sASfcUtl.a t 4V If- Sheriff's Safe. D. S-hna?-e A Co..) vs. I-Attachment. T. Crannon.3 J Notice is hereby (tivcn, that the u n .Vrsisr.e 1 Sh'r!tl of the county of Ca--, w i'l by virtue tf an r.ler ot S tl". issued by the clerk ot the district court of .-aid County. and to him directed ;it or ..'Jock p. in., on the i".th day of A pi d A. !-. Wl. at the tVtu.t i!u;,r ((' ti:e court i oa-e in I'lattsmouth. in foi l cuunty. oiler fors.;!'; at public auction the following a -d.- and chattel, tj-tvit: I wo coekh;r -tfove nnd triirrninirs. to pr:i I -I esofiuc.!.. -. three ,io.'-ri plate-, one moat Ui.-h. two Io.i n capo and sauccli, thrco dishes i -How Kiiic, iw iloz.-n knive end fork', hull ! injii rjiootis. two biinps, one bushel beans H bbtiikcis. slf.-e's. 3 pieces wt cloth. 1 was), tub. U Tjii, t;j,.y. meat, , htrte"n nrii'v ti.-k, he.-otolore alt.;chcl a- the J.roperty c! I". frunnoM. on an t'ldcr of Attacumcnt issued in f.iv.rof ). S.-h:i:i-M ,V Co.. (iiven Under UiJ' hand this l-.-th day of April". A. I. !S71. J. AV. JOHNSON. Sheriff Car county Nebraska. Maxwki.i. A Ciiapuan, Pill's Any'i. April I'.nh. 171 1 V) iVAOAII jiWlTIITB. Hock Elnffs, Neb. Spring Term Commences Exarch Slot, 1371. Pupi! of cithers? will receive thorough arid -"i Miiri" in 'r;i f:..i here. Particular a'leu l aid to Primary .f-hodar. ram y-t South Siclo Main Street, Number 9. LOCAL NEWS ! PLATTSiyiOUTjEI, GAS8 COUNTY NEBRASKA : i. f: i i t HEATH'S FATE.W7 COAHD ?LL3. Put lfvrn i:i ''. eour.' v in the j a -t IS inoutl.'. nJ from 'I t( HEiC to iiVK a wtek making r.t i'fioVn THEIR SUPfirtJOP.ITY. ilX'i'V-NINK of tLciu were in the vxr.-t kiiiJ 9f yuivk-itin.l. ? !:' n! booVs rt:ri;i-h I'UI.ll-". J free f ct to a.1 O00I I i VI'.WNU CAN EE CETAINSD AT flE A3CNA2LE RATES For ir::i i j 1 f irlioul-tr' .il lr'- l-j-'-t; J.i. j'All'ERSOX. -AN1 fiflRTy-OXn of thc-m ffrre riaJc ia t'laccj wrifrrn tne 01 I :e "i;us v t i in ;.-iiel t- furuijh a sup ai'y '.hiy.:J out.'' J heirvw"i rcpntjiti' Mi l (lie nnniamouf vcr- JiLt 01 tut jK.-Ji'Ia I CI; jc Cotialy B si u ua llecr haa a fine suj i-!y of vcgetaL'cs rcaJy for uarket. A briJ'e is necde! cn Seventh street, south of Hock street. Th- OniaLt Tin-till a-Jvires the Ivm iiiEr of t!ic State UuU'ersity and Capitol LuiMii z at Lincoln. Pretty f!, ina't it? Wo -die rc-lially inform".! that ?Ir. Fox f-tin rcfa.-:ea to "withdraw l'i 'ror- pona! olj'oction:" to hecouiin? a canJu ilato fur tli 2 Con:-:t!iutional Courcntiun Ilesirr scut two bsautiful haniriii lask- Tl icy rrere JOB PRINTING At. OufCt i.J nivT in opcr.'.iion for the axiinuo- uutionot Cu?if Lonuty. ia charge ol Hp. The E5ur:iii;;l:i&:?!5ttiirl Ia connection with tho Oucng,, flu,!:, ,,,on ! Quoity It. 12 O.T. r to thv-pcfp!r of T! i;;;:ciilh, and all I'orlicu ti .NcLinka lyiLs jouTini or tiu: r la its, ta mojt .?"rr.'t. nn l -i-t T-uo fo tho V, tprii. .-'oiu'i l -.-i. ii;. apil ort(n fi, t:'l-s. I' ir ; i.-ririi. '( tr..vt! I -i h.-kk;-!.v -hoc tuko th .t;..n::': Kpr---. h runs tlir.ih to V:i.i ..v.;i..u; -i 1 1 r - f Cur, ft-r-s ;iri."' with .!.-, .-.-.t l..y ( ..-,. !:.-. P;,!i8.aa-j k':ir utrl ..eepi:. vvii'-hri, a .pi lie-, i-vlia.;. f. oil j r-uantr.t-'cj t' furii!..h an ataj U tujly ji wjitr, or ine taonpy reiau-iea. I uol.iUli vJ L!l.l.,J f 3.-f !h t ; ;j it u In 2-1 -it!.. n -. t r.y oj ;.,. , :l ,,r ;r; ;,i,;,P r-,i, ii i-. r ji:, o-: rui.i ! 0:1 r i: pi - i ir-t !r-cif UT,. 'tii- :nn .r ...riipn,:.!:! of :ly VVc.T.rn Lini-. euiuri.K tv the rn-'.-i-iiier Sprcd, Sdfcttj a:id Co?;iforl Rnrc-r i!w.'.jv u L:'V n. the l.O'.VF... Se-herkeil thronph t .t, ....iut i:-i A. I.. I'.iL.lLl.N, I... ii. 1'.;, r .. r. Wella hero,, tuhnl jin l fitted up for thtoninj irator all coiaplclcarid Kuuxanteed. Gkc Dc35ar pr ; Fool "uii k-fand w. IN $". PTtru on" c.ih ttcII. (Tn the t-uuutry h.iiius to ij-t boai.i'.d -.vhile uii;i; ch. "sionsiM t i'-rtir-s ilc-irins it a iscto for oup-tialt will bo taken for part p.iynunt. ut six moiuus, wan iiitc:.-tat 1. per cti.t. iroiu date. fr rties wihins wells will plo'i-f :o,:nin!noIi t bv l..:i irifc- tin Ii -orders ;A il.e li nr'i-A'iire 'tors fcl l'. V. AiLlvK, . w.