i i 3 1 'A ii i THE NEBRASKA HERALD U rClLISHKO WCF.CLT BT H-D HATHAWAY' iDiToa PRort'TO. Office corner Main and Secvnl stret... so d etory. TERMS: Weekly. S"2.G0 ptraunuia if paid In advance. . , ?H.CJJ if nol paid in advance. 'HIT. TBMK R4II.HOAD IN OTOE t'etitiuiis and rtuianstration were j.ri;?enteil in large numbers before the Commissioners of Otoe county, at their recent session, on the question of voting ai l to the Trunk R. It. Ths Chonicle ays S"iue nine hundred of the heaviest tax payers of the county asked the Coni reiiainners to submit a proposition, but that ther refused to do so. It adJ?: "The Commissioners refused to call the r lection on the question of Trunk bond-, Lutacree that it a majority will petition in Hicli a manner as to keep the names of the voters of the several precincts separate, that they will consider the question again at some future time. In our opinion it would have been better to Lave refused positively, and thereby id tied the matter." BA1LHOAD MIETIi. I'l-ATTSMOtrTn, Nkh., 1 February 13'h, IsTO. f At a meeting of the 11. 11. Committee ir.d citizens of l'lattsinouth Precinct, hrll atthtoHicaof I. II. Wheler & Co., it was Revived That the j rop'o of the various precincts in (.'as county ba ro ruisted to call meeting on Saturday of ihe present week, in aocordan.;ewith th-3 request of the County Commissioner., and elect one delegate from each pre cinct to attend a meeting of the County Commissioners to bo held in l'lattsinouth on Monday the 20th int, at which time a a J place it i a desired to ascertain tho tiews of the people relative to submitting a proposition for voting aid to one or more Railroads to be built through Cass county. And it was further j Resolved That this meeting reccom mend to the people the pubuiitting of a proposition for voting $100. CM Ml in county bonds to the St. Louis & Nebraska Trunk Railroad, in accordance with the written proposition of James 1 Joy to Hon. John V. Kinney, and fur the vot ing of $ 100 000 in county bonds to the Weeping Water Valley Railroad, and $100,000 to thcO. & S. V. R- R. Co. The hope is entertained that the peo ple will turn out to these meetings and elect their delegates that the Commis sioners may be fully posted in regard to their wihes. A. liVF.NTtr. Cu'N. Tlie Apportionment 15111. The blowing is the summary of the new Apportionment bill introduced in the House on the day ef adjournment : SENATORIAL DISTIUCTS. POP. (j,y:;s 7,7.V. 12,3 45 8,1 10 s,012 lO.Oo'J 11,002 1 Richardson, 2 Nemaha, .' Otoe, ? Cas, o Saunders, Sarpy, Butler and 1'olk, f Lancaster and Seward. 7 I'awnee, Johnson and (lace, ' Saline, Jefferson, Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin, Fillmore, Clay. Adams, Vork, Hamil ton, Kearney, Lincoln, Buf falo, Cheyenne and Dawson, and all west of f.th meridian between ranges 12 and 13, 0 Douglas (2 members) 10 Washington and Kurt, 11 Iods, Cuming, Wayne Da kota and Diron, 12 I'latfe. Colfax, Madison, Stanton, Fierce, L'eau qui Court, Cedar, Hall and Mer rick, and unorganized por tions east of lini between latiges 12 and 13, wc.-t of t'.lh" p. m , north of Hall and Merrick and west of other counties named in this 5,f77 ly.yyT 7,305 io,iy4 district, s,s: The number of inhabitants entitled to a Senator is 'J,4'0. REPRESENTATIVE DISTIUCTS. POP. 1 RlchrrdsOTi members, . 7.7.1 7,y.v. 12,345 8. 1 1 4,180 ::,42r, 3, :-.'.). 7.074 4 572 2,058 2 Nemaha o )toe 4 Cass 5 Pawnee t" Johnson 7 tiajre is Lancaster rJ Saunders lo Seward 4 T i i 11 Saline 3,147 1 Jefferson. Nuckolls A: Webster one member 2,44'J 1Z Butler, York, Folk, Hamilton, Fillmore, Clay and Adams, one member 4.2V 3 14 Otoe, Johnson and Pawnee (float) 15 Sarpv 1 member 2,917 lfi Douclas fi " 1V,VV7 17 Washington 1 " 4,45'. IS Burt 1 " 2,8 45 19 Dodge 1 " ,205 20 Cuming and Wayne 1 member 2,5oo 2! Dekata and Dixon 1 " 3.3S7 22 Flatte and Colfax 1 " 3,331 3 Madison, Stanton, Fierce, Ce dar and L'eau qui-Court, one member 3,044 -1 Hall, Merrick, and unorganized county north and west, (1 mem ber) -MM 25 Saunders, Dodge- and Doug-la-, 1 member, 'float) 2) Lincoln, Buffalo, Kearney, Franklin, Cheyenne and un- organized country lying west , of line between ran.rre 12 and 13 west of Oth principal meridian, 1 member 2,177 The number of inhabitants entitled t Representative Is .",.155. The la-t words of a man lately hung in Tennessee was a request for th ex f "utioner to meet him in heaven. There ii a chance for a discussion. A kiss, Eays a French authoress, gives more pleasure than anything tle in the world. But Fuck declares that that woman evidently never experienced the rhildish rapture of descending the par lor stairs by sliding down the banisters. "Does our talk disturb you?" said one of a company of talkative ladies to an 11 gentleman sitting in a railroad sta tion the other afternoon. "No, ma'am' was the naive reply, "I've been mar k ried nigh on to forty years." if A country girl coming from a morning walk, was told he looked as fresh as daisy kissed by the dew ; to which she innocently replied, "You've got my name right Daity ; but his uaine isn't While passinst a house in Virginia two drummers observed a very peculiar chimnev. and. it attracted tlioir.ittention they asked a flaxen haired urchin stand inir near the house if it "drawed well ?" Whereupon the urchin replied, "Yes, it draw? the attention of all th- d d t -oN th-it j s this road." VOL. 6. FROM LINCOLN. State Prison Inspector's Re port. 0. & S. W. R. R. MATTERS. Exhibitions of Deaf and Dumb. From Our Special Correspondent. Lincoln, February 9. Kd. Herald: The State machinery movt3 along slowly and carefully. Yei terday Mr. Keed of Douglas introduced a resolution requiring the State Treas urer and Attorney General to demand at once of Gov. Butler the sixteen hun dred thousand dollars derived from the General Government (live percent.) on sales of public lands, and place the same in the State Treasury. The resolution passed nearly unanimous. The Gover nor vetoed the bill extending the time of railroad companies to complete their fii-.