1 i v LAI iS'rC jTH C?.AK3A TiHliISDAY, .IAN. IV. l-Tl. The t!-'gnp!!:: now Ikon Wa-Irng- t'.:i2ys i;,ji. fct.c..aifl, : t s. ... .. wi' r;Ti 1 1 ris t cl v; h-sday (or Oneftor ... t tab J enatorj. We tjict n ."jt.'.!c-i;:;ui f'toiii l: ljy vl:o ;U I;.: v.'.t.- at:,;.-!tc'l lo f;i. i that, r.heat rate-! aho-:t I'octa a I.:;-h. !ii!ier in Hattsni juth to on at Il iio V.'c intonr.fl hh o th-.t the U. & M. ra what wa1- the mr.tter. Or.rf-M frkn G. V. .-!:ro.tt of Ne braska City, oa!!::! u; ro-. thi ii:. : :.:;:: . G'co a.-.-i'.rcs us t!::-1 he i.- :;')t a candi date for L'- .S.S :ia'.f.r. int i.- t,r ivly uut upon j.iivate lu.incs-, v.hivn rc o::im- dcr rathor o.l i'V:- :- 1:1 1 V.r. J. Ilc.iscr. that ihc: of r-irfJnor?. floripu!turt., and ?v:J fc;i'wstrcticraiy, j the man who never for.utis tho j iinler.-, hasjttsf. laid uoon our tahlc a :.: h r' rhuWb, wh'ch ; as ilun:;-. bright ;.u Kood as any xrc cver-avr in J'ay. Ti.-?,3 ' wiM.in? such luxuries will do well to l..:::r in mind that Mr. II.-s.TT.i:! bare ilcnty j for sale in a lew d iys. j j Tltc Hon. Ii. II. Hill, late Cor;fedcr.ite ; States Senator from (Jeoririi, and tin; j Hon. 1. I). Vulee, United States Sena- j tor from I'iurida in lul, are Loth out in letters accepting tho .-ituation : Mr. Hill taking the judicial ground that "as dibit the most patriotic, failing, became re bellion, fo u-urpa!ion the mo-t gl.r?:::'. f'.iecee llnfT. b( co:.'.e-law ;' ar- l Mr. Yu Ire putting it thcolically tli.it it is "for the advancement of the Kin.'doni of God among us" to Low to the u-r.v iic;ht 4 -. . 1 I 1 .. 1 I : . 1 f : with pcrder a few days since in St do cph. lie bad filled a tin alt bos with powder, attached and lLdite.1 a fu'-c, but ne the fuFC apparently wct:t out and no j cxploMttn he catnc up an I :-toope-d over : tho box at the moment the c.iplo-ion ! took plae. He will probaVy recover. We clip the followir- not; e of our ( d fiienJ, Panning, from the NebrarLa ! 'hronicle: James Panninr, nc.tr Wyoming, a j old thtttty and Wi-sl t do mi mcr -t; ; trrower. was thrown liotii his hor.-c. an 1 ! falling upon a log, su -trine I considerable j injury. I!.! is. however about acni::, I'n i prcpanrrr- to loaa a Jew cars v. nh , , ., - ! iSebraika Lcel cati.a lur the Llocagij liiarkt. I he JSebras.sa Lity ( .-. .o; iSfs a protracted meeting has been in pn gre-s for some time at YVYom'mo, in tl.c Cuta berlan 1 Prcsbyt : i:oi c-hu-eh, under the pastorate of Fiov, Mr. Aha'.: foundation fcr a pars:. nace v, as la; I re cently and a Iiurch building is contem plated in the spring. The Missouri nrpuhticin of yesterday says the contlnuenco of the frost has ?o btreuglheiicd the ice on tho riv-r that yesterday ?omc heavy transfer wag. -us loaded with freight cros.-ei in per fee. t safety. To-day probably tho lee-bridge will be crowded with teams- The num-! bcr of pedestrians and skaters on the iee was very lare yesterday, and tlic scene was full of interest and animation. The KrpvhUnmi aaude to tlie fact that Gen. Losan is assistc 1 in bis Sena- t rial campaign by Mrs Logan, and vani ! tlie "LincS a-i irants" to ioiiow Yv'e bec pardon for interpolating a re- j Moa.-tranec against tho charge that there are any "Lincoln aspirants." They aro all, or nearly all, Omaha arplrants o for cs beard from. So i-avs the Lin. oai Jo; urnai; The Lincoln Jonm-d of yesterday jays duplication of bills is the order cf the d.ay. The Senate and the House are vicing with each other in repeals of the registry law, amendments of the law on corporations, herd law, Ae. Y'ou!dii't it be better to be content with one bid of ft kind? Uusiness, net immoatalily, is the first object of tho Legislature. There is war in the Democratic camp. The Nebrarka City JYttrs and IJrown- ville Democrat arc piouring hot shot into the organ of the party at Omaha, and. accuse it of selling out the bo-t intcre.-ts nf tliP r.nrtv. E.-i 1 tbo O-vali j I 1 i a it A T .1 i ..... , ' . i. i fctnkca back in a te.hng manner, lie- j publicans should not be flow io tr-ko a i- j vantage of this internal warfare of the i I Dcmccracy, and present a to.id front to ! J 1 1 tho n.'.nv. The Lincoln St-itcwtn ii engaged just now ia chastening the Omaha Ifer nhl for its "toui-foolery" in tiying to keep up the Democratic party. It cannot bediJ, Dr., and you had as we'd let it wide gracefully aa any other way. The Ilanublieans are the nartv of r.r.v .rrss. and the remnant cf a or.ee powerful De mocracy, should stand a. -id . Cel. Sanford lectured again last cviii- 4 11 r-' 1 1 1 ing to a well fined house, and we never Thr.l .. ,-nt,IL- wh., .....a,t m,Tl. dicnce a!:.ng with j.tm etp.ul to 1 :. iv;..i- .... ...... ford, through tho cities of Pome an-1 Jerusalem; through the chord, of Sr. Peter's, tho Vatican and it? t 1mo:1o treasures, through the misery and Lhh of the lowcreiasios, ibrougk the JIoai;ie of Omar, to the the""oml. of Ch: 1 t, over the J'yramtJs to holl converse v;;!i the majestic and Ancient Sphyns, d wn into the bowel of the earth to wander among the ftrceta an-l I usines bou-c-r, of the city of Poropci where you I: -co everytbingjust as it was on that ttrri'k night of death eighthcn huni.-ed years nM trlifii the city was Lnne-l Lvncatu (ha ashes which ra.nu dawn irraa ve: u- vius. We crs safe ia frying that C..L R.i:-,r.l sfands to dry wiitout a ; riim t.tlliV IV -. . the travels ii ., s...n-,. ...., cva.-.i .. ta. , in. e .a ia-. i.i.-, v.i..aij i.-j w-, a ie.. ..i..- .... woiia - i "".' ibo Gov. rr.es . ' lenncsee, attd ex- I jui-.I tii- Gan-.r-ttv. Lvin his daumnrcs ,n. ",! evcnuijr inatea-oj ...-.. j.a.i. j A. rvaro it.,r-.-tr.i ar her. Ly f..-.i.t,va M..-tt. , ; Tr , r .... " Urady, V ihd lbe, -Kvrf. . stud rubers. ! Ve lnts lsrely, been revealed. 