Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 15, 1870, Image 4

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THURSDAY, UKC. 15, 1K70.
Wo hare secured the f ctviccs of n
Crt-t-class eastern job printer to super- J
tend that department of tho csftibJUh-
ment, and the llKRALD Cffflee aft turn i
out as neat a job and on as short notice
ad any printing house in the west. dtf
The mush ice has mitc plentiful
in the river for tke fst few days.
Friend Fo?3sofwrcity, his been out
at Lincoln aeHragbes to the nativas.-
Our fello'wtcwwsman, II. VOrrEsq.
left for a trip t-3 Cheyenne a few days ince
The Merges Bros, and G. V. Oyger
are crowding as hard aa possible to get
their Uock ready for stovmy weather.
Set card of Wise & Palmer, General
Insurance and Real Kstato Agent?.
-They are good business men, and believe
in advertising.
The Brownville Adve, titer say3 our
tnwnsmnn. John Fitzgerald, is one of
the heaviest stock holders in the State
Bank recently otxmed in that city.
Wn understand that John Boss, of
the Tlattc Valley House, has rented a
hotel at Gallatin, Missouri, and will re
move there in a short time. Mr. Lynch
will remain in charge of the Platto
A descendant of Robert Burns lec
tured to a "small but appreciative audi
ence' at the Court House last Satur
day evening. The Chairman of the
meeting icears a new hat to-day.
There was a general disposition to
rowdyism on the part of the young men
of our city last Saturday evening. Many
of them seemed quite reckless, as though
they would as soon be sent to jail as not.
Whic k Spires hare removed to
, their new store room, where they are
neady to wait on all of their thousands of
The plasterers are at work 'Spreading
mortar" on the walU of Merges Bros,
and Ginger's new block. They will
goon have a couple of splendid store
rooms read)' for use.
Munn k Co, of the Scientific Ameri
can, New York, have issued a book cf
about one hundred pages, containing the
United States Patent Law, and full and
complete instructions how to obtain Let
ters patent. It should be in the hand
of every individual who contemplates ob
taining a patent, and would be of great
benefit to any one following mechanical
A copious rain fell at Sioux City and
north of that locality on Sunday night. It
finally turned to a blinding fnow storm,
during which Mr. Brcady, a butcher, was
lost for several hours ou the prairie. So
pays the Journal.
We noticed a gas jet in foil blast at
S o'clock this morning, on the corner of
Maia and Sixth streets. " -
What has become of the ' Nebraska
City Times? We have not seen a copy ;
of that journal for more than a month.
Jits k "-wilted?" '
Hon. T. M. Marquett left this even ,
ing for Washingtou for the purpose of
arguing an important law. case before
thc Interior Department. He will proba
bly be absent two or three weeks
We heard a man excusing himself to
day for not doing some particular thing
because he said ''his teams were al'
busy phtciiiff." How is that for the
tenth day of Pecmber in Nebraska?
Hall k Hardiman have for sale another
piece or two of that famous deer shot
by Recorder Cooper. , Olf, dear f 1
Insure your life in the Continental of
New York; it is doing tho largest new
business of aoy iu the world, d&wlt :
The Chicago Republican has gone into
the wood cut business. .It caricatures
the Chicago Board of Trade as "the
Coming Hoe," with explanatory notes.
ATe wpr tisy an article from the
Ratficctg Retirtc relative to the con
struction of the Trut'k KaUroad by Mr.
F.jfMorrison is preparing an extensive
ieo house in the rear of his meat market,
which will be filled" during the coming
Kveryhody insures in the Continental
of New York. The average" number of
applications taken by Mr. Taylor in our
city per day is four, and often goes as
high as eight. - dlwl
As soon as the ticket and freight offices
are removed to the new depot tho trans
fer landing at the foot of Main Street
will be abandoned and a new one uiadd
at the depot We "calculate" the omni
bus lines will net object to that arrange -meat.
. .' i
Prof. J. E. Miller i to "hold a discus
sion with a Spiriualistic" gentleman at
Ashland, Wc go on tle Prof,
It is astonishing, the piles of rtnk being
used along our river front.
The members of Pkttlsuiouth Lodgc
No. fiT A. F. k A. M., have decided to
hold a Festival on the 27th inst.St.
John's Pay at their Hall in this city.
" A fine time may be expected? - - - -
A man named John' Graham was
- stabbed in Omaha last Wednesday
rening, A man named Fisher did the
stabbing. - " --
Pks, in this city, at Il:KV.Ia?fc eyenr
iiig (DccMth) Annioiiifant daughter of
W. C and '2Jargarcfc"B.own,' aged 2,
months and days. , Taneral ecrviees
t-k ri i it ra
at the 1st Presbyterian church, at 3 o'c Ik
- .
p. in. to-morrow (Dec. llthj... J he
body wil1. be taken to La Salloj -IUVfor
burial. . , - nr..'T
We leam that Mr.'jr-t-Bm'iho
proprietor of the GrauIX3"t'Couccrt ta
come off at Lincoln Cliriiftmas CTe.' will
be in our city iu a fewjdays to establish
an agency here for the cahr of tickets.
His concert and plan of tflstiibctton i
endorsed by soibc of the best men i
c best men in the
pavii-n upon
Stats. Wc ihall p,ic
Mr. Gailey'sxiviL
. NlltUIC.W. Ul'LKi llUX.