-a ten miles. The vetoe was sustained by twenty-two to seventeen. Mr. Forterof Nemaha introduced a resolution appointing a committee of live to investigate the transfering of State lands to railroad companies, and see if thee companies have complied with the require . ents of the act granting said lands in aiding their construction. It seems there is a big steal somewhere in the railroad business, an 1 this committee has full power to send for " persons and papers." The General Herd law passed with a clause, exempting Cedar, Dixon, Hith land and Dakota counties from the re quirements of the act. The State Frison Inspector's report fehows their operation from April 1st, to November 30th, 1S70. They have done oonidcrable work soil some lands and realized about forty-two thousand dol lars. The funds have been expended, and among the items paid L find they have allowed themselves live dollars per diem for rtei-y working day from their or.danizitiou to the 30th of November, which is two hundred and nine days. If I make figures correct, I find Mr. Temp lin has traveled on an average of 18 miles per day since April lirt, mak ing one dollar and eighty cents for milage, six dollars and eighty cents for every working day from April 1st to November 30th. Mr. Templin's horse also cost the State out hundred and eighty dollars for board at the stable of Ensign & Lowe of this place which is exactly twenty-two dollars and fifty cents per month. Messrs- Abby and Wilson have not traveled as much as Mr. Temp li it has con-cquently they only alio well themselves thirty-five and seventy-five cents respectively as mileace per day, besides the per diem of five dollars, neither are the.-e men allowed any pay for boarding horses. The State Board of Agriculture is row in session and v. ill remain so until their business is completed. The Horti cultural Society is called to meet in 10 uays, of which you will be kept posted. Sheldon, of the Senate, is death on all appropriations, and is very pointed in his remarks The Omaha and Southwestern Bail road has a big "lobby" here urging the passage of an Act allowing the Company to bridge the Flatte Uiver and receive twenty thousand acres cf land for the bridg the same as i' does lor every ten miles constructed as contamplated in the Act aiding Kail Boads. There is some thing rotten in this movement and the South Flatte members tee it and will defeat it if possible. Frof. French gave an exhibition at the University last night with the Deaf and Dumb of hii Pchool- The per formance was very interesting, and elicit ed much symiiathy for this unfortunate class of our citizens. The Professor de serves much credit for the progress he J lias mauti in leaenmg mcse persoi:a 10 read and write and understand nearly as well as any of our community docs. The faculty of talking to each other by signs is very easy to them, and they seeiu to understand one another, and emjoy each other society as well as wc do, who are more ibrtunato in making our wants known. To-morrow is ad journment day, till the '26lh inst. instead of March the 10th as L wrote you be fore. Ditto. lCiOIl. The instant a person is known to have swallowed pois m by design or accident, give water to drink, cold or warm, as fast as possible, a gallon or more at a time, and as fast as vomited drink more ; tepid water is best, as it opens the pores of the skin and promotes vomiting, and gives the speediest cure to the poisoned article. If pains begin to be felt in the bowels, it shows that part at least of the poifon has passed downwards ; then largo and repeated injections of tcjid water should be given, the object in both cases being to dilute the poison as quickly and as largely as possible. Do not wait for warm water take that which is ncarett at hand, cold or warm, for cvsry second of time saved is of im mense importance ; at the same time send instantly for a physician, and as soon as he comes turn the case into his hands, telling him what yeu have done. Th's simple fact cannot bo too widely published ; it is not meant to say that drinking a gallon cr two of simple water will cure every cace of poioning, but it will cure many, and benefit all by its rapidly diluting quality. J fall's Jour nal of Uc'ilth. lie Social nt Home. Let parents talk much and talk well. A father who ii habitully silent in his own house, may be in many respects a wise man ; but he is not wie in his silence. We sometimes see parents who are the life of every company which they enter dull, silent, uninteresting at home among the children. If they have not mental activity and mental stores suffi cient for both let them first provide fcr their own household. Ireland exports beef and wheat, and lives on potatoes; and they fare as poorly, who reserve tluir social charms for companions abroad, and keep their dullness for home consumption. It is letter to instruct children and make them happy at home, than it is to charm strangers or amuse friends. A silent house is a dull place for young people a place from which they will escape if they can. They will talk or think of being shut up there ; and the youth who docs not love home is in danger. Those who deal in Patent Rights are very apt to find out they hnve invested in patent wrongs. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1(5, IS71 rzift nil m iii. True u. I'rent-liiiig:. The line of conduct chosen by a young man during the five years from fifteen to twenty, will in almost every instance determine his character for life. Ashe i3 careful or careless, prudent or impru dent, industrious or indolent, truthful cr dissimulating, intelligent or ignorant, temperate or dissolute, so will he in after years, and it needs no prophet to cast his horoscope or calculate his chance in life. Abtcut nincled. A farmer living about fourteen miles 60uth of the city, coine in a day or two since, and leaving his team near the barn of a fiiend in south Nebraska City, came down town. In the evening, as he did not return, the friend took care of the horses, but fdt alarmed for the saf.fy cf the faiitier. The next morn ing the farmer arrived from home where lie had gone on foot the night before, forgetting that he had brought a team witli him. He says lie did nut miss the team until he went to his barn to feed his stock in the morning, and missing the horses thought they were stolen but his wife remembered that lie drove them to town the day before, when it came to hij mind, where he had left them. Xtl- City Chronicle. KaiIi-OAS n. & 3f. Madam rumor Ins it on our streets that there will be a proposition before our County Commissioners, at their next meeting, from the B. t