1 -srtr tiH9i -, t i m J' t i I J ;V V 1 SUBSCRIBE HOW FOR TITE TflK BKST LOCAL PAPER IK "." arz ez r1- I. DAILY One Year - Three Months One Jlonlt $10,00 9i,oo Wl.KKLY One Yetir -Six Months - - $2,00 $1 00 THE HERALD IS THE) ONLY Oj'E C.llIXG COMPLETE ji:iVS 'FROM the grejjt west BETWEEN" I'LATTS M O U T II A N D FORT KEAKNEY. THE HERALD Now OiTors the BEST .ID VER T1SLYG MED1 UM Wc-toftho MISSOURI RIVER It is real by Farmers, Mirrlinnts chariics, (Ai:tr;totors. Jttwk ! Ai!eis, J nlriitid Men, iJusines's Mtn, Manufacturer?, ('oiiu:uer.s, AND THE iBSSST THE CHEAPEST AND F.J.METTEER 'e'I tTio Pest and Latest Improved tj-le C' Farm Implements, rittMPP.IsIN:' '.h 'eM.r.-.fr.t Champion J K' .ip. r :in I M-wer. Ku-llo I ipi-r nmi .Mrr. -M-is-:1;. n i hrc-hcr. an 1 'he w..rl ! re-ri.wa-l .Marh l!.irve-'rr. and Mii-.urii Was on .Mnhue (."orii Planter. Knterri Cultivator. I Id-tin ni, 1 Walking e. ml. tried. a!- the Katie. Waikiii-r cultivator. StuoLlo and Preakinsr Plows. A. C. Maj field an J Charles Viall, 'travr lint- agents. F. J. MKTTr'.F.H. I'lattsniomh Ncb. march '-.".Hiwif. ' ;keat central rout.-. Via Niasrani palls. Speed. Comfort .t Safety PULLMAN'S HACNIFICENT CARS Fr.m Ch-caro to Now York, via MVhiir.m Cen tral andtlrcat We.-tcm Kailroads, Four Il;.rfH.s Trains l-aie Chieapro daflv vi;i this line f i r New York lioston. an. I all iut'-TUJt.iiatc points iuthe Last. PAST ATLANTIC KX PRESS Letives Chioatro every nftf-rnoon, having atfach r'i the celebrated Hotel Car from Chieairo to F.o'-hostcr. and a maifnifioeiit l'ullman l'ala-e IrawnK Room Car lruni Chieaso to .New Voik without ri:mco. W. C. Mriit.i;Cnl Sur't C.t. "Vc.ncrn R. R. ll.-'ni ton, Oi.t. Jf K. .irfrnt. Orn. Sup't M.C. R. R. Hiieaco Henry C. ciitworth. cn'l Fafeiistr A't- Chica?-. S, BLOOM 8l CO., ZflPjf s! LOG?,! LOyJi s--! 4 OBITS' V'-A "tlF 'SKIG GOODS. BOYS AjYD CHILDREN'S CLOTlllJYG Hats and Caps, o hoBoScJs stn a, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. h!b Street- Second DoorEa.H of tlio Court House RAXCII HOUSE Eroadwuy, Council BlulTs Iowa. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1870. 1870. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, sn.l more, too, are coin t' I B. SCHNASSS 8i CO, To buy tiIr AT 2n E "W YORK STORE- The hr?t and nio?t complete STOGCC OF PESS OOOOS. Are now ca exhibition at the X.-w YrV .c;or-. at preatljyo'Iuccd j ri-e.. We cIl particular attention lo our m w etyies Oi drlss-goods. pkints, del a i ks , c j i ng ! i a ms. i3iiown siillting, i;li:achi;d cottons, balmorals. carpets, clark's nkw thread. COTTON YA iS ROOTS AND SHOE of til kinI e.nd rricas to Knit er nnTucrea? ru.-tarcers. larK fctock of HARDWARE, QVEENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, fi LASS WAKE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CATS, Wc Se'l vi Co-t. No-,7 tlio ColL'.r-tcd' GARDEN CIIY CLIPi-i:?. PLOW, GTU0BLE anJ BREAKING PLOWS, and H CULTIVATORS. RSAPErlS. SLEDER.-S, HAY RAKES. MuttmouLh September 10:h. Is70. tf. D. 5C!IXAhS. A CO. South Side Main Street, PLATTSMOTJTH, CASS J. D. SIMPSON & CO., Forwarding and Commission; Merchants Agents for the Omaha and St. Louis "O"' Line Packets. O Plattsmoisth, teb. We are now occnpyiait the fir.