-i t iine to Very Rc.-i t-.-.-t fully 13. F. DiiTenb;icli3r. July ire.uV-wtf ! TTT ra y-J H riri tt F7i ESTABLISHMENT Is a3TT pepiied rrlth ot. so Col. Fan;as to .h about t'-vo feet in liiam'-ter, anl Gl'cl witb choice sslccfiona of fiowciin plants from bis cardans. II. A. 'Vatcraian Son have ezected a comnioJious warehouse on the east siile of their laciber yard, in wbicb to their immense ptoek of doors and sash. Sam- M. Chapman is preparing to build on tho hill near Ftadeiutanri's resi dence. The clc-ant Stallion, Dan OTop.n?!!, wa3 on the streets to day, and he at traetcd the attention of every horseman in the cltj-. The universal verdict is that he is the finest horse in this part of the St-ite. He will bt? at the stable of Hurtery Lazcnhy during the season. O'Bivn has adopted tha maxim so -I --i'.T.. - muril ill TrtiUC Wl-C-rO CoilipeilLitiri Id close, "n'lkk saljs at: I .'.iiall profits." He sells co hoot.-i for tuen at $3.50. pool l-rcaiH for boy.; ut ?1.."0; a va riety of womfcus ihcos at $1.00; nice i.hos.- Cor 1-abioa at 30c ; some splendid h;j;h cut I:;te raiteri for .;2.00, and some 1 -. ' M -,i IT nice lace gaiters as low as f i.w. lie eells for ca-h 1 telb cheap. rai;:i.0-.vtf The pure and faintly 3Iu:kclwait is afn'id the itcj.ublicans would t Let bad men to the constitutional convention if something is not dsne to prevent it. lie AMrm.:i iJiioit tasj r sove. Ve are glal to know that the indom itable 'Titz." has deteruiined to tkke hold of the brick manufiicturin.!; iato- re.-ts of the city, and will &et a force of hands at work r.ext week on the old Mcrr-is yards- Parties wanting brick for building purposes can i:jw be ac commodated as soon as men and money will produce them. n' SCHOOL.. As heretofore announced, the board of school directors have secured the services of Mr. II. A. Austin in the pubhc rchools of this city, and he bean teaching in tha school room cf St. Luke's church last Monday. Parents deirins to send their children thould commence as noar as practicable with the comiuenccmeiit of the term. Mr. Austin is a teacher of much experience, and wo doubt not ho will ri?e great satisfaction. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE WErriN-! Wati-.u. Neb., Ap'l IS, '71. Fki kn i 1 1 A in A way : The First Congregational Church of this jlaee will iirdioitc their new House, of VTursli'p, on Sundav, April 30th. Several of our most prominent clergymen arc ex pected to be present. Members of neigh boring churche, and all friends of the cause, are invited. Those coming so far as to need to stay over the Sabbath, will bo provided for cn reporting themselves to Wm. II. Ashman, L. . Peet, L. F. Heed or Reed Brothers store. Dedica tion tServioe, at 10:30. a. ra. 100,000 FEET ! f li!tnufr-'sr.cJ h i- e?i a !.:r, co7Tc;rvcoD H ::;u:y f I '.'r-i r L.U .V. LC lii - .'TA :n: rz rt t . u'OiS JluO, uti: 1 i ;jhv, 15KDSTKADS- c?r.i. DE-cp.irno.vs xi at all riii'.r.ij. .0- Llctalic 33urirJ Cases J is afraid j: clat:.--o will be inserted in the Constitution rc.loctin' in soias msEiicr A'O THE "1 Or ALL SIZES. or, s' -1 ai. I P., i . . i . r. Haflcrs, SLuddings. Joists j WOuDEN COFFINS ir.7J'i Ji a;t lu .hort r.. !i. it :-:rs;;r, FeB.Jy Ma-Jo. and Co! ! Cheap f; r C.i h. m-H ff.i';i Sckl their Intrcilucticn THE :.:C3T EUC'CESGFL'L POPULAR AND PERFECT Cooking Tvla chines ap.:: vi:i.l k.vhv. n "O , A v w n n . - sii.T- Peirij of thp sinijlc.-t ni-'tnietion, sro easily Bt!ij;t 1 and t;u.irai:t d Co yivo Entire Satisfaction- A r.o srri. !e in ihe h..n-!:ol I ha- a t-reatrr int'u. ?! in pi-o:i... i 1. r 1 be I '. : u : . : f :i :i I bappi:,.-- ol i ho t.i-ii'ly i-:r..iu thiin tho Cook Sto ... :i i,o:ii v . ,-il s p-'li'-v 'o ef il)i VKKY i!:-T: andio harh;,: H.o Ci! A It AK. y..ii i-.:n i--!y on ---;n'i;: tli uio.-t .-u.-ie .--!:!. l-opu- :r :-.:.d p.; !-., L Ci.i kii:e s!n oer maio. c-.i.I KY CxccSsior r.iur.uidCiiaTtrj LoM C12 :.iJ Cti Nur'.h Main Siroct, ' WT- I, UIK, MO. A XI) Ai.L- LIVE STCCK DEALERS LIKE n. T- DTJKE & C0-, PLATOMOrTII, NFmtASKA. (;..