M. Company to run a line up ihe Wahoo. We hope it may be the caic. for this reason : We are like a drowning man, "wc grasp nt a straw." If we can get a line up the Wahoo Valley it would bo an impetus f r another eastern line to come here which we would be sure of getting. Asfdand Tinn. The Tinus is now getting hold of the matter rightly. A line up the Wahoo valley, operated by a powerful company like the B. &. M., would bca great bene fit not on'y to Ashland, but the w hole of Saunders county. The way for Ashland to get eastern railroads is to buid up the town and country, and then eastern roads will be built- The line of the B. & M. will doubtless be up the Wahoo some fifteen or twenty nii.es, thence over an ensy route to a connection with the Union Fa cifit at Fremont. The inducements for the B. & M. to make this point are: First, the local business, which i twice as large as at any station west of here ; Second, to connect at a point where other roads make connection, thus en abling the branches to force pro rata tariff and afford advantages to shippers equal to those offered at the initial point of the Union PaeiGe ; Third, a connection is here made for Sioux City and the northeast, an 1 with the Fremont k Missouri Valley II. II. f.;r points north and no thwest. and ul timatclv with the Northern Pacific at Fort Bert hold. Another great and important reason for the B. & M. building the line from Fremont to Ashland, it makes as much of their road as lies between Fremont and Lincoln a link in the great north and south line which will be coi' pleted by a road from the southern State line to Lincoln an 1 th Sioux City & Columbus ro id with the V., E. & M. V. B. II., at West Point or some point further north on the Valley line. Fremont Tribune. Fruit n a 3Iec!icine. The worst case of dipepsta can Ve cured without the least particle of medi cine, simply by eating nothing in which lard i mi ingredient, using butter spar ingly, eating bread made of unbolted Hour, and making free use of fruit, especially apples. In fact most people would be much better off if they cat meat not more than once or twice a week, and used fruit and vegetables instead. Pork and lar 1 arc great pro moters of dyspepsia, and fcv.rs arid bil lious diseases by keeping up bodily heat of mid winter in June and July August and September, but never changing ourdi't from the heavy mtats of January. An eminent Fn-nch phj-si-cian says that the decrease of dyspepsia and billions affections in Paris is owing to the increased consumption of apples ; a fruit, he maintains, which is an admir able preventative and tonic, as well as a nourishing and easily digested article of food. The Parisians devour one hun dred million of them every winter, and we do not doubt that these statements are perfectly correct. In fact, instances have come under our observation, where fresh fruit had an immediate effect in checking billions Tendencies in individu als, an 1 we have heard of whole districts where billions disease became prevalent upon the failure of the fruit crop. Fruit growers may, therefore, count upon a constantly increasing demand for the products of their orchards and gardens, as the health-giving properties of the fruit become known. AVVi mill lieruic .Kesoiiition. The old maids of Sioux City have struck an attitude which is calculated, not only to carry terror to the hearts of the ta'cn of that region, but which is, of itself, a sufficient feminine protest against the doctrine of woman's inde pendent rights, as advocated by Miss. Anthony and her adherent. On Thanks giving day, they held a banquet, and, under the influence of the genial fare there partaken of, a certain spinster, Miss Kennedy by name, thrilled the bo some of tho fair assemblage by the fol lowing announcement: "Let others do as they please ; as for me, I am deter mined to have a husband as soon as I can get one. And let us all sec to it, so that when another Thanksgi.ing day rolls round, there will not be an old maid in Soux City." It is said that the fair virgins thsre congregated caught the full spirit of this .sentiment, and closed the meeting with the pathetic song, "No one to love, none to caress." In our view, as among those who have an eye to the general good, the augmen tation of this nation, and the special in crease of this section of the great West, there has not been, among the women of this country, a better move, or one promising more prolific results, tiir.n this; that is, barring the little deceptions which women captivate the male sex, arc wont to practice. Miss Kennedy, we believe, has inaugurated a movement which will bear opulent fruition, and whose not distant effects will be a palpa ble and rapid increase of tho population of this entite region. Her example should be followed. A I oy at Indianopolis asked his father for twenty shillings to enable him to take his girl to a dance, but father refused, whereupon the boy took a pitchfork, fiinncd the old man to the side of the arn, and hnld him thcro until he shelled oat. A Stvere t:-jiort. Fletcher, Bishop of Nisnn, was the son of a tallow chandler. A proud duke once endeavored to moitify the priest, by saying at a lecvo that he smelt tal low ; to which the other replied : "My lord, I am the son of a chandler, 'tis true, and if your lordship had been the same, you would have remained a tal low chandler all the days of your life." A tiooil Joke. The Ecene described below is said to have taken place in the Legislature this winter : A mcu:bcr from one of the western counties was a persistant reader of the Lincoln Journal, and each morning, as the House opened, would commence reading his favorite paper, and abjut the same moment some member wnull move to dispense with the reading of the Jour ml and our western member would lay down his papsr. He stood this for some time, but one morning, raising from his seat after the usual motion, he exclaimed, at tho top of his voice: "Mr. Speaker, I've sot herein my seat for more'n a week and submitted to the tyranny of this House! Somebody every morning moves to dispense with the reading of the Journal, and I've lost every paper I've bought for a week by it; and no man has ever moved to dis pense with the Plattsmouth Herald or Omaha Republican, and, Mr. Speaker, I won't stand it any longer. Mr. Speaker " Here the balance was