Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 22, 1870, Image 1

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, lj f rCLIStllCn KItf.TET
j 11- 1 J HATHAWAY
14 t 'S:cr cm Mfcin and SuconJ stei.. seo
TFVS : Weekly. $2.03 per annum ifpui'i
-.. if not paid in advance.
jj,. nm Nliwt nl Killed Instantly.
The following telrprani expla'ns itself
"Santa I"k, Now Mt-xp-o. Dec. 17. :
"Th. Daily Post of the lfth, has full
jaitioulars r.f a horrible tragedy which
t . k 1 1 ioo at Kl Paso, Texas, on the 7th
It. appears Senator rmintnin ::ot
a dispute with 15. F. Williams, a
'JWt.l, lit lll-' A ILtl'tllk O I 111L1J', ffverely, but not danjrerou.-ly,'linir. him. Williams tlion fled to
,:5 room-, where .Jinlre Gaylord J.
r'.avk, of th Twenty-hfih Ti;xn Dis
trict, with a posse of men followed and
attempted to arrest him, when Williams
f:i-lifil nut with a double-barrelled pun
iin'l shot Judge Clark through the heart,
Lillifi him instantly. Captain French,
of the State pnliee. then fired at Wil
i.tuus an 1 killed him instantly. Great
cii'iteirieiit prevailed, and the entire pub-l.i-
sentiment was against William.
JuJire Clark's funeral was the nior-t itn-r-.ine
nffair ever witnessed in El Pa-o."
Judge Clark will be remembered as a
fi rmer resident of this city, whore he
had many warm friend and ardent ad
mirers who will mourn his untimely and
violent death. It seems that ho was cn
gipj in a worthy act when ho received
the fatal shot that of attempting to ar
rest a violator of tho law. He wan a
ma:, of indomitable energy, and had suc
ceeded in obtaining the honorable and
responsible position of Judge of the
2ith Texas District, which he filled with
ertdit to himself and justice to the pub-
Two .Htt iiillt amtl One XTooatlrd.
Fraiu the Omaha Herald ot this morn
ins we learn that a man named Win.
Turks, who has been ia the employ of
Mr. Creightou, of Omaha, for otne
time past, and L. D. Eastwood, wore
ohoL and killed near Pine Bluffs, last
Tuesday, and a man named Andrew
15ctts was severely wounded. The deed
was committed by Herbert Noursc, and
rpcuis to have been done without an ex
i use. Pome Fay Noursc is insane.
There is certainly "method in hi. mad
ness." The bodies were brought to
Oiuaha for interment.
Thf. 2'reniont Tribune quotes an item
from the Herald in regard to the price
f wheat in this city, and remarks that
' wheat must be scarce in Cass." Tho !
-imuiie a neei luoru mistaken,
riuttsuiouth is simply the lest maiktt in
ill'' weft for grain.
II. A 31. KAll.IlOAn.
The Burlington and Missouri Railroad
CiiJipany are now offering their valuable
land- in Iowa and Nebra.-ka upon un
imiaHy favorable terms, to actual settlers.
Vov tin? tir.-t two years, peieha-ers are
lciiiit-sti'd to pay interest only, and have
t- ;i years to pay for their land. The in-i-ie.-t
i fixed at per cent per annum.
Il.i'iC lands con-ist of itch prairies, in-
i Ticrccl witu some limner lands.
1 n.-v
extend -.'! miles north and south of i
th" railway, in alternate sections, and
ure sold in tracts of 40 acres each. Prices
ranrc from $1 to $11 per acre, according
to location. Below we give the monthly
said of land made bv the Company, in
I :, fron April 1 "to Oct. 'M. 1S7.
x.ciT.t of .Tcr ce per
M mill.
Arrs o&
1J.'.1 sJ
U.T.'O y ;
lT.if. .'. fi
V !.
- I " .
; ::4 1 1
lu:7.i74 k;
S ss o i'
II .Ml -2-111
1.' Kf 7-1 u
Lt Ki
ii 7. .;-M
i; ss l-lri
11 -O 1-10
140. -2 (.
HJ.'si 4'.
.;..v t;
112 20 l-io i
I o?l ! in
7 inun'hn !
sslr i rior to
..VW Zl ?1 .202.2-0 CI
April 1 1S7D
l' wth
I rc-Piupli'in
and fwump
1 IrlMiinmii-lOja 91
41. Ml 79
0-10 I
Slim t'l "t yalrs
' in I' to eel.
!. Tit l'V.iVJ 74 1.24;.7.'l
1 -i N rS. from
11 37 2-11
1 to Nor
I 1ST8
ft 1. 442 40 .V.7.V.0 W
9 "3 3-10
T 1 .flp in fa
Neb. 179.702 14 $1,810,171 90
$10 ts; f.-io
Tho great majority of these i
ni ten years' credit. Xeic )
sales arc
ork Tri-
A n Ice Lean.
It i- intere-ting to observe that radiant
heat fom the sun may be Collected into
h focus by means of au ice lens, and yet
it'Ju.-o a"l the eEVcs of un ordinary cir.'ii a !ers
or expen-
innit, lusvf a-i'.v be crae ry a
?!.it e-ik ? of ice upon a warm concave
su:!ui-e of m-ra' or poncVti d -h, snch
an evi.J.ora: iti.ii d'-'ii u-eJ by ciieuti-ts ;
as -,iou as one si Jo has a. u tued tie
proper form, th ice imi-t be turned to
uake bo:h sid.'s a!ik . Any suniiv,
111-11, fro-ry tuo ini; will be su' -io " l'o: expe-'.uiciit ; : 0111 which we it-? u
that in Nf liiern i:oi it . u: i 0?
l'iite po-il''o to ra -t; a fire w'.tumu
matehe a fact not altogether unworthy
bein? known.
Mnirrr s-ninK Mncttiue Pntcnt.
The patent of the Singer sewin ma-
hire ckpircsin a few days, and the Com- i
jnioner of Patents, alter a full hearing
i inc reasons lor renewing me parenr
i i mm,, f I
On Mondsy last the bids for State j
printins? were opened Ut Lincoln. Cu
der the law that requires this work to be
given to the lowest bidder. Mills & Co.,
of Des Moines. Iowa, secured the lion"
share. The priytii: of the laws' and
journals, e.-timated to oost about fi.(K,
was awarded to the above named firm.
Wc do not like the sending of any of
the public printing out of the Stato.
