Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 13, 1871, Image 1

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k .. Ji' ix,i Me- utvj J :,
1 TB
iitA IfiL T33e
13'iths Aitn tt:pr:ator.
1 re
II D 1 1 AT 1 1 A WAY-
KOH'iR-lSH rPort'ETOS.
, Tf - .
?. OfTi, c.rorr.'cr Jlnin ami Seeond street. Fets
U r'l.ry.
TERMS :Wf.-klr. t(0 per annusa i'pnid in
it' I'.'iM in a'lvitnco.
-n Inir.iriixc 4'uiilrnrt.
:m-Hux ril; It. A- ji. in Xi-brn-ilia
to i'urt Ken 1-1:13.
Hp ( ontrnrt Aunrdnl lo J'-l n nix-
Cs'enlay va (he 'lay tt for a'.rat
in the cjitraet fr nr.-j'J::: on the"!!, .t
'I. in ?'. iM-a, we.-i Iwitf, (t!;s
I" a 1 .ihi.:i'y in i-iir 'M'le 1 ' th:;t mhii '.
A lar.-e uuuiher of JJailmaJ men ha i
l'C'.'n in tlie city for H'Vial !.i s await in
t hii awarl, 1-ut cur f. l'.v tvvii--:i:;;i
Uix:t 1'itz-eiM, tho yreifet railrua-l f j
Tiiitrnt t. ,r in the vv:-i. M n-rcl the '-;fl- j
i.,-r.r (), ., . ;.,. ... r. i:, i
I v ct,:i: jrloi c 1 ly tho f:r.-;t A' Novcnih 'r
I '-Nt. 'i'!'- fn:1ti;,.-L i lij' ili- tho
fir.-t tlnriv
i;e !i.'. tha
part which a!.e ,dy ;nlcl. va-: a ward -'l
to Messrs. 15a -mi L of this : Ir y.
It is the intention of the Company to
1h.-!i this iir.pi.-.-tai.t ti ;.:;k lino tlu o i.-h
to a eiiiiii'-i-noii with the C lh at I'ort
Kearucy-cirrirsr-thc pivont scTisen, and '
we uiidcrstan 1 that track laying we-t I
from Lincoh) will comm. nee in the coure j
of a few das. Iluiiah f-.r the 15. &M. ',
-the mobt impr.itant line of railroad m j
the west : and hurrah for Plat t-mua'.h. !
the future frreat city of the we-t.
m:. atoij tM.. Nebraska than his persecutors would be
Several of the anti -liutLr ans ; tilCZUliljl 0f tLcir loiy,
'- ti"se ?) intensely anti -Sutler that they j iciPtr.-rrOTaci.
- -ro un 'illinsr t i do !e j.istice to h'm Tho Ueatriee Krjrrs and Tceumseh
or j y itian who is not. already against j Clii'tain aie j. leased with the convie-
bini i-ave f e. n lit to censure Senator i M0" "l' l'"kr. 'I'hey h ive seen the tes
. . ,. .i ! ti iionv and arguments as presented in
LHa:p.l J.,r his mono:, to n ljonvn the ,y.;,;c, ;irlI (,,tlil,. ,i;it the
i 'Mi,a'J.'. 'i Jit i.t omit until tho ::o(h of , puni-hmcnt is jut, and t hat t In; llepub
Yi'un "l h". o unrerisnn:.) '.' fiult fmders ' li'-aii party nnW lursM! itself of euell
are a'i i'. They wo, 11 liavi
It lisli'.H J
Senator Ifaseri'l mneh more se-
.. 1 t Jit? vote bad boen ores-cO at
'.hat tio'
had voted his honest
MUitimoUs to r-cjuit Gov. Hurler- ns
we bav- cveiy reason to believe he j
would 'iai ve done had th: vote been :
!Jt '.io ught, by those who claim to
1 'l;r Nebrai-ki abound- In e
I'r.f i'.r...' I ni or ";.:;y other p. an," to
i i I '
-with f
jm-1 a eo::o
l e
"rv, .iiii '-
;; ii'ii
V.' ni
... ',-
low a. v.'.r-' Las been tia. cling over . a.
St?.-1' rrrtt ext-ni-ive'y i'-r th.' j-a.-t f-.-w
wocl.-. a if? it is his imj n
li that coil
vi t ir. no m anuu'iauce in -.ei ..on., .o i
"'- . . .. '
, . , v- . . 1 . . -
-e ot
C it...-. - -. ' r -O e-- 1
l-v.:r. - I!: :'at d iLul f
:il P '.in- wasbcii.-vedt'-. e
but t:! it now it ah. -nn Is in
"Ve! ..oaoiy ; s ' i'- "'
.-' o. 1 tl''
V 1.
I rs
ha vi hch ii !..'
iM't.,-.' ite-l '
im-'i who urci.-r''.'i i tlie
c .' i . ,' , t" 1 ' -..i-ciVe-y
i i o.i .'-Oi" n.
Si nu "t s si .3-'.i:,
Th.- lb cs M. in No! rr:k.i 1
.la 1 the p:l HO.l t' T iaiiJ to 1
j tv r,
a no
ta'.:m: ;
p .1 -y, Ajo o f.'tn.
;c i''i of fare a ; a
We i.":k" upon this r. e
i-rv reiici . .us . i":i .
:; . the i r.t of tl.v
, r- . 1 .."
company, consioc. iiej tj.J o. ' m .o.'
have no op) o; i-itioti. Rot i: is a p. -.-n-liarity
of this cr.mpany that in all their
d-aings with InKvidu.oi and with the
public, they never take undue a-ha:.;a-gon
simply bccr. ise they hive th- t owc-r
tod) so. Tiure i' a eoini. ion prejudice
in I'm i-.-.b'ie ii. in I nirauist rsnr. ici com- i
pan'.--, which is to a i-jrtain ext. i.t jo-
tilb-d 1 v the r -fion r.f a
...... i- -- ,.
ni'-en-i corp .vv.h.ns: but t!u R. e. M
in N.bra-ka. in. ler tic numig-ment
C !.;-.. as-i.-te I by such wor'hy gei.
tio...-f.-. -.St:?; l-fOO
b. .i:r-v :i
i j
t 'In i-i i i os.- ii . Hill, an'i -' i
1. r
. . i ..' 1 f . :
111 P' l to f -viue a u.c.e in, , .s .
. . , , .
seniinieif. in rc o. i to tu.';-'o ma..i.a. ,
, r . . .. .i ..
li.e prcsen, re and o o, o...
p:.rt of this company, wit. tout a cuue
aside from their owa d.'rc t male pa---
fimraulfieihttariaslowaspossi -
Lie, is another cvi b n-e of their favor.
Lincoln, Nebraska, April .", '71
Ei-itor 1'i.aits.m ii-ra Hkk vi. h : In
Jookirp over tho columns of the "Rakci
ta City .b''i', " no lor ihe heading of
"Land Oi'.e.e Riz ," we see the fol'ow-
ing report of the 1 u-iuess .beie in 'he
Land Oine located in that place, for the
nmnth of march :
Warrants No. acres '.a''
Homesteads " .'Vo
Cadi Entries l.o'd
Preemptions i
No. I'in.i! Entries 1
Total Receipts C2;'j.".7.;:o
Which report "fn.oporfs j't r o',.'v"
with one 'day's business, in the Lnn-.l
Office located in this citv. The fo low-
jng is the report as taken from the
records of the office, for the month of
March :
Homesteads, 27o. No. acres ."2,-!"7..V.
Rreemptiwiis -127. " f, o,so
"Ca-h Entries " " 2, V.-7
I'ir.-J Entries 17. '" "' 2,f...2
Total o . : vo
Rtciipt r?b 4",
"Life is the time to --tve. the Lord.'
ai.d if the thou.".!; .vh-. are cu'tivat ipg
l .rge flells of .!i,ti:js an-t ;.- on aete
trtieis, in the Ea'crn States,, wish to so
cure homes in a country where they.. .! is
so rich that it ro:u,'re only to be tickled
with a hoe to lu i.h witji a harvest.
