Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 23, 1871, Image 1

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i? Ofliei; corner Min nrvl Scroai strec'.., tec
d ptory.
TERMS -.Weekly. S-'-OO per annuti if psil in
$2..tO if not paid in advance.
From cut Own Correspondent.
Lincoln, l-rl-ruary 1 , 1 s I .
Editor Hr-RAM): The holy court'
of investigation are hollijis tl uly sessions
n the capital, in tlie supreme uouri
ruoui, just across the hall iVoiu the ex
tensive chamber. They are a fearlul ot
of fellows, and po f' r a fellow lively
ft hen he appears before theni as an un
wi'lins witness. Senator Thomas i.
Cliiirman and Low Reed is Clerk, and
interrogatories are propounded ly all.
Thev have in their possession all the
look?, record", etc, pertaining to the re
moval of the capital from Omaha, the
fi of tate property and the loanimr
of the school fund. They have had all
the borrowers of school money and the
extensive purchasers of Lincoln lots, to
gether with contractors on State build
ing, State officers and confidential out
side men, before theni, who have re
lieved themselves of their knowlcil-re of
corruption, irregularities, etc. And I
imagine a sufficient amount of interest
in- testimony has been proond on: to
make a respectable volume that would
take well, if "sold only by Fub-eriptioii.
The general impression nw here is
that this' whole investigation, impeach
ment, and ventilating business h a di
rect thrust at the prosperity of this
place. At least those who have male
themselves particularly conspicuous in
th- movement have always been outspo
ken enemies to Lincoln. And if thcy
i-ould close up th State University, f-top
tha work on the Penitentiary, make no
appropriation for the support of the
Asvlutn, have a new Hoard of Commas
sinners appointed that the capital cou'd
be moved, and the futu-e bright pros-r.e-t
of the capital city blasted. Friends
of Lincoln beware !
The Governor has not yet signed the
bill prantin? 20.00:) acre to the O. & S.
Y. It II to aid in bri l.'imr the Platte
river. The three days provided for the
signature of the yarn? by the con-titu-f
inn has elapsed and the bill is a dead
letter. There are several other bibs
similarly situated.
The indications are that Jenkins reso
lution has run the sedate editor of the
Omaha Herald out of the State. Who
will rise to explain (!) when it becomes
apparent that his person and papers
were wanted hers for "only fifteen min
ute.'1 and this individual was unex
pectedly called to the far Wcf, there to
remain until after the final adjournment
of ihe Teci-lature.
The Governor will undoubte by call an
extra session, at the expiration of the
present, to enable the members to draw
their pay and mileage.
The ankle in the Omaha Tribune, on
the 1.1th, hitting at the Adjutant Gene
ra!, was written by somebody totally ig
norant of the facts, as (Jen. Patrick was
lefore the committee two days before
leaving for the west, end did not go un
til that body was entirely through and
lone with him. Leck.
i mil.
rrotcst arainst the ndmi.-Moii of
I. tali a a s,tatc. siiimel iy many citi
zens of Salt Lake City, has been received
at Washington. It .--ets foitfi tliat all
the machinery of the territnal trovern
mt-nt is in the handed P.righaiu otnig.
::i 1 that, if the Territory was admitted
tit once, lie would for along time control
the character of the State Government.
They prefer to wait till the intelligent
people '"throw off the yoke of their
? ri.'st-s" which they are rapidly doing-
Collection rielSs.
A woalty man, well kiiuwn in thi
.-..mmunity." remarked a few weeks
i?x-o, that he would loan to our people
two hundred thousand dollars, if the
laws were such that he could ever tret it
back again. He pointed out in this
community several individuals who are
comparatively rich, but who boast that
they are financially "ironclad," n?
debt can be collected from them, because
their wives arc the owners of the pro
perty they hold. It is too true that out
laws have protected many in tuat class
of swindling and the worst feature we
see in connection with the matter is,
that men -who have swindled their cred
itors in that way are treated by the com
munity the same as honest men. Stay,
exemption an 1 other laws intended to
keep the wolf from the poor man's doe r
are distorted so as to make them coyer
up swindling, and ras.-ality which
was clearly never contemplated by the
lawmaker. The poor men ami men of
moderate fortunes .in this county, will be
found the owners of what property they
claim, and such as place their property
beyond the reach of an execution are
men who are aide to pay the debts they
contract, but are too dishonest to do it.
If there is any way to do it, the Legis
lature should reach aud remedy this evil.
If we have men in high places who are
playing such games, let them be placed
where they belong, and treated as other
linn liable characters. Chronicle.
I lie St.
I.ouit mitl omnlia
The merchant, shipper and traveler
wiil rejoice to know that upon the open
ing of navigation a regular line of pack
ets will again resume active operations
on the Missouri. The line for the year
171 consists of light draught boats well
adapted to the trade, and the passenger
:nd the shipper can rely on speed and
,.-niupt arrivals. The following named
ackets form the line, viz :
Susie Silver, Silver How, Mary Mc
Donald, Emilie La 1 large, G la-go w,
Nile, and Capital City, arriving tri
'veokl.v, both up and down, at our city.
This line is being manned by men who
are directly interested, and hopes through
reasonable tariff rates, and prompt ad
jtitmentj for over charges ami damages,
it may receive a liberal patronage from
the public.
The following are the officers of the
company : II. P. Silvers, President;
los. S. Nanson, Vice President; Wiu.
Fitzgerald, Secretary ; TIios. W. Ilea,
Superintendent'. W. P. Laniothe, Pi
rector. St. Josrph Herald.
The Illinois Agricultural Report for
1KC4 says: "The fences of the United
States have cost more uhan the houses,
cities included; more than the ships,
boats, and vessels of every description,
which Rail the oaeean, lakes and rivers;
more than anyone c'assof property, aside
from real estate, except, it may be: the
railroadi cf our countrv.'