-. i-.tor i j It. ' iililiir) 1 rk Mil f j 5"rt Afros' w. dcaier i:i AKXi:ii..SAIIiLi:-.C'JLLAr..s. HALTER- l i i 5 i i 2 Li Aj a-j uiion that .-eini-reli.::iou3 organisation knov.'n as tho,;Dock & Levee Company," one of whom ha i; proved to be which. There ha- boon a fire at Omaha. We might add, in the language of the Omaha papers in relation to the receat fro at Lincoln. "What a sad com inentary on the city government of Oioal.a"" Sir Robert Poora, of Pncuuviile. is the otily man in the democratic ranks in Cass i i-i :vi v iiia; sec ms to tie ai le to run thin.n' 'or that party. lie attributes the recent failure of th Mickclwait and Fox movement to the fa-'t that they at tempted to along without him. He remained and the movement failed. LV Marshal M. P. Murphy desires a corr? -t:on of th? ht ailment that all the ret'iim,' ci-v i ."!! ".is are in fitvor of a peo;.bs' C-t. We overlooked Mike in the proposition. was ca;:gb.t iti bad comp-any, but w will d i him the ju-;t"--.e to fry that he is a , a:.d does not tjii: .tjsiso city or.3r.r.!t. Treasurer Ilobbs advertises for ai;um bcr of missing City Orders eleven in all, and amouuting ia the aggregate to about tjilt'oj. It has been generally un derstood that there is something wrong about these orders, and it is, perhaps, but ju.-tiee to the parties concerned end to the public to &tate a few cf the prin cipal facts in connection with their his tory. About the first of March last Mr. Ilobbs, who was City tax collector by virtue of bis oface as County -Treas urer, employed Mr. S. F. Coope II E E A L D I FOUNDED 1784. Garden seeds, Field so ( is. Flower seeds at Jfc G R K K N WOOD'S Successor to M.Ti n Kick. Corner Main nnd eiith Street, Platuiuouth. Ncbra.-ka. 'IMIK largest nssortment and warrcuted I'resh L l'roui Landreth's Blooinsdale Sei'd Farm, near Tlilidephia Ta. Seeds in I'ulk or in Packages. I wo'.ild oai the espeeial attention of tho La lies to our lartro assortment of selei t annual, biennial and per ennial flower feeds. e havp also It. M. r erry .V Co s tieedi. Ctiieatro eed Cos seeds. es tei n eed Co's see.N. Cull early in order t make pood selections, Gerniiu Ken tueky n w.V tiia-s by the pound or bu-hel. in i r.-tr.' .1 It It Tni3 BEST LOCAL PAPER BY CITY BAKEKY AND CONNECT ON All Y r have opene 1 tn-hiv a Bakery Cf t fei-tionary on yixth St reel, one door n o r 1 1: of i-'i'7!rer:i! I s Jilork. n hero w are riej'arod to furnish any aiu unt of Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes fitc. Fancy Bakinf done far Tartirs whenever tit ' ired. DA NY A PKO. March laJJtwl in. A GOOD GHANCK' I- Oti A GOOD BAKGAIN I H.-ivinir completed the p'.attin ami rerordiou ofrt'.vipi KR'rt' Additiiiii to (ho City of I'latts tauutli, 1 nm now prepiire I to fell in the Addition nt re.'i.onnlle mte. Terms nrf one hnif c-iish dowti; the other half p.iy'i, j; one year, tit teu rcr re;i. intercn per L-muoi Voni date of pur. lin' ur.t:! paid. be securtc by morth'-To o:i the j rooerty. S. DLK V "7 T i T r t FLORAL GUIDE Ton ssrt. The :"!rst e.'u-.ion of or.e hiin lr I nnd fifty th :i-ai:i copies ot i.-ks I il u-t rated f ''atiJoi.'U of r-c.- l Hud Iloral tiuide. is publi.-he I and f-i-I) t" sen I cut --I'ii! liases, nd an ihirravmst of a iia cry de--ir;i bio r'lnwrr ;in i i ; . ' .! -. It i- '."n.uiTiy pricti-d on f:ii' ti:it,,i pa;ir. ii!j-:r.:- i wim thtec hnti in-l lice V.'oosi !. Ci av '.ut - ii;i 1 l v. i-,..i u- ltd I COLORED PLATES. I he most beantif-il nnd trie !:i i-t ir.-tntive I iio.ii i ji it- pi:1!:''.'. i. A .'Tii;-i t !i:ion pu: :i-',e !, in nil o.iier'0.:t i;ui!ar to the .-i i : f.t-o to ail ioy csi.-tojuers f 171. as l.ipiuly po--i!.!e. w.thout .' a! :oji. Sent i a.i ..:h. rs wn. ordir tlitia fr Tlx Cs.nts. wh'.-!i i- t:: ha if the cost. A : JAMirsVICK. Jasuaiy 10th diwtf. ltcue.-ler N. ' Bepiirirg d ,ne sub t ar.'ii.'Iy nr.J wi'a cL pat-n. tiiv.- me n call before t.r liitsijig -.vhr-fo, i o1:i-ih Str. -. r. north ot I'lattj Yailey ii.,ii-f, a-lj-oiuii.g jlatthe-.vs A' JJ umel'y's lla rd w,.r Moro. .Septl.-.vtf Plows! Plows! Plows. Takr-s j.l'.r.snvo ;n anncuncimr to the public that th-y hive secured the servi ces of that Pioneer Plow Manufacturer. C. E. FORGY, V.'ho is ti. nv cnL- o-.