FAiTORYVlLLB MILLS! ON THE SOUTH WEEPING WATER. XXXX At$2.50persacL XX FI.OLR 2,00 per SACK Bran Sbart "5cU. per lOfClt. rae AS abort. Extra GooS'd 100!b 1 00 pw Corn meal $ 25 per hundred pound. FLOUR Exchanged for Wheat as usual. Wheat and Cora (round on Toil e"ix'p tcit I taken mtiifv all tco mW 10,000 Bushels of Wheat and 20 000 Bushels Corn W. E, SIIELDO . Agent. FoblO lAwtf. ., uNQUEsuoyAiiLr the it f.st sus tained woj:k of THE A'ND IS THE WOULD." Harper's Magazine- JJOTIftH OF Til l"!TFSS. more delightful travels are printed in the rogli.-b language than nopear perpetually in ji4PrK's .Mi7I.nk. They ure read with filial interest and satisfaction by hoys of every t-S'its from eighteen to eighty. Its srientitiic papers, while sullieiciitly profound to demand the attention of the learned, are yet admirably adapted t the popular understanding, and de signed as in 11 eh ' to defuse correct information concerning eiirrent ssientitie discovery as it rould be if it was the organ of the " .Society for llic DefTusion of Useful Knowledge. Ihe jrrat design of lURrKU'A Mao.izhk is to give correct information and rational amusement to the great mass of the people. There arc few intelligent American families in which lln rit's Ms.ziMt would not be an appreciated on 1 highly-welo.me guest. There is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading family can lc.-s ti.,rd to be without. Many Magazines arc ac cumulated. II aki-kr'si is edited. The. o is not a M.iicazine that is printed which shows more intelligent pains expended on it? articles and irecliaiiieal execution. There is not a cheaper M:u-a7!iie published. There is not. confessed .by a more popular Magaline in the world. r F'tjhl'-'d J'tnt-trmt. It i one of the wonders of iournalism the editorial management of HiBrsa'ii. 7 .Varan, S. 1 . s uBscnir Tioysni. Term : HtrriR Maoazink. one yer JU 00 An extra copy of cither tha Magazine. eekly or Bazar will be supplied tcralis for every club ol five subset ibers at ;t IK) each, in one remit tance; or. six copies lor 1U uo. without extra copv. Subscriptions to Harper's Mngn.ine. Weekly or Ta7ar. to one address for one year. $11) ll ; or. two of Harper's Periodicals, to 0110 address ior one vcar, s7 151. lia.-W numbers can be suppled ft auy time. A complete set of Harper's Magazine, now compri.-inir U volumna, in neat cloth bindin?. w 11 be scut by express, freight at expense of the purchaser, for Si 'ii per volume, r ingle Toluiaes. by miil postpaid. i' (. Cloth cases, for binding. -r).H cents, by mad, postpaid. The post;igo on Harpers M.i:azi;ie is 21 centsa year, which must bo paid at the lubscriber's lust uSice. AdJresi H4.RFER BROTHERS. New Yor i Legal Notice. To Albert Mitchel. non-resident, defendant, take notice that yon have been sued by Win. M. M Clung before A. K. Jenks, one of the Justices cf tlie Peace in and for Ca s county. Nebraska, an order of attachment was issued ag.iin-t your i r. j crtv fi.r S'i-"'.7"i and cost not to exceed $.oo. mi I plaintiff will take judgment by default f-.rsaid claim mi 1 costs, unless you answer on tne j.'.th dav of January. A. D. 171. at ten o'clock A. M. at -uid Justice Office in couth Bond pre cint. Cuss county, Nebraska. U.e 2i lt.70. wJ. A. M A R RLE. Atty. for Plaintiff. "SHOO FLY" Don't Bodder hlorrison" For Ho is Too Busy" Waiting cn Customers. HORRISOK'S "SM0O FLY,' MEAT MARKET 0n Door Ea-'t of tha Court'IIou if tba I'laaa 1 1 cet all kinds of II has f:tte,l up the f nest Market in the Stat, and keeps nothing but the best of Meats. Meats delivered in any Quantities on special contracts. Ilishcst I'riees Taid for F A T C A T T L Doa't Forjet to Plare, Morrison's "Shoo Fly." UdJwt H'JW IS IT O'Nells' Trade is Increasing! tscau. he Cuts and Makes up the beet suit of Clothe in the West. II has just received a new stock of If I ;V T BR GOODS Which consists of Baa vers. Chinchellas, Treoti, Miltuns. and Fancy Casimeres, Ail of which ho will make up cheap for eath aorriif pr.OBATE NOTICE. Whereas, iiustavus Pchnnsse has made appli rt ion for Letters of Ad ruin is; rat ion on the estate "f August Tielr. deceased. Itite of Cass couuty. Nebraska, notice is heieby (riven to all parties iVeri -; d. that said application will be heard on :e Jlst uay of December. A. D. H70 at 10 o'clock A.M. A. L. CHILD. d?eSw"t. JeJn dProh Estray Notice. Taken up hy the subscriber, in Rock Rla3" rrcinet. Cass county Neb., on irth of Nov.. 