Gen. Sherman says the cannon with
which "the Prussian artilleri.-ts did so
much damage to the city of Paris are
Kmdd's stecllehven inch breech-loaders.
They each cost about $;JO.ooO in gold
find the projectile and powder for each
discharge, cost another thousand dollar?.
VOL. 6.
From the Sioux City Times.
Plattsmol'th, Neb. )
Feb. 8th, 1871.
Enmu :
Here I am a hundred miles down the
river at the progressive little city of
Plattsmuuth. As nothing of importance
transpired upon the way, 1 will not
dwell upon my trip but proceed to give
such litte information regarding.
as I have gleaned during my short visit
here. The town is situated on the
right bank of the Missouri, one mile
south of the Platte, and twenty miles
from Omaha, in Cass county Nebra-ka.
From Council duffs, we travel over the
Council 1 'luffs it Sr. Joseph railroad,
twenty miles, and four miles over the
lSurliiigton & Missouri railroad opposite
Plattsmouth. The
of the city, is by no means calculated to
impress the stranger with ideas of beauty
or magnificance ; as the town is built
along ranges of bluffs, and intervening
valleys. Scarcely one half of it can be
seen from any outside point of view. On
Tuesday morning I crossed the river and
strange to say though at Soux City, the
river is impassible, here teams heavily
laden cross and re-cross. On entering
the town I sought and found my only
ac'iuinsance.the former Catholic pastor of
Sous City, and the present pa-tor of the
Catho ic church at Plattsmouth,
His many friends at Sioux City will be
glad to know that he is now permanent
ly settled here, with a good large congre
gation, a nice church, and a happy
hjme. On Tue.-d-iy 1 traveled around
the t'uy, saw its buildings, studied its
advantages for trade and commerce, and
inquired as to the inducements that it
holds out for immigration. The land
immediately around the city is bluffy and
bare, but two miles to the west lies the
Platte valley acio-s the river and tribu
tary to it lie the mo.-t fertile farms in
Iowa, and to the south are the grand
rolling prairies of Nebraska, tenanted
by an industrious and progressive peo
ple. The IJurlington and Missouri
River railroad stretches its iron limbs
eastward to Chicago, and westward to
Lincoln, making a direct line of railroad
through Plattsmouth, connecting Chica
go with the capital of Nebraska. On
Tuesday evening I had the hapiness td'
witnessing one of the tno.-t important
events in the history of Plattsmouth
the formal
That evening the Catholic Church
held a grari I fair and fc.tival 7. I. J.
Ryan, of Omaha, delivered the opening
oration, and a grand concert was given
afterwards. There, in that hall. I had a
favorable opportunity of seeing and
fornuncr my opinion t-1 the people. The
hall, which has been built during the
past summer, is a brick structure situated
near the centre of the town. It is cer
tainly unequalled by any other hall upon
the Missouri slope, except Hubbard s at I
Sioux City, and is not surpassed by any
in the Wet. It is commodious, well
built, and magnificent in architectural
iinish and proportions. On Tu-j-d.iy
night it was densely thronged by a large
and respectable cosmopolitan audience.
Noiic of the cold, stiff formalities of
'society'' divide the people of Platts
mouth, and the religion ha-, in one hap
py instance at least, the Heaven intend
ed effect of binding the people in love
and harmony. Protestants of all do
nominations, and men of all nationali
ties, blended that night to aid the Catho
lic Church and do honor to the occasion
the opening of Fitzgerald's Hall.
There arc a good many subjects connect
ed with this enterprising, progressive
young city upon which 1 would write,
hut want of space in the columns of the
Times might necessarily preclude its in
sertion. I shall consequently confine
myself to a few statistical facts.
The present population of Plattsmouth
is nearly 3.0m, with a steady increase.
The principal religious denominations
have church buildings and organizations,
and there are three or four educational
establishments. In this particular of
education, the town is said to be de
fective, the public school system being j
rctarted by the detect or liin ls occasion
ed by the robherries of the State oilicials
at Lincoln. Though the population of
Plattsmouth is considerably smaller than
that of Sioux City, her trade is larger.
This is accounted for by the fact that the
country around here is better settled, and
the people arc much liohcr than around
Sioux City. For several years Platts
mouth remained an oi l fossilizod vil
liage, but now a days it raises its head
as a young city and exhibits all the life
and energy of a young Chicago This
spirit of progress is mainly due to the
acts of some leading citizens; foremost of
whom is John Fitzgerald. Now a young
man (and by the way) a bachelor, he.
by his own labor and preseverance as a;
contractor of public work. has accumu
lated a fortune! and that fortune he has
liberally and profitably invested in build
ing un the city of Plattsmouth. I shall
now close this letter with an opinion and
an advice. My opinion, based upon
facts, figures and circumstances is, that
within one year from to-day a bridge will
span the Platte at this point; that live
years from to-day, a bridge will connect
Iowa with Nebraska at or near Platts
mouth and that then the population of
this city will be at least 15, 000 inhabi
tants: And my advice is that persons
seeking a home in the Vest, should find
Plattsmouth and make their home
I cannot'more appropriately conclude
than by paraphrazing the language of
Rurn3 :
"Wher life' dark stre.'m I ferry o'er,
A time that urelv shall come:
Tn Heaven i'self I'll ask no more
Than just a Plattsmouth veloouie.'
Home From XobrasUn.
J. W. Wilkerion, Jv-q.. who has been
absent upon a prospecting tour returned
Tuesda3r morning, looking none the bet
ter for his wild oose business. He
filed preemption claims upon six quar
ter sections of land about six miles from
Fort Kearney, and his brothers will start
thither next Monday. lie speaks very
highly of the country and its prospects,
and expresses th 3 opinion that Creation
did its level best when making the land
around there. lie reports the country
as settling up very rapidly, and destined
at no distant day to become very wealthy.
