TH.L KEtSRASKA HERALD re rrBLiazo weeklt bt II- D HATHAWAY KDITOB AKD rtOFKIKTOK. - Olee corner Main and Second streeU, s co il story. TERMS: Weekly. fZ.OO per anoon If paid in i ranee. tOifnotpaidlaJvance Republican convention At a meeting of the Cass County Re publican Central Committee, held at I'lattfuaouth, April loth, 171, it was lecMid to bM a delegat Convention at Weeping Water, on FRIDAY, APRIL 287', lit 1 p. m., for the purpose of placing in ioniination three candidate for metu lrs of the Constitutional Convention, to be elected on the 2d day of .May next. It wa.s recommended that the differ ent Precincts hold meetings at the usual places of holding elections in the yarioua Precincts, on Wednesday, April 2C)t7h 1871, at 1 p. in., for the purpose of electing delegates to said co convention. It was decided to give each l'recinct one dele pate and one for each twenty or major fraction of twenty Republican votes cast at the la-it general election, which gives rnrrrnt'itirn in thr f 1 i fTV I f n fc 1'rpcinetS as follows : Plat ts mouth, 13 Delegates. Oreapohs, 2. Ix)ui?vil!e, 4 South Rend, 2 .Salt Creek, 3 Ireenwood, 3 Kluiwood, 3 Tipton, 4 Stove Creek, 4 Weeping Water, 0 Eight Mile Grove, 3 31 1. 1'leasant, 4 Avoca, 3 Liberty, 3 Hock Bluffs. 5 41 i C( The Committee express the hope that tho Republican voters of the county will attend the precinct meetings, and there by avoid cause for unpleasant feelings in the hit urc. II. U. HATHAWAY, Chairman Orlando Teft, Secretary. THE MIXIX1 ECftiI.1F.SS. The Rulo Register urges the democ racv of tin State to norninata straight democrat candidates for the Constitu tional Convention ; and asks, ''What hare th democrats ever gained by act ing with the Republicans?" It may be that in Richardson county, where the democracy win as often if not ' oftener, than the Republicans, they do not gain anything by acting with Re publicans ; but in Cass they gained two members of the Lesislature and one County Commissioner. Rut in the lan fijago of the Register, we would ask' "what have the Rrpurlicans of Cass ever gained by acting with the Demo t rats ?" We think we can fully answer that question by saying that they came near overthrowing the entire party or ganization, and they gained very little beside that some individuals may have gained a personal victory, but they did it at a severe cost to the principles of the party. That has all passed away, how ever; and we know of no personal or ether advantages to be gained in Cass by affiliation with democrats at this time except to give the democra' a victory through licpubucan votes, it tnis is desired, we know of no better way of accomplishing it than by a mix up. It is urged by gome '"light weight" intel lects that a mix should" be had to prevent Gov. Butler getting into the convention in other words, in order to pack the convention against Gov. Butler. Now, in regard to that matter, we apprehend th sre is not a sensible man in Cass county wko will pretend that there is any desire on the part of any one in this county to uiir Gov. Rutler up in the constitutiona convention business i and even if there was such deire, how would it be avoided by mixing with the democrats? We venture the assertion that there are to day in Cass county as great a per cent. of Democrats as there Lj of Republicans who do not endorse the manner in which the impeachment trial has been conduct ed ; and we will say plainly that if our object was to secure a delegation favora ble to Gov. Rutler we should advocate a general mixing up as the surest way of obtaining that result. Rut, again, no one is so foolish as to suppose that the people of Cass county, of either paiVy, endorse all the actions of Gov. Rutler during his administration of affairs, and we do not believe there are any creat number of people in the county who de sire to have him escape any judgment or censure he may deserve. Yet they may be unwilling, as the Herald is to see . him hounded down by a lot of political scaJawags of all parties, for the sole rta soa that he has done things which the people do not endorse. We return to the Bubject, however, and ask the candid Republicana of Cass what has been gained, either in this county or in the State, by mixing with democrats? Was the recent session of the Legislature characterized by any great outburst of either talent or honesty that is supposed - to have beensuperior to what might have Leon expected of men elected on a straight Republican ticket? We do not wish to be understood as finding any fault with individual member of the present legislature, but we ask any can did man to say how much superior they arc, as a body of legislators, to any for mer legislature where men were dieted on a straight party issue. The argument i sui-ely weak which contends that we shou'd abandon parties for the purpose of seU-cting good men, when it admits that neither party, separately, would -elect good men. We know that it is eaid that two negatives willcreatea posi tive, but Kill two bad parties thrown to- gether produce a good party ; or will two sets of men, each of whom, left to their own action, vould select bad men as can didates for office if thrown together '.'ring forth good men as candidates? We may not have very good reasoning faculties, but we surely fail to see the frce of such reasoning as that which advocates the mixing of parties for the purpose of securing the best men, when it is admitted each party desire bad &en, nominated. NEBRASKA HEIALDo . ......... t VOL. 7. A VEUY HAD SPIRIT. Our brethren of the Democratic per suasion seem wonueriuuy anxious to 'kick up a bobbery" of some kind in this county, but they do not seem to knew exactly how to go about it, since they have discarded Sir Robert Doom, of Doomsville, from the councils of the wise men. They first tried to get up a "people's" movement, and made an ig nominious failure. Now they have called a mass meeting to assemble at the same time and place as the Republican con vention. Does it require a very acute intellect to understand this move? Can any fair minded man, of any party, en dorse the spirit