They had bitter fail in aiih the current,
and move westward with, tin ;t Jr i;i'Liu
pire to the fertile plains of Nebva-ka.
and i
Nel s ti!'. - WOP r or ,M.-'
. .. r. . 1 11 wei.ail toe t .ti ,"l,-.e ariJifi; I IO , - - . ...... .... ..v ..... u-.- in . ' ... .,-.- -. ,.i. 1 i;..;i ....j- 1 .. ' '"' .;.oii .ei i-o -, J-t,, ui-., ir,
stinatioii is tb? thief ot tune. 1 ...v. 1 ...... . . their imsm sioo or ,.,."..:., . ... c..h .1. tV..,-s,., i ... "..., t.' v.. ... ...... i. ' it ;a ., .-.I... ..i.m ... '
. i.en-.a-i. 01 .o.e I.o.e I.eerisail'trc let lVe-.l 1 r , .' ...... ..-.v. u.i.i j.,... -"1 's eui. i,i,.. , ... v....v,.u.--. .-iiauiui o -c
1 tl.-e tideo; f ioii'-vraUouit.vr t.-tutiie.' f'-.fl i.-.v -t t1-r.,.,.o ,p,.. ,. ;, as tne couv. nt mu pe-.v or let- or re- in-xt J be latter owns a Turin of" oboni ! ne La. 5 p:;i;.;'.u of ; 1- r.-'.ie-.sbioei,t i
the counties of Fillmore, Clay, und ! every day thry weie in Lincoln." The j uu.; j . !5,j 1 J 1 V h:,,i be.the. f the I I'-uir nandrcd a:.r.s r.oar Raltimoie, his ; iuan nature rcpuies. , " - -" w ui
ms. alonv the line of of the R A- const it iition isma ie ior ( ioveinors and : , ..' ':' ' ' 1 -' 'o mrni-n tna mcni-J nan, e city, an.i is reported to 1 e wrtL ! il" ' . .u..--; V-','., "-,; sV'.0''1 K'-IS.K':'11'-? erc''y?re-.
R R beau i-riicati ,1 of the ,',e . -r ,tors. Men who seek ' k, ,.".!,"," ;j. usual lor ow-r . v mm.j. - j T . , Colomdo lover ct- i -' rjcLTnr'
V , j' , J , m'"-,1'" t"iM pome info court with clean lh: hii-ia se-emn, aim to It i re-.orted 'hat Mr lb- V 1 1 p-ed ad-ir-ti-m fbr biV f.V- 'b ! M 'i:'" s.-ptl.-wif
chances are that the i-ouu all m ol . .aid A'r .- 1 eaus-; such pun 'a:.- to be done as the i . 1 i tuat -M. J.M-e.i....2 l.a. ; 1 - -'I....1..I10.1 ior bis Li.r. .-he n , .
. 1 , i.a.iu.-. ni -i (i'i,.,f,.- , -... . as l"c . invented a tnaehiTu to eico.r 1 a i, Hi p. be L-i 1 .! r. -r!,..-. : . 11. !i.:..o i, k. 4. .. sruosa
iraoia v.:ii l.ivorab c .01 roe ' W;!! ' it ,,.1,.,,. . .... no- 1... ... ,- --- , ... , .. " -- , 4 .?--- t r.
VOL. 7.
The Omaha VW-f calls Gov. Rutlcr
41 the deal Governor of Nebraska." It
is very notieeable, however, that even
the 'd ead Governor " causes the afbrc
saM Ilrruhl a vast amount of uneasiness.
Art r.frai 1 of gliosis Dr. ?
'To are in receipt of a pamphl-'t
copy of Gov. I 1 1 1 1 I'd :inn'i:il Moeigc
sent to the Lei-i.-da lure at i's recent ?e?-.-:!':.
The wuv. wo - d ci" at 1 brs M oiiies.
own, and is :i lira' .; -b. Wo si e ).o
re:i-on why thW work t-Ii ;i ;1 go out of
-t.r- .'-. ,i if 'i .iinec. ci I
ill O
ir own .S:nro.
ti; 1 our iiowr i
api'i" intt-re.-ts fo.-ti-rcl t:
' robv.
a nis!.iri:BtsTE: view.
(Jovemr l.ith'i" in iy iles -rve inip'.ieh
i.i ::: 1 ili-n;is-a! from oJ1i;e. On ; of
t lie stroti-'e.--t ari-'uni "t;i.-; aa.tist ii. is t.nat
rv s.-ivv i o!iti.-ian in lint Stato
h-n:i:-lin him down. ,tvu,l Ojn'niou. j
Tii ; above is in r.tritive of thj way ai'
d;-i;;tere.-N?i outsiders lok upon the
roe. -lit liltlj "" created
lyalV-v of our uneasy po!i:i'Ti:ns who
wi.-hed tT distinf rt:?'l lll'.-Jii.-i'.'Ive and
w'i - i have e-i.t tli,; St.oC- the neat suni of
$o'l,u oo. They knew of no other way of
''.i-tin.-'tti.-hin- themselves than by drac-
u' some other man down and attompt-
A ,u eh-." .to t.ioiieM
tnom;e;ves on ins rum.
The "ruins" of a man like I'avil
! Hutler will he far more respected in
i .-couii'i.c-s. i:tn wpi tnc s-aies oe
1 knocked from the eyes of the Pawnee
T, ::,ir ami l'lattsmouth llnild I
ii i-i -ii.. .
V. .,-,,.., f.i.. 7,
The "toaKs" will be "knocked from
tycs ,lL. iM.ltiul !Ut1 H kpai.I,'"
;f :;I,y ai0 Lifore them, when the i-
dence as t;urit hf-re th- Snmtf, and m-t !
j as pre.v. nted by tho C'i,t.,th-f- .-hall jus- ;
ti!y ihe conviction of G ..-vomer i?utl-r,
an ! n-'t u:l;l ::.:r?.
;i." of tht mo-t proniiiici.f-trails of
i" -R-o '.u.'.Lmu j arty, in .i 'litift. has
cv l.c.-omc e.n uud-jiiiable fa.:, and that
:. its wonderful Ji.rli-uraiice. Ncwhrre
i the l.;lory ot .he world can we find
. . -. -. i , .I,... l. !.:.., 1 1...
- - .
t: i. l -il v in I.IIV.O-
.1 .:u . . . ii-l, ... ... lll.ii ..'....''.II.-I ...
, . ;
t toe cIo-e ot the j
" . - 1 -
l.:te l . 1 !!i- l". The highest Ciin.e that
i.-.t em! I be c:.;;:v of was lurrcilui'y
.. .,"'... ,
.1.11.11 . 1 '. 1 l.t ... ;....! !-. I. J l I I I "I- I .1 . 1.
e i :i I tbi.- t ) w hen all the s:-n -e of
l the
;.-.i i owcr rcs-uitmg ii
fa creut wo.k to-elhor i
, , . , , . , . I
ppul' d tnumjli iei.t its Mren-Ui and
. r.
.1 Li . ,i . , I : . . I ill. jlll.lli'l j
...... . . . i ......... i I '
v i .1 i .... : t ..-."., . ,.:....i i
n: i ' n i. i - I .i iiic.i -'. 1.11.11'ah I
srverd a
reeive :
t'- -- ' i ;
, i
r : i :ir a-.-
1 1, t!:e
i u . i ,
e lac-
V' ' ;.'..-!:. 'tue iae- i
a i
. el ;
,i iy il"? p.'ity
V o
o.i . i' ; :i a 1 1' : i iv
.. .... i r.i ,. i!
.(! liO
wcr. they hai
.-t-n.-ht to
ch- j
m.-nis '.loiivr do: in the eau-e of I!e- j
pi.l-lii aid --.!: .n v..: :--o; the I n-
i u. Ti a! i si. .o;!d steal the
gl.itill !.:. '.' Republic.. Oii.UU Ii. which to;
serve ;beiiio"..s Ie.a ot racy proves cue I
! o ; t v. o t
.j i
are ei-
; t :!'. T 1. : .i .;!'. i VI s I o . 1111.1 1 1: U i l- Pl'liUi'.i
. i . r i r : .
r ti
lv-1:,-- .!.-.. A ! of p,-i- ir" in pe!i-
tics, haiiin." ':: sivai. htf in-a: i i ath to
pur.-u u they skui's in lim-; of d.tiiger
and p. p.-re thom.-e! res to '.-. t-.t t" the
en- lev : heuri civu.u' p...Uo-. ry r: do1.