-t Hoor of the IZfi:a;.d Clock. Corner Main A Second Ft. Ye re rioinir Forwarding and Com in is si on Business, Ware IIor..o sltncueJ. we car. furniih a.11 tho storate wacteJ. All goedi sent ia enr care will receire PROMPT ATTENTION, and coods dirtincd for Lincoln. Ashland and the Eluo Eirer, will bo forwarded without delay. mil &m bss m erS.Ltwtf. ml m& DEALER IS Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Roofin?. Guttering. Spouting and Repairing done. 1 am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty JVol to Le Undersold, as 1 am Buying of First Hands. A. Xo. 1 riow.-" and rrultivator. closing out at Cost. Remember Uain St. to City Motels 'Mil iMlEBl FUtUmeuth, Xc'jr 1870. t. B. IXSHOT7. THS Number 9. COUNTY NEBRASKA LOCAL ZnTEaTS ! The Gcnaania Hotc-I, Omaha, was partially destroyed ty Crc this taorning. Wc notice several colore! pcntlomen in tlie city on their way to St. Loui. The weather U very warm a a J nice to !av. Bakery and grocery see the si?n in front cf Cuth:::ia.i k ITuhcrty's storo. We notice several waon losr.Is of po tatoes on ov.7 streets for onr market. Rev. F. Alloy, formerly cf Tlatti niouth, lut npvr r,f Crete, this State, i ?teriin with friends fur a s-hort time. The "Mary rcDnr.ald," frcni d-.7.n the river, lan led at our -wharf last n:?ht and ut o!T freight for our merchants. A man hy the tnrne of Henry Bennett j ? froon to douth near ( lark, s station. vra on the U. I R. R. cold weather. durinc: the reccut The Tr.fC Ball Club of this city have named thstndvos "Antelope." A Grand Divimn of the Sons of Temperance of the State of Nel.ra-ka, was instituted hy W. F. McCarron, Grand Worthy Patriarch, of Iowa, yes terday. Wc notice a pood many teams stand ing about on onr streets unhitched. "Tt is not our funeral," but wc would think it was if we were run over by some of thcui. We learn that a child was stolon from its mother, at Ashland, a few days f-hiee. We have heard of people stealing steai shipp, tho " livery of heaven to Fcrve the devil in," but we never before heard of anybody stealing children. Flat tsmouth has a rocicty whi-di sports the euphonious title of 'k Turnwarts." Xchra t!;a Cif Chronicle. Ye?, and it is a society that wo nre proud of, too. Wc said in our yesterday's isuo that W3 expected to chronicle tho arrival of inar.iizran'L on our poll daily. To-day we notice several wacons on our streets. Our State U rapidly settling vp, yet there is room f.u- thousands more. The Platte river between Omaha Junction and Ashland U covered v, it h ducks and geese. Vie see that the first rtory of the resi dence f.-rmcrTy owned and occupied by M.L.White, on la'n street, is being fitted up for a meat market. It v.il make a good room for this purpose. The painters arc at work painting the new building of 31. 'L. White, on Main street. Tb.is will bo a very fine building when complct'-d. A flock of wild geese flew over the city this morning, northward. This is said to be a pood sign cf warm weather. firm. Pilas A. Strickland, of Omaha arrived in flic city ye-terday to look af ter FC-m? business in court. The "Antelopes" played another rue" frame yesterday afternoon. They are playing a match game as we go to p-css, so we learn. The club met last night and elected captains of nines, but we have not learned, as yet, who were elect ed. r- . r.