1 1 e tried in Sacramento. s isvonv .ati m v.,-..,, . ..... ; .y, ... !t,, ,.a;ja a. ,,, J Yv. Goo cage, i os . ,V -ptetntlig .1, St. Jo-cph and D-uver di-c red , o ;H - y ko;r; :;f er as . - : ---- .i City rdh end, w.tcaa . '. t ; ' ;y-p . ' PU-in JT- r kui,hc-d thousand Ld ibathcry, the w-aher will be fine : Estray NotiCS, city, oflngotrtatory K.au aa.n;x Lvv r,... I ? i p.a.C Vbiie loving au-Aiicr i !!r 'yf.:V!. Rr3 ? lV-J' ll11 T,l,:b,KL.n Mnrha.a &CloCit la cvem.ia. - ; - the Maons of His city are car,g over ,; ,t ., p f.., cr v.bkh tahcapk:. to attrii-l the iu..ti. ., I ti, i i I ,.-: 'i.;..,;vr,t:. : :.t car p. -a ... i '. o. .:...: in l'u;;, i ;vjv. i J;;:. '), iit.Jlv.--r:1') i.ckao a j-'i:t ixr.i.u -iVxh-i t-vo iif-u.-v- t-ftLo 1,0. :l-1 ! k.toro at .". ;. 1.1. : t. i ley. If you : : Wt .lif ik" a.' at ir ivv p.... the ':) lad. ' ' . ,.. 4' . 1 : . .- r. , ' 1 ' - : 1 fin... i in.f.--: T2 - r..iU:.c,.i Mr. .J. '. V.'.h ;:H:y, i i , .j ',i ... : 'f ' I , v:, r davjh.. Wo nto :,v,::,i ' 'V i.h-:: ;;,,c;:dv)atf;. hlrc-i ! udt-I lJr,JUl- .C t in the h,u?o. T,ld,!t ";i--- ! ., . t . ,i M- jr---- ' - V M".'v.V'-':iC i:.,. . .. v u . :r, i..o, !,. i,.e ..... .:. ! ,' ..-;. ,' .J' 1.,. 1 te;0 el Aruv-ui:!-!.-!,.;.! ! -: of iL- ei'y i: - .-iry ..' urea:;- er ;:.e or . c ,.-av!i!:.im .r. , " . ' l.v:-i::;::-en tnat s- n ",v n;::i:n- i i.tctai::' : a iTcri ! ;:;ic T t ue use ci us.: , i I . !. .. w ..... . , fi ire c:fy, t r-oviue-J tbey ma ty i:-v 'ui--!.:.'.: the cc.-t of t!:c machine. It J wlli not -t thd cify to e::-e i o::o hnn- ! drr I t.-o.::ir, a:.d t,.a !.-c: u :n vroi.- in - r or-It r, t:. hoi:: c'J., Vflii not cost a cert. We condd.-r the siran.-emcnt rrr-f-i J-!c to (ovidnp a maehino en- f-l'- 1 :'n 1 v,-e '.7111 h:ire a suic guarantee that tl nddne is a'.w:ys .oady for xtso. 'J" 1 1 i arr:.,:i;e!.'.c!it w'.i'.tr.'r. Chrirtian-cn, vrilli a j:re l,;i-ide comi o-c 1 in rait of tho men about the 5-hoi; tocether with a good i-et of hook.-, and lu l iers, will r ive 2;vt c!a.-:s fac!i:t:cs fer fighting fire at a lofre n'Mninal cxrcn.-.o. V..: hcj: !"ir city ai;'ihr;riii?s will not de'ay ac tion i:j tlit. jn-tttcr for a f.;:or!e d.ty as the ; ty oY.-.:er of i he i l.y doui.H: I that m. .!.'!!: be d-::o to protect their i nt crc ts. I'ri.li 1 c..'.:!; a roa: uu;x, c-ta.-r iiiiati.-: f"-.u: 1 a v irti.dl? intosicaud t.dr.'i : ;:a! consndttiKg j-"::io it: decent r.c-t:-:is upraj tho r-i k-walk on 3I::in street raid or-ivr:d l.iiu off, when a third pei .-;ca i::t-. vflie l rail endeavored to jro vent tie: ofil uoni !i --Ii:ir:rinir his duty, and went ro far in his opposition ted him, J-.-...-I d for the Kecor tor's tflh-e ; but bo , ..r,.:v-. t;. ,v y..j,j tto , : .v.u r t.Vjj- Tx 1 '; O-.-j. l j 3 rc..c..2 ; ,,t aJt- r a let:gthv tussh . ; ,i. , . . ..rr .-. - . ."l-- ' , ,, . -a- 1 :-',lVl'-1' ::u ::.:::: bebov to - F.e.a.rder, v-;:::;- 1 a fino. ; ,-,!;': h. v.i:l. the c;.vt, ia..uiibj.l t... .l:l.i. j , , . i v . . : i:..-i,. i . ,: i ii-O 1.;. . ..-:. i.. e i..:.....ua J .n.i i.... .. , ., "' '' '" F. .r. -rfir.t iittit ii.aus tort (. a man a gr. at -Iv.! cf i !' ' - re.: 1 r-. -1 i i b:i' rO. or he I ........ i, I i .... i- ,...,.1 , , . chave v; ,e, o.te du:..s. , e "f"' ,'-.C"f : -v1 " V M tort-mato in bav-;, tbo ,t rvio cd as a--t-.ve, gctitit-'ucr.iy a.id Cui-icut a:ar: -r ; us Fr..::h Wild:.::.-,. j f i : r i L- f ' . r t j,' ! i f . t i " i ' "i - r - 'J "he piily v ii i rt-si.st8.! c-Tiocr Vili:ara.s h in h: ci! leaver to arrc.-t Part la-t t- cuii-;, was broticht bei'.ro Ilecordi,r Coooer and relieved of fO. MottAf. Never interfere with an Alottr.r. .sever iutii-rc with cfe.eer while in discharge cf his duty. Mr. Hubert Fa-die, correspondent of the le tidon j.W-a-.i called on as tb.is morn i::g- Mr. Fad;e i traveling through the west for the pu- ..-e cf writing up oir many p. lva't.iy.s: f r tb-e' I eedit of thf f.cek'ti eml .-rants cotuinc at this cocntty. Mr. Medio 1 a : visited California, Ut: L, and other we-tern point -, and is now on his way to Lincoln and the interior of N:br:..-k-, and fioai our :ebt scpttain- tttneo with the gt ntkmau. v.c toe; ao to i :i orvw. ot. server, ana one w:.o will not fail to .-oc the many advat.tagcj r.f our young an 1 i!:rify State, and would commend hiai to tlais kind ecu si leration of all Nebra.-hians. ' r...f. P.it.cr -ou, of Naorai Lmtitatc, cnlled up..n us to-day. Mr- Patterson rcp.orts t! irg in-r. fl.ruri.-hing condition ia bis vicinity. Wo would just here srsy to patent?, who, wish to'givc tbtir cl.il 1 rcn a thorough education, that they can not do bt iter t'iuti to patiuuizc tho Na omi r-hooh where t.Il the Fnrdidi braneheJ arc. tr.uzht; ako Latro vuA fortes us that bo now has over vent v reu'ub.r Etudeuls. whkh is nicttv fair for f. t ''" uv 1 ri "' ' '--r'1" n., . 7i n-i i 1 I. ft stiiiw f .-:ni at l ist l nor.-, iv turn . , , , 1 ;-".- CI, ... i f.i I,-..-.-.. 1 ,t'.,r.t l'.n'ft ' . ... . . tevcre south i4iid ca.-t of here th:;n it j was at this point. Our-reports fiom Chicigo, Sr. Louis and other points, speak of the feverity of the sto.t.'.. IV.'.-..vi'.ii,.a' oa ' aTion ,titn".n u i?oj:t.u..I ' . ...i i . v.. j between -ew- ioik a::l L tucr.gn. r.n! ! co-nviniontly we Lave ahuo-t no!bli:s in i the stripe ot inws horn thd war. ,.T7 , . , "n i;T" :!J .lUA,VUUKl ll l'"- r.rnae lw o;ts, aiter ;arp-.ui. sou: a .... . . ' . oarni.ty o. btiameyc ter-tay, ernekeb d 1 , , , , , . ,r,,0 ilt0 the vdadc-ak- bo. t busav.-s . ,.: .. . .... .... ... 7 .. ( , ..-..,, 1 -.t i ,,t ani ,,,, 1 n t . 1 1- , i : . i . - . J an r. i f r. 1. '. i -M cfun'r away with then. Lie neU j rj.: 1 tt... tf S- !i:a-e ot I.euh..fn ' . wl,0io he aan, m.re fettunatc. :md i-ok I . . i" .... a I i .ia ti I'i t: t. ; ;- i;- a -i i n . ..Ir of boots wh: h 1: so' 1 to son ! c:... ;., t0 J.-b.-vng-? Saloon, for SI.o 1 ... . w.,1.t p.;,e; ;., n , r : Williams it;t..-rfer:-1 with 1 k . i.u;rr. We ia;-k:atrnd 1 p,s roncludtd to 1 mh! ulib Jcdiuf 011 11 ! tn . va?t aevr' rdn v . (r ;.. 5,. , t . ' ' . . .1. ., j Y,k .- by the .V.;a'. that a rctaibv i r::i.r..a-l toeetln r v.-as h. ; 1 in Pawr e i : t c.y last veck. at wl.tca re: olutton were i ad. t.d rear ao-a't-lir r ' that Pawnor .... . - ( vote t-lCav -a ia t. oi nt-eaa. beu-k ' real, t .',-!. . 