Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 23, 1871, Image 4

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Col. Thos. Doane loaves to day for the
A good, practical book binder can find
a first ratcojicnine in this city.
L. L. Ilolbrook, of Ashland, arrived
in the city yesterday.
The Tichonor House, of Lincoln, has
been sold to Messrs. & Townlcy.
Judge A. L. Sprague, of Saunders
county, has been in the city for a few
The ice bridge is very weak, and only
thoe who had urgent necessity therefor
have atteu;j:t;d to cross to-day.
"Gabe," who has occasionally male
his appearance in our city, has finally
been confined at the lunatic a-y.uni.
There is a large amount of corn in this
County yet, which will probably be held
over until after seeding time.
We publish to-day, a communication
written ty Mr. Crennan to the Sioux
City Times, relative to oir growing city.
Maxwell & Chapman have rented the
euit of rooms on the west s-;Je, Fecond
Hour, of Fitzgerald's new block, whither
thy will remove in a few daj s.
A former resident of this city is now
working the streets in St. Joseph, with
n policeman to look on and escort him to
and from his meals and lodging.
We were mistaken in Faying that
Judge Child refused to grant the ha
beas corpus writ in the case of the va
grants confined in ti e county jail. The
application wa.i not made formally, and
consequently could not be denied.
Those who are in need of clothing,
pents' furnishing goods, boots and shoes,
notions, Sec. remember that I have not
changed uiy mind about going to Europe,
and must close out by the 1 st of May.
My entire stock must bi disposed of by
that time. . Wm .Viapelmann.
The would-be loaders of the Democ
racy in Nebraska have a penchant lor
making westward trips on certain occa
sions. Some years since Morton wa.9
suddenly called west oa a buffalo hunt,
and now Dr. 3Iiller has urgent business
outside the State, beyond the reach of
the Investigation Committee.
The telegraph announces that the
name of J. J. Hochstetler has been sent
into the Senate as Postmaster at Ne
braska City.
A gentleman of this city was recently
endeavoring to enjoy an evening in the
company of a young lad upon whom he
called, but found a serious obstacle in
the person of her stern father, who at
length ventured to very plainly intimate
that the hour foi retiring had arrived.
" I think you are correct, my dear mi,"
returned the unabashed young man.
'J We have been waiting to have you go
to bed for over an hour."
A pair of overshoes were found on
Fifth street a few day.? ago. The own
er can get them by calling on Marshal
Murphy and paying for this notice.
We think our Lincoln correspondent
must be mi.-taken when he asserts that
the leaders of the investigation were all
bitter opponents of the location of the
capital at Lincoln, and that the invetiga
tion move i a blow at the prosperity of
Lincoln. We kcow but little about the
other members of the Committee, but
our correspondent is certainly wrong in
placing Senator Sheldon as an opponent
f f Lincoln interests.
They had a fireuian's festival at Ne
braska City recently, at which $I.0
were spent in voting a watch to a young
lad-. That was doing well for a small
place, but the people of Plattsmouth vote
$ 400 on a walking stick. They have no
Fitzgerald Hall at Nebraska City, if they
have a howling wilderness.
The holi Is voted in aid of the Bur
lington Si Southwestern K. It. through
Iowa, are said to be of no account in
consequence of certain reservations made
in the vote not recognized by the stat
utes. Plattsmouth takes the leal in all
things, botli in a social and business as
pect. Since our ma-queraJc, the papers
in all the adjacent towns are arguing
masquerades in their respective localities.
The Lincoln Journal announces that
the B. & M. company have already com
menced sending out material to the end
of the track. They "mean business."
The Nebraska City Chronicle advises
the commissioners of Otoe county to
adopt the same plan pursued by the com
missioners of Cass in regard to the rail
road bond question.
Nearly two thousand dollars of School
House Fund money was paid into the
hunds of City Treasurer Hinchman yes
terday, and not a dollar of it was loft
this morning.
The Dcs Moines Stulcs7nan has gons
to hunt Jim Fisk's Woodbine.
Hon. D. McCaig has been in the city
for a day or two. lie is farming on an
extensive tcale, and has one of the finest
firms in Cass county. He will seed a
l.ugs tract of land the present season
with tame grasses.
The refusal of Gov. Butler to deliver
rp the rain Lincoln, who was arrested
fjr rollir.g a jewelry store in Pittsburg,
upon a requisition from. Gov. Gear, is
creating no little talk.
Wc suppose the Omaha Herald has
reference to Ilawke, Dillion, Conger, etc,
wherf it speaks of "radical corruption.
Geo. S. Smith, Esq., lectures at Nao
mi Institute Wednesday evening.
Jas. F. Joy has recently concluded
negotiations for constructing the St
Louis and Keokuk railroad.
Attorney General Roberts is becoming-
quite popular at th capital by his
f.r,.rrnwl pnursc and unbiased
opinions delivered on important matters. J
Does the Omaha Herald have refer
ence to the fact that every Democrat in
the Home except two voted agaiust the
impeachment resolution, when it cries
"Radical Corruption?"
At a caucus held at Bordeaux 0:1 the
night of the l.jth, of a majority of the
delegates, it was decided to establish a
Provisional Republic with Thiers as
President, Favre as Premier, and Duke
de Cases as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
There has been much complaint in
our city that no one kept a full assort
ment of wall papers. O. F. Johnson
has put an end to that cry by opening
up about tji thousand rolls of the bot
papers ever brought to the west. He
bought in New Yoik and can sell at the
lowest prices- His stock is the largest
ever brought to this market and is com
posed of almost all grades and of every
imaginable pattern.
Didn't Mean It.
We mentioned the fact, at the t'uie of
the occurrance, that Representative Por
ter, of Nemaha County, assailed Presi dent
Grant's Administration in his speech
at the Senatorial banquet. Wc are told
by the Brownville Advertiser that Mr.