D. N. Smith, Esq., assisted him in lo
cating his claims. He brings back with
him a quarter of buffalo meat, as an evi
dence that he has been west. Chariton
Non Et Come at a 1'ns iz the latest
for creditors presenting bills, but when
presented they find more "bust" that
"at as," and in many cases "bust" anv
way. Give us another hack at "bus.''
I'uzzletl Dutchman.
A Wisconsin secular paper contains the
following good story :
One whdoes not believe in immersion
for baptism, was holding a protracted
meeting, and one night preached on the
subject of baptism. In the course of his
remarks he said, some believe it necessa
ry to go down into the water, and come
up out of it in order to be baptized.
I Jut this he claimed to be a fallacy, for
the preposition "into" of the Scriptures,
should be rendered differently, as it does
not mean into at all times. Moses, he
said, we are told, went up into the moun
tain, and the Savior was taken into a
high mountain, etc. Now we do not
suppose that either went into the aioun
tain, but upon it. So with going down
into the water, it means simply going
down close by or near to the water, and
being bapti-cd in the ordinary way, by
He carried this idea out fully, and in
due season and style closed his discourse
when an invitation was given to any one
who felt so disposed to rise and ex
press their thoughts. Quite a nuui
ter of the brethren arose and said
that they were glad that they had been
pre-ent on this occasion, that they were
well pleased with the sound sermon they
had just heard, an I felt their souls great
ly blessed. Finally a corpulent gentle
man of Teutonic extraction, a stranger to
all, arose and broke a silence that waa
most painful as follows .-
"Mister Preacher, I ish so glad I vasli
here to-noight, for I has had cxblained to
my miut some tings I never could belief
pefoie. We reat, Mr. Preacher, that
Taniel vas cast into the ten of lions, ant
came out alife! Now 1 nefercoult pelief
dat, for de wilt -easts woult shust eat
him up right off; but now it is ferry clear
to my mint. He vash shust close
py or near to, ant tid not get into de ten
at all. O, I vash so glat I vas hare to
night !
Again we rent that de Hebrew child
ren vas cast into de firish furnace, and
dat air alwash look like a peeg story too
for they would have been purnt up ; put
it is all plain to my mint now, for dey
wtre shust cast close by or near to de fir
ish furnace. O, I vash ko glat I vash
here to-night!
And den Mr. Preacher, it ish said dat
Jor.a vas cast into de sea and intode peily
cd'dewhalsh. Now I ncfer could belief
dat Tt seem like a pig feesh story, put
it ish all plain to my mint now, he vash
not tfen into the whalesh pel'y at all,
put shust shumped onto his back and
rode ashore. O, I vash so glat I vash
here to-night.
And now, Mister Crcncher, if you will
shust explain two more bassages ofScrip
turcs I shall pe O, so happy dat I yash
here to-night! Oneofdem ish vere it
saish de vicked shall be cast into a lake
dat purns villi fire and primstoiie always!
O! Mister Preacher, shall I be cast into
dat lake, if I am vicked, or shust close py
or near to, shust near enough to pe com
fortable? O, I hopes you tell me I shall
pe cast shust py a goot vay off, aud I vil i
pe so glat I vash here to-night. The
other bassage is that which saish plesscd
are dc3' who do dese commandments,
dat they have rijrht to de tree oflii'e and
cr.tT through the gates into the city.
O! tell me i sh:di gets into the city and
not .'bust close by or near io, shuit near
enough to see what I have lost, and I
shall be so gl:it I vas here to-night.
Vli uevrr IuU's laper.
He was in town last week tha old fel
low who never did take the 'doggoned
papers-;' he kurus down about two times
in a coon's age and brings the old woman
and thc'f'.ax heals in a squeaking ox
wagon. He hollers for Seymour Sc Plair
and Andy Ja-.-ks n- He sets at the cor
ner of the court yard and eats his second
ban 1 John' cake and drunk water- The
brats cried for more, but his corn all
turned to nubbins, and meal i.-i his parts
was :mity scr.rc .' He darned all Rail
roads because they would not make his
patch raise bigger corn. His gals read
all the signs in town, then they helped
the old man put on his husk collars and
hitch the old briti-hin, and away they
went for their ager, chills and swamp 40.
The nearest the Parisians can now
come to mutton is a raw weather.
It is no sign because a man makes a
stir in a com w unity that he is a spoon.
Loui villc men get lid of their mithers
in-law by greasing the cellar stairs.
The total area of the United State is
2, 270,001 (.000 acres.
Tu an old New York tavern the follow
ing notice is posted: "Gentlemen learn
ing to spell are requested to use yester
day's paper."
A country paper, speaking of Anna
diekinson, says: "She appeared before
her auditors attired in a modest but rich
King William has sent the sword that
Napoleon III. surrendered at Sudan to
be hung beside the one that Napeoleon
I gave up to R!ueher at Waterloo, in the
Prussian Military College at Rerlin.
An Illinois woman, whose husband
is in the Jolict prison for horse steal
ing, has taken up her residence outside
the walls, and declares that she will re
main there uutil his sentence expires
in five years.
A Chinaman who had his nose cut off
during a little altercation in San Fran
cisco, had it carefully packed and sent
back home to show his friends one of
the American customs.
A prominent American traveler says
that Nebraska, for fertility of soil, is not
equalled by any country in the world
except the valley of the Nile,
Mrs O'l)onovan Rossa arrived in
New York with her husband. A depu
tation from the society of United Irish
men presented Rossa with $l,0oC.
A report comes from Washington-fhat
"two United States senators have been
refused board at one of the leading
hotels this season on account of their
habits." The trouble is doubtless, that
the senators are total abstinence men,
and the proprietors feared the influence
of theircxample upon the business at the
hotel bar.
The wound received by Prince Wil
liam of Baden, in the sanguinary en
gagement at Nuits on the lth dr., has
proved more soriovs- than was originally
supposed. The bullet entered abou: an
inch below the left eye and issued from
the neck, two inches behind the left ear,
without, however, injuring the drum,
but severed many small nerves which at
times cause a good deal of pain.