-. )., o ,.Mt deal of improvements done to residcnr.s 1 J wanL Now i a very goo i time ! r rcnauan? ami tauit- 1 in-, as the weather is just suited for such purposes. In fact, the whole cirv is making great improvements, and otherwise adding bcautv and worth to I'lattsmouth. This is ruht ; improve the season while the "sun shines." Caes are being heard and dispo-ed of very rapidly at the Fe-sion of court. Judsc Lake has a har-PT faculty of doing business in a hurry. Gardeners, of this city, aro busy mak ing garden, and improving the season generally. O'Brien has adopted the maxim so much in vogue where competition is close, "quick sales and small profits." He sehj good boots for men at 3.f0; good brogans for boys at l..0; a va ricty of womon.s' shoes at $1. V ; nice shoes for babies at 30c ; some sple:;did high cut lace gaiters for $2.00, and some nice lace gaiters as low as $1.50. lie sells for cash and sells cheap. mcij30wlf The Lyceum had a very interesting time Iat night. Their next question for discission will be : Ecsoh-cl, That universal suffrage should be extended to all mankind. It is ex pected that there will be a good attend" ance to hear the debate. Betrice is to have two banks estab lished this Spring by Messrs. Griggs !c Webb, and Bot.cr Si Stewart. J. S. O'Brien is having the front of his boot and shoe store building paintad a very nice walnut color. Tho B. & M. Com panj have very much improved tho west side of second street by opening a ditch along the same through which sewage may be carried off into the river thus keeping the street always dry and in good condition. " SliDi ifT" Johnson arrived in the city last night. He weighs pounds. For further particulars enquire of " Jce." Frank Tomercy has the thank3 of the Herald office for bottles of hi.s " Orien tal Cleansing Cream." Thia celebrated eradicatcr can bo used with perfect suc cess. It will not Injure the most delicate fabrics. We have tested it and find it all it is recomended to be. Judge A. L. Sprague, of Ashland, is ia the city attending court. G. C. Nichols i making some nice lemonade at his stand. We were very much refreshed with a glass of it to-day. We notice Fcvcral car load? of lumber for the B. & M., ready to bo shipped westward for the completion of the road to Fort Kearney. It is surpri.-ing how the B. & M. are moving thinps a'on in this direc tion. The work is rapidly pro gressin7, r.r. 1 with 3Ir. Fitzgerald at the head of the cnicrpii.v we shall hope to be aMc to chronicle the fact of the 1. & JI's consunnnation to Ft. Ivcaruey. Tr.VTS Tlir. U. A- .'f. II.tXDS. Contractor I'iizgerald will soon send out nearly two hundred tents along the lino of the B. & M. for his hands. Every available preparation is being made to puh the work riht ahead, and it will n)t be long until travelers can HO to Ft. Kearney by rail on this route, and from that point clear throujrh to the r::c:.Ie coa-t. These tents are to be distributed at different points along the line to Ft. Kearney. iitBi.i:ji. The following problem was handed us to-day for insertion ia tho Hot AM) : A liquor npency is established in a cer tain town. T'.s town turns over to the figent i 17 in cash, and liquor to the value of .07..) 4- The agent pays out for liquor, during tho year, fJ.Ol ; receives for sarue, $iu2.'