're rcl steer, crop oti' the left ear. and under uit in the right; one year old last fpring. Also: "ne rcnn heifer, with undcrbit in the eft car. m other mark or brands perceivable; oua year oil. deeliwSt mo3 Bsbgek. T. F. WHEELER. Sunday School MissioNary. f' r Nchrajika.and Southwestern Iowa. Attends b establishing and supplying Sunday school, larties ordering supplies can send money iui drafts or Post Office Orders, addres T. F. WHEELER. Civ. Nebraska; .F REIUIIT TRANSFER. The undersifrned is prepared to transfer freights between Plattsmouth and East Platu mouth rn short notice and reasonable terms. mayj;.!tf. W. J. WHITE. CARPENTERS A JOINERS. Are prepare to do work in itood Myle, on short notice, and Vf cheap a the cheapest. filjop. corner ol liaioui, i KouilU streets. au(f31dtf. V CARPENTER AND JOINER, will do r.II -k 111 his line on short notice and in the best f. Contrictis for building made r,n rea-ona-terrt. Shot' "so bl.'.k mr.'h of (-'I,.m.. VrO- "Wholesale and DOOM. EH.O. i CO. ar mIHds for oh: Ber t Coffer "A" .Sufc-ar,. ... ;' do Brown do Best Peaches.. Apples cyrup, V pal... do r' ... do " ... Coal Oil. " ... Dry Ooods at JDoom, I2ro. Co. Hoolr, and Shoes at Doom's. Notions at Doom's D. 6IMPS0N, J. D SIMPSON ifc CO., Forwarding and Gommission Merchants Agents oMhe Omaha & St. Louis 40" Line Packets Plattsmouth," TJeb. We are new oocopyiag tb room formerly occupied by E. T. Duke i Co., and ar d Korwarding and Commission Business, Ware Hucie attached, we can furcUh all the storage wanted. All eoodt aent in our care will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and goods distined for Ashland. Lincoln, and the Blue River, will beforwardoj without delay. UAtl AM SEE US. oberSJJtwtr. S, BLOOM & CO., PL A' swa j tf 0 BOYS A.VLf CHILDRESS CLOTlll.YG IIat3 and Caps, Boots and Alices, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E.C. ain Street. Second Door East of the Court House RANCII HOUSE Broadway. Council Bluffs Iowa. DEALER IX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware RooSne. Gutterinc. Spouting and Repairin; doco. J am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty Not to b Undersold, as 1 am'IJuying of First Hands. A. No. 1 Tlowf and IVitiTators. e'.os in out at Coit. Remember tb plaee 7 la in t. ncx to Vitt Hotel WESTERN MARKET. F. W. Morrison, Has just opened his New Western market. Cmrrt'r Jfm'n and C'h. Streets, (White JrStir.i old stand.) where he proposes to supply the people with All Kinds of Meats, Game &c, At the lowest price toins. Call and fee him. de:24dtf. PI.1TTSMOUTII MILLS. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. Ilavinft recently bof l repaired and placed in thorough runninir order. liit.ntKl lr.sh? Is of Wheat wanted itnmeiiateiy ! r '!; th !:tjl;rr ir..r': -t :riee w;:! b- r'3,:' 3 and Hetail H.GS3H. 4 It. for $1.00 .ft 1 00 " 2 l.w) l.(MJ 1.00 l.W ".I'.bb ...l.S, ... .iit A. LAZENBY. NOTHING. - mm Plattsmouth, Nebra MCfi9.t.s9niai9li Veeping Water Nebraska. DEALERS 15 Dry Coods. Virarerie.. Hardware. Vurensware. Boots, and Shoes. . - , Hats, and Caps. AsTiuIt'iral Impliments of all kinds. Weirar I A L Cultivators. Union Corn Planter ijrandetnur and l'liutrtmi Plows. Ac Ac ndiuf tatam. all of which we ofler to the public at the ow est retail prices. All Goods Warranted As Represented, . 