"Lord John," the mammoth steer
that has bei n the pride of, and carried
off the premiums at the State and county
fairs of Kentuck3, was weighed at Ruf
falo, on its way to New York, and
"pulled down", 3,515 pounds, being
nearly one hundred pounds heavier than
any other that has been taken to that
market. The ecund steer was the "Tom
Hendricks," a three-vear-old and
weighed 2,001.
How Judge YVinmi or Oliio wan oat
of Order Fun In the Honte.
Washington Correspondent Cin.Coraercial.
Judge Winans, who is ordinarily grave
as a gravestone kept the House laughing
yesterday, while attempting to get the
Speaker's eye, an 1 to obtain the floor.
"Mr. Speaker cried the Judge to Mr.
Pawes, who was in the chair.
Speaker The gentleman is not in or
der. Winans I'd like to ha told, Mr
Speaker, how you know that before I say
what I want. Laughter
Speaker The gentleman will take his
Winans Is there anything in the
rules that requires me to be seated be
fore I have said a word?
Speaker- The gentleman is not in or
der, and the chair cannot proceed with
the business until order is restored.
Winans Would it hi straining a
point of order for me to remain stand
ing until it is in ordr for me to address
the chair? Loud laughter. Voices
from over the House, "Mr. Speaker,"
"Mr. Speaker."
Speaker The gentlemen will resume
their seats.
Cox Poe3 that include the gentlemen
from Ohis?
Speaker The chair has not 'recog
nized the gentleman from Ohio.
Winans I thought as much. I have
here, Mr. Speaker, a pair of spectacles
of fine magnifying power. Shall I show
them to the chair, so that I may be
seen? Roars of laughter all over the
Speaker The gentleman is out of or
der. Winans 1 rise to a point of order.
Speaker The gentleman from Ohio
will state his point.
Winans That a motion to adjourn is
always in order. Great laughter.
Speaker Does the gentleman from
Ohio move to adjourn?
Winans That was my wish when the
Speaker invited me to le sweated. Great
Speaker Does the gentleman from
Ohio move to adjourn ?
Winans No ; I've got over my hurry.
An so the Judge sot down with im
mense gravity, and the House, fairly con
The Harmonious Nomocracy.
An Ohio corre-pondent of the Indi
anapolis (Ind.) Journal thus discourses
of the harmony and good feeling exist
ing between the friends of Pendleton
and Hendricks: .
The f riends of the Hon. T. A. Hen
dricks have asserted with a boldness
challenging answer, that the Hon. Geo.
II. Pendleton aenuiefced in his assumed
ascendance in the West, and that, the
"Pendleton men" preferred Mr. lion
dricks as our next President. I am able
to state to you that, the assertion is false
in its length, its breadth and its thick
ness. Renedict ArnorM attempted to
betray the forces placed under his com
mand ; Mr. Hendricks did betray those
who trusted to Ids leadership in 1SGS.
Arnold is the precedent for military
treachery, a is Hendricks for political
chicanery. I seek access to the people
through your paper, because my fiiend
Rriht, of the tSmtiiitl, has couie .to his
second sight he sees now through Hen
dricks' glasses, and hence the vista.
Mr. Hendricks did in 1 SOS barga:n first,
with Hancock; secondly, with Samuel
J. Tildcn,. of New York, the people's
enemy and the bondholders" friend; and
thirdly, with the Hon. George II. Pen
dleton, the defender of labor and the
victim of capital. He broke with Han
cock and Pendleton, but l:pt fij'ttlt u i h
the bondwhirrs. If Indianians want
proof of this they can get it until they
can't stand. As you know, I am a
Democrat, snd have no idea of ever vot
inr the the Republican ticket, and less
idea of being led by an American Tal
levrand. IeeU-( Safety (iiair.
This is the name of a Railroad Chair,
just invented bv our fellow townsmen,
O. C. and G. 0. Peck, which we had
the pleasure of examining a few days
since. Judging from the manner in
which it is constructed, and the free and
easy way it works, we are led to the con
clusion that it is the best thing that has
ever been invented in that line. The
advantage of this chair over all other
railway chairs, might be summed up as
follows: the rails can be laid or taken
up one third quicker by this chair than
by any other chair that has, as yet been
invented ; it is much cheaper than the
Fish Joint, and it is safer in every respect,
as there are no bolts or screws about it.
When a rail breaks, by putting the
chair on it the rail can be made as solid
as though the rail had never been
broken. It al.-o gives the rail a chance
to expand or contract, and it has such
free action that, in time of heavy rains
or high water, when the ties naturally
rise or sink, the rail will not break, but
remain as sound as in time of dry weath
er. The invention has been examined
by several experienced Railroad men.
and they all unhesitatingly pronounce it
a complete success. The Mr. Pecks'
have spent much time and labor on their
enterprise, and we truly fee! that their
labors will not be in va'n. The inven
tor's lot is that of incessant toil and re
peated discouragement both mental and
physical toil and often he only gets glory
for a compensation, but this ivention is
bound to bring you, gentleman, both
glory and money, if you will work it right.
They applied for a patent some time ago.
and it will be granted soon, as Jthey have
heard from the Patent Department to
that e fleet. Ashland Times.
A correspondent of the Jacksonville
(111.) Independent who recently passed
through our city, says of it :
At Plattsniouth the railroad company '
l. -1 I 1 1 . - i . .t ' !
ujusi it em ua:iy uuu i a iTKJge. LMH Uie
uncertain foundation is a serious barrier
to its construction. At Omaha thousands
of dollars have been lost in the efforts to
bridge the stream. Plattsmouth has a
population of about twenty-live hundred
nd may be likened to lNatchez under the
hill," for on either side and in the rear
of her the bluffs rise abruptly to a con
siderable height. She is well supplied
with schools and churches, and her citi
zens are wide-awake.