.i7. The agent's salary is $25. -'O. At tho end of the year ho lias on han I liquor to tho valus of 31.37. Want.? to know, did the agent owe the town and how much ; and did the town gain or Jo-c and how much. Will some mathematical individual so've the above and publish the dcirod result. V miMii hiiim hi (;r.r.AT kh.i: i" reai, estate. nixcPiaM Utija Forfy Xcres AVitJiin lie City I.i:tii!. John Fitzgerald tlio man who has already made a princely lb: tune by his good judgment in investments and his untiring business energy completed a contract ye-today with J. (. Hays, Ivq., of this city, for forty acres of land lying on either side of Chicago Avenue. It is within the city limits, and i l levs than three years from to-day it will be within the business portion of the city. Fitz gerald sees the "handwriting o:i the wall" which says that I'lattsmouth will 1 e the great business centre of the west, and that b-fore many years. The com pletion of the B. & S.I. B. B. to Fort Kearney this season will -ivc I'latts mouth a lilt ahead which wii! set her for in advance of any ether western city, and r.o man sees it more clearly than "Our Fit;-." the man -nho has the contract of grading the road to Kearney, and (ho man who believes that I'latt? month is the hct place in the west to irre : t money. A UEt v:ok or oors. As wo were passing along the south siih of JIain .-tree', directly opposite the postoflice, wc took a peep into Clark irc I'himnu r's store, and what did we be hold? Why, we beheld everybody pro prietors and clerks bu.-ily engaged in arranging a mammoth stock of goods just arrived from the cast. Ameng their fLa-k we noticed a large invoice of fancy drc:s goods, parasols, white goods, no tions, hosiory, cloths, casshuores, hats arid caps, large stock of boots and shoes, .-triple and fancy groceries, carpets, trim mings, all styles of cor.-cts, large s-tock cf Coiticehi spool thread, and Coats' cotton spool thread, all kinds of domes tic dry good?, teas, paper collars, and a nice lino of neck-tics, and other thii;gs . nr. l too numer uis to mention. e cannot h-V making especial mention of some of , . . I. MM ' . . t i:'-c anicic.-. i nis nriu n raying espo v' ' ' c-"-- .1.1..: . l. : . r: i:n" l'u::r 'u' 15 "y ! e. V, c would cull especial attention j to their hue stock of dress goods and trnnming-, ai:t u.eir m- oi p.ain ami fancy parasols is the largest ever Irought to this city. Their dress goods consist cf percales, alpacas in all colors, pique, etc., etc.. and ore very fine. There is one item wc would have our ladies take particular notice of; they hive a tull line of Madam Fcy's spring and summer new style corsets. This is something new, and every lady should call at Clark & Plurnmer's store and examine them they will certainly like them. This Arm also makes a speciality cf buying and selling the best kind of teas bought in New York of first hands. We are glad to note these encouraging factr-, and we hope this firm will receive the patronage it deserves. The order heretofore issued by the Distiict Court requiring certain parties to give possession of the Faetoryvilie Mills to Bichard D. Simpson, the re ceiver appointed by His Honor, Geo. B. Lake, having been disregarded, an at tachment was issued, upon which the bodies of Wm. B. t'helJon, Sen. and James Fold en was brought into court to answer for contempt, to be held on Sat urday, 15th inst. The Mids were taken possession of by Sheriff Johnson and delivered to said Receiver. Tt will be noticed that the city coun cil, at their la.t meeting, officially or dered the record of thtir proceedings published in tho IIktiald. All persons who desire to keep posted on what is done with th-a city funds will do well to subscribe for a copy of the daily Her ald. The Omaha Tribune says the papers of that city arc not fighting Got. Butler on sectional grounds, and the Omaha Herald accuses the Tribune of "crar fishing." Wc take it