''"V. i -f.'rr -.-.sr.rtft -w.- -uncus.. :fcr,-ir; t-rrsjt'-rcrrt.--n -.iaKras.-Ti , J, Tl buttery, Lamar Lnsuranco Company, OF CUICAGO. 3T j. k isi E S, BLOOM &. CO., SUBSCRIBE MOW LCGXTO YOUR IWTERESIS i Forwarding and. Commission Merchants WHOLESALE PETAL:. Statement, January 1, 1871. AND 0 Capital Stock Subscribed Capitul Slock l'ailup Sl.vd.p-vux) 'j3tJC.V0 EPS' r .5" " ? "w DTITJGQ-IST Aacnts of ihe Omaha a SI Louis l40" Line Packets Fi&tismcuth, Kob. . Lfxn s- CLC0'J & Co., 5w ron TnE ASSETS First 51 ortsr.ttjes on r.eal Estate m..S!-",4ih". I'nitedt'ites 5-01 L'nuds ll..Hl. tua;i. III.. Eoiid-. 10 per cc:it I!oer. l.'"''. Siu(!i dttowa. Ill bonds M per ft. Ucp. 7.11: , Cash on 1-aiH, iu b.'iik A; in ban 1 A:?:.-. 2",isj:i Dills Roceivablo lorCu:h Prciuiu:n.4 on l'ar:n liisks 1.7.177, Interest Accrued S.IS"', Sundry Ledger Acc uats l.-)77. l..:ans o C.dluter;:!o Tl.tKNi. Loni s on Call 1S.)V. All other jToperty 1J,41'., ii-i? V""'--'--' v- " u x n i u q Y-"& Ii now reccivinc and has on hmd (at tho old stand of W hilo fc Rutlery MFU"'SHK6 GOODS, 5oU.li eii Main Street. PlatUmouth, 5h. .Ki e I. .. It :;-:--! ,., ;.''i i' R ;: ;' 7e are now eccupyiss tho C:-t Sji r tftlse Eki.als E: k. Corner Main .t ?.'t.;:J 'il. We arc doiiix Forwarding and Comixiission lousiness, Ware LTse attsched. wo c.it fuiniah all tho tJrsj wanted. All coodi sect in our care will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, andgocdj du'.ined fr Linro'n. Ai-'al-D.l and the Blue Paver, will to f.mvardei withut dolay. II E K A L D ! m. ' 1 1 THE LARGEST AND T- 111 i . -r : HOYS AA'D CHILDREN'S CLOTIUJVG Hats and Caps, Boots ami Shoes, BLAHKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E C. TjT ABILITIES. to Losses upaiJ $11,832,0 OFFICERS. LEOXAnu Swi-TT. President. Isaac II. Uakhin. Vi'-e-President. AV. 11. W. Otmimas. Treasurer. AV'm. (Jf)li!;i.L. Sc-ri't-iry. P. H. Allien, A.-.si.-taut Secretary. 'V 4. ii - r -.a-v!, . t : it ! r"1 MOST COMPLETE wJfc.' V3 . , .... ' .i i i iiMjr 1 1! Stock of Drurs, Medioiri", Paint. Ctn-micals Lea l. Varnish. Coal oil. Fish oil, Machine Oil. Gar;:!iiiir Oil. t.'afinr Oil, Neatsfoot 0:1. Whale Oil. Linseed oil, Lard Oil. Essential Oil. l'cl Liver Oil, aud a lart't" variety of No tion". Pc-faincry. Fancy and Toilet Arti-le, E;jpir-(. Fbl roriiie extracts unit toil PATENT MEDiCINES Surh as Jaycc's Ce' Ayors", Seovillc's Hall's Christie's Mr Lain's. Morse"., Raker's Wi.-tars. Wright's, Wake ficl I. Guysott's. Perry Davis' It '.Luck's. Pelitt's, Mrs. Winslow's Ir. Winit.i'H's If ostettcr's. Drake Wallace's. U tft'sanJ oithemost popular lent Medicines iu us at the present U:ty. Brandies Wines and Vhiskis Of th Rest (tradef aaa .aalitie. (Udelly fr iiciic! purposed. L0WEST1C dyes. fd or Eos. Grn, Pltte, H'ck. Analine, Ia dig. M-iddcr, Extract Logwood. Ury Woods. Ac. In fact everything that is nel"J in the druf r Medical liue. Physicians' erscriptiens 'iirffa'ly compounded and pnt up at all boar All I'ruirs warranted fre.-b and pure. Call b.re bn ino-. nnd nee what I have to sell. Plat! mouth. Teh. 2oth.dA' wtf. 0. F. JOHNSOPi, DZALCB IS MUSS, MEDICINES, Books, Stationary, VJi Paper, Perfumeries , Hair Oils, Newspapers Magazines, and ALL ths Latest Publications. Frocriptions carefully compounded by hi ex perienced lrufrcift. Hr:n!ir.ber. the place, three d.tors .wcat of ll JIf.kai :. oaicc, l'lattsuioulh, Nebraska. RUlTulS "SHOO FLY" 'Don't Bodder- Morrison" For Ho iSTco Busy Waiting on Customers. 