which prompts this move? It bears on the face of it the intent to create discord in the Rer ubli- can ranks, me men wiio ongmatcu tno movement were ashamed to put their names to the call, knowing full well that all right thinking men would con dem the aiovement as one unworthy the support of honorable politieans. When a party is driven to such means as this to secure attention from the public, it is about time it ceased to exist. ABOUT THE PAT. We have often been asked the ques tion it the members ot the .Legislature received pay for the time occupied in the impeachment trial after the expiration of the Constitutional forty days, and we have invariably said no, believing what we said to be true. We were familiar with the clause of the Constitution which prohibits such pay; and we had supposed the only proper way for the members to obtain pay was to await an appropriation by some subsequent Leg islature. But it seems we were mistaken, and that the members have actually vo ted pay to themselves in defiance of the Constitution. Of course this is all right for Legislators, but would it not be good ground for impeachment of a Governor that we might chance to dislike. The following correspondence ofvthe Brown ville Advertiser will serve to throw some light upon this transaction : Lincoln, Neb., April 15, 1 S71. Ed. Advertiser: In a reeeut num ber of the Advertiser you seem to be in doubt as to whether the members of the Legislature drew pay for more than forty davs, as you remark that if you read the C ivnicfe aright they did. I find the facts to be as follows: The Constitution directly says, 1st. : "That each member shall receive three dollars a day, provi ded they shall not receive pay for more than forty days at one session." Sec ondly: No member shall be appointed or elected to any office in the State which shall have been created or the emolu ments of which shall have been increased during the term for which he was elect ed. Now for the facts. The Legisla ture just adjourned appropiia!cd $lu,COO with which to pay the expenses of the impeachment tria's. From this appro priation each member of the House and each Senator drew pay of Horn eighty to one hundred and twenty dollars beyond the amount limited by the Conti!ulion. Or in other words the Senators all drew pay fr eight? days, and the membei'3 of the House a l drew pay for liom sixty five to eighty days, (most of them beiDg absent from Lincoln part of the time) and all of this was done in one session of the Legislature contrary to the provis ions of the Constitution aboTe cited The Legislature also created the office of managers, and then appointed five of their own members to this office, and they each were paid over and above the three dollars per day, the fuither sum of $300, contrary to the rrovisions of the section f the consdiiion cited. Now, if the legislators can vii.Vo the law and the constitution ia tl;' bold and brazen manner, what right and justice is there in calling others to : i account for less flagrant trsnsgressio when they themselves go unpunished : We admit that Governor Butler l.r,s done some things in an informal manner, and many other things, if you will, that he ought not to have done. Rut with all he is charge 1 with, no one. not even the vile scavenger the J h raid of Oma ha has laid at his door the wanton vio lation of the constitution in any one par ticular. How then shall the State of Nebraska vindicate the action of our Legislature before the world, in this im peachment trial of the Governor? If we say they done it in the interest of justice, law and the constitution, the re ply comes why violate the law and the constitution in its prosecution, shall we remain silent and leave it to be inferred that we had no sufficient cause for this course, or shall we admit that we cared little for the law, for justice or the con stitution so the Governor was deposed. The old saying that chickens come home to roost has proven true in many in stances, and the prexent Legislators had best beware lest such may be the case in this impeachment c:ie. the oi.n neiiLD cokixo. "Another creditable and important fact is that the R. & M. R. Co. are sys tematically colonizing their lauds as rap idly as possible. Iheir agents in the East have already sent forwari many thoa'an'Is or settlers lor Nebraska lands. The Co. also have European, Agencies at work, sendirg over colonies of emigrants. A cable telegram yesterday itorning from their Liverpool Agency, announces the departure of the first lot of people bound for Nebraska. The colonv com prises about 1G0 persons. Chicane Railway Review. The first instalment, as above noted, arrived safe and sound in this city Satur day evening, and proceeded westward to-day. They are forerunners of a large colony, sent through by Mr. Hayward. and they expect to locate somewhere be tween the Rlue and the Republican. Mr. Steel, the head of the organization, has been through the west, and informs us that a very large colony will follow these lf0 as soon tliev are well located. Senator Cropsey has issued his "opin ion" as a member of the impeachment court for the trial of Gov. Butler, in pamphlet form. He should add an ap pendix giving his views on the Gillespie trial, and then have it incorporated among the official documents of the court. If this plan had been adopted at the commencement f the impeachment business, and each Senator had produced his wptten verdict at that time, based on matters outside the charges, personal or otherwise, it might hava saved ihe State at least $50,000. WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE? The game of "bluff" attempted by the Omaha Herald on the impeachment question is being so thoroughly under stood tha: only one or two papers in the State now pretend to agree with it that there is any cause for impeaching Gov ernor Rutler, and they have but little to say. There is one very significant fact, and that is that not a single paper in the State that assumes to say that Rutler is guilty dares to publish tho evidence upon which it bases the opinion, while every paper that takes the