Porter disclaims any hostility towards
the Administration, and that what he
said at Lincoln was spoken under ex
citement and in the flu-h of victory, and
that he was not in a mood to fully com
prehend the force of his language. We
accept the explanation but suggest that
Mr. Porter would do well to "think be
fore he speaks" next time.
J. F. Dtud, Esq., has suggested to us
the idea cf extending Chicago Avenue
out as far as the south line of Mr. Max
well's farm. Wc fully agree with lum on
the propriety of this measure, and hope
it will be accomplished early this spring.
This avcntii, properly adorned with trees
on either side, would soon become one of
the most fashionable drives in the west.
Let u have Chicago Avenue, one hun
drcd feet wide", enxtended as far as the
south line of Mr. Maxwell's farm by all
means. Who is there to oppose this
much needed measure?
a slxsibj.k idi:a.
We clip the following sensible item
flora the columns of the Brownville Ad
"You may talk and think as you will
about immigration societies, but more
good could 1'C accomplished, nnd in a
cheaper end more business like way, if
the Commissioners of Pawnee, Johnson,
Gage and Jefferson counties should each
order one thousand copies of their
county paper?, sent regularly to eastern
centers of publication for free destitu
tion. They would thus secure two ob
jects, greatly imp. rove their papers, and
advertise their own resorces more truly,
extensively and thoroughly, than will be
dono in any other way. Let some
county set the bull ij motion and note
the benefits at the end of the year."
Burt county has decided to assist the
Omaha & Northwestern Railroad in the
amount of j100u0 in county eight per
cent, twenty year bond.
Business has livened up somewhat
during the past ten days, a; d the feeling
is generally entertained that business
will be good and money plenty as soon
as spring business opens.
The Iowa State Musical Convention,
whi h has been in progress at Council
Bluffs for several days past, is said to
have Iccn a fine affair. A large number
of musicians were in attendance, and the
occasion was a pleasant one. It closed
last Friday evening.
The people of Omaha recently held a
fair for the relief of the suffering French,
the total receipts of which are estimated
at $2,Oi.o. The prize cane was awarded
to the Oiuahi Herald.
The members of the Bar of this city
held a meeting Saturday evening to talk
over matters relative to the profession.
We are not informed who "was to read
the riot act."
According to our Lincoln correspond
ent, the bill donating 20,000 of land tol
assist the O. & S. W. R. It. in bridging
the Platte, and authorizing them to ex
tend their line throueh Cass, Otoe Ne
maha, etc., has been defeated by re
maining in the Governor's hands beyond
the allotted time.
The woman whom we mentioned a
few days since as having deserted her
husband, mother and children and taken
uJier abode in a houe of prostitution,
was notified, last Saturday, to leave the
city and State or she would be arrested
as a vagrant. Ihere are others in the
city who should receive the same treat
ment. Several new frame buildings have
been commenced during the past week
in different parts of the city, and there
is little doubt that the number of busi
ness houses and dwelling serected during
the coming season will far outnumber
those of any former j-ear.
Died, February 10th, 1S71, at the
residence of John F. Buck, of Cass
county, Mr. 11 C. Shrydcr, aged 84
years. He was father of George Shry
der, and father-in-law of John F. Buck,
and has been a resident of this county
since 1S5T.
The Omaha Herald intimates that
Representative Hawke, of Otoe county,
has charged the State, for the use of the
Seuate Assembly with many items that
he never supplied. We would not be
at all surprised, for Ilawke is a Demo
crat, of the strictest sect. More "radi
cal corruption." is it not?
To kill a town, under rate the proper
ty of your neighbor, withdraw your sup
port from your home mechanics and
manufactories, everythingyou need send
to some other town for, and if you are in
business of any kind, refusa to advertise
in your county paper, says the Glenwood
Ornaion, and our word for it, you will
surely succeed.
Something like eighteen mouths ago
Mrs. Mutz, wife of Geo. Mutz, Esq., of
Eight Mile Grove, was salivated during
a fit of sickness. She had been troubled
for some time with a decayed tooth in
the lower jaw on the right side, and the
mercury seemed to take especial hold
upon the tooth and jaw. It grew con
stantly worse, until the teeth on that
side nearly all dropped out, and the
whole side of the jaw became seriously
effected. About two Weeks ago Dr.
McCrea of this city, Dental Surgeon,
was sent for to see if he could give any
relief. The Dr. removed nearly the
whole side of the jaw bone, containing
the socketa for four teeth, which he now
has in his possession. The piece of bone
is about two inches in length, and shows
the fearful ravages of the mercury. The
operation was performed with hardly any
hemorrhage, and with very little incon
venience to the patient, who is now do
ing remarkably well and is relieved from
all unpleasant feelings caused by the de
cayed bone. Dr. McCrea is proving
himself master of his profession.
She ! rl her Iluwbanil. unci Chil
dren and Enlrr'i i House of
I'rottit ution.
A most heartrending case of desertion
occurred in our city a few days ago, and
one which the law should tike hold of
if there is a law to reach it. We sup
press the names out of respect for the
innocent babes and the husband and
mother of the detestable wretch who has
caused them so much misery and shame.