1". si., -an, t'-; ir- tnl;;,:,,,;,-,,,,,,,,,,!, lu.Ii:.:is rr ,,,ny ;,t ,,,(,., nml the cako is soon to be J0:; wet weather. ,i neuat gray.s , i:;.:iV.:;li,?.,;::. V1 fTii- f -'. T. ' ' - C nnxlay Lev. (. L. .i.itti--, ci the Cbiktlaa Cl.-.rt , at 11 r.. ta-, and 7. r .,, ta j;: . . . . -i . i - -: i.- Hi-Kl "iiiE CAPITAL " i Legislative Prcc3G(!ir.gs. : Sficcir.: Iirt.Iii'.thrll.n.il. l.-N-o;.n, .I::iv ary, ITt:: p. m. j j-.-.r.' . J . (-:. s at t-'it. ai: 1 uf'o r r:.dinr '-i" !.!.. i ."v;.ri-, j-iv c-to vol- f-r I'. . Senator. i The v.U: in th, Hoa-e d. f,r .n . ...,rM.., r M r 12-aiI "-ir ' ,f ; Ki-:' ?-cr n ... jibe I, I',::ol.?, iti-'i !.n, Jb-ewrter, ! !.,,. , ' W.-Yo-t i i I !l:'u,co.-k-. .-vht, : Hark. !;:!--n; !'oo:n, Jr, .Mid!, Ha d-.ci, lV.tcr. t'ortor, fc-ori::.er. ; .., i 10. j ..nJ j ., i,p, 1 o. . -lo.o.T..- I -. . 1 i ,. i ' i : v " : ,. i .-m - ' - " ' Ml::,::, Qrii.hy Jtulcrts, ib?:re, r'hsok.'V. 'ickhani, CelHntr, 14. I F.,rl't.i, Mr. Irics, 1. Tw: ballots were La i in tho Senate j . - fc,Ii4'irt- . ' ia- 1Lvct Mergers Lrop-ey, ilaskn!, Metre. X. For IIitelicoek--Mc?fr.7. Frown, Gcr- ra rd, Iiawkc. i homas 11.. tcr, Lunr.ao- ( ' ham, 0. For S..under Mc.-tj. Ililtots, Pet teaser, For Jlort-r.' Mj.'sr.s. Sluhb.n, Ten- n.iTi sKf'ONi' ::a:.ht. For Vhiiyrr Mc-ov. Crorey, I Ir. kcli, Met, :.. For Hitebcoek Ms-.'..-. Fr.wn. Ger ranh ld-r. '.e, Portends ShcMn. Thom as; Tucker. Co.-i'i eh '-m, For SatiTiJeri Mr. Hilton. 1 For Ib gers-Mr. Tc-.tt:-i:t, J. i f.p.. .vA vv ... ( j, .,,i. if,.,,, Al.c. t..e..., ...o i.o lj'.'ur:;cd till 10 a. m. to morrow. " ' l'''' "'' " ' '-' ' - " e::!l-dt.t cf hv.ee. s m t::o vc'-' d-ovel ;.. the fac-t that lh y arc n-t n.:s- -o ib--i-- -' ---e : T: - v?-, ' 1 . .1 i. T1 menus 10' i:; iheir jure li letv. .-eeta feaifuiiv in ear;:. : f ..... .. i..-... i will be taken at Iti M., to Wii! tel. era' -is re.-ult. rrovv. t ;. j.iNf .ii X. ;,!:. iary i. o p, i t.tci. K was cl j -te l i ti the - ecru 1 balb a by tho f.dk.wiv..? vr-to. : Prown. - r,.. , . -!;, Id, oi. lt:-maf. J ucltc;, 1 ennaut, tJ - . - t ? fi ! i Cu.mmghtan, Cameo,, ... Cntrk, Hu-i- y VitXlcv V, :t,,f . , , Qmn.by, Lou.-e, .Sona.nerlad f.- . . i k. At this pc-int in the roil call, Me. rr. !.Tv - .rs Didy I'riorr 1 Cron-cv '" tlldr vuto I, t,-, i,;t?I,, ii:.- Mr. Goodwin was ub.-tnf, eon.-.j. jUontly it cniy took twcn;y--ix ta elect. . i i..-.i. . T' e Turner Society of this city will give a Grand Mai-. pre: a le P .Il on the 1 ith of next uoeutL, at Fltzgoral 1'slbilh Four or five bar. Jred costuuics have Fee a , , , . ordered for the ocea.-ton. m expecation o: a larire ralnc-nntr oi oan.ets iiom abroa-I.' This will be one of the grand- cat Masouorades ever got up in the we.a. On the evening of the IW! tho Masquera dors will ibrui in proee-s-kn, eti l;orse ba vk, r.n i march, kd by a brars band, through th- principal streets -- Tho Per ubliee.ii eau.-u at Jc.Terson City, on the IUh iictuinate I Jehu P.. Henderson for U. S. Senator, by aeela niatioa There v:ci e Gl ntcinLers iu the caucus. Gen Log-n received tb.a t;o:ni;iaticn of the Ibcpublknn caucas for U. S. Senate: in lhiuois. Logaa received (Jl votes; i bar. Ok.d.y 2-; cx Gov. Koerner S- The Mi -ouri Legi-Iat are voted sepa rately yc.-tcrday !br U. S. Senator with the Iblkwing rendt r" Plai" 90 ; Ilea ler son, (V) A joint ballot vrilt be had to day, -which, it is believed, will result ia the fclectkn of Tibtir by a majority of 43. "If tbrre bo a m.-.n iti tbe State wh ;m the l)fi!ioc:nls fckouid defeat, by fair means or f Ail, tint man is Join M. Thayer." Tlfm saith the lirownville DtTTiocrii!. H e have reet .vcd a cony ot too .o'.v I t - - t i 1 l iorl: Vfx'rvr ear r.oon ana a :n:au:ie, ; l; ? .. . r,:crri. Ci,.r ul n.tortiiaiioii tft- i hit"- of (V-rnmc v. o :'ub-lc I'-e'-t ; liter iirdKcverute; ikts -f Churches, Sy.nd-', Uc, cc., and a hundred other things, , ,...- ... too nnaierous io r.n-::. ion . r : r,, f, 1 ll i'3 'O, J . ii.iii...ni.'.j an mv.1- , ., , v ,rn u -r r crv-.i;..--f:ii-crtot::ecw a ork ObaCiter Wc arc under t.Log.uioai !n the Ikin kdm TaCo ibr vabiebio Public Docu r.aint. j tJ,, t,. scta t. )Vlko j the-uei-.e if in.- devi't baa ot ly b. en at pittv iaicenv. be never would it i ii j i-av- oecn .... i:m t a; ..... I -The r. asm of the tcrar.gc 'ti-aj o-irauce " ' "rm-. 1. ... a-teium the e.tr.y t art oi 1 tie X" irrt . . a v io i ;ai , m i ; ;. -1 .... : .v v. i . .- th. or.n-.r'"ti.-:'.' r.t . ! m liron 't tr 1 l,,,s U2i " s,s ' ' n....- . l i., .... I -.. : - :r.- Aa - 1", .. ' i- pair, wheujwlai a .v'tdrf fbaevh bos be.n f?ivc tf too:LU;h " i "N. I ESTiOSS OF YOUTH- i ;,.'; .'. f kj ,1; .Irkk : U Vl, lilt!- Mcct.-I:;ui":i''!;? l"" "-Mvo..,. t..v Com-oi.-.n feic-..s cratnen boa- ty, end 1' 1 .', "-.k1. ,f kt '.kkk . V. ' 'J'A A --ret. rt..,-. r, j ,-. r y, .:: r.. atV.-r- - ia :.aa -, -, : 'ty- i .- ";. that I.e.; erts I ... . " - crmm-nia agree tnar, Wi.en a loan ... ,M!.,-,..1C.....,, a:.. thit of dan I e..?u ut i-u.t!at m-tis rrri-i::. v!;i. It tho t..;y i,.tv . ts a mooriiT ,e C I , . . it '.ore':"', to ee.-.::.:eiiee Ci :. f.'S. . . i . . t ti toe. .ia..v, vi .-.., - i I w -y un..ti:tv. I r r.'.it'-rf lie.-:, a. a a t hi ttie t iu.I'vm Iju o : . a r- '.i i... j a . .... 'i no vii at strorc:es m m aro timce t ; J.rt; ;.:.id lor a rids over a rahroid. be , , i K,,ti t r..v.f,v 1 .-.ai.t- ..f .--cr.-ih.jr i.tnitttfi:;.. "-n '. .V- . !1 rri,., tirt.'.r the v -ta-n-. nun cwivs: ln I,. .... .... .1 ..:....:., i i. .ait,. :.i..ii., . ' : ! t.i.i.v.. -s . a.... v..a d .. - ne :,.,..,:..-.,,..;,,,. ... ,i ..:.,... . r .,,,:;;...,!, , ..a,, ., , . . : to moment.- . v.:i iitt: -ui! 1.i!n: .i . ..i ;-.::.... ..e i a; mi . ea io .-: v i i.e i io : .... i, ... vrt" r,. t o-- . . at . . -a ,:..-,,,.! . - j . ' . n .-,.--, r . h' i a pt .. a-. 1 i -.i .1 -,.!. , a i , i I UUOo'.iCll iOl J bOi.iV. Ci I ..o " m; ; .' r ,'I::'-ay i.-y w a .-i a . . .- a . .. .