9On" constant aim will be to sell so low'1"' it will be to the positive advantage of every mer in the w stern and central portion o Cn county to make this their head, tiarters for trad ' . . . KKED. RROS. : t; mir W ater, t t. ISTO. e arc also nirentu lor Mower. Reaper., no . rahinc Machines. apTwtf J. IV. WISE, General Life. AcciJent. Fire. Inland andTrans lnsuranoe Afrent. Will take risks at reason able rates in the most reliable Companies in the I nited States Office opp- site the Court House, i i : : '.:. N--bm'i i . -tcsvjitf MERK LOCAL IEWS- There were over twentj- teams, anJ a corre.pornling number of men, enairi d iu tsking ice frmn the river to day, for use next summer. Forty female women were brought Le foro the Recorder's court of Omaha a few days since. The Senatorial contest hi Is fair to Le a lively one. The hoti.ls of Lincoln are crowled '"headquarter:," at the Tieh nur House. The city of Plattsuiouth is not exactly on the ' verge of bankruptcy." She is still able to settle co-ts in a Justice's court, for her favorite officers. The city has made all the improve uients demanded on public property, and improvements on private property have been commenced. A wire was stretched to-day connecting the telegraph office of the Railroad de pot with the one under the Herald office. Our Lincoln advices of to-day indicate a majority of both Houses in favor of the re-election of 'Jen. Thayer to the U. Later advitvs from the front indicate that the Rogers star is in the ascendant icale and all the ants are locking to him. He will yet make land if he keeps a stiff upper lip. Mr. Martin of Council liiuffs, is in the city with a patent stove p'Pft damper for sale. It is a new an 1 novel arrange ment, and the one which we have works admirable. Is is called the " Burdick Damper and Vcntillator." Geo. Carroll, son of John Carroll, a wealthy farmer who resides a few miles south of this city, was arrested by officer Williams yesterday, on the charge of at tempting to pass a $l!0 counterfeit bill. He was committed by Judge Childs for examination before U. S. Commissoncr. The bill is an exact fact similie of the one which 'Vui. Lincoln attempted to pav some timesdnce, and for which he is now serving out his time in the Penitentiary. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr Potter, the new partner in the Omaha Republican, whi'c ia Lincoln. Mr. Potter will assume editorial charge of the paper about the 20th int. , and if we are not very much mistaken in the man he will, to use a we-teni phrase, "sdiow aa ugly quill-" He is a man in the prime of life, and has spent most of his life in the newspaper field. Look out for accidents on the river. 1). N. Johnson's team broke through the ice this morning, but fortunately got out without damage. Johnson thinks it will pay him to kt his team stand in the stable. Prize candy packages h-ive been de nounce 1 bv moralists as an incentive to sramblin. Prom a financial point of view they are certainly a poor invest ment, for any person having the least particle of common rcne must see that a majority of purchasers must be victim ized if an occasional one gets a big re turn for liis money. Worst of all, how ever, is th quality of the confections furnished. At Lfayettc, Indiana, the other day, a farmer bought a "prize package," and gave it to his children They Boon became violently sick, and the alarmed father took the remaining candy to a physician for analysis. The result was the discovery of a quantity of aeetnte of zinc, a deadly poison when tr.kcn in large doses. In the ca-e above men tioned no lives; were lost, but a warning wa3 given which should not be disre garded by those disposed to try their luck and their stomachs at the same time. Cinciunutt Gozrtle. Amoni the sermons preached last Sun day in New York we notice one upon Free Masonry. We suppose Free Mason ry is often tou,h upon in the pulpit; and know that lorig since a Christian Cn vention met in Cincinnati ro resolve against it d put it down. We there fore rerrard this sermon of Rev. W. F. Chrke as'remaikaMo. boeiu-e it is aple a for Free Masonry. Now the secret and the purpose of this nwlent order is en tirely unknown to us. We have known mor? bad men who wore not Masons than bad men who wore. We have never been murdered by the Ma.