Mr3. Jesse'Yoaog,' a resident of Klm
wood precinct in this county, formerly a
resident -of Bock lih'fFs, has teen troub
led Cot ticwty-nm ivurx past with a tu
mor itiKacdiately tinder the lower jaw,
which has teen .growing btcadily until
jhe'iras in great danger of Mifrbcation,
art could Aqc only in certain positions. ! a
Mr. Y',jiii? has tried for years to find re-
lief for J,J3 helpmate, and had all
xr.o$t given up hope. About five weeks
ago he determined to make another effort
and this time he chose Dr. Bishop, of
St. Joseph, as his advisor. The Dr
told him ho. "6oulcP enre Tier, and MrvT
Young i satisfied that the Dr. has made
good his assertions. Five weeks ago
Mrs. Young was taken o St. Joseph,
where Dr. Bishep proceeded to epen the
tumor, from which he took over a quar
of mucus. Mrs. Young is now fjuitc
well, 'm able to do her housework, and
thinks the very troutlesome tumor is
completely cured.
Lectured at the Hall of the Y. M. C. A
last Saturday evening, according to pre
vious announcement. "Joan of Arc"
was the title of his lecture, and the au
dience was completely carried away by
the eloqncnce.of the speaker. 1 lis com
parison of the deaths scone of Joan of
Arc and of hci persecutors was truly
sublime. You could alomst Isee the he
Toic Joan as her noble character was de
lineated by the speaker. We hope to
hear the Gen. again before the season is
The Baptist and the Christian Sunday
schools were consolidated yesterday (Sun
day) and the school will hereafter be
held at Court House Hall at 10 a. m.
Prof. U. W. Wise was elected Super
intendent, Geo- S," Smith, Assistant Su
perintendent and Secretary, and Phelps
Payne Librarian.
As many of our friends have expressed
a tlesire, recently, to pay us money, "we
take this method of informing them"
that we are now prepared to receipt for
all moneys they may feel inclined to
place in our possession. Come right
along dou't be backward you will give
no offence by offering us money. dtf
trrnpoM FlotirishPil - One Shot FIretl,
ISut no one Hurt.
Wc learn that a slight :'onpleasant
ness" occurred at Union Church build
ing, in Liberty precinct, yesterday, be
tween Mr. Harris, contractor on the
building, and Mr. Quinn Bohannan, who
was employed by Harris to do some
painting, and who recently came from
Missouri. The trouble seemed to be
something about Bohannan'spay. High
words led to Ihe flourishing of a stick
and a hatchet by Mr. Harris and the
display of a revolver by Bohannan.
During the melee the revolver was dis
charged, whether accidentally or other
wise our informant ' was unable to say
(and probably the parties themselves
cduld- uqt tell). 2io damage was done,
h&weVer; 'except W the nerves'." A writ
was applied for by Harris for the arrest
of Bohannan, Jui the, hitter i navhetc.
toi be found. lie prohibly returned
to Missouri without ' the -m6uey which
caused the row.
We dropped in at Prof. D'Alleuiand's
school rhi-rulffj:iinf , Snf must sy that
we were ngTeeably'sorpriscl at what we
saw. His method1 of teaching arc quite
novel, and it seems to us, very thorough.
We learn from the Prof, that he contem
plates securing a larger and better room
for his next trm. Parents who are
sending to this.schpol or contemplate do
ing so, should not fail to call and see; for
thpmsclvcs how the Prof, 'manages his
pupTTs7"' "
Our -esteemed friend S. Iw Johnson,
Esf.,' of the'fifm of Steel k Johnson,
wholesale merchants bF Council Bluffs,
is -in the city tO;day visiting his many
friends, and at tlie; fcame-itime havrng an
eye to business in our thriving city. Mr.
Johnson was formerly a resident of this
county, and his straightforward manner
of dealing won Lim a host of friends
One of the dens of prostitution of
our city has been broken up. "Nancy"
and her outfit denizens of No. 1
were arrested fast Saturday and fined.
They refused to pay the fine, and were
sent to the . city lock up. During the
evening they paid the fine, and before
aayngnc yesteruay morning tncytnau re-1
moved everything from the house they
occupied and had left for parts unknown.
Mr. Taylor, of the Continental Life
Insurance Company of New York, is in
the city delivering policies. Unlike
lire' Insurance, the Continental has no
limit as to the amount insured in any
ono bloek or city consequently Mr.
Tajior is prepared to receive, a few more
applications. ..
If you wish to look upon a nice job of
graining, go to the new Passenger Depot
of the B. &. M, in Nebraska. There are
three hundred and 6fty yards of graining
done by Mr. John Leach cf this city, and
we have no hesitancy in pronouncing it as
finen job as can be foilnd in the west.
Mr .Henry Thomas, ' of the firm of
Chase k Thoiuas, dealers in ' grain
in r this" city, . returned from Chicago
last evening, where he has been on bui
ness'connccted with their firm.. These
gentlemen are : doing a safe and legiti
mate business iu the grain trade, and
farmers who have dealings with them
.a . ... ...
ndn hnti nrt fnrX r.nt thnv wi 1 ho tnctlr
t dealt with : in ' every particular . We
every particular
want more such men in Plattsmouth.
if '4gentle9ia'o from near Nebraska City
arrived, juto.wn.jesterday; with a fall
-wegop load of drpsscd poultry. He con
cru2ei it would pay hioi to eom direct
to headquarters,. ' , .' . ; .
. Tho. Xonparcil 6ays there was a
'strike"-' atnojig th -bridge Lands yes-
f rday, and that they were all promptly t
paid off and new ones rat to work in !
th'.ir place.
We conversed to-day with a gentleman
who has traveled much during the past
few months, and he assured us that dur
ing Tils entire travels he did not see a
single place that equalled our own go
ahead city in point of business and im
provements. He saj-s our . reputation as
business centre is becoming wide, and
hat wo may expect a very great rush of
business men and capital seeking invest
ment during the next year.
Have you seen that superb tea set on
exhibition at the Jewelry establishment
of Joseph Schlater, E!., Main street?
We learn that it has been purchased by
the ladies of the Catholic Church, and
will be offered as a grand prize at the
opening of Fitzgerald's Hall. Tickets
can bo had of Joseph Schlater or of
Dr. Donelan, at the Drug Store of J.
M. Hinchman & Co. Who wants the
Grand Prize ?