evidence as a guide declares most emphatically that there is nothing to sustain the charges. Even Senator Cropsey, in his lengthy pamphlet "opinion" docs not cite a sin gle fajt as being proven before the court, but goes outside to manufacture some new "cock and bull story " as a reason why he, as a member of the high court of impeachment, believes Rutler guilty of not of the charges, but of some other thing. Senator Cropsey is too shrewd a lawyer to rink his reputation on the assertion that the evidence con victs Gov. Butler of anything. The Tecumseh Chieftain has the following sensible remarks upon the impeachment question : "People who have not had an oppor tunity of seeing the testimony in the Gov. Rutler impeachment trial, ask vs every day, "What about the Governor ?" "What about hia impeachment?" &c We inform all such, that after carefully reading and considering the testimony, wc are convinced that all the Governor's trouble in this matter is cau.-ed by the jealousy and malice of unprincipled poli ticians, disappointed office-seekers, who the Governor refused to cither appoint to office or buy with money, and a few gentlemen in Omaha, who may be said to be the " gall and bitterness" of that city, who have never forgiven him for doing the be?t thing any man has ever done lor the State, to-wit: Removed the Capital from Omaha. Notwith standing he has since done so much for Omaha and given their railroads an im petus which they .were likely not to re ceive without his influence, they per sitently howl at his heels, determined to ruin him, ungenerous and unrelenting as a pack of bloodhounds. Then it is not for borrowing seventeen thousand dol!ars from the State that those Omaha gentlemen clamor ibr his conviction, but it is an auspicious tiite for persecuting him becaute he dared taac like a brave, honest man should, when he signed the the bill removing the to work to build up a beauti.'ul Capital for the eople he tcrved, in the interior ot the i-tate. We do not char-re this unreasonable wai Tare upon all v ruaha, nor upon a majority, for we believe that a majority of the citizens of that city are the Gov ernor's friends. The Articles of Impeachm at contain about a dozen vli.-iuict char-.-cs. The inipcachcr.? have abandoned ;Ji of theui excepting the first, and that is in regard to the $17, OOO which everybody heard so much about last fall. If our readers should read ovcry word ef the testimony they would find nothing more or less in it than what the Governor told them in his speeches previous to the last election. He sorrowed money from the State and secured it to the State by ample securi ty. He never denied getting the money, the people elected him with full knowl edge or the transaction : yet the liu peaohers co to work at the rate of $300,000 a day out of the pockets of the people of the State, and spend weeks in examining witnesses to prove it! and then pretended that it was sufficient to convict and turn him out of office. This isthejistof the impeachment, and the way the matter stands. We once in dorsed the "seventeen thousand dollar st jal" as some please to term it, by voting for Governor Rutler we still in dorse it tho people of the State in dorsed it the counties where his bitter est opposition was: Nemaha and Dou -las, indorsed it. Now do the peon e turn around and want a man ruined for the very acts they formerly indorsed? .Not so, in the State of Nebraska. Jhe Governor is not impeached, as some assert, in the minds of an unp:ejudiced poople. fidelity. Never forsake a friend. When ene mies gather around, when sickness falls on the heart, when the world is dark and cheerles. is the time to try true friend ship. The hert that has been touched will redouble its effort 3, when the friend is sad or in trouble. Adversity tries true friendship. They who turn from the scene of distress betray their hvpocrisy, and prove that interest only movc-'them. If you have a friend who loves you who has studied your interest and hap piness, be sure to sustain him in adver sity. Let him feel that his former kind ness is appreciated, and that his love was not thrown away. Real fidelity may be rave, but it exits in the heart. Who has not seen and felt its powers ? They only deny its wonh and power who have never either loved a friend, or labored to make him happy. The good and kind the affectionate and the virtuous, see and foci the heaven'y principle. They would sacrifice wealth and happiness to promote the happiness of others, jmd in return, they receive the reward of their love, by sympathizing hearts and count less favors, when they have been brought low by distress and adversity. AN ORPIIAX. Since it has been talked about that the Democratic Convention was called at Weeping Water on Friday for the pur pose of trying to bre:d: up the Republi can Convention called at the same time and place, wo find nearly all the fair minded Democrats deny any knowledge of 1'ie call, and say it was made informally and without authority. The fact that no name appears to the call is evidence of the correctness of this statement. Authorized party calls are generally signed by some person. In the present instance the call proves to be an orphan, ' without repcctable parentage. A correspondent, in a notice of a wed ding he recently attended, gives an amusing account of the discomfiture of a beau, in an attempt to get the tipper hand of a young girl, whom, from her modest, downcast eyes and impresuming demeanor, he doubtless thought a fair butt for his shafts of wit : " Do you know what I was thinkin? of all the time during the ceremony ?" asked he. No-sir, what?" "Why, I was blessing my stars that I was not the bridegroom. "And I suppose the bride was doing the same thing, ' replied the fair antagonist. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, INIKACE COMPANIES. It is well known that a large amount of business Is being done by different Insurance Companies in this State. The people are paying out their money, and the money, all of it, is being sent out of the county to be invested mostly on mortgage in the large cities in the cast. Now, it does seem to us, that this drain on our money ought to be checked ; and that a part of the money at least, ought to be invested in Real Property in this State. Our security is just as good as any other, and much better than in some places in the east. Any prudent insurance agent in this State can find abundant opportunity to invest monies at home at no more risk at a higher rate of investment than places in the east. This evil of seeking foreign places to invest money is becom ing so common, that even the great State of New York is now passing a law com pelling companies doing business in that State, to invest at least fifty per cent, of their premium received in that State. Shall we not do likewise? Relow please find a text for a law on the subject. It is to be hoped that next month, when the legislature sits, they will pass this law. S. Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Nebraska. Sec. 1st. That insurance companies, incorporated by any other State or terri tory, doing business in this State, under the laws thereof, are hereby required to loan, secured by mortgage on Real Prop erty in this State, fifty per cent, of the amounts of the premiums received on policies issued in, or to be issued in this State said loans to be made under such regulations as the said companies may adopt, not inconsistent with the laws of this State. Sec. II. That in addition to the statement now required by section 5, chapter 25, revised statutes, a further statement shall be made of the amount of premiums received by said companies or their agents, on policies issued in, or to be used in this State ; and the amount of money secured by mortgage in this State, said statement to be made and for warded to the Auditor of State, on the first Monday of January and July in each year. Sec. 111. A failure of any Insurance Company, or Agent, to comply with the provisions of the foregoing sections, shall he subject to the fine now imposed by law, and shall be debarred from doing business in this State; and it shall be the duty of the Auditor of State to cancel any certificate of authority that may have been issued to any company, or its agent, or agents, that shall luil to comply with the provisions of this act. Sec. IV. It shall be the duty of the Auditor of State to forward copies o'i this act to the President, Secretary or Agent of the respective Insurance Com panies to which certificates to do busi ness, have been issued. Sec. V. This act shall take eficc July 1st, 1STK Trouble From Vnht of i'nlciiliition. We arc forcibly reminded of the inci dent in the popular narrative of Robin son Crusoe when he built a boat, and on its completion found that he could not get it to the water, by the fact just dis covered, that Rothermel's great picture of the battle of Gettysburg, painted for the State of Pennsylvania, can not be accommodated in any room of the Capi tol at Harrisburg. This little trouble likewise recalls the memory of a want of foresight in a ship builder who con structed, many years ago, at Dublin, the first steamer con.-tructed in Ireland. The vessel was very beautiful in outline and finish, but when launched in the ba sin adjacent to tt.e shipyard, it was found that she was much too large to pass through the locks in order to enter the Li By. As those locks happened to be built of enormous blocks of granite, dowellcd together with iron, and, more over, as it was necessary to obtain spe cial permission from the government to temporarily remove them, it may be judged what must havebeen the chagrin of those concerned. Rut she had to come out, cost what it would and cost it did. A Russian frigate was once con structed in the midst of a forest near St. Petersburg for the sake of having the timber at hand, and it was not until she was completed that the fact dawned upon the builder that a canal would have to be cut through a hill to float her to the Neva. So much for want of fore thought which shrewd people are apt to term ' 'calculation. " Tech unionist The DinurTbIeat Ibe While House Nothing is ever offered in the way of refreshments at the White House. One of our veteran correspondents says that the last nutritious offering, there cheese. General Jackson received on New Year's day, and having previously received from warm-hearted Democratic coustit uents in New York, a mountain of cheese, he shared it with his callers, and each went away with a tremenduous chunk. At the State dinners, of course, the repasts are bountiful, and guests are not unlre- 5uently present at the family dinners. he Grants are given to hospitality. Wishing a glass of water, I was invi ted by a very polite attendant, a few days since, into the family dining-room, and there given ice water, (the water itself, no doubt, from the celebrated War Department spring, whose purity ia re nowned), clear as crystal and far more refreshing. The family dinner-table was set for eight, whereas the family num bers but five, but the waiter says that it is customary, as there is company to dinner nearly every day. In the center stood a silver ornament filled with flow ers. At each end of the table was amode-late-sized bouquet beautifully arranged. The large, white damask napkin beneath the central ornament was fluted to foim a circle, and in each flute was placed a particle of scarlet honeysuckle. Scarlet fruit napkins, gracefully arranged, were placed at intervals. At every plate, be sides a goblet of water, were three glass es for wine. All the glass was of the finest, as was also the linen. Finger bowles and desert service was on the aide-table. Washington Cor. of the N. Y. World. In Peru, printers have been exempted from service in the National Guard. American printers didn't ask for exempt ion from military service during our late war, but were among the very first to shoulder their 'shooting stick and march to the 'field of glory.' THURSDAY, APRIL THE TIOPLE." We had a great desire to know who constituted the "people" in this locality, hence we repaired to the Court House at precisely 2 p. m. to-day for the purpose of ascertaiuing. We found there assem