-ons, though our grandfather did tell us that Morgnn was. We have never suspected that the Free M.ion was very much better, or worse than anybody else. And we are not tony to know from this preacher that keeping a secret is not crimnal, that business firms arc secret societies, and banks, and homes, and churches, and almost everything wherein individuals combine for mutual strength ening and aid. Mr. Claike assures the public that "Masonry is eventually a a social, charitable, and moral order." He ouht t know, an 1 we hope that it is all exactly so. We have no reason to think otherwise. Germantoicn Chroni cle. Ladies should read newspapers. It is a great mistake in female education to keep a young lady's attention devoted to only the fashionable literature of the day. I you would qualify her for con versation. you must give her something to talk about cive her education with the actual world, with tlie outer world and its transpiring events, urge her to read newspapers, and become familiar with the present character and improve ment of our race. History is of son e importance, but the past world is dead, we have nothing to do with it. Our thought? and our concerns shall be for the present world, to know what it is, and improve the condition of it. Let her have an intelligent conversation con cerning the mental, moral and religious improvements of our time. Iet the gilded annuals and poems on the center table be kept part of the time covered with weekly and daily journals. Let the family men, women and children, read newspapers. A new Democrat paper, at Newport, Ind.. is to be managed by "Jump & Whalem." The firm think themselves able to dispense with the specialty of a "fighting editor." Mrs. Mary P- Rrooks Mother of the late Preston S. Rrooks. and sister of Chancellor Carroll, of South Carolina, died recently ia that State, at the age of 96 years. At Duxbury, Massachusetts, a monu ment to Miles StandUh is to be erected on "Captain's Hill." Impudence. Nothing carries a man through the world like a true, genuine, natural impudence. Its counterfeit is pood for nothing, nor can ever eupiKjrt ;:--'t" t nitric ol n Mlitrviit;; .'Irtii. A Mr. Kvarts. who got lot amid the mountain of Calif! ruin, wanderi-d about for manj days, and was finally discovered when nearly perishmg for want of food, had strange fancies come over him to ward the !at of his wanderings, which are thus described : "He does not admit of the idea that he was deprived of sound mind, but at the same time fancied that he had plenty of company ; thought his iit;ht leg w.-;s one man, his left another, his arms two others, and his stomach a fifth, thought they were good fellows, and was sorry he could not give them all they wanted to eat. He was surprised that when this tles were to be dug, fires made, wood brought, and meals cooked that they would not help him. Everything he ate tasted good except grasshoppers. His stomach had not been educated up to that point. He frequently ate raw fish, and esteemed them delicious; caught one snow-bird, and had a rare meal ; chased a toad for two days, but without capturing it. In his dreams lie used to cook some of the most delicious meals he erer aie in his life." A colored mail carrier in Virginia was recently well shaken by a man for kick ing his dog. "Look a heah, Massa," said he, "you'd better be keerful how you shakes dis chile ! cos when you shakes me you shakes de whole of de United States; I carries de mails." "This is nice" butter, my boy," said a country store keeper to a twelve year old urchin who had brought a pailful of that article to market "nice butter. I'll take ail your mother has to sell." "I don't believe she'll sell any more," said the boy, "cause I heerd her say she wouldn't sold this, only a rat fell in the cream, bo the didn't want to us-e it her self." Holmes gives the following splendid type of innocence : "One of my rriends had a little marble statuette of cupid