'filORRiSOrrS "SRCO fly MEAT MARKET One Door East of the Cuurt'House ia the ' to gel a 11 kind of He La? fitted up the finest Market in the State, and keeps nothing but the hot of Meats. ?i!eats delivered in any Quantities on special contract?.! - IHfrlieft Prices Paid for In't Torget the Tlace, Morrison's "Shoo Fly." ISd .wt STREfGHT & fi!URPHY, DEALEK3 I!C Harness, Sadies, Whips I3ItIDl.KS.COL.I,AJlS. S:C- Particular attention given to the manufacture of Cne harne?. ALL KINDS 01 nEPAIRIXG DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. PlattslUOUtll, - Nebraska I IN. E. The Celebrated Vacuum Oil Blaenking constiuitly on hand. - declwtf GETTING MARRIED. TSSAYS 1"0K YOENNG MEN. on the de lj liK'hU- of Home, and the propriety or iinpro I rety of getting Married, with sanitary help tor those who Jeel unfitted for matrimonial hap free in sealed envelope?. Addresj JIOWAED ASSOCIATION. Box P. Philadel i a. ion 1 di-vrly. ain Street- Second Door East of iho Court House KANCII HOUSE Broadway. Council E!uC Iona. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1.870. 1870. GREAT RUSH ! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and more too. are going to I 33. SOHBmSSB Sl CO. To buy tueir AT THS IN" E "W YOEK S T ORE- The best aud roost cumpleta STOCK OF DRESS GOODS- Art bow oa exhibition at the New York Storo. at greatly reuueed prices. W eall particular attentioa to our new etyles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA 4S, BOOTS AND SHOE f all kindi aid prii t suit oar Baatcroug customers. A. largo stock frir.r,T)Tc, (jliOLLKihb, HARDWARE, QL-EENSWARE WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, We Sell at Cost Now the Celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kinds of CULTIVATOKS, KhArLKo. ... ..... i . r. i . . . f W hnre ihe not attractive Stn'k of Trj- (iooils. Notions. Hoot Shoca. Hats Cai-s and ftrocerit-s ever brought to this city. Cal' and rce iiy. CLARK Jt PLUMMDB. H. ROBERTSON, Vholesale Dealers ia WINES. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES SOUJSXiE AII WHISKIES, cSe. Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always cn hand All orders promptly attended to. AIN STREET. ONE DOOR WEST OF '1 HE RAILROAD TICKET OFFICB South Side Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH, CASS Flattsuioutb. Xebra 1870. r. . LCNRorr. tjliLUtK'S, MAY KflrvtO, i . crrTVAiicr: I. i Number 9. COUNTY NEBRASKA THE BEST LOCAL PAPER IN aac jaa el k. T9S tasm DAILY One Year - -Three Months -Gne Month - - $10,00 $1,00 WEEKLY One Year - -Six Months - - $2,00 $1 00 THE HERALD ENLARGED A.I IjIPKSYKD IS THE ONLY OA'E GIVING COMPLETE XES FROM THE GREJiT WEST BETWEEN PLATTSHOUTH AND FORT KEAUNIiY. THE HERALD Now Offers the BEST JlbrER T1SIJTG 31 EDI UM West cf th MISSOURI RIVER It is real by Farmers, Mereliantii 3Ie chanic., Contractor?, Stock Dealers, ltailroad Men, Business Men, Manufacturers, Consumers, AXD . ESTABLISH KD IX 1S61. DEALER IN JEWEI SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GOLD PENS SPCTACLES. VIOLIN STKIXiJS AND FANCY UOODS. AVatehe. Clocks and Jewelry repaired neatly tnd with dLpatch. W 1-Removed to opposite Platte Valley Hons Street. . nov. 10 wtf. Attachment Notice. Patrick Maxwein rtfore A. L. Child Trobatc vs Judeein nnd for Cass county J. E. Perkins ) State of Nebraska. ON the 20th day of February A. D. 1S71 the said Probate Juiise issued an order of at tachment in the nhove action lor the sum