The five thousand dollars s worth of
ilmsini-s sent to Des Moines should have
been done at home, on tho plai, com-
uo:i scn-e nnncinle ot enJorajring
lu-s decided adversely, ino rciusai to j of this oil obtainable, however,
renew the patent : does not make it un- j lcciuse lhe tTMa, umst le subjected to
rcervedly available to the pubuc, inas- iutenaJ heat to aistil the oil into crevices
much as there are other patents taken ;n the wh;eh has the ca!KJ
ut up.r. improvements connected with with ,he iennsvlva!,i formation. An
the original patent which are sti.l ,n j obvious inference from the occuirenee of
force. Strong effort was made, however j etroourn in limestone is. that it arisen
hy the owiwrs of the patent have it , - ,he reRiains of an oily polvp. which
n newed, but the toimi-.-ioers inehn , bu;lt thc cora, reefsf,-om which thelime-
u tJJliC "iiniou th?t l tle-e ratCli" i f tones were formed. Circular.
-ruxiTd. as t hev oyj.irc be thrown open; . ... t. n r. i,
to the public At St. Masio, I ranee, an old irench
.. ; I woman put out the eyes of a young Sax-
smte I'rtutiusr. Ion officer who was nu irtercd in her
nouie inaufltry. Jyjt the otafc aocidc ; when the conrale cent lurcos, held as
upon a reasonable comi-onsation for the , prisoners Jn that city, having accidentally
work reij'.tired. and then Hilect a suita-1 6tumbli?d uj.on it, were overcome with
Die man to doit. Or, if the present i joy and wonder it Gading a real Moham
ptilicy is doomed bc?t, at least so change j edan temple ' a hristiap city ; and they
it a to collide all bids lo?u rrtjs out now resent to it daily lo offer up their
U'-t'r I'g'-'r.
' SKsnnsBssaaaaaaBanawrsesasESBsaBwaaEBaiHaBssssBSBBsaB
HorocthluK About VnrioutThln(M.
Ashland, Dec. 19. ISTo.
Dear Herald: The discussion be
tween Dr. Dunn, of Kockford, Ills., and
Prof. Miller, of this city, came off at the
appointed time. The resolution discuss
ed is as follows :
Resolved, That Spiritualism is a truth
and is taught by the Bible
Hon. A. B. Fuller was called to the
chair, and after the accustomed prelim
inaiies. and the reading of the resolu
tion, the debate was opened by Dr. Dunn
and, of course, followed by Pi of. Miller.
I will not attempt an elaborate report of
the discussion, us time and space will not
admit. The disputants did not begin to
come up to the expectations of their
auditory. Much of their time was spent
in down right blackguardism, and dodg
ing facts introduced. Miller is a good
naturcd, unassuming speaker, but lacks
an easy flow of language, and allows him
self to fall into the use of many blunt
and elang phrases. Dunn is a wily deba
ter, and plans ahead, often causing his
adversary to become entrapped before he
is aware "of it. He is, also, an easy
speaker, and much of a dramatist; and
with his wonderful power of drawing on
the passions of his audience, he decoys
many an unguarded one into the be
lief with himself. But the chairman of
the meeting protested against any
such demonstrations, and informed
the audience that they should
not bo considered as argument. They
debate the same quostiou at Lincoln to
night, to-morrow night and Wednesday
The musical entertainment, under di
rection of Mrs. S. M, Payne, was a
grand success. Mrs. Payne is a profes
sional teacher of music both vocal and
instrumental and is certainly an adept
in her profession. Miss 8. E. Miller,
Accompanyiat, also deserves praise for
assistance rendered on this occasion.
Two or three weeks since my eyes
caught sight of the C'f County Demo
crat, issued m your city. It presents a
favorable appearance at first sight.
though I do not know of a copy of it be
ing taken ia AshlaaJ. It is certainly a
pity that so much papcr and iuk, and
another bran i.ew font of type must be
waited in the advocacy of a 'lost cause.'
But there are plenty of persons who
will subscribe for it, and pay their money
for it, and you know the old adage
about money what it does, etc.
Plattsinonth is becoming quite a news
paper point. The Herald, the Demo
crat, and now the Ind Agent. I saw
tho Land Anno for the tirst time, yes
ter Ijy. It is a very nice looking hcct
and contains a fair amount of "phat"
and ''solid' matter. Success to it
Nothing further has developed itself
i in regard to the iron ore discovery near
! . -. i : .1. .1 K
tnis city, i icar u
mint imrsi.n arii w
is a mvin, inougn persons are yet s-angumc mtnc oe-
i lief that genuine iron is to be found
there in abundance. lime wi'l ten.
The Timti is still issuimr. and its ed
itor isbu.-ilv engaged in talking and writ- I
ing up railroad. On tho 20th of Jan. j
m tt Ji vniiii nf Sminders eountv are
to decide in favor of. or against, three !
railroads to come to this place, or some
where through tho county. I tell 3'ou,
i sir, Ashland, w th four railroads through
I.'.... . .
it. will be the most important city in me
State, if not in the west
Chrismas is ahuo.-t here, and a merry
time mar bo expected through the holi
days. The B:!pti-ts have a fair on next
Thursday evening. A good time is an
ticipated. The Methodits have a Christ
mas tree on Christmas eve. Wi.-hing
your readers all a merry Christmas, I
close. ILL.
1.V t
M !
A benevolent citizen of Brunswick,
Jenuany. supplies blankets to tho. poor
during the winter months. They are
ct.minerl. to tirevcnt their being sold or
nawned. and are returned in May of
every year. The system has been in
n . tnl twit 'i 1i1-'iTil;nr
Ul'tlrtliutl hia - '
, , .
Mark Twain announces that a son was
lorn to him Nov 7th, and that with true
family instinct, the little fellow has gone
to lecturing already, his subject being the
j same as Josh Billings "Milk.
Judge Portly says the liveliest time he
j over experienced was on issuing the firid
i number of a newspaper in a Western
town. The people wanted something
stirring. He published the crsonal his
tory of the leading politicians by their
friends. The iudce says that for the
first hour they all rushed for the paper;
the second hour they all rushed for him
For over thirty years an old gentleman
at St. Albans, Vermont, has made a
nraetice of getting out of bed every
night, at 11, 12, 2 and 4 ojelock, to en
joy a "comfortable emoke."
If you wish to live to eighty-five in
the full enjoyment of all faculties, go to
bed at 4 o'clock, and cat twice a day a
moderate quantity of plain food.
Those who suffer from heartburn,
should avoid soups, drink nothing at
meals, say "No, thank you,'" to pics and
cakes, and go without supper.
' , i-
Petroleum originates in limestone
, v- i' ?, : i i r v;,
Z'"r u fa" -..7- ;.:,lt. T.H-
" V fou miles of
Tr 'n tlr, J e oi? than Pen, lva!
Ilia lltl I ' I lUVA.U HI Mi.-. '
houfc. and who lay helpless and wound
ed. She was surprised in the act by
some of his comrades, but too late to
save him. They took' her to camp and
tied her to the wheel' of a wagon till
they could decide what should be done
to her. But a little later, when they
weut to untie her, to take her before
their General, the was found to be quite
dead. " She had probably died of fright.
At" Heidelberg " there 1 a Turkish
mo?nue, which for 100 yea rfi has been an
object of curiosity, but which was never
nut tony practical use until rco-'iitly,
i..tii;u A no.