About a year or more ago a man and his
wife, with one child and the wife's
mother, moved from Iowa. They had
been married some six years, and seemed
to live as happily as uiany others. Some
time last summer the husband became
convinced that his wife was too familiar
with other men, and talked to her about
it. They had some trouble, au J seporat
cd for a short time. They lived together
afterwards, and a. daughter was born to
hem, the child was only a week eld when
he heartless woman left her husband's
roof, and leaving to her husband
and her mother's care the infant babe,
and took up her abode with a young man
of the city, with whom she has lived in
adultery until a few days ago. Three
dy.Mr j s!i3 entered the bouse of pros
titution kept by Jennie St. Clair, and
has now fully started on the downward
road which most certainly ends at the
gates of the orthodox hell. She is only
about twenty-six years old, and is said
to be a very fine looking woman ; but
what a blackened heart must be beneath
that fair exterior- (Vc can imagine cir
cumstances undsr which a woman might
be driven to a life of prostitution : but
it is difficult to believe that any woman
could be ro lo.-t to all the finer feelings
of nature, and especially to those of a
mother for her innocent and helpless
bate of only a few weeks old, as to enter
upon a life of prostitution almost within
hearing of the wail of her deserted off
spring. Had she gone to some other
locality, and changed her name so as
not to disgrace, forever, her innocent
children and heart-broken mother, it
might net seem so great an outrage.
Since the i-suo of cur Saturday even
ings "paper, containing the notice of the
successful dental operation performed by
Dr. McCrea, he has had applications
from over twenty r en in this city to get
him to take the "jaw" out of their
J. Sterling Morton and Wm. Ilick
lin, of Otoe have gone to Salt Lake along
with Dr. Miller. The A'eics says they
have all gone to "see the elephant and
the Saline mines." If the charges
against our State officers should not be
substantiated won't these worthies howl
and say "Oh, we could have convicted
them iu just "litccii minutes' if we had
been at home. Rather singular that
these individual? should l.aveja "hanker
in" to visit the 'biker mines" at this
particular time.
Saturday last was the djy appointed
by the commissioners for holding pre
cinct meetings to elect delegates to at
tend the County Commissioners meeting
Sheriff Grcebe, of Omaha, fired at a
prisoner who wa? attempting to escape,
a few days since, and the ball passed
through the clothing of a bystander.
J. P. Lantz, of Lincoln, Real Estate
Agent, and publisher of the Nebraska
Intelligencer, called on us this evening,
and reports business moving along at the
capital city.
By the way, Lantz has got up one of
the best maps .of Lincoln, including all
the additions, railroads, public buildings,
also a list of public officers, mem
bers 01 the legislature, etc , tnat we
have ever seen, a copy of which adorns
our sanctum. Lantz is one of the live
men of Nebraska, and persons having
real estate business at Lincoln would do
well to consult him.
Spelling schools seem to be the order
of the evenings in the country round
about Cedar Falls. The Gazette says
they are productive of much .good, and
often lead to many happy marriages.
Dcmoiest's Young America, $1.50 a
year. A brilliant and useful juvenile
Monthly. The March numberurpasses
al! others in its attractiveness, beautiful
engravings, entertaining stories, original
music, and other spicy contributions.
The premiums offered to each subscriber
are really wonderful, comprising among
them the juvenile books to the amount
of $1 75, a fine Cromo worth $ , a
Stercscope with a series of views, a good
Microscopo. a large Wax Doll, a Moroco
Reticul, an elegant Photograph Album
for fifty pictures, a good Telescope, an
Opera Glass, a Child's Decorated China
Tea Set, aud numerous other presents,
worth more than the cost of the year's
subscription. Do not fail to address
W. Jennings Demorest,
S33 Broadway N, Y.
An immigrant wagon, of the white
covered species, was crossed over to the
Nebraska shore on the ice to-day.
For the Herald.
Dear Herald: Do you ever get
weary and worn in the battle of life, and
almost persuaded to give it up? Did it
ever appear as if the midnight lamp
burned never so dim, when the eyes
were almost ready to leap from their
sockets, the hand cramped and unsteady,
the head r.Iuiost burstiiiir, after toiling
at the desk from early dawn, away into
the small hours of night, and the task
but half completed yet? Did you ever
foci that soul thirst for inspiration for
mental strength and quickening fire
that fire which warmed the soul, that
strength of mind, that inspiration which
moved the pen of Milton, Pope, Young
and Pollock ? Is there inspiration in
literature? Yes, now I remember a lit
tle scrap from the pen of Theodore Til
ton, I saw it years ago ; I learned it then
and have not foigottcn it, only when the
cares of life and thoughts of other
things, crowd it from the mind. I will
give it to your many readers, perhaps
theywill be pleased and benolked:
"A sacred familiarity with the Divine
mind, is the best inspiration for litera
ture. Many an author, dead and for
gotten, might have been alive in the
world's memory to-day, only lor the lack
of that quickening into greatness which
comes of God's breath upon the soul.
The world's teachers must first be God's
learners. Wisdom does not grow out of
books when students lock themselves in
shut closets. Tno cloister must open
outward to the world and upward to the
heavens. The great wisdom is God's
divinity and man's humanity. Who
knows this knows most f all ; after this,
what icmains to be learned is little.
God first, man next; the rest are trifles.
What then is the true secret of touching
the Jips with lire? Coleridge knew it
and told it. His words are deep and
true. They hold the talisman which all
poets, all orators, all artists must use if
they would touch the world's heart to
its core. An hour of solitude parsed in
sincere and e-arnest prayer, or the con
flict with and conquest over a single pas
sion or subtle bosom, sin, will teach us
more of thought, will more effectually
awaken the faculty and form the habit of
reflections, than a year's s'.udy in the
schools without them.' Here is a secret
worth knowing ; it is not new, but very
old. It is the same which was known to
the poet of the Hebrews. 'The en
trance cf thy words givcth light ; it giv
cth understanding to the simple.' Good
heed to this saying will make common
men wise, and wise men great. Its
meaning is, 'the fakli of God, taken
into the soul, breathes strength into the
Mr. Clough, of Otoe county, reccoai
tut ii Is, through a communication in the
Cmonide, that in the forthcoming con
stitutional revision, a clause be inserted
allowing all women over twenty-one
years old, unconvicted of crime, and
who own $200 worth of taxable property,
to vote. If we are to have women vote
at all we are in favor of having them
vote without any other restrictions than
those placed upon a en. Let there be
"no distiction on account of race, color,
former condition of servitude, or of
A resident of the city by the name of
Morton, asserted in a conversation yes
terday that Governor Butler had been
bribed in some railroad matter and Mr.