-d i i their s'; ii ii:ar.i;!nr irnr a bettor ar; i. la. at lower pricis. than can be h id troni any eastern iiiamila.-tiiry. Om rcat advantage gained by pationi.intr this linn is thit yon not only jri t :i bi-Uer fr,i-!e at boi:. . l-nw. nf you .Hi- i.a'rontzirv i:-!''!K MANL'-i-AC i L I; L. here tve:y -biiiiir of the r. oiaiiis in the st...t-. iv ichi-td.Vwlf BAIiliES s FOLLOCKi r.KiL rsrATZ Tavi .'tysT.-Mxcx iscvi's Have a COMPLEir ABSTRACT OF TIILK To ail T.ot. a 1. 1 L-t;s-Js rj.ik.i. ,a Ci. Keys at h.i-v, l'l:i:-o,...utii, SC. J. W. B-:rn. Tl: Lice. . i -. a a , r.1 Ncb- A'.ior-ullit J. r. SHANNON'S FFEls MALI: AM) MAIN STREET, Phiiltm:) uth, Nebraska. I p.m prepnr.-l to Meeotniuo-Iat. tb-" pu' ?i- with il. r-o s. Ciirri.iires. i;..i-'ii s a:: 1 a .. 1 He;in-e r. short no't.-e an i r-:i.-oiiiil : t- u,; -. A Hack will run to.t fie st. .ins b.,;.; biiidiii.-, and to sti jiart ot the city v. hen January 1. 1571 d.twtf. JOB TYPE. r-lraii-ht out Iifix1-! favor the mix. The steamer Carrie Y. Kountz arrived to-day aid di'rliargc-1 a large quantify of freight, mostly destim 1 for Lin.oin. It will be re-shipped via the B. k M. R. It. Eight of tho mis .dug orders adver tised for yester b'.y, by Treasurer IIcLbs, hava come to light at tha present writ- j j i:ig. The eight found n far have all i uccn rcl J, ami nave a.i been traced to at that time City Reorder, to assist in making up his accounts preparatory to settlement with the City Council. While engaged in this business, Mr. Cooper came to Ilcbbs an I asked him for his city orders redeemed, saying he needed them in fixing up the settlement. Ilobbs remarked that the orders were not quite ready, as they were not all cancelled. Whereupon Cooper stated to hint that it was not his business to can- ciil c:ty orders. I-e-mg only tax collector and not Treasurer, and that it was the duty of the City Recorder to cancel them. Having had Cooper employed at various time?, and knowing that he was well po.'tiid on all matters connected with the duties of the tax collector (having assist ed 8. Puke, "during a portion of Ids term as County Treasurer). Mr. Ilobbs readily surrendered the orders to Cooper amounting to about $-1,000, without waiting to consider whether or not ! Cooper's statement was correct. Time passed, and IIobu3 asked Cooper about tho settlement and about tho ciders. Cooper informed him that the ordera had been cancelled, and that the state ment and the orders had been placed in tho hands of the Finance com mittee for their examination preparatory to mak i: g th-2 final settlement. Ilobbs asked Cooper about the matter several times, and was told that the- committee had not yet reported. When the old council were about going out of o.llce Ilobbs ecame somewhat uneasy that his sc tlle- ! rami was not completed tte WKde A OAR! 'g-caa': si ca. ,, . - i latter having been le't to Cooper, and the same source- H e are not tniormed , , , , . , , , lu as.ied a member of the finance com as to whether thy aio an won n a t re- . - . ,T . , , DAILY : One Year - -'Three JToiilus One Month - - "We ask the attention of the pnblie to trro siorli oi spri 'o,,ij.s wo arc open ms. c nave t.ikrn f rrat enre in the. selection of none but first-class goods, and from fir-t hands, we buy in low a s t hey can be had in t he market for i a -4i,uad we shall sell at prices that we Knarenice will five e;i! ire satis tact imi in nil ho may tore us a cull, como and tee a nd y.oi will be convinced. CLJKK. A. PLLilili-K... Donation to Churches. I will pivo to tho followi:-s rcliiousi deaoat mtiuns. vir. : To tho lUpti-t Cliurch. lot 12 in block 27 : To t!ii Cotn-nv-atiopn Church, lot li in Mock 2V To the 7AIeiiio.ii.