. ' li.'.I.r i lif-'it i r. .No ." cuino KJTALLIlfILD IN j.-.vl. r)i3.M.7.:!i frr S 'irt I r r, try il Tl -JT s . .5 L- .';f fc'ILVKH AMI Pl.ATK!) V iSUl.it I'liXS MTf'il'l,: '"' ' VJCI.IX . I" H I . -: u ' 1 -'AM V lit. i J is. VTat-hes, Cloii.-aui Jcuriir-, i j-a i. . 1 i , . ind with di-pal.-h. I, t. Jieiiiove i tj GH'i.iiie Piatle Vi'!!. v ilju M, i Street. r.iV. I I v. ; . heriff It. li. Windhr.m, t r -, ,'AUiie'iI.lt j,. j - ivi'iiicy ,v; a. ii. i n.-k.y N..ti.o is hnrthy riven, that I.r rO "''."' ;.'o oi in I in- i. iji . v oi,: i ;,. i-.- in 1 out ol :,:i I i;i; !i r tin-:..! i.t i... , ti.e 1 -i 1 1 i, , 'Ci.ar I i.f thv ,j ), i u i'.!, le. .'i;o! for ' i.iii'ly. ;... U: ilill-.'li'il. 1 li ( I. r lor -.;( '. a a.-1 i. i.'i l.i i !: i: l.i;-hi- t i ,(.;, r ., , , , . , ; , oi I.'.i. i iiii-l i, j..,., j,i , . j.) ; eoiioiy Mil. S'.'in- ai.,. ., I ,,, . ti L'ot ii .i.iy .,1 May, J-ri. :,t lo VI ,i '. ..". , tl;.y, i hi; iit,l, lit;,. u,l ;;, ,-,.(,, ,i ,, ti.i'in I 1,. .1- Ki i ii.-v in ;, n.I !,. : ,.- ; . I , i '.:" I r,..l i'.--:it", to-v.-1 1 : 'Moon, iv ; O Hi ' ! l.ll J i.i.c in i-ny ol Plat- -iiiuioh, I a j ' undtr Lay liainJ tiii. D. 1-71. i y. .1:, J. v. Cl: -! CUUiliJ-, Xl 5!..x-.vri r. i frupms, Ati f.- J A; i j loiIi, lsTl u- f,t. . Visiting riattsmouth, TVILLI'INU (-.''-Or.'STPLi:: ACCO-uui l-A TPJN AT Tli Corner of Rioli .-n.d Vinn f-'tr-t.. .:r. .Ncrtii ol tho IVo: urUiiiii. Ciiu." h, Pi -i Nt-iira: k.-i. KATi:.- .1 i. ca; J. W. SMAKKOiv. PEEP, .SALE AND MAIN STPEET, lo flu m o Hilt, Neb r. ;p '. I a:a rrefare I f) .-loeotntnodalp. tUf iuo':- Lor-,-.--. C.,,i ii-, ... ..,,,,( i ";;..' nnd r 'loi'-l,- ti ria Will 1 !!', to ihl.'-tcalllhoiU luutliug, UiUVi al. : til the city v. i,,.i dr-'lri-'l. Juuuaiy 1, i-,71 d.'.HtC I 'lows! Plows! Piowi! " ri -.v.- - 'iyii A" 4. ,. lakes plcas'iro in aurtourjeing to t' r-uhiiir that they have sccuio.l ,,. . cc.-i of that I'i. nicer Plow Mai. uCu.--.. Who j4 now 'iii.'::j. 1 in theij rhnr, : --i'ii.I il.'.- a licit, r anielu, at lower pric , , ii,':'r,'c' ., lr"in any e., icrn man nl.n t iu v. o,, , a-lvant-,. p .y pa tn.iiizii.t' tni- I,,, ,. tl..it yon mil omy t-'-l a bc'cr i'it,-o. ,!f . , . . l'A il P.I.. wli-ie ci'-rv -t..i:..r ,.t reinaiiis in tho State. ipyr-lil,' i.v'wtf " "' Esfray Motics. TAkn un by tho -.l.--ri)itr ia Are a -r-einct ,n or loout the .'Cth ol Ai'.-il A l on sorrel mare, nuppood to In t !-i-.- j ,'rJ ' one boit. I borne ,-upi,.,,ij t i 0 tLi.-uyn..r li; t run i fnut white ai d wi.ile ttii.i in 1 ,.- ' -io other brut,.s p, reeoii.Il. I'latuiiiuuta, April i-ub, i-Tl, W'-t. "VM. ALTAI i "Eil. "Luxuries cf Modern Trav:,'." In thc-e d.iys the ta'te of i) Tr-iv-'V.- r'i lie ha.- be '..iiii.' i-x,;( ( I,,. .1.. ,. i;.i;.',J ' ... " too ,:in theiri.u'ro:.:."..-.'a C:.,;,-, ;; .,' j .... ,. ' . be aOto to io - ii',- j-aa-ty. .. j , .... .-; , . . i :. i ,i n.oyp - ,,. ., ii-ato i;fl a lrio!.i--f..;n, ,.t ul . i"-,ni. nvi . a M.li t ro i 1 i.r-1 m.I rv o n. .i , - H i a : ., j -. i . J . -...ir. .4 'iri-i i n ui'.', K""1 ( "l.i ; e:i ri-liil ni.i 1 1 : ir. im-nt. 1 lie I'lirlinuNiti i..ut is tun Vh- ev r '"'T1'-; '-' 'i ili :;.iorm t.7lt !,;.;, , Hi:d o-'-r- a route to i.,::i-- c.,. . ,.. . 1. At On.:. ha wiiU the P.i.-i!, r' ',' " : S. At Piitf. ts.m.u: 0 -.-.-i;, i,' . i . t . , Xei-an ka. ' " u' 1" ' " A. At ll:!nl.iii-sr.w;i'itheSt' Jos. ob V. -:;:-.. ..." forailp.j.nts.in Kiin-as. ic. 1- -It ' ; iu,i .-, a. v.-1'it t.'lB li' - i i V ." , - nt.d north .M is-ouri rai'ro'V' j. "' t. '"',. A,t l'tl'o o.on with the P.. C. E. A M U I:., for Daieiiport, .U,:,.-ati...., i-c. ' U o. "t .ioiui:ii'j: i v i ' , ' i, o 1 r ...i i- ,. 1 '' '-''' i.i-.-.i-.-ii t -) , i;:i,irr.:i, a t,.,. ...... . V,. 1.-:t.p ...n-,... ei-r.: v- la'T die LutliiirL'.n p,.;:;''." 1 to i ,1- . , -