of eleven dollars and fifiy cents. Plaltainoulu Neb. Feb. kSth A. D. 1ST1. PATRICK MAXWELL. Ey Mahqttftt .t Etkoso, his Atty.. it arch 24 STATE Cr UE2RACKA, l?J3URAriCE DEPArTfErJT TT IS !1 rr.EEY CriiTIFIED, That there has i bcn tiled in (his .oliic.e a iwoia fct:iteiucr.t showing the conditinn ol tho LALIAP IH3UHANC2 C02IPAIIY. located at Chieaso. in the .tat of Illinois on the iirst day cf ,l:iniiury A. D. is71, iuKccorduuc with tho provisions of nn Act oi the (leiieml Assembly, of tho S:ute of Nebraska, to regulate InsurainrcConipfnins, approved February Uili, l;i; that .-.lid Company hut irs iilcl the nrcc: -ary p:ipcrs :n;d a sratcnient siimviii!; that said Company i? posesscd ot tlit rt j u is i i o amount of capital, uud invested as required by law. Authority is Therefore Given. To the nbovc named Com; :i:iy to transact their nppropriate bu.-iness of F1J!E IXSC UANCE, in this Slate, in accordance with t he laws ihcrc oi'iuitil the ;',lst day of Ja-iuary, 1S72. 1 I'l KlHKi: CKlsTiTY, That 1'iielps Paine. Esq., of l'latt-mouth cnunty of Cass is am horized to trans ict Imsincss accirdins to law for said com pany as their nffc-nt and tilturney, by tiliny this certificate tor Record ith tho t-letk of Cass comity. In Testimony V.'hkkkok, I have licrctinto set my hand and :.fnxed my seal of otiice, at Lin coln, this od day of February, ls71. jsEAL. JOHN GILLESPIE, U0w4t ArinToit of State. CON DENSED STATE M EXT Of the Condition of tho City Fire Insurance Company OF 1IARTF0RT CONN., DECLMBEli 51. 1S70. CAriTAL STOCK $250,000,00 Loans on Mortsr.se first licr.s f r.O.OO Loans on ColLueral? I J.nixi (i l.'nited States Stocks; nnd lionds ol.i;V.( 0 State. Town, and City lionds :$.:,;. I National D-iik Stocks 1 1 l.-J..V.(i Railmad Stocks nnd Ron Is 1iju,:135.in) Cash on hand, in Rank and iu hand ot Agents 40.193.: Accrued Interest and Jjulau'.'a on book due from Aden's 11.2'.'i.l7 Office Furniture and Safe l,SU'..o7 Oross A'ets ...S--IS,27.37 LIABILITIES. Ou!. finding Losses 5-0.071 00 Amount n -ces.sary toreinsureoutsland- in Risks '. lSu-.0isl.5ii Total Liabilities.., 20.1 STATE CF NECRASKA iHSUI?A?.CE DEPARTMENT. TT is hereby certiHcd, that there hasbren filed a. in tins otiice a sworn statement showing the con:iit!on of the 1 ity Jr'ire Inmrntire Lomjiitti'i located at Hartford in the Stato of Conn., on the .lst oayot Decern her A. 1). ISi'K in accordance w ilh the I rovi-ions of an Act of the tiene al Assembly, of the State of Nebraska to Regulate 1 nsurancc (.oni'mmcs, approved rebru-ry l.'lh !$ id: that the said eompnry havimr tiled the neee.-ary papers an 1 a statement showiiiK ti:it said company ia posscs.-cil ot tho rcijui.-ite amount of capital, aud invested as required by law. Authority is Therefore Given T" the above named eomnony to transact their appropriate business ol Firo Insurance, in this State, in .accordance wit'r! the laws thereof until the:'d dry ot Jnnuary. 17l'. I further certify, that 11. K. Palmer cf Platts mou'h. County of C.i.-k is authorised to transact busin. s.: a;-or .Unpr to law for said c mpanv as their nt and Attorney, by til ins this certifi cate lor Record with the clerk of Cass county. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand nndallixed my seal of cilice, at Lincoln, thi3 tith day of March lb71. JOHN GILLESPIE. Auditor of Slate. inarch2ld!'