lost in the general laughter. No use to writu for aciieultural news papers and neglect to feed your hogs. A single factory in Prussia sends to the army b0,000 cans of preserved meats daily. A Kentuckian laid a wager of fifty dollars that he could drink a gallon of Bourbon county whisky in twelve hours. He won, and the money was promptly paid to his widow, to defray his funeral expenses. The Boston Rost continues to select and re-produce the gems of the Tribune's farming articles. Hero is the latest of its extracts: "Greeley says these 'mole plows' are all foolishness. You'd have to get more than a hundred moles to draw one, and they are so blind they don't know haw from gee." It wara good retort Olive Logan gave ft committee who invited her to lecture on Sunday. She wrote in reply, "Six days thou shalt labor and do all thy work ; but the seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord God; in it thou shalt not do any work." It is remarked as a good thing in Dan Bryant's now opera house that the building is so constructed that it cm be emptied of the audience in the three minutes. A groat deal depends on the audiences. Some thcatical audiences could get out of a building in two min utes without crowding. A wrestling match between a butcher and a bear was a leading feature, recent ly, in the programme of a Sunday show .in California. Bets ran high in favor of the bear, but the butcher having arrang ed with bruin to "throw" the wrestling match, easily threw the bear, nd won a pile of monoy for himself and friends. A wife who had been lecturing her husband for coming home intoxicated, beeaaic incensed at his indifference, and exclaimed, "Oil, that I could wring tears of anruish from your eyes !'" To which the hardened wretch hiccupped, "Tai 'tai 'taint no us?, old woman, to bo bo bore fur water here!" The common use of whisky is due not a little of tho terrible degeneracy of the mass of our population. It h an enemy most potent, to the spread of the gospel. Where are the friends of a scriptuially enjoined temperance, and where is their activity? A nation in whose veins cour ses a constant stream of liquid fire can not be other than vicious; and itt vices must be of the coarsest sort. In the Bank of England i a curious machine, into which sovereigns are poured like grain into a mill. As they pass on, one by one, all that are light weight are thrown to one side, those of full weight to another .o that the dis tinction is made with unerring certainty. So will it be at the last day. A letter from the German nrniy in front of Paris snys: "King William is one of the most sensitive men in the world. Hi"2 feelings are so acute thn.t his medical advisers were obliged to for bid lii visits to the wounded at the palace- The sound of a dead march, or the sight of a military funeral produces a deep melancholy; and the aspect of the battle-field on which was won his imperial crown has made him sick nigh unto death, and quite unmanned him for many hours afterwards. The land sal's of the B. i Mo. Tiiver Railroad company during the month of Jan. came within a fraction of 40 000; and we arc informed by one of tho agents that in his opinion if the accounts were all acvirately figured up it would proba bly overrun that amount- This during the heart of winter wo consider a good showing, and speaks volumes in praise of the management of this company and also of the favor in which their lands are held by outsiders. Utattsman. The Norwich PmUetin tells a capital story of a little affair which took place in one of the sehoolsnot far from that city. The principal of the school in question attempted, the other day, to break one of his pupils a sprightly miss of "sweet sixteen" of the habit of scribbling upon her slate. Seeing that she had written the name of her reputed lover, the principal took the fclate and held it up before the school, saying, after having read the name distinctly, "Children, can you tell me who this gentleman is ? I have seen his name upon Flia's slate several times. He must certainly be of some importance." And after a pause the principal continued, while ail eyes were fixed intently upon Ella, "Who is he? Is ha President of tho United States?" "Why no, sir," exclaimed the roguish girl, with a very sober look, apparently wishing to clear up the mys tery, "he's a rear nice young man from Stonington Point." Mr- Macro a recent Scotch traveler in America, descr bes Oliver Wendell Holmes H3 "a plain little dapper man, his hair brushed down like a boy's but turning gray now ; a powerful jaw, and a thick, strong under lip, that gives de cision to his look, with a flash of pert ness," Prof. Agasfciz is "big, massive and genial locking ; the rich, healthy color on his broad face still telling of the Old World from which he came a man, but for hisdaik. keen eyes, would look more like a joval KnglUli squire than a devotee of science." Emerson "has the queerest New England fice with thin features, prominent hatchet r.ose. and a smite of a childlike sweetness and simplicity arching in tho face and drawing deep curves down the cb'ck." Telegraphic I THE Wl Havre, February 10. Generals Liilo and Trochu arc among the candidates elected to the Assembly in the Department of Finistrey. Paris. Februaty 9. The following are doubtless elected to the Assembly: Mons. Blanc llochcfort, Jrison, Deleschanire, Flourons, Uoliin, Do ran Quinet and Valant. The Orleans interest is believed to be strong through out the country. The mortality among the children is very great, and many respectable people are making efforts to leave, dreading a renewal of tho war, which will bring on worse horrors than ever. The actual condition of the city is little changed. The Champs Elysces is very httle damaged; the Boise de Boulogne was totally destroyed at the entry to the lake, and ether parts par tially. Sl ops arc blowly commencing to re open. There is no gas in the city yet. The order is good. Tho popular senti ment is intensely excited at the idea of the entry of the Prussians, but the feel ing grows gradually more lenient to ward the enemj1. There is a report that the Prussians s-ent an army corps Thurs day, resolved to carry Belfourt by as sault. The railroads are getting in a good condition again. The American ministei went Wednes day from the city for a few days relaxa tion from his