-aar j r. at 1 J ....a r t I .' - i - ---- - , ..................... ... , .... , re-. ... ti:v,,"., ia ior i itiau , e ; i.i.i.i.a i" a". . i.i.-,i...m t ... ... i. .i- : ... , , . t- -S3. i it' th.. lea 1 ut i.n lb- brow. it. the day be t bis ticker, rr aiVev- ! -r..-: '","U1J'-V k . .? t. - 1. : ) - ... ! cau-ios, ay a.i h --ii. ia i-ii- - uti-J -v.c.: ' it. a aa' .:-; .! ...... f.'-o . ..- v; ry ..I ... i . . l . . .. t ... i.. I ' ''- 1 ! f.teC ret irCU to-v, the !v;--C , . hIs Ma s,,lU-htcsi!tf rave the bt.lv ari-ht to tho divow, which she . :,. . j' it... i'ttuM 1 HE capital -- The news tif the nomination ot Cm. S. A. St; kkkiid, fr Govern or c f Utah uhleh rcaohed he;o ye.terd.iy ly tele- t, w a ;.,t : tho enemy's " ' , f, e.:;.;-. ii: I-ff.'.hif; t!i-? fta-ngyi '-ur j .'t r:.'.i.-r, Gen. Tlir.yrr, at:'..:ti:r ' .., ,, j : " ,:.i.,ri4 i l'" "l" 'r L" .) , - . V,". his. ;v.:er. in tho e-n.;tr: co!:te-t. 'i n head quarters th cek-, ,l.es vvho re j.rei.t lor Y"1 T " .wil,:sSsI,,V. Rn,5. A Land .ti th 4-itt;e u Khieh Lns onTny n,xt,-S the Mt con- . . r-..o... v: ... T! ri-uous of whom hire lea. Titsynr, Gen. c-ii icklan I, lion. I'. AV. Hitchcock, t V.- O 1 w, I? I? T I.oM.-Mnn Kl:icn of lL A., Gov. ...... l..:.....t ,. p::kola, St. A. I. Kal- eoiitbo, J-l.n. 1. Itedick, Coh Patrick, U. S. Mar.d;al cd' Utah, II. V Furnas, - r. W. Mardiall. 1 M. I'htt-moutln c k- - .T ' ' v" ' -) an 1 J. I'. Clark, :.'! Lland an-1 pcmal as a M..y j..j.t,, rvliile the mercury falls ten dee. LeJo-v zero. J.V.CK. 1 I Jrt nt .lobrnsUn i'it.V. A fire in Nuhra-ka City, frtartin-r in I'ahlor-ton's bakc-rv, oti Morula v inoin- ing L't, drtroyel property to the amount oi t ...'.; umu.q u wss up .ic.v.ed. The mo.-t dillU'ent c Sorts of the people wore r.oeo.sary to prevent a nioro fxtciis'ive conih-.-rration. The - . oi In-.- 0 5 : So ili i- we have not been able to a.-certain the looses and insurance fully, but tho following i. an approximate: Mr. Maker's buiidiiiL', i'l.tii!) Ja.'OO t'i M l (Vii) S. l Si!,ley, buildimr, ii. M. U.-iViMir rrt, building, Otoe Co. National Dank, ! C. S.-' r. d I- ttoek, l..hi tt; Monlton, 'jtcck, liaidrr ton, : Tck, 1,0 o lb- : Ic-- this -Ic?r!. 1'avcnport c; Sroatatil-'. Kitaicy & Son, having : fil-es. rcp etive'y over Haven port's br.il :iur :'.::. I over the hank, lost books r.ni psf.. rs to a consiJcrablo atuou::t--b.w much v.o i.a-j cti : tte now. Tl't- in .ut r.neo wo have not been able to fall . area tain. Mr. Maser's had no ! iii.s.irr:nv ; Mr. Sibley, S;V! : Davenport, i ?I 5-J-:: Pdder-t-ui, 'tjcta, Ddd & Mor- is, m, s)i..m,; (1. Schneider, f!,too: Nbink, n',h:mr. ; The ?;rt of fruit most sou-Li after by i f-dit-rs The latest 'Iv.ea. J A ?r. v.- song is out, " Put Me in My ! .Little He 1. "' Make it l:;r--o enough for r be t-v ,- v.'i l proceed with tho ceremony. 'ou-eien.-e Is a slo-- pu;o gtant ; we may ; ma nno n.'o a longer or o i but ;.i Jtr.-ts arc fiirhtf.d ' ii the h..ur v. hen he uv:d-...- ib!e H -r .-e Grrekv think ? that borrowed t'l.S (,: lion 3 ?o-a.'.'! rani iii Letter Cfo.ditien. if th-ev r;-v charged at cost h-n lent an 1 ci edited when returnc-d. 'I be White Clou t Chief U in fnvn ' stiiiigetit ue-g law to j.-rot..-ct lvsti:- i ct!u-craiic ed.tori. After a wedding it we--bmcriy a cus t " (k.m,Ivo1 h .f,r tor tl.n ty oeys-a moon s age. Hence oriS:n o; the n-meymoon. Josh Fiim.es ?av-: "The Uvc in in. z n !i;tlo p;g bo" weaned v,eng. and i hv ':!: . t loot tail :ly. Ho i.- tit-e pepper- j ;.? of creation, the all-pie- uv t he woi Id- ! U-ae Or nrtn m i v-liace y. lite a ca.-c i v itch in a ditrickt -kulc he sola e j h'' ? , . . everv O-iVia-a b:.s bad a cad amur. A yota.g isiati w;u ob'ior-d to .tay on the reel' i f a h -t.-e all night, with liffhimr 1 ut his i-hirt rn. bee cut.'? a net .ia. ior j 0 : , soaner than las wite car-'-' t- j ed him. j In his s -iir,.;:i on importance, of liftle I things Henry Ward lieeeocr nays there an manynu!: who would not blaspheme j ols, n : hut they ujc cow;.: o- c-aths ; hor ,., wj.en t1l, y W:U!t ' they war.t'to say "l);;i'oi it !" "I .-wow ! ' 0 ,.,v -i;v .Jehovah Darn it! w isn when they want to say "I The new sedative, hydrate cf cLJored, it likely to rct-u't mischievously. It is paid to fcrrr: a compound with t!:c coda of the blood, thus diuiiiii.-hing its coa-ru j lability. Hence the continuous adminis tration o.f the drug tends to produce de- eoaipt the blood, .o that hi ca-c of a v.'auii 5 or open Lkeal vos-tl the . , a ' i . ,. lit tUO. x a", o 't JU.Vl OO u ry dkikult to arrest. There would be er-eat caution required vLia it is utcd in naJvTikry or surgical optn-tious The tool with which editors biw out their Jbrtnnes i?the "add." One Maine editor has sued anolhc-r Maine editor for defamation of charac ter ; and the defence is under-tood to be, first that the plaint iff never had any chaiacter, r.ni secondly that cveti if 1 e had, nothing iho defendant could fcsy t!ji;.u tij'iiv; ii.. The French army has several women surgeons, snd it is said they cut oil' a limb so nicely that a loan enjoy.-? it after hi gets accu ot.med to it. No man w.-ho has ever had a couple of legs cat off by a woman will ever afterward allow a man to cut off a beg for hici if he can help it. A Gcoi eia paper is in luck. Twenty four heathen Chinese walked into its sanor.n tho other day, and through tho meeauai of an interpreter, pant cash i ,!,,,,,: !,n . o.f.s.-.vij.tion.s r. ii... t.ao,.,- I n- i . 1 1 .1 .' t i or v;c r-aiei e-i greai.y wiiat iitov wamcl cC ras Knclkh paper, i:ot being .'.t.i i r. .... tr r,,a v:. l r i i r . p, th.-.l. ... '- e ., :'..';. ,n,, I l 1 1 - J, i't'iv ll .',i t.iu ..vo . . ... la.a ! I'li u htivir.tt Costar rat cut. it eaaaah .