Doom, to whom the conversation was di
rected, informed him that he was a mem
ber of that railroad investigating com
mittee, and would soon call on Mr. Mor
ton to swear. Let Morton be called.
He has repeatedly charged the Governor
with crime and now he can do the peo
ple of the State a favor by testifying in
the case. Chronicle.
The Sioux City .Tournal says a drug
firm n that city has received an order
for fifty pounds of Indian war paint for
Spotted Tail's camp. This is considered
equivalent to a declaration of war
against some of the troublesome tribes
in that country.
A team, with a load of lumber, broke
through the ice this evening, but was
got out without serious loss or damage
we believe. We are told the team be
longs to Lyman fc Co., but aro not cer
tain. People should be rather careful
about driving over the ice this thawy
weather, or there may be some loss of
The proprietors of the Tecumseh
Chieftain, purpose to enlarge and other
w's3 imrrove that sheet.
The Iowa Tribune a German paper
published in Bur'ington was sold out by
the sheriff a few days ago.
The Brownville Advertiser favors a re
modeling of our collection laws, so that
a debt can be collected at reasonable
expense and in reasonable time.
An accident occurred on the K. C,
St. Joe. & (!. B. Railroad, on Wcdnes
day, in which a small bridge was broken
down and several cars smashed. No
one injured
Gen. Silas A. Strickland was admitted
to practice as an attorney and counsellor
of the United States Supreme Court, at
Washington, on the 14th inst. The mo
tion was ma le by P. Phillips, Esq.
The reason given by one of the intelli
gent Democratic Senators of Virginia
for voting for a portrait of Robert E.
Lee was that "Lee fit and fit until he
couldn't fought no longer and gin up."
A lodge of Good Templar? has been
organized among the soldiers at Fort
C. 1. Jenness has been appointed
postmaster at Helena, Johnson county
Nebraska. A sleigh load of wisdom in the shape
of legislators, was capsized near Brown
ville, a day or two since. The driver
thought best to give them some lessons
iu "ground aud lofty tumbling." No
one seriously hurt.
The ice in the Platte is breaking up
to day.
Hon. Wm. Dailey, of Nemaha county,
came in from Lincoln on the evening
The "President" Eteamed up this
evening for he first trip. The ice has
broken up at the upper landing, and
the President will bring the passenger!
from the other side this evening-
Footmen are still crossing on the ice
below the city, while boats are rnnning
half a mile above town. We expect to
'hear something drap" soon.
At a meeting of the Turner Society of
Plattsmouth, held at their Hall, on
Thursday the 16th hist, it was,
Jicsoked, That the thanks of the So
ciety be tendered to the Plattsmouth
Herald, for tho generous liberality and
courtesy shown them before and after
the Masqurade Ball.
H. Newman,
P. BRAirscn, Com.
F. D. Leniioff, )
In the absence of the Editor, we will
only say, that the Herald fully appre
ciates and reciprocates, the kindly feeling
conveyed iu the above Resolution of the
Turners of Plattsmouth. It is said that
"It is good for bretheren, to dwell to
gether in unity," and the Herald be
lieves it is good for a community to cul
tivate and foster these pleasant relations
regardless of party or s.ect, which tend
to unite all upon the broad platform of
universal liberty and fellowship.
"A fOlPLIi or LAMBS"
Some three weeks ago a mn and wo
man came to this city and took boarding
at one of our boarding houses, he giving
the name of Wm. Haines. Since com
ing here he received a package of money
by express, when he signed his name
as Win. Bass. lie has not seemed to
have any employment, unless it was
gambling, and we are informed that he
carries a very bad countenance. They
were passing here as man and wife
Last night at the supper table the man
Haines, or whatever his name uiay be,
had sonic words with one of the board
ers, said to have originated in jealousy,
and seizing a knife, attempted to kill the
young man, (whose name we did not
learn) but he made bis escape with no
further injury than a severe cut in the
hand, and ran for an officer. Williams
was soon on the spot, and found the
"pet lamb" under a bed. He induced
him to come out and accompany him to
the Recorder's office, where His Honor,
after hearing the case, imposed a fine
and cost, and in default of payment he
was sent to jail. The woman cave her
name as Sarah Jane Coon says Haines
is from Red Rock, Iowa, and her pa
rents live not far from there; says they
have lived together about a year, but
arc not married. She has never known
him to work, and don't know what he
does. Haines lias gone by a number of
different names, and been in numerous
scrapes in Iowa, and was shot in the
arm by an officer, in Ft. Dcs Moines,
who was attempting to arrest him.
From what information we have, wc con
clude they are a desperate couple, and
hope they uiay get their just deserts,
which they are pretty sure of if they
stay about Plattsmouth, long.
ii:tc;i:::is or the teachers
Plattsmouth, Fob. 20, 1871.
The "Cass County Teachers' Insti
euto" was organized by electing W.
A. Patterson, Esq., President, and J.
M. Hiskctte. Secretary.
The President, on assuming the chair,
made a few very appropriate and well
timed remarks upon tha object and im
portance of holding Teachers' Institutes,
and urged that all should take an active
part in thetxerciscs.
The best method of teaching orthog
raphy was taken up and discussed at
length by Messrs. T. J. Patterson, G.
W. Hammond and others.
A class in reading was then formed,
1 and the ability displayed in thi most
important uianc-n or education snoweu
that much time and labor had been de
voted to a thorough training of the voice,
and to the rules of elocution, without
which it is impossible to become a good
reader or speaker.
Moved to adjourn to 1"0 p. va.