in the parlor of his countrj' house bow, arrow, wings and all complete- A vis itor indigenous to the region, looking pensively at the figure, asked the lady of the house if that was a itatoo of' her deceased infant ? Poor Jenny Lind ! Her vagabond husband has at length run through the splendid fortune with which she retired from the lyr c stage, and she i3 com pelled to teach music for a livinc The ill-matched pair have separated by mu tual consent, and the spendthrift must shift for himself. Book canvassers may not be aware of the fact that a five cent revenue stamp is required to be attached to every signa ture in thsir books' the agreement to purchase being considered a contract. Paris cats a thousand horses a day which accounts for the patient equine iiairy with which she endures the rigors of the siege. The iute-bug being fairlv established in the business of catinz the heads off Ea-tf-rn chignon-wearers, "India rubber jewelry" next come to the front, an! proceeds remorselessly to poison the ears ofNew Hampshire bells. Pcrsevcrence in weiring onamcnts of that material gives to the aural organs of tne unhappy girls the appearance of section of diseased liver. The most energetic efforts have thus far failed to make this peculiarity a favorite with the fashionable world: and the "jewelry " is therefore falling into disuse. Tony Vvillerhas his sympathizerswhen he says "She's got hold o'some inwen tion for grown up jeople being born again, Sammy: the new birth I thinks they calls it. I should like to see that system in haction, Sammy. I should rery much like to see your mother-in- law born again. Wouldn't I put her out to nure ! The fashionable feminincs of Gotham are able to dilute their moderate supply of brains with absinthe at twenty-live cents a glass. In wi?zerland, a milkmaid who is a good singer gets more salary than others because under the influence of music cows "give down" better and give more milk. An Omaha milk man is trying to hire Pare pa Rosa and Kellogg to sing around his pup. Pious paferfamilies, to prodigal son, returned for Thanksgiving: "Why, John, you're not going to bed yet? We will have prayers presently." John, innocently "Thanks father; but I make it a rule never to take anything after dinner, now." Phe.ps Paine, GEN'L INSURANCE ACT. PLATTSMOUH, NEB. Represents some of the most reliable Compan ies in ihe United States. Office cne dcor stairs. east of the Court IIousc. up jan7.1A wlf. Sr.50 iM-rHonili, The best sellm hook ever published. Agents who soli our new work, PLAIN HOME TALK AND MEDICAL COMMON SENSE. have competition. There never was a book published tike it. Any body can sell it. Every body wintsit. Many agents nre now making from SVmj to C-tO per month selling; thi.- wonder ful book. 4 page Descriptive Circular sent free on application. We want good uve Agents : men who cr.n fully appreciate the merits ol the work, and the fact that it meets a universal wa t. Agents, who desire to do good as well aa make money. Ad less WELLS Sc COFFIN, 4-!2 Hroome Street. New Tork. Deember22 w4t d Tijr Saturday. L EGAL XOTIDE. Maxwell A Chapman vs. Miles Brown and Ameli i lirown. In the District Court. 2d Judical District in and for Cass County. Nebraska. MilesBrown and Ame ia Drown, non-residents, defendants, will take notice that Max well .v Chapman, the plaintiii did on the 1st day of October. A. D. Is7u. tile their petition in the office of the elerk of tne District Court. 2d Judicial District, in and lor Cass county. Ne braska, the object and pr yer of which is to ob tain a judgment aeainst you and ia faror of plaintitl. for the sum of one hundred and City dollars for money expended for said dcienuants at their instance and request, and for services rendered said defendants at their instance and request, you are further notified that on the 1st o!y of October. 