-w-l. H. t PALMER. AGT f SEAL C Weeping Water, Mcb. General M Gichandis o , SUCH A3 DRY GOODS. CiKt'CETES. UARDWATtE. CiL'EENSW'ARE, HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS, io., PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SUING LES AND LATI1. We are Accats for YYiHcox & GiLh3 Sew;ng Machine, hicb is undoubtedly the best Machine now in se. marEfOVti. LUMBEE, ! 100,000 FEET ! 0 Thelundersigncd haa on hand a large qantity of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. WHICH HKOFFER3 AT CEASONABLE riOCEES. Q r r?. r e- 1 1 LEO on short noth;t, and for any lumber. size or length of Rafiers, Sluddings. Joists uiCjldlm: tn short notice. I1EISEL- Advert I s iz 1 A I?ook of 125 closely priuted papes, lately iisued. contains a list of tho best American Ad vertijins Mediums, Giving the names, circula tions, ami full particulars concerning the lead ing Daily and Weekly Political and Family newspapers, together with all those having-larjrc circulations, published ia the interest of Reli. gion. Agriculture, Littratiiro, Ac, tie. Every Advertiser, and every person who contemplates beeominjr euch, will Unci this book of great value. Mailed fiec to any address on receipt of in cent. UK. i iUtVi:i.l. A CO Publishers, No. 40 Park Row, New York. The Pittsburg (Pa,i Lender, new isne of Mav 20ih, says: "The firm of Geo, P. Rowei'l & Co.. which issues this interrestiag and vain able book, is the largest and best advertising Agency in the United States, and we can cheer fully recommend it to tho attention of those who desire to advertise their bu-iuess ecirntijic ally and yemntieal!y in such a way: that is, o to secure the largest amount of publicity for he least expenditure ol mo at 7." erSJiwtf. i2Te TZ:?Tg2ft9T' f the condition ;f the 1(M IiSUA.CE CO.MSWNY, of i'cv Yt rk, on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1ST1, nude lo the Auditor of the Mt.ite ol' Nebraska, pursuaiit to the Statute of that State The name of this Company is the HOME JNSEP.ANCE COMPANY, incori oi n'.t d in 1S.;1, and located in the city 01 Nc7 York. The capital of said Com puny nctua'ly p The surplus on the Uict day of J juuary, if Total amount of ca: ita.l and Amount of cash in Continental National Rank, N, y " " in Metrepoiitau " '" " ' " " in hands ot ns-cnts for tran.-i:ii.--i"!i " U. S. registered a:-d coupon stucli 1;1, mai ket valuo li luted Mates Loiids j-J Missouri ti per cent, North Carolina Tciiiicsseii Illinois, Rhode Island t'aldbrnia Connecticut Virginia S. Caro'.ini Alabama AV isc.msin. War N. Y. City t Co. Queens county Richmond " b ti ti t5 " ( "' r, 0 " ; 6 " r, Pro Ulvn Cit;. 0 II. ink Stocks, lnasket value ' " Loans 011 Bonds and Mortgages, being ttiu first lien of Record on Uiiicutnbcrcd Real E tat.', worth at least :1,',0J, rate of in terest t nr. et ' " Loans on Stoeksand Bonus, payable on demaud, the market value ofsecnrili'.-i pleds.-d, at legist ;.;'. " " Stenicr Magnet and Wrecking 111 paratus " " Other 1 ropcrty. .Miscellaneous Items " I"u5 for i'leuiiuii!.- on Policies js-ucd at (.itlice iFire an 1 Inland) .... " P.iils receivable :or Premiums ou Inland Nat igalioiiRUks. A'c Interest due 011 1st Janu iry, 1S7 1 (iovernu cnt Stamps ou hand Real Estate Amount of Losses a.ljust, dnennd unpaid cf " iiicured. and in process of adjustment " ofDevidcnds declared and ducrnd unpaid " of " cither ca-h or scrip. d el red but not yet due " cj till other existing claims asaiust the Company , Total atiiouiit of Losses: The grcr.tes amount insured on any one risk is S2X',0.W, but will not as a general rule exceed J50.1SHI 'i he coinriar. 