-at, aguano tra Ic unrk, and an tt;a-b-a!'a --pieture." Patience is a p o..d virtne if one nave a..c.u "-l;" V nau too much ct it. Uicm fra peiion.s who ord it and so underdo eve'vri.i; , V... , . ...1 - e e. tii'".' i-evcr avi uoout the c-aieo lion of a::v evils, pullic or puvutc. ti.ev ar; so verv -anient under the i'Jovhich tle-v ,unpa:ue tho i!c-.h i heir to. Titoy renond one of the !ov who stool baddin- a sieve. Vccr.ti,o hts unok bad -aid c aic-r a.iw he carno. in a su ve. it you only wait till it i're. .es." Fropk- kt ail , - t , , i ,. propte btve evidently- never hear 1 ol ta;s ntie, orot ,o nouivrous juaiCiai tVc!:-iir-'.:ut-'i;i:nirit, br tuty pat Mr. Washingiaa In in- Nickels on their cs-snotb.i- r.co." became bis ticket 1 ..,-,.., a t-.b-tr Ato of tie ro-evkr: i...j ji.... . ta i.. a. ?.ui w i i.t- J dev. Mr. Nirh-k h?- . on- in ntlv 1 ward, i t.o Ca!iio-:i'a Pncihe rail read i ,..'.'. i..-f i i rt ir,-.-.'. t.A rb-. ! J -".'.- .''.a 1 1 ,. . ! ;,a. .. :sia-.:-. i-i :. ivs...-.- 'irar.l i ,''', - I A oaelo :--rt man vd.e neglect his j opportunity cf making eomc woiuan ! nancr-Lio. i Ilhehcoek. wiiilo 1 Layer : r:su;q;. ; TllC'SupiVlilCii:'.!-! liH u'Tl'l that '. the lui-i-'uiiiic.' I:t2t !,o-oa t..kcn out by j a .ucontnyt.jr on tn-ln.un A.yarn ! l!.lK,t hoU- bo:n- a Cia;K1 RS:"nst thi k- ' :"'-v , : 1? , ;:. v. 50ora attcmp: J ,.ta-r i ch:ir-o o!' Omaha matte;- U !i : :vJt 'h : 1 ub contractor o:i th--i Injt.no Asylum , bv I ho i.iouias d.h sat:o:. o:ii: 9 ! -Lhnhrr Jim's" rmje..-t wiil u,.,tt .their don't bok uut. Hspvl-Uoiti. xc An oW I;jaa in low(,r rart oftbts j connty, yS the White Giond (-7, aed So year, has nvo wives hv:r:g. A f hort t-me t.. in fit o! pleasantry he ocked lus o. in a room, knsdled , i-, ; it ! ...!f.-..1nte:l to -unoke her to death. A.: ii!a:;a'..-J to escape. and the old coon, in his rago at be.nj i i..n,.f...a.. a r.r;.ra , a' n It : '. in nocent ama,emcnt. Kobrl a ca'-, rashe 1 to the hog-pon and beat tlnee or four line lat bogs to d.'ath. It tl:c;e womsu k".-p on growing worthless there is no rching what they will drive urea to do. Y" Mddom hear a better fcaaou on th duty of j repaiing for tho "'bourne whence no traveler returns" than is con tained in tin aJleeory which relates that a man once fell through this world into the next. There he dir-covered that we retain, tho ; parts of ourselves and tho:-e only, which we have a.-siduously u-cd here. Curious was the spectacle pre-stiitt-d to In? won lering fight, lie saw hundieds of hungry looking ears. They were forever congregating and hurrying hither and thither. He was informed that on earth theo b.ad done the hear ing: tf church music an 1 . sermon : had cultivated the listening faculty, and nothing else, so they were now cur and nothing more. He noticed big .-tomaehs lying aioun l contentedly under fences an 1 trees, roi l was tobl tb.at tho.-o were persons who h i 1 -hiohV n-cd their g.-.v t run .mio powers, who h nl a.-:i btojh- -r.zie l at k:o sons and orman!!;;:-" 1 :u restaurants. Ho became ir;tercsl' ta e.me lare dolls, too, tlittt appeared to move their eveiiiis lancooo'v yr.'l jonie- u. no o) g..;. i l"V'"" .e.ii ito i wc-. ?,-:;,( roa. iiucd of laoies who had cultivated goi' l looks. On in-irariring . :t.- for a popular preacher he was con 'uet.- i to a -placj full of ears, where a liv-Iy skeleton, witnout a v.-jt-go oi heart or brain, was still gcuietihuing impress- j ively, Ur-on "fv--: this discovery the man immediately t. leraphc 1 eastward : Ibliow? : "1 lind ih.it powr anus'-d dl out ; that parts r;t,!eeted fall away ; i that wo aio ali.-.ved uidv to Leej i ... - j ... mueh of ourselves as v.e uo. Look out thit yon da not cud m a u- 5i"-:.s car. as a lazy stora tea or as a mg bag o: woio. A letter writer dsserlbi:. a i- the frita: r which n I.. t ueop- ; ; ct impr i.-.a en i.:m wa, i.:0 uuu-ua irtnb-u-oi" very pie: t a vr-iuicn foamar ore; tho oi'toe.i- '; es. I The P.cv. A !i. Smith it.ii-1 h .ar.d Lvdm Smith, at . bi o h Stui: it's, i-i 'an H iren cuaity. ! T?c:i! - V'j person '.ret': prc--nt. si! Su-.it hs but one. a':! be was a widower I v. i,o i..li iij.il t i'. ii .. I 1:11.11, rtl.'J li.i. ... t. ! ..,..,.: ,a c.,.;.t, ,.a ..... I'jO.Miie; out lot auoiner. There Is a movement in Illinois to pa .-. a. law mtd.;u -ndl:- ad fa r jr. that State, not c.,-vcdiiig iLi-ee coat a mile lor any , (h;; . v.:,i..s.t :1 ?0. A vi,!ati,n oftbi. Lav to involve tho road in i live thai the amount aad loss c-f cbai- I t,-r. ju a re or mat tje-i. the chaplain a-ked i ono of the cre'.v if t tbeic w.; ..... . , . . . no.v we f-tiaii oe in heaven Pe-tore twelve o'clock at night." The chaplain tcriiSied at tlm. crpies-in ciied oat, " i lie Lot d forbid." A wv.mia Uvitir; in New York State ha I her eve.-'b.t i t ore i re-oidr, a'tet having I ecu b!i:,d Ibr several ycaV-. The tirit thing ah: did, after o jrets became vi.'i'de, was to sit down and read some letter, which, she presumed, ha i boon sent to her buskoid by Ltdks during her blin luess, 7hc i-he leuirl that her j aai otf-v had heen fee ilng all this liuej on a J number oi Xew.-i.aper imiuii'lation takes this f-lia'-o i.i Kpr in. Lv : Mu-Toit ICntluJct-.; I e0 you give trv notice thtst you intend to open your col umns on office holde'rs. 1 have known met to get their dogskins tanned for meddling in matters that did not concern ihem, mid it may ho that you will furl yourself in that fix if you a'teuiui to carry out your plan. A v. rd to the v?ke is sufficient. '(); t'it.'n iioi.DEit." The KfnntcUuin puUkhes this "Sad: coinu'ients. " I low ia aT":v Svi-vAuiNi;. A story is told of a eitir.cn of I bar. bury, Connecti cut, who was b:Acn cf the wretche I habit of swearing in a novel maimer. He war an inveterate curse r and grum bler. At every meal ho neglected a bder-.-iug, and swore at everything from tP.i r--.T-..- la th,, t.i.if,f I'is rail!:; ib;- Q'.y the napkins soured' the bread, ! and curdled the milk. His wile, a woman, who evident;.' be- lieved the hair of a dog would euro tho bite, h' oo i this un.- a-miv conduct "until ... i. , . . l iri.-eat ai.ee ee-.o,e-.i to oe a virtue. la.uining ho was una.