a.uuous duties, and is now in Brussels. Vkrseilles. Feb. 10. Returns from eleven departments in the elections, give majorities to Orlean istand Clerical candidates, and but vciy few Republicans. The duration of the armistice will prob ably bo extended, in order that thy As sembly may have time to perfect the woik of restoration. A special to the New York Herald says: Yesterday 80 field guns and 1 I J.OoO rifles were delivered at Ivry and Vanvrea. Favre is in favor at headquarters, and announces that the district occupied by tho Second army corps is peacefully dis posed. Things look gloomy to day. Paris may not be entered before the 19th. Preparations are making for a heavy bombardment should com plications occur. The attitude of the city is apathetic, and a reaction is expected. Bismarck is again quite ill, and his state causes grave uneasiness. Bordkai'X, 'February S. In the elections for the Assembly the Republicans have been successful at Perpiguan and Oranan, and in the de partments of Ardeccpe, Marnot, Loire, Ariege, Indre, and Herault. Conserva tive candidates are elected from Poietiers and Montanbau, and in the departments of Tarn and Garonne. Candidates of tho Liberal Union Party have been elected throught France wherever they have been put in nomination. The Re publican majoriti' in Frodeaux is large Br.RNE, February S. The military chest of the French army of the East, containing l.f0'J,00Of, has been surrendered to the Swiss govern aient. London, February S. Thiers is elected to tho Assembly by an overwhelming majority. His success was beyond all expectations. Versailles, February 8. General Von Tereskew reports that the forces under his command now beseiging Belfort, have canicd some detached forts. Special to the New York WorU. London, February 9 Earl Do Gray will sail for Washing ton to-morrow as President of the Com mission to settle the Alabama claims. The Queen preceded by the horse guards, in passing through White Hail to open Parliament to-day, was greeted with mingled cheers and hisses, the Iat tcr predominating- The cheers were chiefly civcu by Germans. Extraordi nary police precautions prevented dis order. London, Feb. 9. A Belgrade dispatch says the Turkish government is concentrating a large force on the Roumania frontier, and announces that they will remain there whi e the treaty of Paris of li'oo is observed. The Paris Prcs-e confirms the state ment that France is to withdraw from the treaty of commerce with England. Pieard and Favre have accepted the candidatures for the National Assembly .' Halpin. the Fenian, sailed Wednesday en the Siberia. John Locke, M. P. for Southwark, in an address to his constituents last eve evening, expressed himself in favor of a grant of dowry to the Princess Louise. The announcement created a creat up roar, and the Queen's name wa hissed. At a meeting of workmen lat night, it was resolved to hold public meetings in the metropolis and provinces, to protest against the dowr'. Paris dates of the 7th have been re ceived. Favre thanks the Lord Mayor of London, in the name of the govern ment and people for the food sent, and says the distress of Paris has been very great and still continues. A Wilhe'mshoe dispatch f-ays Napo leon has issued a proclam?tion to the French people in reference to the elec tion. Washington, Feb. 9. The President to-day sent to the Sen ate a brief message, transmitting the cor respondence between the government of Great Britain and that of the United States on the Alabama chums and the fishery questions. From the correspond ence, which is quite extended, it appears that the English government proposed to settle the fishery question on our terms, whereupon the President stated that he would do so provided the Ala bama claims were included. This was acceded by the British Government. The President has appointed a commis sion on the part of the United States, Secretary Fish, General Schenck, Justice Nelson, E. R. Hoar and Senator Will iams. The Brithh Government have also ari'ointed a commission, which will ; cave Eneland next Saturday. The lommissions will meet in Washington, and all the questions between trie two governments will be referred to them for settlement. In executive session of the Senate to day, after the President's message and accompanying documents had been read, Mr. Sumner opposed the immediate con firmation of the commissioners. He thought it better to let the subject go over until the documents should be printed and the Senate have time for ; thoir examination. j In this Mr. Davis concurred. j Mr. Conklin replied to Mr. Surnnor ! and urged their inrcc liato confirmation. , The debate which followed took a wide range, involving the diplomatic relations of tho 1 'resident, and the plan proposed for the adjustment of the differences between the two countries. The Senate adjourned, after a .-ession of two and a half hours, without coming to any con clusion, but will resume considuration of the subject to-morrow. London, February 11. In the House of Commons, to-day, Mr. Gladstone made an explanation of the reasons why France was not repre sented in the Ljiidon conference. He said that the Prussian authorities had promised Favre a pas for hime!f to at tend the- London conference if he should be sent as a representative of France ; but the Prussian flag having been viola ted when the application was received by Favrj to the military authorities, bombardment had begun, and Favro de clined to leave Paris. Baxter, secretary of admiralty, in an swer to the question as to the condition of Paris, said the government had been able to spare 2"i,0U0 tons of food for the i'arisians, and that 1,000 tons more were ready for shipment. Cochran re viewed the f iteigii relations of the coun try, and demanded a ministerial s-tate merit relative to the condition of affairs as regards Russia, Prussia and France. There was subsequently abii?f debate on business of a local nature, after which the House adjourned. N:;w York, February 11. The Tribune tays a starilinp fact has come to light in regard tho Hudson liver di-aster, that the express train was lined to destruction by a false signal, for which the parsimony of the company was di rectly responsible. The post on which the lights were hung at night stood at the draw, and until this winter a man has always been on duty at that point, with instruction-! to mind the bridge and signal trains. Two months ago, for the sake of economy, this waU-h was re moved, and the care of the bridg.i was added to the duties of the man stationed at the water tank two miles below. The trains were to bo flagged from the tank instead of the bridge, and at ni:-bt a w hite light, it: heating "all right," was left permanently at the po. 70 reds from the nearest watchman. If the sig nal man had been within reach of his signals, where he ought to have been, he could probably have shown the red light in time to avert the di-asicr. Sr. Louis, February 11. The State Senate yesterday passed a bill exempting the property of a wile in executions levied upon her husband. The Kansas Senate yesterday passed a bill giving any person the riirht to sue fur damages any one who sold him liquor, and al.