7 has no general rale as to the am iunt alio wed to be insured in any city, town, villi ige or bio :ktbcing governed in this matter, iu each case, by the general chaiactcr ol building, width ofsiice s. facilities for putting out tires, c. A certified c:py of the Charterer Act of Injorporti'ion, as amende', accomp nied a prtvicus Statement. Stats of New York. r,yi(((i.i';:(yi.V. w l'w.V. f" Ciiarlts J. Martin, I'roidcnt, an i John II. Washburn, Secretary oft he Home Ixpi r tyci: Com pany being severally and duly sworn, depose and say, and each lor himself ; aj-s. that tho foregoing is a true, lull and correct .-latement of tha all'iirs of said Corporation, and that they are the aove described oliicc-rs thereof. iSiijued' Ciias. J. Map.tix, Prc.-i.lcnt. CSigned; J. II. WASnt;i;RX. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn bef.irc Lac, thl 2"th day of January. A. I. IS71. 1 . (Signed) SKAK. STATE OF NEBRASKA. ) Atuirons Ukmce, Ltvtui.v, Fel.i-aary tU. 1S71. t I hi'icby certiiy that I'm lcivr.iing is a free copy of t!:c annual statement of the Home Insur ance C' .mpai.y of Nc.v York ou hie in :iy oll'u-e. (Signed; JOHN GILLESPIE. - Auiitur c f Net .Tastii, j In conuccti-n with tho CJiicogj, BurUiijton, Quinai 12. I Offer to the people of Piattsmouth, .nl ail portion of Nebraska lyiug ! OUTHII OF THE PLATTE. the ui'-.st .lircct. an 1 the host Route to the Er'. tern. South !.: tern, and "o: ther;i Sti tcs. Pus- ;crs de- i:i;'.-l i tiv.vi-l -luxuriously sht.r. tako the Atlantic K.in v. hi b runs ihr m ; j to Chicaga without charge 1 C.- rs, cq:i!ppei with clcsant I'.ay Can-hes. Puiluian's . p.iluu. Daj and Sleeping Coaches, acd Puilman's Dining Cars. In n-Miiion to thef act Gilt this 5 the direct route by which time may be s'lt cd in rcaoiiia any point in. the E-RvU-i-n or Midule States, it tu'" trut'duily be said that it io.-sc.-en thebc.-t trtioa and the finest cinipmer.t of any Vt'cstern Line, cntiuriiig to the passenger Speed, Safety mid Comfort Rales alwnr ns LOW asthe LOWEST. Ba -sagechceked through to nny point East. C. E. PERKINS, Gen. Supt. A. E. T0UZALIN, Gen. Passenger Agent. ianlodAwtf. ftiiUiaii .ildiliiJlii'. Keck Elufls, Keb. Spring Term Commences March S1st, 1871. Pupils of either sex will receive thorough and systematis instruction here. Particular attcn paid to Primary scholars. School books furnished free of cost to al pupils. - GOOD BOARDING CAN EE OBTAINED AT REASONABLE RATES For tTtns and particulars a 1 dress gli-tf J. D. PATTERSON. Phelps Palsis. GEN'L INSURANCE AG T PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Represents some of the most reliable Compan ies in ihe United States. Office with Burccs &. Tollcck in Fit7gerald' Bliiek . IjanTdAwtf- PI.tTTS.T20EJTia S3lii. C. HEISEL,Prrrrietor. Having recently betTJ repaired and idace.l in thorough runnine order. l'W.M) Bushels of Wheat wanted immediately for which the highest uuvrlccl ixv;e-will be r!- i"ii2iti. $2..!W.(W10 00 Sl,o7S,WS Ui surplus S '1.710 .'0 1"7.7 'S IS Wi.t.-1 4i S U.;.: 7 !" 1 . 1 n IV) .ri...s,j 1, 1 12.9 0 If) lii.:'.jo Ci) fil.OiX) ("I osi.t'i i 00 loU -V.) V) MM. 1.! I (I!) 14.143 tn lO.lMl IM ;(o.(j'w) no .'..IliJ,') (Jl IC.JU Oil 1,5S0,X9 50 market vuUio " " ,;; :.!?i. joo 00 i.n.i2-j oj l,837,(d." 00 24'l,.'!:. 00 1 ;.i)i , 1 fr'2,'7f) f0 o.4-7 St :t,o. ',1 ... 4S.:;iii si 4'.l Si JW 00 $l,07S,OS 02 R'D.r.CS 71 J.i) 00 Claims and Liabilities Sdit'.OoS 71 THOMAS T. GOODRICH. Notary rfgi.ir. 