! i.
t oil .o tie p.. ere t
I -.t CH1.-I.4 1o 1 1-. - B ni' t lie
maP.on. that cu
l - -.
to end with the hthe m evd- ii, it.-, au-
, . ,. , .
thor.-, r.o br.rm woma l.- il ol tn ; ea-i e ei
, p.,.... ,, . j,.-., ,.,bu-, a.: it d,x, I
, ,, ,;,....,. c,., i
i '-a.. ... - -"
;' - 1 - ;'1;1: - - ,'.::1' r: '' 'T' Kl": -
l"1-"" i
j theie i- in t:::y o-.I.or liumnn Lei.ig.s.
j AVhene-vrr a tu'.-ciiber i:..:i:-cs profes
I sions of R 'pub-lic-.ui-in on the part of
journal, mie: oarac-i p. .a -es oi "
worst foes, and abuse, c-ivcrt or open,
,,f t i...hi-,l-l,.-.vprc W v-n-l ' be- w i-e
. i ii . e .:.
; for them to stop, to pause, : n 1 question
the uniiexibility of the join: iph. s which
actiiate such writers.
Forbearance has been cxlen-h d lo
Fuel, j.iurna's by reason of over confidence,
procrustiiiyit":o. .-p-.d i:;deei-: ii of char
acter, ba.-cd on the to lief that no harm
would result ; but if the tuns are not
i weeded, they will i'reetify and sec I ".he
j land. !f the insidious kn-k'ux of the
I press are not recontsnu t. d, the coueeded
i laws of hoip rablt dealing and moral oh
ation ill I'-e t heir fire:
.... i
.-ami' vt.
an ! a sj ecoe-ief editorial brigandism wi!
receive a silent tut conceded indorse
m ::it.
Let the editors of our new pa-
.- .i .. . a ..
pt rs prove tin? seni ti.- v
, . , . .-ii"
.hi t:l to oe oil . 1.0 v. a ;c ..-1 : ml .- e.i i.ij-
cny, an.l tin .-e l.nsowiia-.-ke-r.s wm come
io and take the amnesty oath to ricr.umc
jriueiple.s. When such pr.-dL-eds re-
. . , p- 1 . 1-11,1 " . . 1
turn, wc tan i.m.r.I to kill the Lilted call,
and rejoice and be exceeding glad, be-cau-e
we ! ..-lie-, e in forbearance; but it
v.'eul-.l be wi-c for them to leiuember
that there is a point attuinaMj in tlie
paths so many of them are fdowing
where foi be.iraree eea-es to be a virtue.
To bo luagiia.iiinous to an enemy is a
noble trait, but to be just, though the
heavens lad is
n unvu-stionaele virtue.
T.- . i -i . r . . I.OolvS. : ai ers ;n,I oeO . . 1. : .vi..-tVi .-.t.-.- o i 1 "oil r- 1 .i ... I, leit' s- fio.l ,.. .,,vi,'i 1-,,.. -,.-!, 1 .'. vi.:.. t l r... .-
oe-.-r -iso;r sue. ' 1 1 e t ev.o ,,,, - ::,... .e.i , , - '- . iactorv lor '- tm -ii'ii t on!- 1 .inn-. , i nncn si.: wa t-ivM-r-r :
. , .. . 1 . .....'. .1 - .1 ir 1 . i"rc ni,,p.,t..iis .. . , - 1 ...... ---.j--. ...e.....
-., 1 1 - hi , "1,1, . . . -1 , . ' 1 I -.-I- .- r-"s. s. , , . 1 iiic i.,t-, : 1 v. i ?- 1 1. r .,i-n . cun i. si . 1 1 . ; , ri , ,i-iir i e . --. .'.-js ...r.vvv.
; i - t aorer, ; w;o r -ior w ;;:, m -rvpo---i'
, .. . ........... , .-n-t'tnf'nrt awi-np. ' V -- 1 - . . , . .v.
GiknwooI), April ,
Mil. Kwtoh : Your love r.f wl;at is ! v-tit!.ti, s-hau be lAml in tlje oiliccci tho fightini tha "dca-l eori-:e" of Governor I Ihe peophi beheve in it. ilsey !.- Asnn a Ivrtf-iiu im-.liKU:. The L.iMorsKR TT Cl tUt.
, , , u i m . x I SeSQtry of State, ihe .ini'iiflinciits, i T, . ' . , r , , r 1 ''eve th:-.t everv man lias the ri'fit to a i ft.-n.'N an etTiai m tho couMtry. Its; 4 .
. , . " ',' n- I (literal ion-, or r. visions ot tlie t.t'.nstuu- j ,. '" to a spiaie s-uakc in tvery eas; i w u-. r. -ii'.-, iikr ,.-.h.'.r i.-n-r."ai I 1?0K SALK.-Thrvo wros r l-md
tra-ka, will cause you not to take oHcniO ;,, S,H bo tm1 r-h.f, in sm-.h manner, i caitonal each day. hat effect woul J a ; ..v...:t. i u v-..t ...r i..r,.'i,. !,- ...i J i ... v..r. I tu.- -ity vtL .b. m kiH
:r ...-...,...;,.-- ... I : 1, ,.,.,,.;;,. a l -.n IV. n- ! I '!;....' ... , I, ..!... Tt.. ti,; . r '. :.,...:.., ,.l,. ' lt.-"-in-ul:tia is thi-.m-'liout the l Statv i Ivy puniealnril i-iKiuirc At
,n J . - , , .-" i . -i i i I trtiiail i, nail is iii'-ri':iMnir Iiryi.iirf all .r.'i-e- : itli"t.
4 mueTi imTmrtan-e to the "(iicat i by tiirffonvc-ntion. - ' , seurt-1 temporarily m tunes 01 popular! ,j(.tinMi anna! of j.iunaliMn. Ki'i..winif ifc: j ; 7
O.-t. i ai.-I I'J IO tltC n..-(lI!rt!0.1 01 - . . . , , ... . ' 1 - ..1 :i. .. . 1 ami r. pillar h-:iJ;ts arc l.irei- laml hol'l.Tc. r-:l I lei.fS
, I lim, r ii.-i..i hi iiij v wi-iauu.u, ,., .i, Stafn S n i ..:-i nr.-n, .i-.r r,t a ii-1 on . u-; u-e -iu'.-ioo a 11 1 1 rasnir rou :jic- . .-!,.. ,.,!i.i:.t .-.vl ,.rr... 1
u:c u ii uu.ui .-11 1 1 . ! lao nitai .1111 iii-ji 11,
'.!: C iii'Iico;!:o i;.i:!roa'l bv
J. V. .1
II- . This evrnt merit;: tho 1
eo:i'rat;:Jati-.ns of our popple, j
z tho hn-.'.-i where tl:vvc- ro.uls run. j
It is well !; that 31.-. J. y pos- i
b of ..v:ir r-ili! re nn 1 i i
, ,-, r , t ,,r, '? i
f.-em.eiL.rsn o. t-nre: i.t.d.ii. eu.tuie.
.Io:.":ver, to
.nor these
!,.. .
! (-(Till' etc. 1.0 1 lia' kC'l l-V iilL- i-n:-' tes-" cf lioiK'sty. 'rit '.'.rify, marna
i.iuiity, uiil (iisiniert-dn'j' lie is, in
r!:o:t. .vhat the oM If.muus rt-pres-r-ntfU .
i:i tho i'ji.u'.ia:.-' w .-rd.s: "intuie-r viteo j
.re.eris.ptrt 1-0-0
........ ,.... s.. - " 1 I... s l....-iil... 1 tc
a i.v. . uai t i. 'i
may therefore Mtfely count upen the sue
ee. - s of these li a ls. l.'i.Jer s-acl
what is worlhy of remark is. that, with
all his vat weult'i, worth, renins, cul
ture, and elevation, he is one of the
most retiiing an 1 unpresum'n nun. of
i::o lorn times. The writer of thoe re
marks passed a whole day in Ids service,
and soeiety, without the sli.rhte.-t idea
that he was what is called in we-tern
vernacular, an "almighty Dig Ij,:r,"
The only impression left on bis mind
was surprise that a walking encyclopae
dia of science shoul yarn with a hunch
of i-uiall potatoes, a mere employee and
a rouh cu-tem?r at that. You know
bow we "fellows" will put in our motto
and haurh-haurh at it afterward ; there
fore you may jruess at the rustic and'.ed diaiao which covered the ludy
,'.:z (.f Vour correspondent. wIkh on ar
,-ivii,.- at Omaha with Lis charge, he
found hims.-lf treated as a sort of tame
Gorn'jr,. of iviu.U"k!ibb impo: tr.'i -e, for
!, ivi;i- be n s.eii in the s l( j..;y f Ameil-
(J;cat Uai'roud liiepl.aut.
, . , . .. .. I
oi'.rs Reovet!i'.;!. !