-t Church, lot 1 i.i block 1J; " ' To the Catholic Church, lot r in b! L- tn- To tho Kpisoopa! Church, bd 12 in block ltt; To the I resbyserinn t'hurch. lot 1 in block lil. To the t'hri.'tiau Church lot 12 in block ': io t.iiiiieiao viiiircil on i in oimck Hi; n my Addition to the i'ii v !' Hit i nnoiii h nnnn the i'olltiwirijr condition.:, vir.: 1 hut thev'shul erci-t on said lots, as ubo ve doniiied. a Huilab'' buildimr for public worship, w ith-.n tn o jear from this date ; ard. in rase of failure on the part ot said Chun h or Churches to comply ith aoove cnnniiiori. n:en ami in that case tho lot or ioi shall rcvurt to uie. S. DUKH Do";.tion to Public Schools. rt-l-y donate for the use of Publio Iisfrie. uols. Lot !0 in l'loek (i. on the nortli side o nin stri et, and Lot 10 in block "22. on tho jontl: ti:ie of Main s.rect, iu my addition to tho City I'pitlain oith C I.lil-'l.' S. UVKK WEEKLY One Year - -Six Months - - $10,00 $1,00 82,00 $1 00 KU9INESSS MKN- 3RE 1.VVITED TO CALL Ouli;. ehu W. Barnes.) vs. i-U.-d-.rol Pla.te l:uu! ,Krs.j . A r.-...k of li cb .-ely printed paes. ' t. ly l.sui-1. . "i:i:nns ii I i-r of the l-.-i Aineric.-.a Ad-Tvrti-iiiix M.-.i.ums. tiivitiK the names, cin ula-tioi.-. .in i t :li p ir,i. ii!ais con: ertiin ( he leiid iiijt l'.nly and cckly Political and Family in w -p;i i i rs, toucher w iih nil those hat in lanre circaiiii ioiiS. puh!i-l:.-l in the interest ot lleli. tiion. Ai-'.-iiiuiiurt, Literature, l c. lit . ry Advertiser, and every i erson who eontcmidates beoiiiin m, h, will rind this lMM,k of Kteat valoe. .Mailed iV,.,. to anv nddr--s otl receipt nf 2 et-nu i. t:nt:i.i, .v t o Pul-li-hei-s. No. 4 Park R w. New York. 1'iUsbtiri--I'a.'j LnnUr. new i.--ue of May I th. ls.J. !: 'the firm ut'llio, I'. itowell V Co.. w ni h i-s.ic-. this interrentiasr and v;i!u BMe t-..ok, i? tin; largest and best advertiii:g Agency in tiie Lnited tt-ites, and we can checr luliy re ouimend it to the attention of those v. ho de ue t advertise their bu.-iiie.-- ctitfiir ttiiu and iVn.'MM-i in such a wav: that is, . to secure the larxe.-t amount of jiublioity for he I.ut tiieuiiture ol uioncy." ?eti-r. i : here y L-ivon 1 1- t the i:r d.-'r-i-r.e,; nil! a!Y. r f ir Mie at iu'!!i" uttc-tion for cash 'own at tiie front door of t iie c urt hoU: e in PI:it:--monrh. C:is loisn-v. ?; i.t-:..-ka. cu the -"th diiv of Aprd A. 1). H71. r.t 10 o'clock a. in. . f raid day :uu follow in.: licscribed real r.-fa'e, to-w i:: Lot .;u'.nt,ti-i!.:ee ; :a Lie. k ii'oul cr f fty-ti-yi n i."7i. .-ituati-I in I'l .-:! ui! Ii city. N. br t.-k i. and lot muo'ier si"; ... in !; m::n six to , in i'hoin-son's Ad lition to tues::id ciiy of IMaii-'nioutii, ebri-: ka. Sold as tiie property of Pl.tite S om ler-, to sati-fv u'ciuer.t in favor of .1. V. ilarnc". by ni.d kutuority of Jf Ten n ndi red at liie .oyembtr term A. I). 1-7 '. of the Li-trirt Court of tiie i-.'.-ond Juiic;a! Li-:riet wiiiiin tor Casj county. Nebr.-ka. and n theloihd.iv of November 1 - 0. (liven uudcr my hand ttlis l'Jth day or April. A. 1. loTl. 7. V,'. JOHNSON, Sheria" Cass county, Nebraska. fAXWEt l i CnPiiiy, PifT?. Attys. Aptil l'.Uh, 1S71, d Jut vj jt J7REIGIIT TBANSFLK. The ur.der.-ii.-TH j is prepared to transfer rreiphU betiw-ii i'laf tsuioutn an I Kast Pl ittS Uioiuli n short notice and rcasKii.iblct-if. Ii.ay2-'dcf. V.J. "Vi'. as to whether thy aio an woitn a j luiuci. Some time Iat week Mr. James Pick was appointed Foreman of tho Machine Shops of tl-.ft B. M. R. R. in Nebras ka, vice Michael Enran, gone to the front with the "Nebraska." We con gratulate Mr. Pick upon his success, he having received the reward his industry, integrity an! ability deserved. lie is considered one cf the finest mechanics in the west. Aluicst every train from the east brings from seventy-five to one hundred passengers to the city. As'soon as the B. & M. is complete..! to a connection AND E X A JI I EN E S P CI M E N S . mr.tcc about it. lie was informed that neither statement or orders had ever been presented to that committee, end they had never heard a word concerning them. Ilobbs then found Cooper, and thiough the agency of S. Puke, Iv-q., all except about -t I (i3 cf the missing or dcrs were found carefully locked up in a Jc.