In which all took an active part, and
showed by the interest manifested that
the importance of this ctudy had not
been overlooked or neglected.
Notation, numeration and addition, and
the best methods of teaching these
rr.lcs. The discussion on this subject
was animated and interesting and brought
out many hints which will be of import
ance to those who were so fortuate as to
hear them.
This being an important and useful
branch of education, the interest mani
fested in the diucusion of the best meth
od of teaching it was animated and
This subject, although of importance
to every American citizen, failed to elicit
the interest which it demands.
On motion, Miss Adelia Babbington
was elected assistant Secretary.
The Secretary Jwas instructed to fur
nish a copy of the proceedings of the
Institute to the journals of this city for
On motion, Mesr. T. J. Patterson,
C. Angevine and J. M. Hiskette, were
appointed Committee on Programme.
J. M. Hiskette.
Plattsmoitii, February 21.
The President being absent, Mr. C.
Aneevine was called to the Chair.
Reading of the journal of the preced
ing dav.
"Orthography By G. W. Hammond;
followed by a general discussion of the
bast method of giving instruction in the
art of spelling, in which oral and dicta
tion exercises each had ardent advocates.
GeorjrophyVy E. G. Clements; in
which argumeut? were produced to prove
that it was expedient to teach this branch
at a very early age ; after which a dis
cussion of the subject in its more ad
vanced stages was entered into.
Grammar By C. Angevine; iu which
he siiowed a proficiency in the best
methods of teaching this important sub-
j5?--' . TT 1 Hf? T.-U
Un motion, lr. iiammonu, i.vsvs uuu
bington and Malone, were appointed a
committee 011 music Adjourned to
l:o0 p. m.
Practical Arithmetic By S. "a ates
Ogden ; followed by a general discussion
in which most of the teachers engaged
Mental Arithmetic dJy Mrs. M. E.
Coiner; who presented some excencnt
ideas on the analysis of intellectual
problems and the method of teaching
Music T,y Miss Frank Myers; that
tkis part of the programme was ad
mirably performed, no one will doubt
who has listened to a performance upon
the organ, and been charmed by the nch
aud melodious tones of this beautiful
and accomplished lady's voice.
1'enmanthip By T. J. Patterson ;
who showed that he, at least, had studied
the art closely and Was well prepared to
give instructions in this important
branch. Profs. J. R. Murphy and J.
D. Patterson then gave us a few very
useful and practical hints in regard to
the beat methods of teaching penman
ship. IieadinyV.y J. M. Hiskette; the
reading of Poe's "Raven" by the mem
bers of the Institute was particularly
Motion to appoint a committee on
Previous to adjournment, we were fa
vored with some excellent vocal and in
strumental uiusie by the accomplished
performers, Mrs Vinton and Mrs. Guard.
J. M. Hiskette, Sec'y.
The Baptist Sociable will meet at the
residence of IT. W. Wise next Friday
A certain man doing business in this
city was brought up and fined to day for
not having license. Better toe the
mark, gents.
The Monitor came across the river
this afternoon, and passed on west.
We could not ascertain what she was
loaded with, but suppose it was arms
and legs.
Theodore Tilton has retired from the
Independent and the Brooklyn Union,
and will hereafter devote his entire time
and talent to his new paper, The Golden
Aye, at New York.
The member of the Y. M. C. A. are
requested to meet at the Hall on next
Friday evening at 7 o'clock.
J. W. Rawlins. Trest.
The "President" failed to get across
last evening. The ice from above was
too much for her.
Officer Williams had his "pet lamb"
repairing the sidewalks and crossings to
day. The follows countenance would
send him t9 the Penitentiary anywhere
cast of the Missouri rivtr, and may here.
Tho ice is piling up in large mascs
abovethis city. It comes from the Platte.
The President made her upper landing
to day, and will probably make regular
trips hereafter.
The Plattsmouth Collegiate School Ex
amination anil Exhibition w 11 be held in
White & Spires Hall, on Friday, the
24th inst., at 2 o'clock. Admission free.
All are kindly invited. The examina
tion will consist of the various branches
of English and German education. The
exhibition will include vocal and instru
mental music, recitations, readings, char
ades, etc., etc.
Mr. John A. Stevens, of the Omaha
Academy of music, with his talented
troupe among whom arc Miss Edith
Bland and Miss Carlotta will appear in
Plattsmouth for three nights, commenc
ing on Monday evening, February 27th.
The opening play will be the two act
Comedy, of "Who Killed Cock Robin."
There will be a song and dance between
the pieces by the favorite s-ongstrcss,
Mis Edith Bland, and will close with
the laughable fare .3 of "Jennie Lind, or
the Swedish Nightingale."
The Omaha Jirpuljlicaii of Sunday
morning calls loudly for a full and
thorough investigation, and insists that
the facts shall be brought out on all mat
ters where ever a question has been
raised. We fully arrvee with the Re
puldican, and suggest that no stone be
left unturned to arrive at these facts, let
who will be hurt in consequence ; and
right here we would call on the Commit
tee of Investigation to summon Maj
Balcomb before them and ask him what
he knows in regard to the letting of the
contract for public piinting a little
over two years ago. "Send for persons
and papers."
Two ladies were thrown from a wagon
in the south part of the city last Mon
day, and one of them injured severely.
We did not learn their names.
Superintendent Patterson inform us
that the teachers of the city are not at
tending the Institute in sessions here.
Why is this thusly? Why don't they
Wc are unofficially informed that
John Fitzgerald, Esq., of this city, was
married, at Council Bluffs, yester
day, to MNs Kelley, of that place,
and that the happy couple started eat
on a wedding tour. We suppose we
will be compelled to abandon the use of
the chosen title of "our Fitz." now, for
he is no longer "our Fitz 1" alone,
but his "better half" will claim him as
her own. We wish them long life and
much joy.