R. 13. C.
j-,-......-,, .j
AX Avr '
1 sr.--. .'-Ilfr c.v ii.n'sii! lt:o t on-
! i
I stilt:::::! r.f tUv M: -.f Stbraba.
! :"r;, t;i 1. Ir. c-ui.-t,.l !: the 7,y- j
i .',,.. ,. .."..'. ,'. i. 1 ut ;
i : ... .- '. ... ..' il
a .'in. cnii.o: 'O it i-e, a.'i o. ;
r.uiit utioii of the St oo of Ntbra- i
j ha, is hereby called, to meet at the ;
j State lb m-e ni the city of Lioeelu. on j
!.!,,. 'i u.'s hiv on t luonth ol
dune, l-ii. Said Convention .shall-con-J.
.-i.-t of !if v-iv int. mi ers, who shall be ,
fin .eii in t'n- di-t ri (.- entitle. 1 to elect
members ot tie llei:-; ol Itcprosenta- .
tive an.l .-eiiaionui J' a? c.--iim- j
....," j.v lVl. :.. the time of ho'.dir. the ; .
. . ".. , -'. .
: i ... . .. i.oi"' ... ' ... , . ..'i-.-i'T..i-i
ii.-.'.'-il ! ! n .I.' .. .-7 ' . . i. . ..'.'.i.iiiii'ii;
. i i i -: j t ' i - I t "i (-.;:- mem-
- , . , i
i o t t oi.velltaei r.s (-v.cti ..i.-t rtet- .
i', .1 in elect iio-ioic'- s ei thot
p.V-e of:!- mta:'. res i-n 1 ;--nate. 1
'l i.'- il.i'ili iv i s oi si.i 1 v.opvi u-
, .,.ia:i o' c!:0-cn Pi toe si'uv I.ialim
o il-j car 1 i-..r !o.! -:.iv i;-- neral i
. .-ra.ii.s. :.iei !.v t he el -ilois on al:l.e 1 t.. .
. ..t.-i ti--.- n in of tPe tionse e:
Rp.-eseif and S i: i e.
;.. i c'ei.-.i'di o. loeici 'is Pi
ti 1 (Vnr:0ioii shall be h-1 ! en the
-.1 .v ii! the
i i: o ; 1 1 h of . ! ! '.
Il election rl.l.'l 1-0 eel, lie-led ill
eci.'o-.-piuy to tne laws m ;0rcc r.-sjic.-ling
elections; an 1 the clerks o." oilier off.cers.
v. ho e doty it r hall be to .ive notice of
flection for mci.dcrs of the House of
Repre-u.i: ti cs ;.nd Senate e-l.-i'I give
notice in tie; same o'-mocr of t he election
f.,r men. vers i-t . at i onvent ;r.n.
.p ,o
t us n ti: : vt ' given at j-aid cleetion. and
the vc
is ed io th i s toi-j
maificr as i-nao thui be pro v.-! -. t-y lav.',
for tlie canvasi and return of vefs in
i lection
for members t f the lb..
.. i r.l
eat of,l .t
a e. an on !:'!
shah he- i Ive:: to per.-1"1
en . o is
thereto, i vl;:: :,m.; -rlverr- a;
in the , : maomr, t-s me::.1 r- f ihe
House of Remr-eiitativ-.-s aid iJenntc
hdl be eniit'.d ro-lvc the .-r.ine;
aud in c.2 of r.ute,tcd elections to the
('-..ivention the ec.itciing candidates
shall i ursue the course, and be
tuvernea py ti e Mime rules, as soon
.i .i i ii.
then Le provided by 1 w, m contested
elections for lueiobc is oi' the House o'
t Representatives uml Senate,
Sr.c. The members chocn to said
Convention shall meet in ihe Hal! of tlie
. . . .
' House cf Representatives, on the day
be I ore mentioned, at the hour ot 2
o'clock, i. M-, 8nd b f .re entciing upon
their duties as members of said Conven
tion, shall each take en cuth to soppcrt
the Coi'-titution ef the United States,
and lo faithfully di.-chargc his duty as a
member of said Convention: the said
Convention sliull be the judge of the
election and (psir.Hiicaiion of its own
member-: an 1 the members shall be
entitled to the same privileges to which
members of the Legislature are entitled.
Skc. 0. Th.; members of said Cop.vcn-
lo oi
all el-et
one o 1
..IIV el:.-
. I.
c;r :.'ii.ii,e-r
ne or more
1'iesi lent, an-
Secret a; ies, an 1 .-nch other oilieers or
emi lovees as the business ef the eonveio
I tion mav reouire. 'Ihe members of tl,..
I convention and their Secretaries shall bt.
i ent :t .c'l to receive, r (.-.-..ii-.-twa! t.i
i , . . . : - , ,. -,
I tht ir .-ervi'.-es, thiee oi Per oav.
i ,', ..,.. I . p ... t
i toe sai. e !..i.ear,e ,o may !,e al!ov,-i by
i bw to mem'eer- looi t.u.ks cf the IL r-e
i i , . e 1 1 1 , , 1 1 . j a:e. . ;:i;;i .
'J he suborn inat r err an I e n ploct es
-v.; i .... .. . . .
M14. 1I.UIH, ......I .-....i H I . nn I ; s l ,;e
I .i,.ri 1, . i .- - .
.-!.'. .. ai.o amount fp.nj each perron
thall he certified by the President of the
couvt to the Auditor of State, who
i . i ..n -. . - ...
Mit.i I.--I.O wiiuuiiis lip-in ti e irea-urer
of the S-ate, and the saiu., ?hali be paid
by the iivasurer as other warrants ere
l'1'" . v lui i
Sec. s. It shall be the duty cf the
Seen troy oi Mate to attend .-aid conven-
j ti., o
oleiir. t iprw, s..l l,rt .. 1
! all other puhfc (dacers. sh il! furnisl, said
! convent mn with ad such state-ni.-:.ts.
piees tim shares mu.-.t n-e in vamo. noti.-c of the. e!ec;i .ns, and such other , . . : . t-lc d" imp.eachment, ba-od on a report
. . . . .. ... ,i : , l . , . . i, -,:,.. proposeu ; one is to erect in tins, ' . . ' . . .
Mr. Joy s i.oMtioii iuuong the "mat:- mutter as. m tloir ja lgn.cnt tlie oc-t ' 1 ' . , . . i of a eotnnnttee without a word ot evi-
fr , -,.:,.. .... ,u. ,.,.. intre,ts of the late may demand. v ) money a ( entral. I men fccnool iloa-e; j J,.ntv j., t,,f, c.jy(.- 'cr ;s this all of the
";u: A.;K.l;tJ' thc :VJ.""'--;" U HkC. 12 At the election required ly the other is to divide tho rooney between ,tra.,,, ,in,t.,v.i!1!?.
li.atiorm ot scii-ma ie men, is a a.t !iCC,;,m li;),f .iCt, the ju ices of . K-e- i j-firci.L wards and treet buil.limri for a Two Senator who, un )er tin; constitir
aceoiiii le throniruout the worm ; but ; t;,,.. sh:i!l receive the v;.tis m the lorui , , , , ... .. . i ti.., t 1 tion. are rcniiri-.l to trv i-unoaehnicnt.
! t :i I ii ','t lvr xvil K t lii ;Hirr:;il i)K sni-1 foil
hall bo fi'ihmitte;! to the i:top!o !br
t i j : r a'io;
:i. lit itli :
to 1..
u:i u : ; o t:!-.: i-: - ..i i
tifr.n-i ontif !...! to vo-ii !.V the la 1:1 !
. ill ;
I'lico ai l..o irne suen
ii, .
I'inv vote on t ;e a ioi-uou ..r niccui.u ' i
I r ; v u 1 1 ii. - ... 'iH'ii '-i i.ii... k.;i.ii i ,
.i i . : ... : i
sa: 1 amo-i-lm-m.-;, a:t,o..ti.i.i-. or n-vi- !
. - - i i
ions ct tlio I ont-iU-mil, an sa! 1 allien-:-
ment, aHerati'.!" or revi-i vs c:f tlie i
, . . , ,. , , ...,),. I
y , ' "",". ."". : , ;
aoop'e.l ly a maiol.iy Ci in tiio.s
voriiiir at S'K-li eh-e' io:i.