1S70,. in orderof attachment was issued in said cause by theclcrk of said court, and ths east half of the south-west quarter of section No. fifteen, township eleven, north of range twelve east, attached as your property, to be sold and applied to the payment of said debt, in terest and costs-, you are required to answer said petition, on or bciore the 6:h day of Februrary, 171 MAXWELL i CHAPMAN. December 22 wit. Fg&yTn era riSITHTG PLATTSMOUTH WILLFIND GOOD STBLIN '-' ACCOmmODA TION AT TUX Farmer's Feed Stable Corner of Sixth and Vine Street One Block, North of the Presbyterian Church. PI "ttsmoutn Nebraska. BATES Jt DeGARMO. Estray Nctice. Taken up by the undersigned ia Mt. Pleasa precinct, December 12th, one spotted, white an red calf, white hert in foreaead. white tail, Or inrightear. JOHN OErtRG K HANSEN. Heaviest Slock of Goods in Ihe West I No Rent and no Interest on Borrowed Capital to be ESadc Oif Customers ! OLDEST ETABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY. E. G. D orth tide of Main Streetbetween Seoond and Third, take t-ieainre in axcouneing FARMERS -AJSTJD JVCiLOXIlSnOS that he has the largest and bet f lctei tock of Drg" Coods, Groceries, Provisions. NOTIONS &C, &C. rr breght to th ity of Platuanoath. TO THE TIUIBES II would lay that b can 11 orders aa cheap as any hous wtt of Chieag. II bars IE3l2?ect ITrcm Rlanutacturcrs, and has no middlemen's proOts to add to bis goods. He does business on his own capital nd in his own building, consequently h lean give his customers the prices of rents aud mtcrestoD investment in the way of It will cost yon nothing to look at them, whether you buy or not. By examining the pricrtt Keliabl"yuu will be able to tetl wh n other parties endeavor to fwinule you jyiis W hare Ihe most Rttraetive 8tok'f Dry Goods. Notions. Boots;, Shoes, Hiits Caps and Uroceries ever brought tethijeity. Cnl' n nd see us. CLARK ii PLUJiMER. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1870. 1870. D. SCHXAMK. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too. are going to D. SCHIf ASSE Sc CO, To boy tkvir I?llt33.c3. "VCTjjCLtei? C3rC50C&a AT T NEW YOEK STOEE- The best and most complete STOCK OF D 11 ESS GOODS. Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduoed pri. W ail particular attention to our new Biyie of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DEL A INS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. JJLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA S HOOTS AND SHOE ef all kinds aad prUe t fait ear naaaerom euatomert. A largo stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QL-EENSWARK, WOODEN-WARE, GLSSWARK, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS ND CAPS We Sell at (Vt Now the Celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER FLOW, STUBBLE r,d BREAKING PLOWS, " "i u..,d--d CULTIVATORS. REAPEKS. SEEDERS, HAY RA'ES. &.C Plattsmoath September 10th. 1370. tf. D. SCHNASSE A CO. H. Vholesale ines5 Liquors El Brandies Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand All order promptly attended to. AIN STREET. ONE DOOR WEST 07 1 HE RAILROAD TICKET OIFICS Tha 'tZH KTIIDE" hat rmovd U rear ef h TTklsal Room. WILLIAM South Side Main Street, PT, A TTSMOTJTH. OASS fcEcB fcXSS J & k S aTtSi O V IK 1870, F. . LEKHOFk' . Dealer ia STADELIYIAIIaT. Number 9. OOTJNTY NEBRASKA I NAOMI INSi lTUi K Bock Huffs, Neb Winter Term for 1 870. TUESDAY. DEC. i i Pupi's of elthersei will receive thoroueh and ysteiuatie instruction her. I'articalar atten paid to I'rituary scholars. School book frnihcd fre of cost le alt pupus. GOOD BOARDING CAN BE OBTAINED AT hEASOrJA3LE RATES For term an I p-irticnlnn address ;twtf J. D. I'A ri'rillS'J H3 "17 , The Riii.iiigtoii&.TSUmi-i River ISail KSoad, In connection with the Chicagj, llnrliiifltori Jc Quinry I!. . Offer to the people of Plattsmouth, and all tha portion of Nebraska lying fOETIlII OF THE TLATTE, the mot direct, and the het Iloute to the Eas tern. Jouth Eastern, ami Northern Si ites. 1'asseners desii m; to travel luxuriously should take the Atlantic l:press. whi.