W. L. Hobbs, Esq., stepped up to
"the captain's office" yesterday and
paid a year in advance on his daily pa
per, and subscribed for four more copies
of the weekly to be sent to friends east
(he was already sending three or four
copies). A few more men like Hobbs
would make us poor newspaper men feel
that our efforts to help the town and
country were appreciated. Who comes
next ?
IIoneMy in Jfew York-
The Standard publishes the following
certiiicate of New York commercial hon
esty: "A certain leading grocery house
on the west side of town recently re
ceived a cask of dried herrings in the
very best of merchantable order. The
pontic man whose name the firm bears
caused these to be taken out of the cask
and had put in their Ftead a lot that was
old and decaying. These were sent to
the firm from which the fresh lot had
been received, with the explanation that
the good being damaged, they could
not be received."
Aunt Judy, a pious old colored woman
is said to have expressad herself as follows
in reference to the vociferous habits of cer
tain persons at camp meeting : "Taint de
real grace; honey, tant de shure glory.
You hollers too loud. When you get3 de
dove in your heart, and de lamb on your
bosom, you'll ftell as if you was in dat
stable at Cethl'm. and de blessed Virgin
had hiit you de slevpir..' baby to hold.''
The Lincoln Journal comthiin3 that
the papers of the State, not in open bos
tility to the Governor, have not taken
the cudgel in his favor when he has been
unjustly assailed. We differ somewhat
from the position of the Journal upon
this question. If the Governor is unjust
ly assailed, and is persecuted by design
ing men who attack him in order to ele
vate themselves over his ruin, (as we do
not doubt is the case with some who are
howling at him), that fact will develop
in good time, and will most certainly re
act upon the men who- seek bis injur."
in this way. The question of wheth
er Gov. Butler and the other State Offi
cers and ex. officers are guilty of doing
things worthy of censure, or other pun
iahment, is now being examined into by
a joint committee, appointed for that
purpose; and we apprehend that news
paper articles, or newspaper charge, e n
either side of the question, will have lit
tle' effect with the committee, unless
the writers thereof substantiate their as
sertions underoath before the committee;
neither do we apprehend that the com
mittee (composed of just and upright
men, as they must be to have secund
an election) will allow themselves to do
so unjust a thing as to report to the
Legislature and the world that Gov.
Rutlcr or any other officer or ex-offictr is
guilty of even an injudicious act, let
alone one of a criminal nature, until
they have fairly examined the matter in
all its bearings, and allowed the accused
the privilege (or the right) to as full a
hearing as the men have who seek to do
them an injury (provided they are inch)
Believing that the committee will do
this, and that they will not report
against any one of the men implicated
without such full hearing that no one
sided persecution will be permitted we
again say we see8 no especial reason why
the newspapers of the State should de
fend Gov. Butler again-t any who are
disposed to persecute him cither mali
ciously or (as is often the ca-c) simply
to distinguish themselves and on wh
they think will be the popular sid. If
me committee were incline! to a one
sided course, then we admit that the
papers of the State should have some
thing say for the commonest criminal
in the land is allowed full justice, and is
always allowed council and a full hearing.
Whereas, The County Commission
ers contemplate taking into considera
tion, at their next regular meeting, on
the 7th of March, the propriety of calling
an election for the purpose of voting aid
to one or more Railroads in this county,
and, Whereas: the delegate meeting be
fore the Commisionersat Plattsmouth on
the 20:h, inst., failed to produce united
action, owing to a misunderstanding on
the part of the different precincts.
Therefore, it is recommended that a
Convention b held at Weeping Water,
on Wednesday, March 1st., at 12 o'cloc k
m., consisting of two delegates from each
precinct, to draw up resolutions express
ive of the of the people to be pre
vented to the County Commissioners at
their next regular meeting.
By request of many voters,
Wm. C. Jenks,
Delegate from Weeping Wafer-
It is a fact that Dooms are selling
0 ids cheaper than any store in I'jat t
mouth. " icbltid.vwtf
Home ills, South Weeiinj Wa
ter, Cass Co. Ner This mill is in
thorough repair. Two run of stone w'll
grind wheat and corn on toll or exchange,
as parties prefer.
Wm. K. Sheldon, Jr.
James B. I'olden,
Jan. 5th wtf. Lessees
Mendltr Sc Whceland, of this city,
are sole owners, in this State, of the
right to manufacture and sell the cele
brated Self raising Flour, which effectu
ally docs away with the annoyance oi
heavy bread, biscuits, buckwheat cakes,
puddings, and all other articles made
from flour. Printed recipes for usinr,
aceompanj- each sack of flour.
Arrest that terrible Catarrh, and thus
avoid a consumptive's grave, by using
Dr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy. The pro
prietor will pay $o( reward for a ta.-e
he cannot cure" Sold by drucgi-ts. or
send siity cents to Dr. 11. X. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. V., and receive it by mail.
Pamphlets sent lice
If you want to buy goods very cheap
we advi.-eyou to go to Doom Bro.
Absolute Divorce legally ohtained in Vew
York, Indiana. .Illinois, and other States, for
persons from any State or county, letral every
where: ue.-f rtion. (lrunKenne-s, non-support
etc.. sufficient eau-e ; no publicity. No iharu
until divorce is oiratnej. An vice tree.
Address, MOO ltti Jc KIC1I A ltl'SOX,
Counsellors nt Law.
dee24JAwIyr. 180 Hroadway, New York City
The alvtrti.-er. having been permanently
cured of that dread diseas. Consumption, hy a
cimplc remedy, is anxious tomake known to his
fellow sutierers the mean. of eure. To all who
desire it. he will send a eopy of the prescription
used (tree ofchanre). with the directions for pre-parmiJ-and
usins thesame, which they wiil find
a sure cure lor. Consumption, Asthma, J'ror.chi
tis. Ae.