4 i-l 11 ...... w .. - ,
Skc. U. The r.ii;0i!-I;iKT.t: ::l;ci a-!
ti.irn or r .-vision shall i.e so w iniro'i an
uitin.i;uishfd by numiiLrs, or otherwise,
tj , rv
v can be voted noon separately, !
atiless the convent:-, n shall deeiuthc J
...- mi ri.TCPsiirv nr inilJ ::."Tl-.- ll ie. 1 lie
w -. . .. . - . - i - i
convention eliall prescribe the ionn or
manner of votiui, the pub!ieation of the
to .o pre.-cnow.i i v saia conveiiiion, auu t
the laws of this Nate then in force, re-
latitig to .rncral !.etio::s shall to
the voting upon raid amcndn.ents, altera- j
lions oi" te.i fur as the same can
he ma le app'.caole tbeivto, iil tne I
voter, thall be cinva-sed, and ail pro- !
i .. .- ... i
ece ling? shall be had in regard to ti.em,
. .i . i . . i
as r.eai.v as .iractieaoie, in tne manner i
pre'crihed l-y the law then in force, in
respect to elections fe-r State officers,
provi.led that said ccnvcntii-n may pre
scribe an' other manner of canva-inq
the votes given at yard election, and pro
vide the way an manner of the amend
ments. alterations or revi.-ions of the
Constitution taking effect after i'.; adop
tion by the people.
Fi.r. IS. Any newspaper in this
t-'tate, who shall give this one insertion
before the 10th day of April. 1-71, shall,
upon forwarding to the Secretary of
State a copv eont iinintr.-i'ch pu-bh-j-ution,
bt- entitled to receive pay for th- same, t
at the same rate as allowed by cMitract,
lor publishim the lam's of the State,
,'U, r who b!.!l draw a warrant umiu the !
which same shall be cei tilled to the- An- .
rcasttrer for that amount.
Six". J I. That the sum of fifteen
. , , i c !
th-.tisar. 1 ...;;.ir s, or so :mr.!i thereof as !
" ; . . . . .1. . i
may te nc ry to cairy into i-i.oet thj J
p;...V!sic:. .d thi- a-t, be and the -aii.e
is he:eby appropriated out of any men-
v- in the Trcivrv pot .therwi-e ai-nro- !
! or ate. I
1 t
V,'. Cal.l.INs,
Of i'.i 3 II
of Repre-en.a-
E. E. Ct nx i n ; 1 1 .'am,
I're.-i i ct of tbf S.uriK
J re.-i 1 Pi o
T l .-. ; c . .p... , i. ; . .' o ,,.i
1 - j v ....... i.... ..... . ..........
in and pn-sed the Hou.-c of Rcprc.H-nta-
, L. E ( 'ip i s: ,
As? t. .i k. lleu.-e rf
A'T-rovid March "JTth. JsTI
i ir. i i "i 1 1, i .v'.ir.s,
Ai-t'Pi: ( b.vt ri.o'-.
ST.. i .". ! Nl-.i'itAl-KA, I
S '"..-:i i ta '". Y'ii I Ki rjy it f.,-y.".
I. Wiii-'o: i 1.'--. ;-..-!. tarv oft!
b-ra- k:. do bcreny corttiy
r.i ... i ll. ..... I. I.. I
; , - r : . i ' 1 1 i--. l i ; f in i' -i : ei I i I . i 1 1 1 1 .
ii. i. . 'y .. .. ; ... .. ...
lo in: cop v oi an aer. io .-i'.i.,j im ei.i-
Hie a eio io:i i o re v; -e. oner or :noei
1 .. . .
the oii.-'eiiceii m the Vt.oo e-l Ni-'-ras-
k'.'. ". .t-.-.-d by the 1,-ri i o iv - Ass: tno'y
l l o.s
ate. .n: ).!'.' ihc i-.!ch!h : e-sn-n
th'-re.-.f, and! by the Govetpor
t.i- I went v-e vent n
h. 1-71
vitli the oiieqilai r II- en
;Ie ni t!il
r.nd that !h" .-ame is a true
j !'
p.-lf.a t copy of -ai 1 act.
in tc-tii.iony whereof. I have hereunto
set icy I r.nd and s fn sed the pro:! seal
r.f tlie Stale of Nebra-ka. Rone at
Lincoln, this -Jtuli day of March, in
ti e year of our Lord, one ihou.- and
ctL'ht buiidre 1 ;.id seve.-iify-one of the
Independence of the Cnitod States
the liinetv-fiftii, atid ' this State the
Rifth. " Wm. II. dA.v.t s.
ISlue aliey Kecoid has the f .1
itcins of interest :
" Rifiy-lwo Irmilies wii! vtart from (lie
vl -ioi'v of Hudson. Mich., n-- soon as
.:!! o -Varfs, l-.r A-lams .'e , this State."
I . V
v the of Rub
form- rlv pu'd:: hcr.-s "' n ,.ai".r at
Hit 1 n. "di -h. ;-.-., mpaui.-'d ly a num
bcr of !':'.. ip'ls. ' pasred throne! 3Ii!fonl
j on In. -day Ia-t n wte for Adams
' Vunty, v here they propose to ..copy a
; I or! ion ..f I'la-le Sam's domain. There
are too kind oi men we want to help
crgamxe our nr.v counties.
la-t at 1 1; 'fc for .-lains
. .........
A err. 1 old la ic in Alamo, who on
i co:uiai:ioned her crocer to buy fbr her. other things. nntmerjin Ro.-ton.
jinid him the money before lie started.
As it happened he forgot the nut meg,
and when he returned home the old lady
demanded interest on her money a
demand which the trader ratisfied by
giving her a needle.
Although it was once customary to
call every high peak of the Rocky
Mountains: 1S.0OO fret in ahitude, but
one shows 1 "j .000 feci on actual measure
ment. There are many of 1 l.Ooo fct.
It is poiuewhat remarkable how regular
ly this hcicht is preserved. So far as
measured there are twenty peaks above
1M.000, find ten about 1LCVJ fret above
the sea level;
A malor in the United Slates arrov
was cros-mir troin
one of the
C'inard steioners, when one afPTtioou a )
band on deck played '"Vankee I). utile."
A cruff Etivli 1
man wvi- s i
y m- i
nuired whether fl at was the time the old
i i
cow died of. '"Not 'at nil." re tort--J the
major; 'that i, the tun; the old Bull
i- 1 r "
I died of.
The armr-.utp.M.-.rttt (bar fhre i Iilll
h.-l .,. C I- !!, ' A l.,.,t;. r.; o I
g. ii-r:.l i cling ( f t-cu'-ct. Lfferts to
rep-ait- th?r.i wid not "probably be re-
no wed until lis cam weather of -nine.
In the meantime-, the French cable is
otir reliance for foreign news.
The cttage of Ap.pc Hatha-vav.
j j?kMoar wooed and won her,
1 is oriercu b.r saie. 1 he Shakspeai e cluo,
w ho,e nicmi-ep own the poet's house at
'at.ord. ta,-; oi buyimr th; cottage
y.0' which is not more than two rai.e.s
Tt is said that I'd win T-orrr-er ;.!.
; of a'.l the Ameri.Mti actors. V.e-i",-
1 ......... I ...ri.t ., t-iflri!KI,f flirt I . 1.1 1 I '.' -.1 1 , I...f ..x .-,,,. .rtl
'I'hc Ouiaha pancr (all dailies) aie ;
a , ' ,. .. , .
i"i.- v rn.ii- .i.-j.ivu.. ''- .-- i
I'.ui.iiv Sin ,f "hi I'll, b-nt II. tirtvr
. 1 . ..I
wotlm.' OU the feeb.Ool Jiaw. mtcnains !
. . i t- l i it .
,u l'"""'"' ...,.,..
i- ... i.i- ): i 1 ... --v. , .. .
101 in, io i.y uiMiiuUitu 10 ojuiio o.... ,
as soon as iu,iib!e. io aiuemJ.nonisi to
, , , , -.
i na ceiiool law nave ocen uiaae, aim ;t :
. . . . .f-.ll..vl-n.f. IVll-.'4 1.....l"l .f;i;vI l' u ' as oe.o;u n.e lueviu: vi u.b i
Lnijoln hai voted oU,i0 tioiids lor l
, ..., ,,r ei.-.-tin.r u !-b.-..l Lnild- I
. t ,; tt,, ,v ,(0an-j j
now me citizens or mas taj uai euy ic
, .- p.. . '.1 "
din.;..S in what shape this, amount j
ra.i..'.i S'-noo in caeu waiu. -i ne u jm
nal considers tho first proposition in a.l
icsj.ects superior in its merits to the j
-ofd. V'e will foihear eomment, as j
tJlinkVsie pooJ poo,.le of Line.dn are
,'. .
tuny capable ot taking care o. their own
T;:r.iisi to hiiakset!