'dlMVt) Sold Since their IntrcUuction 7Hi MOST E'JCCECCrt'L POPULAR' AND PERFECT Cooking Machines IP THSPSSRIOD ARE OUR WELL KNO WN i. v - -. Being of tho simplest Construction, are easily managed and guaranteed to give. Entire Satisfaction- As no article ia the lions-hold has a greater iriilueuee in promoting tho health, comfort rnd happiness of the family circle than the Cook Stuvp. it is oconomyu-s well a-s policy t ) pet the VERY REST; and in buving the CHARTER O.AK, you can rely on getting the most success ful, popular and ixjrfect Cooking Stove ever made.. SOLD BY Excelsier ranufacturing Co., 6:2 and 614 North Main Street, ST- I.OUIS, MO AND ALL LIVE STOCK DEALERS LIKE E. T. DTJKE & C0-, TL AITS M OUTII, N E3RASKA. rRiCMARD ViVJAfL ' Dealers in Groceries, Flour, Feed and Prnvisicns. Canned Gcod3 &e ITishcstcajh pri?e paid for all kinds of Grain and Produce, Liuiier, Eggs. Hides, Furs and Wool. North Eaet corner main aod Fifth Sts atts mouth noiv2d.fcw "77REIGHT TRANSFER. The tmlersisiir-il is prepared to tr.msfere freiplits between Pla,ttaiouth ard East l'latts mouth cn short notice ni l ren nnb!e tr:iis. warl f. W, !. WHir.V ii I up in cash, is 7 i ' ..,::!:.;.. . VV'-".'- l:: ,!'.' '.'.'.-. --Is.'-. 'vNXfiv C',' tet-'-vv; v, 'fx K r ' I ' o 2 IPI'i: HBITfi WHICH YUU WILL ALWAYS FI2."D AT EUr-SELL & DOOM'S, West End Main stroct, - Plattsiaoulh. XjO 1111 Zsnrslcmesste TIIKV SELL THE CELEI3II ATSD Weir Corn Plow, - I X L and Chnirpion Corn PI m, ra n.l DcTour Ricukinii I'low, Princeton Ir ui Rt:itu Stubble Plow,' A. P. Dickv Fan Mills, Eureka .t eir cultivutorrcedor 1 X L Stalk Cutter. Till rasiiiajf Mmdi'ncV Reaper nnil Mow ers. Seeder Of tho best kind and Qualities, (.'all on or ad-" dres. RESSEI.L ,f- DOOM. Plattsmouth, Neb. march tldlw wtf.- CITY BAKERY Af.D CONFECTION ARY "fE have opened to-day a Ihskery iai-1 dm ' ? t fecli.ir.a i y mi Si a I 'i St rci t . ohc .1 r pm ; h' of Fit.srerald s li'.ock. where tve are prcpareJ to' furnish alii am Hint of Fresh Bread, Piss, Cakes Fancy Rakina done it Parties whenever de sired. DA NY PRO. March 1.1 liwlm. OUSIC! VlUSiC! PIANO.-. ORGANS- MELODIOUS I nm A -rent for the be.-t Mu-ical Inst rumcnift' ma ttj. l'cnon- wi-hinir to bay I'iam. (':;!. ini-t. Mctropol ilHn or Profable ( !rsii:s. or Mi do Ivop.i can purchase tbrouirti my Apeney on n- libcr.it terms as they run from the pianuf.ieturc.r-i' thetrselve.i. Al! instrcmcuts varram-I. sif.i-ltf. J. X. I-E. J. ""Wr SUAMOK'S' VIA'A), SALE AM LIVELY STABLE. M AIX STREET, P fat Is m a u tit, Nehru s ha . I am prepared to u-eorjtnodute tiio public with" ilorsi s. Carria?.---. IJeies and a No. 1 Hearse' on short r:(iti'e ind leasnnal-lc terms. .A Hack will run t.,thcsUambuat lauding, and to all part oftiiecity wh.-n ili-sircd. January 1, 1-571 dJtvitf. Tootle, Hasina & Clark, CAL!3 IX Gloltl itiad Silver Szir EXCHANGE, ST.fi. and other t4tocU- Dipfbj drawti on a'l partof the t'nit -d St and Europe. Depoil received, and special at -tention given to collections. Sr All MARKET. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED A RrlE'ATEllARKET,- 0a ilain Street. naltfTnouth. 'where they pro-o.-reto keep on hand tho very BEST OF MEATS IN THEIR SEASON n Kill EST PRICES PAID. FOP. Cn'l and see us. feb20diwtf. -1IATT & IIAIGHT. SYAHL13 1 tiZS Vir BJ BCTTEICT 4 LA2SXBY, JTops.? UVERYSALE& EXCHANGE ar-Tae bos: of Ail-TV n-d r,:?!.-icior1 bar t Ccraer luo and i ouTih rtrtai. I u.-SC "i2Jditr.'