that the Herald stands by the proposition that they aro fighting the Governor on local or sec tional grounds. Thisj item froti that fscellect paper, the Telia Blade : ! & M. It. R. We went down to Iurlin:ton and back last -reek ver the lJarlington & Missouri River R. II. We found tho road in excellent condition, and all the trains crowded with passen gers. The I. & M. i.sj one of the most popular roads in the west, aiid we are pleased to see it doing such a lina busi nes3. i he oilicers and employ particular Main fo crr tlmt- tl.j" public is made comfortable while on their 11Re- THE HERALD JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Is now rt'rrlied with Good Pcw Presses AX I THr LATEST STYLES JOB BUSINESS MEN JIRE 1XVITED TO CJLL AND L X A M I FN j: s P C I M E X s , two nouns the quickest Pi ftiics The Shortest Line. mom hicn- to New York, via Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne (t- C'liiir.-iffo Pennsyivuuia Cen tral Koule. This is the only Route rnn-iiniBr ihrrc Pnily Jlues oi through Otty ami etpnij J'fti'ice tors. From Clii-'ap-o to V I T II O U.T J 1 A N O K With but one chance to Pnlthnorr. irnrtfor'l. New llnven. Providence, fj'ri)it;tiL'lJ, Worces ter and ilitun ! TIinoUGU TICKETS Ft S.iT.'" at ilio ofiif "s nf eniir.e.-f inar !ire? in the Vest mid M all ofii.-.-- .f the rort V ayne and Pctiiisy lvaul.l Ceil 1 1 al Koule in Chi -at'd. illuS. L. KIMllALL. :en. ires tern Passenger Agent, Ptnu's Central it. R. Chicarc. YV. C. CI.FLAND. P h t. W. .t 0. It. R. Tootle, Kanna & Clark, .53 .A-IISr IKI S3 IR, S PIALIBS III Qclcl and silver Coli - EXCHANGE, EJ.S. ami oilier fSlcelcs. Btafts c!raVD on all part? of the United St.i ar.J htirope. .Dei'Oidu received, and social at teution given to collections. GETTING MARRIED. ! &AmrAsmy j i i'' iunld.Vw'ly. I - I i- ut& J K -NN'i MKN. on the !3- ees take rnety of fretting Married, with sanitarj" he.'p r"-..'; I lor those who feel iinfitto,! fur r.,T;,r.r,;..i i "Luxuries of iViCucrn Travci." j i Til th"?C d.-y.' the ti-'e rf the 7r".". Vt; Yv.h- lie l-as Le- I'leexeeivliiit-ly l:i-tii!ia. Inifler I t.. .i tain thi ir iatnn:'p a ilailn-ad Ii:ie : i t ; be aMe to 'Vue .l!ly. .' e".! mi l eotiilnrt i' io tr:in-'irtati(.ii.liy pix.-i'.-.-ii - i'ae i:t c.-.-arv iali lieat i.'iis ot a 'r--t el.i- run i iian-.it ct c:m-:ih nr. I 'iiei.mitive.-. i f:il;.l n ml - led and i,".ivy iron Pullman'? Paihu-" leei.ini; rars Pvl'iii.in'. dinii'.? ears, a direct rout;?, (rood cujna t :-n.- aiid ear etui in a inijf Hit lit. The liir-lin:;tin r'i?e i ' Tii-iVinc evrv elT rt to j,(,-.(.s ail Muse i.;i I .':e:it inm Imi lii;!i ilirn-''. an 1 ofl'-TS a r-.'UTi. t :i il i .'ials we t. in.i th s-i-uth, l.iy mean?' ol itt eoimi'et iot: a.-- 1'iil.e.vi: 1. At .,iaha with the Paej,ir rei u. J. At l'!at:.-mont!i with the li. .'- Al. P. 11., in Neha-.-!.a. 3. At llatnl -.:rz. withthe.-r Jopejili Kailroad fur all "d-;!s in Khiims. Ae. 4. Atutunawa. with the Pes Mutne. alley and noriii Mirsnuri raiirna N. -.. At lhir'iu'.-.oti with ti.e v... c. n. a r.r. r.. H.. f r laver nit. Mu-e.itine. See. i. At .M.'tjiij.inth. e i ; 1 1 tho K. R. T. A ft. I., and W. steni I :i-.'Ti ll'iilroads. I'nrSt. Paul, and points in the nunn, and li.r St. Louis ai d i iiit.--in th? .-.uth. 7. At l'e.'ri.i. with the short line r.le.-v;mr.r-ton route to Ir.dianaiolis. Citieinnati, L ull-vide and all pdnts futh and east. .S. At l'e. ria. ith the T.. P. & W. It. It., for L"r.'in-p"rt. ('i-lumk.