-o to sue the owner of the build in? in which the liquor is sold Berlin, Feb. 10. The Kreusel Zcittuu: says no decision will be made as to the prolongation of the armistice, until it can be seen what chance there is that the French Nation al Assembly will conclude peace. London, Feb. 11. It is ascertained beyond doubt that the result of the French elections is a tri umph for the conservatists. Imaum, of Muscat, who was slain in a recent battle, will probably be succeeded by Syntorkes, whw was victorious. The routes to Paris are all open and travel restored. BoRDDAl'X, Feb 10. The departments of Charente, Iiii'eri ure llatitas, Alpes, Yonnc, and the cities of iD:jon and Tonlon. have elected re publican candidates for the Assembly. The cities of Nantes, Chalons and Aueh, and the departments of dense, D. r lor gue, Mayenne, Vendee, La Garonne and Loire, have chosen conservatives, mod erate or hi cral candidates. London, Feb. 11. According to reports in Gaulois M. Favre has g no to Antwerp to commu nicate with one of the Orleans Princes. A dispatch just received from Brussels states that Favre arrived there on Thurs day night. iplco ji"s Froclntnalion. London, Feb. 12 The following is a translation of,, the proclamation addressed by the Emperor Napoleon to the electors of France : "WlLiiELMsiioiiE, th Betrayed by fortune, 1 have kept since my captivity, that profound Glance which is misfor tunes mourning. As lug as armies con fronted each other i abstained from any steps or words capable of causing patty dissensions, but 1 can no longer rin.ain silent before my country's disasters with out appearing insensible to its sufferings. When I was made premier I could not treat for peace, becau.-e my resolutions would appear to have been dictated by peivonai considerations. I left the Re gent o decide whether it was to the in terest of i he nation to continue the strug gle. Not withstanding unparalleled re verses, France was unsbb lued ; her strongholds unreduced ; few depart ments invaded, and Paris in a .state of defence, 'ihe extent of her misfortunes might possibly have been limited, but while attention was directed to her enemies, an insurrection aiosein Paris, the seat of the representatives was vio lated, the safety of the Empress threat ened, and the empire, which had been three times acclaimed by the people overthrown and abandoned. Stilling my resentments, I exclaimed, 'Whit matters in' dynasty if Fiance is saved !' Instead of protesting ngr.ir.st the violation cf my right, I hoped for a successful defence, and admired the patriotic devotion of the children of Franco ; but when the struggle is suspended, and all rtasonable chance of victory has diinppered, it is time to call to account the usurpers for the bloodshed, and ruin, and sqanderci resources. It is impossible to abandon the destinies of Fiance to an unauthor ized government, to which was left no authority emanating from universal suf frage. Order, confidence and solid pros perity are only recoverable where tho peorle are consulted respecting the gov ernmrnt most capable of recovering from the disasters to the country. It is essential that" Fiance should be united in her wishes. For my.-tlf, brui.-ed by in justice and bitter deceptions, I do not know, nor claim my repeatedly confirmed rights. There is no room for personal ambition, but, till the people are regu larly a semhlcd, and express their will, it is tuy duty to say that all acts are ille gitimate, and there is only one govern ment in which resides the national sover eignty able to heal the wounds, to bring hope to ilsesides, to reopen the profaned churches for prayers, and to restore in dustry, concord, and peajc." Paris, February 10. The election returns are not all counted but the election of the following candi dates is considered certain : Victor Hugo, Garibaldi, Blance, Ruinet, Gam botta, Saiset, Rochefort. Dorian, Sehoelcher, Pothier and Delescluse. The result in a great majority of the elections is in favor of the conservatives Grcvey is elected from Kurl, Pieard from Meu.;e, Gambctta from Haut Rhine, and Favre from Athene. Eishteen de partment rcaiain lo bi heard fim. NO. 1G. Brc ssi ls, February 12. The reult of the elections in fif y four departments is o07 Bimapartist and Orlcanists, and !-0 republ cans. New York, Feb. 14. A correspondent of the Times at New Hamburg writi s that yesterday nnrning s me fitilic-riiir ii about two miles below that place, drew up a fragment of a lady's under garment. It was partly burned and stained and saturate! with kerosene oil. A piece of velvet, scorched and soaked with crude oil. and attached to a splinter, it is ri 1 was found near Low Poitr. three miles below, on Mon day. If these fragments should have b. en ro carried out by the action of the tide, the possibility, if not probability, of bodies being also carried iy the pow erful undereurrc nt. is apparent. The !cst informed people, who know about tides and currents, think that many more victims than the '22 accounted for have perisned. The Tcnueufe Klfl.tcd-Dcubtii of IIp Safety. New York, February 14. A Vv'or'd's Philadelphia dispatch gives additional particulars from Captain DrummonJ of his sighting the Tennes see. Tho Captain says he first saw the vessel about 1 1 o'clock on the night of January l-Hli. The vessel left New York hnrlor late on the afternoon of the 17th, Ian I time, and the 19th by nautical time. On the lsth, by land time, he first fasf her mast hra-1 lights, but don't know that she wa. bark rigged. Iler mizzen tops wen; furled, and be could not determine. The ve.