-uah.. cru-s ;:;iu pro fane. an-J was about io take a fresh -.tart tt something eke, ben Lis wife sud denly broke cut with a series of oaths that made the old gentleman get up and leave Lis chair as though some one Lad hiLioducod a pin between the canes. A t.oon as she c-e-.d, he breatldj-rdy remarked, 'Will. I : .war, if it ha go to you can t-.Tiar, it k thee to 'pit. ' And he did. DiVOtCii IS riaiCuluU:-; (auvaU. tt j ujver was so expensive as n.arnage ; aiei :ni7a is way d..vr. a: ctove p .;ndi and Cora siari h i;'i0ta.li"r:-. TfLoro "no family en : T.-rd to to v.:ti.-,ut it." Indiana s:. I irkokarerum'ke: for a monop. v 1 , . - - .. '., " 1 V.' ih-:" . ekmt the nr-ato couits ana i.. ; er i , , . .- , 1 j 1 - t,i uec. down tho mnd ! i "! 'v.:f5 "k r ! 'l!;;; h'"; .. U,.' i TV" ' V1'" -'- ;, :;k '",vl" i Y-- ''la-iiav. tea ti.. .';-". ; i Lt'. J i : j crar-1 b:,o o;au w.i;.;ti , ndiitna i-e-t. not ir.f.u nng ear i.irs. laxo-ir.-ion trains won. a ia.:; within i - ia '.'ii. uii. ii wiiuu.-.i jL,j ....... .... . ,n,v t- a ....., p-, ;'... , f .-vk Vke c-art-rrfcris or anvtbinr;. , r t" i . , , ,o hf inush iioiiiiU. anue -i, hsned, for ttw U-ut-Ut ot .-ca-.ara- lue-n, tho iohowing : A rosy sunr-et pre?ag.--s t .. j ' , : t. . .. ,o t K ' - 1 ; i:r -eather, an a m g..t , e.., a h .-n anv aanoer. a.!:;, yes, replica ti.e!"", " . ' ,' - ' -le -'' sailor; -if it blo.vs a he.rd as it i!.:c, j "r :"!'-- u-aotte t, t. uu - .--.. - ; usual hu.s Lqunimg.the caeu v.a a j winds or rain,, wnue, iact aad dla.e j t:at.-r !.-?. bur vcttuer. - man mod :k with. -..id a crazy u-m tiyiiiff so .jui'to scTij ture. A per- A,.'tin-"-n INIaturc-cf Miohi- can. .-k:i! lor 1)10 ! ;iro t a law ta , ,,,-ohn ;t the ty.n- of the leot or lors c i ran,,Vu.:,t:ol), at i'-.c:, 1 lit c'.ie mtlCll i.'l- M ; i::t .r. i tltr'.m,.' ii-U. ! iht Ftatc. Th.o clj.-et is to con:; ,-1 : ..;tl.u -s tv. 1 i:.a:kct i::c n to j-rovi'So I'Tohil it the tyins the l'eot or iOrs ct i ca-vd or crates for on:, vc-. in j cattle iwA 5hee; n;on on point to another. ev. Y. L. ( Jao. I . I ., I'jsfor ofihe IVa.lSt. Chu:vh, F!artf.,rd, Cur.n., say, of "Onr father', IIon,o": Dr March', i h a in " Oar I'.th.r', U ow," j, a5 L-aatiftdlv c irrio 1 out as ic i.s imvei - c:nMh, a troa' . ' 1 ' . . . tu-c .a natural ineoiogy i.om tv.uuen : :i2Vtr one so pror.omd and cxhau-tive. Ar.d over his diea.-an of j t ofound theo- them; s Ho ha.? thrown a rone 5o , spiritual, poetical and beautiful that '.he ; m--). t j. resale :.u! cannit fail to be charm c,l and tho least religious to be ediiied. ...( V A Mnkmv in Yoiat Mot rti. do not put an enemy in your mouth, to .teal away your teeth. liewaro of destructive tooth wa.dies, and tooth powders, many of which are ba.-e imitations of S' Z vulont In.uro a iil'e lerc of sound tvrth and frrgarnt breath, by adopting the frarrant &::.',t,Lo:tt. "SjM'H.ys Gtnr handy about the house, mends everything. m Don't hawk, !:awk, fpit, .-j.it, blow, blow, and disgust everybody with your Catarth and its offensive ordor, when Dr. Sage's Catairh llcmedy will epeeiily destroy all cr.'or and arrest tho diehe.rge. The pro; in tor oilers $50 for a eadc ho cannot cure. Soli by or Jggi-ts, or uy mail Hxty cents, i'.o.n i . v.a-. v y . Ths. Vi cmi Pii.k. Tho time is nr.it in tho We-1 an-1 South when it tcadi no . . ,itterc?;ee liotv mucli woo-l a lamny burucd. liven in region where wood is j abuii'bint, tho expt-ns'of getting ii is a i largo item 'of family cot, an people are I learning to make their wood pile last as j loner as possibe. There is no agent that ' ..,s tli- ivonornv of fuel so inu.di as a j Charter Oak StoVe. T,y it. j - , II hm:-: .dn.l.s S.. i:"fir-:'i Wa- j Ti.:;, C.ss Co. N'r.it This miii is o i tnoro'Jidi repair. 'IV- i :;n li o.e : grmd wheat and c-rn on toll or exehan re. : as parties p-scfer W.M. ii. S.'ir.i i,. ox, .TvM!- 1J. l'n!.!,;-. 1. - -oi Y- ': S .t . .v goo ! pata.r . t r.-e, i 'd a .-h'-:t tiro: wdl !' ia ooi'e it tho i i it a '. i.o dtf s . l ttoO! . i ii p- r--oo- : .' :': ; t hem ; . . m uebtod to u.s by irlto or jreonut r.re ie iuested to e:;!i at:d setik L.ei:. -Jictely. Yai i i i'r- Ac !b --;-v::;;. F a S.r.:-t. Two or three .''rodi mileli cow-1. iaa n::.- of ! he u:. b'i.d:-:ncd. near Kiv ht ae oiarA ja'.'.' Ic; ..' aiiN lli'"i). ::'. 1 f v a- v ::t ;l n-at cab.-o dn a o to Y. ;. A; It - : ,'s. ii a a:, r .w .--...it: ; ii. ! - t l'-r It'i -ts ?-er ;aL I "uo;.kwif t...1 f) ;.. a ' v.- a' i. u. t;;..-:- ani : o -v. . f : , - .1...,. i ... ........ -. . .. i . ' A'.d'ery s & Pu liner have tho largos -tot!: r.f 'Jrecer?o-3 c-r brought to the c:ty, wheat they b. a.-ht for ca-h :.n-i at rcd.ieod pi'.ecs. Call and ::a:i.lno th- ir (tuck. aplod.vwtr Go to Yailervsi'; Pu!fiierk ( Luv yeur Dry Goods Thay are .sching elLapei than t!-o cb.o.ii.c-1. A td' -ry.- a; ilu.h'nor have jo-! reeok-i'd a new i:upp!y .f Uoot and Shot-s. whi.-h tluy arc sviliii r wry low. - - VALLtlKYS i LUPr Niat Are rre.v receiving tho l.ir.-e.-t stock o I 1 .-c.-? I.iaati ever- oteiia'it to this ueii-- Let, Vftaoii thiyaro tx: cb:-ap lor cad:. apbxbtwtf Goto Vulleiys & Runner's nnd bit- voor : and cha.os. the beat in m-ir- i k . j t t. . aniodAwtf Y. M. C. A. LKCTCIIbIS S70-'7f. 'Jba inb'ie infji-mc-I that a full corps of Lecturers ha-le;e?i : ecari-d for the sea-on. an ! the i:-li.,-wintr are announced ibr the men lit of JANUARY. Friday iM-h Prof. 11. W.-.tvui Smith. Saturday I'Sth Ibon J. I. Jbal ii; k. Fre.-.u l'our la dre '..a-'o.. -- will bo uivcu each urovh. Sea-on tickets, lor the m'ir- t-o'ir.-c can i:e obtained ft..ni the i Librarian cr ti. ihv.msof the As-oeia- tiou: 0--ar b- .kdm-on. Dru-vbt and Ib ola-clh r. rfaiu .-treet an 1 Henry .J. ... i :.... . . : . . Ha .a. t ; .;i-i'i.:t, acHu.. .;i.er an-a .-lanoiicr, x. j Pninitig. Single Lecture Tickets at the same places. dee': kf JL J i V e.ivOi. .-. V laeaiaf-i V "k, !:. iaa., I i : i -..- . -,0 . a . : u -. a.i' . a . i : a i kc a .a., afa.-i. i .a' : ii" la:1 I ' i'-.-I .-. '- la-n .--..I ; ait. t. i a'. r'a" u a' : "!a.;-ac i ;" ;'.'"'.'- .'.ev.-e t- .. .la-irr. ,.i,v. j: iaa?. ai- t, : . . . . Sti: :l-r' : t l.avr. i..