-li runs through to Chicago without eh.in;c of Cars, equipped with elegant Day (V-u-hcs, Pullman's i'a. e Day and Sleeping Couched, and Pullman's Dining Cars: r In addition to thef act that this is the direc. route by which time tuny be snved in renehin5 any point in the Eastern or Middle States, it n' truiiitutly be said tbat it possesses the best trara, and tlie finest enuipiueut of any Western Line, ensuring to the passenger Sjecd, Safety and Comfort. Rates always as LOW as the LOWEST. Da -tacechecked through to anv point East. C. I-:. PEKUINS. lien. Supt, A. E.TOUZALIN. tlen. Passenger Agent. ianldA wtf. (Sjc-esior to R. Wallhcr) Harnessmakcr, and dealer iu A RNE3S. SADDLES, COLL A RS. II A LTER4 Whips, Brushes, &c, Ac. Repairing done cubstnnlially and with dis patch. Uive me n call before pnn-hasina elsewhere. Fourth Street, north d Platte Valley House, adjoining Matthews A Dounclly'a Hardware Store. Septlowlf Cisterns Built and Reck Work Dene. 'IIIE undersigned is prepared to takeeontnet 1 for building Cistern and furnishing all ne cessary material, also to do any and all kinds of Rock work by contract, and furnish all mater ials for same. I have a few acre? of choice iand f rresi Jcnrrf and several tne lota for sale on reasonable term al9dtf JOSEPH LEASLliV. STREIGHT & MURPHY, Harness, Sadies, Whips, BIIIDI.KS.COI.I.AUS. AC. Tartioular attention given to the manufacture' of fine harness. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE 05 SHORT NOTICE. Plattsmouth, - - - Nebraska N. B. The Celebrated Vacuum Oil Blaenkiug rousUiitly on hand dcelwtf BCTTIBT f.AZKSBY, prop. U VERY SALE & EXCHANGE SThe bt of Horses nnd Bugpieron band.U Corner Vino and I'ouith streets. janCldiwtf. Plattsmouth Nebraska. Chicago, Rook Inland A- Pacikio R. R. Leaves Om.ih.i. Express Mail. Daily, eeeept Sund.iy 4- '.Of.m. Pacific Exp. Daily, except Saturday :J:OU p. m Arrive. Expre. Mail. Dally, except Sunday 1 1 :1r, p. m Pacific Exp. Da.i!y, except Monday l'J:10 a. m lOUTT-I JUST YKASi. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK JOIR, 1871. Til i: Cheapest of Ladies Magazines, BECAUSE IT 13 THE BEST! Tt hn. nlltAVfl H,n ft, .f t",. .... 1 T : V to combine in its pages whatever is useful,,' wtiatever is elevating, whatever is pure, dini " J inuvir'ii tt,ii in- ,rL-llL U III U se lli t H t. 1-or its Literary Department, in pan years. THE BEST WP.ITERS In the litterary world hire contributed wi'l continue to furnish articles' fV,r the yea 1HT1. Such names aji Marion llarlnud Ino Chnrehil, Louis S. Dorr, Metta. Victoria Victor .-. nniiie roresr. .-irs. ucnnison. Mri. C, A. Hopkins, and others, cannot bo v. . Prospectus of any other magazine. TERMS FOR 1871. One copy, one year po Two copies, one ye;.r 5 ) Three copies, on year 7 it) Four copies, oneyear .' " Q Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up tho clui). uiukir.g six ro'ncs 14 00 Eicht copies, one yc ar, an 1 an ex'r copy tolhe person gtttitig up the club, making nine copies 2100 Eleven copies one year, and an extra cpy the person getting up the club making twelve copies. J7 HOW TO REMIT. In remitting by Mail a PoSTOKIUf KORDKROn h iladel r,b i r,r", on Philadelphia or New York. pait't,r t ,1,0 order of I.. A G.jdy'; is perlerable to bank notes. IT a draft or a Post-olliie (1 be procured, uend United States or National Bank nites. Address A. L. GODEV, S. Comrr Sixth and Ckettnut Su. Fhiladet- Mta. JSTRA 1 NOTICE. 'Iu Von u n ... U V !1 . ... . day of November. ",o. in Mount PaW-ant pre ciuct, at Centre ailey. Cas county, Nebraska, two two-year old horse eolts. One dark jron-grey. with a dim white spot in its loreheiui, lelt bind I vot white. Second, light Sorrel, din tar ia the forehead, right hind foot white; bo other marks or braBds visible. Declwot. 0. W. ADAMS. In Running Order. I defire to announce to ths public that I now have my inat American Ten Inch Doublo Turbine Yt ater Wheel in tuil operation. Uat ine refitted my mill throughout I h;u now pro-, pared to do better by my customers tonn acr miil in the State J. A. LATTV mavjiiif.i-wtf. STABLES I