Here the R. k M. R. R. Coiupany
have a machine shop. The name was
given on account of the situation, at the
mouth of the Platte River.
Business must certainly bo dull, at
Lincoln, from the way the Journal de
scribes one of their iiast!mr. Mm J-.- !
"It was amii'dng to sec the crowd that
gathered around the two men that were
fighting to day. In the crowd we no
ticed five doctors, twelve lawyers, two
druggists, one sheriff, one c-ity marshall,
one constable and two undertakers, all
looking happy, i'vr there was a prospect
of some one getting a job after the affray
was Ter.
mrrg irr-'nMi m--T-r -r-"
Referring to a re-union of the Re
publican party, the Hannibal Courier
says :
Let the waters settle, and if any man
can't keep his head "level" with Re
publicanism he can do no less than sink
out of sight and the wave will go on.
The prodigal son had the chief place at
the feast. (Jive the Republican party a
I fair field and the whirligig of events op
portunity to revolve, and we shall be
alLright . Let us not deserve the stigma
: wrongfully applied of eternal Hateites!
Worth, the Paris man-milliner, has
come to grief. Whileon his way recent
ly, from that city to London per balloon,
whither he was going to collect the vast
turns due him from lady refugees, his
patrons who had formerly belonged to
he court circles of Paris, the balloon was
captured by the Prussians. Worth now
laments in prison his unhappy fall, and
mourns his wasted embroidder petticoats
crinolines, &.
iEvrn i; v
An Intcrcsiinir Experience.
In connection with the approach of
death by freezing, an interesting cxperi-
t ence is given by the New York papers of
! a sailor named Delos Smith, who at
J tempted to save Rellamina Seotta, a
i drowning woman, who jumped from one
j of the Kast river piers on Sunday night.
He seized her, and, after much strug
gling, drew her to a spile of the pier,
round which he threw one arm. Two
men lowered a rope, but Ins arms and
fingers were numb and powerless, and he
could not fasten it around her. She
sank and drowned, but her skirts caught
upon a spike, and her body was recov
ered. Smith had been nearly an hour
in the water. While clinging to the
spile and waiting for the rope he said
that a very pleasant sensation pervaded
him. Musical voices filled his oars;
flowers and grove3 were around him ;
grand mountain peaks reared their heads
to the blue sky, and songs of birds
trilled through the air. A stupor fast
overcame his senses. He fjlt that death
by freezing was approaching, and that
nothing but determined activity could
save him. He therefore exerted him
s Jf to coil the rope around his body, aud
v as drawn up.
ISow 15 rave Men lie.
Roth French and Germans have men
of heroic mould in the ir armies. A late
letter to the Cincinnati Gazette mentions
two, as follows :
General Renault is dead- Amputa
tion could not save him. As his breath
shortened a sister of charity said, "Shall
we pray for you ?" The dying soldier
replied. "Pray for France." These
were his last, words. They were as
earnest as death. The scene was touch
ing. Rut there was a more touching
one at the American ambu'an -e. One
of the Saxon wounded died, i'e bad
dictated a letter to his patents, in which
he said : "I fell in the battle before
Paris. I hope my wound is r ot serious,
but I am in Go bs hands'. I send my
love to all my brothers and sisters, and
pray God to take care of you. Every
thing has been done fore uie, and 1 am
very thankful for the kindness of these
"good people. Your affectionate Gus
tavo." In the deliiious moments he
exclaimed : "How beautiful the spring
time. O. the flowers, the flowers, how
I should like to have some." Some
were brouuht. All in the large tent
were deeply aiTecte I. Soldiers sobbed
on their pillows. All were melted and
impressed by the pathos in the death of
this simple hearted and devout Saxon
soldier. He died talking in his beauti
ful delirium of Spring time and the
flowers, and his soul passed out of our
sight to where the flowers never wither,
and where there is but one season, and
"that one season an eternal Spring."
Aii Ilnterprisiti Ilcnllit.
The Cleveland Herald relates the
following :
The other day a young lady called at
the rooms of a well known dentist to
have a b:ck tooth extracted, which had
given her some trouble. The artist cx
aiained her mouth and endeavored, ac
cording to the lady's statement, to
argue her into the belief that she ought
to have her front teeth pulled out and
have an artiileial set put in he would
do the job cheaper for her. She firmly
declined, however ; those front teeth had
never gone back on her, and she
was rot going back on them. They
had never given her anj- trouble, and she
didn't want them out at all.
The dentist then administered "gas"
to her, aud when she was in the proper
state he proceeded to business. She
says that in a few minutes she was
aroused to consciousness by the pain
and she discovered to her amazement
that the irrepressible operator had
"yanked" out three of her front teeth
and was evidently going to make a
clean job of it. There w:s a lively
scene for a short time, and a little while
after a warrant was served upon the
dentist by an officer of the lav.-, upon the
woman's affidavit, charging him with
assault and battery.
The attacks on Gov. Butler have con
tinued without uneeessary intcruption.
The joint resolution requiring the
Treasurer and Attorney General to de
mand of him the immediate payment of
the $13,000, passed through the Ilou.-e
with a rush, but, fortunately stuck in
the Senate. The impropriety, to say
the least, of any Fuch resolution before
the Committee had made its report, will
be obious to every one. These side
thrusts arc unworthy the members of
the House. Either the money is pro
perly secured or it is not: either it was
properly borrowed or it was not ; if it is
secured and rightfully and legal!- bor
rowed, the Legislature has no business to
demand the return of this money from
the Governor, without, at the same
time, demanding the return from all
others who have similar loans. Again,
if it was not rightfully acquired, it is the
business of the committee to ascertain
and report the fact, and then will be
the time for the Legislature to take such
action as in its wisdom should seem best;
but these attempts to auticipatc the re
sults of the investigation, and harass a
man overburdened with care and labor,
and that too for no wise purpose, is un
generous, impolitic, unjust. A Gover
nor has some rights as well as another ;
and, surely, it would be no worse, were
there more disposition in certain quar
ters to recognize and respect those
rights. Lincof Correspondent of the
Brencnrille Advertiser.