Parties 4vishine tho prescription will picas
address. Kev. FDWaKD A. N ILS 'ST,
li." South Second Street, Williamst-un-h. N. Y.
A gentleman who euflered for years from Xer
vnus Debility, Premature Decay, an 1 ail the
efleetM of youthful imiisorction. wiil, for the
fake of suherinj- humanity, send free to all who
need it the recipe and directions for iiiakine tho
simple remedy by which he was cured. Suiter's
wishing to profit hy the ndvert iser"s experience
caa do so hv u 1 IresMntr, in perfect eoutideltce.
No. 12 Cedar street, .Vew York.
7??AYS FOU YOUXNO MEN. on the 4o
a lights of Home, and the propriety or iiunro-
i.rietv of tfettinir Married, witn sanitaiy helD
for those who feel irntilted for matrimonial hap
pincs. Sent free in sealed envelopes. Address
HOWARD AisO'JIATIOX. liox P. Philadel
phia. Pa. iun 1 diwly.
Visiting Plattsmouth,
Farmer's Feed Stable
Corner of Sixth and Vine Street One Block,
North rd'the Presbyterian Church, PI "ttsinouta
- j
B. A- M.
Lc. I'M" .. M,
Le. U:id A. M.
Lp. 11.-1 A.M.
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P-tnRr l-.Xfro-s..- . x.-. ,t .M..i..l.,v
Mail Lxi'-.t M111l.1v A
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Mail ext.i .t Siiii lay
Kreiu-lit No, " txr. .i Sun. lav.. " "...
Freight No. S -c.rcjl .Sun. lay.
The r.nat leaver Platt.-ii;nu:!i at a.
d;i -.
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iTiip L-ii r- the arrival aivl ,-
train- to if.I lii.m ;'ne eat l..n,; i, t!,,. ,
river. The Atl.ii.ii Evpu-i ,,;,'.'. .
I'.urlintrton at S: a. 111.. nn-lthe ". ..,'
CC. I!, i ST. JOE. R. n.
AT I'ACll H' JI XCTKIN tow. 1
mum: XOKTII. 1, hiv ;
Mail nwl K.xi're.-.-,.....r.;:i p. m. 7 .
Xinht ExiTcs-: X: '
Thi.J trives i.aseiicerj I'lrirt-M.on! !
conneetii.n (mini; S..10 li or Xm ! I, l.y K an
on the ":1." . 111. train.
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Ce.lar Mnn.l
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PaysencerM an l fi cinht will l.e ti
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from Plat t-inuM' ii In LiiKi.hion ih" I!
M. Ii.
l. It. in .i-i)i-ii-iii'. im' I ti'e i vei.mli 11..111 i .......
ca-t 1, ill'-. .la .o P!:ittMiiir.i!!.
Trains will lea v.. anil arrive at the .1... ' .
the Company lit tl.e ;....(' nf .), inn ..eel. I i vl
further nut ife '. i. 1, el s ; ,,. s,,. , i ,. (;,,-,
iin.l rates of freight t an I e !' nnn I : t i,p .
fthe -oiii putty. .1. !. l.inN.
Chief Put; in e i r anl . n'J Mi; t.
c. R. A st. .r.e i:. r. .ntti
C. Ii. A- St. .Joe !!. P. Nonii.
I!. A M. H. It. 1-a t.
;. .v M. it. it. West,
"!..! a ! y Rail
M'ee.ini.' Wat'-r.
t Nel.ra-ka Citv. hy Piapp.
,I-H. . Ii " IV n
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V .. I.', ill .' rtl
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;i i. hi
n a t
'' a hi. 1 .. .i in.
? P in . ". in.
t lieiiutlM, Tuis l.iyM, TlnirsJay
I 1 Sa'UI-
Utfiee hours, from S a in to "i'O p m.
Su&'Uys. 1-
0 to 'U ?i in r
.1. ". MAPSIIALL. T. M
(fjninij ircttorn,
C. A. Hall ovr- Claik
'rtii'-hin every Sal. hath
rl ii 'ti Tn '
'..-I i 'un a k
2 o'elnek: Prayer nieetiim . v i v Tin -!
inir at 7 o'elnek : R a'lin' R iont open if ii
front S a. in. to 1" p. in.
Firs r Pi;ksi;vi mm xXer'h M.leof M.i
est of Sixth 1'ev. I. AV. C:nn inn : s i
viTvS,tlii.!.t!i i'l U a. in. e?;'i ..: 'i p. in
vth S' hool nt !: 1 1'.- in.. .1. N. 'i-e S i:
.'n'ler.t. I'ra; -T meeting every Wc ::
evei.inK nt fi::'.'i o. !i k.
MrTititti'sT Pr'ii'orAt Wr.-t pi-lr of ;
strtet. H.iiih i" Main l!ev. .1. Ii. Mav
Si every i-o..i ii In a. in. nr.. I 7
Prayer mr in-: ev ei y Tlinr .lay i venii i.
nei t in? ev i ty M inlay even in r anl in.m
ly.iliiT I-I..-C df Sal. hath litoriiinii si r i
Sal.l..i.h S -li.;ol M : lil
o ! i.
Ci.Xi.IM": AT-'1 va Cm ni r Lneust nml i' tr' '
iti eets Key. )'". A'lev. M rviiTH eve? v
nt li:': ia. in. mnl 7 p. in. Sai.l.iMh S'-'io"! it
Jul p. in. Prayer meeting cveiy Wi-lin i..;
Krir-of ti. Corner Vine nii'I Thi' l str -. " -r.rv.
II. St. (Jenri;! Your a. Set viees ev en f
.i'Ii at lii: a. in. ami 7 p. nt. Sun. lay .-.'a.
atop. in.