-.-cd was acting vciy strangely, and it was all we could do to keep out of her way. She was steering directly south. She crossed our bows within five hundred feet of us. This was about loo miles from Cape Hat teras. A perfect gale was blowing, and the Anderson shipped a great d a! of water all that night, and labored very heavily. I fee! confident that it was the Tennessee we saw. If she got through the etcrni all right, she would certainly have, put into Jamaica in four days, and reported from that place. The fallow ing is an exact copy of the Anderson's logbook: "At 11 o'elo-k Tennessie was mtiefd; fresh gales, attended with squalls and lightning in the north, and heavy r?a making; reefed topsails and furled them. Passed steamer (ui-n-of-war) :;ttaunrg south, nationality un known." At 2 o'clock th? Anderson's log-book reported raining vciy hard, and a north east sea rolling. Buth Capt. Drummond and his first mate arc positive that it was ine lennc.-sce tncy saw; as sue would have been ju.Uit that, place on the lth by land time. Capt. Drummond would have reported before, but did not know the Tennessee had not been heard from. Rumors have obtained circulation that several steamers w hich left San Domingo for New York, are over due. 'i his is not the case ; the steamer Republic is now only due, and the Tybee, which carries the United Sta'cs mail, is not due until the "rid inst. A special dispatch to the Herald, dated Havana, l.;th, says: "We have no tidings whatever of the U. S. steamer Ter.nesee at this place, and your corres pondent at Santiago de Cuba has heard nothing of hr whereabouts." Boston, February 14. Captain Hoi. kins, of the bark Mary Raker, which anived here to-day lVom Miragvane, Hayti, reports that on Jan uary iTSth, off St. Nicohlas Mole, at the north we.-t end of Hayti. he saw an American man-of-war. When first seeu she was under sail and sailed for the cast end of Cuba under both steam and sail. The .steamer was very long mid ship rigged There was fine weather at the time. From his dircription it is sup posed she might have been the Tennes see ; I ut as her course would have been in an opposite direction, it is concluded that the ves:el was some other American man of war cruising in tho:e waters. Paris, February 1.':. Everything has been arranged at Bor deaux, and a committee to negotiate a treaty of peace and draft a furn: of the treaty, to be approved by IJi.stnarck and and Molt ko selected. The treaty will l2 signed immediately nrd the German t:oops will then march through Paris to Strasbourg and will there tai.e trains fi r home. The.-e trans will fallow each other as rupid'y a possible. The as sembly will then adj.uiin to Paris and proceed with the rcorgaa-z if ion of Franee. The departments which a;e not occupied by the Germans are being ravaged by the franc-tireurs. Terror reigns in tlioe departments. Discredit aide revelations are ma le concerning the Provisional Governor. It is said that members hold immense sums mad ' out of contracts ; that they secretly '.im posed cf stores and provisions, an 1 that in the Hotel do Vilie 43.000 bottles of wine were drank. Provii :ns are pour ;ig in. flii l prices ar brr. ( lilt AGO .'.lAKHr r. Chicago, February 14. Flour Very dull rui l but little better tlian nominal ; prices uin:u'in.q;'::I. Who at Fairly active f-ut unsettle-l, though lieM firmer ami hiirhor ; No '2 close 1 at 1 2.; cash, 1 2?,H 1 "' seller last half; No , 1 IdCal 17: C':n Irregular; opened firm but closed e:i-ier at oo rash, o2 seller April, i,s(n', sc-licr Mav; no grade so!d at 47('f -i'.b Oats Active and higher; No 2 flowed tt -Is csh. IJye Firmer and higher; Ho 1, 91; No li, 90 FirleyDuil but easier; No 2,81; No '.), nominal, n, 7u. I?0R SALE. Three neres of land adjoining th- city uu thtsor.th. ean be bad cheap for cash. For particulars enquire :.t the I! krai.u ofiicc. dce-ldif. I7&R SALE. Two lots in Glcawood. Chcnn. I1 UeptSj S. KUKff. T,'0R SALE. S?. acres cf land tdjoiiiici I Plattsinouth. Enquire of ScptH S. DUK2. I !"0R SALE The subscriber JTct3 frr a.-ilo a valuable water rov.-cr. two luiien below Plartsniouth. near the Missouri river, with sufiieient v.a'.er and l.ul with ceoaoir.;.-Hl man agement to pro iuc... p.o.ver cuial to a .io horse power steam enii!". The present owner isen gatfe-l in other bu.iness and cannot uevote hia attention to the business of milling, and will sell said water power for a reasonable t rice. lUCKAKI' VIVIAN. Apply to Mtxwr.i.i. fc Chapman. iteold.twt LOTS POl SALK LOTS FOR SALK LOTS FOU SALL INQUIRE OF L. i5ILLIiGr irn no i t:i. ,r. E. Holland. Proprietor, corner of Main and Third streets, I'latUuiout h. Nebraska. liar in 2 been refitted and tewlv cla e.-rr:r;'j liii'a". e .i : . furnished effrrs Crst rd. b: iUki'i-iu r.i:: i vi.ir PL ATTS WOUTH H E R A L P l& PL'Ul.IiUSl BT PI. D. HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND fRof 'bTv 1 r01Rcl coiaet Main aod Socon J ttrcK tvtt TEHMS Dm'.Jt$:o.OO per annittd. or tl.t l or mouth. B. k M. AED. ritAIN NO 1. Lc. in.4", a. V. Le. 1 1 .'JO A. M. I.e. U.M A. M. L. g. 17 A. M. Ar. Vj: A V.. Ar. 1J.V Ar. LIS p m Ar. l.-JS Ar. H" TRAIN NO. 3. Le. P. M. R. R IN NEHKASKA. STATIONS). KAXTWAID TKAIN NO? I'lntt.-ttiouth. Omiiha .1 imo. L"i)iH ill, s-outh I'.en'J. Ahlaml 'ireiriwoutl H'nvrrly Newt ou LiL'oolu rutt.nnnuth. in :i tin -Iiiiio. Louisville . S'llltil l'i uJ. Aslilanl. Orri-nwitod VCuverly Ni -wii'ii Ar. ;l. tf P. Ar- :U' I. Ar. ''4 P. M M Ar. -'.-SW. M Ar. 1..V) V. Ar. 1 T " Ar. I. IS " Ar. l.ej ". Le. 12.4) TRAIN NO . Ar. 9 4." A. V Ar. K ..V A. M. Ar. siu A. V. Ar. 7.-.-. A. M. Le. t,.r. A. M.' Ar. C.V, A r. 5.:.') Ar. 4.::0 L. am L. s...- P. M. i.e. fi.li' L r. v V. M. Ar. 7 -r P. M. ir.." 15 Ar 8.!0 A r. '.LO? A r. y.:',' l.iiK-iiln '!'! time riven aliove is thot et liuatia. Le Lit ma'iu-s tluwcr limn Clucutfu. ft, i M. K. RJ " ,'Tcek Eet Sunday Nov. SS7.J AKIMVr. Prtcifie TinTi".. t-X'Tft .M'ni!:iy 9:2T A. Bl." Maii Kvreft .sunl.v '.'::' p. in. KreiK'il No. S i.v't Siitidny ":!" . in. Freight No. except ssiin.Iuy :1." p. ru. KP RT. AfJ-oU'n: V.x ress except Saturday :!;' p. in. Miui ele l S'iniJ:iy Tm'.i a. til. freight No..r xcrt Smil:.v !..::!