- in.Tr ... i . J. '.a.. . i i-ij - ... ... i n ...... . a. . . . . . ... -u Wi! WiUiiX . vj.,. ., p.-o, i avO.- t :, , - a:-; ... ai.a t...; a ....aak;..!-.ab I .!:.-e.; r -ie- iv. v a'. vi -tts t 1.. -a- . i a . , .. .. , .a .r.. -a;-; ;; . V-- a , : ;" ' ;,iV' a ::,.;,;.-. ;: ..a 'I M - ! a.r . a . , . ai ' a. . V. . , I j,-.. a e .fit f'..V.'..t.-'J A -.C.uta. Cf. t.-i;: i'ao.iaj wi. 'i'i- :'a" :c "Il'"" v. :'! t t.ai.-e ; aii-v . le v. i.iv.'Alli A. V Ji.S i-a s-4:'u S a .1 Strtt, O Ui.a.a-'l.ttrs ;. ,. V. : -i-. . : c .v.i.1 tiatr.-a-'ai. .."f lii'. I'fl-r - - grr-Jra5.??""l'ir; fJK-.-, ,".0ai3 iiucti, vrttc-rc.".?. J . F. ?tu!l ha on this K.e. .Jay cf j.,a-.,.,ry. A.IUl,' n5.s.h -atfet r.r U-t- : ! .v "I Ao-.i a " r ' i- i or . v ' ' ': Ja-a.h , hs;:(c?VV',.i,k.;.Vp-V..,,::-y '.Nn-hratka. rv-Hn.-Clt-e". .rlati..no-I..:fot .w!..:en w t -b,;; ibt.'Gk'jUNVaCv:11 , -';;ri-,V,,:.';1-' i LJAjitJl 1 ivlV , r-.. J T , - x ; , j ta 2 i- n.'HPr" o r. r-c o r n3 r-"' 1 VA ). i !)- (: am. i e.sckivt: n- : at Metalic Burial Cases, All -r T T 7 XT' WOODEN c()FFiNs1iil;;i;;;:'; ; t itlioi . ;.! 1 l.. Ready Made, srd Sold Chetp f.r Csstu J .i-i'-a !-.; TVITJT iinry thankj f-r t i.-t ..I'mMt-i. invitu t-i rail :o 1 csaa::ij i:iy Ir cf Furuituro a a ! C.!lin. ijati'-Ml. l-..f..V l.l.tl't, I-..1T. i-.ii.ir iu ii.iiLiiu.ie. Until l'-irilKT nuii -'' tr.ili;" wii! I trc tu ! ar rivo -t :i)ab:i ;;l.:i ,v. s : Leave -VITIVC. lj pr. -s 1 ji. in. )"r.-ii.-tit T ; i :t. in. iA ixr.l 0:U-'i'. lit. r.xtr-:--. l-TO" I-1 .-1 r a. Jirivt (viipi'i t: .a iiiiiilo at l'u: 0;.i i'n (Vii. - .... IX'-'l 'I l. l A N. AC l?ai!r.r.'l:Jhnj.. It. t. l':n n;..: llurihii't'.'i .V It. K. K.. !.:.-. City. t. .)'. i It iilr!i.-. 1 :i f- i..j4.n! with !iu'. f'-r l.i'ii-nJn :iinl U -f l.,tiit. At CUit-y.-no with IVnvrr I'.i'i.ioil. It. t i l'i.n- vr. tVutral City. ':i.tii Vfaml :Mii:o in !li rj. (loan.l Nrw .M.-.ii-.. At lh-yiot. -. i:h : -t.-is-s .r th.o -ri-at iwuti-r iiii-iitii; li---t i-ts. .i . - - ill II. wi'.'.i l.'t:ili Cii.tr.il K. It. 1 ;::iii 1. :-.',.! a-'nl South t-rn I l:i(i. iui.l C. I'. It. It. IV. r Ci rii.uo. Yinrinia City. IK-i-tia. .V hit.- Pin-.'. Sa-r.i:t. !!.., S.oi :"'-!-;. a'l I ri : .i : ::! c.i ii- in i' yr.lj, -x:'.V:"':'- ,!'" !"""..: U vi,:i!ro:i. 1 " K ' - -' 1 ' : '. in c ".'.I::;. i:i (. C l-'ill lillU:.! i-.tl'l ...... I , )(.. ,,l ;,!'. i. i' irner T. E. f i. !.. , 'j'-i.'i .-ur:. '. C -:t !., :;c.i'l Ps-s. A ," !::. ' Luxuries ofM-oc'crn iravci.'' ::::!:. o unys t .' .T.1 v' b'tV i"'' lie has . a-.. tuv - i-" -::: ;!y l-;i. I :; ',rdor to I. uu t.o-ii pa : ''"ii a lt.iOn, i i I i.r :i:.:t lu able to iit.-i! i n SiiK (. , l-'i'i'i ! ; ii i i.- in ...e t.. aic tr.!i::i.!.rtaii..ii,l y ... i'-.-o.ii ta- .-sir; .eiali- tii:titiust a in- t rias: i i a. i 1. 1 u t t-. .;i . 1. . , a:.. I loM.iiioiivt'.. a ... 1 hii' I l,ca v iron I 'it 1 1 tati u V l'liha-f Si. -i.ii.n- ear,-. I'ullniuuV dii i:m -ais. a i tr-.-.-t r -o.'.e, ! .a :: a. . t ;..i.-1' ad :.'. Oil n:.-!i. ti. l lolM. . 1 (.'..' .'.in iiri.-i.iil I ..-io i.- ni'i k iii- cvi'i v r a oft t 1 ai! ta.- .-....'.!. a.-.- t-- .i i;.,-:i .;. ,i ... ;.ii r- a l "to c ; i a.i ; n.' - .- . ' . .-I. in.rtl. .'::::. 1 y ii.. .... u: i'.-i ... iaj.-. ti.-:, ;:.- i-iioV ; i. . .-- !.'! 'n-I .'.tin., l-.-i"-. ... -at f . a .-.It .,:::i l..a- Jl. .V eh .1. it., . : . .. ... i .!.'..:: . at':- .1 .J.-aoi-a ..... !!.'.!. 1. f-.r :;tl i " i.; - .!i i k :.-...-!. .Vi-. l. A; -n::i:,.. a. v. .: t.i.: !-. !! ::! r'.h-y ..ic! i:i.-''t .' 1 .- a i : r.: i r. i 1 s. ... !t:j,:.. weh 'in- i: . c. u. a M ::. I: . P..,-h . . oil .-. o. .-'.! : - - i" : :, -...- : . !. it. I. .v !.. li-i V, -. r,i i ; - i .". .-:!:. :..i ,-t. !'.. :;i. v : 1 i..i;iis in ti.u ..-t. : .r St h . .-.: r. i i : i; , i:itii.' .- -J.'t.. . . i 7. At ui. .vi i!.c : ia,- I". . j i-.:i t.'i: : . in Vv.r: f "-a-oi. !, .a i f 1 : a i : ! aa - .a: a : , ; . ! i'-.. -.-; a : , .- r . i. a w. it. f l.'i--l! ' ::i0 u-a -. i. At M -i. a.:, .vii'... 1 t!i ;;....- C.-iOrnt. !. At CiilCA'iO. v,-.. i ! i a -0. a.:', i. . . i. :: ;;.! .-:.-! an ! 'f i;' v. trie.;, :':i... 1 a i ... i . . ri !;..uii).' eif. ia7o : o" O rhilr.dolphii "aic Hoinvay. :i.-r .':.:... 'J' .'.I. Oi. ru.e r.fa . :i -a :. .-. at a t. ' - a ,i..n a.. :aaa ; ; ... .:;. . -. O.-: aa x. .' I an its i- A-.-- r.n-yi ,an: -. it. O.aai i--. r.l v f-l i ia. : 0 I-i: ' i : 'Vr-i T.-.I.. !: VI! -.--i a . a i 1 V'.. .a. :.-, -at. an- at I.. -C. K i i . - . ; a ; a , . PI : i . i . i i !;!.! '. : t O.i 'li . I'wt, r:-r a' 1 M ,:!:.. a: .il, i.v.o i !i:i. 1 !.!.i.-t. v ii.aii.a-ji.. i " " ti : r t !.... !! a ... n. lata . i. :u : :t ii: . ' ' h in ' O . a it.ili K.-i-;-.. lit -CI ic: v.-.- W. at. 1 an ,, ..; ji.-r ai n -k 11.. r i it. i ii. I T'rf a i:a. Ma':'. Trnin lv'TeV Ki i.'. v iaiaiie-p.a-t, " " an-nt Pa l!a ii.li.Ui.1, Erie E.ri.r'': h a v. Ks ;;n- .ti .'i.i: !-V Ij.ilk. ' K!i..:.-.. ia-.il I. :.v... a .tii-ie ; ".1. :.i :- i.t Pi. 0 l.-ti ai. o it in ! .! t a. :.l c ;.i .i ai ; i i p i-i S I-, I. i,i .' a- -1 in 'J . a in e ' : i;, li:.i.it cjj rc.-. - I.- ' 1 1 .- i. i. : a. in -j."i t, J - a im ' " " Pan , i.tn.r. t. re .--in " a.Titt ' i. a ...l.'l.ii ia, !l a', u i,. I: .1 1 n.-t-,-!o ta. at 1 n--. i: l!:-v. n. 11 a", h m ' .-; i-at 'a il . laai-; ..:t, .:""1 in lial-l !t:.'lc t-nrpt .- ;l-:t .a? I. iia .cu. 0 TO. j- la " an :.! .Oiaiia i . .-t . l-i: 'i,i,i ..c.-i. mail aaO A(a-..t!ii.. ..hi 0. ,:i i-:i- t :;u.l wt-;'t. e uii.i-i t at Carry, ae 1 sol v- : i.- aal l-.-ain-s an 1 mail in. 1 !- ..f.i:. l"t:i.ii faa t M Ir.-i:ie!..w a with 0:1 Co a aa l A'h-af :,r hiv ?r lluilf .i'l, V ; t.i nx .. P..U !,n n, (i-ati;;! S'..1 :-;i.tf!.-Ji..t. j k;al noxi3e. M.izwcl! Char-la!" va Mile." IJ rotvn t.i I A i:n ti i 0--n-vn. Ia th li.-tri...t C.tirt. 'J'l .iti iaa.l L:-o i..e i.i tn-l Ji.r C.tx C"tt:ity. Nc In .M i '. l'.rw u an 1 A tin- ia lin-wn. ivnr.fi-.1,-1.:--, 01. M-lati's. -vi'i t-iki- i:..!i. " ll.-. M.-.-w.ii A 'i.ii.'i..i u. t in- l-lai-ola.