-. Ae. V. At Mend itF. with a:l the H'.inr.is Cev.ti-K. 10. At CillOA'iU, with ail Trunk inns i'.n tlie Ea-t. No helter advice ean l e trivn tarn, tiinn to T31 the Uui !in-to n lUut." dif. A LECTURE TG YOUNG IVlEfJ Ju-t 'ttlWu i'.i 'l el'i,.'eir,'.if. '.-'" "'". A I.ceture on the Nature. Treatment, and I'.adV il euro if St'Ci -ma 1 1 n leea. r Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Ki;'.i-si"'is. sexual le I ihty. and lnii-eiliaients to M ' rt i.if.-e KMier.ill. ; N ervotisi.ess-. t Vnsu tn .t 'u. n. l' dlcp.-y. nml I- it.-: .Mental and I'hisieal I heaiLo'itv . resiiltmtf from si li'-aimse. .Ve. liy Ho:. err .1 . t'lt'.vel well, .d. lr. autiior of tlie ' lieen llo.d:." A . Tliewoild iviiotmed author, in this aumira hle Leeture. clearly prm e- from his own e prr ienet; that the nwi'ul corse'iuenee of scl I -ai n: e may be clieetu.il!- icuioved without medi'-ino. and without da!ierou survieal operation, bou pies, instruments, lim.:- or eldial-. p.'.nf .ie-' out a mode ot cure at ou.-e certain and ileetual by whiidi every suii' -rer. no teatter v h.!t hi' j- di'ion unv be. neiv cure hims lf cliea; !y. pri vately, and radii- lily. '1 his lecture v dl prove a hoi n to tlo u ;;nds an 1 th-i i-amis. Seet u l dor s al. to ;iny a blri ss. in a pi un scaled envoi, ;,e. on the re -i ipt o t si x cent-, or two iiostace stamps. Al- lr. id . c! m- 1 'mai l i iue miido.' pi ice !!" ct uts. Ad li i.s tlii-l'ubli-h.-r-. CHAS. J. C- KISE & CO. fd"T I'oiwcrv. New York, Dc:-jr s r 2J-wly. STAB MARKET. t n e r n i r. us u; n i: i i : a y i : o v r. n f : r a MEAT EAKECET, On Main ?treef, Pbittstnouth. where tliey pro pose to keep o:i hand the very BEST OF MEATS IN Till'lU SEASON o iiioni;T r:;n'i:s paid rou F .4 T OATTLE Call and ec n.. feh-'MA wrf. II ATT A IIAini.'T. it, Sold Sinco thsir Intrcduction THE MOST SUCCilSCFUL POPULAR AND PERFECT Cooking Machines .P.EOUU WELL KNOWN . A- A ; .': t f. . -. 0. -. -.'' : . .' . Peine: of tlie simplest Coni ruction, rtre r.i'ily managed and fiiai u-t.'ed to e-ive A no n i ti.-'e in tlie lioti." ho 1 lias a rreatrr i'llluoue" in prcinotin-r tin- li.-nltli. comfort and happiness ot the Iitinily circle than the Cook Stove, it is c--oi:en: v a-- well r:s policy ret the VKUY It EST: ami in liuvtu tho t'li A 1; 11.11 O.AIC. yon ran rely on c-ett'ror the tnot sit ccss ful. .op'iiar and perfect 'o"k lii Stove ever made, -?oi.i. i;y Excelsior Ftlanufacturing Co.. 12 and Ci4 Norih Mz'.n Street, ST- LOUIS. MO AND ALL LIVE STOCK DEALERS LIKE E. T. DUKE & CO., PEATTS M 01 Til, N 1 '. i Ml A S K A. OENEP.AE INSURANCE AGENT. LIFE, FIRE Ancl Ivlarino Iasnmnco Af reasonah'.e rates in t, most su'-.-tarti.-e Comi-auic.-: in the United Stale-. Office front room over Po.-i Ciii . with M.;r rjuett ,V Strong. Plattsmoutii, Ncliraska, A;ril -"tli. d.lw. aLi t jJ. a i?k ,frMv L, . v f.;oa mi S;;ca zzveva Y.'E would in ito. Dealer.' a"el tho Paoli generally tocii: end examine our flock of S O .A. 1- S , before pttrenr.s'n elsewhere. Air. S.irsent. ha' ins had the e.Tperieni'e f f twenty years in fiaiH"o-tnri:)z all Jin-U of Soaps, we are confident of jitriri eiiir satisf'ac tion to all who may favor us i;h t'icir patron f o:ip CTi-harue l for Krease, end delivered in ayiy pa - ol rnecity. i.Vsi pail fi r rendered tall'.iT and clea prt a- r WorVs, Kcariey War 1, near Fury St. Prtil :, N.