(niidart for ClO.OaO Tics:
The D. 31- Company in Nebraska
do cot make much noise about it hen
they start out to accomplish a treat
work, but they go right at it wiih the
.-IiK' .v.- of war." They recently let the
contract for grading their road through
to Ke.-.rney, to be completed by the 1st of
November, arid-yesterday they concluded
;l contract for 200,00.) more ties, making
cnouLh. with what they now have on
hand, to co-.iu't to the road to Kearney, j
T1.C-.C ties are to be del.vcied Z)X ,
er.di mouth, wouc! tocm ah i
v . . r . . i . ' .1 . .: .1 ,. k.. r. ,., ....
.no l ic -i i . I i.e 1 1 me . i.'.. o .. ...i, . - -v in
. , ,
ple'ted. ill's look 3 tli IholJ-i'l tllCrO Wa.S
l'"1;, . . . i. .1 ,
a Aid determination to complete the road j
l0 Kcari;cv vet It-fore ttiuter.
';ir: .Kri as h e:..
ivOiTi'i; Ih'.ItAl.O : Ifcrc-.s'.th I .send
vou tin article ir;
ui an -i.m us paper.
..l.l.l :... ... . Ci
,"i,lu "' 1 ","-luul,S oj some- e.
vour numerous reader?. I ! eon
,. . , , , t . .
toid of ilie comiortabie rod lues which
burn so cheerfully in the cabins of thu
peasants of the Green Isle, and often
when tiaveiing over these l.rod, tiee
Ies;s pri.irief, wemitred Vilsg the Fod of
the prairies could not b
do of ar-
nuch it: e; for fuel, as the sod cf Ireland.
",- ! Ncatlv a'.l ihe interior and western coun
ties ef Nchia.sLa are v,u.l! rup; lied with
he vcrv l, of sod, its there are mime
.1 i ' '.. . '. -
j rous s. 'ji on ail of the diViucs m v. hich
t!.e .od l :, in many p. arc--, a loot thick.
We would iipiuire of ti.s leaders of the
t 1 f ai i' as to the b;st mode of packi; :-
for future use. Can it be burned in a
i iDiiiJii n, or mu't one hvc a
grate set. on purpose, fur it ? Will seme
one give the uSiired information?
A correspondent cf the Iowa, I'.-.m-
strntl wiites as follows, cjuctruiug the
siojectol the luture .'"upp:y ol Inc.
e, here in Illinois, with our ahno.-d
limitless Mipphcs of coal, are
v.A so immeiiiattlv interested as are tlie
people of the less favored States, but
even with us it will do no harm to ex
periment with other substances.
' I iiciee With I'rof. liimichs, of the
"-'t-Oc I " ni v.;-.' t V- thf the ..i-i.qt p.. i.
s.t...C I. lll.e..t, ll.a. l.P Itat ill..-
makers o. the eartli arc .-uu.ight and air.
1-Alt' is all around US, particularly b;-
n. s'liour feet Prairie 5-od, cut a few
incliss thick uith a lu-eaking plow, in
mid-sumniur, and put awav in a urv shed.
makes ti e vcrv best of fuel. Lo von
suppose tllat th who pay three
or f our j i ices for'tiwootl fuel, and
dirtv, toft Coal, mere than half clinker
and biie.i.-.tonv, know this? When p-ai-rio
so l cannot bo procured, that i'roin
any pature is e-jurdiy goo 1. provi.led it
is: dried and kept :o. I put a lot of it
away !a-t fail, and have been using it ex
ten ively this winter. A sod a foot
square letains its shape for 2-1 hours, if
not broken up. and gives out a surpii.-.-iug
amount of heat. Turf, as it is called,
is the only fuel used by the Iri. h pen -ant,
where peat is not found. This re
minds me that every 'sloo' which does
not. wa.-h out with a current, in the State
of Iowa, and cveiy other Stat?, is G'.led
with this valuable carbonaceous deposit,
waiting only ior a man to dig out in a
dry time, and keen him warm iiO I com
fortable by ir cheery heat. It is the
Tory best of fuel : far superior to miy
coal that we have, and exists in unlimit
ed abundance everywhere. While on a
trip across the State during the excessive
ly dry (.cat-on f IS' 4, I saw a great
many of taoo depeits v.hi-h had been
sec on lire by camping it-fmigrant-,
which burned for months, and made
ix feet ue.-p in the ground. A
i betf.licept Providence
! een miie'i
i more kind and attentive to the imwortiiv
-Jwellers here below than h enerallv
PPod. J here is cirtap.i.v no lsci oi
luel anywhere, if we look pt it pre
j " -' Nei-raska City ('hrmiictr. hits Tr.
Miller the foil owing slan on the Ilutlcr
"The. arregatwo f the Omaha Herald
is enly i ; ia!!td bv the ttupiditv of the-
I editor oi' that sheet. I r. Mdl-.-r claimed
that Ac was able to prove' liniler luiltv
.(" Jt;.. t-nn es :r I :u -d.-m an v-s ii
office,' 'but whenbroustitintot'onrVstiiled
that .victc maUa
Wii -ii i man is unable to u-II the time
by Ins watch, because th re are tfn
ml r .-..-- .I..." '
13, 1S7I.
lair 11113-.
iicr --.vav it will roasert itself
o a 1 1 1' I -: 1 '? II ' I lIUil pal. oe OII1II I1
will vio tbit i".i-n U-ivi.l '!;i'!ir i w
,-."i i . i .i. n- i. . r
em it tea in . iuir p:a.. o e oo noi
a ou -; i 1 1 i il iit'ii i- ii L'i i i.'j ii iri i 1 1 iiru'.ui
. . , , , f j ,
.... .. ... . i
,:i :U5 ,!t rat t.r the l.urnr.s-e ot mvc-sti-
a-u'iii- Hitler. That a joint eommitteo
:. ,r .1,,. I f. .,..,... ',!- I ...; .
, . . ,
, i ,. , ... ,,, i.;. i
.u.-i. i '-vii-- .... in
ajran.-t bun. !lo v.'as not allow oil to'
r-:.!,!':oi:t bis r.r.-n-fi-s or to ask them a!
- in. ,,:u.
Tlie im-nvition sat with
lose.l doors in -.eeret es-im. and made
a report upn wiii.-h articles of impeaeh-
..iv... ....... .......
t..nt v ei-.. n l.ii '.vnr, s l,;i-ui
T,K, (lUSl. a,-ter tj, outrage, refused
to ptib;ihol the evidence or have it !
on this iri'piisition. refused the ac-
cti-ed any hearing before the committee,
a.-si.stod in gathering the material for the
indictment and then sat to try the bill
thus found. The gentlemen who occupy
this enviable position before the people
of this State are Mers. Sheldon and
Thomas. i
Thi bs the "f .ir p'.ry" they afforded j
an r.e.:u d man whom they had in their
i. 'i i . . i .
p iwer. l nose are ia..-ts ior me peop:e
and deserve nnsideratioii.
ncl lvlarilie InSTJLrailCC
At r agonal. to ralo in 1 T. o im-st eu'istanlial
( i,.,,,,;,,,;,-, in tii,-
iipaiui - in tue I line l M;i;-.
omee r.-.nit r- jv.t iv-tu.riie,
,nc:t .V St-..:i!J.
' l'latumonth. Xe-l.ra.-ka. A.-'i! .".th.
, :
f5TV rl?5rRV fiT.
U! K LiAt.t.rY Hi
I Haee r loin over I o.-t Oia -'e, wita rt,ir
s 1" I; inivc i. Dt-i! l.iiv ii r...liiry nn.l Con
tj in -, ry on si v ! h Si re, A. one door Poll 1.
i 'f Fit..-rai-'.'s lu-i.-k. Uero w tu- i-re.arel i
i furni.-ii any ancniit
i p. . n
Frss'i Creatl, Pi-3S, Cakes &c.
Fanev Ilakins done fur Parties wliencver do-.-ii-cl.
"ALu-vh UJi-.vlin.
' 'LH'- kill V I liiSa Ji & .Y2rySx!il"i
Ir. r .! necrt ": a ivl'.h tha
( .7. , Jji'i-?i'iu;t'-n o- Quincy 1!. I
OtTer tn t ' i
portion oi
l"?rj.!e of Plalt.sit;.-uUi, an I sil
.ti.raska iyitijr
iOL'Tin"! (V Ti: I'LATTK,
0:e ir-,-! Pic-t. r.n l the 1 rst K"l't ti the I'a-a-f.-rn.