Editor Herald : I have not felt
like standing still and "cussing a straight
blue streak" for a long time. A strong
desire to "cuss" jut a little, came over
me as well as the majority of the people
in this vicinity when we read an article
in the Statesman, of Dec. 3d, over the
signature of Henry Grebe, dated Omaha,
Nov. ', 1870, on the subject of "Emi
gration." Mr. Grebe proposes, in order
to induce emigration to the ' Great
American Desert," to have the State
Legislature mcmorialiie Congress to
grant to this State the right to improve
lands set apart by the government for
homestead purposes. He said : "It
sounds well to say that our Government
gives to any man who ch'oscs to com
ply with certain conditions laid down by
law, ones hundred and sixty acres of
land. But to thousands of good honest
men, this offer is practically worthless.
A quarter section of land is a barren
gift to the head of a family." He wants
the State to appropriate say $500,OX or
$000,000, and with this amount build
a good house and break five to
ten acres on ea;h and every homo
stead. He thinks, by doing this, we
could get Nebraska settled up. I would
ask tho gentleman where the money is
to come from, with which he would
make his proposed improvements, if not
from the poekets of us poor devils who
have endured the hardships and priva
tions of frontier 1 fe for the past four or
fiveyeirs? We thought wa we ro get
ting a good thing when "Uncle Sam" gave
us one hundred and sixty acres of land
We did not grumble much when he took
eighty acres away from us and gave it to
the railroad, companies. Wo told our
friends back cast that it was a good thing
yet, and thousands are coming to our
State every month, and they will con
tiuuc to come with the present induce
ments, until there is not a homestead
left in the State. Hundreds are coming
to our State who are glad to pay from
five to twenty dollars per acre for rail
road and school lands. We would a-k
the original philanthropist how much of
his proposed "appropriation" it would
take - to run his "mnchiue ?" The
Statesman w-s so taken with Mr.
Grebe's bantling that it came out with a
long, laborious editorial, in favor of
"the "appropriation." If the amount
should be appropriated, who would have
the handling of the money?
Surely the
Statesman would int consent to have so
large an amount fall into the hands of
any of the present State officers, after
all it has said about dishonesty and em.
bezzlement the past four months.
Grebe in one place speaks of our "broad,
rich acres," and then, in the next breath,
he says one hundred and sixty of these
acres are "practically worthless to good,
honest men, fathers of families, &e.
A quarter section of this land is a b ir
ren gift to the head of a family.'
Shame on the man that would write such
an article in regard to our State. The
Omaha Herald must have been in great
want of "filling," to have admitted sieh
a conglomeration of contradictions into
its columns. Its editor must have had
a definite idea of the evil consequences
of such a publication. Mr. Grebe ap
pears to have had a faint impression
that his literary production would not
take well, for he says : "It may be chi
mcrical and impracticable," but he tays
"1 give it it as my view of the subject."
Yes sir, we think it is sir, quite chimeri
cal and impracticable, sir. And 1 will
tell you why I think so sir. Two years
ago I came to Nebraska on business. I
saw and liked the country better than
anythiug I had ever seen before, al
though 1 had traveled extensively in
twenty-three of the States the whole
length of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
of South America all over British
America and the West Indies. I said
at that time, as I say now, Ncbiaska is
the garden of the world. I took & small
slice about eighty acres away out here
in Fillmore county. I made a half sub
terranean "dug out," not one of your
little, tucked up things. Lnt n good big
one, 22x24 inside. You see I was not
afraid of work. Then I started back to
Des Moines after my family, with thirty
five cents in my pocket, and a farm in
Nebraska. On the 24th day of April,
ISG'J, I landed my family (a wife and six
children) on my homestead. After
taking an inventory, of my effects I
found I had just provisions for two
weeks, one span of old hoises, one cow,
one plow and twenty three cents in ca.-h.
The cash I paid for postage on letters to
friends East. Then we went to work,
sir. We have had our share of losses
and hard fare, vet we have alTavs had
, . t -, "i uJ" Ia
enougn io eai ana a ntue lor caiiera and
tha TOor. . To day we have a good crib
of corn plenty of oats, wheat, barley and
vegetables. e have forty acres under
cultivation, the old horses in good condi
tion, two yoke of oxen, three c: ws, Ac.,
&e., all paid for. "What uiau has done,
man may do."
There are hundreds of farr ihes in these
western counties that hae done better
than we have. Now, sir, you want us
to pay "cash up" for you to build a
house and thc breaking of ten acres of
prairie for the next man that is to come !
No sir ee, we won't do it 1 There are
thousands and tens of thousands that
don't ask it. and they are day by day
flocking into Nebraska, and helping
themselves, sir. I have had mv 'du2
out' chuck full for the past eight weeks,
j As soon as wo can get one set out, an
other comes in. That's the tcav ice hefn
them, sir. We would say to Mr. Grebe
that it will take, more tlian one of his
chimeriral splurges to convince people
that a quarter w?etion of land in Ne
braska, is a "bsTea gift.' or that land in
this State i "practically worthless."
Tl .11.,.. ....
tie can ten mat to tne marines.
1 .1 i.,,. !
inere are inousanua mat wont believe
it. - Wc would advice the Sheriff of
Doup las county to try his hand at some
i other raru.
111. Arficnlfin in ttD Ailili,riil fwl.,y,K
by the wjiv looks as thouch it was writ
ten by our friend tho printer instead of
Ue fditor), pays: -ow that the west
has become awake in tho matter of pe
curing its j roport'ou of the foreign im
pxijraif'ii c'rj'ent. a fh'wn Ivitjac-
tion in calling the recent convention at
Indianapolis, it id doubly important that
this hhould be attended to without de
lay. The interests of Nebra-ka are per
haps more involved in this matter than J
those of any other State, and our legis
lators should rake it their duty to en
courage and assist those who are coming
among us to build vp our comma 1 1
tereifs "
Honie-tcadt'Ts of Nebraska you who
have carried your rifle on your plow
vou who have zone to the harvest field
j with your sickle in one hand and your
implements ol defense from the hostile
Indian in the other hand you who have
"borne the heat and burden of the
day" what per cent, of the sweat of
your brow are you willing to give to aid
this liftreign immigration tlemriitf
We ask the Statesman, who has kept up
such an infernal howling the pa.-t six
months about taxation, how much it
will give and how much it wants ms to
give to aid this "foreign immigration
element? Who are to build up our com
man Democratic interests f Ve doubt
not that the Sta'esman thinks it sees a
"light ahead" in this "foreign immigra
tion element." The State has already
erected a costly edifice for the accommo
dation of this foreign element ; but the
Statesman wants us to build country
seats for it. Shall we put gratings at
the windows, sir? Docs the Statesman
think that this foreign element are more
deserving, or have they less "gumption"
than the home element ? We would say
to tho Statesman and its coadjutors that
they will never be a le to control that
foreign element. It will never fill your
sails and waft you into power. No, sir,
Republican principles are becoming too
deeply implanted in the minds of a ma
jority for you to buy them with a "$100
house and five or ten acres cf bieaking."