-k, and were delivered up to Mr. Ilobbs. The remaining $1Gj are the orders advertised in another part of tho Hksai.d. The $o0 order redeemed from Mr. Buttery by paying a bonus of ten per cent., is ono of tho missing orders, and was sold to Mr. But tery by Mr. S. F. Cooper. Mr. Buttery with the U. P. at Kearney which will j has yet another of theso orders which he be by the lth of November next the bought of Cooper. Mr. Povcy has two great bulk of -toe t::rot'.L-h travel be- of them, Mr. Guthmau two of them, tween tha Atlantic an l the i scitc win pass through our city. The School Board are looking up mon ey matters to-day relative to the recent report of the Treasurer of the ciiy. Ton per cent, is said to be pretty good for collections. The law allows one per cent. Mr. Wheelanl h;. leased the Star Mills of Rohwer & Sieh fur the term of five years. lie is putting in a new boiler, machinery, and other improve ments that will prob ihly make these "uc- Wheclund. Look out are atiu Mr. Li'g'e two of them i. II having been traced back to Cooper- There are yet three orders out, the whereabouts .of THE HERALD IS THE ONLY O.YE G1F1XG COMPLETE JEWS FROM TIIE GRE.'IT WEST BEllVEEX I LA I To HOI T II A N D FORT KEAKNEY. THE HERALD Now Ofiers the BEST AD VER T1SIJYG MEDIUM West of the MISSOURI RIVER 5,000 Acres of Land for Sale in ttlis county, Also, Houses and Lots ia thit ity, at low prices. Particular lUten'ii a itiven to tho huyinp and feilint; of ri al ivtst", examining titles, nnd puy iaa: tax?;; for non-residents. S. IL' K K. Heal LVtato Actut. Lot for Ten Dollars, I will sell to purlieu desirous of huiMinj; !im iinprot ini.'. any of the lots in the suibioined in my addition to Plattsinoul h, at. ten dollars per lot, under the fol Ion iu i end it ions, t it: The Person nirchusir.e will bo n-i.nirfA ri build on the lot purchased u dc!li7ifr house o the follow in it dm. en-ions, to-nit: The liou-t to be not less than I424 l.-ct, wit h .-I i v not lower than S feet. The frame must be eoo I an i (.uh-tantiiil: house well shintrlcd; foundation eit her of brick or f tone. There tnn-d bea kitch en, of not less than lex It. Bniblinir inu-t bo coniplcti d on or before January 1st, J7l. Will Ijive a bond for a deed to tho party w ho buyn u. soon as purcha.-o is ma le, and upon compiyina itli the ahovo conditions, will j,-ive a jrood isii'hcieut Warranty L'ecd. Seleetioi.s :u:iy be p;i; to from tho a;vo:iifi:ny inif list; LoijjSnnl S i:i blok.?: Lot 8 in block 4; l.o II in block 12; ld !' in block IS; Lot 12 in blo.-k 211; l,nt'J. IUilUI in block 21 : Lot H in block "2: L"ts 2 and S in block Lots 5 and 1 1 in l... k 2 i : Loloin block 27- L-.ts 1 i :ui 1 ii in k 2S; Lota 4 and 7 in block kit; Lot 2 ia bloc k P.DVKR riiittsninutk. Aus.Citf. Office in Coart ilon IZZ2M:R2 MHO'S. ' V32pS.13 Water Nebraska? UKALEBS IX Dry Goods, Grocerio". Hardware, (Jueen-orare. Bui'ts. and tsboi--. Hills, find C.ipK, Acrieulluril Iniriliinents of all kinds, W'.-intr '! X L'' t'lilt ivatoi-s. I'nioii Ciii-ii I' jrandetour and I'l iin-eton l lott s, u Xo .i.inC "'", all ot n hi. n o oiler to tho publio at th owe t ret-'il nriees. All Goods Warranted As Represented, C' Our eoiistant aim will be to kcII fo low will bo to the p ,-itivo advant.i'e of 't ery tr riuthow Mernand - tral portion o 1 Casi uiity to uiake this their hcoltn-irters for trad It LLI. KHOiS. il' V'-litV' YK.1B. GGDEY5S LADY'S BOOK 1S7JL, "SHOOFLY" D01T BODDER KOSRIsON. FcrHcisTco Ci:sy Waiting foTiWrii on Customers. r10RRIS0NS "SHOO FLY MEAT MARKET T11K Cheapest of Ladies Magazines EECAVsn IT 1.3 THE 13 EST I It ha? always been the earo of the publisher to combine in its iairc uhuir-vi-p iu ,iwi.i,,i - whatever is ck vaiiuir, whatever is pure, dini" bed, and virtuous in 1 cr.tun nt. with whatever mayai.-ovd rational and inro. ent amusement: cpiirtinent, in liiu-t years, v.hicl U are unknown. W itber th:y mills second to none in the State. cess to you, wh PACIPir It I LAVA Y OF Jtl.i.U'Rf Pa-M timers l. nvinu st. Joe. via. Missouri V,,. Icy ibioroa 1 iitl o'clock p. in. make cie.-e and sin e con nccl ions at Kan-as ( ity wi;h this j '.'1 lar r; ii !. a.-:-i. iii at s-t. Lou;.- next w.-it.i:.a' at jo cloeh. Ibis !- ! w a ii:--t-, ;.-. ro.i.l cve-y r,,-ot. N'cm- iron !:.