The apothecaries of Boston are moving
for a law declaring in effect that no per
son shall be allowed to engage in the rc
tailo drug business unless he have a di
ploma from a regular college of pharmacy
or has passed a satisfactory examination
before an examining board, after serving
a regular apprenticeship of four years in
a disrrnsary.
Telegraphic !
London, February IS.
It is distinctly understood in official
circles here, that the condit ions of Peace
which have been stipulated by Germany,
will take the form ot an ultimatum, and
that no doubt whatever, the party of
France will be allowed.
Hokddkaitx. Feb. IS.
After the ratification of the elections
takes place, the National Assembly will
M. Thiers and Favre will shortly pro
ceed to Versailles, where they will pro
bably remain for a period of three
Lord Lyons the British minister and
Mettcrnich the Austrian Minister an
neunce their immediate recognition of
the new French government.
Bordeaux, Feb. 1'.).
In the Assembly, yesterday, several
Generals of the French army expressed
themselves as s.-.tisfied that thecontinua
tion of the war, if conducted entirely on
the defense, would be would be practica
ble on the part of Fiance. It is cju
sidered likely that M. Jules Favre. by
virtue of his authority as (. liiet Lxe
cutif du Pouvier do la Republic
Francisc, will take up his residence in
the Palias Royal at Paris.
London, February 19.
The endeavors of Count DoCh imb rd
to effect a union with the Oth-anist
branch of the Bourbons, have failed,
the proposed condition has been brought
to a sudden termination by the sweep
ing de.iiinds of J eChambors.
Rokdkal'x, February 19.
Thiers has announced his acceptance
of the executive powers conferred on
him by the National Assembly, with the
sole condition that he be empowered to
select his colleagues of ministry.
In an address to the French people,
he declares that peace is absolutely
necessiuy, but has strong hopes of ob
taining terms favorable to the honor of
oaifi rssli:jal Gossip.
Washington. February 19.
It is doubtful if the bill to admit as
States in the Union the Territories of
New Mexico, Colorado and Utah will bo
reported at this session of the House.
The Committee on Territories had for
feited its right to the morning hour
when the above named bill would have
come up in regular order by talinga
day to dispose of this committee busi
ness, some two week since.
To-morrow is set apart forthe conside
ration of the River and Harbor appro
pnatiou bill.
It is stated, on good authority, that the
Ways and Means Committee wiil press
the passage during the closing hours of
Congress, of the bill so amending the in
ternal revenue kw that the President
will have the appointment of nearly all
internal revenue officials.
The President desires it to be stated
that he is decidedly opposed in the .set
tlement of the Alabama claims, to take
in the question of acquiring anv British
territory on this continent, lie is op
poed to allowing that, que-tion to come
before the
The apprehension in regard to the.
safety of the Tennessee has about com
pletely died away except by a few not
withstanding the fact that no news what
ever has been received. The majority
of well informed people seem to be thor
oughly satisfied the steamer Tyhe,
which is due at New York n"Xt week,
wid bring information of ihe sale arrival
cf the Commission at the Bay of Sam
ana. Berlin, February 19.
Napoleon has received notification not
again to overstep the priileges of a
prisoner. Orders have been given to
watch him clo.-cly.
The proceedings of the Assembly at
Bordeaux yesterday were tumultuous.
The members of the Right and Left in -suited
each other.
The op..ning of the Parliament is
postponed in consequence of the pros
pect of peace with France.
London February 19.
The Times' Berlin correspondent tel
egraphs that the German termsof peace
have been presented in definitive form
and are an ultimatum. The same cor
respondent says a prolongation of the
armistice was accorded in return for the
surrender of Belfort.
A German named House has been ap
pointed Prefect oi'St. Penis, from which
place eight hundred thousand francs is
exacted by the Prussians.
No food is now allowed to leave Ver
sailles for Paris.
A Berlin telegram says Prussia still
rejects foreign intervention and media
tion, and Bismarck will soon recognise
the Republic. Ti e Bonapartists are
negotiating for a plebiscite.
A Constantinople dispatch says the
the Porte objects to the powers having
more than two ships of war in the Pan
ube, and also against the Italian expedi
tion to Tunis, and expresses his readi
ness to examine the Italian claims and
to enforce redress.
Paris, February 19.
There is good authority for stating
that Germany's final conditions of peace
includes the ccssiou of Alsace and a por
tion of Lorraine, with the fortresses
of ThionviHe, Metz and Belfort, and the
payment of an indemnity of two hun
dred million pounds sterling.
The Germans continue to impose re
quisitions in the vicinity of Paris.
The Mayor of Chantilly has been
seized in default of tlie of fifteen thous
and francs levied on the town.
Borpkaux. February IS.
The convcr-ion of the Nomina! Re
public into an Orleanist monarchy i? im
minent. Bordeaux, February 19.
In the National Assembly, to day.
Thiers delivered a speech in his capacity
of Chief Executive of the French re
public, lie dwelt upon the distress and
suffering which had been caused by war
and the German invasion, and on the
necessity of peace. Nevertheless, said
Thiers, the terms of peace would be
courageously discussed with Prussia, and
would only be accepted if consistent
with ths honor of France. The task of
the administration is to pacify and re
organize the country, restore it credit
and reorganize la'.or. When this is ac
complished the country itstlf will decide
itsdestiny. The Assembly ubsequcntly
adopted a proposal to send a commis
sion of fifteen deputies to Paris to act as
intermediary between negotiators and the
Aseivh!y. Thiers proposed that tie
Assembly suspend its sittings durir the
negotiations. Thiers, Picard and IVvre
left for Paris thi evening.
NO. 17.