S'.t;lh iVi-t.-.-;:. a i,I N rthem Mates-.
j i . '
; -: icii to t r avel luxuriousU sl.of. .
ta'ne the Atlaroie K.!re--. r.liii h ruti.s tliroiiu-ii
t i Clti.-iiri. wi'ii-.r.t !i o:eo f Cars, e.inippc'
vith i!ioii-it l'ay ('i.'ehe.s. Fullmai.'-i l';i.i..e.
Pay r.nd j:cpii-. Coaches, ;.ud
PuiSirir.n's Dining Cars.
In .-. Mitien to thof net tint this i? the direct
', ratte by v. he-h tipie may be ave-l in reach in a:
j a:i.v po.nt n tl;c l-.-.tslern or Aiid-jie Mates, it i!'
lr;f(!i;y i-e sai t that it the be trti-i.
a!-! o... too-: equipin. m ..f any V.'esttrn Lino,
Va .-.n noi to the paeseager
tJjccfJ, S:ifi ttj and Vnmforl
P. oo- nl'T-v. as LOW s the LOffKST. La -
eehreked throat.,, ,;,v,
j A. F.TOl'ZALIN. tjBa. l'assetiiter Ajrent.
iar.15 1.Wwtf.
Via Xiat-nra Falls, .-spi ed. Comfort 4 Safety
Fr ui C"iiieatrf to New York, via Mu-hisrnn Cen
tral and Orcat Vie.te:n liailioad.s, Kc tiros. Ti-sins leave Chi -acn daily via
tl i- li'ie r..r New Xwtrk Il' st -n. and ail
interaiediKte points in the Fact.
Leaves Chiiracn every r.;"!--ni'i' n, hnvini att;u-h-e-l
the ee'ie'. rated II,, o far imm Clocnco to
P. ehi s! . and a mae'iiilieetit l'ulllaa:i l'.-ihe-e
l'i i -.viiic ito.nn Car lroiu Chicaso to JSuw York
wi'hoiO ehanffe.
V.'. C. MriK.Oou T Sup't Gi. "Vestern R. It.
Hamilton. Out.
I). L. siiirernt. fien. Sup't M.C. R. R. Chieao
llcui) C. Weutworth, Cien'l PacsenKer Agt-.
100,000 FEET 1
The'uii icrsinc l has (n Land a lartrc q.mtity of
which heo; r:::;- at i: kafonaelf. riot nES
ji-s r.T ,fc m it.
:a if- j i'
rrm y
P-r T-S
en short lioaea," sn 1 for any size or length of
Raflers, Studdlnns. Joists
uis7jMl:c.-t!i short notice.
tt t r rr "T" T " '.ft ri . T A rrrt --"i
o -a. . P7V Mf x m a. . .
(tf ac-Cf-onr to 11. "iValil-cr)
e- lie
s 'i - , . --S T
& Jri L
and detiler ia
i AI fi-...M!V AT LAW a- in Ch
NO. '2
.-rt Kii): iaii'l irvrjllii.-'iits J..r ii:i.ii. y. Jt ii:crr-
if. i o 1 1 y 111 c-1 1 is 1 i tlii 'Ujli :
V !;iinl -i4-JT:
tant ! j i.i ft iv i i. j ! ! ir la mis
hj the
ti.ui ot an l v.-: ly -.iliws. 10. Il
!1Vail .Mc w.-lium l"..r :!! Ki-vii. "f
i..-u iiu;n n::ii ; - r. :n . i r.r ;' i i ii in L-iiHi;t
j,,i,i,Tiii,n,. ,,,,,,,,,
I.uiik -s ca r't ..I l:il l-.i.-.t.- A
A tents iiv-i-rt.-il
;,. ,, K.-..l -.state Aironts lii-.-,-t..rv. ,-!-i...iii.-.
hyt-ituanl town.-.. .scc.H.itf !., .,r
c""''."' "U'aru-l .yi. !) i-r v;;ar..!... h a!-?
iii-uow:iiyni im. iukkt. i m; is inn m.v-i
iii:--.i..itiii..ti-iv.-imv.-i-i ......... -
t..rv r--w cn.l r.i.cs a mni..nt ! the lea-iniK
,,j ,).,. rv. a,s.l h e:iT.i-at !"..r ro-
Aavertisewetii tbaa o-iurter i-.-Iuihh Ji)
cuts p. r lini' .suli l iniiiiiari. l type,
matti r "lOi-ciits iertini' 'einlrii hri-vi.T type.
All bills ailv.Tli.-iiiB en time eotilrfiict
pnyalik ijuartiTly in aitviinre- Tran.-irtTt ...1
vert is.-in. n s must be Hceoinpni.' l bv the cash
to' insertion in tlie suivce.titiK i-ne.
T.-riii.s fur speci il places, pi iees of t'arloonf.
Uobv 'ma'i. UuiUitl' vu-.. e.,t ou aH..,ca-
J. M. WING & CO.,
rullioliers; of the Lanii iikkkh,
Ihicauo, 11
We ns-k the attention of the pnhiie to the
stoek of spring -roods wc ar- opening We have
taken prent ear.- in the seleetimi of none lait
first-eliiss oods. and first hands, we buy i. n Put
ast'iry i-iiii helii.d in tin-market for tush, and
we sl-.e.'l sell at priees that we iru ireutee will
Jf:.e entire .-Ot.-taeti o n to all who may eir; ilia
call, cull uti.l see and you will be eonvia -.I.
Harness, Sadies, Whips
Lmim.i :s, cor.i.Aiia. &c.
Particular attention giren to tho manufactur
of lino harncf!!.
- Nebraska
I IN'. R. The Celebrated Vacuui.-. Oil Rlnenkinp
constantly on hii nd deelwtf
Rrpitirrs of Stt nta Kr.s.'in"si Ro-'crs-. P;ov mid
(ii 1st .I ills.
Uai and Spmuh Fit'ing?. V." r.-.t:, -'it Iron Pipe,
I ..r.'C and Tut Pump--, Mean- (ia ij.- .-, alanei
Valve Gov t. .v r., and all kind-: of
Brass Enrino Fittint?
furai.-l.e 1 on yl;-it n.-ticc,
Repairs !un -h :rt notice. au:
Goods S.c
IIittn.eteasn .rie. j.sid for :-i kit. Is ..f lira-u
i'roduce, Uutter. i'.Z'. ih ". r. Furs
1. 00I.
Not lh Fas' -.-or-r 1 net, ar! pf, t-,, p.-.
4 O.Sce corner "fair: r.nJ 5k-vtuJ strter t "
TErlMS :-Lai!yl.iJ rcr I&kccui! or tl.
it iiionllj. .
chM fori
tho llKni.r
lj Oil S'A f,r. Tho (.-.ihsi ri'ier ofTrrs i"til r. ii.i Hie rj!er fow.-r, two niiloa below.
I i:'it-a...ur.i near the .Missouri river, with-.-::!:ii-ii-n!
"Uleraii'l fail v. .'.-oiiiiiiiicnl mnti "
airi-iiien! ; jri"iace jiowt r o'i-l t .'W hor?e
f owt .steam eiiiiu'. 'iiie i ndent owner Urn
a;"' I in .ulier tni in.'sj j.n'1 eiiimot ilvvi 19 hi;. I'lioii to the l.ir0ns of iniliO'ir. Hud wil!
jell s .i'I water rvwVr lor aar.'i.soiial.le riea.
Ap!"l.V to M XTKI.T. A I'll lM N. ii-'Jl'IAt
roftssional Carts.
ATTOK Nl'.YS AT LAW.-Special attent'n-n .
(rivet, to proliate business n i lainl title nairs?
t'ti'u-n ir the Masotiio hloik, Almn Street.
I'ltt'tiTouth. Xeir.ska. .
AT'lOKNKVS AT I. A W an.l Solicitor ir.
haii -ery. l'l.i!tsrniuith. Nubraka. Otheo over
bite A 11 .it lory's lrrirf Sturo. laprl.
J. WI.-5jK
flenrrai Life. AeeiJeut. Fire. Inlatnl and Trnnn-liisur.-iiii-i-Ak.-iU.
ill take risks ut reamm-.-..liie
rales in the most i rliaMc t'om pnnien in th j'il Mates laii-.-e upjii.tiile the Court Home,
flat. smoiit' . Nf-tirii-k.-i. Ininyilltf.