CiinisTl.vN Services in Cnrt Hon"' II ''- '
15. M uilis. local readier. L'Mers, I.-.iw V. i'-"
an 1 T. J. To I I.
Catholic Xor'h r-Hc nf Puhlic S ; ,r- I! ' ''
Father Hayes. First M as" every Sa ' '
. in., Seeoml Mais :i n-1 Sermon at lo. 11 a '
Vespers ami Lei.ctl ict inn at '.::' p. ia. .V .
at H u. in. every week Jay.
I5ArTlT Preaehinjr at the Court
everv Sahhath at 11 o'iIoi I; l.y l!.-v. P. M.
Leoii. Prayer nio tiii? eveiy l inir- l iy v
li ..I
at the resilience of t he Pa si or. Sahhath .-
Bined ii.tcly after mnriiiiiK service.
1.0. 'I. F. I'rvulnr meet if rs of Plat'
I., i
'Co. 7. I. O. . I. every I hurs.lay en-mi'.
Oil. I Fellow? lii'll. Tiaiii ient Iiiotlicr.- m r
aiallyiuvitud o visit. .,.,,,. ..
ll. o . ciiii-.tuiii. -.
J. W. Johnson. Sec.
1.0. 0. F. Pintt-'inouth Ki"ainj.noiit Ni.
It eirular Con voea ! ions t he '.'n l. mi 4 : it 1 n la .v '
r ech month at O.M rcllows flail cor. .1 ;.!.
Main sts. Irat;M nt Pa tnarcti." oro in iiy n;1 ;;' '
I Visit. .. "-. 1'C V ' ' 1
Sam. MjMjiapv.IoV. ScriL.e.
K N il "iVi! TM o v P V T 1 1 1 A iH P I a r t V ii 1 1 e y I o I e e
, It oKit la r uiee:in.M tveryThurs.Jay eve:..:.;-
Vi.itiu' vrk.Llserif blwav wcl' ome.
w . 1j. vv r.i.i.s, i . ' .
V.. III.rsKL. I!. . s.
V. V. LLUNAliK V. P.
A? iinxir-Pi ArTSVnrTH Lot. ok No. '"'
. A. !. Kc-rnlar ineetinfi." at their iiail c:
lir.-t end third M mlay eveninp of each lie
Transient brethcrn u, ited ; to v1-'-
JACOB VALLhlil . V-i .
P. K. r.ri-KXKH. !-tl'.
Mtrov L.!t.k No. 2-2 A. V. A A. M P..
wee. iiifc'S a. Masonic JIaii, hrst and th:i I
.ko. L. Ff.y holt. See.
Nkpraska Cii.41 tfr N". o It. A. M. P. . '
convocations secord and fourt iUc- .ay :''"
,i,il5ofeac 'itttil'iCsll.V.
E. A. KiRitrATKicK, fcec
GM .TF.nSTABTicor.--i'.LnDf;F. P.epitl.irri" '-in-!
of the Family held on Wednesday '
ninir, on or before the full moon of nt' tt '
Ml Master Maior,. their wives, m.trr- -.:
daughter!- are invited to attend. I iiiiiariif i .
iier must be over eirlneyn years of aire
D. II. WHLKLLU, Patron,
tlifi". C. A. Dmr. Patroness.
J. X. W Becorder. .
.trick W.C. T. i:. B. Lewis. W.S. P. !i. W.'. !
r , r. 1-..-........4ll..i.'jli.
t f t ' T t "i i-ff r.mvni in. '..h A. K i; .
I .(.(.r. lo rniiy. -iteeis ni v.oui i
tvery 'ues day en nine.
1 ravt arm i cil, .
r.-peet'ui'y invited.
F.-crT.!.Hii'R IiinpFH Lonoir. N". 1. 1".
Lewis, I). T.; F. K. White. i. .S. Meets at .:'
Ilouse Hall on the first and third Saturday c
ii,rs of ea'di nion'.h.
Star of Horn I.or;r. X. $. O. .T. I'.ivi'. V,
"!. T.: Andrew CoIeuiHn. W. S. Meets r.t
rleasant every Saturday evening.
Va'RV'fw Lop':-. No. II. J. J. Chr. ! !-'
.7. C. J .: Wm. J. llesser. W. S.: S. W. C.i n
LoU-i Deputy. Mei'U every "Wcdne- lay '"
t. Traveling Templars Tespectfully iu if
ttnr. Octivit Lodge. No. 21. Am. '' :
,.C. T.:Jas. Midori. W. : C If . Vi '
Lide Depety. 'Icets every .-aturitiy
rravelin-f Tcmplj . -c-iccLfully inti
Meet witii us.
r . ! itm , ! i.i ii i
Estray Wotice.
Taken tip hy the guhsoriler in Avora lr:' ".'
fut eunty, Xbraska, on the 4th day ot )- '
ry, lbTl, ere red Bull supposed to be-ah"';',
rrnii old, a little white on the belUy. 1"'
hern, uo other mrks or brnnu-i rir'-' J-'
,r.u,r V. u. ALT A i
Estray Notice.
Taken up hy the subscriber at his r;-i -' r
nil'Il'l.u v., '-J.-' ' u" "
M. I .1.. L il .'..j, ......!-... .me
i cir ut'i li r a . .-i'.iiik. ...4... - .
-.i.i .....:... i.r;r..ii -.i..r. no dt' '
Lie luarks or
K. B. :iIILl'-
January 1S71 wftt.
I am A sent f--r the best Musical Instrti:-'
mad", l ersons i.-iiinr to buy Pianos ay
Metroj uluan orprotable Or;:ns, or Mel'.
mir..i:t.A lVtro-.lih 11V AtfellV Oil 11 -
terms they can from the uiaru'i-"
taemselves. Ail instruments warrante (
tierllf. J- -