bled in Mass Convention Mr. J. C. Fox (people No. 1), Messrs. J. N. Wise, Wm. Wintersteen and Josiah Moorej, peoples Nos. 2, 3 and 4. In the course of half an hour Dr. John Black's eane came up stairs, took a sly peep around the room, gave a broad grin, and retired in good order. It was said by some mischievous boys that Mickelwait was across the street behind Brom's Cigar Factory watching to see how large a crowd assembled before he would make his ap pearance. He did not show himself. At 3:10 No. 2 came down stairs, looked around and struck for home. At 3:12J No. 4 walked defiantly down Main street, looked savagely around aud muttered "Brick Pomeroy is all right. I don't care what they say against him." At 3:15 Nos. 1 and 3 walked quietly down, and we thought we could hear No. 3 urging No. 1 to "withdraw his personal objections" to being a candidate for the Constitutional Convention, but No. 1 seemed disinclined to do so. At 3:20 Sheriff Johnson proceeded to lock the Court House, and thus ended the grand movement of "the people irrespective of party." Eegal Knowledge. The following letter has been received at the lrwune office State op Nebraska, Executive Depa ARTMENT, rl'24, 1S71. ) Lincoln, Apr Tribune Co., Omaha, Neb Gentlemen : I will be thankf ul for a reference to any law authorizing the Ex ecutive of this State to offer a reward for the capture of an escaped convict. Very Respectfully, Your ob't serv't, Wm, II. James. In reply to the above, the Tribune Company those of whom it has been pos-ible to consult would most respect fully declare, that so humble an institu tion is supposed to have a great deal less knowledge of the laws of the State than its Executive Head. The Tribune Com any also begs leave, with the utmost de.erence, to suggest, that if there is no discretionary power conferred on the acting Governor to pre serve the peace and safety of the Com monwealth, a provision to that desirable end should certainly be made by the coming Constitut'onal Convention. We may also deferentially add, that it has not been possib'e, since the receipt of the above, to consult even deathman compo.-ing the Tri' une Company, and it may be that some or ttiem. it mere were time to make a sufficiently diligent research, might possess the desired in formation. All which is most respect fully submitted to the consideration of the Acting Uovernor. Umaha iriuune. Another ire. About 12 o'clock on Sunday night the fire bells announced another conflagra tion, which we found to be at the place of Jacob Hawke, Esq., on Oth street. It was first di.-covered in Mr. llawke's stable, and was so far advanced that a hor.-e and two calves, winch were stabled in it could not e taken out, but per-is-hed. From this the flames communi cated to a stable belonging to Thomas Morton, and another belonging to John Rueter, all of which were consumed in a few minute?. The wind was blowing JVoiu the south, and several wood build ings were in imminent dan2r, but the otij'ne was put in working condition in t'me to -:ve all but the barns enume rated. Considerable excitement pre vniled, but the firemen did nobje and effective work, and saved a vast amount of property. The residence of Mr. Hawke took fire and narrowly escaped destruction. The fire was no doubt the work of an inecndiaiy, as it could not result from an accident at such a time and in such a place, but the miscreant is still unsus pected and probably no clue wiM ever be obtained as to who did it. Neb. City Chronicle. In the language of ur illustrious Omaha cotemporarics, "what a sad com mentary on the State officers." Does the Omaha Herald suppose that the fact of 11. Hawke being a member of the State Senate had anything to do with this fire ? Is not this fire sufficient grounds for impeaching the Otoe dele gation ? Attachment to Newspapers. The strong attachment of subscriber? to well conducted newspapers is fu'ly confirmed by publishers. "Stop my pa per," words of dread to new beginners in the business, lose their terror alter a paper has been established for a term of year. So long as a paper pursues a just, honorable and judicious course, meeting the wants of its customers in all respects, the ties of friendship be tween the subscriber and the paper are as hard to break by an outside third par ty as the links which bind old friends in business or social life. Occasional de fects and enois in a newspaper are over looked by thoso who have become at tached to it through its perusal for years. They sometimes become dissatisfied with it on account ef something which has slipped into its column, and may stop taking it ; but the absence of the famil iar sheet at their homes or office for a few weeks, becomes an insupportable de privation, and they hasten to take it again, and possibly apologize for having stopped it. This we believe to be the common experience in the history of all estaolished newspapers. No friendship on earth is more constant than that con tracted by the reader for a journal whjch makes an honest and earnest effort to merit his continued support- Cuba Patriot A newspaper comes to the Tribune from a western city with this indorsement upon the margin : "X or be damned." The alternative is fearful, but, as of two evils, the Tribune makes it a rule always to choose the least, it declines to "X." A "little story" is appropriate here. Some years ago a man of culture and good taste went to hear a well known ranter preach. Getting disgusted be fore the sermon was half through, he left his seat, and was going on tip-toe toward the door, when the preacher roared out: "Young man! hadyourath er go to hell than hear me preach?" Somewhat startled at first, the young man faeed about, and with a graceful bow, responded, "On the whole parson, I thick I wou!d.iV. Y. Tribune lttk. 27, 1S7I. Eadies Mhould Head. It is a creat mistake in female educa tion, to keep a young lady's time and at tention devoted only to the fashionable literature of the day. If you would qualify her for conversation, you must give her something to talk about, give her education in the actual world and its transpi ng