I.. 'IX ILV.1,
CAllVKNTKR ANI JolNKK. will do :t'
" k in lie line on s!.. .it noti-.-e ami in the bfl.t
i. Cont ra.-t s for I n i!il uiir iniele on reason-
. .it i-rib Is jop one block fouth ot i'latte Val
11 ,uj.n. iuly-'.t t"
ceo. s. svirii. OK I. e. iiittra
!IITII l Hit
Att'rnejont Law, (i 1 i.-nernl Coll eet ins Aen. t
W ill praet ice in nil .units ol the Mute and wes
tern Ii.k h. I ii!i.-e o er ( 'tin k .V l'liiininer'' store
opposite the Uiooks II oicu.
i. ii W3ii;m. ii. co.,
Real Kstatc utid Tax Tayam Afrentn. Suti tie
l'ulili.'. Fire .nnl Life Insurance AieuLs, I Ittn
uoulh. Mebra.-ka.. n.:4tl
I I'ay nird:iijr. per u eel:, ? 5,1.
i.-inr niiK nn i i.o' per u k. i t'i i"
l'lce Jijs- 1 jt the lis,, of the .-ue-tyr.f the lions
Lot .v-!:t iiv v Fssr v, l'r..'i b .".Mtf
II It I.lVi.;iTil. AI. !.,
FJIYSICIAN AM St'ltr.EOX tcmleri. hi .
Iirijfe--simal serviee o the eitizens of t i jseoiin-. ,
ly. Kesiil'-nci Pintthn st corner of Oak and Siith.
streets: of.iee on Ma n stre.-t, o jK.Mte Cuurl
liott.e. I'iatlstr.oiitti. Nei.r.e-ka.
Br. J. r. TISO.YI.4S
Ilnvinir jn raianr-n'ly located t WeeidnR Vim- ,
ter Fall-, lenders his professional f.-rvi.-en to tL ,
eitizei:n of Cases eviur.ty, Net r.-u- li. I;aii7''-ttlr,
Phelpo Paine.
Itrpi-e.-ents some of the mo,t rclialil Comi-u
ies in ihe United StatcB.
OITiee with Ran:.-? A Pollock in FitT-reriild'
IPoi k . IjaiodiwlC
1 ei:i, HALF. AND
" I (ill.- int:ut!i, Nebraska.
1 am j.rep-iri'd to ae.'nneiiodatc the public with
I liti -se, I 11 ri i.iio-s. Iliiiruies 1. it, 1 a J.'o. J llenr.
on - ln-rt'-t' tin 1 r.'.isi oia hie ti l 111. A llu k
will 1 mi fo iliest. aiiiboatlaiidinB, and to all pHrt
dl'tlie eiiy when de.-ir. d.
Jiiinei! 1, ls7i dj. Htf.
nt-TT !-:ar t.'..r.xuv, pro..
SiTho best of llfirse-t and R!iK-!eion band. 1t9
Corner Vine- aoii Fourth titre.-U.
ju.u21.Ltwtr. Plattsmouth Xcbraeka.
A elver! inin,
A Look f r,,M'!y iii-iijt'.'l -:to, lately
i-stied. eontiiir.s a list i.t the bet American Ad- .
vcr'.isitig .M.'ihuins, liiei.. the nnme. eireula
tiops. and fiill 'iirt ieulin-s eoneeriiiiii- the l.-ad-itnr
Daily mil Weekly I'olilieal jo,, Fainily
newspaieis, toirelher wiih all I ho: e i.avii u l.-iico. j-al li-hed in the interest ol lteli.
ition, Airriculluie, Lileratnre, Ac.. .1 e. Kvery
Advertiser, and every pel son who conteliiplat. s.
be.' such, uill tin. I this book of meat
value. Mailed fr"e toiinv iid lr.-K on receipt
of ry cent. I-. KOUCI.I. V C.
I'll b! i.-b ers. N. to Park Low. New Vork.
'ihe l'itt d.-jiR Pa. ij .t.-r, i,.-w nf Mnr
l-Oi ii. Sil. says: ""i'he linn of (ieo. 1". Row. ft
4 IV., whi.ii i-sues this interrestimr and volu
idle i..-ik. is the and bent udve-tiMi f
At-.-ncy in the I nite.l Matey, and we can cheer
fully recommend it to the nttentiou of t.'iose
who desire to advertise th"ir bti in. urimtH
nlly anil nmtii illu in sil- h a : that il.
up secure the lare-1 amount of pu blieity for
he least expenditure ot money."
THK BUST Roys' A N 11 lill.l.S," M..A Mi. -
Demont t'f '01.11.7 Amcrfn iii'mthiy wiyi
.splendid Supilenonls. atnl iilway.i jotitklintt
v ith eiitertriiniii Stei ies, I'l fre., J'ui Ies. Mu
fie. 'Ira v.-!.. Imiiii-j. iipd efh-r entTtaitiiiiK
fe.ittir. s, pr.- fns-ely iih.sti r! d. uikI caleulaled
to atnt;-e, and in-lriii t V1.11111! America, single
e..pie.s. J eon's- Yearly. 1 ;Vi. i I h a choice-1 f
the foil,, i. i m.' beau; i! a I nicl vn it; able i'rciiiiuni
to each siiii ci ;i 1 r : A hi." parlor eromo. w.i tb.
; ) Ol. Si.e V-Z. ::n i .,,ii:il t . a fine Od Paint,
iuic: "r a 1'n.c iai.r-. ri!i ' .l.i." ;..-l:ct. tiii.e;
or a line p. ;:il-!,:i! i; t .-, 1. !,..:, pocket-kmle.
and a pallet id 1 .. -t pa.nts: or, a ruperior spy-u-li
s--; or. 1 be P.-Ve!.l Si 1 j 1 Wet I, ly 1 r one year:
or, ,-choi.i;o- i.-Oo; ior er.e e.-.r: t.r Woo.P
ll.-Usehoi.i Iaaiiie lor oney. ar: or. J he ll -ok
! A ;-, ci .-. pri. .- -1 lie; or a choice Iretn thm
li.-t i t -jd. icl. 1 pr. iii:n-is off, ic 1 to single iuh-seribe-rs
tt. ' . hi'. -. Almthh M-iinzm.
and i,i:;;..roits ,:i,.-r valuable and hprendi't
pi eiuiuiiis In- c!n:,s. Teiry-s.-ven .-'
;it:t iiea. fi.-enr.-s .-. s-; . I'-o'rover X Raker.
Scwin.r in:., bine, it l. ui.v tjt'm: rii.ers :'.'
exlr.i i't 1. 101:1 y, .-:: a tor- single- prtiiiium .
to ea.-li sub-'cro -r .-'reeime'ii eopies.
with circalars. m ii! ,. pos;-free on re.-eii.t i t
! cents. Addr-s. .'. Ji:nim;s Dkjjuuks r. Sll
Rroa.iway ,N. Y. Do ri ot fail to rciid for a .specimen.
CARPFNTERS A JorXERS.-Are prep.-irrM
to do work in fr d style, on fhort notice. an'I
ns cheap a." the eheaix-st. -"Shop, corner ol
Main t.-iij Fouiia ftreeU. ; ucJldtt
Passengers I.avii!..- St. .Joe. via. Mi-s.iuri Val
ley liailo.a 1 at 1 o' !; p. v. make c!oe nnd
siireeonae. tion :,t iCan-as City with this popu
lar road. in rieinsr ;.! LoiFts to ,t nioniinn at
jo'eloei!. This is iiomt a :ir-t-ela.--! roatl in erery
re- e t. New icon hr-s been laid; new canines
ai... 1n.1-.-iiiii.-en: sb-eiiipir and 1 a.-urrr eo.i lies
have been ado- i t-. in ..' .-ui r ni.-f.tM, i'.-tft-en7. r'
can rely 011 its -..kiu,- io ...vrvis d time. Thi
1- tne b.-.-t roo!.- IroKi St..Isepl to it, LouN.tho
C- -11 1 It on) S'lf.!, rliO,
lht'ittirh ti -I..-!.. f.,rafe:it tl. 5 oHiccs of th
Missouri ulU.y FoOlroad.
r, . M. C. MfifRB. iten'l Hni.t
Jhfi. Ilo-win. C ,1 . A. W. H lliii". i. T. A.
C. IIKISKL, Proprietor. Hu.p- '
rete ired end ida.-ed in
T'M,:m Fitshr!.-, cf V'-'
for v. hi. h tin ii-'
i.iiV"!l -
1 i