-L.r.i. k City. Ju EidAwtf. Weeping Water, Neb. nrAi.KKa i.v General Merchandiss, PITCH AS DUY GOODS. OKoCEIE?. JiAKI.tW.ABE. VCEENSWAUE. HATS. CAPS EOOT.. SI.'OI.'S, NOTIONS. &c, FINE AND COTTONWOOL LUAIPEU. SIIINOLES AND LATH. W 9re Asrcnts fr Willcox & GiL-f3 Sewing Machine, Thich is undoubtedly the Dest Machine nw 5-. a?e- Msri'j'i I'M. PL..4. i aUt 1 ti rTIl C. II hdSEL. Proprietor. Hariri recently Lr repair d and placed in thoroiich ratiii irsr e-der. liW.Oiti liu-ueis oi ' beat wanted immediately forw lieu l.ia !:.(.. i".-t t p,it,; n;.J be i ai tan ---wit. JW.kA'H M UM KSTAIU.!SIIKr IN 1 ii; in IVATC ni?s, C t C KN ; SILVER AND PLATED WARE, tit'LO I'EXS KPCTACLKS. Vl'LIN SIKIM.S A.M i-ANCY t.v'UKS. V,atch-', Clohsand Jewelry rti aired ne.-itl.-in I with iii -i-at -li. v -'-Kcmovid to oi posit e I'lat'c Vai-ey liou.- Vi- : Street. nov. l't w i I'. LY" DONT EODDER MORRisON Fcr He is Tco Busy Waiiirn cn Customers. r.'CfiriiSCu'S "Sh'GO FLY AIEAT MARKET One I)-or K.'.sf of the Court'Housc is the t-Iwi to -"!al! hinds cf 11; l.asftiei "n (He Tnest Market in the Sla r. ami keeps t.o i n i-nt the hest of Meals. Meats n-tcd in any IJi;.u:i it ics on special coot rii.-ts.j Highest Pi-ice.' Paid for I? A T V A T rtT a Lrn't Pori-et ti:e I'laeo, Morrison's ''Shoo Fly."' I - l A t pach-'ic i: ilway r m:ssiii;iu- Pa.-si : :lo:ivin:' St. doe. ia. Mi-smiri Vi.l. ! y Ka;!road .-n 1 o i lo. k p. i i. n-a!;.- el-. mi rue! sure e-. n ooi : ions at 1-. . n-.; - t 'i; ;, w:th l!u pu !ir :!. nin-ii; at St. Louis xt lil-r'd-i : a' -l o'el- i k. JJ'h;. j s (j, -t class r:l I i'l I i-o rc-ncct. New in n has been laid: new ei',- no il no ma mi iii .-lit . lei pi li a lo I a.- - ctitrcr nm Ins I lii-oli a I te I to ii- eoiiii 1:1. I'.i o"-i ea ii ni. v on its in ik un.- it- .-eliniio- I tinn. I h.s is the l.c-l ronto Imiiii Sl..li.scpli to t, I. ma-. Si-uili ind Moithcii-t. 'I hioi.h tickets f..r.i!.i!t the nfi-ces of t'o Mis.-miri alliy La 1 1 road. ii. '. ;.'i H ii::i. "cn'i s-.t rim?. D.)r;;i. C. U. A. V. L. 11. lie. i. i. A 'rirT FATHER S H0USE ; ' CP.. The Ij-wriJCriJ VorcJ Py P-niel March, P. D.. author of the popu'iir .. N iir'it Scenes. ' This ir.asti-r in thought mil latiuaire shows us uiool.l ru li - s ,unl liea-iic- i the itr'-at ilmise, niili ii? hi oni-ie llmvi ' sint-'io;- lii.is, w;,-, in f-aini". Hollmi: elouo , beautiful Imivi sacred mountains ii . !i 1 1 . rivers, mighty m-eans, ttinnderiiiic voii i s. Ida ine heavens aim vast universe with count.'---heini-s ill million? of worlds, and read to to- o each the 1 :i writ ten Word. Uose-t inlcd I a p ornate onuravinirs and suieri ldndir.-r. 1 1 . ' am! varind in Ihiontht." "Chaste." ' I'ti-yiii irraio-lrl in 51 le." "( oricet. pure an I 1 le at::., in its t' laleiicy." "jteaiuiliil nml cond." " tn u-ehold tie isure." t.'ommcndat ions lil.n tin aliove Iron t'olici'e Pre'i IcntK and Professor mini-: its ot all denominations, 1. n 1 the rci i-iioi and si-ciilitr 1 n o all over the country. ! freshness-, purity o .-inu' i.irtc. uilo clear, oj 1 type. i fie -1 ei I en-.rr-i vin . 11 t antial bii.-L-and 1'-' price, make it t;n- Intt.k ftr the tiut Ai' -uts are "ellimr from 1 to 1 .0 per week. ' e 1 ut (Jier : ymen. Selio d 1'cachr.rs, Fi youti' men an 1 Indie to mtr-idu'-e the V -f T us in every township, mid wewilljiayli aily. No inte!lie;erit man or woman neei: without leiyiac Im-iriess. S rid for circular, lull description and t--Apdross ,. 7.ii::li:i? ,v McCUKDY. lo S. Sixth Street. I'll. In . Pn. 1 ''.! lim e St n et. t'incinnati. .diu M.