You are trying to handle an element that
will swallow your leaky old craft and its
The light which you shed, in this
element will onlv burn at your parties
wake. Beware, gentlemen, uot only this
foreign element but a mighty tidal wave
of the "home element" are bound for
Nebraska, an 1 unless you keep j our
"weather eye" upon it it will sink you
into eternal furg t fulness, where you will
never howl any more about taxes, em
bezzlement, Butler, etc. Thoso planks
won t float in this roaring element.
L. It. Warner,
Fillmore Co., Neb. Dec. 17, '7o.
For Sale. A good parlor stove.
Only been used a short time will be
sold cheap. Inquire at tho Herald
offiee. dtf
Hero are some interesting facts con
ceniing the different stimulants used by
eminent mew when they desired to make
a strong intcKectual effort: Hobbes
drank cold water, Newton smoked, Bo
naparte took snuff. Pope strong coffe,
Byron gin an 1 water. Wederburn, the
first Lord A-hbuituu, always placed a
b!i-ter I'll his chest when he had to male
: gnat, sneech. General Wiiiiam B.
Thomas liied to have him-elf trepanned.
J n l to have rome f esli brains emptied
in; not always success ahy. tjeorgo
Ftantis Train s wa'lowe.J hug draughts iho nozz e of a b'ai.kstniih's bel
lows. Governor Ge.i'-v -,ovi o-i hn
head, so that the ' m h - icg- wo'ild
run down to his brain and get :i i o,uh;s
ideas. Horace (':e.:'c'. pat on :t eVan
shirt and turned hi- mm-Ls ll-i.i. II
ard Vaux sat on the U;i:i ' i.e.i Dic
tionary for three-ipia ."- o.' an i..iu,
and saturated h' - :' w i. ;i wo us m L'.eso:" - -a; men ail
remind us weeaumake im ' i.ves sublime.
London, December 19.
Tho New York Herald's special says
the Prns-ians pre short of men and 20,
oOO fresh troops are coining, but Ver
sailles is likely to soon be untenable as
the heavy guns of the French, which are
being moved forward, will soon bring the
palace within their range, and the French
are resolved to destroy it. Eventually
Paris will fall by starvation, but not
within three months. There will be no
bombardment. The Prussians, 21,000
strong, attacked Muits yesterday, with
eleven batteries, and after a combat of
five hours, in which they sustained heavy
losses, occupied the place. It is expect
ed that the battle will b-- resumed to
day. The enemy falls back as General
Bourbaki advances. The French troops
have rcoccupiei Vierzon.
Bordeaux, December 19.
Some journals here have asserted that
there have been troubles in Paris; that
Gustave Flourens has been imprisoned,
and Blanqui shot. Thc government
paid no attention to thc report, but
semi-official advices arc that the -ity of
Paris was quiet, and auimated with one
sentiment that of common dtffencc. -
Keports from the forces in the east and
west of France arc good.
There has been some excitement here
owing to tli? promulgation of fal.-e news
over the forged signature of Gambetta,
the purpose being apparently to cause a
reaction by the dissemination of news
unfavorable to the French arms. Dis
patches of this sort, purporting to come
from Havre, have appeared simultane
ously in all parts of the country. It was
soon demonstrated, however, to be a
Prussiau device. It is noticeable that
the opposition journals are more bitterly
violent towards the Prussians than ever.
London, Dec. 19.
A large open air meeting was held yea
terday in Trufalga square, at which
speeches were made and resolutions
adopted sympathizing with France.
The King of Bavaria announces thc
concurrence of all the German princes
and house towns, in bestowing upon
King William of Prussia, the Imperial
crown as Frederick Villiani thc First
Berlin, December, 19.
Two prominent members of the North
German Parliament for their anti war
acts have been arrested on the charge of
high treason, by order of Bismarck.
Versailles, December 20.
A correspondent, afier makieg the
tour of the German lines, writes on thc
15th quite positively, that it will be im
possible ever to bombard Paris, effect
ively. The anxiety of the Germans for
peace is intense. Th German troops i
are on the point of inunity. j
Jtats are eaten in Paris only on wagers :
j and for pa-time. The
bombardment of
ersiiiiiesj is expecieu every uiouiciit. i
The French have in position puns car a- !
Lleoi throwing shells t Ill-ouch the Kings
palace, and drivintr the Germans from
the works ei and north of Versailles.
A correspondent with tenth corps at
Vendome, wririnc on the ISth. says that ;
after severe tiihtmg on ;he 14:h, loth,
10th and 17ih. on both bauke ofthe!
Jxire, the Germans. occipy Freteval,
Vcndouio and limay. General Chau-
scy is ictirinff slowly ana in tolerable
j good order, hoping to join the twenty
tirst corps under General Juarey and the
. , i , rri
troops near Jemause and Loull. 1 lie
fighting is tedious and bloodv. ThcGcr-
tu:)3 will re.t- ' .
New York, Dec. 20.
The Herald's Brussels correspondent
telegraphs this morning that the bom
bardment of Paris is declared impossible.
It is not humanity that restrains the
Prussians, but t-iuiply the impossibility
for them to succeed, as they have neither
the number uor caliber of guns neces
sary. They hava only fi)0 guns, mainly
1!5 pounders. The French out-works,
which command tho batteries, can des
troy them the moment they open fire.
Paris has two months supply of food.
London, December "0.
The French forces attacked by Gen.
Werder, at Wirts, were in largo num
bers and held strong positions. The
Germans captured 6,000 prisoners, to
gether with the town. The French were
pursued southward on Monday. The
French force, 10,000 strong, has been
defeated at Parslay and Fourtenelle. m
Military movements continue active.
The French are evidently endeavoring to
concentrate. ( )ne of the German armies
is falling back before Bourbaki.
A dispatch from Brussels says the lake
heavy calls for the laudwehr, denote a
weakness in tho investment of Paris.
Their operations are more defensive than
offensive. One or two more sorties like
the la-t will raise the scigc. A -Frankfort
dispatch says a month will be requir
ed before the bombardment of Paris will
be possible. The present guns are useless
while the French guns are nearly in range
with Ver-aillcs.
New York, Deoembr 20.
A Herald's special dated Lcneans,
December 10. says: There has been a
second change of base. This diffusion of
the army of the Loire is successful strat
egy, as it brings the fighting nearer Pa
ris. The immense stores accumulated at
Blais and Orleans designed for revictual
liinr Paris were all saved. Tho Prussians
j did not capture a single car load, which
is a sunieieni answer ii mc uaiiu m
they had routed the army of the Loire.