Many of our citizens will remember
the insane fellow who was in our city
about a year ago, named Hummel. He
has been wandering about the country
ever since until ouite recently, lie is
now safely housed in the ay!um at Lin
We saw the splendid side saddle at the
manufactory of Streight & Murphy,
this morning, which we understand is to
c ono of the prizes at the Opening
Fair at Fitzgerald's Ila'l.
A man in Nebraska City is called
"Judge" because he once officiated in
that capacity at a horse race. Queer
place, that-.
The name of our townsman, B. Spnr.
lock, Esq., appears among the list of
arrivals at Nebrska City.
Some fifteen or twenty new papers
were added this morning to the exten
sive list at the Y. M. C. A. Hall. The
list now embraces papers from almost
every State in the Union.
We have "interviewed" the gentleman
who expects to have the contract for the
carpenter work on the huge block to go
up next spring. He thinks he can
make a "spec" on it, and at the same
time do the finest job of work west of the
"old muddy."
There was considerable commotion at
a recent meeting of the Plattsmouth
Board of Trade. There was a "corner' '
on wheat, and a sum of money was lost
and won between a couple of our prom
inent grain dealers.
Two men named Isaac A. Bennett and
Saunders . Spurlock, of Otoe county,
have recently had a trial cf speed and
endurance in the cornfield. Bennett
succeeded in husking from the stalk in
the field hauling a quarter of a milo and
unloading 11 'J.S7 bushels in 10 hours an 1
6 minutes, and Spurlock husked, hauled
and unloaded 11G.11 in the same length
of time. Pretty g-od work, and far
more honorable and legitimate strife
thau prize-fighting, running or walking.
There now ! wli3t comes next ? M nj
Wheeler has made us the possesesor of
a very useful as well as a very curious
article. It is an " office knife," with
on? ordinary blade, -an eraser, and an
ivory paper or fruit blade. - They can be
found at E. T. Duke k Cos.
The church building at Union is en
closed, and the-work is progressing rap
idly. ---
Wm. Altaffer, Esq., one of the weal
thiest farmers of South Weeping Water,
waa in the city yesterday for the purroso
of making arrangements for moving in.
He will remove in a few days.
II. D. Fox ha3 a three lagged chicken
on exhibition at his grocery store.- The
extra appendage is a perfect leg except
that it is only attached to the body by. a
sort of gristle. -Call-and ' see-k,. and
Fox will sell you one with only two legs
at the regular market price.
Hon. C. W. Seymour, of Nebraska
City, was in town to-day on business.
The State Printing was, let last Mon
day. It was divided up between vari
ous offices in the State and the firm of
Mills k Co. of Des Moines. We have
not learned the particular.
There will be an election of officers at
Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6 A. F. & A. 31.
next Monday evening December 10th.
The Presbyterian Sociable will be held
at the residence of Mrs. Bobine, to
morrow evening.
Judge Childs has gone to Omaha to
attend a meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of the Deaf and Dumb Institute.
At the annual election of officers for
Nebraska Chapter No - 3 R. A- M., held
at the Hall last evening, Dec 13th, the
following officers were elected for the en
suing Masynic year:
Com. R. It. LIVINGSTON 31. E.
Hich Priest.
Com. II. E. PALMER II King.
" W. B. PORTER E. Scribe.
" J. N. W O LFE-G uard.
Mr. James A. Bailey, the Gift Concert
man of Lincoln, is in the city to-day. He
will probably establish an agency here
for the sale of tickets, of which due, notice
will be given through the columns of the
Herald. .
Tho Trustees of th Masouic k Odd
Fellows Hall Association are requested
to meet iu their Hall on: Saturday even
iog, Dec. 17th, 1S70, at 6 J o'clock a. m.
Important b,usineast be .considered.
. . , S. DUKE, President -
D. IL W1ieelxr, Se'y.
' " ' ; r- ' - - -
"Wes.' Montgomery,' Esq", formerly
an attache of the Herald office, is in
the city on a visit to his friends
See Advertisement of Course of Lec
tures for December before the Y . M.
C A.
Mr. Wm. Kirk, of Saunders county,
is in our city soliciting aid to take him to
an Eye Infirmary for treatment. He
has been afflicted for ten j-ears past, and
is said by those who know him well toLe
a worthy man and a fit subject for chari
ty, lie has the following certificate from
JuJge Marble, of Ashland : "I. A.
Marble, a notary public in and for Saun
ders county, Nebraska, have been ac
quaiuted with Wm. Kirk for about, ten
j'ear?, and believe him to be a flit sub
ject for our charity.
Notorial . A. .Warble.
( Seal. )
Orin II. Mathews, editor of the Ash
land Times, also recommends him as a
worthy man, and recommends that aid
be rendered him.
No visitors are allowed at the Insane
Asylum yet, and will not be until the
organization is completed and all things
moving along in the proper channel.
Wc doubt not the building of the
Trunk road by Mr. Joy would have the
effect of diverting the O. k S. W. from
this city toward Lincoln via Weeping
Water. Let us have both roads built.
A Michigan "poet" thus backs a let
ter to Jack .Johnson, of Kalamazoo;
Mr. P. M will you i1crs fenil this through
To one Jack Johnson nt Kalamazoo,
You'll twig tho old cork in less than a micutc
A full blown Bull.
Willi liidjnuket Muffed full
Of rcast beef and plum-pudding, with lager
, mixed iu it:
A man whu from Constantly carrying himself
With so much provision away lrom his shelf,
11 worn out one lejr the more is the pity
And they call him "Old Dot and Go Oue"in
this city.
lie can talk very plain says "Orses and Hum,"
And cuts Mono for the men who have gone un
der the the (truss.
I.ontc may he wave for the like of tho man.
Can't be found outside of all Michigan.
By the new time table of the B. & M.
you can leave Plattsmouth at 1 p. m. go
to Council Bluffs and spend two hours,
and return home ngain the same evening.