-: 1 b, en l::id: pew 01 .i:; nun t.iii;r:i.uccii; sb t. ia.-ami .i-si-iu-.t i-.m he have been ;.! led to ;-s t-.t;i i -.n. . P:issc,..-..r can rely on its making its a -itcrti.-c i t:;:o-. This !- th In--; r un - Iroia ,t.Jtph to J t, Lo-.ii--, the soul u -ind on: '.i.i -t. 'ihi-otiv'h tb :.O.Iof.i!ou the caees of the llis.-ouri ailtv llailro -i 1 P, T . t. C. Mi'.Oi:?:.'I S'apt rhos. Dorwia. C. A . A. , . Jl. ille, Ci. X. A. r.CTTSRT k LAZn.NDT, prop.?. UVERY SALE & EXCHANGE. The b-t of lTere nn 1 Bi:-;csoa har.J."S Ocruer Vino acd iourlh streets. " " R-a2Iil.twtf. PlafUmonth Nebraska. K U S I C ! I : U S I C ! pianos;, ORGANS. MELCDEONiS I aiaAcrent for the best Musical Instruments raade. Persons wi-hins to buy l ianos. Cabinet. Meiropohtan or Profabte Or.irans. or Melodeonn can purchase through my Aye-icy on as liberal terms a 4 they can from the manufacturers Uicmielves. All iu.BUuuiU3 warranted fP'-: J. N. AVISEv for an advciu. -euieni ready for use. The oufgoit g City Council is a fair specimen of I'emo?r;:'y. They were j elected as Pemo'-tats. Are th'cro any j Hop ubiicans iu Ca-'s county who wish to j mix with this ouitii in cider to obtain j pure men ? Every one of th? ruiring city oCicers arc in favor of a "people's ticket" for members of the Constitutional Conven tion, i hey are airaia "had men win be elected if the Republicans choc.e them. Mr. Cr. W. Merk is making valuable improvements to his resident property iu the 0utli part of tho city, nenr 3rd ward ftcliool bouse, by grading, fencing and painting. ( Persons sending communications to the Ukrald should remember that we invariably require to have the real name of the author as a guarantee of good faith. We are in receipt of a communi cation tdgned "Spectator," which will appear as soon as we have the real name of the author. The II. II. Durfec passed down the river at 11:30 ft. w. to-dy. have been traded df, or whether they a:e yet in Cooper's possession, cannot be ascertained at tho present writing. The io0 order is yet in possession of ex- Mayor Lazenby, he having received it of Cooper in exchango for the order given to Buttery for it. Wo have heard of no exeure offered by Mr. Cooper for this siniular proceeding, aud withhold com ment for the present. We have given the facts as near as we have been able to as; ert;.iu them. Should it transpire that we are wrong in anj' particular, avc will take idea.-tire in making the neces sary correction.. Mr. Ilobbs had a private memoran dum of tho numbers and amounts of all the-e orders, which was unknown to Cooper or any other person. Whether the production of this interesting bit of paper had anything to do r-. ith ascertain ing the whereabouts of th-se unsold or ders, we leave each one to conjecture ; it certainly had a most decided effect in ascertaining the whereabouts of the eight already discovered as sold by Cooper. Tuesday evening, after dark, Ave no ticed Main street filled with immigrant wagons going west, they having crossed on the ferry with its last trip. Come on, gentlemen, we have plenty of room. I want it distinctly understood that I am determined to settle up all my bu-i nessj withiu the next three weeks, as I am going to leave for Europe the las week m April ; and people will save cost and trouble by coming iorward immedi ately and settling. Wm. Stadelmann. Apr4dlm It is read by Farmers, Merchants Me chanics, Contractors, Stock IValers, Railroad Men, Business Men, Manufacturers, Consumers, AND p r? rD p F-P5 Cka Lam a i u Es M u 3 B GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. LIFE, FIRE And Marine Insurance At rea-or-able r;tt-- ia t. most substantial CoiniM'it'.s in the L uiled State. OffiVe front room over Post O.Tice, with Mir uett A" SHronjr. t'i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, April uth. d.iw. One Door Est of the CoarCHonse is the pta to retail kinUs ot lie has fitted up the finest Market in the Sta mil keeps nothing out the be.-t 01 Meats. Meats delivered in uay (Quantities on special contracts -I It:jhet Price Fii;fr Don't Forget tha PI, Morrison's "Shoo Fiy." ISd iwt THE BEST WniTERS In the liltera.y world have contributed. 