The .San loiiiino l'tsiitiiion All
San Domincjo Citv, Feb. .1.
The commission arrived from Samana
Bay jesterday. Every one connected
with the party is in eqeclLnt health.
Want of coaling facilities detained the
ship six days at Samana. The commis
sion found the inhabitants on the penin
sula very generally in favor of an
nexation. A full investigation made in
to the ownership of the land around tho
harbor showed that no United States
official was involved in any private trans
actions there whatever. Fabens nd
associates, and O Su 1 van have a pe!
pctual lea-e at a nominal juice of nearly
all of the available water front for largo
vesols around the hr vbor of Samana.
There is no valuable mineral in that
The commission landed here this
morning and was formally received by
Baez. Mr. Wade explained the char
acter anil objects of the commission, and
Baez and his cabinet gave them a cor
dial welcome. President Baez said that
peace anil a stable government would
follow a union with the United States ;
the people were all anxious for the
Cabral had no Pocr.inicians with him.
The commanders of the force he was
supposed to command were Ilaytiens,
and Hayti was tho real mover in the
whole matter, lie had information that
an incursion was to be made while the
Commission was here, to influence them,
and from his agents he had learned the
whole movc-n ent. lleexpivs e 1 the bore
that the Commissioners would examine
all claims, and promised to extend every
facility. Five of the party came across
the country from Samana to this p'ace.
The Commission find, thus far, no ap
pearance of pul lie d:sturbanees or dis-.'.en-ions.
The season isveiy unhealthy.
The officers and crew of the United
States steamers Tennessee, Nantasket
and Yantic, now in this h aibor, are all
well. The Commission will I t; here a
week longer, and will probably visit
Asiqua next. The stories of trouble
there are untrue. The Commission in
tend to start for home in about four
weeks. To night Baez has agreed to
give a safe conduct - to Cabral or any of
his officers to come here and meet the
Commission, and a messenger will be
dispatched at on?e.
London, February 21.
Thiers, Favre and Pickard arrived at
Paris yesterday, and were to go to Ver
sailles to d:iy.
All European States will recognize the
new Frcurli government.
M. Loirs Joseph Buffet is the new
Minister of Finance. He has arrived at
Boideaux, and his appointment was an
nounced in the Assembly.
Duke DcBroglie has been appointed
Ambassador of France at L mdon.
The Crown Prince of Prussia has re
turned to Versailles from Tours after j
London, February 21.
The rumor of John Blight's probable
return to Par'iamcnt is well founded.
His health is improving.
A Paris dispatch of yesterday says it
is probable the armisitce will bo extended
until the 1st of March.
A scarcity of fuel is much felt by the
people. Coal is arriving daily, and the
city will be lighted with gas by next
The London mails for Paris arc now
forwarded via Calais.
The Bailey News says there are seven
teen vessels in port at Dunkirk, all for-,
luidab y nrmod.
The Standard is informed that the
health of the Emperor of Germany leads
to grave anticipations.
The Telegraph has a dispatch from
Saarbruck which says all the German
wounded who are capable of rejoining
the ir regiments are being sent the front.
There is a large assemblage of troops
at Collogue.
Nkw York, February 2!.
A Washington dispatch states that
the inflammatory character of the pro
ceedings at Little Rock, Ark., and the
fear that a violent collision will super
vene is exciting considerable anxiety in
administrative circles. 'Ihe President
has received alvices direct from that
State, and some precautionary measures
have been ordered with a view to prevent
and if necessary to suppress any out
break that may occur by either or both
parties to the controversy now raging
The settlement of the McGarrahan
claim, which the Hou-e proposed in the j
joint resolution adopted ye.-.terday re
stores the mulituted patent to the Pane
check lands, having the President free to
dispose of the matter according to his
own Judgment. The resolution has yet
to be acted on in the Senate, but there is
little prospect cf its immediate conside
ration. Bret llarte arrived in this city last
Tho Tribune's S;in Domingo corres
pondent writes that Baez government de
nies emphatically that any cession of
lands, any lease or any advantages or oth
er special privileges whatever, h;id been
granted to any person in the U. S. or
From the best information obtainable
it appears that the mines are regulated
according to French laws, which declare
that private owners are the owners of the !
surface, and what i below the surface, j
provided there are r.o mines, or at feast
until after they obtain an authorization
from the government for such mines.
There are, therefore, Baez says, no res
ervations in contradiction to the law in !
In reply to a question as to the i'epris
onment of individuals for political offeas
es, President Baez emphatically snys that
no one has been imprisoned or banished
for an opinion against annexation; but
that all who followed Cabral January 31st
1SC7, did so at their own free wiil, and
that some few who have gono since owe
their f jrced absence to the fact that they
conspired against the public safety in fa
varof Cabral or Luj eron.
The debt of the public appears to be
as stated in the Senate by Morton and
others, namely, one r n 1 a half millions
dollars in gold ; but friends of Bcaz say
that unless great care is taken to reject
spurious claims, a much larger amount
will be required. It seems to be the de- j
sire of Baez administration to pay these j
debts while the government still has legis
lative power to admit or reject accounts,
according as they are just or spunou. !
None of the clergy, as is ? tated, have j
thus far made any protest against aDnexa- j
It was charged in the Senate that Baez
intended to leave the country. This he
emphatically denies.
An exchange says there is one county j
in Pennsylvania totally destitute odem- !
ocrats. That is Porter conuty. which has 1
no jail, nor whisky shops, within its bor- I
ders, and all the people attend church, j
1IIK ll,1Y
is rt'r.i.isKirn nt
i-0Riee corner Main anj Jscvnuil .'!rf?F .u
TERMS : L'.tilySlO.'Vi pr sinnm;'. Or ft.!)''
1t month.
4lile.itf H.-irkft.
Cmu'.i'.o, February 21.