The St. Joe Union has taken a rido on
a railroad, and he tells all about it in a
two column article. He was out to the
end of the track on the Denver City
Mr. W. B. Hayward, of London, Eng
land, who was .oinc time since appointed
Commissioner of Immigration for the
State of Nebraska, writes by last mai
to Mr. Schaller that trade it; London is
in a sad state, and getting worse and
worse every day. Moneyed and business
men consider they can do better abroad.
Inquiries are numerous from this class
respecting Nebraska. He gives positive
assurances that in tho early spring we
may expect a larger English emigration
than has ever yet been known. Mr.
Hayward is able to give valuable infor
mation respecting the climate, soil and
State generally. He is known to many
citizens of Omaha, having been engaged
in business with Mr. Schaller, in this
city, and various parts of the State.
Omaha Republican.
The good people of Rock Bluffs have
labored hard during the latter part of the
summer and fall to secure the erection of
a church building for the use of the
Methodist Episcopal denomination at
that place, and we are glad to know that
the , building is now about completed,
ready for the seats or at least that they
have on hand a sufficient amount of
funds to secure its completion. The
question arose as to how t!cy were to
seat the building, aad here tlie ladies
came to their aid, and they have decided
to have a Donation Festival and supper
at the new church building, on Friday
evening, December 16th. It is hoped
there will be a general turn out, as the
object is a worthy one.
Wayman k Curtis shipped a com
plete engine to Chicago to day, from
their machine shops in this city. It
may be well "to state in this connection"
that Wayman k Curtis did not mana
facturo the engine, but traded one they
had on hand to a Chicago firm for an
iron planer, which they will put into
their shops here.
Wm. L. Hobbs, Esq., the efficient
County Treasurer of Cass County, left
for the capital this morning to make his
official settlement with the State Treas
urer. He will return to-morrow.
The Chicago Tribune says the Lamar
Insurance Company, of that city, is one
of the solidest companies doing business,
and is composed of the best men of the
city. The company is represented in
this city by Phelps Payne, Esq.
Rev. Jonathan Edwartb, D. I)., Pas
tor First Church, Dedhani. Mass, says
ot "Our Father's House:',' I find a
treasury of curious and entertaing truths,
and a remarkable familiarity with the
exciting revelations of modem science.
Four years ago there were less than
one hundred voters in the entire south
western rortion of Cass county all of
which was embraced in Weeping Water
precinct at that time. Now there are
not less than five hundred voters in the
same region, divided into four different
voting precincts. Cass county is being
settled up rapidly, but there is 3'et room
for a few more good men.
The Nebraska City Chronicle copies
an article from the Herald for the pur
pose of showiug the folks down there
"how to build a city." The Chronicle
docs well to cite Plattsmouth as an evi
dence of the good results of the method
suggested by our article.
A correspondent of the Lincoln Jonr
iml learns that Col. Doane is married,
and that five apartments are being pre
pared at the Brooks House, in this city,
for the reception of himself and bride
A Boston girl asks the following per
tinent questions of other lioston girls; :
"CouU you love a man who wore false
hair on his head, when he had cnoutrhof
hia own ? Who painted his face and im
proved his form a? you improve (?)
Tours? "Who pinched his feet with
small hocs, his hands with fuinll gloves. '
ho had not aireridy deforreed himself ! r ?! : trrocenc ever brought to tne
enoush, tied a huae bustle to his back, I cltv which they bought for cash and at
and thrust tinv aouutaiu? vf wire is LU I reduced price, tail and examine then
booui : sf.xi. aplo lt-ivti
Pied, in this city, Annie, only daugh
ter of William C. and Margaret Brown,
aged 2 months and 20 days. She passe J
into the "ret" of the Redeemed on Fri
day night, the ytn, inst. .puneralser
vices were held in the. Presbyterian
Church, on Sabbath afternoon, where a
large assemblage of friends were con
gregated to sympathise with the bereaved
parents. To-day her remains are com
mitted to the dust in La Salle, 111.
"Death found strange beauty on that cherub
And dashed it out. There was a tint cf rose.
On check and lip ; Ho touched the veins with
And the rose faded. Forth from those infant
There spoke a wistful tenderness a doubt
Whether to grieve or sleep, which innocence
Alone can wear. With ruthless hasto lie
Tho Mlkcu fi inpe' of their curtaining lids
Forever. There had been a uiuruiuringsound
With which the babe would claim its mother's
Charming her even to tears. The spoiler set
J! is seal of silence. But there beamed n smile
o fixed and holy from the marble brow
Death CHzed and left it th-.-re ; be dared not
The 5 ignct ring of heaven."
"O death where is thy sting! O grave
where is thy victory !" She is sown in
corruption, but in the resurrection little
Annie will be raised to incorrujition.
This thought enables the afflicted parents
to say "Thy will te done," O Lord !
A somewhat interesting law suit was
had in Judge Child's court last Monday,
which may affect various claiir s of the
same character throughout the State.
It appears that a firm named Kirkhao
k Cone, of Iowa, appointed Mr. Jasper
Bed well, of this county, their agent to
sell a patent seeder which they were sole
proprietors of. The seeders were to be
sold at $75.00 each, and the agent was
to have $25 and the owners cf the pat
ent $5'J from the sale of each machine.
The agent was to be appointed for the
term of ten years, and Messrs. Kit kham
k Cone were to have the entire proceeds
of the sale of the first four machines.;
In order that there might be no misun
derstanding in regard to the matter, Mr.