6ii wiil continue to lurnih iirtielcs for the yea 1H71. Such naines as Minion ll.ol,r-a l- ('bnrohil. Louis S. Dorr, Metta Victoria Victor S. Anmo iorcsl. .Ahs. Iieiinisoii. Mrs. C, Motikin-', r.iid others, cannot bo found on tha Procptclus of any other magazine. TF.ItMS FOR Ono-copy, one year Two copio.c one year Three copies, one year Four copies, one ye ar Five copies, one tear, and an extni copytoliio person getting n; the club, niakiiKr hi eopiei Lipht co 'l.-i, one j ear. and an extra copy t he person iret'ini? no ilm cbib, k in lojie copin Eleven pit s one year, an 1 ftn o?;tra copyl person irrrinir up the club nniki tvM.-lve conies. HOVy I HEKIT. In rer.,;i;n. l. (..;i PosrOn" c.UitlKKon ' bibidclphia, oj;. 1)kk f on Phil lelpbia or New York, to th uio.r o, L,. J. unify, is perierahle to blink notes. 11 a draft r a PoH-oin -o (trdcr cannot, bo procured, send Lnited St:ite3 or Jation il li-ink notes. I fjr m 7 oo Id 00 n vf 21 (XT 4iLuxi'ri23 cf Hsdern Travel.' In thepe days the ta-te of the lic has b :eome exc-ediiiKly la-l idious. in order to o ta n their p:ttroni:o. n K iiln-.tid line must be ablo to i:.s-;i c t-.iiuu: i,ei d and com n.n,. !.!. trarc poi'taiioo.J v p..--. -n,. the noecssarv .(Unli ticationsot a.hrst c;ii-t'4iiipmi nt f coaehes and locomotive., a sol: I raiid-bid and he.ivv iron Pullman's l'iillace Mceiiin cars. Pullman's 1 cirs. a d:rer- route, yoo 1 connccliona and And dealer in all kinds of IPciriillisre cS; Chairs M1IK9TCEET, (third door we;t f P 0 FMGHbE 5H0PI Plattsmoutli 14 Itepairinfr and Varnishincr neatly den. Z&-Funeral attended atth shortest notice. cb WAYMAN & CI7KTIB V.epnircrs of Stcr.m EnRine?, Boiler. Saw and tirift Milis. (ias and Stenm FittinR-s, AYroueht Iron Pipe, Force and Tift Puuips, Mi-ara Uaugej, tJanc Valve Governors, and all kinds cf Brass Eng ino Fittings, furnished on ehort notice, FARMING MACHINERY STREIGHT & L.URFHY, DEALERS IX liamess, Sadies, Whips BRIDLES. COLLARS. &C. Tarticultr attention given to the manufacture cf fine harness. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING D0E ON SHORT NOTICE. car'-lu! jni.ii.7rj".et.t. I be" Uurliiiirton route is n:akir,ir nvcrv .IT,.r t pos-ess all the:--e qaliticaiions to a hiph d :rce, and oil .TS a route to all points east, wt-t, r..rih i;in. ny n: an-ot iri otineetio. n tollows: 1. At n:iiha wiLli the Pacilie roads. 2. At PlalCmou'Ii with tho i! t M 1? T? ti Nebaa.-k.-i. ' " " A. At llamlmr?. wi'h theSf Jofeph Railroad for ail points in Kanfaf, ic. 4. A'. D:i tiii'.va, tvttii the Des Jlcines Vatley nd noi i h M i.rsoiiri r:ii (road. 5. At P.m-liiiKion,witli the U., C. R. A 21. R. R., for I) avc.nj oi t. Muscaiine, fee 0. At Moninoiita. v iih ilia IC I' T K T. and Western b'ni ui li ailroads, for St. Paul, and (ointfl in the north, and for St- Louis and point in tlio south. 7. At 1 'ooria. with the short. lino TtloriTnlnf- ton route to I n iiar aiiol 1-. Cini:inn.. i. I.i.ui,villj and all point -(..if a and east. - ;i. At Peoria, with the'i'., P. A W. R. R.. fur Logan-port, Cohimtiiis, ,v o. At Melidolj.. u ii h nJl tho Tilt li). At CillCAlit I. with all Trii'ilc l,r.r.lrlh,i K..t. No better a H b-e can bo civen then, than t Ta the Luilirton Route." dtf. GETTING HARRIED. 1 ASSAYS Xtu Vub'X.Nti 11I..N', on the J lights of Home, and the propriety or impro priety ot eeuinir Hiarned. with sauitary hel for those who feci unfitted for matrimonial hap piness. Sent free in neulud envelopes. Addre HOWARD ASa'J'JIAli.L'N. li-jx P. Philadel- M. inn 1 d.Vwl v. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska IN. T? The Celpbrnted Vara,, Otl Tttnr.VT- RtPtrirsdon short; au.'tl ' cou'tautly oa hand. dcdwtf 2owarI Sasiifarv Aid As sociation the Relief and Cure of the Krrintr and Uu fortunate, on Principles of Christian PhibiTitiironv. E?iysor.tho Errors of Youth, and th Follies of Axe, iu relation to M,;rrtase and Social Evil'i US Mii.itnry aid for the alhicted. Sent iree. iir s.alcd enveK jes.- AtMrt-s liOWAKD AK' CtATION, P.ox P. 1-hita lelpbia. I'n. may!