After leaving Oleans if the army of the
Loire had made a flank movement on
Vcndomc. it might have been easy to de
fend Tours ; but both armies cut loose.
The country here presents the same fa
eilities for rapid changes of base that
Grant found on the seaboard of Virgin
Chicago, Dccerubei 20.
Flour Dull and unchanged.
Wheat Irregular and unsettled, but
closed firm; No. 2 $1 05 cash, seller
January; No 1 sold at $1 05&1 05 ;
No2, 9ojcfl x; receipts 63,2t)8 bush
els, shipments 700.
Corn Moderately artive and firmer.
New No. 2 closed at 41 i cash ; no grade
Oats Quiet and steady; No 2 closed
3Sc ; rejected 37c.
live Firmer and higher; No 1 70c;
No 2 G9(.C9c ; receipts 1,42 bushels.
No shipments.
Barley Dull; No 2 closed at 71c;
No 3, ;0(r53e.
Fork Firmer at $1S 25 cash.
Lard Firmer, 1 1 Jc.
Dressed Hog- Active, stronc and
1 0((i. 15c higher, sellimr at $5 "ib(a, 00,
closing firm at $G SoCkO 90.
Chicago, December 20.
Cattle Quiet and unchanged, l'c
eeipts 1,079, with very few sales, at $4
75(r5 50 for stOfJicr ; to 00(0.1 00 for
good smooth steers.
Hogs- Receipts 13.421 with trains
due; fairly active at $5 75'V:o 20, the
( latter price the outside liuure : nearly
all sales were at $." 85(,5 90.
roffsionnl Curbs.
J. C. FOX.
I'OX Si. It,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Special attention
riven to probate business and land title esses.
Otrice in the Masonie lil-ck. Main Street,
Plattjuiouth, Nebraska.
o. n.
D. If. WHEEL It, CO ,
Renl Estate and Tax Pitying Agents. XoLurics
Public, Pire and Lilo Insurance Agents, PUtts
mouth. Nebraska. je'J4lf
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chafc
eery. Agents for Railroad Lands PlutUmouth,
11 IXWELL & CIItPlftK,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors in
ban eery, Pl;itLmouth. Nebraska. 03iee over
hite i Buttery's DrArf .Store. aprl.
Attorney at Law. and General Collecting Agent,
and Notary Public.
All legal business intrusted to his care wir T
ceive prompt and careful attention- UUci
the TrcASurvr'i Office in thc court house.
It II I.IVlXtiSTOV, itl. I.,
profcsional services o thc citizens ofCassicoun
ty. Rcsidcnccsouthe st comer of Oak andSixth
streets; office on Ma n street, opposite Court
House, I'lattsmouth, Ncbriuka,
J. E. IlollanJ. Proprietor, corner of Main and
Third street. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Having
been refitted and newly furnished offers first
eiass accommodations, lloard by the week
day. raug31awlC
Having permanently located at Weeping Wa
ter Kails, tenders his professional services to the
citizens of Cass county, Ncbrasr (janT'iHttf
F eon-in-Chief of the Army of the Potomac.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Office at O. V. John
son's Drug fetors Main street, opposite Clark A
Plutnmers. Private residence corner of Rock an'
Uth streets, two doors south of P. P. Pass'.
to do work in good style, on short notic . tnd
as cheap as tho cheapest. " Shop, corner o:
Main ami 't urtn streets. faug31dtf.
w ' rk in h line on short notice and in the fceM
t. Lontrncts ftr buildiug male on rea.-na-teru,
Shop one block south of Plntte Val
. y House. july22d t'
Pay Special atsentiou to Fire and Life Insnr
rance. Arc agents for a number of t4ie bet In
surance ComiMinies in the United States.
We invite property holders to give us a call
$5?$,""' we CM 1
(Sunday School MissioNary.
frNfb,7s Dd SowAwwUrn Iowa Attends
i to estaJilishmg and supplying Sunday schools,
Parties ordering supplies can send money ins
' drrts rr Tot OfB ?e rrdor4. sidre
, 7-F1
1 1 :
rANTED Kwybody to their Black
W smiiliiu done JU PRICK A MILLS'
Shop, ou SiAtU street, outb ! aiin.
.ept2dAwlf PRICE k MILLS.
jFor Salt.
FOR SALK. Two loU in GUawood. Che an.
eptSJ b. lLKb
IJ'OR SALK. 671 cri of land adjoimns
n SALik. o;j crn wi
Plittsmoulh. Enquire of
8. DUKE.
l-OR SALE The fubsriberoffcri fr nle a
I raluable water power, two miles below
PlatLmoulh. wmf the Missouri river, with
nffiirnt wmtr and fall with economical inan-
agriuent to proiuce power equal to a 30 horie- j
power atearo eoaine. inepreeui owner isii
aeed in other bu.ineM and cannot devote nil
attention to the buxineM of milling, and will
tell laid water power for a reawmaMo price.
Apply to Maxwell A- Chap. deoldAwt
Tfce property brlouctns to D. Marquett will be
old or rented on reasonable terms, l he house
contain 6 room. There is also a larje cistern
with flitter, a cellar, a liable, and other ponven
ieueei. Apply to T. M. MAUClLKfT.
Legal Notice.
To Albert Mitchcl. non-resident, defendant,
take notice that you have been sued by Win. M.
MuClunc belorc A. E. Jenks, one of the Justice!
f lite Pence in and lor Ca county, Nebraska,
an order of attachment was issued airaintt your
property for jV.75 and cost not to exceed SJsW.
and plaintiff will take judgmont by delimit
for laid claim and coiU. unless you answer en
thei'ith day of January. A. D. 171. at ten o'clock
A. M. at said Justice's Office in South 13 end pre
cint. Can county. Nebraska.
Dee a 1870. w3. A. MARBLE.
Atty. for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
JoiepU E. Porkins vs. Thomai Ilal'owell.
Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned.
Sherrff; will offer fur sale at public auction, for
eaih down at the front door of the Court House
in Ptatumouth. Nebraska, on the 23d day of
January, 1S71. at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day the
following described real estate, to-wit : Lot
No. fourl4) in block No. forty-three (43), situate
in Plattsmonth. Cass county, Nebraska, taken
on an execution in favor of Joseph K. Perkins,
i&fued by the Clerk of the District Court in
arid lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to ma direct
ed as Sheriff of said county. Given under my
hand thisUit d.iy of December. 1S70.
ShariffCns county. Neb.
Mabqtbtt A Stcso his Atty's.
December 22 w'H.
Legal Notice.
David Rrinson vs. Oliver S. Carter. S. V. Wise
man, George W.lrwni.