Bcdwcll gave his note for 100 to the
owners of the patent, to cover the $25
on each of the first four machine?, after
which Mr. Bedwcll was to have the en
tire profits. The note was given with
the understanding" that it was simply a
memorandum cf the agreement, upon
which no payment was required except
as stated above. The patent proved to
be a swindle, and no machines were ever
sold. The notes were sold (or trans
ferred) to Mr. Granville Ensign, who
commenced suit to recover. A jury was
had, and tho defendant's attorneys
(Maxwell k Chapman) set up the plea
that the note was obtained through
fraud, and that Mr. Ensign knew of the
fraud when he came in possion of the
note. There was no positive evidence
that he knew of the fraud, but there
were many circumstances in connection
with the matter which were viewed as
sufficient evidence of such knowledge.
The jury ret imed a verdict in favor cf
the defendant.
An exchange thus compares farm pro
ducts and newspaper bills, which is so
forcible that we transfer it to our col
umns :
If yon were a farmer and raised a
thousand or fifteen hundred bushels of
wliat, and had to trust it out by the
bushel all over the country, would you
not think those you have trusted should
make every exertion to pay you, so that
you could get in your next year's crop and
live while it is maturing ? Tho printer
is in the same predicament, and taking
the ca.o homo to yourself, don't you
think you ought to pay him ?
The ''Sleeping Beauty of Tennessee,"
who has passed twenty one years in a
state of somnoleseence, with the excep
tion of a few waking moments daily, is
now in St. Louis, and the doctors have
her is, hand. It is thought that even if
their treatment produces no beneficial
ellocts, the "rousing bill'" they present
will c.'.taiijly make the patient open her
Sylvanus Cobb thinks the report that
h?s mother is lecturing on temperance
needs confirmation, inasmuch as the old
lady emigrated to that undiscovered
country where there is no yellow covered
novels or temperance societies, a dozen
years ago.
The meanest man in Ottawa county,
Ohio, says the Jicus, is a grape-grower,
and lives on Catawba Island. His crop
was so large thi year that he was obliged
to employ a number of town girls to as
sist in gathering his harvest, and who,
he discovered, were so fond of grapes
that they would occasionally eat a few.
To prevent this th grape-grower caue
to town and purchased a lot of wax
which he presented to the girls, and in
formed them they must "chaw that
while picking."
3fcnil SEtofite.
All persons who are indebted to me,
who-e accounts are due, will call and
settle before the 1st, 1871, without fail.
decl4d4vr2 Wji. Stadelmann.
Of clothing and Gents' Furnishing
Goods at 50 per cent, less than eastern
wholesalo prices. One door west cf
Platte Vallev House. G. A. Ford.
A fine lot of Ladies Chinchilla Cloaks
just received and for sale cheap by
d3vl DOOM, BKO. & Co,
Rent. A house with three
Apply at the Herald office.
Mendltr k Whceland, of this citv.
are sole Nowncrs, in thi. State, of the
right to uynufacturc and sell the cele
brated Selfaising Flour, which effect u
ally does away with the annoyancs of
heavy bread, biscuits, buckwheat cakes,
puddings, and Vd other articles made
from flour. Prirkcd recipes for
accompany each sack of flour.
Vallervs k Ruffner iSave iust received
a new supply of Boots ajd Shoes, which
they are selling very low.
Go to Vallervs & Ruffner's to buy your
Dry Goods. They arc selling cheaper
than the cheapest.
Go to Vallcj-s k liufFner and buy 3-ou
G roccries. They buy lor cash and wil
not be undersold.
Yallerys & Ruffner have the larges
Y. M. C. A.
LECTURES 170 '71.
The public is informed that a full corps
of Lecturers ha- been secured for thf
season, and tho following are announced
for the month of
Tuesday 1 3th. Pec W. L. Visschcr.
Tuesday li'Jth. Dec. Miss Maud Er
nest. Wednesday 2Sth. Dec Col C. S.
Front four to live lectures will be given
each mon.h. Season tickets lor the
entire course can ho obtained from the
Librarian at tho Rooms of the Associa
tion; Oscar F. Johnson, Druggist and
Bookseller, Main street and Henry J.
Streight, Bookseller and Stationer, P. O.
Building. Single Lecture Tickets at
the same places. decdtf
Foil Sale. A good parlor stove.
Only been used a short time will be
soM cheap. Inquire at tho Herald
eS:ce. dtt
Are now receiving the largest stock o
Dress .Jo;ds ever brought to this mar
ket, which they are selling cheap lor
caih. aplodiwtf
m -
Trie Last all.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to us by note or account are re
quested to call and settle immediately.
Go to Vallervs & Ruffner' s and buy
your Boots and Shoes, the best in mar
ket, aplod&wtf
If you want a neat calico dress, go to
Vallervs & Ruffner's. They are now
selling the best fur 123 cts per yard.
To the Teachers of Cass Co., Ned,
December 0th 1870. j
There will be a Teacher's Institute for
Cass County, commencing December
27th 1.S70, iii the city of Plattsmouth.
I would earnestly request all teachers
in the county to attend on that occasion,
and all persons who desire Teacher's
certificates will be expected here. Pro
visions will be made to entertain all who
may attend either as teachers or friends
of education.
Chemists being unable to discover th
ingredients in fragrant Suzodout, which
removes all stains from the teeth and im
parts such a pecr'iar rosincss to the
gums, the public are hereby informed
that it is a preparation from the Park of
Quil'aya Saponaria or Soap Tree of
Chili, imported fcr the first time into
this country for this snviai purpose.
Such is the purifying and inocous effects
of this rare botanical agent, that it re
moves discoloration? from the most frag
ile textile fabrics, without injuring a
single thread.
Save hi: 1 mend the pieces, use
"Spalding's Glue."
Phe Charter Oak Stove is the most
interesting. and important, feature in the
family economy ; for it fills the hotuc
with warmth, the table with good cheer,
and prevents that dreary aspect and
those indigestible meals that bring sour
ness tf temper, di cinfort and dissatis
faction. Estray Notice.