- Oil i.ti tij.j 5-t .1 .y nl ii-ti.i.rr, A. P. i-e . Ch '.v ..:::-i in t h a- i.tlii-c t. tilt' ;.-:!; i t'tSif I)a-wi.-:C .ui'. r 1 .! la ial hi-!; :'.:!. MiO i..r Ca - - --un-.y. N lira. ka. ; ha- i.l.ji'i : ;. n-1 1 .- a' ar "i iv '. i. ii i - ! o1 taia a ju'Un;s;! ti.tin-; you ;o -i i:i i.ivi.r f 1-iain: ill, h ! tin- .-'ai.i ..I '.:' heiao-. 1 an. I I'tOy iol ! -i r- ..- l.i'.in-y i.i ti.i . - I I :- .-a i.i . i. o tal .1. ! s a t t ht-ir istatico aial ri-. a : . aial t-.r .-.-r-. i. . " rcnilcre.t r-.- i.l !i--'-ii.liiiir :o ta -ir ia-aim-i. an i rf"ia.-'. y..;i at-" larra.-r i.- 'i '! that i n th" i.e .iay .-.'f n.-'.oi.... I-., -. a a .! i. a I ; a.-ii ilicti ; a -i.-sma in s:. 1.1 u .:' y t ". a ! ra ..1 . a i.l i nurt. a n i tii ' t ia: If i.l tO- -..uti. - v. ' .j.i.nf' :'' -ti. .ti N-.. a::..'.:. s-hij. .I'vi.-,i. i:"i!ii .i' laiiin- nr. -'v.! i-a '. ai " !i -1 n? y..ur ; . r. . j . . -r ta I H',1 t an I . , ; I :"'l I i t t.o j, ay in.- nl : O .. I , ia -t.-i-...-t a::0 . . a . y.-i : t r -1 ". 0 a 1 to i ii.--.yi r .-ai 1 r't i: ioa. a er L. t-.r.- tV- i'.:h .lav (' l-'i l.no.i-v, !,71 Ai.'.X V, to.L A CilAi ;. Ai. J ...-eci-i.t. -r -.- 0. r.'.Cii i-.l ilAiLWA 'i o.- .ui- .-oa i. i. Pa-. nr.iTi'r-lcavinj? St. J..p. via. .M is- .iiri Yal liv I. . iirita I at 1 c'.-ldia: p. in. ma '.:; ' 'o n ai: l f urc i-uLiifi'- i"i -s nt Ivaa-. .- ( ity wiih t 1 i I'liu- r r r a I, tin ' v tit'? : t Nt . la ". :- i.-i-x t ia'., n i a ut . 5 ..'..!.. !,. '!;::-!- no v.- a !. r -I. - - i al i:: i- rv j r. -J '-at. '...- ir"i: iiiv I"" n l.o i : r ; t . i .ai.a: i ii i:;a,::nliai.lO -I ....H!;' aft i : ,. r a.a li.m i.a yp ! 1 1 a to it - ... t.i .a:;, a-' 1 a. - " r-.'f r i an r: Iv ..n iis t.i't'.iiijf 'C - :: 1 . a ; ; . I 0 iaa. 'i I: ' i ti.. It.-' r-..'tf" Ir-jtii St. Ju. -;.h , !. 1 a i-i, th-.- :: .an- !. 1 1 : ' 1 .-'.ii - hvi -1. '1 'i: mi-ii t I.i -i - 1 .i- at- 1. 1 the la : - .-f !' -tii Vait-y j; -on ..-i.i. it. c. ;.::;:; ; .-. Th'..-. Iv rrnie. G. '. .A. V. . h. :. a . i. A. xix-i Si - i. a u 0..'.-. :.. r. ao i. -i j :. :.a a ' ..-.. a- -a. 1 '-.' v. MM I j j,. ., .. ; ln ,,..,.. v. J : .,.....';..,, ., ,I , ... tt . ...a, Hit Utx. i . . - 1 w-ir-f.-. ' -:-H-ii..ii. i. : li-,. r ; ;-. :, "...i.r : . iaaaia - a; t :-' 1 f 1 I i I W-n;T.. ri I a A a it..! i ; - . . , . vtti:,cait i.;-.-. . . ao-.aae-.-tii I - rV,:.., f.lr -v-A C nh.a pri i -;eravti t t nil h.-r--., .-i.a . a tiou hy t.i-n. 1 s ---"- v-TV,;r.r, ; r ;- .' 'k , V . ' i a.,t.s. r- i-t ...J a... t. j cLi . L?,di23 Bazaar. M". h. 15. C". 'e r ,!. C... v:-'.i to anno R a lh'- 'n-ali.-' '.; .'I.::: ta.-tth M. I. vh-iio' : ih'-v ar,- j ast i i i..ia' i --..-!. .-'.o. K nl .ii.i . raai l'.n:'-r i'i....h of ilinnan,. :ao.-in. tr; li:.-y niil i.'.'l-r v. ry 1 .'.v. Jr..-- '-at in-l r intilf latc-t aii'l l-y; -i'j.i -l t '. ! .i..; 4 1 t)- .....I i it t . ' .. - I.- !.: a. IV. . ' I r;,;"iy ; ,:.-.: aa-a-..: : ...a.., iv iv... a. lt- ' ' : t I III . ' ' 'I a . '. t. :n. ; -'-' " ';' '': "' ' ; : ! ! " a- -i-.ia i ' -: ho. 1 ov. a; eg ..... ! ! .. . I ......a - "i i v I i - 'ill t tar. ; : I a in h.. V .1 -' I . ' I l ' -' a ' a ri 1 ' l. "I. . i .' - 1 aa.l ta. l: a 1 1- " -ia a 0 , a. : i . i i: : l..y t i.u I ." : o i: 'O i.. ; .. a i i - v ' ' 1 v. ..''. - '..I.' o i I . .-' . i . . - . 1 a. i i I.!'- im a'-aa : r a i - :'-: -.- . a. . ... - ar :- . ; la- 'I h-a , j--,-V -' v i: ,..,4 i 'hM::.v. c.oi UJ. .. ,.- . .a,..;. . . ,,.rrn ; : - - ' " i' i ir. a o..-t. -it r.nti'-e. M.r ti.. ; :es.-tt wt- tv, i !::'! .V' :,!-' ' ''''''' "'Xt. 1 ! -i..-y. ..t,.f..l :! i I i., . ... . I . ! !-',;" ' -. V : " i r -CX il.ll OA ' r ... . ' . t... ' ..'-i'l-; .... .,, ,, , , ., i . . . , ; -'-.::-iv -. ;, ,: ' ' :. ; i-.-'-r.i - : .... , , . , ' ' 'y . '. !,".:;',." ' ! '-:: :.!!.,. !..,:, ;.,....;.: . " ,"';.M ! M-.T:;v:-iV-.:;! - v r::':'- vc v:i-.....,. ' V; ! ; ir;v:,:;.il';:,;;i;;; ,'-!.mv, :: ire: ,.M ... j , " ' ''I! Vi-. ;., i i-"-'.1K'' T.H.-'.V1 "" ul.l. ! ..-.. '.V I'.-. Vi,r.w: 0 .. .., , . A'iK - i!.i-'ri;!,i: ,.i - CII.iS. J.U 'i.TE fvlO Die- - : : -j- , i; . 1 ' The i i r i: . ,s' ...... . ' " - s rl'l' l:..;.! M.,.. I.- -. I- .i.i i .0 .. ,, i . l'u.. : -. v , . ..ill v t'i r;n-!i mi!. -i m' . r: A I .' I Or :'. 1. lit- !:: . ! ,. . . ; ,. , , j j , .., i ' ' ' . ; ' ' " ! i TI ' 71' V, 'i'-'1' 1 '. m: W ' r. I.-,. .:; , :i . j "I' a ci.. .-. .. ,. , t nf Aitv. i-: - j ;.t .f ii. !:i-l i. ---.,-..- ', (..-, ,j I'.'o'V : ' . . , V .. -'i.'s ;!. i :.i: ! t.:r rn. , .rr!uu.ii. r-i- . f:i. 1 ut 1 Oai li. . I1. . lllli ..'.I' . t . '.I v. ... 1. '- r- . :'. .. 1 Ii t - , , .i - -tr.i in n :.. ui-.U ,.. . ,' lo r.: h .-u.. - . ;! . r s . with -i ti !.::. in:.:!i 1 (.,, t i.,. i V! i--nt J. .i .'uif- V. Jr.NMv; 1 . hn-tniwu;', V. '. ;iwt !. - i. i . j iraou. I rno ?.'f''rr. ! llJal lu.ilu I Ll? li I!ril ;'un .-. i v ; r S. C : ; t .,, ! l.::ti:, Jcoiv IV. Ir. - I T . V. i.-.ia tui.l :,-.. r.- V. ' P ' . ! i....n.Ul.!.5. 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It la.n i ao i : . ' f n ..f Ivit tliiitv ". ia r. in tint'. 1.. ' f.iiiar. I'...-I. v .i i ".-.. .: .!. Mc:iAJaj.-:";.i i oc .,- . & If P r j ! jfii t' V' m V. :.iii". ' ij - J.i.t. I .:...- l. i-a i' ill I.-. ( r !.-. ; .t . ' :. ii I i ti -"iT i: '.! u.i! Co.- ( t . . i..-. 1 1 L- a .-: .-a ..! .-'i'l a .-ft lrli'l ti I'l'.'. ia -; i' : ' ' J... ,-t .f . h a r. i j-. t r- - Oi " 0 ' a. -' t 10 1 ah' !.. ait .-l a -.. W:a li , l '. , i ii. p. ' ;.- ;.i - :.. r ..':.! i ttrr W..rii'T' i , ' i'. ' ia. Ji 1 i-.lrr 'i-i-i a JJ. ' "-S. T T '5 if - " . ..a .'t j--, -.-v?rr75R.i;-i.-.3...'.' V. ,'. i l. a I , I ' hi.'!, it', i a: 1.1 1? ll.at. i : 1. I ts pi-ft nr.-a i .'z. 'i ii: . ; ia..: -. ii.a r;. I l'. ... e.-,- - ill it.!! I. '11 :l-i I -.::; VII. 4. .11. I ' ill;- : t ! ... mo-t oli.-i ia Oa t.. ? ..f ' ' 'JoblK. hir 'Jl.roir. Jli on. ..it Ii,:,.,..!, . :: : ; h. hi :r - I i s A-t h:n.i i.ii.i C i. ili... -' i:i'-f 1 ''. in..t it Uu ti . 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