To S. V. Wiseman and George W. Irwin, non
resident, defendants. You will take notice that
David Brin-on, Plaintitl' in tho above entitled
case, did on the 2d day of December. 19. Gle
his petition in the District Court. 2dJudifial
District in and for Cass county, Ncbruska,
against the suid defenduuts. in which he claims
a jadico cnt for the sum of T46.&2 dol ars with
interest uon a oertain promisory note, dated
June 19. 1S01, and due in twelve months after
date, calling lor the sum of S1SG0.44. that there is
ytt remaining due and unpaid nfion sai l note
the said cum - l' TlG.'i'J, with iutercst. no part of
which has bctn paid, that or taid 2d day of De
ceutber, 170, pliiinti!l"cnusd an order of attach
men' to be i sued out of the oftieo of the cloik of
the District Court, in and for Cars county, Ne
braskn, and caused thc following described real
estate, to be attached as tho property of SamL
V. Wiseman one of tho defendants herein, to
wit: The undivided Jiof thc east ? of the 8
W qr of set-ton No. thirty (20 and thc E M of
the N W of section No. tbirty-one -31), nil in
township No. eleven (11) N range No. fourteen
(14). in Cass cunty. Nebraska, said non-rti-d
t-iits. defendants, ure hereby notified that they
are required to appear and answer sai I petition
on or before the Oth day ef sYV-ruary A . D. 1ST1.
Dr Maxwkll 1- Chap max, his Atty's.
December 22 wOt.
Maxwell A Chapman vs. Mile; Brown and
Ameli Brown.
In the District Court. 2d Judical District in and
for Cass County. Nebraska.
Mile Brown and Ame ia Brown, non-residents,
defendants, will take notice that Max
well A Chapman, the plaintiffs did on the 1st
day of October. A. D. 1870. file their petition in
the office of the clerk of the District Court. 2d
Judicial District, ia and for Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and pnyer of which is to ob
tain a judgment against you and in favor of
plaint'tf, for the sum of one hundred and fifty
dollars i'.r money expended for said defendants
at their instance and request, and for services
rendered said defendants at their instance and
request, you are fui ttier notified that on the 1st
day of October, lSTii.aii orderof attachment was
issuo 1 in said cause by theclerk of said court, and
the east half ofthe south-west 'tuartr of section
No. fifteen, township eleven, north of range
twelve eat, attached as your property, to be
sold and applied to the payment of said debt, iu
terest and Costs, you are required to answer said
petition, on or before the 6th day of Kebrurary,
December 22 wH.
8GSO perMenth. The best selling book
ever published. Agents who sell our new work,
have competition. There never was a hook
published like it Any body can sell it. Every
body wints it. Many agents are now making
from S'siO to C50 per month selling this wonder
ful book. 24 page Descriptive Circular sent free
on application. Wo want good live Agents:
men who can fully appreciate the merits ol tho
work, and the fact that it meets a universal
wt't. Agents who desire to do good as well as
make money. Adders
4.12 Broome Street. New Y'ork
DeceuiberI2 w4t d every Saturday.
.In.t riil.i;lie.l m. t-.ew edition of
Dr'CulverwclI.s Celebrated Kesy i
on toe rnrft. fi cure t witnout m cal
cine) of Seoermatorrhtea or Semi-
Ltfal Weakness. lavoluntary Seminal Losses. Im
(potency. Mental nnd Physical Incapacity. Im
pediments to Marring, etc. : also, consnmpiion.
Epilepsy, and Fit, induced by lelf-uiau'.fence
or sexual extravagance.
'Price. iu a sealed envelope, only 6 cents
The celebrated author, ia this admiral esay,
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yers' suc
cessful practice, that the alarming consequences
of salf-abu'e may be radically cured without tho
dangerous use of internal medicine or the apnli -cation
of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure
t once situ pic,' certain, and effectual, by means
of which every sufferer, no matter what his con
dition may be. may cure himself cheaply, pri
vate, and radicnlly.
-Th:s Lecture should he in the hands of
every youth and every man in the land.
Sent, undersea), in a plain envelope, to any
address, posi paid, on receipt of six cents or tao
postage stamps.
Also. Dr. Cnlvcrwel 's "Marriage Guide,
price 25 cents.
Addro.5 the Publisher.
177 Bowery. New York. P. O. Box 45m'.
December 22 nly.
Estray Notice.
Taken np by the undersigned in M. Pleasant
precinct, Decemberl2th. onespnttcd. white and
red calf, white heart in tore Ucad. white tail, 1
slit in riphtear. JOHN GEORGE HANSEN. I
December 22, w5. j
Sheriff's Sale.
John W.
Barnes ra. Piatt Saunders.
Order of
Notii-e is hereby given that the undersigned
will offer at public antin. for cash down, at
the front door of the Court Uouse in Platts
mouth. t.'ass eounty. Nebr-isna on the 23d day
of January. A. D. 1371. at t . o'clock p. m. cf
said day. the following dese.ri'. J real estate, to
wit: Lot No. three (3) in block No. fifty-seven
:V7j situate in Plattsmonth, Nebraska, and lot
No. six ibi in block No. six &. in Thompson's
Addition to the t ily of Plattsmouth. Cass county
Nebraska, sold as the property of Piatt Saunders
to Satisfy a judgment in favor of J W . Barnes,
by virtue and authority of a decree rendered at
the November term. A. D. 1870. of the District
of the Second Judicial District, within and for
Cas county. Nebraska, and on the tenth day
of November, 1870. Given under my hand thU
21st day of December- A D. 1870.
Sheriff of Cass county , N eb.
Maxwell 3c Chafman. Atty's. for Plaintiff.
December 'J2 wot
Im Diimmimm fissefns
I desire to announce to the pnblio that I now
hav- my Great -merican Tea Inch Double
Turbine Water Wheel in full bri.tiia. Hav-
ins refitted mT mill throngltrr atn now pre-
i.jrftil lo de hotter hv m ii1(imfrJ than any
mill in the Stae
,1. A. L VTf
mvv l wf.
NO. 38.
Keep constantly on land the best brands of
1j dlwtf
I am Agent for the best Musical Instruments
made. Persons wishing to buy Pianos. Cabinet.
Metropolitan orProfable Organs, or Mclodeons
can purchase through my Agency on as liberal
terms as they can from the manufacturers
themselves. All instruments warranted.
aprltf. jl -N-Vk JlS K.
Have moved in their new brick store, and
,ejL'st received a large and well selec
ted stock of
Notions, :ttJ?l:': Staple
Which we offer
lowest and
to the public as low as the
fE would call the attention of the ladies to
tur new stock of
Dress Goods,
Several shades of beautiful Satin. Lyonese, Bro
cades. A few patterns left of tht - cent Poplin-
Alpacas, several shades- Woolen and
common DeLai s. Scotch Plaids. Robe Repps,
also a largs vaiiety of I'riots Ac, whi.h we
have just receired an l off, r them
Lower Than Ever.
T E have on hand a large stock o' APPLES
1! by the bushel or Barrel. We pay the
highest price in cash or trade for Corn, fats.
Butter. Eggs. Chickens, Turkey or any kind o
Farm Produce,
Hannibal it Saint Joseph B. B.