Hour Very quiet and nominally
steady, most of the s;.les on piivato
terms ; receipts, l.TSo barrels; ship
ments, 3,021 barrels.
Wheat Dull and unsettled ; Xn. 2
closed at 1 cash: 1 22 j seller 11 r
Corn Q net, easie.- an 1 ut
49.' GO seller f..r May.
Oats Good demand and steady. No.
2 closing linn at 4-o cash ; rejected
quiet at 4 3 ( r 1(".
Rye Du l and steady ; No. J quiet at
C3(" 70.
Cattle Maikot quiet ; no demand
except for stoekers an 1 good butchers'
cows for shippers ; price nominally un
changed : sales at 4 on,. j 4 j for com
mon to fair stoi kors.
Hogs Receipts o,bi; market dull
all dav, closed nominal at 7 00;. 7 23 for
tor j?alr.
mi! cat is Tl,. ....rL. ..f ...i;.
1 tie' city on tlie "nutti. 1:111 ! liml rlii-np l'r
ciifh. ier I'urticulitrs cmjuire at ilia IIpkai.u
ollii-e. Un-riiltf.
OR Two lots in (jlcnwixxl. Chonti.;
S. DUK '.
f.'OI! SAL1-:. norcs nf .m4 adjoining
l latl-motitli. r.ii.iuire !
lOJt SAL.K Tho .-ul riln-r ntler.i for me a
I v:ilu:ililt! iviitiT piwr, two mile below
l'lnttsiiimitli. m-:r the Missouri river, with
sutl'iL-ieiit WHO.-r aii'l lull with maii
nement t jireuui-e i-r cj i: .i 1 ! :i horse
jiDHcrstp.iin t'ti-ini-. '1 ho j. resent owner isen
KH'C'l in other bu.iness :ini cmiti'it devote his
intention to the. business of milling, und will
sell said water power for n re:ison.ii,i. prirc.
Api'Iy to Maxwki.l fc Ciiapha. deo.'ldiwt
Jjpro'fssional Curbs.
J. C. FOX. ). . JJ HKKI.KH.
ATTOKXKVS AT LA ,V.-S,.ori:l munition
given to probate lupines mid hind title ensc.
Otliee io tho Masomu liloch. Main Street,
Plat t-inou til, Xtbiu.-iUu.
1 IB. nilKCI.
ft, t o.,
Real E.-t itonnd Tix Pnyinjr AjrcnU. Notnrirrf
Public, t ire mid Life Insurance Agents, I'
Nebra.-ka. je24tf
ATTOUXKV AT LAV," and Solicitor in Cha
m ry. A-rotitu for K.ulroad Lands l'laltsuiouth,'
S. MAX',1 KI.!.. SAM. M. f'H AP M 4 f
ATTOJ'.NLVsj AT LAW and Solic'ton- irf
nan eery, l'lattsinouth, .ebrasku. Ctiice over
hite ii. IJjttory'.M Urn;; s tore. (ai rl.
16. U I iriNCJMTO. 11. IK,
PHYSICIAN' AMI srito i:oxtender. hi
professional i rvice to the citizen oft pescoun
ty. J'.cid' -net couth); '-t corner of Oak and Sixth:
erects; oliicc oil .Ma n Mrect, 01 pofile Courl
House. IMatli-iuoutli, Xcbrtifha.
Oenerai Lif. Accident. Fire. Inland anil Trrn
Iiisurnnep Agent.. Will t:ike rink nt reaon
at,!e rates ii t lie most reliable Companie in too
I niied States. Oflie, opp. site tho Court. Hons,;;
i'lat.siiiout l, Nebraska. Iinayjltf,
Ill.VIOV liKO.,
to do work in good style, on short initio innl
as cheap a.-! I hi- eiie-.ost. t Shop, c orner of
.Main m.d t oui I b streets. ug.l,Jtf.
i. r.. ti c m:ic,
"'.kinh' line on short notice and in the best
i. Contracts for building iiMde on rcasona
.itcru, teuup one block south of 1'latte Vnl
IIoiise. iulyg-dt
E'f.ATTMMOUTEl 32Ill..
C. IIKISEL. Proprietor. Having recently he1
repaired and place d in thorough running order. !ush.-ls of Whc:it wanted immediatel v
for which the highest market price will he pR-v
E)r. J. v. TIIOJMH,
Hiving permanently located at M'ecpin? 'Wa
ter Kails, tender his professional fervioes to the
citizcniMjf Ca:-ii county. Nebraslf ! iatiT'oVif.
i l l iioi;i7.
J. Vj. IloJIand, Proprietor, eorncr of Main and
Third st roets. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Having
been refitted ami newly famished oflerx first
class accommodations. Lioard by tho week
dy- faugilawtX
a. s. s.m tbi!
Attorney at Law. and General Collecting Agen.'
and Notary Public.
Ali legal bu-i. less intrusted to hi care wil-'
reive prompt and carelul attention- Ol'tic
the Treasurer's, Ollk-e in the court house.
Have a
To all Lota and Lands in Cass county Neb
raska ftOflice with Maxwell & Chapman, Attor
neys at Law, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
J. W. Barnes.. Tho chlin
lcc. Svdjiwtf
Watche. CloehsanJ Jewelry repaired noit!
n i witn mspatch.
t .Removed to opposite Platte Valley IIou?
U- ' ?treet. ttov. In w f.
Tootle, Hanna & UlarK,
ld aEJtl Silver Coin,
fiJ.$i. aud oiau r HUtcUs.-
tjisfts drawn on all parts or the rr.i'ej St
ai.d X.ort j'O. Deposits nrciuJ, and i e.-ial a
tentim tivtn to coiiecjins.
Plattsmouth. Neb.
The undersigned i prepared f tnnrf-r'i
frcijriits between J'i.-ittsrn-. Jth and Last i'latfr-'
ui6ath rn fiiort n-itito a-nd'nnb! ' ter-r.
may2idtf. jf, J; WHU';