Taken up by the suhsprilu-r. in Kiht Mile
(irove l'rei inrt, one ic-il hiii'i-r rnlt. ni.-irked
cn uii'i' r hit oil' the rip'.it :ir, Foi:r; whit e ou
the !j iiy :ni.l on the hin.l feet.
LVe. lS.M.
iieelO -:"t I. LOXi!.
Estray Mot?co.
Tiik'-.n u; by the un lersisicrl, jeven miles
s.u:h-we;;t l.-om l'lftttsinuuth. Dec. 6th. three
cul yes; one ;i red steer calf: une sptteil
T hite an i re '. stotr eull", a:vl o.ic red heifer
.. IU-nr.ovs.
Estray Notice.
T.iken up by the Mio-criber. i;i l'.o.k JJiafT
precinct. L'usj county Neb., on l'3tli of Nov.,
ono red steer, crop oS tho left e:r. ncd under
b t in the ri rht ; one year old lust fpriritf. Also:
one !-::m heifer, with nndcrbit in ihe eft car,
no other niai ki or brands perceivable: ousj'ur
ilecl5w."it Exos I'erokr.
The best Hoys' and Uii;i..s' Macazink.
Demorest's iuHva Animra nnnthly, with
splendid Supplements, and always spaiklinpr
vi'h entertaining Stories, I'oeins. I'uzzlcs, Mu
sic. Travel, o'aracj. anil other entertaining
It atures. profusely iiltistrrted. find calculated
to aiiiiiM-, and instruct Young Ameri'-a. tingle
copies. 1J cents- V early. SI oO. with u choice of
the following beautiful and valuable premiums
to each 5ubseriljer: A fine parlor eroino, worth
S" 00. ti.e lUxl', an 1 e.iual to a Cue Oil Paint
inp; or a tine nioroco (.-iii-edTO pocket JJible;
or a fine pearl-handle twj blade poeket-kniie,
end a pallet of best pair t :: or. a superior spy
class: or, the Uri(.-ht ide t Weekly) for one year;
or. fehoolday Visitor lor cue year; or Hood's
atcuseho;'i .Magazine for oiioyeun or. The Uook
of Adventures, price SI Vi: or a choice from the
list of spb ndi l prcraiums o lb red to s-incle iub
scribers to ttnrret'n Monthly Mttguzin,
and numerous other valuable and splendi 1
premiums lor clubs. '1 biry-nevea subscribers
nt SI i'Oeaeh, secures a $.35 IkHJrover A: linker
Sewing machine, or twenty subscriber. and S2o
extra in money, with the insle premium
to each subscriber Specimen copies,
with circular., uiailtd post-free an receipt of
10 cent. Address V. Jksmm;-j Iikvokest. 80S.
Broadway, N. Y. I)o not tail to send for a spec
De.-.lor in
Groceries, Flour, Fesd,
Canned Goods, &c. &c. &c.
"HisheFt cash paid for all kind of Grain
and I'roduce, Butter, i'zg. iiiies. Furs and
North corner .Mam and Fifth Street novidiwtf.
IN THE matter of the c.-tate of James V,
Thompson deceased late of the .Siateof Illi
nois, to the next of kin Theodore S. Tboin pson,
L.iura E. Thompson and Chi. 1). 'lhornpson
minor hoii s of said estate, and all p rrons inter
isted in the estate of James V.', Thompson de
ceased. You are hereby notified that John F. Thou p
Fon (luardian of Theodoic S. Thomr?on, Laura
E. Thompson und (.'has. Ii. Thompson minor
heirs cf said c.tare. on the 14th day of Novem
ber A 1). !S7li. filled his petition in tho JJisri ict
Court 2nd Judicial Listrict in and for Cass
county Nebraska in open Court praying for an
order of said Court 10 sell all tho riirht title and
interest of said minor heirs in and to the North
halfot the north east iuarrer ofsection number
thirty .'. The south east tuarter of section
No nineteen 'I'.' , ali in township 10 north cl
rancre 12 eat. also the Kouth wet quarter of th
north cast quarter :nd the CMthaifof the north
we.-t quarter and the northwest V of the north
w-st quarter of feetion 110 t .venty-r.ine in town
ship No. I'l north ct r.-incc No. thirteen cast 6th
p m. in Cass county Nebra-ka. 'lh.-it lion,
tioo. Ii. Lake, Jud;re of said Court on the llth
day of November 1 -TO directing a hearing to be
hud upon auid ptiiion I the Judge of ths
District Court at t'i Court house in Omaha
Douglas county Neb. on the 30 day of Ieceni -b(
r A. L). IsTo at lu o'clock fa. 1.1. of Fridtiy ut
which time and place you are rofiuired to
show cause why a license should not be granted
for the sale of tho interest ol said miuor heirs
iii said lot.
By D. II. Wukelek, hii Atty.
Notice is hrreby civen that the co-nartnrr-
Fhip bereltiforc evj-tios under the Brm name
andstyleof Whim, Spires & Drew, in tuctener
ai merchandising busine.-s. is this day dissolved
by mutua! cousen t Alt debts and liabilities of
the late firni will he settled by Whito i Spires,
who continue the btiriness. and all note;!, ac
counts and claims due the late Ui ju. a;- payable
to the new Crm f White Jl tpircs.
LvcmUtI. icT0.
i ;r.-ri s siip.e..
Heaviest Slock of Goods in the West !
Ho Rent and no Interest on Borrowed Capital to La Mod-
off Customers!
IE. C3-. DO YE
v.ii, r MnmCi...! l ;.,,. i
that ho has the ltirceat
e-rer brojht to th eitj
IIo would fay that L can fill orders as cheap as any house nf.?t of CLiux. He bay
and h.ts no middlemen's profits to . id 1 to his cood. He does business on bin nun t-u j it al nj
in his own buii.iin?. consequently he feun five his customers the iriees ot i-ei;t.i aiiU uinrrn u
icTestineut in thu nay of
It will cost yon nothinjr to look nt them, whether you buy or not. Vy examining tlie i n - It
Keiiablo"you willbonble to tetl v.h u other parties endeavor to w indlo you. jjo..
Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ;
Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware
lUx.fins, Guttcrinpr, Spouting and Repairing done.
1 am Selling I'irst-Cass Goods and Guar ant ij Xol lu h
Undersold, as I am Baying of First lands.
A. No. 1 IMowtand Tu'-tirators, cloainf out at (.'of t. Kf antir.ber th
eflain t. Jexi io City lloicf9
uxQL'KsiwyAVJ.r the r.Hsr .v :.-
harper's liagazine-
ii -
No more delightful travels are printed in th
T'nelish Lmiruiikre than nooear in rpt tn:i!!v i
Haki'KC.'si Macazink. They nre read with I
equal interest an i sati-f.u-tiou by boys of every
(,'rado from e:Klit"en to eighty. Its -i'iititl ie
papers, while sufficiently profound to demand
the attention of the learned, are yet admirably
adapted to the popular understanding, and ile
signed a much to defuse correct inf irma! ion
concerning cum nt s.aentiiie discovery s it
could be if it i as t orcan of t i. ; "Society for
the Deffu-don of I seli:! Knowledge" 'I he
prc.-'.t dca'tiii of II trEs's M : 1 .ink i t (;:vo
correct inP'nnaiiori anU rati, nal amusement to
the (treat mas of the people. There are few
intelligent Aii:criin f jte.ilie in which II.m:
ptt's M foi'i: would "not k- an appreciated
and hisrlily-welcoini: suest. There is no monthly
.Magazine an intelligent reading family can le--afford
to l ei without. Many Magazines arc ac
cumulated. II.' tti'Ki.'s is e 1 it "T . 'lho eis not
a Magazine that is printed which shows iuoi
intelligent pains expended on its artirle and
mechanical excentioii. J hero is not a cheaper
Magazine published. There is not. eonfcs-i'd. by
a more popular Ma'alinc in tho woild. Scir
A.'iy'uTlO J'Ji:l r.trlitl.
It is one of the word-rs rf iouri;a!i.--ii: tbe
editorial'CHK nt of 11 a t.p Kit'd. ".e
A'ution, y. Y.
SLT'taiU'TOXS- 1ST1.
'J'n-nti ;
TlAPPrES Maoazink, one year ft 00
An extra copy ot cither the Magazine, Weekly
or Kazr.r wi'.l be Fupplied gratis for every club
of fivu subscribers at 1 If) each, in one remit
tance; or, six copies for S'0 (X. without cstra
copy. ' .
Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine. Weekly or
I!a,ar. to one address pr oneyear, SlU if) ; or,
two of Harper's l'criodicals, to 0:10 uddress for
one year, t? (jo.
j;:ick number can he suppled at any time.
A complete cet of Harper's Mapa.ine. now
comprising-11 volumns, in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by express, freight tit expense of
the purchaser, for S- per volume, r inplc
volumes, by 111-il postpaid, i 5 HO. Cloth eases,
tor binding, .OS ce-t, by mail, postpaid.
The postage on Harper Magazine is H cents a
year, which must l. paid at the subscriber's
post oliicc.
lur.PEK r.RoTHEn?.
New Vor c
J. Q. A. Own. plaintiff again-t Columbus Nuck
olis, Wi'liaui biurrisoii and T. J. Jones, dcfeii
defant. Notice is hereby given th.-.t I will offer f-r
S-ileat public auetioti. at the trout door of the
(,'ourt House in riaUMiiouth. Cass couiitv, Ne
braska, on tho!o;h day of January. A. 1). IsTI,
at two o'clock p. 111. of said day. "the following
described real estate to-wit: Th'! iinaivi-Ud one
half 0") of lot No. five ".I. in block No. thirty
fo'ir (3l.i, and the undiri h d one half i'-jt of lot
No. six 'b in block No. thirty j-even ) and
the undivideii fine-half (' ',) f.f lot
No. ten 111), in block No. nine CJ'. and the undi
ded one halt 1 '2' 't b't No. three in t lock
N. one hundred and ten ' ibo. ati I toe tiodivid
e 1 one-halt 1 1 of lot No. t ;v lve in bid' k
No. forty-five 1 !.' ail in 1'iatt-mouth. Cass
county. Nebraska, and taken as the property
of the said Odiiinbus Naekolls; a'-o. .-. v ti
acre" of land in the northeast quarter 1 1 , , ,f 1 he
northeast quarter I''j of section No. thirty '"')',
in township No. twelve il'. north, ran."- No.
fourteen (11; ca.-t f.f the sixth P. M.. described
hs fo"ows, to-wit; (.'ommeneit.g at t)i;
northca.-'t orner td' tho iiortln-a.-t (piarter i'Ji
of section No. thirty :'. in town - hip No. twelve
(12) not th. range No. fourteen ill cf the
sixth I'. M. thence wi st forty ' !i.o rods, thence
eouth t-.venty-eii;ht '21 rods, thenecea t, forty
(40 i rods, tberye north twenty-eiglit 'S: rods to
place f beginning, containing about .-even "t,
acres, fit uate in Cass county, Nebraska, take n
es tho property of Wm. Ciam-on and T. J.
Jones. All of the above described real estate
taken on an execution in favor of J. j. A. Owen,
i--.-ued by the Clerk of the District Court in und
for Cass count v. Nebraska and to me directed as
eherifl'cf said county.
(iiven under my hand this Tth day of Decem
ber, A. D. IsTO.
Sheriff of Ciiss County, Nebraska.
Mat Wei Li C.'iAfUAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff
pr.onATi: notice
In Samuel HiUcnbary's Il-tale.