Taking effect January Vth, ISTO.
No: 1 Day Exp. daily except Sunday. 7:20 p m
" 3 l'seific exp. daily except monday 3:tX) a m
" r Night exp. daily except monday 7:60 a m
" 7 Through l'rt. daily except monday 5;4i" a iu
" J 'I hrouh frt daily except monday 9 T a m
" 11 Way l'rt daily except Sunday... C:.V p iu
" 15 Macon frt daily except suuday... 11:30 a u
No. 2 Day exp daily except rundpy rito ru
" 4 N ight exp daily except Sunday... 4:2" p tn
" C Pacific exp daily except Sunday.. 12:45 a m
8 St Louis exp daily cxceplsunday 2:J p m
"10 Way Irt laily except sunduy 7:(H) a m
" 12 Through l'rt daily except Sunday 1;'25 p m
"14 Tbrough l'rt dailv eqcept Saturday 7:2i p m
No. 4 wtll not stop at Sax ton. Unburn. K idde-,
Gomer, Moorsvillc, L'tica, Wheeling or Mead-
No. 6 will not stop at Saxton. Easton. 0burn,
Breekenlidge, Moors!llc, Wheeling or Mtud
ville. T- B. BURNETT. Gen Agent.
Taken :p by the subscribe'' on th tenth (,10th)
day of Wovember. 1S70, in Mount Pleasant pre
cioct. at Centro Valley, Cass county, Nebraska,
two two-year old liorse eolts. One dark
iron-grey, with a dim white spot in its forehead,
left hind foot white. Second, light sorrel, dim
star in the forehead, riitht hind loot white; no
other marks or brands Tisible.
DeclwSf. O. W. ADAMS.
Passengers leaving St. Joe. via. Missouri Yal -ley
Railroad atl o'clock p. m. make close and
sure connections at Kansas City with this popu
lar rond. arriving at St. Louis next morning at
5 o'cWb. This is now a first-class road in every
respect. New iron has been laid: new engines
anu magnificent sleeping ami passenger eoa lies
have been added to us equipments. Passengers
can rely on its making its advertised time. This
is thc best route from St. Joseph to it, Louis, the
South And Southeast.
Through tickets for sale at the offices' of the
Missouri Valley Railroad.
It. C. MOORE. Gen I Supt.
Thos. Dorwin. G. W. A. W. B. Hale. G. '1. A.
Chicaoo A NoETHwisrsR.N R. U.
Leaves Omaha.
Mail Daily, ex ?ept Sunday fi:00a. ra.
Pacific Exp. Daily, except. Saturday 3.00 p. in
Mail Daily, except Sunday fi:00 p. m.
Pacific Exp. Daily, except Monday lo:15 a. m.
Until further notice trains will leave anl ar
rive at Omaha as follows :
Leave Arrive.
1:0 p. ra.
...2:20 p.
..5:45 a.
r rcight
.7.-00 a. iu.
..0:00 p. m.
Direct connection made at Omaha with Chica
go A N. W. Railroad: Chicago, R. I. A Pacific;
Chicago, Burlington Jt Mo. R. K R.. and Kas.
City, St. Joe. A Council Bluffs Railroads. Free
mont with stages for Lincoln and West Point.
AtCheyene with Denver Pacific R. R. for Den
ver, Central City. Santa Fe and points in Color,
do and New Mexico. At Bryan, with stages for
the great Sweetwater mining Dis-riets. At Og
den. with Utah Central R. R. for Salt Lake and
Southern Utah, nnd C. P. U. R. for Corrinne.
Virg'n'.i City. !'leua, Wbitc Pin. Sacramento
San Francisco, and principal ii:!..- !il California
Nevada. Idaho. Oregon and Warhingtan.
r Tickets for sale at the company's office corner
Farnhaui and 9lu its and at Depot offiueti.
T. K.ttekel ,Gcnl Sdpt.
F. Coltos. lienl PaM.Agetat.
91 Miles The Shortest Line.
iChios?o to New York, via Pittsburgh. Fort
Wayne d Chicago Pennsylvania Cen
tral Route,
i This if the only Route running three Daily
j Line of Arouirs, Day tmd Sllri8 t'mlatt Can.
From Chicagii to
j llarrisburg. Philadelphia .A New Yotk
t V I T 11 O U.T C II A N it ii
I With but one chanire to Baltimore. Hartford.
New Haven. Providence. SpringSeld. Worces
ter and Boston !
For Sale at the offices of connecting lines in the
West and at all offices of the Fort Wayne and
PcnnsliaulaCentral Route in Chicago.
H'estern Pucnger Ai-ent, PennS Central R. R.
P. Ft. W. A C. it. R.
Thk rrsr Dots' asi Gibls' MAoAiisg.
Demorest's Young Ammru monthly, with
spleudid Supplement, and always spaiklvng
with entertaining Stories, poems. Puzzles, Mu
sic. Travels, tiames. and other entertaining
features, profusely illu-'trrti-d. and calculated
t amii-e. and inslraet Younc America, hnmle
copies. 12 cent- Yearly. $1 00. with a choice of
the following beautiful and valuable premiums
to each snbsoriber: A fine parlor eromo. w.irth
$) Ui. izo 10x12. and equal to ar fine Oil Paint
ing; or a hne tuoroeo gilt-edge pocket tsiHe;
or a fine pearl-handle two blade pocket-kliile,
and a pallet of bet p:iir:t:: or. a suuerior Ipy
alass: or. the Brirht Side I Veeklyfur ar.eyear;
or. Schoolday Visitor for one year: or oud's
Mouitehoid Marazine for uut year: or. 'I ke Book
r.f A Akt. Inrea nrin &t oil- (.r a ,kkoier from the
j list of splendid premiums unerwl tusipgleiub-
I nremiums for eluKi. Thirv-seveo subscribers
d numerous (.titer valuable and splendid
at SI SO caob. secures a S6a 00 Grover A Bker
i fcewing iuatiuo, nr twenty suuse- iera ana. 5-3
extra ia oaey. witu me single rj-mium
to each. subscriber Specimen eopic.
with circubrs. mailed pt-free eu ret.r l
J" Cents.
Addrej JtSMXCl Devoiibst. siS
KrusiteiY, N, 1 . I'' not f-Ail to end f ntr-
TUK It A ll Y
ts pr buss do r
coitob iso r'sorBiATog.'
fiesAttl Hi-
0 tCstery'
f fcRMS : llsilvllO 06 du annum, r-
per month.?
UtiltMi tint ab!r.
R. ff 15 Nf. J 3 A ..'.
lo. 9.40 i! St.
; L. ; 10.00 A. M.
; Lo. 10.60 A. M.
Le. fl. 7 A. M.
Af.-llA M.
Ar. 12. 1j p in.
i Ar.12.V7
t Ar. 12 4v .