events. Urge her to read the newspapers, and become familiar with the present character and improve ments ot our race. History is ot some importance; but the past world is dead; we have nothing to do with it. Our thoughts and concerns should be for the present world ; to know what it is and improve its condition. Let her have an intelligent opinion, and be able to sus tain conversation according to the men tal, moral and religious improvement of our times. Let the gilded annuals and poems on the centre-table be kept part of the time covered with weekly and daily journals. Let the whole family, meu women and children, read newspa pers. Two Senators, who, under the consti tution, are required to try impeachment, sat on this inquisition, refused the ac cused any hearing before the committee, assisted in gathering the material tor the indictment and then sat to try the bill thus found. The gentlemen who occupy this enviable position before the people ot this btate are Messrs. Ihomas and Sheldon. This is the "fair play" they afforded an accused man whom they had in the r power. These are facts for the people and deserve consideration. Nemaha Valley Journal. It is the province and dutv of crand juries to investigate reports of criminali ty, and to nnd indictments when they believe the law has been violated ; but in courts of justice the members of a grand jury which has found an indict ment, are not allowed to sit upon the pettit jury to try the person indicted. This rule which is evidently right, was not followed in the matter of the im peachment of the Governor, and we are convinced that it should have been, es pecially when another phase of the case is considered, viz : That there was at the last fall election a determined effort where it cull be done, to pack both branches of the Legislature again t the Governor. In other words, men were elected pledged to press his impeachment, at. all events, right or wrong, testimony or no testimo ny. We understand that the investiga tion should have been confined to.the lower House, and that the Senate should have had nothing to do with it but to try the accuied upen the articles pre sented by the House according to the law and testimony. The management, or manner of conducting the trial, tale it from beginning to end. was manifestly unjust to the Governor, and it is pre posterous to say he had a fair trial. Some Senators who knew better than to do the way they have done are to be pitied for their lack of backbone. We do not envy a man his position when he dare not be jut to his fellow man. Pres sure I "outside pressure," and previous pledges are excuses, it is true, but very poor ones for the sacrifice of one's man hood. lecumsch thi'ftaiu. ITnhappy HarrinPA. The universal expectation of married people is, that their married lives will always be happy ones. Deluded dre im- ers 1 They imagine they are different from other people, and that when they enter the portals or matnmonv, love. peace and prosperity will ever be their attendants- buch had better by iar con sider themselves the same as others, but form iron resolutions, to do differently trom other married ' people resolutions that will keep i'rom the dangerous coasts on which so many have beeu wrecked and ruined. Uuhappy mariages depend up on many causes. Previous to marriage, many try to appear more intellect uaf, more amiable, or more accomplished than they really are. Depend upon it, that love brought into existence by a moonlight stro 1, strengthened by deceit and fashionable displays, and finally con summated through the influence of in triguing friends, will fade in after life al most as fast as the flowers which com pose the bridal wreath. HJrthdnya. What would life be without birthdays? a dreary desert without a green spot in it. That's S3. Old people don't seem to have a clear idea of the import ance of such little fellows as you or I, except on our birthdays. Then they come to their senses, and make a special pudding expressly for us, produce a new jacket, or trowsers with pockets, and are wonderfully civil for people of their years We are heroes on our birthdays; our big brothers and sisters are nobodies, and we can "boss" the household from morning to night. That's what I like, don't you? Jirumie Smith, a friend oi mine, says his parents don't keep his birthdays. I don't think this is right. I think it makes home dearer to us, io make something of us once a year. Mother says it does, and mother is al ways right. Wc Like to Nee. We like te see young ladies known to be implacable enemies kiss each other very affectionately when they meet. It reminds us of a man named Judas, who lived many years ago. We like to see a fashionably dressed lady promenading the streets with a blue silk dress, trailing a yard behind her in the mud it cleans the streets so nicely. We like to see young men very polite and obliging to other young ladies, who are scarcely civil to their sisters at home it proves that the lords of creation are void of de ception. We like to see little boys come to church in the evening and auiue themselves by sticking pins in their sleeping neighbors it shows that they are not burying their talents in the earth. We like to see a man invariably throw his hat, boots and dirty linen on the floor for his wife to pick up it is evident that he remembers his promse to cherish her. We like to se a nun abuse a newspaper and declare it is not worth reading, and then borrow it regularly from hineighbor it proves that he is a falsifier.and that the trnthis not in him. As old Van Shroomps was giving his youngest, who was inclined to be lazy, a good cowhiding, the boy cried cut: "Oh! don't ladder; it makes me smart!" "Dat's shoost vat I wants," said the old man as he whacked away with renewed vigor. Impecunious lovers are Eadly persecu cuted by Maine fathers. Out in Pi&cat aquia county there is a suit going on now, which is brought by the stern pa rent of a lovely being against a young man of the neighborhood, claiming $00 for luncheons, horse baitings, and court in fires furnished to defendant while courting plaintiff's