It is hereby ordered by the l'rob ite Court,
of Ca.-s county. Mate of Nel.r'ska, that all
claims, apainst tlieestate cf .-tunnel Kiken
ary. deceased, must be tiled in said Court, oil or
before May I'.ith. A. I). 171. or nid cbiims will
be fortvef bar red.
November ltub, IS 0. A. L. CHILD.
nov4w4. lrob:it .lu Jje
QTJeili's Trade is Increasing'.!
llecau. e he Cuts and Makes ur the best ui t 1
ofCiothfsiti the West,
lit has just received a pew stock of
ir 1 A' t 1: It G O O 1) s
Which cf.nsists of Heavers. Cfiinchfllas. Trii-ot.'H
JlUtons, ainl l ancy (assitucres.
All of whiijli Le will make up cheap for cash
Sunday School faioSioNary.
for Ncbraslia and South estern Iowa. Attends
to establishing, and suonlviiiK Sunday schools.
t forties ordeiiiiK r.H'!ies can send money ins
I diiitts or l'ort Oiiicc 'Orders, a .11 res
I T. F. Will-: EI. Kit.
Civ. Nc'ir.i-ka;
ti,: i .. . ,
and beat selected itutk of
of PJatt'tnouth.
I'll down in Otoe cojuty in th i p.r ' lk, tie .'. I..1,
and from THItKE to llVK uwctk niakii. ut
FIXTY NINK of them were in the w.ri-t kii.d
of Quick-tand,
TIiriSTV-ONK of them wer male in p! , m
w here the old style "J uit Well-" bad due I :
e iveii in ;,iilcd to furnish a supply, or i..iir)
"liy 'played out."
Their own reputati- . and ih ri natiiim 1 T' r
dict of thopcoplo f Uioc Ciin'.y
Attests Hit-ir Merlin.
At. Outfit is now in operation f ir the aecouna'
dationof County, 1:1 clia:i;e o!
IVcIl guaranteed to furnish art ataxia uw!y
of water, or the money refunded.
fi.ricc and jTcr;
Vi'cIIs liorcj, tubed and fitted up for thiowiau
water all complcteund truarantced.
dac EJoIIar per Fort
Ouick-snnd well S't. extra one eueli will. 'In
the country hands to b-j bourded uhiie dm.
Tennis GzL&h.M
""ispnnsible parti" desiiins it a note for
viic-nalt will be tniion lor I irt payment, ulfn
months, with interest ul 12 per cent, from date
J Parties wishiiiir welN will plen'e neef.rnniodt t
1 bv lenvinp their orde-j at the Hardware
' if C. W. JSt KK K, or a. (dressing me a line to
! Very I'c'i ectfully
I IJ. F. DiiTcnbachcr
July ISTO.d.Iwtf
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry O001J5,
Boots, and Shoe,
lfat. and On pi,
Ajrrienlt'iral Im plimeuf s f.f all k inds, Weira"
"I X I." Cultivator', I'ni'in torn l'i.n, '"
(Jrandetour nnd l'lim eton I'lows, t,i'' ''i'
vitum, all of which u oiler to the public at :!'
owej-t retail prioe".
All Goods Vvrarrantctl
As Represented,
tT-Our cor tar.t aim will be to cll ' lew
it will be to th'-ftositive udTantatefTevcy im-
liter in the r l-tern and central poi lion o -';.
county to make thia their headquarters t r trad -
i:k. HKKD. UHOS.
. 11 ing Water, t m : t. 1K7().
.1 . . . c f .
' 1 e are iti-o uif' -ins it ioircr, 1. "-"'.
aad 1 raihinjt Machines. ai'
.i I R "FAT h E R S H 0 U S E; "
' . OK,
'1 lie tTisvritcu IVoi'd
V.v Iaui-1 Mar -h. I). !.. aft V.iof the pof :u '
"Nik-. it .-cetii Tin iiivrj r in t ' t u ..-lanpu.i"'.-
shows us ontolii rit-h'-s i.e. ,-. '
the 1 ; rent House, y i-.u W bkfttit!i2 !' '"r'
injtimr l irrts, v.-avlrifr palms, lloliit
bfutiful bow. u.j-iei Mountain i.-lij-:.o ..
rivers, mighty wear 4. t'rnnd.i-T?. i-.a
iCK hcavei.i 1 va-a iii.iv ;isc with
li-iriK in mtHt'ii of warids. and rea 1 s to : -each
the I nwntteu Wi-d."iia-tl pi -'
innate cr.iavi-s attj superb bir iie- r:
itr.-l vur'ea ii I'nousbt." Cheit."' -'a-y : J
pracclrl iust.vle." "t'orreet. pure und elevi-.t.; t
in it? tendency." .'too irti fid rnd ro.Ki
household trevnre." Cotnutf nda'.i-.'Cs like t-
above iVotu C.l U-k I'rt-idcias acd rr"l-'""
ministers of aJ! dcuuir.ii.iiUii.s.ail Jie rel -.
and secular press all over the ...-.. ti try. '
frhjw n, fuftly t.t lamrui. with -le'r, !'r';
type, lines-leel tnera vii,(t." sifiistnntitit bin'-:"-aal
lo-T price, meke it il.r iw.(- 'r th' r.:"--Ayer.ta
uk sell jg ft m to p-er week .
Wc want Clercymrii. StUool ew-lirrs. tm
youn? a;ea ami la lies to introduce the w'
for us it: e.erv township, and we will pay li'-f-f
allv. N uite'liKtW man jT nu&iiUt isl b"
wiiho4Xasi6 ba.-ijiesF , ...
.Send lirciu-J.lar, lull description an I t. '-3-
A.uti-s ZILGLER i M. Cl KDY.
W S. tsixth Street. I'hda.. I'n.
I Kacc sit reel. Cincinnati, t'lii.
bi 'J-enroe ft'treet. Chiciuru. "I.
N. .-sixth Street. Sl Lov.i"-.'"
nr, hi- Main Street. Sririii-ac I.