( p. in. i'rei;lit. No. 8 c-xuept isuijili.v o:0U st. m. Tlie Uoiit leave Plat!: aiuti;!i ;t S a. ui. Snu Jsy. IT he. nbove rive? tlie iini.;il m;d departure ol trnii'.s io mid ir ti tli'' east liiu.k of the Missoiirf river. The Atlantic Kxprrs-i nri'ive at L:ir!irpin nt MH n in . ii-.i 1 1 lie Paeitit Lxprus?' leave thoro fur l,i.itl.-unr.l'i at T:i p. tw. IC. 15. k ST. .lOH. It. K. lT PACiriC JCNCriOM IOWA.1 oot; NOHTII. COINI) souti:.' Vatl pml Express" .V'-'i p. m. 7:1' . in. Nisht ExpreM. S;" a. in- .1:20 p. m.- This (riven passenger Ironi IiaU.amouth elee cniiiieuiii,!) KoiiiK fs.Mitlt ur Ntnih by leaving here on the 0.15 p. ui. train. OMAHA 1 SOUTHWESTERN. I F A V r. ;iso s. w. ( iiiialia ..i'.lW a. tr..- I'Mlds '.' -'-a. m.- Pi'llevun '.Mil ii. in. La l'la.te.. l l.l la.m. Paynter 1" 2 a. m. Cedar I-lan 1 1" ' ii nv Omaha Junction 11. CD a. in.- utt:ivt.' LEAvrs. coim; s. n. Otnahrt .lunrtion P. Ki Cellar Islaud ip.in. Pavnteri t p. in.- La I'lafte '' p. m liellevue 4 "" P. in Child J).'1"" P. io.' Omaha p. ni .- Pasporeer.-- pud freight w iil be tninsfered cf Coder Island an 1 connection ira le nt Om.ib; .Tuiiefion with the iiioinin train T'-init Wr-l from l'!atsTinnilh to Lii Iii lithe J!. A.M. P.. It. 1!. in Nebraska, and tbe ev r.ibh train Koiuif ca-t from LiTi'-oln to I'la ! ljmoi: !h. Trails w ill leave and an ive nt the depof rT tlie Coinpai.y at the foul" of June tree?. FntiT turiher mliec ti. !. ts will be .-.old fn tlie tiinn, and rfit; of freight can !i learned nt Ihe oiruV Itho souipji'v. J. 1';. MoULTON, Chief Engineer ard tJeu'l Supt.- AP.raVAL AND DEPAKTUES OF MAILS HOL'TK. CI.OHKS. ARRIVES C. It. A St. .loo It. Tt. South ! p m. 10 ".ii p y. C. I!. A St. Joe P.. K. North. 8 p. in. HMIpn 15. A- M. R. It. Insi, Hp in. lu:.npin H. A- M. K. Ii. West. 9:uu. 4 pm. (iiiiuha by Kail D p ni In u nv W eeping Wa'er. 12 am. 12a td. t Nebraska City, by Star. 9 p in. Spm. t iepaits, Tuesday, TauT'days, and ilur-' day.-. iitiiee hours, from 3 a m to " JO p ni. Sjndays, 12 30 to I 30 p inr J. W. MA It. si ALL, T. M. (Lnm!) girttbnj, V. M.C. A Hall over Clark PlumroerV Store Preaehinsr every Snhbuih afternoon lit 3 o'ebiek: Prayer meeting every Tuesday even ins at 7 o'eloek : Ueadinn Koomopen eaeU daf' from S a. in. to ) p. in. First Pp.f.si:ttkuiax Ni rih jddenf Afa'in si.-"V.-t of Sixth Krv. i. W. Cameron; eiviee 'very Sab o lb at 11 a. in. and p. in. Sab ith School at'JWa- In.. .1. N. Wise Sttpi-iin-indent. Prayer nuetii.t; tny 'tiiicsd.i' erriiiiff nMWJi) fV!iel:. Methodist Ensi oeAi. Wi.-t ft In of Sixth1 ftreet, south of .Main liev. J. I!. Mat field Services every Sabbath at It) .'.'I a. in. and 7 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveiiinu. l.'his aeet inir? e. -ry .Mi.nd-iy e veil ir.x and iiain,,d'.sH's'-' 1 cfter close i f Sabl.alh morning st rvive Sabliath School nt -:) CoNfi i! rn iT!o:. i. Corner Loctis? and I;:htb atier ts I!ev. V. Alley. S r-. i"s every Shbatli at 10:30 n. in. and 7 p. in. Sabl r.th S'-fmoi' at i2:: 20 p. in. I'iajr ii:c.;ii tf eeiy Vtdiirs"iay evening.' ErpsroiMi. Corner Vine and Third at reef pev. II. St. (jeorpe You up. Services rvery Sab .lOi at ld:3'J a. m. an J 7 p. ro. t'nijljy School at 3 p. m. Cnr.iSTT.iN Service" in Court I!m-e JInll O IS. Mulli.--. local prenclicr. I I-Ji.-i , Isaio Wilrj and T.J. Todd. Catholic No. -lli si I" of Public s'":-iri Rev Father Have--. Fift Ma.-- ever Si.bbath nt a. in.. Second Mas iind Sermon al a. in., Ve"persand lici.i.-dietioii at W-'.'J p. ni. llns a. 8 a. ui. every week day. PjAPTWT Pleaching at tlie C.mrt Ilou-e Ilulf every sabbath at ll o'clock by Kev. P. .l. Hj I.eod. Pruycr inei tii:-i vi ty I'hur lay ctreiiir.jc attbe resilience i, i' th-.- P.i.-ior. Sabbath fct-ln,of annii-iii it'-ly after iiiornii.it service. I.O. O. V. ?.et;nlar meet-nit" of I'lutte Lodfie. No. 7, 1. O. 1 1. 1'. tvi.ry Thuisday eveninp, at Odd Fellows 'I.iil. '1 ram ivnt Lrothi.Tf arc cor aially invited to visit. JI. J. .STILEIdHT. N. W. 3. VT. Johnson. Pet. I.O. O. V. Phit--!iioiith Encampment No. X. Ti' nular Convocation!' the 2nd and lib Eridr.y'n of deli month at Odd r cHou Mail eor. .'id mid Alain st-. Transient Patriarch.-1 cordially invilev t visit. .S, LL"jwE, C. P. Sam. M. CiiiPMA. Scribe. KvmiiTSOr Pythias Piatt" Valley lodcre N. S. H'Kular xcctinv? every Thursday evening TiiitiDK "jrotheri alwavs weleome. V. L. WELLS. VT. C. K. Ill ;iEL. K. A S. V. V. LEONAEK. V. P. M vsosin Pi 4TiP.viorTii Loner. No. 'i A. t'j k A. X. trr.ilar uiecliti-i at their hall oti tli fir t .mil third Monday eveniiiH of each month. Transient brelhern i::ild u vifit. .(A tot; VALLEKY. T. U P. E. Ilurr.vER. sic M (tot Loi.i.k No. 2 A. F. ,t A. M.-Ronil.i' ir.cc'inps at Musonic Mall, Srst and third fn iny. ' J. N. WISE. V. M. uio, L. Skv bolt, ?ee. Nkhiiaka CnPTfR No. " Tt. A. M. Rejrulni' envocaiens n.-cond iiict fip-jr'.-li 't'uesday evc ii.l ol ea i mont h a t 7J o'clock p. m. It- It. I.IVINii.sTCN II. I. I. A, K:r.crATRi k, "tec E.lAsTi:r;,-rA'! D:.(;i:r.r Lol-ge. Bejrularmeol--logM of the Family e.ie held on Wednesday evi niior. on or b( fore tlie Kiil moon of each mouth. .:! Ma.tcr J!:itcrp. their wive. -!iWj and tl iiK-intcrs are ii.vite l t-i attend. I ninarried In -iff inu-t b over eih'p-i v-;iir of ni;p. L. H. WUi-.KLEK.i'atron. Wl. C. A. Ilt kr. I aircrew. J. N. Wisk. Kccorder. I. n.C,. 7 'i ivr BsArn.7'o.2--E A. Kirk ntriek W.C. T. E. Ii. Lewis, W.S. Ii. ii. Wind hani. Lodtte Litputy. Mttt at Court House liali very "uesday evening. Traeline Teiaplarf respect -ully invited. KXCRI.SIOR llKOPFR LoiifJK. No. 1. E. Lewis. J. T.; V. E. White. U. S. Meets at Court Hou.-e Hall on ih Erst and third Saturday even irir"efeaeh mouth. Ftau op Hnpp Lori'ir. No. 8. O. J. Iarip. W. T.; Ainlrew C'douien. W. S. Mccu at M'. rlciifaut cverj" .v'uturday cvenio. Caii-th-it Loner. No. H. J, J. Chandler. 7. C. T.: Win. J. liefer. V.'. S. W. Culkiu Miee Ueruty. Meets every W IncsHlav oeu Traveling Templars repect:'ully invimu. Tbrfk (iron? Lodge. No. 21. Aran Griffitlij ,.'.C. T.. J:. Villain. W. S.; C: il. Winslow Lodge Deputy. 1eet. every ss.-iifirday cyrninm lmveiin-t Te npla -"pe'-UI!y invited 1J meet wan u. Estray Notice. Tlen npty tho Kubseri'oor in Avncn pieeine fas county, Nebraska, on trie 4th day n ,Inn ary. 17I. one red Lull supposed t na about t4 years old, a liitle whita ro the bellwy, lor.gshinj erei, n oriT triTlii rr I'-rd? rn r'p- tn- Ji22.r wji, v 3i . ALTAii"- i '',:- : K ft--