daughter. Whether the young man has married the daughter of the thrifty father, does oot transpire- NO. 4 A correspondent of the Chro"lcle in timates very strongly, although in a round-about manner, that impeachment managerrs Doom and Porter sold out to Gov. Butler on the evening before the final vote was to have been taken. In justice to Gov. Butler we foci iuclined to deny the insinuation. They may have come to his room for the purpose of selling out, as indicated in the com munication, but Butler used to be in tho cattle business, and is a good judge of the value of steers. Our friend Reed, who is in charge of the new Midland Locomotives has "sto len a march" on us and taken the new machines" to Lincoln before we had time to inspect them. Chronicle. You might have inspected them had you been in Plattsmouth. The said lo comotives were crossed here, and went to Lincoln on the B. & M. track. Men are never pleased in such ex tremes but there is a light to guide them. There is a paper published in Indiana called the Gimlet. Its enemies call it a bore. Brighnm younji is said to haveJost 27 mothers-in-law in five years. An advertisement was sent to the print er in which occurred the words, "The Christian's Dream: No Cross. No Crown." The blundering compositor made it read, "The Christian s Dream : No Cows, No Cream!" In Albany on Sunday night, the Rev. Mr. Waters, while preaching, stopped a few moments and then said : "I am rare ly if ever annoyed by people talking. I am not to-nipht, but 1 am afraid the con gregation is !" You could have heard a pin drop during the balance of the ser mon. Id upper Egypt rains were abundant eighty years ago, but have ccacd since the Arabs cut the trees down along the .Nile. In lower Egypt the Pasha has made extensive plantings of trees and rainjsjjnow frequent in Alexandria and Cairo. I nl Women and Thin. Are you too fat? Eat less food, with a larger pioportion of meat ; rise early in the morning and exercise much. This will reduce your weight. Even dimin ishing the quantity of food alone, with out any other change, will be sure to do it. It is impossible that executive fat, cither in horse or man, can hold out against a persistant reduction in the quantity of food. And if the reduction be gradual and judicious, tha strength is not lessened, but is steadily increased, until the excess in fat is all gone. And I will add that, after two or three Jays, there will be no sense of hunger until the excess has been removed. Are you to thin? Sleep more bv go ing to bed earlier ; do not overwork ; eat frerly ot cat meal porridge, Graham mash, cracked wheat and hulled corn ; and all with milk and sugar. Cultivate a cheerful, happy temper. No man should attempt to do more than one thing at a time. When you have finished slandering your neighbors, go and say your prayers, but don't at tempt to do both at once. The Topeka papers announce the abo lition of the "free puff" system, so far as those papers aie concerned. This is wise, and we are glad to see it adopted. This whole thing of puffing and blowing every little wooden nutmeg affair that comes along, and that, too, before the public has any opportunity of knowing anything about it, has been carried quite too far by the press generally, so far as we can judge. For ourselves, we do not mean to lend our columns to endorsing and writing up everything that turns up, unless we have good reason to be lieve that the 6ame has real merit and worth, be it a concert, a fair, a theatri cal performance or anything else. Law rence Tribune. JiJnisters' Itiet. One reason why the apostles preached so powerfuly was that they had healthy food. Fish was cheap along Gallilee, and this, with unbolted bread, gave them plenty of phosphorus for brain food- These early ministers were never invited out to late suppers, with chicken salads and doughnuts. Nobody ever embroidered slippers for the big feet of Simon Peter, the fisherman preacher. See that your minister has a full haver sack. Feed him on gruel during the week, and on Sunday he will give you gruel. What is called the "parson's dose" in a turkey or fowl is an allegory setting forth that in many communities the minister comes out behind. A frail piece of sausage trying to swim across a river of gravy on the breakfast plate, but drowned at last ; "the linked sweet ness long drawn out" of flies in the mo lasses cup; the gristle of a tough ox, and mealy biscuit, and old peas, in which the bugs lost their lives before they had time to escape from their saucepan, and stale cucumbers cut into small slices of cholera morbus, are the provender out of which we are trying at Princeton and Yale and New Rrunswick, to make Sons of Thunder. Sons of mush ! From such depletion we step gasping into the pulpit, and look so heavenly pale that the mothers in Israel are afraid we will evaporate before we get through our first Sermon. Tnhnadte. -J Estray Notice. Strayed on to the premise" o' tb undersigned in Set-lion cletren. Township ten. Hune elercn. on the lot h inst., a dark chestnut U2:ie about live ye;ir old. The owner will Ic.e cl prve property, pay charges and take her away. Weeping Water, Nebraska. April 20th. 1871. nnrl 27w5t B. J. HOWELL. '4 (a '6 f .0 TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all clause with con-Uint mployinent at home, the whole of the time or for the spare momenti. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex can easily earn from fitty cents to Pve dollars per evening and a porpotional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. .That all who see this notice mav send thuir address, and test the business. we make thisunpnralleled offer. To such as are not well satisned. we win genuine uonar to pay for the trouble of writing- rull particulars, a valuable sainnle Wtni-h will do to commence wore on, and a copy of The Ptnplc'i Cvmitunion one of the largest, an best tan-117 newspapers published all sent tree oy mail, deader. if you want permenact, p-ofitat-le work. Address E C. ALLEN k CO.. Augusta Maine. -pREIGHT TRANSFER. The undersigned is prepared to transfer freight between Flattmoutn ana r.;tst .rrnts mouth rn short notice and reasonable t is. PLATTSMOUTH HERAU 18 i-tiSMSBKl) BT it D. HATHAWAY, Ki(foB Alio rork'iXTt. -0Jfi corner Main and Son J tret r- TERMS : perlannma. or 1K pernioDlk. mi - am J. C. FOX. t). H. WHKRLKIV FOX &., ATTORNEYS AT LA W. PneelaJ attention frivon to probate nnd land titlo oai"r!I Office in the Masonic ltlock, Witia Street. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. 8, MAXWKLI.. SAM. M. CHArMAF M 4UEI.L & C:i 4IMI 4, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicit. iif h an eery, 1'latiamouth, Nebraska. Oflu-6 ovu hits & Buttery's lra store. fai.rl. jrirwisK, Oenerai Life. Accident. Fire. Inland and Tru Insurance A reiit. Will take iik at rrason alile rates ii ihe most reliable Co'u panic in tu3 'lilted Mates. Ililic-e opu. Kite tlieLourt lloui-e. rhit.siiK.ut i. Nebraska. uiaylti, T. M. MAByl KTTIC. J. N. HTKOKO MAIUiUETT &:TItO!Ca. ATTORNEY AT LAW an I Solicitor in Chak eery. Agents lor Kuilroai A.unds Flattsinuuln. Nebraska. GKO. 8. Si'iril. CKO. K. MIA PIC fcMITII A. ItAIi:il Attorney nt Law, and Ucnernl Collectinir A ren.e W ill practice in HI court o the istate ami wes tern Iowa. Mlii-c over Clark X l'luiumer'a (lore oppositethe ilrooks liuu.-e. D. H. WBEKLKR. L.B. PEN MITT n if. WIIKEL. II, CO., Real Estate and Taj Payinn Agents. Notiric Public, Fire and Lite Insurance Agents, I'l itt aiouth. Nebraska, ie: U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tender hi professional services to the citizen of ( awvoun tT. Retsidencesouthe irt corner of Oak and Sixth street; oBice on Main street, opposite Couif House, l'lattfuiouth. Nebraska. Dr. J. W. THOMAS, Having permanently located at Weeping Wa ter Falls, tenders his professional service to tLe citizens of Cass county. Ncbratlr. Iju';'.i!. r. Ij. TKCIiCIt, CARPENTER AND JOINER, will do all " " k in hi line .n short notice and in the oet e. Contract for building made on reaeoua- i jleru. hop one block south of Platte Val I! gyousw. julyild. J. Y. ItAWI.I.-VS. SI. !., PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON, late a gur-peon-iii-Chief of the Army of the Potomac, l'latUmouth. Nebraska. Ulllee m O. F. JoLn son's Drugstore Main street, opposite Clark Plunimers. Private residence corner of Rock ac PLATTSMOUTII .HILLS. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. Having recently betir repaired and placed in thorough running order lOO.IKN) JIuMicls of Wheat wanted iinmodiatelr for which the highest market price will be paid fangS wtf. IlI.TON imos. CARPENTERS A JOINERS. Are prepr. to do work in good stylo, on short notice. nnJ ss cheap a the cheapest. jjhop. corner of Main and Fourt ti streets. ugJldtf riCHENOK IIOUSK! RATE3 REDUCED TO 82. PER DAY EOARLif NG. Day Boarding, per week. f 5,fK Hoarding and l.odh). per week. 7 to lit F'ree Buss for the use of the guestsof the house Lot N Slit KY Jt EjiSKY, Prop's inarch 31dtf Phelps Paine. GEN'L INSURANCE AQ-f rLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA.- Represents some of the most reliable Compau- ics in ihe United States. Office with Barnes & Pullock in Fitzgerald' Block . ( JfJiiLJ , . ! J .for Sale. IOR SALE. Thiee seres cf lurrd adjoining the -ity on the south, can be had cheap for cash. For particulars cnguiiem llie II ickli obice. decLMdtf. SALE.-TwoloUinGlcnwood. Chean. I fseptSj S. DUitii IO R SALE The subs'-ribcr offers fr sale r valuable water nower. Ivro mile belnw Plattsmouih. near the Mi-souri river, with1 suiliciunt vicr and la'l with economical tnnn HKcmeni to proatico power equal to a M hor.-e- powerstciim encinc. Ihe present owner iseu gaged in o''ier bu.ine-. i;nd cannot devolo Ih'V attention in -lie busincix of uirllinz. and wil ? sell said water power !Vi n reasonable price. KKJHAilD VIVIAN. Zvply to Maxwell & Chai-man. dec21dAwt 0R SALE OR RENT. The property bcloosrinz to D. Marauett will l.a sold or rented on re. onaWe iei ins. The hou- contains t rooms. 1 here is Hso ;i largo cistern1 with flitter, a cellar, ast.-'Me. end other conven iences. to T. jl. MARUULTT. senl 1 f. $5 TO $10 PER DAY.--.rA: who engage in our new business niake from tV to 810 per day in their own localities. Fullpar ticulars and instructions sent tree Jiy mail.' Those in need of permanent, profitable work,' should address GEO. ST1NSON A CO. apr.C7w3m Portland Maine. Agents Wanted To make (SO to '200 per month by selling GREAT FORTUNES And Haw Thsy Vere Mads. By J. D. McCabe; Jr. P-ofurelv illustrated and beautifully hound. The most universally soutlii a.ter book issued for years. It shows how a poor school master nude $K).iiCU'Xj; ho-r a poor half-blid sai'or became a (Treat banker, a Liu tcher's apprentice the wealt'J?cst man in America, an unknown mechanic a d illionnire in suvun years with many mare such examples; how cnerpy, talent, and patient industiy b:re always met with succe.- when properly exerted; how money enn be made honestly and without a rifice of principle. Send for Circular, etc., and notice our extra terms. E. II ANNAFORD .V CO.. Publishers, 18 South" Clark St , aprCTlOt Chicago, Illinois. Agents Wanted -FOR- BRIGHT SIDIJ Gems of Beauty, in Pross.Poetry L Picture ATeiR'.O BY JOHN B, ALDEN. The material for this beautiful volume h;ia been selected with the greatest care and pru dence from the best juvenile writers in th:r country. Fresh, eparklinar and instructi stories and paring. Beautiful, appropriate and highly-finished aflsra-vinzs. Tinted pnpir. Klceant binding, ft will not only entertain, charui an I instruct the children, but its whole tendency will be to inculcate lessons of virtue and mora! Hy. quarto pares. Sold only by subscription. Price only 82 per copy. For terms, etc.. address J. S.GOODMAN 4 CO.. Publishers, 5 Custom House Place. apr27dot Chicago Illinois tisterns Built and Rock Work Dong. THEondergijrned is prei-wred to takeontractr for building; CVt-erns andfumishine all tie-" ecssary material, also to do any and all kinds of Rock work by contract, and furnish all muter- ialsfor same. 1 have a few afreof choieel 1 nd f r resi ences and several B r' a for sale on reanrualde tertrf