Ar. 4 ;
Ar i
Ar. 2 ' :
Ar. 2.
Ar. 1 "
Ar. 1 .
Lc. :.'
Ar. 4-.
Ar. T. - '.
Ar. T.i
Omsfis Jane.
South rend.
Le. 5.1.
Le. fi..V
Le. 7 ir.
Ar. S.U.
Ar. S.45
Ar- 9.10
Ar. 9.30
Omah.i Junt.
South I'.end-
P. M.
."i 1
B. A M. R. R.
iTobf iffrh Soiidsy Nov. '27.'
Paeife tTi,t,V."i-eicAt SfrlUsy O..-
Mail T.trt H F.nday. ,.. ii-J
Freight No, 6--,eire,pt inda 2:
Froight No. tt'e; 5arila..
Atlantic Express cjefpVifAf -5 rJaf .'. '
Mail xhept Sunday. ...,. .i... '..
Freight No. 5 except Sdhd:
Freight No. 8 except Sunday.
Cloe connection w ith tram' g.ilej- N
The Boat beabes Plattsmouth i-t ! a. .
The alove gives the arrival and or -.-trains
to and from the east bank of the iV
river. The Atlantic Express r.;'
Burlington at H:U a. m.. and th- I'arifir 1
leaves thtre for Plattsmouth al7.0 p.
fioi?: jifiBTr.
r. r.
Mail and Express 3-..i0f. n.
Night Express 8;'') a. uv ,
This gives rnssengerr ffVin Plstl.T
onnection going Sotftfr lit reaving h !
4;TO p. in. train, and close connection
-oing North by leaving hr 6-Tfra 0 -
or the 1:30 p m train,
Child s
a Platte..
ar I'lanl.
LRATg. '
Cedar Island '
Paynters '
I.a Plattt ;
Omaha '
rnssengers nnd freight will bo
Cedor Island and connoclion mn.lo ;
Junction with lhe inornins lrn(" r i .
from Plattsmouth to Lineu)!i on the
R. R. in Nobraka. and tl e e ci in'. -.-.:
es t from Lincoln to Plattsmouth..
Traimwill leave and arrive lit t
the Company at the foof of .1 ones -.
further notice tickets will be sold .
and ratos of freight can be learned ' ;
ofthe ;otnpany. .1.11. M
Chief Engineer r.rd i '
ROl-TR. C.t
C. B. A St. Joe R. R. Snnth f i . i
C. B. A St. Joe R. K. North, V . ' .
B. A M. R. R. East. : i . i
B. A M. R. R. West. n
Omaha by Stage. ' , -r
Nebraska City, by Stage,
t Weeping W ater. '.-; a
t Deports. Tuesdays, Thursdr. .
Office hours, from 30 a m to i ' !
Sutidays, 12 30 to 1 30 p nir
J. W. MARr : 1 A I .!.
Y. M.C. A.-Hnll over Cla.i.
Store Preai-hing every Siiblm-'i
3 o'clock: Prayer merlins' eve'
ing at 7 o'clock : Reading Root::
from 8 a. m. to 10 p. in,
Fibst Pbbabttkbi 1 x Nort
west of Sixth Rev. D. W. ''
every Sabbath at 11 a. m. :ii
bath School at 9:30 a- m.. J. '.
tendent. Prayer nn-clii.jr e
evening at 6::V) o'clock.
MrTHOOlsT Episk-oi-ai. We-'
street, south of Main Rev. 1
Services every Sabbat unt 10. "C i
Prayer meeting every Thurda
mectiligs every Monday rvt-nin:
Iv aftrr rinse of Siibbnth inn.
Sabbath School at 2.:)
Coxcnfo axiom At. Corner !.
ttreets Rev. K. Alley. S rvi.-.
at 10:30a. in. nnd 7 p. in. Sal.l.::
SO p. ni, Prajer incetii k
Episcopal Corner 'inc uu l
Rev. 11. St. George Young. Set
ba'hat 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. in.
at 3 p. m.
Christian Services ia Cou :
B. Mullis. local preacher. Eb.
and T. J. Todd.
Catholic North si-leof Vu'.
Father Hayes. First Mn eve.
a. tti.. Second Mass and Sermi
Vespers and Benediction at
at 8 a. in. ecry wees- d.y;
ervie I
v. i
guage. by Pvf. A'tn'r-'ie
held at the School llo'.-c in t
City e- ery Sabbalh at 11 a. i
at 10 a. m.
Baptist Preaching at the '
every Sabbath at 11 o'clock b
Leod. Prayer meeting evci-y
at the residence of the l'...-to,.
immediately after morning r
I.O. O. F. Regular meeti -No.
7. I.O. O. F. vfry Tb
Odd Fellows Hall. Truncic..
dially invitvd visit.
Ggo. Paosr.Bn. Sec.
I.O. O. V. Plattsmonth K
Regnlar Convocation the 2 i i
of each month af-Odd Fello .
Maid ft. Transient Pntrinr ;
to visit.-
Sa. M. Chap max. Scribe
KICHT0rPTTM!A5 f h.:e
R. Kerular meetings ever;
Visiting irothefj alwavs i n
W. L. v :
R. HK!-;.l
v. v. i .':
it r,Mf-'Pi irrswnttr "
A A. .M. Keaulaf tTcfiiir
first and third Minus..,- ti" .:
Trans.ent brethern invited i .
JAC)15 v.j.:.
P. E. Ri-rpxgB.Sfc.
Macov No. ?2..I K
raee' at Masonic Hall. '.- .
lavs. J ..
Gro. L. STBOLT.Pec.
convocations second and '
:iri of eac month at 71
W. D. GOR.Se " '
M sti;rSta iDeo i: i.k
ings of the Family are h
ning. on or before the fi;
111 Master Masons. t
laugnters are invited to
lies must be over eigh'i
D. I
IIMrs. C. A. Dcxk. P.
J. N. W :
I. fi. G. T. Ci.itrBi
r,.tru k W.C. T. E. P. I -
ham. Lodge Deputy. M
very "uesdav everunr
respect'ully invited.
F.xcBLSina Drosrr T
Lewis. D.T F. E. Wl
Honse Hall on the fir.-; i,, -.
iegs of each month.
Star or Hopg ;
'2. T.: Andrew Colemrr . '
rlensant every Saturn jiy
VAlBTigw Looc.i:. N
V.C.T t Wm. J.l.'.v r
Ln-dge Deputy.
. Traveling Temp: l ;
TPRfg GBl-g J.CM..
W.C. T.tJas.- Vl'.... V.
Lndge Deputy.- ftn..
Traveling Teiaf'Vj
meet with
I isterrrs Butlt ar
TUB smlersigned j. - ;
fur building Ci.Tvr.-:
rcaary material, ateo .
Raek work by eubtra,
iaisfor same.
I have a few acres .f -and
several Omf !Cr
: : "
ft . '.
I re. i "