-nroe s-tre-r. ( hieaso. III. e"'l N. Siih Street. St.. Louis, "ii' or, 1 Main Street, Springfield Me- . Ootid 1m , Harper's rjr.gazir.c ,ri MTIi-Ks ,- TIK I'KK.-S. No r-.or d'-!ii:htfii' travels are printed in tli IhiL-ii-h iai -.--iai.-o il.a i npi-car pcrpetuitly ir II MtlTlt's M U. t'I.-'. i hey are read Wit co.a.il interest nii-l satisfaction l.y hoys ot every t-rade 1rom cii-heen to eighty. Its 11 1 1 111'- papers, while snfin ieTi'ly roloittid to !. man the at! em ioii ol the l-ar!i'- I, are ftilminibl) ndati'i.l to the pot ul ir tin lerstau lint', and dc Ktiitii'il :i' mii 'ii lo defuse correct, informatiotr eon-eriiif' current soiciit i ; :!se -very it e..o ! l e it il was the ins: 1,1 1 1 the " Society for tlio P -: . 1 1 r.-i 1 1 o I s,.n! KnoMledtfe." Th irrcat d'-.-i-'ii of 1 1 AKi'i:u's M.u.!lMt it to give eoric t information and lati mil amusement to the j-i'-'it ma-- of the poop!-. There arc few intelligent Aincri'-ati liiini'.ie in which IIai: ! ft it's Maimzink wonldnni le an appreciated and hiirhly -v, elcop.e j-tn-M. 1 lu re is no monthly M 1;: .1 71 tie an i 11 'el iiiren t. readier family en ri le--a (lord to l.-e il hout. ?.!any ai aa y.i ;ici r'r? ac cumulated. Ii A 11 -til's is ediied. 'I he e is no' a Mio-aine tlmt is punted which kIiows nion int-llieect (mins expended on its articles anc nii-i 1: tni'-al execution. j here is- t:of a clienper M a I'tl.me pnol-.die-l. There is led. '-onl'essed. Ii mo: popular Maaitno ill tho world. .Vor A foOrr- it'ttm.xt' ml. It is one of the wonder" of ioitrna'ixin th editorial management. of llAltl'KK'tf. I'll jV'iricoi, A'. )'. svnsviti - 7 c.v.v-iri. 7' rrn IlAnrrvs Maoazink. one year ?1 O" An ex t ra copy d either the M ana : lie. Weel. '. or i'.Hnr wiil lie sui plied ;rratis tor every cl i 1 d" ft v& sti l.i'-rili-r.s at r 1 o'leneh. in one rem.' tancc; ; or, i-ix copies for " JO on, wit hout ex r . copy. Sue -er'iitions to Harper's Majrarine.Wpekly '" liaar. to one ad Ins- foroneyear, gift 00 : -two 1 I I la rpi-r's i'cr.o.licals, to on addr--- !o on-1 year. fiT 'vt. J tack mini oei s can he si: pideil nt any t' . A O'-Mplote Set. if il.llpirV .M HL'llzine. l i eo'npri-inir fl vo'omns, 1:1 neat cloth 1 n r - -1 ; wiil I event ly (Kiiies-. freiKlit at. expel it the pirli:isei tor z per volume. volume-, l.y tu'til pos'jeiid, c i . Cloth i-i-.", for I 1 ml i' -"I s-, by mail, portpaid. 'J he po.i .ie on 1 1 ii rpors Mat: ay inc is l i-eri' - -i ye-ir. which must be paid at the iTbj-eri -i po.-t olhce. HAMPER LP.O'nil-P.". New Y'o- 1 Visiting Plaltrrioiili;, WILLFIND C.r ODSTPLTN AC"n,.r:. ;. H'JS Al 111 Farmer Feed Stable.- C'-rrrr of r:-."i et T Vine Sfree. ; ;. : Nortti oft he Prcsi-yteriar. .'htireh, J'; : ,..,, " e.o: a.-li a. T5ATPS .t I). tr. Ai.p.as ix GROCERIES ft p;iOf::t:. I would rtfncetr-j-ly nin-mnce to , .- -OF- . Plattsmoutfi & Vicinit; that I have opened a Crst el - Grocery & Provision Stars, or? fit', Street. .outb of isr a 1 n- srr 11 1: 1 : t . I hopo by f,t;r dca'.in!? to merit my h-i 1 f PUOL! C PATRONAGE. Coo-Is de'.-vcrel.'tor.ny part ofthe ei to a rzn January Cd.l'n dif. A. II. 1 i 1 MUSIC! MUSJU i PIANOS, ORGAN S. MELODEGNTS 1 :::n A rei't for tlie he-t Mtisi -al ! ie. fua lo. pero.iis v ish inir to lojyl'ian n Metropolitan or Pro:al.; tli cans. ... ; own Injrcl;a- e t h'D'iu'M my A.W11 : . .. terms 11s 1 hi-v m lioni i'ie )..-. : themselves. All in-ri iiuieni- tvai r.u;ie "I '!' J. V. ft